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PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, AT NO. 11 To Reid R. Tro c kmorton. of Brooklyn, N. Y.,
f SPRUCE STREET, NEW YORK, NO. 12 STATE for improvement in the machme for planing, tongue ­
ing, and grooving, rebating and beading p lanks and
oth er Inmber: patented 1st May, 1845.

(THE )
To George Upham, of Hebron, Ohio, for im­
PRINCIPAL OFFICE BEING IN NEW YORK, provement in closing and opening the entrance to
bee-hives: pateated 1st May, 1845.
By RUFUS PORTER. To Charles F. Oliver and George W. Jackson, of
Ly nn, Massachusetts, for improvement in piano­
Eaeh number will be furnished with from two fortes: patented 1st May, 1845.
to five original engravings, many of them ele­ To Oliver Allen, of Norwich, Conn., for im prove ­
gant, and illustrative of New Inventions, Scien­ ments in the machine for dredging or excavating :
tific Principles, and Curious Works; and will patented 1st May, 1845.
contain, in addition to the most interesting news To Isaac L. Chapman, of New York, for im­
provement in the manner of cutting fabrics to be
of passing events, general notices of the pro­
made into hat-bodies by sewing: patented 1st May,
gress of Mechanical and other Scientific Im­
provemeTtts; American and Foreign I mprove­ To George W. Billings and John Harrison, of
ments and Inventions; Catalogues of American Glasgow, Missouri, for im prov ement in the machine
Patents; Scientific Essays, illustrative of the for hatcheling and cleaning hemp and fiax: patented
principles of the !lciences of Mechanics, Chem­ 1st May, 1845.
istry and Architecture; useful information and To S teph en R. Parkhurst, of New York, for im­
provements in the machine for ginning cotton and
instruction in various Arts and Trades; Curi­
wool: patented 1st May, 1845.
ous Philosophical Experiments; Miscellaneous
To Hiram A. Pitts, of Winthrop, Maine, for im­
Intelligence, Music and Poetry. provement in cutting and crushing corn-fodder: pa­
This paper is especially entitled to the pa­ tented 1st May, 1845.
tronage of Mechanics and Manufacturers, being To Richard M. Hoe, of New York, for improve­
the only paper in America devoted to the in­ ment in printing presses: patented 1st May, 1845.
EXPLANATION.-A cylinder, A, consisting of a series of circular saws, each of which is a quarter of an inch thick, and mounted on a
terests of those classes; but is particularly use­ To Frederich Walthe r, of Wincester, Va .• for
shaft or mandrill, with an intervening plate of equal thickn ' ess, between each two saws. The saws are fastened by means of a shoulder and im pr ov ement in pumps: patented 1st May, 1845.
ful to farmers, as it will not only apprise them
screw nut, of ordinary construction. The teeth of the saws are arranged spirally, so that no more than one tooth will encounter the wo od at To Samuel Taylor Cambridge and Abbot R. Da­
of imprcvements in agricultural implements, but
the same instant. The mandrill, or axle, of this cylinder, is mounted on a strong frame, B, C, D, E, and has a pulley, L, at one end of the
vis, of Boston, Mass., for machme for filling brush
instruct them in various mechanical trades, and blocks with bristles: patented 1st May, 1845.
guard them against imposItions. As a family cylinder to receive a belt, whereby the cylinder is put in motion. A platform, F, consists of plank, and hangs on two side pivots at H H, To Thomas Rogers, of Paterson, N. J., for im­
newspaper, it will convey more useful intelli­ and its position is governed by the screw G. This screw is connected to the platform by means of an iron plate which is attached to the un­ provement on Horatio Allen's cut-off valves for
gence to children and young JlQople, than five steam engines: patented1st May, 1845.
der side of the platform by wood screws. The upper end of the adjusting screw terminates in a round tenon, which passes through the To James Semple, of Alton, I ll., for im pr ovement
times its cost in school instruction. Another
important argUlnent in favour of this paper, is, centre of the plate, and having a rivet head attached, is prevented from withdrawing; and as the thread of the screw takes to the cross­ in Ilteam coaches adap te d [0 th e prairies: patented
that it will be worth two dollars at the end of beam, through which it passes, the platform is held firmly in its position. A moveable guide, I I, is attached to the platform by two thum­ 1st May, 1845.
To Isaiah W. P. Lewis, of Boston, Mass., for
the year when the volume is complete, and will screws, K K. When in operation, the plank or board which is to be wrought, is placed on this phitfol'm and prcssed against the guide, while improvemente in the method of obtaining permanent
probably command that price in cash, if we may foundations for hydraulic structures: patented 1st
it is moved endwise toward the cylinder, until each saw cuts a slot of the required depth therein. The ends of several boards being thus pre­
j udge from the cireumstance that old volumes of May, 1845.
pared, the 8nds are locked together in a manner similar to ordinary dove-tail work; and this work is suitable for chests, trunks, or packing
the New York Mechallic, by the same editor, To Samuel UUer, of New York, for improve­
will now command double the original cost. boxes. This machine is now in operation at the shop of the inventor, in Ann street, and proves itself to be one of the most perfect labor ment in stoves: patented 1st May, 1845.
TERMs.-Tho " S i ntific American" will be furnished saving inventions of modern times. Mr. Brown has taken measures for s8curing a patent, and will be ready to furnish the Machines, or rights To Francis L. Headenburg, of New York, for
to subscribers at $2,00 per annum,-one dollar in advance, improvement in stoves: patented 7th May, 1845.
and the balance in six months. therein, to those who may require them, in a few days. '1'0 John Loudon and Thomas Shaw, of New
Five copies will be sent to one address six months, for
fOllr dollar. in advance.
Any person procwill�two or more subscribers, will baen­
EXTENSIVE RELATIONSHIP.-During the course I � � � � :;
SCIENCE o). TH S UL. Th fa u ties of the oul ;
York, for improvcments in the machine for polish­
,An'EC'l'ION IN A BR u·n; . -there are many re­ ing and equalizing the nap or pile on th e surfaces of
e do not develope themselv es together and at once.
of the trial of Dr. Boughton, now going on, i t be­ markable instances of affection in a brute that we do. hats: patented 7th May, 1845.
titled to a commission of 25 c nts each.

came n ecessary, says the Hudson Repub:ican, for Their successive dcvelopemcnt is adBpted to our lIOt often fin d in human beings. The Woodville To William Y. Singleton, of Springfield, Ill., for
Judge Edmonds to remark upon the degrees of re­ wants; they appear at thc proper moment, in order Republican states that on the Pittsbare plantation improvement in the machine for breaking and c lea n­
Lost Time never regain ed. lationship with the parties to a suit, by which Rer­
sons were disquali fied from eerving as jurors. rhe
to enli ghten, to enjoy, or to combat.
precise period of their appearanco, to learn, to re-
To study the two little negro boys were recently riding an ol d
poney in purs ui t of cattle, when all of a sudden, a
ing hemp, &c.: patented 7th May, 1845.
To G eorge A. Scherpf, of New York, for im­
exemption extended, his Honor stated, to the ninth cognise, to direct, and to harmonize th em, is what wild-cat l eaped from a fence upon the pony and provement in curing meats; patented 7th May,
degree of consanguinity, or as far as third cousins. we te rm forming education of men, This education seized up on one of the children. the poney in a fright, 1845.
In speaking upon this subject, he said th�t when ap­ belon gs by ri gh t to wompn; they alone know how j u mped away. The older boy seized the cat to
pointed to the office af R ecorder of that ci ty some
To Pierpont Seymour, of Eailt Bloomfiefd, N.
to smi le u pon child hoo d ; t h ey alone clln seize by res cue the other from his claws and teeth, when the Y., for improvement in sowing machines: patented

years since, knowing from the fact that his ances­ sy m pa t h y the lirst transp ort s of a soul which IS poney returnea to their rescue, and actu al ly stamped 7th May, 1845.
When sailors, heedless of their duty, sleep,
Neglecting ev ery favorab le g ale,
tors were among the first settler s of the place, that awakened by th eir caresses . We transfer this work the wild cat to death! The poney is a pe t, some To Wade Haworth, of Dayton, 0., f or improve­
he had an extensive relationship there, tbough in to rhetoricians and to logicians, but they arrive too 25 years old-lives in the yard and eats slops; is a ment in stuffing and stretching horse-collars: .paten­
They'll find it hard their after-course to keep, m any cases very distant, he requested his mother to late. I n order to understalld well the science of th e great favourite-walks among the cradles with the ted 7th May, 1845.
WIth a wet sail. give him the names of all the persons she knew in soill, its alphabet must be studied near the cradle. utmost care; and, in gratitude for kindness, h a s To Reuben Fairchild and Starr Fairchild, of
the city, who came within the de gree of third cous­ Whoever has not the beginning of i t, cannot guess exhibited a trait of his character that would honour Trumbull, Conn., for improvement in boot-crimps;
f irs of men,
There is a tide in the afa ins, whose cases it would be improper for him to at its result. a man. the aforesaid Reuben Fairchild havin[ assigned hi.

