Composition - Describing A Room

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When I come back to my parents' house during my holidays, I settle on my eldest brother's

bedroom because is that currently is emty.

This room was remodeled some years ago building a service lift on the space near the stairs.
My parents and my grandparents decided to build a small one just in case that somebody will
not able to go up the stairs.

Definitely, the bedroom is smaller than there was on the past with a relaxing light green
painting on the walls.

There is a bit smaller hall across to a spacious with a 90-meters bed. It is pushed right up
against the wall with a white headboard with a lamp. The bed hasn't got a suitable bed frame
with metalic legs. Against the bed, there is an yellow armchair that not match with the rest of
the room. I only use it to put my clothes when I wear. Then, there is an white huge wardrobe
where there are hunged in a lot of clothes of everybody. It's like a storage.

I don't like very much this room although is only to stay a few days. If I will move to my
parents' house in the future I need to stay in other bedroom.

When I come back to my parents' house during my holidays, I settle on my eldest

brother's bedroom because it currently is empty. This room was remodeled some
years ago with the construction of a service lift in the space near the stairs. My
parents and my grandparents decided to build a small one just in case someone will
not be able to go up the stairs. Definitely, the bedroom is smaller than it was on the
past with a relaxing light green painting on the walls. There is a bit smaller hall across
from a spacious room with a 90-meters bed. It is pushed right up against the wall with
a white headboard with a lamp. The bed hasn't got a suitable bed frame with metal
legs. Against the bed, there is a yellow armchair that does not match with the rest of
the room. I only use it to put my clothes when I am getting dressed. Then, there is a
white huge wardrobe where lots of clothes of everybody are hung. It's like a storage. I
don't like this room very much although it's only for staying a few days. If I move to
my parents' house in the future I will need to stay in another bedroom.
When I return to my parents' house during my holidays, I often find myself
settling into my eldest brother's bedroom, primarily because it's currently
unoccupied. This particular room underwent remodeling several years ago,
including the addition of a service lift adjacent to the staircase. Both my parents
and grandparents collectively decided to install this feature as a precautionary
measure in case anyone faced difficulties ascending the stairs.

Undoubtedly, the bedroom appears smaller compared to its former size,

featuring calming light green walls adorned with a relaxing hue. Directly across
from a generously proportioned room, there lies a slightly narrower hallway,
leading to the cozy yet quaint space. Here, a spacious 90-meter bed is snugly
positioned against the wall, accompanied by a sleek white headboard adorned
with a lamp. Unfortunately, the bed lacks a suitable bed frame, instead
supported by metallic legs that somewhat clash with the room's aesthetic.

Adjacent to the bed, an incongruous yellow armchair stands, serving as an odd

juxtaposition against the room's serene ambiance. Personally, I utilize this piece
of furniture merely as a makeshift clothes rack while getting dressed. Further
into the room, one cannot overlook the substantial white wardrobe, serving as a
repository for the diverse wardrobes of every family member. It functions almost
akin to a storage room, housing an extensive collection of garments.

Despite its function, I can't profess to have a fondness for this particular room,
especially considering its transient nature, as it primarily serves as a temporary
abode for the duration of my stay. Should I ever choose to relocate to my
parents' residence permanently in the future, I would undoubtedly opt for an
alternate bedroom, one that resonates more harmoniously with my preferences
and sensibilities.

Cuando regreso a la casa de mis padres durante mis vacaciones, a menudo me encuentro
instalándome en la habitación de mi hermano mayor, principalmente porque actualmente está
desocupada. Esta habitación en particular fue remodelada hace varios años, incluida la adición
de un ascensor de servicio adyacente a la escalera. Tanto mis padres como mis abuelos
decidieron instalar esta característica como medida de precaución en caso de que alguien
enfrentara dificultades al subir las escaleras.

Indudablemente, la habitación parece más pequeña en comparación con su tamaño anterior,

con paredes verdes claras adornadas con un tono relajante. Justo al otro lado de una
habitación generosamente proporcionada, se encuentra un pasillo ligeramente más estrecho,
que conduce al espacio acogedor pero pintoresco. Aquí, una espaciosa cama de 90 metros está
colocada cómodamente contra la pared, acompañada por un elegante cabecero blanco
adornado con una lámpara. Lamentablemente, la cama carece de un marco adecuado, en su
lugar, es apoyada por patas metálicas que chocan un poco con la estética de la habitación.

Adyacente a la cama, se encuentra un sillón amarillo incongruente, sirviendo como una

extraña yuxtaposición contra la serena atmósfera de la habitación. Personalmente, utilizo esta
pieza de mobiliario solo como un perchero improvisado mientras me visto. Más adentro en la
habitación, uno no puede ignorar el considerable armario blanco, sirviendo como un
repositorio para los diversos guardarropas de cada miembro de la familia. Funciona casi como
una habitación de almacenamiento, albergando una extensa colección de prendas.

A pesar de su función, no puedo afirmar tener un cariño por esta habitación en particular,
especialmente considerando su naturaleza transitoria, ya que principalmente sirve como
morada temporal durante mi estadía. Si alguna vez elijo mudarme permanentemente a la
residencia de mis padres en el futuro, sin duda optaría por un dormitorio alternativo, uno que
resuene más armoniosamente con mis preferencias y sensibilidades.

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