Outbound BOD Mapping

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Infor LN - April 2020

Outbound BOD Mapping and Descriptions

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Publication Information
Release: Infor LN - April 2020
Publication Date: April 07, 2020
Version: LN.B61a-v2.1-088
For Budget: For Actual:
tffbs003.budg Always filled with 'Actual'.

For Budget:
Session Budgets (tffbs0503m000), Budget field.

The concatenation of 'Budget' and the Budget field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Budget: For Actual:
tffbs003.budg Always filled with 'Actual'.

For Budget:
Session Budgets (tffbs0503m000), Budget field.

The concatenation of 'Budget' and the Budget field is published.

Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

Always filled with 'Open'.
Always filled with 'Accounting Book Definition Status'.
For Budget: For Actual:
tffbs003.desc Always filled with 'Actuals'.

For Budget:
Session Budgets (tffbs0503m000), Description field.
The concatenation of 'Default' and the physical company of the Chart of Accounts (tfgld008) table is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Actual:
Always filled with 'Default'.

For Budget:
The concatenation of 'Fiscal' and the physical company of table tfgld005 (Periods) is published.
The concatenation of 'Fiscal' and the physical company of table tfgld005 (Periods) is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The concatenation of 'Fiscal' and the physical company of table tfgld005 (Periods) is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field.

Based on the current company and the Local Currency, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Actual:
Always filled with 'Actual'.

For Budget:
Always filled with 'Budget'.
Infor April 07, 2020 3
Always filled with 'Ledger Types'.
For Budget:
Always filled with 'Actual'.

Infor April 07, 2020 4

The concatenation of 'Default' and the physical company of the Chart of Accounts (tfgld008) table is published.

This BOD is published when users create or update a Ledger Account.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
The physical company of the Chart of Accounts (tfgld008) table is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

The concatenation of 'Default' and the physical company of the Chart of Accounts (tfgld008) table is published.
Always filled with 'Open'.
The concatenation of 'Default' and the physical company of the Chart of Accounts (tfgld008) table is published.
The length of the Ledger Account in Infor LN is published. The length in the standard software is 12.
1) tfbia801.dseq 1) Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (tfbia8501m000), Dimension Sequence field.
2) tfbia802.dseq 2) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (tfbia8502m000), Dimension Sequence field.
3) tfbia801.publ 3) Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (tfbia8501m000), Publish field.
4) tfbia802.publ 4) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (tfbia8502m000), Publish field.
5) tfbia803.seqn 5) Session Map LN Dimensions to BIS Dimensions (tfbia8503m000), External Sequence field.

For Flexible Dimensions, based on the Dimension Sequence (1) field, the External Sequence field is published if
the Publish (3) field is selected.
For Fixed Dimensions, based on the Dimension Sequence (2) field, the External Sequence field is published if
the Publish (4) field is selected.
1) tfbia801.dseq 1) Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (tfbia8501m000), Dimension Sequence field.
2) tfbia802.dseq 2) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (tfbia8502m000), Dimension Sequence field.
3) tfbia801.name 3) Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (tfbia8501m000), Dimension Name field.
4) tfbia802.name 4) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (tfbia8502m000), Dimension Name field.
5) tfbia801.publ 5) Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (tfbia8501m000), Publish field.
6) tfbia802.publ 6) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (tfbia8502m000), Publish field.

For Flexible Dimensions, based on the Dimension Sequence (1) field, the Dimension Name (3) field is published
if the Publish (5) field is selected.
For Fixed Dimensions, based on the Dimension Sequence (2) field, the Dimension Name (4) field is published if
the Publish (6) field is selected.
The concatenation of 'Default' and the physical company of the Chart of Accounts (tfgld008) table is published.
Always filled with 'Default'.
Always filled with 'Default'.
Always filled with 'Open'.
For FP6 or earlier: For FP6 or earlier:
1) tfbia090.do01 1) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 1 field.
2) tfbia090.do02 2) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 2 field.
3) tfbia090.do03 3) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 3 field.
4) tfbia090.do04 4) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 4 field.
5) tfbia090.do05 5) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 5 field.

Infor April 07, 2020 5

6) tfbia090.do06 6) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 6 field.
7) tfbia090.do07 7) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 7 field.
8) tfbia090.do08 8) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 8 field.
9) tfbia090.do09 9) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 9 field.
10) tfbia090.do10 10) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 10 field.
11) tfbia09.do11 11) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 11 field.
12) tfbia090.do12 12) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 12 field.
13) tfbia090.do13 13) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 13 field.
14) tfbia090.do14 14) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 14 field.

For FP7 or later: For each of the 14 Dimension Option fields a character is determined as follows:
tfbia095.prof - If the Dimension Option field is equal to 'Not Used', the character is 'P'.
- If the Dimension Option field is equal to 'Optional', the character is 'O'.
- If the Dimension Option field is equal to 'Mandatory', the character is 'M'.

The concatenation of the 14 characters (without separator) is published.

For FP7 or later:

Not displayed in any session, Dimension Profile field.
For FP6 or earlier: For FP6 or earlier:
1) tfbia090.do01 1) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 1 field.
2) tfbia090.do02 2) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 2 field.
3) tfbia090.do03 3) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 3 field.
4) tfbia090.do04 4) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 4 field.
5) tfbia090.do05 5) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 5 field.
6) tfbia090.do06 6) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 6 field.
7) tfbia090.do07 7) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 7 field.
8) tfbia090.do08 8) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 8 field.
9) tfbia090.do09 9) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 9 field.
10) tfbia090.do10 10) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 10 field.
11) tfbia09.do11 11) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 11 field.
12) tfbia090.do12 12) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 12 field.
13) tfbia090.do13 13) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 13 field.
14) tfbia090.do14 14) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 14 field.

For FP7 or later: For each of the 14 Dimension Option fields a character is determined as follows:
tfbia095.prof - If the Dimension Option field is equal to 'Not Used', the character is 'P'.
- If the Dimension Option field is equal to 'Optional', the character is 'O'.
- If the Dimension Option field is equal to 'Mandatory', the character is 'M'.

The concatenation of the 14 characters (without separator) is published.

For FP7 or later:

Not displayed in any session, Dimension Profile field.
1) tfbia801.dseq 1) Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (tfbia8501m000), Dimension Sequence field.
2) tfbia802.dseq 2) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (tfbia8502m000), Dimension Sequence field.
3) tfbia801.name 3) Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (tfbia8501m000), Dimension Name field.
4) tfbia802.name 4) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (tfbia8502m000), Dimension Name field.
5) tfbia801.publ 5) Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (tfbia8501m000), Publish field.
6) tfbia802.publ 6) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (tfbia8502m000), Publish field.

For Flexible Dimensions, based on the Dimension Sequence (1) field, the Dimension Name (3) field is published
if the Publish (5) field is selected.
For Fixed Dimensions, based on the Dimension Sequence (2) field, the Dimension Name (4) field is published if
the Publish (6) field is selected.
For FP6 or earlier: For FP6 or earlier:
1) tfbia090.do01 1) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 1 field.
2) tfbia090.do02 2) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 2 field.
3) tfbia090.do03 3) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 3 field.
4) tfbia090.do04 4) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 4 field.
5) tfbia090.do05 5) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 5 field.
6) tfbia090.do06 6) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 6 field.
7) tfbia090.do07 7) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 7 field.
8) tfbia090.do08 8) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 8 field.
9) tfbia090.do09 9) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 9 field.
10) tfbia090.do10 10) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 10 field.
11) tfbia09.do11 11) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 11 field.
12) tfbia090.do12 12) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 12 field.
13) tfbia090.do13 13) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 13 field.
14) tfbia090.do14 14) Not displayed in any session, Dimension Option 14 field.

For FP7 or later: For each of the 14 Dimension Option fields a string is determined as follows:
tfbia095.prof - If the Dimension Option field is equal to 'Not Used', the string 'PROHIBITED' is published.
- If the Dimension Option field is equal to 'Optional', the string 'OPTIONAL' is published.
- If the Dimension Option field is equal to 'Mandatory', the string 'MANDATORY' is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 6
For FP7 or later:
Not displayed in any session, Dimension Profile field.

For each character of the Dimension Profile field a string is determined as follows:
- If the character is equal to 'P', the string 'PROHIBITED' is published.
- If the character is equal to 'O', the string 'OPTIONAL' is published.
- If the character is equal to 'M', the string 'MANDATORY' is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 7

tcbod000.acen Session BOD Parameters (tcbod0100m000), Accounting Entity field.

The BOD is published when the Setup is approved or unapproved.

The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
The current company number is published.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
tcemm170.desc Session Companies tcemm1170m000), Description field.
tcbod000.appr Session BOD Parameters (tcbod0100m000), Approved field.

If the Approved field is equal to 'yes', 'Open' is published.

If the Approved field is equal to 'no', 'Deleted' is published.
tcbod000.appr Session BOD Parameters (tcbod0100m000), Approved field.

If the Approved field is equal to 'yes', 'false' is published.

If the Approved field is equal to 'no', 'true' is published.
tccom000.nama Session General Company Data (tccom0502m000), Name field.
tccom000.fovn Session General Company Data (tccom0502m000), Tax Number of Own Company field.
Always filled with 'TaxIdentificationNumber'.
tcemm170.ctyp Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company Type field.

The concatenation of 'Default' and the physical company of the Chart of Accounts (tfgld008) table is published.

If the Company Type field is equal to 'Logistic', this field is not published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
The concatenation of 'Default' and the physical company of the Chart of Accounts (tfgld008) table is published.
The concatenation of 'S' and the current company number is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom000.nama Session General Company Data (tccom0502m000), Name field.
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Name field is published.

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1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tccom000.cadr 7) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the House Number field is published.
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Building field is published.

1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Street field is published.

1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Unit field is published.

1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Floor field is published.

1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the City field is published.

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the State/Province field is published.

1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tccom000.cadr 3) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
Infor April 07, 2020 9
2) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcub 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reporting Currency 1 field.
3) tcemm170.fcuc 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reporting Currency 2 field.
4) tcemm170.ctyp 4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company Type field.

Based on the Reporting Currency 1 field and the Reporting Currency 2 field, the secondary home currency is
The ISO Code field of the secondary home currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on determining the secondary home currency and publishing
the AlternativeCurrencyAmount in SourceSystemGLMovement and SourceSystemJournalEntry BODs.

If the Company Type field is equal to 'Logistic', this field is not published.
1) tfgld005.ptyp 1) Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Period Type field.
2) tcemm170.ctyp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company Type field.

If the Period Type is Fiscal, 'Fiscal' concatenated with the physical company number of the Period table
(tfgld005) is published.

If the Company Type field is equal to 'Logistic', this field is not published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tfgld005.ptyp Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Period Type field.

If the Period Type is Fiscal, 'Fiscal' concatenated with the physical company number of the Period table
(tfgld005) is published.
1) tfgld004.gcmp 1) Session Financial Companies by Group Company, Group Company field.
2) tcemm170.ctyp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company Type field.
3) tcbod000.acen 3) Session BOD Parameters (tcbod0100m000), Accounting Entity field.

The Accounting Entity field of the company of the Group Company field is published.

For the Group Company field,

the AccountingEntity/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.GroupCompany',
AccountingEntity/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'MasterDataReferenceType',
AccountingEntity/UserArea/Property/NameValue@nounName is filled with 'AccountingEntity'.

If the Company Type field is equal to 'Logistic', this field is not published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.5 or later.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data

Infor April 07, 2020 10

tfbia019.jtyp Session Journal Types (tfbia0119m000), Journal Type field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tfbia019.jtyp Session Journal Types (tfbia0119m000), Journal Type field.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

tfbia019.desc Session Journal Types (tfbia0119m000), Description field.
Always filled with 'Open'.
Always filled with 'Accounting Journal Status'.
tfbia019.desc Session Journal Types (tfbia0119m000), Description field.

Infor April 07, 2020 11

For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) whinh300.sfbp 1) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Ship-from BP field.
2) whinh300.shid 2) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Shipment field.
3) whinh301.worg 3) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Order tab, Order Origin field.
4) whinh210.cwar 4) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Receipt tab, Warehouse field.
5) tdpur401.cwar 5) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Receiving tab, Warehouse field.
6) tdpur311.cwar 6) Session Purchase Schedule Lines (tdpur3111m000), Business Partner/Warehouse tab, Warehouse field.

For Order: The concatenation of '0', the Ship-from BP field, the Shipment field and the Warehouse field is published.
1) whinh200.oorg Depending on the Order Origin field, the warehouse is taken from the Inbound Order Line or Purchase
2) whinh200.orno (Schedule/Order) Line.
3) whinh200.oset
4) whinh210.pono The Shipment Notice can consist of multiple shipment notice lines having different warehouses.
5) whinh210.seqn These lines are grouped by Warehouse.
This means that one Shipment Notice can result in multiple published BOD's with each its own identifier.
When no warehouse can be determined for a Shipment Notice line, that line will be skipped.

This BOD is published when users:

1) Schedule a Shipment Notice,
2) Change the Status of a Shipment Notice.
For WMS also a Process message is published for each individual Warehouse Order Line.

For Order:
1) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Order Origin field.
2) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Order field.
3) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Order Set field.
4) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Line field.
5) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Line Sequence field.

Based on the order origin, the ID prefix value is determined. Refer to the Integration Guide for more information
about the determination of BOD identifiers.
The concatenation of the ID prefix value, the Order field and the Order Set field is published.
For WMS, the concatenation of the ID prefix value, the Order field, the Order Line field and the Order Line
Sequence field is published.

This BOD is published when users:

1) Activate a Manual Warehousing Order with Transaction Type 'Receipt',
2) Change the Status of a Manual Warehousing Order.
For WMS also a Process message is published for each individual Warehouse Order Line.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
whinh300.cwar Session Shipment Notices (whinh3100m000), Delivery tab, Warehouse field.

For Order: Based on the Warehouse field, the accountingEntity field is published.
whinh200.stco Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For Order:
Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-To Code field.

Based on the Ship-To Code field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
whinh300.cwar Session Shipment Notices (whinh3100m000), Delivery tab, Warehouse field.

For Order: Based on the Warehouse field, the location field is published.
whinh200.stco Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For Order:
Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-To Code field.

Based on the Ship-To Code field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
whinh302.asnr Session Shipment Notice - References (whinh3502m000), Suppliers ASN Number field.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) whinh300.sfbp 1) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Ship-from BP field.
2) whinh300.shid 2) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Shipment field.
3) whinh301.worg 3) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Order tab, Order Origin field.
4) whinh210.cwar 4) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Receipt tab, Warehouse field.
5) tdpur401.cwar 5) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Receiving tab, Warehouse field.
6) tdpur311.cwar 6) Session Purchase Schedule Lines (tdpur3111m000), Business Partner/Warehouse tab, Warehouse field.

Infor April 07, 2020 12

For Order: The concatenation of the Ship-from BP field, the Shipment field and the Warehouse field is published.
1) whinh200.oorg Depending on the Order Origin field, the warehouse is taken from the Inbound Order Line or Purchase
2) whinh200.orno (Schedule/Order) Line.
3) whinh200.oset
For Order:
1) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Order Origin field.
2) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Order field.
3) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Order Set field.

The concatenation of the English description of the Order Origin field, the Order field and the Order Set field is
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For Shipment: For Shipment:
whinh300.acdt Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), ASN Creation Date field.

For Order:
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
whinh300.text Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Text field.

For Order: For Order:

1) whinh200.txta 1) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Header Text field.
2) whinh200.txtb 2) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Footer Text field.

The Header Text field is published with type 'Header', the Footer Text field is published with type 'Footer'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) whinh302.asnr 1) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Suppliers ASN Number field.
2) whinh301.oorg 2) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Order tab, Order Origin field.
3) whinh300.exhu 3) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), External Handling Unit field.
4) whinh302.bola 4) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Bill of Lading field.
5) whinh302.pcsp 5) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Packing Slip field.

For Order: If the Suppliers ASN Number field is filled, 'AdvanceShipNotice' is published. Otherwise, If the Order Origin field
whinh200.oorg is filled, the corresponding noun name is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of BOD identifiers.

If the External Handling Unit field is filled, 'SSC' is published.

If the Bill of Lading field is filled, 'BOL' is published.
If the Packing Slip field is filled', 'PackingSlip' is published.

For Order:
Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Order Origin field.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of BOD identifiers.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) whinh302.asnr 1) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Suppliers ASN Number field.
2) whinh301.oorg 2) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Order tab, Order Origin field.
3) whinh301.worn 3) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Order tab, Order Number field.
4) whinh301.wset 4) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Order tab, Order Set field.
5) whinh300.exhu 5) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), External Handling Unit field.
6) whinh302.bola 6) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Bill of Lading field.
7) whinh302.pcsp 7) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Packing Slip field.
8) whinh300.sfbp 8) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Ship-from BP field.
9) whinh300.shid 9) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Shipment field.
10) whinh210.cwar 10) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Receipt tab, Warehouse field.
11) tdpur401.cwar 11) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Receiving tab, Warehouse field.
12) tdpur311.cwar 12) Session Purchase Schedule Lines (tdpur3111m000), Business Partner/Warehouse tab, Warehouse field.
Infor April 07, 2020 13
For Order: If the Supplier ASN Number is filled, the Supplier ASN Number is published.
1) whinh200.oorg Otherwise, based on the Order Origin field, the ID prefix and suffix values are determined. Refer to the
2) whinh200.orno Integration Guide for more information about the determination of BOD identifiers.
3) whinh200.oset The concatenation of the ID prefix value, the Order field and the ID suffix value (if applicable) is published.

The Shipment Notice can consist of multiple shipment notice lines having different warehouses.
These lines are grouped by Warehouse.
This means that one Shipment Notice can result in multiple published BOD's with each its own identifier.

For Order:
1) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Order Origin field.
2) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Order field.
3) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Order Set field.

Based on the Order Origin field, the Order field and the Order Set field, the ID of the noun to which
AdvanceShipNotice/AdvanceShipNoticeHeader/DocumentReference@type refers, is published.

Refer to the documentation of the noun to which AdvanceShipNotice/AdvanceShipNoticeHeader/

DocumentReference@type refers for more information about the determination of the ID field.
Refer to the documentation of the noun to which AdvanceShipNotice/AdvanceShipNoticeHeader/
DocumentReference@type refers for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the documentation of the noun to which AdvanceShipNotice/AdvanceShipNoticeHeader/
DocumentReference@type refers for more information about the determination of the location field.
For Order:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
whinh300.stat Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Status field.

For Order: If Status field is equal to 'Canceled', 'Canceled' is published.

whinh200.hsta If Status field is equal to 'Received', 'Closed' is published.
If Status field has a different status, 'Open' is published.

For Order:
Session Warehousing Order (whinh2100m100), Header Status field.

If the Header Status field is equal to 'Actual', 'Open' is published.

If the Header Status field is equal to 'Shipped', 'Closed' is published.
If the Header Status field is equal to 'Received', 'Closed' is published.
If the Header Status field is equal to 'Canceled', 'Canceled' is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
whinh300.acdt Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), ASN Creation Date field.

For Order:
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
For Shipment:
If the Shipment Notice is deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For Order:
If the Warehousing Order is deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
whinh303.pkqu Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Packaging Tab, Packaging Quantity field.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) whinh303.pkcd 2) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Packaging Tab, Packaging Quantity Unit field.

Based on the Packaging Quantity Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
Always filled with 'Warehouse'.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
whinh300.cwar Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Warehouse field.

For Order: The concatenation of 'W' and the Warehouse field is published.
For Order:
Session Warehousing Order (whinh2100m100), Ship-To Code field.

Infor April 07, 2020 14

The concatenation of 'W' and the Ship-To Code field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tcmcs003.dsca 1) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0503m000), Description field.
2) whinh300.cwar 2) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Warehouse field.

For Order: Based on the Warehouse field, the Description field is published.
1) tcmcs003.dsca
2) whinh200.stco For Order:
1) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Description field.
2) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-to Code field.

Based on the Ship-to Code field, the Description field is published.

For Shipment: For Shipment:
whinh300.shdt Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Shipping Date field.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
whinh300.pddt Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Planned Delivery Date field.

For Order: For Order:

whinh200.prdt Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Shipping tab, Planned Receipt Date field.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
whinh303.pkwt Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Packaging Tab, Packaging Weight field.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
whinh303.cwun Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Packaging Tab, Packaging Weight Unit field.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
whinh300.wght Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), General tab, Gross Weight field.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
whinh300.cwun Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), General tab, Gross Weight Unit field.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) whinh301.item 1) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Order tab, Item field.
2) whinh301.squa 2) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Order tab, Shipped Quantity in Inventory Unit field.
3) whwmd400.dpth 3) Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Inventory tab, Length field.
4) whwmd400.wdth 4) Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Inventory tab, Width field.
5) whwmd400.hght 5) Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Inventory tab, Height field.
6) tcmcs000.cvol 6) Session MCS Parameters (tcmcs0100s000), Base Volume Unit field.

For each Shipment Notice Line the volume is calculated as the multiplication of the Item Length, Width, Height
and Shipped Quantity in Inventory Unit, This volume is then converted to the Base Volume Unit.

The total volume of the related Shipment Notice Lines is published.

For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:

For each Shipment Notice Line the volume is calculated as the multiplication of the Item Length, Width, Height
and Shipped Quantity in Inventory Unit,

The total volume of the related Shipment Notice Lines is published.

For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcmcs000.cvol 2) Session MCS Parameters (tcmcs0100s000), Base Volume Unit field.
3) whwmd000.lgth 3) Session Master Data Parameters (whwmd0100s000), Miscellaneous tab, Default Length Unit field.
4) tcmcs101.dvol 4) Session Unit Dimensional Relationships (tcmcs1101m000), Derived Volume Unit field.

Based on the Base Volume Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.

For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:

Based on the Derived Volume Unit field related to the Default Length Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is
For Shipment: For Shipment:
whinh300.sfbp Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Ship-from BP field.

For Order: For Order:

1) whinh200.sfco 1) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-from Code field.
2) whinh200.sfty 2) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-from Type field.
Infor April 07, 2020 15
3) whinh200.rtrn 3) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Options tab, Return Order field.

If the Return Order field is equal to 'No' and the Ship-from Type field is equal to 'Business Partner', the Ship-
from Code field is published
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Shipment:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For Order:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) whinh300.sfbp 2) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Ship-from BP field.

For Order: Based on the Ship-from BP field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom100.nama
2) whinh200.sfco For Order:
1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-from Code field.

Based on the Ship-from Code field, the Name field is published.

For Order: For Order:
whinh200.sfty Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-from Type field.

If the Ship-from Type field is equal to 'Work Center', 'Office' is published.

If the Ship-from Type field is equal to 'Warehouse', 'Warehouse' is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) whinh200.sfty 1) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-from Type field.
2) whinh200.sfco 2) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-from Code field.

If the Ship-from Type field is equal to 'Work Center' or 'Warehouse', the Ship-from Code field is published.
For Order:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Order:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcmcs003.dsca 1) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Description field.
2) tcmcs065.dsca 2) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Description field.
3) whinh200.sfty 3) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-from Type field.
4) whinh200.sfco 4) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-from Code field.

If the Ship-from Type field is equal to 'Warehouse', based on the Ship-from Code field, the Description (1) field is

If the Ship-from Type field is equal to 'Work Center', based on the Ship-from Code field, the Description (2) field
is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) whinh200.sfad 2) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-from Address field.

Based on the Ship-from Address field, the Name field is published.

For Order: For Order:
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) whinh200.sfad 7) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-from Address field.

Based on the Ship-from Address field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

For Order:
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
Infor April 07, 2020 16
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
For Order: For Order:
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) whinh200.sfad 2) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-from Address field.

Based on the Ship-from Address field, the City field is published.

For Order: For Order:
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) whinh200.sfad 2) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-from Address field.

Based on the Ship-from Address field, the State/Province field is published.

For Order: For Order:
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) whinh200.sfad 3) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-from Address field.

Based on the Ship-from Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is
For Order: For Order:
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) whinh200.sfad 2) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-from Address field.

Based on the Ship-from Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
whinh300.carr Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Delivery Carrier/LSP field.

For Order: For Order:

whinh200.carr Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Shipping tab, Carrier/LSP field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tcmcs080.dsca 1) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0180s000), Description field.
2) whinh300.carr 2) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Delivery Carrier/LSP field.

For Order: Based on the Delivery Carrier/LSP field, the Description field is published.
1) tcmcs080.dsca
2) whinh200.carr For Order:
1) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0180s000), Description field.
2) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Shipping tab, Carrier/LSP field.

Based on the Carrier/LSP field, the Description field is published.

For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tcmcs080.scac 1) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0180s000), Standard Carrier Alpha Code field.
2) whinh300.carr 2) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Delivery Carrier/LSP field.

Based on the Delivery Carrier/LSP field, the Standard Carrier Alpha Code field is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) whinh200.sfco 1) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-from Code field.
2) whinh200.sfty 2) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-from Type field.
3) whinh200.rtrn 3) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Options tab, Return Order field.

If the Return Order field is equal to 'Yes' and the Ship-from Type field is equal to 'Business Partner', the Ship-
from Code field is published
For Order:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Order:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) whinh200.sfco 2) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-from Code field.

Infor April 07, 2020 17

Based on the Ship-from Code field, the Name field is published.
For Order: For Order:
whinh200.sfty Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-from Type field.

If the Ship-from Type field is equal to 'Work Center', 'Office' is published.

If the Ship-from Type field is equal to 'Warehouse', 'Warehouse' is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) whinh200.sfty 1) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-from Type field.
2) whinh200.sfco 2) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-from Code field.

If the Ship-from Type field is equal to 'Work Center' or 'Warehouse', the Ship-from Code field is published.
For Order:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Order:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcmcs003.dsca 1) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Description field.
2) tcmcs065.dsca 2) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Description field.
3) whinh200.sfty 3) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-from Type field.
4) whinh200.sfco 4) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-from Code field.

If the Ship-from Type field is equal to 'Warehouse', based on the Ship-from Code field, the Description (1) field is

If the Ship-from Type field is equal to 'Work Center', based on the Ship-from Code field, the Description (2) field
is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) whinh200.sfad 2) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-from Address field.

Based on the Ship-from Address field, the Name field is published.

For Order: For Order:
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) whinh200.sfad 7) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-from Address field.

Based on the Ship-from Address field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

For Order:
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
For Order: For Order:
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) whinh200.sfad 2) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-from Address field.

Based on the Ship-from Address field, the City field is published.

For Order: For Order:
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) whinh200.sfad 2) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-from Address field.

Based on the Ship-from Address field, the State/Province field is published.

For Order: For Order:
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) whinh200.sfad 3) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-from Address field.

Infor April 07, 2020 18

Based on the Ship-from Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is
For Order: For Order:
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) whinh200.sfad 2) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-from Address field.

Based on the Ship-from Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
For Order: For Order:
For Infor LN 10.5 or later: Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Additional Information tab, Additional Information fields.
For Order: For Order:
tcstl200.fldn Session Additional Information Definitions (tcstl2100m000), Field Name field.
For Order:
Based on the Definition this will be 'StringType', 'IndicatorType', 'DateTimeType' or 'IntegerNumericType'.
For Order: For Order:
whinh200.stty Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-to Type field.

If the Ship-to Type field is equal to 'Work Center', 'Office' is published.

If the Ship-to Type field is equal to 'Warehouse', 'Warehouse' is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) whinh200.stty 1) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-to Type field.
2) whinh200.stco 2) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-to Code field.

If the Ship-to Type field is equal to 'Work Center' or 'Warehouse', the Ship-to Code field is published.
For Order:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Order:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcmcs003.dsca 1) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Description field.
2) tcmcs065.dsca 2) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Description field.
3) whinh200.stty 3) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-to Type field.
4) whinh200.stco 4) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-to Code field.

If the Ship-to Type field is equal to 'Warehouse', based on the Ship-to Code field, the Description (1) field is

If the Ship-to Type field is equal to 'Work Center', based on the Ship-to Code field, the Description (2) field is
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) whinh300.dadd 2) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Delivery Address field.

For Order: Based on the Delivery Address field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom130.nama
2) whinh200.stad For Order:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Name field is published.

For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) whinh300.dadd 7) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Delivery Address field.

For Order: Based on the Delivery Address field, the six Address Lines are published.
1) tccom130.ln01
2) tccom130.ln02 One Address Line is published per sequence.
3) tccom130.ln03
4) tccom130.ln04 For Order:
5) tccom130.ln05 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
Infor April 07, 2020 19
6) tccom130.ln06 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
7) whinh200.stad 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) whinh300.dadd 2) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Delivery Address field.

For Order: Based on the Delivery Address field, the City field is published.
1) tccom130.dsca
2) whinh200.stad For Order:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the City field is published.

For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) whinh300.dadd 2) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Delivery Address field.

For Order: Based on the Delivery Address field, the State/Province field is published.
1) tccom130.cste
2) whinh200.stad For Order:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the State/Province field is published.

For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) whinh300.dadd 3) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Delivery Address field.

For Order: Based on the Delivery Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.ccty
2) tcmcs010.ict2 For Order:
3) whinh200.stad 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) whinh300.dadd 2) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Delivery Address field.

For Order: Based on the Delivery Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
1) tccom130.pstc
2) whinh200.stad For Order:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
whinh300.fval Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), General tab, Freight Value field.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) whinh300.curr 2) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), General tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
Infor April 07, 2020 20
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) whinh300.cwar 3) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), General tab, Warehouse field.
4) whinh300.fval 4) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), General tab, Freight Value field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

The Freight Value field expressed in Local Currency is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) whinh300.cwar 4) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), General tab, Warehouse field.
5) whinh300.ccur 5) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), General tab, Currency field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) whinh300.cwar 3) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), General tab, Warehouse field.
4) whinh300.fval 4) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), General tab, Freight Value field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Freight Value field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) whinh300.cwar 4) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), General tab, Warehouse field.
5) whinh300.ccur 5) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), General tab, Currency field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
whinh300.cham Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), General tab, Charge Amount field.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) whinh300.curr 2) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), General tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) whinh300.cwar 3) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), General tab, Warehouse field.
4) whinh300.cham 4) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), General tab, Charge Value field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

The Charge Value field expressed in Local Currency is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) whinh300.cwar 4) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), General tab, Warehouse field.
5) whinh300.ccur 5) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), General tab, Currency field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Shipment:

Infor April 07, 2020 21

1) tcemm170.lcur For Shipment:
2) tcemm170.comp 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) whinh300.cwar 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) whinh300.cham 3) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), General tab, Warehouse field.
4) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), General tab, Charge Value field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Charge Value field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) whinh300.cwar 4) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), General tab, Warehouse field.
5) whinh300.ccur 5) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), General tab, Currency field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Order: For Order:
whinh200.mint Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Miscellaneous tab, Minimum Quantity Tolerance field.

If the Minimum Quantity Tolerance field is equal to '0', 'false' is published. Otherwise, 'true' is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) whinh300.cdec 1) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), General tab, Terms of Delivery field.
2) tcmcs041.tdgp 2) Session Terms of Delivery (tcmcs0141m000), Terms Of Delivery Group field.

For Order: Based on the Terms of Delivery field, the Terms Of Delivery Group is determined.
1) whinh200.cdec If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight), 'CIF' is published.
2) tcmcs041.tdgp If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to CFR (Cost and Freight), 'CFR' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to CPT (Carriage Paid To), 'CPT' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid to), 'CIP' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DAF (Delivered At Frontier), 'DAF' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DAP (Delivered At Place), 'DAP' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DPU (Delivered At Place Unloaded), 'DPU' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DAT (Delivered At Terminal), 'DAT' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay), 'DEQ' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DES (Delivered Ex Ship), 'DES' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid), 'DDU' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DDP (Delivered Duty Paid), 'DDP' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to EXW (Ex Works), 'EXW' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to FCA (Free Carrier), 'FCA' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to FAS (Free Alongside Ship), 'FAS' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to FOB (Free On Board), 'FOB' is published.

For Order:
1) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Freight tab, Terms of Delivery field.
2) Session Terms of Delivery (tcmcs0141m000), Terms Of Delivery Group field.

Based on the Terms of Delivery field, the Terms Of Delivery Group is determined.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight), 'CIF' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to CFR (Cost and Freight), 'CFR' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to CPT (Carriage Paid To), 'CPT' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid to), 'CIP' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DAF (Delivered At Frontier), 'DAF' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DAP (Delivered At Place), 'DAP' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DPU (Delivered At Place Unloaded), 'DPU' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DAT (Delivered At Terminal), 'DAT' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay), 'DEQ' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DES (Delivered Ex Ship), 'DES' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid), 'DDU' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DDP (Delivered Duty Paid), 'DDP' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to EXW (Ex Works), 'EXW' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to FCA (Free Carrier), 'FCA' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to FAS (Free Alongside Ship), 'FAS' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to FOB (Free On Board), 'FOB' is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) whinh300.cdec 1) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), General tab, Terms of Delivery field.
2) whinh300.ptpa 2) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), General tab, Point of Title Passage field.
3) tccom121.cadr 3) Session Ship-from Business Partners (tccom4121s000), General tab, Address Code field.
4) whinh300.dadd 4) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Delivery Address field.

Infor April 07, 2020 22

For Order: Based on the above four fields, the IncotermsCode is determined using the information in session Points of Title
1) whinh200.cdec Passage (tcmcs0142m000) and/or session Terms of Delivery (tcmcs0141m000).
2) whinh200.ptpa
3) whinh200.sfad Refer to the Infor Web Help for more information.
4) whinh200.stad
For Order:
1) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Freight tab, Terms of Delivery field.
2) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Freight tab, Point of Title Passage field.
3) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-From tab, Ship-From Address field.
4) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Ship-To tab, Ship-To Address field.

Based on the above four fields, the IncotermsCode is determined using the information in session Points of Title
Passage (tcmcs0142m000) and/or session Terms of Delivery (tcmcs0141m000).

Refer to the Infor Web Help for more information.

For Order: For Order:
1) whinh200.otyp 1) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Warehouse Order tab, Order Type field.
2) whinh200.crte 2) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Freight tab, Route field.

For the Order Type field, the AdvanceShipNotice/AdvanceShipNoticeHeader/UserArea/Property/

NameValue@name is equal to 'ln.OrderType' and AdvanceShipNotice/AdvanceShipNoticeHeader/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'StringType'.
For the Route field, the AdvanceShipNotice/AdvanceShipNoticeHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name
is equal to 'ln.Route' and AdvanceShipNotice/AdvanceShipNoticeHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type
is equal to 'StringType'.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data
For Shipment: For Shipment:
whinh301.item Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Item tab, Item field.

For Order: For Order:

whinh210.item Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Item field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) whltc500.revi 1) Session Item - Serials and Warehouses (whltc5100m000), General tab, E-item Revision field.
2) whltc100.revi 2) Session Item - Lot (whltc1100m000), General tab, E-item Revision field.
3) whinh301.item 3) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Item tab, Item field.
4) whinh301.serl 4) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Item tab, Serial Number field.
5) whinh301.clot 5) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Item tab, Lot field.

For Order: If the Serial Number field is filled, based on the Item field, the E-item Revision (1) field is published.
1) whltc500.revi Otherwise, if the Lot field is filled, based on the Item field, the E-item Revision (2) field is published.
2) whltc100.revi
3) whinh210.item For Order:
4) whinh210.serl 1) Session Item - Serials and Warehouses (whltc5100m000), General tab, E-item Revision field.
5) whinh210.clot 2) Session Item - Lot (whltc1100m000), General tab, E-item Revision field.
3) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Data tab, Item field.
4) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Data tab, Serial Number field.
5) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Data tab, Lot field.

If the Serial Number field is filled, based on the Item field, the E-item Revision (1) field is published.
Otherwise, if the Lot field is filled, based on the Item field, the E-item Revision (2) field is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.
2) whinh301.item 2) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Item tab, Item field.

For Order: Based on the Item field, the Description field is published.
1) tcibd001.dsca
2) whinh210.item For Order:
1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.
2) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Description field is published.

For Shipment: For Shipment:
whinh301.text Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Order tab, ASN Line Text field.

For Order:

Infor April 07, 2020 23

whinh210.txtn For Order:
Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Receipt tab, Inbound Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
For Order: For Order:
whinh210.qoro Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Ordered Quantity field.
For Order: For Order:
whinh210.orun Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Ordered Unit field.

Based on the Ordered Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Order: For Order:
whinh280.dlin Session Inbound Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh2180m000), Line field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

For Order: For Order:
whinh280.cprj Session Inbound Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh2180m000), Project field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

For Order:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

For Order:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

For Order:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

For Order: For Order:
whinh280.cact Session Inbound Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh2180m000), Activity field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

For Order: For Order:
whinh280.cspa Session Inbound Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh2180m000), Element field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

For Order: For Order:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) whinh210.item 2) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Item field.
3) whinh280.qord 3) Session Inbound Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh2180m000), Ordered Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Ordered Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

For Order: For Order:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) whinh210.item 3) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

For Order: For Order:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) whinh210.item 2) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Item field.
3) whinh210.qoro 3) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Ordered Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Ordered Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Order:
Infor April 07, 2020 24
1) tcmcs001.icun For Order:
2) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
3) whinh210.item 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
whinh301.sqtr Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Order tab, Shipped Quantity field.

For Order: For Order:

whinh210.qoro Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Ordered Quantity field.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) whinh301.cuni 2) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Order tab, Shipped Quantity Unit field.

For Order: For Order:

whinh210.orun Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Ordered Unit field.

Based on the Ordered Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) whinh301.item 2) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Item tab, Item field.
3) whinh301.sqtr 3) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Order tab, Shipped Quantity field.

For Order: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
1) tcibd001.cuni The Shipped Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
2) whinh210.item This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
3) whinh210.qoro
For Order:
1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Item field.
3) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Ordered Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Ordered Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) whinh301.item 3) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Item tab, Item field.

For Order: Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
2) tcibd001.cuni
3) whinh210.item For Order:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
whinh301.ntwt Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Weight tab, Net Weight field.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) whinh301.cwun 2) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Weight tab, Weight Unit field.

Based on the Weight Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) whinh301.worn 1) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Order tab, Order Origin field.
2) whinh301.wpon 2) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Order tab, Order Line field.

For Order: If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Purchase' or 'Purchase Schedule', the Order Line field is published.
1) whinh210.oorg
2) whinh210.orno For Order:
1) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Origin field.
2) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order field.

If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Purchase', the Order field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 25

tdpur400.cofc Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), General tab, Financial Department field.

Based on the Financial Department field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tdpur400.cofc Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), General tab, Financial Department field.

Based on the Financial Department field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) whinh301.worg 1) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Order tab, Order Origin field.
2) whinh301.wpon 2) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Order tab, Order Line field.

For Order: If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Purchase' or 'Purchase Schedule', the Order Line field is published.
1) whinh210.oorg
2) whinh210.pono For Order:
1) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Origin field.
2) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Line field.

If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Purchase', the Order Line field is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) whinh301.worg 1) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Order tab, Order Origin field.
2) whinh301.wsqn 2) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Order tab, Order Line Sequence field.

For Order: If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Purchase' or 'Purchase Schedule', the Order Line Sequence field is
1) whinh210.oorg published.
2) whinh210.seqn
For Order:
1) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Origin field.
2) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Line Sequence field.

If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Purchase', the Order Line Sequence field is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) whinh301.exhu 1) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Item tab, External Handling Unit field.
2) whinh301.worg
2) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Order tab, Order Origin field.
For Order:
whinh210.oorg If the External Handling Unit field is filled, 'SSC' is published.
If the Order Origin field is not equal to 'Purchase Order' or 'Purchase Schedule', the corresponding noun name is
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of BOD identifiers.

For Order:
Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Origin field.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of BOD identifiers.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) whinh301.exhu 1) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Item tab, External Handling Unit field.
2) whinh301.worg 2) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Order tab, Order Origin field.
3) whinh301.worn 3) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Order tab, Order field.
4) whinh301.wset 4) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Order tab, Order Set field.

For Order: Based on the Order Origin field, the ID prefix and suffix values are determined. Refer to the Integration Guide for
1) whinh210.oorg more information about the determination of BOD identifiers.
2) whinh210.orno The concatenation of the ID prefix value, the Order field and the ID suffix value (if applicable) is published.
3) whinh210.oset
For Order:
1) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Origin field.
2) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order field.
3) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Set field.

Based on the Order Origin field, the Order field and the Order Set field, the ID of the noun to which
AdvanceShipNotice/AdvanceShipNoticeItem/DocumentReference@type refers, is published.

Refer to the documentation of the noun to which AdvanceShipNotice/AdvanceShipNoticeItem/

DocumentReference@type refers for more information about the determination of the ID field.
Refer to the documentation of the noun to which AdvanceShipNotice/AdvanceShipNoticeItem/
DocumentReference@type refers for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

Infor April 07, 2020 26

For Shipment:
Refer to the documentation of the noun to which AdvanceShipNotice/AdvanceShipNoticeItem//
DocumentReference@type refers for more information about the determination of the location field.

For Order:
Refer to the documentation of the noun to which AdvanceShipNotice/AdvanceShipNoticeItem/
DocumentReference@type refers for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
whinh301.wpon Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Order Line field.

For Order: For Order:

whinh210.pono Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Line field.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
whinh301.wsqn Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Order Line Sequence field.

For Order: For Order:

whinh210.seqn Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Line Sequence field.
1) whinh210.insp 1) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Receipt tab, Inspection field.
2) whinh210.effn 2) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Data tab, Effectivity Unit field.

For the Inspection field, the AdvanceShipNotice/AdvanceShipNoticeItem/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name

is equal to 'ln.InspectionIndicator' and AdvanceShipNotice/AdvanceShipNoticeHeader/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is equal to 'IndicatorType'.

For the Inspection field, the AdvanceShipNotice/AdvanceShipNoticeItem/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name

is equal to 'ln.InspectionAutoAdjustIndicator' and AdvanceShipNotice/AdvanceShipNoticeHeader/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'IndicatorType'.

For the Effectivity unit field, the AdvanceShipNotice/AdvanceShipNoticeItem/UserArea/Property/

NameValue@name is equal to 'ln.EffectivityUnit' and AdvanceShipNotice/AdvanceShipNoticeHeader/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'IntegerNumericType'.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data
For Order: For Order:
For Infor LN 10.5 or later: Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Additional Information tab, Additional Information fields.
For Order: For Order:
tcstl200.fldn Session Additional Information Definitions (tcstl2100m000), Field Name field.
For Order:
Based on the Definition this will be 'StringType', 'IndicatorType', 'DateTimeType' or 'IntegerNumericType'.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) whinh301.sqtr 1) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Order tab, Shipped Quantity field.
2) whinh305.qspu 2) Session ASN Line Lots and Serials (whinh3105m000), Shipped Quantity field.

For Order: If the item is lot-controlled in inventory, the aggregation of Shipped Quantity (1) field is published.
1) whinh210.clot If the item is lot-controlled not in inventory, the aggregation of Shipped Quantity (2) field is published.
2) whinh210.qoro
For Order:
1) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Lot field.
2) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Ordered Quantity field.

If the Lot field is filled, the Ordered Quantity field is published.

For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General, Item data I tab, Inventory Unit field
3) whinh301.item 3) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Item tab, Item field.
4) whinh301.cuni 4) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Order tab, Shipped Quantity Unit field.
5) whinh305.ushp 5) Session ASN Line Lots and Serials (whinh3105m000), Shipped Quantity Unit field.

For Order: If the item is serialized in inventory, based on the Inventory Unit (2) field, the ISO Code field of the unit is
1) tcmcs001.icun published.
2) whinh210.clot If a serial/lot distribution exists for the Shipment Notice Line, based on the Shipped Quantity Unit (5) field, the
3) whinh210.orun ISO Code field of the unit is published.
Otherwise, based on the Shipped Quantity Unit (4) field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 27

For Order:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Ordered Unit field.
3) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Lot field.

If the Lot field is filled, based on the Ordered Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) whinh301.item 2) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Item tab, Item field.
3) whinh301.sqtr 3) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Order tab, Shipped Quantity field.

For Order: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
1) tcibd001.cuni The Shipped Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
2) whinh210.item This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
3) whinh210.qoro
For Order:
1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Item field.
3) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Ordered Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Ordered Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) whinh301.item 3) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Item tab, Item field.

For Order: Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
2) tcibd001.cuni
3) whinh210.item For Order:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Shipment:
Unique increasing number starting with 1.

For Order:
An increasing sequence number starting with 1 is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) whinh301.clot 1) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Item tab, Lot field.
2) whinh305.clot 2) Session ASN Line Lots and Serials (whinh3105m000), Lot field.

For Order: If the item is lot-controlled in inventory, the Lot (1) field is published.
whinh210.clot If the item is lot-controlled not in inventory, the Lot (2) field is published.

For Order:
Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Lot field.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) whinh301.sqtr 1) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Order tab, Shipped Quantity field.
2) whinh305.qspu 2) Session ASN Line Lots and Serials (whinh3105m000), Shipped Quantity field.

For Order: If the item is lot-controlled in inventory, the Shipped Quantity (1) field is published.
1) whinh210.clot If the item is lot-controlled not in inventory, the Shipped Quantity (2) field is published.
2) whinh210.qoro
For Order:
1) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Lot field.
2) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Ordered Quantity field.

If the Lot field is filled, the Ordered Quantity field is published.

For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) whinh301.cuni 2) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Order tab, Unit of Measure field.
3) whinh305.ushp 3) Session ASN Line Lots and Serials (whinh3105m000), Unit Shipped field.

Infor April 07, 2020 28

For Order: If the item is lot-controlled in inventory, based on the unit of Measure field, the ISO Code field of the unit is
1) tcmcs001.icun published.
2) whinh210.clot If the item is lot-controlled not in inventory, based on the Unit Shipped field, the ISO Code field of the unit is
3) whinh210.orun published.

For Order:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Lot field.
3) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Ordered Unit field.

If the Lot field is filled, based on the Ordered Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) whinh301.item 2) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Item tab, Item field.

For Order: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
1) tcibd001.cuni The SerializedLot/Lot/Quantity element expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
2) whinh210.item
3) whinh210.qoro For Order:
1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Item field.
3) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Ordered Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Ordered Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) whinh301.item 3) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Item tab, Item field.

For Order: Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni For Order:
3) whinh210.item 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) whinh301.serl 1) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Item tab, Serial Number field.
2) whinh305.cser 2) Session ASN Line Lots and Serials (whinh3105m000), Serial Number field.

If the item is serialized in inventory, the Serial Number (1) field is published.
If the item is serialized not in inventory, the Serial Number (2) field is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) whinh301.serl 1) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Item tab, Serial Number field.
2) whinh305.cser 2) Session ASN Line Lots and Serials (whinh3105m000), Serial Number field.

For Order: If the item is serialized in inventory, the Serial Number (1) field is published.
whinh210.serl If the item is serialized not in inventory, the Serial Number (2) field is published.

For Order:
Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Serial Number field.
For Order: For Order:
whinh210.lsel Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Lot Selection field.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
whinh301.shsq Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Sequence field.

For Order: For Order:

1) whinh210.pono 1) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Line field.
2) whinh210.seqn 2) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Line Sequence field.

The concatenation of Order Line field and Order Line Sequence field is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) whinh224.acti 1) Session Activities by Outbound Order Line (whinh2124m000), Activity field.
2) whinh224.appl 2) Session Activities by Outbound Order Line (whinh2124m000), Applicable field.

For Order: If the Activity field is equal to 'Warehouse Inspections' and the Applicable field is equal to 'Yes', 'true' is
Infor April 07, 2020 29
whinh210.insp published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.

This element will only be published in case of WMS controlled warehouses.

For Order:
Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Receipt tab, Inspection field.

If the Inspection field is equal to 'Yes', 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) whinh224.acti 1) Session Activities by Outbound Order Line (whinh2124m000), Activity field.
2) whinh224.appl 2) Session Activities by Outbound Order Line (whinh2124m000), Applicable field.

For Order: If the Activity field is equal to 'Warehouse Inspections' and the Applicable field is equal to 'Yes', 'true' is
whinh210.insp published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.

This element will only be published in case of WMS controlled warehouses.

For Order:
Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Receipt tab, Inspection field.

If the Inspection field is equal to 'Yes', 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) whinh200.oorg 1) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Order Origin field.
2) whinh200.orno 2) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Order field.
3) whinh200.oset 3) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Order Set field.
4) whinh210.pono 4) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Line field.
5) whinh210.seqn 5) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Line Sequence field.

Based on the order origin, the ID prefix value is determined. Refer to the Integration Guide for more information
about the determination of BOD identifiers.
The concatenation of the ID prefix value, the Order field and the Order Set field is published.
For WMS, the concatenation of the ID prefix value, the Order field, the Order Line field and the Order Line
Sequence field is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
whwmd532.auxp Session Handling Unit Auxiliary Packaging (whwmd5132m000), Auxiliary Packaging field.
For Shipment:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Shipment:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
whwmd532.qaux Session Handling Unit Auxiliary Packaging (whwmd5132m000), Number Auxiliary Packages field.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Handling Unit Auxiliary Packaging (whwmd5132m000), Auxiliary Packaging field.
3) whwmd532.auxp
Based on the Auxiliary Packaging field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) whwmd532.auxp 2) Session Handling Unit Auxiliary Packaging (whwmd5132m000), Auxiliary Packaging field.
3) whwmd532.qaux 3) Session Handling Unit Auxiliary Packaging (whwmd5132m000), Number Auxiliary Packages field.

Based on the Auxiliary Packaging field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Number Auxiliary Packages field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) whwmd532.auxp 3) Session Handling Unit Auxiliary Packaging (whwmd5132m000), Auxiliary Packaging field.

Based on the Auxiliary Packaging field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.
2) whwmd532.auxp 2) Session Handling Unit Auxiliary Packaging (whwmd5132m000), Auxiliary Packaging field

Infor April 07, 2020 30

Based on the Item field, the Description field is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
whwmd405.ruse Session Packaging Items (whwmd4105s000), Reusable field.
For Shipment:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Shipment:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
whwmd405.ruse Session Packaging Items (whwmd4105s000), Reusable field.
For Order: For Order:
whinh210.item Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Item field.
For Order:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Order:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) whltc500.revi 1) Session Item - Serials and Warehouses (whltc5100m000), General tab, E-item Revision field.
2) whltc100.revi 2) Session Item - Lot (whltc1100m000), General tab, E-item Revision field.
3) whinh210.item 3) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Data tab, Item field.
4) whinh210.serl 4) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Data tab, Serial Number field.
5) whinh210.clot 5) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Data tab, Lot field.

If the Serial Number field is filled, based on the Item field, the E-item Revision (1) field is published.
Otherwise, if the Lot field is filled, based on the Item field, the E-item Revision (2) field is published.
For Order: For Order:
whinh210.qoro Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Ordered Quantity field.
For Order: For Order:
whinh210.orun Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Ordered Unit field.

Based on the Ordered Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) whinh210.item 2) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Item field.
3) whinh210.qoro 3) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Ordered Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Ordered Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) whinh210.item 3) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Order: For Order:
1) whinh210.oorg 1) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Origin field.
2) whinh210.orno 2) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order field.

If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Purchase', the Order field is published.
For Order: For Order:
tdpur400.cofc Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), General tab, Financial Department field.

Based on the Financial Department field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Order: For Order:
tdpur400.cofc Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), General tab, Financial Department field.

Infor April 07, 2020 31

Based on the Financial Department field, the location field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For Order:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) whinh210.oorg 1) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Origin field.
2) whinh210.pono 2) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Line field.

If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Purchase', the Order Line field is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) whinh210.oorg 1) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Origin field.
2) whinh210.seqn 2) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Line Sequence field.

If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Purchase', the Order Line Sequence field is published.
For Order: For Shipment:
whinh210.oorg Always filled with 'AdvanceShipNotice'.

For Order:
Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Origin field.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of BOD identifiers.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) whinh300.sfbp 1) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Ship-from BP field.
2) whinh300.shid 2) Session Shipment Notices (whinh3600m000), Shipment field.
3) whinh301.worg 3) Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Order tab, Order Origin field.
4) whinh210.cwar 4) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Receipt tab, Warehouse field.
5) tdpur401.cwar 5) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Receiving tab, Warehouse field.
6) tdpur311.cwar 6) Session Purchase Schedule Lines (tdpur3111m000), Business Partner/Warehouse tab, Warehouse field.

For Order: The concatenation of '0', the Ship-from BP field, the Shipment field and the Warehouse field is published.
1) whinh210.oorg Depending on the Order Origin field, the warehouse is taken from the Inbound Order Line or Purchase
2) whinh210.orno (Schedule/Order) Line.
3) whinh210.oset
For Order:
1) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Origin field.
2) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order field.
3) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Set field.

Based on the Order Origin field, the Order field and the Order Set field, the ID of the noun to which
AdvanceShipNotice/AdvanceShipNoticeItem/DocumentReference@type refers, is published.

Refer to the documentation of the noun to which AdvanceShipNotice/AdvanceShipNoticeItem/

DocumentReference@type refers for more information about the determination of the ID field.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
whinh300.cwar Session Shipment Notices (whinh3100m000), Delivery tab, Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For Order:
Refer to the documentation of the noun to which AdvanceShipNotice/AdvanceShipNoticeItem/
DocumentReference@type refers for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
whinh300.cwar Session Shipment Notices (whinh3100m000), Delivery tab, Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For Order:
Refer to the documentation of the noun to which AdvanceShipNotice/AdvanceShipNoticeItem/
DocumentReference@type refers for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
whinh301.shsq Session Shipment Notice Lines (whinh3101m000), Sequence field.

For Order: For Order:

whinh210.pono Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Line field.

Infor April 07, 2020 32

For Order: For Order:
whinh210.seqn Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Order Line Sequence field.
For Order: For Order:
whinh210.insp Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Receipt tab, Inspection field.

For the Inspection field, the AdvanceShipNotice/AdvanceShipNoticeItem/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name

is equal to 'ln.InspectionIndicator' and AdvanceShipNotice/AdvanceShipNoticeHeader/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is equal to 'IndicatorType'.

For the Inspection field, the AdvanceShipNotice/AdvanceShipNoticeItem/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name

is equal to 'ln.InspectionAutoAdjustIndicator' and AdvanceShipNotice/AdvanceShipNoticeHeader/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'IndicatorType'.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data
For Order: For Order:
1) whinh210.clot 1) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Lot field.
2) whinh210.qoro 2) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Ordered Quantity field.

If the Lot field is filled, the Ordered Quantity field is published.

For Order: For Order:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) whinh210.clot 2) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Ordered Unit field.
3) whinh210.orun 3) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Lot field.

If the Lot field is filled, based on the Ordered Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) whinh210.item 2) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Item field.
3) whinh210.qoro 3) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Ordered Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Ordered Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) whinh210.item 3) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Shipment: For Shipment:
1) whwmd530.clot 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Handling Unit tab, Lot field.
2) whwmd536.clot 2) Session Handling Unit Lots and Serials (whwmd5136m000), Lot field.

For Order: Handling Unit and lot-controlled in inventory:

whinh210.clot The Lot (1) field is published.

Handling Unit and lot-controlled not in inventory:

The Lot (2) field is published.

For Order:
Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Lot field.
For Order: For Order:
1) whinh210.clot 1) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Lot field.
2) whinh210.qoro 2) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Ordered Quantity field.

If the Lot field is filled, the Ordered Quantity field is published.

For Order: For Order:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) whinh210.clot 2) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Lot field.
3) whinh210.orun 3) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Ordered Unit field.

If the Lot field is filled, based on the Ordered Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
Infor April 07, 2020 33
2) whinh210.item 2) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Item field.
3) whinh210.qoro 3) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Ordered Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Ordered Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) whinh210.item 3) Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Order: For Order:
whinh210.serl Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Serial Number field.
For Order: For Order:
whinh210.serl Session Inbound Order Lines (whinh2110m000), Serial Number field.

Infor April 07, 2020 34

tsmdm145.ccar Session Service Cars (tsmdm1145m000), Service Car field.

The concatenation of 'S' and the Service Car field is published.

This BOD is published when users:

1) create a service car,
2) modify a service car,
3) delete a service car.
This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tsmdm145.ccar Session Service Cars (tsmdm1145m000), Service Car field.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
tsmdm145.desc Session Service Cars (tsmdm1145m000), Description field.
If the Service Car is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
Otherwise, 'Open' is published.
If the Service Car is deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
Always filled with 'true'.
1) tsmdm140.emno 1) Session Employee - Service (tsmdm1640m000), Service Employee field.
2) tsmdm140.ccar 2) Session Employee - Service (tsmdm1640m000), Service Car field.

The first employee related to the Service Car that is published, is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.
2) tsmdm140.emno 2) Session Employee - Service (tsmdm1640m000), Service Employee field.

Based on the Service Employee field, the Name field is published.

tsmdm145.cwar Session Service Cars (tsmdm1145m000), Warehouse field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
1) tcmcs003.dsca 1) Session Warehouses - General (tcmcs0103s000), Description field.
2) tsmdm145.cwar 2) Session Service Cars (tsmdm1145m000), Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the Description field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 35

1) tccom122.ifbp 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Invoice-from Business Partner field.
2) tccom122.cofc 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Department field.

The Invoice-from Business Partner field is published. Otherwise, if the Department field is filled, the
concatenation of Invoice-from Business Partner field and the Department field is published.

This BOD is published when users Create, Delete or Update a Business Partner.
This element is mandatory.
This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2.1 or later.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom122.ifbp 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Invoice-from Business Partner field.
2) tccom122.cofc 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Department field.
1) tccom122.ifbp 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Invoice-from Business Partner field.
2) tccom122.cadr 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, General group, Address Code field.
3) tctax400.fovn 3) Session Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax4100m000), Tax Number field.
4) tccom130.ccty 4) Session Addresses (tccom4530m000), Country field.

Based on the Invoice-from Business Partner field and the Address Code field, the Country field is determined.
Based on the Country field, the Tax Number field is published.
1) tccom100.cmid 1) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Detailed tab, Identification group, Commercial ID field.
2) tccom122.ifbp 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Invoice-from Business Partner field.

Based on the Invoice-from Business Partner field, the Commercial ID field is published.
tccom122.lmdt Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Last Modification Datefield.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) tccom122.lmus 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), Enterprise Modeling tab, Last Modified by field.

Based on the Last Modified by field, the User field is determined.

If the User field cannot be determined, based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.
Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) tccom122.lmus 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), Enterprise Modeling tab, Last Modified by field.

Based on the Last Modified by field, the Name field is published.

1) tccom122.ifbp 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Invoice-from Business Partner field.
2) tccom100.nama 2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), General tab, Name field.

Based on the Invoice-from Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
The value 'Text' or 'Discrete' is published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4530m000), Name field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Name field is published.

1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tccom133.cadr 7) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the six Address Lines are published.
One Address Line is published per sequence.

Infor April 07, 2020 36

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field, the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field, the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the House Number field is published.
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Building field is published.

1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Street field is published.

1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Unit field is published.

1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Floor field is published.

1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the City field is published.

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the State/Province field is published.

1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tccom133.cadr 3) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
1) tccom122.cadr 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address field.
3) tccom133.bpid 3) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Business Partner field.

Based on the Address (1) field, 'true' is published.

Based on the Address (2) field, 'false' is published.
tccom145.ccnt Session Contacts by Business Partner (tccom4545m00), Contact field.
tccom145.ccnt Session Contacts by Business Partner (tccom4545m00), Contact field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom140.ccnt 1) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact field.
2) tccom140.fuln 2) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Full Name field.

Infor April 07, 2020 37

Based on the Contact field, the Full Name field is published.
tccom145.ctpr Session Invoice-From Business Partner (tccom4122s000), Contacts tab, Primary Invoice-from field.
tccom122.cpay Session Invoice-From Business Partner (tccom4122s000), Paying tab, Payment Term field.
tccom122.cpay Session Invoice-From Business Partner (tccom4122s000), Paying tab, Payment Term field.

If the Payment Method field is filled, 'Payment Term' is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tccom122.paym Session Invoice-From Business Partner (tccom4122s000), Paying tab, Payment Method field.
tccom122.paym Session Invoice-From Business Partner (tccom4122s000), Paying tab, Payment Method field.

If the Payment Method field is filled, 'Payment Methods' is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tccom122.txta Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Text group, Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
1) tccom122.ifst 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Status group, Business Partner Status
2) tccom100.prst field.
3) tccom100.prbp 2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), General tab, Business Partner Status field.
3) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Detailed tab, Parent Business Partner group, Parent field.

First the Business Partner Status (1) field is determined, the Business Partner Status (2) field and finally the
Business Partner Status (1) field of the parent business partner based on the Parent field, if applicable. The
resulting status is determined based on the following priority: Inactive, Potential, Active. This means that if, for
example, the Business Partner Status (1) field is equal to 'Active', the Business Partner Status (2) field is equal
to 'Potential' and the Business Partner Status (1) field of the parent business partner based on the Parent field is
equal to 'Inactive', the resulting status is determined as 'Inactive'. If the Business Partner Status (1) field is equal
to 'Doubtful', it is considered as 'Active'. The status is determined for the system date.
If the resulting status is equal to 'Active', 'Open' is published.
If the resulting status is equal to 'Inactive', 'Closed' is published.
If the resulting status is equal to 'Potential', 'Hold' is published.
If the Invoice-from Business Partner is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
tccom122.stdt Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Status group, Start Date field.

If the element BillFromPartyMaster/Status/Code is equal to 'Open' or 'Prospect', the Start Date field is published.
If the element BillFromPartyMaster/Status/Code is equal to 'Closed' or 'Deleted', the current date is published.
If the Bill-from Business Partner is deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
Always filled with 'true'.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tccom122.ccur 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), Invoicing tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tccom122.cofc 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Department field.
2) tccom122.cbtp 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), Detailed tab, Business Partner Type field.
3) tccom122.cfsg For LN 10.3 or later:
3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), Invoicing tab, Financial Supplier Group field.

The Financial Supplier Group field is prefixed with 'S_'.

Based on the number of Classification Codes, the sequence number is set.
1) tccom122.cofc 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Department field.
2) tccom122.cbtp 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), Detailed tab, Business Partner Type field.
3) tccom122.cfsg For LN 10.3 or later:
3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), Invoicing tab, Financial Supplier Group field.

If the Department field is filled, 'Departments' is published.

If the Business Partner Type field is filled, 'Customer Types' is published.
If the Financial Supplier Group field is filled, 'Account Groups' is published.
1) tccom122.ifbp

Infor April 07, 2020 38

2) tccom100.prbp 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Invoice-from Business Partner field.
2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Detailed tab, Parent Business Partner group, Parent field.

If the Buy-from Business Partner exists for the Invoice-from Business Partner, the Buy-from Business Partner
field is published.
Otherwise, if the Buy-from Business Partner exists for the Parent Business Partner, the Buy-from Business
Partner field of the Parent Business Partner is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tccom122.ifbp 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Invoice-from Business Partner field.
3) tccom100.prbp 3) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Detailed tab, Parent Business Partner group, Parent field.

If the Buy-from Business Partner exists for the Invoice-from Business Partner, the Name field of Business
Partner is published.
Otherwise, if the Buy-from Business Partner exists for the Parent Business Partner, the Name field of the Parent
Business Partner is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 39

For BOM: For BOM:
tibom010.mitm Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Main Item field.

For Production BOM: This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Bill of Material.
timfc300.mitm This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2.1 or later.

For Routing: For Production BOM:

1) tirou101.mitm Session Production Bills of Material (timfc3100m000), Product field.
2) tirou101.opro
This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Production Bill of Material. Only approved and
For Job Shop Routing: expired Production BillOfResources will be published. This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.7 or later.
1) tirou400.site
2) tirou400.mitm For Routing:
3) tirou400.rouc 1) Session Item Routings (tirou1101m000), Manufactured Item field.
2) Session Item Routings (tirou1101m000), Routing field.
For Assembly:
tiapl220.emod The concatenation of Manufactured Item field and the Routing field is published.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Routing or a Routing Operation.
This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2.1 or later.

For Job Shop Routing:

1) Session Job Shop Routing (tirou4600m000), Site field.
2) Session Job Shop Routing (tirou4600m000), Product field.
3) Session Job Shop Routing (tirou4600m000), Routing field.

The concatenation of the Site field, the Product field and the Routing field is published.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Job Shop Routing or a Job Shop Routing
Operation and the status is not equal 'New'.
This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.7 or later.

For Assembly:
Session Assembly BOM and Operations (tiapl2520m000), Engineering Module field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete an Engineerings Module.
This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.5 or later.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For BOM:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For Production BOM:

The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For Routing:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For Job Shop Routing:

The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For Assembly:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Production BOM: For Production BOM:
timfc300.bmrv Session Production Bills of Material (timfc3100m000), Revision field.