DUEL KEPT ON THE TAPls.-Mr. A., bachelo r,

Which all should watch with carefulness to ha il ; try, if they should ever come before him. Extraor­ right, title, and interest in said improvement to Starr
No'!' s o POOR AS I MOUT ll E.-One day as
Ollce miss'd, it scarcely can be caught agais, din<try as it may seem, she gave him the names of Fairchild: patented 10th May, 1845.
2,300! This, in a population of 5,500, is what we challenged Mr. B., a married man with one child, To John D. Cornelius and James Mott, j r., of
Westbury, N. Y., for improvements in machinery
With a wet sail. Judge Parsons was jo�ging along on horseback over
should call a pretty extensive relationship. w h o rep li ed that the conditions were not equal, that
he must necessarily put more at risk with his life
a destitute road, he came upon a log hut, dirty,
And yet who wishes cautIOusly to l ive, smoky and wretched. He stopped to contemplate for knitting fishing-seines and other net-work: pa­
ADVICE TO ApPRENTICEs.-Having selected your than th e oth er; and he declined.-A year afterwards tented lOth May, 1845.
Fixing no hopes on phantoms which may fail, the too evident poverty of the scene. A p oor, half­
profession, resolve not to abandon it; bu t by a life of he received another challenge from Mr. A., who s tarved fellow, with uncOlnbed hair and unshaved To Samuel Rust of New York, for Improvement
Will not a chase to every object give stated that he too had now a wife and child, and
in du stry and enterprise, to adorn it. You will b e beard, thrust his head through a square hole, which ill lamp-wicks: patented lOth May, 1845.
With a wet sail. supposed therefore the objection of Mr. B. was no
much more likely to succeed in busines s y o u have served for a wind ow, with, "I say, Judge, I aint so To George W. Billings and John Harrison, of
longer valid. M r . B. replied that he had now two
long studied than that o f whi ch y ou kn ow but litt le. poor as you think me t o be, for I don't own this ere Glasgow, Mo., for improvement in rotting hemp:
The swiftest d o not always first arrive, c h i l ren, co ns eq u 8 n tly the in equ ali ty still subsisted.
2. Select the best company in your power to go patented 10th May, 1845.
In war the st ongest do not aye prevail;
out in; and let your conversation be on those things The next year 2.\fr. A. renewed his challenge, h aving
To James M. Wilder, of Peterborough, N. H.,
now two child ren also, but his adversary h ad three.
Tb JOIN GLASS TOG ET HER .-Melt a little ising­
Then keep the golden mean, nor ceaseless drive you wish to learn. Frequent conversation will elicit f or improvement in meat-cutters: patented 10th
With a w et sail. much instruction. This matter, when last h eard from, was still going 2.\fay, 1845.
3. Obtain a friend to select for you the best books on, the number being six to seven, and the challenge glass ill spirits of wine, adding thereto about a fifth· To John F . Winslow and Israel Blanchard, of
Think not to eager ness alone is given on morality, religion, and liberal arts, and particularly yearly renewed. part of water, and using a gentle heat; when per­ Troy, N. Y., for improvement in the machine for
fectly melted and mixed, it will form a transparent making hook or brad-headed spikes: patented 10th
The happy mind which llOthing can assail ; those which treat on your own profession. It ie not
He's on the wrong track who would enter heaven the reading of many books that makes a man wi se, BALLOONING ACROSS THE ATLANTlc.-the Lon­ glue which will unite glass so that the fracture will May, 1845.
but the reading of on l y those which can impart wis­ don correspondent of the Boston Traveller, says, be hardly perceIVed. '1'0 Henry N. Gros, of Palatine Bridge, N. Y.,
With a wet sail.
dom. Thoroughly understand what you read, take that in a conversation with Green, the re ronaut, a short •
for improvement in cooking-stoves: patented 13th
notes of all that is worth remembering, and frequently time since, he (Green) stated that if a suffi ci en t sum THE E MANC I PATE D SLAVEiI.--Judge Leigh, May,1845.
Quaint Poetry. review what you have written. was secured to him in England aRd America to re­
munerate him for making the rerial voyage, he would
John Randolph's Executor, is endea vorin g to find a To Ezekiel B. Foster, of Ph il adelphia, Penn.,
4. Select for your model the purest and greatest location for the slaves manumitted by the will of that for improvement in stencilling : patented 13th May,
characters; and always endeavor to imitate their go to Boston in the steamer, and, taking advantage eccentric man. A legacy of $25,000 is left to them. 1845.
To William C. Grimes, of B altimore, Md., for
( I t is am using to observe how obscure the sense, of the westerly winds, would return t o England in
virtues, and to emulate their grea tn es s. They do not wish to go to Liberia, and they cannot
even of poetry, may be rendered, without removing a 5. Serve God; attend his worship; and endeavor his balloon. The writer thinks it will be a ttempt ed. improvement in spark-arresters: patented 13th May,
remain in Virginia. Judge L. is seeking a p la ce in
word or letter from its place. The following vCl1Ies to set an example of piety, charity, ond sobriety to a f ree State, where they may be placed withont dan­ 1845.
are from au old paper, and purpor t to be an epitaph. all around you. SENSIBLE-A shrewd farmer in the Vermont ger of molestation f rom invidious laws or a still more To Nelson Goodyear, of Newtown, Conn., for
Hour juvenile readers should not succeed in render­
6. Love your country; treat with kindness your Legislature declined answering th e s peech o f It p
invidious ublic feeling. improvement in the manufacture of India-rubber
fellow ap prentices; let your aim be usefulness to me mber who was remarkable fol' nothing bllt his fabri cs: patented 13th May, 1845.
To Samuell Swett, jr., of New York, for im­
FIRST PRINTER IN A ME RIC A.-The first printer
ing it "plain English," we will assist them in our
mankind. frothy and pugnacious impudence and self conceit,
next.] I!Ii thus :-" Mr. Sp eaker, I can't reply to that ere provement in spark-arresters: patented 13th May,
in North America was Samuel Greene. The pres�
he used was procured by R ev. Joseph Glover, who
speech, for it always wrenches me terribly to kicl, 1845.
tain town in Connecticut, where the YOllth's Tem­ at no th ing." died in 1638, on his voyage to Mass achusetts. "The·
'ro Milton W. St. John, of Plainfield, N. Y., for
O-LD ear the N. Wa, R.E. perance Advocate had been taken in the Sunday improvement in machinery for turning wood: pa­
CAST IRON POSTS, BEAMS, OR SUPPOR T E RS for 1639-the next, an A lmanac for New England, tented 13th May, 1845.
Freeman's Oath" was the first thing printed, in
BENE School , its discontinuance was advocated on ac­
AT, HT HISST. O. l'iELIES' K,A, count of expense. A poor woman said it must not dwellings or warehouses, have been condenmed by a To Jane A. Davis, administratrix of Henry G.
made by one Pierce, a mariner-and the third, the
be given up; and should not be, if she paid the ten parliamentary commission in England. It is a com­ Davis, deceased, of CJ�l'k Co., Ala., for improve­
TH' Arin , eg, Rayc, hang'd F, New England Version of the Psalms, in 1640.
dollars herself, and, earned the money by washing; mon practice in many foundries, to remove castings Greene afterwards pri nted Elliot's Bible, and the ment in c otton-whippers and cleaners: patented
RO! mabuB-y L I, Feto Li felessc red-hot from the sand. In the Oldham mill, in sev­ 16th May, 1845.
for, said she, I had rather do that than have the lit- Laws of Massachusetts, P lymouth, and Connecti­
Lay BYJ1 aR-T: Hand, c lay s. H . tie paper discontinued, and my husband be what h e eral beams, large seams were discovered. The cut. To Eli H. Jaques, of Springfield, Vt., for im­
Ego T. her� Al'iD No WS he was before that little paper came into my fam ily. commissioners' report recommends wrought iron in provement in portable horse-powers , patented 16th

'St, lkii'd , !th Eis II the place of cast iron, for beams aud front posts, or May,1845.
POV}:R·ry.-It is no honor to be rich, and no dis­ To David B. W. Hard, of Bethlehem, Conn.,
Eliy G• .fri DISCHARGI NG A DEBT.-A debtor in jail, sent to supporters, as it can be relied upon, whereas cast g rac e to be poor; th erefore It is exceedingly foolish
iron cannot. for improvement in trusses: p atented 16th May,
slet Mead. his creditor to let him know that he had a proposal to strive after the appearance of wealth, if we are 1845.
POLJ'l'ENESS RE C I PROC ATED. - A criminal was poor, and to be ashamed of the poverty which cir­ '1'0 W. H. Taylo r, of Rochester, and A. P. Nor­
to make, which he believed would be for their mu­
in the county j ail <tv/aiting his trial for murder, with cumstances h ave brought upon us. Thill f olly is a
tual benefit. The creditor called on hi m to he ar
6\lltb, Al')El'o, U. R. G. RIE, ton, of Waterville, N. Y., for improv emen t in the
it. "I have been th inkin g," said the former, "that sour ce of continual misery, and is seldom prod uctive
a reasouable prospect of conviction. The candidate parallel bench-vise: patented 16th May, 1845.
F Andd Ryy ou Rey EsF, or it is a very bad thing for me to be here, and to put
f o r she rifality called one day 10 see him, when the of any good. To Th eodore Ely, of New York, tor impnwe­
Wha 1 Tn Vail-- sa, you to the expense of one dollar and twenty-five
cents per week. My being so chargeable to you l"risoner, wishing to compliment his visitor, said to ment in machinery for burring wool and cleaning
Flo O? Doft EarS
him; " If I should be condemned to be h ange d, I HOOSIER W EDDlNG.-" \Vhat is your namA, sir 1" cotton: patented 16th May, 1845.
WhokNow S. BU, Tin ar Un 0: fye has given me great uneasiness-tor heaven knows
know of no one by whom I would rather be hung "Matty." "What is your name, miss 1" .. P ol ly." To John J. Springsteen, of Owego, �. Y., for
what it may cost you in the end : therefore, what I
Arsi n, s 0 metal! PiT than by you." The visitor, with onA of his bland­ "Matty, do you love Polly?" "No m istake . " improvement in water-wheAls: patented 16th May,
would propose is this-you shall let me out of jail,
Chero RB. ro A, D Pansheinh ER sh, 0 est smiles replied :-" And should I be elected sher­ " P ol ly, do you l o v e Matty 1" " W ell, I reckon." 1845.
and allow me one dollar a week, and let the twen ty­
live cent s go toward discharging the debt."
Pma yb eag--a I N 1 iff', I know of no one I would rather hang than you." '! Well , then, I pronounce you man and wife." [ To be continued.]


The EHect8 of tile IDtroductioD 01 .!lIe­ The Art 01 PalDtiaI. DI1I8traUoDl 01 £hclDistry.

(Continued from No. 6.)

chauieal ImprovemeDt8.
(Continued from No. 6.)
it is not uncommon to hear people speak agaiust CARRIAGE P AINT I N G .-ln this, as in other paint­ THE GAsEs.-Hydrogen, which is one of the
new inventions in general terms, thus advocating the ing on wood, the paint is mixed with oil without components of water, is never found in a pure state,
p\llicy of restricting the community to the present spirits, with litharge for a drier ; but for the suc­ except in the gaseous form ; yet it is often found
facilitie& and conveniences, or rather of retrograding ceeding coats, the paint is ground in boiled oil and dry and solid i n combination with lime, soda, and
to a state of barbarism, as many nations have done japlln, in the proportion of three to one, and dilutedvarious other articles. Hydrogen gas is the lightest Two white men-or nearly sOt-were lately ar­
before. We are not disposed to express our opin­ with spirits of turpentine, so as to flow freely anti substance known, its specific gravity being but one­ rested on board OBe of the Mississippi steamboats,
N EW-YOR� TH U R SDA� OOT. & ions of the intellectual condition of those who uni­
...,--- --- ..... -" ---' - - lay smooth, without showing any imprints of the fifth of an onnce per cubic foot, or one-sixth of that and imprisoned on suspicion of having African blood
------- --. ..----- --
brush. In painting waggons or sleighs, the work of atmospheric air: hence it is used in the intlation in them. They had $1,000 in cash with them, which
SEClJlUi: THE F IRST NUIiBEIlS.-We have a few formly discourage and oppo!e the advance of im­
must be thoroughly smoothed with glass-paper, af of balloons. In conjunction with oxygen, it is very may account for this arrest.
1l0pies of our first number remaining, and those who provements, either moral or scientific. Some con­ . _ . - --- -- -- -'.--'- -.�- -

