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PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, AT NO. 11 CLASS VI-St"atn and Gas Engines, including Bail­
2 2 3 3 4 4 3 3 2 2 ers and Furnaces therefor, and parts thereof.


PHILADELPHIA, Mode of supplying air to consume the combusti­
(THE PRINCIPAL OFFICE BEING IN NEW YORK, ) ble gases, &c. that es('ape from the furnaces of 'team
engines and otber boilers-Peter Robinson, Water­
By RUFUS PORTER. loo, N. Y. April 20th.
Rotary steam engine-Abram Pease, Lyons, N.
Each number will be furnished with from two Y. Feb. 12th.
to five origina l engravings, many of them ele­ 3 Rotary steam engine-Mathew Fletcher, London,
3 2 4 3 5 2 2 Eng., Nov. 18th.
gnnt, and illustrative of New Inventions, Seien­
tijic Prirtciples, and Curious Works; and will Mode of exhausting the case of rotary steam eB­
contain, in addition to the most interesting news gine-Edward Lock, Newpert, England, September
of passing events, general notices of the pro ­
Method of connecting the action of the cut-off
gress of Mechanical nnd other Scientific Im­ valves of steam engine-Barnabas H. Bartol, Cold­
provements; American and Foreign Improve ­ spring, N. Y., September 20th; antedated March
ments and Inventions; Catalo gues of America n 20th.
Patents; Scientific Essays, i llus trative of the 4 Vibrating steam engine-Ebenezer A. Lester,
3 3 3 5 2
principles of the sciences of Mechanics, Chem­ 2 5 6 Boston, Mass. Feb. 7th.
istry and Architecture; usefnl information and CLASS VII.-Navigation and 71U11'itime implements,
instruction in various Arts and Trades; Curi­ comprising all vessels for conveyance on water, their
ous Philosophic a l Experiment!!; Miscellaneous construction, rigging, and propulsion , diving dresses,
Intelligence, Music and Poetry. lije-preservers, etc.
This paper is especially entitled to the pa­ Harpoon-Albert Moor, Hampden, Me., March
tronage of Mechanics and Manufacturers, being 16th.
the only paper in A merica devoted to the in­ Ice-breaker for boats and other vessels-Samuel
5 Nicholson, Boston, Mass., July 16th.
terests of those classes; but is particularly use­ 2 6 3 7 4 4
Life-preserver-Adoniram Chandler, New-York,
ful t9 farmers, as it ,,.i11 not only a pprise them Oct. 3d.
of imprevements in agl'ic u ltural implements, but Life-preserver, applicable as buoys, rafts, &c.­
instruct them in various mechanical trades, and Jo�. Francis, New-York, assignee of C. Aug. de
guard them against impositions. As a fami ly Lamcourt, France; Nov. 10th, 1842, France: May
newspaper, it will convey more useful intelli­ 10th, 1844, U. S. A.
gence to children and young people, than five Propelling boats, &c.-oblique paddle propeller­
Ralph Burkley, New-York, March 13th.
times its cost in school instruction. Another 6
7 2 Propelling canal and other boats-Henry R.
i mportant argument in favolIl' of this paper, is, 6
., 8 5 5
Worthington, New-York, Feb. 2d.
that it will be worth two dollars at the end of ?ropelling, horizontal paddle wheels-Ephriam
the year when the vohime is complete, und will Buck, assignee of Peter Lear, Boston. Mass. Feb.
probably command that pl'ice in cash, if we may 20th.
judge from the circumstance that old volumes of Improvement in paddle wheelII of steamboats, &c.
the New York l\'Ieehauic, by the same e ditor, -Richard D. Chatterton, Derby, Eng. Jan. 11th,
1842, England; July 24th, 1844. U. S. A.
will now command double the origin a l cost .
Rotary inclined propeller for vessels-Richard F.
TER�!;.-Tb.' .. Scientific Am�l'ic811" will be furnished
to subscri!.".. at $2,O() per ,mnnlll,-one dollar in advance, 8 2 7 Loper, Phil. Pa., Feb. 28th.
7 2- 8 5 6 Submerged propeller-Peter Von Schmidt, Wash­
and the bal:lUce in six months.
Five copies will be sent to one address six months, for ington, D. C. Mny 30th.
fOllr dollars in nd vance. Coupling the shafts of submerged propeller, fol'
Any pcr�on procuring two or more subscrieroll, will be en· steamboats, &c.-Richard F. Loper, Phil. Pa., Oct.
titled to a commission of 25 cents each. 9th.
Propelling ships-John Ericsson, New-York,
Dec. 31st.
Never Give Up!
Propelling steamboats and "ther hoats-Gabriel
BY MARTIN FARQUHAR TUPPER. H. Moreau, France, Jail. �(jth.
8 6 7 5 7 7 7 7 5 8
Rigging blocks of ships-Stephen Waterman

Never give up! itll wiser and better Greenwich, Ct., and Isaac D . Russell, New-York,

�' EAJ
Always to hope than once to despair: Jan. 31st.
Fling olf the load of Doubt's cankering fetter, Forming and rigging the sails of square rigged
And break the d ark spell of tyrannical care : vessels-Warren C. Choate, Washington, D. C.
April 17th.
Never give up! or the i.tUrtl!.en may sink you­
Mode of calking ships, celiars, &c.-William
Providence kindly has m i ngl ed the cup,
, - . - •
Bennet, New-York, April 20th.
And in all trials or troub l es , bethink you,
!..... ___________ 1
Method of strengthening the sails of shipg and
The watchword �f life must he, Never give Ull ! 6 8 5 8 8 8 8 5 8 6 8 7 other vessels-Archibald Trail, Great Britain, Feb.
24th, England; Sept 24th, U. S. A.
Never gi,'e up! there are chances and changes
Helping tile houeful a hundred to onll, CLASS VIlI.-Mathematical, PhilosopMcal, and
Optical instrumen t s , 'Including Clocks, Chronome­
And, t hrough the chaos High , Wisdom arranges
ters, etc.
Every succe$S-ifyou'll only hope on :
Chronometer escapements-Oramel W. Waste,
Never give np! for the wisest, is boldest,
Pittsford, N. Y. Sept. 24th.
Knowing that Providence mingles the cup, Clock pendulums-Frederic Kesselmeier, W oos­
And of all maxims the best as the oldest, 7 4 ter, Ohio, April 10th.
Is the true watchword of Never give up. Machine for calculating interest-Jehu Hatfield,
Glensfalis, N. Y. May 6th.
Never give up! though the grape shot may rattle, Rules or measures for boards, leather, &c. Charles
Or the full thunder cloud over you b urst, Ross, Piqua, Ohio, May 17th.
Stand like arock, and the storm or the battle
CLASS IX-Civil Engmeering and Architecture,
Little shall harm lOU thougll doing their worst: c omprising works on rail and common roads, Bridges,
Never give up' i r adver sity presses Canals, Whal'ves, Docks, Rivers, Dams, and other
Providence wisely has mingled the cup, internal imprOV(fments, Buildmgs, Roofs, 4"c.
And the best counsol, inall your distresses, Truss frames of bridges-Otis W. Pratt, Nor­
Is the stout watchword of Never give up. In presenting this plan of telegraph, we w· ou ld not be understood to place it in co m p etition with Prof. Morse's Electro-Magnetic Tele wich, Conn., and Caleb Pratt, Boston, Mass. April
graph, which must go ahead of all other modes of telegraphic commu n ica t ion . But now that there is some excitement on the subject of tele­ 4th.
Canal lock-gates, suspending, 6pening and closing
Natnre's Nobleman. graphs, and m,lIlY villages situated within the distance of20 01' 30 milcs ii'om the main lines, and which w oul d be glad to avail themselves of -Henry McCarty, Pitt�burg, Pa. March 16th.
the a dvantages of early intelligence, bnt without m u ch expense of capital, this plan is proposed as a convenient substitute. The commuuica­ Floating dry-dock, to be used in connection with
Away with fal se fashion, so calm and so chill,
basin-R. Moody and Samuel D. Dakin, New-York,
Where pleasure itself cannot please, tio n by this plan is nearly as rapid as that hy the magnetic, 01' about fifty alphabetic le tters pel' m inute ; and the cost of constructing and put­
. Sept. 17th.
Away with cold breeding, that faithlessly still, t i n g in operation a line on this plan will not exceed five dol lar s pel' mil e , whercas the other costs about $250 per mile. In the above scale, we Sliding doors-William T. Forsyth, Philadelphia,
Atlects to be quite at i ts ease; have pre s ented the various changes of the signals, and shall proce ed to give an explanation of them: but thc spe cifi cation of the peculiar Feb. 12th.
For the deepest in feeli n g is highest in rank, Excavating, mode of cutting ditches for laying
construction and mode of managing this telegraph will be deferred for a future number.
The freest is first in the band ,
pipe,-Ezra Cornell, Ithaca, N. Y. Feb. 28th.
EXPLANATION, &c.-It will be perceived that in the above scale of Telegraphic Signals, there are no two figures alike, but all are dis­ Ditching machines-Edwin Owen, Laporte, Ia.,
And ll ature's own nobleman, friendly and frank,
Sept. 4th, antedated March 24th.
Is a man with his heart in his hand. tinctly diverse, and have different significations. - The several positions of each wing are numbered fj'om one to eight; and by means of these Excavator or dray for removing mud, &c., in beds
combinations the various signal s are effected. This scale is arranged in seven classes, the first of which cons1sts of those which are composed in rivers-Dennis Vermillion, Washington D. C.
Fearless in honesty, gentle yet Just,
He warmly can love and can hate , of equal numbers, an d of cOUl'se appear the same Ii'om either direction. The significations are as follows: 1, I, Rest: 2, 2, A ns wer: 3, 3, Nov. 9th.
Excavator seoop and dredging machine-Joseph
Nor will he bow down with his face in the dust Repeat: 4, 4, Period: 5, 5, Attention: 6,6, Resume: 7, 7, Impeded: 8, 8, Close. The second class consists of the combination of 1 and Smith, Mansfield, 0., Aug. 24th.
To Fashion's intolerant state; 2 2, A: 1,3, B: 1,4, C: 1,5, D : 1, 6, E; 1, 7, F : 1, 8, G: 2, 1,
with higher numbers, and deno tes the letters of the alphabet, th u s: 1, Scrapes for repairing roads, &c-Samuel G. Sut­
ton, Yorkshire, N. Y. May. 30th.
For best in good breeding, and highest in rank,
H: 3, 1,1: 4, 5, 1, K: 6, 1, L: 7, l, M: 8, I, N: 2,3, 0: 2, 4, P: 2, 5, Q: 2, 6, R: 2,7, S: 2, 8, T: 3, 2, U : 4, 2, V:
1, J:
Improvement in connecting cast-iron rail for rail­
Though lowly or pOOl' in the land,
5, 2, 'V: 6, 2, X: 7, 2, Y: 8, 2, Z. The third class consists of the combinations of 3 with highCl' numbers, and denotes the numerical road-J ames 1\1. Bay, HarrisbUl'g, Pa., April 13th.
Is nature's own n6bleman, frit'ndly and frank,
T:'o ::::�,n witll his heart in his hand . figures thus: 3 , 4, 1: 3,5,2; 3,6,3: 3, 7, �: 3,8,5: 4,3,6: 5,3, 7 : 6,3, S: 7,3,9: 8,3, O. The fourth class consists of Key for fastenin� the rails of railroad to their
chairs-Benjamin Butterfield, Kensington, Pa. Aug,
the combinations of 4 with higher numbers, and signify eight comme l'c i al cities, thus: 4, 5, Portland: 4, 6, Boston: 4, 7, New York: 4, 21st.
His fashion is passion, sincere and intense,
8, Philadelphia: 8,4, Baltimore: 7,4, 'Vashington: 6, 4, Charlcstoll: 5,4, New Orleans. 'I'he fifth class consists of the combinations of Safety switch for railroads-Gustavus A. Nicholls,
His impulses si m p l e and true,
Yet tem per ed by j udgmen t, and taugh t by good sense ; 5 with higher numbers, and signify six very fi' e quentIy used words, thus: 5,6, Has: 5,7, Sailed: 5,8, For: 6, 5, And: 7,5, A l'I'ived: 8, Reading, Pa., Dec. 19th. .
Railroad truck-frames-Davenport & Bridges, as·
And cordial with me, and with you: 5, From. The sixth class consists of the combinations of 6 with highet' numbers, and signify four kinds of vessels, thus: 6, 7, Ship: 6, 8,
signees of Charles Davenport, Cambridgeport, Mass.
For the finest in manners, as highest in rank, Schooner: 7,6, Brig: 8, 6, Sloop. The se ven th and last class consists of the two combinations of 7 aud 8, and signify (7, 8,) abbreviation, Aug. lOth.
It is you!. man! or you, man! who stand Manner of making roofs of houses-John Wolley,
and (8, 7,) interrogation. By means of this classification, and reg' ularity , this scale is very easily learned and each signal remembered. It
Nature's own nobleman, friendly and li'ank, Splingfield, Mass. March, 26th.
A man with his heart in his hand! has been ascert ained by actual experiment that these telegraphs can be cOllstructed and erected of sufficient size to be se en distinctly J 5 miles, Securing tin plate, &c., on roofs-Peter Naylor.
and furnished with good glasses, &c., for 50 d olla rs each. New York, April 25th.
This is the best world that we live· in, Machine fol' sweeping streets-AI(lxallder M.
'l'his telegraph has been proved by actual operation on u small scale, in the presence of many w it nesse s ; and but for the introduction Wilson, Rossville, N. Y. Oct. 16th .
To spend, or to lend, or to give in !
' of a superior plan,-the electro· magnetic-would have come into genel'al use. The use of it is offered free, for th e present, to any who may Signal Telegraph-Henry J. Rogers, Baltimore,
But to borrow, or beg, or to get a man s o wn ,
Md., Sept. 27th.
By Jove, 't� the wor�t wod4 that ever was known, be disposed to avail thelllseives thereof. (To be continued.]


