December 12 1845

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(Continued from No. 11.)
CLASS XV.-Stone and Clay Manufactures, inclu­
ding llJachines for Pottery, Glass-making, Brick­
-Entrance 128 Fulton st., and 89 NMsau st.­
ALSO, AT NO. 12 S TA T E ST., BOSTON, AND NO. 21 AR­ making, dressing and preparing Stone, Cements,
CADE, PHILADELPHIA. and other building materia/.9.
(The Principal Office be ing at New York,) Moulding briel" John Booth and Wm. H. Steven-
60n, Columbus, Misc.-jan. 6.
Moulding brick, Wm. T. Peters, executor oflthiel
Town, New Haven, Ct.-Sept. 27.
RUFUS PORTER,--EditOl·. Briek pres8, Mark Twitchell, Gray, Me., June
10; Jeflrey Smedley, Columbia, Pa., Aug. 28; C.
Each number of {his paper is furni�hed with B Baker and E. Gifford, Troy, N. Y., Sept.. 7th;
from two to five ORIGINAL ENGRAVIN(;�, many Nathan Sawyer, Baltimore, Md., Sept. 27; Benja­
min H. Brown, Philadelphia, O['.t. 3.
of them elegant, and illustrative of N�;w IN­
Dres:;ing Mill-stones, John Blot,k, Helena, Ark.,
OSITIES; and contains as IIl!\ch lntcrc,;ting In. Stone-cutters, Jacob J(mb, Roscoe,'!l!., June 2.
telligence as six ord i na ry daily papers, eonsist. Drf'.sbing S to n e, Hammond vVard,Clmrlton,Mass.
ing of lIoticcs of the progress of Mechanical April lll.

and other Scientific Improvemeltls,---Ameri. CLASS X V l.--.f.,f'atha, including Tanniwr and

ean and Foreign IJlvelltioll�; Catalol-(lIes of Dl'e$sin{!:. lllwu'/acIUl'e of Booh, Shoes. Saddle­
ry, Harness, flc.
American Patents ;�-Scicntific ES�[lVs, i1111�tra.
Corl{-<;ole Bo()t,;. Willifull L. McCauley, Balti·
tive of the principles of the Scien�cs of Me. .
more, MJ., JLlne a.
chanics, Chemistry, alld Architceture ;,,·-In. Boot-crimps, JO;lClh M. Read, assignee of Abra­
"truction in various Arts and Trade" i-ctll'iolls ham Thayer, aSiignee of Josiah Copeland, Boston,
-Philosophical Expcriments ;-MiseclialitOllS In- Jan. 20 :PChlt iah Stevens, Jr.,Canton, Mass., July 15.
telligcnce, Poetry, and, occa�ionally, l\1IIHic. Boot-shard" haiah Gale, Natche�, Miss., July II.
. Crimps for Collar pad, Joseph S. Barkdull, Ball­
This paper is esp ecia lly entitled to the patltma;e of ston, N.Y, July 13.
M ec h a nics alld Manufacturers, b eing the only paper in Harness check-hoob', Abel B. Buell, Westmore­
Amf.'rica devoted to the intel·est. of those c1as't·s; but i:;
laml, N.Y., March l3.
particular ly useful to }' ar me rs , as it will not only a p pr i s e
Horse-hawes, Nathan Post, Madrid, N. Y., June
them of i mp ru vem ents in ag r icultu ra l implements, but
iustruct them in various mechanical trades, and guard 15: Jo�eph K. Slater and Sylvester G. Pratt, Bos­
t.hem a ga ins t impositions. As a family new sp ape r, it ton, Sept. 20.
will conv e y more useful intelJi�encc to children and Machinery Illr lorming hats of leather, Randal
young people, than five times its cost in s chool instruc­ Fish, New York, Oct. 12.
tion. Another i mp or tant argument in fav or of t his pa­ Machine lor cutting raw hides, William Marshall
per, is, that it will be wor th two d olla r s at the (' nd of the and J. B. Thursby, Brooklyn; N.Y.: Sept. 4.
yea r, when the volume is com p le te, and will probably Mal,ing Leather, Robert Downey, New Albany,
command that price in cash, if we may j udge from the In.: June 15.
circumstance that old volumes of the "N ew York Me­ Sr.litting Leather, Alpha Richardson, Boston:
EXPI.ANA1·IoN._An iron stove about two feet long, alld eighteen inches high, contains within it a cylindrical boilel, an wit in
d the boilcr, a
cha n ic, " by the same edi tor, will now command double Apn117.
the original COit. cyhndrieal furna"p, with a ITI''1lt: lor the lire. This boiler is so arraup,;ed Ihat tho;l fire or heated air passcs through its centre, and returns outside to Construction of Saddles, Samuel Ringgold, Fort
t e smoke pipe H, where it escapes. A generator C made of wood is pla ce d a few inches above the stovt', and has two or �nore try.coeks on s �
TERMs.-" The Scientific Ame l'ican " will be furn ished i
McHemy, Md. : Oct. 7.
to subscribers at $2, per ann u m,- onc dollar in ad· SIde, whereby the depth of the water therein is a�cer(ained. The water WIthin the boiler is contained between the two cylInders, and commulJl· Sewing mach inc, James Rogers, New York: Ju­
vance, and the balance in six mont h s .
cates with the water in th e generator by t he pipes, one of which extends from the top of the boiler to the hotiolJl of the generator; and thc oth er ly 22.
Five copies will be sent to one address six months, li)r
Cuttiug Soles, Richard Richards, Lynn, Mass. :
four dollars in ad vance. exten ds from the side, or from the bottom e ar the side of tbe gcnerator, to the bottom of the boiler at D.
n By of this arrangement,-the
means December 16.
Any person pro �ur i ng tw o 01' more subscribers, will be g ener a tor being about half filletl with water, and a fire placed in the fllrnace,-a eurrent of water constantly ascends from the boiler through the Tanning, John Cox, Georgie Mills, Edinburgh,
en t itled to a c o mm iss ion of twenty-five cents e ach.
TERMS 'H' ADVER'fISING.-For 10 lines, or less, 50 first pipe, and d e s ce nd through the �eeond; thus keeping the water in the gcnerator at the same temperature with that in the boiler.
s A short dis­ Scotland: June 5 ; Adam Kettering and A. Vogle,
cents for the first, and 121-2 cents 101' every sllbsetluent tance from the stove is a water-vat E, built of wood, and standing 011 legs; and at the head of the gencra tor is a valve head F with a roller valve Hempfield, Pa.: June 2/!; William Brown, Man­
chester, Md.: AUl,Iust 1.
insertion. or two way cock, so constructed that the steR m cannot he wholly suppressed, nor cscape in only one di r ect ion at the Nallle time. From this valve
head project two branch pipes, by one of which the steam cscapes to the open air, and by the other the steam is conducted to the bottom of the CLASS XVII.-Holtseholrl furmturc,machines and
The Frog, ' implements ji". domestic pwposes, including
water. vat, and terminatcl; within a casing of wood-a longitudinal picce of pia Ilk, the sides of which a re perforated for the purpose of distributing the
MACHINE POETRY. washing mach'incs, bread and cracker machines,
steam e qu l ly in the ditl'0rent parts or the vat.
a Another vilt-the milk·nat-matie of tin la to, and of dimension� n ear ly equal to the i nte rio r of
p fe athe r dressing, etc.
Of all the thing s that live
In woo d land, marsh, or bo g , the water.vat, is therein, and is intcnded to cOlltain the milk in preparation for cheese.
s�t By this arrangement the sp,lce betweell the two vats Bedstead, Will. F. Converse, R. H. Penny, and
That c re e p the g round 01' fly the air, bei n g nearly filled with watcr, the milk may be gradually and unilorInly warlllcd, hy admiss i o n of stearn into the water. vat. A thermometer, G, i5 R. S. Hanni/ord, Harrison, Ohio: December 31.
The funniest is the frog- suspended at the side of the milk vat, the b l b being illllIlersp,d thercin, and accutately indicates the temperature of the d uring thc process. This
milk Bureau bedstead, Henry W. Kingman, New
The frog-the scientifickest
Of Nature's handy work- �ppa� atus will also be found very convenient for wadily and economically heatillg owater, for various purposes in w hich hot water is required ill York: October 12.
Sacking bottoms of bedsteads, Isaac Cooper,
The frog, that neither walks nor run3, larmmg establishments. It was invented by Mr. (;onlon, Farmer, of Mohawk, H e rkimer Co., N. Y., who has taken measurcs for securing a patent, JohnstowlJ, Pa.: October7.
But goes it with a jerk. and will furn i sh the machines, or rights therein, on the most reasonable terms. Sola bedstead, G. L F. Griswold, assignee of G.
With pants and coat of bottle green, Sickels, Middletown, Ct.: December 4.
And yello w lancy vest, DEVILTRy.-A great many queer �tories are told VIHGINIA MILL, RrcllMONll.-The (,allego mill A CHEAP BEEAKFAST.-A �on of Erin, at Schen­ Bread knife, Franklin Rays, Berlin, Ct.: Oct. 9.
was built in 1833. It is situated at the head of
He plun�es into mud and mirc­ 01' the facts and the necromantie tricks of the Herr ectady, heard the breaklast bell ring on board of a Machine for making brooms, Jacob H. Hinton,
All in bis S u nd ay best ; callal boat as starting out for Buffalo. The fra­
Alexander, who is now puttillg alltol'mer magicians the ba�in of the Jamor river callal. Its dimension� Lancaster, Pa.: Ma t ch 13.
When he sits down he's s tanding up,
are 95 feet by 84 leet; its total hcight being 105
in thc ;;hade. One was related to u� by a lady grance 0[' the viands induced him to go aboard. Scrubbing-brushes, George Carver, Chambers­
feet. It is eight stories high ill the rear, tour stories burg, Pa: August 1.
As Pad d y O'Kinn once said; ...what'll ye
which struck us as being more wonderful than any " Sure, Captain, dear," said he, "an
And, lor convenience sake, he wear�, Trimming the bristles of brushes, Samuel Tay­
we had before read 01: The performer desired a high in tire front, and three "t"rie" in the attic. The ax a poor Illan for thravelling on your llhgant swan
building is of brick, and built ill the most substan­ ov a boat 1"
His eye on top his head. lor, East Cambridge, Mass.: May 17.
number of gentlemen of' the audience to loan him
Rocking-chair, A. C. Stiles, South Bloomfield,
You see him sittin;, on a log, their handkerchiefs, aud proceeded to collect some tial manner; the walls of the lirst story being 5 1-2 " Only a cellt and a half a mile, and lound," re­
Above the" n asty deep," dozen or fourteen of them, which he plunged into a feet thick. Thc aearing and shafts throughout fire plied the Captain. Ohio: September 27.
" An' is it the vittles ye mean to find, ,mre 'l" Coffec pots, Daniel Rowland, Washington, D.C.:
You feel incline d to say, old chap' bowl of clear water, standing in full view of the of iron, the whole Illachiuery being put in motion
Just" look before yOll leap !" company. Many of the handkerchiefs were not by three water wheeb, 01" 32 feet in diameter each, "Yes. Awl if you're going along come down to September 17.
You raise your cane to hit him, Cracker m chine, VV. H. Tuttle, assignee of 1.
exactly suited lor exhibitIOn to a la�tidious assem· and 12 leet bue-ket, carrying 24 pairs of burrs, 4 of breakllll;t."
Johnson and Otis Freeman, Boston: May 17.
which are used lor rubbiug ill cleaning the wheat. Pat didn't wait to be told a second time, but hav­
His ugly-looking mug; bly, a� two at least 01' the owners of the same used
But, ere y ou get it half way up,
s�lUfl; but this did not appeal' to trouble the magi­ ing descended into the cabin and made a hearty Cutting sausage.meat: William Pittenger, Rome
The imsiness done by this mill is very large; it or­
Adown he goes KER·CHUG.
Clan at all; he put them in the water together and meal he came again on deck and requested that the Ohio: March 26; Edwin Clark) Hartford: Aug. 31.
dinarily turns out about 500 barrels of flour ill the
stirred them around with the air of one deterlllined Machines lor producing exercise, Oli ver Halstead,
keeps about bis nati ve pond, twenty /lmr hours; though, when required, it has boat might be stopped.
"How lar have we come, just 1" asked Pat.
New York: March 13.
And ne'er goes on a spree, to make them white as snow. He then took thelll turned out 700 barrels in that time. The flour is
Nor gets" how-come-you-so," for a from the water and held them up to view with the paeked in barrels, in the usual way, hy hand, and " Only a little over a mile." Fruit and vegetable preservers, Peter Kephart,
Cold w ater chap is he; fluid �treaming from them,-a lIlass of wet ragtl.­ pressed in the barrel by machinery. Attached to, Pat thereupon handed the Captain two cents, and Uniontown, Md.: September 24.
For EARTHLY cares to get d ru n k Reli-igerator, D. Evans, Philadelpbia: March 25,
He then proceeded to ram and jaw them, wet as alld communicatillg' wth, this mill, is a lumber house, coolly told him that he believed he would not go
He's not the silly fool; they were, ill the mouth of a blundnrbUlls, which measuring 81 leet by 80, three :-;tories in front, fOLlI' any tluther with him, as Juddy would wait her Washing machine, .lames B. Coffin, Big Prairie,
BlIt, when they come , he gives a JUlTlP, being done he fired o fl' the piece over the Ileads of ,tories in real', ane two stories ill the attic; its total breaHast, not knowing that he had breakfa�t out. Ohio: February 2; Ephraim Lukens, Baltimore j
And d rown s 'em ill the pool. the aud ience. To the minds of many present it height beillg 70 teel; and, adjoining this lumber The joke wa� so good that the Captain took the March H; Lewis Woodward, Medford, N.J. : April
--�.,.".,.�-- seemed that the washed handkerchiefs were lIOW hOllse, there is another now it! course of erection, centG, ordered the boat ,.;topped, helped Pat ashore, 4; William Newbrough, Wooster, Ohio: April 17 ;
Yankee Laud. �one gone, blown away lorever-but not so, lor au measuring 65 teet by 50 feet, lilUr stories high ill and told him that should he ever have occasion to William Soule, Stafford, Ct.: May 17: Oliver B.
I wish I was ill Yankee land, mstant afterwards the Herr opened a oox which front, five stories in the rear, aud two in the attic; travel that way agam he shoLlld be most happy to Wight, StLlrbridge, Mass.: July 9; William E Ar­
And was a boy again , stood near him and took from it all the Illmdker­ its height is 70 feet. The flour ground at this mill carry him. . nold, Rochester: July; David Kaufman, Mohecan­
I'd suck sweet c ide r till I bllrst, chiefs perfectly clean, nicely ironed, ueatly folded, is chiefly sold for the South markets, _--"J""''''''''�- ville, Ohio: August 21; Nathan Parish, Rush, N.
And fish in eyery rain. and scented 1vith lavender! Every mall lIad his where it is in great request, and cnjoys a deF.erved­ To GET A TIGHT RING OFF A FINGER.-Thread a Y.: December 4.
bit of' cambric returned to him, and every man, needle flat in the eye with a strong thread; pass the To be continue d .
I'd never wa nd el' from my home
ly high reputation.
snuff takers included, enjoyed the ti-agl'ance oj' his end of the needle with care under the ring, and pull
To vis it foreign scenes, AMERICAN RAILROAD IRoN.-The Mountour Iron
cleansed and odoriferous" wipe." How hle:;t i.lUst through a lew inches towards the hand; wrap the
But always to my mammy stick
that womaIl be who rejoices in the Herr as her
A NEW BAROMETER.-lt is difficult lor all peI">lOnS long end of the thread tightly around the finger, re­ Company's mills, at Dauville, turn out beautiful
And l ive on PORK AND BEANS! to have a Barometer to ascertain the state of the
-��.,.,..."..,.,--- spou��, how happy the small lillIlily with the mighty gularly, all down to the nail, to reduee its size. Then specimens of T rail, made entirely of Anthracite
magicIan for an mmate !
weather, but in England they have made a disco- lay hold of the s h ort end of the thread, and unwind pig iroIl. The Pottsville Gazette say;; "The rails
Sonnet in Praise of Invention. ..m�"''''''''',",,__ very of a very simple character. It it; by kecping a it. The thread pressing against the ring will grad­ exhibited to us are 18 feet in length, and weight
Great was the man who fir5t invented le tte ! S; Le ech in a phial of water. If the weather continues