intend to become subscribers will do well to secure tend openly that the introduction of labour-saving inflammable, and is the principal ingredient em­
ter the first coat is dry. 'fhree, or at most four coats The editor of the Christian Republican informs
them while they may. 'l'here will soon be a press­ improvements in mach illery, is a disadvantage to the ployed in supplying the ordinary gas-lighta : that
of the required color ii sufficient : or if the intend­ his readers that he had been to musuT, but had not
ing demand for them, when too late. We are au­ community at large, inasmuch as it diminishes the ed color is expensive, the two first coats may be of being carbonated hydrogen. Hydrogen gas is reudi­ got sufficiently over it to speak of it. It is evident
thorized to offer fifty cents fIX' the first number of demand fIX' labour, and consequently deprives many some cheap, but similar color. If the paint is fine, Iy produced in abundance by the decomposition of he had not been recruit-ed.
the New York. Meo_nic. labourers of employment ; but we shall endeavour and well laid on, it will require no IImoothing, but water, which is done bv various modes of process.
Nitrogen is /bund pure, only in the gaseous state, A young lady being severely censured by her mo­
"to show the fallacy of this position in a manner too may be finished with one or two coats of copal var­
To CoaaEIPOl'DE N-;:'::The communication of
nish. If the work is such as to require striping or but it forms the basis of the nitric acid, which is a ther because sbe had permitted a young man to give
M. W. H. " in type, but unavoidably deferred ;­
plain to be misunderstood. We would first remarlt,
her a kiss, replied, .. La, mother, if you will say no
however, that if this point is coneeded, it will go di­ ornamenting, this is dOD& prior to varnishing. The combination of nitrogen and oxygen : it abounds
we solicit m. patience. Our friend S. D. T is re­ more about it, I will give it back to him to-morow."
rectly to prove and establish the propriety of aban­ colors for striping are prepared in a similar manner ;also in nitre, (salt petre) which is a aitrate of pot­
minded that we haTe other people to please, besides ash. It is capable of a great variety of'combina­ The London Times says that some of the poorof
doning, at least gradually, the various labour-saving bnt colors for ornamenting may contain a larger pro­
him. The intelligence required by S. P. F., con­ portion of j apan, but less of spirits. F lat camel­ tions, which will be noticed under the head of the Andover Union, who were employed in crush"
mechanical inventions which are now in use.
Suppose, for instance, that we decried the printing
cerning Yalves, &e., will soon be furnished, with an " acids." It may be obtained by decomposing at­ ing bones, are in the habit of gnawing them, like
hair brushes are sometimes used in laying on the
pres! and apparatus, (suppressing of course, at the
illustration. The intelligence required by E. G. C. last coat of paint, as they leave the paint more mospheric ail', of which it is a principal constitu­ dogs, to appease their hunger.
is difficult to obtain. Others will receive due atten­ ent : or by 11eating any substance containing it.
iame time, the importation of foreign prints) what smooth. Long camel,hair pencils are used for stri­ Some of the southern papers are strongly adyo­
tion. Carbonic acid gas, is a combination of oxygen
an immense demand would immediately be produced ping, and the artist guides his hand and pencil by eating and encouraging manufactories in the south,
EL ECT RI C ITY , AND MORSE'S TELEGRAPB. -We for scribes and copyists ; or if we discard carriage means of guaging with his fingers : that i!, be pla­ and carbon, (carbon being found pure only in the
and report many movements on that subject. We
have now in course of preparation, several en­ wheels, how many thousands of porters would be ces some one of his fingers in s�ch a position, that diamond,) and is the heaviest gas known, and con­
wish them success.
gravings for the illustration of Galvanism, Magnet­ requi,red for the conveyance of merchandize. This it may bear on the edge of the pannels or frame stitutes the grateful sparkling sharpness of .. soda
water!," and. all fermented liquors. Its gaseous .. Recollect that every Tote given for Ichabod
ism, E lectro-magnetism, and Magneto-electricity ; 'course would not only give employment to mauy work, sliding along as the hand moves with the pen­
state depends on the presence of heat, and when Goodwin is in favour of the importation of foreign­
also a full reprelentation of the machinery of the more people than are now required, but the price of cil. In striping wheels, the finger is made to slide
on the edge of the spokes, or of the rim, as the ease heat is wholly extracted from it, it is condensed and ers as labourers."-Manche&ter Dem. Yes, yes,
Electro-magnetic Telegraph. this kind Qf labour, would be greatly enhanced.
may require. The only requisite rules to be ob­ precipitated in the form of snow. This gas is read­ we'll recollect it.
--__ MN
e·�e' ��
'� __
w__ Horses, also, and other beasts of burden would be in -------
Flnt J»IIIpclpleti ol .!lIechanic�. great demand, and command vastly higher prices served in varnishing, are to spread the varnish uni­ ily procured by heating any substance containing it, The lead region in Missouri is said to extend
than at present ; moreover, provisions would become formly, laying on as full and tlowing a quantity as or by the decomposition thereof. about 70 miles in len�th and 50 in width, and con­
so exceedingly cheap in the country, that a labourer will remain on a vertical surface without running, The nitrous oxyde, or exhiliarating gas, is a com­ tains lead enough, if converted to white lead,"to
or carrier might probably obtain five times as much bination of nitrogen and oxygen, and is produced by
and finish by brnshing it in the direction of the grain paint the world.
for a day's work, as he can under our present system of the wood. In painting coach bodies, where a � aitrate of ammonia to a red heat. This
gas, when respired, produces pleasurable sensations, The telegraphic communication between New
of facilities. But the effect that the measure would polished surface is required, six, eight, or ten coats
but is injurious. York and St. Louis, is expected ·to· be carried via
of paint are applied. The paint forthe second,
have on the interest of the farmers and the merchants,
is another consideration. We might enlarge on third, fourth and fifth coats, may consist principally There are many other compound gases, but which �
New Orleans i making the distanc� f nearly 3,000
of white lead, with a small quantity of black or are not or sufficient importance to be described in miles.
this part of our subject b y supposing the plough
also, and the loom, and even the axe and other tools other color, and a little litharge for drying ; thesethis place. The new Custom House in Boston is rapidly ap­
THE INCLINED PLAl'fE, may be Sllpposed to consist
to he discardei ; but we tlIink it needless, presum- are mixed with 1I0iled oil, to the consistancy of soft EXPEalIiENTS.-To a mixture of two parts wa­ proaching completion. The heavy columns are of
mortar, and then diluted with spirits sufficient for ter with one of auJphuric acid, in a phial or flask, polished granite, and the whole fabric is constructed
simply of a plank A, B, one end of which is eleva­ ing that no one will be disposed seriously to advocate
the convenience ofgrinding them ; and when ground add an equal weight of the filings of zinc or iron. in excellent style.
ted a little higher than the other. If the perpen­ the policy of such a course. But as our facilities
Hydrogen gas wil be rapidly e.olved, and may ba ,
the compound is again diluted with spirits, till it will -------
dicular elevation of B is equal to one-tenth of the are considered to be now in a state bordering on per­ The cultivation of cotton by free labour is about
work freely with a brush. These several coats be­ receiyed and retained in a bladder tied over the
length of the plank, then a force equal to one-tenth fection, why should we be constantly striving to im­ to be commenced in Tennessee, bY :l com llany of
of the weight of the ball C, or a tritle more than prove them 1 especially, considering that many me­
ing successively allowed to dry, the surface is level­ neck of the flask.
Attach the stem of a tobacco pipe, to a bladder nearly a thousand Germans. So says the " West­
that, will be sufficient to propel the ball C towards chanics and labourers often find it difficult to obtain led and smoothed by a piece of pumice stone, being
containing hydrogen gas, and dip the bowl of the ern Citizen."
B. It will require as much power, to roU this ball employment. To this we answer, that the general made level on the work side ; and the work is kept
wet with water during the process. Then several pipe in some strong soap suds-thcn raise it above The Roman Catholic popUlation in the Unitcd
a distance of ten inches towards B, as to raise it effect of the introduction of mechanical improve­
more coats are applied, each in succession being the surface, and pass a stream of gas through the States, is estimated at 1,500 ,000. They have 675
one inch perpendicularly ; but the force required to ments, is diametrically opposite to that which this
smoothed with pumice-stone, finely ground, mixed pipe, which may be shaken off, and being lighter churches, and 592 other stations, with 76 literary
raise the ball perpendicularly, is ten times as great question supposes ; and in support of this position
as that required to move the ball towards B. If the we shall offer a few incontrovertible illustrations, with water and applied with a piece of cotton or than air, it will rise like a balloon, and if not impe­ institutions.
linen cloth, Mter this fitting up, the work may re­ ded, will ascend out of si&ht.
length of tbe plank be ten feet. the elevation of B, commencing with what is termed cotton maCHinery. There are now four female boarding schools, be­
one foot, and the weight of the ball 20 Ibs,-then The Gin fIX' loosening the cotton and separating ceive two coats of the required color, prepared the Form a bubble in this way with a mixture of hy­
sides several common scheols, ameng the Choctaw
same as for waggons, and the last coat is smoothed drogen and oxygen gases i-when the bubble is de­
the force required to move the ball towards B is a the seeds therefrom, will, with the attendance of one Indians. About 600 pupils are instructed •

with fine pumice. The work is then varnished, and tBched,

. apply the flame of a candle thereto, and the
trifle more than two Ibs. If the elevation of B was man, accomplish as much work as ten men cou),)
the last is polished with rotten stone and sweet oil.bubble will explode with a sharp report, and as loud It is anticipated that when the Hudson River rail­
six inches, the force requil'ed to move the ball to­ without it. Then the picker, the spinner and the
The ornamenting, if any, is done after the first coat as that of a pistol. By this combustion, real water road is completed, a trip from this city to Montreal
wards B would be a little more than one lb. And in loom, together with the various machinery for calico
of varnish is put on, but prior to the second. is produced. may be made in fifteen hours.
all similar applications, the requisite force bears the printing, which, all together will accomplish more
same proportion to the weight, that the perpendic­ than one hundred times as much work as could be [To be continued.] Put a little metallic potassium into a bladder in
A Texas gentleman, now in Eurgpe, writes that
-#'##fi�8�-- which is ;1 small quantity of atmospheric air ; the
ular elevation does to the length of the inclined done by an equal number of hands without them. acolony of 15,000 Swiss are preparing to leave their
potassium will absorb the oxygen of the air, leaving
plane. In this instance, the bull itself becomes a Yet, in consequence of the introduction of these A Geometrical £uriosity.
country aDd settle in Texas this fall.
tbe nitrogen gu nearly pure.
lever, the inclined plane being the fulcrum ; particu­ improvements, there are ten times as many people
Into a little diluted muriatic acid in a flask, drop The Oregon settlers raised upwards of 100,000
larly that part of it witb which the hall comes in employed in the raising of cotton, and in the manu­
.ome pulyerized carbonate of lime (marble,) or su­ bushels of wheat last year. A grist mill, with three
contact. For if a line i. drawn from the entre to facture of cotton fabrics, as would have been with­
the bottom of die "I, and thence horizontally to out them. We will next consider the manufacture
per carbonate of potash, (saleratus) ; carbonic acid run of stones, was put in operation.
gas will be rapidly liberated, producing a violent eb­
the point of contact, It wiu be seen that the hori­ of clocks-un article which had been manufactured New York has been excessively thronged with
ulition, and may be received in a bladder as above
zonta! line bears the same proportion to the vertical, for centuries before Mr. Terry introduced improved strangers for several days past, insomuch that it has
chat the eleMon of B does to the length of the mechanical facilities for this purpose. This was been found difficult to procure lodgings at the Hotels.
Pour very gently, and where there is no current
plank. Now imagine this angular line to be a lever i about twenty years ago, And as a direct conse­ An exchaDge paper speaks of a Dutchman by the
of air stirring, a quantity of carbonic acid gas into
the point of contact is tile fulcrum, the angle sus­ quence, the price of brass clocks has been reduced name of Inkcrvankondsdoaskunckinkadrachdernay.
a Yes.el that is open at the top. Although this gas
taiDi tbe weight, and the force is applied at the top from $60 to $63 : and there are at the present time, He could never obtain an introduction to the ladies.
of UJe leYer, which is the centre of the ball : there­ at least five times as many persons employed in the
i. totally invisible, a down feather, or a light paper
fore, if � � ant , . 20 to 1, then the manufacture of clocks, as would have been if these
boat, mny be made to tloat on its surface as on the One of our missionaries at Siam, states that one
weight of the little ball D, need be butone'twentieth facilities had not been introduced. The reason is
IUrfllce of a liquid. This experiment, if well ma­ of the princes of Siam has a son named George
of that 0( C, to NltAm It ; and a trifle more than obvious : the price being greatly reduced, many
naKed, iB exceedingly interesting. Washington. Ratheran odd name in that country.
Place a lighted lamp or candle within a v8l8el of
that, will draw C up to B. A wedge acts OD the thousands of people have bought them, who would An exchange says that in 1609 the population of
priaci....... tIaI __114 plane ; for if A, B and D not have thought of paying the former prices. We A Pyramid may be built in the proportio. and carbonic acid gas, and it will be extinguished as in­
position represenfed in th;' cut,�01lttructed or it. .. u if plu. in water.
New York was only 4,300. Fifty years earlier it
be a w� II8d II moved to the laft. while the ball will notice one more instance-that of the improved
stones placed one on another, looIe and tIMOIIfillld,
was probably less t.h an that number.
C it bMd ltatioDUy, the reailtance of gravity will be facilities for building. We now have saw-mills­
(To be cootinued.)

#.�. �##
Cassius M. Clay, whose printing establishment
-and the fabric will sustain itself and 1tIIId ; ap­
the .ame • ia the .onner ClUe ; and the principle of brick machines, and a great variety of carpenters'
RoAD ACCIDENT.-The cars from Phila­ was broken up by a mob at Lexington, has resumed
the le"r is equally coDipicuoUi iD the action of the tools ; besides wheel carriages, on which to haul the pearances to the contrary notwitmtaDdiag. ThiI
will appear very incredible to many, but the pbeno­
delphia, on the Amboy rail road, were thrown from
wed. ai ill &be iIlcliaecl plane, 31 before illustrated. materials together. Will any one contend that a the printing of the .. True American " at Cincinnati.
In either CUlt the J4W� II ascertained by compa­ greater number of people would have been employed
the track, one day last week, by running over' a cow'
menon may be accounted for, and esplaiult . fol­ The number of letters mailed in Providence, R
rin, the IeDgtb with the inclination ; and the same in the building business, without these facilities

... ODe of the pusengers was killed instantly, and
lows : I., since the reduction of postage, has been double
two· others were severely injured. It se ems to us a
rule will also apply to the lCTeto, which is merely a than we now have employed 2 We think lIot : the Suppose a line drawn upward, perpendiculal'ly, what it was the corresponding month last year.
II*al incliaed plaae. The power, or rather the le­ point is conceded.
wonder that similar accidents do not more frequent­
from the right of the base or feundation .tone ; it
ly occur, considering the extreme negligence in­ It is stated, in the Southern Planter, that success­
nrage of a screw is found by comparing the length Much opposition has been manifested, in various will be readily seen that there is more weight ·of
of the body of the .crew, with the length of one of parts of this country, to the introduction and con­
dulged on the New Jersey roads. We have wit­ ful experiments have been made in the cultivation of
stone on the left of the vertical line than on lbe
ill threa.. meuured -..oy. We would remark struction of railroads, on the plea that it would re­ right ; because the basement stones being square, nested many instances of the trains being seriously the Chinese tea plant. Look out for Virginia tea.
in this place, that in the UJe of the common screw, duce the demand for horse labour, and injure the
retarded by herds of cattle on the roads, by night as
are larger in both directions than those above. Yet, The Razor Strop man is discoursing poetically,
tb8ftI . .. illllDe.... 10M 0( power by friction ; and businesll of the waggoners. But results have proved,
well u by day. We, wtth many others, were much
it may be inquired, if the stones be loose and un­ pathetically, facetiously, parabolically, and particu­
for thit reuoa, Its use aI a multiplier of force by at least in most cases, that where railroads have confined, why does not the pyramid break off at amused lately by II ludricrous .occunoence on the cularly razor-stropically at Bangor.
JeYerage is likely to be dilcontinued. Yet some been constructed, a variety of new and profitable
Trenton road. We heard the shrill steam-whistle
some distance from the ground 1 The BDlwer i.,
and the ringing of the bell, while the speed of the The people of Alabama have decided in favor of
woul4 argue m fayor of the .crew, on the ground avenues of transportation, or carrying business, have that the same nde holds good with regard to any
having the Legislature assemble only once in two
that it will by means of mction, retain its position been opened, which were not before available. And section of the fabric :-A perpendicular line drawn train was suddenly checked by the brake. The
train continued at a speed of about ten miles per years. They will have laws enough at that.
notwithltanding any amount of relilting force. This thus wilt ever be the ca!e, that the invention and in­ from the right of any one stone, will show a prepon­
it indeed cOGveaient, as would also be a sled or troduction of labour-saving improvements, instead of derance of stone on the left. The experiment is hour, however, and the clamor continued so long " No gentleman admitted without pantaloons on,"
that many of the passengers looked forward to see
drag in preference to a cart, for haulin� a heavyload reducing the demand for labour, will, by opening very easy of proof by a set of square pieces of thin was a notice posted up among the rules of a select
what was the impediment, and behold BOrne eight or
up. a hin :-it would lave the teamster the trouble of Dew avenues of trade snd new inducements of en­ boards. A set of such blocks might prove 3n inter­ ball, which was held in Mexico in June last.
triggiftg: 1M 1JJIwh when the team stops to take terprise, tend to increase the demand for, and en­
ten cows and young cattle were merrily galoping
esting constituent of a cheap philosophical appara­
ahead of the engine, directly on the track, without New corn was selling at ten cents per bushel,
breath ; this convenience, however, would hardly hance the value of the labouring classes. Let then tus for common schools.
--__ _____
evincing the least disposition to tum to the l ight wheat thirty-five cents, and flour at one cent per
compeoaate f� the loeI of power. The Toggle is the sentiment be forever discarded, which would � yN�
#.�8� H �

HUDSON R IVER RAILIlOAD.-The proepects in or left. As the engine pressed upon their heels, pound, in Indiana, two or three weeks since.
aDOther arrangement for procuring an immense Ie­ hinder the invention and introduction of labor-saving
this enterprise brighten daily. We learn that the they only ran the faster, but rigbt ahead. At length
,erage. It consi.ts of two bars, connected together improyements. The pine forests of Nerth Carolina yielded last
towns and cities on the margin of the river will cede one of the firemen jumped upon the road, and by
by a rivet or hinge joint thus : year 200,000 barrels of spi rits of turpentine, besides
A MOR MON BATTLE.-As was to be :expected,
-- MN �

'· #,e�e� �N__
� _
the right of way through their respective bounda­ great effort succeeded in starting them from the
C 75,00� barrels of the raw m aterial, shipped.
the persecuted Mormon have resisted the lawless ries, and that the Common Council of this citywill middle of the track, and the train passed ahead.
mobs who were employed in wantonly destroying cede the pri.i1ege of one of the principal streets, and The late President Harrison being advised to
their property by fire. A considerable battle has a right 0 f way through the entire extent of this COST OF RA'LROADs.-The Boston and Worces­ keep a dog to protect his garden, replied, " Rather
oecurred near Carthage, in which eighteen of the island. The river route is the best yet proposed,. ter Railroad cost 62,51H dollars per mile : the Wes­ let our Sunday school feachers take care of the boys."
A great ferce is produced by moving these bars assailants were killed, and many more taken prison­ aadlwe can not doubt that the project will succeed. tern, from Worcester to Albany cost $49,270 per A working cooper in Norwich, Eng., keeps no
from an angular position, into a direct line. Let ers by the Mormonll'. The Governor, who has hi­ It is stated in the Sun, that a mercantile house in mtle : the Eastern, from Boeton to Portsmouth less than 10,000 operatives a t the b�iness of epin-
theae bUi be �ach, two feet long, with tbe extreme therto done little or nothing to protect the Mor­ this city, offers to take one-third of the stock of the $45,160 : Boston and Maine railroad, through Hav­ ning silk ! The operati,... -fI)I1Nn8.
end. plaeed against the hubbs A. and B, while the mons, now calls on the militia to quell the disturb­ Hudson Railroad, and that another capitalist erhill, '26,51 1 . Lowell and Nashua, $26,000 :
jeint C is elented one inch i-five Ibs. of preasurc ance. We should think it was high time. has offered to furnish the means to construct .tbe B oston and Fitchburg, $23,000 : Nashua to Con­ Messrs. Asten & Co Baven, hne a
on C will exert a force or pressure on the hubbs, of s road to Piermont-about 25 miles. A second 8ur­ cord, N. H., $20,000. The road last named pays contract with the G0gernment 000 pistols at

DO leM than 120 lb••, and thill force "ill be iDcreued A SU'fGUUR CI�UMSTAN(:E.-The river Opoo­ vey of theentire route is in progressj aDd the pros­ 1 2 per cent on the cost. but the Btock does not com­
86,50 each :-amounting to ,
to � u the bars approach a direct line at D. pie, Alabama, during the late dry season, became pect is, thatthis road will be put forward with energy. mand 110 high a price as that of tbe Worcester road The passengers by the Long IliTand route, came
In this 1)888, the hubb which stands the most firm entirely dry, with the exception of one deep hole in --- which pays only 7 1-2 per cent. through from Boston, on Saturday, in eight hOUri
of the two. must be considered as the fulcrum ; and its bed. A few days ago a man who resides in the GUNPowDER.-The Peconia from New York •
and a half, running time.
thiI is another illltance, in which the preasure sus­ vicinity, visited the place, and found teVen hogs, a went into Key West a few days aKO, minus a cargo A NICE CALCULATION .-If a man begins to save
taiaed by the fulcrum, is equal to that exerted by steer, a large buck, and a rattlesnake, all lying dead of gunpOWder which she threw overboard in a ten cents a day, when he is twenty-one years old, Miss Mary Fleming, of Wayne Co., Ohio, re­
the lever on another object. near tbe margin of the pool. The cause of the storm of thunder and lightning, for fear of being and continues to do so until he is Beventy, he will cently recovered $2,250, in a suit of breach of pro­
(To be cOntinued.) death of these animals still remains a mystery. struck. then be worth $ 1 0,926.37. mise. The verdict was applauded by the audien ce.


[From a gentleman in the Patent Office.]
New Inventioos. CUrious Arts. COBlmnnication.

