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YF { our pO “QE Mid-Semester Examination Session 2021-2022 B. Tech ECE Subject: Control Systems ECC408 Total marks: 26 Date: Sunday, March 27", 2022. Time: Ilam-12 noon. Closed books, closed notes. One page of handwritten formula sheet is permitted which should be attached to the answer script and signed by the invigilator. a “Answer ALL questions [ Marks | a | | e+ae+2 | |a system having its transfer function given by G(s). Answer TRUE or | | | FALSE for the statements below. Justify your answer, no marks if your | | insiigich is not correct. | | It is a second order system. | || @)ltisa Type 1 system | | | ©)ltisa stable system. | | (D)Ithas unity DC gain. | | | = - __ {_ / | A contol system has its iransfer function given by G(s) with Feedback 11). 4 | a 1 — 3(s+1) G(s) = agri and H(s) = ae | / Find the equivalent transfer function with unity feedback, showing clearly | the steps of arriving at the/answer. Hence find the steady state error for a | | parabolic input. | ie | - - E {__ For a system, the steady-state response to an input x(t) is given by: \4 Z| yee(t) = 20 cos(0.6t — 0.6 rad). From the frequency response data plots | | (| of the system, the following measurements are read off: | | |G(J0.6)| = 2.5 and 2G(j0.6) = —80°., Find out what is the input x(¢) . | | 4, | A siandard feedback control block diagram i shown as follows: 4 \* | | oni us) a | Dur f + a) [Po™ | | | | | — || } | Gs) = 2 = @+9) | | () = els) = (643), | (a) What is the tracking error if R is a unit-ramp input? (b) What is the system type with respect to ramp input and the | |_____ corresponding error coefficient? _ : ____|___ 5 A system has poles at 8 = —Land s = ~10. The pole s will | 2 ominate the response while the pole s = can be ignored. This is ase (farther/closer) is the pole from the imaginary axis, | (faster/slower) will be the transient response decaying to zero. (b) A PID controller has been implemented (with Kp = 20, Ki= 5 2 Kd = 10) for controlling the output of a system with transfer 6. 5 6 . - function G(s) = Fp Find the closed loop transfer function of the system, , _ _20s(s + 100) | \ 4S) = Gy a+ 10) 1 | Sketch neatly the asymptotic Bode magnitude plot for the given transfer | function. Show the slopes of all the lines to clarify how you arrive at the final plot. \ SEMESTER: Winter, — SESSION: 2021-22 Examination & Semester: B. Tech., 4% Sem., Mid Semester (ECE) Time : 2 Hoy . us Subject: Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Max Marks: 26 Instructions: Answer all questions. (The right side numbers indicate marks.) 1g Sst do you mean by pip. i feature in 8086? With the neat sketch of 8086 architecture, © ~ explain this process. 1s mau bind the memory address range forthe following diagram shown below (Figure 1) < A. @ Aw | 38 oe 22] pate an —_| en — RW K—7 Po Dy Memory the system clock is 3 MHz, find the time to execute the given program: XRA A MVIB, E9H Bl MVIC, 11H ADDC ADDB HLT t 2 phe an assembly language program in'8085 uP, to transfer a block of twenty data from source (4) ‘memory locations (starting location is 1001H) to the destination locations (starting location is H). nea the following 8085 and 8086 instructions. Also mention the number of machine cycles [4] required to execute these instructions: it SHLD 455SH ii, STOSB iii, | SPHL. iv. AAA 2) Figure below shows that the 8085 microprocessor is interfaced with 8255 PPI. § DIP switches are connected to Port B and 8 LEDs are connected to port A of 8255. [4] i. White the address of Port A, Port B, Port C and control resistor 1ST ey Find the control word or the content of control register for the a below. iii. display in LEDs. 8085 a, Write a program to read the status of switches and store the status in R7 as well as EE rais373 DIP Switches +5V Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad Mid-Sem Examination of B.Tech 4" Semester im Electronics & Communication Engineering. Subject: Analog Cireuits. Course No. ECC 206 Full Marks: 26 _ ime: One hour Auempt gh the qu ions. Discuss the effect of base current on BIT based current mirror? effect be minimized? 