A CHEERFUL WIFE.-A good writer lms remarked ually remove it Ii-om the finger. This never failing fifty-one pounds to the yard; we have never seen
Great wa s Arcbimed es, Galileo great­ serene and heautiful, the leeeh lies motionless at method will remove the tightest ring without diffi­ any English rails surpassiug them ill beauty of make
that a woman IHay be of great assistan(;e to het.
Great was Copernicus ; who from the fe tt en; the bottom of tlte glas�, and rollliHl together in a and finish, and it is believed that the material itself
husband by wearing a cheerful smile continually culty, however lI1ue-h swoolen the fingcr may be.
spiral IOrill. If it rains either bclore or atternoon, it
upoIlI� er count�Ilanee. A man's peI:plexities aud
Of ancient error freed the Starry State,
---.",..,.,.� is superior to that generally employed in England
Great were the Ptolcmies, great was T y c h o Brahe, is l(lUnd to have crept up to the top of its lodging�,
gloommess are mcreased a hundred lold, wheH his THE 'l'HouBANns OF ISRAEL.-According to the for similar purposes. These rails are made for the
Pythagoras, and Count Rumford, and Macadam,
better half moves about with a continued scowl up- and there it remains till the weather is settled. If Faithful Watchman of Zion-the organ of the or­ Lancaster Road, aud several tons we understand
Watts, Arkwright, Kepler, and the man w hos e pa
we arc to have winJ, the poor prisoner moves
Was onc e the owner 01 the town of Haddam. on her brow. A pleasant, cheerful wile is '.lS a raiu- thodox German Je\\s·-there are in Italy, 50,000 l s- are already cOlllpleted. The Montonr Company
bow set in the sky, whett her hUcb,uHI':; mind is through its limpid habilati'Jll with amazing swifl­ raelite,,; ill Holland alld Belgium, 80,Of)O; in Eng­ will be able to tUI'll out at least 10,000 to ns per
Great was Sir H ump h r ey Da vy, Roger Bacon; I
olll restd till it begins to blow hard. laud, 30,000; in Dellmark and Sweden, 5,000; in
Great is Dag u erre , and Richard Adams L ocke , tossed with storms and tempests; but a dissati"fieil ! necs, and seld year."
' If a remarkable dtOl'l1i 01' thullder and rain is to SllC­ Russia, 60,000; in Poland, 1)500,000; ill Hungary,
Franklin, by whom the thunder's tbrone wa5 s hake n ; o
and li'etful wife, in the hour 0[' trouble, io like ne or
Great was t he inventor of the wooden elock. those fiends who are appointed 10 tonnent h im. ceed, lor Goltte day" bel(H"e, it lodges continually out 160,000; in European Turkey, 300,000; and in oth­ CINCINNATI.-The commerce of Cincinnati is al­
�,,,__ --�""N"�.'''' 01' water, and discover" great ulleasiness in violent er parl� of Europe about one million. ready immense. In the article of groceries alone,
like ltlotion�. In frost, as ill
COMPOUND INTERE ST. - I f an English peuuy had the lollowing have been the imports since January

PROFESSI O NAL CANDOllH.-A staitl aud demurc­ throes and convulsive

been placed out at compound interest at five per looking quaker lady called on our neighbor, Dr. Rllllllllel'-like weather, it
is c.oll:;tantly at the bottom. MOUNTAINS OF NOHTII A ME RI c A.- T he higbest last: Cofiee, 44,351 sacks; sugar, 11,285 hhds.; mo­
Christie, a few days since. "Will the Galvanic. And in snow, as in rainy
cent, in the year one, it would, last Christmas, 1840, weather, it pitches its peaks of the Roeky Mountains are Brown and Hook­ lasses, 19,263 bbls; pepper, 1,<!35 hags; raisins,12,-
the phial. It may
ha ve produced the enormolls 811m Ilf £4,017,055,811,- Rings cme depression of spirits 'I" asked the lady. d weiling upon t.he very month of er Mountains. They reach up three miles above 410 boxes; rice, 2,053 tierces. ln grain, &c., we
126,677,845,110,793,317,430,411,529, whie", lai(1 (Iown "What has caused the complaint, madam 'I" l'e­ not be amiss to note the ieceh is kept in a eotll­ the level of the ocean. The Black MOllntains in have the following retnrns: WJH'nt, 115,115 bush­
edgeways, would measure the immense length of plied the doctor. "the loss of my husband," mOUI"n­ man ei¥,bt- oun(:e
glass phial, abont three-tourths North Carolina, and the White Mountains in New cis; oats, 112,243 do; barley, 28,42.5 do; corn, 159,-
on the mouth with a piece 01"
54,292,888,880,329,484,980,173,827,118,308 miles,and fully ejaculated the lady. "Then you had better filled WIth water, tied HampshIre, are one mile and a quarter high. No 203 do; flour, 118,306 bbls.; whiskey, 121,243 do;
make 1,529,862,220 of our earth ill solid <Told. At get a wedding ring," said the doctor. Exit the lady linen rag. In the summer time, the water is other point of the great Apalachian range is above cheese, 65, 481 boxes and 905 casks, and 134-,000
simple inter8l!t it would have produced only 7s. 9d. to do the same. c.hanged once a week,and in winter once a fortnight. a mile in height. packages of merchandise.


- --- - - - - - --�� -------.-.-r-- --

The al·t of Painting. Gal vanism. ECOllOD1Y ill Fuel .

(Continned from No. 1 1 .) ( Continued from No. 10.) Few s ubjects of improve m e n t h a v e received m ore
T H A N ::> P A R E N T P A I N T I N G ON C A M B R I C .-This art attention for the last twenty years than this, and it is
is ex tensively practised, i n painting screens and with many people a m atter of astonishment, that as
window shades. The cambrie or muslin is prepared late as within fi fty years, and i n the most e nlightened
I by being stretched on a fra m e of convenient size, parts of this country, chimneys have been erected
being �ecured by tacks at the edges, and sized w ith with fire places in which more than twelve limes the
a mixture of fi n e flour pa� te, w h i te gl ue, and w h i te fu el was required to b e consu med i n order to warm
BATT E R I E s .-'l' h e most general mode of connect­ Bernadolle, K i n g of S weden, "peak i n g of hi� own
N E W-YORK, T H U R SD A Y , D E C E M.B E ll 1. bar soap, in the proportion of one pound of flour to
ing the several pairs in a compound battery, is by I he roo m , that is n o w required for the same, or ,\ n
w a rl i l, e d ispos i t ion and appe a rance, once remarked
f<lUr ounces of glue anll five ounces of soap. The
m eans of si mple eopper wires, about 1 - 1 2 inch i n equal pu rpose, i n a modern approved stove. ::) t i l l
Science of �Iechallics. that whenever h e looked in the glass he was
soap must b e of the wh i t e o r tran8parent kind, and there a r e those w h o appear t o u n derstand l i ttle o f
(Continued from No. 1 1 .) diameter. E ach c u p is provided with a s m all brass of hi1Jlself.
sen'es to soften the o ther i n gredients and render the
post, w h i ch is soldered to the rim of the cup, and the t r u e principles of economy in this respect ; a n d
I cloth pl iable ancl elastic. T n e flour is first made in­
proj ects upward an inch or more, terminating i n a s o m e e v e n in this ci ty, continue t h e u s c o f fi re place� P l i ny relates that one or the Rom an armies en­

to paste, and while hot, the soap is added, with a few or chimney grates, fro m the fi res in which, two thirds coun tered and ldlled a serpent 1�0 fee t in I f'ngth
screw, to which a nut i� fitted : and a crea�e being
drops of essence o f c innamon, lemon, or lavender, o f the radient heat e�cape,; up the chimney to warm T h e hyd rargos, n o w exhibiting in Bos ton, being of
cut in the side o f the screw, one end of the wire is
to prevent unpleasant perf umes. The glue is to be the atmosphere w i thou t, while hal f of the rem a i n i n g the � a m e length, i8 , u pposed to be a twin brother to it.
placed i n the c rease, so that when the nut is run
d issolved by itself, and then the whole is m ixed to­ third part radiates into t h e bricks o f w h i c h the c h i m­ 'r he K i n g o f P r ussia, at his o w n expense, has
down on the screw it binds the wire to the PORt, as
geth c r, and d i luted with water till it will work freely ney is c o mposed .
shewn i n the cut at the head of this article. A more And in some instances, even caused the printing of 17, 000 copies of the Scrip­
M O T I O N I'HOJE CTION, I N E H T I'A & MOM E N T U M .-We with a com m o n paint brush, while col d. A th i n where a stove is used, the pipe o r funnel is m ad e a� (ures fo r d istribution among the schools of the
s i m ple and compact battery, consists of a series of
have i n former numbers, had frequent occasion to s i z i n g i s spread o n the work s i d e of the camhrie : short as possible, so that the heat escapes by the
plain pieces of copper and zinc plates, placed in real m .
speak o f motion, but without defining o r fu lly ex­ and if the sizing is well proportioned and applied, shortest possible course fro m the fire to the chi m n ey.
cells prepared for them, in a box made of wood , T h e Lowell Manulacturing C ompany h a v e deci­
plaining it. There are several kinds of motIOn, i t will b e nearly invisi ble when dry. A coat of pure But we arc glad to find many who und erstand the
ab out o n e foot lo ng, s i x inches w i d e anll fi ve deep. ded to erec t a new m i l l , 320 feet long, 200 wide and
which are desi gnated by the terms Rectilinea.., C u r­ l inseed oil, diluted with an equal quan tity of spirits thing better, havin g looked i n to the th eory of it ;
T hese cells are formed b y partitions of wood and fi ve stories high, for the manufacture of Brussels
vilinear, Circular, Rotary, Excentri c, S p i ral, Vibra­ of tu rpentine, may b e app l i e d to the whole surface, but yet there is one essen tial point which appears
l e ather al ternately extending lengthwise, or fro m and I ngrain carpels.
tory Undulatory, C o m pound and C r o o k e d . Recti · or only such parts of i t a s is intended to receive the to have been i n a great measure ov erlooked, even
end t o e n d of the box. The i n l e r i o r of t h e b o x , and
linear motion, has a straight forward course, w h eth­ coloring ; it must be appl i e d quickly and uniformly, by those who are supposed to have given the most Lord Man sfield once remarll C d that h e had en­
all the wood partitions, are thoroughly coated with
er continuous or vibratory. Curvelinear motion that the tran sparency m ay be equal in all parts ; an d attention to t h e subjec t ; that is, the facilitating the cou n tered fraudulent debtors ; but that where he had
a varnish cons i s ting o f asph altu m and beeswax
describes the arc of a circle, and if continued, it be­ if a l ittle copal varnish be m ixed with the oil, it will radiation of heat by a n a t mosph eric curre n t, o r a encountered one fra u d u lent dehto r, h e had m et nine
melted together an d d il u t e d with spirits of turpen­
comes a c i rcular motion. R o tary motion is al so, b e the better. T h e frame, with the cam b r i c, m u s t Iree circulation of air in the im mediate vicinity of' h u n d red li-audulent cred i tors.
tine. T h e plate s are then placed alternately in the
circular, in a l i mited sense ; bu t in this, t h e m o v i n g be plaeed between t h e a r t i s t a n d the principal l i ght, the stove. 'Ye do not mean by this circulation, to
�ever!'ll cells, and by the sides of the wood 1mrti­ It is reported that a m echan i c in Ohio has d lsc.ov­
b o dy is supposed t o revolve o n i t s o w n ax i s . Ex­ that the lights and s h ades may be seen d istinctly facili tate the combustion of the fuel, but to carry off
tion�, so as to b e at as great a d i s tance as possible ered a method o f m a k i ng church bell s of steel,
centric motion, is rotary i n i t s principle, b u t varies during the process of pai n t i n g. The colors used in the heat rapidly fro m the surface of the IItove as
from the leather, and connected by wires as before which arc very sonorous and much cheaper than
from a regular circl e ;-The moving body b e i n g this branch, generally consist of I vory Black, Prus­ fast as it radiates through the iron . We have ,;een
described. 1'he cells then being filled with the sa­ com m o n bells.
carried farther fro m i t s a x i s i n o n e p a r t of i t � rev o ­ sian Blue, Ultram arine, Paris G reen, C rystals of some varieties of stoves, constructed with a great
line solutions d e�c;rihed in No. 1 1 , the battery is --��'- '- _ ...r ��,-�V"""V,-�,.... ......-.... ,","__ __

lu tion t h a n i n anoth er. Spi ral m o t i o n i s a l � o rota­ Verd igris, Ga mboge o r Turmeric, Lake, Umber, n u mber of f1anehes or leaves, projecting fr om the T h e keeper of t h e Por tland observatory coun ted
read y fo r action. This battery, which, by way of
ry, but the movi n g body in it s revolution�, progres­ and Burnt Umber, Terradesienn a and Burnt Terra­ exterior of the stove, for the ostensible purpose of 205 vessels a t anchor a t one time in t lie harbor of
distinction, is called the Compact B attery) is the
ses more o r l e s s in the direction of the centre of its d eBienna, and Gum-asphal tum or B runswick B lack­ presenting as much su rface as possible to the s u r­ Portland, a lew d ays since, besides those at the
most simple of construction, and the most conve­
axis ; thus each part af the moving body, conforms i ng. ( T he T u r m eric is prepared by steeping it in rounding atmosphere ; but the effect of this plan i� wharves.
nient! y portable f,Jr i tinerant lec turers, or practition­
to the d irection of a thread of a screw. Vib r atory alcoh o l , and stra i n i n g of!' the l i quor, which m ay be to prevent, rath e r than promote a free escape of ca­
ers, of any in use ; and being constructed with a