� Du&- Sa:-It 1l� daft *' WOTld Is try­

IMPRO'YED Spnuu�e FRAKE.-A Mr. BaxteI: of
The glass mult first b e washed perteetly clean _
Paterson, N.J., hasjust brought into successful ope­ ing to head itself. A few yeas ago steamboats,. rail­
dried ; then moisten it by breathing on it, or wet it
ration a new Spinning Frame,which is highly spoken ....ds, and other modes of conveyance were not
with the tongue, and immediately Jay OIl a leaf of
of as being far ahead of anything of the kind in thought of, to hurry us through this place of short
gold, and brush it down smooth. When this Is dry, "
use. It admits the most direct application of pow­ duration : but now we can talk from city to city.
draw any letters or flower!! on the gold with B runs­
er to the bobbin, by means of a leather belt running Prof. Morse was not satisfied by the rapidity of the THE EXCELLENCE OF S.UVATIO l'.-Did those
wic blacking, (a solution of gum asphaltum in spirits
the whole length of both sides of the frame, in con­ mails by land and water, as they are conveyed by who profess to believe the sacred Scriptures, duly
of turpentine) and when dry, the superfluous gold
tact with the tubes upon which the bobbins revolve. steamj-so with lightning speed he, by wire, con­ appreciate the Cl[oellence of the salvation therein
may be brushed off with cotton, leaving the figures
It is now in operation at the Beaver mill, in Pater­ veys news from place to place. Only put up the promised to the faithful and obedient, they would be·
entire.-Afterward the whole may be covered with
son, N. J. wires, and he will send your intelligence, news, more joyful in hope, and more zealous in the chris­
::;; blacking, or painted in any color, while the gold
&C. &c. The manufacturer is still looking forward tian cause, and anxious to secure the love of God
A CURIOUS BRACELET.-Mr. Thomas E. B anks, figures will appear to advantage on the opposite side
Tile Printer. to see the day when he can get along a little faster : and his approbation in all things and at all times,
Jeweller, has a bracelet of elegant workmanship, of the glass. This work may be elegantly shaded
however, several new :tnd very useful improvements than they in general are. It is difficult for a speak­
He stood there alone at that shadowy hl!lur by scratching through the gold with a steel instru­
with a beautiful miniature painting in the centre, have been introduced lately, and some have been
By the swinging lamp dimly li.rning ; er or writer to induce, in the minds of men, a deep
and so constructed that by touching a spring the ment, (in the end of which many sharp points are
All silent within, save thl! ticking type, the subject of patent. The manufacture of India and Iiveiy apprehension of this superlative excel­
centre-piece opens, and displays a complete and ele­ form�d) previous to laying on tbe blacking. Oil
All without , save the night watching turning j rubber cloth, wool and cotton cloths, and other fa­ lence i-indeed, it is admitted by many to be impos­
gant watch about one inch in diameter,and II. perfect paints of any kind may be substituted in the place of
And heavily echoed the solemn sound, brics, is still improving. Looms fer weaving and sible : but we shall endeavor to present some illus­
time-keeper. We have not learned th e price of the blacking, but will not dry so quick.
As slowly he paced o'er the frozen ground. knitting are .f deep study to the machinist. Of the tration of this subject, by means of figures and sup­
this jewel, but whatever it may be, we think this latter it is only a few years since tbeir introduction
To TRANSFER A PRINT TO THE SURF ACE OF positions. Let the reader recollect some instance of
And dark were the mansions so lately that shone, mechanism preferable to an expensive display of use­ to operate by power, so as to work and prove suc­ enjoyment, under the influence of scenery, music,
With the joy of festivity glea ming. OR OI L PAINTING.-The surface to whicb the prin t
less diamonds. cessful ; and even now there are many minds at
And hearts that were beating in sympathy then, i s t obe transferred,must be covered with copal varnish; and the company of beloved friends-and decide in
work to improve the power knitting-loom, so as to his mind how much he would give, or how far he
Wer� now living it o'er in their dreaming ; SELF-ACTING PUMP.-A model has been left at afterward receive a thin coat of a mixture of copal
Yet the Printer was tltere in his shadowy room, knit an entire circle without seam, or even the use would walk to obtain a repetition of the same enjoy­
this !!ffice of an ingeniously contrived pump, which varnish and old linseed oil ; or of an article sold by the
And he set in his that rich man's doom! is calculated to raise water from the holds of ves­ druggists under the name of transfer varnish, and
of an attendant. One thing in the manufacture of ment-admitting it to be harmless and innocent.
Tuscan braid is highly worthy of attention. An SlIppose there were to be an improvement in all the
sels without anY' application of power whatever. which consists of a mixture ofcopal varnish and l ir­
The young wife was sleeping, whom lately had bound invention of Mr. F itzgerald, of New York city,
balsam. When this is pattly dry, but yet remains most pleasant circumstances : for instance a plea­
The ties that death only can sever ; This is no humbug, and we shall give a full de­
which, for ingenuity and beauty of mechanical sllnt season, with excellent music, singing, and, if
And dreaming she start ed, yet woke with a smile, scription of the invention, with an engraving, in a sticky or adhesive, the print is first dipped in water,
arrangement, is worthy of the highest commenda­ you please, dancing; and the company and friendship
For she thou�ht they were parted for ever I few days-perhaps in our next number. and then allowed to remain a few minutes in the
tion. The pieces of Tuscan straw being deposited of all whom you most love. You will admit a wil­
But the Printer was clicking the typ es that would s open air, to allow part of tho moisture to evaporate.
HORSE-SIIOE NAIL MACHINE.-A machine haA in a box for the purpose of receiving them, the lingness to pay the price of several hard days' work,
tell, It is then spread smoothly on the varnished surface,
been patented in England, for manufacturing hors¢­ whole operation of taking each separate piece, in­ rather than forego the pleasure of making one of
On the morrow the truth of that midnight spell ! with the smooth side down, and gently pressed down
shoe nails. The iron is first rolled into plates, cor­ troducing, bending it over, trimming off the ends or the party. The anticipation would occupy your
And thereJay the statesman, whose feverish brow
on the varnish with cotton, or other soft substance
responding in width and thickness, to the intended surplus, and transferring and re-transferred the pin­ thoughts for several days beforehand. and you
When the varnish has become nearly dry, the
And restless, the p illow was pressing, length and thickness of the nail. The rollers are cers or nippers by which the pieces of straw are would dread any occurrence that might disappoint
print may be pressed down a little harder ; and when
For he felt, through the shadowy mists of his dream, firmly held, is performed, and the completed braid you. But suppose, further, that the party and fes­
moreover closely indented,-the indentation ('orres­ the varnish has become thoroughly dry, the paper
His loftiest hopes now possessing ;
ponding with the proper shape of the nail,-so that is delivered without the hand of an attendant. All tivities were appointed by the most noble and hunor­
is wet with a sponge, and rubbed carefully with the
Yet the Printer worked on, mid silence and gloom,
the plates have the appearance of a series of nails is done in perfect regularity and with great credit to able personages on earth, and that you were special­
And dug for Ambition its lowliest tomb. fingers till the paper peals off in small rolls, leaving
in relief, connected by a thin leaf of iron, from the inventor. ly invited as an extraordinary token of regard ; and
all the lines and shades of the print adhering to the
Immense capital has been and is being invested in that you were insured to enjoy perfect health and
And slowly that workman went gat hering up which the nails are cleared by a suit of dies, and the varnish.-The process of transferring prints to glass
His budget of grief and of gladness; nails are ready for use. the manufacture of iron. The principal study is beauty ; and the love and respect of the most honor­
is the same, with the exception of the primary
A wreath for the noble, a grave for the low' ----�.�N#�#.�8����N··�--- the best way and manner to obtain the greatest quan­ able and lovely persous alive, in addition to the com­
For the happ y a full cup of sadness; NATURAL PHILOSOPHY.-A cotemporary, speak­ tity of metal with the leait fuel, as well as to have pany of your dearest friends j and that in the most
Strange stories of wonder to enchant the ear, ing of the fact that small needles, when dry, will Channels of Fluids. metal pure from all foreign substances. Professor splendid palaces, with gayelit scenery and finest
And dark ones of terror, to curdle with fear. float on the surface of water, gives as II reason for it, All substance, whether solid, liquid, or gaseous, Walter C. Johnson has made some very satisfactory weather : and that this entertainment was to COD­
that the cohesive attraction of the particles of water are more or less ponderous ; and whatever has weight experiments on coals, and reported the same to the tinue not merely a few hours but a whole week,-a
Full strange are the tales which that dark hour �hall
to each other is so strong that the weight of the nee­ has also inertia. Inertia alone prevents infinite ve­ U. S. House .of Representatives. The whole is month,-a year-forever ! with a full supply of all
dle is not sufficient to separate them. We cannot locity in the escape of a gaseous fluid, through an replete with intelligence, and is of value to the en­ thingil excellent ; a concentration of all things beau­
To palace and cot on the morrow j
see the propriety of this reasoning, nor understand open aperture and from under any degree of pres­ gineer. The great perfectiOn of steam cngines at tiflll ; the most exquisite and thrilling music, with
Oh welcome, thrice welcome, to many a heart !
why the particles of water are separated by the sure. As much power or force is required to give the present day is still unQer study with the engi­ joyful exhiliaration, perfect confidence, liberty, and
To many-a bearer of sorrow ;
It shall go like the wild and wandering air. immersion of the needle when in a dry state motion to a pound of gaseous fluid, as would pro­ neer, to simplify the macHinery, and so construct evpr-varying recreation. Yet all this bears no com­
For life and its changes are impressed there. any more than when it has become wet by beIng duce an equal motion in a pound of iron or other the boiler or boilers as to use less fuel ; also to gen­ parison with the happiness of those whose souJs,
once immersed. The reason appears to be this, heavy article. Friction in a gaseous fluid, or be­ erate steam, and the consuming of smoke and sparks. partaking of the DIVINE NATURE, are expanded and
Be KiDd. rather : that when the needle is dry, there is a repul­ tween it and a smooth metallic surface, is hardly There is great strife to obtain the best propeller filled with a glorious apprehension of God, and of
Be kind to thy father-for when thou wert young, known to exist. Gas, steam, or atmospheric air, . (or vessels, boats, &c. Many have been patented,
sive property between the water and the dry metalic eternity, and made capable of more joy in one hour,
Who Joved thee so fundly as he 1
surface, sufficient to sustain the weight. of the nee­ will escape with about the same velocity through and are of great power ; but none appear to work than could be experienced by a mere mortal in a
He caught the Drst accents that fell from t hy tongue,
dle without its co�ng into actual contact with the the long pipe A, (in the sketth below,) as through well on canals. In my opinion, they will not do thousand years of the highest felicity this world
And joined in thine innocent glee .
water. But when the surfaco has once become wet, the short pipe B. But if the said fluid is conduct­ for canals at all. Boats on canalswiII nQtbe able to could furnish. Such is the Christian Salvation.
Be kind to thy father, for now he is old,
by having the water pressed against it, the repulsive ed to the Chamber C, it loses its momentum, and carry their own propelling power, unless the canal
His locks intermingled with grey,
property no longer exists, and the needle will readily requires a renewal of force to drive it thence be very deep and wide ; otherwise thllre is a great Scripture Extracts.
His footste p s are fe eble, once fearless and bold j
sink. A drop of water may be earefully placed on through another pipe. Thus, if a pressure of l Ib. current of water running in one direction, while I
Thy father is passi ng away.
a plain surface of dry polished metal, and will retain
[We have seen a man walk out of c:hurcb, be-
per square inch is sufficient to drive 100 cubic feet the boat is plying the other, which greatly impedes
cause the minister devoted some time to reading iIC­
Be kind to thy mother-for lo ! on her brow per minute through the pipe A., it will require 2 the progress of the boat. There is also a great
its globular fonu. and may be rolled about without
lections of Scripture, which the man said he could
May traces of sorrow be seen, Ibs. per inch to drive an equal quantity through the suction of water at the stern of the canal boats,
adhering to the metal ; but if the surface be first
chamber C.
0, well mayeat thou cherish and comfort her now , read for himself, at home : and it may be said that
moistened with water, each additional drop will in­ And if the pipe D has angles, as at C which tends also to operate against their speed, or,
For loving and kind hath she been. our readers might as well read the Scriptures from
stantly spread over the surface thus moistened ; thus and F, more than 3 Ibs. per square inch will be re­ in other words , acts against theutility of a propeller.
Remember thy mother-for thee wi ll she pray, the Bible as from this paper. Neverthelees, we
proving conclusively that there is a degree of repul­ quired to produce an equal velocity. From the first introduction of submerged propellers,
As long as God giveth h er breat h, may think it expedient to present, occasionally, 1Ie­
sion existing between the water and tho metalic A it has been fully tested, that boats or vessels propell­
With a ccents of kindnees, then cheer her lone way, lections from the inspired writings, without com­
surface. ed by submerged propellers run faster in deep water
E'en to the dark valley of death. ment, but which, by a little classification, may the
than in shoal, whicb fully substantiates the fact I
more readily impress the mind of the reader with
-----·y'�YN'. �81�'���·.�---
Be kind to thy brother-his heart will have dearth, THE NEW STEREOTYPING PROCEss.-Mr. Jo­ quoted as to the utility of propellers on canals.
their importance.]
If the smile of thy love be withdrawn ; siah Warren, the inventor of this improvement­ Another mode of conveyance by steam on land
In the beginning was the Word ; and the Word
The Ilowers of ieeliBg will fad e at their birth, for an improvement it evidently is,-in all article in has but of late years been in operation, and now
was with God, and the WOld was God. The same
If the dew of affection be gone. one locomotive engine can draw all much as two
the Indiana Statesman, evinces some dissatisfac­
Be kind to thy brother-wherever you are, was in the beginning with God. All things were
tion, because we noticed an extravagant representa­ r--_-I E would at their first adoption, and with greater rapidi­
The love of a brother shall be made by him, and without him was not any thing
ty. Locomo tives are now made heavy, with one,
An ornam ent purer and richer by far,
tion thereof as a hoax. Mr. Warren can not pos­
two, or three sets of driving wheels, so as to cause
made that was made.-(John i. 1-3.) Fur in him
sibly suppose that we had the least aversion or pre­ We have, on our table, a work on Elementary
Than pearls from the depths of the sea. dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.­
judice against his invention, but, on the contrary and Higher Geometry. Trignometry and Mensura­ more friction, and draw a hravier load with the
(Col. ii. 9.) I and my Father are one.-(John x.
Be kind to thy sister-not many may know should have noticed its excellence with pleasure, tion in four parts, by �athan Scholfield. The au­ same rapidity. [ To be continued.]
�"' ,..
.- --
30.) Before Abraham was I am.-(John viii.
The depth of true sisterly love ; and used our utmost exertion to advance its popular­ thor claims to have made some valuable improve­
EFFECT OF RAILROALs.-iI'he town of Fitch- He that hath seen me, hath seen the Father.-John
The wealth of the Ocean lies fathoms below ity and establish its reputation, had not our confi­ ments in the science. We shall take the first avail­
burg, Mass., has grown rapi41y since the comple­ xiv. 9.) He that seeth me, eeeth him thataent me.
The surface that sparkles above. dence in the reality of any such improvement, been able opportunity of examining its contents, and if
tion of the railroad fr6m BosttJn, and enterprise has -(J ohn xii. 45.) I proceeded forth, and came from
Thy kindness shall bring to thee many sweet hours, prevented by the extravagance of the new.paper re­ the author's views are correct, as by the opportuni­ God.-(John viii. 42.) The Father judgeth no man.;
And blessings thy pathway to crown : been greatly revived. The Crocker Company are
presentations thereof. But that an ordinary printer, ty we have had of partially examining the work, but hath committed 1111 judgment untD the Son j that
Affection shall weave thee a garland of Ilowers, Ilrecting a Cotton Mill, to cost $200,000. There
without anything additional to his ordinary appara­ they appear to be, it must be a valuable acquisition all men should honor the Son even as they honor
More pre cious than wealth or renown. are three manufactories of wllOllen goods, at twoof
tus, could, without the least trouble, or material ex­ on the subjects of which it treats. We may take the Father.-(John v. 22, 23.) All power is given
which a very good article of proadcloths is made ;
THE LENGTH OF A M l LE.-In England and pense, produce perfect stereotype plates, as hard as occasion to introduce some extracts from the work unto me, in heaven and in earth.-(Matt. xxviii. 18.)
the other is devoted to the nanufacture of negro
America, a mile contains 1,760 yards ; in Russia, iron and ready for use, 1Yas a little too much for our with the author's consent. The work is just pub­ The Son of Man is Lord, even of the sabbath day.
cloths. There are three scy/be factorieli in opera­
1 , 100 j in Italy, 1,476 ; in Spain, 5,028 : and in ire­ faith, witbout more substantial au thority. We be­ lished for sale by Messrs. Collins, Broll' llr & Co.,
tion, three paper mills, and �w mills, grist mills, -(Matt. xii. 8.) To the only wise God our Sa­
land, 2,200. An Englishmlln travelling on a bad lieved such representations hoaxical, and we think of this city. viour, be glory and dominion and power, both noW'
&c., in abundance. Alvah Crocker, Esq., is erect­
so still. B ut what are the improvements 1 We �·���hN.�--
road in Ireland, enquired why the miles were 80 ex­ ing a brick building, two hundred feet long, between and forever. Amen. (Jude i. 25.)
learned that an agent of the inventor would visit this THE B ALTIMORE SATURDAY V ISIToR.-We re­ ----�.,.�·
.y�.,,�e •

