AitBaha-Amrietal.2022 Article FractureSystemAndAssociatedStr

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Arabian Journal of Geosciences (2022) 15:1159


Fracture system and associated structures within the Variscan granitic

Ment massif (western Moroccan Meseta): an integrated mapping
Abdelkarim Ait Baha1 · Isma Amri1 · Khalil El Kadiri1 · Adnane Tobi2 · Muhammad Ouabid3

Received: 4 January 2022 / Accepted: 21 May 2022

© Saudi Society for Geosciences 2022

In the Central Massif of the Moroccan Western Meseta, the Aguelmous-Ment Permian granitic pluton intruded in the
Carboniferous flysch formations is affected by an important late Variscan compressive stage. This post-tectonic granite
massif (~ 100 k­ m2 in outcrop area) underwent striking fracture networks at different scales. Despite their scientific interests,
detailed mapping and characterization of the tectonic records remain elusive. The main purpose of this study is to fill this
gap through investigating (i) the fracture distribution, (ii) the statistical occurrence of lineaments, and (iii) the tectonics
paleostress, in order to provide detailed geological and structural maps. For this goal, several approaches are integrated,
including remote sensing, geographic information system (GIS), field microstructural, and schistosity analyses. Analysis
of fracturing through (i) Landsat 8 Oli imagery processing for automatic (principal component analysis PC1) and manual
extraction (Color composites 432 and 467) of lineaments and (ii) the GIS, which leads to reconstruct synthetic fracture map
accounting for 736 lineaments. The main results are as follows: (i) both fractures and schistosity ­S1 are dominantly directed
NE-SW and WNW-ESE; (ii) the density map exhibits an irregular geospatial distribution of lineaments, with the fractures
being essentially confined in the competent zones of the granitic pluton or controlled by the paleofaults in the country meta-
sedimentary rocks. Overall, these new results indicate also those compressive polyphase tectonics represented by sinistral
N160–170 and N10–30, and dextral N110–120 and N60–80 directed dextral strike slips affected the Ment Variscan granitic
pluton. These tectonic structures are consistent with the dominant regional tectonic event that occurred at the final stage of
the Variscan Permian orogenic phase.

Keywords Moroccan Western Meseta · Variscan granitic Ment massif · Fracture distribution · Density map · Schistosity ·
Late Variscan orogenic phase


Traditionally, geological mapping uses aerial photography.

Recently, Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (Oli) emerged
as a new generation of satellite imagery to map arid and
semi-arid areas. It gained increasing interest as it proved to
Responsible Editor: Biswajeet Pradhan
be a source of rich data, low-cost comparatively with being
* Abdelkarim Ait Baha relatively rapid, and a reliable alternative and/or comple- ment to field geological investigations. Thus, Landsat 8 Oli
1 was developed to fill gaps left by the classical geological
Environemental Geology and Natural Ressources Lab, FS,
Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Tetouan, Morocco mapping techniques for delineation of lineaments such as
2 fractures (e.g., Bonetto et al. 2017). The importance of this
Applied Geology Laboratory, Faculty of Science
and Technology, Moulay Ismaïl University, Boutalamine, method can also be noticed through its widespread use by
B.P. 509, 52000 Errachidia, Morocco scientists around the world for remote structural/tectonic
Geology & Sustainable Mining, Mohammed VI studies, namely, in Somalia (Ibrahim and Mutua 2014),
Polyechnique University, 43150 Benguerir, Morocco Qatar (Dana et al. 2015), Iraq (Hassan and Adhab 2014;

1159 Page 2 of 23 Arab J Geosci (2022) 15:1159

Thannoun 2013), Egypt (Kamel et al. 2016; Masoud and Alpine Rif belt (Skakni et al. 2020). However, the Moroccan
Koike 2006), Antarctic Peninsula (Pour et al. 2017), Tunisia central Massif of the Western Meseta (Fig. 1), studied here,
(Chaabouni et al. 2012), Côte d’Ivoire (Koffi and Ouattara remains out of the reach of this promising method. Indeed,
2013), and in Algeria (Lamri et al. 2016; Nait Amara et al. this massif was deformed and structured during the major
2019). This approach has proven to be a rapid, cost-effective, Carboniferous (Westphalian-Stephanian) phase, before being
and adequate solution for the high-altitude regions and inac- intruded by km-scale granitic bodies, including mainly
cessible terrains. those of Zear, Oulmès, and Aguelmous-Ment (studied area)
In connection with this work dealing with the mapping (Fig. 1) during the late-Hercynian Permian phase. Subse-
of fracture systems, spatially detecting lineaments were car- quently, the just emplaced granitic massifs acted as trig-
ried out as a fundamental step for the identification of areas gering areas of an important fracture system, which hence
of economic interest (Stefouli et al. 1996; Roy et al.2006; might host various mineralization of economic interests
Corgne et al. 2010; Marghany and Hashim 2010; Salui 2018; (e.g., Sn, W, As, Pb). Despite the progress of remote sens-
Mathew and Ariffin 2018), or areas subject to landslide haz- ing in lithological discrimination, the reflectance of probable
ard (Kannaujiya et al. 2019; Hammad et al. 2020; Mohan zones of mineralization and the related lineaments mainly at
et al. 2021; Nhu et al. 2020; Zhong et al. 2020; Cakrabuana the surface remains too elusive to account for the subsurface
et al. 2021; Bachri et al. 2021). Overall, geomatic and geo- fracturing (Blind faults), which requires the intervention of
spatial remote sensing are powerful methods for the extrac- other complementary geophysical approaches (aeromagnetic
tion of lineaments, especially when used in combination data, gravimetry, Nait Bba et al. 2019). The aim of this work
with field in situ structural analysis, consisting of (i) man- is to map the fracture system affecting the Aguelmous-Ment
ual extraction (Raj 1989), (ii) semi-automatic (Jordan and granitic massif (at the east of Moroccan central Massif,
Schott 2005; Moh et al. 2019), and (iii) automatic extraction Fig. 1), and to decipher the chronological superposition of
(Masoud and Koike 2011; Saadi et al. 2011). the brittle over ductile structure in its surrounding. Hence,
In Morocco, remote sensing has been used in almost all we use a combination of (i) remote sensing including auto-
its geological orogenic belts (Fig. 1): the Anti Atlas (Mas- matic and manual on the satellite image (Landsat Oli. 8),
sironi et al. 2008; El Janati et al. 2013; Mohamed Vall et al. (ii) geographic information system (GIS), and (iii) statisti-
2016; Adiri et al. 2016, 2017; Bouramtane et al. 2017; El cal study of the extracted faults in view of their directions,
Janati 2019; El Atillah et al. 2019; Hejja et al. 2020; Es-Sab- frequency, lengths, and density. The spatially obtained geo-
bar et al. 2020; Saidi et al. 2020); the High-Atlas (Himyari logical and fracturing maps are validated and detailed based
et al. 2002; El Moujahid et al. 2016; Si Mhamdi et al. 2016, on field in situ analysis. The latter includes measurement of
2017; Nouayti et al. 2017; Bentahar et al. 2020), the Tighza the varying schistosity trending around the granite pluton, in
area (Kassou et al. 2012), and the Northwest side of the order to reveal a possible causal link with faults and restore