T h e M o u n t S avage I ro n Company are about

motion may p artake of either the rectil inear or c u r­ then m i x e d with oil o r varn ish. These colors are loric by atmospheric circulation. Of this the rea­
trunk lid, the gal vanic arrangement is entirely con­ erecting a n additional roll i n g m i l l, and nearly a
vilinear motion, but is alternate in opposite IlOrri­ ground i n oil, d i lu ted with spirits o f turpentine, to son is obviolls ; for if any quantity of atmospheric
cealed from view, while in actual operation and per­ hundred new dwellings fo r the acco mmodation of
zontal d irections. Undulatory motion is similar to w h i c h may b e added a l ittle drying j apan or white air i s by any means confined i n contact with the
forming wond ers, which are to be described here­ workmen .
t h e vibratory, only that its d i rections are vertiral.­ vitriol, to hasten the d rying of the colors. An o u t­ heated su rface, this being 11. b a d conductor of heat,
Compo n nd m otion consist� of two or more o f the l i n e of the deRign is d rawn w i th a hair pencil with effe ctually prevents the rad iation of h e a t fro m the Some unlucky thief having stolen a quan tity of
G R O V E'S B A T r E RY.-This is the most powerful,
other motio n s combined ; and crooked o r i rregular dilute umher o r i vory b l � c k ; after which the colors immediate vicinity of the stove. B u t if, on the oth­ u ncollected bills fro m a B oston newspaper con cern,
and i n man)' re�pects the be�t b attery in usc. It is
motion i;; supposed to be governed by no Hpecifie d are applie d . more o r less d ilute, as m o re or l ess
eon� truded on the same general pri n ciples as those
er hand, the su rface of' the vertical part of the stove it is proposed, as a punishment, to co mpel him to
laws, and of course its lrack is never perrectly re­ transparency is required. I n general, the brightest
before described, but with this d i flerence, that in­
is smooth and even, then each partiele, o r minute collect the m.
peate d . The opposite of motion i � rest ; ami a , (,lte colors Hhonld b e applied first, a nd afterward the quan tity of a i r, as soon, us i t imbibes t h e least quau­
stead of plain copper and z inc, the plates consist of From fi fty t o sixly thousand pounds o f lead mine­
of motion appears to b e quite as natural lor a l l bod­ darker shades o r colors. The operato r will fin d it tity of cal oric, becomes rarified, and risin g by its
platina, and z i n c a m algamated or coated with mer­ ral, worth $22 per thousand, have been raised by
ieS, as a state of rest. The f()f c C i ; r c ([u ired requiHite 10 turn the work-side to the light occasion­ own buoyan cy, passes 0 11' vertical ly, thus producing
cu ry :-instead of leather, a partition of u nglazed eight miners in Illinois, ill o n e day. A profitable
to produce rest, i n a moving b o d y, aR to p r o d uce ally, to Re e whelher the o paque surface of the co­ a current o f rarified air which is thus circulated
porcelain is placed between the metallic plates ; and business.
motion in one at rest. A body once i n m o t ion, wi l l loring and shading correspond. with the transpa­ through the room ; and the quantity of heat thus
iastead of th e saline solu tions, fu ming n i tric acid is
a s naturally continue i n m otion t o the e nd o f t i me. rent view ; for it i � the peculiar property of' good circulated, is in some measure proportionate to the Upward of 1 ,000,000 tons of coal, fi-om the
used in one apartment, and dilu te sulphuric acid in
as one at rest will continue a t rest. work of this k i n d , to appear equally well i n an t ra n s­ velocity of this current. For an illus trative experi­ S c h uylkill regions, have been �hipped during the
the other. T h ese articles are arranged in glass
Quantity of power is u s u a l ly designated by the parent or opaque view. In regulating the shades for ment o n this suhj ect, let any person select a spot on pabt beason, and prepa rations are making lor a much
cups or tumblers, and connected consecutively in
v e rtical distance which a gi ven w e i gh t m ay be raised the purpose, it is sometimes requisite to m i x white the surlace of a sto ve that is re d-hot, and blow with larger business in fu ture.
the manner described for the other plates. This is
in a given time ; o r the weight that may b e raised lead with the colors, which increases the shad e in a cOIllmon h a n d bellows directly on that spot for a
the Idnd of battery that is nsed in produci n g the elec­ There are about 4000 United S tates troops, at
a given distance i n a given time : or, the t im.e in the transpare n cy, while i t reduces it in the opaque. few minute� : the result will be, that the excess of
tro-magnetic action in Mor�e's Telegraph, and ror the Corpus Ch risti, T exas, with noth i n g to d o but e n ­
w h i ch a g i v e n w e i g h t lIl ay h e rai;cd a g i v e n verti­ S l cnci ls, ill ,et� III <ld c to ll I a tch, are uoee! wIlh ad­ l h e a t m o�phc ri(' curren t t h u s protl u c e d ", i l l Imve
ignition of C o l t '" >' I l h m a r i r l l ' ( ' x l d " - I I' f' h, l / t l · r y . fl i l l j oy t h e fine sunny climate and play with the gentl!"_
c a l d l ,t a n c e ; t! l 1 1 8 , III pit Iter C ;l. R P , or vantage i n t his b ranch, especial l y i n the formation (" l r r w d o i l ' l l i e caloric l i' o m that �pot >0 rapidly, that
descrip t i o n s 0 1 ' 11' 1 1 1 1' 1 1 " I i i i l l : g l ' e l l I I I
t he q u anti ty
tllllil " 1111111- alligators.
powe r i; , l e, i g- n a t P d hy I I I(' c O l l n te r ac l i o n or the o f bo rtleI''; anti scro l l embellish ments. The col ors e v e n 1 1 j ( ' 1 1'0 1 1 \\' I l l have lost i t s rt' d I l C " , a n t! beco m e
O n e hU l l d rt'd 1>.\ l r <. o i l I h l s p r l l i l i p l e , h e i n g
[un'e o f �rn v l t y . I\. llI l l c h j,ctt('l' I IllHll' , howevcr, of must be applied with soft brushes and laid smooth­
properly connected, w i l l co m m u nicate the magne­
b r o \\' l J . \ o t l l i a t tl \ ( � G l i r r e n t of a i r h a s in the !cast A lIoth ;--;Pi;;�
� s-t;�I�r;-230 'f�IOlJ g,
designa t i n g (I'W I / l ily "r ! Hl IClT, I; by the amount of ly ; and if any part reeeive� too dark a col oring, the degree p r � \, " l J l e d the r a d i a l ion o r heat I h rough the called the Brother Jonathan, is to be finished this
tic power through a cOJltinuou� copper wire two or
inertia that llIay be o v e rC O l l l e , o r, t h e ve l oc i ty with only remedy i � to ,crape OIl' the paint fi'om such side of t h e �tovc, but, o n the l'O n l r,lry, ha� p ro m o t ed winter, to run be tween Bostoll and Port land next
three h u n d red miles in length. We lIl ay give a
which a given weight i n a g l v e l l l l 1 n e m ay be p u t parts before it is d ry. The best design for window i t ; but has at th e same time removed i t so suddenly season .
more mi nute d escription oC the�e hfltleries, w i th gra­
i n motio n . T hu�, to g i v e 1 00lb weight a velocity of shades, consi s t of lan dscape vie ws, and should b e al­
phic illustrations, herc a l l e r.
from the surface, that a part of even that which had The Z anesville R epu l l a b j � ; �;y;-
that great spe­
64 feet per bccond i s equal to rai s i n g 1 0 0l b a verti ­ ('o n " l l l l I te d t he redness or the iron, has gone with i t, culations are goi n g on in Texas S crip, the buyers
waY8 d esigned to acco m m o d ate the fo rm a n d posi- To be cflll t i n l1cd.
cal distance of G 1 fee t I I I an ('I l u a l time. lio n of the ground Oll which they are drawn. With - - a i l e! t h l l ' prepa red t he way for a more rapid radia­ ,;upposing th at U n cle Sam will redeem it all,-when
1 u p" w,�a. r d s of he gets ready.
.. . �

A fo rce o t ' 7 l b . b e i n ll llppl t e d t o a wei ght of 7 lb.,

,- ""

regard to t h e ruleR of coloring and shading land­

. ......
The following m ay he rca'
." "
a t ho u l i o n of I h e heat e m anating fro m the b u rn i ng fuel.
and the appl i e a t i o ll o f thl! force b e i n g continued scape viewH. we must refer the reader to our next sand d i fie re n t way" , b y h ( �g l n ll l l l g a t t h e I C l t e r S N o w , thererore, w e woul d recomm end that in the
" I would give half m y fortune," said a wealthy
through a space of 4 reet, t h e weight ''!' i l l have ac­ n u mber. ( T o be eontinued . ) in the centre. e o nstruction of stoves, regard may b e had to facili­
m an the other day, " co u l d I pertlpire at; tha t laborer
qui red a veloci ty of 16 fee t pe r secon d . If 28 1bs. of �'#;�I,,.,,.., a�. ,,,,,,,,,,N'·- n a c i I' f i c A m e I' I C a u t a t i n g a Iree circulati o n o r current of air over the docs." H Labor ' I S I do," was th e reply, " and you
e m A c i f
OF W A ll o-From 1 7 9 3 to 1 8 15-a pe­
I' i c A
pressure o r fo rce b il appl i e d to 7 1hll.. w eight, th rough a c i r e lll A c i r i III e r I e .1 exte rior h e ute d �lIrrace.
u� I"' . � . " "" '''�·-
n t i f i c A m e
riod of 22 years,-England, F rance, and Austria
a space or 1 loo t ; or I l b . rreSRnre through :t8 fee t c i I' e m A e i f' i t r i l'
_ _. .

expended $7, 330,000,eoo in war. The i n terest of OI'I'O� I T I O N To young

The Oregon River d e r ived its name from OI'cga­
s pace, the volocity of the weight w i l l b e the sam e . m A e i I' i t n t i I' i c A m
M A N I ' I'ACTU H I E S .--A
l' e II e e r
this sum, at 6 per cent., would be sufficient to build wealthy pian ter, IrDln S o u t h Caroli n a , who had en­
I I' fo u r l i mell t h e p o w e r b e applied to a n equal r e m A e i f i t n e i e II t I' i c A I I I e no, the Spanish n a m e o f pennyroyal, which grows
t e r t a i n c I l a n invete rate aversion to the COttOIl m anu­
weight throl l g h au c ' l u al spac e : or if an equal
50 llIilcs of good railroa d per d ay at a cost of $ 2 5 ,-
e m A e i f i t n e i c i e 11 f i c A III e abu n d a n tly on i ts IMnks. The Terri tory has five
lilc t o r i c s of the north, recently re�orted to a per­
f i
000 per m i le.
p o w e r be a p p l ied l h ro u g h I ' m r times the space, the rn A c i f i t n e i e S c i e n t e A m organised countie� and a popUlation of 4,000.
Nonal oppo s i tion to the �ucce�s of the Lowell tacto­
v e lOCIty or the \v e i g h t wlll b e double. T hu s :
The expenditures of the United S lates i n wars
e m A c i I' i t n e i c i e n t i r i c A III e
A \<Vestern e d i to r recentl y announced his inten-
--�-./""", ,-- - �-, � --�""'-���� '-'"' --�

1789 to 18;13, was rie s, 1>y selectillg from one of t h e m i l l s, one of thl!
i r i e A
and preparation for war, fro m
Force . Weigh t . Space. Velocity. r e m A c i f i t n e i e n t m e I'
t i o n of ( ru n n i n g for sheriff : ' to which a j o l l y lriBh­
7 7 <1 16 $932,755,000. The i n terest on th i8 sum w ouhl g i ve
r e m A c i f i t n e n t I I' i t' A III e r
best and most b e a u t i rl l l opera t i ves, and by the aid
man replied, ' and 'tis y o u rself has a perfect right to
7 Hi a c l ergyman, tool! meaElI I'CS to prevent her ever
n t i f i c A ll i e
a c o n s l ant s upport to 1 , 000,000 of i n habi tantb- glve I'
t e
do i t ; l o r t h e s h e rifI ' has often run for you.'
e i r e mA c i f i i
7 28 Hi a retu r n i n g to the m i l l, to aid in the odioll� bu�ines� of
n c i r e m A c i I' i t i r i c A m e
1 l iberal education t o all the ch ildren i n the United l'
I' a
7 7 Hi 32 S tates : or, if appl ied to the c u l tivation of the pub­ � h o u l d all the young �outherners
ll I a n u l;((� turing.
n a c r e mA c i f i f i c A m e r c a II The ' Dismal S w a m p ' is agaiu on fire i n the VI­
1 12 7 32 l i c lands, would supply all the inhabitants of the com b i l l e and (allow thi,; e x a mpl e , it would go far­
c i u i l y of Deep Creek, and the i mmense d o u d s of
1 ·1 It 16 32 bl P R O V E M E N T O N T i l E M tl R I M .t. c l:.-A n o w anti ther t o e m h a rrass the 8peculating cotton m anufactu­
U n ited S tates with provisions. So much for war. smoke obst;ure the southern horizon, .and render the
224 J4 1 3 2'·· wealthy company, called the E ssex C o m paHy, has rers than all the veh e m e n t declamations of' the t u r ·
a tmosphere di fficul t of respi ration.
I t requirc8 R t i l1 l i' � as l1l ueh power to give 1 4 1b's., B R I T I S H H A I LH O A D T O O R E G O N.-The London
been recently fo rmed i n Mas�achus"e lts. anc! i s co n­ h u l en t o r ator� o f the C a rolinas.
( the w e i g h t or a co l l l l l 1 l 1 or water 1 i nch sfJ u are aud Colonial Gazette says :-" T h e great i n ter-colomal
btrueting a dam and canal 0 1 1 the M e r i m ac1" n e a r � . ."" " " , ..," "',,, . . --- Boston is making the experiment o f paving the
32 fec t l O l l g- ) a v e l o c i t y 01' �:;� f(� e t per �ecol l d ; ae to line of rail way to connect Halifax w i th Quebec, is
Andover B ridge, for the pu rpobe or m a n u lad u r lllg
F L O I I I I'l A .-The e m i g r a t i o n i u to Flori d a thi� sea­ streets w i t h gran i te blocks. We have no doubt of
give 7 lil., ( t h(� w p i g h t o r f (j I('l't o r water, ) a veloc­ des i g n w to co m p l e t e the long chai n of communica­ ROil, is >; a i d to be llnprec(·t\entc d . T h e iuter i o r of c.omplcte success if t h e blocks are d iagonally ar­
operations, on a scale equal to t hat o f t h e L o we l l
i ty of lG f(' c t p�r s e c o n d . . A n t! as the momentum of tion f'rom the A ll a n t i c on the n()rthwe�tern s i d e 0 th e eOll n t ry i s lhst fi ll i ng u p w i t h ente rpris i n g set­ ranged .
companies. T h e stock i u t h i s concern, al n'fl tly
a body i n mot i o l l , i s !be eit i l l e a s the l)ower appl i e d the contincnt of British N o r th A m erica, enci rcl i n g
commands 25 per cent a d vance i n the marl, e t ; and
tlers, who prerer buying thp i r i c e ready m ade, to at.:
There iH said to be a brisk d e m and for machiniete
i n producing' its m o t i o n , I t fo l l o \,.s t I M t il2 fe t of c t h e lak es of C anada, and pier c i n g the far west, t i l l t e n d i n g t h e proces;; of its lIl aulililcture.
in consequence of the operations o f t h i s c " l I I p a n y , and o ther mechanics, a t Faye tteville, N . C . Cabinet
---...., ,,#
, � _ eu'�--·--
watcr with a v eloc i t y of 3� fee t per second, will re­ it reachlls t h e O r e g o n territol'y on t h e shores of t h e
the �tock i n the old A n d o v e r bridge, has a d vn nccd T u C O (( R !; " P O N D E N T s . - T h e eOTIl lll unication Of and cha i r lIlalwfl'; are parti cularly wan t ed.
quire 8 times Pacific. I t is the grand project of a great a g e . A d d
The val u e of prope rty D . T . , or A u b urn, i b r e c e i v e d , fo r which he ha� our
as g n� a t a re� i s l ance to H tOP it, as i s from $80 to $200 per share.
Leti b o asted th at for twenty successive y e a rs, he
-�- ����

requ ired t o s t o p the Il w l i o n o f 1G f"ll l , w i t h a ve­ to i t th e elcctric tel egrap h , a n d the transm ission o f
for m any milcs rou n d , has h c e n e n hanc e d hy t h i s t h a n l,�, alt ho\lgh th e l e n gth or the arti cle will pre-
locity o f 1li fee t per second. A fo r c e or 1 1 l b . being thought iro m o n e o c e a n t o t h e o ther. Of t h e value had bad a n e w book publ ished, and a child b orn to
movem ent, thus adding fresh proor to the a x i o m , ve n t i ts i n � e r t i o n for the present.
a weight of 14 l b . a n d the force con t inued and i m portance of the colonies of British North him, annnally. A productive author.
appl ied to that the surest m e t h od of increasing t h e w e a l t h of a A. H. H., of U nionsville, has fu rnished the mo�t
o f 32 America to the parent s t ate, too high an estim ate
An I ri � h gentl e m an, the other day, in exceS6 or

one seco n d o r t ime, will produce a v e loc i ty community, is by i nt roducing and e n c o u ra g i n g i m ­ H l l1Iple and perfect demonstrat ion of the parallelo-
a can scarcely be for m e d .
gra?1l ll; itltill a trap eziuln, that we have seen. We
fee t p e r seco n d . W h ence it i s inferre d , that re­ provements i n industrial lilcilities. eOllnu b i al afleetion , exclaimed, " Heaven forbid, my
sistance o f 1 1 Ih. c o n t i nued one becond dear, tha t I should ever l ive to see you a widow !"
m ay gi ve i t an insertion hereafter in connec t i o n with
of time, will
F A N C Y C o s ruMEs.-T he peeuliar cost u m e o f
overcome t he m o m e n l u lTI or the said weight. If 7 S C A N DA Lous.-Rev. l\ T r. Fairchild, who not
Georgia, i s s a i d to consist of a s h i r t collar a n d a other problem s .
� --------