T B . W I Ia D M A R o r T B B N O V R T A IR S.

The Providence Gazette of Thursd ay says. " The

Manik in s are to be dissected this eve n in g." We
N EW · Y O R K, T H U R S D AY, S E PT . 25.
do not know who the .. Manikins" are, but are left
THE ONE DOLLAR RElIII TTANcE.-We thank to suppose them to be some family of itinerant
our kind patro ns for their promptness : but would s ingers .
remind those few who have re ceive d the second
The practice of imbuing the mind s of the rising
Dumber of this paper, b ut have not yet sent the first .iJ call­
generation with the elements of aristocraey ,
dollar ac cording to s t i pulation ,· that promptness in ed the " science of Haughty culture," or t he art of
this case , is essentially important to us. re fi n i n g pumpkins.
SECURE THE F IR S T NUlIIB ERs.-We have a few The o ffi cers of the Freneh ship V'enus, estimated
eopiel of our first number re m ainin g, and those who the height of a wave which once struck that vessel,
intend to become sub s crib ers will do well to secure at :l46 feet. The spaee between the waves was­
them w hile they may. 'l'here will soon be a press­ ne a rly 500 fee t .
ing demand for them, when too late. We are au­ ____________________-w

thorized to offer fifty cents for the first nu mb er of

The bronze equestrian statue of General J'ackstli1f
the erection of which is c o n templa t ed by the citi­
the New York Mechanic.
--"'�#><""''''#''#8 �''� zens of N a shv ill e , is e s t i m at e d to cost $3000. The
he ight is to be 18 feet.
F i r 8 t P r i n c i p I e s of M e c b a n i c 8.
Is the word granddaughter thus properly spelt 1
FroUllE J .
or is one d, as in grand au ghter, sufficient 1 Please
som e body answer, and without c on sulting the dic­
tionary o n the lIubj eet.
It bas been truly said that scientific knowledge constitutes the principal difference between civilized a n d barbarous n ation s . All ------
knowledge of terrestrial things, may be said to be " s cientific knowl e dge ," and is the result of observation, refl e ction , and a virtuous disposi­
An old soldier in the British army, has r ecently
declared that he had never heard of the de feat of
tion. Tb e aboriginals of America have in general a d i s position for reflection , and some of them I lllve acquired a co n siderable degree of sage
th e British at New Orleans. This shows the gen­
wisdom ; but bavi n g little disposition for industry, whereby to im prov e the wisdom th n s gain e d , by p ractical application , the knowledge ac­
e1"al ignoranee of the British s old i ery .
quired by one generation confers but little benefit on th e next. Y et these people often evince a shrewdness and cunning, bardly to be sur-
A B Freemont, who h as re cc n tly passed the Rocl{y M ou lltai n s, on an exploring Seventy thousaRd children, under sixteen years of
passed by those of their better-i n form e d white neighbours. Col.
age, are e m pl oye d in the variouil manufactories in
expedition to the Pacific, gives some interesting accounts of the n ative tribes in that section . O n e tribe e spe cially is grovelling in the lowest
France. None a re allowed to work und er eight
degradation, not even knowing the use of bows and arrows, but live on roots, worms and in se ct s ; bein g less 8 ci e n tifi c than some of the bl'Ute
years of age.
creation. This degradation is tbe result of sheer indolence. Other tribes ri de on horses, have hows, lmives and a few mnskets ; but are --------��-

The P hiladelphia papers speak of a gentleman,

thieving and deceitful, while others are honest, frie n dly and confident. Some of th e m are expert in hu nting, and will man a ge to take the
now residin g in Washington, who is sev en feet high
FIGUllE 3 . most fleet and timid animals. The chamois and antelopes of th e west, re sort to the m ount ai n s for secu rity, seck i n g safety in the h i gh est p arts
and we i ghs 308 pounds� Why don't he exhibit
in which they can find sustenance, not dreaming of danger from above, but keeping a sharp look-out towards the plain s below. Even our
himself for a giant !
G F B most expert hunters find it difficult to approach near enough to reach them with their rifle-balls. Yet t h e more crafty Indian , taking advan­ --------�

The w ate r-p o w er of the Miami Canal is elti-

tage of these cautious animals, continues to climb unperceived up the opposite side of the mountain , and gaill!! an eminence above them ; and
mated to be sufficient to turn 7,812 m ill-ston es , be­
by the stealthy and noiseless movements peculiar to the " red man," he succeeds in approaching nem' eHough to dispatch hi s victim with an
ing twenty times the power supplied by the Merri­
arrow, and send it tumbling down the rocks below. But if he fails in this, the alarmed animal will most naturally flec to the hi ghest cliffs,
maek at L owell.
and thus pilt himself more completely within the reach of his enemy. In this as in many other instances the wild nati v e s e vi nce a degree of
The Globe says-" An improved fire e ngine has
scientific skill, which would do credit to an Audubon ; but a want of union, discipline and habits of indu !!try , prevent the advancement of the
THE LEVER in m ech an ics, embraces a g en eral lately been di8COVered in this city." It must be
most useful sciences, which depend on systematic effort.
principle, by which an i n cre as e of fo rc e (not pow er) one of tholle that got lost in the mud in B ro adway

is obtained by a re du ct ion of motion, or v ce versa ; i C uriou s A r t s . Int e re s ting Experiment s . I l l u s t r a t i o n s o f Ch e m i s t r y . last spring.
and that without any a ctu al increase of power. In No. 1.) (COlllillllnt1 from
It is state d that a certain man in Portsmouth, O.,
'fo WAS H IRON WITH 'l'IN . - Sm all pi ec es of iron SYMI'ATHETIC INKS FOR SEC RET CORRESPON­ CALORIC ---is generally supp o se d to be a sim ple
every modification of the lever, there are ne c e ssarily, has drunk 9 1 ,980 glasses of rum w ithin the last Sixty?
may be tinned, after b ein g filed bright by washing DENCE.-Process I - --D iss o lve muriate of ammonia suhstance, c o m prisi n g hot.h light a n d heat, whieh
three s e veral p rop ert i e s , or parts by whi c h i t is dis­ years, and is not d ead yet. Either the man or tbe
them with a saturated solution of muriate of ammonia i n water, and writ e : the writing will be invisible. are merely Ili ficrent properties or effects of the same
tinguished ; n, the part to which the force is story must be a tough one.
i n water and by dipping them, while moist in a vess el Wh en you would make the appear, heat the fluid ; hut recent dcvelopments render it evident that
appli ed ; the part whic h comml l llicatlJs fClrce to another
of melted tin. If the iron is of such form as cannot paper by th e fire, and thc writing will become black. light anti III�at, altho lll-:h l1early allied and g enerally A young E n glish lady , in d ecl i ni n g a match, gave
object ; and the fulcrum, by m e a ns of whi c h , the
be conveniently filed, it may be im me rsed in nitric Process 2.---'Vrite with a solution of sulphate of cOl i l b i n e l l , a I''' t l i st i ne t fluids, each ae ti n g under its thirteen objectiQns ; twelve of which were the suit­
force which is received at one point, is discharged at
acid, diluted with as much water as acid ; when the iron-- -the w riti ng will be invisible. Dip a fe athe r own peculiar laws. E ac h of them is capable of im­ or's twelve children ; and the thirteenth was the
another.-The fulcrum, in whatever form it is ap­
plied, is usually stationary, and by its obstinate acid be gins to act s ensi bly o n every part, it may be in an i nfusi o n of nut-galls and with it wet the paper, t d u.· m i c a l i n f l u ence and e ffec ts ; but heat suitor himself.