Fig. 1  Structural map of the

northern Moroccan Variscan
belt at the northern margin
of the West African Craton
(WAC) showing the location of
the studied Aguelmous Ment
Variscan granite pluton (in red)
(adapted from Hoepffner et al.
2005; Michard et al. 2010;
Gasquet et al. 2008; Ouabid
et al. 2017)

Arab J Geosci (2022) 15:1159 Page 3 of 23 1159

the field of the old tectonic constraints that recorded by this 2005, 2006; Michard et al. 2010). The magmatic activity
Variscan granitic massif. results mainly in granitoid plutons of peraluminous calc-
alkaline signature (Mrini 1985; Rosé 1987; Mrini et al.
1992; Boushaba and Cailleux 1992; Gasquet et al. 1996;
Aguelmous‑Ment granitic Massif: geological Amenzou and El Mourouah 1997; Haïmeur and El Hassani
setting, mapping, and mineral resources 2005; El Hadi et al. 2006; Michard et al. 2008, 2010).
The emplacement of most of these Variscan granitic mas-
The Moroccan Meseta orogen represents the northernmost sifs (including the studied Aguelmous-Ment pluton, Fig. 1)
Variscan envelope of the Precambrian West African Craton generated contact metamorphism (with areoles of up 2 km)
(= WAC, Fig. 1), i.e., outside of the Caledonian area. This within the low-grade hosting greenschists/rare amphibolites
orogen derived first from a long-lasting Cambrian-Devonian (Aghzer and Arenas 1998; El Hassani 1990; Dahmani 1995;
“mobile zone” at the latest Devonian (the so-called early Boushaba and Marignac 1996; Tahiri et al. 2007; Delchini
Variscan phase of the eastern Meseta (Faure-Muret and et al. 2016; Mahjoubi 2017; Elabouyi et al. 2019).
Choubert 1975; Piqué and Laville 1993; Hoepffner et al. The studied Aguelmous-Ment Variscan granitic massif
2005), and then migrated westwards through a polyphased (33° 14′ 40″ N/5° 54′ 00″ W) is located 2–3 km north of
Carboniferous scenario, to affect synorogenic thick flysch Aguelmous village and 40 km northwest of Khenifra city
packages (western Meseta)). The latter attained its paroxysm (Figs. 1, 2). It outcrops as subcircular plutonic structure
at the late Namurian-early Westphalian, as a consequence extending over ~ 100 ­km2 area. The field observations and
of the Gondwana-Laurussia collision, which resulted in the measurements show that this pluton has no preferential
closure of Rheic ocean (Matte 2001; Hoepffner et al. 2005; mineral orientation. Petrographically, the granitic massif
Stampfli et al. 2013). reveals three unequal facies associations: (i) the porphyritic
The Meseta Paleozoic massifs occur as large-scale inliers granite (of up 90% of the intrusion) rich in basic dark and
(the so-called Paleozoic Boutonnières, Faure-Muret and clear enclaves as well as xenoliths, (ii) the syderophylite-
Choubert 1975) surrounded by Alpine formations. Their bearing monzogranites, and (iii) the fine two-mica, sidero-
Precambrian basement was precociously buried below 5- phyllite, topaz, and zinnwaldite leucogranites (Fig. 2; e.g.,
to 7-km-thick Cambrian-Ordovician silico-clastic series. It Boushaba 1984, 1996). Overall, the emplacement of this
was drilled offshore in the Atlantic Mazagan plateau (Laville pluton generated three distinct metamorphic zones (Fig. 2,
and Piqué 1993), and emerges in the Anti-Atlas belt in the Dahmani 1995): (i) chlorite + phengite ± biotite ± albite; (ii)
so-called Precambrian Boutonnières (Michard 1976; Hoe- biotite + muscovite + andalusite; and (iii) K-feldspar + bio-
pffner et al. 2005, 2006; Michard et al. 2010; Tahiri et al. tite + andalusite + muscovite zones. In addition, the eastern
2010; Pereira et al. 2015; Ouabid et al. 2017, 2020; Karaoui part of the massif has a strong metamorphic effect, while its
et al. 2021). The early Variscan collision that occurred at western part records only a weak effect. The Rb–Sr age and
the uppermost Devonian (360–370 Ma) points to the begin- emplacement depth of this massif can be summarized as
ning of a plate-tectonic rearrangement, whereas the main follows: 279 ± 6 Ma for porphyry granite, at depth of 12 to
orogenic phase during the Carboniferous-early Permian 13 km, monzogranite reaches 2 to 12 km, and leucogranite
(300–280 Ma) was modulated by crustal strike-slip shear is 270 ± 3 Ma at depth of 2 to 5 km (Mrini 1985; Mrini et al.
zones, leading to the formation of the Pangea mega-conti- 1992; Boushaba 1996). Besides, the porphyritic granite was
nent (Stampfli et al. 2013; Kroner and Romer 2013; Kro- emplaced at low pressure and at temperature of about 750 °C
ner et al. 2016). Noteworthy that the first phase was con- (Boushaba 1990). Volcanic effluxes derived from the initial
fined to both the eastern Meseta and the Coastal block (the magma are developed in the form of veins during the major
so-called Môle Côtier of the westernmost Meseta), being Hercynian contractional phase (Fig. 2). These magmatic
converted into two emerged micro-plates during the Car- pulses (lava flows, lamprophyres, and pre-/post-tectonic dol-
boniferous tectono-sedimentary evolution. Concurrently, erite sills) outcropping in the plateau of Ment bear a middle
the central Meseta, in between, underwent differential sub- oceanic ridge basalt geochemical signature (Boushaba and
sidence (Khénifra and Sidi Bettache basins, separated by Marignac 1994a; Boushaba 1996). Plio-Quaternary alkaline
the Zaer anticline) during the Visean-Namurian times. The lavas (0.3 to 2 Ma) that invaded the NE part of Ez-Zirari-Sidi
syn-schistose paroxysmal Carboniferous phase occurred Othmane and the Tawrirt areas consist of basalts, basanites,
since the Westphalian B as a result of the west-verged colli- and olivine nephelinites (Rachdi et al. 1985).
sion of the two preceding micro-plates. It culminated at the In terms of mineral deposits, the studied Aguelmous-
Stephanian-Autunian by a magmatic phase responsible for Ment granite body hosts variable mineralization (Fig. 2).
the emplacement of several granitic intrusions. Then, the The latter are developed as dense veins and veinlets of
whole Meseta domain emerged as a composite deformed, tourmalinite, quartz with orientations varying from N-S to
metamorphosed, and granitized segment (Hoepffner et al. E-W, whereas the greisen formation occurs in the apexes