l b . force be appl i e d to 7 I h . wei ght, a n d the pre8-

l o n g �ince tried, and to t h e m i n d s of' m a n y , p ro v e d The appropriation to the B ritish Navy f o r the
pair of spurs :-that of Mexico, a blue ribbon and S. W., of B., is informed l hat we h av e first rate
second ; or if 3 1 · 2 lb. force
guilty o f an aggravated c a s e of seduction, h u t i s cu rrent year is $33,620,200 . That go vernment has
sure conti n u e d h a l f' a
rar. i l ities for furnishing d rawings or engravings o f
be appl ied to 7 I h . weigh t, and the pressure con­
a string of beads :-Southern I n d ians,-a small
piece of rope round their waist. Sandwich Islands,
supposed t o h a v e escaped conviction i n c o n s c q u e n c e
n e w i n vention;;, a t th is office, at the lowe�t prices
no expec ��tely.
tinued one secon(l, a v e l oe i l y o f' 8 feet per second
of his clerical dignity, and of having more money
-an ostrich feather. T exas,-a straw hat and a A country editor says, " on our outside will be
will b e pro (lnced. I t will therefore require a resist­
than his victim or h e r friend�, h as been recen tly i n­ F Il E E P A P E R s .-Inventors and others nonsub-
pocket-hand kerchief. South Carolina,-a segar and found a TORN C OAT, and o t he r articles." Many a
ance of 7 l b . con t i n u e d h a l l' a � c c u n d : or 3 1-2 Ih. stall e d a pastor of a chureh in S o u t h Boston. s c r i b e rs to who m we m ay send copies of this paper,
c o u n try ed itor ill fo und with a torn coat on h i s outside.
pair of spectacles.
\Ve arc informed that
A n ti-monnons.-a quill behind
continued one seco n d 10 stop its m o t i o n . T hus it
a majority o f the Boston are respectfu lly Eolicit e(l to becom e 8ubH riber,.
the ear and t w o brickbats. Wol verenes,-a fu r cap
clergymen disapproved of th e installation, aed to i n troduce the paper to o thers, where i t may M i l w aukie, in Wisconsin Territory, contains 8,000
appears that t h e resistance requ i s i te t o overcome the
and bottle of anti-ague d rops. ---.,..".,.�� e�'-"- i nhabi tant;; ;-a population s u ddenly J u m bled to­
momentum of a eolumn of w a ter with a velocity of 8 have a chance to tell its o w n story.
S O UTH ERN S U P E H IORITY.-'l'hat the people of the
feeeper second, is four time� as gr e a t as that required E F FECTS O F H f: A T.-Cast iron expan d s by 200 Post M asters wh6 receive copies, are requested to gether from all n ations-except a few.
d isplay them, and dispose of them to any persons
southern sections of the U n ion a re incompa rab ly
to resist e. velocity of 8 feet per second. A force or d egrees of heat 1 -278 of its bulk. B rass expands The Camanche I n d ians, are called the A rabs o f
superior i n point o f tact and firm ness, to those of
pressure of 10lb. being appl ied hori zontall y to a 1-177. M e rcury 1-45. Water 1-23. Oils l -e2. A l­ who will pay the postage thereon. A m erica. They a r c continually r o v i n g in parties on "
the no rthern, appears i n bold relief i n the fact, that -��.-
ball whose weight is 101b. and th i s force continued cshol 1 -D. C ast i ron melts at 2 78G d egrees of heal.
the interests and influence of less than 90,000 slave­ ILLUSTRATIONS OF C H E M I STRY.- O u r readers will horseback, and plunder all that comes in their way.
one second of t i me, the ball will have pasBed over a Copper m el t s at IDD6 ; si l ve r at 1 873 ; brass at 1 672 ;
holding vote rs, preponderates i n Congress, in the read i l y perceive the d i fficul ty, not to say the impos. One hundred and ten sermons were lately preach­
llipace of 16 feet, and will have acquired a velocity lead at 6 1 2 ; tin <It H� ; wax at 112 ; water boils at
formation o f most o f the laws of the U. S., against sibility o f ' OUl' aecomlllod ating a greater variety of ed i n London, the same S abbath , on the subject of
of 32 feet per "eeond. I f double th i s force is ap­ 2 1 2 ; water li' eezc;; at 32 ; Mercury, solid, ut 40 de­
more than 600,000 of voter� who a r e opposed l o subjects at the same time, than a t preseut. T h e se­ Pe,ice.
plied, d uring one second o f' time, the velocity of the grees below z e r o .
slavery. ries on chemi stry is in fact suspen ded lor a little
T h e C h i nese have the art o f d warfing trees, and
ball will have been douhlcd, aud the space passed
over will have been doubled also. I f dou ble the
A G E N E R A L T R E T .-One i t e m i n the " Gelle ral _••;�.,.,..".".,., u.._
N A R R O W E S G A P E . - We lately saw, Irom o u r of­
while, to make room for the series o n Galvani� lII ,
will cul ti vate a pear or app l e tree, pertect i n all its
Ord ers," on the occasion of the s u rrender of Corn­ preparatory to the i llustration of the principle and
force is appli e d to e.n eq ual extent of d i s l ance, the fice window, a l a r g e and contented looking dog, ly­ parts and yet not exceeding a foo t in height.
wallis) was that " a gill of r u m should be issued for operation o f the Magnetic Telegraph, and instruc­
velocity will not be doubled , althou gh th e momen­ ing across a part of the street, with his head near A
e very Rold i er, i n evidr,nce of the Governor's hearty tion i n the artR o f e1 e �tro-pl at i n g, Rilvr,ri n g- a n d new Iron Com pany are making preparations
tum will be doubled , a n d a d oubl e res i s ta n ce would the curbstone, and cl emurely g n a w i ng a hone, when
con g ratll l a t i o n w i th t h e m on the occasion." m o u l d i n g:. I()r t h� m rl n u ntr(\l I' e o f r a i l l'Oarl i ron, in the State of
be required to stop the motion of the bal l ; but i r a carritlge wheel paRwcl nearly i n contact with h i s
_,n-.,,.., ",, ,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,;,__ M a i llP, where t h ey have a m i ne of ex cellent ore.
the force i s exerted during a n equal tim.e, the veloci­ A DVA N TA G E OF A D V E RTI S I NG.-A lady in Provi­ posterior, and i f he h a d had a tail i t w o u l d surely BA C K N U M B IlRS.-As the d c m and fo r hack nu m · -- -�,,� � '-,.-"""-''- ���

ty will b e doubl ed, and a quadrnple resistance w i l l (k nce, It . 1., having ord ered an advertisement of have been c u t off: b u t luckily the dog had 110 tail bers frolll the eommencement, i s extensive a n d in­ In the c i t y of Sf. Louis there are forty run of
b e requ ired t o overcome t h e momentu m and stop ,. m oney lost," in one of the llapers, return e d home and consequently d id not even wink nor turn his creasing, w e shall re-print them in a fe w days, and s t onos, capable of grinding five thousand seven hun­

the motion. ( T o be continued.) and found i t in the drawers of her work-table. head when thetwheel passed. �upply all who may order the m in due season. dred bushels of wheat per day .


New Inventions.
A N s w RA I LR OAD.-A patent hail been obtained
--- - --
F;',;ors �fthe
:- S mce the com m encement of the pubhc at i o n o f
- -
The;lbl�c�i�l� oftl�e " s�i�-�tifi�--AflI;':i�;�'-;"
<tgdl ll res u m ed . A fri en d len the laat 1 I 111llber wl.h
[ ------
.. ,-:;n_

this papet·, n e a r ly olle I I tl l l d red 01, o u r geueroll� co !il l' peru � l , al l<l w e d o not he � lta t � to pronollllce '
I I >; a
in E ngland lor a n ew atmospheric railway, on wll ich
It an a lm o ,; t l Il v a l llah l e rOlllpalllon l o r lhe al tlMall, ,
the cars are to be driven by a blar;t of wind b l o wn temporaries have drawn tl ecply ou our g l atl,"de hy
the mcchamc aud all who leel a n l ute re l t HI the ad !
through an iron pipe :-the pipe c on ta i n i n g a piston l iberal notice>; : and al thollgh most of the eVltlen- V,l IlCelllel lt 01 ��iellCI', It is fu l l y w o r t h the £II icc 01 I
carll. cell of these IdVOI fl, and e6pet'ially tlu, lIIObt ctJ lI I l'lI- I I hf G l'Ipti o n . - ( Carbou Co, Gazette.
connected w i th one of the This pipe bei ng
lI I e r ican, i t ", t i l bt' I e . olle( ted
pla ced cen trally between the rail"" a nd extending menfary of the,;e not i ce s whll'll h ,l(i ( om e i n to Oll r T he Hl'lcn hfk
1V l\'l h u rn t 'HIt a few wecl,s ..; illt'C, I t " " " ga 1 l l m .. dl'
the leug t h of the road, has a crevice at tbe top to po ss estl ion, have beell dest roY!'11 hy li r c, we h a v e y e t ,'s d
pve l a l l ! 0 , lon k l llg' a s SlIJd l t d S e v (' " aud t'v e l y I
a n,ation a l Rel igion.
adm i t of the passage of t h e 1)latc which connectr.; e llo ugh len to remind us of Oll l' ohl i gaft"ns t o t h e w,'�' as i n tc r e& t J l Jg. T h is p,l pe l I� d e�olcd pr l ll c I ·
Ii We I t ave wn(f (' 11 under till" h ead before, and per-
the car to the piston, Rnd tius crevIce i,; closed wi th generous American pre""' : alld hy w'ly of kuow- I ltI l l y t o m c c ha n i c:s c\ lld I l I e<'l t a l l l ' ,Irk, it I, a, good
some elastic ,;ubtltance, which i� pal'ted by the plate �
I d �men
O' t �I' "
the",e we � hal l l ll s e r t a I c w
favor", 1'0- IMpCI and Illwuld he I t i,l" ,Il ly ' I'Pl'O I It d, , I t ,,, e,i i h,lI I 'S liMy d o '
It l I I a ny t l l))"'S 1 II0re. The
blesse d
' , , " _ I . cd aud p ub h .;hed by H ll l u " P O I tel', I�� I' " I tou �1. , h ,I V lt I l l I' on l C a:.lwd the bigoted l'h a l l�ees and theI r
in its Ila�sage, and clollcs i m mediately ,lIler it. p,es or extractl:! I rom those wh ich' h,lV c I ( eu !
W litten lor tile Scientific American.
stat ion a ry engine is to be eUlployed in work in g'
a ceived siuce the occurrence uf the lite ' IVlueh de-
I N e w York,-(Essex B , l l I l i e r. d d h l' l l' n l " " W l t y )lld <Te ye not of yotl l' o w nsel ves,
"-eda} N avigatOl·. . : .. :"
' . , Ou a l l oth e r occasIOn the l o l lo w l II:J I elll.u I,8 " I ' ' wh,1f I.; l lg 1 I ' I " n .. II I Ch was eVI d e u . I y an
' appea I to
I see thee, lO thy power, yet I cannot lealon wh y , bellows at the ends of the road, to produce the re­ prlVed us 01 the first class. ,
quisite blaHt through the pipe. T lIe proprietors 01:
S C I EN'l'IF W' A M E I�I C A N '- T llls IS a I"' l'cr 111'1 t
pea red 1 11 Ihe Baulle r : II ( I Iolt powe ,. 0 1- 1 cason, w I I I' C f I e ve r y man wh 0 IS '
Possessing no vitality, thou 'rt soaling in the sk y,
commence d b y M r. R u filiS Il or t er an d WI' Cil l O
11 In a ppe a nl 1l . 1 e ! \ " I h alJ(i I I I tl' 1 e�t I he �;cleu fI flt' !t o/tl,..t at heart, is ('arable of exercising. C hris-
g IVes thy force to thee I what guides thee in fer to ell sure the live,; of all who travel 011 the road, I f{
: A me r i ea n " " 1 0 1 clbly I r IlI mded 1 1 <' " I ' t " : 1 1 "mar' a l l ! I : ' . ,
What IS It
uame upon our exchan O'e list w i tl plclul I l l P l.� ob t l a l 1 l t y is e v e r opt'0 'cd to I t bl l l l d supen;tltlOull f aI lh,
thy way ! without extra chal·ge.
jects and aims may be �l ferretl Ihlll l I t,; " . Ie, !\I e - a bl y COl ld l ll'l,'d JOUl I l.1 1 . 'll .. � M · ('h d l l l� I O r l n � dY ' 0 1 1 - I
--,.,.".,��.- . I .' h l l ' ,tl ways enCO Il I age� t h e I cMoning Hl.culheg ; the
d llc ted hy ' h e pleF;c l l ' I " � I f 0 1 0 I I , Ie ,::> <, 1 1 I I t ' t1 1 ' A lilt'·
I ,
Canst thou at wdl letul'fl to earth,then rise and soal away
CIlaDlCS WI'11 fi nd It a vu I uu h i C .l l llil 'l l l . c res . mg wce {-
I would I wei e thy ma�ter, tholl my obedient slave, h'. A l t hot�gh it will do u b tle�s ('O ll t 1 \ I I 1 I I \ 1 t h I)", ( cr, �
r l l', lIl , t h l� . , \�('
I I o te Me' (' l " l l l l (' , I I I tC . I.l nf A IIlC\' I (' . l l l I l ll e I," th bem " 1l,l�I' (1 on r. � I'I O N A L concl US IOn s.
gerll has introduced an i mportant invention for ren­ ou O U i. e xc l au ., e ,l ' � t . 'I It is a wondcl aud n ' ':i' � tttl '' that even i n this
I'd soar away in ether-I'd cross the darkening wave,
I'd view old Romc, now languishing, I'd visit Calthage's
dermg cotton duck for sails and tents, i mpervious
to water, mildew, or rot ; and /ill' rendering all kinds
yet Its par ttClpants may rest assured, that I t W I l l be
entirely free from all tincture and taste of alcohol .
(Cataract, Worce::;tcr, M ass.
fo be conlinued.
----.###� .... ..##'-...- t '
1 favore d and enlt �htened cou n l ry, where the ScrIp-
t ures of truth, w i th a b u n dan t evidence of their
J' .