resistance to motion, occasions a t ran sfer of force washe d wit.h water, and the n with the m uriat e of am­ and the writing will bec o m e b l a c k. may he consid ered as n n e of the most important
The en terprisin g citizens of P ittsb urg, are deter-
from one o bj ec t to another . The most si mple form monia, a nd if a little fine rosin be sprinkled on it pre­ Process 3.---'Vrite with d ilute infusion of gal ls, agl' l I ts in a l l I·hculil:al o pera t io n s and combinations.
a mined to have a railroad fro m the Atlantic to the
hori zont al bar or pl a n k , with its 'Vious to dipping it i n the tin, it may be an advantage. ---it will be invisible. Dip a feather in a s o l u tio n of It l't'rv;III I's a l l bodies, icc an d s no w not excepted ;
of the lever is a Ohio ; and th ey will do it : for the e n terpri se of
centre resting on an elevated corner of a stone or T h e iron must remain in the tin till it bec o mes nearly sulphate of iron, and moisten the paper with it, and and being v e ry el as t i c , it ex pands and ra diat es in all
Pittsburg is unrivalled.
other o bject, as represented i n figure I , of the cut as hot as the tin, otherwise il will be coated too thiek. the writing will become blae " . directions, traveIl in g w i t.h i nconceivable v elo c ity
Muria ti e aeid may so m etimes be used, instead of t hro\l�h v a ' - I I I l , or I hro ll!!:l t atmospheric air to a Iim� A circul ar from the General P ost Office states that
at the head of th i s c o l u m n . J n this case the plank Pnw,-ss .1 . - _ . \V l'it.., w i l h a " , I t " i l l n o f slIh - c : > rh o n -
muriate of ammoni .. , and if the iro n is nQt filell, it will i l c ' d !' x l " u l . : " , , 1 hy a 1 1 1 0 1'0 I I I IHlera l p- progress, it m ay any w ri ti ng on the margin or wrapper of a newspa­
A. B. is the lever ; the stone C i� the ful crum ; the ate of I'0 l :"� ; \v l ' l t. l t is w r i l i " , .! w i l l t a � " l l l l i o n .. I'
p er s u bje c ts the same to letter po sta ge ,-1 0 or 20
ball D by its weigh I a pplif's a fo rc e , which is tra ns­ answer a better p u r p os e. The i n side of cast iron
Hulphat" of i r, , " , - - - i t w i l l l a l. , · a d , " ' " y . · I I .. w . . " I . . " r. I Ill' ':lid I" 1 1': 1 " ") to a l l u l i l i m i ted extent, sc e k ing to
c ents per ounce, accordin g to d is ta nc e.
ferred in the o p p usit . . d in·d.ion to the b a ll E . In this vessels may b e tinned as follows : Cleanse the iron o l i f f" , , · i l ,, · I ( I ) , rl l l l � h \ l l l l a l l nature w ith perfect uni­
P·I'OCI S.' [J . � - - \V ri l " w i l l , a " , I : " i . . 1 l . . r ,. " 1 " , , , , \ 0 - " f ' -----------.
instancr, tlIPre i� a� m u c h force. ol' llressure applied by s courin g or rubbing it with a sharp grained stone, r" ", " i l ,\ . I I l,as a tCIH\eney to expand all bo di es The professional . devil of the N ile s Republican,
coppcr,��-no writing w i l l he visibk. \\ ' , .. ,It I I , , · I " "
by t he lever to t.he b a l l E as is a pplied by D to the keeping the iron wet with diluted nitric acid. As the i l l i l l w h ich it e n t e rs , and rctluces met a li c and other speaking of editing, says-" We are satisfied we ean
per with a solution o f prussiate o f ' , ," I : , �, , - - · l l w
opposite ellt\ uf the It,vcr. ] : 1 11. if th e distance from most ,rominent parts of the iron will be first brighten­
writin g will then assum e a re ddish brt"' ' ' • · . . 1 . . , , 1'.
" ,lid h odie» to fl u ids , and l i quid bodies to va� play shinny
o r Gricket to much better ad1'3ntage than
the [ulcrum 10 B is hilt h a l f as g re a t as tha t from ed by the s to n e, the acid w ill also c omm enc e its ) I" I Ir . I l l' 1 1 m gaseouR s t ate. It eannot readily entm' we ean edit the R epubl i c an . " .
P·rorc.,.d ; . --�·\Vri te with a SO\Ilt-inli o f .' ' ' I '' · ' , · . " 1 , , , , , ·
C to A a� re p rrRI' l I tl"\ i l l lignrc 2, t h e n the ball sus­ action o n the same parts, which will very much " ) , i ,� l l h p o l ished llI e t a l i e H u ifaee, but i s rellected
at e of soda ; I l l o :sl (':> tl", Jla pn ,'0 iii, :t ·., , 1 , , 1 i . . " .. I' 1 . : , . . 1, i l l a " " " H1 I'r si l i l i l a r to that of l i ght by a mirror E lectricity is now applied advantageo usly in the
pended hum A w i l l e/luntml,alallce two equal balls fac ilitate the work, while the hollows, and deeper
parts of the su rfac e , will remain untouched till the
su lphat e u f 1 · " 1 ' 1 " ' 1', a11<\ I I ", \\r i , i " ,� \\ i l l 1 .. · . · " , , ) 1 ' !!: Ia ,,,, . ' I ' l l" nys of I , , :al. from the su n , or fro m a m anu facture of iro n and steel. The utility of this
at n. 'rhe re as o n of this is, that, i n ease of any
f i n ' , ,,· i l l I r: t v . · 1 swift ly through co ld air, without i n wonderful and po w erful agent, is being ra pidl y
ver ti c a l m otion of the lever, thc motion of A will be iron is nearly smooth. When this is accomplished,
Process 7 . � ��·\V rit:e w il h .. f " i ln'r, dev e lop e d. �____. .
d ou b l e to that of B. We are n o w brought to a very wash the iron with w ate r, and then with deal' a d i l l l , ,·d I ti l l <'' '' I I " , I " asl ani' d i n g the air through wh ich it pass e s ;
mu riatic acid : turn the vessel over to drain off the and let the writing d ry i n e tl a rl.- - � i l w i l l I,.. i n v is� )·('t t l ", a i r w i l l gradual ly become heated by contact The n umb er of c om m itments at the City Prison
convenient op po r t u n i ty to c x pl ai n , in a few words,
su perfluo us acid : then set i t upri ght, and fill it w i t h ible ; but ex p o s e the papcr to Ih" 1':1 )" o f l i l t: SUII, IV ith o t ! t e r h e a te d bodies. Heat enters into the sub­ in N ew Yo rk has lately increased fro m an average
the diflilrenee between fo rce and p o w er . Force is
melted tin, which must be eautiously poured , di re ctly a n d t h e wliting will become black . s l a n t i a l l ' o l ll Jlosition of some bodies, and in a l al e n t of 140 to n early 260 per day i -freque ntly more than
mere press u re , without regard to motion ; b ut power,
on the bottom of the vessel first, and the s trea m in­ fi m l l I J I ' e o l l lcs all i ngredient in thei r c o mp osi tion, the p riso n will ae eommo date .
dependlJ on motion a lltl eannot exist without it. In
LUMINOUS IN1';. 'l' l J A 'l' W H. l . � 1 I t:\ E l � 'l' I I E n A l l l; .
this instance, the two halls at B exert double the creased till the vessel is full ; then pour out the prt)ll l ", i l l � I h c re i n peculiar properties, w h i ch could
T o half a n o un c e o f cspe.,i::\ o i l . , f I ' i , , "a l l i o l l , i ll a The Massachu setts Pl o u ghman shows up the
force o n the lever, that is e x e rte d hy t.he ball A: yet tin Buddenly, and invert the vessel till it is c old . 1 1 0 1 w i t ! t o u t its presence exist.
folly of the Western Railroad C ompany, in kee pin g
phi al , add half a d ra ch m of pll C l,c l ' l I Il 1 I 1 S . ( ' 0 1' 1. t. l 1 I '
A applies as much po we r to the lever as does B, if Sheets ·of iron are tinne d, in the manufactories of I·> , 1 ' 1·; IU �n; N ·L' s .-PO a littl e col d water on a
phial slightly, and set i t or !lus)lcJld i t I I c a r a f i ... · • up the fare to $6, whi le the fare from Boston to Al­
the leve r is supposed to be in motion. F o r if A d e� tin plate, by immersing the she e ts, endwise, in a p o t 1 1 1 1 1 1 » of ' l lIiek lime : the water w ill unite with the
where the heat may be nearly cqual ti l IJlJil ill/.: ; (: 1 1 1 1 - bany by way of New Y o rk is o nl y $3.
of melted tin, the top of which is eovered with abou t l i l l l ( ' i l l a d ry a nd lIol i d form, whil e the heat whi eh
scends two i nches, n is el ev a ted but o ne inch in
e onse q ue ne e ; but if B d e sc e n d s one ineh, it must be two inches depth of tallow. Th is tallow answers
t i n u e the heat four or fi v e hoU1'�, sh a k i l l /.: I h e p l l i a \
was t l l l.'reill heltl la t c nt, will be I"d pidly evolved, so The Maine F a rmer speaks or;;;e;;z;;n; t plouab.
frequently b u t cauti ously l e s t a ny of tit" Ilil �hllilld S u eh a th i ng may b e , but of ail thi n gs a plough is
at the expe nse of elevating A, d o ubl e the distanee, a bette r purpose; after it has become brown by use, ; " 10 raise the tllmpera ture of t he lime, above the
thereby e sc ap e, or come i n ( ' o l l l al'l w i l l i at.I I I I lS­ about the last subj ect to whieh we should think of
and that i n the s�me time. 'rhus i t is seen that A tha n it d o es :at first . The only pre p aratio n of th e Ilt l i l ill;': point, a ll(1 som etimes even can prod ue e fire.
ph eri c air, in which case it wOl l l d l a l. . - I i ... · . 'rlit' l oo ki ng for elegance.
m ust travel not only douhle the distance, but with iron sheets is,. to scour them perfectly clean and To a g i l l hy measurc of s ul phuri c acid, add a gill
cork should b e set suflicicn t ly t. ighl I I I 1.' ,, 0 : 1 1 1 0 1 1' at· -------
d o ub l e the vel oc i ty of thM of B ; a n d as A ex c els B bri gh t. o f water ;-IIll'Y will so unite in a c onde n sed form, 'rhe first trip of the O re go n from New Y o rk to
mosph e ri c air, but not so as to prcvent I h l' {'sca p I' I l l'
in velocity as mueh...i/soIJ excels A in we i g ht or forc e a s to OC'(;IlPy less space than when se pa rate, and con ­ Providence, was made in 10 1-2 houl's,-something
'ro GIVE WOOD A GOLD, SILVER, OR COPPER any vapour that might be produced l>y l! "e"'is of I teat.
it plOveR that their powers are equal, nothwithstand­ seq llen t ly a p a rt of the latent heat of the water will over 20 miles per hour-with 800 passengers.
L UIITRE.---Grind ab o u t two ounces of white beach The phial may bc afterwards removed 1'1'0 1 1 1 the lire
ing the d itrerenec of their weight or forces. I ", evolved, and the mixture w ill become too hot for
sand in a gill of water, i n which half an ounce of an d suffered to cool. With this phosphorized o i l . The number of ho use s bu ilt in B oston last year
cannot a vo i d the adm ission that " .rhe same quantity the hancls to bear.
gum Arabic has been dissolved, and brush ovel' the a n y letters m a y b e written on paper, :'lII tI i f e:1l rin\ was 1 ,625-in N ew York 2,213-in Phil adelphia
of power is required to raisc one lb. weight a distance P l a e e a piece of icc in a jar or bottle of cold mu­
work with it. When t h is is dry. th e work may be i nto a dark room, will a pp llar very b right, l'I.'scl l l b l in � 1 ,512-in Cincinnati 1 . 228.
of e i ght inehes that is re q u i r ed to raise 2 1bs . [ou r riatie gas i-the gas will condense u p o� the ice, thus
rubb ed over with a p i e c e of gold, silver or copper, fire. · The phial sho uld be kcpt cork,," c lost :, ('xc!:»!
l i h c rat i n g i ts own latent heat to such an extent lUI The Marquis of S al i sbury has p urc has ed the isl­
i n ches , or 4 Ihs. two i nc hes : nor that it re quires
a nd will in a measu re assume their respective col­ w h e n us e d .
double the po wer to raise a g iv e n weight 8 inches, to l Ilelt lhe icc almost instantly. and of Rum, for the sum of .£24,000, for a park and
, ''�U.'--
ours and brilliancy.. This work may be polished by 'I'o a tea-spoonful of spi rits of turpentin e in a a shootin g ground. So much for the love of sport.
that it does t o raisa an equal we i ght 4 i nches ; b u t Too S MAL L l'OR 'fHE PRICE.-It i,; re pl lrtecl by
a flint bu rnisher, but should n ot b e v arn i sh ed . glass, add a n e qua l quantity of a mixture of three
we are n e v erthel ess , relu ctant to admit that there oUl' agents that o ur paper is gencrally well_l'c c"ivl'd, The water of the S al ina S pri ngs is so stron� that
......,.,, 8 �e.,..,.,.�
can be any definite quantity of power, without some parts of nitric with one of sulphuric acid i-by the
MORE BIG B O NEs .-The Madison B ann er states an d that the only objection is that . . i t is too H m a l l a bu she l of s alt is p ro duced from 45 g�onll o f the
speci fic velocity. Even ad mitting, as befo re stated, condensation of this mixture a suffi cient quantity of
o n the most reliable authority, that a d isc o very has for the price." We can a�s u r e th o stupid, Rentie� \1'3ter. 'l'hill is six tim es stronger than sea-water.
that double the qua ntity of power is re qu i red to heat \V ill he ev olv ed to produce a s ud den burst of
been made in Franklin C ounty, Tenn., whi ch hI less boobies ,vho make this asscrtion, that we e o u hl
flame. The steamer Great 'Vestern arrived last week
raise a given w e igh t 8 inches, that is r eq u i re d to alford the paper at one-half its present priee, if we
vastly m o re i nterestin g than those of the great
raise an equal weight 4 inches, yet the re is no s p eci fi c
_ Ileat a piece of i ro n of one pou nd we ight to a full about the time our paper went to prli9S. She brought
Mastadon, and Hydrargos combined. It ('onsists of were to fill two pages with aavertiselll.�nts, al1(l t I l "
rc d h eat, and place it o n a cake of ice of equal a l arg e freight, but no newil of i mport anc e .
or limited t i m e i n which the work is to be p erfo rm ed , b ala n c e w ith the o rd i n a ry newspaper m a terial ; but
a co mpl ete human skeleton eighteen feet in length.
but each process is allowed an infinity of ti m e, we
the public are rea d y to suspect this to be eithe.r a that, on t h e contrary, w e have l abo ured twelve
weight ; the iro n will be cold before the ice is melt­ I I I 1 775 arrangements were mad ;�arry
i ng the
can hardly ad mi t., in this case, a specific quantity of ed ; thus p rov in g that more heat is required to raise mail fro m P hiladel phia to Boston four dmes II montp'
hoax or a deception ; th a t the bones are either not hours in exa mi ni n g six ty different papers, witho u t
power. To raise or elevate one lb. we ight, a speeific
distance, d o es require power, we admit ; but the
fou d, or are artiflc ial : but it is grav ely stated that being able t o select sufficient material for two
the temperature of ice even one deg ree, than to heat
an equal we i gh t of iron to a red heat.
instead of twice a mORth. as formerly.