For Job Shop Routing: For Job Shop Routing:

tirou400.rorv Session Job Shop Routing (tirou4600m000), Revision field.
For BOM: For BOM:
tibom010.mitm Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Main Item field.

For Production BOM: For Production BOM:

1) timfc300.mitm 1) Session Production Bills of Material (timfc3100m000), Product field.
2) timfc300.bmrv 2) Session Production Bills of Material (timfc3100m000), Revision field.

For Routing: The concatenation of the Product field and the Revision field is published.
For Routing:
For Job Shop Routing: Session Item Routings (tirou1101m000), Manufactured Item field.
1) tirou400.site
2) tirou400.mitm For Job Shop Routing:
3) tirou400.rouc 1) Session Job Shop Routing (tirou4600m000), Site field.
Infor April 07, 2020 40
4) tirou400.rorv 2) Session Job Shop Routing (tirou4600m000), Product field.
3) Session Job Shop Routing (tirou4600m000), Routing field.
For Assembly: 4) Session Job Shop Routing (tirou4600m000), Revision field.
The concatenation of the Site field, Product field, the Routing field and the Revision field is published.

For Assembly:
Session Assembly BOM and Operations (tiapl2520m000), Engineering Module field.
For Production BOM: For BOM:
1) timfc300.apon Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
2) timfc300.exon
For Production BOM:
For Job Shop Routing: 1) Session Production Bills of Material (timfc3100m000), Approved On field.
1) tirou400.apon 2) Session Production Bills of Material (timfc3100m000), Expired On field.
2) tirou400.exon
If the Expired On field is empty, the Approved On field is published. Otherwise the Expired On field is published.

For Routing:
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.

For Job Shop Routing:

1) Session Job Shop Routings (tirou4100m000), Miscellaneous tab, Approved On field.
2) Session Job Shop Routings (tirou4100m000), Miscellaneous tab, Expired On field.

If the Expired On field is empty, the Approved On field is published. Otherwise, the Expired On field is published.

For Assembly:
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
For BOM: For BOM:
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

For Production BOM: Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.
1) tccom001.emno Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
2) tccom001.loco
3) timfc300.apby For Production BOM:
4) timfc300.exby 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
5) timfc300.exon 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) Session Production Bills of Material (timfc3100m000), Approved By field.
For Routing: 4) Session Production Bills of Material (timfc3100m000), Expired By field.
1) tccom001.emno 5) Session Production Bills of Material (timfc3100m000), Expired On field.
2) tccom001.loco
If the Expired On field is empty, the Approved By field is used. Otherwise, the Expired By field is used.
For Job Shop Routing: Based on the the Approved By field or the Expired By field, the User field is determined.
1) tccom001.emno If the User field cannot be determined, based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.
2) tccom001.loco Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
3) tirou400.apby
4) tirou400.exby For Routing:
5) tirou400.exon 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
For Assembly:
1) tccom001.emno Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.
2) tccom001.loco Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.

For Job Shop Routing:

1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) Session Job Shop Routings (tirou4100m000), Miscellaneous tab, Approved By field.
4) Session Job Shop Routings (tirou4100m000), Miscellaneous tab, Expired By field.
5) Session Job Shop Routings (tirou4100m000), Miscellaneous tab, Expired On field.

If the Expired On field is empty, the Approved By field is used. Otherwise, the Expired By field is used.
Based on the the Approved By field or the Expired By field, the User field is determined.
If the User field cannot be determined, based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.
Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.

For Assembly:
1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 41
For BOM: For BOM:
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

For Production BOM: Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.
1) tccom001.nama
2) timfc300.apby For Production BOM:
3) timfc300.exby 1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) Session Production Bills of Material (timfc3100m000), Approved By field.
For Routing: 3) Session Production Bills of Material (timfc3100m000), Expired By field.
Based on the Approved By or the Expired By field, the Name field is published.
For Job Shop Routing:
1) tccom001.nama For Routing:
2) tirou400.apby Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
3) tirou400.exby
Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.
For Assembly:
tccom001.nama For Job Shop Routing:
1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) Session Job Shop Routings (tirou4100m000), Miscellaneous tab, Approved By field.
3) Session Job Shop Routings (tirou4100m000), Miscellaneous tab, Expired By field.

Based on the Approved By or the Expired By field, the Name field is published.

For Assembly:
Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For Routing: For Routing:
tirou101.dsca Session Item Routings (tirou1101m000), Routing description field.

For Job Shop Routing: For Job Shop Routing:

tirou400.dsca Session Job Shop Routing (tirou4600m000), Description field.
For Production BOM: For Production BOM:
timfc300.txta Session Production Bills of Material (timfc3100m000), Text field.

For Routing: For Routing:

1) tcmcs046.ilng 1) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000), ISO Code field.
2) tirou101.txta 2) Session Item Routings (tirou1101m000), Text field.

For Job Shop Routing: Based on the Text field, the ISO Code field of the language is published.
For Job Shop Routing:
Session Job Shop Routing (tirou4600m000), Text field.
For Routing:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
For Production BOM: For BOM:
timfc300.bmst If all the Bill of Material lines are deleted, 'Deleted' is published. Otherwise, 'Open' is published.

For Job Shop Routing: For Production BOM:

tirou400.rost Session Production Bills of Material (timfc3100m000), Status field.

If the status field is equal to 'Approved', 'Open' is published.

If the status field is equal to 'Expired', 'Closed' is published.

For Routing:
If the Routing is deleted, 'Deleted' is published. Otherwise, 'Open' is published.

For Job Shop Routing:

Session Job Shop Routings (tirou4100m000), Status field.

If the status field is equal to 'Approved', 'Active' is published.

If the status field is equal to 'Expired', 'Closed' is published.

For Assembly:
If all the Engineering Module lines are deleted, 'Deleted' is published. Otherwise, 'Open' is published.
For BOM:
If the Routing is deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For Production BOM:

Always filled with ''false''.

Infor April 07, 2020 42

For Routing:
If the Routing is deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For Job Shop Routing:

If the Routing is deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For Assembly:
If the Engineering Module lines are deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For Routing: For BOM:
1) tirou101.opro Always filled with ''false''.
2) tirou000.dfrt
For Routing:
1) Session Item Routings (tirou1101m000), Routing field.
2) Session Routing Parameters (tirou0100m000), Default Routing field.

If Routing is equal to the Default Routing, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For Assembly:
Always filled with ''false''.
For Routing: For Routing:
tirou101.runi Session Item Routings (tirou1101m000), Unit field.

For Job Shop Routing: For Job Shop Routing:

tirou400.roqa Session Job Shop Routing (tirou4600m000), Routing Quantity field.
For Routing: For Routing:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tirou101.mitm 3) Session Item - Routings (tirou1101m000), Manufactured Item field.

For Job Shop Routing: Based on the Manufactured Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni For Job Shop Routing:
3) tirou400.mitm 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Job Shop Routing (tirou4600m000), Product field.

Based on the Product field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For Routing: For Routing:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tirou101.mitm 2) Session Item - Routings (tirou1101m000), Manufactured Item field.
3) tirou101.runi 3) Session Item - Routings (tirou1101m000), Routing Unit field.

For Job Shop Routing: Based on the Manufactured Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
1) tcmcs001.icun The Routing Unit field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
2) tirou400.mitm
3) tirou400.roqa For Job Shop Routing:
1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Job Shop Routing (tirou4600m000), Product field.
3) Session Job Shop Routing (tirou4600m000), Routing Quantity field.

Based on the Product field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Routing Quantity field, expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For Routing: For Routing:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tirou101.mitm 3) Session Item - Routings (tirou1101m000), Manufactured Item field.

For Job Shop Routing: Based on the Manufactured Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni For Job Shop Routing:
3) tirou400.mitm 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Job Shop Routing (tirou4600m000), Product field.

Based on the Product field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For Production BOM: For Production BOM:
timfc300.efdt Session Production Bills of Material (timfc3100m000), Effective field.

For Job Shop Routing: For Job Shop Routing:

tirou400.efdt Session Job Shop Routings (tirou4100m000), Miscellaneous tab, Effective Date field.

Infor April 07, 2020 43

For Production BOM: For Production BOM:
timfc300.exdt Session Production Bills of Material (timfc3100m000), Expiry field.

For Job Shop Routing: For Job Shop Routing:

tirou400.exdt Session Job Shop Routings (tirou4100m000), Miscellaneous tab, Expiry Date field.
For Production BOM: For Production BOM:
timfc300.bmsc Session Production Bills of Material (timfc3100m000), Source field.

If the BillOfResources/BillOfResourcesHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to 'ln.Source',

Source field is filled with this element.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data
For Routing: For BOM:
tirou102.opno Always filled with '0'.

For Job Shop Routing: For Production BOM:

1) tirou401.opno Always filled with '0'.
2) tirou400.stor
3) tirou400.strc For Routing:
Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), Operation field.
For Assembly:
tiapl220.lstn For Job Shop Routing:
1) Session Job Shop Routing Operation (tirou4601m000), Operation field.
2) Session Job Shop Routing Operation (tirou4601m000), Standard Routing field.
3) Session Job Shop Routing Operation (tirou4601m000), Standard Routing Code field.

If Standard Routing field is equal to YES, the routing of the Standard Routing Code field is published.
If routing has no operations, 0 is published.

For Assembly:
Session Assembly BOM and Operations (tiapl2120s000), Line Station field.
For Routing: For Routing:
tirou102.nopr Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), Next Operation field.

For Job Shop Routing: For Job Shop Routing:

tirou401.nopr Session Job Shop Routing Operation (tirou4601m000), Next Operation field.
For Routing: For Routing:
1) tcmcs046.ilng 1) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000), ISO Code field.
2) tirou102.txta 2) Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), Text field.

For Job Shop Routing: Based on the Text field, the ISO Code field of the language is published.
For Job Shop Routing:
Session Job Shop Routing Operation (tirou4601m000), Text field.
For Routing:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
For Production BOM: For BOM:
timfc300.bmst Always filled with 'Open'.

For Job Shop Routing: For Production BOM:

tirou400.rost Session Production Bills of Material (timfc3100m000), Status field.

If the status field is equal to 'Approved', 'Active' is published.

If the status field is equal to 'Expired', 'Closed' is published.

For Routing:
Always filled with 'Open'.

For Job Shop Routing:

Session Job Shop Routings (tirou4100m000), Status field.

If the status field is equal to 'Approved', 'Active' is published.

If the status field is equal to 'Expired', 'Closed' is published.
If the Production Bill of Material is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.

For Assembly:
Always filled with 'Open'.
Infor April 07, 2020 44
For BOM: For BOM:
tibom010.sitm Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Item field.

For Production BOM: For Production BOM:

timfc310.sitm Session Production Bill of Material Line Details (timfc3610m000), Item field.

For Routing: For Routing:

tibom010.sitm Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Item field.

For Assembly: For Assembly:

tiapl220.assp Session Assembly BOM and Operations (tiapl2120s000), Assembly Part field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For BOM: For BOM:
1) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Description field.
2) tibom010.sitm 2) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Item field.

For Production BOM: Based on the Item field, the Description field is published.
1) tcibd001.dsca
2) timfc310.sitm For Production BOM:
1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Description field.
For Routing: 2) Session Production Bill of Material Line Details (timfc3610m000), Item field.
1) tcibd001.dsca
2) tibom010.sitm Based on the Item field, the Description field is published.

For Assembly: For Routing:

1) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Description field.
2) tiapl220.assp 2) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Description field is published.

For Assembly:
1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Description field.
2) Session Assembly BOM and Operations (tiapl2120s000), Assembly Part field.

Based on the Item field, the Description field is published.

For BOM: For BOM:
1) tcmcs046.ilng 1) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000), ISO Code field.
2) tibom010.txta 2) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Text field.

For Production BOM: Based on the Text field, the ISO Code field of the language is published.
For Production BOM:
For Routing: Session Production Bill of Material Line Details (timfc3610m000), Text field.
1) tcmcs046.ilng
2) tibom010.txta For Routing:
1) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000), ISO Code field.
For Assembly: 2) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Text field.
1) tcmcs046.ilng
2) tiapl220.txta Based on the Text field, the ISO Code field of the language is published.

For Assembly:
1) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Assembly BOM and Operations (tiapl2120s000), Text field.

Based on the Text field, the ISO Code field of the language is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
For BOM: For BOM:
1) tibom010.leng 1) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Length field.
2) tibom010.widt 2) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Width field.
3) tibom010.sizu 3) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Length/Width Unit field.
4) tibom010.nuon 4) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Number of Units field.

For Production BOM: If the BillOfResources/OutputItem/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to 'ln.Length', Length field is

1) timfc310.leng filled with this element.
2) timfc310.widt If the BillOfResources/OutputItem/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to 'ln.Width', Width field is
3) timfc310.sizu filled with this element.
4) timfc310.nuon The BillOfResources/OutputItem/UserArea/Property/NameValue@unitCode is filled with the Length/Width Unit
For Routing: If the BillOfResources/OutputItem/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to 'ln.NumberOfUnits',
1) tibom010.leng Number of Units field is filled with this element.
2) tibom010.widt
Infor April 07, 2020 45
3) tibom010.sizu UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.
4) tibom010.nuon Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data

For Production BOM:

1) Session Production Bill of Material Line Details (timfc3610m000), Length field.
2) Session Production Bill of Material Line Details (timfc3610m000), Width field.
3) Session Production Bill of Material Line Details (timfc3610m000), Length/Width Unit field.
4) Session Production Bill of Material Line Details (timfc3610m000), Number of Units field.

If the BillOfResources/OutputItem/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to 'ln.Length', Length field is

filled with this element.
If the BillOfResources/OutputItem/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to 'ln.Width', Width field is
filled with this element.
The BillOfResources/OutputItem/UserArea/Property/NameValue@unitCode is filled with the Length/Width Unit
If the BillOfResources/OutputItem/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to 'ln.NumberOfUnits',
Number of Units field is filled with this element.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data

For Routing:
1) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Length field.
2) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Width field.
3) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Length/Width Unit field.
4) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Number of Units field.

If the BillOfResources/OutputItem/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to 'ln.Length', Length field is

filled with this element.
If the BillOfResources/OutputItem/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to 'ln.Width', Width field is
filled with this element.
The BillOfResources/OutputItem/UserArea/Property/NameValue@unitCode is filled with the Length/Width Unit
If the BillOfResources/OutputItem/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to 'ln.NumberOfUnits',
Number of Units field is filled with this element.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data
For BOM: Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, lot Selection field.

For Routing:
For BOM: For BOM:
tibom010.pono Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Position field.

For Production BOM: For Production BOM:

timfc310.pono Session Production Bill of Material Line Details (timfc3610m000), Position field.

For Routing: For Routing:

tibom010.pono Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Position field.

For Assembly: For Assembly:

1) tiapl220.pono 1) Session Assembly BOM and Operations (tiapl2120s000), Position Number field.
2) tiapl220.seqn 2) Session Assembly BOM and Operations (tiapl2120s000), Sequence Number field.

The concatenation of Position Number field and the Sequence Number is published.
For Production BOM: For BOM:
timfc300.bmst Always filled with 'Open'.

For Production BOM:

Session Production Bills of Material (timfc3100m000), Status field.

If the status field is equal to 'Approved', 'Active' is published.

If the status field is equal to 'Expired', 'Closed' is published.

For Routing:
Always filled with ''Open''.

For Assembly:
Always filled with 'Open'.

Infor April 07, 2020 46

For BOM:
Always filled with ''false''.

For Production BOM:

Always filled with ''false''.

For Routing:
Always filled with ''false''.

For Assembly:
Always filled with 'false'.
For BOM: For BOM:
tibom010.qana Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Net Quantity field.

For Production BOM: For Production BOM:

timfc310.qana Session Production Bill of Material Line Details (timfc3610m000), Net Quantity field.

For Routing: For Routing:

tibom010.qana Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Net Quantity field.

For Assembly: For Assembly:

tiapl220.quan Session Assembly BOM and Operations (tiapl2120s000), Net Quantity field.
For BOM: For BOM:
1) tibom010.sitm 1) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Item field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) tcmcs001.icun 3) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.

For Production BOM: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.
1) timfc310.sitm Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
2) tcibd001.cuni
3) tcmcs001.icun For Production BOM:
1) Session Production Bill of Material Line Details (timfc3610m000), Item field.
For Routing: 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
1) tibom010.sitm 3) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni
3) tcmcs001.icun Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.
Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Assembly:
1) tiapl220.assp For Routing:
2) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Item field.
3) tcmcs001.icun 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.

For Assembly:
1) Session Assembly BOM and Operations (tiapl2120s000), Assembly Part field.
2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.

Based on the Assembly Part field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.
Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For BOM: For BOM:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tibom010.sitm 2) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Item field.
3) tibom010.qana 3) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Net Quantity field.

For Production BOM: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
1) tcibd001.cuni The Net Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
2) timfc310.sitm
3) timfc310.qana For Production BOM:
1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
For Routing: 2) Session Production Bill of Material Line Details (timfc3610m000), Item field.
1) tcibd001.cuni 3) Session Production Bill of Material Line Details (timfc3610m000), Net Quantity field.
2) tibom010.sitm
3) tibom010.qana Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
The Net Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For Assembly:
1) tcibd001.cuni For Routing:
2) tiapl220.assp 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tiapl220.qana 2) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Item field.
3) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Net Quantity field.

Infor April 07, 2020 47

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
The Net Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.

For Assembly:
1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Assembly BOM and Operations (tiapl2120s000), Assembly Part field.
3) Session Assembly BOM and Operations (tiapl2120s000), Net Quantity field.

Based on the Assembly Part field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Net Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For BOM: For BOM:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tibom010.sitm 3) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Item field.

For Production BOM: Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni For Production BOM:
3) timfc310.sitm 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
For Routing: 3) Session Production Bill of Material Line Details (timfc3610m000), Item field.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
3) tibom010.sitm
For Routing:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For BOM: For BOM:
tibom010.scpf Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Scrap Factor field.

For Production BOM: For Production BOM:

timfc310.scpf Session Production Bill of Material Line Details (timfc3610m000), Scrap Percentage field.

For Routing: For Routing:

tibom010.scpf Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Scrap Factor field.
For BOM: For BOM:
tibom010.scpq Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Scrap Quantity field.

For Production BOM: For Production BOM:

timfc310.scpq Session Production Bill of Material Line Details (timfc3610m000), Scrap Quantity field.

For Routing: For Routing:

tibom010.scpq Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Scrap Quantity field.
For BOM: For BOM:
1) tibom010.sitm 1) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Item field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) tcmcs001.icun 3) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.

For Production BOM: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.
1) timfc310.sitm Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
2) tcibd001.cuni
3) tcmcs001.icun For Production BOM:
1) Session Production Bill of Material Line Details (timfc3610m000), Item field.
For Routing: 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
1) tibom010.sitm 3) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni
3) tcmcs001.icun Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.
Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.

For Routing:
1) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Item field.
2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For BOM: For BOM:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tibom010.sitm 2) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Item field.
3) tibom010.scpq 3) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Scrap Quantity field.
Infor April 07, 2020 48
For Production BOM: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
1) tcibd001.cuni The Scrap Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
2) timfc310.sitm
3) timfc310.scpq For Production BOM:
1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
For Routing: 2) Session Production Bill of Material Line Details (timfc3610m000), Item field.
1) tcibd001.cuni 3) Session Production Bill of Material Line Details (timfc3610m000), Scrap Quantity field.
2) tibom010.sitm
3) tibom010.scpq Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
The Scrap Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.

For Routing:
1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Item field.
3) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Scrap Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Scrap Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For BOM: For BOM:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tibom010.sitm 3) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Item field.

For Production BOM: Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni For Production BOM:
3) timfc310.sitm 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
For Routing: 3) Session Production Bill of Material Line Details (timfc3610m000), Item field.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
3) tibom010.sitm
For Routing:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For BOM: For BOM:
tibom010.indt Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Validity tab, Effective Date field.

For Production BOM: For Production BOM:

timfc300.efdt Session Production Bills of Material (timfc3100m000), Effective field.

For Routing: For Routing:

tibom010.indt Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Validity tab, Effective Date field.

For Assembly: For Assembly:

tiapl220.efdt Session Assembly BOM and Operations (tiapl2120s000), Effective Date field.
For BOM: For BOM:
tibom010.exdt Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Validity tab, Expiry Date field.

For Production BOM: For Production BOM:

timfc300.exdt Session Production Bills of Material (timfc3100m000), Expiry field.

For Routing: For Routing:

tibom010.exdt Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Validity tab, Expiry Date field.

For Assembly: For Assembly:

tiapl220.exdt Session Assembly BOM and Operations (tiapl2120s000), Expiry Date field.
For BOM:
Always filled with 'Warehouse'.
For BOM: Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Warehouse field.
The concatenation of 'W' and the Warehouse field is published.
For Routing:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

Infor April 07, 2020 49

The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For BOM: 1) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Warehouse field.
1) tibom010.cwar 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0501m000), Warehouse description field.
2) tcmcs003.dsca
Based on the Warehouse field, the Warehouse description field is published.
For Routing:
1) tibom010.cwar
2) tcmcs003.dsca
For BOM: 1) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Miscellaneous tab, Lead Time Offset field.
1) tibom010.ltov 2) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Miscellaneous tab, Lead Time Offset unit field.
2) tibom010.ltou
Based on the Lead Time Offset field and the Lead Time Offset unit field, the LeadTimeDuration field is published.
For Routing:
1) tibom010.ltov
2) tibom010.ltou
For BOM: For BOM:
1) tibom010.mitm 1) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Main Item field.
2) tibom010.sitm 2) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Item field.

For Production BOM: If Type is equal to 'Product', the Main Item field is published.
1) timfc300.mitm If Type is equal to 'By-Product', the Item field is published.
2) timfc310.sitm
For Production BOM:
For Routing: 1) Session Production Bills of Material (timfc3100m000), Product field.
1) tirou102.mitm 2) Session Production Bill of Material (timfc3600m000), Item field.
2) tibom010.sitm
If Type is equal to 'Product', the Product field is published.
For Job Shop Routing: If Type is equal to 'By-Product', the Item field is published.
For Routing:
For Assembly: 1) Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), Manufactured Item field.
tiapl220.emod 2) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Item field.

If Type is equal to 'Product', the Manufactured Item field is published.

If Type is equal to 'By-Product', the Item field is published.

For Job Shop Routing:

Session Job Shop Routing (tirou4600m000), Product field.

For Assembly:
Session Assembly BOM and Operations (tiapl2520m000), Engineering Module field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For BOM:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For Production BOM:

The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For Routing:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For Job Shop Routing:

The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For Assembly:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For BOM: For BOM:
1) tibom010.mitm 1) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Main Item field.
2) tibom010.sitm 2) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Item field.
3) tcibd001.dsca 3) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.

For Production BOM: Based on the Main Item or the Item field, the Description field is published.
1) timfc300.mitm
2) timfc310.sitm For Production BOM:
3) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Production Bills of Material (timfc3100m000), Product field.
2) Session Production Bill of Material (timfc3600m000), Item field.
For Routing: 3) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.
1) tirou102.mitm
2) tibom010.sitm Based on the Product field or the Item field, the Description field is published.
3) tcibd001.dsca
For Routing:

Infor April 07, 2020 50

For Job Shop Routing: 1) Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), Manufactured Item field.
1) tirou400.mitm 2) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Item field.
2) tcibd001.dsca 3) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.

For Assembly: Based on the Manufactured Item or the Item field, the Description field is published.
1) tiapl220.emod
2) tcibd001.dsca For Job Shop Routing:
1) Session Job Shop Routing (tirou4600m000), Product field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.

Based on the Product field, the Description field is published.

For Assembly:
1) Session Assembly BOM and Operations (tiapl2520m000), Engineering Module field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.

Based on the Engineering Module field, the Description field is published.

For BOM: For BOM:
1) tcmcs046.ilng 1) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000), ISO Code field.
2) tibom010.txta 2) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Text field.

For Production BOM: Based on the Text field, the ISO Code field of the language is published.
timfc310.txta If Type is equal to 'By-Product', the Text field is published.

For Routing: For Production BOM:

1) tcmcs046.ilng Session Production Bill of Material Line Details (timfc3610m000), Text field.
2) tibom010.txta
If Type is equal to 'By-Product', the Text field is published.

For Routing:
1) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Text field.

Based on the Text field, the ISO Code field of the language is published.
If Type is equal to 'By-Product', the Text field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
For BOM: Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Lot Selection field.
If Type is equal to 'By-Product', the Lot Selection field is published.
For Routing:
For BOM: For BOM:
tibom010.qana Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Net Quantity field.

For Production BOM: If the Net Quantity field is less then zero, 'By-Product' is published. Otherwise, 'Product' is published.
For Production BOM:
For Routing: Session Production Bill of Material (timfc3600m000), Net Quantity field.
If the Net Quantity field is less then zero, 'By-Product' is published. Otherwise, 'Product' is published.

For Routing:
Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Net Quantity field.

If the Net Quantity field is less then zero, 'By-Product' is published. Otherwise, 'Product' is published.

For Job Shop Routing:

Always filled with 'Product'.
For BOM: For BOM:
tibom010.indt Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Validity tab, Effective Date field.

For Production BOM: If Type is equal to 'By-Product', the Effective Date field is published.
For Production BOM:
For Routing: Session Production Bills of Material (timfc3100m000), Effective field.
For Routing:
Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Validity tab, Effective Date field.

If Type is equal to 'By-Product', the Effective Date field is published.

For BOM:

Infor April 07, 2020 51

tibom010.exdt For BOM:
Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Validity tab, Expiry Date field.
For Production BOM:
timfc300.exdt If Type is equal to 'By-Product', the Expiry Date field is published.

For Routing: For Production BOM:

tibom010.exdt Session Production Bills of Material (timfc3100m000), Expiry field.

For Routing:
Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Validity tab, Expiry Date field.

If Type is equal to 'By-Product', the Expiry Date field is published.

For BOM: For BOM:
1) tibom010.ltov 1) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Miscellaneous tab, Lead Time Offset field.
2) tibom010.ltou 2) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Miscellaneous tab, Lead Time Offset unit field.
3) tiipd001.oltm 3) Session Items - Production (tiipd0101m000), Routing tab, Order Lead Time field.
4) tiipd001.oltu 4) Session Items - Production (tiipd0101m000), Routing tab, Order Lead Time unit field.

For Routing: If Type is equal to 'Product', based on the Lead Time Offset field and the Lead Time Offset unit field, the
1) tibom010.ltov LeadTimeDuration field is published.
2) tibom010.ltou If Type is equal to 'By-Product', based on the Lead Time field and the Lead Time unit field, the
3) tiipd001.oltm LeadTimeDuration field is published.
4) tiipd001.oltu
For Routing:
For Job Shop Routing: 1) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Miscellaneous tab, Lead Time Offset field.
1) tirou400.oltm 2) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Miscellaneous tab, Lead Time Offset unit field.
2) tirou400.oltu 3) Session Items - Production (tiipd0101m000), Routing tab, Order Lead Time field.
4) Session Items - Production (tiipd0101m000), Routing tab, Order Lead Time unit field.

If Type is equal to 'Product', based on the Lead Time Offset field and the Lead Time Offset unit field, the
LeadTimeDuration field is published.
If Type is equal to 'By-Product', based on the Lead Time field and the Lead Time unit field, the
LeadTimeDuration field is published.

For Job Shop Routing:

1) Session Job Shop Routing (tirou4600m000), Order Lead Time field.
2) Session Job Shop Routing (tirou4600m000), Order Lead Time unit field.

Based on the Order Lead Time field and the Order Lead Time unit field, the LeadTimeDuration field is published.
For Routing: For Routing:
tirou102.bfls Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), Operational tab, Backflushing field.

For Job Shop Routing: For Job Shop Routing:

tirou401.bfls Session Job Shop Routing Operation (tirou4601m000), Logistic tab, Backflushing field.
For BOM: For BOM:
tibom010.pono Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Position field.

For Production BOM: If Type is equal to 'By-Product', the Position field is published.
timfc310.pono If Type is equal to 'Product', the '0' is published.

For Routing: For Production BOM:

tibom010.pono Session Production Bill of Material Line Details (timfc3610m000), Position field.

If Type is equal to 'By-Product', the Position field is published.

If Type is equal to 'Product', the '0' is published.

For Routing:
Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Position field.

If Type is equal to 'By-Product', the Position field is published.

If Type is equal to 'Product', the '0' is published.

For Job Shop Routing:

Always filled with '0'.

For Assembly:
Always filled with '0'.
For Assembly:
Always filled with '1'.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
1) tiapl220.emod 1) Session Assembly BOM and Operations (tiapl2520m000), Engineering Module field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.

Infor April 07, 2020 52

Based on the Engineering Module field, the Inventory Unit field is published.
For BOM: For BOM:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tibom010.mitm 2) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Main Item field.
3) tibom010.sitm 3) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Item field.
4) tibom010.qana 4) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Net Quantity field.
5) tiipd001.unom 5) Session Items - Production (tiipd0101m000), Routing tab, Bom Quantity field.

For Production BOM: For Type is equal to 'By-Product':

1) tcibd001.cuni Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
2) timfc300.unom The Net Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
3) timfc300.mitm
4) timfc310.qana For Type is equal to 'Product':
5) timfc310.sitm Based on the Main Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
The Bom Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For Routing:
1) tcibd001.cuni For Production BOM:
2) tirou102.mitm 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tibom010.sitm 2) Session Production Bill of Material (timfc3600m000), BOM Quantity field.
4) tibom010.qana 3) Session Production Bill of Material (timfc3600m000), Product field
5) tiipd001.unom 4) Session Production Bill of Material Line Details (timfc3610m000), Net Quantity field.
5) Session Production Bill of Material Line Details (timfc3610m000), Item field.
For Assembly:
1) tiapl220.emod For Type is equal to 'Product':
2) tcibd001.cuni Based on the Product field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
The BOM Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.

For Type is equal to 'By-Product':

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
The Net Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.

For Routing:
1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), Manufactured Item field.
3) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Item field.
4) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Net Quantity field.
5) Session Items - Production (tiipd0101m000), Routing tab, Bom Quantity field.

For Type is equal to 'By-Product':

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
The Net Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.

For Type is equal to 'Product':

Based on the Manufactured Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
The Bom Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.

For Assembly:
1) Session Assembly BOM and Operations (tiapl2520m000), Engineering Module field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Engineering Module field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.
The OutputItem/Quantity expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For BOM: For BOM:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tibom010.mitm 3) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Main Item field.
4) tibom010.sitm 4) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Item field.

For Production BOM: For Type is equal to 'By-Product':

1) tcmcs001.icun Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
2) tcibd001.cuni
3) timfc300.mitm For Type is equal to 'Product':
4) timfc310.sitm Based on the Main Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.

For Routing: For Production BOM:

1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tirou102.mitm 3) Session Production Bill of Material (timfc3600m000), Product field
4) tibom010.sitm 4) Session Production Bill of Material Line Details (timfc3610m000), Item field.

For Type is equal to 'By-Product':

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.

For Type is equal to 'Product':

Based on the Product field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 53

For Routing:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), Manufactured Item field.
4) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Item field.

For Type is equal to 'By-Product':

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.

For Type is equal to 'Product':

Based on the Manufactured Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For BOM:
Always filled with 'Warehouse'.
For BOM: For BOM:
1) tcibd200.cwar 1) Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Warehouse field.
2) tibom010.cwar 2) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Warehouse field.

For Routing: For Type is equal to 'Product':

1) tcibd200.cwar The concatenation of 'W' and the Warehouse (1) field is published.
2) tibom010.cwar
For Type is equal to 'By-Product':
The concatenation of 'W' and the Warehouse (2) field is published.

For Routing:
1) Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Warehouse field.
2) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Warehouse field.

For Type is equal to 'Product':

The concatenation of 'W' and the Warehouse (1) field is published.

For Type is equal to 'By-Product':

The concatenation of 'W' and the Warehouse (2) field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Routing: For BOM:
1) tcibd200.cwar The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
2) tibom010.cwar
3) tcmcs003.dsca For Routing:
1) Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Warehouse field.
2) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Quantity tab, Warehouse field.
3) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0501m000), Warehouse description field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the Warehouse description field is published.

For Routing: For Routing:
tirou101.opro Session Item Routings (tirou1101m000), Routing field.

For Job Shop Routing: For Job Shop Routing:

tirou400.rouc Session Job Shop Routing (tirou4600m000), Routing field.
For BOM: For BOM:
1) tibom010.leng 1) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Length field.
2) tibom010.widt 2) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Width field.
3) tibom010.sizu 3) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Length/Width Unit field.
4) tibom010.nuon 4) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Number of Units field.

For Production BOM: If the BillOfResources/OutputItem/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to 'ln.Length', Length field is

1) timfc310.leng filled with this element.
2) timfc310.widt If the BillOfResources/OutputItem/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to 'ln.Width', Width field is
3) timfc310.sizu filled with this element.
4) timfc310.nuon The BillOfResources/OutputItem/UserArea/Property/NameValue@unitCode is filled with the Length/Width Unit
For Routing: If the BillOfResources/OutputItem/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to 'ln.NumberOfUnits',
1) tibom010.leng Number of Units field is filled with this element.
2) tibom010.widt
3) tibom010.sizu UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.
4) tibom010.nuon Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data

For Production BOM:

Infor April 07, 2020 54

1) Session Production Bill of Material Line Details (timfc3610m000), Length field.
2) Session Production Bill of Material Line Details (timfc3610m000), Width field.
3) Session Production Bill of Material Line Details (timfc3610m000), Length/Width Unit field.
4) Session Production Bill of Material Line Details (timfc3610m000), Number of Units field.

If the BillOfResources/OutputItem/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to 'ln.Length', Length field is

filled with this element.
If the BillOfResources/OutputItem/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to 'ln.Width', Width field is
filled with this element.
The BillOfResources/OutputItem/UserArea/Property/NameValue@unitCode is filled with the Length/Width Unit
If the BillOfResources/OutputItem/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to 'ln.NumberOfUnits',
Number of Units field is filled with this element.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data

For Routing:
1) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Length field.
2) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Width field.
3) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Length/Width Unit field.
4) Session Bill of Material (tibom1110m000), Number of Units field.

If the BillOfResources/OutputItem/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to 'ln.Length', Length field is

filled with this element.
If the BillOfResources/OutputItem/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to 'ln.Width', Width field is
filled with this element.
The BillOfResources/OutputItem/UserArea/Property/NameValue@unitCode is filled with the Length/Width Unit
If the BillOfResources/OutputItem/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to 'ln.NumberOfUnits',
Number of Units field is filled with this element.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data
For Routing: For Routing:
tirou102.mcno Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), Machine field.

For Job Shop Routing: For Job Shop Routing:

tirou401.mtyp Session Job Shop Routing Operation (tirou4601m000), Logistic tab, Machine Type field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Routing:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For Job Shop Routing:

The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Routing: For Routing:
tirou102.mcoc Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), Machine Occupation field.

For Job Shop Routing: For Job Shop Routing:

tirou401.nomc Session Job Shop Routing Operation (tirou4601m000), Production tab, Number of Machines field.
tirou002.dsca Session Machines (tirou0102m000), Machine description field.
For Routing: For Routing:
tirou102.tano Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), Task field.

For Job Shop Routing: For Job Shop Routing:

tirou401.refo Session Job Shop Routing Operation (tirou4601m000), Production tab, Reference Operation field.
Always filled with 'Process Codes'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Routing: For Routing:
tirou102.sutm Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), Average Setup Time field.

For Job Shop Routing: For Job Shop Routing:

tirou401.sutm Session Job Shop Routing Operation (tirou4601m000), Production tab, Setup Time field.
For Routing: For Routing:
1) tirou102.trdl 1) Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), Wait Time field.
Infor April 07, 2020 55
2) tirou102.tuni 2) Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), Wait Time unit field.

For Job Shop Routing: Based on the Wait Time unit field, the Wait Time field is published.
1) tirou401.watm
2) tirou401.tuni For Job Shop Routing:
1) Session Job Shop Routing Operation (tirou4601m000), Logistic tab, Wait Time field.
2) Session Job Shop Routing Operation (tirou4601m000), Logistic tab, Wait Time unit field.

Based on the Wait Time unit field, the Wait Time field is published.
For Routing: For Routing:
tirou102.rutm Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), Cycle Time field.

For Job Shop Routing: For Job Shop Routing:

tirou401.rutm Session Job Shop Routing Operation (tirou4601m000), Production tab, Cycle Time field.
For Routing: For Routing:
1) tirou102.qutm 1) Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), Queue Time field.
2) tirou102.tuni 2) Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), Queue Time unit field.

For Job Shop Routing: Based on the Queue Time unit field, the Queue Time field is published.
1) tirou401.qutm
2) tirou401.tuni For Job Shop Routing:
1) Session Job Shop Routing Operation (tirou4601m000), Logistic tab, Queue Time field.
2) Session Job Shop Routing Operation (tirou4601m000), Logistic tab, Queue Time unit field.

Based on the Queue Time unit field, the Queue Time field is published.
For Routing: For Routing:
1) tirou102.mvtm 1) Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), Move Time field.
2) tirou102.tuni 2) Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), Move Time unit field.

For Job Shop Routing: Based on the Move unit Time field, the Move Time field is published.
1) tirou401.mvtm
2) tirou401.tuni For Job Shop Routing:
1) Session Job Shop Routing Operation (tirou4601m000), Logistic tab, Move Time field.
2) Session Job Shop Routing Operation (tirou4601m000), Logistic tab, Move Time unit field.

Based on the Move Time unit field, the Move Time field is published.
For Routing: For Routing:
1) tirou102.fdur 1) Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), General tab, Fixed Duration field.
2) tirou102.qutm 2) Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), General tab, Queue Time field.
3) tirou102.runi 3) Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), General tab, Routing Unit field.
4) tirou102.tuni 4) Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), General tab, Queue Time unit field.

For Job Shop Routing: If the Fixed Duration field is checked, the Queue Time field divided by the Routing Unit field is published.
1) tirou401.fdur
2) tirou401.tuni For Job Shop Routing:
3) tirou401.sutm 1) Session Job Shop Routing Operation (tirou4601m000), Logistic tab, Fixed Duration field.
4) tirou401.rutm 2) Session Job Shop Routing Operation (tirou4601m000), Logistic tab, Move Time unit field.
3) Session Job Shop Routing Operation (tirou4601m000), Production tab, Setup Time field.
4) Session Job Shop Routing Operation (tirou4601m000), Production tab, Cycle Time field.

If the Fixed Duration field is checked, based on the Time unit field, the SetUp Time field added to Cycle Time
field is published.
For Routing: For Routing:
tirou102.yldp Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), Options tab, Yield field.

For Job Shop Routing: For Job Shop Routing:

tirou401.yldp Session Job Shop Routing Operation (tirou4601m000), miscellaneous tab, Yield Percentage field.
For Routing: For Routing:
tirou102.scpg Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), Options tab, Scrap Quantity field.

For Job Shop Routing: For Job Shop Routing:

tirou401.scpq Session Job Shop Routing Operation (tirou4601m000), miscellaneous tab, Setup Scrap field.
For Routing: For Routing:
1) tirou102.mitm 1) Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), General tab, Manufactured Item field.
2) tirou102.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) tirou102.icun 3) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.

For Job Shop Routing: Based on the Manufactured Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.
1) tcmcs001.icun Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
2) tcibd001.cuni
Infor April 07, 2020 56
3) tirou400.mitm For Job Shop Routing:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Job Shop Routing (tirou4600m000), Product field.

Based on the Product field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For Routing: For Routing:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tirou102.mitm 2) Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), General tab, Manufactured Item field.
3) tirou102.scpq 3) Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), Options tab, Scrap Quantity field.

Based on the Manufactured Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Scrap Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For Routing: For Routing:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tirou102.mitm 3) Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), General tab, Manufactured Item field.

For Job Shop Routing: Based on the Manufactured Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcibd001.cuni
2) tirou400.mitm For Job Shop Routing:
3) tirou401.scpq 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Job Shop Routing (tirou4600m000), Product field.
3) Session Job Shop Routing Operation (tirou4601m000), miscellaneous tab, Setup Scrap field.

Based on the Product field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Scrap Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For Routing: For Routing:
tirou102.cwoc Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), Work Center field.

For Job Shop Routing: For Job Shop Routing:

tirou401.cwoc Session Job Shop Routing Operation (tirou4601m000), miscellaneous tab, Setup Scrap field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Routing:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For Job Shop Routing:

The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Routing: Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), Work Center Description field.

For Job Shop Routing:

For Routing: For Routing:
tirou102.indt Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), Effective Date field.

For Job Shop Routing: For Job Shop Routing:

tirou400.efdt Session Job Shop Routings (tirou4100m000), Miscellaneous tab, Effective Date field.
For Routing: For Routing:
tirou102.exdt Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), Expiry Date field.

For Job Shop Routing: For Job Shop Routing:

tirou400.exdt Session Job Shop Routings (tirou4100m000), Miscellaneous tab, Expiry Date field.

Infor April 07, 2020 57

1) tccom112.itbp 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), General tab, Invoice-to Business Partner field.
2) tccom112.cofc 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), General tab, Department field.

The Invoice-to Business Partner field is published. Otherwise, if the Department field is filled, the concatenation
of Invoice-to Business Partner field and the Department field is published.

This BOD is published when users Create or Update a Business Partner.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom112.itbp 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), General tab, Invoice-to Business Partner field.
2) tccom112.cofc 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), General tab, Department field.

The Invoice-to Business Partner field and the Department field are published.
1) tccom112.itbp 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), General tab, Invoice-to Business Partner field.
2) tccom112.cadr 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), General tab, General group, Address Code field.
3) tctax400.fovn 3) Session Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax4100m000), Tax Number field.
4) tccom130.ccty 4) Session Addresses (tccom4530m000), Country field.

Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field and the Address Code field, the Country field is determined.
Based on the Country field, the Tax Number field is published.
1) tccom100.cmid 1) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Detailed tab, Identification group, Commercial ID field.
2) tccom112.itbp 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), General tab, Invoice-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field, the Commercial ID field is published.
tccom112.lmdt Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), General tab, Last Modification Date field.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) tccom112.lmus 3) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), General tab, Last Modified by field.

Based on the Last Modified by field, the User field is determined.

If the User field cannot be determined, based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.
Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) tccom112.lmus 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), General tab, Last Modified by field.

Based on the Last Modified field, the Name field is published.

tccom100.nama Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), General tab, Name field.
The value 'Text' or 'Discrete' is published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4530m000), Name field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Name field is published.

1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tccom133.cadr 7) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the six Address Lines are published.
One Address Line is published per sequence.
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field, the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field, the sequence is set to 2.

Infor April 07, 2020 58

1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the House Number field is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Building field is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Street field is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Unit field is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Floor field is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the City field is published.

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the State/Province field is published.

1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tccom133.cadr 3) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
1) tccom112.cadr 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), General tab, Address field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address field.
3) tccom133.bpid 3) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Business Partner field.

Based on the Address (1) field, 'true' is published.

Based on the Address (2) field, 'false' is published.
1) tccom112.telp 1) Session Ship-to Business Partner (tccom4111s000), General tab, Business Phone field.
2) tccom112.tefx 2) Session Ship-to Business Partner (tccom4111s000), Detailed tab, Fax Number field.

If the Business Phone or Fax Number field is filled, 'Phone' is published.

1) tccom112.telp 1) Session Ship-to Business Partner (tccom4111s000), General tab, Business Phone field.
2) tccom112.tefx 2) Session Ship-to Business Partner (tccom4111s000), Detailed tab, Fax Number field.

If the Business Phone field is filled, 'Office' is published.

If the Fax Number field is filled, 'Fax' is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 59
1) tccom112.tlcy 1) Session Business Phone Number Details (Ship-to BP) (tccom4111s200), Country field.
2) tccom112.tfcy 2) Session Fax Number Details (Ship-to BP) (tccom4111s300), Country field.
1) tccom112.tlci 1) Session Business Phone Number Details (Ship-to BP) (tccom4111s200), City/Area Code field.
2) tccom112.tfci 2) Session Fax Number Details (Ship-to BP) (tccom4111s300), City/Area Code field.
1) tccom112.tlln 1) Session Business Phone Number Details (Ship-to BP) (tccom4111s200), Local Number field.
2) tccom112.tfln 2) Session Fax Number Details (Ship-to BP) (tccom4111s300), Local Number field.
1) tccom112.tlex 1) Session Business Phone Number Details (Ship-to BP) (tccom4111s200), Extension field.
2) tccom112.tfex 2) Session Fax Number Details (Ship-to BP) (tccom4111s300), Extension field.
tccom145.ccnt Session Contacts by Business Partner (tccom4545m00), Contact field.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom145.ccnt For FP6 or earlier:
2) tccom140.fuln 1) Session Contacts by Business Partner (tccom4545m00), Contact field.
3) tccom140.chrn 3) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Given Name field.
4) tccom140.inse 4) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Middle Name field.
5) tccom140.surn 5) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Family Name field.

Based on the Contact field, the concatenation of Given Name, Middle Name and Family Name field is published.

For FP7 or later.

1) Session Contacts by Business Partner (tccom4545m00), Contact field.
2) Session Contact Name Details (tccom4140s100), Full Name field.

Based on the Contact field, the Full Name field is published.

tccom145.ctpr Session Contacts by Business Partner (tccom4545m00), Primary General field.
tccom112.cpay For FP6 or earlier:
Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), Paying tab, Paying Group, Terms of Payment field.
For FP7 or later:
Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), Paying tab, Paying Group, Payment Terms field.
tccom112.cpay Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), Paying tab, Payment Terms field.
tccom112.cpay Session Invoice-To Business Partner (tccom4112s000), Paying tab, Payment Term field.

If the Payment Method field is filled, 'Payment Term' is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tccom112.paym Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), Paying tab, Payment Methods field.
tccom112.paym Session Invoice-To Business Partner (tccom4112s000), Paying tab, Payment Method field.

If the Payment Method field is filled, 'Payment Methods' is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tccom112.txta For FP6 or earlier:
Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), Header Text field.
For FP7 or later:
Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), General tab, Text group, Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
1) tdsmi101.cfea 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), Additional Attributes tab, Attribute field.
2) tdsmi101.dats 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), Additional Attributes tab, Value field.

The concatenation of 'ln.CRM' and the Attribute field is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.
1) tccom112.itst 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), General tab, Status group, Business Partner Status
2) tccom100.prst field.
3) tccom100.prbp 2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), General tab, Business Partner Status field.
Infor April 07, 2020 60
For FP6 or earlier:
3) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), General tab, General group, Parent field.
For FP7 or later:
3) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Detailed tab, Parent Business Partner group, Parent field.

First the Business Partner Status (1) field is determined, the Business Partner Status (2) field and finally the
Business Partner Status (1) field of the parent business partner based on the Parent field, if applicable. The
resulting status is determined based on the following priority: Inactive, Potential, Active. This means that if, for
example, the Business Partner Status (1) field is equal to 'Active', the Business Partner Status (2) field is equal
to 'Potential' and the Business Partner Status (1) field of the parent business partner based on the Parent field is
equal to 'Inactive', the resulting status is determined as 'Inactive'. If the Business Partner Status (1) field is equal
to 'Doubtful', it is considered as 'Active'. The status is determined for the system date.
If the resulting status is equal to 'Active', 'Open' is published.
If the resulting status is equal to 'Inactive', 'Closed' is published.
If the resulting status is equal to 'Potential', 'Hold' is published.
If the Bill-to Business Partner is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
tccom112.stdt Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), General tab, Status group, Start Date field.
If the element BillToPartyMaster/Status/Code is equal to 'Open' or 'Prospect', the Start Date field is published.
If the element BillToPartyMaster/Status/Code is equal to 'Closed' or 'Deleted', the current date is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
If the Bill-to Business Partner is deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
1) tccom112.cofc 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), General tab, Department field.
2) tccom112.cbtp For FP6 or earlier:
3) tccom112.cfcg 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), General tab, Business Partner Type field.
For FP7 or later:
2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), Detailed tab, Business Partner Type field.
For LN 10.3 or later:
3) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), Invoicing tab, Financial Customer Group field.

The Financial Customer Group field is prefixed with 'C_'.

Based on the number of Classification Codes, the sequence number is set.
1) tccom112.cofc 1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), General tab, Department field.
2) tccom112.cbtp For FP6 or earlier:
3) tccom112.cfcg 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), General tab, Business Partner Type field.
For FP7 or later:
2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), Detailed tab, Business Partner Type field.
For LN 10.3 or later:
3) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), Invoicing tab, Financial Customer Group field.

If the Department field is filled, 'Departments' is published.

If the Business Partner Type field is filled, 'Customer Types' is published.
If the Financial Customer Group field is filled, 'Account Groups' is published.
1) tccom100.bpid 1) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), General tab, Business Partner field.
2) tccom100.prbp For FP6 or earlier:
2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), General tab, General group, Parent field.
For FP7 or later:
2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Detailed tab, Parent Business Partner group, Parent field.

If the Sold-to role exists for the Business Partner, the Business Partner field is published.
Otherwise, if the Sold-to role exists for the Parent, the Parent field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom100.nama Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), General tab, Name field.

If the Sold-to role exists for the Business Partner, the Name field of Business Partner is published.
Otherwise, if the Sold-to role exists for the Parent, the Name field of the Parent is published.
1) tccom112.itbp 1) Session Invoice-To Business Partner (tccom4112s000), General tab, Invoice-To Business Partner field.
2) tccom100.prbp For FP6 or earlier:
2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), General tab, General group, Parent field.
For FP7 or later:
2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Detailed tab, Parent Business Partner group, Parent field.

If the Ship-to Business Partner exists for the Business Partner, the Business Partner field is published.
Otherwise, if the Ship-to Business Partner exists for the Parent Business Partner, the Parent Business Partner
field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Infor April 07, 2020 61
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tccom112.itbp 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), General tab, Invoice-to Business Partner field.
3) tccom100.prbp For FP6 or earlier:
3) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), General tab, General group, Parent field.
For FP7 or later:
3) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Detailed tab, Parent Business Partner group, Parent field.

If the Ship-to Business Partner exists for the Business Partner, the Name field of Business Partner is published.
Otherwise, if the Ship-to Business Partner exists for the Parent Business Partner, the Name field of the Parent
Business Partner is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 62

tcmcs080.cfrw Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0580m000), Carrier/LSP field.

This BOD is published when users Create or Update a Carrier/LSP

This BOD is available for FP7 or later.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tcmcs080.cfrw Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0580m000), Carrier/LSP field.
1) tcmcs080.suno 1) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0580m000), Buy-from Business Partner field.
2) tccom100.cmid 2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Commercial ID field.

Based on the Buy-from Business Partner field, the Commercial ID field is published.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

tcmcs080.dsca Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0180s000), Description field.
The value 'Text' or 'Discrete' is published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4530m000), Name field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.
3) tcmcs080.suno 3) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0580m000), Buy-from Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Buy-from Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tccom133.cadr 7) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.
8) tcmcs080.suno 8) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0580m000), Buy-from Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Buy-from Business Partner field, the six Address Lines are published.
One Address Line is published per sequence.
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field, the sequence is equal to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field, the sequence is equal to 2.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.
3) tcmcs080.suno 3) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0580m000), Buy-from Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Buy-from Business Partner field, the City field is published.
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.
3) tcmcs080.suno 3) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0580m000), Buy-from Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Buy-from Business Partner field, the State/Province field is published.
1) tccom130.ccty
Infor April 07, 2020 63
2) tcmcs010.ict2 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
3) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
4) tcmcs080.suno 3) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.
4) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0580m000), Buy-from Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Buy-from Business Partner field and the Country field, the ISO Code
alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.
3) tcmcs080.suno 3) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0580m000), Buy-from Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Buy-from Business Partner field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is
1) tccom120.cadr 1) Session Buy-from Business Partner (tccom4110s000), General tab, Address field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address field.
3) tccom133.bpid 3) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Business Partner field.
4) tcmcs080.suno 4) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0580m000), Buy-from Business Partner field.

Based on the Buy-from Business Partner field, the Address field(1) is determined.
Based on the Address (1) field, 'true' is published.
Based on the Address (2) field, 'false' is published.
tccom145.ccnt Session Contacts by Business Partner (tccom4545m00), Contact field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcmcs080.suno 1) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0580m000), Buy-from Business Partner field.
2) tccom120.ccnt 2) Session Buy-from Business Partner (tccom4120s000), Primary Contact field.
3) tccom140.fuln 3) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Full Name field.

Based on the Contact field of the Buy-from Business Partner field, the Full Name field is published.
1) tccom140.pelp 1) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Office Primary field.
2) tccom140.pelm 2) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Mobile Primary field.
3) tccom140.pehm 3) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Home Primary field.

If the Primary field is selected, '1' is published.

1) tccom140.pelp 1) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Office Primary field.
2) tccom140.pelm 2) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Mobile Primary field.
3) tccom140.pehm 3) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Home Primary field.

If the Primary field is selected, 'true' is published.

1) tccom140.telp 1) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Office field.
2) tccom140.telm 2) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Mobile field.
3) tccom140.info 3) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, E-mail field.
4) tccom140.tefx 4) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Communication Group, Fax field.
5) tccom140.phpr 5) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Home field.
6) tccom140.msty 6) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Communication Group, Messenger type field.

If the Office, Mobile and Home field is filled, 'Phone' is published.

If the Fax field is filled, 'Fax' is published.
If the E-mail field is filled, 'EMail' is published.
If the Messenger type field is filled, the Messenger type field is published.
1) tccom140.telp 1) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Office field.
2) tccom140.telm 2) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Mobile field.
3) tccom140.info 3) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, E-mail field.
4) tccom140.tefx 4) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Communication Group, Fax field.
5) tccom140.phpr 5) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Home field.
6) tccom140.msty 6) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Communication Group, Messenger type field.

If the Home field is filled, 'Private' is published.

If the Office, Mobile, Email, Messenger type or Fax field is filled, 'Business' is published.
1) tccom140.telp 1) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Office field.
2) tccom140.telm 2) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Mobile field.
3) tccom140.tefx

Infor April 07, 2020 64

4) tccom140.phpr 3) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Communication Group, Fax field.
4) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Home field.
1) tcmcs080.suno 1) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0580m000), Buy-from Business Partner field.
2) tccom145.ctpr 2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Contact tab, Primary General field.

Based on the Buy-from Business Partner field, the Primary General field is published.
tcmcs080.scac Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0180s000), Standard Carrier Alpha Code field.
If the Carrier is deleted, 'Deleted' is published. Otherwise, 'Open' is published.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
If the Carrier is deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 65

For Planned: For Planned:
whinh480.load Session Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000), Load field.

For Actual: This BOD is published when users release Outbound Advice for an order that is related to the Load.
This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.3 or later.

For Actual:
Session Loads (whinh4140m000), Load field.

This BOD is published when users Confirm a Load.

For LN 10.7 or later, users have following additional options to publish this BOD:
- using the Print Shipping Documents by External Application (whinh4430m300) session for a Frozen or
Confirmed Load
- using the Publish Load option in the Shipment Execution Workbench (whinh8361m000) session or using the
Publish Load option in the Loads (whinh4140m000) session for a Projected or Frozen Load

This BOD is available for FP6 or later.

For Planned: For Planned:
whinh480.cwar Session Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000), Warehouse field.

For Actual: Based on the Warehouse field, the accountingEntity field is published.
1) whinh430.sfco Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
2) whinh440.load
3) fmfmd085.sofc For Actual:
1) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-from Code field.
2) Session Loads (whinh4140m000), Load field.
3) Session Warehouses by Shipping Office (fmfmd0185m000), Shipping Office field.

When Freight Management is implemented, based on the Shipping Office field related to the Ship-from Code
field of the first shipment related to the Load field, the accountingEntity field is published.

When Freight Management is not implemented or when no Shipping Office field can be found, based on the
Ship-from Code field of the first shipment related to the Load field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Planned: For Planned:
whinh480.cwar Session Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000), Warehouse field.

For Actual: Based on the Warehouse field, the location field is published.
1) whinh430.sfco Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
2) whinh440.load
3) fmfmd085.sofc For Actual:
1) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-from Code field.
2) Session Loads (whinh4140m000), Load field.
3) Session Warehouses by Shipping Office (fmfmd0185m000), Shipping Office field.

When Freight Management is implemented, based on the Shipping Office field related to the Ship-from Code
field of the first shipment related to the Load field, the location field is published.

When Freight Management is not implemented or when no Shipping Office field can be found, based on the
Ship-from Code field of the first shipment related to the Load field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For Planned:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For Actual:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Planned: For Planned:
whinh480.load Session Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000), Load field.

For Actual: For Actual:

whinh440.load Session Loads (whinh4140m000), Load field.
For Planned: For Planned:
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

For Actual: Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.
1) tccom001.emno Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
2) tccom001.loco
Infor April 07, 2020 66
For Actual:
1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama For Planned:
Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For Actual:
Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
For Actual: For Actual:
whinh440.text Session Loads (whinh4140m000), Text field.
For Actual:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
For Planned: For Planned:
whinh480.cpro Session Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000), Carrier Tracking Number field.

For Actual: If the Carrier Tracking Number field is filled, 'PRO' is published.
For Actual:
Session Loads (whinh4140m000), Loads tab, Carrier PRO Number field.

If the Carrier PRO Number field is filled, 'PRO' is published.

For Planned: For Planned:
whinh480.cpro Session Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000), Carrier Tracking Number field.

For Actual: For Actual:

whinh430.cpro Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Freight tab, Carrier PRO Number field.
Not published because type 'PRO' does not refer to an official BOD.
Not published because type 'PRO' does not refer to an official BOD.
Not published because type 'PRO' does not refer to an official BOD.
For Planned: For Planned:
whinh480.trnr Session Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000), Tracking Number field.

For Actual: For Actual:

1) whinh440.cpro 1) Session Loads (whinh4140m000), Loads tab, Carrier PRO Number field.

For LN 10.2.1 or LN 10.4 and For LN 10.2.1 or LN 10.4 and later:

later: 2) Session Loads (whinh4140m000), Loads tab, Tracking Number field.
2) whinh440.trnr
For Actual: For Actual:
For LN 10.2.1 or LN 10.4 and For LN 10.3 and earlier (except LN 10.2.1):
later: Nothing is published.
1) whinh440.cpro
2) whinh440.trnr For LN 10.2.1 or LN 10.4 and later:
3) whinh440.ctnt 1) Session Load (whinh4640m000), Carrier Tracking Number field.
4) whinh440.tntp 2) Session Load (whinh4640m000), Tracking Number field.
3) Session Load (whinh4640m000), Carrier Tracking Number Type field.
4) Session Load (whinh4640m000), Tracking Number Type field.

If the Carrier Tracking Number field is filled, the converted Carrier Tracking Number Type field is published
which belongs to the Carrier Tracking Number field.
If the Tracking Number field is filled, the converted Tracking Number Type field is published which belongs to
the Tracking Number field.
Infor April 07, 2020 67
For Actual: For Actual:
1) whinh430.sfty 1) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-From/To tab, Ship-From Code field.
2) whinh430.stty 2) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-From/To tab, Ship-To Code field.

If the Ship-From Code field is equal to 'Warehouse' and the Ship-To Code field is equal to 'Business Partner',
'External' is published.
If the Ship-From Code field is equal to 'Warehouse' and the Ship-To Code field is equal to 'Warehouse',
'Transfer' is published.
Otherwise, 'Mixed' is published.
For Actual:
Always filled with 'Consignment Types'.
For Actual: For Actual:
whinh430.cdat Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Date Confirmed field.

The Confirmation Date of the latest shipment is published.

For Planned: For Planned:
whinh480.lddt Session Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000), Loading Date field.

For Actual: For Actual:

whinh430.pddt Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Planned Delivery Date field.

The Planned Delivery Date of the earliest shipment is published.

For Planned: For Planned:
1) whinh480.carp 1) Session Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000), Pick-up Carrier/LSP field.
2) tcmcs080.trmd 2) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0580m00), Transport Category field.

For Actual: Based on the Pick-up Carrier/LSP field, the constant name of the Transport Category field is published.
1) whinh440.carp
2) tcmcs080.trmd For Actual:
1) Session Loads (whinh4140m000), Loads tab, Pick-up Carrier/LSP field.
2) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0580m00), Transport Category field.

Based on the Pick-up Carrier/LSP field, the constant name of the Transport Category field is published.
For Planned: For Planned:
1) whinh480.load 1) Session Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000), Load field.
2) whinh480.grwt 2) Session Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000), Gross Weight field.

For Actual: The sum of the Gross Weight for all shipments related to the same Load.
For Actual:
Session Loads (whinh4140m000), Loads tab, Total Weight field.
For Planned: For Planned:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) whinh480.gwun 2) Session Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000), Gross Weight Unit field.

For Actual: Based on the Gross Weight Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Actual:
Session Loads (whinh4140m000), Loads tab, Total Weight Unit field.
For Actual: For Planned:
whinh440.shst Always filled with 'TenderAccepted'.

For Actual:
Session Loads (whinh4140m000), Status field.

If Status field is equal to 'Projected', 'Open' is published.

If Status field is equal to 'Open', 'Canceled' is published.
If Status field is equal to 'Frozen', 'CarrierSelected' is published.
If Status field is equal to 'Confirmed', 'InTransit' is published.
For Actual: For Actual:
whinh440.shst Session Loads (whinh4140m000), Status field.

If the Status field is equal to 'Frozen' or 'Confirmed' and the BOD is published through the Print Shipping
Documents by External Application (whinh4430m300) session, 'PrintShippingDocuments' is published.
Otherwise, nothing is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.7 or later.

For Actual:
Infor April 07, 2020 68
whinh440.shst For Actual:
Session Loads (whinh4140m000), Status field.

If the Status field is equal to 'Frozen' or 'Confirmed' and the BOD is published through the Print Shipping
Documents by External Application (whinh4430m300) session, 'Validation Status' is published.
Otherwise, nothing is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.7 or later.

For Planned: For Planned:
whinh480.carp Session Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000), Pick-up Carrier/LSP field.

For Actual: For Actual:

whinh440.carp Session Loads (whinh4140m000), Loads tab, Pick-up Carrier/LSP field.
For Planned: Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Actual: The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Planned: For Planned:
1) tcmcs080.dsca 1) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0180s000), Description field.
2) whinh480.carp 2) Session Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000), Pick-up Carrier/LSP field.

For Actual: Based on the Pick-up Carrier/LSP field, the Description field is published.
1) tcmcs080.dsca
2) whinh440.carp For Actual:
1) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0180s000), Description field.
2) Session Loads (whinh4140m000), Loads tab, Pick-up Carrier/LSP field.

Based on the Pick-up Carrier/LSP field, the Description field is published.

For Planned: For Planned:
whinh480.shpm Session Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000), Shipment field.

For Actual: For Actual:

whinh430.shpm Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Shipment field.
For Planned: For Planned:
whinh480.trnr Session Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000), Tracking Number field.

For Actual: For Actual:

whinh430.trnr Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Freight Tab, Tracking Number field.
For Actual: For Actual:
whinh430.text Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Text field.
For Actual:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
For Actual: For Actual:
whinh430.ntwt Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Weight/Dimensions tab, Net Weight field.
For Actual: For Actual:
whinh430.cwun Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Weight/Dimensions tab, Weight Unit field.
For Planned: For Planned:
1) whinh480.shpm 1) Session Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000), Shipment field.
2) whinh480.grwt 2) Session Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000), Gross Weight field.

For Actual: The sum of the Gross Weight for all orders related to the same Shipment.
For Actual:
Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Weight/Dimensions tab, Gross Weight field.
For Planned: For Planned:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) whinh480.gwun 2) Session Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000), Gross Weight Unit field.

For Actual: Based on the Gross Weight Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Actual:
Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Weight/Dimensions tab, Weight Unit field.
For Planned: For Planned:
1) whinh480.shpm 1) Session Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000), Shipment field.

Infor April 07, 2020 69

2) whinh480.cpro 2) Session Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000), Carrier Tracking Number field.

For Actual: If the Shipment field is filled, 'BOL' is published.

1) whinh430.shpm If the Carrier Tracking Number field is filled, 'PRO' is published.
2) whinh430.cpro
3) whinh430.huid For Actual:
1) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Shipment field.
2) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Freight tab, Carrier PRO Number field.
3) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Packaging tab, Handling Unit field.

If the Shipment field is filled, 'BOL' is published.

If the Carrier PRO Number field is filled, 'PRO' is published.
If the Handling Unit field is filled, 'SSC' is published.
If the Shipment field is filled, 'Shipment' is published.
For Planned: For Planned:
1) whinh480.shpm 1) Session Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000), Shipment field.
2) whinh480.cpro 2) Session Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000), Carrier Tracking Number field.

For Actual: Both elements are published if they are filled.

1) whinh430.shpm
2) whinh430.cpro For Actual:
3) whinh430.huid 1) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Shipment field.
2) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Freight tab, Carrier PRO Number field.
3) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Packaging tab, Handling Unit field.

