Wrting Letter

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Dear editor,

I was interested on reading the article in your last issue entitled ‘Crime prevention at school ’. I
found quite compelling some features mentioned in the article. Nevertheless, I don’t
completely agree with the fact that banning mobile phones and money would prevent crime.

To my mind, there are many ways of prevention of crime at school. Although, I don’t think that
banning mobile phones can cease crime. This suggestion might improve students’ efficiency at
class, as undergraduates won’t be disrupted during lessons. On the other hand, I can’t think up
many criminal acts caused by the possession of money at school. The only event I can imagine
is the buy and sell of some illicit items at school.

It seems to me that the best way of preventing this crime is concerning students about the
long-term danger that these acts can cause. This way, they will learn it by a quiet way.

To sum up, I cannot figure out the relation between these events and the crime at school,
however I defend the idea of banning mobile phones, but not due to this reason.

Yours sincerely,

Helena Fernández.

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