of woollen cloths, water proof. The i nventor is i n SC I E N T I F I I.: AM "; R I C A N ,-We have received the
8C1'aps of .CUrIOUS Intonna on. � I uthen t i city, awl d i v ine origin, are place d in the
And bathe my hrow with glory, in !oft Venitia n light.
Washington l o r t h e pmpose of eflerting contracts 8th No. ot' the 1st Vol. ot' a Imper uuder the above T h � atm013pherlC p ressure ? 1 I the l1I'lace 0 1 the �
, , a
han d s or witllln the reach of e ver y m an, woman,
Yet lingel long I would not, but hasten on my way, title. It is " the advo cate of industry and enter· eal th 1!l lJear 1 51b pCI' squ are l IIeh .-1 he wei ght or
with the Government, for supplying the army and , and ch il d, the most prevalent and favorite cnsh>",I!',
prise, and journal of m e chan i cal and other im p ro ve-
p res!!u re of water, is about sevc l l OIlUCCS IJ� r �qu a re , are I II lIJallY I e>;peets d n'cl't1y op posed to the princi­
And trace the Nile up to its SOllice beneath the torrid ray,
Oft pausmg in my jOUiney, to gleet a passing one,
And mark t h e vill ious tt ait s of mmd, that on th�r fea­
navy with the use of the imllrovemen',
GROUN D 8 E L:;' PREMIUM DRI LL,-'l'hiil is not the
menll'." It is a ncatly eXCt\uted and very iuterco;l l lIg
paper, embell ished with various d rawmgs explalla-
i ueh lor every loot or I ts depth,-845 leet
atlllospll!mc air, al'e �� heavy al:l one Cit&lC JoO,t 0 t
1 1' 11 p I es, th erei n p a l l',lbl y and consllicuOllSly inculcated.
t ory of i mportant i llvcntioll"', '1' 0 tha t us e (ul c la �s A n l l these en 0 1 s, so lar fr om being restricted to the
tlll es shone. drill re cently alluded to, lor d r i l ling m ilitIa compa­ of our people, the llIeCh all IC", i t w ill be highly be- water,-T he bOl les ot bi rds are h o l lo w, and filled
' I . Such a papcr I las b eel l muc I I n eed e I I. I I os ten ll ibly i c> fTl J o ra l i l' are n ot o n l y md ul"'ed
'" , but in
nies ; but is cal cula ted for d ri llmg and sowing a far­ ne ficIa w 't h a lr l, l I s t e ad 01, m a r r ow. - 'f h e fl e 'a ) l l t�I PS, 'Jon
O'er Jubal Kumra's 10ftY heigh!>, my course
, I'd then di-
this country, and we hope and t rust i t will mect with
( I
. , . � 'I U1dny il l stan c e B (,Ilcoll l aged, by the most pro m inent
rect, mer's field, in a style far Iluperior to what can be hmetl l t.: o w u Ieng tl I, equa I L0 1:\0 q ual, tel' 01 a m i le
a l iberal patronage.- (Cleveland Times. I ,Ind popu lar .' h urches ; " h lle the Illass of professed
Of half discovered Afnca, the k nowl edg e I'd perfect, clone by the usual meth od of !lowing aod harrowing. 10,r .R m an.-The RI m illls lay I 'll e'o� eheJ at thc I I'
Descendmg oft to mingle With the sable tribes that roam, This drill can be so reg u lated as to sow any given T H E SV IIN'I'IFIC AMEIIIVAN.-Tlull
is the title of
k d
d l IIl11g tables on thelr I e Iit arlllll, ea
, t I l I g WI tl I tl wl r
'I U l t r illtianr, bhnd l y lol l o w the blind leaders, WIthout
a new paper commence d in N ew Yor , evoted to ever l!earchllJ!!: fhe St l' i l)tt nceo tilr themselves to " see
'Mid boundless lorests deep and dark, the Etluop lion's
ho me.
quan tity of seed to the acre, and bur ies it at an uni­
form depth ill the earth. M r. Groundsel, the in­
sci entific and mechanical subjects, a n d the ad v o cacy
of indutltry amI enterprise. It is particularly wor-
rlght.- ,l. he walls of N lIleveh were 100 Iieet I llg I , ,
, ,

and thick euough lor three chal'lots abreast.-Baby-

I ._
if . ho�e th i))g� III e so, or whelher the leaders and
I church es al e " sal h l l t f aec<Jrtl . n O' to the chart."
ventor, has disposed of several of these machi u es thy of the patronage of the farme r an d me l'han ic, l Ol l wa,; 60 m ile s withi n the wall::, whi('h \�ere 7(j
But the�e should not detain me long, and northward still
ill Maryland, where they readily gain the approba­ as i t gives weekly lour or five engravings of t he la· ha:
T h e I:' e n ' i .ne n t :d been a ustl'iously promul­
l e c t duck alld 3011 leet h i gh .-T he eal th IS 7,9 1 (j
[star to a lamentable ex-
test improvement,; 1/1 mechaui sm and agricu l tU l e, !ra.ell, and ha" !r<lHled netlellce
m i les in d iame te r, and t4,880 lIl l i e,; rOll\1 (I ' --:-F orests
tion of the farmers who use them. . ,
My rapid COllise s ho uld onward be, til l 'neath the polar accompanied with fu ll descri p tion :; of the same. I t
� "

----." .,..,..�- ' '' 1 1 ' , t hat 110 pCl l'on is competent to understand the
I paused above the icebergs, where the needle downward is a lso an excellent fam Ily paper, and will be found of standing trees have heen d ISCO V e l e,l \ 1\1 Y 0 1 1,-
A N E W A I R GUN, -We have seen several u o li , mspn'ed w f ltiugs, unle�s he has a collegia te educa­
tnrned, , (learned. to possestl in te rest lor all the mem b ers of a Jiul I ll y . - shire, E nglan d , and I rel and, I In hedde d III s tone . -A
ces of a genteel calle, iu vellted i ll Philadelphia, and ( 8chuylerville Herald . t,on : but who doe" n o t sec-or rather. who might
And the cause of Its attlaction, at the northern axis
cons tructed on the air-gUll p r i nciple, in a manner to
Illan is ta l lel' UI tlw morning by ha f an inch tll<tn � no t see-that the p r e v a l e n c e of this sen ti ment, in
,- Scientific A me rican, " pubh"hed weekly ill N e w he i � at I l l ght.-'L'he atollls COl\ �po slllg a ll\ ,I I I al e
Isollr globe a surface,'neath which fires etel'Dal play I be d ischarged twenty tim e s in quick succession, and York, Boston, and P hlladel ptl la, by Rullls Po rte r . COll.lullction wi th the prcva l l i llg apathy on the part
Could I with thee, my lervant, through the centre make su pPIJ�ed to be d laugetl every l o rty d,tys, and t he
throwing a ball wi th the accuracy of a rifle. But TIIi!' paper especially commeuds itself to Mecha- . of the masses. gIve to the ecclesIastical leaders, a
my way ; [ flight I'd tak e, nics au d Manufactm'ers, as it not only conta i ns ge· ho u e s lfl a lew 1II0Il tlls.- Fossil remam!! on tI16 01 110
we have seen no description of any novelty iu i ts monopoly o v e r the cnnl'ciences of men ; and that
And emelge in southern regions, thence my homeward neral 1I0tices of mec h an i eal and �c ien t lfic i mprove - proves . h.\t i t ,;\" 1,, o l l l.Oe ('overed by the sea,- When
construction, different from what has been m utle consequently, w ha tever s e n t i ment or principle does
While the AerIal N aVigator pi ide ia evelY heart should ments, but It also Ihruishes several illu s trative ell- thc l;e,l i .. o f a bl u c eolor, I t IS deep water ; w h e n
twenty years or more : 1I0r do we think that the sub­ gravmgll.-( Wa;;luugloll Jotl l nal, Portland. not t o m p o r t W i th t h e mterest and popularity of these
wake. ELDA. green shal l o lV . -Bool, keepmg, by d o uh le entry and
jcct is one which should be encouraged. 1II01l0 pohdlf', be, omes at o nce unpopular,whether of
The " SClenllfic A meriean," pl1bli�hed weekly by d i m a l rt l i th ll l etl c, W,tS IlIv e n ted I I I 150 1.-Pocket
e C
�-- t r ll t h o r el' l'or. Henre we find i t to be the case
The lUechanic's Saturday Night. Rufu'J Po r ter, N e w YOI'k, iH r e c ei ved and lay s u pon
N E W MODE OF STEREO l' Y P I N G .-A me t hod has "a t<'l )(l1 \ \ e r e Ii , d l \I' ro,l u�ed i n to En g l a n ti, from
Now wife and childlen, let's be gay ;
been introdu ced of prod u c ing IIlOu ltla for sterco ­
ollr tab le . As its ti tl c purpo rt", it iH e l cvo te r! to su·
G e l many I I I b01.-T llo rol �r of ( IIe n l O u r n � n g d ress
ul1 llormly ,u l I l l l Ilcxl'el,(jonably, t h at wherever �
entific �ub,ects, eompnsing ind llstry alll i en t er pr i.; e , , m a n take'; t l i e :3 . -r ip tu res alone fo r his guide, dis­
My work IS done, and here's the pay­
'Twas hald to earn, but never m i nd it ;
type�, by soaking a p i ece of sto u t line c ard-board mechanical a nd o t l Ier impro v e m en.s. 1t h; con d u\'l- :
'.l1110 1 1 g" t the ( : h l ll cse .lIId :5 al � e,, � , IS white ; W I t h
card mg' a l l trad l l l onary a n d sectarian mfluence, and
ed w i tll great abi l i ty, a!ld IS olle <;>1' fhe most useful ,
til l It becomes soil. and pliable, allll placing it on tlte T u rks Itlue and V I O le t ; E, tlll oplans g ray ; Pel u-
Hope rear'd the sheaf, Il.nd peace shall bind it. sheets for mochaniell 1 \ I the U l I Ited S, . a.cs. 0111' ' , a " c I I I I'le . h '1 pl o lll u lgatlOn of the plain and si mple
the lorm of moveable type and beal1ug it down With V iall;; mO ll se co I o r ; J ap,LIlesc w h I te ; Pe rSI ails brolVn
mechan ics w i slllng ,til cflsterIl }laper, co ul d not d o , Prll)(' l lllc" or the � !I o s l,e l , h e w as reacltly accused or
SIX days I've toil'd and now we meet a hard brush till the letters are thoroughly inden ted . an d EgYIJ t mns yellow,-T he h u m an b Od ! can b e
better than to subseri be for . he � clclJ t l fk A m e \'1ca n . , hel'esy anll 1:1II,. tirisllI, as the mo .. t bnrclaced im-
To share the welcome weekly treat, It is then dried in that pot;lhou by a ge ntle hoat : ( Germantown Gazette. brough. '0 cndUJ C d hea t 01 �80 deg r ees 01 ah ren � postor of the hasc:;t dlarclctel', who p r e tends to have
Of toast and tea, of rest and joy,
and ail.erward, baing removed and p la ced hc tween S C I E NTH"W A M r: R ICAN.- We h av e l ec e ived the heit. The ll � pcl'I men t was tried �lIcces"l � lIy
Which, gamed by labor, cannot cloy. HI reeeived m l ra"u l ou G reve l ation" i n opposition to
two planished metallic plates, the melted metal is firtlt and sixth n umbel's of a new paper recen tl y S W l tzel leuuI . - l u tltc ycar 1 5 1 0 a shower 01 stones
both ChrIstmm ' y a n d com mon sense. A nd this
Come �e, who lorm my dear fireslde- poured into ( he cavity lormed by the type�, aOlI ( he sta r ted in N ew York c i ty by Rufus Porter, fa vora- fel l a t P a u d <l, I ta ly . One of th e se "tones weighed
bly known as once E ditor of the New York Meuha- rank opposi llon of lJOjJltlaJ' I ehgioll, against the ra-
My care, my comlort, and my pride ; new plate is then lormed with a grea t degree of per­ I:dO p l:Jl l nds .
nic. T h e paper belore us is 1I0t dissim Ilar in ill; oh- tional reh " lTi o n of the ." "'ospel is even no w, carried to
Come now, let liS cl ose the night , fection and ready for u se . It ill said th at one card­ A h oX 2 1 1lI(' ' I les b y 16 'IIIC hell squal' e , a nd 22
Jects li'om the " Mechanic :" and the 10n ... 0' an d tho- such an extent, that men ale not un fr eq uently de-
J IlC l les d eel', WI 11 COli ta m ' a b arre I , or 10 752 wb,c
In harmless talk, and fond delIght. board will give several impressions, and that the rough experience of the Ed,to,' i tl a sufficien t gual'- '
" lIoUru'ctl as lank fanahcs, merely on account of their
To-molfow's dawn bl'l ng5 blessmge, peace, whole process requi res only about one hour. an tee that it will equal, if it d oes not ex cel, th at re· inche �,-· A h ox It) i ucheR by 1 6 8- 10 mchell deer,
��-- putable Journal. The " Scientific American " is b e l ll " 5CC1I With the Bible in their pockets. We
will I 'onta i n a bu�hel, 01' :&, 150, 4- 10 i llche"; , · - - A box
A nd each domestic JOYS incleasc
S U G A R M A K I N G AI'PA RATu8,-Therc is a rellOrl, " t he advocate of industry and enterprise, and jou r-
12 won�1 . l I l l l I o n i sh all 10 f' e areh lhe SC r Iptu res " Ilnd
To him who honestly mamtams nal of mechan ica l anr! o thcr i m prove ll1 ell f s." E very b y l l :d 10 1 I I ('lIe3 S'l l ltllC all tI 8 I IIC I l es d eel', \VI II
saitl to be Irom a private lettcr, tha t a gen t l e m an in . '0 hc '',\I l l lou/; abo u t I'on d e llllllllg those who with
That course of lifc which He OI dain�. mechanic-every SClcntl fic man, every manu I'actu l'- , t,,lIll
con - ,,\ I 1,1I I' a I I II " Ilel " or 1 , 075 eubic IIIche'l ---A "
Washin g ton has in vcnted a steam apparatns, hy S I I ICCl l l y al e e n d eavor l ll g to l o l l o w the true hght 0f
er, artist, ph il o soph e r aIHi Itadesrnan III Amcri ( a bo x 8 i l ll' he r< h y b 4 - 10 i ndlCs :Si.jtl<tI C ,tllll 8 1 l 1c1 1l:"
.(o'or this and evcl Y bles�i.g g i ven, means of which the juice 01 the cane, particularly tlte H. n p ' lI rc Iev el a t ion : lor we esteem it to be
Thankful, we'll bow the knee to heave n ; that prepared for the lIIanur.1 cture of the Muscovado
should take this paper.-( Wisco n s in R epu b lican.
deep, W I l l ('Ollt,U l l I pc. \ , or ::l37 8-10 (\�blc
1�IChc., l I l ore hO llor.lble, ol' less reprehensIble, for a m an to
In God's ow n house, OUI voices raise,
" The Scien tific Ame ri can," hI the title 01 a useful --- A h ux 8 h y I'l I I II:heH '·Il' a re, and ,1 2-10