All four elements are published if they are filled.

For type 'Shipment' the concatenation of '100' and the Shipment field is published.
For Planned:
Not published because types 'BOL' and 'PRO' do not refer to an official BOD.

For Actual:
Not published because types 'BOL', 'PRO' and 'SSC' do not refer to an official BOD.
For type 'Shipment' the accountingEntity field is published. Refer to the Integration Guide for more information
about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Planned:
Not published because types 'BOL' and 'PRO' do not refer to an official BOD.

For Actual:
Not published because types 'BOL', 'PRO' and 'SSC' do not refer to an official BOD.
For type 'Shipment' the location field is published. Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the
determination of the location field.
For Planned:
Not published because types 'BOL' and 'PRO' do not refer to an official BOD.

For Actual:
Not published because types 'BOL', 'PRO' and 'SSC' do not refer to an official BOD.
For type 'Shipment' the lid field is published. The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source
data is published.
For Actual: For Actual:
whinh430.shpm Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Shipment field.
For Actual: For Actual:
whinh430.sfco Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-from Code field.

Based on the Ship-from Code field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Actual: For Actual:
whinh430.sfco Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-from Code field.

Based on the Ship-from Code field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For Actual:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Planned: For Planned:
whinh480.shpm Session Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000), Shipment field.

The concatenation of '100' and the Shipment field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Infor April 07, 2020 70
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For Planned: For Planned:
1) whinh480.llsq 1) Session Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000), Loading List Sequence field.
2) fmlbd300.seqn 2) Session Shipments (fmlbd3100m000), Shipping Sequence field.

If the Loading List Sequence field is greater than 0, the Loading List Sequence field is published.
Otherwise, if the Shipping Sequence field is greater than 0, the Shipping Sequence field is published.
Otherwise, '1' is published.

For Actual:
Always filled with '10'.
For Planned: For Planned:
1) whinh480.carp 1) Session Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000), Pick-up Carrier/LSP field.
2) whinh480.card 2) Session Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000), Delivery Carrier/LSP field.

For Actual: If the Delivery Carrier/LSP field is filled and not equal to the Pick-up Carrier/LSP field, the Delivery Carrier/LSP
1) whinh440.carp field is published.
2) whinh440.card
For Actual:
1) Session Loads (whinh4140m000), Loads tab, Pick-up Carrier/LSP field.
2) Session Loads (whinh4140m000), Loads tab, Delivery Carrier/LSP field.

If the Delivery Carrier/LSP field is filled and differs from the Pick-up Carrier/LSP field, the Delivery Carrier/LSP
field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Actual: For Planned:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For Actual:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Planned: For Planned:
1) tcmcs080.dsca 1) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0180s000), Description field.
2) whinh480.carp 2) Session Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000), Pick-up Carrier/LSP field.
3) Session Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000), Delivery Carrier/LSP field.
For Actual:
1) tcmcs080.dsca If the Delivery Carrier/LSP field is filled and not equal to the Pick-up Carrier/LSP field, based on the Delivery
2) whinh440.card Carrier/LSP field, the Description field is published.

For Actual:
1) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0180s000), Description field.
2) Session Loads (whinh4140m000), Loads tab, Delivery Carrier/LSP field.

Based on the Delivery Carrier/LSP field, the Description field is published.

For Planned: For Planned:
1) whinh480.carp 1) Session Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000), Pick-up Carrier/LSP field.
2) whinh480.card 2) Session Planned Loads/Shipments (whinh4180m000), Delivery Carrier/LSP field.

For Actual: If the Delivery Carrier/LSP field is filled and not equal to the Pick-up Carrier/LSP field, 'true' is published.
1) whinh440.carp Otherwise, 'false' is published.
2) whinh440.card
For Actual:
1) Session Loads (whinh4140m000), Loads tab, Pick-up Carrier/LSP field.
2) Session Loads (whinh4140m000), Loads tab, Delivery Carrier/LSP field.

If the Delivery Carrier/LSP field is filled and differs from the Pick-up Carrier/LSP field, 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For Actual: For Actual:
whinh440.crte Session Loads (whinh4140m000), Route field.

For the Route field, the CarrierRouteBOD/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to 'ln.Route' and

CarrierRouteBOD/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'StringType'.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data

Infor April 07, 2020 71

1) tfgld008.leac 1) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Ledger Account field
2) tfgld008.atyp 2) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), General tab, Account Type field.
3) tfgld008.duac 3) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), General tab, Dual Accounting Indicator field.

The concatenation of 'Default', the physical company of the Chart of Accounts (tfgld008) table, '#' and the
Ledger Account field is published.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Ledger Account.
For LN 10.4 or later: this BOD is only published for ledger accounts for which the Account Type field is not equal
to 'Text'.
For LN 10.3 or earlier: this BOD is only published for ledger accounts for which the Dual Accounting Indicator
field is equal to 'Statutory' and the Account Type field is not equal to 'Text'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tfgld008.leac Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Ledger Account field.
The Ledger Account field is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

If the ledger account is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
Otherwise, 'Open' is published.
Always filled with 'Chart Of Accounts Status'
If the ledger account is deleted, 'true' is published.
tfgld008.leac Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Ledger Account field.
tfgld009.bloc Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Miscellaneous tab, Blocking group, Status field.

If the Status field is equal to 'Blocked for Manual Input' or 'Blocked for All Purposes', 'true' is published.
tfgld008.bfdt Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Miscellaneous tab, Blocking group, Effective From field.

If the Effective From field is filled, the Effective From field is published.
tfgld008.budt Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Miscellaneous tab, Blocking group, Effective To field.

If the Effective To field is filled, the Effective To field is published.

tfgld009.bloc Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Miscellaneous tab, Blocking group, Status field.

If the Status field is equal to 'Blocked for Manual Input', 'true' is published.
tfgld008.atyp Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Account Type field.

If the Account Type field is equal to 'Balance Sheet', 'Intercompany' or 'Intersegment', 'BalanceSheet' is
If the Account Type field is equal to 'Profit & Loss', 'ProfitAndLoss' is published.
If the Account Type field is equal to 'Text', nothing is published.
Always filled with 'Account Types'.
tfgld008.desc Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), General tab, General group, Description field.
Infor April 07, 2020 72
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
tfgld008.text Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
1) tfgld008.duac 1) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), General tab, Structure group, Dual Accounting Indicator field.
2) tfgld008.atyp 2) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), General tab, Structure group, Account Type field.
3) tfgld008.lela 3) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), General tab, Structure group, Legal Ledger Account field.
4) tfgld008.ledc 4) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), General tab, Structure group, Legal Account Description field.

For the Dual Accounting Indicator field, the ChartOfAccounts/BaseChartOfAccounts/UserArea/Property/

NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.DualAccountingIndicator' and ChartOfAccounts/BaseChartOfAccounts/
UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the Account Type field, the ChartOfAccounts/BaseChartOfAccounts/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name
is filled with 'ln.AccountType' and ChartOfAccounts/BaseChartOfAccounts/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type
is filled with 'StringType'. This instance is only published if the Account Type field is equal to 'Intercompany' or
For the Legal Ledger Account field, the ChartOfAccounts/BaseChartOfAccounts/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.LegalAccount' and ChartOfAccounts/BaseChartOfAccounts/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the Legal Account Description field, the ChartOfAccounts/BaseChartOfAccounts/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.LegalAccountDescription' and ChartOfAccounts/BaseChartOfAccounts/
UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'. This instance is only published for LN 10.2.0 or

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data
The concatenation of 'Default' and the physical company of the Chart of Accounts (tfgld008) table is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tfgld008.desc Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), General tab, General group, Description field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
tfgld008.skey Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Search Key field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
tfgld008.dbcr Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), General tab, Structure group, Debit/Credit field.

If the Debit/Credit field has the value 'Debit', 'DEBIT' is published. If the Debit/Credit field has the value 'Credit',
'CREDIT' is published.
1) tfgld008.plac 1) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), General tab, Structure group, Statutory Parent Account field.
2) tfgld008.pcac 2) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), General tab, Structure group, Complementary Parent Account

For the Statutory Parent Account field, 'Statutory' is published.

For the Complementary Parent Account field, 'Complementary' is published.
1) tfgld008.plac 1) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), General tab, Structure group, Statutory Parent Account field.
2) tfgld008.pcac 2) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), General tab, Structure group, Complementary Parent Account

The Statutory Parent Account field is published.

If the Complementary Parent Account field is not empty, the Complementary Parent Account field is published.
tfgld008.subl Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), General tab, Structure group, Sublevel field.

If the Sublevel field is greater than zero, the Sublevel field is published.
For the first Unit published, the sequence is equal to '1'. For the second Unit published, the sequence is equal to
1) tfgld008.uni1 1) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Miscellaneous tab, Units group, Unit 1 field.
2) tfgld008.uni2 2) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Miscellaneous tab, Units group, Unit 2 field.
3) tfbia802.dseq 3) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (tfbia8502m000), Dimension Sequence field.
Infor April 07, 2020 73
4) tfbia802.name 4) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (tfbia8502m000), Dimension Name field.
5) tfbia802.publ 5) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (tfbia8502m000), Publish field.

If the Unit 1 field is not empty and the Publish field for the Ledger Unit 1 Dimension Sequence is selected, the
Dimension Name field of the Ledger Unit 1 Dimension Sequence is published.
If the Unit 2 field is not empty and the Publish field for the Ledger Unit 2 Dimension Sequence is selected, the
Dimension Name field of the Ledger Unit 2 Dimension Sequence is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tfgld008.uni1 2) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Miscellaneous tab, Units group, Unit 1 field.
3) tfgld008.uni2 3) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Miscellaneous tab, Units group, Unit 2 field.
4) tfbia802.dseq 4) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (tfbia8502m000), Dimension Sequence field.
5) tfbia802.publ 5) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (tfbia8502m000), Publish field.

If the Unit 1 field is not empty and the Publish field for the Ledger Unit 1 Dimension Sequence is selected, the
ISO Code field of the Unit 1 is published.
If the Unit 2 field is not empty and the Publish field for the Ledger Unit 2 Dimension Sequence is selected, the
ISO Code field of the Unit 2 is published.
1) tfgld170.taxo 1) Session Taxonomies (tfgld1170m00), Taxonomy field.
2) tfgld170.vers 2) Session Taxonomies (tfgld1170m00), Version field.
3) tfgld170.stat 3) Session Taxonomies (tfgld1170m00), Status field.
4) tfgld170.dimm 4) Session Taxonomies (tfgld1170m00), Dimensions Used in Mapping field.
5) tfgld008.subl 5) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), General tab, Structure group, Sublevel field.

This BOD element group is used to publish the Taxonomy Accounts and is available for LN 10.5 or later. The
following conditions apply for publishing the Taxonomy Accounts:
- Only Taxonomies for which the Status field is equal to 'Active' and the Dimensions Used in Mapping field is
equal to 'No' are published.
- If multiple active versions exist for a Taxonomy, only the latest active Taxonomy version is published.
- Taxonomies are only published for Ledger Accounts for which the Sublevel field is equal to 0.

This BOD element is available for LN 10.5 or later.

1) tfgld171.acid 1) Session Taxonomy, Taxonomies Accounts tab, Account field.
2) tfgld172.flac 2) Session Mappings by Taxonomy Account, From Ledger Account field.
3) tfgld172.tlac 3) Session Mappings by Taxonomy Account, To Ledger Account field.
4) tfgld008.leac 4) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Ledger Account field.

The Account field for which the Ledger Account field is in the range of the From Ledger Account field and the To
Ledger Account field is published.

This BOD element is available for LN 10.5 or later.

Based on the number of Classification Codes, the sequence number is set.

This BOD element is available for LN 10.5 or later.

tfgld170.taxo Session Taxonomies (tfgld1170m00), Taxonomy field.
The concatenation of 'Default' and the physical company of the Chart of Accounts (tfgld008) table is published.
For FP6 or earlier: For FP6 or earlier:
1) tfgld008.dim1 1) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Dimensions tab, Dimension 1 field.
2) tfgld008.dim2 2) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Dimensions tab, Dimension 2 field.
3) tfgld008.dim3 3) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Dimensions tab, Dimension 3 field.
4) tfgld008.dim4 4) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Dimensions tab, Dimension 4 field.
5) tfgld008.dim5 5) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Dimensions tab, Dimension 5 field.
6) tfgld008.blbp 6) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Balance Monitoring tab, Business Partner Balance field.
7) tfgld008.injb 7) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Miscellaneous tab, Include in Journal Book field.
8) tfgld008.uni1 8) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Miscellaneous tab, Units group, Unit 1 field.
9) tfgld008.uni2 9) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Miscellaneous tab, Units group, Unit 2 field.
10) tfbia801.dseq 10) Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (tfbia8501m000), Dimension Sequence field.
11) tfbia801.publ 11) Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (tfbia8501m000), Publish field.
12) tfbia802.dseq 12) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (tfbia8502m000), Dimension Sequence field.
13) tfbia802.publ 13) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (tfbia8502m000), Publish field.

For FP7 or later: For each of the 5 Dimension fields a character is determined as follows:
1) tfgld008.dim1 - if the Publish (11) field for the corresponding Dimension Sequence (10) is not selected, the character is 'P'.
2) tfgld008.dim2 Otherwise:
3) tfgld008.dim3 - If the Dimension field is equal to 'Not Used', the character is 'P'.
4) tfgld008.dim4 - If the Dimension field is equal to 'Optional', the character is 'O'.
5) tfgld008.dim5 - If the Dimension field is equal to 'Mandatory', the character is 'M'.
6) tfgld008.dim6
7) tfgld008.dim7 For the Business Partner Balance field a character is determined as follows:
8) tfgld008.dim8 - if the Publish (13) field for the Business Partner Dimension Sequence (12) is not selected, the character is 'P'.
9) tfgld008.dim9 Otherwise:

Infor April 07, 2020 74

10) tfgld008.dm10 - If the Business Partner Balance field is equal to 'No', the character is 'O'.
11) tfgld008.dm11 - If the Business Partner Balance field is equal to 'Yes', the character is 'M'.
12) tfgld008.dm12
13) tfgld008.blbp For 5 additional fields (Tax Code, Tax Country, Tax Ledger Account, Cash Flow Reason and Reconciliation
14) tfgld008.injb Group) a character is determined as follows:
15) tfgld008.uni1 - if the Publish (13) field for the related Dimension Sequence (12) is not selected, the character is 'P'.
16) tfgld008.uni2 - If the Publish (13) field for the related Dimension Sequence (12) is selected, the character is 'O'.
17) tfbia801.dseq
18) tfbia801.publ For the Include in Journal Book field a character is determined as follows:
19) tfbia802.dseq - if the Publish (13) field for the Journal Book Dimension Sequence (12) is not selected, the character is 'P'.
20) tfbia802.publ Otherwise:
- If the Include in Journal Book field is equal to 'No', the character is 'P'.
- If the Include in Journal Book field is equal to 'Yes', the character is 'M'.

For the Unit 1 field a character is determined as follows:

- if the Publish (13) field for the Ledger Unit 1 Dimension Sequence (12) is not selected, the character is 'P'.
- If the Unit 1 field is empty, the character is 'P'.
- If the Unit 1 field is not empty, the character is 'O'.

For the Unit 2 field a character is determined as follows:

- if the Publish (13) field for the Ledger Unit 2 Dimension Sequence (12) is not selected, the character is 'P'.
- If the Unit 2 field is empty, the character is 'P'.
- If the Unit 2 field is not empty, the character is 'O'.

The concatenation of the 5 characters for the Dimension fields, the character for the Business Partner Balance
field, the 5 characters for the additional fields, the character for the Include in Journal Book field, the character
for the Unit 1 field and the character for the Unit 2 field (without separator) is published.

For FP7 or later:

1) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Dimensions tab, Dimension 1 field.
2) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Dimensions tab, Dimension 2 field.
3) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Dimensions tab, Dimension 3 field.
4) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Dimensions tab, Dimension 4 field.
5) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Dimensions tab, Dimension 5 field.
6) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Dimensions tab, Dimension 6 field.
7) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Dimensions tab, Dimension 7 field.
8) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Dimensions tab, Dimension 8 field.
9) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Dimensions tab, Dimension 9 field.
10) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Dimensions tab, Dimension 10 field.
11) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Dimensions tab, Dimension 11 field.
12) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Dimensions tab, Dimension 12 field.
13) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Balance Monitoring tab, Business Partner Balance field.
14) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Miscellaneous tab, Include in Journal Book field.
15) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Miscellaneous tab, Units group, Unit 1 field.
16) Session Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000), Miscellaneous tab, Units group, Unit 2 field.
17) Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (tfbia8501m000), Dimension Sequence field.
18) Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (tfbia8501m000), Publish field.
19) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (tfbia8502m000), Dimension Sequence field.
20) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (tfbia8502m000), Publish field.

For each of the 12 Dimension fields a character is determined as follows:

- if the Publish (18) field for the corresponding Dimension Sequence (17) is not selected, the character is 'P'.
- If the Dimension field is equal to 'Not Used', the character is 'P'.
- If the Dimension field is equal to 'Optional', the character is O'.
- If the Dimension field is equal to 'Mandatory', the character is 'M'.

For the Business Partner Balance field a character is determined as follows:

- if the Publish (20) field for the Business Partner Dimension Sequence (19) is not selected, the character is 'P'.
- If the Business Partner Balance field is equal to 'No', the character is 'O'.
- If the Business Partner Balance field is equal to 'Yes', the character is 'M'.

For 5 additional fields (Tax Code, Tax Country, Tax Ledger Account, Cash Flow Reason and Reconciliation
Group) a character is determined as follows:
- if the Publish (20) field for the related Dimension Sequence (19) is not selected, the character is 'P'.
- If the Publish (20) field for the related Dimension Sequence (19) is selected, the character is 'O'.

For the Include in Journal Book field a character is determined as follows:

- if the Publish (20) field for the Journal Book Dimension Sequence (19) is not selected, the character is 'P'.
- If the Include in Journal Book field is equal to 'No', the character is 'P'.
- If the Include in Journal Book field is equal to 'Yes', the character is 'M'.

For the Unit 1 field a character is determined as follows:

- if the Publish (20) field for the Ledger Unit 1 Dimension Sequence (19) is not selected, the character is 'P'.
Infor April 07, 2020 75
- If the Unit 1 field is empty, the character is 'P'.
- If the Unit 1 field is not empty, the character is 'O'.

For the Unit 2 field a character is determined as follows:

- if the Publish (20) field for the Ledger Unit 2 Dimension Sequence (19) is not selected, the character is 'P'.
- If the Unit 2 field is empty, the character is 'P'.
- If the Unit 2 field is not empty, the character is 'O'.

The concatenation of the 12 characters for the Dimension fields, the character for the Business Partner Balance
field, the 5 characters for the additional fields, the character for the Include in Journal Book field, the character
for the Unit 1 field and the character for the Unit 2 field (without separator) is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 76

For Activity Templates: For Activity Templates:
tsacm101.cact Session Reference Activities (tsacm1101m000), Reference Activity field.

For Business Sectors: This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete an Activity Template.
tppdm055.csec This BOD element is not available for LN 10.2.1 and earlier.

For Business Partner: For Business Sectors:

tccom100.bpid Session Business Sectors (tppdm0137m000), Business Sector field.

For Cash Flow Reason: This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Business Sector.
tcmcs005.cdis This BOD element is not available for FP7 and earlier.

For Commodity Codes: For Business Partner:

tcmcs028.ccde Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), General tab, Business Partner field.

For Contact Categories: This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Business Partner.
For Cash Flow Reason:
For Corrective Action Types: Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason field.
This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Reason.
For Corrective Action Note that only Reasons with Reason Type 'Cash Flow' are published.
qmcpl002.catg For Commodity Codes:
Session Commodity Codes (tcmcs0128m000), Commodity Code field.
For Cost Centers:
tcmcs065.cwoc This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Commodity Code.

For Cost Components: For Contact Categories:

tcmcs048.cpcp Session Contact Categories (tcmcs1128m000), Contact Category field.

For Coverage Types: This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Contact Category.
tsmdm035.cctp This BOD element is not available for FP6 and earlier.

For Customer Types: For Corrective Action Types:

tcmcs029.cbtp Session Task Types (qmcpl0101m000), Task Type field.

For Defective Material Notice This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Task Type.
Responsibility Codes: This BOD element is not available for FP7 and earlier.
For Corrective Action Categories:
For Departments: Session Categories (qmcpl0102m000), Category field.
This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Category.
For Disposition Codes: This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.3 or later.
For Cost Centers:
For Enterprise Units: Session Departments (tcmcs0565m000), Department field.
This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Department.
For externally defined ListID:
tcbod011.code For Cost Components:
Session Cost Components (tcmcs0148m000), Cost Component field.
For Financing Methods:
tppdm059.cfac This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Cost Component.
This BOD element is not available for FP7 and earlier.
For Freight Class:
fmfmd030.frcl For Coverage Types:
Session Coverage Types (tsmdm0135m000), Coverage Type field.
For Freight Service Levels:
tcmcs075.serv This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Coverage Type.
This BOD element is not available for LN 10.2.1 and earlier.
For FlexDimension:
tfgld010.dimx For Customer Types:
Session Business Partner Types (tcmcs0129m000), Business Partner Type field.
For General Tasks:
bpmdm050.gtsk This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Business Partner Type.

For LN Generic Warranties: For Defective Material Notice Responsibility Codes:

tsctm500.gwte Session Non-Conformance Responsible (qmncm0105m000), NCM Responsible field.

For Geographic Areas: This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a NCM Responsible.
tcmcs045.creg This BOD element is not available for FP7 and earlier.

For Hold Reason Codes: For Departments:

tcmcs005.cdis Session Departments (tcmcs0565m000), Department field.

Infor April 07, 2020 77

For Industries: This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Department.
For Disposition Codes:
For Inspection Levels: Session Non-Material Disposition Codes (qmncm0106m000), Code field.
This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Code.
For Inspection Standards: This BOD element is not available for LN 10.3.0 and earlier.
For Enterprise Units:
For Inventory Adjustment Session Enterprise Units (tcemm0130m000), Enterprise Unit field.
Reason Codes:
tcmcs005.cdis This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete an Enterprise Unit.
This BOD element is not available for LN 10.2.1 and earlier.
For Invoice Delivery Methods:
tcmcs056.cidm For externally defined ListID:
Session External CodeDefinitions (tcbod0511m000), Code field.
For Item Aspects:
qmptc002.aspt This BOD is available for LN 10.4 or later.

For Item Characteristics: For Financing Methods:

qmptc001.char Session Financing Methods (tppdm0139m000), Financing Method field.

For Item Characteristic This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Financing Method.
Options: This BOD element is not available for FP7 and earlier.
1) qmptc014.oset
2) qmptc014.optn For Freight Class:
Session Freight Classes (fmfmd0130m000), Freight Class field.
For Item Classes:
tcmcs062.cpcl This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Freight Class.
This BOD element is not available for FP5 and earlier.
For Item Control Codes - Item:
tppdm005.item For Freight Service Levels:
Session Freight Service Levels (tcmcs0175m000), Freight Service Level field.
For Item Control Codes -
Standard Equipment: This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Freight Service Level.
tppdm025.cequ This BOD element is not available for FP7 and earlier.

For Item Control Codes - For FlexDimension:

Project Equipment: Session Dimensions (tfgld0510m000), Dimension field.
tppdm625.cequ This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Dimension.

For Item Control Codes - For General Tasks:

Standard Subcontracting: Session General Tasks (bpmdm0150m000), General Task field.
This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a General Task.
For Item Control Codes - This BOD element is not available for LN 10.2 and earlier.
Project Subcontracting:
tppdm635.cprj For LN Generic Warranties:
tppdm635.csub Session Generic Warranties (tsctm5100m000), Generic Warranty field.

For Item Groups: This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Generic Warranty.
tcmcs023.ctig This BOD element is available for LN 10.5 and later.

For Item Rebate Groups: For Geographic Areas:

tdcms018.cmgp Session Areas (tcmcs0145m000), Area field.

For Item Signals: This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete an Area.
For Hold Reason Codes:
For Journal Book: Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason field.
This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Reason.
For Labor Codes: Note that only Reasons with Reason Type 'Inventory Blocking excluded EP', 'Inventory Blocking included EP',
tsmdm015.ctsk 'Inspection Blocking' and 'Quarantine Blocking' are published.

For Labor Control Codes: For Industries:

1) tppdm015.task Session Lines of Business (tcmcs0131m000), Line of Business field.
2) tppdm615.cprj
3) tppdm615.task This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Line of Business.

For LN Landed Costs: For Inspection Levels:

1) tclct115.lcos Session Inspection Levels (qmptc0164m000), Inspection Level field.
2) tclct120.calm
3) tclct120.chbs This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete an Inspection Level.
4) tclct120.falv This BOD element is not available for LN 10.2.1 and earlier.
5) tclct120.exdt
For Inspection Standards:
For Ledger Unit 1: Session Inspection Standards (qmptc0174m000), Inspection Standard field.
Infor April 07, 2020 78
For Ledger Unit 2:
1) tcmcs001.cuni This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete an Inspection Standard.
2) tcmcs001.icun This BOD element is not available for LN 10.2.1 and earlier.

For LN Reasons: For Inventory Adjustment Reason Codes:

tcmcs005.cdis Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason field.

For Markets: This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Reason.
tcmcs066.chan Note that only Reasons with Reason Type 'Cycle Count' and 'Inventory Adjustment' are published.
This BOD element is not available for FP7 and earlier.
For Material Review Board
Codes: For Invoice Delivery Methods:
qmncm003.mrbc Session Invoice Delivery Methods (tcmcs0156m000), Invoice Delivery Method field.
For LN 10.6 or later:
tcppl040.cgrp This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete an Invoice Delivery Method.
This BOD element is not available for FP7 and earlier.
For MetaFixedDimension:
tfbia802.name For Item Aspects:
Session Aspects (qmptc0102m000), Aspect field.
For MetaFlexDimension:
tfbia801.name This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete an Aspect.
This BOD element is not available for LN 10.2.1 and earlier.
tcmcs125.incd For Item Characteristics:
Session Characteristics (qmptc0101m000), Characteristic field.
For Non Conformance
Severity Codes: This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Characteristic.
qmncm002.slvl This BOD element is not available for LN 10.2.1 and earlier.

For Non Conformance Types: For Item Characteristic Options:

qmncm001.nctp 1) Session Characteristics (qmptc0114m000), Option Set field.
2) Session Characteristics (qmptc0114m000), Option field.
For Opportunity Sources:
tcmcs124.csou The concatenation of the Option Set field and the Option field is published.
This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete an Option.
For Overhead Codes: This BOD element is not available for LN 10.4 and earlier.
For Item Classes:
For Package Label Template Session Product Classes (tcmcs0162m000), Product Class field.
whwmd520.labl This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Product Class.

For Payment Methods: For Item Control Codes - Item:

tfcmg003.paym Session Items - Project (tppdm0505m000), Item field.

For PaymentTerm: This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete Item Project data or when users Update the Item
tcmcs013.cpay Description.

For Phase Codes: For Item Control Codes - Standard Equipment:

tppdm085.cstg Session Standard Equipment (tppdm0512m000), Equipment field.

For Problem Codes: This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Standard Equipment.
For Item Control Codes - Project Equipment:
For Process Codes: Session Project Equipment (tppdm6512m000), Project field.
tirou003.tano Session Project Equipment (tppdm6512m000), Equipment field.

For Product Lines: The concatenation of the Project field and the Equipment field is published.
This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Project Equipment.
For Product Selection Code:
tcmcs022.csel For Item Control Codes - Standard Subcontracting:
Session Standard Subcontracting (tppdm0513m000), Subcontracting field.
For Product Types:
tcmcs015.ctyp This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Standard Subcontracting.

For Project Acquiring Methods:For Item Control Codes - Project Subcontracting:

tppdm063.ccam Session Project Subcontracting (tppdm6513m000), Project field.
Session Project Subcontracting (tppdm6513m000), Subcontracting field.
For Project Categories:
tppdm075.ccat The concatenation of the Project field and the Subcontracting field is published.

For Project Groups: This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Project Subcontracting.
For Item Groups:
For Project Programs: Session Item Groups (tcmcs0123m000), Item Group field.
This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete an Item Group.
For Reasons for Charge:
Infor April 07, 2020 79
tcmcs021.cdis For Item Rebate Groups:
Session Commission/Rebate Groups (tdcms0118m000), Comm/Rebate Grp field.
For Reference Designator:
tcmcs090.lcid This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Commission/Rebate Group.

For Reject Reasons: For Item Signals:

tcmcs005.cdis Session Item Signals (tcmcs0118m000), Item Signal field.

For LN Response Types: This BOD element is not available for FP7 and earlier.
For Journal Book:
For Return Reasons: Session Journal Books (tfgld5510m000), Journal Book Section field.
This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Journal Book.
For Revenue Codes:
1) tppdm043.cpro For Labor Codes:
2) tppdm643.cprj Session Task (tsmdm0115m000), Task field.
3) tppdm643.cpro
This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Task.
For Reconciliation Group: This BOD element is not available for LN 10.2.1 and earlier.
1) tcfin020.reco
2) tcfin020.recs For Labor Control Codes:
1) Session Standard Labor (tppdm0111s000), General tab, Labor field.
For Sales Stages: 2) Session Project Labor (tppdm6111s000), General tab, Project field.
tdsmi003.cpha 3) Session Project Labor (tppdm6111s000), General tab, Labor field.

For Sales Types: If standard labor, the Labor (1) field is published. Otherwise, the untrimmed concatenation of the Project field
tcmcs202.styp and the Labor (3) field is published.
This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Standard Labor or Project Labor.
For Sampling Rules: This BOD element is not available for FP7 and earlier.
For LN Landed Costs:
For LN Serialized Item 1) Session Landed Costs (tclct1115m000), Landed Cost Code field.
Groups: 2) Session Landed Costs Revisions (tclct1120m000), Calculation Method field.
tscfg010.sigr 3) Session Landed Costs Revisions (tclct1120m000), Charged by Suppier field.
4) Session Landed Costs Revisions (tclct1120m000), Fixed Amounth Level field.
For LN Serialized Item 5) Session Landed Costs Revisions (tclct1120m000), Expiry Date field.
tsctm020.cwte This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Landed Cost or when the Calculation Method
field, Charged by Suppier field, Fixed Amounth Level field or the Expiry Date field of the Landed Costs Revisions
For Service Areas: is Updated.
For Ledger Unit 1:
For Service Contract Types: For Ledger Unit 2:
tsctm005.ctpc 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), Unit field.
2) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
LN Service Item Groups:
tsmdm210.csgr Based on Unit field, the ISO Code is published.
This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Unit.
For Service Types:
tsmdm030.cstp For LN Reasons:
Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason field.
For Service Usage Classes:
tsspc030.cusc This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Reason.

For Skills: For Markets:

tcppl010.skll Session Channels (tcmcs0166m000), Channel field.

For Solution Codes: This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Channel.
For Material Review Board Codes:
For Source of Defect Codes: Session Material Review Boards (qmncm0103m000), Material Review Board field.
qmncm004.ncmc From LN 10.6 onwards
Session Teams (tcppl0140m000), Team field.
For SubDivisions:
tcmcs143.cste This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Material Review Board Code.
This BOD element is not available for FP7 and earlier.
For Sundry Cost Control
Codes: For MetaFixedDimension:
1) tppdm040.cico Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Dimension Name field.
2) tppdm640.cprj
3) tppdm640.cico Only published by session Publish Logistic Code Definitions (tcbod0200m100).

For Tax Ledger Account: For MetaFlexDimension:

1) tfgld070.vacp Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8101s000), Dimension Name field.
2) tfgld070.vacs
3) tfgld070.vaap Only published by session Publish Logistic Code Definitions (tcbod0200m100).
4) tfgld070.vaar
5) tfgld070.vapc For NAICS:
Infor April 07, 2020 80
6) tfgld070.vasc Session Industry Codes (tcmcs1125m000), Industry Code field.
7) tfgld070.vapa
8) tfgld070.vara This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete an Industry Code.
9) tfgld070.iavp This BOD element is not available for FP6 and earlier.
10) tfgld070.iavr
11) tfgld070.casp For Non Conformance Severity Codes:
12) tfgld070.cass Session Severities (qmncm0102m000), Severity field.
13) tfgld070.ascc
14) tfgld071.vacp This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Severity Code.
15) tfgld071.vacs This BOD element is not available for FP7 and earlier.
16) tfgld071.vaap
17) tfgld071.vaar For Non Conformance Types:
18) tfgld071.vapc Session Non-Conforming Type (qmncm0101m000), Non-Conforming Type field.
19) tfgld071.vasc
20) tfgld071.vapa This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Non-Conforming Type.
21) tfgld071.vara This BOD element is not available for FP7 and earlier.
22) tfgld071.iavp
23) tfgld071.iavr For Opportunity Sources:
24) tfgld071.casp Session Sources (tcmcs1124m000), Source field.
25) tfgld071.cass
26) tfgld071.stca This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Source.
27) tfgld071.ascc This BOD element is not available for FP7 or earlier.

For Tax Code: For Overhead Codes:

tcmcs037.cvat Session Standard Overhead (tppdm0142m000), Overhead field.

For Tax Country: This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Standard Overhead.
1) tcmcs036.ccty This BOD element is not available for FP7 or earlier.
2) tcmcs010.ict2
For Package Label Template Codes:
For Territories: Session Label Layouts (whwmd5520m000), Label Layout field.
This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Label Layout.
For Tests: This BOD element is not available for FP7 or earlier.
For Payment Methods:
For Titles: Session Payment/Receipt Methods (tfcmg0540m000), Payment/Receipt Method field.
This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Payment/Receipt Method.
For Units:
1) tcmcs001.cuni For PaymentTerm:
2) tcmcs001.icun Session Payment Terms (tcmcs0513m000), Payment Terms field.

For Wage Groups: This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Payment Term.
For Phase Codes:
For LN Work Cell Plan Session Phases (tppdm0147m000), Phase field.
tirpt042.wcpg This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Phase.
This BOD element is not available for FP7 or earlier.

For Problem Codes:

Session Problems (tsclm3130m000), Problem field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Problem.

This BOD element is not available for LN 10.2.1 and earlier.

For Process Codes:

Session Tasks (tirou0103m000), Task field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Task.

This BOD element is not available for FP7 or earlier.

For Product Lines:

Session Product Lines (tcmcs0161m000), Product Line field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Product Line.

For Product Selection Codes:

Session Selection Codes (tcmcs0122m000), Selection Code field.

This BOD element is not available for FP7 and earlier.

For Product Types:

Session Product Types (tcmcs0115m000), Product Type field.

This BOD element is not available for FP7 and earlier.

For Project Acquiring Methods:

Infor April 07, 2020 81
Session Acquiring Methods (tppdm0140m000), Acquiring Method field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Acquiring Method.
This BOD element is not available for FP7 and earlier.

For Project Categories:

Session Categories (tppdm0146m000), Category field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Category.

This BOD element is not available for FP7 and earlier.

For Project Groups:

Session Groups (tppdm0141m000), Group field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Group.

This BOD element is not available for FP7 and earlier.

For Project Programs:

Session Programs (tpctm0110m000), Program field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Program.

This BOD element is not available for FP7 and earlier.

For Reasons for Charge:

Session Discount Codes (tcmcs0121m000), Discount Code field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete Discount Code.
This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

For Reference Designator:

Session Reference Designators (tcmcs0190m000), Reference Designator field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Reference Designator.
This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

For Reject Reasons:

Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Reason.

Note that only Reasons with Reason Type 'Rejection of Requisition, Rejection of Goods, Assignment Rejection',
'Quality Management' and 'Non-Conformance' are published.

For LN Response Types:

Session Response Types (tsclm0120m000), Response Type field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Response Type.
This BOD element is available for LN 10.5 and later.

For Return Reasons:

Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Reason.

This BOD element is not available for LN 10.2.1 and earlier.
Note that only Reasons with Reason Type 'Return of Goods' are published.

For Revenue Codes:

1) Session Standard Revenues (tppdm0515m000), Revenue Code field.
2) Session Project - Revenues (tppdm6515m000), Project field.
3) Session Project - Revenues (tppdm6515m000), Revenue Code field.

If Standard Revenues, the Revenue Code (1) field is published. Otherwise, the untrimmed concatenation of the
Project field and the Revenue Code (3) field is published.
This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Standard Revenue Code or Project Revenue
This BOD element is not available for FP7 and earlier.

For Reconciliation Group:

1) Session Reconciliation Groups (tcfin0120m000), Reconciliation Group (area) field.
2) Session Reconciliation Groups (tcfin0120m000), Reconciliation Group (subarea) field.

The concatenation of the Reconciliation Group (area) field and the Reconciliation Group (subarea) field is
Only published by session Publish Logistic Code Definitions (tcbod0200m100).

For Sales Stages:

Session Phases (tdsmi0103m000), Phase field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Phase.

This BOD element is not available for FP5 or earlier.
Infor April 07, 2020 82
For Sales Types:
Session Sales Types (tcmcs2102m000), Sales Type field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Sales Type.
This BOD element is not available for FP7 and earlier.

For Sampling Rules:

Session Sampling Rules (qmptc0101m000), Sampling Rule field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Sampling Rule.
This BOD element is not available for LN 10.2.1 and earlier.

For LN Serialized Item Groups:

Session Serialized Item Groups (tscfg0110m000), Serialized Item Group field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Serialized Item Group.
This BOD element is available for LN 10.5 and later.

For LN Serialized Item Warranties:

Session Warranty Templates (tsctm0120m000), Warranty Template field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Warranty Template.
This BOD element is available for LN 10.5 and later.

For Service Areas:

Session Service Areas (tsmdm1105m000), Service Area field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Service Area.
This BOD element is not available for LN 10.2.1 and earlier.

For Service Contract Types:

Session Contract Types (tsctm0105m000), Contract Type field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Contract Type.
This BOD element is available for LN 10.5 and later.

For LN Service Item Groups:

Session Service Item Groups (tsmdm2110m000), Service Item Group field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Service Item Group.
This BOD element is available for LN 10.5 and later.

For Service Types:

Session Service Types (tsmdm0130m000), Service Type field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Service Type.
This BOD element is not available for LN 10.2.1 and earlier.

For Service Usage Classes:

Session Usage Classes (tsspc0130m000), Usage Class field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Usage Class.
This BOD element is available for LN 10.5 and later.

For Skills:
Session Skills (tcppl0110m000), Skills field.

This BOD is published when users Create or Update a Skill.

For Solution Codes:

Session Solutions (tsclm3135m000), Solution field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Solution.

This BOD element is not available for LN 10.2.1 and earlier.

For Source of Defect Codes:

Session Non-Conforming Cause (qmncm0104m000), NCM Cause field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a NCM Cause.
This BOD element is not available for FP7 and earlier.

For SubDivisions:
Session State/Provinces (tcmcs1143m00), State/Province field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a State/Province.

This BOD element is not available for FP7 and earlier.

For Sundry Cost Control Codes:

Infor April 07, 2020 83
1) Session Standard Sundry Cost (tppdm0114s000), General tab, Sundry Cost field.
2) Session Project Sundry Cost (tppdm6114s000), General tab, Project field.
3) Session Project Sundry Cost (tppdm6114s000), General tab, Sundry Cost field.

If standard Sundry Cost, the Sundry Cost (1) field is published. Otherwise, the untrimmed concatenation of the
Project field and the Sundry Cost (3) field is published.
This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Standard Sundry Cost or Project Sundry Cost.
This BOD element is not available for FP7 and earlier.

For Tax Ledger Account:

1) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Purchase Tax
2) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Sales Tax field.
3) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Purchase Tax
on Advance Payments field.
4) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Sales Tax on
Advance Receipts field.
5) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Purchase Tax
on Credit Notes field.
6) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Sales Tax on
Credit Notes field.
7) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Purchase Tax
on Assignment of Advance Payments field.
8) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Sales Tax on
Assignment of Advance Receipts field.
9) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Purchase Tax
on Payments (Interim) field.
10) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Sales Tax on
Receipts (Interim) field.
11) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Shifted
Purchase Tax field.
12) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Shifted Sales
Tax field.
13) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Social
Contribution (Company Expense) field.
14) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Purchase Tax field.
15) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Sales Tax field.
16) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Purchase Tax on
Advance Payments field.
17) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Sales Tax on Advance
Receipts field.
18) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Purchase Tax on
Credit Notes field.
19) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Sales Tax on Credit
Notes field.
20) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Purchase Tax on
Assignment of Advance Payments field.
21) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Sales Tax on
Assignment of Advance Receipts field.
22) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Purchase Tax on
Payments (Interim) field.
23) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Sales Tax on Receipts
(Interim) field.
24) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Shifted Purchase
Tax field.
25) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Shifted Sales Tax field.
26) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Accrued Stamp Tax
27) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Social Contribution
(Company Expense) field.

The appropriate Tax Ledger Account field is published.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Ledger Account.

For Tax Code:

Session Tax Codes (tcmcs0137m000), Tax Code field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Tax Code.

For Tax Country:

1) Session Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0536m000), Country field.
2) Session Countries (tcmcs0510m000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.

Based on the Country Field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field is published.
This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Tax Code by Country.

For Territories:
Session Sales Territories (tcmcs1127m000), Sales Territory field.

Infor April 07, 2020 84

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Sales Territory.
This BOD element is not available for FP6 and earlier.

For Tests:
Session Tests (qmptc0106m000), Test field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Test.

This BOD element is not available for LN 10.2.1 and earlier.

For Titles:
Session Titles (tcmcs0119m000), Title field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Title.

This BOD element is not available for FP6 and earlier.

For Units:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), Unit field.
2) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.

Based on Unit field, the ISO Code is published.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Unit. For Source of Defect Codes:
For Wage Groups:
Session Labor Types (tcccpl0130m000), Labor Type field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Labor Type.
This BOD element is not available for LN 10.2.1 and earlier.

For Wage Groups:

Session Labor Types (tcccpl0130m000), Labor Type field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Labor Type.
This BOD element is not available for LN 10.2.1 and earlier.

For LN Work Cell Plan Groups:

Session Work Cell Plan Groups (tirpt0142m000), Work Cell Plan Group field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Work Cell Plan Group.
This BOD element is not available for LN 10.4 and earlier.

System Defined List IDs

Only published by session Publish Logistic Code Definitions (tcbod0200m200).

For Asset Types:

Either 'Group', 'Non-Serial' or 'Serial' is published.

For Financial Calendar Type:

'Common' is published.

For MRO Classes:

'*' is published.

For Customer Rating Codes:

Either 'none', 'bronze', 'silver', 'gold' or 'platinum' is published.

For Hours Types:

'Project' is published.

For Inspection Order Type Codes:

Either 'SalesSchedule', 'PurchaseSchedule', 'TransferManual', 'Project', 'ProjectContract' or 'EPDistribution' is

For Item Types:

Either 'Purchased', 'Manufactured', 'Generic', 'Cost', 'Service', 'Subcontracted Service', 'List', 'Equipment' or
'Engineering Module' is published.

For LN Non Material Severity Codes:

Either 'critical', 'major', 'minor' or 'not.appl' is published.

For LN Reason Type:

Either 'not.avail', 'rej.goods', 'ret.goods', 'destroyed', 'damaged', 'hold.receipt', 'work.quot', 'rej.quot', 'rej.req',
'reject.prod', 'order.split', 'inc.shipment', 'pcs.closed', 'tax.exem', 'tax.article', 'cash.flow', 'invoicing',
'assignment.rej', 'inv.adjustment', 'inv.shortage', 'blocking', 'blocking.erp', 'rej.blocking', 'insp.blocking',
'inv.own.change', 'alloc.change', 'item.busp', 'block.man', 'block.mpn', 'cancel', 'interrupt', 'succes.fail', 'failure',
'mandate.amend', 'service.inspect', 'claim.rejection', 'scrap.tools', 'tool.adj', 'quality.mgt', 'non.conformance',
'undefined', 'destroy.reject', 'accept.reject', 'motive', 'del.code', 'load.plan', 'return.reject', 'finding', 'change',
'revaluation', 'ret.scrap', 'cycle.count', 'block.warehouse', 'budget.transfer', 'budget.adjust', 'budget.amend',
'peg.transfer', 'peg.audit.hist', 'rework.overiss', 'final.payback', 'disposition', 'rej.personnel' or 'cust.auth' is

Infor April 07, 2020 85

For LN Work Center Type:
Either 'main.wc', 'sub.wc', 'subcontracting', 'cost', 'buffer', 'line.station', 'work.cell' or 'repair.cell' is published.

For LN QM Order Origin:

Either 'sales', 'sales.sched', 'sales.man', 'adjustment', 'production', 'production.man', 'product.sched',
'product.asc', 'product.asc.man', 'service', 'maint.work', 'batch.repair', 'maint.sales', 'call', 'transfer', 'transfer.man',
'project', 'project.man', 'proj.contract', 'purchase', 'purchase.sched', 'purchase.man', 'enterprise.plan', 'stor.insp',
'warehouse.inv' or 'not.appl' is published.

For Transportation Methods:

Either 'SeaFreight', 'SeaFreightContainer', 'RailwayCarriage', 'RailwayFreight', 'TruckForwarder', 'Truck',
'AirFreight', 'AirFreightCharter', 'Parcel', 'TruckSubcontractor', 'TruckCustomer', 'LessThanTruckload', 'Mail',
'Intermodal', 'Consolidation', 'FixedInstallation', 'InlandWaterway', 'ExpressAir', 'ExpressTruck', 'ExpressRailway',
'TruckOwnSupplier', 'PoolPoint', 'MilkRun' or 'PiggyBack' is published.

For Unit Categories:

Either 'AREA' or 'OTHER' is published.

For LN Configuration Controlled:

Either 'Serialized' 'Anonymous' or 'Consumable' is published.

For Service Cost Types:

Either 'Order', 'Activity', 'Freight', 'Quote' or 'Uptime' is published.

For LN Revenue Recognition Based On:

Either 'day.per.period', 'cumu.days', 'erf.per.period', 'erf.cumu.cost' or 'not.appl' is published.

For LN Claim Methods:

Either 'material' or 'costs' is published.

For LN Claim Status:

Either 'free', 'modified', 'pend.appr.est', 'pend.mat.ret', 'pend.suppl.appr', 'pend.approval', 'approved',
'appr.inv.link', 'settled', 'rejected', 'canceled' or 'Deleted' is published.

For LN Tagged To:

Either 'rep.warranty', 'warranty', 'general.warrant', 'contract', 'goodwill', 'fco' or 'not.applicable' is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Activity Templates: For Activity Templates:
tsacm101.cact Session Reference Activities (tsacm1101m000), Reference Activity field.

For Business Sectors: For Business Sectors:

tppdm055.csec Session Business Sectors (tcppdm0137m000), Business Sector field.

For Business Partner: For Business Partner:

tccom100.bpid Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), General tab, Business Partner field.

For Cash Flow Reason: For Cash Flow Reason:

tcmcs005.cdis Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason field.

For Commodity Codes: For Commodity Codes:

tcmcs028.ccde Session Commodity Codes (tcmcs0128m000), Commodity Code field.

For Contact Categories: For Contact Categories:

tcmcs128.cctg Session Contact Categories (tcmcs1128m000), Contact Category field.

For Corrective Action Types: For Corrective Action Types:

qmcpl001.tskt Session Task Types (qmcpl0101m000), Task Type field.

For Corrective Action For Corrective Action Categories:

Categories: Session Categories (qmcpl0102m000), Category field.
For Cost Centers:
For Cost Centers: Session Departments (tcmcs0565m000) Department field.
For Cost Components:
For Cost Components: Session Cost Components (tcmcs0148m000), Cost Component field.
For Coverage Types:
For Coverage Types: Session Coverage Types (tsmdm0135m000), Coverage Type field.
For Customer Types:
For Customer Types: Session Business Partner Types (tcmcs0129m000), Business Partner Type field.

Infor April 07, 2020 86

For Defective Material Notice Responsibility Codes:
For Defective Material Notice Session Non-Conformance Responsible (qmncm0105m000), NCM Responsible field.
Responsibility Codes:
qmncm005.ncrc For Departments:
Session Departments (tcmcs0565m000) Department field.
For Departments:
tcmcs065.cwoc For Disposition Codes:
Session Non-Material Disposition Codes (qmncm0106m000), Code field.
For Disposition Codes:
qmncm006.ndis For Material Review Board Codes:
Session Material Review Boards (qmncm0103m000), Material Review Board field.
For Enterprise Units:
tcemm030.eunt For Enterprise Units:
Session Enterprise Units (tcemm0130m000), Enterprise Unit field.
For externally defined ListID:
tcbod011.code For externally defined ListID:
Session External CodeDefinitions (tcbod0511m000), Code field.
For Financing Methods:
tppdm059.cfac For Financing Methods:
Session Financing Methods (tppdm0139m000), Financing Method field.
For Freight Class:
fmfmd030.frcl For Freight Class:
Session Freight Classes (fmfmd0130m000), Freight Class field.
For Freight Service Levels:
tcmcs075.serv For Freight Service Levels:
Session Freight Service Levels (tcmcs0175m000), Freight Service Level field.
For FlexDimension:
tfgld010.dimx For FlexDimension:
Session Dimensions (tfgld0510m000), Dimension field.
For General Tasks:
bpmdm050.gtsk For General Tasks:
Session General Tasks (bpmdm0150m000), General Task field.
For LN Generic Warranties:
tsctm500.gwte For LN Generic Warranties:
Session Generic Warranties (tsctm5100m000), Generic Warranty field.
For Geographic Areas:
tcmcs045.creg For Geographic Areas:
Session Areas (tcmcs0145m000), Area field.
For Hold Reason Codes:
tcmcs005.cdis For Hold Reason Codes:
Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason field.
For Industries:
tcmcs031.cbrn For Industries:
Session Lines of Business (tcmcs0131m000), Line of Business field.
For Inspection Levels:
qmptc064.ilvl For Inspection Levels:
Session Inspection Levels (qmptc0164m000), Inspection Level field.
For Inspection Standards:
qmptc074.inss For Inspection Standards:
Session Inspection Standards (qmptc0174m000), Inspection Standard field.
For Inventory Adjustment
Reason Codes: For Inventory Adjustment Reason Codes:
tcmcs005.cdis Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason field.

For Invoice Delivery Methods: For Invoice Delivery Methods:

tcmcs056.cidm Session Invoice Delivery Methods (tcmcs0156m000), Invoice Delivery Method field.

For Item Aspects: For Item Aspects:

qmptc002.aspt Session Aspects (qmptc0102m000), Aspect field.

For Item Characteristics: For Item Characteristics:

qmptc001.char Session Characteristics (qmptc0101m000), Characteristic field.

For Item Characteristic The concatenation of the Option Set field and the Option field is published.
1) qmptc014.oset For Item Classes:
2) qmptc014.optn Session Product Classes (tcmcs0162m000), Product Class field.

For Item Classes: For Item Control Codes - Item:

tcmcs062.cpcl Session Items - Project (tppdm0505m000), Item field.

For Item Control Codes - Item: For Item Control Codes - Standard Equipment:
tppdm005.item Session Standard Equipment (tppdm0512m000), Equipment field.

For Item Control Codes - For Item Control Codes - Project Equipment:
Standard Equipment: Session Project Equipment (tppdm6512m000), Project field.
tppdm025.cequ Session Project Equipment (tppdm6512m000), Equipment field.

Infor April 07, 2020 87

For Item Control Codes - For Item Characteristic Options:
Project Equipment: 1) Session Characteristics (qmptc0114m000), Option Set field.
tppdm625.cprj 2) Session Characteristics (qmptc0114m000), Option field.
The concatenation of the Project field and the Equipment field is published.
For Item Control Codes -
Standard Subcontracting: For Item Control Codes - Standard Subcontracting:
tppdm035.csub Session Standard Subcontracting (tppdm0513m000), Subcontracting field.

For Item Control Codes - For Item Control Codes - Project Subcontracting:
Project Subcontracting: Session Project Subcontracting (tppdm6513m000), Project field.
tppdm635.cprj Session Project Subcontracting (tppdm6513m000), Subcontracting field.
The concatenation of the Project field and the Subcontracting field is published.
For Item Groups:
tcmcs023.ctig For Item Groups:
Session Item Groups (tcmcs0123m000), Item Group field.
For Item Rebate Groups:
tdcms018.cmgp For Item Rebate Groups:
Session Commission/Rebate Groups (tdcms0118m000), Comm/Rebate Grp field.
For Item Signals:
tcmcs018.csig For Item Signals:
Session Item Signals (tcmcs0118m000), Item Signal field.
For Journal Book:
tfgld050.secd For Item Types:
Either 'Purchased', 'Manufactured', 'Generic', 'Cost', 'Service', 'Subcontracted Service', 'List', 'Equipment' or
For Labor Codes: 'Engineering Module' is published.
For Journal Book:
For Labor Control Codes: Session Journal Books (tfgld5510m000), Journal Book Section field.
1) tppdm015.task
2) tppdm615.cprj For Labor Codes:
3) tppdm615.task Session Task (tsmdm0115m000), Task field.

For LN Landed Costs: For Labor Control Codes:

tclct115.lcos 1) Session Standard Labor (tppdm0111s000), General tab, Labor field.
2) Session Project Labor (tppdm6111s000), General tab, Project field.
For Ledger Unit 1: 3) Session Project Labor (tppdm6111s000), General tab, Labor field.
For Ledger Unit 2:
1) tcmcs001.cuni If standard labor, the Labor (1) field is published. Otherwise, the concatenation of the Project field and the Labor
2) tcmcs001.icun (3) field is published.

For LN Reasons: For LN Landed Costs:

tcmcs005.cdis Session Landed Costs (tclct1115m000), Landed Cost Code field.

For Markets: For Ledger Unit 1:

tcmcs066.chan For Ledger Unit 2:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), Unit field.
For Material Review Board 2) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
qmncm003.mrbc Based on Unit field, the ISO Code is published.
For LN 10.6 or later:
tcppl040.cgrp For LN Reasons:
Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason field.
For MetaFixedDimension:
tfbia802.name For Markets:
Session Channels (tcmcs0166m000), Channel field.
For MetaFlexDimension:
tfbia801.name For Material Review Board Codes:
Session Material Review Boards (qmncm0103m000), Material Review Board field.
For NAICS: For LN 10.6 or later:
tcmcs125.incd Session Teams (tcppl0140m000), Team field.

For Non Conformance For MetaFixedDimension:

Severity Codes: Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Dimension Name field.
For MetaFlexDimension:
For Non Conformance Types: Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8101s000), Dimension Name field.
For Opportunity Sources: Session Industry Codes (tcmcs1125m000), Industry Code field.
For Non Conformance Severity Codes:
For Overhead Codes: Session Severities (qmncm0102m000), Severity field.
For Non Conformance Types:
For Package Label Template Session Non-Conforming Type (qmncm0101m000), Non-Conforming Type field.
whwmd520.labl For Opportunity Sources:
Infor April 07, 2020 88
Session Sources (tcmcs1124m000), Source field.
For Payment Methods:
tfcmg003.paym For Overhead Codes:
Session Standard Overhead (tppdm0142m000), Overhead field.
For PaymentTerm:
tcmcs013.cpay For Package Label Template Codes:
Session Label Layouts (whwmd5520m000), Label Layout field.
For Phase Codes:
tppdm085.cstg For Payment Methods:
Session Payment/Receipt Methods (tfcmg0540m000), Payment/Receipt Method field.
For Problem Codes:
tsclm330.cprl For PaymentTerm:
Session Payment Terms (tcmcs0513m000), Payment Term field.
For Process Codes:
tirou003.tano For Phase Codes:
Session Phases (tppdm0147m000), Phase field.
For Product Lines:
tcmcs061.cpln For Problem Codes:
Session Problems (tsclm3130m000), Problem field.
For Product Selection Code:
tcmcs022.csel For Product Lines:
Session Product Lines (tcmcs0161m000), Product Line field.
For Product Types:
tcmcs015.ctyp For Product Selection Codes:
Session Selection Codes (tcmcs0122m000), Selection Code field.
For Project Acquiring Methods:
tppdm063.ccam For Product Types:
Session Product Types (tcmcs0115m000), Product Type field.
For Project Categories:
tppdm075.ccat For Project Acquiring Methods:
Session Acquiring Methods (tppdm0140m000), Acquiring Method field.
For Project Groups:
tppdm065.ccot For Project Categories:
Session Categories (tppdm0146m000), Category field.
For Project Programs:
tpctm010.prgm For Project Groups:
Session Groups (tppdm0141m000), Group field.
For Reasons for Charge:
tcmcs021.cdis For Project Programs:
Session Programs (tpctm0110m000), Program field.
For Reject Reasons:
tcmcs005.cdis For Reasons for Charge:
Session Discount Codes (tcmcs0121m000), Discount Code field.
For LN Response Types:
tsclm020.crtc For Reference Designator:
Session Reference Designators (tcmcs0190m000), Reference Designator field.
For Return Reasons:
tcmcs005.cdis For Reject Reasons:
Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason field.
For Revenue Codes:
1) tppdm043.cpro For LN Response Types:
2) tppdm643.cprj Session Response Types (tsclm0120m000), Response Type field.
3) tppdm643.cpro
For Return Reasons:
For Reconciliation Group: Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason field.
1) tcfin020.reco
2) tcfin020.recs For Revenue Codes:
1) Session Standard Revenues (tppdm0515m000), Revenue Code field.
For Sales Stages: 2) Session Project - Revenues (tppdm6515m000), Project field.
tdsmi003.cpha 3) Session Project - Revenues (tppdm6515m000), Revenue Code field.

For Sales Types: If Standard Revenues, the Revenue Code (1) field is published. Otherwise, the untrimmed concatenation of the
tcmcs202.styp Project field and the Revenue Code (3) field is published.

For Sampling Rules: For Reconciliation Group:

qmptc060.saru 1) Session Reconciliation Groups (tcfin0120m000), Reconciliation Group (area) field.
2) Session Reconciliation Groups (tcfin0120m000), Reconciliation Group (subarea) field.
For LN Serialized Item
Groups: The concatenation of the Reconciliation Group (area) field and the Reconciliation Group (subarea) field is
tscfg010.sigr published.

For LN Serialized Item For Sales Stages:

Warranties: Session Phases (tdsmi0103m000), Phase field.
For Sales Types:
For Service Areas: Session Sales Types (tcmcs2102m000), Sales Type field.
For Sampling Rules:
For Service Contract Types: Session Sampling Rules (qmptc0101m000), Sampling Rule field.
Infor April 07, 2020 89
For LN Serialized Item Groups:
LN Service Item Groups: Session Serialized Item Groups (tscfg0110m000), Serialized Item Group field.
For LN Serialized Item Warranties:
For Service Types: Session Warranty Templates (tsctm0120m000), Warranty Template field.
For Service Areas:
For Service Usage Classes: Session Service Areas (tsmdm1105m000), Service Area field.
For Service Contract Types:
For Skills: Session Contract Types (tsctm0105m000), Contract Type field.
For LN Service Item Groups:
For Solution Codes: Session Service Item Groups (tsmdm2110m000), Service Item Group field.
For Service Types:
For Source of Defect Codes: Session Service Types (tsmdm0130m000), Service Type field.
For Service Usage Classes:
For SubDivisions: Session Usage Classes (tsspc0130m000), Usage Class field.
For Skills:
For Sundry Cost Control Session Skills (tcppl0110m000), Skill field.
1) tppdm040.cico For Solution Codes:
2) tppdm640.cprj Session Solutions (tsclm3135m000), Solution field.
3) tppdm640.cico
For Source of Defect Codes:
For Tax Ledger Account: Session Non-Conforming Cause (qmncm0104m000), NCM Cause field.
1) tfgld070.vacp
2) tfgld070.vacs For SubDivisions:
3) tfgld070.vaap Session State/Provinces (tcmcs1143m00), State/Province field.
4) tfgld070.vaar
5) tfgld070.vapc For Sundry Cost Control Codes:
6) tfgld070.vasc 1) Session Standard Sundry Cost (tppdm0114s000), General tab, Sundry Cost field.
7) tfgld070.vapa 2) Session Project Sundry Cost (tppdm6114s000), General tab, Project field.
8) tfgld070.vara 3) Session Project Sundry Cost (tppdm6114s000), General tab, Sundry Cost field.
9) tfgld070.iavp
10) tfgld070.iavr If standard Sundry Cost, the Sundry Cost (1) field is published. Otherwise, the concatenation of the Project field
11) tfgld070.casp and the Sundry Cost (3) field is published.
12) tfgld070.cass
13) tfgld070.ascc For Tax Ledger Account:
14) tfgld071.vacp 1) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Purchase Tax
15) tfgld071.vacs field.
16) tfgld071.vaap 2) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Sales Tax field.
17) tfgld071.vaar 3) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Purchase Tax
18) tfgld071.vapc on Advance Payments field.
19) tfgld071.vasc 4) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Sales Tax on
20) tfgld071.vapa Advance Receipts field.
21) tfgld071.vara 5) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Purchase Tax
22) tfgld071.iavp on Credit Notes field.
23) tfgld071.iavr 6) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Sales Tax on
24) tfgld071.casp Credit Notes field.
25) tfgld071.cass 7) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Purchase Tax
26) tfgld071.stca on Assignment of Advance Payments field.
27) tfgld071.ascc 8) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Sales Tax on
Assignment of Advance Receipts field.
For Tax Code: 9) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Purchase Tax
tcmcs037.cvat on Payments (Interim) field.
10) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Sales Tax on
For Tax Country: Receipts (Interim) field.
1) tcmcs036.ccty 11) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Shifted
2) tcmcs010.ict2 Purchase Tax field.
12) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Shifted Sales
For Territories: Tax field.
tcmcs127.ster 13) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Social
Contribution (Company Expense) field.
For Tests: 14) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Purchase Tax field.
qmptc006.test 15) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Sales Tax field.
16) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Purchase Tax on
For Titles: Advance Payments field.
tcmcs019.ctit 17) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Sales Tax on Advance
Receipts field.
For Units: 18) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Purchase Tax on
1) tcmcs001.cuni Credit Notes field.
2) tcmcs001.icun 19) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Sales Tax on Credit
Notes field.
For Wage Groups: 20) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Purchase Tax on
Infor April 07, 2020 90
tcppl030.ckow Assignment of Advance Payments field.
21) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Sales Tax on
For LN Work Cell Plan Assignment of Advance Receipts field.
Groups: 22) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Purchase Tax on
tirpt042.wcpg Payments (Interim) field.
23) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Sales Tax on Receipts
(Interim) field.
24) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Shifted Purchase
Tax field.
25) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Shifted Sales Tax field.
26) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Accrued Stamp Tax
27) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Social Contribution
(Company Expense) field.

The appropriate Tax Ledger Account field is published.

For Tax Code:

Session Tax Codes (tcmcs0137m000), Tax Code field.

For Tax Country:

1) Session Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0536m000), Country field.
2) Session Countries (tcmcs0510m000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.

Based on the Country Field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field is published.

For Territories:
Session Sales Territories (tcmcs1127m000), Sales Territory field.

For Tests:
Session Tests (qmptc0106m000), Test field.

For Titles:
Session Titles (tcmcs0119m000), Title field.

For Transportation Methods:

Either 'AirFreight', 'AirFreightCharter', 'Consolidation', 'TruckSubcontractor', 'TruckCustomer', 'ExpressAir',
'ExpressRailway', 'ExpressTruck', 'InlandWaterway', 'FixedInstallation', 'Intermodal', 'Mail', 'MilkRun',
'TruckOwnSupplier', 'PoolPoint', 'Parcel', 'RailwayCarriage', 'RailwayFreight', 'TruckForwarder', 'Truck',
'SeaFreight', 'LessThanTruckload' or 'SeaFreightContainer' is published.

For Unit Categories:

Either 'AREA' or 'OTHER' is published.

For Units:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), Unit field.
2) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.

Based on Unit field, the ISO Code is published.

For Wage Groups:

Session Labor Types (tcccpl0130m000), Labor Type field.

For LN Work Cell Plan Groups:

Session Work Cell Plan Groups (tirpt0142m000), Work Cell Plan Group field.
For Business Partner: For Business Partner:
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) tccom100.lmus 3) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Last Modified by field.

For Others: Based on the Last Modified by field, the User field is determined.
1) tccom001.emno If the User field cannot be determined, based on the current LN user the User field is determined.
2) tccom001.loco Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.

