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First of all, let’s talk about who was the inventor of this
object and when was it invented. The inventor and the date
of invention of the wheel is not completely sure, but
scientist think that it was invented in the V millennium
B.C.E by Mesopotamians.
I chose this invention because I think it is one of the most
useful inventions ever. You can find any kind of wheels in
most of the machines you know.
With respect to it’s application, I think it is very useful. If
you think of a wheel, maybe, the first application that
comes to your mind is for transport: cars, bikes,
airplanes… but, if you continue thinking or you search it
on the Internet you can find a lot more applications: In
water wells, wheels are also used to rise the water. In
washing machines, wheels are also used. In mills…
As a result, I think if you give it imagination, you can find
a lot of porpoise for wheels, as they have a lot of
applications yet.

Helena Fernández Gil

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