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Operacions Aeroportuàries II

2º Grado en Gestión Aeronáutica

Escuela de Ingeniería
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

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Lecture 5

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Airport capacity management
Airport passenger terminal Building
- Airport passenger Buildings serve many needs of different types of users.
- These buildings should perform efficiently for different users (airlines, retailers,

Airport capacity: Landside

Configurations of a terminal building (examples)

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Factors that influence the desirability of a configurations
- The overall level of traffic
- The seasonality of the traffic
- The % of traffic the transfers between aircraft

Finger Piers

Linear layout

Hybrid layout
Satellite layout

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Each configuration has advantages and disadvantages for different types of traffic.
For example:
- Finger pies can provide good service for originating traffic, but long finger piers imply
long walking distances.
- Midfield linear concourses are efficient for transfer traffic, but they might be
inconvenient for passengers connecting with ground transport.

Airport passengers building should perform efficiently and profitably for each of their

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distinct stakeholders:
- Passengers
- Airlines
- Ground Handler
- Owners that provide capital
- Airport operator

Which configuration is best depends on the importance of airport stakeholders. The

mix of airport stakeholders can change over time. This may impact on the desirability of a

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- A hybrid configuration is generally preferable.
- The different elements of a hybrid design serve the distinct needs of the variety of
traffic and airline alliances.
- A hybrid configuration provides flexibility for future expansion.
- Airport operators need to develop specialized facilities over time to serve their range
of clients.

Importance of selection
The design decisions have consequences for the performance and profitability of the
- Space usage
- Generation of commercial revenues
- Convenience for transfer passengers
- Number of turns and stops to be done by aircraft

Requirements for airport passenger buildings

- It is not easy for the traditional design process to determine the needs of the
important stakeholders in the airport.
- For example, airlines rarely have airport-planning departments and cannot provide
competent institutional links with the design teams.
- It’s difficult to speak directly to the operators of retail stores who are often unknown
during the design process.

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Passenger perspective: Owners perspective:

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- Major categories of passengers - The airport as a monument
(domestic, international, transfer, - Economic efficiency
business, vacationers, disable, - Flexibility of a terminal design
- Importance of transfer passengers.
- Fast, reliable and easy to find

Airline perspective: Retail perspective:

- Operating costs - Number of people flowing by a
- Taxi time per operation storefront
- Transfers

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- Eg. Amsterdam/Schipol
- Visibility and accessibility

Evaluation of design configurations

Factors influencing the configuration choice:
- Walking distances
- Aircraft taxiing
- Transporter economics
- Flexibility

Walking distances


Passenger terminal design principles
When designing a new terminal, the task of airport planners is to translate the traffic
estimate into architectural concepts.
- 1. To specify the design loads (e.g. in terms of thousand passengers per hour) – it
depends on forecasts of future traffic.
- 2. To translate the projected traffic into space requirements.

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Design loads à Space requirements
Level of service standars à LoS (IATA):

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Level of service standards (IATA):
- Represent subjective judgements of industry experts.
- Specify standards according to the ‘level of service’.
- Specify how fast the airport operator intends to move passengers through spaces.

Importance of level of service (LoS):

- LoS is the quality of the context in which a service takes places.
- In terminals, LoS refers to the amount of space available for the activity.
- The Los is higher when passengers have more space.
- More space cost more money for the construction and subsequent operation of the

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- Common choice: LoS “C”.
- LoS at the moment of opening the new space: “A”.
- Reason: The design year is normally 10 years. Initially the space per person is around
30% lower than it will be in 10 years.

Importance of Dwell Time:

- DT is the length of time that passengers stay in an area waiting for service.
- DT indicates how fast a space can be reused by another batch of passengers.

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- DT is implicitly incorporated in the space requirements.
- Failure to understand this concept leads to numerous design errors.


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Standard design procedure:

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Forecasting traffic levels for peak hours
Caution: Long-term forecast might be unreliable and uncertain:

Specification of level-of-service standards

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Flow analysis and determination of space requirements

Identification of Hot Spots

Check-in counters


Underground train platform

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