For Others:
1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Business Partner: For Business Partner:
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
Infor April 07, 2020 91
2) tccom100.lmus 2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Last Modified by field.

For Others: Based on the Last Modified by field, the Name field is published.
For Others:
Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For Business Partner: For Business Partner:
tccom100.stdt Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), General tab, Status From field.

For Cash Flow Reason: For Cash Flow Reason:

tcmcs005.efdt Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Effective Date field.

For LN Generic Warranties: For LN Generic Warranties:

tsctm500.efdt Session Generic Warranties (tsctm5100m000), Effective Date field.

For Journal Book: For Journal Book:

tfgld005.stdt Session Journal Book Sections (tfgld0150s000), Start Date field.

For Hold Reason Codes: For Hold Reason Codes:

For Inventory Adjustment For Inventory Adjustment Reason Codes:
Reason Codes: For LN Reasons:
For LN Reasons: For Reject Reasons:
For Reject Reasons: For Return Reasons:
For Return Reasons: Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Effective Date field.
For LN Serialized Item Warranties:
For LN Serialized Item Session Warranty Templates (tsctm0120m000), Effective Time field.
For Business Partner: For Business Partner:
tccom100.endt Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), General tab, Status To field.

For Cash Flow Reason: For Cash Flow Reason:

tcmcs005.exdt Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Expiry Date field.

For LN Generic Warranties: For LN Generic Warranties:

tsctm500.exdt Session Generic Warranties (tsctm5100m000), Expiry Date field.

For Journal Book: For Journal Book:

tfgld005.exdt Session Journal Book Sections (tfgld0150s000), Expiry Date field.

For Hold Reason Codes: For Hold Reason Codes:

For Inventory Adjustment For Inventory Adjustment Reason Codes:
Reason Codes: For LN Reasons:
For LN Reasons: For Reject Reasons:
For Reject Reasons: For Return Reasons:
For Return Reasons: Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Expiry Date field.
For LN Serialized Item Warranties:
For LN Serialized Item Session Warranty Templates (tsctm0120m000), Expiry Time field.
If the Code is deleted, 'Deleted' is published. Otherwise, 'Open' is published.
If the Location is deleted, 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For Activity Templates:
For Business Sectors:
For Commodity Codes:
For Contact Categories:
For Corrective Action Types:
For Corrective Action Categories:
For Cost Centers:
For Cost Components:
For Coverage Types:
For Customer Types:
For Defective Material Notice Responsibility Codes:
For Departments:
For Disposition Codes:
For Enterprise Units:
For externally defined ListID:

Infor April 07, 2020 92

For Financing Methods:
For Freight Class:
For Freight Service Levels:
For General Tasks:
For LN Generic Warranties:
For Geographic Areas:
For Hold Reason Codes:
For Industries:
For Inspection Levels:
For Inspection Standards:
For Inventory Adjustment Reason Codes:
For Invoice Delivery Methods:
For Item Aspects:
For Item Characteristics:
For Item Characteristic Options:
For Item Classes:
For Item Control Codes - Item:
For Item Control Codes - Standard Equipment:
For Item Control Codes - Project Equipment:
For Item Control Codes - Standard Subcontracting:
For Item Control Codes - Project Subcontracting:
For Item Groups:
For Item Rebate Groups:
For Item Signals:
For Item Types:
For Labor Codes:
For Labor Control Codes:
For LN Landed Costs:
For LN Reason:
For Markets:
For Material Review Board Codes:
For Non Conformance Severity Codes:
For Non Conformance Types:
For Opportunity Sources:
For Overhead Codes:
For Package Label Template Codes:
For Payment Methods:
For PaymentTerm:
For Phase Codes:
For Problem Codes:
For Process Codes:
For Product Lines:
For Product Selection Codes:
For Product Types:
For Production Order Reasons:
For Project Acquiring Methods:
For Project Categories:
For Project Groups:
For Project Programs:
For Reasons for Charge:
For Reference Designator:
For Reject Reasons:
For LN Response Types:
For Return Reasons:
For Revenue Codes:
For Sales Stages:
For Sales Types:
For Sampling Rules:
For LN Serialized Item Groups:
For LN Serialized Item Warranties:
For Service Areas:
For Service Contract Types:
For LN Service Item Groups:
For Service Types:
For Service Usage Classes:
For Skills:
For Solution Codes:
For Source of Defect Codes:
For SubDivisions:
For Sundry Cost Control Codes:
For Transportation Methods:
For Territories:
For Tests:
For Titles:
For Unit Categories:
For Units:
For Wage Groups:
For LN Work Cell Plan Groups:
Infor April 07, 2020 93
Always filled with 'false'.

For Business Partner:

For Cash Flow Reason:
For FlexDimension:
For Journal Book:
For Ledger Unit 1:
For Ledger Unit 2:
For MetaFixedDimension:
For MetaFlexDimension:
For Reconciliation Group:
For Tax Ledger Account:
For Tax Code:
For Tax Country:
Always filled with 'true'.
For MetaFixedDimension: For MetaFixedDimension:
tfbia802.defd Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (tfbia8502m000), Default Dimension Description field.

If the Default Dimension Description field is equal to 'Ledger Unit 1' or 'Ledger Unit 2', 'true' is published.
For Business Partner: For Activity Templates:
1) tfbia802.name Always filled with 'Activity Templates'.
2) tfbia802.defd
For Business Sectors:
For Cash Flow Reason: Always filled with 'Business Sectors'.
1) tfbia802.name
2) tfbia802.defd For Business Partner:
1) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Dimension Name field.
For externally defined ListID: 2) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Default Dimension Description field.
If the Default Dimension Description field is equal to 'Business Partner', the Dimension Name field is published.
For FlexDimension:
1) tfbia801.name For Cash Flow Reason:
2) tfbia801.dseq 1) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Dimension Name field.
3) tfgld010.dtyp 2) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Default Dimension Description field.

For Journal Book: If the Default Dimension Description field is equal to 'Cash Flow Reason', the Dimension Name field is published.
1) tfbia802.name
2) tfbia802.defd For Commodity:
Always filled with 'Commodity Codes'.
For Ledger Unit 1:
1) tfbia802.name For Contact Categories:
2) tfbia802.defd Always filled with 'Contact Categories'.

For Ledger Unit 2: For Corrective Action Types:

1) tfbia802.name Always filled with 'Corrective Action Types'.
2) tfbia802.defd
For Corrective Action Categories:
For Reconciliation Group: Always filled with 'LN Corrective Action Categories'.
1) tfbia802.name
2) tfbia802.defd For Cost Centers:
Always filled with 'Cost Centers'.
For Skills:
tcppl010.qlft For Cost Components:
Always filled with 'Cost Components'.
For SubDivisions:
tcmcs143.ccty For Coverage Types:
Always filled with 'Coverage Types'.
For Tax Ledger Account:
1) tfbia802.name For Customer Types:
2) tfbia802.defd Always filled with 'Customer Types'.

For Tax Code: For Defective Material Notice Responsibility Codes:

1) tfbia802.name Always filled with 'Defective Material Notice Responsibility Codes'.
2) tfbia802.defd
For Departments:
For Tax Country: Always filled with 'Departments'.
1) tfbia802.name
2) tfbia802.defd For Disposition Codes:
Always filled with 'Disposition Codes'.

For Enterprise Units:

Always filled with 'Enterprise Units'.

For externally defined ListID:

Session External Code Lists (tcbod0510m000), ListID field.

Infor April 07, 2020 94

For Financing Methods:
Always filled with 'Financing Methods'.

For Freight Class:

Always filled with 'Freight Class'.

For Freight Service Levels:

Always filled with 'Freight Service Levels'.

For FlexDimension:
1) Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8101s000), Dimension Name field.
2) Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8101s000), Dimension Sequence field.
3) Session Dimensions (tfgld0510m000), Dimension Type field.

If the Dimension Sequence field is equal to the Dimension Type field, the Dimension Name field is published.

For General Tasks:

Always filled with 'General Tasks'.

For LN Generic Warranties:

Always filled with 'LN Generic Warranties'.

For Geographic Areas:

Always filled with 'Geographic Areas'.

For Hold Reason Codes:

Always filled with 'Hold Reason Codes'.

For Industries:
Always filled with 'Industries'.

For Inspection Levels:

Always filled with 'Inspection Levels'.

For Inspection Standards:

Always filled with 'Inspection Standards'.

For Inventory Adjustment Reason Codes:

Always filled with 'Inventory Adjustment Reason Codes'.

For Invoice Delivery Methods:

Always filled with 'Invoice Delivery Method'.

For Item Aspects:

Always filled with 'Item Aspects'.

For Item Characteristics:

Always filled with 'Item Characteristics'.

For Item Characteristic Options:

Always filled with 'Item Characteristic Options'.

For Item Classes:

Always filled with 'Item Classes'.

For Item Control Codes - Item:

For Item Control Codes - Standard Equipment:
For Item Control Codes - Project Equipment:
For Item Control Codes - Standard Subcontracting:
For Item Control Codes - Project Subcontracting:
Always filled with 'Item Control Codes'.

For Item Groups:

Always filled with 'Item Groups'.

For Item Rebate Groups:

Always filled with 'Item Rebate Groups'.

For Item Signals:

Always filled with 'Item Signals'.

The Item Types:

Always filled with 'Item Types'.

For Journal Book:

1) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Dimension Name field.
2) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Default Dimension Description field.

If the Default Dimension Description field is equal to 'Journal Book', the Dimension Name field is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 95
For Labor Codes:
Always filled with 'Labor Codes'.

For Labor Control Codes:

Always filled with 'Labor Control Codes'.

For LN Landed Costs:

Always fillled with 'LN Landed Costs'.

For Ledger Unit 1:

1) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Dimension Name field.
2) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Default Dimension Description field.

If the Default Dimension Description field is equal to 'Ledger Unit 1', the Dimension Name field is published.

For Ledger Unit 2:

1) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Dimension Name field.
2) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Default Dimension Description field.

If the Default Dimension Description field is equal to 'Ledger Unit 2', the Dimension Name field is published.

For LN Reasons:
Always filled with 'LN Reasons'.
For Markets:
Always filled with 'Markets'.

For Material Review Board Codes:

Always filled with 'Material Review Board Codes'.

For MetaFixedDimension:
For MetaFlexDimension:
Always filled with 'DIMENSIONS'.

Always filled with 'NAICS'.

For Non Conformance Severity Codes:

Always filled with 'Non Conformance Severity Codes'.

For Non Conformance Types:

Always filled with 'For Non Conformance Types'.

For Opportunity Sources:

Always filled with 'Opportunity Sources'.

For Overhead Codes:

Always filled with 'Overhead Codes'.

For Package Label Template Codes:

Always filled with 'Package Label Template Codes'.

For Payment Methods:

Always filled with 'Payment Methods'.

For PaymentTerm:
Always filled with 'Payment Term'.

For Phase Codes:

Always filled with 'Phase Codes'.

For Problem Codes:

Always filled with 'Problem Codes'.

For Process Codes:

Always filled with 'Process Codes'.

For Product Lines:

Always filled with 'Product Lines'.

For Product Selection Codes:

Always filled with 'Product Selection Codes'.

For Product Types:

Always filled with 'Product Types'.

For Production Order Reason:

Always filled with 'Production Order Reason'.

Infor April 07, 2020 96

For Project Acquiring Methods:
Always filled with 'Project Acquiring Method'.

For Project Categories:

Always filled with 'Project Categories'.

For Project Groups:

Always filled with 'Project Groups'.

For Project Programs:

Always filled with 'Project Programs'.

For Reasons for Charge:

Always filled with 'Reasons for Charge'

For Reference Designator:

Always filled with 'Reference Designators'.

For Reject Reasons:

Always filled with 'Reject Reasons'.

For LN Response Types:

Always filled with 'LN Response Types'.

For Return Reasons:

Always filled with 'Return Reasons'.

For Revenue Codes:

Always filled with 'Revenue Codes'.

For Reconciliation Group:

1) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Dimension Name field.
2) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Default Dimension Description field.

If the Default Dimension Description field is equal to 'Reconciliation Group', the Dimension Name field is

For Sales Stages:

Always filled with 'Sales Stages'.

For Sales Types:

Always filled with 'Sales Types'.

For Sampling Rules:

Always filled with 'Sampling Rules'.

For LN Serialized Item Groups:

Always filled with 'LN Serialized Item Groups'.

For LN Serialized Item Warranties:

Always filled with 'LN Serialized Item Warranties'.

For Service Areas:

Always filled with 'Service Areas'.

For Service Contract Types:

Always filled with 'Service Contract Types'.

For LN Service Item Groups:

Always filled with 'LN Service Item Groups'.

For Service Types:

Always filled with 'Service Types'.

For Service Usage Classes:

Always filled with 'Service Usage Classes'.

For Skills:
Session Skills (tcppl0110m000), Qualification Type field.

If the Qualification Type field is equal to 'Skill', 'Skills' is published.

If the Qualification Type field is equal to 'Competency', 'Competencies' is published.
If the Qualification Type field is equal to 'Credential', 'Qualifications' is published.

For Solution Codes:

Always filled with 'Solution Codes'.

For Source of Defect Codes:

Always filled with 'Source of Defect Codes'.
Infor April 07, 2020 97
For SubDivisions:
Session State/Provinces (tcmcs1143m00), Country field.

The concatenation of 'SubDivisions - ' and the Country field is published

For Sundry Cost Control Codes:

Always filled with 'Sundry Cost Control Codes'.

For Tax Ledger Account:

1) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Dimension Name field.
2) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Default Dimension Description field.

If the Default Dimension Description field is equal to 'Tax Ledger Account', the Dimension Name field is

For Tax Code:

1) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Dimension Name field.
2) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Default Dimension Description field.

If the Default Dimension Description field is equal to 'Tax Code', the Dimension Name field is published.

For Tax Country:

1) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Dimension Name field.
2) Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Default Dimension Description field.

If the Default Dimension Description field is equal to 'Tax Country', the Dimension Name field is published.

For Territories:
Always filled with 'Territories'.

For Tests:
Always filled with 'Tests'.

For Titles:
Always filled with 'Titles'.

For Transportation Methods:

Always filled with 'Transportation Methods'

The Unit Categories:

Always filled with 'Unit Categories'.

The Unit Codes:

Always filled with 'Unit Codes'.

For Wage Groups:

Always filled with 'Wage Groups'.

For LN Work Cell Plan Groups:

Always filled with 'LN Work Cell Plan Groups'.
For Activity Templates: For Activity Templates:
tsacm101.cact Session Reference Activities (tsacm1101m000), Reference Activity field.

For Business Sectors: For Business Sectors:

tppdm055.csec Session Business Sectors (tcppdm0137m000), Business Sector field.

For Business Partner: For Business Partner:

tccom100.bpid Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), General tab, Business Partner field.

For Cash Flow Reason: For Cash Flow Reason:

tcmcs005.cdis Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason field.

For Commodity Codes: For Commodity Codes:

tcmcs028.ccde Session Commodity Codes (tcmcs0128m000), Commodity Code field.

For Contact Categories: For Contact Categories:

tcmcs128.cctg Session Contact Categories (tcmcs1128m000), Contact Category field.

For Corrective Action Types: For Corrective Action Types:

qmcpl001.tskt Session Task Types (qmcpl0101m000), Task Type field.

For Corrective Action For Corrective Action Categories:

Categories: Session Categories (qmcpl0102m000), Category field.
For Cost Centers:
For Cost Centers: Session Departments (tcmcs0565m000) Department field.

Infor April 07, 2020 98

For Cost Components:
For Cost Components: Session Cost Components (tcmcs0148m000), Cost Component field.
For Coverage Types:
For Coverage Types: Session Coverage Types (tsmdm0135m000), Coverage Type field.
For Customer Types:
For Customer Types: Session Business Partner Types (tcmcs0129m000), Business Partner Type field.
For Defective Material Notice Responsibility Codes:
For Defective Material Notice Session Non-Conformance Responsible (qmncm0105m000), NCM Responsible field.
Responsibility Codes:
qmncm005.ncrc For Departments:
Session Departments (tcmcs0565m000) Department field.
For Departments:
tcmcs065.cwoc For Disposition Codes:
Session Non-Material Disposition Codes (qmncm0106m000), Code field.
For Disposition Codes:
qmncm006.ndis For Enterprise Units:
Session Enterprise Units (tcemm0130m000), Enterprise Unit field.
For Enterprise Units:
tcemm030.eunt For externally defined ListID:
For externally defined ListID: Session External CodeDefinitions (tcbod0511m000), Code field.
For Financing Methods:
For Financing Methods: Session Financing Methods (tppdm0139m000), Financing Method field.
For Freight Class:
For Freight Class: Session Freight Classes (fmfmd0130m000), Freight Class field.
For Freight Service Levels:
For Freight Service Levels: Session Freight Service Levels (tcmcs0175m000), Freight Service Level field.
For FlexDimension:
For FlexDimension: 1) Session Dimensions (tfgld0510m000), Dimension field.
1) tfgld010.dimx 2) Session Dimensions (tfgld0510m000), Dimension Sublevel field.
2) tfgld010.subl
If the Dimension Sublevel field is equal to zero, the Dimension field is published.
For General Tasks:
bpmdm050.gtsk For General Tasks:
Session General Tasks (bpmdm0150m000), General Task field. For Geographic Areas:
For LN Generic Warranties:
tsctm500.gwte For LN Generic Warranties:
Session Generic Warranties (tsctm5100m000), Generic Warranty field.
For Geographic Areas:
tcmcs045.creg For Geographic Areas:
Session Areas (tcmcs0145m000), Area field.
For Hold Reason Codes:
tcmcs005.cdis For Hold Reason Codes:
Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason field.
For Industries:
tcmcs031.cbrn For Industries:
Session Lines of Business (tcmcs0131m000), Line of Business field.
For Inspection Levels:
qmptc064.ilvl For Inspection Levels:
Session Inspection Levels (qmptc0164m000), Inspection Level field.
For Inspection Standards:
qmptc074.inss For Inspection Standards:
Session Inspection Standards (qmptc0174m000), Inspection Standard field.
For Inventory Adjustment
Reason Codes: For Inventory Adjustment Reason Codes:
tcmcs005.cdis Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason field.

For Invoice Delivery Methods: For Invoice Delivery Methods:

tcmcs056.cidm Session Invoice Delivery Methods (tcmcs0156m000), Invoice Delivery Method field.

For Item Aspects: For Item Aspects:

qmptc002.aspt Session Aspects (qmptc0102m000), Aspect field.

For Item Characteristics: For Item Characteristics:

qmptc001.char Session Characteristics (qmptc0101m000), Characteristic field.

For Item Characteristic For Item Characteristic Options:

Options: 1) Session Characteristics (qmptc0114m000), Option Set field.
1) qmptc014.oset 2) Session Characteristics (qmptc0114m000), Option field.
2) qmptc014.optn
The concatenation of the Option Set field and the Option field is published.
For Item Classes:
Infor April 07, 2020 99
tcmcs062.cpcl For Item Classes:
Session Product Classes (tcmcs0162m000), Product Class field.
For Item Control Codes - Item:
tppdm005.item For Item Control Codes - Item:
Session Items - Project (tppdm0505m000), Item field.
For Item Control Codes -
Standard Equipment: For Item Control Codes - Standard Equipment:
tppdm025.cequ Session Standard Equipment (tppdm0512m000), Equipment field.

For Item Control Codes - For Item Control Codes - Project Equipment:
Project Equipment: Session Project Equipment (tppdm6512m000), Project field.
tppdm625.cprj Session Project Equipment (tppdm6512m000), Equipment field.
The concatenation of the Project field and the Equipment field is published.
For Item Control Codes -
Standard Subcontracting: For Item Control Codes - Standard Subcontracting:
tppdm035.csub Session Standard Subcontracting (tppdm0513m000), Subcontracting field.

For Item Control Codes - For Item Control Codes - Project Subcontracting:
Project Subcontracting: Session Project Subcontracting (tppdm6513m000), Project field.
tppdm635.cprj Session Project Subcontracting (tppdm6513m000), Subcontracting field.
The concatenation of the Project field and the Subcontracting field is published.
For Item Groups:
tcmcs023.ctig For Item Groups:
Session Item Groups (tcmcs0123m000), Item Group field.
For Item Rebate Groups:
tdcms018.cmgp For Item Rebate Groups:
Session Commission/Rebate Groups (tdcms0118m000), Comm/Rebate Grp field.
For Item Signals:
tcmcs018.csig For Item Signals:
Session Item Signals (tcmcs0118m000), Item Signal field.
For Journal Book:
tfgld050.secd For Item Types:
Either 'Purchased', 'Manufactured', 'Generic', 'Cost', 'Service', 'Subcontracted Service', 'List', 'Equipment' or
For Labor Control Codes: 'Engineering Module' is published.
1) tppdm015.task
2) tppdm615.cprj For Journal Book:
3) tppdm615.task Session Journal Books (tfgld5510m000), Journal Book Section field.

For LN Landed Costs: For Labor Control Codes:

tclct115.lcos 1) Session Standard Labor (tppdm0111s000), General tab, Labor field.
2) Session Project Labor (tppdm6111s000), General tab, Project field.
For Ledger Unit 1: 3) Session Project Labor (tppdm6111s000), General tab, Labor field.
For Ledger Unit 2:
1) tcmcs001.cuni If standard labor, the Labor (1) field is published. Otherwise, the untrimmed concatenation of the Project field
2) tcmcs001.icun and the Labor (3) field is published.

For LN Reasons: For LN Landed Costs:

tcmcs005.cdis Session Landed Costs (tclct1115m000), Landed Cost Code field.

For Markets: For Ledger Unit 1:

tcmcs066.chan For Ledger Unit 2:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), Unit field.
For Material Review Board 2) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
qmncm003.mrbc Based on the Unit field, the ISO Code field is published.
For LN 10.6 or later:
tcppl040.cgrp For LN Reasons:
Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason field.
For MetaFixedDimension:
tfbia802.name For Markets:
Session Channels (tcmcs0166m000), Channel field.
For MetaFlexDimension:
tfbia801.name For Material Review Board Codes:
Session Material Review Boards (qmncm0103m000), Material Review Board field.
For NAICS: For LN 10.6 or later:
tcmcs125.incd Session Teams (tcppl0140m000), Team field.

For Non Conformance For MetaFixedDimension:

Severity Codes: Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Dimension Name field.
For MetaFlexDimension:
For Non Conformance Types: Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8101s000), Dimension Name field.
For Opportunity Sources: Session Industry Codes (tcmcs1125m000), Industry Code field.
For Non Conformance Severity Codes:
Infor April 07, 2020 100
For Overhead Codes: Session Severities (qmncm0102m000), Severity field.
For Non Conformance Types:
For Package Label Template Session Non-Conforming Type (qmncm0101m000), Non-Conforming Type field.
whwmd520.labl For Opportunity Sources:
Session Sources (tcmcs1124m000), Source field.
For Payment Methods:
tfcmg003.paym For Overhead Codes:
Session Standard Overhead (tppdm0142m000), Overhead field.
For PaymentTerm:
tcmcs013.cpay For Package Label Template Codes:
Session Label Layouts (whwmd5520m000), Label Layout field.
For Problem Codes:
tsclm330.cprl For Payment Methods:
Session Payment/Receipt Methods (tfcmg0540m000), Payment/Receipt Method field.
For Phase Codes:
tppdm085.cstg For PaymentTerm:
Session Payment Terms (tcmcs0513m000), Payment Terms field.
For Process Codes:
tirou003.tano For Phase Codes:
Session Phases (tppdm0147m000), Phase field.
For Product Lines:
tcmcs061.cpln For Problem Codes:
Session Problems (tsclm3130m000), Problem field.
For Product Selection Code:
tcmcs022.csel For Process Codes:
Session Tasks (tirou0103m000), Task field.
For Product Types:
tcmcs015.ctyp For Product Lines:
Session Product Lines (tcmcs0161m000), Product Line field.
For Project Acquiring Methods:
tppdm063.ccam For Product Selection Codes:
Session Selection Codes (tcmcs0122m000), Selection Code field.
For Project Categories:
tppdm075.ccat For Product Types:
Session Product Types (tcmcs0115m000), Product Type field.
For Project Groups:
tppdm065.ccot For Project Acquiring Methods:
Session Acquiring Methods (tppdm0140m000), Acquiring Method field.
For Project Programs:
tpctm010.prgm For Project Categories:
Session Categories (tppdm0146m000), Category field.
For Reasons for Charge:
tcmcs021.cdis For Project Groups:
Session Groups (tppdm0141m000), Group field.
For Reference Designator:
tcmcs090.lcid For Project Programs:
Session Programs (tpctm0110m000), Program field.
For Reject Reasons:
tcmcs005.cdis For Reasons for Charge:
Session Discount Codes (tcmcs0121m000), Discount Code field.
For LN Response Types:
tsclm020.crtc For Reference Designator:
Session Reference Designators (tcmcs0190m000), Reference Designator field.
For Return Reasons:
tcmcs005.cdis For Reject Reasons:
Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason field.
For Revenue Codes:
1) tppdm043.cpro For LN Response Types:
2) tppdm643.cprj Session Response Types (tsclm0120m000), Response Type field.
3) tppdm643.cpro
For Return Reasons:
For Reconciliation Group: Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason field.
1) tcfin020.reco
2) tcfin020.recs For Revenue Codes:
1) Session Standard Revenues (tppdm0515m000), Revenue Code field.
For Sales Stages: 2) Session Project - Revenues (tppdm6515m000), Project field.
tdsmi003.cpha 3) Session Project - Revenues (tppdm6515m000), Revenue Code field.

For Sales Types: If Standard Revenues, the Revenue Code (1) field is published. Otherwise, the untrimmed concatenation of the
tcmcs202.styp Project field and the Revenue Code (3) field is published.

For Sampling Rules: For Reconciliation Group:

qmptc060.saru 1) Session Reconciliation Groups (tcfin0120m000), Reconciliation Group (area) field.
2) Session Reconciliation Groups (tcfin0120m000), Reconciliation Group (subarea) field.
For LN Serialized Item
Groups: The concatenation of the Reconciliation Group (area) field and the Reconciliation Group (subarea) field is
tscfg010.sigr published.
Infor April 07, 2020 101
For LN Serialized Item For Sales Stages:
Warranties: Session Phases (tdsmi0103m000), Phase field.
For Sales Types:
For Service Areas: Session Sales Types (tcmcs2102m000), Sales Type field.
For Sampling Rules:
For Service Contract Types: Session Sampling Rules (qmptc0101m000), Sampling Rule field.
For LN Serialized Item Groups:
LN Service Item Groups: Session Serialized Item Groups (tscfg0110m000), Serialized Item Group field.
For LN Serialized Item Warranties:
For Service Types: Session Warranty Templates (tsctm0120m000), Warranty Template field.
For Service Areas:
For Service Usage Classes: Session Service Areas (tsmdm1105m000), Service Area field.
For Service Contract Types:
For Skills: Session Contract Types (tsctm0105m000), Contract Type field.
For LN Service Item Groups:
Session Service Item Groups (tsmdm2110m000), Service Item Group field.
For Solution Codes:
tsclm335.cstn For Service Types:
Session Service Types (tsmdm0130m000), Service Type field.
For Source of Defect Codes:
qmncm004.ncmc For Service Usage Classes:
Session Usage Classes (tsspc0130m000), Usage Class field.
For SubDivisions:
tcmcs143.cste For Skills:
Session Skills (tcppl0110m000), Skills field.
For Sundry Cost Control
Codes: For Solution Codes:
1) tppdm040.cico Session Solutions (tsclm3135m000), Solution field.
2) tppdm640.cprj
3) tppdm640.cico For Source of Defect Codes:
Session Non-Conforming Cause (qmncm0401m000), NCM Cause field.
For Tax Ledger Account:
1) tfgld070.vacp For SubDivisions:
2) tfgld070.vacs Session State/Provinces (tcmcs1143m00), State/Province field.
3) tfgld070.vaap
4) tfgld070.vaar For Sundry Cost Control Codes:
5) tfgld070.vapc 1) Session Standard Sundry Cost (tppdm0114s000), General tab, Sundry Cost field.
6) tfgld070.vasc 2) Session Project Sundry Cost (tppdm6114s000), General tab, Project field.
7) tfgld070.vapa 3) Session Project Sundry Cost (tppdm6114s000), General tab, Sundry Cost field.
8) tfgld070.vara
9) tfgld070.iavp If standard Sundry Cost, the Sundry Cost (1) field is published. Otherwise, the untrimmed concatenation of the
10) tfgld070.iavr Project field and the Sundry Cost (3) field is published.
11) tfgld070.casp
12) tfgld070.cass For Tax Ledger Account:
13) tfgld070.ascc 1) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Purchase Tax
14) tfgld071.vacp field.
15) tfgld071.vacs 2) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Sales Tax field.
16) tfgld071.vaap 3) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Purchase Tax
17) tfgld071.vaar on Advance Payments field.
18) tfgld071.vapc 4) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Sales Tax on
19) tfgld071.vasc Advance Receipts field.
20) tfgld071.vapa 5) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Purchase Tax
21) tfgld071.vara on Credit Notes field.
22) tfgld071.iavp 6) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Sales Tax on
23) tfgld071.iavr Credit Notes field.
24) tfgld071.casp 7) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Purchase Tax
25) tfgld071.cass on Assignment of Advance Payments field.
26) tfgld071.stca 8) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Sales Tax on
27) tfgld071.ascc Assignment of Advance Receipts field.
9) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Purchase Tax
For Tax Code: on Payments (Interim) field.
tcmcs037.cvat 10) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Sales Tax on
Receipts (Interim) field.
For Tax Country: 11) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Shifted
1) tcmcs036.ccty Purchase Tax field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 12) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Shifted Sales
Tax field.
For Territories: 13) Session Posting Data for Multiple Tax Codes (tfgld0170s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Social
tcmcs127.ster Contribution (Company Expense) field.
14) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Purchase Tax field.
For Tests: 15) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Sales Tax field.
Infor April 07, 2020 102
qmptc006.test 16) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Purchase Tax on
Advance Payments field.
For Titles: 17) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Sales Tax on Advance
tcmcs019.ctit Receipts field.
18) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Purchase Tax on
For Units: Credit Notes field.
1) tcmcs001.cuni 19) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Sales Tax on Credit
2) tcmcs001.icun Notes field.
20) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Purchase Tax on
For Wage Groups: Assignment of Advance Payments field.
tcppl030.ckow 21) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Sales Tax on
Assignment of Advance Receipts field.
For LN Work Cell Plan 22) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Purchase Tax on
Groups: Payments (Interim) field.
tirpt042.wcpg 23) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Sales Tax on Receipts
(Interim) field.
24) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Shifted Purchase
Tax field.
25) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Sales Tab, Shifted Sales Tax field.
26) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Accrued Stamp Tax
27) Session Posting Data for Tax Codes (tfgld0171s000), Ledger Accounts Purchase Tab, Social Contribution
(Company Expense) field.

The appropriate Tax Ledger Account field is published.

For Tax Code:

Session Tax Codes (tcmcs0137m000), Tax Code field.

For Tax Country:

1) Session Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0536m000), Country field.
2) Session Countries (tcmcs0510m000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.

Based on the Country Field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field is published.

For Territories:
Session Sales Territories (tcmcs1127m000), Sales Territory field.

For Tests:
Session Tests (qmptc0106m000), Test field.

For Titles:
Session Titles (tcmcs0119m000), Title field.

For Transportation Methods:

Either 'AirFreight', 'AirFreightCharter', 'Consolidation', 'TruckSubcontractor', 'TruckCustomer', 'ExpressAir',
'ExpressRailway', 'ExpressTruck', 'InlandWaterway', 'FixedInstallation', 'Intermodal', 'Mail', 'MilkRun',
'TruckOwnSupplier', 'PoolPoint', 'Parcel', 'RailwayCarriage', 'RailwayFreight', 'TruckForwarder', 'Truck',
'SeaFreight', 'LessThanTruckload' or 'SeaFreightContainer' is published.

For Unit Categories:

Either 'AREA' or 'OTHER' is published.

For Units:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), Unit field.
2) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.

Based on the Unit field, the ISO Code field is published.

For Wage Groups:

Session Labor Types (tcccpl0130m000), Labor Type field.

For LN Work Cell Plan Groups:

Session Work Cell Plan Groups (tirpt0142m000), Work Cell Plan Group field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Activity Templates: For Activity Templates:
tsacm101.desc Session Reference Activity (tsacm1601m000), Description field.

For Business Sectors: For Business Sectors:

tppdm055.desc Session Business Sectors (tcppdm0137m000), Description field.

For Business Partner: For Business Partner:

tccom100.nama Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), General tab, Name field.

For Cash Flow Reason: For Cash Flow Reason:

tcmcs005.dsca Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason Description field.

Infor April 07, 2020 103

For Commodity Codes: For Commodity Codes:
tcmcs028.dsca Session Commodity Codes (tcmcs0128m000), Commodity Code Description field.

For Contact Categories: For Contact Categories:

tcmcs128.dsca Session Contact Categories (tcmcs1128m000), Contact Category Description field.

For Corrective Action Types: For Corrective Action Types:

qmcpl001.dsca Session Task Types (qmcpl0101m000), Task Type Description field.

For Corrective Action For Corrective Action Categories:

Categories: Session Categories (qmcpl0102m000), Category Description field.
For Cost Centers:
For Cost Centers: Session Departments (tcmcs0565m000) Department Description field.
For Cost Components:
For Cost Components: Session Cost Components (tcmcs0148m000), Cost Component Description field.
For Coverage Types:
For Coverage Types: Session Coverage Types (tsmdm0135m000), Coverage Type Description field.
For Customer Types:
For Customer Types: Session Business Partner Types (tcmcs0129m000), Business Partner Type Description field.
For Defective Material Notice Responsibility Codes:
For Defective Material Notice Session Non-Conformance Responsible (qmncm0105m000), NCM Responsible Description field.
Responsibility Codes:
qmncm005.dsca For Departments:
Session Departments (tcmcs0565m000) Department Description field.
For Departments:
tcmcs065.dsca For Disposition Codes:
Session Non-Material Disposition Codes (qmncm0106m000), Non Conformance Disposition field.
For Disposition Codes:
qmncm006.disp For Enterprise Units:
Session Enterprise Units (tcemm0130m000), Description field.
For Enterprise Units:
tcemm030.dsca For externally defined ListID:
For externally defined ListID: Session External CodeDefinitions (tcbod0511m000), Description field.
For Financing Methods:
For Financing Methods: Session Financing Methods (tppdm0139m000), Description field.
For Freight Class:
For Freight Class: Session Freight Classes (fmfmd0130m000), Freight Class Description field.
For Freight Service Levels:
For Freight Service Levels: Session Freight Service Levels (tcmcs0175m000), Freight Service Level Description field.
For FlexDimension:
For FlexDimension: Session Dimensions (tfgld0510m000), Dimension Description field.
For General Tasks:
For General Tasks: Session General Tasks (bpmdm0150m000), General Task Description field.
For LN Generic Warranties:
For LN Generic Warranties: Session Generic Warranties (tsctm5100m000), Generic Warranty Description field.
For Geographic Areas:
For Geographic Areas: Session Areas (tcmcs0145m000), Area Description field.
For Hold Reason Codes:
For Hold Reason Codes: Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason Description field.
For Industries:
For Industries: Session Lines of Business (tcmcs0131m000), Line of Business Description field.
For Inspection Levels:
For Inspection Levels: Session Inspection Levels (qmptc0164m000), Inspection Level Description field.
For Inspection Standards:
For Inspection Standards: Session Inspection Standards (qmptc0174m000), Inspection Standard Description field.
For Inventory Adjustment Reason Codes:
For Inventory Adjustment Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason Description field.
Reason Codes:
tcmcs005.dsca For Invoice Delivery Methods:
Session Invoice Delivery Methods (tcmcs0156m000), Invoice Delivery Method Description field.
For Invoice Delivery Methods:
Infor April 07, 2020 104
tcmcs056.dsca For Item Aspects:
Session Aspects (qmptc0102m000), Aspect Description field.
For Item Aspects:
qmptc002.dsca For Item Characteristics:
Session Characteristics (qmptc0101m000), Characteristic Description field.
For Item Characteristics:
qmptc001.dsca For Item Characteristic Options:
Session Characteristics (qmptc0114m000), Option Description field.
For Item Characteristic
Options: For Item Classes:
qmptc014.dsca Session Product Classes (tcmcs0162m000), Product Class Description field.

For Item Classes: For Item Control Codes - Item:

tcmcs062.dsca Session Items - Project (tppdm0505m000), Description field.

For Item Control Codes - Item: For Item Control Codes - Standard Equipment:
tcibd001.dsca Session Standard Equipment (tppdm0512m000), Description field.

For Item Control Codes - For Item Control Codes - Project Equipment:
Standard Equipment: Session Project Equipment (tppdm6512m000), Description field.
For Item Control Codes - Standard Subcontracting:
For Item Control Codes - Session Standard Subcontracting (tppdm0513m000), Description field.
Project Equipment:
tppdm625.desc For Item Control Codes - Project Subcontracting:
Session Project Subcontracting (tppdm6513m000), Subcontracting Description field.
For Item Control Codes -
Standard Subcontracting: For Item Groups:
tppdm035.desc Session Item Groups (tcmcs0123m000), Item Group Description field.

For Item Control Codes - For Item Rebate Groups:

Project Subcontracting: Session Commission/Rebate Groups (tdcms0118m000), Description field.
For Item Signals:
For Item Groups: Session Item Signals (tcmcs0118m000), Item Signal Description field.
For Item Types:
For Item Rebate Groups: Either 'Purchased', 'Manufactured', 'Generic', 'Cost', 'Service', 'Subcontracted Service', 'List', 'Equipment' or
tdcms018.dsca 'Engineering Module' is published.

For Item Signals: For Journal Book:

tcmcs018.dsca Session Journal Books (tfgld5510m000), Journal Book Section Description field.

For Journal Book: For Labor Codes:

tfgld050.desc Session Task (tsmdm0115m000), Task Description field.

For Labor Codes: For Labor Control Codes:

tsmdm015.desk 1) Session Standard Labor (tppdm0111s000), General tab, Description field.
2) Session Project Labor (tppdm6111s000), General tab, Description field.
For Labor Control Codes:
1) tppdm015.desc For LN Landed Costs:
2) tppdm615.desc Session Landed Costs (tclct1115m000), Landed Cost Code description field.

For LN Landed Costs: For Ledger Unit 1:

tclct115.dsca For Ledger Unit 2:
Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), Unit Description field.
For Ledger Unit 1:
For Ledger Unit 2: For LN Reasons:
tcmcs001.dsca Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason Description field.

For LN Reasons: For Markets:

tcmcs005.dsca Session Channels (tcmcs0166m000), Channel Description field.

For Markets: For Material Review Board Codes:

tcmcs066.dsca Session Material Review Boards (qmncm0103m000), Material Review Board Description field.
For LN 10.6 or later:
For Material Review Board Session Teams (tcppl0140m000), Description field.
qmncm003.dsca For MetaFixedDimension:
For LN 10.6 or later: Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Dimension Name field.
For MetaFlexDimension:
For MetaFixedDimension: Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8101s000), Dimension Name field.
For MetaFlexDimension: Session Industry Codes (tcmcs1125m000), Industry Code Description field.
For Non Conformance Severity Codes:
For NAICS: Session Severities (qmncm0102m000), Severity Description field.
Infor April 07, 2020 105
For Non Conformance Types:
For Non Conformance Session Non-Conforming Type (qmncm0101m000), Non-Conforming Type Description field.
Severity Codes:
qmncm002.dsca For Opportunity Sources:
Session Sources (tcmcs1124m000), Source Description field.
For Non Conformance Types:
qmncm001.dsca For Overhead Codes:
Session Standard Overhead (tppdm0142m000), Description field.
For Opportunity Sources:
tcmcs124.dsca For Package Label Template Codes:
Session Label Layouts (whwmd5520m000), Label Layout Description field.
For Overhead Codes:
tppdm042.desc For Payment Methods:
Session Payment/Receipt Methods (tfcmg0540m000), Description field.
For Package Label Template
Codes: For PaymentTerm:
whwmd520.dsca Session Payment Terms (tcmcs0513m000), Payment Terms Description field.

For Payment Methods: For Phase Codes:

tfcmg003.desc Session Phases (tppdm0147m000), Phase Description field.

For PaymentTerm: For Problem Codes:

tcmcs013.dsca Session Problems (tsclm3130m000), Problem Description field.

For Phase Codes: For Process Codes:

tppdm085.dsca Session Tasks (tirou0103m000), Task Description field.

For Problem Codes: For Product Lines:

tsclm330.desc Session Product Lines (tcmcs0161m000), Product Line Description field.

For Process Codes: For Product Selection Codes:

tirou003.dsca Session Selection Codes (tcmcs0122m000), Selection Code Description field.

For Product Lines: For Product Types:

tcmcs061.dsca Session Product Types (tcmcs0115m000), Product Type Description field.

For Product Selection Code: For Project Acquiring Methods:

tcmcs022.dsca Session Acquiring Methods (tppdm0140m000), Description field.

For Product Types: For Project Categories:

tcmcs015.dsca Session Categories (tppdm0146m000), Description field.

For Project Acquiring Methods:For Project Groups:

tppdm063.desc Session Groups (tppdm0141m000), Description field.

For Project Categories: For Project Programs:

tppdm075.desc Session Programs (tpctm0110m000), Description field.

For Project Groups: For Reasons for Charge:

tppdm065.desc Session Discount Codes (tcmcs0121m000), Discount Code Description field.

For Project Programs: For Reference Designator:

tpctm010.dsca Session Reference Designators (tcmcs0190m000), Description field.

For Reasons for Charge: For Reject Reasons:

tcmcs021.dsca Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason Description field.

For Reference Designator: For LN Response Types:

tcmcs090.dsca Session Response Types (tsclm0120m000), Response Type Description field.

For Reject Reasons: For Return Reasons:

tcmcs005.dsca Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason Description field.

For LN Response Types: For Revenue Codes:

tsclm020.desc 1) Session Standard Revenues (tppdm0515m000), Description field.
2) Session Project - Revenues (tppdm6515m000), Description field.
For Return Reasons:
tcmcs005.dsca For Reconciliation Group:
1) Session Reconciliation Groups (tcfin0120m000), Reconciliation Group (description) field.
For Revenue Codes: 2) Session Reconciliation Groups (tcfin0120m000), Reconciliation Group (area) field.
1) tppdm043.desc
2) tppdm643.desc If the Reconciliation Group (description) field is filled, the Reconciliation Group (description) field is published.
Otherwise, the Reconciliation Group (area) field is published.
For Reconciliation Group:
1) tcfin020.dsca For Sales Stages:
2) tcfin020.reco Session Phases (tdsmi0103m000), Phase Description field.

For Sales Stages: For Sales Types:

Infor April 07, 2020 106
tdsmi003.dsca Session Sales Types (tcmcs2102m000), Sales Type Description field.

For Sales Types: For Sampling Rules:

tcmcs202.desc Session Sampling Rules (qmptc0101m000), Sampling Rule Description field.

For Sampling Rules: For LN Serialized Item Groups:

qmptc060.dsca Session Serialized Item Groups (tscfg0110m000), Serialized Item Group Description field.

For LN Serialized Item For LN Serialized Item Warranties:

Groups: Session Warranty Templates (tsctm0120m000), Warranty Template Description field.
For Service Areas:
For LN Serialized Item Session Service Areas (tsmdm1105m000), Service Area Description field.
tsctm020.desc For Service Contract Types:
Session Contract Types (tsctm0105m000), Contract Type Description field.
For Service Areas:
tsmdm105.desc For LN Service Item Groups:
Session Service Item Groups (tsmdm2110m000), Service Item Group Description field.
For Service Contract Types:
tsctm005.desc For Service Types:
Session Service Types (tsmdm0130m000), Service Type Description field.
For LN Service Item Groups:
tsmdm210.desc For Service Usage Classes:
Session Usage Classes (tsspc0130m000), Usage Class Description field.
For Service Types:
tsmdm030.desc For Skills:
Session Skills (tcppl0110m000), Skill Description field.
For Service Usage Classes:
tsspc030.desc For Solution Codes:
Session Solutions (tsclm3135m000), Solution Description field.
For Skills:
tcppl010.dsca For Source of Defect Codes:
Session Non-Conforming Cause (qmncm0401m000), NCM Cause Description field.
For Solution Codes:
tsclm335.desc For SubDivisions:
Session State/Provinces (tcmcs1143m00), State/Province Description field.
For Source of Defect Codes:
qmncm004.dsca For Sundry Cost Control Codes:
1) Session Standard Sundry Cost (tppdm0114s000), General tab, Description field.
For SubDivisions: 2) Session Project Sundry Cost (tppdm6114s000), General tab, Description field.
For Tax Ledger Account:
For Sundry Cost Control Session Chart of Account (tfgld0508m000), Ledger Account Description field.
1) tppdm040.desc For Tax Code:
2) tppdm640.desc Session Tax Codes (tcmcs0137m000), Tax Code Description field.

For Tax Ledger Account: For Tax Country:

tfgld008.dsca Session Countries (tcmcs0510m000), Country Description field.

For Tax Code: For Territories:

tcmcs037.dsca Session Sales Territories (tcmcs1127m000), Sales Territory Description field.

For Tax Country: For Tests:

tcmcs010.dsca Session Tests (qmptc0106m000), Test Description field.

For Territories: For Titles:

tcmcs127.dsca Session Titles (tcmcs0119m000), Title Description field.

For Tests: For Transportation Methods:

qmptc006.dsca Either 'AirFreight', 'AirFreightCharter', 'Consolidation', 'TruckSubcontractor', 'TruckCustomer', 'ExpressAir',
'ExpressRailway', 'ExpressTruck', 'InlandWaterway', 'FixedInstallation', 'Intermodal', 'Mail', 'MilkRun',
For Titles: 'TruckOwnSupplier', 'PoolPoint', 'Parcel', 'RailwayCarriage', 'RailwayFreight', 'TruckForwarder', 'Truck',
tcmcs019.dsca 'SeaFreight', 'LessThanTruckload' or 'SeaFreightContainer' is published.

For Units: For Unit Categories:

tcmcs001.dsca Either 'Area' or 'Other' is published.

For Wage Groups: For Units:

tcppl030.desc Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), Unit Description field.

For LN Work Cell Plan For Wage Groups:

Groups: Session Labor Types (tcccpl0130m000), Labor Type Description field.
For LN Work Cell Plan Groups:
Session Work Cell Plan Groups (tirpt0142m000), Description field.

Infor April 07, 2020 107

For Activity Templates: For Activity Templates:
tsacm101.desc Session Reference Activity (tsacm1601m000), Description field.

For Business Sectors: For Business Sectors:

tppdm055.desc Session Business Sectors (tcppdm0137m000), Description field.

For Business Partner: For Business Partner:

tccom100.nama Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), General tab, Name field.

For Cash Flow Reason: For Cash Flow Reason:

tcmcs005.dsca Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason Description field.

For Commodity Codes: For Commodity Codes:

tcmcs028.dsca Session Commodity Codes (tcmcs0128m000), Commodity Code Description field.

For Contact Categories: For Contact Categories:

tcmcs128.dsca Session Contact Categories (tcmcs1128m000), Contact Category Description field.

For Corrective Action Types: For Corrective Action Types:

qmcpl001.dsca Session Task Types (qmcpl0101m000), Task Type Description field.

For Corrective Action For Corrective Action Categories:

Categories: Session Categories (qmcpl0102m000), Category Description field.
For Cost Centers:
For Cost Centers: Session Departments (tcmcs0565m000) Department Description field.
For Cost Components:
For Cost Components: Session Cost Components (tcmcs0148m000), Cost Component Description field.
For Coverage Types:
For Coverage Types: Session Coverage Types (tsmdm0135m000), Coverage Type Description field.
For Customer Types:
For Customer Types: Session Business Partner Types (tcmcs0129m000), Business Partner Type Description field.
For Defective Material Notice Responsibility Codes:
For Defective Material Notice Session Non-Conformance Responsible (qmncm0105m000), NCM Responsible Description field.
Responsibility Codes:
qmncm005.dsca For Departments:
Session Departments (tcmcs0565m000) Department Description field.
For Departments:
tcmcs065.dsca For Disposition Codes:
Session Non-Material Disposition Codes (qmncm0106m000), Non Conformance Disposition field.
For Disposition Codes:
qmncm006.disp For Enterprise Units:
Session Enterprise Units (tcemm0130m000), Description field.
For Enterprise Units:
tcemm030.dsca For externally defined ListID:
Session External CodeDefinitions (tcbod0511m000), Description field.
For externally defined ListID:
tcbod011.dsca For Financing Methods:
Session Financing Methods (tppdm0139m000), Description field.
For Financing Methods:
tppdm059.desc For Freight Class:
Session Freight Classes (fmfmd0130m000), Freight Class Description field.
For Freight Class:
fmfmd030.dsca For Freight Service Levels:
Session Freight Service Levels (tcmcs0175m000), Freight Service Level Description field.
For Freight Service Levels:
tcmcs075.dsca For FlexDimension:
Session Dimensions (tfgld0510m000), Dimension Description field.
For FlexDimension:
tfgld010.desc For General Tasks:
Session General Tasks (bpmdm0150m000), General Task field.
For General Tasks:
bpmdm050.dsca For LN Generic Warranties:
Session Generic Warranties (tsctm5100m000), Generic Warranty Description field.
For LN Generic Warranties:
tsctm500.desc For Geographic Areas:
Session Areas (tcmcs0145m000), Area Description field.
For Geographic Areas:
tcmcs045.dsca For Hold Reason Codes:
Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason Description field.
For Hold Reason Codes:
tcmcs005.dsca For Industries:
Session Lines of Business (tcmcs0131m000), Line of Business Description field.
For Industries:
tcmcs031.dsca For Inspection Levels:
Infor April 07, 2020 108
Session Inspection Levels (qmptc0164m000), Inspection Level Description field.
For Inspection Levels:
qmptc064.dsca For Inspection Standards:
Session Inspection Standards (qmptc0174m000), Inspection Standard Description field.
For Inspection Standards:
qmptc074.dsca For Inventory Adjustment Reason Codes:
Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason Description field.
For Inventory Adjustment
Reason Codes: For Invoice Delivery Methods:
tcmcs005.cdis Session Invoice Delivery Methods (tcmcs0156m000), Invoice Delivery Method Description field.

For Invoice Delivery Methods: For Item Aspects:

tcmcs056.dsca Session Aspects (qmptc0102m000), Aspect Description field.

For Item Aspects: For Item Characteristics:

qmptc002.dsca Session Characteristics (qmptc0101m000), Characteristic Description field

For Item Characteristics: For Item Characteristic Options:

qmptc001.dsca Session Characteristics (qmptc0114m000), Option Description field.

For Item Characteristic For Item Classes:

Options: Session Product Classes (tcmcs0162m000), Product Class Description field.
For Item Control Codes - Item:
For Item Classes: Session Items - Project (tppdm0505m000), Description field.
For Item Control Codes - Standard Equipment:
For Item Control Codes - Item: Session Standard Equipment (tppdm0512m000), Description field.
For Item Control Codes - Project Equipment:
For Item Control Codes - Session Project Equipment (tppdm6512m000), Description field.
Standard Equipment:
tppdm025.desc For Item Control Codes - Standard Subcontracting:
Session Standard Subcontracting (tppdm0513m000), Description field.
For Item Control Codes -
Project Equipment: For Item Control Codes - Project Subcontracting:
tppdm625.desc Session Project Subcontracting (tppdm6513m000), Subcontracting Description field.

For Item Control Codes - For Item Groups:

Standard Subcontracting: Session Item Groups (tcmcs0123m000), Item Group Description field.
For Item Rebate Groups:
For Item Control Codes - Session Commission/Rebate Groups (tdcms0118m000), Description field.
Project Subcontracting:
tppdm635.desc For Item Signals:
Session Item Signals (tcmcs0118m000), Item Signal Description field.
For Item Groups:
tcmcs023.dsca For Item Types:
Either 'Purchased', 'Manufactured', 'Generic', 'Cost', 'Service', 'Subcontracted Service', 'List', 'Equipment' or
For Item Rebate Groups: 'Engineering Module' is published.
For Journal Book:
For Item Signals: Session Journal Books (tfgld5510m000), Journal Book Section Description field.
For Labor Codes:
For Journal Book: Session Task (tsmdm0115m000), Task Description field.
For Labor Control Codes:
For Labor Codes: 1) Session Standard Labor (tppdm0111s000), General tab, Description field.
tsmdm015.desc 2) Session Project Labor (tppdm6111s000), General tab, Description field.

For Labor Control Codes: For LN Landed Costs:

1) tppdm015.desc Session Landed Costs (tclct1115m000), Landed Cost Code description field.
2) tppdm615.desc
For Ledger Unit 1:
For LN Landed Costs: For Ledger Unit 2:
tclct115.dsca Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), Unit Description field.

For Ledger Unit 1: For LN Reasons:

For Ledger Unit 2: Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason Description field.
For Markets:
For LN Reasons: Session Channels (tcmcs0166m000), Channel Description field.
For Material Review Board Codes:
For Markets: Session Material Review Boards (qmncm0103m000), Material Review Board Description field.
tcmcs066.dsca For LN 10.6 or later:
Session Teams (tcppl0140m000), Description field.
For Material Review Board
Infor April 07, 2020 109
Codes: For MetaFixedDimension:
qmncm003.dsca Session Fixed Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8102s000), Default Dimension Description field.
For LN 10.6 or later:
tcppl040.dsca For MetaFlexDimension:
1) Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8101s000), Default Dimension Description field.
For MetaFixedDimension: 2) Session Dimension-Type Descriptions (tfgld0102m000), Short Description field.
tfbia802.defd 3) Session Dimension-Type Descriptions (tfgld0102m000), Dimension Type field.
4) Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8101s000), Dimension Sequence field.
For MetaFlexDimension:
1) tfbia801.defd The Default Dimension Description field is published. In addition, if the Dimension Type field is equal to the
2) tfgld002.sdes Dimension Sequence field, the Short Description field is published.
3) tfgld002.dimn
4) tfbia801.dseq For NAICS:
Session Industry Codes (tcmcs1125m000), Industry Code Description field.
tcmcs125.dsca For Non Conformance Severity Codes:
Session Severities (qmncm0102m000), Severity Description field.
For Non Conformance
Severity Codes: For Non Conformance Types:
qmncm002.dsca Session Non-Conforming Type (qmncm0101m000), Non-Conforming Type Description field.

For Non Conformance Types: For Opportunity Sources:

qmncm001.dsca Session Sources (tcmcs1124m000), Source Decription field.

For Opportunity Sources: For Overhead Codes:

tcmcs124.dsca Session Standard Overhead (tppdm0142m000), Description field.

For Overhead Codes: For Package Label Template Codes:

tppdm042.desc Session Label Layouts (whwmd5520m000), Label Layout Description field.

For Package Label Template For Payment Methods:

Codes: Session Payment/Receipt Methods (tfcmg0540m000), Description field.
For PaymentTerm:
For Payment Methods: Session Payment Terms (tcmcs0513m000), Payment Terms Description field.
For Phase Codes:
For PaymentTerm: Session Phases (tppdm0147m000), Phase Description field.
For Problem Codes:
For Phase Codes: Session Problems (tsclm3130m000), Problem Description field.
For Process Codes:
For Problem Codes: Session Tasks (tirou0103m000), Task Description field.
For Product Lines:
For Process Codes: Session Product Lines (tcmcs0161m000), Product Line Description field.
For Product Selection Codes:
For Product Lines: Session Selection Codes (tcmcs0122m000), Selection Code Description field.
For Product Types:
For Product Selection Code: Session Product Types (tcmcs0115m000), Product Type Description field.
For Project Acquiring Methods:
For Product Types: Session Acquiring Methods (tppdm0140m000), Description field.
For Project Categories:
For Project Acquiring Methods:Session Categories (tppdm0146m000), Description field.
For Project Groups:
For Project Categories: Session Groups (tppdm0141m000), Description field.
For Project Programs:
For Project Groups: Session Programs (tpctm0110m000), Description field.
For Reasons for Charge:
For Project Programs: Session Discount Codes (tcmcs0121m000), Discount Code Description field.
For Reference Designator:
For Reasons for Charge: Session Reference Designators (tcmcs0190m000), Description field.
For Reject Reasons:
For Reference Designator: Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason Description field.
For LN Response Types:
For Reject Reasons: Session Response Types (tsclm0120m000), Response Type Description field.
For Return Reasons:
Infor April 07, 2020 110
For LN Response Types: Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason Description field.
For Revenue Codes:
For Return Reasons: 1) Session Standard Revenues (tppdm0515m000), Description field.
tcmcs005.dsca 2) Session Project - Revenues (tppdm6515m000), Description field.

For Revenue Codes: For Reconciliation Group:

1) tppdm043.desc 1) Session Reconciliation Groups (tcfin0120m000), Reconciliation Group (description) field.
2) tppdm643.desc 2) Session Reconciliation Groups (tcfin0120m000), Reconciliation Group (area) field.

For Reconciliation Group: If the Reconciliation Group (description) field is filled, the Reconciliation Group (description) field is published.
1) tcfin020.dsca Otherwise, the Reconciliation Group (area) field is published.
2) tcfin020.reco
For Sales Stages:
For Sales Stages: Session Phases (tdsmi0103m000), Phase Description field.
For Sales Types:
For Sales Types: Session Sales Types (tcmcs2102m000), Sales Type Description field.
For Sampling Rules:
For Sampling Rules: Session Sampling Rules (qmptc0101m000), Sampling Rule Description field.
For LN Serialized Item Groups:
For LN Serialized Item Session Serialized Item Groups (tscfg0110m000), Serialized Item Group Description field.
tscfg010.desc For LN Serialized Item Warranties:
Session Warranty Templates (tsctm0120m000), Warranty Template Description field.
For LN Serialized Item
Warranties: For Service Areas:
tsctm020.desc Session Service Areas (tsmdm1105m000), Service Area Description field.

For Service Areas: For Service Contract Types:

tsmdm105.desc Session Contract Types (tsctm0105m000), Contract Type Description field.

For Service Contract Types: For LN Service Item Groups:

tsctm005.desc Session Service Item Groups (tsmdm2110m000), Service Item Group Description field.

For LN Service Item Groups: For Service Types:

tsmdm210.desc Session Service Types (tsmdm0130m000), Service Type Description field.

For Service Types: For Service Usage Classes:

tsmdm030.desc Session Usage Classes (tsspc0130m000), Usage Class Description field.

For Service Usage Classes: For Skills:

tsspc030.desc Session Skills (tcppl0110m000), Skill Description field.

For Skills: For Solution Codes:

tcppl010.dsca Session Solutions (tsclm3135m000), Solution Description field.

For Solution Codes: For Source of Defect Codes:

tsclm335.desc Session Non-Conforming Cause (qmncm0401m000), NCM Cause Description field.

For Source of Defect Codes: For SubDivisions:

qmncm004.dsca Session State/Provinces (tcmcs1143m00), State/Province Description field.

For SubDivisions: For Sundry Cost Control Codes:

tcmcs143.dsca 1) Session Standard Sundry Cost (tppdm0114s000), General tab, Description field.
2) Session Project Sundry Cost (tppdm6114s000), General tab, Description field.
For Sundry Cost Control
Codes: For Tax Ledger Account:
1) tppdm040.desc Session Chart of Account (tfgld0508m000), Ledger Account Description field.
2) tppdm640.desc
For Tax Code:
For Tax Ledger Account: Session Tax Codes (tcmcs0137m000), Tax Code Description field.
For Tax Country:
For Tax Code: Session Countries (tcmcs0510m000), Country Description field.
For Territories:
For Tax Country: Session Sales Territories (tcmcs1127m000), Sales Territory Description field.
For Tests:
For Territories: Session Tests (qmptc0106m000), Test Description field.
For Titles:
For Tests: Session Titles (tcmcs0119m000), Title Description field.
qmptc006.dsca For Transportation Methods:
Either 'AirFreight', 'AirFreightCharter', 'Consolidation', 'TruckSubcontractor', 'TruckCustomer', 'ExpressAir',
For Titles: 'ExpressRailway', 'ExpressTruck', 'InlandWaterway', 'FixedInstallation', 'Intermodal', 'Mail', 'MilkRun',
Infor April 07, 2020 111
tcmcs019.dsca 'TruckOwnSupplier', 'PoolPoint', 'Parcel', 'RailwayCarriage', 'RailwayFreight', 'TruckForwarder', 'Truck',
'SeaFreight', 'LessThanTruckload' or 'SeaFreightContainer' is published.
For Units:
tcmcs001.dsca For Unit Categories:
Either 'Area' or 'Other' is published.
For Wage Groups:
tcppl030.desc For Units:
Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), Unit Description field.
For LN Work Cell Plan
Groups: For Wage Groups:
tirpt042.dsca Session Labor Types (tcccpl0130m000), Labor Type Description field.

For LN Work Cell Plan Groups:

Session Work Cell Plan Groups (tirpt0142m000), Description field.
For MetaFlexDimension: For MetaFlexDimension:
1) tfgld002.dimn 1) Session Dimension-Type Descriptions (tfgld0102m000), Dimension Type field.
2) tfbia801.dseq 2) Session Flexible Dimension Definitions (Details) (tfbia8101s000), Dimension Sequence field.

If the Dimension Type field is equal to the Dimension Sequence field, 'shortname' is published.
For MetaFixedDimension: For Activity Templates:
tfbia802.defd Session Reference Activity (tsacm1601m000), Activity Use field.

For MetaFlexDimension: For MetaFixedDimension:

tfbia801.dseq Session Maintain Fixed Dimension Definitions (tfbia8502m000), Default Dimension Description field.

For Units: Six properties, describing the meta data definition of Fixed Dimensions (MetaFixedDimension), are published. A
tcmcs001.tccu separate meta data definition is published per dimension. A meta data definition is used to correctly interpret the
published code list belonging to the approved dimension definition. The six properties, with sequence 1 - 6,
contain the name, type and value of the meta data definition.

If the Default Dimension Description field is equal to 'Business Partner' or 'Tax Code', the meta data definition is
published as follows:
sequence 1: name 'maxLength', type 'IntegerNumericType', value '9'
sequence 2: name 'minLength', type 'IntegerNumericType', value '1'
sequence 3: name 'maxLengthBytes', type 'IntegerNumericType', value '9'
sequence 4: name 'dimensionType', type 'StringType', value 'UserDefined'
sequence 5: name 'systemDimension', type 'IndicatorType', value 'true'
sequence 6: name 'isSystem', type 'IndicatorType', value 'true'

If the Default Dimension Description field is equal to 'Tax Country', the meta data definition is published as
sequence 1: name 'maxLength', type 'IntegerNumericType', value '2'
sequence 2: name 'minLength', type 'IntegerNumericType', value '2'
sequence 3: name 'maxLengthBytes', type 'IntegerNumericType', value '2'
sequence 4: name 'dimensionType', type 'StringType', value 'UserDefined'
sequence 5: name 'systemDimension', type 'IndicatorType', value 'true'
sequence 6: name 'isSystem', type 'IndicatorType', value 'true'

If the Default Dimension Description field is equal to 'Tax Ledger Account', the meta data definition is published
as follows:
sequence 1: name 'maxLength', type 'IntegerNumericType', value '12'
sequence 2: name 'minLength', type 'IntegerNumericType', value '1'
sequence 3: name 'maxLengthBytes', type 'IntegerNumericType', value '12'
sequence 4: name 'dimensionType', type 'StringType', value 'UserDefined'
sequence 5: name 'systemDimension', type 'IndicatorType', value 'true'
sequence 6: name 'isSystem', type 'IndicatorType', value 'true'

If the Default Dimension Description field is equal to 'Cash Flow Reason', the meta data definition is published
as follows:
sequence 1: name 'maxLength', type 'IntegerNumericType', value '6'
sequence 2: name 'minLength', type 'IntegerNumericType', value '1'
sequence 3: name 'maxLengthBytes', type 'IntegerNumericType', value '6'
sequence 4: name 'dimensionType', type 'StringType', value 'UserDefined'
sequence 5: name 'systemDimension', type 'IndicatorType', value 'true'
sequence 6: name 'isSystem', type 'IndicatorType', value 'true'

If the Default Dimension Description field is equal to 'Reconciliation Group', the meta data definition is published
as follows:
sequence 1: name 'maxLength', type 'IntegerNumericType', value '8'
sequence 2: name 'minLength', type 'IntegerNumericType', value '3'
sequence 3: name 'maxLengthBytes', type 'IntegerNumericType', value '8'
sequence 4: name 'dimensionType', type 'StringType', value 'UserDefined'
sequence 5: name 'systemDimension', type 'IndicatorType', value 'true'
sequence 6: name 'isSystem', type 'IndicatorType', value 'true'

If the Default Dimension Description field is equal to 'Journal Book', the meta data definition is published as

Infor April 07, 2020 112

sequence 1: name 'maxLength', type 'IntegerNumericType', value '3'
sequence 2: name 'minLength', type 'IntegerNumericType', value '1'
sequence 3: name 'maxLengthBytes', type 'IntegerNumericType', value '3'
sequence 4: name 'dimensionType', type 'StringType', value 'UserDefined'
sequence 5: name 'systemDimension', type 'IndicatorType', value 'true'
sequence 6: name 'isSystem', type 'IndicatorType', value 'true'

If the Default Dimension Description field is equal to 'Ledger Unit 1' or is equal to 'Ledger Unit 2', the meta data
definition is published as follows:
sequence 1: name 'maxLength', type 'IntegerNumericType', value '3'
sequence 2: name 'minLength', type 'IntegerNumericType', value '1'
sequence 3: name 'maxLengthBytes', type 'IntegerNumericType', value '3'
sequence 4: name 'dimensionType', type 'StringType', value 'UserDefined'
sequence 5: name 'systemDimension', type 'IndicatorType', value 'false'
sequence 6: name 'isSystem', type 'IndicatorType', value 'true'

For MetaFlexDimension:
Session Maintain Flexible Dimension Definitions (tfbia8501m000), Dimension Sequence field.