cessively long 1 .. An' surely we thought the road thirty and forty feet wide, and four stories high, for
city, and we anticipated more light. He arrived, and joice to find this old favorite again on our table.­ Foreipt News.
rather deficient iu quality, and therefore made it up a railroad car manufactory. to be occupied by Da­
we made some exertions to find him, but did not This large, beautiful and interesting paper is pub­
in quantity, jist," was the ready reply. verlport and Bridges, of Cambridgeport. Messrs. The steamship Cambria arrived at Boston on
succeed. Had he called on us, we should have ren­ lished weekly, by Snodgrass & Wehrly, at the low
iii Thursday last, 13 days from Liverpool, bringing 108
price of $1,50 per annum, in advance. We know Clark & Blackburn are buiWing a factory of granite
A man, with a large family, was complaining of dered him more efficient aid in introducing the im­ passengers, and tho news up to the 19th uk.
no paper which we should recommend in preference. and brick, one hundred feet long by forty-six wide,
the difficulty of maintaining all. " But you have provement, and selling the right, than any ten men The Queen has returned from her German tonr,
--- and four stories high, for colten goods ; and Messrs.
Ions big eneugh to earn something, and help you in New York. We examined the city papers for having called on her way home, at the Chatean d'Eu,
THE MORNING ARIEL AGAIN.-The sudden puff A. P. Kimball & Co. are building a scythe factory
now," said a friend. " Ab, there's the difficulty," intelligence on the subject, but could learn nothing and passed a night undllr the roof of the King of
which we recently gave that little shiner, appears to of granite, one hundred by forty feet, all of which
replied the poor man, " they are too big to work. satisfactory concerning tbis grand invention. We
have blown it out. We have not heard of it since. are on the Nashua, and whm finished will giTe em­ France.
e nevertheless entertain opinions of the invention quite ��
ployment to a large numbe� of hands. There is a A terrific fire scene occurred at LondoD on the
A GOOD CONSCIENcE.-James, said a good wo­
as favorable as those of the courtesy of the inventor, The town of Rome, in this State, has been built 16th of September. A large warehouse in William
man to her husband, I can't sleep to-night : I keep spacious hotel now buildin� and nearly finished, in
from the speCImen in the Statesman, above-men­ up by the business of making oars from the abun­ street, filled with oil and other inflamable matter,
thinking about that dollar that you promised for the the immediate vicinity of tile railroad depot.
tioned ; and shall give our readers the most faithful dant excellent ash timber in that region. These ••t'J'''�'' took fire, and during the conflagration, a burning
paper, the man wants ths money, and I shall never
and favorable desctiption of the peculiar excellence oars have been shipped to all the civilized nations of THE GREAT F AIR.-Wc would invite the particu­ stream of inflamable matter ran cfown upon the
have any peace till it is paid.
of the improvement, when we obtain the material. the world. lar attention of our readertlto the notice in the first wharf, on which were several hundred people. A
�.,. column of our fourth page. of the splendid Annual
A man, Maxwell, in England, lately ran twenty general rush was made, and many precipitated them­
THE .PROVIDENCE POST OFFICE.-Well, what EXTIl.AORDINARY CASE OF INSANIT Y .-Five per­ Fair of the American I.ltitute, now open at Ni­
miles in 1 hour 58 minutes and 20 seconds, on a selves into the river : but the flaming liquid still pur­
ofit, say you 1 0 noth� ill _.........1.,.,.; ....I)' .4n. o>ow., '�uJJoh,tiug vC lUr. Thomas Miller, two sons, blo's Garden. We have hal the pleasure of visiting
wager of 2001. to .l QD.J tha t. the �� .,=1d aar sued, and tke surface of the water was soon covered
several of our subscribers in that city, who should and two daughters, were taken with insanity, one this grand display of the mificial wonders of Ame­
be run in two hours. with flame, setting on fire several vessels, to which
have received their papers by mail, have informed day last week, at Pine Grove, Pa. No cause of this rica, but have not room for notices of its extensive many of the people had escaped for safety. They
AN OLD AC QUAIN TAN C E.-The following " con­ us that the papers were not received. After receiv­ singular event, was discovered. variety. No " true Amencan," who resides within. were again compelled to leap into the. water, but
versation " was original in the N. Y. Mechanic ing this intelligence, we sent the back numbers to 200 miles, should fail to visit this splen4id exhibition;
THE COLERAIN GIRLS OUTDONE.-Misses Eme­ were again surrounded by the floating fire, when se­
about four years ago. It has subse,quently appeared supply those that were missing, but have been again ��
lane Tiffany, Viletta M. Tiffany, Nancy A. Tiffa­ veral 'small boats quickly put off, and rescued them
in more than 100 different papers, (without credit of informed that they were not received. From this A NEW FANCY IN TIE PARK FOUNTAIN.-A
from the strange combination of elements.
ny, Olive Cudworth, and E llen M. Clinton, earned crowd of curiolls people assembled in a circle rOl'lDd
couri!6,) and is still traV'elling. Having fuund it in we must infer that �ome knave purloins the papers Intelligence, via Odessa, has been received of a
from the Post Office. in three weeks, at the Stoneville Mills, in Auburn, he splendid fountain in the Park, on Saturday, to
one of our new exchanges, we hav� decided to battle between the Circassian forces aild the Rus­
--.---- Mass, $85,70, averaging nearly six dollars per week
clip it and give itw push. witness its fitful play. The appearance of the co­
A LITTRIi: GREAT CURIOSITy.-A full grown each. The number of yards woven was not equal sian army. After five days' hard fighting, the C ir­
HOOSIER COl"lV�ON.-" Hallo stranger, you- lumn from the fountain was constantly varying ; at
deer, only eight inches high, has been brought to in proportion to that woven at the Colerain Mills, cassians were compelled to retreat, but not without
appear to be travelling 1" times mounting up 40 "I 50 feet, and .branching in
England from Java. It is of the species call lid but the cloth was wider, and consequently a higher carrying off their artillery and baggiJgII'. The Rus­
.. Yes, I always travel when /lZl a journey," all directions, like a statoly elm ; then suddenly con­
"'And pray, what might your name be 1" nwus e deer ; is perfectly domesticated, and is a very price per yard was paid. This was not the result sian loss is estimated at 8,000, including forty-seven
tracting to the form ." a leafless palm, not more
.. It might be Sam Patch, but it is'nt." interesting animaL It is the only one in En gland . officers •
of a trial of abilities, but ordinary work. than fifteen feet high, Md again as suddenly dssum
.. H ave you been long i. these parts 1" A terrific cavern has been discovered about eight
" Never lon�er than at present-5 feet 9." POSTMASTERS and others to whom this paper may ing a tall poplar form. What occasioned these fiuC!­
ERIE RAIL ROAD.-We are gratified to hear tha leagnes from Gnelma, in Algeria, on the side ofibe
" Do you get any thing new 1" tuations was not understood, but was evidently ef­
be sent, are respectfully solicited to exhibit the same the whole of the stock has been taken. The sub­ Imlaia Mountains. It is 1 ,200 feet deep and nearly
" Yes, I bought a new whetstone this morning." fected by some machinery connected with the gate
" I thought so ; you are the sharpest blade I've to otherl, that its patronage may be thull extend­ scription books of the Company closed on Satur­ a mile in length. The entrance is circular, and
or valve of the pipe, by which the fountain was
met on this road," ed. day eveniD&. supplied. about 20 feet in diameter.




. 5

Am m e r i c an I n s t i t u t e . ............ ... ....

: --
Hal iburton & C o. , 12 State street, Boston.
� � <I>" ·il <I> C. :"" � "'" ''. 51. •
Coloa & Adriance, 2 1 Arcarle, Phil adelph i a.


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We are happy to see, once more, the grand as­
E �Hi co ;a �
0 •

� � '1}l � B Jl 'iil � .g <.l ll .s B G 8 '5 �

U Q co

§ � aJ) p., �
semblage of the works of American genius and ar­
.... .
. .
" = C. A. Hinckley, 122 Baltimorc street, BlIltimore.
t:...I � .S ·!!1 ! � <I> .; <I> � � ,.Q � '5 �oS : 8 "t:1 � �
• .. 'ti

dent industry, in all the various branches, displayed �- � � M:;:: � � E-t • J. W. Davis, Lowell., Ma ss .
� � k;>� � B .8 U § � t-8 Oi f60 B IO � : � � & � :; . � � E g, ... ' I't!& W. H. Pratt, Springfielc,l, .Mass.
before the public. No occasion is more gratifying
8 -=- l O G)
• -d t1 � a :�.g < l � � 1J)� � .§ � � �� ;: � � � )I H. P. Barncs , Pittsfield; Mass.
to an American citizen. There he beholds the ra­ rg
...... ,Q . �
� � �fi� i��� -; : � e " ;
"'.... fI:i t: w T. Dickinson, Newark, N Y.
" <; ..of e s '" yft ':;;;
U 'B co ,;, oS ...

..-"l lt:! : : :
·c ,.Q Il.o E. Hopk ins, Lyons, N Y .
� l!I �
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�T" ....
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pidly increasilll: skill of our fellow citizens in pro­ E ,:; rc
VA =-- ($)
= 8 ;> ' ;> " ra .<=: >-< :;:: �
� • ""



i � • 9 � B � e r/.r ; � � j rg � � � ! : :I E: rjJ .� � § � � s � .s �
William M. Beauchamp. Skaneateles, N. Y .
rQ mB � ..: g
" w :;
ducing all that is desirable in the useful as well as .._...
.... � 0 � <;) 0
.,...1 : "' 'ti �
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� � • � � td > 0 I I � 0
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c..l E � 0
;:: '"
,, �
M ';:: G�
Peter Cook, Hartford, Ct.
W. &. E. Downes, New Haven, Ct .
in the fine arts. Our dependence on foreign na­
� I I .. ,......, "'CJ 8
.... ,...., • � � s::l .s §
s � : S .,. .g <1

.. bJ) � � "
, : • ? E-< ';::
I :"::: f-t
;.> Q.) en .� ..c � � � >...
E ;::'- " '� �s � -g .§t"� William Wood w ard , Milldletown, CI..
� '� ttl
I I'"d � Q) --' •

(I:) t-J
we " : : = � .o P ,... �� #l
tions for any ornamental or valuable production in 2 '0

" 8 � � i..l 00 = § t �

.� �
,.. ....--f
� ...
Cd 0
tI < \11
� �� : - E :a ..... �

0/ .:: � . � S. Jones, C ol che st e r, Ct.
� � �0 1? e3 1 : : § �� ·8 '8 � ';.'1 � � : � G s..� cS �
H !Q h
O """'-1
� � I � -

art or mechanical industry, will be where it already

� � • : ra !'l p 73 . :!J co jp
- G:!"
___ J . Hunte,., Thompsonville, Ct.
� � � � £� h4 � �W

i "' � � � � : j >� y .� � >-<

�co P
� � = � � 8
� �" :' . '-§ �", '"E;;: �< '- " co e;iJ:i co �� "" � "" ;:l " t"'I "- �,
H � "
is for the great products of our farms. We rejoice H. S. Snow, Meriden, Ct.
� � � A &:i � u .: w

B.... � .., �
Z = c CI "'� 0 ""� � oo '-e .� � �_ -� 5 � � ..o ·C :: ;,.. ., S Ci:... .;e § .Uj .2 :.;2 :... t. 0 :5. ��� Salford & ParJ(s, Norw ich, Ct.

I-' >-<

- :... 0 "' o; u -,, _ ... "' .ii\

in this, ond we hope to be able, not onlf to feed the
... t--II G) A � o, - .�
S. W. D n ldwin, BriMeport, Ct.


' � <l Zi <!i ", � ,, 0 CI1 � " "' ''' ''' '' '' <!i "'

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,.. .., ""' .-I ..-:' Ci bJ)"t:I
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. .... ... E ..,, 0 ,- � > ", '-

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old world when it unfortunately may need it, but to
proride them, from our unlimited resources, all those
� ___ • 1"'"""1
t'd � � � ..... " >-< ....,
); Z e :a �" -5 �. �
� � < '-' ,

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� ;..r.... , '"U � � u ...c S t!l � :o ..s 1'""'"'"" :or"'
, '
Col. A. 1'. Chesley, Huron, O.
Charle;; O'Neal, Danen, Geo.
I ::I � ;:, � g ':;: S -
-,....:, "<.>..; ,..c: Q,) ...,J. ,-: . � � H .- i::"""'1 � . :::: rf.J. r�'
� a � 0- �_
, """� . I-' 0 r:n. q;) E--t ..,
- W ""'" .... :=! OJ co:I ;;""
" � .:: ..... ,..., '1j

Majo r J. Nathans, Q u i n cy, Flo.
� � >-< >-<
• � -

_ : >-< ...c,, �< ;J.... aro •�..- !5.� - ov � 2ro '8 '"";""' � .... � '" ".-"o '"'""' �....... t;G.J "� � :;
k ra ... >"> • � ra H " 0 0:: r:n ra r:n ';;; � S .a ..,
things which they may be unable to make at so . '""'- '\¥"

.... U • �

� g:� � J
' 1f t
Daniel Cobb, Providenc�, R 1.
cheap a rate or in so perfect a manner. == �
<::) � --<
§ . � ... � s � � �B � �' r0
t-""I � ,

....... � .� ,-, .;.; •

� I .... � � < � .� �
' ;"
/1 W 'lJ - W a � � � a 0 � � � H. J . Pitman, Bristol, R. 1.
_ ro +-'>

I--' C,) � �
=:s f5 � p
� : ... � �rrJ � � � p;,Z Z � � � .1: H Pool CI ,;; Q,) � E-' 0..: � S S 8
. ::;'j OJ if) � ,. � ...r. Q :::::: :;; OJ 0 ...- --:: .., � ?-. ".L a.J -
� R Kidney, jr. Newark, N J. 123 Broad-street.
� � � " ...I z .;] : � � � S � § Jj ", ;3 P � ;;: ;;. ,: � >; '-
Europe ought to rejoice that this continent has I---., :.;;
l ;.: ... g Ci � .c g ; Q � f.�\
. .
� oo cc

II r::;
W. Solomon, New Brunswick, N Ji
C � (l) oo -: o �
0� Thomas Boynton, lVin dsor, Vt.
the ability t� do all this. .
rn � � . ;:: � .,.... :: rD ..... � � It'

� •. = t eo S � IS � ' " � 0 � :ll Ol :ll :ll :ll . S � ;:: == Q3
S ..c 8 = r-e � � '"t:: rn rn p... >-I - 0
"" 'h-,
"i. Shipley W. R icke r, South Berwick, Me.

. .
.. � :E .S t-

'" W
We enjoy this glorious exhibition as one of those � 1: OD (3 " '" S
�� 13 " 0 """' :'-; 8 i rS � � - ..,. .., - .� . � ",

� , =.
j� �
>< co > o .... <+< <I> � <.l .S "" <I <8 ll ll ·

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" ..$ ....
>; .. § � M � ""'

" ;:;OJ ::::

. S ·"
f" '<=:
� "' a; � ;; is /h-,. W. n. Ward, Washington, D. C .
' !I!!!!! � w
triumphs for victory in the most noble-most honor­ ill
�leJ � � � � '" � co co co S ...1 >-< ;:g >-< .... ., � § ... '" = E-< : � 8 �J) ::: "
able pursuits of
·� s == MfIII.
Travelling Agent.
t: 0 0 o o .s ;,; ..<:> � £ ..; "' � · "' ll "' ·�k;>� 'W
. .