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Fig. 2  Geological and structural

map of Ment granite based on
field and petrographic analysis
(this work) and preexisting data
(Termier 1932; Dahmani 1995;
Boushaba 1996; Boushaba and
Marignac 1996; Andritzky et al.
2000; Fadli et al. 2007)

of the leucogranite domes (Boushaba and Marignac 1996). structural section evidencing the relationship between
In Fig. 2, we combine new field and petrographic observa- the studied granite and its hosting sedimentary rocks (see
tions with results from the literature (Termier 1932; Dahm- Fig. 3).
ani 1995; Boushaba 1996; Boushaba and Marignac 1996; The field investigation throughout the variant granitic
Andritzky et al. 2000; Fadli et al. 2007) using GIS to pro- facies shows three main types of quartz veins containing
pose a new detailed geological map of the Aguelmous-Ment mineralization, irrespective of their hydrothermal ori-
area. This map allows us also to reconstruct a field-based gin (recall that quartz constitutes more than 70% of the

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Fig. 3  Structural section across

the study area showing the rela-
tionships between the granite
and its surrounding Paleozoic

porphyritic granite). Quartz exhibits three colors depend- (Fig. 4b) occur precisely in smaller veins, i.e., not exceed-
ing on the length of its hosting veins: (i) quartz of white ing 200 m long and 1 m wide, as observed in Ifzwane and
color (Fig. 4a) remains more abundant in the greater veins, Khneg Dfa areas. From a structural point of view, the white
which are of up to 5 km long and 4 m wide, as seen in the to pale quartz is clearly pre-kinematic as it is reworked in
south of the studied Massif; (ii) grayish and purplish quartz cataclasit bands delineating dextral faults crossing the veins.

Fig. 4  Mineralized veins hosted

in the Ment massif. a White
quartz vein in the southern zone
of Bou Idjaa. b Pale pink quartz
vein in the porphyry granite of
Ifwzane. c Greisen vein cross-
cut by a white quartz vein. d
Massive tourmalinite found in

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Fig. 5  a Aplite vein cross-

cutting the Ifzwan porphyritic
granite. b Rhyolite dyke cross-
cutting the porphyry granite

In contrast, the grayish and purplish quartz veins do not greisen (Fig. 4c) is composed of quartz and muscovite, as
show any evidence of such Permian tectonics. The observed major minerals, which seems to associate the post-magmatic

Fig. 6  Flow-chart of satellite

image processing methodology

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Table 1  Sobel kernel filters in Four main principal directions

four main directions

−1 0 1 − 1.4142 − 0.7071 0 −1 −1 −1 0 − 0.7071 − 1.4142

−1 0 1 − 0.7071 0 0.7071 0 0 0 0.7071 0 − 0.7071
−1 0 1 0 0.7071 1.4142 1 1 1 1.4142 0.7071 0