Six properties, describing the meta data definition of Flexible Dimensions (MetaFlexDimension), are published.
One uniform meta data definition is published. A meta data definition is used to correctly interpret the published
code list belonging to the approved dimension definition. The six properties, with sequence 1 - 6, contain the
name, type and value of the meta data definition.

The meta data definition for Flexible Dimensions is defined as:

sequence 1: name 'maxLength', type 'IntegerNumericType', value '9'
sequence 2: name 'minLength', type 'IntegerNumericType', value '1'
sequence 3: name 'maxLengthBytes', type 'IntegerNumericType', value '9'
sequence 4: name 'dimensionType', type 'StringType', value 'UserDefined'
sequence 5: name 'systemDimension', type 'IndicatorType', value 'true'
sequence 6: name 'isSystem', type 'IndicatorType', value 'true'

For Units:
Session Maintain Units (tcmcs0101m000), Physical Quantity field.

The Physical Quantity field is converted and then published.

If Physical Quantity field is equal to 'Weight', 'Mass' is published.
If Physical Quantity field is equal to 'Area(m2)', 'Area' is published.
If Physical Quantity field is equal to 'Piece', 'Packaging' is published.
If Physical Quantity field is equal to 'Length', 'Distance' is published.
If Physical Quantity field is equal to 'Time', 'Duration' is published.
If Physical Quantity field is equal to 'Volume', 'Volume' is published.
If Physical Quantity field is equal to 'Other', 'Other' is published.
For Activity Templates:
For Activity Templates: For Activity Templates:
tsacm101.actu Session Reference Activity (tsacm1601m000), Activity Use field.
For MetaFixedDimension: For MetaFixedDimension:
tfbia803.seqn Session Map LN Dimensions to Reporting Dimensions (tfbia8503m000), External Sequence field.

For MetaFlexDimension: For MetaFlexDimension:

tfbia803.seqn Session Map LN Dimensions to Reporting Dimensions (tfbia8503m000), External Sequence field.

For FlexDimension: For FlexDimension:

1) tfbia803.seqn 1) Session Map LN Dimensions to Reporting Dimensions (tfbia8503m000), External Sequence field.
2) tfbia803.dseq 2) Session Map LN Dimensions to Reporting Dimensions (tfbia8503m000), Dimension Sequence field.
3) tfgld010.dtyp 3) Session Dimensions (tfgld0510m000), Dimension Type field.

If the Dimension Sequence field is equal to the Dimension Type field, the External Sequence field is published.
For Cash Flow Reason: For Cash Flow Reason:
For Hold Reason Codes: For Hold Reason Codes:
For Inventory Adjustment For Inventory Adjustment Reason Codes:
Reason Codes: For LN Reasons:
For LN Reasons: For Reject Reasons:
For Reject Reasons: For Return Reasons:
For Return Reasons:
Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason Type field.
For the Reason Type field, the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue is filled with the constant name of
For LN Landed Costs: the enumerated domain and the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.Type',
1) tclct120.calm CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'CodeType' and CodeDefinition/UserArea/
2) tclct120.chbs Property/NameValue@ListID is filled with 'LN Reason Type'.
3) tclct120.falv
Infor April 07, 2020 113
For LN Landed Costs:
For Service Areas: 1) Session Landed Costs Revisions (tclct1120m000), Calculation Method field.
1) tsmdm105.cmsa 2) Session Landed Costs Revisions (tclct1120m000), Charged by Supplier field.
2) tsmdm105.cwoc 3) Session Landed Costs Revisions (tclct1120m000), Fixed Amount Level field.
3) tsmdm105.cwar
Note that only when the Landed Cost Code has Cost the UserArea is published.
For Units:
tcmcs001.crnd For Service Areas:
1) Session Service Areas (tsmdm1105m000), Main Service Area field.
For Infor LN 10.5 or later: 2) Session Service Areas (tsmdm1105m000), Service Department field.
3) Session Service Areas (tsmdm1105m000), Warehouse field.
For General Tasks:
1) bpmdm050.ckot For the Main Service Area field,
2) bpmdm050.chlt the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue is filled with the Main Service Area field,
the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.MainServiceArea',
For Infor LN 10.5.1 or later: the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'CodeType',
the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue@listID is filled with 'Service Areas',
For Wage Groups: the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue@accountingEntity is filled with the accounting entity related
tcppl030.ckoh to the Main Service Area field.

For the Service Department field,

the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue is filled with the concatenation of 'D' and the Service
Department field,
the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.ServiceDepartment',
the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'MasterDataReferenceType'.
the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue@nounName is filled with 'Location',
the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue@accountingEntity is filled with the accounting entity related
to the Service Department field.

For the Warehouse field,

the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue is filled with the concatenation of 'W' and the Warehouse
the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.Warehouse',
the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'MasterDataReferenceType'.
the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue@nounName is filled with 'Location',
the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue@accountingEntity is filled with the accounting entity related
to the Warehouse field.

For Units:
Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), Rounding Factor field.

the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue is filled with the Rounding Factor field,

the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.RoundingFactor',
the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'NumericType'.

For Infor LN 10.5 or later:

For General Tasks:

1) Session General Tasks (bpmdm0150m000), Task Type field.
2) Session General Tasks (bpmdm0150m000), Labor Type field.

For the Task Type field,

if the Task Type field is equal to 'Absence Task', the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue is filled with
'true'. Otherwise, the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue is filled with 'false'.
the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.Absence',
the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.

For the Labor Type field,

If the Labor Type field is filled,
the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue is filled with the Labor Type field,
the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.LaborType',
the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'CodeType',
the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue@listID is filled with 'Wage Groups',
the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue@accountingEntity is filled with the accounting entity related
to the Labor Type field.

For Infor LN 10.5.1 or later:

Session Labor Types (tcppl0130m000), Hour Type field.

For the Hour Type field,

the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue is filled with the Rounding Factor field,
the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.RoundingFactor',
the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'NumericType'.

the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue is filled 'true' if the Hour Type field is equal to 'Overtime'
Otherwise, 'false',
the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.Overtime',
the CodeDefinition/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.

Infor April 07, 2020 114

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.
Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data

Infor April 07, 2020 115

For Group: For Group:
tsbsc100.clst Session Installation Group (tsbsc1100m000), Installation Group field.

For Serial: The concatenation of 'G' and the Installation Group field is published.
1) tscfg200.item
2) tscfg200.sern This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete an Installation Group.
This BOD is available for FP7 or later.
For Non-Serial:
1) tsmdm200.item For Serial:
2) tsmdm200.seri 1) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Item field.
2) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Serial Number field.

The concatenation of 'S', the Item field and the Serial Number field is published.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Serialized Item.
This BOD is available for FP7 or later.

For Non-Serial:
1) Session Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000), Item field.
2) Session Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000), General tab, Configuration Controlled field.

The concatenation of 'N' and the Item field is published.

If the Configuration Controlled field is equal to 'Anonymous', the noun is published.
Otherwise, nothing is published.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Service Item when Configuration Controlled is
equal to Anonymous.
This BOD is available for FP7 or later.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Group: For Group:
tsbsc100.clst Session Installation Group (tsbsc1100m000), Installation Group field.

For Serial: For Serial:

1) tscfg200.item 1) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Item field.
2) tscfg200.sern 2) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Serial Number field.

For Non-Serial: The concatenation of the Item field and the Serial Number field is published.
For Non-Serial:
Session Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000), Item field.
The current date/time is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For Group: For Group:
tsbsc100.eftm Session Installation Group (tsbsc1100m000), Ownership tab, Effective Time field.

For Serial: For Serial:

tscfg200.sttm Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Configuration Control tab, Status Time field.
For Group: For Group:
tsbsc100.desc Session Installation Group (tsbsc1100m000), Ownership tab, Description field.

For Serial: For Serial:

tscfg200.desc Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), General tab, Description field.

For Non-Serial: For Non-Serial:

1) tsmdm200.item 1) Session Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000), General tab, Item field.
2) tcibd001.dsca 2) Session Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000), General tab, Description field.
Infor April 07, 2020 116
Based on the Item field, the Description field is published.
For Group: For Group:
tsbsc100.txta Session Installation Group (tsbsc1100m000), Text field.

For Serial: For Serial:

tscfg200.txta Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Text field.

For Non-Serial: For Non-Serial:

tsmdm200.txta Session Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000), Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
The value 'Open' is published.
For Group: For Group:
tsbsc100.eftm Session Installation Group (tsbsc1100m000), Ownership tab, Effective Time field.

For Serial: For Serial:

tscfg200.sttm Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Configuration Control tab, Status Time field.
Always filled with 'false'.
For Serial: For Serial:
tscfg200.srbp Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Alternate Serial Number field.
For Group: For Group:
tsbsc100.ofbp Session Installation Group (tsbsc1100m000), Ownership tab, Sold-to BP field.

For Serial: For Serial:

tscfg200.ofbp Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), General tab, Sold-to B.P. field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Group: For Group:
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4500m000), Name field.
2) tsbsc100.ofbp 2) Session Installation Group (tsbsc1100m000), Ownership tab, Sold-to BP field.

For Serial: Based on the Sold-to BP field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom100.nama
2) tscfg200.ofbp For Serial:
1) Session Business Partners (tccom4500m000), Name field.
2) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), General tab, Sold-to B.P. field.

Based on the Sold-to B.P. field, the Name field is published.

For Group:
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.

For Serial:
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.

For Non-Serial:
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
For Group: For Group:
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tsbsc100.ofad 2) Session Installation Group (tsbsc1100m000), Ownership tab, Sold-to Address field.

For Serial: Based on the Sold-to Address field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom130.nama
2) tscfg200.ofad For Serial:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), General tab, Sold-to Address field.

Based on the Sold-to Address field, the Name field is published.

For Group: For Group:
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
Infor April 07, 2020 117
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tsbsc100.ofad 7) Session Installation Group (tsbsc1100m000), Ownership tab, Sold-to Address field.

For Serial: Based on the Sold-to Address field, the six Address Lines are published.
1) tccom130.ln01
2) tccom130.ln02 One Address Line is published per sequence.
3) tccom130.ln03
4) tccom130.ln04 For Serial:
5) tccom130.ln05 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
7) tscfg200.ofad 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), General tab, Sold-to Address field.

Based on the Sold-to Address field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

For Group:
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.

For Serial:
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.

For Non-Serial:
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
For Group: For Group:
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tsbsc100.ofad 2) Session Installation Group (tsbsc1100m000), Ownership tab, Sold-to Address field.

For Serial: Based on the Sold-to Address field, the City field is published.
1) tccom130.nama
2) tscfg200.ofad For Serial:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), General tab, Sold-to Address field.

Based on the Sold-to Address field, the City field is published.

For Group: For Group:
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tsbsc100.ofad 2) Session Installation Group (tsbsc1100m000), Ownership tab, Sold-to Address field.

For Serial: Based on the Sold-to Address field, the State/Province field is published.
1) tccom130.nama
2) tscfg200.ofad For Serial:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), General tab, Sold-to Address field.

Based on the Sold-to Address field, the State/Province field is published.

For Group: For Group:
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tsbsc100.ofad 3) Session Installation Group (tsbsc1100m000), Ownership tab, Sold-to Address field.

For Serial: Based on the Sold-to Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.ccty
2) tcmcs010.ict2 For Serial:
3) tscfg200.ofad 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), General tab, Sold-to Address field.

Infor April 07, 2020 118

Based on the Sold-to Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
For Group: For Group:
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tsbsc100.ofad 2) Session Installation Group (tsbsc1100m000), Ownership tab, Sold-to Address field.

For Serial: Based on the Sold-to Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
1) tccom130.nama
2) tscfg200.ofad For Serial:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), General tab, Sold-to Address field.

Based on the Sold-to Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
For Group: For Group:
tsbsc100.ofcn Session Installation Group (tsbsc1100m000), Ownership tab, Sold-to Contact field.

For Serial: For Serial:

tscfg200.ofcn Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), General tab, Sold-to Contact field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Group: For Group:
1) tccom140.fuln 1) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Full Name field.
2) tsbsc100.ofcn 2) Session Installation Group (tsbsc1100m000), Ownership tab, Sold-to Contact field.

For Serial: Based on the Sold-to Contact field, the Full Name field is published.
1) tccom140.fuln
2) tscfg200.ofcn For Serial:
1) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Full Name field.
2) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), General tab, Sold-to Contact field.

Based on the Sold-to Contact field, the Full Name field is published.
For Serial: For Serial:
tscfg200.item Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), General tab, Item field.

For Non-Serial: For Non-Serial:

tsmdm200.item Session Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000), Item field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Serial:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For Non-Serial:
The logicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Serial: For Serial:
tscfg200.desc Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), General tab, Description field.
For Serial: For Serial:
tscfg200.sern Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Serial Number field.
For Group: For Group:
tsbsc100.prfa Session Installation Group (tsbsc1100m000), Service tab, Preferred Engineer 1 field.

For Serial: For Serial:

tscfg200.emno Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Service Control tab, Preferred Engineer field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Group: For Group:
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.
2) tsbsc100.prfa 2) Session Installation Group (tsbsc1100m000), Service tab, Preferred Engineer 1 field.

For Serial: Based on the Preferred Engineer 1 field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom001.nama
2) tscfg200.emno For Serial:

Infor April 07, 2020 119

1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.
2) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Service Control tab, Preferred Engineer field.

Based on the Preferred Engineer field, the Name field is published.

For Serial: For Serial:
1) tscfg200.item 1) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Item field.
2) tscfg200.sern 2) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Serial Number field.
3) tscfg200.titm 3) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Configuration Control tab, Top Item field.
4) tscfg200.tser 4) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Configuration Control tab, Top Serial Number field.
5) tscfg200.clst 5) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), General tab, Installation Group field.

If the Item field is equal to the Top Item field and the Serial Number field is equal to the Top Serial Number field,
the Installation Group field is published.
Otherwise, the concatenation of 'S', the Top Item field and the Top Serial Number field is published.
For Serial:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Serial:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Group: For Group:
For Infor LN 10.5 or later: For Infor LN 10.5 or later:
tsbsc100.rspe Session Installation Group (tsbsc1100m000), tab Allocated Resources, Responsible Engineer field.
For the Responsible Engineer field, the ConfiguredAssetMaster/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name
For Serial: is equal to 'ln.ResponsibleEngineer' and ConfiguredAssetMaster/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal
For Infor LN 10.5 or later: to 'MasterDataReferenceType'.
1) tscfg200.sigr Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the ConfiguredAssetMaster/
2) tscfg200.cwte UserArea/Property/NameValue@accountingEntity field.
3) tscfg200.gwte
UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue. Data elements in the UserArea
may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data elements.

For Serial:
For Infor LN 10.5 or later:
1) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Item Control tab, Service Item Group field.
2) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Coverage tab, Template field.
3) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Coverage tab, Generic Warranty field.

For the Service Item Group field, the ConfiguredAssetMaster/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name

is equal to 'ln.SerializedItemGroup' and ConfiguredAssetMaster/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal
to 'CodeType' and ConfiguredAssetMaster/UserArea/Property/NameValue@ListID is equal to 'LN Serialized
Item Groups'. Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the
ConfiguredAssetMaster/UserArea/Property/NameValue@accountingEntity field.

For the Template field, the ConfiguredAssetMaster/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name

is equal to 'ln.Warranty' and ConfiguredAssetMaster/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to
'CodeType' and ConfiguredAssetMaster/UserArea/Property/NameValue@ListID is equal to 'LN Serialized Item
Warranties'. Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the
ConfiguredAssetMaster/UserArea/Property/NameValue@accountingEntity field.

For the Generic Warranty field, the ConfiguredAssetMaster/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name

is equal to 'ln.GenericWarranty' and ConfiguredAssetMaster/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to
'CodeType' and ConfiguredAssetMaster/UserArea/Property/NameValue@ListID is equal to 'LN Generic
Warranties'. Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the
ConfiguredAssetMaster/UserArea/Property/NameValue@accountingEntity field.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue. Data elements in the UserArea
may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data elements.
For Group:
The value 'Group' is published.

For Serial:
The value 'Serial' is published.

For Non-Serial:
The value 'Non-Serial' is published.
For Group:
Always filled with 'Asset Types'.

For Serial:
For Infor LN 10.5 or later:
Always filled with 'Asset Types'.

For Non-Serial:
Infor April 07, 2020 120
For Infor LN 10.5 or later:
Always filled with 'Asset Types'.
For Group: For Group:
tsbsc100.mdpt Session Installation Group (tsbsc1100m000), Service tab, Service Department field.

For Serial: For Serial:

tscfg200.mdpt Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Service Control tab, Service Department field.

For Non-Serial: For Non-Serial:

tsmdm200.cwoc Session Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000), General tab, Service Department field.
For Group: For Group:
tsbsc100.odpt Session Installation Group (tsbsc1100m000), Ownership tab, Department field.
For Group:
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.

For Serial:
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.

For Non-Serial:
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
For Group: For Group:
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tsbsc100.lcad 7) Session Installation Group (tsbsc1100m000), Traveling tab, Location Address field.

For Serial: Based on the Location Address field, the six Address Lines are published.
1) tccom130.ln01
2) tccom130.ln02 One Address Line is published per sequence.
3) tccom130.ln03
4) tccom130.ln04 For Serial:
5) tccom130.ln05 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
7) tscfg200.ladr 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Service Control tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

For Group:
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.

For Serial:
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.

For Non-Serial:
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
For Group: For Group:
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tsbsc100.lcad 2) Session Installation Group (tsbsc1100m000), Traveling tab, Location Address field.

For Serial: Based on the Location Address field, the City field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 121

1) tccom130.nama
2) tscfg200.ladr For Serial:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Service Control tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the City field is published.

For Group: For Group:
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tsbsc100.lcad 2) Session Installation Group (tsbsc1100m000), Traveling tab, Location Address field.

For Serial: Based on the Location Address field, the State/Province field is published.
1) tccom130.nama
2) tscfg200.ladr For Serial:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Service Control tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the State/Province field is published.

For Group: For Group:
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tsbsc100.lcad 3) Session Installation Group (tsbsc1100m000), Ownership tab, Location Address field.

For Serial: Based on the Location Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is
1) tccom130.ccty published.
2) tcmcs010.ict2
3) tscfg200.ladr For Serial:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Service Control tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
For Group: For Group:
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tsbsc100.lcad 2) Session Installation Group (tsbsc1100m000), Traveling tab, Location Address field.

For Serial: Based on the Location Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
1) tccom130.nama
2) tscfg200.ladr For Serial:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Service Control tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
For Group: For Group:
tsbsc100.cusc Session Installation Group (tsbsc1100m000), Service tab, Usage Class field.

For Serial: For Serial:

tscfg200.cusc Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Service Control tab, Usage Class field.
For Group:
For Infor LN 10.5 or later:
Always filled with 'Service Usage Classes'.

For Serial:
For Infor LN 10.5 or later:
Always filled with 'Service Usage Classes'.
For Group: For Group:
tsbsc100.csar Session Installation Group (tsbsc1100m000), Traveling tab, Service Area field.

For Serial: For Serial:

tscfg200.csar Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Traveling tab, Service Area field.
For Group:
For Infor LN 10.5 or later:
Always filled with 'Service Areas'.

For Serial:
For Infor LN 10.5 or later:
Always filled with 'Service Areas'.
For Group:
For Infor LN 10.5 or later:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

Infor April 07, 2020 122

For Serial:
For Infor LN 10.5 or later:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

Infor April 07, 2020 123

For Machine: For Machine:
tirou002.mcno Session Machines (tirou0102m000), Machine field.

For Machine Type: This BOD is published when users Create or Update a Machine.
For Machine Type:
Session Machine Types (tirou4160m000), Machine Type field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Machine Type.
This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.7 or later.

If Multi-Site is active: The ConstrainedResourceMachineBOD based on the Machine table (tirou002) is replaced
by the ConstrainedResourceMachineTypeBOD based on the Machine Type table (tirou460).
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Machine:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For Machine:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For Machine Type:

The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Machine: For Machine:
tirou002.mcno Session Machines (tirou0102m000), Machine field.
The Machine field is published.
For Machine Type:
tirou460.mtyp For Machine Type:
Session Machine Types (tirou4160m000), Machine Type field.
For Machine: For Machine:
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

For Machine Type: Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.
1) tccom001.emno Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
2) tccom001.loco
For Machine Type:
1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama For Machine:
Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For Machine Type:

Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For Machine: For Machine:
tirou002.dsca Session Machines (tirou0102m000), Machine (description) field.

For Machine Type: For Machine Type:

tirou460.dsca Session Machine Types (tirou4160m000), Description field.
For Machine: For Machine:
tirou002.dsca Session Machines (tirou0102m000), Machine (description) field.

For Machine Type: For Machine Type:

tirou460.dsca Session Machine Types (tirou4160m000), Description field.
For Machine:
The value 'Setup' or 'Run' is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 124

For Machine: For Machine:
tirou002.mcrt Session Machines (tirou0102m000), Machine Rate field.
For Machine: For Machine:
1) tirou002.ccur 1) Session Machines (tirou0102m000), Currency field.
2) tirou002.cwoc 2) Session Machines (tirou0102m000), Work Center field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4)tcemm170.fcua 4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
5) tcmcs002.iccc 5) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.

If the Currency field is filled, based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the Currency is published.
If the Work Center field is filled, based on the Work Center field, the Company field for the financial company is
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
Otherwise, based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Machine:
Always 1 hour is published.
For Machine:
Always empty.
For Machine Type: For Machine:
tirou460.mtyp If the machine is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
Otherwise, 'Open' is published.

For Machine Type:

Session Machine Types (tirou4160m000), Machine Type field.

If the Machine Type is deleted, 'Deleted' is published. Otherwise, 'Open' is published.

For Machine Type: For Machine:
tirou460.mtyp If the Location is deleted 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For Machine Type:

Session Machine Types (tirou4160m000), Machine Type field.

If the Machine Type is deleted, ''true'' is published. Otherwise, ''false'' is published.

For Machine: For Machine:
tirou002.mccp Session Machines (tirou0102m000), Week Capacity field.
For Machine:
The value 'Office' is published.
For Machine: For Machine:
tirou002.cwoc Session Machines (tirou0102m000), Work Center field.

The concatenation of 'D' and the Department field is published.

For Machine: For Machine:
tcmcs065.dsca Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Description field.
For Machine: For Machine:
tirou002.cwoc Session Machines (tirou0102m000), Work Center field.
For Machine:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Machine:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Machine: For Machine:
tirou001.dsca Session Work Center (tirou0102m000), Work Center field.

Infor April 07, 2020 125

tccom140.ccnt Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Contact field.

This BOD is published when users Create or Update a Contact.

This BOD is available for FP7 or later.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom140.ccnt Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Contact field.
tccom140.dtlm Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Last Modified by field.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) tccom140.lmus 3) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Last Modified by field.

Based on the Last Modified by field, the User field is determined.

If the User field cannot be determined, based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.
Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) tccom140.lmus 2) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Last Modified by field.

Based on the Last Modified by field, the Name field is published.

tccom140.crdt Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Created by field.
tccom140.fuln Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Full Name field.
tccom140.txta Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Text tab, Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
tccom140.actv Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Active field.

If the Active field is selected, 'Open' is published.

If the Active field is not selected, 'Closed' is published.
If the Contact is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
Always filled with 'Generic Status'.
Always filled with 'false'.
tccom140.ctit Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Title field.
tccom140.finm Session Contact Name Details (tccom4140s000), First Name field.
tccom140.chrn Session Contact Name Details (tccom4140s000), Given Name field.
tccom140.inse Session Contact Name Details (tccom4140s000), Middle Name field.
tccom140.surn Session Contact Name Details (tccom4140s000), Last Name field.
tccom140.post Session Contact Name Details (tccom4140s000), Suffix field.
tccom140.jobt Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Job Title field.
tccom140.dept Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Department field.
Always filled with '1'.
1) tccom140.pelp 1) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Office Primary checkbox.
2) tccom140.pelm 2) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Mobile Primary checkbox.
3) tccom140.pehm 3) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Home Primary checkbox.

Infor April 07, 2020 126

If the Primary field is selected, 'true' is published.
1) tccom140.telp 1) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Office field.
2) tccom140.telm 2) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Mobile field.
3) tccom140.info 3) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, E-mail field.
4) tccom140.tefx 4) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Communication Group, Fax field.
5) tccom140.phpr 5) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Home field.
6) tccom140.msty 6) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Communication Group, Messenger type field.
7) tccom140.west 7) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Communication Group, Website type field.
8) tccom140.wadr 8) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Work Address Group, Address field.
9) tccom140.padr 9) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Private Address Group, Address field.
10) tccom140.smt1 10) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Miscellaneous tab, Social Media Group, Social Media type field.
11) tccom140.smt2 11) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Miscellaneous tab, Social Media Group, Social Media type field.
12) tccom140.smt3 12) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Miscellaneous tab, Social Media Group, Social Media type field.
13) tccom140.smt4 13) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Miscellaneous tab, Social Media Group, Social Media type field.
14) tccom140.smt5 14) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Miscellaneous tab, Social Media Group, Social Media type field.

For the Office, Home, Mobile or Fax field, 'Phone' is published.

For the E-Mail field, 'EMail' is published.
For the Messenger field, 'Messenger' is published.
For the Website field, 'WebSite' is published.
For the Social Media field, 'SocialMedia' is published.
For the Work Address or Private Address field, 'Mail' is published.
1) tccom140.telp 1) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Office field.
2) tccom140.telm 2) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Mobile field.
3) tccom140.info 3) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, E-mail field.
4) tccom140.tefx 4) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Communication Group, Fax field.
5) tccom140.phpr 5) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Home field.
6) tccom140.msty 6) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Communication Group, Messenger type field.
7) tccom140.west 7) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Communication Group, Website type field.
8) tccom140.wadr 8) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Work Address Group, Address field.
9) tccom140.padr 9) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Private Address Group, Address field.
10) tccom140.smt1 10) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Miscellaneous tab, Social Media Group, Social Media type field.
11) tccom140.smt2 11) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Miscellaneous tab, Social Media Group, Social Media type field.
12) tccom140.smt3 12) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Miscellaneous tab, Social Media Group, Social Media type field.
13) tccom140.smt4 13) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Miscellaneous tab, Social Media Group, Social Media type field.
14) tccom140.smt5 14) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Miscellaneous tab, Social Media Group, Social Media type field.

For the Home or Private Address field, 'Home' is published.

For the Mobile field, 'Mobile(Office)' is published.
For the Fax field, 'Fax' is published.
For the Office, E-Mail, Website or Work Address field, 'Office' is published.
For the Messenger type field equal to 'Skype', 'Skype' is published.
For the Messenger type field equal to 'MSN', 'MSN' is published.
For the Messenger type field equal to 'AOL', 'AOL' is published.
For the Messenger type field equal to 'Yahoo', 'Yahoo' is published.
For the Social Media type field equal to 'Twitter', 'Twitter' is published.
For the Social Media type field equal to 'Facebook', 'FaceBook' is published.
For the Social Media type field equal to 'Linkedin', 'LinkedIn' is published.
For the Social Media type field equal to 'Myspace', 'MySpace' is published.
For the Social Media type field equal to 'Hyves', 'Hyves' is published.
tccom140.tlcy For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:
Session Office Phone Number Details (Contacts) (tccom4140s200), Country field.
tccom140.tlci For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:
Session Office Phone Number Details (Contacts) (tccom4140s200), City/Area Code field.
1) tccom140.telp 1) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Office field.
2) tccom140.telm 2) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Mobile field.
3) tccom140.tefx 3) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Communication Group, Fax field.
4) tccom140.phpr 4) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Home field.
5) tccom140.tlln For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:
6) tccom140.tlcy 5) Session Office Phone Number Details (Contacts) (tccom4140s200), Local Number field.
6) Session Office Phone Number Details (Contacts) (tccom4140s200), Country field.

Based on the Country field, the Local Number field or the Office field is published.
tccom140.teld For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:
Session Office Phone Number Details (Contacts) (tccom4140s200), Extension field.
`Discrete` and `Text` is published.
An address block with discrete data and an address block with text data will be published.

Infor April 07, 2020 127

1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tccom140.wadr 2) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Work Address Group, Address field.
3) tccom140.padr 3) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Private Address Group, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Name field is published.

1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tccom130.wadr 7) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Work Address Group, Address field.
8) tccom130.padr 8) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Private Address Group, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the six Address Lines are published.
One Address Line is published per sequence.
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tccom140.wadr 2) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Work Address Group, Address field.
3) tccom140.padr 3) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Private Address Group, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the House Number field is published.

1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tccom140.wadr 2) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Work Address Group, Address field.
3) tccom140.padr 3) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Private Address Group, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Building field is published.

1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tccom140.wadr 2) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Work Address Group, Address field.
3) tccom140.padr 3) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Private Address Group, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Street field is published.

1) tccom130.blun Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tccom140.wadr
3) tccom140.padr Based on the Address field, the Unit field is published.
1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Floor field is published.

1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tccom140.wadr 2) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Work Address Group, Address field.
3) tccom140.padr 3) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Private Address Group, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tccom140.wadr 2) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Work Address Group, Address field.
3) tccom140.padr 3) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Private Address Group, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the City field is published.

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tccom140.wadr 2) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Work Address Group, Address field.
3) tccom140.padr 3) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Private Address Group, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the State/Province field is published.

1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tccom140.wadr 3) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Work Address Group, Address field.
4) tccom140.padr 4) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Private Address Group, Address field.

Infor April 07, 2020 128

Based on the Address field, the Country field is determined. Based on the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2
field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tccom140.wadr 2) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Work Address Group, Address field.
3) tccom140.padr 3) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Private Address Group, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
1) tccom140.msad 1) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Communication Group, Messenger field.
2) tccom140.west 2) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Communication group, Website field.
3) tccom140.sml1 3) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Miscellaneous tab, Social Media Group, Social Media field.
4) tccom140.sml2 4) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Miscellaneous tab, Social Media Group, Social Media field.
5) tccom140.sml3 5) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Miscellaneous tab, Social Media Group, Social Media field.
6) tccom140.sml4 6) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Miscellaneous tab, Social Media Group, Social Media field.
7) tccom140.sml5 7) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Miscellaneous tab, Social Media Group, Social Media field.
tccom140.noca Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Do not call field.
tccom140.opou Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Opted Out field.
1) tccom140.clan 1) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Communication group, Language field.
2) tcmcs046.ilng 2) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000), ISO Code field.

Based on the Language field, the ISO Code field of the language is published.
1) tccom140.telp 1) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Office field.
2) tccom140.telm 2) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Mobile field.
3) tccom140.phpr 3) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Home field.
4) tccom140.info 4) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, E-mail field.

For the Office, Home or Mobile field, 'Phone' is published.

For the E-Mail field, 'EMail' is published.
1) tccom140.noca 1) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Do not call checkbox.
2) tccom140.opou 2) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Opted Out checkbox.

If the checkbox is selected, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.

ccom141.cctg Session Contact Categories (tcmcs1128m000), Contact Category field.
Always filled with 'Contact Categories'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Based on the number of Classification Codes, the sequence number is set.
1) tccom140.bpid 1) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Business Partner field.
2) tccom110.ofbp 2) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), General tab, Sold-to Business Partner field.

If the Sold-to Business Partner exists, 'Customer' is published.

1) tccom140.bpid 1) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Business Partner field.
2) tccom110.ofbp 2) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), General tab, Sold-to Business Partner field.

If the Sold-to Business Partner exists, Business Partner field is published

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom140.sexe Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Gender field.
Always filled with 'Genders'.
tccom140.bthd Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Birthday field.

Infor April 07, 2020 129

For Sales:
Always filled with 'Supplier'.

For Purchase:
Always filled with 'Customer'.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tdsls300.cono 1) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Contract field.
2) tdsls300.cofc 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Sales Office field.
3) tdsls301.cofc 3) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Sales Office field.
4) tdsls301.icap 4) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Contract Line Status field.
5) tdsls301.pono 5) Session Sales Contracts Lines (tdsls3501m000), Position field.

For Purchase: The concatenation of '15' (indicating origin) and Contract field is published.
1) tdpur300.cono
2) tdpur300.cofc This BOD is published when users Activate or Terminate a Sales Contract.
3) tdpur301.cofc
4) tdpur301.icap Lines with Status field equal to 'Free' are not published.
Lines with Sales Office (3) field equal or not equal to Sales Office (2) field are published.
When several Contract Lines for the same Position field are present, and a Contract Line can be found for which
the Sales Office 3) field is the same as the Sales Office 2) field, this Contract Line is published.
Otherwise, the first Contract Line of the Lines with the same Position field is pubished.

This BOD is published when a Sales Contract header or line is deleted.

For Purchase:
1) Session Purchase Contract - Lines (tdpur3600m000), Control group, Contract field.
2) Session Purchase Contract - Lines (tdpur3600m000), Purchase Office field.
3) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Purchase Office field.
4) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Status field.

The concatenation of '14' (indicating origin) and Contract field is published.

This BOD is published when users Activate or Terminate a Purchase Contract.

Lines with Status field equal to 'Free' are not published.

Lines with Purchase Office (2) field unequal Purchase Office (3) field are not published.
For Sales: For Sales:
tdsls300.cofc Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Sales Office field.

For Purchase: Based on the Sales Office field, the accountingEntity field is published.
tdpur300.cofc Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For Purchase:
Session Purchase Contract - Lines (tdpur3600m000), Purchase Office field.

Based on the Purchase Office field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Sales: For Sales:
tdsls300.cofc Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Sales Office field.

For Purchase: Based on the Sales Office, the location field is published.
tdpur300.cofc Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For Purchase:
Session Purchase Contract - Lines (tdpur3600m000), Purchase Office field.

Based on the Purchase Office field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Purchase: For Purchase:
tdpur300.conf Session Purchase Contract - Lines (tdpur3600m000), Confirmation Number field.
For Sales: For Sales:
tdsls300.cono Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Contract field.

For Purchase: For Purchase:

tdpur300.cono Session Purchase Contract - Lines (tdpur3600m000), Contract field.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 130
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Purchase:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
tdsls300.cdes Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Contract Description field.

For Purchase: For Purchase:

tdpur300.cdes Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Contract Description field.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tdsls300.txta 1) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Header Text field.
2) tdsls300.txtb 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Footer Text field.

For Purchase: For Purchase:

1) tdpur300.txta 1) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Header Text field.
2) tdpur300.txtb 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Footer Text field.
3) tdpur300.txtt 3) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Termination text field.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tdsls300.txta 1) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Header Text field.
2) tdsls300.txtb 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Footer Text field.

For Purchase: For Header Text field, always filled with 'Header'.
1) tdpur300.txta For Footer Text field, always filled with 'Footer'.
2) tdpur300.txtb
3) tdpur300.txtt For Purchase:
1) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Header Text field.
2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Footer Text field.
3) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Termination text field.

For Header Text field, always filled with 'Header'.

For Footer Text field, always filled with 'Footer'.
For Termination Text field, always filled with 'Termination'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
For Sales: For Sales:
tdsls300.icap Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Contract Status field.

For Purchase: If the Contract Status field is equal to 'Free', 'Draft' is published.
tdpur300.icap If the Contract Status field is equal to 'Active', 'Open' is published.
If the Contract Status field is equal to 'Terminated', 'Closed' is published.
If the Sales Contract header is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.

For Purchase:
Session Purchase Contract - Lines (tdpur3600m000), Control group, Status field.

If the Status field is equal to 'Free', 'Draft' is published.

If the Status field is equal to 'Active', 'Open' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Terminated', 'Closed' is published.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
tdsls300.ofbp Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Sold-to Business Partner field.
For Sales:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Sales:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 131

For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) tdsls300.ofbp 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Sold-to BP field.

Based on the Sold-to BP field, the Name field is published.

For Purchase: For Purchase:
tdpur300.cofc Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Control group, Purchase Office field.

If the Purchase Office is filled, 'Office' is published.

For Purchase: For Purchase:
tdpur300.cofc Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Control group, Purchase Office field.

The concatenation of 'D' and the Purchase Office field is published.

For Purchase:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Purchase:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tcmcs065.dsca 1) Session Departments - General (tcmcs0165s000), Description field.
2) tdpur300.cofc 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Control group, Purchase Office field.

Based on the Purchase Office field, the Description field is published.

For Sales:
Used, but not separately stored.
If this element is equal to 'Text', the address lines are filled.
If this element is equal to 'Discrete', the related address details are filled.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tdsls300.ofad 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Selling tab, Address Code field.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tdsls300.ofad 7) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Selling tab, Address Code field.
For Sales:
Used, but not separately stored.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tdsls300.ofad 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Selling tab, Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Building Number field is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tdsls300.ofad 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Selling tab, Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Building field is published.

For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tdslssls300.ofad 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsl3500m000), Selling tab, Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Street field is published.

For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tdsls300.ofad 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsl3500m000), Selling tab, Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Unit field is published.


Infor April 07, 2020 132

For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tdsls300.ofad 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Selling tab, Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Floor field is published.

For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tdsls300.ofad 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Selling tab, Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tdsls300.ofad 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Selling tab, Address Code field.

This element is mandatory.

For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tdsls300.ofad 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Selling tab, Address Code field.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tdsls300.ofad 3) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Selling tab, Address Code field.
Based on this element and the ISO Code alpha-2 field, the Country field is filled.

This element is mandatory.

For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tdsls300.ofad 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Selling tab, Address Code field.
For Sales: For Sales:
tdsls300.stbp Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Shipping tab, Business Partner field.
For Sales:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Sales:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) tdsls300.stbp 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Shipping tab, Business Partner field.

Based on the Business Partner field, the Name field is published.

For Purchase: For Purchase:
tdpur300.cwar Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Delivery group, Warehouse field.

If the Delivery Warehouse has been filled, 'Office' is published.

For Purchase: For Purchase:
tdpur300.cwar Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Warehouse field.

The concatenation of 'W' and the Warehouse field is published.

For Purchase:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Purchase:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tcmcs003.dsca 1) Session Warehouses - General (tcmcs0103s000), Description field.
2) tdpur300.cwar 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the Description field is published.


Infor April 07, 2020 133

Used, but not separately stored.
If this element is equal to 'Text', the address lines are filled.
If this element is equal to 'Discrete', the related address details are filled.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tdsls300.stad 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Shipping tab, Address field.

For Purchase: For Purchase:

1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tdpur300.cadr 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Delivery group, Address field.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tdsls300.stad 7) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Shipping tab, Address field.

For Purchase: For Purchase:

1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tdpur300.cadr 7) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Delivery group, Address field.
Used, but not separately stored.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tdsls300.stad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Shipping , Address field.

Based on the Address field, the House Number field is published.

For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tdsls300.stad 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Shipping tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Building field is published.

For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tdsls300.stad 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Shipping tab, Adress field.

Based on Adress field, the Street field is published.

For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tdsls300.stad 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Shipping tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Unit field is published.

For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tdsls300.stad 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Shipping tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Floor field is published.

For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tdsls300.stad 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Selling tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tdsls300.stad 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Shipping tab, Address field.

For Purchase: This element is mandatory.

1) tccom130.dsca
2) tdpur300.cadr For Purchase:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
Infor April 07, 2020 134
2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Delivery group, Address field.

This element is mandatory.

For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tdsls300.stad 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Shipping tab, Address field.

For Purchase: For Purchase:

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tdpur300.cadr 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Delivery group, Address field.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tdsls300.stad 3) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Shipping tab, Address field.
Based on this element and the ISO Code alpha-2 field, the Country field is filled.
For Purchase:
1) tccom130.ccty This element is mandatory.
2) tcmcs010.ict2
3) tdpur300.cadr For Purchase:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Delivery group, Address field.
Based on this element and the ISO Code alpha-2 field, the Country field is filled.

This element is mandatory.

For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tdsls300.stad 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Shipping tab, Address field.

For Purchase: For Purchase:

1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tdpur300.cadr 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Delivery group, Address field.
For Sales: For Sales:
tdsls300.stcn Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Shipping tab, Contact field.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Sales:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Sales:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For Sales:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field.
2) tdsls300.stcn 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Shipping tab, Contact field.

Based on the Contact field, the Family Name field is published.

For Purchase: For Purchase:
tdpur300.otbp Session Purchase Contract - Lines (tdpur3600m000), Buying group, Business Partner field.
For Purchase:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Purchase:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) tdpur300.otbp 2) Session Purchase Contract - Lines (tdpur3600m000), Buying group, Business Partner field.

Based on the Buying Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
For Sales:
Always filled with 'Office'.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tdsls300.cofc 1) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Sales Office field.
Infor April 07, 2020 135
The concatenation of 'D' and the Sales Office field is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tdsls300.cofc Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Sales office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Sales:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tcmcs065.dsca 1) Session Departments - General (tcmcs0165s000), Description field.
2) tdsls300.cofc 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Description field is published.

For Purchase:
Used, but not separately stored.
If this element is equal to 'Text', the address lines are filled.
If this element is equal to 'Discrete', the related address details are filled.
For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tdpur300.otad 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Buying tab, Address Code field.
For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tdpur300.otad 7) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Buying tab, Address Code field.
For Purchase:
Used, but not separately stored.
For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tdpur300.otad 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Buying tab, Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the House Number field is published.
For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tdpur300.otad 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Buying tab, Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Building field is published.

For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tdpur300.otad 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Buying tab, Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Street field is published.

For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tdpur300.otad 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Buying tab, Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Unit field is published.

For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tdpur300.otad 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Buying tab, Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Floor field is published.

For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tdpur300.otad 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Buying tab, Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 136

For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tdpur300.otad 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Buying tab, Address Code field.

This element is mandatory.

For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tdpur300.otad 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Buying tab, Address Code field.
For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tdpur300.otad 3) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Buying tab, Address Code field.
Based on this element and the ISO Code alpha-2 field, the Country field is filled.

This element is mandatory.

For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tdpur300.otad 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Buying tab, Address Code field.
For Purchase: For Purchase:
tdpur300.otcn Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Buying tab, Contact Code field.
For Purchase:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Purchase:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For Purchase:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field.
2) tdpur300.otcn 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Buying tab, Contact Code field.

Based on the Contact Code field, the Description field is published.

For Purchase: For Purchase:
tdpur300.sfbp Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from group, Business Partner field.
For Purchase:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Purchase:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) tdpur300.sfbp 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from group, Business Partner field.

Based on the Business Partner field, the Name field is published.

For Purchase:
Used, but not separately stored.
If this element is equal to 'Text', the address lines are filled.
If this element is equal to 'Discrete', the related address details are filled.
For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tdpur300.sfad 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from group, Address field.
For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tdpur300.sfad 7) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from group, Address field.

Infor April 07, 2020 137

For Purchase:
Used, but not separately stored.
For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tdpur300.sfad 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from group, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the House Number field is published.

For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tdpur300.sfad 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from group, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Building field is published.

For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tdpur300.sfad 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from group, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Street field is published.

For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tdpur300.sfad 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from group, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Unit field is published.

For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tdpur300.sfad 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from group, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Floor field is published.

For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tdpur300.sfad 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from group, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tdpur300.sfad 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from group, Address field.

This element is mandatory.

For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tdpur300.sfad 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from group, Address field.
For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tdpur300.sfad 3) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from group, Address field.
Based on this element and the ISO Code alpha-2 field, the Country field is filled.

This element is mandatory.

For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tdpur300.sfad 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from group, Address field.
For Purchase: For Purchase:
tdpur300.sfcn Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from group, Contact field.
For Purchase:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Purchase:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For Purchase:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field.

Infor April 07, 2020 138

2) tdpur300.sfcn 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from group, Contact field.

Based on the Buyer field, the Family Name field is published.

For Purchase: For Purchase:
tdpur300.ccon Session Purchase Contract - Lines (tdpur3600m000), Buyer field.
For Purchase:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Purchase:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field.
2) tdpur300.ccon 2) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), General tab, Buyer field.

Based on the Buyer field, the Family Name field is published.

For Sales: For Sales:
1) tdsls300.crep 1) Session Sales Contracts, General tab, Internal Sales Representative field.
2) tdsls300.osrp 2) Session Sales Contracts, General tab, External Sales Representative field.
For Sales:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Sales:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.
2) tdsls300.crep 2) Session Sales Contracts, General tab, Internal Sales Representative field.
3) tdsls300.osrp 3) Session Sales Contracts, General tab, External Sales Representative field.

Based on the Internal Sales Representative field, the Name field is published.
Based on the External Sales Representative field, the Name field is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tdsls300.crep 1) Session Sales Contracts, General tab, Internal Sales Representative field.
2) tdsls300.osrp 2) Session Sales Contracts, General tab, External Sales Representative field.

For the Internal Sales Representative field, 'Internal' is published.

For the External Sales Representative field, 'External' is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tdsls301.pono 1) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Position field.
2) tdsls300.cofc 2) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Sales Office field.
3) tdsls301.cofc 3) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Sales Office field.
4) tdsls301.icap 4) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Contract Line Status field.

For Purchase: Lines with Status field equal to 'Free' are not published.
1) tdpur301.pono Lines with Sales Office (2) field unequal Sales Office (3) field are not published.
2) tdpur300.cofc
3) tdpur301.cofc For Purchase:
4) tdpur301.icap 1) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Line field.
2) Session Purchase Contract - Lines (tdpur3600m000), Purchase Office field.
3) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Purchase Office field.
4) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Status field.

Lines with Status field equal to 'Free' are not published.

Lines with Purchase Office (2) field unequal Purchase Office (3) field are not published.
For Sales: For Sales:
tdsls301.sdat Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Effective Date field.

For Purchase: For Purchase:

tdpur301.sdat Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Date/Status tab, Dates group, Effective Date field.
For Sales: For Sales:
tdsls301.edat Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Expiry Date field.

For Purchase: For Purchase:

tdpur301.edat Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Date/Status tab, Dates group, Expiry Date field.
For Sales:
Infor April 07, 2020 139
1) tdsls301.item For Sales:
2) tdsls301.stbp 1) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Item field.
3) tdsls301.ofbp 2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Ship-to BP field.
4) tcibd004.aitc 3) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Sold-to BP field.
5) tdsls301.citm 4) Session Item Codes by Item Code System (tcibd0504m000), Alternative Item Code field.
5) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Customer Item field.
For Purchase:
tdpur301.item If the Customer Item 5) field is filled, it is published;
Otherwise, the customer item is determined as the Alternative Item Code field, which belongs to the Ship-to BP
field or the Sold-to BP field.

An array of the Item field and the customer item is published.

For Purchase:
Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Item/Price Group group, Item field.
For Sales: For Sales:
tdsls301.citm Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Customer Item field.

If the Customer Item field is filled, 'Customer' is published.

For Sales: For Sales:
1) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Ship-to BP field.
1) tdsls301.stbp 2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Sold-to BP field.
2) tdsls301.ofbp 3) Session Item Codes by Item Code System (tcibd0504m000), Business Partner field.
3) tcibd004.bpid
The customer is determined as the Business Partner field, which belongs to the Ship-to BP field or the Sold-to
BP field.
The customer is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
tdsls301.revi Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), E-Item Revision field.

For Purchase: For Purchase:

tdpur301.revi Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Item/Price Group group, E-Item Revision field.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tcibd001.kitm 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Type field.
2) tdsls301.item 2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Item field.

For Purchase: Based on the Item field, the Item Type field is determined.
1) tcibd001.kitm If the Item Type field is equal to 'Service', 'true' is published.
2) tdpur301.item Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For Purchase:
1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Type field.
2) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Item/Price Group group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Item Type field is determined.

If the Item Type field is equal to 'Service', 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.
2) tdsls301.item 2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Item field.

For Purchase: Based on the Item field, the Description field is published.
1) tcibd001.txta
2) tdpur301.item For Purchase:
1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Text field.
2) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Item/Price Group group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Item Text field is published.

For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.
2) tdpur301.item 2) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Item/Price Group group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Description field is published.

For Purchase:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.

Infor April 07, 2020 140

Always filled with 'Office'.
For Sales: For Sales:
tdsls301.cofc Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Sales Office field.

For Purchase: The concatenation of 'D' and the Sales Office field is published.
For Purchase:
Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Purchase Office field.

The concatenation of 'D' and the Purchase Office field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tcmcs065.dsca 1) Session Departments - General (tcmcs0165s000), Description field.
2) tdsls301.cofc 2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Sales Office field.

For Purchase: Based on the Sales Office field, the Description field is published.
1) tcmcs065.dsca
2) tdpur301.cofc For Purchase:
1) Session Departments - General (tcmcs0165s000), Description field.
2) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Purchase Office field.

Based on the Purchase Office field, the Description field is published.

For Purchase:
Used, but not separately stored.
If this element is equal to 'Text', the address lines are filled.
If this element is equal to 'Discrete', the related address details are filled.
For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tdpur301.cadr 2) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Shipping tab, Receipt Address field.
For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tdpur301.cadr 7) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Shipping tab, Receipt Address field.
For Purchase:
Used, but not separately stored.
For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tdpur301.cadr 2) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Shipping tab, Receipt Address field.

Based on the Receipt Address field, the House Number field is published.
For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tdpur301.cadr 2) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Shipping tab, Receipt Address field.

Based on the Receipt Address field, the Building field is published.

For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tdpur301.cadr 2) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Shipping tab, Receipt Address field.

Based on the Receipt Address field, the Street field is published.

For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tdpur301.cadr 2) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Shipping tab, Receipt Address field.

Based on the Receipt Address field, the Unit field is published.

For Purchase:
Infor April 07, 2020 141
1) tccom130.blfl For Purchase:
2) tdpur301.cadr 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Shipping tab, Receipt Address field.

Based on the Receipt Address field, the Floor field is published.

For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tdpur301.cadr 2) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Shipping tab, Receipt Address field.

Based on the Receipt Address field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tdpur301.cadr 2) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Shipping tab, Receipt Address field.

This element is mandatory.

For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tdpur301.cadr 2) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Shipping tab, Receipt Address field.
For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tdpur301.cadr 3) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Shipping tab, Receipt Address field.
Based on this element and the ISO Code alpha-2 field, the Country field is filled.

This element is mandatory.

For Purchase: For Purchase:
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tdpur301.cadr 2) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Shipping tab, Receipt Address field.
For Sales: For Sales:
tdsls301.qoor Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Agreed Quantity field.

For Purchase: For Purchase:

tdpur301.qoor Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Item/Price Group group, Agreed Quantity field.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs001m000), ISO Code field.
2) tdsls301.cuqs 2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Sales Unit field.

For Purchase: Based on the Sales Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tdpur301.cuqp For Purchase:
1) Session Units (tcmcs001m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Item/Price Group group, Agreed Quantity field.

Based on the unit of the Agreed Quantity field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tdsls301.item 2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Item field.
3) tdsls301.qoor 3) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Agreed Quantity field.

For Purchase: For FP7 or later:

1) tcibd001.cuni Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
2) tdpur301.item The Agreed Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
3) tdpur301.qoor
For Purchase:
1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Item/Price Group group, Item field.
3) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Item/Price Group group, Agreed Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Agreed Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tdsls301.item 3) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Item field.

For Purchase: Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
Infor April 07, 2020 142
2) tcibd001.cuni
3) tdpur301.item For Purchase:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Item/Price Group group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tdsls301.prbo 1) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Price Book field.
2) tdsls301.qoor 2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Agreed Quantity field.
3) tdsls301.pric 3) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Price field.
4) tdsls301.disc 4) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Discount Percentage field.
5) tdsls301.ldam 5) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Discount Amount field.
6) tdsls301.dssc 6) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Discount Schedule field.
7) tdsls301.cuqs 7) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Sales Unit field.
8) tdsls301.cups 8) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Sales Price Unit field.
9) tdsls301.cvqs 9) Not displayed in any session, Conversion Factor Sales Unit to Inventory Unit field.
10) tdsls301.cvps 10) Not displayed in any session, Conversion Factor Sales Price to Inventory Unit.

For Purchase: If the Sales Unit equals the Sales Price Unit, the Agreed Quantity multiplied by the Price subtracted by the
1) tdpur301.qoor Discount Amount is published.
2) tdpur303.pric
If the Sales Unit differs from the Sales Price Unit, the Agreed Quantity and Price are converted into the Inventory
Unit of the Item, using the Conversion Factor Sales to Inventory Unit and the Conversion Factor Sales Price to
Inventory Unit. The converted Agreed Quantity multiplied by the Price subtracted by the Discount Amount is

The Price is retrieved from the Price Book if applicable.

For Purchase:
1) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Item/Price Group group, Agreed Quantity field.
2) Session Purchase Contract Price Revisions (tdpur3103m000), Price field.

The result of Agreed Quantity multiplied by Price is published.

For Sales: For Sales:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tdsls300.ccur 2) Session Sales Contracts Lines (tdsls3600m000), Currency field.

For Purchase: Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tdpur300.ccur For Purchase:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3600m000), Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tdsls300.cofc 3) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Sales Office field.
4) tdsls300.cdat 4) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Contract Date field.
5) tdsls300.itbp 5) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Business Partner field.
6) tdsls301.qoor 6) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Agreed Quantity field.
7) tdsls301.pric 7) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Price field.

For Purchase: Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcemm170.fcua Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
2) tcemm170.comp Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field and the Sales Office field, the Exchange Rate Type is
3) tdpur300.cofc determined.
4) tdpur300.cdat
5) tdpur300.ifbp The Agreed Quantity field, multiplied by the Price field, using the Contract Date field and the Exchange Rate
6) tdpur301.qoor Type, expressed in Local Currency is published.
7) tdpur303.pric
For Purchase:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Purchase Office field.
4) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Contract Date field.
5) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-from Business Partner field.
6) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Item/Price Group group, Agreed Quantity field.
7) Session Purchase Contract Price Revisions (tdpur3103m000), Price field.

Based on the Purchase Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
Based on the Invoice-from Business Partner field and the Purchase Office field, the Exchange Rate Type is
Infor April 07, 2020 143

The Agreed Quantity field, multiplied by the Price field, using the Contract Date field and the Exchange Rate
Type, expressed in Local Currency is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tdsls300.cofc 4) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Sales Office field.

For Purchase: Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcmcs002.iccc Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
2) tcemm170.fcua
3) tcemm170.comp For Purchase:
4) tdpur300.cofc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Purchase Office field.

Based on the Purchase Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tdsls300.cofc 3) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Sales Office field.
4) tdsls300.cdat 4) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Contract Date field.
5) tdsls300.itbp 5) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Business Partner field.
6) tdsls301.qoor 6) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Agreed Quantity field.
7) tdsls301.pric 7) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Price field.

For Purchase: Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcemm170.lcur Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
2) tcemm170.comp Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field and the Sales Office field, the Exchange Rate Type is
3) tdpur300.cofc determined.
4) tdpur300.cdat
5) tdpur300.ifbp The Agreed Quantity field, multiplied by the Price field, using the Contract Date field and the Exchange Rate
6) tdpur301.qoor Type, expressed in Reference Currency is published.
7) tdpur303.pric
For Purchase:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Purchase Office field.
4) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Contract Date field.
5) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-from Business Partner field.
6) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Item/Price Group group, Agreed Quantity field.
7) Session Purchase Contract Price Revisions (tdpur3103m000), Price field.

Based on the Purchase Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
Based on the Invoice-from Business Partner field and the Purchase Office field, the Exchange Rate Type is

The Agreed Quantity field, multiplied by the Price field, using the Contract Date field and the Exchange Rate
Type, expressed in Reference Currency is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tdsls300.cofc 4) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Sales Office field.

For Purchase: Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcmcs002.iccc Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
2) tcemm170.lcur
3) tcemm170.comp For Purchase:
4) tdpur300.cofc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) Session Purchase Contracts (tdpur3100m000), Purchase Office field.

Based on the Purchase Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
tdsls301.stbp Session Sales Contracts Lines (tdsls3501m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to BP field.
Infor April 07, 2020 144
For Sales:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Sales:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
tccom100.nama Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
For Sales:
Used, but not separately stored.
If this element is equal to 'Text', the address lines are filled.
If this element is equal to 'Discrete', the related address details are filled.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tdsls301.stad 2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Shipping tab, Address field.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tdsls301.stad 7) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Shipping tab, Address field.
For Sales:
Used, but not separately stored.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tdsls301.stad 2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Shipping tab, Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the House Number field is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tdsls301.stad 2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Selling tab, Address field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Building field is published.

For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tdsls301.stad 2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Shipping tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Street field is published.

For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tdsls301.stad 2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Shipping tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Unit field is published.

For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tdsls301.stad 2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls35010m000), Shipping tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Floor field is published.

For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tdsls400.ofad 2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Shipping tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tdsls301.stad 2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Shipping tab, Address field.

This element is mandatory.

For Sales:
1) tccom130.cste

Infor April 07, 2020 145

2) tdsls301.stad For Sales:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Shipping tab, Address field.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tdsls301.stad 3) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Shipping tab, Address field.
Based on this element and the ISO Code alpha-2 field, the Country field is filled.

This element is mandatory.

For Sales: For Sales:
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tdsls301.stad 2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Shipping tab, Address field.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tdsls301.cdec 1) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Shipping tab, Delivery Terms field.
2) tcmcs041.tdgp 2) Session Delivery Terms (tcmcs0141m000), Delivery Terms Group field.

Based on the Delivery Terms field, the Delivery Terms Group is determined.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight), 'CIF' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to CFR (Cost and Freight), 'CFR' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to CPT (Carriage Paid To), 'CPT' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid to), 'CIP' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to DAF (Delivered At Frontier), 'DAF' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to DAP (Delivered At Place), 'DAP' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to DPU (Delivered At Place Unloaded), 'DPU' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to DAT (Delivered At Terminal), 'DAT' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay), 'DEQ' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to DES (Delivered Ex Ship), 'DES' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid), 'DDU' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to DDP (Delivered Duty Paid), 'DDP' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to EXW (Ex Works), 'EXW' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to FCA (Free Carrier), 'FCA' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to FAS (Free Alongside Ship), 'FAS' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to FOB (Free On Board), 'FOB' is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
tdsls301.icap Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Contract Line Status field.

For Purchase: If the Contract Status field is equal to 'Free', 'Draft' is published.
tdpur301.icap If the Contract Status field is equal to 'Active', 'Open' is published.
If the Contract Status field is equal to 'Terminated', 'Closed' is published.

For Purchase:
Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Status field.

If the Status field is equal to 'Free', 'Draft' is published.

If the Status field is equal to 'Active', 'Open' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Terminated', 'Closed' is published.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
tdsls301.qoor Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Agreed Quantity field.

For Purchase: For Purchase:

tdpur301.qoor Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Item/Price Group group, Agreed Quantity field.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs001m000), ISO Code field.
2) tdsls301.cuqs 2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Sales Unit field.

For Purchase: Based on the Sales Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tdpur301.cuqp For Purchase:
1) Session Units (tcmcs001m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Item/Price Group group, Agreed Quantity field.

Based on the unit of the Agreed Quantity field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tdsls301.item 2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Item field.
3) tdsls301.qoor 3) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Agreed Quantity field.

Infor April 07, 2020 146

For Purchase: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
1) tcibd001.cuni The Agreed Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
2) tdpur301.item
3) tdpur301.qoor For Purchase:
1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Item/Price Group group, Item field.
3) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Item/Price Group group, Agreed Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Agreed Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tdsls301.item 3) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Item field.

For Purchase: Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni For Purchase:
3) tdpur301.item 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Item/Price Group group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
tdsls301.qomn Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Control tab, Minimum Quantity field.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs001m000), ISO Code field.
2) tdsls301.cuqs 2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Sales Unit field.

Based on the Sales Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
1) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Item field.
2) tdsls301.item 3) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Control tab, Minimum Quantity field.
3) tdsls301.qomn
Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
The Minimum Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tdsls301.item 3) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
tdsls301.qomx Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Control tab, Maximum Quantity field.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs001m000), ISO Code field.
2) tdsls301.cuqs 2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Sales Unit field.

Based on the Sales Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
1) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Item field.
2) tdsls301.item 3) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Control tab, Maximum Quantity field.
3) tdsls301.qomx
Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
The Maximum Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tdsls301.item 3) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tdsls301.qimo 1) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Control tab, Minimum Order Quantity field.
2) tdsls301.cuqs 2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Sales Unit field.
3) tcibd001.cuni 3) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.

Infor April 07, 2020 147

The Minimum Order Quantity field is converted from the Inventory Unit field into the Sales Unit field. The
converted Minimum Order Quantity field is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs001m000), ISO Code field.
2) tdsls301.cuqs 2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Sales Unit field.

Based on the Sales Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
tdsls301.qimo Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Control tab, Minimum Order Quantity field.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tdsls301.item 2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Item field.
3) tcmcs001.icun 3) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tdsls301.qono 1) session Contract Lines (tdsls3500m000), Contract field.
2) tdsls301.pono 2) Session Conract Lines (tdsls3500m000), Line field.
3) tdsls301.cofc 3) Session Contract Lines (tdsls3500m000), Sales office field

Based on the Contract, Line and Sales Office, the Logistic Data is determined.
If Logistic Data is present for the Contract, Line and Sales Office, 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.

This BOD element is not available for FP5.

For Sales: For Sales:
tdsls301.stwh Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Warehouse field.

If the Ship-to Warehouse field is used, 'true' is published, else 'false' will be published.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tdsls301.cono 1) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Contract field.
2) tdsls301.pono 2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Position field.
3) tdsls301.ofbp 3) Not displayed in any session, Sold-to BP field.
4) tdsls301.stbp 4) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to BP field.
5) tdsls301.cofc 5) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Sales Office field.
6) tdsls301.cwar 6) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Warehouse field.
7) tdsls301.item 7) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Item field.
8) tdsls301.sdat 8) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Effective Date field.
9) tctrm131.mscu 9) Session Schedule Terms and Conditions (tctrm1131m000), Method of Shipped CUM Update field.

Based on the Contract, Position, Sold-to BP, Ship-to BP, Sales Office, Warehouse, Item and Effective Date
fields the Method of Shipped CUM Update field is determined.
If no record is found in the Schedule Terms and Conditions Session, nothing is published.
If the Method of Shipped CUM Update field is equal to 'Shipment to VMI Warehouse', 'Shipment' is published.
If the Method of Shipped CUM Update field is equal to Consumption by Customer', 'Consumption' is published.

An actual order can have a different warehouse, office or date, resulting in different effective terms and
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tdsls300.corn 1) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Selling tab, Customer Order group, Customer Order field.

For LN 10.4.1 or later: For LN 10.4.1 or later:

1) tdsls301.corn 1) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), General tab, Customer Order field.
2) tdsls301.ccrf 2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), General tab, Customer Contract Reference field.
For Sales: For Sales:
For LN 10.4.1 or later: Always filled with 'CustomerOrderNumber'.
1) tdsls301.corn
2) tdsls301.ccrf For LN 10.4.1 or later:
1) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), General tab, Customer Order field.
2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), General tab, Customer Contract Reference field.

If the Customer Order field is filled, 'CustomerOrderNumber' is published.

If the Customer Contract Reference field is filled, 'CustomerContractReference' is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tdsls300.corn 1) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Selling tab, Customer Order group, Customer Order field.