they have been examined by the principal members columns in this paper, and that some of our articles
[To bo continued.1 One hundred and two cars, drawn by-a si ngle lo­
quantity of power r equ isi t e to do this, unless the have cost us two or three days time in experiment­
of the m ed ical fa c ulty of N a shv ill e , and prono un ced comotive, passed over the railroad bridge, at the Falls
time for this performance is limited, is entil'eJy in­ ing, to establish p o i n ts and princip l es, and arrive at
unequivocally th e skeleton of a man . The fi nder, it MAGNE1.'ISl\[ BY E LECTRICITy.---A bou se was of the S chuylk il l, one morning last wee".
definite ; for there can be no de fi n i te power without conc!usi\'e results. Yet we ha'-e k nown ol d
is stated , has been ofl'ered, but refused $8,000 for an recently struck by l i ghtn ing, in New Haven, and
a d efi n ite velocity. · In fi gure 3, o n e end
o f the manufacturer to advise his workmen to subscribe The New Orleans Courier announces the discov­
the boncs. If the report is true we shall 800n hear s uch was the i nfluen ce of th e electric fluid, th�t
lever rests o n the fulcrum, while the other end is ery of another important improvement in Mo rse's
ample confirmati on . for n o high priced paper, when they could buy every article of iron or steel in the house, was su b ­
su ppo rted by a cord which passes over a p ul l ey to .
V �
# �__- eve n larger papers for a cent a piece. 'Ve should be telegraph. Its p e culi arities are not fully described.
sequently found t o possess strong magnetic proper­
A, nothwithstanding that two balls are suspended ASTOUNDING INTELLIGENCE.-We learn from gl ad to ins ti l a little common sense into the heads ties. The attractive power of a razor-blade was A B alti mo re jury has decided that a railroad com­
from tbe centre o f the lever at B. (In these ill ustra­ the Providence G azette , that it is announced in t he of such p e o ple, but as that cannot be done we must sufficient to su sp en d a key weigh ing half an ounce. pany is not responsible for cattle whieh are k il led or
tions, the levers are supposed to he without w eight , Presbyterian " C hurchman , " that a certain clergy­ be content to furnish our paper to those who have Th e magnetism appears to be permanent. injured on railroa ds by the locomotive.
or light as air.) It w i l l be readily undcrstoo d that if man has determined to . " wear the surplice as well more co nsi deratio n than to suppose that the value -_M.H·""#." "",•
one lb. we i ght susp ende d at A, will surpolt 2 Ibs. at in the pulpit as at the desk " ! ! Of all things ! The editor o f th e Morn ing Star has announced
of a paper is in pro p ortio n to its dimensions. E N COURAGING TO MEC HA N IC S .-It is stated in
B, it would inil te ad of these, support 4 Ibs. at F, or What will become of religion, if a min ister is al­ -� an exchange paper that the G o v ern or of Main e is a
his intention of be eomi n g a parson, if he lives lon g
8 at G. In al l cases of levers, the i nfl u e n ce of the lowed to preach i n the l am e costume in w h ieh he ApOLOGY IN SEASON.-If our readers discover shipwright ;
e n o u gh . We should like to s ee him do it.
the Governor of New Hampsbire a
force applied, is in d ire c t proportion to the distan c e prays, regardless of th e relative honours of the sur­ any errors, blunders or o mi ss io ns in this number, wheelwright ; and that the three higbes t offices in The population of the city of Providence is asc er ­
of the point of application, from the axis or fnlerum. plice and the soul 1 So goes the world of mum­ they will please attribute them to the c ircumstanc e the gift of the State of Mississippi are held by a tail or tained by a new census to be 31,751 i showing an
[To be Contillued.j mery. that we are away, and did not see the proof. a saddler, and a blacksmith. incre as e of 5,579 within five years.