alteration affecting the studied granite. They are confined in followed by tourmalinite, and then by quartz (Amhroq and
the apex of finite-magmatic intrusions emplaced at shallow Ez-Zirari zones exhibit good examples of this chronology).
depths (Ezi-Zirari leucogranite). This greisenisation appears The mapping of all these veins allowed us to conclude that
locally in porphyry granite in the form of veins and veinlets the zones rich in tourmalinite are poor in quartz.
in the Errif area, as well as in Amahroq and Ifzwane area, The Ment intrusion contains light and dark enclaves and
both in the vicinity of the Plio-Quaternary lava (Fig. 2). magmatic veins of different petrographic nature. The por-
Tourmalinite (Fig. 4d) appears in study area as a massive phyry granite contains decimetric to metric sporadic veins
blackish rock intrusions emplaced at shallow depths (e.g., and veinlets of aplites (Fig. 5a). They are variably directed
Ezi-Zirari leucogranite; Fig. 2) associated with quartz vein- from N120 and N110 to N170 in the Amhroq zone, N170 in
lets. This rock was found as patches in the Bou Idjaa area or the Errif zone, N45 and N65 to N50 at Khneg Dfa, and N110
as veins dispersed in the porphyritic granite at the eastern and N130 at Ifzwan. Other magmatic dykes and veins of
part of the leucogranite. Tourmalinite rock reaches 2 km rhyolite affinity (Fig. 5b) occur in the Ifzwan porphyry facies
maximum length in the eastern part of the granitic massif, trending N120 to N170. Phenocrysts of feldspars embedded
in a microlithic paste mark this porphyry texture.
Table 2  Parameters used for automatic lineament extraction The concentrated N-S trending tourmalinite vein-type
Name Caption Value range ores are observed mainly in the northwestern part of the plu-
ton. The generally E-W trending quartz veins in the southern
RADI Radius of the edge detection filter 10 part of Kheng Dfa follow the Permian NE directed strike-
GTHR Threshold for edge gradient 100 slip faults at the north of the massif (Dahmani 1995). This
LTHR Threshold for curve length 30 indicates that the vein emplacement is either directly linked
FTHR Threshold for line fitting error 3 to the Permian brittle phase that affected the whole Ment
ATHR Threshold for angular difference 30 Granite (Boushaba and Marignac 1996), or immediately
DTHR Threshold for linking distance 35 postdating this phase. In addition, several mineralized struc-
tures accompany the magmatic bodies (porphyritic granite
and leucogranite): (i) uranium clues, forming the inclusions
and it is currently of 3 m wide. The granite-tourmalinite in the pyrite, chalcopyrite, or mispickel veins hosted in the
boundary is generally clear cut but can be sometimes dis- Bou Idjaa skarns (El Mbarki Kadiri et al. 2011); (ii) gold
turbed by crossing greisen veins containing tourmaline vein- traces hosted in the schists associated with sulfides-quartz
lets. At the field scale, tourmalinite veins outline interpret- (El Mbarki Kadiri et al. 2011); (iii) arsenopyrite and pyrite-
able structures and are affected in turn by post-mineralized quartz veins (Boushaba and Gagny 1986); (iv) wolfram-
tectonics, as can be established in the Errif zone. Cross- ite clues at Ez-Zirari, Jbel Sidi Ben Mbarek, west of Jbel
cutting relationships point to the generation of greisen first, Dahdouh, and at Amahroq (Boushaba 1996). This striking

Fig. 7  Schistosity statistics. a

Rose diagram illustrating the
trends of the regional Variscan
­S1 schistosity approaching
the Ment crystalline massif. b
Contoured stereonet pole plot
stereographic projection of
schistosity plans

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Fig. 8  Lineaments extracted from Sobel directional filters applied to PC1 principal component analysis. a N-S lineaments. b NE-SW lineaments.
c E-W lineaments. d NW–SE lineaments

Arab J Geosci (2022) 15:1159 Page 9 of 23 1159

Fig. 9  Histogram showing the

frequency distribution of line-
ament orientations extracted
from four Sobel filters

diverse mineralization is likely to be the result, separately to the Lambert Conformal Conic system, Datum Merchich,
or in any combination, of three distinct fluids enclosing and then corrected for atmospheric effects using the Fast
magmatic, meteoric, and metamorphic fluids (Boushaba Line-of-sight Atmospheric Analysis of Spectral Hypercubes
and Marignac 2009; Boushaba et al. 2016). According to (FLAASH) module. Then, the resulting multispectral image
these authors, the Aguelmous Ment granite incorporated the was merged with the panchromatic band to enhance spatial
mineralization during its emplacement through the Hercyn- resolution, allowing us to reduce the pixel size to 15 m.
ian hosting rocks where they initially originated. It is our In order to raise the lineaments in the study area, two
assumption that a precise dating is needed to clear up the different methodological approaches have been adopted.
syncinematic nature of this granite-hosted mineralization, The first approach consists in automatically extracting the
versus their multiphase magmatic to meteoric origin. lineaments from the principal component analysis (PCA)
bands after applying spatial filters, and the second consists in
manually extracting the lineaments by visual image analysis.
Materials and methods The automatic extraction step (PCA) was used, which is a
widely adopted method in geological studies (Si Mhamdi
Figure 6 summarizes the adopted methodological framework et al. 2016; Es-Sabbar et al. 2020). It allows the compression
during the acquisition and processing of the datasets in this of the information contained in the initial bands into new
study. We described in detail each step below. bands called principal components (CPs) (Gabr et al. 2010;
Adiri et al. 2016). This will allow the elimination of data
Remote sensing redundancy and the enhancement of data targets in the image
(Amer et al. 2012). The automatic lineament extraction was
In this study, we use the USGS Landsat 8 Operational Land performed based on two fundamental calculations: (i) the
Imager (Oli) satellite imagery provided on the site (https://​ use of directional filters (n = 3 × 3) in the N-S, NE, E-W,
earth​explo​rer.​usgs.​gov/). The corresponding images were and SE directions to enhance the discontinuities (Table 1).
captured in excellent weather conditions (very low cloud These allow the identification of areas of the sudden change
cover of 1.58%) and with excellent image quality. Landsat 8 in the values of neighboring pixels, often referring to line-
Oli, launched in 2013, carries two sensors characterized by aments. This makes it possible to highlight structural linea-
eight spectral bands 1 to 7 and 9 with a spatial resolution of ments in all possible directions. (ii) The second calculation
30 m. One band (panchromatic) at a resolution of 15 m (band is the detection and extraction of the lines. This was done
8), and two thermal bands 10 and 11 collected at 100 m using the “Line Extraction” algorithm. After automatic line-
(Roy et al. 2014). A scene acquired on June 02, 2020, level ament extraction tests on the PCA bands, we selected the
L1T, with a Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone PC1 band which gave optimal results. The parameters used
30 N projection and Datum WGS 84 was used in this study. for the extraction are listed in Table 2.
The visible-near infrared (VNIR) and short-wave infrared Furthermore, we used the manual extraction approach of
(SWIR) bands were combined into a single file, re-projected the lineaments by visual analysis on the screen of the image