sugar, may be readily purified by a tlepal'ation of weekly newspaper, pubhshed i n New Yo r k , It is . a v o lV o pen l l l tidnh'y, than to p ro fess to advocate the
With grateful notes of prayer and praise. deep, W i l l ('oll' am olle hall peek or 268 8-10 cubIC
the lecnla Irom the I:'acharinc matter, prior to the useful to mechanies and manulacturers especial ly, Chnr.tlnn reltglO l l , wh i l e acting in direct onposition
I I I cheL'c , _ A box I J I I c h , " I >y ,1 II lI'hc '; SH1 u a re, an d
:Swcet's th at tlanqU l llily of heart, process of crystalhzatlOn : and the 1 I 'Itlor belllg t llll� he i n '" devoted to Sci en t i fic cC-aj • . !I!u.:r.! t l \ e of tile , " to t he 1II0�t ostcn.' I I I I .. , hi d l l .l Il t, anII exce IIent !' prIDcl-
. ,
IJrlll � i"
n les of their various Illl r �U 1 t�, acc()lllllallied 4, 2-111 I llc h es tieep, WIll cOlltaul one quart, or 67 ::l - l O '
Which pu blic wOlship does impal t ; cla rified, is said to be reduced to a w h i tc a n I! eXlwl­ P I ell tl!Creo . I
W I th el lgrav in gs of uew in v c n t l Ol IH , To l I Iechell\icS cubiC inches.
And sweet's the ficld, and sweet's the l oad, lent tlugar in a few m i nutes time. '1' hif:j invention it pro ves a most useful paper ; alit! we are glad to -..��� --e> fII ""'oN#--
To h i m whose conscience bealS no load. may be said to be " i mlJortant if true," but we deem sec tli,lt POI i t I Cf:j, l itcrature, a��1 i c u l h l l e, ,Uttl o ther T H I N K ON E I'E R N ITY . - 1 hav e frequently, aller
intel'esting J�xpel'illleJlts.
I t very posR i ble that the ,s tory il< .l
proleS�lOlIl! a rc 1I0t to mOIl(ll'oh� c o u r weeld y pa- Place a pane of gl ass in a hori zon ta l posl lIO ll, and gomg Irom house to h ou tle where spiritual deadne ss
Thu� shall the day, as God designed, " ne w invention "
pers, but that the 1 l I 1'.'h.III I I:.11 !tralll'h I ll' ind u s try IS seemed to reign, becn cheered and exhIlarated by a
by the editor oC the paper i l l wlwh I t Ii rKt appI'Med. sp read over it a lew d rol)1'J 01 ' a Haturated sohltioll of
Promote my health, implovc my mind ; to have its prin ciple :; ,,(,l i t . 11 " oad I I I �uch . 1 mallller
--�",.,.,."." ,,----- poor n egro 011 I hc w,IYH l d e . Think on eternity !
On Monday morning, flee Irom pam, , I :; to bc within the reach of ,tl l lI)('('hall icH.-( Bloo m · alulll : a s t he solution ddes, I t w I l l rapid ly chrystal­
N E W '1' vPE-t!ETTlNG MACIH N 1:.- 'l' hcre iH a re­ said I to a POOl' blal k woman , the other d ay, Just
Cheerf u l I'll go to work again. lII�d " l e Hera l d . i7.e III 1! m a U octohed,'onr., sca l cely visible to the eye.
port that a machine for setting type I i,tl< bec l l put HI allcr 1 had viSi ted the Ihnl l hc� I II C" and was al most
Our hfe IS but a le n g thened week, The Ht'lcl I ' ,lic A I I l!'riean, is the nallle of a week- W h en this glass IS held up be t wee ll . he obsel' ver
su cces",ful operation III V, CIlIlIt. T h c re hds h01' 1 I prostrated in bo d y and mllld. 1 could only say as
I y 1',1 1'(' 1' 1'1Ih h,;ht-,1 at New York, hy R ll li.l� Porter. and the S U II, 0 1' Il eandle, with the e y e very near to
Through which we toil, 101 rest we seek ; reports of such a n invenllon at v,u 10US t i mell <111(1 I t I t ,IS read lell I t:; ' ) . h N o , Mr, POI'te r \Vas "everal I pa�scd in sorrow, T h i n k Oil eterni ty . She looked
And he \vhose labor wcll is pa�t, the smoo t h :;llle of th e gla:;s, thel'e will be seen
places belore ; but the in ventions have UI;ually been yeMK l<lI lt'e (,I h ' o l' a l i t ! puhl l , h l' r 01 the New York u p ; a gleam of intelligence and a s mIle of spmtual
A l oy fu l �abbath finds at last. M e chal llc, a p,IP�1 wh ... h \V . , � \ cry p�) I' II I " r" ,md o�- three beautifu l ha loes of l Ight, at dlflerent d I stan ces
located at a great d istance : and in this inlltance, if beauty iIIu m med her dark- leature", as fhe poor
tained all c x tel l H I VCJ (' I n 1 1 1 , 1 ' Ion. I he S" leutlhc fr0 1l1 the l ll m inous body. The in nermost hale ap ­
a man sho uld go to V ienna to see tUII:1 w ond e rfu l A lri can exclaimed, Yes, master, b l e s", 0011 1 do. I
Tile Eal'tll is Beauti fu l . A llIericall llrole:;scH to hc -, tIll' ,\ll vol:ate of mdustry pea,'s n early white, while the larger or most d istant,
The whole broad ealth is beauhful
piece of mechanillm, he would p robably learn thelt aud ellterpri:;e and j o u r llal 01' I I ICJelMlI 1I .tI and o . h er caught the msp, ration, and w e n t on c om lorted nn e.
1 wi l l appear b ri llian t l y coloured, III consequence of
To mmds attuned al ig ht, it was at New York. improvementtl." Eaeh 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1('1' iH tUrll lshed WI th strengthened.-I,. H. Hate.
two or more engravi l lgH. The E d , tnr h.lI; a , better the refr adion of the light, by a more mclined l:1et of
And whelcsoe'er my feet alc tUlned, ��##. � ."..,..,�" .# . - -
MORSE'S C E ROGRA P H W MAN1.-Harper &. Bro­ knowledge of machin e l y, a\l(l a 1II0re ex t euOl l ve ac· the laces of the crystal".
A smile hili met my sight. -��..- I N '; C R I P n O N ON A T O M B STONE.
thers, are pub lish i ng a :; e rie s of lIIaps, I II a sty le quaintance with patentil, thal l any man within our
knowledge.-( Wreath and (l'ldand . T o P R �;PARE A P H I A l. THAT WILL G I V E L I GHT I N " I came in the mOl nmg-lt was sprm g :
The cit y With Its bustling walk,
surpatlsing in e lega n ce and accU\'a.'y any tiling of
I'HE DARK,-FIII a small phial ,lbo u t o n e third full I smiled ;
Its sp le ndor, w eal th , and power,
the kind i n u se . They are 100sued in numbel'll, each The Scientific A
me lJeal l I H a weekly :;heet, not And
A ramble IIy the rivel Side, quite all larg e as o u r own, bu' ably ,'ol � tl u cted . I t of olive 011 ; add 10 th ll! a pie(�e of phosphorus equal I walked out lit noon-It was summer :
number containing lOlli' maps, beautifully colored,
A passmg summer /lowel . con ta i n s, i n additIOn t o the mo:<t i ll tere�tlllg news o f to one tenth of the we i gh t of the oJ!. Cork the phIal A nd I was glad ;
and enclosed in elegantly embellIshed coveI'll. T hese passing events, general not IcelS of the progress of
and w rap it in the pape r to exclude the light, and I sat me down at even-It was autumn :
The meadow� gl een, the ocean swell, maps are sHperior to thoole which are o rd i narily mechanical aJl!l other .;cienti fic I l IIpro vem e n ts ; Arne·
set it, or suspend i t ill a wanll place, but where the And I was sad ;
The Jill est waving free, sold lor 25 cents each ; yet the wholc lI u mber, con· rit'an and 10l'elgn i llll'l'OVelll 6 1 1 ' s a nd inventJons ; ca­
heat may not be equal to that of boilIng water, h l l I laid me down at IlIght-lt was wmter :
Arc g,lts of God, and speak 1D tones talolTues of A merican Patclltll ; �denttfic essay;" 11-
tai ning foul' maps, is atlorded for �'i cents.-only
Of lundli ncss to me.
lu s t atlve of the principles of th e scienc:e of meeha­ t h e phospho l'otl s appears to be d l:;solve d.
This And I slept."
six cents each. E ve ry lamily shou ld be supplied nics, chemistry, and arehitectu re ; uselu l informa­ --"'N#.�.�
ph ial may be carned in the pocket, and whenever
And oh, w h el e'C! my lot 18 cast, with the full series. tion and instruct i o n in vanOUH artil and trad es ; cu­ .lUeeting of C on gress.
rious ph il osophical e x periment H ; nl l�cellaneOIl$ in­ the cor k is started ill the n ight, the llll1al will evolve
Where'el my lootsteps loam, The first Se ssi o n of the twenty-mnth Congress,
EXOELLEN'I' BLACK I N K,-1'here i:lre thousands telligence, music and poetry. The seventh number l ight enough to show the hour on a watch.
If those I love al e neal to me, ---.,.,.,.., . � ...,.,..,.,..,--- co m menced at \Vash i ngto n on Monday, Both
in th i s city who can appreciate the ditlel'enee be­ is before us, and if it bc a �pecimen, it is wcll wor­
That spot is still my borne. thy of p,ttronage.-(Truc Wcsleyan. YOU'LL BE '1'00 LA.'I'E.-1'he lollowiug �ol.Jer and
t ween a good, Iree and dense black ink, antI the Houses w ere llilly orgalll;f,ed. The Senate met at
--�,........ �.".,.,,�-;-
ratiol l al advertisemeut appears in the Cleveland 1I00n, whe n V ice P resi d cn t Dallas took the Chair,
A F R B N C II ;\IAN'S B OA R D EIl 3 .-A play ador, ap­ worse t h an worthless decoc ti on which is mos t gene­ T i l "; 8 C I EN I' I F I C AMEluvAN.-Wc think i t an
excellent Tmpel', and its 8ubs c ribc I s hel e t h iuk so, (0.) Time,;. We would caution our E astern bad 1- and called the bo d y to order. Forty-three members
plIed lo r b o a r d ing at a h oulSe kept by a Frenchmll , ral ly sold by ordinary statIOners ; and w i l l than k us
too-aud we hav'n't a doub t that a �ood mallY 1II0re elor reader>; aga i n � t au tiClpation of l:luccellllli.t1 ap ­ answered to thei r names.
who havlOg leal'll ed that the a Pl'h can t was a play for inlorming them that MI'. T haddeus DaVids, 1 12 would be of the ::lame opi l l io l l , ii' they received it. plication, as there is a h und red to one that the
John st., manufactures the article of Bupenor qual· 'fhe Houl>e of Represen tatIves al"o met at 12
actor, replied as fol lows : ( Dt' l IIocratic Pharos.
chall!:e will be taken u p by som e "Vestern wight, o 'c l oc k , and It was called to ord e l' by Mr. B. French,
' Den, ma I(li, you callnot have tie room. 'l' wo ity, and which ha� been lor several years uHed i u The Wllliam:;I)ul'gh l1 azctte ti t l y says, in copy­ befor e an Ew;tern aye, aye, could l e a ch the fai r ad­ the C lerk, when 2 1:d IIlClU Le l s answere d to theIr
play actur have come board vis m e two, fi ve, seven the offices of the several depar tm en ts o f govern_ ing our account of thc fire 01 last Monday evening :
tertisel', e ven by Mort;e's telegraph. names.
veek-den dey valk out, and be gal' dea come back m ent, at Washington. -" Amon'" the Iluflcrers by th i s conflagration is R u ­

nevaire. My wile say never m m d , de adem mans

fus Porter the worthy ed , tor ,md )Jroprietol' ,or the A HUSBAND WANTE D.-A lady not yet tumed of
lorty, well i nform e d �n all the d utie� ofhollse IY ifery,
On lII o llon of M,'. H opk i ns, the House then pro­
IMPR O VE D BRlDGEs.-T wo excellen t I m prOve­ Scientific A mel'lcan, one of the be!;t paperll 101' the c e eded to the el e dlo n of a Speaker_ And Mr. J.
leave tree big trunk vich viii P,lY fo r de board ; so use of mechanics w hich hels ev e l been publ i s h ed 1I1 of good form, and wIthal good 100kllIg, full 01 viva­
ments ill brIdges have been recently IIlvented-one W. Da vies of I n d I an a, was elected on the first ballot.
we open d e boxes, and de one have in hi m two this country. M r. P. was not l Illlured, and saved CIty, and possessing a k i nd disposl ti9n, W I th out
by Mr. G.W. 1' hayer, a n d the other by Mr. J�yman much wealth, bu t w l l l mg to worl!.-would aecept The two houseG adjourned at an early hour,
pasteboard cap full of big stone-de odeI' two, be­ nothmg exeept hi� mail-book. Type, m a t e r mls, ,&l'.
A. Gough, both of Spri ngfield, MailS. D r aw i ngs were all del:l troyed, We hope that o u r uperatlves an ofter 01 mama "e fro m a gentleman of :;U\tahle
appointmg t h e usual c o m m i ttees to wait on the
gar was fielt of nosing. aO'e ' of good tempe�, kmd-hearted, and o f i ndusl riotlll
and descriphons of both improvements may be beell will now step IOl'ward and �ublSl' I'ibe lor the Scienti­ P reS i d ent, &.c. P reSIden t Polk';; mel!Jsage to the
-..,.,.�-- a�d temperate habl,tB. F�r fur � e r particular.., m­
at this office, by those who are interested or curious fic Am eric a n, which I� to be (' on tinued , and t h u s, at
new Congress, reached thIS c l ' y at haIt:past nine
T H E WA NT O F STRE ETs.-A lfie n d of ours, who least, aid theit' u nlol'tullate hl'o(hCl. Independ en t of quirc p e r clonally 01 the e d i to r 0 1 the T unes
on that subject. We shall prob a bl y procure and pre­ o#_�,,.,,..,..,,,.,��._ o n 'fueflday even i ng.
was recently ill this city, complams of the difficulty thc sat i sfachon or d o iug good, the pap e r i ��e ! f wi ll

sent engravings of one 01' both in a lew days. D , VORta:s I N C ONN EC 'I' I G u 'I' .-The 1,lw of CUll '
of migration from one place to another, in the lower richly reward them fo r tl1 1 1' ,lel,"-( N. Y. I nbullc.
�- l lectic u t requires tlw court to grant divorces, where
part of the city, for wltnt of f:jtreets. We can as­ T H E S C I ENTIFIC A M E R I C A N .- T his excellent pa­ A MOTU ER'S DE VOTION.-While a canal boat was
INTEMPEHANC E,-Of 873 persons who have hecn either husband 01' w t l e ,tre i n temperate. Of courlle
sure him, however, that th ere are streets i n al m ost per makes ittl appearance again aller an absenee of l ay mg at o n e of the piers at A lltallY a few day s
i mprisoned i n the Cincinnati jail, \Vl tlun the past
sevend weeks. It will be I'ec;ol lected t hat th e office when a marl'led couple wish to �ep'lrate, they ha v e
every direction, though they have been for some since, a son of t he Captain ( A vor} , ) about two years
year, n o less th a n 790 were of intemperate hahits. where this papel' wat; pu h l i H h e d , was desh oyed at only to procure a keg of rum. aud thcy can soon be.
month.;: past, so deeply buried with rubbish and and a half old, who wa� play 109 o n d eck al.Ocidently
Why will the S tate Go\ e rn ment� per m i t this fU l "e the Idte fi l e i n S p l' u . · e s'reet, Ne\> YOI k . T he come du l y qUdlIfied lor a Ihll l'elease fl O I1l hy llleu'"
mud, that I t IS rather difficult to find them. We Ull­ flames �pl ead 0;0 rapi d ly that 1 I 0 th l lJg W<lS saved lell overboanl bet ween the boat ancl the dock, with­
to go at large. By the imprisonment of 790 d i s ti l­ bonde:,
derstand it to be the in tention of our stl'eet commit!­ li'olll the office b u t the mail bookll. N0 1llsUi ance . out be i ng ob served by the men at work ; but the
lers and dealers, Ileve n times 790 mOT'e Itonest men, --�"..,,,.,..,.�
., -
But the enterprisinO' pu bh sher is on his leg� again,
sloners, to have them all dug out nex t spri n g. would be IrolIl prison t!aved. and we hope he m�y have more than additional pa­
n:i"" T HE R. W. MECHAN I C S ' MUTUAL acciJent e � capcd !lot the ever-watchful eye of Mrs.
trona"'e to make up h i s loss. We believe this is PROT E C T ION, No. 1 1 , meet every Wednesday A vo ry, who, with all a mother's impulsive affection,
JOINING T H E CHURCH.- William Bloomfield, an GREAT BAGGlNG.-A Detroit paper gives a state­ the OI�ly journal i n thiF< country excl u sively devoted evening a t their H all, corner of Bleecker street and forgett ing h e r o w n d anger in that of her son, and
old bacheler, got marri e d, in Towa, to a pretty yonng ment concern ing a fam ily by the name of Ragg, dip. to m�chan ics and man n fac' I I I'f'R, and nil Mr. PortP r Cot/ nee PltH�p, at h a l f' pn�t Reven o'clock, P. III . wi t h o n t waiting lor other a i d , pl l l n !!pc\ instantly into
girl named Eliza Churc h . S i nce hiA m arrtage he
membllrs of which have receive d an aggre gate is h i m self a sciCJntlfic m �c h a n i e, he cannot fal l to 1I1 - . h e r i vel', and gal l 'Hllly rescued h, I , i t o wning boy,
V.I... . B ENRoN, R. S .
has known more happiness, he says, th a n he ever tare!>t those of these two cl asses w h o are i n tereste d -���'''''#Ii''''''''' -
amount of $16,791 during the present year, fro m
in the mechanic arts. We consider the Scientific
whom she held wi th one hand, while clinging to the
did before-a ll of which he attributCR to having T here are III N e w York city 208 hack�, 250 cab s,
t h e public purse. They a r e probably among the Alllericau worth prellerving, and h ave placed it on tlock with the other, until drawn out of her perilous
joined the enurelt. and 239 omnibuses : total, 697.
mail-Bag,. file.-(Washington Journal. lituation."