Infor April 07, 2020 148

For LN 10.4.1 or later: If the Customer Order field is filled, 'StringType' is published.
1) tdsls301.corn
2) tdsls301.ccrf For LN 10.4.1 or later:
1) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), General tab, Customer Order field.
2) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), General tab, Customer Contract Reference field.

If the Customer Order field is filled, 'StringType' is published.

If the Customer Contract Reference field is filled, 'StringType' is published.
For Sales: For Sales:
tdsls301.effn Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), Effectivity Unit field.

For Purchase: For the Effectivity Unit field, the ContractSales/ContractSchedule/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled
tdpur301.effn with 'ln.EffectivityUnit' and ContractSales/ContractSchedule/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data

For Purchase:
Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Item/Price Group group, Effectivity Unit field.

For the Effectivity Unit field, the ContractPurchase/ContractSchedule/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is

filled with 'ln.EffectivityUnit' and ContractPurchase/ContractSchedule/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is
filled with 'IntegerNumericType'.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tdsls300.adco 1) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Selling tab, Action on Deviating Customer Order field.

For LN 10.4.1 or later: This element is available for FP6 or later.

1) tdsls301.adco
For LN 10.4.1 or later:
1) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), General tab, Action on Deviating Customer Order field.
For Sales: For Sales:
1) tdsls300.aeco 1) Session Sales Contracts (tdsls3500m000), Selling tab, Action on Deviating Empty Customer Order field.

For LN 10.4.1 or later: This element is available for FP6 or later.

1) tdsls301.aeco
For LN 10.4.1 or later:
1) Session Sales Contract Lines (tdsls3501m000), General tab, Action on Deviating Empty Customer Order field.

Infor April 07, 2020 149

qmcpl100.capn Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Corrective Action Plan field.

This BOD is published when users:

1) Create, Submit, Reset, Approve, Close or Delete a Corrective Action Plan.
2) Change a Corrective Action Plan when the Status of the Corrective Action Plan is unequal to Modified.
3) Add or Delete a Task when the Status of the Corrective Action Plan is unequal to Modified.
4) Change the Status of a Task when the Status of the Corrective Action Plan is unequal to Modified.
5) Link or Unlink a Non-Conforming Material Report to a Corrective Action Plan when the Status of the
Corrective Action Plan is unequal to Modified.

Note that the Non-Conforming Material Report details are not included in the BOD.

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2.1 or later.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
qmcpl100.capn Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Corrective Action Plan field.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

qmcpl100.crdt Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Creation Date field.
qmcpl100.dsca Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Corrective Action Plan field.
qmcpl100.text Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
qmcpl100.stat Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Status field.

If the Status field is equal to 'Open', 'Unapproved' is published.

If the Status field is equal to 'Submitted', 'Submitted' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Approved', 'Open' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Closed', 'Closed' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Modified', 'Unapproved' is published.

If the CorrectActionPlan is deleted, the status is overruled.

If the Status field is equal to 'Closed', 'Closed' is published.
Otherwise, 'Canceled' is published.

For Infor LN 10.4 or later, if the Status field is equal to 'Canceled', 'Canceled' is published.
For Infor LN 10.6 or later, if the Status field is equal to 'Completed', 'Completed' is published.

A Correction Action Plan with Status field equal to 'Modified' can only be published by session Publish Quality
Management Transactional Data (qmbod0200m000), CorrectiveActionPlan tab.
Always filled with 'Corrective Action Status'.
1) qmcpl100.stat 1) Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Status field.
2) qmcpl100.cmdt 2) Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Completion Date field.

If the Status field is equal to 'Closed' and the Completion Date field is filled, the Completion Date field is
published. Otherwise, the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
If the Corrective Action Plan is deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 150

qmcpl100.ownr Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Owner field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) qmcpl100.ownr 1) Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Owner field.
2) tccom001.nama 2) Session Employees (tccom0501m000), Name field.
Based on the Owner field, the Name field is published.
qmcpl100.appr Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Approver field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) qmcpl100.appr 1) Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Approver field.
2) tccom001.nama 2) Session Employees (tccom0501m000), Name field.
Based on the Approver field, the Name field is published.
1) qmcpl100.cusr 1) Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Created by User field.
2) tccom001.emno 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Employee field.

The Created by User field is a logon code.

Based on the Created by User field, the Employee field is published.
Otherwise, empty is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) qmcpl100.cusr 1) Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Created by User field.
2) tccom001.nama 2) Session Employees (tccom0501m000), Name field.
Based on the Created by User field, the Name field is published.
qmcpl100.item Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Item field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
qmcpl100.revi Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), E-Item Revision field.
1) qmcpl100.item 1) Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Item field.
2) tcibd001.dsca 2) Session Item - General Data (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Description field.
Based on the Item field, the Description field is published.
qmcpl100.dudt Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Due Date field.
qmcpl100.cmdt Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Completion Date field.
qmcpl100.bpid Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Business Partner field.

If the Business Partner exists as Buy-from Business Partner, the Business Partner field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) qmcpl100.bpid 1) Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Business Partner field.
2) tccom100.dsca 2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Name field.
Based on the Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
qmcpl100.bpid Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Business Partner field.

If the Business Partner exists as Ship-from Business Partner, the Business Partner field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) qmcpl100.bpid 1) Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Business Partner field.
2) tccom100.dsca 2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Name field.
Based on the Business Partner field, the Name field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 151

qmcpl100.bpid Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Business Partner field.

If the Business Partner exists as Sold-to Business Partner, the Business Partner field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) qmcpl100.bpid 1) Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Business Partner field.
2) tccom100.dsca 2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Name field.
Based on the Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
qmcpl100.bpid Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Business Partner field.

If the Business Partner exists as Ship-to Business Partner, the Business Partner field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) qmcpl100.bpid 1) Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Business Partner field.
2) tccom100.dsca 2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Name field.
Based on the Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
qmcpl100.cprj Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Project field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
qmncm100.ncmr Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Tab Non-Conforming Material Reports, NCM Report field.
A list of the NCM Report fields is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) qmcpl100.sudt 1) Not displayed in any session, Submitted Date field.
2) qmcpl100.apdt 2) Not displayed in any session, Approved Date field.
3) qmcpl100.modt 3) Not displayed in any session, Modified Date field.
4) qmcpl100.cndt 4) Not displayed in any session, Canceled Date field.
5) qmcpl100.stat 5) Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Status field.

For the Submitted Date field:

If filled and the Status field is not equal to 'Open', the CorrectiveActionPlan/CorrectiveActionPlanHeader/
UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.SubmittedDate' and CorrectiveActionPlan/
CorrectiveActionPlanHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'DateTimeType'.

For the Approved Date field:

If filled, the CorrectiveActionPlan/CorrectiveActionPlanHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled
with 'ln.ApprovedDate' and CorrectiveActionPlan/CorrectiveActionPlanHeader/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is filled with 'DateTimeType'.

For the Modified Date field:

If filled, the CorrectiveActionPlan/CorrectiveActionPlanHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled
with 'ln.ModifiedDate' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled
with 'DateTimeType'.

For the Canceled Date field:

If filled, the CorrectiveActionPlan/CorrectiveActionPlanHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled
with 'ln.CancelledDate' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is
filled with 'DateTimeType'.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data
qmcpl100.catg For LN 10.3 or later:
Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Category field.

Infor April 07, 2020 152

For LN 10.3 or later:
Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Category field.
If the Category field is filled, 'LN Corrective Action Categories' is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For LN 10.3 or later:
Based on the number of Classification Codes, the sequence number is set.
qmptc000.cpdt Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.
The concatenation of 'C' and the Period Table field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcccp060.dsca 1) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Period Table Code Description field.
2) qmptc000.cpdt 2) Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.
Based on the Period Table field, the Period Table Code Description field is published.
1) tcccp070.peri 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Number field.
2) qmptc000.cpdt 2) Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.
3) qmcpl100.crdt 3) Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Creation Date field.
Based on the Creation Date field and the Period Table field, the Period Number field is published.
1) tcccp070.peri 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
2) qmptc000.cpdt 2) Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.
3) qmcpl100.crdt 3) Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Creation Date field.
Based on the Creation Date field and the Period Table field, the Year field is published.
qmptc000.cpdt Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.
The concatenation of 'C' and the Period Table field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcccp060.dsca 1) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Period Table Code Description field.
2) qmptc000.cpdt 2) Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.
Based on the Period Table field, the Period Table Code Description field is published.
1) tcccp070.peri 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Number field.
2) qmptc000.cpdt 2) Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.
3) qmcpl100.cmdt 3) Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Completion Date field.
Based on the Completion Date field and the Period Table field, the Period Number field is published.
1) tcccp070.peri 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
2) qmptc000.cpdt 2) Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.
3) qmcpl100.cmdt 3) Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Completion Date field.
Based on the Completion Date field and the Period Table field, the Year field is published.
qmptc000.cpdt Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.
The concatenation of 'C' and the Period Table field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcccp060.dsca 1) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Period Table Code Description field.
2) qmptc000.cpdt 2) Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.
Based on the Period Table field, the Period Table Code Description field is published.
1) tcccp070.peri 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Number field.
2) qmptc000.cpdt 2) Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.
3) qmcpl100.dudt 3) Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Due Date field.
Based on the Due Date field and the Period Table field, the Period Number field is published.
1) tcccp070.peri 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
2) qmptc000.cpdt 2) Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.
3) qmcpl100.dudt 3) Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Due Date field.
Based on the Due Date field and the Period Table field, the Year field is published.
qmcpl105.task Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Tasks tab, Task field.

Infor April 07, 2020 153

qmcpl105.dsca Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Tasks tab, Task field.
1) qmcpl105.txtt 1) Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Tasks tab, Task Text field.
2) qmcpl105.txta 2) Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Tasks tab, Additional Information Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
1) qmcpl105.txtt 1) Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Tasks tab, Task Text field.
2) qmcpl105.txta 2) Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Tasks tab, Additional Information Text field.

If Task Text field is filled, 'General' is published.

If Additional Information Text field is filled, 'Additional' is published.
qmcpl105.stat Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Tasks tab, Task Status field.

If Status field is equal to 'Open', 'Unapproved' is published.

If Status field is equal to 'Approved', 'Open' is published.
If Status field is equal to 'In Progress', 'Active' is published.
If Status field is equal to 'Completed', 'Completed' is published.
If Status field is equal to 'Closed', 'Closed' is published.
If Status field is equal to 'Cancelled', 'Canceled' is published.
Always filled with 'Corrective Action Status'.
qmcpl105.vrdt Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Tasks tab, Verification Date field.
qmcpl105.tskt Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Tasks tab, Task Type field.
Always filled with 'Corrective Action Types'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
qmcpl105.ownr Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Tasks tab, Owner field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
qmcpl105.stdt Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Tasks tab, Start Date field.
qmcpl105.dudt Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Tasks tab, Due Date field.
qmcpl105.cmdt Session Corrective Action Plan (qmcpl1100m900), Tasks tab, Completion Date field.
1) qmcpl105.crdt 1) Session Task (qmcpl1105m000), Creation Date field.
2) qmcpl105.apdt 2) Session Task (qmcpl1105m000), Approved Date field.
3) qmcpl105.prdt 3) Session Task (qmcpl1105m000), In Progress Date field.
4) qmcpl105.cldt 4) Session Task (qmcpl1105m000), Closed Date field.
5) qmcpl105.cndt 5) Session Task (qmcpl1105m000), Canceled Date field.

For the Creation Date field:

If filled, the CorrectiveActionPlan/CorrectiveActionPlanAction/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled
with 'ln.CreationDate' and CorrectiveActionPlan/CorrectiveActionPlanAction/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is filled with 'DateTimeType'.

For the Approved Date field:

If filled, the CorrectiveActionPlan/CorrectiveActionPlanAction/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled
with 'ln.ApprovedDate' and CorrectiveActionPlan/CorrectiveActionPlanAction/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is filled with 'DateTimeType'.

For the In Progress Date field:

If filled, the CorrectiveActionPlan/CorrectiveActionPlanAction/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled
with 'ln.CreationDate' and CorrectiveActionPlan/CorrectiveActionPlanAction/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is filled with 'DateTimeType'.

For the Closed Date field:

If filled, the CorrectiveActionPlan/CorrectiveActionPlanAction/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled
with 'ln.ClosedDate' and CorrectiveActionPlan/CorrectiveActionPlanAction/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type
is filled with 'DateTimeType'.

For the Canceled Date field:

If filled, the CorrectiveActionPlan/CorrectiveActionPlanAction/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled
with 'ln.CanceledDate' and CorrectiveActionPlan/CorrectiveActionPlanAction/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is filled with 'DateTimeType'.

Infor April 07, 2020 154

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data

Infor April 07, 2020 155

1) tfcmg103.btno 1) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Payment Batch field.
2) tfcmg103.paym 2) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Payment Method field.
3) tfcmg103.bank 3) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Bank field.

The concatenation of the Payment Batch field, the Payment Method field and the Bank field is published.

Based on the Payment/Receipt Method, this BOD is published at the end of the payment procedure (after
selecting invoices, compose, assign banks, audit steps) and is published instead of an LN payment file or LN
XML file.
tfgld004.acdp Session Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000), Accounting Department field.

Based on the Accounting Department field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tfgld004.acdp Session Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000), Accounting Department field.

Based on the Accounting Department field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tfcmg103.btno 1) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Payment Batch field.
2) tfcmg103.paym 2) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Payment Method field.
3) tfcmg103.bank 3) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Bank field.

The concatenation of the Payment Batch field, the Payment Method field and the Bank field is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

tfcmg109.date Session Payment Advices (tfcmg1509m000), Batch created on field.
Always filled with 'Open'.
Always filled with 'Generic Status'.
If the Payment Advice is being deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
Always filled with 'false'.
The number of composed payments related to a specific combination of Payment Batch, Payment Method and
Bank is published.
The composed payments must meet the following conditions:
- Transaction Type field must be filled.
- Payment Document field must be filled.
- Paid field must be equal to 'Yes'.
- Erroneous field must be equal to 'No'.
Always filled with 'MIXD'.
tccom000.fovn Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Tax Number of Own Company field.
tccom000.nama Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Name field.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Name field is published.

1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
Infor April 07, 2020 156
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tccom000.cadr 7) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the City field is published.

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the State/Province field is published.

1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tccom000.cadr 3) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
1) tfcmg001.brch 1) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
2) tfcmg103.bank 2) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank field, the Bank Branch field is published.

1) tfcmg011.cbad 1) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), International Bank ID field.
2) tfcmg001.brch 2) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
3) tfcmg103.bank 3) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank field, the International Bank ID field of the Bank Branch field is published.
1) tfcmg011.bnam 1) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Name field.
2) tfcmg001.brch 2) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
3) tfcmg103.bank 3) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank field, the Bank Name field of the Bank Branch field is published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
3) tfcmg001.brch 3) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
4) tfcmg103.bank 4) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank Address field of the Bank Branch field of the Bank field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tfcmg011.badr 7) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
8) tfcmg001.brch 8) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
9) tfcmg103.bank 9) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank Address field of the Bank Branch field of the Bank field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:

Infor April 07, 2020 157

For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
3) tfcmg001.brch 3) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
4) tfcmg103.bank 4) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank Address field of the Bank Branch field of the Bank field, the City field is published.
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
3) tfcmg001.brch 3) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
4) tfcmg103.bank 4) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank Address field of the Bank Branch field of the Bank field, the State/Province field is published.
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tfcmg011.badr 3) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
4) tfcmg001.brch 4) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
5) tfcmg103.bank 5) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank Address field of the Bank Branch field of the Bank field and the Country field, the ISO Code
alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
3) tfcmg001.brch 3) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
4) tfcmg103.bank 4) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank Address field of the Bank Branch field of the Bank field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is
1) tfcmg103.btno 1) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Payment Batch field.
2) tfcmg103.paym 2) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Payment Method field.
3) tfcmg103.bank 3) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Bank field.
4) tfcmg103.plan 4) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Planned Payment Date field.

The concatenation of the Payment Batch field, the Payment Method field, the Bank field and the Planned
Payment Date field is published.
tfcmg103.plan Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Planned Payment Date field.
1) tfcmg003.cheq 1) Session Payment/Receipt Method (tfcmg0140s000), Options tab, Use Check Master field.
2) tfcmg103.paym 2) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Payment Method field.

If the Use Check Master field based on the Payment Method field is equal to 'Yes', 'CHK' is published.
Otherwise, 'TRF' is published.
tccom000.lgid Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Chamber of Commerce ID field.
1) tcmcs010.ict2 1) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
2) tccom000.ccty 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Country field.

Based on the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field is determined.

If the ISO Code alpha-2 field is equal to 'BE', 'KBO-BCE' is published.

tccom000.fovn Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Tax Number of Own Company field.
tccom000.nama Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Name field.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Name field is published.

1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tccom000.cadr 7) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Infor April 07, 2020 158

Based on the Address Code field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the City field is published.

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the State/Province field is published.

1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tccom000.cadr 3) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
1) tcmcs010.ict2 1) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
2) tccom000.ccty 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Country field.

Based on the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field is published.
1) tfcmg001.bano 1) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Account field.
2) tfcmg001.iban 2) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), IBAN field.
3) tfcmg103.bank 3) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank field, when the IBAN field is empty, the Bank Account field is published.
1) tfcmg001.iban 1) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), IBAN field.
2) tfcmg103.bank 2) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank field, the IBAN field is published.

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tfcmg001.ccur 2) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0110s000), Details tab, Bank Currency field.
3) tfcmg103.bank 3) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank Currency field of the Bank field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tfcmg001.desc 1) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Description field.
2) tfcmg103.bank 2) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank field, the Description field is published.

1) tfcmg001.brch 1) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
2) tfcmg103.bank 2) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank field, the Bank Branch field is published.

1) tfcmg011.cbad 1) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), International Bank ID field.
2) tfcmg001.brch 2) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
3) tfcmg103.bank 3) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank field, the International Bank ID field of the Bank Branch field is published.
1) tfcmg011.bnam 1) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Name field.
2) tfcmg001.brch 2) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
3) tfcmg103.bank 3) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank field, the Bank Name field of the Bank Branch field is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 159
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
3) tfcmg001.brch 3) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
4) tfcmg103.bank 4) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank Address field of the Bank Branch field of the Bank field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tfcmg011.badr 7) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
8) tfcmg001.brch 8) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
9) tfcmg103.bank 9) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank Address field of the Bank Branch field of the Bank field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
3) tfcmg001.brch 3) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
4) tfcmg103.bank 4) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank Address field of the Bank Branch field of the Bank field, the City field is published.
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
3) tfcmg001.brch 3) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
4) tfcmg103.bank 4) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank Address field of the Bank Branch field of the Bank field, the State/Province field is published.
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tfcmg011.badr 3) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
4) tfcmg001.brch 4) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
5) tfcmg103.bank 5) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank Address field of the Bank Branch field of the Bank field and the Country field, the ISO Code
alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
3) tfcmg001.brch 3) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
4) tfcmg103.bank 4) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank Address field of the Bank Branch field of the Bank field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is
1) tfcmg011.bnid 1) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Domestic Bank ID field.
2) tfcmg001.brch 2) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
3) tfcmg103.bank 3) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank field, the Domestic Bank ID field of the Bank Branch field is published.
Unique sequence number starting with 1.
1) tfcmg103.ttyp 1) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Payment Document field (first part).
2) tfcmg103.docn 2) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Payment Document field (last part).

The concatenation of the current company, the Payment Document field (first part) and the Payment Document
field (last part) is published.
1) tfcmg103.ttyp 1) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Payment Document field (first part).
2) tfcmg103.docn 2) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Payment Document field (last part).
3) tfcmg103.srno 3) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Sequence Number field.

Infor April 07, 2020 160

The concatenation of the current company, the Payment Document field (first part), the Payment Document field
(last part) and the Sequence Number is published.
1) tfcmg002.desc 1) Session Reasons for Payment (tfcmg0130m000), Description field.
2) tfcmg103.reas 2) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Reason for Payment field.

Based on the Reason for Payment field, the Description field is published.
tfcmg103.amnt Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Transaction Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tfcmg103.ccur 2) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tfcmg103.ptbp Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Pay-to Business Partner field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tctax400.fovn 1) Session Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax4100m000), Tax Number field.
2) tfcmg103.ptbp 2) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Pay-to Business Partner field.
3) tccom130.ccty 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Country field.

Based on the Pay-to Business Partner field and the CreditTransfer/CreditTransferPayment/PaymentTransaction/

CreditorParty/CountryCode element, the Tax Number field is determined.

If the Country field is equal to the Company Country and equal to 'BE' and the Tax Number field starts with 'BE',
the Tax Number field is published starting from the third position.
1) tcmcs010.ict2 1) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
2) tccom000.ccty 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Country field.

Based on the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field is determined.

If the ISO Code alpha-2 field is equal to 'BE', 'KBO-BCE' is published.

1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tccom124.cadr 2) Session Pay-to Business Partner (tccom4124s000), Address field.
3) tccom100.sndr 3) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Detailed tab, One-Time Business Partner field.
4) tfcmg103.ptbp 4) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Pay-to Business Partner address, the Name field is published.

The Pay-to Business Partner address is determined as follows:

If the One-Time Business Partner field related to the Pay-to Business Partner field is equal to 'No', the Pay-to
Business Partner address is equal to the Address field.
If the One-Time Business Partner field related to the Pay-to Business Partner field is equal to 'Yes', the Pay-to
Business Partner Address is equal to the One-Time Business Partner address.

Refer to the Infor Web Help for more information about the One-Time Business Partner address.
tccom130.nama Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.

Based on the Pay-to Business Partner address (refer to the CreditTransfer/CreditTransferPayment/

PaymentTransaction/CreditorParty/Name element for more information), the Name field is published.
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.

Based on the Pay-to Business Partner address (refer to the CreditTransfer/CreditTransferPayment/

PaymentTransaction/CreditorParty/Name element for more information), the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.

Infor April 07, 2020 161

tccom130.dsca Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.

Based on the Pay-to Business Partner address (refer to the CreditTransfer/CreditTransferPayment/

PaymentTransaction/CreditorParty/Name element for more information), the City field is published.
tccom130.cste Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.

Based on the Pay-to Business Partner address (refer to the CreditTransfer/CreditTransferPayment/

PaymentTransaction/CreditorParty/Name element for more information), the State/Province field is published.
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.

Based on the Pay-to Business Partner address (refer to the CreditTransfer/CreditTransferPayment/

PaymentTransaction/CreditorParty/Name element for more information) and the Country field, the ISO Code
alpha-2 field of the country is published.
tccom130.pstc Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.

Based on the Pay-to Business Partner address (refer to the CreditTransfer/CreditTransferPayment/

PaymentTransaction/CreditorParty/Name element for more information), the Zip Code/Postal Code field is
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.

Based on the Pay-to Business Partner address (refer to the CreditTransfer/CreditTransferPayment/

PaymentTransaction/CreditorParty/Name element for more information) and the Country field, the ISO Code
alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom125.bano 1) Session Bank Accounts by Pay-to Business Partner (tccom4525m000), Bank Account field.
2) tccom125.iban 2) Session Bank Accounts by Pay-to Business Partner (tccom4525m000), International Bank Account Number
3) tccom125.brch field.
4) tccom100.sndr 3) Session Bank Accounts by Pay-to Business Partner (tccom4525m000), Bank Branch field.
5) tfcmg103.ptbp 4) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Detailed tab, One-Time Business Partner field.
6) tfcmg103.basu 5) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Pay-to Business Partner field.
6) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Business Partner Bank field.

If the Pay-to Business Partner international bank account is empty, the Pay-to Business Partner bank account is

The Pay-to Business Partner bank account, the Pay-to Business Partner international bank account and the Pay-
to Business Partner bank branch are determined as follows:

If the One-Time Business Partner field related to the Pay-to Business Partner field is equal to 'No', the Pay-to
Business Partner bank account is equal to the Bank Account field, the Pay-to Business Partner international
bank account is equal to the International Bank Account Number field and the Pay-to Business Partner bank
branch is equal to the Bank Branch field.

If the One-Time Business Partner field related to the Pay-to Business Partner field is equal to 'Yes', the Pay-to
Business Partner Bank data is equal to the One-Time Business Partner Bank data.

Refer to the Infor Web Help for more information about the One-Time Business Partner Bank data.
The Pay-To Business Partner international bank account number (refer to the CreditTransfer/
CreditTransferPayment/PaymentTransaction/CreditorParty/FinancialAccount/BBANID element for more
information) is published.
tfcmg011.cbad Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), International Bank ID field.

Based on the Pay-To Business Partner bank branch (refer to the CreditTransfer/CreditTransferPayment/
PaymentTransaction/CreditorParty/FinancialAccount/BBANID element for more information), the International
Bank ID field is published.
tfcmg011.bnam Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Name field.

Based on the Pay-To Business Partner bank branch (refer to the CreditTransfer/CreditTransferPayment/
PaymentTransaction/CreditorParty/FinancialAccount/BBANID element for more information), the Bank Name
field is published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.

Based on the Pay-To Business Partner bank branch (refer to the CreditTransfer/CreditTransferPayment/
PaymentTransaction/CreditorParty/FinancialAccount/BBANID element for more information), the Name field is
Infor April 07, 2020 162
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tfcmg011.badr 7) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.

Based on the Bank Address field related to the Pay-To Business Partner bank branch (refer to the
CreditTransfer/CreditTransferPayment/PaymentTransaction/CreditorParty/FinancialAccount/BBANID element
for more information), the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.

Based on the Bank Address field related to the PAY-TO-BANK-BRANCH field, the City field is published.
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.

Based on the Bank Address field related to the PAY-TO-BANK-BRANCH field, the State/Province field is
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tfcmg011.badr 3) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.

Based on the Bank Address field related to the Pay-To Business Partner bank branch (refer to the
CreditTransfer/CreditTransferPayment/PaymentTransaction/CreditorParty/FinancialAccount/BBANID element
for more information) and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.

Based on the Bank Address field related to the Pay-To Business Partner bank branch (refer to the
CreditTransfer/CreditTransferPayment/PaymentTransaction/CreditorParty/FinancialAccount/BBANID element
for more information), the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
tfcmg011.bnid Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Domestic Bank ID field.

Based on the Pay-To Business Partner bank branch (refer to the CreditTransfer/CreditTransferPayment/
PaymentTransaction/CreditorParty/FinancialAccount/BBANID element for more information), the Domestic Bank
ID field is published.
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tfcmg011.badr 3) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
4) tccom125.brch 4) Session Bank Accounts by Pay-to Business Partner (tccom4525m000), Bank Branch field.
5) tfcmg103.ptbp 5) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Pay-to Business Partner field.
6) tfcmg103.basu 6) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Business Partner Bank field.

Based on the Pay-to Business Partner field and the Business Partner Bank field, the Bank Branch field is
Based on the Bank Address field of the Bank Branch field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of
the country is published.
1) tfcmg103.opbp 1) Not displayed in any session, Original Pay-to Business Partner field.
2) tfcmg103.ptbp 2) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

If the Original Pay-to Business Partner field is filled and not equal to the Pay-to Business Partner field, the
Original Pay-to Business Partner field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 163
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) tfcmg103.opbp 2) Not displayed in any session, Original Pay-to Business Partner field.
3) tfcmg103.ptbp 3) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

If the Original Pay-to Business Partner field is filled and not equal to the Pay-to Business Partner field, based on
the Original Pay-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tccom124.cadr 2) Session Pay-to Business Partner (tccom4124s000), Address field.
3) tfcmg103.opbp 3) Not displayed in any session, Original Pay-to Business Partner field.
4) tfcmg103.ptbp 4) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

If the Original Pay-to Business Partner field is filled and not equal to the Pay-to Business Partner field, based on
the Address field of the Original Pay-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tccom124.cadr 7) Session Pay-to Business Partner (tccom4124s000), Address field.
8) tfcmg103.opbp 8) Not displayed in any session, Original Pay-to Business Partner field.
9) tfcmg103.ptbp 9) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

If the Original Pay-to Business Partner field is filled and not equal to the Pay-to Business Partner field, based on
the Address field of the Original Pay-to Business Partner field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tccom124.cadr 2) Session Pay-to Business Partner (tccom4124s000), Address field.
3) tfcmg103.opbp 3) Not displayed in any session, Original Pay-to Business Partner field.
4) tfcmg103.ptbp 4) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

If the Original Pay-to Business Partner field is filled and not equal to the Pay-to Business Partner field, based on
the Address field of the Original Pay-to Business Partner field, the City field is published.
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tccom124.cadr 2) Session Pay-to Business Partner (tccom4124s000), Address field.
3) tfcmg103.opbp 3) Not displayed in any session, Original Pay-to Business Partner field.
4) tfcmg103.ptbp 4) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

If the Original Pay-to Business Partner field is filled and not equal to the Pay-to Business Partner field, based on
the Address field of the Original Pay-to Business Partner field, the State/Province field is published.
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tccom124.cadr 3) Session Pay-to Business Partner (tccom4124s000), Address field.
4) tfcmg103.opbp 4) Not displayed in any session, Original Pay-to Business Partner field.
5) tfcmg103.ptbp 5) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

If the Original Pay-to Business Partner field is filled and not equal to the Pay-to Business Partner field, based on
the Address field of the Original Pay-to Business Partner field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field
of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tccom124.cadr 2) Session Pay-to Business Partner (tccom4124s000), Address field.
3) tfcmg103.opbp 3) Not displayed in any session, Original Pay-to Business Partner field.
4) tfcmg103.ptbp 4) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

If the Original Pay-to Business Partner field is filled and not equal to the Pay-to Business Partner field, based on
the Address field of the Original Pay-to Business Partner field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
tfcmg103.refr Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Reference field.
Always filled with 'Normal'.
1) tfcmg003.xfyn 1) Session Payment/Receipt Method (tfcmg0140s000), XML File field.
2) tfcmg103.paym 2) Session Composed Payments (tfcmg1504s000), Payment Method field.

Infor April 07, 2020 164

If the XML File field related to the Payment Method field is equal to 'Yes', 'SEPA' is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 165

1) tcmcs008.bcur 1) Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Currency Base field.
2) tcmcs008.ccur 2) Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Currency field.
3) tcmcs008.rtyp 3) Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Exchange Rate Type field.
4) tcmcs008.stdt 4) Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Effective Date field.
5) tcmcs002.iccc 5) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.

Based on the Currency Base field, the ISO Code field is determined.
Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field is determined.
The concatenation of the ISO Code of the Currency Base field, the ISO Code of the Currency field, the
Exchange Rate Type field and the Effective Date field is published.

This BOD is published when users Approve a Currency Rate.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcmcs008.bcur 1) Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Currency Base field.
2) tcmcs008.ccur 2) Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Currency field.
3) tcmcs008.rtyp 3) Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Exchange Rate Type field.
4) tcmcs008.stdt 4) Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Effective Date field.
5) tcmcs002.iccc 5) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.

Based on the Currency Base field, the ISO Code field is determined.
Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field is determined.
The concatenation of the ISO Code of the Currency Base field, the ISO Code of the Currency field, the
Exchange Rate Type field and the Effective Date field is published.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

tcmcs008.apdt Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Approval Date field.
Always filled with 'Open'.
tcmcs008.stdt Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Effective Date field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcmcs008.ccur 2) Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tcmcs008.ratf Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Rate Factor field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcmcs008.bcur 2) Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Currency Base field.

Based on the Currency Base field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
Always filled with '1'.
1) tcmcs008.excb 1) Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Express In Base Currency field.
2) tcmcs008.rate 2) Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Currency Rate field.

If the Express In Base Currency field is equal to 'Yes', 1 / Currency Rate field is published.
If the Express In Base Currency field is equal to 'No', the Currency Rate field field is published.
tcmcs008.stdt Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Effective Date field.

Infor April 07, 2020 166

1) tcmcs008.rapr 1) Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Rate Approved field.
2) tcmcs008.stdt 2) Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Effective Date field.

If an approved Currency rate with earlier Effective Date field exists, the end date of the existing approved
Currency rate will be filled with the Effective Date field of the new Currency rate and published.

If an approved Currency rate with later Effective Date field exists, the end date time of the new Currency rate will
be filled with the Effective Date field of the existing approved Currency rate and published. Otherwise, the end
date time of the new Currency rate will be filled with the maximum date time value and published.

Based on the earlier and later approved Currency rate, the end date time is determined and published.
tcmcs008.rtyp Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Exchange Rate Type field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 167

tcmcs040.rtyp Session Exchange Rate Types (tcmcs0140m000), Field Exchange Rate Type.

This BOD is published when users Create or Update a Currency Rate Type.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tcmcs040.rtyp Session Exchange Rate Types (tcmcs0140m000), Field Exchange Rate Type.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
tcmcs040.dsca Session Exchange Rate Types (tcmcs0140m000), Description field.
Always filled with 'Open'.
tcmcs040.rtyp Session Exchange Rate Types (tcmcs0140m000), Field Exchange Rate Type.
tcmcs040.rtyp Session Exchange Rate Types (tcmcs0140m000), Field Exchange Rate Type.
Always filled with '6'.

Infor April 07, 2020 168

tsclm100.ccll Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Call Number field.

This BOD is published when users Register, Assign, Process, Transfer, Solve, or Accept a Service Call.
This BOD is available for FP7 or later.
tsclm100.cwoc Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Support Department field.

Based on the Support Department field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tsclm100.cwoc Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Support Department field.

Based on the Support Department field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tsclm100.ccln Not displayed in any session, BP Call Number field.
tsclm100.ccll Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Call Number field.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

tsclm100.crdt Not displayed in any session, BP Call Number field.
1) tsclm100.shpd 1) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Problem Description field.
2) tsclm100.shdp 2) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Diagnosis tab, Solution Description field.
1) tsclm100.shpd 1) Always filled with 'Problem'.
2) tsclm100.shdp 2) Always filled with 'Solution'.
1) tsclm100.txta 1) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Comment field.
2) tsclm100.txte 2) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Diagnosis tab, Solution Text field.
1) tsclm100.txta 1) Always filled with 'Comment'.
2) tsclm100.txte 2) Always filled with 'Solution'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
Always filled with 'CustomerCall'.
tsclm100.pcll Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Routing tab, Parent Call field.
tsclm100.cwoc Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Support Department field.

Based on the Support Department field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tsclm100.cwoc Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Support Department field.

Based on the Support Department field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tsclm100.stat 1) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Status field.
2) tsclm100.blyn 2) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Blocked field.

If the object is being deleted, 'Deleted' is published. Otherwise, the following applies:

If the Blocked field is equal to 'Yes', 'Hold' is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 169

If the Status field is equal to 'Registered', 'Open' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Assigned', 'Assigned' is published.
If the Status field is equal to ''In Process', 'InProcess' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Transferred', 'Transferred' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Solved', 'Solved' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Accepted', 'Accepted' is published.
If the CustomerCall is deleted, 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.
tsclm100.ofbp Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Sold-to BP field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4500m000), Name field.
2) tsclm100.ofbp 2) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Sold-to BP field.

Based on the Sold-to BP field, the Name field is published.

tsclm100.rpct Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Routing tab, Reported Time field.
1) tsmdm150.emno 1) Session Service User Profiles (tsmdm1150m000), Service Employee field.
2) tsclm100.user 2) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Routing tab, Call Taker field.

Based on the Call Taker field, the Service Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tsmdm150.emno 1) Session Service User Profiles (tsmdm1150m000), Service Employee field.
2) tssoc200.crep 2) Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), Sales tab, Sales Representative field.

Based on the Service Employee field, the Name field is published.

tsclm100.cllo Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Origin field.

If the Origin field is equal to 'Telephone', 'Phone' is published.

If the Origin field is equal to 'Fax', 'Fax' is published.
If the Origin field is equal to 'Modem', 'Modem' is published.
If the Origin field is equal to 'Letter', 'Mail' is published.
If the Origin field is equal to 'Internal', 'Internal' is published.
If the Origin field is equal to 'E-mail', 'Email' is published.
If the Origin field is equal to 'Other', 'Other' is published.
If the Origin field is equal to 'Internet', 'Internet' is published.
Always filled with 'Call Types'.
1) tsclm100.cgrp 1) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Call Group1 field.
2) tsclm100.scgr 2) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Call Group2 field.
Always filled with 'Call Groups'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
tsclm100.prpr Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Problem Priority field.
Always filled with 'Problem Priorities'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
tsclm100.rprl Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Reported Problem field.
Always filled with 'Problem Codes'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tsclm100.expr Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Diagnosis tab, Expected Problem field.

Infor April 07, 2020 170

Always filled with 'Problem Codes'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tsclm100.espr Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Diagnosis tab, Actual Problem field.
Always filled with 'Problem Codes'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
tsclm100.exsl Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Diagnosis tab, Expected Solution field.
Always filled with 'Solution Codes'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tsclm100.sltn Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Diagnosis tab, Actual Solution field.
Always filled with 'Solution Codes'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
tsclm100.csco Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Contract field.
tsctm300.cwoc Session Service Contracts (tsctm3100m000), Sales tab, Service Office field.

Based on the Service Office field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tsctm300.cwoc Session Service Contracts (tsctm3100m000), Sales tab, Service Office field.

Based on the Service Office field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Infor LN 10.5.2 or later: For Infor LN 10.5.2 or later:

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.

2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.fcua 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
4) tcemm170.comp 4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
5) tsclm100.cwoc 5) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Support Department field.
6) tsclm100.ccur 6) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Invoicing tab, Currency field.
7) tsclm105.rtdt 7) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.
8) tsclm105.rtyp 8) Not displayed in any session, Rate Type field.
9) tsclm105.clin 9) Session Call Invoicing (tsclm1105s000), General tab, Costed field.
10) tsclm100.ustm 10) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Diagnosis tab, Spent Time field.
11) tsclm105.pris 11) Session Call Invoicing (tsclm1105s000), General tab, Sales Price field.
12) tsclm105.asto 12) Session Call Invoicing (tsclm1105s000), General tab, Total Sales Amount field.
13) tsclm105.aswa 13) Session Call Invoicing (tsclm1105s000), General tab, Sales Amount Warranty field.
14) tsclm105.asco 14) Session Call Invoicing (tsclm1105s000), General tab, Sales Amount Service Contract field.
15) tsclm105.asoc 15) Session Call Invoicing (tsclm1105s000), General tab, Sales Amount Goodwill field.
16) tsclm105.asin 16) Session Call Invoicing (tsclm1105s000), General tab, Sales Amount Call Invoicing field.
17) tsclm105.acpr 17) Session Call Invoicing (tsclm1105s000), General tab, Unit Cost field.
18) tsclm105.tmun 18) Session Call Invoicing (tsclm1105s000), General tab, Call Time Units field.
19) tsclm105.acwa 19) Session Call Invoicing (tsclm1105s000), General tab, Cost Amount Warranty field.
20) tsclm105.acco 20) Session Call Invoicing (tsclm1105s000), General tab, Cost Amount Service Contract field.
21) tsclm105.acoc 21) Session Call Invoicing (tsclm1105s000), General tab, Cost Amount Goodwill field.
22) tsclm105.acin 22) Session Call Invoicing (tsclm1105s000), General tab, Cost Amount Call Invoicing field.
23) tsclm105.inam 23) Session Call Invoicing (tsclm1105s000), General tab, Net Invoice Amount field.
24) tsclm105.txam 24) Session Call Invoicing (tsclm1105s000), General tab, Tax Amount field.
25) tsclm105.asdi 25) Session Call Invoicing (tsclm1105s000), General tab, Discount Amount field.
26) tsclm105.disc 26) Session Call Invoicing (tsclm1105s000), General tab, Discount Percentage field.
27) tsclm105.invd 27) Session Call Invoicing (tsclm1105s000), General tab, Invoice Date field.
28) tsclm105.psdt 28) Session Call Invoicing (tsclm1105s000), General tab, Posting Date field.
29) tsclm100.cspc 29) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Routing tab, Call Center field.
30) tsclm100.emno 30) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Routing tab, Support Engineer field.
31) tsclm100.cxsc 31) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Routing tab, Service Department field.
32) tsclm100.oemn 32) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Routing tab, Service Engineer field.
33) tsclm100.crtc 33) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Diagnosis tab, Response Type field.
34) tsclm100.item 34) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Item field.
35) tsclm100.sern 35) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Serial Number field.

Infor April 07, 2020 171

36) tsclm105.wrtp 36) Session Call Invoicing (tsclm1105s000), Obligations tab, Warranty Type field.
37) tsclm105.wrty 37) Session Call Invoicing (tsclm1105s000), Obligations tab, Warranty field.

Based on the Support Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field and the Reference Currency field are determined.

For the Costed field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.CostedIndicator',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.

For the Spent Time field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Spent Time field
expressed in seconds,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'IntegerNumericType'.

For the Sales Price field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Sales Price field
expressed in the Currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the Currency

For the Sales Price field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Sales Price field
expressed in the local currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the local
currency field.

For the Sales Price field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Sales Price field
expressed in the reference currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the reference
currency field.

For the Total Sales Amount field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Total Sales Amount field
expressed in the Currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the Currency

For the Total Sales Amount field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Total Sales Amount field
expressed in the local currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the local
currency field.

For the Total Sales Amount field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Total Sales Amount field
expressed in the reference currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the reference
currency field.

For the Sales Amount Warranty field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Sales Amount Warranty
field expressed in the Currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the Currency
Infor April 07, 2020 172
For the Sales Amount Warranty field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Sales Amount Warranty
field expressed in the local currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the local
currency field.

For the Sales Amount Warranty field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Sales Amount Warranty
field expressed in the reference currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the reference
currency field.

For the Sales Amount Service Contract field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Sales Amount Service
Contract field expressed in the Currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the Currency

For the Sales Amount Service Contract field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Sales Amount Service
Contract field expressed in the local currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the local
currency field.

For the Sales Amount Service Contract field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Sales Amount Service
Contract field expressed in the reference currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the reference
currency field.

For the Sales Amount Goodwill field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Sales Amount Goodwill
field expressed in the Currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the Currency

For the Sales Amount Goodwill field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Sales Amount Goodwill
field expressed in the local currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the local
currency field.

For the Sales Amount Goodwill field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Sales Amount Goodwill
field expressed in the reference currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the reference
currency field.

For the Sales Amount Call Invoicing field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Sales Amount Call
Invoicing field expressed in the Currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
Infor April 07, 2020 173
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the Currency

For the Sales Amount Call Invoicing field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Sales Amount Call
Invoicing field expressed in the local currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the local
currency field.

For the Sales Amount Call Invoicing field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Sales Amount Call
Invoicing field expressed in the reference currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the reference
currency field.

For the Unit Cost field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Unit Cost field expressed
in the local currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to 'ln.CostPriceAmount',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the local
currency field.

For the Unit Cost field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Unit Cost field expressed
in the local currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the local
currency field.

For the Unit Cost field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Unit Cost field expressed
in the reference currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the reference
currency field.

For the Unit Cost field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the multiplication of Unit Cost
field and Call Time Units field expressed in the local currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to 'ln.CostTotalAmount',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the local
currency field.

For the Unit Cost field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the multiplication of Unit Cost
field and Call Time Units field expressed in the local currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the local
currency field.

For the Unit Cost field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the multiplication of Unit Cost
field and Call Time Units field expressed in the reference currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the reference
currency field.

For the Cost Amount Warranty field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Cost Amount Warranty
field expressed in the local currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
Infor April 07, 2020 174
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the local
currency field.

For the Cost Amount Warranty field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Cost Amount Warranty
field expressed in the local currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the local
currency field.

For the Cost Amount Warranty field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Cost Amount Warranty
field expressed in the reference currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the reference
currency field.

For the Cost Amount Service Contract field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Cost Amount Service
Contract field expressed in the local currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the local
currency field.

For the Cost Amount Service Contract field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Cost Amount Service
Contract field expressed in the local currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the local
currency field.

For the Cost Amount Service Contract field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Cost Amount Service
Contract field expressed in the reference currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the reference
currency field.

For the Cost Amount Goodwill field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Cost Amount Goodwill
field expressed in the local currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the local
currency field.

For the Cost Amount Goodwill field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Cost Amount Goodwill
field expressed in the local currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the local
currency field.

For the Cost Amount Goodwill field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Cost Amount Goodwill
field expressed in the reference currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the reference
currency field.

For the Cost Amount Call Invoicing field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Cost Amount Call
Invoicing field expressed in the local currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
Infor April 07, 2020 175
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the local
currency field.

For the Cost Amount Call Invoicing field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Cost Amount Call
Invoicing field expressed in the local currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the local
currency field.

For the Cost Amount Call Invoicing field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Cost Amount Call
Invoicing field expressed in the reference currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the reference
currency field.

For the Net Invoice Amount field and Tax Amount field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the sum of the Net Invoice
Amount field and the Tax Amount field expressed in the Currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the Currency

For the Net Invoice Amount field and Tax Amount field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the sum of the Net Invoice
Amount field and the Tax Amount field expressed in the local currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the local
currency field.

For the Net Invoice Amount field and Tax Amount field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the sum of the Net Invoice
Amount field and the Tax Amount field expressed in the reference currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the reference
currency field.

For the Discount Amount field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Discount Amount field
expressed in the local currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the local
currency field.

For the Discount Amount field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Discount Amount field
expressed in the local currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the local
currency field.

For the Discount Amount field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Discount Amount field
expressed in the reference currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the reference
currency field.

For the Net Invoice Amount field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Net Invoice Amount field
Infor April 07, 2020 176
expressed in the Currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the Currency

For the Net Invoice Amount field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Net Invoice Amount field
expressed in the local currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the local
currency field.

For the Net Invoice Amount field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Net Invoice Amount field
expressed in the reference currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the reference
currency field.

For the Tax Amount field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Tax Amount field
expressed in the Currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the Currency

For the Tax Amount field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Tax Amount field
expressed in the local currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the local
currency field.

For the Tax Amount field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Tax Amount field
expressed in the reference currency field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'AmountType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@currencyID is filled with the reference
currency field.

For the Discount Percentage field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Discount Percentage field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.InvoiceDiscount',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'NumericType'.

For the Invoice Date field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Invoice Date field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.InvoiceDate',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'DateTimeType'.

For the Posting Date field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Posting Date field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.PostingDate',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'DateTimeType'.

For the Warranty field,

if the Warranty Type field is equal to 'Generic Warranty':
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Warranty field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'CodeType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@listID is filled with 'LN Generic
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@accountingEntity is filled with the
related accounting entity.

For the Warranty field,

Infor April 07, 2020 177
if the Warranty Type field is equal to 'Serialized Item Warranty':
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the warranty based on the
Item field and Serial Number field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.InvoiceWarranty',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'CodeType',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@listID is filled with 'LN Serialized Item
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@accountingEntity is filled with the
related accounting entity.

For the Call Center field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the concatenation of 'D' and
the Call Center field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.CallCenter',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@nounName is filled with 'Location',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@accountingEntity is filled with the
related accounting entity.

For the Support Department field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the concatenation of 'D' and
the Support Department field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@nounName is filled with 'Location',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@accountingEntity is filled with the
related accounting entity.

For the Support Engineer field,

the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is equal to the Support Engineer field,
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.SupportEngineer',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@nounName is filled with 'Person',
the CustomerCall/CustomerCallHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@accountingEntity is filled with the
related accounting entity.
tsclm100.appo Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Diagnosis tab, Appointment field.
1) tsclm100.clst 1) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Installation Group field.
2) tsclm100.item 2) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Item field.
3) tsclm100.sern 3) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Serial Number field.

If the Installation Group field is filled, the concatenation of 'G' and the Installation Group field is published.
If the Item field and the Serial Number field are filled, the concatenation of 'S' and the Item field and the Serial
Number field is published.
If the Item field is filled and the Serial Number field is empty, the concatenation of 'N' and the Item field is
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tsbsc100.desc 1) Session Installation Groups (tsbsc1100m000), Description field.
2) tsclm100.clst 2) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Installation Group field.

Based on the Installation Group field, the Description field is published.

tsclm100.emer Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Emergency field.
tsclm100.egct Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Latest Solution Start Time field.
tsclm100.svct Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Latest Solution Finish Time field.
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.

Infor April 07, 2020 178

4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tsclm100.ofad 7) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Installation Location Address field.

Based on the Installation Location Address field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tsclm100.ofad 2) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Installation Location Address field.

Based on the Installation Location Address field, the House Number field is published.
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tsclm100.ofad 2) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Installation Location Address field.

Based on the Installation Location Address field, the Building field is published.
1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tsclm100.ofad 2) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Installation Location Address field.

Based on the Installation Location Address field, the Street field is published.
1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tsclm100.ofad 2) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Installation Location Address field.

Based on the Installation Location Address field, the Unit field is published.
1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tsclm100.ofad 2) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Installation Location Address field.

Based on the Installation Location Address field, the Floor field is published.
1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tsclm100.ofad 2) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Installation Location Address field.

Based on the Installation Location Address field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tsclm100.ofad 2) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Installation Location Address field.

Based on the Installation Location Address field, the City field is published.
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tsclm100.ofad 2) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Installation Location Address field.

Based on the Location Address field, the State/Province field is published.

1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tsclm100.ofad 3) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Installation Location Address field.

Based on the Installation Location Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country
is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tsclm100.ofad 2) Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Register tab, Installation Location Address field.

Based on the Installation Location Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
tsclm100.cprj Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Invoicing tab, Project field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

Infor April 07, 2020 179

The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

tsclm100.pcac Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Invoicing tab, Activity field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

tsclm100.cspa Session Call (tsclm1100m000), Invoicing tab, Element field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

Infor April 07, 2020 180

tccom110.ofbp Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), General tab, Sold-to Business Partner field.

This BOD is published when users Create or Update a Business Partner.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom110.ofbp Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), General tab, Sold-to Business Partner field.
The Sold-to Business Partner field is published.
1) tctax400.fovn 1) Session Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax4100m000), Tax Number field.
2) tccom110.ofbp 2) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), General tab, Sold-to Business Partner field.
3) tccom110.cadr 3) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), General tab, Address Code field.
4) tccom130.ccty 4) Session Addresses (tccom4530m000), Country field.

Based on the Sold-to Business Partner field and the Address Code field, the Country field is determined. Based
on the Country field, the Tax Number field is published.
1) tccom100.cmid 1) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Detailed tab, Identification group, Commercial ID field.
2) tccom110.ofbp 2) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), General tab, Sold-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Sold-to Business Partner field, the Commercial ID field is published.
tccom110.lmdt Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), General tab, Last Modification Date field.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) tccom122.lmus 3) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), General tab, Last Modified by field.

Based on the Last Modified by field, the User field is determined.

If the User field cannot be determined, based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.
Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) tccom122.lmus 2) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), General tab, Last Modified by field.

Based on the Last Modified by field, the Name field is published.

1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) tccom110.ofbp 2) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), General tab, Sold-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Sold-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
The value 'Text' or 'Discrete' is published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4530m000), Name field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Name field is published.

1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tccom133.cadr 7) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the six Address Lines are published.
One Address Line is published per sequence.
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field, the sequence is equal to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field, the sequence is equal to 2.
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Infor April 07, 2020 181

Based on the Address Code field, the House Number field is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Building field is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Street field is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Unit field is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Floor field is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the City field is published.

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the State/Province field is published.

1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tccom133.cadr 3) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
1) tccom110.cadr 1) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), General tab, Address field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address field.
3) tccom133.bpid 3) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Business Partner field.

Based on the Address (1) field, 'true' is published.

Based on the Address (2) field, 'false' is published.
1) tccom100.inet 1) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), General tab, General Group, Website field.
2) tccom100.smt1 2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous Group, Social Media type field.
3) tccom100.smt2 3) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous Group, Social Media type field.
4) tccom100.smt3 4) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous Group, Social Media type field.
5) tccom100.smt4 5) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous Group, Social Media type field.
6) tccom100.smt5 6) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous Group, Social Media type field.
7) tccom110.telp 7) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), General tab, General Group, Business Phone Number
8) tccom110.tefx field.
8) Session Sold-toBusiness Partner (tccom4110s000), Detailed tab, Details Group, Fax Number field.

For the Website field, 'WebSite' is published.

For the Social Media type field equal to 'Twitter', 'SocialMedia' is published.
For the Social Media type field equal to 'Facebook', 'SocialMedia' is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 182

For the Social Media type field equal to 'Linkedin', 'SocialMedia' is published.
For the Social Media type field equal to 'Myspace', 'SocialMedia' is published.
For the Social Media type field equal to 'Hyves', 'SocialMedia' is published.
For the Business Phone Number or Fax Number field, 'Phone' is published.
1) tccom100.inet 1) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), General tab, General Group, Website field.
2) tccom100.smt1 2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous Group, Social Media type field.
3) tccom100.smt2 3) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous Group, Social Media type field.
4) tccom100.smt3 4) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous Group, Social Media type field.
5) tccom100.smt4 5) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous Group, Social Media type field.
6) tccom100.smt5 6) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous Group, Social Media type field.
7) tccom110.telp 7) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), General tab, General Group, Business Phone Number
8) tccom110.tefx field.
8) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Detailed tab, Details Group, Fax Number field.

For the Website field, 'Web Site' is published.

For the Social Media type field equal to 'Twitter', 'Twitter' is published.
For the Social Media type field equal to 'Facebook', 'FaceBook' is published.
For the Social Media type field equal to 'Linkedin', 'LinkedIn' is published.
For the Social Media type field equal to 'Myspace', 'MySpace' is published.
For the Social Media type field equal to 'Hyves', 'Hyves' is published.
For the Business Phone field, 'Office' is published.
For the Fax Number field, 'Fax' is published.
1) tccom110.tlcy 1) Session Business Phone Number Details (Sold-to BP) (tccom4110s200), Country field.
2) tccom110.tfcy 2) Session Fax Number Details (Sold-to BP) (tccom4110s300), Country field.
1) tccom110.tlci 1) Session Business Phone Number Details (Sold-to BP) (tccom4110s200), City/Area Code field.
2) tccom110.tfci 2) Session Fax Number Details (Sold-to BP) (tccom4110s300), City/Area Code field.
1) tccom110.tlln 1) Session Business Phone Number Details (Sold-to BP) (tccom4110s200), Local Number field.
2) tccom110.tfln 2) Session Fax Number Details (Sold-to BP) (tccom4110s300), Local Number field.
1) tccom110.tlex 1) Session Business Phone Number Details (Sold-to BP) (tccom4110s200), Extension field.
2) tccom110.tfex 2) Session Fax Number Details (Sold-to BP) (tccom4110s300), Extension field.
1) tccom100.inet 1) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), General tab, General Group, Website field.
2) tccom100.sml1 2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous Group, Weblink field.
3) tccom100.sml2 3) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous Group, Weblink field.
4) tccom100.sml3 4) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous Group, Weblink field.
5) tccom100.sml4 5) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous Group, Weblink field.
6) tccom100.sml5 6) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous Group, Weblink field.

For the Website field, 'Web Site' is published.

If the Social Media type field equal to 'Twitter', 'Facebook', 'Linkedin', 'Myspace' or 'Hyves', Weblink fields are
tccom145.ccnt Session Contacts by Business Partner (tccom4545m00), Contact field.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom145.ccnt For FP6 or earlier:
2) tccom140.fuln 1) Session Contacts by Business Partner (tccom4545m00), Contact field.
3) tccom140.chrn 3) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Given Name field.
4) tccom140.inse 4) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Middle Name field.
5) tccom140.surn 5) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Family Name field.

Based on the Contact field, the concatenation of Given Name, Middle Name and Family Name field is published.

For FP7 or later:

1) Session Contacts by Business Partner (tccom4545m00), Contact field.
2) Session Contact Name Details (tccom4140s100), Full Name field.

Based on the Contact field, the Full Name field is published.

Always filled with '1'.
1) tccom140.pelp 1) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Office Primary checkbox.
2) tccom140.pelm 2) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Mobile Primary checkbox.
3) tccom140.pehm 3) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Home Primary checkbox.
Infor April 07, 2020 183
If the Primary field is selected, 'true' is published.
1) tccom140.telp 1) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Office field.
2) tccom140.telm 2) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Mobile field.
3) tccom140.info 3) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, E-mail field.
4) tccom140.tefx 4) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Communication Group, Fax field.
5) tccom140.phpr 5) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Home field.
6) tccom140.msty 6) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Communication Group, Messenger type field.
7) tccom140.west 7) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Communication Group, Website field.
8) tccom140.wadr 8) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Work Address Group, Address field.
9) tccom140.padr 9) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Private Address Group, Address field.
10) tccom140.smt1 10) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Miscellaneous tab, Social Media Group, Social Media type field.
11) tccom140.smt2 11) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Miscellaneous tab, Social Media Group, Social Media type field.
12) tccom140.smt3 12) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Miscellaneous tab, Social Media Group, Social Media type field.
13) tccom140.smt4 13) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Miscellaneous tab, Social Media Group, Social Media type field.
14) tccom140.smt5 14) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Miscellaneous tab, Social Media Group, Social Media type field.

For the Office, Home, Mobile or Fax field, 'Phone' is published.

For the E-Mail field, 'EMail' is published.
For the Messenger field, 'Messenger' is published.
For the Website field, 'WebSite' is published.
For the Social Media field, 'SocialMedia' is published.
For the Work Address or Private Address field, 'Mail' is published.
1) tccom140.telp 1) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Office field.
2) tccom140.telm 2) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Mobile field.
3) tccom140.info 3) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, E-mail field.
4) tccom140.tefx 4) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Communication Group, Fax field.
5) tccom140.phpr 5) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Home field.
6) tccom140.msty 6) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Communication Group, Messenger type field.
7) tccom140.west 7) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Communication Group, Website field.
8) tccom140.wadr 8) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Work Address Group, Address field.
9) tccom140.padr 9) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Private Address Group, Address field.
10) tccom140.smt1 10) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Miscellaneous tab, Social Media Group, Social Media type field.
11) tccom140.smt2 11) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Miscellaneous tab, Social Media Group, Social Media type field.
12) tccom140.smt3 12) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Miscellaneous tab, Social Media Group, Social Media type field.
13) tccom140.smt4 13) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Miscellaneous tab, Social Media Group, Social Media type field.
14) tccom140.smt5 14) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Miscellaneous tab, Social Media Group, Social Media type field.

For the Home or Private Address field, 'Home' is published.

For the Mobile field, 'Mobile(Office)' is published.
For the Fax field, 'Fax' is published.
For the Office, E-Mail, Website or Work Address field, 'Office' is published.
For the Messenger type field equal to 'Skype', 'Skype' is published.
For the Messenger type field equal to 'MSN', 'MSN' is published.
For the Messenger type field equal to 'AOL', 'AOL' is published.
For the Messenger type field equal to 'Yahoo', 'Yahoo' is published.
For the Social Media type field equal to 'Twitter', 'Twitter' is published.
For the Social Media type field equal to 'Facebook', 'FaceBook' is published.
For the Social Media type field equal to 'Linkedin', 'LinkedIn' is published.
For the Social Media type field equal to 'Myspace', 'MySpace' is published.
For the Social Media type field equal to 'Hyves', 'Hyves' is published.
1) tccom140.telp 1) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Office field.
2) tccom140.telm 2) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Mobile field.
3) tccom140.tefx 3) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Communication Group, Fax field.
4) tccom140.phpr 4) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Communication Group, Home field.
5) tccom140.tlln 5) Session Office Phone Number Details (Contact) (tccom4140s200), Local Number field.
6) tccom140.tlcy 6) Session Office Phone Number Details (Contact) (tccom4140s200), Country field.

Based on the Country field, the Local Number field or the Office field is published.
`Discrete` and `Text` is published.
An address block with discrete data and an address block with text data will be published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tccom140.wadr 2) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Work Address Group, Address field.
3) tccom140.padr 3) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Private Address Group, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Name field is published.

1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
Infor April 07, 2020 184
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tccom130.wadr 7) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Work Address Group, Address field.
8) tccom130.padr 8) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Private Address Group, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the six Address Lines are published.
One Address Line is published per sequence.
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tccom140.wadr 2) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Work Address Group, Address field.
3) tccom140.padr 3) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Private Address Group, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the House Number field is published.

1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tccom140.wadr 2) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Work Address Group, Address field.
3) tccom140.padr 3) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Private Address Group, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Building field is published.

1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tccom140.wadr 2) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Work Address Group, Address field.
3) tccom140.padr 3) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Private Address Group, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Street field is published.

1) tccom130.blun Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tccom140.wadr
3) tccom140.padr Based on the Address field, the Unit field is published.
1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Floor field is published.

1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tccom140.wadr 2) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Work Address Group, Address field.
3) tccom140.padr 3) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Private Address Group, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tccom140.wadr 2) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Work Address Group, Address field.
3) tccom140.padr 3) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Private Address Group, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the City field is published.

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tccom140.wadr 2) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Work Address Group, Address field.
3) tccom140.padr 3) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Private Address Group, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the State/Province field is published.

1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tccom140.wadr 3) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Work Address Group, Address field.
4) tccom140.padr 4) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Private Address Group, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Country field is determined. Based on the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2
field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tccom140.wadr 2) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, Work Address Group, Address field.
3) tccom140.padr 3) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Private Address Group, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
1) tccom140.msad 1) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Communication Group, Messenger field.
2) tccom140.west 2) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Communication group, Website field.
3) tccom140.sml1 3) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Miscellaneous tab, Social Media Group, Social Media field.

Infor April 07, 2020 185

4) tccom140.sml2 4) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Miscellaneous tab, Social Media Group, Social Media field.
5) tccom140.sml3 5) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Miscellaneous tab, Social Media Group, Social Media field.
6) tccom140.sml4 6) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Miscellaneous tab, Social Media Group, Social Media field.
7) tccom140.sml5 7) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Miscellaneous tab, Social Media Group, Social Media field.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

tccom145.ctpr Session Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Contact tab, Primary General field.
1) tccom110.txta For FP6 or earlier:
2) tcstl150.txta 1) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Header Text field.
For FP7 or later:
1) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), General tab, Text field.
2) Session Note (tcstl1650m000), General group, Information field.
1) tcstl150.nogd 1) Not displayed in any session, GUID field.
2) tcstl150.ntnr 2) Not displayed in any session, Number field.
3) tcstl150.txta 3) Session Note (tcstl1650m000), General group, Information field.

If the Information field is filled, the concatenation of the GUID field and the Number field is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees (bpmdm0601m000), General Tab, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees (bpmdm0601m000), General Tab, Logon Code field.

Based on the Logon Code field, the Employee field is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
tcstl150.crdt Session Note (tcstl1650m000), User group, Creation Date field.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tccom110.txta 1) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), General tab, Text field.
2) tcstl150.txta 2) Session Note (tcstl1650m000), General group, Information field.

If the Text field if filled, 'General' is published.

If the Information field is filled, 'Log' is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
1) tdsmi101.cfea 1) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Additional Attributes tab, Attribute field.
2) tdsmi101.dats 2) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Additional Attributes tab, Value field.

The concatenation of 'ln.CRM' and the Attribute field is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.
1) tccom110.bpst 1) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), General tab, Business Partner Status field.
2) tccom100.prst 2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), General tab, Business Partner Status field.
3) tccom100.prbp 3) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Detailed tab, Parent Business Partner group, Parent field.

First the Business Partner Status (1) field is determined then the Business Partner Status (2) field and finally the
Business Partner Status (1) field of the parent business partner based on the Parent field, if applicable. The
resulting status is determined based on the following priority: Inactive, Potential, Active. This means that if, for
example, the Business Partner Status (1) field is equal to 'Active', the Business Partner Status (2) field is equal
to 'Potential' and the Business Partner Status (1) field of the parent business partner based on the Parent field is
equal to 'Inactive', the resulting status is determined as 'Inactive'. If the Business Partner Status (1) field is equal
to 'Doubtful', it is considered as 'Active'. The status is determined for the system date.
If the resulting status is equal to 'Active', 'Open' is published.
If the resulting status is equal to 'Inactive', 'Closed' is published.
If the resulting status is equal to 'Potential', 'Prospect' is published.
If the Sold-to Business Partner is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
tccom110.stdt Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), General tab, Start Date field.
If the element CustomerPartyMaster/Status/Code is equal to 'Open' or 'Prospect', the Start Date field is
If the element CustomerPartyMaster/Status/Code is equal to 'Closed' or 'Deleted', the current date is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
If the Sold-to Business Partner is deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tccom100.ccur 2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Detailed tab, Detailed Group, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 186

tccom100.cint Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Enterprise Modeling tab, Enterprise Modeling Group, Internal
Business Partner Field.
1) tccom110.creg For FP6 or earlier:
2) tccom110.cbtp 1) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), General tab, Area field.
3) tccom110.chan 2) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), General tab, Business Partner Type field.
4) tccom110.cbrn 3) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Selling tab, Channel field.
5) tccom110.cofc 4) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), General tab, Line of Business field.
6) tccom110.rtng 5) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Selling tab, Sales Office field.
7) tccom110.incd 9) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Detailed tab, Title field.
8) tccom110.ster 10) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Shipping tab, Delivery Terms field.
9) tccom100.ctit 11) Session Delivery Terms (tcmcs0141m000), Delivery Terms Group field.
10) tccom110.cdec For FP7 or later:
11) tcmcs041.tdgp 1) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Detailed tab, Area field.
2) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Detailed tab, Business Partner Type field.
3) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Selling tab, Channel field.
4) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Detailed tab, Line of Business field.
5) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Selling tab, Sales Office field.
6) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Detailed tab, Rating field.
7) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Detailed tab, Industry Code field.
8) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Detailed tab, Sales Territory field.
9) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Detailed tab, Title field.
10) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Shipping tab, Delivery Terms field.
11) Session Delivery Terms (tcmcs0141m000), Delivery Terms Group field.