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Fig. 10  Detailed map of the

whole lineaments obtained after
an automatic (PCA) and manual
(RGB) processing of the 8 Oli
satellite image superposed on
the digital terrain model (DEM)

in colors composite RGB (4, 6, 7) and (4, 3, 2). This opera- 102 schistosity planes were measured, in an attempt to
tion leads to the establishment of a lineament field that will validate, assess, and corroborate the results which have
be validated by the field data. Lineaments that coincide with been extracted using remote sensing tools. At the same
those extracted from the PCA tapes were eliminated to avoid time, particular attention was paid to the observation and
data redundancy. analysis of structures observed in the field, especially
for the different types of outcropping faults, where it
Data collection, validation, and GIS processing is occasionally difficult to discern their nature because
of weathering alteration. In addition, the boundaries of
Fieldwork was carried out in all the various granitic these crystalline outcrops were monitored and updated by
facies and their Carboniferous flysch host rocks. In total, recording geographic coordinates using a global position-
we mapped the direction and dip planes of 45 tourma- ing system (GPS). All data from the study area were ana-
linite, 84 quartz veins, 5 rhyolite dykes, 67 faults, and lyzed in software and GIS tools with the aim of deducing

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Fig. 11  Validation of the resulting fracturing map by superposing our study). c, d Directional rosette diagram of faults and length histogram
results (lineaments in green) on the digitized data archive map. a, b extracted from the treatment of database map of faults (Boushaba and
Histogram illustrating the distribution of lineament lengths for each Marignac 1996)
orientation and rose diagram showing the dominant direction (this

rosette diagrams, Pole Plot stereographic projections, and Results

histograms in the first instance, and creating a geologic
database containing all archives data on the Ment Granite: Schistosity distribution
topographic, structural, metallogenic, and geologic maps
in the second instance. Owing to integrating pre-existing New field data presented in this study complete the valu-
geological data and new field networks, an updated geo- able schistosity analysis carried out by Dahmani (1995) in
logical map was drawn. the same area. However, the measures taken by this author
do not cover the entire granite massif, but rather focus on

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Fig. 12  a Directional rosette of the major direction. b Histogram of lengths and frequency for each orientation of all studied Variscan lineaments
recorded by Aguelmous-Ment granitic massif

specific sections in order to identify metamorphic zones and four synthetic fracture maps accounting for 534 lineaments
mineral parageneses. This author reports that the ­S1 schistos- are reconstructed as shown in Fig. 8. The results show
ity becomes penetrative in the meta-sedimentary sequence that the lineaments occur throughout the study area with
directly fringing the granite. This schistosity is well devel- four major groups (Figs. 8 and 9: (i) NE-orientated line-
oped in the pelitic rocks (schist) and refracted in the compe- aments(34% of all lineaments), frequent in the Bou Idjaa
tent rocks (quartzites). With respect to this result, we attempt zone; (ii) NS-orientated lineaments (30%), chiefly between
to (i) exactly delineate the boundaries between the geological the Amhroq and Bled Zguida zones; (iii) EW lineaments
units throughout the granite complex, and (ii) evidence the (21%), confined in Kheng Dfa area, most of them are filled
regional variation of schistosity along its external borders. with quartz and spread at the kilometer-scale, which recall
For this, we use the GPS field surveys, assisted by GIS and the Aguelmous Major Fault; and finally, (iv) SE-oriented lin-
remote sensing tools. The comparison of the newly gener- eaments (15%). These different operations lead to the estab-
ated geological contours with those in the undetailed sketch lishment of a synthetic map of fracturing of the studied Ment
geological map by Boushaba and Marignac (1996) reveals granitic massif, which originally includes 736 lineaments.
cartographic shifts in the range of 100 to 200 m. Through- Except for the zones hidden below recent Plio-Quaternary
out the pluton, the granite does not show any deformation basalt lavas, the distribution of the fracture is quite clear and
fabrics. Hence, the schistosity measurements were taken in well exposed throughout the granite massif as shown by the
its surrounding Paleozoic mestasedementary series. The obtained fracturing map (Fig. 10).
obtained results show that the S ­ 1 planes are mostly directed Interestingly, a comparison between the obtained data
NE-SW, and occasionally N-S. Independently, their dipping and those from Boushaba and Marignac (1996) shows
can variously be to the NW–SE as illustrated in Fig. 7. that the lineaments we recognized fit well with their
digitized faults, with most of them corresponding to
Lineament distribution mappable faults, or to their extension. Moreover, more
faults were revealed and identified by our newly gener-
The radiometers embarked on the satellites provide images ated fault network. The comparison between the rosette
that allow delineating and assessing the importance of the of the extracted fractures and that of the faults from the
existing structural lineaments (Scanvic 1993), namely, faults literature shows a remarkable similarity and analogous
fractures, veins, and shear corridors. The obtained results in terms of orientation (Figs. 11a, b, c, and d), with a
in this study were loaded into the GIS and superimposed dominance of the NE-SW and EW families. In summary,
on the topographic maps of Aguelmous and Tifoughaline this method that shows good correspondence between the
(1/50,000) and the geological map (1/200,000) (Termier spatially obtained lineaments and the field-recognized
1932). This allowed us to rule out “lineaments” outlined by faults opens new promising opportunities to delineate
geological contours, cliffs, roads, and watercourses. Hence, new major faults.