J O H N BR OWN. J O H N W. D A VI S, GALVANIC RINGS G e n era I Age n t s 1-
Locke's Portable Shower Bath, H al ib u r to n & Co., 1 2 St a te street, Bosto n

Cal'penter and Printer's Joinel', GENERAL DEALER IN

Colon & Adri an c e , 2 1 Arcade, P h iladelphia.
Nos. 29 4- 61 Ann-street, N. Y. DAILY, WEEKL Y, MONTHLY, AND Lo c al A g e n t s.
A N UFA C TURER of Cases, StandH, Furni­ C. A. Hinck l ey, 1 22 B a l timo re st., Bal timore.
M ture, & c . Stereotype Blocks, of various sizes.
No. 5 JORn st., L o we l l , M as s .
Lees G ars ide, C orner of Main an d M arket stl eeta, Pa
Box-wood and mahogany, for En gravers, always on
nov!:} terson, N. J.
J. W. Davis, Lowell, Mass .
gStereoty p e pl at es bloclwd at short noti c e.
C U M M IN G T O N QU I N E BA U G W. H. Pratt, Spr i n gfiel d , Mas�.
H . P . Barnes, P ittsfielrl, Mass.
P ress, p ap er, and letter boards, of every d e scr ipt ion . S CYTHE STONES.
. . "',. . . T. Dick i nso n, Ne w a rk , N. Y.
Book-binders' cutting and pattern board s .
From the celebrated Robbins' Ledge. . . . . . -- _

Stereotype boxes, made to order.

�v�H7t�:�t�U��I�kp�;t,\\r . Y.
�rinters', stereotypers, type-found ers's, and book­
C O., C u m m ing to n , Mass.-The u nprecedent­
brnders' j obbi n g work done at the sh o rt e s t no t i c e.
Will i am M. B e a u ch am p� Skan eatles, N.Y.
THe sub scri b e r has the ;;atisl'a ction to annOUlll'e DR. CHRISTIE, t he original i nventor a n d patentee
ed sal e of the C u m m i n gto n Quinebaug Seythe-stones, te
to the pu b J i c , that he has p e rfe ct e d , and is prc­ N . B. O rd ers from various s e ct ions o f t h e c ou nt ry of these c el ebr at ed a rt i c les, informs the publi c , that the , P; r C ook , Har tfo �d , C t .
O NLY pl a c e in New York to ob t aim th em GENU I N E i s a t � \\ : � E. Dow n es , N e,� Haven, C t .
during two years, has fully established thei r claim to
s u pe riori ty over all ot h er stones now in usc, a n d renders
solicited, and promptly exeeuted. nov9
1 3 1 F u l ton s t re e t , S u n b u ild i n g . In a l l cas es of R HE U - I :-"I h a m W
far sup erior in utility and convenience of manageme n t, to
pared to furnish at short notice, a portable shower-bath, ood wa rd, Middletown, C t .
NEY'S DAGUERRIAN unnecessary any recommendation from t h e pro pr i e tors ' �. J o n e �, C o lc h ester, �t.
MA TI� M and Nervous Complaints, no ma t ter how chro- :
a ny thin g of th e kind h i th erto offered. It c o n st i tut e s a ll7" A con t i n u a n c e of p u bli c patronage is respectfully
light and genteel article of furniture for a be d- c h ambe r,
G Gallery, 180 Broadway, New York,-Pictures nic o r s e ven.! . in t h eir cha r a ct e r, th e GALVANI C RINGS : . � n l! t
J e r, T ho � ps onvllle, Ct.
t a ken at th e establishment are n o t excelled i n this co u n ­
sol i cited. All o rd e rs addressed to J . S . Saffo rd , o r J a cob no , e e , t.
and MAGNETIC FLUID are a po�itive and permanent cure, ! H· S. S w M n� n � ,
and so perfe c tl y constructed, that either a lady or g e n tl e­
man ca n at any moment enjoy a c opio u s shower w ithout
the aid of servants, and withodt haviug a drop of the wa­
try-so say his n u m e r o u s patrons. The public are res­
pec tful ly invited to call a n d judge for themselves .
Morse, ( s ol e p rop ri e to rs , ) 01' Ste phe n Morse, Agent
C u mmington, Mass., will m e e t with prompt attention. J
Fo� s ale at all the pri n cip al hardware stores. nov9
a n d e v ery day brings fr es h eviden c e of their w onderfu l
efficacy in c as es where ev e ry thing else h as entirely j
Safford & P ark s , NorWich, Ct.
Col . A. P. Ch e s l e y? Huro n , O.
Ch �s . O'Neal, D an e n , G a .

n o v9
- MaJ ? r J . Nat h an s , � uincy, Flo.
_ter sprinkled on t he carpet or floor. A nd by a sl ight failed.
I!? B ear in m i nd , that all articles of t h e kind not ob
tained at 134 Fulton street, Su n B u ild i n g, are base and Damel . Cobb, Pro v ,d e n c e, R. I.
change in a part of the ap par atu s, the same may be con ­
verted to a s te am-b ath either plain or aromatic. These
, j H. J • . Pl tma !" Bna.tol , R. I.
R . � ,d n ey , J r., 1 23 B r o ad �treet, N ewark, N . J.
baths ar worthless counterfeits.
For s al e i n an y quan t i ty , and at pri c e s wi thin r ea ch of
e manufactured and may be examiued at No. 3 1
Ann It. W. �olo m o n , New B � unswlCk, N. J .
Dec 4. N EW AN D all. Pamphlets can be obtained grat is . nov!!.
Thomas Boynton, WIndsor Vt.
Sh ipley W. R ick e r, S ou t h Berwi ck , Me.
- lUI O E N T L Y P U B L I S Jl E D B Y
H A L IBU R T O N & C O .
W. H . Ward, Wash i n gt o n, D. C .
J. Bu fram, Nashu a, N. H.
David P. P e rk i ns , Ma n ch es ter , N. H.
PUBLICATIONS. H A R P E R & B R 0 'f H E R S , N E W · Y 0 R K . No. 12 S t a te street, Boston .
RE constantly supplied with a l l t h e m o s t fa�h­ C. M . Smith, Man e h es t er, N . H.
�rn)]l Jm)J��)J@mJ' £mw lfm.l!lNil@lli)J£J..LJ�
A ionable an d a ttra c tive M aga zi n e s and ether pe­ Trav e l li n g A g e n t s .
AND riod i c al s , togeth er with a variety of cheap l it era ry w orks , Clark Silleck.
GENERAL GREEN'S TImAN EXPEDITION. nnss BEECHER'S DOMESTIC ECONOMY. pictorial papers, a nd elegant prints. no v 1 3 John Mc'Donald .
; A . Tre ati.e on Dome.ti.. Economy, for \he U. of younS Rufus K. Porter.
Journal of the Texian Expe dition against Mier Jub.e·
e au t ifu l ly printed, and embell ished b y a s u p e r bl y queat ImplUonment of the Author, ais Suffering., and final Lad,e. at Home and at School. By Catherine E. Beecher.
H o rn ' s P a t e n t S o l i d
B executed Frontispiece, in o i l colors ; bou n d i n Eecape from \he Cutle of Perote, &c. With Railections
8JlOD the pr_nt political and probable future R elationl of
Revised Edition, with many Enrnvinp. Itlllo. 75 oenA.
A yolume ��
of ftpecial nJu.e to the domeetic circle,
Glass Fountain Lalllp8,
B o t t o m

morocco, extra gilt. To""" , MeDco, and the Ullited States. By General Thomaa i Fa1'Jlam's Patent H ydrauIics;
I. Gn.n. With lIumerous Engraving.. I vol. Svo. ,:1 00.
lif:.'::d' U:8 �����'��':Orr=I:C-��� or
Some of the contribu tors : P01' C/t,emical Oil ur Camphene.

Rev. J. W� Al exan der , D . D ., Miss H. F. G o u ld, II . XII.

Rev. Erskine Mbo n, D.D., R ev . J . W. B ro wn e, BlRNES'S NOTES ON EPHESIANS, &C. THE D U T Y O F AMERICAN WOIEN
Rev. W . R. Williams, D . D . , Rev. E u g en i e Kin caid, Note., .xpl anatory and practical, on the of Paul
Rev. Gardiner Spr i ng, D . D . , R e v. R obt . B a i rd, D.D. T O THE I R C O UNTRL
Rev. J. D owl ing, William W. L ai rd , Bam... I vol. 12mo. E
ngra ini T
to the Ephelianl, Philipplanl, and Coioisianlll . By Albert
75 conll. I vol. ISmo. 37� cent•.
Rev. W. B. Spragu e, D.D. J. G. Whi t t ie r, I I I. Thit .p� mi&b� ,,!el1 be in tbe handa of e'fet'1 c..... ill &be ..... , _
Mrs. Sig o urney , J ames Rus sel l Lowell, :����c-::: c��u:.:uT:J:':'::
R ev . J. O. C h ou l e s . elpec;a} DOtice oC our r••den.-COtftlltrd&l' ....,."",..
Mrs. E. Steele,
The American Shepherd : being a History of Sheep, with
Also an e di tion withou t the oil co l or ed frontispiece, their Breed_, Management,_ and Dile uel illulltrated with
bo und in hand lome musl i n and gilt. Drawingo of di fferent Breed., Shoep Barn., Shed. , &c. :
A P I L G R I M A G E T O T R E V E S,
E . WALKER, P u blisher, 1 14 F u l to n st. with t.II Appendix, embracing upward of lWentT La\ten
from eminent Wool Growen, &e., detailing thetr leveral Throllgh tho Valley of the MeulO, and tho Fon" of Ar­
Mod.. of Management, &0. By L. A. Morrell. With nu­ denn... By C. Edward Anthon , E"'l. I Tol. 75

C ompanion to John Bunyan, meroUi Plate.. I yoi. 12mo.

IV. A. "f'i?UG�=-, and mote &haD ordiuaril.J u"CuI hook or "",*-­
The "f'Olume .. replete with IlDtiquariu lore nlatinc to the ei1J 01
The lourth ed ition of Dr. C h eeve r 's Lectu res o n P i l­
�TEWART ON DISEASES OF CHILDREN. Charlelll�, and the renowned city
and or Trel'e" It it ......u,
grim's P rog re ss, and the life and ti mes of John Bunyan,
illustrated w it h beau tifu l s teel en g ravi n g s . A Practical Tre ati .e on the DiI..... of Children. By
�O=:;oo�::r��::.' cannot fail to .olil' a prolbund

1.- Stewart, M.D. Ne.. improvod Edi\ion. I vol. Svo.

Two e di ti o ns of t h i s popular work h �ve already been
,1 60.
p u bl i s hed i n Engla nd . I t is a beautiful v o l um e , and a v. ENCYC'1OP..EDIA OF DOMESTIC ECONOMY.
A complete Repertory of all Mattel'll connected with tho
most d e sirabl e c om pan i o n to P i lgrim' s Progres s . R B V. J 0 S E P H W 0 L F'S J 0 U R N A L , Eoonomy .of Housekeeping. By T. WebB te r, E"'l. Edited,
Narratin of a Mi ••ion to B okha... in the Years 1843-45, !':
m t���
: . �g:'
on ' by an Amenct.ll Phywician. Copiouoly
.e. By ROT. Jooeph Wolf, D.D., LL.D. With numeroUi
Knowledge is Power,
Thill .. �ecidedl.f a book for tbe all that preciN kind
million: it ,.ootain. V
of Info�a\io� adapted to the use of r.1'1i1iu, and which 011 . IDa,
DluatratioDl. (Now Ready.)
Just publ i sh ed , the tenth e d i ti o n of the , . People's VI. eeek for 10 "f'AlD elsewhere.-New· TorA:: E"mmc G.UIII. M an u hl c l urcd by J . O. FAY, 1 3(j F I I \ l oll , st.
Guide to Kno wle d g e :"- this v al u able and i n t e ll e c t u al vo­
PLATO AG AINS T THE ATHEISTS: XV. Sun Build i ng� ; who l esal e and rcta i l ,
lume comprises wi th i n i t s e l f a
With Critical Note. and Dissertation.. By Tayler Lew·
ii, LL.D. of New·York Univenily. I Tol. I tlllo. , 1 00.
BISHOP THIRLWALL'S HISTORY OF GREECE THESE L A M P S have h e c o m e uni versal l y cele-
Complete L ibrary of Useful and E ntertai n i n g bra t e d and ad m i red by all who UHe them. for
13 1IO.
� h e 1r neat appearance and s pl en d or of l i g h t ; they are,
Ko moN acceptable or timely to the caule or .tt�nd clu·
..lbly ha.... been mad� thaD �1J. The
c.ontribution Complete in 2 To!umes, Svo. .
Knowledge, ... educatioD CDllId pO
J.diac object! o("1be wort, .....n to ita
relatIOn to edu·
Tb��U! EOir:� ���'i:���iI�p , �
a up.rior to .., .,..
cati.OD, eee1m to ba"f'e been to CQmieb an antidote to tbe progrea.eiTe
and is embellished with upwards of 300 a pprop r i at e en­
�ramount In fact the most perfect lamp ever invented fo r camphene
g ra vi n gs- embr a c i ng an e xte m, i v e range of subj ects in CICI\rinfI .f the present age.-Couritr tlftd Enquirer.
ThirlwaWe G'reec. iI now uninnaJly IlCkDo:i!dpd to 'M
work eTer writteD of i1.l clua.-4'lbanl' JolW'ltal.
... .... or chemi cal oil. T r y all others, hut uo n ' t fail to try the
li teratu re science and art. bes t, the c he a p e � t, and, above all, the lamps th at will give