If the Area field is filled, the Area field is published.

If the Business Partner Type field is filled, the Business Partner Type field is published.
If the Channel field is filled, the Channel field is published.
If the Line of Business field is filled, the Line of Business field is published.
If the Sales Office field is filled, the Sales Office field is published.
If the Rating field is filled, the Rating field is published.
If the Industry Code field is filled, the Industry Code field is published.
If the Sales Territory field is filled, the Sales Territory field is published.
If the Title field is filled, the Title field is published.
If the Delivery Terms field is filled, based on the Delivery Terms field, the Delivery Terms Group is determined.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight), 'CIF' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to CFR (Cost and Freight), 'CFR' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to CPT (Carriage Paid To), 'CPT' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid to), 'CIP' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to DAF (Delivered At Frontier), 'DAF' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to DAP (Delivered At Place), 'DAP' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to DPU (Delivered At Place Unloaded), 'DPU' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to DAT (Delivered At Terminal), 'DAT' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay), 'DEQ' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to DES (Delivered Ex Ship), 'DES' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid), 'DDU' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to DDP (Delivered Duty Paid), 'DDP' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to EXW (Ex Works), 'EXW' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to FCA (Free Carrier), 'FCA' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to FAS (Free Alongside Ship), 'FAS' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to FOB (Free On Board), 'FOB' is published.
Based on the number of Classification Codes, the sequence number is set.
1) tccom110.creg For FP6 or earlier:
2) tccom110.cbtp 1) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), General tab, Area field.
3) tccom110.chan 2) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), General tab, Business Partner Type field.
4) tccom110.cbrn 3) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Selling tab, Channel field.
5) tccom110.cofc 4) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), General tab, Line of Business field.
6) tccom110.rtng 5) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Selling tab, Sales Office field.
7) tccom110.incd 9) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Detailed tab, Title field.
8) tccom110.ster 10) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Shipping tab, Delivery Terms field.
9) tccom100.ctit For FP7 or later:
10) tccom110.cdec 1) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Detailed tab, Area field.
2) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Detailed tab, Business Partner Type field.
3) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Selling tab, Channel field.
4) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Detailed tab, Line of Business field.
5) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Selling tab, Sales Office field.
6) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Detailed tab, Rating field.
7) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Detailed tab, Industry Code field.
8) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Detailed tab, Sales Territory field.
9) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Detailed tab, Title field.
10) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Shipping tab, Delivery Terms field.

If the Area field is filled, 'Geographic Areas' is published.

If the Business Partner Type field is filled, 'CustomerTypes' is published.
If the Channel field is filled, 'Market' is published.
If the Line of Business field is filled, 'Industry' is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 187

If the Sales Office field is filled, 'Departments' is published.
If the Rating field is filled, 'Ratings' is published.
If the Industry Code field is filled, 'NAICS' field is published.
If the Sales Territory field is filled, 'Territories' field is published.
If the Title field is filled, 'Titles' is published.
If the Delivery Terms field is filled, 'Incoterms' is published.
tccom100.prbp For FP6 or earlier:
Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), General tab, General group, Parent field.
For FP7 or later:
Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Detailed tab, Parent Business Partner group, Parent field.

If the Parent Business Partner has the 'Sold-to' role the Parent field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom100.nama Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Name field.
1) tccom110.crep 1) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Selling tab, Internal Sales Representative field.
2) tccom110.osrp 2) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Selling tab, External Sales Representative field.

The Internal Sales Representative and/or External Sales Representative fields are published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The value 'Internal' or 'External' is published.
tccom110.noem Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Detailed tab, Numbers of Employees field.
tccom110.arev Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Detailed tab, Annual Revenue field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tccom110.arcu 2) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Detailed tab, Annual Revenue currency field.

Based on the Annual Revenue currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tccom110.owsh Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Detailed tab, Ownership field.

Infor April 07, 2020 188

tdsls400.orno Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sales Order field.

This BOD is published when users Approve, Cancel, or Close a Sales Order containing Return Lines.
tdsls400.orno Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sales Order field.

Based on the Sales Order field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tdsls400.cofc Session Sales Orders (tdsls4101m900), Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tdsls400.corn 1) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Customer Order field.
2) tdsls400.oref 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Reference tab, Order Reference field.

If the Customer Order field is filled, it is published.

If the Order Reference field is filled, it is published.
1) tdsls400.corn 1) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Customer Order field.
2) tdsls400.oref 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Reference tab, Order Reference field.

For the Customer Order field 'Customer' is published.

tdsls400.orno Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sales Order field.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) tccom001.loco
Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

tdsls400.odat Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Order Date field.
1) tdsls400.txta 1) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Header Text field.
2) tdsls400.txtb 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Footer Text field.
3) tdsls400.ofbp 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sold-to BP field.

The Header Text and/or Footer Text fields, in the language of the Sold-to BP are published
1) tdsls400.txta 1) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Header Text field.
2) tdsls400.txtb 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Footer Text field.
3) tdsls400.ofbp 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sold-to BP field.

The Header Text and/or Footer Text fields are published in the language of the Sold-to BP field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element
1) tdsls400.hdst 1) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Order Status field.
2) tdsls401.clyn 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Canceled field.
3) tdsls401.blyn 3) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Blocked field.
4) tdsls401.item 4) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Item field.
5) tdsls401.qoor 5) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Ordered Quantity field.
6) tdsls401.cuqs 6) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Ordered Quantity Unit field.
7) tdsls401.cvqs 7) Not displayed in any session, UnitQuantityConversionFactor field.
8) tdsls401.oamt 8) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Amount field.
9) tdsls406.orno 9) Session Sales Order Actual Delivery Lines (tdsls4106m000), Order field.
10) tdsls406.qidl 10) Session Sales Order Actual Delivery Lines (tdsls4106m000), Delivered Quantity field.
11) cisli810.orno 11) Session Invoicing 360 (cisli3600m000), Source Document Order field.
12) cisli810.stat 12) Session Invoicing 360 (cisli3600m000), tab Invoices, Invoicing Status field.

Based on the above mentioned fields, the Status/Code field is determined:

- If the last Sales Order Line with Ordered Quantity field less than 0.0 or Amount field less than 0.0 is deleted,
'Canceled' is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 189
- If the Canceled field is selected, 'Canceled' is published.
- If the Blocked field is selected, 'Hold' is published.
- If the Order Status is equal to 'Modified', 'Unapproved' is published.
- If the Order Status is equal to 'Closed', 'Closed' is published.
- If the Order Status is equal to 'Approved', 'Open' is published.
- If activity 'Release to Invoicing' is executed and based on the Source Document Order field, the Invoicing
Status field of all Invoice Lines is equal to 'Posted', 'Credited' is published.
- If activity 'Release to Warehouse' is executed,
-- and based on the Order field, the sum of the Delivered Quantity field of all Sales Order Actual Delivery Lines
is equal to zero, 'Open' is published.
-- and based on the Order field, the Ordered Quantity is equal to sum of the Delivered Quantity of all Sales
Order Actual Delivery Lines, 'Received' is published. Otherwise, 'PartiallyReceived' is published.
- Otherwise, 'Open' is published.
tdsls400.hdst tdsls400.odat 1) Session Sales Orders (tdsl4100m000), General tab, Status field.
tdsls450.trdt 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Order Date field.
3) Session Sales Order History (tdsls4550m000), General tab, Transaction Date field.

If the Status field is equal to 'Approved', or 'In Process', the Order Date field is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Canceled', or 'Closed', the Transaction Date of the last entry in Sales Order History
is published.
For all other values of the Status field, the current Date and Time is published.
1) tcmcs210.hrea 1) Session Hold Reasons (tcmcs2110m000), Hold Reason field.

If session Hold Reasons exist, 'LN Hold Reasons' is published. Otherwise, 'LN Reasons' is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
1) tdsls400.orno 1) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Order field.
2) tdsls400.hdst 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Order Status field.

If the Sales Order is deleted and the Order Status is equal to 'Closed' or 'Released', 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.
tdsls400.ofbp Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sold-To Business Partner field.
tdsls400.ofbp Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sold-To Business Partner field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) tdsls400.ofbp 2) Session Sales Order (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sold-To Business Partner field.

Based on the Sold-To Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tdsls400.ofad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Selling tab, Sold-To Address Code field.

Based on the Sold-To Address Code field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tdsls400.ofad 7) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Selling tab, Sold-To Address Code field.

Based on the Sold -To Address Code field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.hono
Infor April 07, 2020 190
2) tdsls400.ofad 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Selling tab, Sold-To Address Code field.

Based on the Sold-To Address Code field, the House Number field is published.
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tdsls400.ofad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Selling tab, Sold-To Address Code field.

Based on the Sold-To Address Code field, the Building field is published.
1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tdsls400.ofad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Selling tab, Sold-To Address Code field.

Based on the Sold-To Address Code field, the Street field is published.
1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tdsls400.ofad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Selling tab, Sold-To Address Code field.

Based on the Sold-To Address Code field, the Unit field is published.
1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tdsls400.ofad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Selling tab, Sold-To Address Code field.

Based on the Sold-To Address Code field, the Floor field is published.
1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tdsls400.ofad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Selling tab, Sold-To Address Code field.

Based on the Sold-To Address Code field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tdsls400.ofad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Selling tab, Sold-To Address Code field.

Based on the Sold-To Address Code field, the City field is published.
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tdsls400.ofad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Selling tab, Sold-To Address Code field.

Based on the Sold-To Address Code field, the State/Province field is published.
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tdsls400.ofad 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Selling tab, Sold-To Address Code field.

Based on the Sold-To Address Code field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the Country is
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tdsls400.ofad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Selling tab, Sold-To Address Code field.

Based on the Sold-To Address Code field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
1) tdsls400.cofc 1) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sales Office field.

If the Sales Office field is filled, 'Office' is published.

1) tdsls400.cofc 1) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sales Office field.

The concatenation of 'D' and the Sales Office field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tdsls401.oamt 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Amount field.
2) tdsls401.clyn 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Canceled field.
3) tdsls400.orno 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sales Order field.

Based on the Amount field, the Canceled field and Sales Order field, the sum of the Amount field on each Sales
Order Line, with a quantity less than zero and the Canceled field not set, belonging to the Sales Order is
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tdsls400.ccur 2) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Financial Currency field.

Infor April 07, 2020 191

Based on the Financial Currency field, the ISO Code field of the Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm0170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm0170m000), Company field.
3) tdsls400.fdpt 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Financial Department field.
4) tdsls400.ratd 4) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Order Date field.
5) tdsls400.ratt 5) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Exchange Rate Type field.
6) tdsls401.oamt 6) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Amount field.
7) tdsls400.ccur 7) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Financial Currency field.
8) tdsls401.clyn 8) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Canceled field.
9) tdsls400.orno 9) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sales Order field.

Based on the Financial Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
Based on the Order Date field, the Exchange Rate Type field, the Amount field, the Financial Currency field, the
Canceled field and the Sales Order field, the sum of the Amount field on each Sales Order Line, with a quantity
less than zero and the Canceled field not set, belonging to the Sales Order expressed in the Local Currency is
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm0170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm0170m000), Company field.
4) tdsls400.fdpt 4) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Financial Department field.

Based on the Financial Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm0170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm0170m000), Company field.
3) tdsls400.fdpt 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Financial Department field.
4) tdsls400.ratd 4) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Order Date field.
5) tdsls400.ratt 5) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Exchange Rate Type field.
6) tdsls401.oamt 6) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Amount field.
7) tdsls400.ccur 7) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Financial Currency field.
8) tdsls401.clyn 8) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Canceled field.
9) tdsls400.orno 9) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sales Order field.

Based on the Financial Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
Based on the Order Date field, the Exchange Rate Type field, the Amount field, the Financial Currency field, the
Canceled field and the Sales Order field, the sum of the Amount field on each Sales Order Line, with a quantity
less than zero and the Canceled field not set, belonging to the Sales Order expressed in the Reference
Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm0170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm0170m000), Company field.
4) tdsls400.fdpt 4) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Financial Department field.

Based on the Financial Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tdsls401.oamt 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Amount field.
2) tdsls401.qoor 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Ordered Quantity field.
3) tdsls401.clyn 3) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Canceled field.
4) tdsls400.orno 4) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sales Order field.

Based on the Amount field, the Ordered Quantity field, the Canceled field and Sales Order field, the sum of the
Amount field on each Sales Order Line, with an Ordered Quantity field greater or equal to zero and an Amount
field greater or equal to zero and the Canceled field is set, belonging to the Sales Order is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tdsls400.ccur 2) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Financial Currency field.

Based on the Financial Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm0170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm0170m000), Company field.
3) tdsls400.fdpt 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Financial Department field.
4) tdsls400.ratd 4) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Order Date field.
5) tdsls400.ratt 5) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Exchange Rate Type field.
6) tdsls400.ccur 6) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Financial Currency field.

Infor April 07, 2020 192

7) tdsls401.oamt 7) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Amount field.
8) tdsls401.clyn 8) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Canceled field.
9) tdsls400.orno 9) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sales Order field.

Based on the Financial Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
Based on the Financial Currency field, the Order Date field, the Exchange Rate Type field, the Amount field, the
Canceled field and Sales Order field, the sum of the Amount field on each Sales Order Line, with a quantity
greater or equal to zero and the Canceled field is set, belonging to the Sales Order expressed in the Local
Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm0170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm0170m000), Company field.
4) tdsls400.fdpt 4) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Financial Department field.

Based on the Financial Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm0170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm0170m000), Company field.
3) tdsls400.fdpt 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Financial Department field.
4) tdsls400.ratd 4) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Order Date field.
5) tdsls400.ratt 5) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Exchange Rate Type field.
6) tdsls400.ccur 6) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Financial Currency field.
7) tdsls401.oamt 7) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Amount field.
8) tdsls401.clyn 8) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Canceled field.
9) tdsls400.orno 9) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sales Order field.

Based on the Financial Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
Based on the Financial Currency field, the Order Date field, the Exchange Rate Type field, the Amount field, the
Canceled field and Sales Order field, the sum of the Amount field on each Sales Order Line, with a quantity
greater or equal to zero and the Canceled field is set, belonging to the Sales Order expressed in the Reference
Currency is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm0170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm0170m000), Company field.
4) tdsls400.fdpt 4) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Financial Department field.

Based on the Financial Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

tdsls400.itbp Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoice-to Business Partner field.
tdsls400.itbp Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoice-to Business Partner field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) tdsls400.itbp 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tdsls400.itad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.

Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the Name field is published.

1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tdsls400.itad 7) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.
Infor April 07, 2020 193
Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tdsls400.itad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.

Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the House Number field is published.
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tdsls400.itad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.

Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the Building field is published.

1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tdsls400.itad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.

Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the Street field is published.

1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tdsls400.itad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.

Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the Unit field is published.

1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tdsls400.itad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.

Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the Floor field is published.

1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tdsls400.itad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.

Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tdsls400.itad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.

Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the City field is published.

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tdsls400.itad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoice-to Address field.

Based on the Invoice-to Address field, State/Province field is published.

1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tdsls400.itad 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Business Partner Address field.

Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the
country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tdsls400.itad 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoice-to Address field.

Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
tdsls400.cfrw Session Sales Orders (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Carrier/LSP field.
tdsls400.cfrw Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Shipping tab, Carrier/LSP field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcmcs080.dsca 1) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0180s000), Description field.
2) tdsls400.cfrw 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Shipping tab, Carrier/LSP field.

Based on the Carrier/LSP field, the Description field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 194

1) tdsls400.cdec 1) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Shipping tab, Terms of Delivery field.
2) tcmcs041.tdgp 2) Session Terms of Delivery (tcmcs0141m000), Terms Of Delivery Group field.

Based on the Terms of Delivery field, the Terms Of Delivery Group is determined.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight), 'CIF' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to CFR (Cost and Freight), 'CFR' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to CPT (Carriage Paid To), 'CPT' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid to), 'CIP' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DAF (Delivered At Frontier), 'DAF' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DAP (Delivered At Place), 'DAP' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DPU (Delivered At Place Unloaded), 'DPU' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DAT (Delivered At Terminal), 'DAT' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay), 'DEQ' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DES (Delivered Ex Ship), 'DES' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid), 'DDU' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DDP (Delivered Duty Paid), 'DDP' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to EXW (Ex Works), 'EXW' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to FCA (Free Carrier), 'FCA' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to FAS (Free Alongside Ship), 'FAS' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to FOB (Free On Board), 'FOB' is published.
1) tdsls400.cdec 1) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Shipping tab, Terms of Delivery field.
2) tdsls400.ptpa 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Shipping tab, Point of Title Passage field.
3) tdsls400.cwar 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Shipping tab, Warehouse field.
4) tdsls400.stad 4) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Business Partner Address field.

Based on the above four fields, the IncotermsCode is determined using the information in session Points of Title
Passage (tcmcs0142m000) and/or session Terms of Delivery (tcmcs0141m000).

Refer to the Infor Web Help for more information.

Always filled with 'Standard'.
1) tcmcs013.dsca 1) Session Terms of Payment (tcmcs0113s000), Terms of Payment tab, Description field.
2) tdsls400.cpay 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Paying tab, Payment Terms field.

Based on the Payment Terms field, the Description field is published.

tdsls400.cpay Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Paying tab, Payment Terms field.
Always filled with 'Payment Term'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tdsls400.adin Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Additional Information tab, Additional Information fields.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4.1 or later.

tcstl200.dsca Session Additional information Definitions (tcstl2100m000), UI Description field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4.1 or later.

Always filled with 'StringType'.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4.1 or later.

tdsls400.paym Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Paying tab, Payment Method field.
Always filled with 'Payment Methods'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
1) tdsls400.refa 1) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Reference A field.
2) tdsls400.refb 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Reference B field.
3) tdsls400.cpls 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Selling tab, Sales Price List field.
4) tdsls400.pldd 4) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Selling tab, Price List Direct Delivery field.
5) tdsls400.bppr 5) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Selling tab, BP Prices/Discounts field.
6) tdsls400.bptx 6) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Selling tab, BP Texts field.
7) tdsls400.bpcl 7) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Tax Classification field.
8) tdsls400.crte 8) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Shipping tab, Route field.
9) tdsls400.sotp 9) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Order Type field.

For the Reference A field, the SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled

with 'ln.ReferenceA' and SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with

Infor April 07, 2020 195

For the Reference B field, the SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled
with 'ln.ReferenceB' and SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with
For the Sales Price List field, the SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled
with 'ln.SalesPriceList' and SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with
For the Price List Direct Delivery field, the SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.PriceListDirectDelivery' and SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the BP Prices/Discounts field, the SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is
filled with 'ln.BPPricesDiscounts' and SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is
filled with 'StringType'.
For the BP Texts field, the SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.BPTexts' and SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the Tax Classification field, the SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is
filled with 'ln.TaxClassification' and SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled
with 'StringType'.
For the Route field, the SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.Route' and SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the Order Type field, the SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.OrderType' and SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data
tdsls400.ddat Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Planned Delivery Date field.
1) tdsls400.crep 1) Session Sales Orders, General tab, Internal Sales Representative field.
2) tdsls400.osrp 2) Session Sales Orders, General tab, External Sales Representative field.

The Internal Sales Representative and/or External Sales Representative fields are published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Name field.
2) tdsls400.crep 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sales Representative group, Internal Sales
3) tdsls400.osrp Representative field.
3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Sales Representative group, External Sales
Representative field.

Based on the Internal Sales Representative or External Sales Representative field, the Name field is published.
1) tdsls400.crep 1) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Internal Sales Representative field.
2) tdsls400.osrp 2) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, External Sales Representative field.

Based on the Internal Sales Representative field, 'Internal' is published.

Based on the External Sales Representative field, 'External' is published.
tdsls401.pono Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Position field.
tdsls401.txta Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
tdsls402.odty Session Linked Order Line Data (tdsls4102s200), Original Document Type field.

If the Original Document Type field is equal to 'Schedule' or equal to 'Shipment Schedule', 'ShipmentSchedule'
is published.
Otherwise, 'SalesOrder' is published.
If the Original Document Type field is equal to 'Shipment', 'Shipment' is published.
1) tdsls402.reto 1) Session Linked Order Line Data (tdsls4102s200), Return Order field.
2) tdsls402.odty 2) Session Linked Order Line Data (tdsls4102s200), Original Document Type field.
3) tdsls402.odno 3) Session Linked Order Line Data (tdsls4102s200), Original Document Number field.

When the Return Order field is filled, the Return Order field is published.
If the Original Document Type field is equal to 'Shipment', the Original Document Number field is published.
tdsls400.fpdt Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Financial Department field.

Infor April 07, 2020 196

Based on the Financial Department field, the accountingEntity field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tdsls400.fdpt Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Financial Department field.

Based on the Financial Department field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tdsls402.reto 1) Session Linked Order Line Data (tdsls4102s200), Return Order field.
2) tdsls402.retp 2) Session Linked Order Line Data (tdsls4102s200), Return Order Position field.

When the Return Order field is filled, the Return Order Position field is published.
1) tdsls401.orno 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Sales Order field.
2) tdsls401.pono 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Position field.
3) tdsls401.sqnb 3) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), SequenceNumber field.
4) tdsls401.clyn 4) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Canceled field.
5) tdsls401.blyn 5) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Blocked field.
6) tdsls401.modi 6) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Modified field.
7) tdsls401.item 7) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Item field.
8) tdsls401.qoor 8) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Ordered Quantity field.
9) tdsls401.cuqs 9) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Ordered Quantity Unit field.
10) tdsls401.cvqs 10) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), UnitQuantityConversionFactor field (not on session).
11) tdsls400.hdst 11) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Order Status field.
12) cisli810.orno 12) Session Invoicing 360 (cisli3600m000), Source Document Order field.
13) cisli810.pono 13) Session Invoicing 360 (cisli3600m000), tab Invoices, Source Document Line field.
14) cisli810.stat 14) Session Invoicing 360 (cisli3600m000), tab Invoices, Invoicing Status field.
15) tdsls406.qidl 15) Session Sales Order Actual Delivery Lines (tdsls4106m000), Delivered Quantity field.

Based on the above mentioned fields, the Status/Code field is determined:

- If the Canceled field is selected, 'Canceled' is published.
- If the Blocked field is selected, 'Hold' is published.
- If the Modified field is selected, 'Unapproved' is published.
- If the Order Status is equal to 'Closed', 'Closed' is published.
- If activity 'Release to Invoicing' is executed and based on the Source Document Order field and the Source
Document Line field, the Invoicing Status field for all Invoice Lines is equal to 'Processed', 'Invoiced' is published.
- If activity 'Release to Warehouse' is executed,
-- and based on the Order field and the Position field, the sum of the Delivered Quantity field of all Sales Order
Actual Delivery Lines is equal to zero, 'Open' is published.
-- and based on the Order field and the Position field, the Ordered Quantity is equal to sum of the Delivered
Quantity of all Sales Order Actual Delivery Lines, 'Received' is published. Otherwise, 'PartiallyReceived' is
- Otherwise, 'Open' is published.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tdsls401.orno 1) Session Sales Order Line (tdsls4101m000), Order field.
2) tdsls401.pono 2) Session Sales Order Line (tdsls4101m000), Position field.
3) tdsls401.sqnb 3) Session Sales Order Line (tdsls4101m000), Position (Sequence) field.

If the Sales Order Line is deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
tdsls401.item Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Item field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tdsls401.item 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Item field.
2) tdsls401.revi 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), E-Item Revision field.

If the combination Item field and E-Item Revision field exists in session Engineering Item - Item Relationship
(tiedm1101m000), the E-Item Revision field is published.
Otherwise, nothing is published.
1) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.
2) tdsls401.item 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Description field is published.

tdsls401.clot Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Warehouse tab, Lot field.
Always filled with '1'.
Infor April 07, 2020 197
tdsls401.serl Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Warehouse tab, Serial Selection field.
tdsls401.serl Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Warehouse tab, Serial Selection field.
tdsls401.lsel Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Warehouse tab, Lot Selection field.
1) tdsls401.clyn 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Canceled field.
2) tdsls401.qoor 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Ordered Quantity field.

If the Canceled field is selected, 0 is published.

If the Canceled field is not selected, the absolute value of the Ordered Quantity is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tdsls400.ccur 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Ordered Quantity Unit field.

Based on the Ordered Quantity Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tdsls401.item 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Item field.
3) tdsls401.qoor 3) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Ordered Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Ordered Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tdsls401.item 3) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tdsls401.oamt 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Amount field.
2) tdsls401.qoor 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Ordered Quantity field.
3) tdsls401.cuqs 3) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Ordered Quantity Unit field.
4) tdsls401.cups 4) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Price Unit field.
5) tdsls401.cvps 5) Conversion Factor Price to Inventory Unit (Not on Session).
6) tdsls401.cvqs 6) Conversion Factor Sales to Inventory Unit (Not on session).

If Ordered Quantity Unit field is not equal to Price Unit field, a conversion between these units takes place. The
Amount field divided by the calculated value is published.
If Ordered Quantity field is equal to Price Unit field, the Amount field divided by the Ordered Quantity field is
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tdsls400.ccur 2) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Financial Currency field.

Based on the Financial Currency field, the ISO Code field of the Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tdsls400.cofc 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Net Price field expressed in Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tdsls400.cofc 4) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tdsls400.cofc 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Sales Office field.
4) tdsls400.oamt 4) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Amount field.

Based on the Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
- The Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
Infor April 07, 2020 198
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tdsls400.cofc 4) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
Always filled with '1'.
tdsls401.cuqs Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Ordered Quantity Unit field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tdsls401.item 3) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The UnitPrice/PerQuantity expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs001.icun For FP7 BO package 2.1 and later:
2) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
3) tdsls401.item 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
tdsls401.oamt Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tdsls400.ccur 2) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Financial Currency field.

Based on the Financial Currency field, the ISO Code field of the Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm0170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm0170m000), Company field.
3) tdsls400.fdpt 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Financial Department field.
4) tdsls400.ratd 4) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Order Date field.
5) tdsls400.ratt 5) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Exchange Rate Type field.
6) tdsls401.oamt 6) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Amount field.
7) tdsls400.ccur 7) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Financial Currency field.

Based on the Financial Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
Based on the Order Date field, the Exchange Rate Type field, the Amount field and the Financial Currency field,
the Amount expressed in Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm0170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm0170m000), Company field.
4) tdsls400.fdpt 4) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Financial Department field.

Based on the Financial Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm0170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm0170m000), Company field.
3) tdsls400.fdpt 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Financial Department field.
4) tdsls400.ratd 4) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Order Date field.
5) tdsls400.ratt 5) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Exchange Rate Type field.
6) tdsls401.oamt 6) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Amount field.
7) tdsls400.ccur 7) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Financial Currency field.

Based on the Financial Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
Based on the Order Date field, the Exchange Rate Type field, the Amount field and the Financial Currency field,
the Amount expressed in Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm0170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm0170m000), Company field.
4) tdsls400.fdpt 4) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Financial Department field.

Infor April 07, 2020 199

Based on the Financial Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
tdsls401.prdt Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Planned Receipt Date field.
tdsls401.stwh Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Warehouse field.

If the Shipped-to Warehouse field is not empty, 'Warehouse' is published.

tdsls401.cwar Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Warehouse tab, Warehouse field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tcmcs003.dca Session Maintain Warehouses, Description field.
1) tdsls401.cdec 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Terms of Delivery field.
2) tcmcs041.tdgp 2) Session Terms of Delivery (tcmcs0141m000), Terms Of Delivery Group field.

Based on the Terms of Delivery field, the Terms Of Delivery Group is determined.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight), 'CIF' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to CFR (Cost and Freight), 'CFR' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to CPT (Carriage Paid To), 'CPT' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid to), 'CIP' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DAF (Delivered At Frontier), 'DAF' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DAP (Delivered At Place), 'DAP' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DPU (Delivered At Place Unloaded), 'DPU' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DAT (Delivered At Terminal), 'DAT' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay), 'DEQ' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DES (Delivered Ex Ship), 'DES' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid), 'DDU' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DDP (Delivered Duty Paid), 'DDP' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to EXW (Ex Works), 'EXW' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to FCA (Free Carrier), 'FCA' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to FAS (Free Alongside Ship), 'FAS' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to FOB (Free On Board), 'FOB' is published.
1) tdsls401.cdec 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Terms of Delivery field.
2) tdsls401.ptpa 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Point of Title Passage field.
3) tdsls401.cwar 3) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Warehouse field.
4) tdsls401.stwh 4) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Warehouse field.

Based on the above four fields, the IncotermsCode is determined using the information in session Points of Title
Passage (tcmcs0142m000) and/or session Terms of Delivery (tcmcs0141m000).

Refer to the Infor Web Help for more information.

1) tdsls401.cdec 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Terms of Delivery field.
2) tdsls401.ptpa 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Point of Title Passage field.
3) tdsls401.cwar 3) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Warehouse field.
4) tdsls401.stwh 4) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Warehouse field.

Based on the above four fields, the IncotermsCode is determined using the information in session Points of Title
Passage (tcmcs0142m000) and/or session Terms of Delivery (tcmcs0141m000).

Refer to the Infor Web Help for more information.

Always filled with 'Standard'.
1) tcmcs013.dsca 1) Session Terms of Payment (tcmcs0113s000), Terms of Payment tab, Description field.
2) tdsls401.cpay 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m00), Invoicing tab, Payment Terms field.

Based on the Payment Terms field, the Description field is published.

tdsls401.cpay Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Invoicing tab, Payment Terms field.
Always filled with 'Payment Term'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

Infor April 07, 2020 200

tdsls401.adin Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Additional Information tab, Additional Information fields.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4.1 or later.

tcstl200.dsca Session Additional information Definitions (tcstl2100m000), UI Description field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4.1 or later.

Always filled with 'StringType'.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4.1 or later.

1) tdsls401.effn 1) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Effectivity Unit field.
2) tdsls401.cprj 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Project field.
3) tdsls401.styp 3) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Sales Type field.
4) tdsls401.bpcl 4) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Invoicing tab, Tax Classification field.
5) tdsls401.crte 5) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Route field.
6) tdsls401.bkyn 6) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Blocked field.
7) tdsls401.clyn 7) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Cancelled field.

For the Effectivity Unit field, the SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with

'ln.EffectivityUnit' and SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with
For the Project field, the SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.ProjectReference' and SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with
For the Sales Type field, the SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.SalesType' and SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the Tax Classification field, the SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled
with 'ln.TaxClassification' and SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with
For the Route field, the SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.Route' and SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the Blocked field, the SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.Blocked' and SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.
For the Canceled field, the SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.Canceled' and SalesOrder/SalesOrderLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data
tdsls401.cono Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Selling tab, Contract field.

The concatenation of '15' and the Contract Number, separated by '-', is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tdsls401.cpon Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Contract Line field.
tdsls401.cfrw Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Shipping tab, Carrier/LSP field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcmcs080.dsca 1) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0180s000), Description field.
2) tdsls041.cfrw 2) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Carrier/LSP field.

Based on the Carrier/LSP field, the Description field is published.

tdtdsls401.ddta Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Planned Delivery Date field.
tdsls400.retr Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Return Reason field.
Always filled with 'ReturnReasonCodes'
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tdsls401.cprj Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Project field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

Infor April 07, 2020 201

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tdsls401.cact Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Item tab, Activity field.

Infor April 07, 2020 202

1) tfcmg403.btno 1) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Direct Debit Batch field.
2) tfcmg403.paym 2) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Receipt Method field.
3) tfcmg403.bank 3) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Bank field.

The concatenation of the Direct Debit Batch field, the Receipt Method field and the Bank field is published.

Based on the Receipt Method, this BOD is published at the end of the receipt procedure (after selecting
invoices, compose, assign banks, audit steps) and is published instead of an LN Direct Debits file or LN XML file.
This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.4.1 or later.
tfgld004.acdp Session Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000), Accounting Department field.

Based on the Accounting Department field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tfgld004.acdp Session Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000), Accounting Department field.

Based on the Accounting Department field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tfcmg403.btno 1) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Direct Debit Batch field.
2) tfcmg403.paym 2) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Receipt Method field.
3) tfcmg403.bank 3) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Bank field.

The concatenation of the Direct Debit Batch field, the Receipt Method field and the Bank field is published.
tfcmg409.date Session Direct Debit Advices (tfcmg4509m000), Batch created on field.
Always filled with 'Open'.
Always filled with 'Generic Status'.
1) tfcmg403.btno 1) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Direct Debit Batch field.
2) tfcmg403.paym 2) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Receipt Method field.
3) tfcmg403.bank 3) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Bank field.

The number of composed debits related to a specific combination of Direct Debit Batch, Receipt Method and
Bank is published.
The composed receipts must meet the following conditions:
- Transaction Type field must be filled.
- Payment Document field must be filled.
- Cashed field must be equal to 'Yes'.
- Erroneous field must be equal to 'No'.
tccom000.fovn Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Tax Number of Own Company field.
tccom000.nama Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Name field.
The value 'Text' or 'Discrete' is published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Name field is published.

1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tccom000.cadr 7) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.

Infor April 07, 2020 203

1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the City field is published.

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the State/Province field is published.

1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tccom000.cadr 3) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
1) tfcmg001.brch 1) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
2) tfcmg403.bank 2) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank field, the Bank Branch field is published.

1) tfcmg011.cbad 1) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), International Bank ID field.
2) tfcmg001.brch 2) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
3) tfcmg403.bank 3) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank field, the International Bank ID field of the Bank Branch field is published.
1) tfcmg011.bnam 1) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Name field.
2) tfcmg001.brch 2) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
3) tfcmg403.bank 3) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank field, the Bank Name field of the Bank Branch field is published.
The value 'Text' or 'Discrete' is published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
3) tfcmg001.brch 3) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
4) tfcmg403.bank 4) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank Address field of the Bank Branch field of the Bank field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tfcmg011.badr 7) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
8) tfcmg001.brch 8) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
9) tfcmg403.bank 9) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank Address field of the Bank Branch field of the Bank field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
3) tfcmg001.brch 3) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
4) tfcmg403.bank 4) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank Address field of the Bank Branch field of the Bank field, the City field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 204

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
3) tfcmg001.brch 3) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
4) tfcmg403.bank 4) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank Address field of the Bank Branch field of the Bank field, the State/Province field is published.
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tfcmg011.badr 3) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
4) tfcmg001.brch 4) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
5) tfcmg403.bank 5) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank Address field of the Bank Branch field of the Bank field and the Country field, the ISO Code
alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
3) tfcmg001.brch 3) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
4) tfcmg403.bank 4) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank Address field of the Bank Branch field of the Bank field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is
1) tfcmg403.btno 1) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Direct Debit Batch field.
2) tfcmg403.paym 2) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Receipt Method field.
3) tfcmg403.bank 3) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Bank field.
4) tfcmg403.plan 4) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Planned Debit Date field.
5) tfcmg027.sqtp 5) Session Direct Debit Mandate (tfcmg0127m000), Sequence Type field.
6) tfcmg027.crid 6) Session Direct Debit Mandate (tfcmg0127m000), Creditor Identifier field.

The concatenation of the Direct Debit Batch field, the Receipt Method field, the Bank field, the Planned Debit
Date, the Sequence Type and the Creditor Identifier is published.
tfcmg403.plan Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Planned Debit Date field.
Always filled with 'TRF'.
1) tfcmg403.btno 1) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Direct Debit Batch field.
2) tfcmg403.paym 2) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Receipt Method field.
3) tfcmg403.bank 3) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Bank field.
4) tfcmg403.plan 4) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Planned Debit Date field.

The number of composed direct debits related to a specific combination of Direct Debit Batch, Receipt Method,
Bank and the Planned Debit Date is published.
The composed direct debits must meet the following conditions:
- Transaction Type field must be filled.
- Payment Document field must be filled.
- Cashed field must be equal to 'Yes'.
- Erroneous field must be equal to 'No'.
Always filled with 'false'.
tccom000.lgid Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Chamber of Commerce ID field.
1) tcmcs010.ict2 1) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
2) tccom000.ccty 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Country field.

Based on the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field is determined.

If the ISO Code alpha-2 field is equal to 'BE', 'KBO-BCE' is published.

tccom000.fovn Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Tax Number of Own Company field.
tccom000.nama Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Name field.
The value 'Text' or 'Discrete' is published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Name field is published.

1) tccom130.ln01
Infor April 07, 2020 205
2) tccom130.ln02 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
7) tccom000.cadr 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the six Address Lines are published.
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the City field is published.

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the State/Province field is published.

1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tccom000.cadr 3) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
1) tfcmg001.bano 1) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Account field.
2) tfcmg001.iban 2) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), IBAN field.
3) tfcmg403.bank 3) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank field, when the IBAN field is empty, the Bank Account field is published.
1) tfcmg001.iban 1) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), IBAN field.
2) tfcmg403.bank 2) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank field, the IBAN field is published.

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tfcmg001.ccur 2) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0110s000), Details tab, Bank Currency field.
3) tfcmg403.bank 3) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank Currency field of the Bank field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tfcmg001.desc 1) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Description field.
2) tfcmg403.bank 2) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank field, the Description field is published.

1) tfcmg001.brch 1) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
2) tfcmg403.bank 2) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank field, the Bank Branch field is published.

1) tfcmg011.cbad 1) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), International Bank ID field.
2) tfcmg001.brch 2) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
3) tfcmg403.bank 3) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank field, the International Bank ID field of the Bank Branch field is published.
1) tfcmg011.bnam 1) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Name field.
2) tfcmg001.brch 2) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
3) tfcmg403.bank 3) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank field, the Bank Name field of the Bank Branch field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 206

The value 'Text' or 'Discrete' is published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
3) tfcmg001.brch 3) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
4) tfcmg403.bank 4) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank Address field of the Bank Branch field of the Bank field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tfcmg011.badr 7) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
8) tfcmg001.brch 8) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
9) tfcmg403.bank 9) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank Address field of the Bank Branch field of the Bank field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
3) tfcmg001.brch 3) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
4) tfcmg403.bank 4) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank Address field of the Bank Branch field of the Bank field, the City field is published.
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
3) tfcmg001.brch 3) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
4) tfcmg403.bank 4) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank Address field of the Bank Branch field of the Bank field, the State/Province field is published.
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tfcmg011.badr 3) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
4) tfcmg001.brch 4) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
5) tfcmg403.bank 5) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank Address field of the Bank Branch field of the Bank field and the Country field, the ISO Code
alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
3) tfcmg001.brch 3) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
4) tfcmg403.bank 4) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank Address field of the Bank Branch field of the Bank field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is
1) tfcmg011.bnid 1) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Domestic Bank ID field.
2) tfcmg001.brch 2) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
3) tfcmg403.bank 3) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Bank field.

Based on the Bank field, the Domestic Bank ID field of the Bank Branch field is published.
Unique sequence number starting with 1.
1) tfcmg403.ttyp 1) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Payment Document field (first part).
2) tfcmg403.docn 2) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Payment Document field (last part).

The concatenation of the current company, the Payment Document field (first part) and the Payment Document
field (last part) is published.
1) tfcmg403.ttyp
Infor April 07, 2020 207
2) tfcmg403.docn 1) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Payment Document field (first part).
3) tfcmg403.srno 2) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Payment Document field (last part).
3) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Sequence Number field.

The concatenation of the current company, the Payment Document field (first part), the Payment Document field
(last part) and the Sequence Number is published.
tfcmg403.mref Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Direct Debit Mandate field (first part).
tfcmg027.date Session Direct Debit Mandate (tfcmg0127m000), Date of Signature field.
tfcmg027.etxt Session Direct Debit Mandate (tfcmg0127m000), Text for Electronic Signature field.
1) tfcmg027.mref 1) Session Direct Debit Mandate (tfcmg0127m000), Direct Debit Mandate field.
2) tfcmg027.mver 2) Session Direct Debit Mandate (tfcmg0127m000), Mandate Version field.

Based on Direct Debit Mandate field and the Mandate Version field the AmendmentIndicator is determined.
tfcmg403.amnt Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Transaction Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tfcmg403.ccur 2) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tfcmg403.pbbp Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Pay-by Business Partner field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tctax400.fovn 1) Session Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax4100m000), Tax Number field.
2) tfcmg403.pbbp 2) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Pay-by Business Partner field.
3) tccom130.ccty 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Country field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field and the PaymentTransaction/DebtorParty/Location/Address/

CountryCode element, the Tax Number field is determined.

If the Country field is equal to the Company Country and equal to 'BE' and the Tax Number field starts with 'BE',
the Tax Number field is published starting from the third position.
1) tcmcs010.ict2 1) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
2) tccom000.ccty 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Country field.

Based on the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field is determined.
If the ISO Code alpha-2 field is equal to 'BE', 'KBO-BCE' is published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tccom124.cadr 2) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Address field.
3) tccom100.sndr 3) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Detailed tab, One-Time Business Partner field.
4) tfcmg403.pbbp 4) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Pay-by Business Partner field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner address, the Name field is published.
The Pay-by Business Partner address is determined as follows:

If the One-Time Business Partner field related to the Pay-by Business Partner field is equal to 'No', the Pay-by
Business Partner address is equal to the Address field.
If the One-Time Business Partner field related to the Pay-by Business Partner field is equal to 'Yes', the Pay-by
Business Partner Address is equal to the One-Time Business Partner address.

Refer to the Infor Web Help for more information about the One-Time Business Partner address.
The value 'Text' or 'Discrete' is published.
tccom130.nama Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner address (refer to the PaymentTransaction/CreditorParty/Name element
for more information), the Name field is published.
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.

Infor April 07, 2020 208

6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner address (refer to the PaymentTransaction/CreditorParty/Name element
for more information), the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
tccom130.dsca Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner address (refer to the PaymentTransaction/CreditorParty/Name element
for more information), the City field is published.
tccom130.cste Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner address (refer to the PaymentTransaction/CreditorParty/Name element
for more information), the State/Province field is published.
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner address (refer to the PaymentTransaction/CreditorParty/Name element
for more information) and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
tccom130.pstc Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner address (refer to the PaymentTransaction/CreditorParty/Name element
for more information), the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
1) tccom125.bano 1) Session Bank Accounts by Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4515m000), Bank Account field.
2) tccom125.iban 2) Session Bank Accounts by Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4515m000), International Bank Account Number
3) tccom125.brch field.
4) tccom100.sndr 3) Session Bank Accounts by Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4515m000), Bank Branch field.
5) tfcmg403.pbbp 4) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Detailed tab, One-Time Business Partner field.
6) tfcmg403.basu 5) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Pay-by Business Partner field.
6) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Business Partner Bank field.

If the Pay-by Business Partner international bank account is empty, the Pay-by Business Partner bank account
is published.

The Pay-by Business Partner bank account, the Pay-by Business Partner international bank account and the
Pay-by Business Partner bank branch are determined as follows:

If the One-Time Business Partner field related to the Pay-by Business Partner field is equal to 'No', the Pay-by
Business Partner bank account is equal to the Bank Account field, the Pay-by Business Partner international
bank account is equal to the International Bank Account Number field and the Pay-by Business Partner bank
branch is equal to the Bank Branch field.

If the One-Time Business Partner field related to the Pay-by Business Partner field is equal to 'Yes', the Pay-by
Business Partner Bank data is equal to the One-Time Business Partner Bank data.

Refer to the Infor Web Help for more information about the One-Time Business Partner Bank data.
The Pay-By Business Partner international bank account number (refer to the PaymentTransaction/
CreditorParty/FinancialAccount/BBANID element for more information) is published.
tfcmg011.cbad Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), International Bank ID field.

Based on the Pay-By Business Partner bank branch (refer to the PaymentTransaction/CreditorParty/
FinancialAccount/BBANID element for more information), the International Bank ID field is published.
tfcmg011.bnam Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Name field.

Based on the Pay-By Business Partner bank branch (refer to the PaymentTransaction/CreditorParty/
FinancialAccount/BBANID element for more information), the Bank Name field is published.
The value 'Text' or 'Discrete' is published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.

Infor April 07, 2020 209

Based on the Pay-By Business Partner bank branch (refer to the PaymentTransaction/CreditorParty/
FinancialAccount/BBANID element for more information), the Name field is published.
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tfcmg011.badr 7) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.

Based on the Bank Address field related to the Pay-By Business Partner bank branch (refer to the
PaymentTransaction/CreditorParty/FinancialAccount/BBANID element for more information), the six Address
Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.

Based on the Bank Address field related to the PAY-By-BANK-BRANCH field, the City field is published.
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.

Based on the Bank Address field related to the PAY-BY-BANK-BRANCH field, the State/Province field is
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tfcmg011.badr 3) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.

Based on the Bank Address field related to the Pay-By Business Partner bank branch (refer to the
PaymentTransaction/CreditorParty/FinancialAccount/BBANID element for more information) and the Country
field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.

Based on the Bank Address field related to the Pay-By Business Partner bank branch (refer to the
PaymentTransaction/CreditorParty/FinancialAccount/BBANID element for more information), the Zip Code/
Postal Code field is published.
tfcmg011.bnid Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Domestic Bank ID field.

Based on the Pay-By Business Partner bank branch (refer to the PaymentTransaction/CreditorParty/
FinancialAccount/BBANID element for more information), the Domestic Bank ID field is published.
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tfcmg011.badr 3) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
4) tccom125.brch 4) Session Bank Accounts by Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4515m000), Bank Branch field.
5) tfcmg403.pbbp 5) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Pay-by Business Partner field.
6) tfcmg403.basu 6) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Business Partner Bank field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field and the Business Partner Bank field, the Bank Branch field is
Based on the Bank Address field of the Bank Branch field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of
the country is published.
1) tfcmg403.opbp 1) Not displayed in any session, Original Pay-by Business Partner field.
2) tfcmg403.pbbp 2) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Pay-by Business Partner field.

If the Original Pay-by Business Partner field is filled and not equal to the Pay-by Business Partner field, the
Original Pay-by Business Partner field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 210

1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) tfcmg403.opbp 2) Not displayed in any session, Original Pay-by Business Partner field.
3) tfcmg403.pbbp 3) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Pay-by Business Partner field.

If the Original Pay-by Business Partner field is filled and not equal to the Pay-by Business Partner field, based
on the Original Pay-by Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
The value 'Text' or 'Discrete' is published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tccom124.cadr 2) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Address field.
3) tfcmg403.opbp 3) Not displayed in any session, Original Pay-by Business Partner field.
4) tfcmg403.pbbp 4) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Pay-by Business Partner field.

If the Original Pay-by Business Partner field is filled and not equal to the Pay-by Business Partner field, based
on the Address field of the Original Pay-by Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tccom124.cadr 7) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Address field.
8) tfcmg403.opbp 8) Not displayed in any session, Original Pay-by Business Partner field.
9) tfcmg403.pbbp 9) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Pay-by Business Partner field.

If the Original Pay-by Business Partner field is filled and not equal to the Pay-by Business Partner field, based
on the Address field of the Original Pay-by Business Partner field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tccom124.cadr 2) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Address field.
3) tfcmg403.opbp 3) Not displayed in any session, Original Pay-by Business Partner field.
4) tfcmg403.pbbp 4) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Pay-by Business Partner field.

If the Original Pay-by Business Partner field is filled and not equal to the Pay-by Business Partner field, based
on the Address field of the Original Pay-by Business Partner field, the City field is published.
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tccom124.cadr 2) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Address field.
3) tfcmg403.opbp 3) Not displayed in any session, Original Pay-by Business Partner field.
4) tfcmg403.pbbp 4) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Pay-by Business Partner field.

If the Original Pay-by Business Partner field is filled and not equal to the Pay-by Business Partner field, based
on the Address field of the Original Pay-by Business Partner field, the State/Province field is published.
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tccom124.cadr 3) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Address field.
4) tfcmg403.opbp 4) Not displayed in any session, Original Pay-by Business Partner field.
5) tfcmg403.pbbp 5) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Pay-by Business Partner field.

If the Original Pay-by Business Partner field is filled and not equal to the Pay-by Business Partner field, based
on the Address field of the Original Pay-by Business Partner field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2
field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tccom124.cadr 2) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Address field.
3) tfcmg403.opbp 3) Not displayed in any session, Original Pay-by Business Partner field.
4) tfcmg403.pbbp 4) Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Pay-by Business Partner field.

If the Original Pay-by Business Partner field is filled and not equal to the Pay-by Business Partner field, based
on the Address field of the Original Pay-by Business Partner field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
tfcmg403.refr Session Composed Direct Debits (tfcmg4504s000), Referece field.
Always filled with 'Normal'.
Infor April 07, 2020 211
tfcmg027.sqtp Session Direct Debit Mandate (tfcmg0127m000), Sequence Type field.

If the Sequence Type is equal to 'FRST', 'First' is published.

If the Sequence Type is equal to 'RCUR', 'Recurring' is published.
If the Sequence Type is equal to 'FNAL', 'Final' is published.
If the Sequence Type is equal to 'OOFF', 'One Off' is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 212

qmncm100.ncmr For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, NCM Report field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Non-Conformance Report field.

This BOD is published when users:

1) Create a Non-Conformance Report,
2) Change the Status of a Non-Conformance Report,
3) Change the Waiver Receipt Date,
4) Change the Owner or Planned Review Date when Report status is Assigned,
5) Delete a Non-Conformance Report.

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2.1 or later.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
qmncm100.ncmr For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, NCM Report field.

For LN 10.4 and later:

Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Non-Conformance Report field.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) tccom001.loco 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
3) qmncm100.rpdt 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
4) qmncm100.rptr 3) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Reported Date field.
5) qmncm100.sudt 4) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Reported By field.
6) qmncm100.suby 5) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Submitted Date field.
7) qmncm100.asdt 6) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Last Submitted By
8) qmncm100.asby field.
9) qmncm100.didt 7) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Assigned Date field.
10) qmncm100.diby 8) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Last Assigned By
11) qmncm100.redt field.
12) qmncm100.reby 9) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Dispositioned Date
13) qmncm100.spdt field.
14) qmncm100.spby 10) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Last Dispositioned
15) qmncm100.cldt By field.
16) qmncm100.clby 11) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Reset Date field.
17) qmncm100.cadt 12) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Last Reset By field.
18) qmncm100.caby 13) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Split Date field.
14) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Last Split By field.
15) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Closing Date field.
16) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Last Closed By
17) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Cancelled Date
18) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Last Cancelled By

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Reported Date field.
4) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Reported By field.
5) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Submitted Date field.
6) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Last Submitted By field.
7) Session Non-Conformance Reports qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Assigned Date field.
8) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Last Assigned By field.
9) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Dispositioned Date field.
10) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Last Dispositioned By
11) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Reset Date field.
12) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Last Reset By field.
13) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Split Date field.
14) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Last Split By field.
15) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Closing Date field.
16) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Closed By field.
17) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Cancelled Date field.
18) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Cancelled By field.

Infor April 07, 2020 213

Based on the last date of the Reported Date field, Submitted Date field, Assigned Date field, Dispositioned Date
field, Reset Date field, Split Date field, Closing Date field and Cancelled Date field, the User field is determined.
If the User field cannot be determined, based on the current LN user the User field is determined.
Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) qmncm100.rptr 1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
3) qmncm100.suby 2) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Reported By field.
4) qmncm100.asby 3) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Last Submitted By
5) qmncm100.diby field.
6) qmncm100.reby 4) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Last Assigned By
7) qmncm100.spby field.
8) qmncm100.clby 5) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Last Dispositioned
9) qmncm100.caby By field.
6) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Last Reset By field.
7) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Last Split By field.
8) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Last Closed By field.
9) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Last Cancelled By

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Reported By field.
3) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Last Submitted By field.
4) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Last Assigned By field.
5) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Last Dispositioned By
6) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Last Reset By field.
7) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Last Split By field.
8) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Closed By field.
9) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Cancelled By field.

Based on the Reported By field, Submitted By field, Assigned By field, Dispositioned By field, Reset By field,
Split By field, Closed By field or Cancelled By field, the Name field is published.
qmncm100.rpdt For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Reported Date field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Reported Date field.
qmncm100.dsca For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, NCM Report field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Non-Conformance Report field.
For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3 For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3
1) qmncm100.dstx 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Additional
2) qmncm100.nctx Instructions field.
2) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Description of Non-
For LN 10.4 and later: Conformance field.
1) qmncm100.dstx
2) qmncm100.nctx For LN 10.4 or later:
3) qmncm100.ndtx 1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition Text tab, Material Additional Details field.
4) qmncm100.edtx 2) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Description of Material Non-
5) qmncm100.obtx Conformance field.
6) qmncm100.attx 3) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition Text tab, Non-Material Additional Details
7) qmncm100.evtx field.
8) qmncm100.intx 4) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Texts, Expected Disposition Text field.
5) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Non-Material tab, Observation field.
6) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Non-Material tab, Attribution field.
7) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Non-Material tab, Objective Evidence field.
8) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Non-Material tab, Internal Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3 For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3
1) qmncm100.dstx 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Additional
2) qmncm100.nctx Instructions field.
2) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Description of Non-
For LN 10.4 and later: Conformance field.
1) qmncm100.dstx

Infor April 07, 2020 214

2) qmncm100.nctx If the Additional Instructions field is filled, 'Disposition' is published.
3) qmncm100.ndtx If the Description of Non-Conformance field is filled, 'General' is published.
4) qmncm100.edtx
5) qmncm100.obtx For LN 10.4 or later:
6) qmncm100.attx 1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition Text tab, Material Additional Details field.
7) qmncm100.evtx 2) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Description of Material Non-
8) qmncm100.intx Conformance field.
3) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition Text tab, Non-Material Additional Details
4) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Texts, Expected Disposition Text field.
5) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Non-Material tab, Observation field.
6) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Non-Material tab, Attribution field.
7) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Non-Material tab, Objective Evidence field.
8) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Non-Material tab, Internal Text field.

If the Material Additional Details field is filled, 'Disposition' is published.

If the Description of Material Non-Conformance field is filled, 'General' is published.
If the Non-Material Additional Details field is filled, 'GeneralNonMaterial' is published.
If the Expected Disposition Text field is filled, 'CustomerDisposition' is published.
If the Observation field is filled, 'Observation' is published.
If the Attribution field is filled, 'Attribution' is published.
If the Objective Evidence field is filled, 'Evidence' is published.
If the Internal Text field is filled, 'Internal' is published.
qmncm100.orgn For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Order Origin field.
If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Sales', 'SalesOrder' is published.
If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Sales Schedule', 'ShipmentSchedule' is published.
If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Adjustment Order', 'InventoryAdjustment' is published.
If the Order Origin field is equal to 'SFC Production', 'ProductionOrder' is published.
If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Production Schedule', 'PlanningSchedule' is published.
If the Order Origin field is equal to 'ASC Production', 'ProductionOrder' is published.
If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Transfer', 'Transfer' is published.
If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Project', 'ProjectMaster' is published.
If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Project Contract', 'ProjectContract' is published.
If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Purchase Schedule', 'SupplierShipmentSchedule' is published.

For LN 10.4 or later:

Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Order Origin field.
If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Sales', 'SalesOrder' is published.
If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Sales Schedule', 'ShipmentSchedule' is published.
If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Adjustment Order', 'InventoryAdjustment' is published.
If the Order Origin field is equal to 'ProductionOrder', 'ProductionOrder' is published.
If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Production Schedule', 'PlanningSchedule' is published.
If the Order Origin field is equal to 'ASC Production', 'ProductionOrder' is published.
If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Transfer', 'Transfer' is published.
If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Project', 'ProjectMaster' is published.
If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Project Contract', 'ProjectContract' is published.
If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Purchase Schedule', 'SupplierShipmentSchedule' is published.
If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Service Order', 'ServiceOrder' is published.
If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Storage Inspection', 'InspectionOrder' is published.
1) qmncm100.orgn For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) qmncm100.orno 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Order Origin field.
For LN 10.4 or later: 2) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Order Line field.
3) qmncm100.apno
4) qmncm100.apsq If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Sales' or 'Sales Schedule' or 'Adjustment Order' or 'SFC Production' or
'Production Schedule' or 'ASC Production' or 'Transfer' or 'Project' or 'Project Contract' or 'Purchase Schedule',
the Order Line field is published.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Order Origin field.
2) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Order Line field.
3) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Inspection Order field.
4) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Inspection Order Line field.

If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Sales' or 'Sales Schedule' or 'Adjustment Order' or 'ProductionOrder' or
'Production Schedule' or 'ASC Production' or 'Transfer' or 'Project' or 'Project Contract' or 'Purchase Schedule' or
'Service Order', the Order Line field is published.
If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Storage Inspection', the concatenation of 'O', Inspection Order field and
Inspection Order Line field is published.
1) qmncm100.orgn For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) qmncm100.orno 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Order Origin field.
2) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Order Line field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

Infor April 07, 2020 215
1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Order Origin field.
2) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Order Line field.

Based on the Order Origin field and Order Line field, the accountingEntity field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
1) qmncm100.orgn For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) qmncm100.orno 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Order Origin field.
2) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Order field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Order Origin field.
2) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Order Line field.

Based on the Order Origin field and the Order field, the location field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) qmncm100.orgn For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) qmncm100.pono 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Order Origin field.
2) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Order Line field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Order Origin field.
2) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Order Line field.

If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Sales' or 'Sales Schedule' or 'Adjustment Order' or 'Transfer' or 'Project' or
'Project Contract' or 'Purchase Schedule', the Order Line field is published.
1) qmncm100.orgn For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) qmncm100.opno 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Order Origin field.
3) qmncm100.orno 2) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Operation field.
4) qmncm100.pono 3) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Order field.
5) ticst001.opno 4) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Order Line field.
5) Session Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0501m000), Operation field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Order Origin field.
2) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Operation field.
3) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Order field.
4) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Order Line field.
5) Session Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0501m000), Operation field.

If the Order Origin field is equal to 'ProductionOrder' or 'Production Schedule' or 'ASC Production', the Operation
(2) field is published. If the Operation (2) field is not filled, based on the Order field and the Order Line field, the
Operation (5) field is published.
qmncm100.stat For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Status field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Status field.

If the Status field is equal to 'Open', 'Open' is published.

If the Status field is equal to 'Submitted', 'Submitted' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Assigned', 'Assigned' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Dispositioned', 'Dispositioned' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Cancelled', 'Canceled' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Closed', 'Closed' is published.

If the DefectiveMaterialNotice is deleted, the status is overruled.

If the Status field is equal to 'Closed', 'Closed' is published.
Otherwise, 'Canceled' is published.
1) qmncm100.stat For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) qmncm100.rpdt 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Status field.
3) qmncm100.sudt 2) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Logging group,
4) qmncm100.asdt Reported Date field.
5) qmncm100.didt 3) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Logging group,
6) qmncm100.cadt Submitted Date field.
7) qmncm100.cldt 4) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Logging group,
Assigned Date field.
5) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Logging group,
Dispositioned Date field.
6) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Logging group,
Cancelled Date field.

Infor April 07, 2020 216

7) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Logging group,
Closing Date field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Status field.
2) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Status Change Log
group, Reported Date field.
3) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Status Change Log
group, Submitted Date field.
4) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Status Change Log
group, Assigned Date field.
5) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Status Change Log
group, Dispositioned Date field.
6) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Status Change Log
group, Cancelled Date field.
7) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Status Change Log
group, Closing Date field.

If the Status field is equal to 'Open', Reported Date field is published.

If the Status field is equal to 'Submitted', Submitted Date field is published
If the Status field is equal to 'Assigned', Assigned Date field is published
If the Status field is equal to 'Dispositioned', Dispositioned Date field is published
If the Status field is equal to 'Cancelled', Cancelled Date field is published
If the Status field is equal to 'Closed', Closing Date field is published
qmptc000.cpdt Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.

The concatenation of 'C' and the Period Table field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcccp060.dsca 1) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Period Table Code Description field.
2) qmptc000.cpdt 2) Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.
Based on the Period Table field, the Period Table Code Description field is published.
1) tcccp070.peri 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Number field.
2) qmptc000.cpdt 2) Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.
3) qmncm100.rpdt
For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
3) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Logging group,
Reported Date field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

3) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Reported Date field.

Based on the Reported Date field and the Period Table field, the Period Number field is published.
1) tcccp070.yrno 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
2) qmptc000.cpdt 2) Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.
3) qmncm100.rpdt
For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
3) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Logging group,
Reported Date field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

3) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Reported Date field.

Based on the Reported Date field and the Period Table field, the Year field is published.
qmptc000.cpdt Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.

The concatenation of 'C' and the Period Table field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcccp060.dsca 1) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Period Table Code Description field.
2) qmptc000.cpdt 2) Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.
Based on the Period Table field, the Period Table Code Description field is published.
1) tcccp070.peri 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Number field.
2) qmptc000.cpdt 2) Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.
3) qmncm100.cldt For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
3) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Logging group,
Infor April 07, 2020 217
Closing Date field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

3) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Closing Date field.

Based on the Closing Date field and the Period Table field, the Period Number field is published.
1) tcccp070.yrno 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
2) qmptc000.cpdt 2) Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.
3) qmncm100.cldt For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
3) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Logging group,
Closing Date field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

3) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Closing Date field.

Based on the Closing Date field and the Period Table field, the Year field is published.
1) qmncm100.orgn For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) qmncm100.orno 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Order Origin field.
2) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Order Line field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Order Origin field.
2) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Order Line field.

If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Purchase Order', the Order Line field is published.
1) qmncm100.orgn For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) qmncm100.orno 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Order Origin field.
2) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Order Line field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Order Origin field.
2) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Order Line field.

Based on the Order Origin field and the Order Line field, the accountingEntity field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
1) qmncm100.orgn For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) qmncm100.orno 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Order Origin field.
2) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Order Line field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Order Origin field.
2) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Order Line field.

Based on the Order Origin field and the Order Line field, the location field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) qmncm100.orgn For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) qmncm100.pono 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Order Origin field.
2) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Order Line field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Order Origin field.
2) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Order Line field.

If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Purchase Order', the Order Line field is published.
1) qmncm100.orgn For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) qmncm100.seqn 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Order Origin field.
2) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Order Line field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Order Origin field.
2) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Order Line field.

If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Purchase Order', the Order Line field is published.
qmncm100.bpid For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Business Partner field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Business Partner field.

Infor April 07, 2020 218

If the Business Partner exists as Buy-from Business Partner, the Business Partner field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) qmncm100.bpid For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) tccom100.dsca 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Business Partner field.
2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Name field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Business Partner field.
2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Name field.

Based on the Business Partner field, the Name field is published.

qmncm100.ccnt Not displayed in any session, Contact field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.

The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.

1) qmncm100.ccnt 1) Not displayed in any session, Contact field.
2) tccom140.surn 2) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field.
Based on the Contact field, the Family Name field is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.

qmncm100.bpid For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Business Partner field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Business Partner field.

If the Business Partner exists as Ship-from Business Partner, the Business Partner field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) qmncml100.bpid For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) tccom100.dsca 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Business Partner field.
2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Name field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Business Partner field.
2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Name field.

Based on the Business Partner field, the Name field is published.

qmncm100.bpid For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Business Partner field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Business Partner field.

If the Business Partner exists as Sold-to Business Partner, the Business Partner field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) qmncm100.bpid For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) tccom100.dsca 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Business Partner field.
2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Name field.

Infor April 07, 2020 219

For LN 10.4 or later:
1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Business Partner field.
2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Name field.

Based on the Business Partner field, the Name field is published.

qmncm100.ccnt Not displayed in any session, Contact field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.

The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.

1) qmncm100.ccnt 1) Not displayed in any session, Contact field.
2) tccom140.surn 2) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field.
Based on the Contact field, the Family Name field is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.

qmncm100.bpid For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Business Partner field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Business Partner field.

If the Business Partner exists as Ship-to Business Partner, the Business Partner field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) qmncml100.bpid For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) tccom100.dsca 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Business Partner field.
2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Name field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Business Partner field.
2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Name field.