Arab J Geosci (2022) 15:1159 Page 13 of 23 1159

Fig. 13  Detailed map showing

the main areas of lineament
density (the lineaments agglom-
erate) of the Moroccan Meseta
Ment granite

Lineament length, frequency, density, and fieldwork while the N70–90 direction corresponds to 8.42%. The
validation remaining directions are N00–30 and N100–180, which are
not exceeding 7%. Similar trends close to NE-SW are shown
Quantitative information on the length, density, and orienta- also by the lineament length diagram (Fig. 12b), and the
tion of lineaments has been explored by authors to recon- ESE-WNW directions have lengths up to 60 km.
struct the geometry of the lineament network and to iden- Akin to the density, the lineament frequency is consid-
tify the dominant directions at the regional scale (Deslandes ered per unit of area. This parameter generated by the line
and Gwyn 1991). The reconstructed directional rosette of the density algorithm was used to detect zones with strong frac-
Ment granite massif shows preferential NE-SW and ESE- turing. Figure 13 shows the distribution map of the zones
WNW trending fractures (Fig. 12a). Distribution frequencies of fracture abundance. Accordingly, the three classes are
range from 1 to 11% in several fractures (Fig. 12b). The main distinguished—enclosing low, medium, and high-density
direction of N30–60 represents 29.7% of all lineaments, classes—as shown in the legend values, reflecting fracturing

1159 Page 14 of 23 Arab J Geosci (2022) 15:1159

Fig. 14  Filed photographs from

the Moroccan Ment granitic
massif. a Dextral strike-slip in
the Bou Idjaa zone. b Reverse
fault in the Khneg Dfa porphyry
granite. c Quartz joint shows
dextral strike-slip. d Normal
fault in the monzogranite. e
Dextral strike-slip in the quar-
zitic enclosure. f Two conjugate
strike-slips in the porphyry

heterogeneity throughout the study area. The map illustrated Discussion

in Fig. 13 shows that high-density areas are running roughly
E-W and NE-SW, with the most remarkable occurring at the As a result of remote sensing, GIS, and fieldwork data
NW part of the granite (mostly in Ez-zirari region) and at its from the Variscan Aguelmous-Ment granitic massif of the
southern part (Aguelmous region). Both parts host the most Moroccan Meseta, its hosting metamorphic-sedimentary
interesting mineralized districts of the whole studied zone. series bear differently the record of the polyphase Variscan
A field visit and observation are fundamental to map the tectonics (Figs. 1, 2). The map in Fig. 16a summarizes the
various structural features encountered in the different types regional variation within the schistosity that affected the
of granitic facies and their host meta-sedimentary rocks. Fig- studied area. An ENE direction is observed in the Tayadirt
ure 14 shows the field in situ fracturing samples with cen- area on the east side of the granite massif. Whereas at its SW
timetric to metric scales, e.g., (i) strike-slip fault (Fig. 14a, side, i.e., at the level of Bou Idjaa and Errif, the schistosity
c, e, and f), normal fault at the monzogranite (Fig. 14d), dips 45–70° towards the NNW. In the North, precisely in the
and reverse fault (Fig. 14b). Consequently, the main granitic area between Jbel Sidi Ben Mbark and Ez-Zirari, we note
facies (porphyritic granite) is the most fractured compared an ENE trend with a steep dipping up to 60–70° NW, but
to the other granitic facies (monzogranite and leucogran- can laterally experience a sudden shift towards the NNE.
ite), which are consistent with the results extracted from the This change is related to a local sinistral submeridian ductile
density map (Fig. 13). Statistical processing of these data, in shear zone induced by the major Hercynian stress (Fig. 16b).
the form of a directional rosette, allows three distinguished The direction of the schistosity varies progressively from
classes of dominant direction (Fig. 15): N20–40, N110–140, the Jbel Sidi Ben Mbarek zone from NNE to become NE
and N150–180. at the North and South of Ez-Zirari, i.e., on the NW side

Arab J Geosci (2022) 15:1159 Page 15 of 23 1159

Fig. 15  Fault measurements

based on the field in situ obser-
vations. a Directional rosette
of major directions. b The
contoured stereonet pole plot
stereographic projection of the
faults measurements in Ment

of the massif. This schistosity variation can be assigned granite, monzogranite, and leucogranite); (3) lack of mag-
to the running of a dextral ductile shear (Fig. 16b). In the matic deformations within the pluton; (4) structures in the
West of the granite massif, especially along the Amhroq country rocks reflect previous regional deformation and
area, the same direction shifting occurs in the Southern side, weak or no deflection changes during emplacement; (5)
i.e., in the Aguelmous region. Beyond the studied granite contact between granite-surrounding Paleozoic rocks and
massif, the general interpretation of schistosity for the most granite-basalt is sometimes ambiguous but clearly evident
Mesetian Variscan granites was presented in the pioneering after satellite image processing; (6) the schistosity is glob-
works by Lagarde (1985, 1989) and Essaifi et al. (2001). A ally intersected by the massif outcrop except in the south
broad and undetailed map of schistosity variation was done as an exceptional case where the schistosity is parallel with
throughout the western Meseta (Lagarde 1985) and presents the granitic interface; (7) the metamorphic aureole of the
a similar interpretation and proved to be compatible with our pluton shows an asymmetry of the isotherms on both sides
smaller-scale focused study. In the global sense, the Ment of the pluton, as well as it is post-tectonic (no preferential
granite has many characteristics: (1) geometry and subcir- orientation of the andalusite under the thin-sections) (e.g.,
cular shape in plain view such that A/B ration = 16/12 = 1.3; Dahmani 1995); (8) lack of triple points, the Fig. 16b, also
(2) multiple non-concentric intrusive phases (porphyritic schematizes a single type of ­S1 regional schistosity found in