t h e greates t light with the least e xpe n s e ; they are the
T R A V E L S 0 F M A R C O P 0 L 0, most s i m ple and easy to m a n a g e and trim ; cannot co r­
\W@mJ'DDl]llli� ®l.1' �<!')]] L� �1®m.n" " @" From ..uuable early Manuacripto recently publi.hed b.y
Just p u bli s h ed, the fou.rteenth edition of t h i s truly po­ A Syatem of Latin V.nification, in a Serie. of Prom... rode or· become heated while b u rn ing ; easily cleaned in­
s,l de and u u t, and n o t a/rected by a draft. T he y are per­ (29 y.)
•he French Geographical Soci.ty : with
copiou. Note. by
in Ex...,i.eB, inclnd i ng Specime... oC Tranolation C.... FULTON N.
O..h Murray. 1 vol. 1Smo. �O cent•.
pula r work,- Engli.h and German Poetry into Lelia Vone. By Cilarl..
l e c t l y safe to u se at all times, as an oil lamp. I,ess th a n
The Won ders of tAe W or l d : in Natu re, Art TIUI'::��.J:cr:ueM�P'C:h:.'j:d,r:r:::,r:d t:!'�H= AnthQn, LL.D. I Tal. l2mo. 90 cenll.
half a c e n t per h o u r will give y ou a spl endid l i gh t !
.... .r ib. Kiddie A&-"-Ji1� p"", Fire Eng i nes,
XVII. W at er Wheels,
Garden Engines, Horse P o w e rs ,
and M i n d ; " TRY ONE."
N. B . S tand o r Parlor Lamps ; also lor s tores, hotels,
a handsome octavo volume of upwards of 500 pages, a c­ PROF, WHEWELL'S MORALITY AND POLITY. IJift and Force Pu m p s , Leather Hose,
companied w i t h nearly :100 i l l u �tr:\tions i -the extensive H U M B 0 L D T'8 C 0 8 M 0 S, Eltmont. of Morality, incladin Polity. By WiIIi_ and c h u rchcs, &c. ; s p le nd id chandeliers made to o rd er
Air Pumps, Hose C o u pling &rcW5,
s a le of t h i s work is a �ullic icnt c v idcn c e u f its intrinsic 0Mm0l : a Sune), of the general Phya,,>&l Hi.tory of the Whewell, D . D . 2 Tol • . l2mo. , y 00.
W i n d Mi l l s , C as t I ron Fo u nta i n s ,
-at redu ced prices-cheaper t h an any other cllml'h e n e
v a l u e . It is a book a t l m i rn b l y adapted as a present for n....... . By A1.xander Von Humboldt. (Publilhing in A book whicb oUIltt to be read, beca... it cannot be ,..d W'IIhoU ". lamp, a n d o f s uperior q u a l i t y . nov 1 3
Fignres a n d �hells,
young people, as it cmbrace' architccture, m e ch a n i c s, in­
N....n.) nnt!l�. Tbe ll«. reqnire. IUcb Mob.-.c...o..don .1,,,- Lead Pipe, Brass Work,
A ""'" productioD, bl th. patelt otlcientiftc writerl.-Cowrler. &c. &c.
v en ti o n s, ru i n s , manners and c ll stoms of dillerent na­ J 0 H N nov9
tions, relig ious rites ond c ere mon i e s cataracts, volca­
PRAISE AND PRINCIPLH; Lap.welded BoHer Flues,
noes, curiosities, mo n um en ts, t r ees, birds, beas ts , fish es,
rep ti l es &c. &c., carefully compiled from th e hest an d la­
Miacellan.ou. E_y.. By John Abercrombie. M.D., or, Far what .hall 1 Lin ! By tho Author of " eo.q",
and Se1f·Conquo.t." I TOI. ISmo. 376 cenlL
test resourees. Anthor of " Inquirie. into the Intellectual Powe.. ," .c. No. 144 FULTON S T R E E T .
I TOI. 18mo. 60 cent•.
n... ....t., wII' be nod w;tll pi...... .... proat by III who UIilI
The ....,. io .....J" ad m; ..b�.a1 10 Iud....... .... _ . ..
�at reee m bUn, It III. ceneraJ
u. m... .r.-S.......
tone T H E S Ee n Fgilnuees alo n e, are now used in the ir ma­
( N e a r B ro a d w ay) : New York. ri n c b o i l ers, by the F r en c h and E ngl ish
-" Ch.m.-Anclo A...ric....
ROlllani�Jll v�, tbe Bible, � ove: n ments, an � also by � o mp a ni e s and priva te
JUlt published, the 8el'cllll. e d i t i o n of " D o wl i n g ' s His­


A Lif. of Pati I... ·. 11)' � ItilWl .......,...
D B, BL A I R'S S E R M O U.
h....... ByU",h Blair, D.D.• F.R.S .. .... To wWoll
;. prefixed tIM Lif. .ii4 CIwIeter .. die "... ., "-
Roasl Turkey ,
" Goose,
1M 'I Boiled
1 8d Pork and B e a n s,
IndlVlduals for manne, locomotive, and stationary boilers
where rapid g e n erat i on of steam, with economy of fuel•

tory of Ro m a n i s m ," with fifty beautiful engravings i-this

weight and stowage is an obj ec t of consideration.
I n& JIa. It 10. FfuIa,."., D.D Complete in I vol. 8... 'I 110. C h i ck en,
" 1 8d Veal P ie , tid ,
is a larie oc ta v o volume, of n e a rl y 700 pag e s , in hand·
They can be obtained o n l y of th e P a ten t e e, at No.
Du c k,
" 1 8d 1Jeef Steak Pi e, tid ti L i b er t y street, New York. THOS. PROSSER '
some emblematic bind ing . " Beef, 6d C hicken Pi e, 1 2d Pa t e t �e . .,
The publisher r e tu rn s his t hank s to the Prot es t a n t pub­
No v 1 9 tf.
" Pork , 6d Mu sh and Milk, tid
lic, for the extensive patronage they have bestowed on c. Ve al, 6d Rice a n d M ilk , tid JUST PUBLISHED,
this timely production. It is but little more than three
m o nth s since its first publication, d ur i n g which short
A BOOK F OR EVERY FAMILY ! " Lamb, tid Lamb Pot P i e,
1 2d Fried Fish,
A new edi t ion

s pa c e of time, six ed it i o n s nave been ent irely exha ust ed .

" Pi '"
Which em, be mailed Itt Periodical Poslltge 10 any part of t he United Stales. Boi led C"'h icken, 1 211 Fr i ed Clams, tid THE

It is evident that t h is faithful account of the traditions, tid Ham and Eggs, 1 2d THE B USINESS MAN'S GUIDE ,
6d C h i ck e n Soup,
" Mutton,
vain ce remonies and 8ustoms, and the cruel practices of SEARS' PICTORIAL HIS1'ORY OF 1'HE REVOLUTION. " Corned Beel; tid and
the church of Ro me,- no t a gain st unbelievers, but in­ tid Beef �o u 1', 6d
ft i c ted on the very members of Chri�t's t r u e church,-is
" Pork, L E G A L C O M P A N I O N :
TO THE PEOPLE OF AMERICA. " Fi8h, 6d Coll'ee, tid
se le c t i o n 01'
a Forms
for Mercan-
destined to reac h the fireside of every Protestant and
candid an d inquiring Jitomanist t hrou gh o ut our land . A B eautifully I llustrated Volume-purely American in its character allli des ign, form­ D e s s e rt. C O N 'l' t\ I NI N G
tile an? money transactiontl, .,;o prepared CIS to
E. WALKER, I'u lJ l isher, 1 1 4 F u l t o n st. i ng a large and handsome octavo of betweeen FOUR AN D F I V E H U N DRED �uel P udd i n g , 6d Mi n c e Pic, tid e nabl e busllless men to e ll e c t these transactions without
P A GE S ; with several hundred engravings ! lIT Al l Postmasters are hereby Indian P u dd i ng , 6d Ap p le Pie, 6d legal assistan cc, to which is added

\W��rn ®U' 'wlJ[(,,@ )l')�®'W')]lm.G;3" au thori z ed to act as Agents . R ic e P u d d i n g , tid P e ach Pie, ti d
I n t e r es t a nd M o ney_ Ta b l e s ,
6d Plum P i e , tid
Plum Pudding,
6d P u m pk i n Pie,
Bread Pudding,
B y J oh n M i l t o n S t c a n c s .
This is a handaome d uod e c imo volume, c o n t a i n i n g pie­ T H R E E DOLLARS r e mitt e d fre e of p os tag
( e)
will pay for two copies of the entire 6d C u s t a rd Pie, 6d MEA S URES,
ces in prose and vers(' ; rel ig i o u s, moral, and e n te rt ai n­ com p u t ed by a member of t h e Massachusetts bar.
Apple D u mplings,

ing. In handsome morocco binding ; and is a b ea u t ifu l

Christmas Ilnd New Year's present fo r y o u n g p eopl e .
work ; and in orn er to facilitate nnnittances from post-to wns, the publisher will Bend,
to persons dispo se d to club, B e e f �teak , l
B reak fa s t an d T e a .
6 d H ot Corn Bread, tid
P r i c e 25 cents. H ALIBURTON & ('0.
No, 1 2 �tate street, Bost�n .

Imp0l1ant National Work,

Veal P ie,
Mutton Chop",
Ham an d Eggs,
6d Indian C a ke s ,
6d Boiled Eggs,
1 211 Fried E g gs,
All ag en ts and ne\vsm£'n s u pplied at the usual dis-
c ount, by add r es s i n g their orders as above. nov28

In the press , � new and�largcd ed i tion of lIT The money to be i n a s current funds as possible, m i d sent,post paid, i n advan'�. 6d T o a s t,
Fried Tripe, tid
H E N R Y R O W N T R E E,
tid Hot Muffi n s ,
P r e S 1 d e � 1" Fried Sausages, tid
M e s s a g e s ,
in two handsome volumes, 8 vo. ; - t h e w h o l e c olle ctcd from
6d Hot Rolls, 6d
o ffi c i al doc u ment8 , by E. WILLI A MS, Esq.
Fried Clams, 6d Tea,

THE PICTORIAL HISTORY Fried Liver, 6d Coffee, 3d

1. The Add rcEses and Messages of the Pre�idents of OF T I l E LEE & CO. 'S
the United States, from Washi ngton to P o l k ; with a co­
pi ou s analytical Index to th e same, of subj e cts, nam es R E V O LUTION; WIRE WINDOW SHADE S,
and da te s .
2. An a ccou n t of the I n augu r at ion of e a ch P l'esi d e n t, WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THE EARLY HISTORY OF THE COUNTRY, do. GRA TE do.
H A L L A N D O'l'A BR DOORS, &c.
and a brief notice of the pr i n c ipal political events of his THE THE

MANU FA C TU RED to onler, in great perfection, of

admi n istration.
3. A B i ogra ph i c a l sketch of each President.
any size or sha p e , and elegantly p a i nte d with any LaRd­
4 . D ecl arat io n of I mlepcndence.
Ul roRTE ll O F·,
Wustrated with several hundred IlnrraviDgs !
5. Ar ticles of Con fed erat i o n with a brief hi s tory of I s c a p e , Lettering, or other devices or colo r s r e q uire d
. AJec/u(1tics' Tools, Hardware, and Cutlery,
lIT It is the determination of the publisher to spare neither p ain s nor expenlle T h es e Sharles, for whic�1 we re c e i v ed t� e highes � pre­ of Cham bers. )
N o . 60 C h a l h a m - s t . , (cor.
the events and circumstances wh i c h led to the u :tion of
th e States, and the formation of the C o n st i tu ti o n . to m ak e this work perfe c tl y accessible to every family throughout the entire coun­ mium a t the two late Fan's of t h e Amencan Institute,
6. C o ns ti tu ti on of the United �tates, with note! and tr y. It will be one of the most attractive and cheapest e ve r p r e s ent e d to the pat­ . are unlike all others, in the fol lo w ing parti c u l ars :­ AT the Tool Sto re, No. tiO Chatham s tre e t, cornet of
C h a mber s , at the s i g n of the �aw ; A xe, an d Plan!!, will
ronage of the A m eric an people.
be fo u nd good T oo ls suitable for the following ranches
referen c e s. The p rep arati o n of the work has b ee n attended T hay admit all the Air and Light into the l·oom.
7 . A s y n ops is of th e Con�titutions of the several 8tateE .
They admit a full view to t h e street from t h e room .
with great labor and expens� H I S T O R Y requires a distant eminence, from which of trade,
of h
B l a ck s m i t h s ,
8. Chronological Tabl es of H istoric a l events in t h e T hey obstruct the view from the street into the room.
Taey k e ep out all M o squ it os , Fl ies, an d other insects.
to take an imp artial view t e character of th e tran sactions which submit them­ En g r a v e rs, Ha tt e rs , .
F ar r i e rs ,
U uited Sta tc� .
selves to the r e c o rdi n g pen : but m o e than half a century h as 1I0W e lap s ed since
r L 1s t-m ak e rs ,
Tney ar,:, v ery durable, being h e av i l y coated with o i l
9. Tables of Membcrs of the Cabinets of th e various B n s h ma k e rs,
the c olonists first asserted their independence ; and the gener ati on , whose arduous Carpenters, F u rriers, Masons,
administrationsi Ministers to Foreign C o un tr ie s, am:! oth­ p ai n t .
er prin c ipa l public officers. has
passed away to the silent tomb . C abin et M a k e r. , G arde n e r s , Machinists,
Gl aziers ,
struggles a chi e v ed so glorious a result,
10. Statistical tables of Commerce and popul ation ;
They are exh·emel y . ornamental.
By s e n rli n g your address, (if i n the c i ty,) you will be
Mil l wr igh ts,
Through the whole work, the ed-i to r has aimed to do justice without asperity ; to
Coach M akers,
11. With P ort l a its of the P re si d ents , and t he Seals of C arvers, Glovers, Pl um b ers,
applaud patrioti s m , but not to justify its excesses ; to condemn tyranny, but not
called upon and every explanation given .
C oo p e rs, G u n s m i th s, Pattern-ma k ers,
the 26 States. O ffices, No. 577 Bro ad way ; opposite Niblo's, and No.
This importan t work is i n d isp en s abl e to the AmeriQan to overlook the virtues of man y of its instruments ; and to e xhi b i t the kindly pros­
· Chair-makers, faddlel'\l, Shoemakers,
18 Factory street, bet w een Wav erly P l a c e an d Am
StatClman, a n d every lover of his cou ntry, forming as it
. S i l ve rs mi t h s , T8IlIlcrs,
p ec t of the F U T U R E more strongly than the irritating a s pec t of the PAST. Th e
Watchmak ers, & Wheelwrigh ts.
street, N. Y.
Re­ great interest that the bare ll1ention of such a w ork is c alculated to excite, has en­ • • • Manufa ctu r ed in Sheets for lhe Southern and Wes­
U p holste rs ,
Which be i n g made cspressly to my orde rs, will �e
d o es, an unbroken link of the history of this gre a t
publi c . way worthy of li b e r al patronage . An ex­ a
c ou r aged the editor to l11ake it e\'er y ter n m ark e t s ,
Wanted, in every town a n d v illag e in the United States, found good , and th e mechanic may pl ac e con fidenc e m
tensive sale c an only publisher to ofrer it at the low price proposed.
enab le the
H . R. assu res his friends that he has no co n nec t io
responsible men to procure subscribers, and engage in the t h em .
A. G. Bag l e y 's Celebrated I m proved
sale of the above works, to whom a very liberal per c en­ P o s tmas t e r s and wishing to act at; A g e n ts , will re c e i v e all necessary infor­
othert; n
tage wi ll be al l o wed .-address E. W.UKER, 1 14 F ulton s t . with any o t h e r store, anu that at h i s store, State P rison
mation by add re ss in g , post-paid, E V E R POINTED GOLD P E N .
•.,1' C o unt ry newspapers, copying t h e w ho l e of this ad­ To o l s are N O T SOLD or KEPT.
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THIS Pen r e c e i ved the highest premium at t h e last
vertisement, and gi v i n g it six inside i n �er t io n s , shall be Fair of the American Institute, and h as been p ron ou n ced
e ntitl ed to a copy of any o n e of the abo ve works,-all AN EDITION WILL ALSO BE BOUND UP IN MU SLIN, GILT . . PRICE TWO DOLLAlIS. by t he first teachers of P e n man s h id i n the country to be Galvanic A}lparatu s,
who may comply wit h t h e abov e t e rm s w i ll pl e a se send
, i n fi n it el y su p e ri or to any Gold Pen ever before introdu ­
a c opy of the paper, (" a c h time of insertion, to t h e pub-
ANIEL DAVIS, Jr., 428 Washington street,
Two V A I. U A B L E P U B L I C A T I O N S F O R T H R E E D O L L A R s .-S ears' beautiful ced to the American pu bl i c . The lasting propert i e s of D Boston, manu factures all the variety of p h i l oso ­
E. WALK E R, 1 14 F u l t o n st., New Yor k . lIT th i s Pen are u ndouhteu, to the
phic�1 apparatus, con nected with Ma g n e t i sm , Galvanism,
Pictorial FAMILY M AG A Z I N E for onll year, and the above work complete , will be
owing t o t a l absence of
D ec . 3 tf. corl'Osibility from any of the ink� in lise, and the pecu­ Electro.magnetism , and M a g n e to Elec�ricity. He has
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age " through the postmasters . B agl ey , (makes it more p l e as ant to use, r en ders it l es s c h i n e s , permanent magnets, Galvanic Batteries, &c. For
�I BOQk, J o b, lIT Ne wspapers co p y ing the abov e , w ell displayed, and givin g it twelve inser­
and M u s i c P ri n te r . liable to damage, more aasy to r e pa ir , and prevents the sale on the most liberal terms. nov 1 8
tio n s , shall receive a copy of th work s e n t as they shall dire ct.
e n ecessi ty of the great c are that o the r articles of the ki nd
No. 142 Fullon Street,
req u ire .
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