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To use flashcards to introduce a reading passage, create cards with key words or concepts related to the

passage. Show the cards to your audience, briefly discussing each one to activate prior knowledge or
build anticipation. Then, reveal the reading passage and encourage connections between the flashcard
content and the text. This method helps engage learners and prepares them for the upcoming material.

Using flashcards to introduce a reading passage has several benefits. Flashcards help activate prior
knowledge, build anticipation, and engage learners by providing a visual and interactive introduction.
They also serve as a preview, giving students a glimpse of key concepts or vocabulary they will
encounter in the reading. This method can enhance comprehension, retention, and overall
understanding of the material by creating a connection between the flashcard content and the
upcoming text.

Flashcards can enhance reading passage introduction by promoting active engagement, aiding memory
retention, and fostering quick comprehension. They provide a visual and concise overview, helping
learners grasp key concepts efficiently.

Certainly! For a reading passage about wild animals, flashcards might include:

**Flashcard 1: Title**

- "Wild Animals: A Closer Look"

**Flashcard 2: Photos**

- Display images of diverse wild animals like lions, elephants, and eagles.

**Flashcard 3: Habitat**

- "Habitats: Forests, Savannahs, Oceans"

**Flashcard 4: Adaptations**

- "Survival Strategies: Camouflage, Speed, Sharp Claws"

**Flashcard 5: Fun Fact**

- "Did you know? Cheetahs are the fastest land animals, reaching speeds of up to 75 mph."
These flashcards provide a visual and informative preview, sparking interest and preparing readers for
the upcoming exploration of wild animals.

Certainly! For a reading passage about wild animals, here are some flashcards:

**Flashcard 1: Title**

- "Exploring the Wilderness: Wild Animals"

**Flashcard 2: Image Collage**

- Display a collage featuring a lion, a panda, a dolphin, and an eagle.

**Flashcard 3: Habitat**

- "Diverse Homes: Rainforests, Deserts, Oceans"

**Flashcard 4: Behavior**

- "Intriguing Behaviors: Migration, Hunting, Social Structures"

**Flashcard 5: Conservation**

- "Protecting Wildlife: Threats and Conservation Efforts"

These flashcards aim to captivate interest, introduce key elements, and set the stage for a
comprehensive reading experience on wild animals.

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