Fig. 16  Schistosity trajectory of the Ment massif. (a) The distribution schist south of Ez-Zirari. (d) Subvertical schistosity at the granite
of schistosity with dip around the granite. (b) Interpretation of the boundary in the Taqllalt area. (e) Schistosity nearly parallel to bed-
general variation in schistosity. (c) Parallel schistosity in the Visean ding planes (­ S0) at the Khng Dfa limit

1159 Page 16 of 23 Arab J Geosci (2022) 15:1159

Arab J Geosci (2022) 15:1159 Page 17 of 23 1159

◂Fig. 17  a Different strike-slips found in the study area (Ment granite). of the porphyry granite, ranging in size from centimeters to
b Sinistral strike-slip at Sidi Othman. c Dextral strike-slip affecting several meters (located in the Bou Idjaa, Sidi Othman, and
the quartz veins at Khneg Dfa South of the granite. d Dextral strike-
slip in the massive tourmalinite (Errif). e Dextral strike-slip in the
Ez-Zirari areas). Therefore, we can admit that stoping is a
Amhroq leucogranite. f Dextral strike-slip at Jbel Belfdil. g Sinistral possible process that significantly contributed to the trans-
strike-slip in the Ez-Zirari leucogranite fer of magma into the hanging crust during the Variscan
orogeny. Similarly, to the Variscan plutons Bohemian Massif
(Žák et al. 2006).
the field (Figs. 16c‒e). It proved to be oblique on the strati- Two parameters can help to interpret the occurrence of
fication with a predominance of dextral ductile shears, with lineaments density obtained in this study through automatic
the absence of triple points in the NE and SW, in contrast and manual extraction: (i) the cartographic distribution of
to other Variscan granitoid massif (Lagarde 1989; Dahm- rock-rheology (from the granitic massif towards its borders
ani 1995; Essaifi and Hibti 2008), reflecting a monophasic and then its hosting sedimentary flysch) (see Fig. 2); (ii) the
deformation; (9) the long axis direction (A) of granite is granite age that postdates the Hercynian Visean-Permian
skewed (steep angle) to the NW–SE Hercynian shortening paroxysm. The density map (Fig. 13) shows clearly short-
and the main NE direction of the post-Visean S ­ 1 schistos- range faults clustered to the north and south of Ez Zirari area
ity. All these structural and metamorphic points mentioned (in Aguelmous-Khneg Dfa). This can be attributed to the
above provide a post-tectonic emplacement of the pluton in presence of competent strata of quartzite beds and quartz-
agreement with the Rb/Sr dating of Mrini (1985). They also ite lenses of the Visean and Namurian ages, respectively.
suggest that the mechanism of its emplacement discards the Furthermore, in the South part of granite, the short faults
diapiric mechanism by correlating with the essential cri- are adjacent to the Aguelmous major fault that conditioned
teria for this type of emplacement scenario, as reported in their occurrence. The Fourhal basin enclosing the studied
several worldwide granitic massifs (e.g., Paterson 1988; He granite is filled up with Visean–Namurian flysch successions
et al. 2009; Galadí-Enríquez et al. 2003; Tahiri et al. 2007). (Bouabdelli 1989; Tahiri and Medina 1989; Ben Abbou
Furthermore, the Moroccan Meseta granite massif studied 1990; Piqué 1994; Izart et al. 2001; Berkhli and Vachard
here seems similar in structural characteristics and age to the 2002). Here, the faults are longer and less frequent com-
Argentina Chita Permian granitic pluton studied by Yosh- pared to those mentioned above and keep the same geometry
inobu et al. (2003) and interpreted as a massif emplaced even though their hosting flysch-rocks occur in the vicinity
under the magmatic stoping mechanism. In the study area, of granite (precisely close to its eastern and western bor-
no evidence of an unconformity contact between granite and ders). The paucity of these lineaments can be ascribed to
host rock was detected. Indeed, we have identified the exist- the ductile rheology of the schistose flyschs. Within the
ence of xenoliths imprisoned at the edge of the western part granitic massif, the faults are developed in short dense line-
aments on variable scales, especially in the khneg dfa and
the center of Bled Zguida areas, whereas these structures are
conspicuous in concentrations inside the porphyritic granites
as opposed to the other component facies of this outcrop
(monzogranite and leucogranite). This is possibly attributed
to its early chronological exposure (crystallization), and its
mineralogical composition (texture) that allow the occur-
rence of tensional fractures and the circulation/deposition
of hydrothermal mineralized fluids. In the same tendency,
most of the hydrothermal quartz, tourmalinite, rhyolite, and
aplite veins are clearly observed and confined in the studied
granitic massif (mostly in the dominant porphyry granite
facies, e.g., Figs. 2, 4‒5). Another successive low-intensity
compressive tectonic phase occurs after their deposit. There-
fore, a positive correlation can be made between quartz-
ites and granites in terms of distribution and length of the
affecting lineaments. While the faults within the granite
pluton are isolated, faults along its external borders are cut
by the sharp contact following a Y- and X-nodes shape (e.g.,
Peacock et al. 2018). These results are in agreement with
Fig. 18  Different directions of the late Variscan paleo-stress affecting the results recently published from other worldwide areas,
the studied Meseta Ment granite massif during the Permian period e.g., southwest NigeriaDeng-Deng (Ayodele and Odeyemi