T h e Ar t o f P a i n t i n g . M am. m o t h C a v e •

(Continued from No. 4.) The article on this subject in our last number would
PLAIN PAINTING IN OJL COLOURs .-The beau­ (Continued from No. 3.)
naturally tend to produce enquiry in the minds of
ty of this kind of painting depepds principally on many with regard to particular modes of manage­ The ceiling is about seventy feet from the floor
the uniformity and smoothness of its finish ; and ment under various circumstances, admitting the and is perfectly black, but gemmed with crystals ,
this is effected by distributing the paint equally on practicability of elevation and propulsion of the rerial that, reflecting the torch-light, have the appearance
every part of the work, and finishing by dra)Ving the ship : we shall therefore proceed with explanations
brush lightly and steadily over the work, in the di­ on this subject, prior to presenting mathematical
of stars, while the back ground in which they are
set, appears like the dark sky of night. The · walls
The first and greatest commandment.-" Thou
rection of the grain of the wood. Care is required demonstrations on the subject of velocity. Sup­ are white limestone, and slope gradually u ntil they shalt love the L ord thy God with all thy heart, with
to avoid leaving a superfluous quantity of paint iR posing, then, the balloo n to be constructed and in­ meet the ceiling, thus looking like overhanging pre­ all thy soul, with all thy strength, and all thy mind, U
the quirls and corners ; all such accumulation must flated with hydrogen, it must be held with a strong cipices, while the loose rocks, lying confusedly i n may be truly considered as the greatest and most
be brushed out. In painting houses outside, the rope, made fast to Bome permanent object fixed in the bottom of the cave, give the appearance o f the important and precious promise that is recorded ill
workman should be particularly careful to paint the the earth, to prevent its going adrift and flying away.
The Labourer. bed of some mountain stream, whose waters are the Old Testament. The Jews considered it to be
edges of the clapbeards and all the hollow comers ; For this purpose we shall use a stout iron spiral rod, dried. Look upwards, and you can see between the a mere command, and evading its simple" plain and
and for this purpose, the brush must be held with the in the form of a cork-screw, with a hand-spike at­
BY WM. D. GALLAGHER. ragged precipices, the dark sky, gemmed with 6 pointed import, construed it in a manner to suit their
handle inclining downward, that the brush part may tached, whereby two men may screw it into the myriad of stars, and calm and beautiful as it is of l\ capacity and convenience : and many pretended to
Stand up-erect ! . Thou hast the form work upward, filling the edges and corners. Paint, earth to a sufficient depth to be permanent, answer­ summer's eve. The illusion is perfect ; and this
And likeness of thy God I-who more 1 observe and obey it, who probably never experieneed
for inside work, usually requires an ingredient more ing the purpose of an anchor. But that the draught
A soul as dauntless 'amid the storm one dash of the pencil of nature challenges the imi­ the least sentiment of pure, sincere love and adora­
drying than raw linseed oil ; and for this purpose, on the halser may not be too 'strong, the saloon-car
Of daily life, a heart as warm tation of human art. The imagination of a Raphael tion towards that Being who had so repeatedl)'
an article called litharge, being finely ground, is ad­ will be supplied with a quantity of stone-ballast,
And pure, as breast e'er wore . would drop, plDlOnless, in the attempt to soar to evinced his love to them. Not finding in their heartl
ded to the paint, in the proportion of one ounce to DIlarly equal in weight to the buoyant force. The such daring sublimity of design, and his pencil would that sublime and holy affection which was intended,
What then l-Thou art as true a MAN each pound of paint ;-more or less, according to sll-Ioon will have a long double door in the floor fall from his hand, its magic gone ; in the execution ! as expressed in the commandment, they, like a great
As moves the human mass along, circumstances. This litharge is evidently the best thereof, from which a receiving-car wiII descend 00-
As much a part of the Great Plan
We remained here some time wrapt in admiration majority of professors among us, construed it to
dryer for floor paint that is known ; paints temper­ t:asionally to the ground. This car is to be sur­
That with Creation's 'lawn began, of this beautiful exhibition of nature's painting ; then, mean merely the attentive observance of all those
e d with this, dry harder, and wear better, than any
As any of the throng.
rounded with railing and seats ; being about ten feet reluctantly lea�ing the spot, we turned from the ceremonies, hospitalities, and acts of common hoa­
other : but p:linters have in general use a fluid arti­ in length by five in breadth, and suspended from the main cave into the " Deserted Chambers." The first esty, which were specified in the Mosaic laws. But
Who is thine enemY ?-the higH, cle, called drying japan, which is very convenient as saloon by four ropes, connected to a windlass at the of these, is called the " Wooden B owl," from its very few of them were aware, that this great com­
In station, or in wealth the chief? a dryer, and is excellent for carriage and ornamental top. This windlass is to be cOllnected occasionally shape. In it is a clear spring from which we drank . mand was calculated to convince them, (through
The great, who coldly pass thee by, work, but is in more general use than it should be. in to the steam-engine, so that the passengers will be W e then passed through the " Archway," a narrow their inability to comply therewith,) of the depravity
With proud step and averted eye 1 house painting. This j apan consists of oil, gum elevated to the saloon by steam-power ; but a wheel passage, to " Side-saddle P it," sixty-five feet deep. of their hearts, and their need of the divine and
Nay ! nurse not such belief. shellac, litharge, and red lead, united by being bo�­ is mounted on one end of the windlass, and from its Near this, is the " Bottomless pit," which we crossed special i nfluences of the Spirit of God, to enable
ed together. Red lead ii, of itself, a good dry;er, periphery small rope descends to the car, so that
If true unto thyself thou wast, a on a wooden bridge. This pit is so called from its them to 10 e him in reality. Reason itself shows
in such colours as are not injured by its use ; but by means of this, a single person may ascend or de­
What were the proud one's scorn to thee 1 great depth, which is between three and four hun­ perfectly plain that the great Author of nature is
A feather, which thou mightest cast when a delicate white Ii required, a sulphate of scend by their own management of this wheel-rope. dred feet. L eaving the maID cave agalD. at this point more lovely and more worthy of pure and ardent
Aside, as idle as the blast zinc, known as white vitriol, must be used. It is a When passengers or freight are received, an equal we reached "Gordon's Dome"after ascending and de­ love, than any thing or all things that are created.
The light leaf from the tree. general custom with painters, however, to prepare weight of the ballast is deposited ; and whenever scending one or two ladders. 'rhis is considered the Nevertheless, the human heart, as every man can
a thin oil, by boiling it, that it may the mor6i readily passengers arll - landed, an equal weight of stone or " grandest" thing in the cave, being a perpendicular testify, is incapable of e1!:ercising that . rational, fer­
No :-uncurb'd passions-low desires­ dry, even without aDY other dryer. The usual mode earth must be taken on board. For the purpose of shaft measuring three hundred feet from top to
Absence of noble self-respect­ vent love to God, without the special aid of Him
of boiling the oil, is to place several gaUons in an alcertaing the weight, the four comer ropes will be
Death, in the breast's consuming fires, bottom. Its walls are decorated with beautiful for­ who gave the commandment : and many hue prob­
iron kettle over a slow fire, and when if begins to connected to the receiving-car by four spiral springs,
To that high nature which aspires mations of crystalized limestone, reflecting the pow­ ably concluded that it is wholly impossible, and Yain,
boil, add four ounccs of litharge and an equal with indices, which will at all times indicate the
Forever, till thus checked. erful light with an intensity which renders it almost to hope or expect that man should ever be able to
quantity of red lead, to each gallon of oil : the oil weight of whatever the car contains. When the painful to look upon them. Human architecture love God IIccording to the full import of this great
These are thine enemies-thy worst : is coutinued boiling, being almost constantly stirred balloon is moored, it will invariably head to the wind ; could not produce as a monument of its own perfec­ command. Nevertheless, it has been happily proved,
They chain thee to thy lowly lot­ about with a stick, for about half an hour, or until and when ready for moving, the engine is put in gen­ tion any work that could compare with this splendid by the experience of many, that this command,
Thy labour and thy life accurst. it boils clear, without frothing ; it is th e n taken off tle motion, sufficient to propel the balloon forward dome,-so majestic in its proportions, and so perfect
Oh, �stand erect ! . and from them burst I .. Thou shalt love," &c., is, and was evidently in­
to cool. This oil can be always procured ready to a point directly over the anchor-screw, when a and exquisite in the or,naments which decorate its tended as a most precious promise, and is mOle fully
And longer suffer not ! boiled, at the paint shops ; but paints mixed with man below will detatch the screw fro m the earth, walls. I remember the expression of an English­ expressive of the immense joy and happiness which
Thou art thyself thine enemy ! this, will not prove so durable when exposed to and it is hauled up, (and the man with it, if he be­ man, who on seeing it, said that the sight of it is prepared for the faithful and obedient saints, than
The great I-what better th ey than thou 1 ' the weather or to wear, as those ground in raw longs on board,) while the balloon moves ahead. alone, repaid him fo � hill voyage across the broad can be found comprised in any one sentence in the
As theirs, is not thy will as free 1 oil, and having good opportunity to dry. Raw oil, The balloon will not ascend more than four or flve Atlanttc. sacred writings. Let an experienced Christian, or
As God with equal favors thee with litharge for a dryer, is hest for floors or other hundred feet from the earth, unless it be to secure Returning to the main cave, we passed through even a penitent sinner, read this as a promise, " Thou
Neglected to endow'. inside work, in warm, dry weather. In giving the a more favourable atmospheric current, which will the " Humble Shoot," the .. Winding Way," the shalt love-the L ord thy God,',' &c., and he will find
work a second or third coat, however" it is requisite not often occur. We have already e1!:plained (see
True, wealth thou hast not ; 'tis but dust I " River Hall," and " B acon's Chamber," to the it to contribute much joy and consolation ;-an as­
to mix spirits of turpentine with the oil, te prevent I No. 4) the method of steering the balloon, both with
Nor place : uneertain as the wind ! " Dead Sea," quite a large body of water, and very surance of the very consummation, which of all
too sharp a gloss, and render the paint more firm regard to its horizontal and vertical directions : if it
But that thou hast, which, with thy crust deep. Passing along the side of this, we then cross­ things he most desires, and which is only needed to
and hard. The paint is first mixed with oil, and the is required to ascend or descend gradually when un­
And water, may despise the lUst ed the river " Styx" by a passage through an upper make him perfectly happy forever.
spirits of turpentine is added, in the proportion of der head-way, or turned to thc right or left, it is
Of both-a noble mind. cave above. We then crossed " Lake Lethe" in a �-- -
a pint to two quarts of oil ; the proportion varying,
With this, and passions under ban,
done by means of the vertico-horizontal rudder. But boat, but little better or larger than the bowl in An a t t ra c t iv e S p e cula tio n .
however, according to circumstances. If the paint when it is required to descend to a point, the volume which the " three wise men of Gotham" went to sea. It is usual with tBose who would induce others
True faith, and holy trust iu God, is required to be left flat, or without any gloss, the of the gas is compressed by means of the interior Then climbing over a pile of rocks and sand, we em­
Thou art the peer of any man. to engage in any special enterprise, to present a state­
spirits may be used in the proportion of one half, or rigging of the balloon ; the longitudinal rods being
Look up, then-that thy little span
barked in anothcr boat, scarcely larger than the first, ment of facts-or what purports to be such,-ex­
even two to one : but such paint will not wear so drawn towards the centre, so as to cause the balloon
Of life may well be trod ! and descendcd the river " Jordan," the distance of planatory of the circumstances, the advantages to be
well. Alchohol is sometimes used instead of spi­ to descend sufficiently rapid. In whatever direction three fourths of a mile. We thus found ourselves, gained, and the requisites for securing them. In
rits of turpentine ; but neither of these shOU ld be the wind may blow, it will be to the passengers ap­
O ur Count ry . used in any considerable quantity in o utsidc work or
aftcr navigating one mile under ground, on the oth­ accordance with this custom, we shall give a plain
parently ahead : for though the wind was blowing a er side of " Purgatory," (which we'passed unscath­ statement of the ci�cumstances, in as brief and con­
warm weather : in cold weather they are convenient gale in the direction of thc course of the balloon, yet
BY W. J. PABODIE. ed,) cut offfrom the rest of thc world by the oblivious , cise form, as the nature and importance of the sub­
to make the paint flow more freely. As a general the latter will move so much the faster, and the wind watcrs of Lcthe, thc fcrriage of the StY1!:, the sea ject will admit.
Our country !-'tis a glorious land-
rule, after the flrst coat of paint is dry, and when will still appear to be ahead. If the balloon should
With broad arms stretched from shore to shore, of the Dead, and last of all, by .. Jordan'S ever-roil ­ A nobleman, several years ago, purchased an im­
the second is to be applied, the work must be exa­ encounter a severll gale, directly ahead,-a gale suf­
The proud Pacific chafes her strand, ing flood." mense estate, and made arrangements for the con­
mined, and all the cracks, seams, and holes, filled up ficient to prostrate trees and unroofhouscs,-it will O ur guide sang sevcral songs while c rossing, to
She hears the dark Atlantic roar ; struction of many splendid palaces, gardens, and ar­
smoothly with putty, (a simple mixture of oil and descend perpendicularly (still hcad mg thc wind and show the effect of the echo upon the music, which
And nurtured on her ample \lreast, bours, with beautiful groves, vines and lakes, far su­
Spanish whiting,) and all the rou gh parts smoothed having the wheels in motion ) to within a few feet of softened the trembling sounds and repeated them
now many a goodly prospect lies perior to any thing hitherto known on the earth.­
In Nature's wildest grandeur drest,
with sand-paper or glass-paper : and after smooth ing, the earth, and grappling irons or a small anchor will over and over, as they:died away, rolling from cavern While this work was progressing, the proprietor re­
Enamelled with her loveliest dyes. the dust must be carefully removed with a dry brush. bc thrown out, and will take to the trees or bushes, to cavern ;-01" rather, it seemed as if so many spirits , tired from the country, promising to return at abont
A general but improper custom which prevails with or to the carth ; or a Illan may descend and make who werc concealed in the impenetrable darkness of
Rich prairies, deck'd with flowers of gold the time that these elegant works should be com­
most painters, is to apply the putty with the fingers fast an anchor-screw. If the com pressing apparatus thos� subterranean avenues, took up the song by
Like sunlit oceans roll afar ; pleted. He left a proposition in writing, and which
merely, in filling the cavities of nails and brads ; but should fail to operate, a part of the gas may be read­ turns, and sung it over, but each one upon a lower
Broad lakes her azure heavens behold, has recently been extensively published, in which he
instead of this, the putty should be always smooth­ ily liberated by a valve for thc purpose. And on the
Reflecting clear each trembling star, key, and with a softer voice. generously offers a permanent and perpetual inherit­
And mighty rivers, mountain-born, ed with a chisel-shaped piece of wood. When other hand, if at any time the t alloon should fail to Landing in " Silliman's Avenne," we again pur­ ance and joint possession of this beautiful and exeel­
Go weeping onward, dark and deep, any uneven parts of the surface is to be smoothed, ascend sufficiently rapid, a part of the ballast may sued our route, over heaps of rock until we reached lent estate, to every person who will accept of it,
Through folrests where the bounding fawn the putty should have a little white lead paint mixed be thrown over. The saloon will be furnished with " Cascade Hall," in which is a cascade falling down and make due arrangements to enter on the posses­
Beneath , I , eir sheltering branches leap. with it, to make it adhere better. If an old room water-tight tanks, arranged under the seats, on thc one of its sides. A short distance beyond, we enter­ sion of this new inheritance, as ·soon as the proprie­
is to be painted, such parts of the surface as have been life-boat principle, so as to bc safe, if any accident
And cradled 'mitl her clustering-bills, ed the " Milky Way Side cut," that takes its name tor returns. He has, moreover, given a solemn
discoloured with smoke, or have been exposed to should occasion a descent ill to the water. And in
Sweet vales in dreamlike beauty hide, from the incrustations on the ceiling, giving it an pledge, that he will see that all those who accept of
Where love the air with music fills,
wear, should be washed over with a dilu te mixture case of the worst imaginable immergency,-that of appearance, similar to that of the Milky Way•We his invitation, shall eycr after be well provided for
And calm cdritept a nd peace abide ; of lime and water, and allowed to dry before the the balloon taking fil'e,-the saloon itself will de­ pursued this branch until we e ntered .. Shelby's and made happy in all things ; and has left abundant
For plenty here her fullness pours, paint is applied : and such parts of a floor all have scend gently to the water ; and if ovcr land, each Avenue," in which are large beds of fibrous gypsum and substantial evidence of his sincerity and of the
In rich prllfusion o'er the land, become bare, or from which the paint is worn off, passenger will havc a parachute at hand, by which upon the bottom and sides, five 01' sa feet in depth. genuineness of his proposition, which he invites al­
And, sent to seize her generous stores, should be first painted With very thin or dilute paint, they can descena safely to land . (To be continued,) These, at first sight, look like snow banks. At the people to examine for themselves. He merely re­
There prowls no tyrant's hireling band. and become dry before the whole is painted : as the �II�II�
end of Shelby's Avenue we turned a point or angle, quires that those who are disposed to accept of his
same paint cannot be suitable for the painted and r. Late Foreign N e w s.
TIlE; ARCTIC E 1!:PEDITION.-A letter received formed by a ledge of rock, twenty feet high, resem­ generous offer, should disencumber themselves of all
the unpainted parts. We shall next proceed to in­ 'rhe Royal ,MaiI steam-ship Britannia arrived at
from Captain Franklin's squadron, on the east coast bling the stem and hull of a ship. The model is things which are vain and useless, and manifest com­
structions in producing and compounding various Boston on Friday last, with 101 passengers, among
of Greenland, and dated July 1 1 th, says : " We have almost perfect. It is called the " Great Western." fidence in the integrity of the donor, by marching
colours. whom were Hon. Edward Everett, his lady and
the sun all the twenty-four hours, and the middle of We here entered the " Pass of Algore," two m iles towards the new inheritance, to meet him on his
N># #e�.�-
daughter. The news by this arrival is generally fa­ in length, having traversed which, we came to " Cor­ return. This liberal proposition is to extend only
the day is really very warlll , notwithstanding that COLOulls.-There are but three primary colours ;
vourable, but not important. A terrific whirlwind or rinna's Dome,"-one of the most bcautiful appart­ to the time of the proprietor's return ; and will be
from the top you can count a thousand ice-berges." -red, yellow and blue. Blue and red combined, tornado had occurred in F rance and Germany, de­ ments in the cave. It is circular, its height being
'l'here seems to be something bullish in this letter, withdrawn forever from all but those who may be
constitute purple. B Iue and yellow combined, stroying many houses. Sixty persons are reported twenty feet, and is entirely composed of crystalized found prepared to enter on the possession immedi­
in speaking of the middle of the day, where the day constitute all the variety of greens. Yellow, and
to have been killed by falling buildings, and one hu n­ limestone, and fibrous crystalized gypsum. After ately on his return, which is looked for daily till
is continuous, and especially in his statement that red combined constitute the uerage colour. Red, dred and twenty wounded.-The Russian army is
the letter was written by the light of tho " mid- passing into " Boon's Avenue," and thence into the he comes. by yellow and white, constitute scarlet.
" said to have gained some small advantage over the " Spring Side Cut," where is " Hebe's Spring," (a �e ..... .__,
night sun.
Olive colour is proauced by mixing blue, red and
. . ���
Circassian ; and the French at Algiers had again de­ fountain strongly impregnated with sulphur.) we SCIEN TII'JC .-A correspondent of the New York
yellow. Lilac and violet are produced by red and
SIXTY YEARS Auo.-The Portsmouth Journal feated the Arabians : but neither movement is con- entered " C leveland's Cabinet," the distance of F armer and Mechanic, describes an experiment
blue in different proportions. White is composed
says, the mail between Boston and Portsmouth, N. sidered important.-The wolves had become trou­ nine miles from the mouth of the cave. This cabi­ made with the Steam E lectrical Machine, in which
of all the different colours united, and black i$ the
H. , was carried on horseback, by Deacon John No­ blesome in France ; two hundred sheep in one fold net is about three miles in length, and abounds in a wooden ball is held suspended by a jet of steam,
absence of all colour. When red, yellow and blue
ble, in a tin box, four inches wide and ten inches had been destroyed in one night.-A drought pre­ crystalizations of various kinds. Upon the floor, in even when the jet is made to vary several degrees
are perfec.t, �nd p� rtectly blended, the compound
long. He usually left Portsmouth on Monday vailea at Constantinople to such an extent that wa­ several places, are huge heaps of sulphate of mag­ from a perpendicular ; and . enquires if any of the
proves white. (This is proved by the appearance
morning, and arrived in :\3QstQn on Tuesday night ; ter was sold in small measures in the streets.-Queen nesia (Glauber's Salts) and sulphate of soda, (Epsom readerli of the F. & M. wiII tell why the ball does
of a wheel, which being painted with the three col­
remained in B oston till Friday morning, and then Victoria is travelling in Germany, and frolicking Salts,) which are said to be more powerful than not fall. Being a constant reader of that paper, we
ours, is put in rapid motion, so as to blend apparently
returned to Portsmouth, where he arrived o n Satur­ with the children.-The latest news from China those Bold at the Apothecaries. Near the entrance shall venture to answer in our own columns. When
the colours : the more perfect the colours the more
day night. Now the mail passes between these gives account of a destructive conflagration of a the­ of Cleveland's Cabinet, is " Mary's Vineyard," so the jet of steam leaves the pipe, its expansive force
perfect the white.) Black is uniformly produced by
places three times a day, and the papers and letters atre, in Canton, by which twelve hundred and fifty­ called from the beautiful circular crystals of lime­ expands the column notwithstanding the tendeney
fire, which, is a powerful destroyer of all colours.
carried in it, amouqt to twenty or thirty bushels a seven lives were destroyed, including fifty-two actors stone, hanging in clusters from the rock, and exactly of inertia to confine the steam to its original direc­
week. and actresses, and 2,1 00 more were wounded. On resembling grapes. These " grapes" cover the wall tion : these two forces counteracting each other,
�� New Invent ion s. the day after the fire, thirty persons were killed by for some distance, giving the appearance of a thriv­ very naturally compress the steam more at the sur­
PROPRIETy.--Speaking of the execution of Greene the falling of the walls. ing vineyard. ".Spar Hall," through which we face of the columu than in its centre. The ball then
at Troy last week, OM of the city papers says­ A PRAIRIE S TEAM- CA R .-A gentleman in Alton �-
occupying this partial vacuum in the centre of the jet
next passed, is so designated from the numerous
" Every thing was conducted with order and propri­ III. is constructing a car to be propelled by steam WONDRRFUL S PRI N G .-One of the State boun-
formations of spar found in it. Next to this is the or column, being subject to the action of gravity,
ety. We never could see much propriety in hanging power on the prairies, independent of railways. The dary Commissioners of Missouri describes a remark­
" Snow ball room," the ceiling of which is covered naturally seeks and retains tho position which is
live man up by the neck, when there are so many size of the car is 15 by 20 feet ; and in the place of able spring about 50 miles from Bateville. The
with formations of sulphate of lime, which resembles least exposed to any influence in opposition to the
more convenient modes of killing him. wheels, he will use Gylinders, four feet long and six spring rises in a basin about 500 feet in diameter,
snow balls. In the remote end of this chamber is force of gravity ; and its descent being prevented by
�- feet in diameter. It is thought that by running this and discharges from twenty to thirty thousand gal­
" Mary's B ower," a small dome, with a fretted ceil­ the force of the more compressed steam below, it
PLAIN BUT HO N E S T . -l�'l r. Webster, in closing car a few times over the ground, the track wiII be­ lons per minute at all seasons. The spring has been
ing of rosettes of gypsum formation. These rctsettes remains in equilibrium. Is that clear 1
an argu ment recently in Bristol Coonty, Mass., de­ come smooth and hard, so that he may carry forty sounded to the depth of 500 feet, but as yet no bot­
are as natural as if sculptured from marble, in imi­
clared that " if the rule of common sense was not to or fifty tons on a load, and travel ten miles per hour. tom -can be found.
tation of the natural rose. There are several grot­ The American Board of Commissioners of Foreign
govern Courts in their deliberations, they might be We have long advocated the practicability of running ��
P OSTMASTERS and others to whom this paper may tos in this portion of the cave, whose walls are Missions have unanimously adopted a report, the
looked upon as nuzsances, rather than the exponents carriages on the prairies without railroads. We
be sent, are respectfully solicited to exhibit the same covered with innumerable formations of gypsum. import of which is, that it is the bllSins98 of the in�
of J ustice." shall write for further intelligence on the subject. to others, that ita patronase may be thus extended. ,[To bo COlltillued.] . stitution to ,ave ,QUIll rather Cban oppose ,iD.


