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in partnership with

Programming Competition for

NABSS member schools
About the Competition
Primary School

Programming with Scratch

What to expect Examples of the games we will create together!

Leagues of Code will host four 1-hour online classes to explore
the programming capabilities of the Scratch programming
Each class will be dedicated to creating an interactive
computer game in Scratch, incl. a clicker, a music band
simulator, a ping-pong and a labyrinth
All sessions will be hosted in Zoom, recorded and shared with
the registered participants
After the 4 classes, participants will be requested to create
their own game in Scratch and submit for assessment
The 3 most creative submissions will be awarded the prizes
from Leagues of Code.
Participants may compete individually or in small teams (up to
3 students in each team).

No pre-requisite knowledge required to participate!

Secondary & High School

Interactive Quest with Python

What to expect:
Leagues of Code will host an interactive quest where students will
be going through a series of quizzes and riddles using Python
programming language (the “Quest”)
Leagues of Code will host a single 90-minute online class to
introduce the Quest and elaborate on the completion guidelines,
followed by a Q&A session for the registered participants (the full
class will be recorded and shared afterwards).
The Quest will then start for all the participants at the same time
(please refer to the Schedule) to ensure the fair play.
The participants will need to complete the Quest individually. Time
to complete the Quest may vary, on average being ~2 hours.
The participants will additionally be provided with supporting
materials to assist those with no prior experience in Python
The first 3 participants who solve the Quest will become the
official winners and be awarded the prizes from Leagues of Code.

No pre-requisite knowledge required to participate!

Competition Schedule
Primary School
Secondary & High School

Registration deadline: 19th January, 5:00 pm

Registration deadline: 19th January, 5:00 pm

1st Class: 29th January, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
 Intro Session with Q&A: 29th January, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm

2nd Class: 1st February, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm

3rd Class: 5th February, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm

4th Class: 8th February, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Project submission deadline: 23rd February, 5:00 pm Quest Start Date: 3rd February, 10:00 am

Announcement of Winners at NABSS Annual Conference 2024:

9th March, 2024


We're giving away amazing prizes to our lucky winners!

Amazon voucher
Free 1-on-1 programming classes with Leagues of Cod
Certificate of recognition from Leagues of Code

All participants who complete the Competition will also be awarded a

certificate of participation

Guidelines for Registration

An authorised staff member of each school needs to register for the Competition on
behalf of the school using the link provided below
To ensure compliance with data protection regulations, Leagues of Code must not have
access to personal information of student participants. Leagues of Code will provide
each registered school anonymised tokens/IDs to be subsequently assigned to students /
teams of students participating in the competition for results tracking purposes.
Participating schools must provide appropriate supervision to students during the online
training / introductory classes
The authorised staff member of each school will be required to submit primary student’s
final projects for Leagues of Code’s assessment using the anonymised tokens/IDs before
the set deadline (submission instructions will be provided separately by 8th February).

Please use the link below to register:
For any queries please contact:

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