1159 Page 18 of 23 Arab J Geosci (2022) 15:1159

2010), Eastern Cameroon Alichur Area (Fossi et al. 2021), (Permian tectonics) of the Ment granite proved to be moni-
SE Pamir (Javhar et al. 2019), and Moroccan Anti-Atlas Pan- tored by the faults inherited from the Hercynian major phase
African belts (e.g., Hejja et al. 2020; Saidi et al. 2020), con- (e.g., El Wartiti 1994).
firming that lithology is an important factor that controls the
spatial distribution of lineaments. In addition, the correlation
between the geological maps (Fig. 2) and density (Fig. 13) Conclusion
shows that the lineaments have a spatial concentration fol-
lowing the mega-lineaments which are inherited from the In this contribution, the integrating of remote sens-
Variscan Visan-Namurian paroxysm ­(D2) that governed their ing and GIS studies provides a powerful remote tool
appearance, notably in the eastern part (Errif), northeastern for the investigation of geological structures (mostly
of Bou Mimoun, and in the south of the granite (Aguelmous lineaments), fills the cartographic gaps, and performs
dextral strike-slip, Bouabdelli and Piqué 1996). According the reliable and high-resolution fracturing maps from
to the results carried out in the Northwestern Himalayan at the Moroccan Variscan Meseta Aguelmous-Ment unit.
the front of the thrusts (Pandey and Sharma 2019), and in the The application of this integrated approach to the gra-
Moroccan Central High Atlas (Farah et al. 2022), it seems nitic massifs combined with the automatic and manual
that the density and direction of the lineaments are extracted methods on Landsat 8 Oli imagery allows to sharply
following the pre-existing structures (e.g., paleo-faults). outline fault occurrences and geometry. Moreover, the
Based on the mapped strike-slip faults from the Meseta field in situ mapping and validation of all these struc-
Variscan Aguelmous Ment granite performed in this study, tures had allowed updating the geological map, and
three sets of compressive systems have been deciphered their statistical analysis (rosette diagrams and frequen-
(Fig. 17). (i) NNE-SSW compressive system represented cies) reveals four families of fractures dominated by the
by N20 to N30 trending sinistral strike-slip faults. These major Variscan NE-trending faults. Hence, the density,
are mainly recognized in the porphyritic granite of BouI length, and direction of faults proved to vary depending
djaa (Fig. 14f), and the Ez-Zirari leucogranite (Fig. 17). (ii) upon the rheological properties of the hosting rock. On
NE-SW compressive system represented by two families: the other hand, the lineaments in the Ment granites are
a sinistral N170-directed family found in Amhroq, Sidi attached to the rise of the magma, while the others are
Otmane, and a dextral N110–120 directed family in the confined in the metamorphic surrounding related to the
Kheng Dfa and BouIdjaa areas (Figs. 14, 17). (iii) ENE- reactivation of pre-existing structures during the Per-
WSW compressive system represented by N60–80 strike- mian polyphase tectonic episodes. The schistosity (­ S 1)
slip faults is poorly developed in the study area, locating in and lineaments show a similar overall direction NE-SW,
the Jbel Blfdil porphyritic granite, where a dextral strike-slip whereas the distribution of S ­ 1 planes in the study area
fault affects the Errif tourmalinite(Fig. 17), and Tawrirt unit shows a monophasic post-Visean deformation. Likewise,
(Boushaba and Marignac 1996). the structures recorded by the granite pluton and the host
During the Plio-Quaternary, the opening of some of the metasedimentary rocks involve an emplacement non-
paleo-faults (as main extensive structures) is resulted in the diapiric, probably by magmatic stoping. These results
basaltic flows of the Ment plateau, and concurrently within are expected to help geodynamic interpretations and pro-
the granite itself, in quartz veins, and then in their cross-cut- vide a predictive basis for hydrological and metallogenic
ting tourmalinite ores, both of decametric scale (Fig. 18; e.g., explorations. For instance, the obtained results open a
Boushaba and Marignac 1996). The quartz and tourmalinite new avenue in the subsequent studies to investigate the
veins follow the E-W to NE and N-S faults, which recall the kinematics joints and gravimetry in relation to the origi-
compressive structures described in the Permian basins of the nal depth of the Permian granite emplacement.
Western Central- Meseta (Cailleux et al. 1983; Zouine 1986;
Tahiri and Medina 1989; Youbi et al. 1995; Tahiri et al. 1996; Acknowledgements We thank US Geological Survey (USGS) for the
Landsat 8 Oli image used in this work. The authors thank also the
Saidi et al. 2002). It is relevant to note that the faults in the (anonymous) for reviewing this article.
Paleozoic schistosity planes follow the same direction NE-SW,
which is classically ascribed to the major regional Variscan Funding The first author would like to thank the support of the
Westphalian-Stephanian paroxysm described mainly in the National Center for Scientific and Technical Research (CNRST),
Fourhal-Azrou Khenifra basin (Bouabdelli and Piqué 1996) which funded this work within the framework of the research excel-
lence scholarship program.
and the Tighza area (Kassou et al., 2012). Identical major
structures also occur in the studied Aguelmous-Ment granite
massif and can be ascribed to the early Permian NW to WSW
contractional event as described by El Wartiti et al. (1990) at Conflict of interest The authors declare no competing interests.
the scale of the western Meseta. Therefore, the tectonic history

Arab J Geosci (2022) 15:1159 Page 19 of 23 1159

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