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In today's society, any violation or offense made by humans can be

punishable by law through an equal justice system offering punishments that
are suited to the seriousness of the act. These punishments vary from fines to
spending time in prison. But, I agree with many people who debated that
these are not the only ways for those who committed crimes, as they
suggested that some prisoners should also do unpaid work as a form of
punishment. Many people believe that this would be a better punishment for
some criminals than incarcerating them behind bars, as it cannot only help the
well-being of these people but also the betterment of the community.

However, this idea can be too idealistic, as not most people will learn and
repent for their crimes by engaging themselves in community work. According
to an article by Dahl and Mogstad (2020) on the National Bureau of Economic
Research (NBER) website, prison time deters people from committing crimes
again. They found out that imprisonment lowers the probability that an
individual may commit a crime again by 27%, or by 10 charges, for the next
five years. Because of this, incarceration is a proven way to punish individuals
and teach them not to engage themselves in acts punishable by law.

On the other hand, while imprisonment can be effective, it has many

disadvantages for the individuals being imprisoned. Incarceration can cause
unemployment and recidivism in offenders as a result of exposure to
hardened criminals, a decline in human capital, or stigma in the workplace
and society (Dahl & Mogstad, 2020). Not only that, time spent in prison could
not only affect the offenders, but the effect goes way beyond the people and
relationships around them, such as their family and friends. Because of this,
many believe that some offenders should only do unpaid work rather than
spend time in prison. One reason for this is that it fosters a better
rehabilitation and skills development program, as it fosters rehabilitation and
skills development by providing them with a sense of purpose and
responsibility, aiding them to acquire new skills and build meaningful
relationships. It is very beneficial for the offenders to feel appreciated and
valued since it makes them feel bad about what they did and, ideally,
motivates them to improve (Vanborough, 2021). Moreover, giving unpaid work
as a punishment is one solution for the overcrowding of prisons around the
world and for limiting the resources spent on prisoners. With crowded prisons
and jails, more food and more security are needed. On average, sending an
individual to prison is 12 times higher than sending an individual to do unpaid
work for the community (Bartleby, 2010). Lastly, aside from the offenders own
well-being, doing community service can be a great punishment for them and
can also benefit our community. It is seen as a popular and better penal
measure as it provides tangible results for the community (McIvor, 2016).
Today, imprisonment is the easiest and most trusted way for an individual
to pay for their crimes. But incarceration doesn't deal with the underlying
issues that affect the psychological, social, and economic aspects of an
offenders' life. Because of this, a "healthier" way to punish individuals without
deterring their social and moral well-being is needed. That's why I agree with
the idea of prisoners doing unpaid work instead of spending time in prison, as
it will not only help offenders in a more beneficial way but also solve the
problems of overcrowding and limiting resources in prisons and jails while
improving the community.


Dahl, G. & Mogstad, M. (2022). The Benefits of Rehabilitative Incarceration.


McIvor, G. (2016). What is the Impact of Community Service? Probation, 107–


The Advantages and Disadvantages of Community Service or... | Bartleby.


Varborough, T. (2022). Advantages and Disadvantages of Community Service

as Punishment - Inmates Education.

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