I• ; 8§ £ 0 0 2 0 0 ..$ "t:I � 'J:l -o; = g " � :ll � §

Clark Sllleck, Albany, Troy, and vicinity.
We call the attention of the public to the order
of proceedings of the Fair, as published by the ma­
... •
• �""-t.... �1:l1l1 �==
o': a .� =....=.... .... � o...." ��� p., e � >= :ll J! .= . § � « � � '5
John Mc'Donald.

<� <=: �p.. Q "§ � tslO .. ..r � � P4��l�� � .s '� B�

...................... ..............1
nagers :

• Wednesday, Oct: S.-The range of machinery


In the no rt wmg will, as far as practicable, be in
full operatIon through the day and evening.' and


continue till the Fair closes. Inventors, &c are
desired to have their mllchines on the spot o t he � T HE subsCt'ibers are prepared to execute all orders
committed to their charge, with neatness, punctu-
tirst receiving day. ality, and despatch. OF PATENT PREMIUM COLOURED LIKENESSES.
Thursday, Oct. 9.-The National Convention of JQPJN WESTALL & CO. FOUNDED 1840 •

F�rmers, Gardeners, Silk Culturists, and their 183 WilHam-st. corner of Spruce, N.Y.
fnends, wdl con�e at the Repository of the In­ No. 251 Broadway, cor. Murray-St., ov�Tenney's Jewelry Store, N, York,
No. 71i Court Street, B08 on,
stitute, in the Park, at half past 10 o'clock, A. M.
An Address will b e delivered by the Hon. George
LATES ! PLATES ! ! PLAT ES ! ! !-To Daglterreo­ �
Sycamore Street, Petersburgh, Va. IImodsburgh Springs, Ky H E NRY R O W N T RE E • =,

, " '::�
Lyceum lIall, Alexandria, D. C. Main Street, Newport, R. I.
. Broadway, �aratoga Spnngs
Lunt, of Mass., at 7 1 -2 o'clock P. M. typ' �rtists and A7I!ateurs.-In consequence of re­ IMPOIlTER OF, AND DEALER IN
Pennsylva�m Avenue, �as!tington, D. C.
As many of the circulars addressed and directed peated complaints from Artists of failures to obtain fine No. U6 Chesnut-St., Philadelphia, Main Street, Dn Duque, Iowa,
No. 449 Mrun Street, LoUISVIlle, Ky. �o. 1�� Baltimol'1l St., Baltimore, No. 176 Main-St., Cincinnati, Dine.
Mechanics' Tools, Hardware and Cutlery,
Portraits, from imperfections in the Plates, the subscrib­
by the Institute, for some cause, do not reach their
er begs leave to inform them that he is manufacturing No. 60 Chatham-st., (cor. tlf Chambers.)
destina�ion, Agricultural Associations, Clubs, &r.., Corner of Fourth IlJId Chesnut Streets, St. Louis, Mo.
Plates of a superior quality to any that have hitherto T the Tool Store, �o. 60 Chatham street, corner of
are desIred to accept this as an invitation to the con­
ve �tion, and . proceed at once to choose delegates.
been used in this country. These Plates have been fair· Oonstit�ti!lg the oldest and most Establishment of the kind in the World, A
. Chamb&ll, at the sign of the Saw, Axe, and Piane,

WIth a varIety of other important business, the

Iy tried, and tested by several or the most experienced
�n� c.ontam�ng more than a thousand portraIts, embracing those of the most distinguished Will be found good tools suitable, for the following Brall­
mdIvlduals In the U. States.
and skilful operators in the United States, frem whom he ches of trade.
Home Department of Agriculture, so strongly re has received certificates that they are superior to any

commen ed by the immortal Washington, at the Plates they have ever before used. T�is Establishment having been awarded the Medal Four First Premiums ahd two
Engravers, Hatters,
Last-makers, Sitversmith:,
last sessIOn of his administration, will again be
brought to the consideration of the convention.
Signed by
� 'Htghest Hono�s" at the Exhibitions 8:t Boston, New York and Philadelphia: respect­ Carpenters, Eurriers, Masons, Tanners
Ive�y, .for best PIctures . and Appara�us, IS. thus officially sustained in the position of su­ Cabinet Maker�, Gardeners, Machini�ts, Tinners
F riday, Oct. 10.-The National Convention of JOSEPH E. MARKER, and
pen?nty heretofore unIversally asslgneli lt by the public, as " First in the World."
Coach Makers Glaziers. Millwrights, Upholst rs, :
WM. G. MASON, Amateurs.
Farmers, &e., will be continued. Carvers, Glovers Plumbers, WatchmakersJ
Messrs. W. &. F. LANGENHEIM, Operator-s, Phila. PrJ�e of the�e sl�per� Photographs reduced to th at Qf ordin ary ones at other places, so that no one need
Saturday. Oct. n .-National Convention closes.
Address at 7 1·2 o'clock P. M. An inimitable dis­
" LITCH &. W HIPPLE , do. Boston. �
no SIt for an mferJor hkeness on the score of economy.-Taken in any weat her .
CGo� ers, Gunsmiths, Pattern l\[akers, and

Agents.-Messrs. W. &. F. Langenheim, Exchange, . � �

rofessor P um be . -Every body knows that this distinguished artist stands at the head o f his profe ssion
Ch ll:lr Ma�ers, Saddlers, Wheelwrights.
WhICh bemg mad'e expressly to my or. lers, will be f( unu
III th IS country .' - True Sun.
play of the Pyrotechnic art, by Mr. E dge, a mem­ nnd Wm. G. MasoB, 46 Chesnl1t-street, Philadelphia ;
Prof. Plu mbe.-This celebrated Photograph er has long been regarded as t he American Daguerre."
good, and tha Mechauic may place confidence in t :�·)m.
ber of the Institute. and Messrs. Litch & Whipple, 96 Washington-st. Boston. 7\ " y H; R. assures his friends tha.t he has no cennection
SECOND WEEK. None genuine unless stamped ' E. WHITE, Imaker, H.T • H erald. with any other store, and that at his sl ore, State Prison
Ploughing and Spading Matches. Show of N. Y.' Maauflletured and sold wholesale and retail by Plumbe's Premium and German Apparatus and Instructions, Plates, Cases, &c., at the lowest rates. Tools are NOT sor.D OR KEPT. sep 4
C�ttle, �
orses, &c. Triumphant Procession, au21 EDWARD WHITE, 178 Broadway, N.Y.
P A TE N T G A L V A N I C R I N G S ,
wIth vehICles loaded with the choice produc­
lllS remar�able discovery h�s received the universal
f�mp8rance founded on Phnllology and Phyliology, BOOKS,
tions of the Farm, Garden, &c., drawn by
well: trained oxen. Anniversary Address.
Tight LaMne,
T. �pprobatlOn of the medical profession of Great
MUSIC. Fire -works, &c. Bntam, who have pronounced it among the most impor­
[I ts etJils considem. physiologically. With cuts.] tant of modern scientific inventions. The PATENT GAL­
Monday, Oct. 13.-List of cattle and other live
'.wlol"l Works, (calf,)
VANIC RI � GS have b�en found to .answer all the purpo­
stock must be left at Madison Cottage. corner 23d
s�reet and 5th Avenue, or they may previ o us ly be "
(sheep or muslin,)
2 '0
BY F OWL E R & W E L L S, ses for WhlC� theor�mary Galvamc Battery, or Electric

":' J a and Magnetic machmes are used, but without any of

dlrected to T. B. akema?, Esq.,. C orresponding
[All the preeeding works, (except thll first,) are bound
the .illj � rious SHOCKS. which always accompany the
S ecretary of the InstItute, mth PedIgrees signed by Ilpp\rcatlOn by these Instruments, and in many other
the owners. together, contsining mQst of the Author's works in a
respects are more safe and certai!6 in accomplishing t he
T uesday, October H.-Ploughing and Spading body.] desired object.
Tr. PriH
Combe's P hyailllogT, 8 vo. (with notes and observa-
Matches in the vicinity of the place of the C attle The Galvanic Rings have now been several months
(30th edition,) $1
tions, by O. S. Fowler,) 'owler', Phrenology, 00 before the English public, and the universal reputation
• • • ." they have acquired is sufficient evidence of their extra­
Wednesday, October 15.-The show of horses [A standard wark on this science, emilleotly "...... ,.
[From the last Edinburgh edition. Tile moat specific and every way caloulated for Amateun.]
andpractical work, and the oost adapted to the general
c�ttle, sheep, swine. poultry, &c., wiII open at Ma� ordinary power in the prevention and cure of the dis­
dlSon cottage, (see above) at 10 o cloc k , A. M. The ea3es for which they are recommended. They have
hones, cattle, &c., must be on the ground by nine reader of any work on the subject now &xtant. Eda.cation and Se1f-Impronm�nt, • • • 1 00 been used with perfect success in all cases of Rheuma.
[Twe volumes ia 0811. Vol. I. deYot.c1 to Ph!liology,
tism, acute or chronic, Gout, Tic Dolereaux Sick
o'clock, A. ]1(. 11
Thursday, Oct. 1 6.-Last day o f the ExhibitioD
Tile J.m�rican Phnnololical Jounal, 6 vols. 00 Hea��che, In�igestion, Paralysis, Stiff Joints, G�neral
Health. and the mental ani moral law. of man'lutore
-inoluding I16lf.Improvement I the moral traiDiBg aod
The P hrenol ogical and Physiological AlmanaCl,
Deblhty, Defic�ency of Nervous Energy, Neuralgia, and
of horses, cattle, &c. Address on AgriCUlture' in • l�i 8ov8l'Rmellt of children ; and tlle p,r/,ctUJ. of charac' all Nerv�ns Dlilorder8. The g-alvanicpowe.r which �hey
Niblo's great Saloon, at 7 1-2 o 'clo ck, P. M. [Tkie annual contama practiool. advice touchina health­
phrenologieal and physiological f&cts, &c. illustrated
t.r, by enlarging defective, and possess IS gradual and constant, and the benefic:ial
F'riday, Oct. 17.-Private sale of horses cattle Also, back numbers for 18411-1-2-8-4-5.
.rpnl. Vol n.-AnalYl8s the Intellectual Or�, effects they produce upon the system mast be witnessed
and other live animals exhibited. Purchas rs will � and shOWI how to oultivate them ; improve the memo

fiu� particularly in well-trained and well-matched containing muob valuable phrenological matter. 6t c.]
to be believed. The Galvanic Rings are in every way
ory ; eduoete children ; anll disciplinll the mind.
cattle. their interest in being present. Anniversary
perfectly harmless, and are sold at prices to be within
Bynolllil Oll PhuD.Ology, 8 �vory e of tht. work will be IOwId to ulold __ the �e�ch of all desirous .of testing their efficacy. Dr.
Addre. by the Hon. T. D. Eliot, of Massachusetts
noh pnnClple of hlHl18ll uture, to pgiat out lOme ChniitIe warns the. Am�n�an .public from the beginning,
important law of virble and happin_.]
' [A " maltum in p8l'VO" pa!Ilphlet, IIf which over 150,000 to beware ef spurwus zmttatwns. The only Agency in
at 7 1 -2 o'clock.
cepies have.-been aold.] New York is at 134 FULTON STREET, a few dOOr!
Other interesting operations from day to day will
be noticed in the papers. '
The lhrenologieal Guide, • 121 HondU,,, Deae�DI : IIa "'WI ad rlet 1 • from Broadway, a,nd from the secret process by which
[Fact. on &hiM subjoct aro inteneely intere.ting, and high the metals are prepared to be rendered sensitive and
We are enabled. by the munificence of the Hon. ly illl\rocuve. T o prodnce it, richeet harvest, human efficien�, all imitations must be entirely devoid of any
8JD1110Iioall l1�ad, and Phrenological Chart, 20
galva me effect. CHRISTIE'S MAGNETIC FLUID used in
M ndert V�n Sch�ick, of this .city, to offer, this [Ill, which the" facultiee are represented
hal beeD tllil f.ta1 error ! Thil v.dlole Bubject-(Il.
linprovelllent mUlt commence with the 01iRM. Here
forcible engraving•. ]
by elegant ll!l.d coanection with the Rings, to accelerate render
y�, fro� hIB d� natlo� o f $1000, the following spe­ 9'elatitnt., of f14U.u to t.\c'r .lildre_the fl'3nsmia­ effective the galvanic action, is only to be procured at
CIal premiums, III addition to the premiums on other
Phrenology Vindicated, 16 lion of qnalitiel. phylioal, intelleotual, and moral, from the sanie place. all
8i!k goods, whioh win be giren by the American In­
• •

rAn alliwer to Dr. Frank H. Hamilton, in which the pIl'ftta to dbildren, apd Ita application to the improYll'
stltute : proef. of the .eienCil are auceinctly adduced. IIIustna­ _t of prolellJ)-it run, trea� ill thia work.] A l) A M S &; C O . ' S E X P R E S S ,
For tile belt piece of silk stu1f, 27 inches in jwidth ted with cuts. ]