Moat nUDl11'01U are tl!.e inveutiou lost to the world L E TTERS AND RE CEI PT S .
f« .,., allil many doubtleu to thiJ day, because the James G ardi n e r, Christi ansbu rg, Va. ; Wm . J ohn ­
inve..... being poor, eould not brillg thelll out. To son, Providence, R. I . , $1 00 ; E . P . P hi n n ey , War­
rutedY this evil to some extent, the fo11owinr plan is ren, R. I . , 3 00 ; H. J. P i t ma n , Bristol, R. I., 5 00 ;
W. 'V. H a ppy , Jacksonville, I I I . ; D. P e c k , Naples,
1 00 ; 'V. H al e , Millington, Mass . , 4 00 ;: P. M.
RARE PROJECT. Resev i Ile, N. Y.; S. J. Hartsfield, Gainesvil le, Ala. ;
J. C . S h a c ke l fo rd , P. M., B o o n ev i lle , Mo. ; J. A .
G PE CK & C O . havin�, and being oft'ered, several
new inventions, worthy to be tested amI brought
out, present to t he public the following liberal otf'ers.
S he rm a n , B o s t o n , 22 0 0 ; H . N. P h e t e pl ac e , P rov­
idence, R. 1. ; J . G. Adams, Schenectady, N. Y. ;
One i nvention promises great llsefulness t8 most citi� D. Melville, N e w p o rt , R. I . , 1 0 0 ; D. 'I'itrany, Au­
vlllq,ges, alld farmers ; on e, great aid to agriculture . burn, Mass., 4 00 ; S . W. Ricker, South B e rwi ck ,
Oae, greater safety and cheapness tg rail-road convey­ M e . , 1 50 ; J. G. S a nborn, Narrag uagus, Me. ; R.
anee ; one a great s aving of expense, time and toil in W e l d , Hartland, V t . ; P . G. S m i t h , i\iontpelier, Vt . . .
education" &c.
1 00 ; C . A . H . , B al t i more, 1 2 00 ; R . Kidney, J r . ,
They require m \! a n s tit bring them into use. If ma ny
N e w a r k , N . .1 . , 20 00 ; 'V. H. \Vard , Washington,
will furnish each a little the burdon will be light-the
s uccess almost c ertain, aad the advantage the greater ; D . C . ; J . M . Galloll p, F arm er, N. Y., 1 00 ; Ja8.
and this advantage the inventors will gladly shar'"l with Ste ph'� l1son, Dansvi l l e , N . Y., 1 00 ; C. Carter,
the helpers. In currin g much expense, Ilnd risking much L ogansport, I nd . ; S. Parks, Maltaville, N. Y., 1 00;
themselves, it cannot be presuming too muoh to tru st J o h n H i l l , N. B ro o k fi e l d , M ass., 1 00 ; P. Cook.
that an i n tell ige nt public will see it to be liberal, and Hartfo rd , C r . , 24 0 0 ; S . Jo nes, C o l c h ester, C o n n . ,
wise to risk a little a nd lo.vest the small sum proposed 20 00 ; A. Av,>ry, L e d y a rd , N. Y. ; C . Vall Horne
on th e terms here offered. Van Horn esville, N . Y., 1 00 ; J . G . Thompson,
It is little any can lose if he were to get no return , Norwich. N . Y., ;) 00 ; J . W. Hudsil n , \V i n n sb o ro ,
while we must lose far 1Il0re, e ven for advertising, if S. C . ; "Vm. R. Hohnes, P ortsmouth, Oh i o , I 00 ;
n one accept our offers. But they will hav!: some return, R. Hays, P. M . , S t a m fo rd , C t . , 1 00 ; S. 'Yard ,
al1d may much gain. Let then each senli us his name
T e rry v i lle, Co n n . , 1 00 ; W. H. P ratt, S prin gfi el d ,
and : $2, or 25 cents weekly for ten w-eeks, and se­
:\1 aS8 . ; L . G. M o re , B ellefo u t a i n e , Ohi o , 1 00 ; A. P .
cure the advantages of these inventions.
C heslev, Huron, Ohio. F . Wa rd , Parkskill, N . Y. ,
We add one other c onsideratien . Had Fitch, who
first applied steam to propel a boat, aad was the re al J. Hatheway, B oon e , N. Y . , 1 00 ; '1'. D ic ki nso.n ,
m.t inventor of steam boats, received a li ttle aid, ste am Newar!" N. Y . , 13 00 ; F ra n kl y n Wo o d , C a n ton ,
boats would have been in eperation more than sO years N . Y., 1 00 ; J. R. Wild man, Danbury, C t., 1 0 00 ;
ago, and our country would have had the undisputed G. F. Snow, M e rid e n, Ct., 1 00 ; J. B. Ward, Wor­
honor of the i nvention. But he exhausted his means­ cester, Mass., 5 00 ; D. Cobb, P ro v i d e n c e , R. I.,
none would help-and though he knew it was worth 1 0 00 ; A. S . F renc h , Dexter, Me., 3 00 ; C . S el l i c k,
millions, he died in poverty, and our ceuntry was the STEREOTYPING AND PRINTING.
N. Y., 8 00 ; M . Abbott, Mauch Chunk, P a., 1 00 ;
loser for a half century. HE sullscribers are prepared to execute all orders I. C. Ca m pbell , 1'. M., Ri pl ey , 0., 5 00 ; B. Grant,
T committed to th eir charge, with neatness, punctu­
OF PA'rENT PRE MIUM C OLOURED LIKENE SSES. P. M., L iber ty, N.Y., 5 00 ; N . H . Smith, B rowns­
ality, and despatch .
ville, Pa., 4 00 ; J . Clark, G ui l fo rd , N. Y., 2 00 ;
A share or town right of a valuable patent-50 or 100 JOHN WESTALL & Co.. FOUNDED 1840.
acres of good fa1'llling land ; $2, $30, or $85 cash ; a ... P. M., H u t ton, T r oy, N.Y. , 4 00 ; E . J o nes , Sp ri n g­
183 William-st. corner of Spruce, N.Y. �,-"",- -..-- .---�,-,------� ......