3. Design an NMOS differentia! pair for 8 voliag fof 2 mW subject to the condition that the stage followin: requires an input CM Jevel of at least 1.6 V. Assume isC 0, and Vpp = U8 V- fh ‘rind out the expression of input and output i npedance oF - carrent current feedback Examination: IV'" Semester B.Tech (ECE) Semester: Mid-Term Code: BCC207 Time: | Hour Session: 2021 - 2022 Subject: Electromagnetic Theory Maximum marks: 26 Answer all questions 1. (a) Explain the following briefly (without using any equation) <4) In acconductor there cannot be any static electric fields. (ii) Inside a conductor there can be no electric charge. However there can be a distribution of charge on the surface. What type of electric field do these surface 4 5 cm and resistance R = 10 Q is chargeS generate? (Ab) A circular loop of 10 turns of conducting wire of radius r placed in a slowly varying uniform magnetic field. The magnetic field makes an angle 45° with respect to the direction of the surface of the loop. The magnetic field magnitude is given by B = 3 cos(2*pi*t) (T). Find the emf and the current generated in the wire. 2, (@YShow that the skin depth of a poor conducto: is independent of frequency. (b) What is meant by “wave”? Define “uniform plane wave”. 3. (a) Explain the following: “Static capacitance and inductances can be used for the analysis of 2 transmission lines even though the field is time-harmonic. (p) Calculate the input impedance for the following transmission line network. al of 938 MHz to a load of 100 2. The load power is 87.35 (c)/A 75 @ lossless line connects a sign a and Vax (ii) values of Vian AMG Vinge: © mW. Calculate the (i) position of the first Vian Subject: : Session: 2021-2022 Semester: Winter Semester Name of Examination: IV" B. Tech Mid Semester Examination Measurements and Instrumentation Max Tine: 1 Hone Subject Code: ECE201 Full Marks - 2% ull Marks - 45 Please carefully read the following instructions before producing. your answer All questions of this paper are compulsory, © Numbers in the rightmost column represent full marks for the corresponding questions 1 (a) Derive the expressions and draw the spectra for magnitude and phase of the frequency Tesponse of a second order instrument, whose dynamics is described as — 2 oh = (= Sys, Fo (b) Here, derive the expression for the frequency at which the system would show the maximum magnitude. (c)_ Why the zero mark does appear at the extreme right of an analog type series ohrn-rneter? A simple shunted ammeter is using a basic meter moment with an internal resistance of 1200 0 and a full scale deflection current of 100 HA. It is connected in a circuit and is giving a reading of 3.5 mA on its 5 mA FSD scale. The reading is cross verified with a recently calibrated OC ammeter, which is giving a reading of 41 mA, The implication is that the first ammeter haz a faulty shunt resistance for the 5 mA range, Now calculate — (a) The correct shunt for the 5 mA range (b) The actual value of the faulty shunt resistor A torque sensing transducer is connected to the shaft of an electric motor which drives a lead that has a moment of inertia of 200 x 10° Kg-m”. What should be the damping constant of the system when a sinusoidal torque varying at a frequency of 2 rad/s is to be reproduced with + maximum error of #10%. The torsional constant is 1.5 N-m/rad? —9.254 ‘A moving coil instrument, whose resistance is 25 0, gives a full scale deflection with a voltage. mV. This instrument is to be used with a series multiplier to extend its range to 10 V. Calculate the error caused by 10°C rise in temperature. The temperature coefficient of Copper is given as 0.004/°C and that of Manganin is 0.00015/°C. Find the value of Rs in the following circuit considering — ful Sate Deflection = 59 4 AN 5 full Seale Deflection — 499 y (ym,s,) and | Rs 1 Diode Characteristics as — } t x at 4K fp oy LZ WYP ly ry) Mi 4 WZ } i

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