Lon and Pmn ta ge,

' PhrenololJ 11Ipll�d to lIalrlmeny, T H R O U G H IN F O U R D A Y S !
and 60 yards in length. manufactured in the United S•
from aaUTe silk, $60.
(by O. S. Fowler,) •
[Inilladin, dirMtloOi for ohOOling con genial oempaaieu
• •

T HE subscribers respetfully inform the public that they

For the belt and greatest quantity of American silk' [Applied � thQ improvement of offspring ; including for life. With hinta to tho mamed.] have completed an exclusive contract with the propri­
not 1_ tlU1l1 60 Ibs., $20. much valbllble information and I!'Uggestion to both sexes etol'l o� the w�lI-known " Pioneer Ilnd Express Line,"
P'or the best sewing, of any color, made entirely from IUld all ages ; together with the evils lind remedies ef ReUpon, __tural lid levealed, •
at PhIladelphia, for the daily transpertatiun of Iron
Amencan silk, not less tho 10 Ibs., $10. excossiv-e and perverted amativeness. LOr, the natllral tlaeory and
moral bearings of Pht'enolo-
Chests to Pittsburg, under their own locks and keys.
For the best pea-nut cocoons, nat less tha n one bush­ 117 PHRENOLOGICAL HEADS marked, showing the 81. A �parilo. of tbe religion of the Bible with The I\rrangement of ADAMS &. CO. are such as to
el, $10. exact location of the organs. . • • • 1 00 I14tural relipD.] insure greater despatcb in the forwal'diDg aDd delivery
And te each of the luccessful competitors, the " Van IT VERB.L AND WRITTEN DELINEATIONS OF
of villuable packages and parcels of every description
SdIaick Medal" Powler, on lemlllf, than has been before offered to the public. The Pioneer
CHARAt:TER IikewiBe given.
Chart, $1 00. Written des'lriptioui, •
Examination and •
We are also enable, by the liberality of Shepherd . 3 00 [Or, Phrenology applied to tIae ouItiY8tion of the memory
and Express line being- in perfect order and running

IT The W +rks of GALL, SPURZHEIM, and COMBE.

Knapp, Esq., to offer the following premium : through to Pittsburg in three and one-half days Hom
-tho intellectual edaoalion of the ebildreo-and tOO
• trengtheniug and expudin, of the intlllleitual powell!
1111:11 a1so lb" furnished at the above Cabil>"'t
Philadelphia •
For the beat conarncted farm-waggon, and the best
n:rMerchants will find it to their interest to make
Collrctions through the medi\lm rilt Adams &. Co.'s Ex­
me�od of harneesil!8' ho� for the draught of the same,
�hlch Ihal!- be a dj udtec\ su�rior to anything of the

OR the accommodation of the Public, at the Old J O H N B R O WN, press. It is the cheapest and most expeditious method
kind. now In use, by the committee to whom it shall be J . M . DO L L A N ,
Stand, 276 Bowery.-BENEDICT & SON, would
and the strictest attention will be given to r.ollectin "' 0;
res�tfully inform their customers and the public in paying Notes, Drafts, Bills, &.c. &c.
NOB. 29 Ann-street, New
Reference YlIl be had to the eeonomy of c onstructi on genetal, that they have been refitting their eatablishment
AS the pleasure to anllounce to his old cUitomers & 61 York, Goods receive.! before half past one o'clock are for·
in � the award.
H and their friends, that he has a New Composition and renewing their stock of Goods, consisting of the fol­
ANUFACTURER of Cases, Standi,, &.c.
war, led on the same day . Small packages receivei


for removing Stains, withom injury to thi cloth, (having
a thoreugh knowledge of natetials used in the manufac­
lowing articles, viz. Gold and Silver R & G Beesley and
C I Tobins Levers, Chronometers, Duplex, Lepine and M St�reotype Blocks, of various sIzes.
until half�past four o'clock P. M.
Adams &. Co. run the only Package Express Cars to
Box-wood and Mah0l:any, for Engravers, always on
For the best eight panel door, made of pine by a ture of flloth,) and restore its original colour, without other Watches, . too numerous to mention. Jewelry ·Philadelphia.
. hand.
Journeyman or an apprentice, a diploma and $10. injury, on the DlOSt reasona�le terms. consisting of fine diamond pins and rings, gold chain;
Stereotype Plates blocked at short notice.
Agent in Philadelphia, E. Sandford.
For the best thirty ga110n cask, iron bound, a di­ Gefttlemen, this is worthyuour attention. Please call and miniature cailes, gold fob and vest chains, Ladies' " Pittsburg, R. W. Herford. sep .(
and Gents' fine bosom brooches, and a handsome aSlOrt­ Press, Paper, and Letter Boards, of every description.
ploma aud $10. and exannne for yourselves at
Book·binders' Cutting and Pattern Boards.
561 Pearl Street, one !lOOT' frrrm Broadway. ment of rich gilt and marble parlour clocks. CUMMING:,TON QUINEBAUG
For the best thirty gallon cask, wood bound, a Stereotype Boxes, made to order.
diploma and $10. n:r J. M. D. will call in my part of the city for their Our Silver Ware consists of spoons, Ibrks, knives, sugar
Printers', Stereotypers, Type Founders', and Book­
aceommodation. Altering a,d repairing with neatness ton�s, soup, ladle, salt, mustard aBd egg lpoons, &c., Prom the Celebrated Robbins Ledge.
& CO
For the belt pair of men's calf-skin boots, a silver Binders' Jobbin� Work done at the shortest notice.
medal and 85.
�ghout. sep 18 whIch are warranted to be as pure as coin. Silver sets MANUFACTURED BY J. S. ST AFFORD .•
N. II. Orden from various seetions .f the country
made to order. A good assortment of Britannia and
For the best pair ladies' winter boots, a silver sep 4 CU MMI N G T O N , M ASS .
medal and $5.
J. B . CARBY & CO.,
Plated Ware constantly on hand. You are invited to
call and examiue for yourselves.
solicited, and promptly executed.
T HE unprecedented sale Of the Cu�minKtan Quine­
ARTIS'lB. &'c., baug S C rTHE STOll ES, durmg two years hili!
Fol.' the best fur hat, a silver medal and $5.
Comp�titors for the above premiums must pro­
PECK &. CO. would gratefully acknowledge the
favor their new project has secured. An!Wers will fully established their claim to S UPERIORIT Y 0 ER V
. SHOW O:ARDS, N.B.-N. Benedict wou'\d state to the puhlie iR gene­ be ·SOon .wado to C!l.11 i"'l111 ....nI "R&al"ftg new. there are ALL OTHER STONES now in use, and renders un­
duce satisfactory testimony that the articles they obstacles to that speedy attention to all pllrts of tb e pllUl, IU;...CiD3H.ry- ....Y: l _ ....d
... ...�n from the proprietors.
exhibit, ;ore the work of their own hands. D APTED for utility as \\1')11 as ornament, for stores ral that he is no stranger in the city, having been estab­
i!=! A contmuance of publIc l'atronage i s respectfully
A in all kinds of business. Specimens may be seen in lished 22 years in business in the Bowery. The. repair­ which occasion more delay than was expected. It is
solICited. All orders addressed 10 J. 8. 8T�FFORD,
or JACOB M.QR SE, (sole proprietors) or STEPHEN
the leadmg stores of the prindpal cities of the Union. ing of watches, jewelry, and French pllrlor clocks, at- requested that all persons wishing to inquire, will do @o

JOHN WI DAVIS, Ag ents for Boston : Mesn'. Sowle &. Shaw. Mr. J.
L. Lazarus is now visitlllg th, Eastern States-All or­
tended to with strict punctuality. au23 by letter. All reasonable postage is readily paid. Per­
sons who m ay have sent money, and have not received MOR SE, Ag�nt, Cummington, Mass., will meet with
prompt attentIOn.
GENERAL DEAER IN llers recei"ed by him will meetwith prompt attention. AMERICAN INSTITUTE F AIR. answers, or shall not this month, are requested to in­
form us. The large advertisement will appear monthly For sale at all the princ!ipal hard-ware stores. 811
1J7 Oblerve l our names It'e printed at the foot of ..L AMERICAN INSTITUTE at NIBLO'S �ARDEN, hereafter, and the explanatory" paper in the course of
A DA M S & C O. ' S
eacll GIU'd, and we caution the public that i.mitators are New.York.-The Fair will open. on Monday, the 6th of
the. month, it is hoped. G. PECK &. CO.
New York, Oct. 6, 1845. GREAT EASTERN, SOUTHERN, A N D
in the field au23 October next, at 12 o'clock, M. The days for deliver­
TURDAY previous. The National C onvention of Fllr­
ing articles at the Garden, THURSDAY, FJUDAY and SA·
No. 5 John street, Lowell, Mass. IN connection ",ith Messrs. &. Smith, of Liv-
Thursday, 8th October. Deleglltes, without further na­
EVER-POINTED GOLD PEN. m�r8, Gardeners, IIBd Silk ' Culturists, will \e held on HATTERS, erpool, we have establshed a EUREPEAN EXPRE
T HIS Pen received the higlellt premium at the I.ast NO. 156 BROADWAY. similar ill it� design and Gperatiou to QUI' American Ex�
A LL E N- S T R E E T tice, are invited from all parts of the Union. The Cat­ ESPECTFULLY inVite tliose who are in want of Il
D Y E R. R
Fair of the American Inshtute, and has been pro­ press, and abk� benefichtl to the mercha�ts and importers
tle Show will be held on the ground between 23d and SUMMER HAT, to call · at their establishment ar. d
AND C O A T R E N O V A T OR. nounced by the fint teachers of Penmanship in the coun· of both coantnes. CustllUl House buisness promptly at­
24th streets, 5th Ave·Rue. and SpaliiBg
try to bl! infinitely superior to any Gold Pen ever before get themselves fitted with (Jne of their Ilpectally admirei.l
OATS Renovated at 00 cents ; Vests, 12 1-2 ,­ Matches, &e., as usual. Head Quarters for Ma nagers,
tended to.
Ladies' Dresses Dyed, from 50 cents to $1 00 ; introou�eli to the American pubIc. The lasting proper.
Committees, &e, �ecured in the Madison Cottage. Fine
CRANIUIII PROTECTORS, so light, airy, elastic and beauti­
fill, that 0LD SOL, through its agreeable and cooling in·
E xpress for the South f1n� West leaves Office daily
at quart!'!' to 3 and half past 4 P. M.
Pa1'llso]a and Sun Shades Cleaned at 2 5 cents ; ties of this Pen are undoubted, owing to the total ab­
horses for draft, healthy fat cattle, and sheep for market,
isence of corrosibility from any Df the inks in use, and tervention, is fairly set at defianc8. Express for the East at quar�r to 5 P. M.
Carpet. Cleaned whole at 6 cents per yard ; well matched and trained working cattle, and new ami A splendid new article ot Ml'rehants and others will bear in mind we run the
Rearth Rugs Cleaned or Dyed ; the peculiar shape of the nibs, [which WaR first intro­ of lID deecriptions Cleaned or Dyed ;
useful inventions, will command higher premiums than
duced by lIIagley] makes it more pleasant to use, ren­
at any precedin� Fair. Au opening, anmftl'8il.lY, &toc.
. ONLY Express Cars between New lork and altimore.

Crapes or Gauzes Dyed ; Blankets Cleaned i ders it less liable to damage, m&re easy to repair, and with a variety of STltAWS, PANAMAS, &C. A beautiful sep 4 ADAMS & CO. Wall l'ltreet.
Addresses will be delivered by the most emillent orators . .
{lrevents the neaessity of the great care that other arti­ Ilrticle of Walking Stick, called the MALACCA C ANE ;
of our couBtry. The people of this great Republic I\re'
N. B.-Terllll,l Cash.
Gentlemen'. Clothes Repaired.
T. SMrrH, i�v?�ed zealously to C:�p'erate in earrying out this ex·
cles of the kind require. 'JOHN WESTALL AND co,. PRINTERS,
.4lkn-ftrnt, mar Chu.llfWtrt", N. Y. ManufacWy,
with Cane UmbrellasJ Can� Fishing-rodll, Carpet Bags
.� No. 70 189 BaOAl!WAYI N; York: au23 ade STRE:iT. NEW.YO'RX.
. .. ....._
a1l23 � �.


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