copy of the circular interest tables, or a useful ESlIay, to field, Mass., 4 00 ; J. M e l l i sh , Auburn, Mass., 1 00 ;
be had on easy terms .
No. 261 Broadway, cor. MurraY-St., over Tenney's Jewelry Store, N. York. S. F a i rb anlls , West Wiu chester, N. H., 1 00 ; E . G .
DAGUERREOTYPE . No. 7i Court Street, Boston,
The p atent share will be !tent to any one who sends
LATES I PLATES ! ! PLATES ! ! !-To Dnguerreo­ Sycamore Stree� Petcrsbnrgh, Va. I1arrodsburglI Sprin gs, Ky C h a n dl e e, B . 1\'1 . H ou se , M d . 4 00 ; H . S no w, Me­
118 $2, or 25 cents weekly for ten weeks, which share
will lie worth $5 or more.
P type .drtuts and .!lmateurs.-In c ons equence of re­
peated complaints from Artists of failures to obtain fine
Broadway, Saratoga Springs,
Pennsylvania benue, WaShington, B. C.
Lyceum Hall, Al cx andria, D. C.
No . 1$6 Chesnut- St., Philadelphia,
main Street, Newport, R. 1.
Dlaill Street, Bn Ruque, Iowa,
rid e n , Ct., 1 00 ; J. 'r. B a rber, Marcellus F aI ls , N . Y . ,
4 00 ; H. P. B a r n es , Pittsfield, Mass., 8 00 ; H. P .
The town right will be his wh o procures 2/5 sh are
Portraits, from imperfections in the Plates, the subscrib­ No. 449 Main Street, Louisville, Ky. No. 1�� Baltimore St., Bultimore, No. 176 Main·St., CincinlIati, OhIO. Whitlow, P . M., Demo polis , Ala.; P . E . H. L o vel a c e
subscribers and sends us the money. The 50 acres his
er begs leave to inform them that he is manufacturing Comer of Fourth and Chesllut Streets, S1. Loui�, & C o . , R ay mo n d , Miss. ; M. N. Olmsted, Win­
who seds us the mon ey for 150 aubscribers within three Mo.
Plates of a superior quality to any that have hitherto ch e st e r Centre, Ct., 1 00 ; C . Eastman, P. M., Lit­
months. The 100 a cres his who seads U8 for 300 in Constituting the oldest and most Extensive Establishme n t of the k i n d in the WorId,
four montbs . The $2 his wbo s ends us the $2 each for beea us ed in tllis country. Th ese Plates have been fair­ tl e ton , N . H . , 4 00 ; C . & A., Philadelphia, 12 00 ;
12 subscribers in 2 months. $38 his who sends for 160
ly tried, and telted by s ever al of the most experienced and containing more than a tho llsand portraits, embracing those of the most distin g u ish e d W. B . Allen, Elizabeth City, N. C . , 3 00 ; l\fosher
and skilfn l operators in t h e United States, from whom he
in 3 monthi, $85 his who lenda for 250 ill 6 month s . individuals in the U. States. & Al l en , Union S prings, N . Y., 1 00 ; G. Kin­
The interest tables or Essay shall be his who sends us
has received certificates that th ey are superior to a ny
Plates they have eYer hefore used. 'fhis Establishment having been awarded the Medal Four First Premiums. a n d two ports, P . M., H o l l id ays b urg, P3., 2 00.
i mmediately the names of each waggon, carriare, plough
or harness m aker, of each farmer wbe keeps bees or silk Signed by �' Highest Y
Hono�s" at the Exhibitions at Boston, Ne w ork and Ph i lade lph i a respect­ ; LIST OF AOONTS.
worms, of owners of furnaces or forges, of ea ch physi­

I ve y, for best PICtures and Apparatus, is thus officially sustained in the position of su­ Ch arles H . Brnin ard , 16 Stat e street, Boston.
eian., minister, teacher, miller, tanner and merchant of
Will . G. MASON, Amateurs.
, .
pefl? flty here tofore umversally assigned it tty the pu b l i c , as " Pirst in the
World. " J. W. Davis, Lowell., Mass .
W. H. Pratt, Sp ri n gfield, Mass.
the village or town where he lives, twenty-Jive names Pn� e of t h e?e s\�per� P h o tograph s red IIced to that of ord i n ary ones at other pl a ce s , so that no one need
Messrs. W. & F. LANGENHEIIII, Op erator-s, P hila .
or more ; and also a share of the patent right if he sends now Sit for an mferlOr hkeness on t h e score of economy.-Taken in any weather . H. P. Barnes, Pittsfiel d, .l\lass.
25 or more n ames and 25 cents cash withia one month.
" LITCH &. WHIPPLE, do. Boston . Colon & Adria nce, 21 Arcad e, Philadelphia.
.!lgentl.-Messrs. W. & F. Langenheim, Exchange, " Professor Plumbe.-Every body knows that this distin gu i sh e d artist st an d s at th e head of his profession
Tke patent share to each 'of those wbo pay $2 withi n C. A. Hi nkley , B al ti more .
nnd Wm. G. M aso n , 46 Chesnut-street, Phil ad el ph ia ; in this coun t ry. "- True Su.n.
8 weeks from next SeptembC!' 1, or before, will embrace T. Di ek i nson , Newa rk, N Y.
E. Hopk i ns, Lyons, N Y .
and Messrs. Litch & Whipple, 96 Washington,st. Boston. " Prof. Plumbe .-This celehrated Phot.ographer h a.� l ong bee n re g ard e d as the American Daguerre . "
three illventions ; to those who pay in tIte next 5 weeks,
None genuine unless stamped ' E. WHITE, ,maker, N. Y. Herald.
two inventiollS ; ami but one to others, and not thia un­ William M. B eau ch amp, Skaneateles, N. Y.
N. Y.' M anufa ctured and sold wholesale and. reta il by Plumbo's Premium and German A pp ar at u s and Instructions, Pl ate s , Cases, &c. , at the lowest r at es .
less c ash is received in 4 months, unleSl'we choose. The Peter Cook, Hartford, Ct.
EDWARD WHITE, 178 Broadway, N.Y .
W. &. E. Downes, New Haven, Ct.
essay or tallIes will also be his who pays before Septem­
ber 20th. What we desire is spee4y work-h ence these William Woodw ard , Middletown, Ct.
large premiums . Most important inventions will thaa S. Jones, C ol cheste r, Ct.
be s ooured, and a prolitable .hare to each. BOOKS, 'temperance (oanded on Phrenology aDd PhYlioleg.y,
J. Hu nt er, T hompsonvill�, Ct.
We also offer to any one WtO will sead us $ 10, $30, Tight LaciD" H. S. Snow, Meriden, Ct.
$75 or $ 125, to give him 3, 9, 27 or 54 s hares one-third PUBLISHED AND FOB. SALII [Its ,'Oil. coa.aidered, physiologically. With cuts.] Safford & Parks, Norwich, Ct.
in each of three inventions, or a town right of one, two S. W. Baldwin, Bridgeport, Ct.
or t hree of the pate nts, and a privilege to s ell r�ghts, at
great profit ; and he may commence at once. We can
BY F OWL E R & WE L L S, Fowler'1 Works, (calf,)
" .. (sheep or muslin,)
2 50
2 2�
Col. A. P. C h esl ey, Huron, O.
C barl es O'Neal, Darien, Geo.
g�ve good Dusiness of this kind now. If our project M aj o r J. Nathans, Quincy, Flo.
lBeets with the favor we expect we shall be abl e to give
NO. 131 NASSAU ST., N. Y. [All the precedin g workl, (except th� first, ) are hou nd :9aniel Cobb, Provide n ce, R I.
H. J. Pitm a n, Bristol, R. I.
together, containinc most of the Author'. works in a
a great deal of business of t h is kind, and thus greatly
R. Kidney, jr. Ne w ark, N J. 1 23 Broad-street.
promote enterprize and industry. We have tbe best
maehine to clean wheat of smut, garlie, &c.; price $75. 2',.. PrIM W. Solom on , New Brunswick, N J.
COllbe'1 Physiology, 8 YO. (with notes and observa-
Over 70 have been pat in operation in one county in Powlcr'a Phrenology, (30th edition,) • $1 00 Thomas Boynten, Winds or, Vt.
Pennsylvania. We have also the best cultivator for tions, by O. S. Fowler,) . • •
Shipl ey W. R i cker, South Berwick, M e .
[A ltandard werk on l.lJis science, eminently flr.eti,tJl,
tilling corn and putting in wheat and rye, from $6 to [From the last Edinburgh edition. T he mOlt 8pecifi c Travelling .!lgent.
$ 15. Also tbe ne atest, handiest and s wiftest straw cut­
and every way caloulated for Amateurs.]
andpractical work, and the best adapted to the general Cl ark Si ll e ck, Albany, Troy, and vicinity.
ter of its size, for $ 12. Office for orders at room 13, 25 Education and Sell-Improvement, 1 00 reader of any work on the subject now &xtaat. I
Pine atree t, n ext to t b e C U ltom House. CUMMINGTON QUINE BAUG
The inventions will be of diffllrent values, and will be [Two volumes iR one. Vol. I. devotlld � PhYliology, The American Phrenolollcal Journal, 6 vola. 1 1 00
put into such n u mber of shares as w il l make each share Health, and the mental and moral laWll of man'sJlamre S C Y T H E S T O N E S ,
worth $5 o r more. We will dispose of the righ ts, keep -inaluding self-improvement ; the moral training and The Phrenological llnd Physiological Almanacs, • l�l F;-om the Celebrated Ro1Ybins Ledge.
the a c counts , and pay to sk a re holders the divide nds . §oversmeat of c1!.ildren ; and the perfection of charao­
[Thil annulIl oontainl prncticul advice toUGhing health­
We shall also from time to time, quarterly or often er,
ter. by enlarging defective, and diminishing exceslive phrenological and physiological facts, &C. Illustrated MANUFACTURED BY J. S. STAFFORD & CO.,
organs. Vol. !I.-Analyses the Intellectual Organs, with Cllts. Also, back numbers for 1840-1-2-3-4-5, CUMMING'l'ON, MASS.
send them n pa per givi ng them a full acc oUilt of the in­
and shows how to c ultivate them ; improve the mem­ contsining muoh valuable phrenological matter. 6i c. J HE u n prec ed ent ed sale of t h e Cummington Quine­
ve ntio ns, as far as it w i ll be best to puJ;.ish it. We
shall send th em the first in Se ptember. Let it announce
ory ; educate c hildreu ; and discipline the mind. T baftg S C YTHE ,fJ T OAES, d uring twi.l year., has
Every page of this work will be found to unfold some Synoplil OR Phreaolo!y, 8 fl1l1y established their claim to S UPERIORlT Y O VElt
that s u bs criDers are alrcady in to sec u re tbe whole project.
rich pnnciple of hwnan nature, or to poiDt out some [A II multum in parvo" �pblet, of which over 150,000 .!lLL OTHER STONES now in use, and renders un­
It will n ot fail if no more subscribe than we already
imp ortant law of virtue and happin6Sil . ] cepies have been sold. J n e c e s s ary anY ) ecommendation from th e propri e t ors .
h ave . We can do a little, and e ach who helps wiiI aid
us to do more ; thus nor.e will l ose, but if mallY h el p, the
i!7 A co nti n u a.n ce of public ratronage is resp ectfully
better will it be to cacho One of the most promis ing in­
Hereditary Deitcent : its Laws and Faet II 75 The Phrenologieal Guide, • 12i solicited. AIl IlTder� addres�ed to J. S. S T ,IlFFO R D ,
ventions will be very , costly to start. We want 10,000 [Facts on this subject are intensely interesting . and high or J.!lCOB' MORSE, (s ole proprietpl's ) or S'.l'JEPR./!;l(
ly instructive. To prodllce its richest h arvest, human Symbolical' Hend, and PhrenologlOilI Chart, 29 MORSE, .!lgent, Cummington, Mass., will meet with
subscribers for it : but it will be wor th ten times tho
improvement must commence with ths O'I!RM. Here prompt attention.
cost ; a nd it is certain of success, it h as been so far test­ [ Ia which tbe.•facultiel are represented by elegant and
has been the fat>ll error ! This �ele suhject-(tle For s ale at a l l t he principal hard-ware stores. s1 1
ed. The others are very excellent in promise. furcible engraTings. ]
relations of parent8 to their children-the transmis-
The inYentions , are very im po rtant ; the land good ill 'phrenolOQ' Vindicated,
sion of qualities, physic al , intellectual, and moral, from 15
this State or i n Pennsylvania ; the Tables useful, and
parenlil to children , aud ibJ application to the improve- rAn Ulwer to Dr. Frank H. Hamilton. in which tb.e
t he Essay on a subject of deep intenlst to all ; aad the ment of progeny)-is funy treated in this work.] pr...r, of the leience are succinctly adduoed. Illustra-
periodical we : shall occ8llionally se nd, free of ebarge,
ted with cuts. ]
will be of ge neral interest to farmers, mechanics, paten­ Ph nn310gy RllPlied to Matrimony,
tees, ph ysici ans, m inis ters, anll o waers of minerals, and Love and Parentage, (by O. S. Fowler,) 25
[Including direBtions for choosing co ugenial oompani8u

to a11.
for life. With hiats to th e lIIlIl'1'ied.] [Applied to the improvement of o ffspring ; in cluding
It i. thus tho interest of all to push this project. Let much valuable infonnatioB and lug!:,estion to both sexes
then each improve this offer at once, and have the satis­ Religion, Natnrwl !lnd Rmaledl and all lIPs ; toeether with the evils and rem edies or
faation of aiding to bring out great i nvention s that pro­ excessh'8 and perverted amativeness.
mise vast benefit to mankind, and goo" profit to the
L Or, the natural tkeory and moral bearings of Phrenolo­
gy. A co mparisoli of tlie reiigion of the Bible with Jr.J' PHRENOLOGICAL HEADS marked, showing the
helpers, as well as timely aid to some worthy inventors, exact location of the organs. 1 00
natural religion.]
who are -struggling with peverty, whom we sreatly de­ H E NRY R OWN T RE E ,
sire to aid. Now is th e WORD ! Now or never. If IMPORTER AND DEALER
QlJICKLY done, it will be DONE and WELL •done.
Fowler, on memory, 25 C H AltACTF.R likewise given. ,Examination and OF, IN

and a GOOD THING done. [Or, Phrenol'Jgy applied to the cultivation of the memory Cbart, 'I 00. Written descriptions, . , 3 00 Mechanics' Tools, Hardware and Cutlery,
It will be easy for two or more to unite, write their -�he intellectnal education of the chi ldren-and the No. 60 Chatham-st . , (cor. of Chambers.)
naDies in a l etter, put in tM money, and direct to G. strengthaning and expauding of the intelle8taal powers
U The Works of GALL, SPURZHEIM, ood COMBE;
T the Tool ::ltore, No. 60 Ch ath m stred, corner of

