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Drawing and interpreting heating curves

1. Plot the data onto the graph that you have been given below.

Time Temperature
(minutes) (°C)
0 10
5 20
10 30
15 40
20 50
25 60
30 65
35 70
40 70
45 70
50 75
55 80
60 90



2. Label the sections on the graph where the substance is a solid, liquid and a gas?
3. Describe what is happening on each of the different sections shown in the graph.
A-B: Temperature is increasing, kinetic energy is increasing too, potential energy stays the
B-C: Temperature continues increasing but at a less speed, kinetic energy also increases, but
potential energy doesn’t.
C-D: Temperature doesn’t change, so this means that it is changing state, this means that
kinetic energy is does not changing, but potential energy does.
D-E: Temperature is increasing again, and kinetic energy too, but potential doesn’t increase.
E-F: Temperature increases as kinetic energy, but potential energy doesn’t increase.
4. Stretch: Describe the way that the particles are arranged and behaving on each section.
A-C: Particles start moving by the increasing of temperature, but they are well arranged
because it is a solid.
C-D: As the state is changing the particles are separating (potential energy)
D-F: Particles are moving by the increasing of temperature, they are not arranged at all
because it is a liquid.

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