Peck &I Co., New York. The mail will bring it safe, or
v II also be furnished at the above Cabinet.
A Charnbr.-s, at the sign of the Saw, Axe, and Plane,
OR the accommodation of the Public, Ilt the Old
will be found good tools suitable, for the following Brall­
we wiU risk it, a nd pay the p&stage.
J . l\L D O L L A N , J O H N B R O W N.
New York , August, 1 845. G. PECK: & co. F Sta nd, 276 Bowery.- BENEDI CT & SON, would ches of t rade .
Editors wbo will n ot ic e this rare proj ect and ad vertis e SCOURER AND C L O T H E S RENOVATOR, CA RPENTER & PRINTERS' JOINE R, Black sm it h s' E ngravers, Hatter!, Shoemakers,
respectfully inform th eir customers and the public i n
it, will pro mote a great public good, a nd shaH share li­ A S the pl easure to announce to hi s old customers general, that they have been refitting their establishnJent Nos. 29 & 61 Ann-street, New York, Brushmal{ers, Farriers, L ast-m a l-ers, Silversmith �,
berally in the ad va ntage they promote. For 13 IDser. H and t heir frie nds, that he has a New C om pos ition and rene wi ng their stock of Goods, consi�ting of the fol­ ANUFACTURER of Cases, Stands, Furniture� &.c.
C a rp e n t ers, E urri ers, Masons, Ta nn ers,
Cabinet Maker�, G ard en ers, Machini�ts, Tinners,
tions of the proj ect in full, th ey sball rec ei ve 5 0f the for removin g Stains, without i nj u ry to the cloth, (baving lowing articles, viz. Gold and Silver R &. G Beesley a nd M 15tereotype Blocks, of v a r iou s s i zes.
Coach Makers G1 a,; iers. M i llwrigh ts, Upholsters,
three rigbt shnres. a thorough knowledge of matetials used in the manufae­ C I Tobills Levers, Chronometers, Duplex, Lepin c a nd Box-wood and M ahogany, for E n gravers, always on Glovers Plumbers, Watchmakers,
Besides the guarantee, whicb the expense we have tllre of olot h, ) and nstore its ori gin al colour, without other Watches, too numerous to mention. Jewelry, hand.
Coop ers , G u nsmith s, Pattern l\[aker�, and
already incu rred for patentl, models, mac hines, advertis­ injury, on the most re asonabl e term s . co ns isti ng of fine d iamond pins and ri ngs, gold chains St ercot ype Plates bl ock ed at short n oti ce . Ch air Makers, Saddlers, Wheelwrights.
ing, &c. to make these proposals, gives, to warrant con­ Gentlemen, this is worthy your attention. Please call and miniature cases, gold fob and vest chains, Ladies' Press, P aper, and Letter Boards, of e very description. Which being made expressly to my or, lers, will be found
fidence at least to the l i ttle extent we ask, we are fa­ and examine fo r yourselves, at and Gents' fine bosom brooches, and a handsome assort ­
vored with the followi ng certificate, signed by HOB. R . 561 Pearl Street, one door/rom Broadway.
Boek-binders' C utting and Pattern Boards. good, and thG Mech auic may pl a c e co n fid en ce i n them .
Stereoty p e Boxes, made to order. H. R. assures his fri emls that he has no con n ection
ment of rich gilt and marble parlour clocks.
H . Morris, late mayor and present post-master, and by IT:!'" J. M. D. wil l call in any part of th e city for their Our Silver Ware consists of spoons, forks, knives, sugar Printers', Stereotypers, T ype Founders', and Book­ with a ny other store, and that at his sl ore, State Prison
Hon. F. A. Tallmadge, thc present record6r of New accommodation. Altering and rep airin g with neatness tongs, soup, ladle, s alt, mustard aad egg spoons, &.c., B inders ' Jobbing Work done at the shortest notice. sep 4
N. B. Orders from varinus s e ction s of th e country
York :- ro ughout. sep 1 8 wh ich are warrant ed to be as pure as coin . Silver sets
" Messrs. G. P eck & Co. wisbb g the public to favor made to order. A good assortment of Brita nni a and sep 4
their business, this certifies, that, from our personal ac­
solicited, and promptly execlited. A D A M S &. C O . ' S
Plat ed Ware constantly on hand. You are invited to
q uaintan ce we are ass llred that confidence in their pro­ .11. G. B.!lGLEY'S CELEBR.!lT ED IMPR O VED GREAT E ASTE RN, S OUTHE RN, AND
call a nd examine for yourselves.
ROBT. H. MORRI , S HIS Pcn received the highe�t premium at the last JOHN J. BENEDICT.
F. A. TALLMADGE. T Fair of the Ameri c an Institute, a nd liaS be e n pro­ N.B.-M. Benedict wouid state to the public is gene­ No. 82 Nass au -street, New-York, is constantly N c on n ec tion witb M, essrs. Wil m er & Smith , of Livet
" New York, August, 1845." noun ced by the first te ache rs of .?e nm anship in the cou n­ ral t h at he is no strangcr in the city, having been est ab ­ m a nu.acturi n g, and has on hand all articles of the best I pool, we h ave est ablshed a EUROPEAN EXPR ESS,
N. B.-We have one invention, well tested, worth try to be infinitely superier to any Gold Pen ever before lished 22 years in business in th e Bowery. The repair­ qu al i ty used ill the Daguerreotype process. Plates, ilimihr ill its design a nd ep erat iou to our .American Ex­
$ 100,000, the profits of which from this State or Mass a­ intreduced to the American public. T h e lasting proper­ i ng of watches, jewelry, and French parlor clocks, at- C as es a n d C h e m ic als c an b e h ad as che a p, if n ot cheap­ press, and alike benefici al to thl' m erc h a n ts and importers
chusetts will be three times that sl1m in th e next five ties of this Pen are undoubted, owing to the total ab­ ten ded .to with strict punctuality. au23 er, than from a ny other establishment, all warranted of of both countries. C u stom House buisness prom ptly at­
years. It n eeds a o apital of $25,000. A half can be isence of corrosibility from any of t h e inks in use" and good qu ali ty. Cameras of his own manufaClture, as well t e nd ed to.
had for this sum, one half as capital, and an equal the peculiar shape of the nihs, [which was first i ntro­ AMERI C A N INSTIT UTE F A. I R. as French and G e rman ones. Any art illle or in strum ent - Express for the South and West leaves Office daily',
sum to be p aid out of the half of th e first avails . duced by U1agley] makes it m ore pleasant to use, ren­ tT' HE EIGHTEENTH GREAT FAIR O}' THF. sold will not be re p resent ed to be of different manufac­ ,at quart!'r to 3 and half p a st 4 P. M.
!I7' All our travelli ng and city agents will have re­ ders it less liable to damage, more easy to repair, and .L AMERICAN INSTITUTE at NIBLO'S (i;ARDEN, ture from what it really is. O rd ers from the country, by Express for tbe E a st at quarter to 5 P. M .
ceipts to gi ve, signell by us. Postmasters, EditOrs, and preve nts the necessity of the great care that other arti­ New-Yorlc.-The Fair will opeD, on Mon d ay, the 6th o f expr ess or otherwise, will be p unctu al ly attended to. Merehants and others will bear in mind, we run the
othets, act ing as local age n ts, in towns and villages cles of the ki nd requ ire . October next, at 12 o'clock, M. The days for deliver­ al123 ONLY Ex press Cars between New York and Baltimore.
where they are known, will give their own receipts, Manufact11ry, 1 89 BROADWAY, N. York. au23 ing ar ti cl es at the G arden , THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SA ­ Sell 4 ADAMS & CO. Wall street .
which will be duly ack nowledged by G. Peck & Co. TURDAY previous. The Nation al Convention of Far­ B E E B E & C O S T A R ,
au22 mers, Gardeners, and Silk Culturists, will be held on
J . B. CARE Y & CO.,
Thursday, 9th O cto ber. Delegates, without further no­
A LL EN- S T R E E T ARTISTS, &'c., NO. 156 BROAD WAY. P GRAPHS, No. 293 B roadway, Laforge B u ild i n gs,
tice, are invited from all parts of the Union. The C at­ E SPE CT FULLY inVite tn os e who are in wnnt of 3
OATS Renovated at 50 cents ; Ve sts, 12 1-2 ;­
tle Show will be held on the grou nd between 23d antI
24th streets, 5tb Av6Rue. Plou gh in g and Sp ad in g
R SUMMER HAT, to c al l at their establishment ar. tI
e t themselves fitted with oa e of their speCially adm i re l
Rooms Nos. 31 alld 32, up stairs.
E. W. PRATT, late operator for Plumbe,:llatters him­
g s el f th at he can give as good satisfMtion as a ny other
C Ladies' Dresses Dyed, from 50 cents to $1 00 ;
A DAPTED for utility as well as ornament, for stores Matches, &c., as usu al . Head Quarters for Managers, CRANIUM PROTECTORS, so light, airy, el astic and heauti­
Parasols and Su n h ades Cleaned at 25 cents ;
in all kinds of business. Specimens may be seen in
the leading stores of the prin cip al cities of the Un io n .
Committees, &.c., secured in the M adison Cottage. Fine
h ors es for draft, h ealthy fat cattle, aftd s h eep for market,
r-t1, tbat OLD SOL, through its agreeabl e and cool ing in­
professor of the art. The public are requested te call
a nd examine specimens. Prices will vary/rom $1 to $ 1 5.
C arpet s Cleaned whole at 6 c e nts per yard ; tervention, is fairly s e t at d efian ce .
Agents for B oston : Messrs. Sowle & Sh aw . Mr. J.
Hearth R ugs Cleaned or Dyed ; well matched aud trained working cattle, and lIew alll i
Liken�sses of deceased persons taken in any part of
A s plendid new article ot
L. Lazarus is now visitmg the Eastern States-All or­ this city and vicinity.
Velvet of all description s Cleaned or Dyed ;
Crape� or Gauzes Dyed ; Blankets Cleaned ; ders received by h im will m e e t with prompt Itttention.
us eful inventions, will command higher premiums than
at any precedillg Fair. An ope n in g, annIversary, &.e.
LEGHORN CAPS FOR CHILDREN, I nstruc tion will be g iven oa more reasonable terms
34 BEEKMAN-S'I'REET, (late 323 Broadway. ) Addresses will be delivered by the lJ108t emi aen t orators with a va riety of STRAWS, PANAMAS, &c. A beantiful t1lal1 at any other ,establishment in th e city. au 28
Gentlemen's Clothes Repaired.
N. B ._Terms, Cash. IT:!'" Observe ! our names are print ed at the foot of of our couatry. The people of this gteat R epubl ic lire article of Wa lki n: Stick, called t he MALACCA CANE ; roHN WEiilTALL AND CO. PRINTERS, 183 WILLIAM­
e�ch card, and we caution the public that im itators a re il)voked zealously to co..operate iQ carrying out this ei(- ",ith Cane Umbrellas) Cane Fishing-rods, C arpet lIags,
au23 hibition; au23 &e. &c. au:l8
lliS tvlJ. '/0 .dllen-nreet, near GralKl.,treet, N. Y. in the field.


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