Based on the Business Partner field, the Name field is published.

For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3: For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
qmncm100.item Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Item field.

For LN 10.4 and later: For LN 10.4 or later:

1) qmncm100.item 1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Item field.
2) qmncm100.criw 2) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Waiver tab, Customer Item Code System field.
3) qmncm100.crid 3) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Waiver tab, Supplier Item Code System field field.
1) qmncm100.item 1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Item field.
2) qmncm100.criw 2) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Waiver tab, Customer Item Code System field.
3) qmncm100.crid 3) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Waiver tab, Supplier Item Code System field field.

If the Item field is filled, 'System' is published.

If the Customer Item Code System field is filled, 'Customer' is published.
If the Supplier Item Code System field is filled, 'Supplier' is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
qmncm100.revi Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, E-Item Revision field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.

Infor April 07, 2020 220
1) qmncm100.item For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Item field.
2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Item field.
2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.

Based on the Item field, the Description field is published.

qmncm100.huid Not displayed in any session, Handling Unit field.
1) qmncm100.clot For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) qmncm110.clot 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Lot field.
2) Session Non-Conforming Material Report - Lots and Serials (qmncm1110m000), Lot field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Lot field.
2) Session Non-Conforming Material Report - Lots and Serials (qmncm1110m000), Lot field.

If the item is serialized not in inventory, the Lot (1) field is published.
If the item is serialized in inventory, the Lot (2) field is published.
1) qmncm100.nqua For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) qmncm110.lqua 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Quantity field.
2) Session Non-Conforming Material Report - Lots and Serials (qmncm1110m000), Quantity field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Quantity field.
2) Session Non-Conforming Material Report - Lots and Serials (qmncm1110m000), Quantity field.

If the item is serialized not in inventory, the Quantity (1) field is published.
If the item is serialized in inventory, the Quantity (2) field is published.
qmncm100.nuom For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Quantity Unit field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Quantity Unit field.

The ISO Code field of the Quantity Unit field is published.

1) qmncm100.serl For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) qmncm110.serl 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Serial Number field.
2) Session Non-Conforming Material Report - Lots and Serials (qmncm1110m000), Serial Number field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Serial Number field.
2) Session Non-Conforming Material Report - Lots and Serials (qmncm1110m000), Serial Number field.

If the item is serialized not in inventory, the Serial Number (1) field is published.
If the item is serialized in inventory, the Serial Number (2) field is published.
1) qmncm100.serl For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) qmncm110.serl 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Serial Number field.
2) Session Non-Conforming Material Report - Lots and Serials (qmncm1110m000), Serial Number field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Serial Number field.
2) Session Non-Conforming Material Report - Lots and Serials (qmncm1110m000), Serial Number field.

If the item is serialized not in inventory, the Serial Number (1) field is published.
If the item is serialized in inventory, the Serial Number (2) field is published.
qmncm100.nqua For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Quantity field.
For LN 10.4 or later:
Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Quantity field.
qmncm100.nuom For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Quantity Unit field.
For LN 10.4 or later:
Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Quantity Unit field.

The ISO Code field of the Quantity Unit field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 221

1) tcibd001.cuni For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) qmncm100.item 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) qmncm100.nqua 2) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Item field.
3) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Quantity field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Item field.
3) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The DefectiveMaterialNotice/DefectiveMaterialNoticeHeader/NonConformingQuantity element expressed in the
Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) qmncm100.item For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
3) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Item field.
For LN 10.4 or later:
3) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
qmncm100.mitm For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, BOM Item field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, BOM Item field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) qmncm100.mitm For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, BOM Item field.
2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, BOM Item field.
2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.

Based on the BOM Item field, the Description field is published.

qmncm100.cprj For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Project field.
For LN 10.4 or later:
Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Project field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
qmncm100.cwoc For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Location field.
For LN 10.4 or later:
Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Location field.
The concatenation of 'D' and the Location field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
Always filled with 'Warehouse'.
qmncm100.cwar For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Warehouse field.
For LN 10.4 or later:
Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Warehouse field.
The concatenation of 'W' and the Warehouse field is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 222
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) qmncm100.cwar For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) tcmcs003.dsca 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Warehouse field.
2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0503m000), Description field.
For LN 10.4 or later:
1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Warehouse field.
2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0503m000), Description field.
Based on the Warehouse field, the Description field is published.
1) qmncm100.loca For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) whwmd300.dsca 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Location field.
2) Session Warehouse - Locations (whwmd3500m000), Location Description field.
For LN 10.4 or later:
1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Location field.
2) Session Warehouse - Locations (whwmd3500m000), Location Description field.
Based on the Location field, the Description field is published.
1) qmncm100.rptr For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) tccom001.emno 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Reported By field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Employee field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Reported By field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Employee field.

The Reported By field is a logon code.

Based on the Reported By User field, the Employee field is published.
Otherwise, empty is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) qmncm100.rptr For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) tccom001.nama 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Reported By field.
2) Session Employees (tccom0501m000), Name field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Reported By field.
2) Session Employees (tccom0501m000), Name field.

Based on the Reported By field, the Name field is published.

qmncm100.rpdt For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Reported Date field.
For LN 10.4 or later:
Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Reported Date field.
qmncm100.resn For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Reject Reason field.
For LN 10.4 or later:
Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Reject Reason field.
qmncm100.nctp For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Type field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Type field.
qmncm100.slvl For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Severity field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Severity field.
qmncm100.ncrc For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Responsible field.
For LN 10.4 or later:
Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Material Disposition group,
Responsible field.
Infor April 07, 2020 223
qmncm100.ownr For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Owner field.
For LN 10.4 or later:
Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Owner field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) qmncm100.ownr For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) tccom001.nama 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Owner field.
2) Session Employees (tccom0501m000), Name field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Owner field.
2) Session Employees (tccom0501m000), Name field.

Based on the Owner field, the Name field is published.

qmncm100.rsbp For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Responsible Business
Partner field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Disposition tab, Responsible Business
Partner field.

If the Responsible Business Partner exists as Buy-from Business Partner, the Responsible Business Partner
field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) qmncml100.rsbp For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) tccom100.dsca 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Responsible
Business Partner field.
2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Name field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Responsible Business Partner field.
2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Name field.

Based on the Responsible Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
qmncm100.rsbp For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Responsible Business
Partner field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Responsible Business Partner field.

If the Responsible Business Partner exists as Ship-from Business Partner, the Responsible Business Partner
field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) qmncml100.rsbp For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) tccom100.dsca 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Responsible
Business Partner field.
2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Name field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Responsible Business Partner field.
2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Name field.

Based on the Responsible Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
qmncm100.rsbp For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Responsible Business
Partner field.

Infor April 07, 2020 224

For LN 10.4 or later:
Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Responsible Business Partner field.

If the Responsible Business Partner exists as Sold-to Business Partner, the Responsible Business Partner field
is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) qmncml100.rsbp For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) tccom100.dsca 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Responsible
Business Partner field.
2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Name field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Responsible Business Partner field.
2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Name field.

Based on the Responsible Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
qmncm100.rsbp For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Responsible Business
Partner field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Responsible Business Partner field.

If the Responsible Business Partner exists as Ship-to Business Partner, the Responsible Business Partner field
is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) qmncm100.rsbp For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) tccom100.dsca 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Responsible
Business Partner field.
2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Name field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Responsible Business Partner field.
2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Name field.

Based on the Responsible Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
qmncm100.mrbc For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Material Review Board field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Review Board field.
1) qmncm100.mrbc 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Material Review Board
2) qmncm003.ownr field.
For LN 10.6 or later: 2) Session Material Review Board (qmncm0103m000), Owner field.
1) qmncm100.mrbc
2) tcppl040.spvr For LN 10.4 or later:
1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Review Board field.
2) Session Material Review Board (qmncm0103m000), Owner field.

For LN 10.6 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Review Board field.
2) Session Teams (tcppl0140m000), Team field.

Based on the Material Review Board, the Owner field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) qmncm100.rptr For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) tccom001.nama 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Reported By field.
2) Session Employees (tccom0501m000), Name field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

Infor April 07, 2020 225
1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Additional Information tab, Reported By
2) Session Employees (tccom0501m000), Name field.

Based on the Reported By field, the Name field is published.

qmncm100.mrbr For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, MRB Responsible for
Disposition field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Review Board Responsible for
Disposition field.
qmncm100.prvd For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Details tab, Planned Review Date field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Planned Review Date field.
qmncm100.ncmc For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Cause field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Material Disposition group, Cause field.
qmncm100.wvbp For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Sold-To Business
Partner field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Waiver tab, Sold-To Business Partner field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) qmncml100.wvbp For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) tccom100.dsca 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Sold-To Business
Partner field.
2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Name field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Waiver tab, Sold-To Business Partner field.
2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Name field.

Based on the Sold-To Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
qmncm100.wvmd Not displayed in any session, Mandatory field.
qmncm100.wvrd For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Required Indicator field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Waiver tab, Incoming Waiver group, Required field.
1) qmncm100.wvdr For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
For LN 10.4 or later: 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Receipt Date field.
2) qmncm100.drdt
For LN 10.4 or later:
1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Waiver Receipt Date field.
2) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Waiver tab, Document Received Date field.
If Document Received Date field is filled, Document Received Date field is published.
Otherwise, Waiver Receipt Date field is published.
1) qmncm100.rptr For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) tccom001.emno 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Reported By field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Employee field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Reported By field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Employee field.

The Reported By field is a logon code.

Based on the Reported By field, the Employee field is published.
Otherwise, empty is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 226
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) qmncm100.rptr For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) tccom001.nama 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Reported By field.
2) Session Employees (tccom0501m000), Name field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Reported By field.
2) Session Employees (tccom0501m000), Name field.

Based on the Reported By field, the Name field is published.

qmncm100.rtbp 1) Not displayed in any session, ReportedBy Business Partner field.
qmncm100.bpty 2) Not displayed in any session, Business Partner Type field.

If the Business Partner Type field is equal to 'Customer', the ReportedBy Business Partner field is published.

This BOD element is available for LN 10.4 or later.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

This BOD element is available for LN 10.4 or later.

The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

This BOD element is available for LN 10.4 or later.

1) qmncm100.rtbp 1) Not displayed in any session, ReportedBy Business Partner field.
2) tccom100.dsca 2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Name field.

Based on the ReportedBy Business Partner field, the Name field is published.

This BOD element is available for LN 10.4 or later.

1) qmncm100.rtbp 1) Not displayed in any session, ReportedBy Business Partner field.
2) qmncm100.bpty 2) Not displayed in any session, Business Partner Type field.

If the Business Partner Type field is equal to 'Supplier', the ReportedBy Business Partner field is published.

This BOD element is available for LN 10.4 or later.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

This BOD element is available for LN 10.4 or later.

The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

This BOD element is available for LN 10.4 or later.

1) qmncm100.rtbp 1) Not displayed in any session, ReportedBy Business Partner field.
2) tccom100.dsca 2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Name field.

Based on the ReportedBy Business Partner field, the Name field is published.

This BOD element is available for LN 10.4 or later.

1) qmncm100.sudt 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab,
2) qmncm100.asdt Submitted Date field.
3) qmncm100.didt 2) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Assigned
4) qmncm100.redt Date field.
5) qmncm100.spdt 3) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab,
6) qmncm100.cldt Disposition Date field.
7) qmncm100.cadt 4) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Reset
8) qmncm100.stat Date field.
5) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Split Date
6) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab, Closing
Date field.
7) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Additional Information tab,
Cancelled Date field.
8) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Status field.

Infor April 07, 2020 227

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.5 or later.

For the Submitted Date field:

If filled and the Status field is not equal to 'Open', the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.SubmittedDate' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/
UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'DateTimeType'.

For the Assigned Date field:

If filled and the Status field is not equal to 'Open' or 'Submitted', the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/
UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.AssignedDate' and InspectionOrder/
InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'DateTimeType'.

For the Disposition Date field:

If filled, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.DispositionDate' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled
with 'DateTimeType'.

For the Reset Date field:

If filled, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.ResetDate' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with

For the Split Date field:

If filled, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.SplitDate' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with

For the Closing Date field:

If filled, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.ClosingDate' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with

For the Cancelled Date field:

If filled, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.CancelledDate' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled
with 'DateTimeType'.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data
1) qmncm100.item For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) qmncm100.cwoc Always filled with '1'.
3) qmptc000.ncrr
For LN 10.4 or later:
1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Material tab, Item field.
2) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Non-Material tab, Department field.
3) Session Quality Management Parameters (qmncm0100m000), Non-Conformance tab, Non-Material Non-
Conformance field.

If the Item field is filled, '1' is published.

If the Department field is filled and the Non-Material Non-Conformance field is equal to 'yes', also '2' is published.
qmncm100.dorg For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Kind of Order field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Kind of Order field.

If the Kind of Origin field is equal to 'Sales', 'SalesOrder' is published.

If the Kind of Origin field is equal to 'Adjustment Order', 'InventoryAdjustment' is published.
If the Kind of Origin field is equal to ' ProductionOrder', 'ProductionOrder' is published.
If the Kind of Origin field is equal to 'Transfer', 'Transfer' is published.
If the Kind of Origin field is equal to 'PurchaseOrder', 'SupplierShipmentSchedule' is published.
1) qmncm100.dorg For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) qmncm100.dior 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Kind of Order field.
2) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Order Line field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Kind of Order field.
2) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Order Line field.

If the Kind of Order field is equal to 'Sales' or 'Adjustment Order' or 'ProductionOrder' or 'Transfer' or
'PurchaseOrder', the Order Line field is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 228
For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Kind of Order field.
For LN 10.4 or later:
Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Kind of Order field.

Based on the Kind of Order field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
qmncm100.dorg For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Kind of Order field.
For LN 10.4 or later:
Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Kind of Order field.

Based on the Kind of Order field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) qmncm100.dorg For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) qmncm100.diln 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Kind of Order field.
2) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Order Line field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Kind of Order field.
2) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Order Line field.

If the Kind of Order is equal to 'Sales' or 'Adjustment Order' or 'Transfer' or 'PurchaseOrder', the Order Line field
is published.
1) qmncm100.dorg For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
2) qmncm100.dior 1) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Kind of Order field.
3) qmncm100.diln 2) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Order field.
4) ticst001.opno 3) Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Order Line field.
4) Session Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0501m000), Operation field.

For LN 10.4 or later:

1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Kind of Order field.
2) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Order field.
3) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Order Line field.
4) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Operation field.

If the Kind of Order is equal to 'ProductionOrder', based on the Order field and the Order Line field, the
Operation field is published.
qmncm100.disp For LN 10.2.1 and LN 10.3:
Session Non-Conforming Material Reports (NCMR) (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Disposition field.
For LN 10.4 or later:
Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Type field.

If the Disposition field is equal to 'Rework (to Existing Specification)', 'Rework (Existing Specification)' is
If the Disposition field is equal to 'Rework (to New Specification)', 'Rework (New Specification)' is published.
If the Disposition field is equal to 'Reclassify', 'Reclassify' is published.
If the Disposition field is equal to 'Return to Vendor', 'Return to Supplier' is published.
If the Disposition field is equal to 'Scrap', 'Scrap' is published.
If the Disposition field is equal to 'Use As Is', 'Use As Is' is published.
If the Disposition field is equal to 'Repair to Concession', 'Repair to Concession' is published.
If the Disposition field is equal to 'No Fault Found', 'No Fault Found' is published.
If the Disposition field is equal to 'Awaiting Disposition', 'Awaiting Disposition' is published.
qmncm100.ndis Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Disposition field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.

1) qmncm100.svty 1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Non-Material tab, Severity field.
2) qmncm100.ncca 2) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Non-Material Disposition group,
3) qmncm100.ncrr Cause field.
4) qmncm100.mdis 3) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Non-Material Disposition group,
Responsible field.
4) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Material Disposition group,
Disposition field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.

1) qmncm100.svty 1) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Non-Material tab, Severity field.
2) qmncm100.ncca 2) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Non-Material Disposition group,
3) qmncm100.ncrr Cause field.

Infor April 07, 2020 229

4) qmncm100.mdis 3) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Non-Material Disposition group,
Responsible field.
4) Session Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000), Disposition tab, Material Disposition group,
Disposition field.

If the Severity field is filled, 'Non Conformance Severity Codes' is published.

If the Cause field is filled, 'Source of Defect Codes' is published.
If the Responsible field is filled, 'Defective Material Notice Responsibility Codes' is published.
If the Disposition field is filled, 'LN Material Disposition Codes' is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.

Based on the number of Classification Codes, the sequence number is set.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.

Infor April 07, 2020 230

1) bptmm100.emno For FP7 and earlier:
2) bptmm100.year 1) Session Production Order Hours (bptmm1120m000), Employee field.
3) bptmm100.peri 2) Session Production Order Hours (bptmm1120m000), Year field.
4) bptmm100.seqn 3) Session Production Order Hours (bptmm1120m000), Period field.
4) Session Production Order Hours (bptmm1120m000), Seq. nr field.

The concatenation of Employee field, Year field, Period field, '4' and Seq. nr field is published.

For Infor LN 10.2 or later:

For General Tasks:
1) Session General Hours (bptmm1111m200), Employee field.
2) Session General Hours (bptmm1111m200), Year field.
3) Session General Hours (bptmm1111m200), Period field.
4) Session General Hours (bptmm1111m200), Sequence Number field.
The concatenation of '1', Employee field, Year field, Period field and Sequence Number field is published.

For Project:
1) Session Project Hours (bptmm1111m000), Employee field.
2) Session Project Hours (bptmm1111m000), Year field.
3) Session Project Hours (bptmm1111m000), Period field.
4) Session Project Hours (bptmm1111m000), Sequence Number field.
The concatenation of '2', Employee field, Year field, Period field and Sequence Number field is published.

For PCS Project:

1) Session Project (PCS) Hours (bptmm1170m000), Employee field.
2) Session Project (PCS) Hours (bptmm1170m000), Year field.
3) Session Project (PCS) Hours (bptmm1170m000), Period field.
4) Session Project (PCS) Hours (bptmm1170m000), Sequence Number field.
The concatenation of '3', Employee field, Year field, Period field and Sequence Number field is published.

For Production:
1) Session Production Order Hours (bptmm1120m000), Employee field.
2) Session Production Order Hours (bptmm1120m000), Year field.
3) Session Production Order Hours (bptmm1120m000), Period field.
4) Session Production Order Hours (bptmm1120m000), Sequence Number field.
The concatenation of '4', Employee field, Year field, Period field and Sequence Number field is published.

For Assembly:
1) Session Assembly Hours (bptmm1160m000), Employee field.
2) Session Assembly Hours (bptmm1160m000), Year field.
3) Session Assembly Hours (bptmm1160m000), Period field.
4) Session Assembly Hours (bptmm1160m000), Sequence Number field.
The concatenation of '5', Employee field, Year field, Period field and Sequence Number field is published.

For Service Order:

1) Session Service Order Hours (bptmm1130m000), Employee field.
2) Session Service Order Hours (bptmm1130m000), Year field.
3) Session Service Order Hours (bptmm1130m000), Period field.
4) Session Service Order Hours (bptmm1130m000), Sequence Number field.
The concatenation of '6', Employee field, Year field, Period field and Sequence Number field is published.

For Work Order:

1) Session Work Order Hours (bptmm1140m000), Employee field.
2) Session Work Order Hours (bptmm1140m000), Year field.
3) Session Work Order Hours (bptmm1140m000), Period field.
4) Session Work Order Hours (bptmm1140m000), Sequence Number field.
The concatenation of '7', Employee field, Year field, Period field and Sequence Number field is published.

This BOD is published when users Process booked Hours and Expenses.
bptmm100.cwoc Not displayed in any session, Department field.

Based on the Department field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) bptmm100.emno For FP7 and earlier:
2) bptmm100.year 1) Session Production Order Hours (bptmm1120m000), Employee field.
3) bptmm100.peri 2) Session Production Order Hours (bptmm1120m000), Year field.
4) bptmm100.seqn 3) Session Production Order Hours (bptmm1120m000), Period field.
4) Session Production Order Hours (bptmm1120m000), Seq. nr field.

The concatenation of Employee field, Year field, Period field, '4' and Seq. nr field is published.

For Infor LN 10.2 or later:

For General Tasks:

Infor April 07, 2020 231

1) Session General Hours (bptmm1111m200), Employee field.
2) Session General Hours (bptmm1111m200), Year field.
3) Session General Hours (bptmm1111m200), Period field.
4) Session General Hours (bptmm1111m200), Sequence Number field.
The concatenation of 'General Tasks', Employee field, Year field, Period field and Sequence Number field is

For Project:
1) Session Project Hours (bptmm1111m000), Employee field.
2) Session Project Hours (bptmm1111m000), Year field.
3) Session Project Hours (bptmm1111m000), Period field.
4) Session Project Hours (bptmm1111m000), Sequence Number field.
The concatenation of 'Project', Employee field, Year field, Period field and Sequence Number field is published.

For PCS Project:

1) Session Project (PCS) Hours (bptmm1170m000), Employee field.
2) Session Project (PCS) Hours (bptmm1170m000), Year field.
3) Session Project (PCS) Hours (bptmm1170m000), Period field.
4) Session Project (PCS) Hours (bptmm1170m000), Sequence Number field.
The concatenation of 'Project (PCS)', Employee field, Year field, Period field and Sequence Number field is

For Production:
1) Session Production Order Hours (bptmm1120m000), Employee field.
2) Session Production Order Hours (bptmm1120m000), Year field.
3) Session Production Order Hours (bptmm1120m000), Period field.
4) Session Production Order Hours (bptmm1120m000), Sequence Number field.
The concatenation of 'Production', Employee field, Year field, Period field and Sequence Number field is

For Assembly:
1) Session Assembly Hours (bptmm1160m000), Employee field.
2) Session Assembly Hours (bptmm1160m000), Year field.
3) Session Assembly Hours (bptmm1160m000), Period field.
4) Session Assembly Hours (bptmm1160m000), Sequence Number field.
The concatenation of 'Assembly', Employee field, Year field, Period field and Sequence Number field is

For Service Order:

1) Session Service Order Hours (bptmm1130m000), Employee field.
2) Session Service Order Hours (bptmm1130m000), Year field.
3) Session Service Order Hours (bptmm1130m000), Period field.
4) Session Service Order Hours (bptmm1130m000), Sequence Number field.
The concatenation of 'Service Order', Employee field, Year field, Period field and Sequence Number field is

For Work Order:

1) Session Work Order Hours (bptmm1140m000), Employee field.
2) Session Work Order Hours (bptmm1140m000), Year field.
3) Session Work Order Hours (bptmm1140m000), Period field.
4) Session Work Order Hours (bptmm1140m000), Sequence Number field.
The concatenation of 'Depot Repair', Employee field, Year field, Period field and Sequence Number field is
bptmm100.trdt Session Hours and Expenses by Employee Overview (bptmm1100m000), Transaction Date field.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) bptmm100.logn 3) Session Hours and Expenses by Employee Overview (bptmm1100m000), Logon Code field.

Based on the Logon Code field, the User field is determined.

If the User field cannot be determined, based on the current LN user the User field is determined.
Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) bptmm100.logn 2) Session Hours and Expenses by Employee Overview (bptmm1100m000), Logon Code field.

Based on the Logon Code field, the Name field is published.

bptmm100.rgdt Not displayed in any session, Registration Date field.
For General: For General:
bptmm150.dsca Session General Hours (bptmm1111m200), Description field.

Infor April 07, 2020 232

For Project: For Project:
bptmm110.dsca Session Project Hours (bptmm1111m000), Task Description field.
bptmm100.emno Session Hours and Expenses by Employee Overview (bptmm1100m000), Employee field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) bptmm100.emno 1) Session Hours and Expenses by Employee Overview (bptmm1100m000), Employee field.
2) tccom001.nama 2) Session Employees (tccom0101m000), Employee (Name) field.
1) bptmm100.chlt 1) Session Hours and Expenses by Employee Overview (bptmm1100m000), Labor Type field.
2) tcppl030.ckoh 2) Session Labor Types (tcppl0130m000), Hour Type field.

Based on the Labor Type field, the Hour Type field is determined.
If the Hour Type field is equal to 'Overtime', 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.
bptmm100.chlt Session Hours and Expenses by Employee Overview (bptmm1100m000), Labor Type field.
1) bptmm100.cwoc For FP7 or earlier:
1) Session General Hours (bptmm1111m200), Department field.

The concatenation of 'D' and the Department field is published.

For Infor LN 10.2 or later:

For General Tasks:
1) Session Hours and Expenses by Employee Overview (bptmm1100m000), General Task tab, Department field.

The concatenation of 'D' and the Work Center field is published.

For PCS Project:

1) Session Hours and Expenses by Employee Overview (bptmm1100m000), Project (PCS) tab, Work Center

The concatenation of 'D' and the Work Center field is published.

For Production:
1) Session Hours and Expenses by Employee Overview (bptmm1100m000), Production Order tab, Work Center

The concatenation of 'D' and the Work Center field is published.

For Assembly:
1) Session Hours and Expenses by Employee Overview (bptmm1100m000), Assembly tab, Line Station field.

The concatenation of 'D' and the Work Center field is published.

For Service Order:

1) Session Hours and Expenses by Employee Overview (bptmm1100m000), Service Order tab, Service
Department field.

The concatenation of 'D' and the Work Center field is published.

For Work Order:

1) Session Hours and Expenses by Employee Overview (bptmm1100m000), Work Order tab, Service
Department field.

The concatenation of 'D' and the Work Center field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) bptmm100.cwoc For FP7 or earlier:
2) tcmcs065.dsca 1) Session General Hours (bptmm1111m200), Descriptions group, Department field.
2) Session Enterprise Unit (tcemm0630m000), Departments tab, Department (Description) field.

For Infor LN 10.2 or later:

For General Tasks:
1) Session Hours and Expenses by Employee Overview (bptmm1100m000), General Task tab, Department field.
2) Session Departments (tcmcs0565m000), Department (Description) field.
Infor April 07, 2020 233
Based on the Department field, the Department (Description) is published.

For PCS Project:

1) Session Hours and Expenses by Employee Overview (bptmm1100m000), Project (PCS) tab, Work Center
2) Session Departments (tcmcs0565m000), Department (Description) field.
Based on the Work Center field, the Department (Description) is published.

For Production:
1) Session Hours and Expenses by Employee Overview (bptmm1100m000), Production Order tab, Work Center
2) Session Departments (tcmcs0565m000), Department (Description) field.
Based on the Work Center field, the Department (Description) is published.

For Assembly:
1) Session Hours and Expenses by Employee Overview (bptmm1100m000), Assembly tab, Line Station field.
2) Session Departments (tcmcs0565m000), Department (Description) field.
Based on the Line Station field, the Department (Description) is published.

For Service Order:

1) Session Hours and Expenses by Employee Overview (bptmm1100m000), Service Order tab, Service
Department field.
2) Session Departments (tcmcs0565m000), Department (Description) field.
Based on the Service Department field, the Department (Description) is published.

For Work Order:

1) Session Hours and Expenses by Employee Overview (bptmm1100m000), Work Order tab, Service
Department field.
2) Session Departments (tcmcs0565m000), Department (Description) field.
Based on the Service Department field, the Department (Description) is published.
bptmm100.stdt Session Hours and Expenses by Employee Overview (bptmm1100m000), Start Time field.
1) bptmm100.hrea 1) Session Hours and Expenses by Employee Overview (bptmm1100m000), Labor Time field.
2) bptmm100.cuni 2) Session Hours and Expenses by Employee Overview (bptmm1100m000), Unit field.

Based on the Labor Time field and the Unit field, the Duration is published.
For General: For General:
bptmm150.dsca Session General Hours (bptmm1111m200), Description field.
For Project: For Project:
bptmm110.dsca Session Project Hours (bptmm1111m000), Task Description field.
For PCS Project: For PCS Project:
bptmm170.txta Session Project (PCS) Hours (bptmm1170m000), Text field.
For Production: For Production:
bptmm120.txta Session Production Order Hours (bptmm1120m000), Text field.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
bptmm160.txta Session Assembly Hours (bptmm1160m000), Text field.
For Service Order: For Service Order:
bptmm130.txta Session Service Order Hours (bptmm1130m000), Text field.
For Work Order: For Work Order:
bptmm140.txta Session Work Order Hours (bptmm1140m000), Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:
For Assembly:
'Production Order' is published.
For General:
'General' is published.
For PCS Project:
'Project' is published.
For Production:
'Production Order' is published.
For Project:
'Project' is published.
For Service Order:
'Service Order' is published.
For Work Order:
'Maintenance Order' is published.
Always, 'ProductionOrder' is published.
For Production: For Production:
bptmm120.orno Session Production Order Hours (bptmm1120m000), Production Order field.
Infor April 07, 2020 234
For Production: For Production:
tisfc001.clco Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Costing tab, Calculation Office field.
Based on the Calculation Office field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Production: For Production:
tisfc001.clco Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Costing tab, Calculation Office field.
Based on the Calculation Office field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Production:
Always filled with '1'.
For Service: For Service:
For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later: For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:
bptmm130.orno Session Service Hours (bptmm1130m000), Service Order field.

For Maintenance: For Maintenance:

For Infor LN 10.6 or later: For Infor LN 10.6 or later:
bptmm140.orno Session Work Hours (bptmm1140m000), Work Order field.
The concatenation of 'W' and the Work Order field is published.
For Service: For Service:
For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later: For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:
tssoc200.fdpt Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), Financial Department field.
Based on the Financial Department field, the accountingEntity field is published.
For Maintenance:
For Infor LN 10.6 or later: For Maintenance:
tswcs200.cwoc For Infor LN 10.6 or later:
Session Work Orders (tswcs2100m000), Order Tab, Operations Department field.
Based on the Operations Department field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Service: For Service:
For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later: For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:
tssoc200.fdpt Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), Financial Department field.
Based on the Financial Department field, the location field is published.
For Maintenance:
For Infor LN 10.6 or later: For Maintenance:
tswcs200.cwoc For Infor LN 10.6 or later:
Session Work Orders (tswcs2100m000), Order Tab, Operations Department field.
Based on the Operations Department field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Service: For Service:
For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later: For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:
bptmm130.acln Session Service Order Hours (bptmm1130m000), Activity Line field.

For Maintenance: For Maintenance:

For Infor LN 10.6 or later: For Infor LN 10.6 or later:
bptmm140.acln Session Work Order Hours (bptmm1140m000), Activity Line field.
For Service: For Service:
For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later: For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:
bptmm130.lbln Session Service Order Hours (bptmm1130m000), Line Number field.

For Maintenance: For Maintenance:

For Infor LN 10.6 or later: For Infor LN 10.6 or later:
bptmm140.lbln Session Work Order Hours (bptmm1140m000), Line Number field.
For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later: For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:
bptmm130.tvln Session Service Order Hours (bptmm1130m000), Line Number field.
For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later: For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:
For Assembly: For Assembly:
bptmm160.orno Session Assembly Hours (bptmm1160m000), Assembly Order field.
For ProductionOrder: For ProductionOrder:
bptmm120.orno Session Production Order Hours (bptmm1120m000), Production Order field.
Infor April 07, 2020 235
For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later: For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:
For Assembly: For Assembly:
tiasc210.sttn Session Assembly Order (tiasc2510m000), Line Station field.
For Production: Based on the Line Station field, the accountingEntity field is published.
tisfc001.clco For Production:
Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Costing tab, Calculation Office field.
Based on the Calculation Office field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
tiasc210.sttn Session Assembly Order (tiasc2510m000), Line Station field.
For Production: Based on the Line Station field, the location field is published.
tisfc001.clco For Production:
Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Costing tab, Calculation Office field.
Based on the Calculation Office field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later: For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:
For PCSProject: For PCSProject:
bptmm170.cprj Session Project (PCS) Hours (bptmm1170m000), Project (PCS) field.
Form Project: For Project:
bptmm111.cprj Session Project Hours (bptmm1111m000), Project field.
For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later: For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:
bptmm110.cact Session Project Hours (bptmm1111m000), Activity field.
For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later: For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:
bptmm110.cspa Session Project Hours (bptmm1111m000), Element field.
For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later: For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:
For Project: For Project:
bptmm110.blbl Session Project Hours (bptmm1111m000), Billable field.
For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later: For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:
For Project: For Project:
1) bptmm110.ccun 1) Session Project Hours (bptmm1111m000), Task field.
2) bptmm110.swct 2) Session Project Hours (bptmm1111m100), Cost Type field.
3) bptmm111.cprj 3) Session Project Hours (bptmm1111m000), Project field.
If Cost Type field is equal to 'Labor',
- If the Task field exist in session Project Labor (tppdm6511m000),
the concatenation of the Project field and the Task field is published.
Otherwise, the Task field is
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later: For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:
For General: For General:
bptmm150.gtsk Session General Hours (bptmm1111m200), Task field.
For PCSProject: For PCSProject:
bptmm170.tano Session Project (PCS) Hours (bptmm1170m000), Task field.
For Production: For Production:
bptmm120.tano Session Production Order Hours (bptmm1120m000), Task field.
For Service: For Service:
bptmm130.stsk Session Service Hours (bptmm1130m000), Service Task field.

For Infor LN 10.6. or later: For Infor LN 10.6. or later:

For Maintenance: For Maintenance:
bptmm140.stsk Session Work Hours (bptmm1140m000), Service Task field.
For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later: For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:
For Assembly: For Assembly:
bptmm160.orig Session Assembly Hours (bptmm1160m000), Line Origin field.
Infor April 07, 2020 236
For General: For General:
1) bptmm100.orig 1) Session General Hours (bptmm1111m200), Line Origin field.
2) bptmm150.cpcp 2) Session General Hours (bptmm1111m200), Cost Component field.
For PCSProject: For PCSProject:
bptmm170.orig Session Project (PCS) Hours (bptmm1170m000), Line Origin field.
For Production: For Production:
bptmm120.orig Session Production Order Hours (bptmm1120m000), Line Origin field.
For Project: For Project:
1) bptmm100.orig 1) Session Project Hours (bptmm1111m000), Line Origin field.
2) bptmm110.cpcp 2) Session Project Hours (bptmm1111m000), Cost Component field.
For Service: For Service:
1) bptmm130.orig 1) Session Service Hours (bptmm1130m000), Line Origin field.
2) bptmm130.cpcp 2) Session Service Hours (bptmm1130m000), Cost Component field.
For WorkOrder: For WorkOrder:
1) bptmm140.orig 1) Session Work Order Hours (bptmm1140m000), Line Origin field.
2) bptmm140.cpcp 2) Session Work Order Hours (bptmm1140m000), Cost Component field.
For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later: For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:
For Assembly: For Assembly:
bptmm160.orig Session Assembly Hours (bptmm1160m000), Line Origin field.
For General: For General:
1) bptmm100.orig 1) Session General Hours (bptmm1111m200), Line Origin field.
2) bptmm150.cpcp 2) Session General Hours (bptmm1111m200), Cost Component field.
For PCSProject: For PCSProject:
bptmm170.orig Session Project (PCS) Hours (bptmm1170m000), Line Origin field.
For Production: For Production:
bptmm120.orig Session Production Order Hours (bptmm1120m000), Line Origin field.
For Project: For Project:
1) bptmm100.orig 1) Session Project Hours (bptmm1111m000), Line Origin field.
2) bptmm110.cpcp 2) Session Project Hours (bptmm1111m000), Cost Component field.
For Service: For Service:
1) bptmm130.orig 1) Session Service Hours (bptmm1130m000), Line Origin field.
2) bptmm130.cpcp 2) Session Service Hours (bptmm1130m000), Cost Component field.
For WorkOrder: For WorkOrder:
1) bptmm140.orig 1) Session Work Order Hours (bptmm1140m000), Line Origin field.
2) bptmm140.cpcp 2) Session Work Order Hours (bptmm1140m000), Cost Component field.

For the Line Origin fields, 'Hours Origin' is published.

For the Cost Component fields, 'Cost Components' is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 237

For Financial:
Always filled with 'Financial'.

For Common:
Always filled with 'Common'.

For Planning:
Always filled with 'Planning'.
For Financial: For Financial:
tfgld005.ptyp Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Period Type field.

For Common: If the Period Type is Fiscal, 'Fiscal' concatenated with the physical company number of the Period table
tcccp060.cpdt (tfgld005) is published.

For Planning: Always all Periods (with Period Type Fiscal) for all Years are published.
This BOD is published when users Create or Update a Period or End Dates by Fiscal Year.

For Common:
Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Period Table Code field.

The concatenation of 'C' and the Period Table Code field is published.
This BOD is published when users:
1) Delete a Period Table.
2) Create, Update or Delete Periods.

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

For planning:
Session Planning Parameters (cprpd0100m000), General Parameters tab, Actual Scenario field.

The concatenation of 'P' and the Actual Scenario field is published.

This BOD is published (amongst others) when users:
Create, Update or Delete periods using session Initialize, Roll and Update Scenario (cprpd4200m000).

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Financial: For Financial:
tfgld005.ptyp Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Period Type field.

For Common: If the Period Type is Fiscal, 'Fiscal' concatenated with the physical company number of the Period table
tcccp060.cpdt (tfgld005) is published.

For Planning: For Common:

cprpd000.aplc Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Period Table Code field.

For planning:
Session Planning Parameters (cprpd0100m000), General Parameters tab, Actual Scenario field.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For Financial: For Financial:
tfgld005.ptyp Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Period Type field.

For Common: If the Period Type is Fiscal, 'Fiscal' concatenated with the physical company number of the Period table
tcccp060.dsca (tfgld005) is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 238
For Planning: For Common:
1) cprpd400.dsca Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Period Table Code Description field.
2) cprpd000.aplc
For Planning:
1) Session Scenarios (cprpd4100m000), Description field.
2) Session Planning Parameters (cprpd0100m000), General Parameters tab, Actual Scenario field.

Based on the Actual Scenario field, the Description field is published.

For Financial: For Financial:
1) tfbia000.dlan 1) Session BIA Parameters (tfbia0500m000), Session BIA Parameters (tfbia0100s000), Default Language field.
2) tcmcs046.ilng 2) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000, ISO Code field.

Based on the Default Language field, the ISO Code field of the language is published.
For Financial: For Financial:
tfgld005.ptyp Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Period Type field.

For Common: If the Period Type is Fiscal, 'Fiscal' concatenated with the physical company number of the Period table
tcccp060.dsca (tfgld005) is published.

For Planning: For Common:

1) cprpd400.dsca Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Period Table Code Description field.
2) cprpd000.aplc
For Planning:
1) Session Scenarios (cprpd4100m000), Description field.
2) Session Planning Parameters (cprpd0100m000), General Parameters tab, Actual Scenario field.

Based on the Actual Scenario field, the Description field is published.

For Financial: For Financial:
1) tfbia000.dlan 1) Session BIA Parameters (tfbia0100s000), Default Language field.
2) tcmcs046.ilng 2) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000, ISO Code field.

Based on the Default Language field, the ISO Code field of the language is published.
Always filled with 'Open'.
For Financial: For Financial:
tfgld006.year Session End Dates by Fiscal Year (tfgld0106s000), Fiscal Year field.

For Common: Always all years are published.

For Common:
For Planning: Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
For Planning:
Session Period Dates (cprmp2507m000), Period Start Date field.

The year part of the Period Start Date field is published.

For Financial: For Financial:
tfgld006.ydsc Session End Dates by Fiscal Year (tfgld0106s000), Short Description of Year field.

For Common: For Common:

tcccp070.yrno Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.

For Planning: For Planning:

cprmp420.sdat Session Period Dates (cprmp2507m000), Period Start Date field.

The year part of the Period Start Date field is published.

For Financial: For Financial:
1) tfbia000.dlan 1) Session BIA Parameters (tfbia0100s000), Default Language field.
2) tcmcs046.ilng 2) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000, ISO Code field.

Based on the Default Language field, the ISO Code field of the language is published.
Always filled with 'Open'.
For Financial: For Financial:
1) tfgld005.stdt 1) Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Start Date field.
2) tfgld005.year 2) Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Year field.
3) tfgld005.ptyp 3) Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Period Type field.

For Common: Based on the Year field, the UTC number of the Start Date field of the first period of Period Type 'Fiscal' is
Infor April 07, 2020 239
1) tcccp070.cpdt published.
2) tcccp070.yrno
For Common:
For Planning: 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Table Code field.
cprmp420.sdat 2) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.

Based on Period Table Code field and the Year field, the Start Date field of the first period is published.

For Planning:
Session Period Dates (cprmp2507m000), Period Start Date field.

The Period Start Date field of the first period, rounded to 00:00:00, is published.
For Financial: For Financial:
tfgld006.fpdt Session End Dates by Fiscal Year (tfgld0106s000), End Date of Last Fiscal Period field.

For Common: The UTC number of the End Date of Last Fiscal Period field is published.
1) tcccp070.cpdt
2) tcccp070.yrno For Common:
1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Table Code field.
For Planning: 2) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
Based on Period Table Code field and the Year field, the End Date field of the last period is published.

For Planning:
Session Period Dates (cprmp2507m000), Period Finish Date field.

The Period Finish Date field of the last period, rounded to 23:59:59, is published.
For Financial: For Financial:
1) tfgld005.prno 1) Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Period field.
2) tfgld005.ptyp 2) Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Period Type field.

For Common: For each Period of Type 'Fiscal' the Period field is published.
Additionally five periods are automatically published for each year:
For Planning: - PeriodID 0, no AdjustmentSequence for the Opening Year Period.
cprmp420.pern - PeriodID 0, AdjustmentSequence 1 for the Opening Year Adjustment Period.
- PeriodID 999, no AdjustmentSequence for the Year End Clearance Period.
- PeriodID 999, AdjustmentSequence 98 for the Post Results to Balance Sheet Adjustment Period.
- PeriodID 999, AdjustmentSequence 99 for the Zeroize Accounts Adjustment Period.

For Common:

Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Number field.

For Planning:
Session Period Dates (cprmp2507m000), Period field.
For Financial: For Financial:
tfgld005.ptyp Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Period Type field.

Nothing is published for the Periods of Type 'Fiscal' that are defined in the Session Periods (tfgld0105m000).

Additionally five periods are automatically published for each year:

- PeriodID 0, no AdjustmentSequence for the Opening Year Period.
- PeriodID 0, AdjustmentSequence 1 for the Opening Year Adjustment Period.
- PeriodID 999, no AdjustmentSequence for the Year End Clearance Period.
- PeriodID 999, AdjustmentSequence 98 for the Post Results to Balance Sheet Adjustment Period.
- PeriodID 999, AdjustmentSequence 99 for the Zeroize Accounts Adjustment Period.
For Financial: For Financial:
tfgld005.desc Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Period (description) field.

For Common: The following text is published for the five periods that are automatically published for each year:
tcccp070.dsca - 'Opening Year Period' for PeriodID 0, no AdjustmentSequence.
- 'Opening Year Adjustment Period' for PeriodID 0, AdjustmentSequence 1.
- 'Year End Clearance Period' for PeriodID 999, no AdjustmentSequence.
- 'Post Results to Balance Sheet Adjustment Period' for PeriodID 999, AdjustmentSequence 98.
- 'Zeroize Accounts Adjustment Period' for PeriodID 999, AdjustmentSequence 99.

For Common:
Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Number Description field.
For Financial: For Financial:
1) tfbia000.dlan 1) Session BIA Parameters (tfbia0100s000), Default Language field.
2) tcmcs046.ilng 2) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000, ISO Code field.

Infor April 07, 2020 240

Based on the Default Language field, the ISO Code field of the language is published.
For Financial: For Financial:
tfgld005.desc Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Period (description) field.

For Common: The following text is published for the five periods that are automatically published for each year:
tcccp070.dsca - 'Opening Year' for PeriodID 0, no AdjustmentSequence.
- 'Period 0.1' for PeriodID 0, AdjustmentSequence 1.
- 'Y/E Clearance' for PeriodID 999, no AdjustmentSequence.
- 'Period 999.98' for PeriodID 999, AdjustmentSequence 98.
- 'Period 999.99' for PeriodID 999, AdjustmentSequence 99.

For Common:
Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Number Description field.
For Financial: For Financial:
1) tfbia000.dlan 1) Session BIA Parameters (tfbia0100s000), Default Language field.
2) tcmcs046.ilng 2) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000, ISO Code field.

Based on the Default Language field, the ISO Code field of the language is published.
Always filled with 'Open'.
For Financial: For Financial:
1) tfgld005.stdt 1) Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Start Date field.
2) tfgld005.corr 2) Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Correction Period field.
3) tfgld006.fpdt 3) Session End Dates by Fiscal Year (tfgld0106s000), End Date of Last Fiscal Period field.

For Common: If the Correction Period field is not selected, the UTC number of the Start Date field is published. Otherwise, the
tcccp070.stdt End Date of Last Fiscal Period field is published.

For Planning: The following date is determined for the five periods that are automatically published for each year:
cprmp420.sdat - PeriodID 0, no AdjustmentSequence (for the Opening Year Period): date is the Start Date of the first fiscal
period in the year
- PeriodID 0, AdjustmentSequence 1 (for the Opening Year Adjustment Period): date is the Start Date of the first
fiscal period in the year
- PeriodID 999, no AdjustmentSequence (for the Year End Clearance Period): date is the End Date of Last
Fiscal Period field
- PeriodID 999, AdjustmentSequence 98 (for the Post Results to Balance Sheet Adjustment Period): date is the
End Date of Last Fiscal Period field
- PeriodID 999, AdjustmentSequence 99 (for the Zeroize Accounts Adjustment Period): date is the End Date of
Last Fiscal Period field
The UTC number of the determined date is published for these five periods.

For Common:
Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Start Date field.

For Planning:
Session Period Dates (cprmp2507m000), Period Start Date field.

The Period Start Date field of the period, rounded to 00:00:00, is published.
For Financial: For Financial:
1) tfgld005.prno 1) Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Period field.
2) tfgld005.stdt 2) Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Start Date field.
3) tfgld005.corr 3) Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Correction Period field.
4) tfgld006.fpdt 4) Session End Dates by Fiscal Year (tfgld0106s000), End Date of Last Fiscal Period field.

For Common: If the Correction Period field is not selected, the Period is called 'actual period'. Otherwise, it is called 'correction
tcccp070.endt period'.
If the Period is an actual period and not the last actual period in the year, the UTC number of the day
For Planning: immediately before the Start Date of the next actual period is published.
cprmp420.fdat If the Period is the last actual period in the year or a correction period, the UTC number of the End Date of Last
Fiscal Period field is published.

The following date is determined for the five periods that are automatically published for each year:
- PeriodID 0, no AdjustmentSequence (for the Opening Year Period): date is the Start Date of the first fiscal
period in the year
- PeriodID 0, AdjustmentSequence 1 (for the Opening Year Adjustment Period): date is the Start Date of the first
fiscal period in the year
- PeriodID 999, no AdjustmentSequence (for the Year End Clearance Period): date is the End Date of Last
Fiscal Period field
- PeriodID 999, AdjustmentSequence 98 (for the Post Results to Balance Sheet Adjustment Period): date is the
End Date of Last Fiscal Period field
- PeriodID 999, AdjustmentSequence 99 (for the Zeroize Accounts Adjustment Period): date is the End Date of
Last Fiscal Period field

Infor April 07, 2020 241

The UTC number of the determined date is published for these five periods.

For Common:
Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), End Date field.

The End Date field minus 1 second is published.

For Planning:
Session Period Dates (cprmp2507m000), Period Finish Date field.

The Period Finish Date field of the period, rounded to 23:59:59, is published.
For Financial: For Financial:
tfgld005.corr Session Periods (tfgld0105m000), Correction Period field.

If the Correction Period field is not selected, 'Normal' is published.

If the Correction Period field is selected, 'Adjustment' is published.

The following text is published for the five periods that are automatically published for each year:
- 'Adjustment' for PeriodID 0, no AdjustmentSequence.
- 'Adjustment' for PeriodID 0, AdjustmentSequence 1.
- 'YearEnd' for PeriodID 999, no AdjustmentSequence.
- 'YearEnd' for PeriodID 999, AdjustmentSequence 98.
- 'YearEnd' for PeriodID 999, AdjustmentSequence 99.

For Common:
Always filled with 'Normal'.

For Planning:
Always filled with 'Normal'.

Infor April 07, 2020 242

For Order: For Order:
1) qmptc120.orgn 1) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Origin field.
2) qmptc120.orno 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Origin Order field.
3) qmptc120.pono 3) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Origin Order Line field.
4) qmptc120.opno 4) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Operation field.
5) qmptc120.seqn 5) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Origin Order Sequence field.
6) qmptc120.apno 6) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Inspection field.
7) qmptc120.apsq 7) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Inspection Line field.

For Storage: If the Origin field is equal to 'Routing (TI)',

1) qmptc220.item the concatenation of 'R', the Origin field, the Origin Order field, the Origin Order Line field, the Origin Order
2) qmptc220.effn Sequence field and the Operation field is published.
3) qmptc220.revi Otherwise, the concatenation of 'O', the Inspection field and the Inspection Line field is published.
4) qmptc220.seqn
For Storage:
1) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Item field.
2) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Effectivity Unit field.
3) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), E-Item Revision field.
4) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Sequence field.

The concatenation of 'S', the Item field, the Effectivity Unit field, the E-Item Revision field and the Sequence field
is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) qmptc120.orgn 1) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Origin field.
2) qmptc120.cwar 2) Session Order Inspection (qmptc1620m000), Warehouse field.
3) qmptc120.opno 3) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Operation field.
4) tisfc001.clco 4) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Costing tab, Calculation Office field.
5) tisfc001.rswc 5) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Costing tab, Financial Transactions by Work Center field.
6) ticst002.cowc 6) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0502m000), Costing Work Center field.

For Storage: If the Origin field is equal to 'Routing (TI)', the following applies:
1) tcemm300.type If the Operation field is filled and the Financial Transactions by Work Center field is equal to 'yes'.
2) tcemm300.code based on the Costing Work Center field, the accountingEntity field is published.
Otherwise, based on the Calculation Office field, the accountingEntity field is published.

When the Origin field is not equal to 'Routing (TI)', based on the Warehouse field, the accountingEntity field is

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For Storage:
1) Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Type field.
2) Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Code field.

Based on Type equals 'Department' and Code is empty, the accountingEntity field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Order: For Order:
1) qmptc120.orgn 1) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Origin field.
2) qmptc120.cwar 2) Session Order Inspection (qmptc1620m000), Warehouse field.
3) qmptc120.opno 3) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Operation field.
4) tisfc001.clco 4) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Costing tab, Calculation Office field.
5) tisfc001.rswc 5) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Costing tab, Financial Transactions by Work Center field.
6) ticst002.cowc 6) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0502m000), Costing Work Center field.

For Storage: If the Origin field is equal to 'Routing (TI)', the following applies:
1) tcemm300.type If the Operation field is filled and the Financial Transactions by Work Center field is equal to 'yes'.
2) tcemm300.code based on the Costing Work Center field, the location field is published.
Otherwise, based on the Calculation Office field, the location field is published.

When the Origin field is not equal to 'Routing (TI)', based on the Warehouse field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For Storage:
1) Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Type field.
2) Session Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location (tcemm3100m000), Code field.

Based on Type equals 'Department' and Code is empty, the location field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) qmptc120.orgn 1) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Origin field.
2) qmptc120.orno 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Origin Order field.

Infor April 07, 2020 243

3) qmptc120.pono 3) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Origin Order Line field.
4) qmptc120.opno 4) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Operation field.
5) qmptc120.seqn 5) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Origin Order Sequence field.
6) qmptc120.apno 6) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Inspection field.
7) qmptc120.apsq 7) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Inspection Line field.

For Storage: If the Origin field is equal to 'Routing (TI)',

1) qmptc220.item the concatenation of 'R', the Origin field, the Origin Order field, the Origin Order Line field, the Origin Order
2) qmptc220.effn Sequence field and the Operation field is published.
3) qmptc220.revi Otherwise, the concatenation of 'O', the Inspection field and the Inspection Line field is published.
4) qmptc220.seqn
For Storage:
1) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Item field.
2) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Effectivity Unit field.
3) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), E-Item Revision field.
4) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Sequence field.

The concatenation of 'S', the Item field, the Effectivity Unit field, the E-Item Revision field and the Sequence field
is published.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For Order: For Order:
1) qmptc120.apno 1) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Inspection field.
2) qmptc120.apsq 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Inspection Line field.
3) whinh211.adat 3) Not displayed in any session, Inspection Date field.
4) qmptc120.crdt 4) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Creation Date field.

- If the Creation Date field is filled, the Creation Date field is published.
- Otherwise, if the Inspection Date field related to the Inspection field and the Inspection Line field is filled, the
Inspection Date field is published.
-- Otherwise, the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published, is published.

The Creation Date field is available for Infor LN 10.4.2 or later.

For Storage:
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) qmptc120.apno 1) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Inspection field.
2) qmptc120.apsq 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Inspection Line field.
3) whinh211.itxt 3) Session Warehouse Inspections (whinh3122m000), Attachments tab, Inspection Text field.

The Inspection Text field related to the Inspection field and the Inspection Line field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
For Order: For Order:
qmptc120.orgn Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Origin field.

If the Origin field is equal to 'Warehouse Transfer' or 'Warehouse Transfer (Manual)', 'Transfer' is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) qmptc120.apno 1) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Inspection field.
2) qmptc120.apsq 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Inspection Line field.
3) whinh200.oorg 3) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Order Origin field.
4) whinh200.orno 4) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Order field.
5) whinh200.oset 5) Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Order Set field.

The concatenation of the Order Origin field, the Order field, and the Order Set field related to the Inspection field
and the Inspection Line field is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 244
For Order: For Order:
whinh200.sfco Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Warehouse Order tab, Ship-from Code field.

Based on the Ship-from Code field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Order: For Order:
whinh200.sfco Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Warehouse Order tab, Ship-from Code field.

Based on the Ship-from Code field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For Order:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) whinh220.pono 1) Session Outbound Order Lines (whinh2120m000), (Outbound) Order Line field.
2) whinh220.seqn 2) Session Outbound Order Lines (whinh2120m000), Order Line Sequence field.

The concatenation of Order Line field and Order Line Sequence field is published.
For Order: For Order:
qmptc120.rsta Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Inspection Status field.

For Storage: If the Inspection Status field is equal to 'Free', 'Draft' is published.
qmptc220.rsta If the Inspection Status field is equal to 'Active', 'Open' is published.
If the Inspection Status field is equal to 'Completed', 'Completed' is published.
If the Inspection Status field is equal to 'Processed', Processed' is published.
If the Inspection Status field is equal to Closed', 'Closed' is published.

When the Order Inspection is removed, 'Deleted' is published.

For Storage:
Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Status field.

If the Status field is equal to 'Free', 'Draft' is published.

If the Status field is equal to 'Active', 'Open' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Completed', 'Completed' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Processed', Processed' is published.
If the Status field is equal to Closed', 'Closed' is published.

When the Storage Inspection is removed, 'Deleted' is published.

Always filled with 'Inspection Order Status'.
For Order: For Order:
1) qmptc120.rsta 1) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Inspection Status field.
2) qmptc120.cdat 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Completion Date field.
3) qmptc120.pdat 3) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Processing Date field.

For Storage: If the Inspection Status field is equal to 'Completed', the Completion Date field is published.
1) qmptc220.rsta If the Inspection Status field is equal to 'Processed', the Processing Date field is published.
2) qmptc220.cdat Otherwise, the current date is published.
3) qmptc220.pdat
For Storage:
1) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Status field.
2) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Completion Date field.
3) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Processing Date field.

If the Status field is equal to 'Completed', the Completion Date field is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Processed', the Processing Date field is published.
Otherwise, the current date is published.
For Order:
When the Order Inspection is removed, 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For Storage:
When the Storage Inspection is removed, 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) qmptc120.orgn 1) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Origin field.
2) qmptc120.orno 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Origin Order field.

If the Origin field is equal to 'Purchase (PUR)', the Origin Order field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 245

For Order: For Order:
tdpur400.cofc Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), General tab, Financial Department field.

Based on the Financial Department field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Order: For Order:
tdpur400.cofc Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), General tab, Financial Department field.

Based on the Financial Department field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For Order:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) qmptc120.orgn 1) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Origin field.
2) qmptc120.pono 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Origin Order Line field.

If the Origin field is equal to 'Purchase (PUR)', the Origin Order Line field is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) qmptc120.orgn 1) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Origin field.
2) qmptc120.seqn 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Origin Order Sequence field.
3) tdpur401.oltp 3) Session Purchase Order Line Details (tdpur4101m200), Order Line Type field.

If the Origin field is equal to 'Purchase (PUR)' and the 'Order Line Type' field is equal to 'Detail' or 'Back Order',
the Origin Order Sequence field is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) qmptc120.orgn 1) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Origin field.
2) qmptc120.orno 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Origin Order field.

If the Origin field is equal to 'Production' or 'Material (BOM)', the Origin Order field is published.
For Order: For Order:
tisfc001.clco Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Costing tab, Calculation Office field.

Based on the Calculation Office field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Order: For Order:
tisfc001.clco Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Costing tab, Calculation Office field.

Based on the Calculation Office field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For Order:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) qmptc120.orgn 1) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Origin field.
2) qmptc120.opno 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Operation field.

If the Origin field is equal to 'Production' or 'Material (BOM)', the Operation field is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) qmptc120.orgn 1) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Origin field.
2) qmptc120.orno 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Origin Order field.

If the Origin field is equal to 'Sales (SLS)', the Origin Order field is published.
For Order: For Order:
tdsls400.fdpt Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Financial Department field.

Based on the Financial Department field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Order: For Order:
tdsls400.fdpt Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Financial Department field.

Based on the Financial Department field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For Order: For Order:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 246
For Order: For Order:
1) qmptc120.orgn 1) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Origin field.
2) qmptc120.pono 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Origin Order Line field.

If the Origin field is equal to 'Sales (SLS)', the Origin Order Line field is published.
For Order: For Order:
qmptc120.orgn Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Origin field.

If the Origin field is equal to 'Sales (SLS)', 'Sales' is published.

If the Origin field is equal to 'Purchase (PUR)', 'Purchase' is published.
If the Origin field is equal to 'Production', 'Production' is published.
If the Origin field is equal to 'Material (BOM)', 'BillOfMaterial' is published.
If the Origin field is equal to 'Routing (TI)', 'Routing' is published.
If the Origin field is equal to 'Storage Inspection', 'Storage' is published.
If the Origin field is equal to 'Warehouse Transfer', 'Transfer' is published.
If the Origin field is equal to 'Warehouse Transfer (Manual)', 'TransferManual' is published.
If the Origin field is equal to 'Project', 'Project' is published.
If the Origin field is equal to 'EP Distribution', 'EPDistribution' is published.

For Infor LN 10.4 or later:

If the Origin field is equal to 'Sales Schedule', 'SalesSchedule' is published.
If the Origin field is equal to 'Purchase Schedule', 'PurchaseSchedule' is published.

For Storage:
Always filled with 'Storage'.
Always filled with 'Inspection Order Type Codes'.
For Order: For Order:
qmptc120.bpid Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Business Partner field.

When the Business Partner has the 'Buy-from' role, the Business Partner field is published.
For Order:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Order:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) qmptc120.bpid 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Business Partner field.

Based on the Business Partner field, the Name field is published.

For Order: For Order:
qmptc120.bpid Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Business Partner field.

When the Business Partner has the 'Ship-from' role, the Business Partner field is published.
For Order:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Order:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) qmptc120.bpid 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Business Partner field.

Based on the Business Partner field, the Name field is published.

For Order: For Order:
qmptc120.bpid Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Business Partner field.

When the Business Partner has the 'Sold-to' role, the Business Partner field is published.
For Order:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Order:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) qmptc120.bpid 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Business Partner field.
Infor April 07, 2020 247
Based on the Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
For Order: For Order:
qmptc120.bpid Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Business Partner field.

When the Business Partner has the 'Ship-to' role, the Business Partner field is published.
For Order:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Order:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) qmptc120.bpid 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Business Partner field.

Based on the Business Partner field, the Name field is published.

For Order: For Order:
qmptc120.item Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Item field.

For Storage: For Storage:

qmptc220.item Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Item field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Order: For Order:
qmptc120.revi Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), E-Item Revision field.

For Storage: For Storage:

qmptc220.revi Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), E-Item Revision field.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.
2) qmptc120.item 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Item field.

For Storage: Based on the Item field, the Description field is published.
1) tcibd001.dsca
2) qmptc220.item For Storage:
1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.
2) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Description field is published.

For Order: For Order:
qmptc120.huid Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Handling Unit field.
For Order: For Order:
qmptc120.oqua Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Order Quantity field.

For Storage: For Storage:

qmptc220.oqua Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Order Quantity field.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) qmptc120.cuoq 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Order Unit field.

For Storage: Based on the Order Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni For Storage:
3) qmptc220.item 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Items - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Item field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field related to the Item field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) qmptc120.item 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Item field.
3) qmptc120.oqua 3) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Order Quantity field.

For Storage: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

Infor April 07, 2020 248

1) tcibd001.cuni The Order Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
2) qmptc220.item
For Storage:
1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/Item/SerializedLot/ItemQuantity element expressed in the
Inventory Unit is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) qmptc120.item 3) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Item field.

For Storage: Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni For Storage:
3) qmptc220.item 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) qmptc120.clot 1) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Lot field.
2) qmptc130.clot 2) Session Order Inspection Lots and Serials (qmptc1130m000), Lot field.

For Storage: If the Lot (2) field is empty, the Lot (1) field is published.
qmptc230.clot Otherwise, the Lot (2) field is published.

For Storage:
Session Storage Inspection Inventory (qmptc2130m000), Lot field.
For Order: For Order:
1) qmptc120.oqua 1) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Order Quantity field.
2) qmptc120.clot 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Lot field.
3) qmptc130.qnty 3) Session Order Inspection Lots and Serials (qmptc1130m000), Lot Quantity field.
4) qmptc130.clot 4) Session Order Inspection Lots and Serials (qmptc1130m000), Lot field.

For Storage: If the Lot (2) field is empty, the Order Quantity field is published.
1) qmptc230.oqua Otherwise, the Lot Quantity field is published.
2) qmptc230.clot
For Storage:
1) Session Storage Inspection Inventory (qmptc2130m000), Order Quantity field.
2) Session Storage Inspection Inventory (qmptc2130m000), Lot field.

If the Lot field is filled, the Order Quantity field is published.

For Order: For Order:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) qmptc120.cuoq 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Order Unit field.
3) qmptc120.clot 3) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Lot field.
4) qmptc130.cuni 4) Session Order Inspection Lots and Serials (qmptc1130m000), Lot Unit field.
5) qmptc130.clot 5) Session Order Inspection Lots and Serials (qmptc1130m000), Lot field.

For Storage: If the Lot (2) field is empty, based on the Order Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun Otherwise, based on the Lot Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
2) qmptc230.unit
For Storage:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Storage Inspection Inventory (qmptc2130m000), Unit field.

Based on the Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) qmptc120.item 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Item field.
3) qmptc120.oqua 3) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Order Quantity field.
4) qmptc120.clot 4) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Lot field.
5) qmptc130.qnty 5) Session Order Inspection Lots and Serials (qmptc1130m000), Lot Quantity field.
6) qmptc130.clot 6) Session Order Inspection Lots and Serials (qmptc1130m000), Lot field.

For Storage: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
1) tcibd001.cuni If the Lot (2) field is empty, the Order Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
2) qmptc230.item Otherwise, the Lot Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
3) qmptc230.oqua
For Storage:
Infor April 07, 2020 249
1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Storage Inspection Inventory (qmptc2130m000), Item field.
3) Session Storage Inspection Inventory (qmptc2130m000), Order Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Order Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) qmptc120.item 3) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Item field.

For Storage: Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni For Storage:
3) qmptc230.item 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Storage Inspection Inventory (qmptc2130m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) qmptc130.cser 1) Session Order Inspection Lots and Serials (qmptc1130m000), Serial Number field.
2) qmptc130.clot 2) Session Order Inspection Lots and Serials (qmptc1130m000), Lot field.

For Storage: If the Lot field is filled, the Serial Number field is published.
1) qmptc231.serl
2) qmptc231.clot For Storage:
1) Session Storage Inspection Inventory Serials (qmptc2131m000), Serial Number field.
2) Session Storage Inspection Inventory Serials (qmptc2131m000), Lot field.

If the Lot field is filled, the Serial Number field is published.

For Order: For Order:
1) qmptc130.cser 1) Session Order Inspection Lots and Serials (qmptc1130m000), Serial Number field.
2) qmptc130.clot 2) Session Order Inspection Lots and Serials (qmptc1130m000), Lot field.

For Storage: If the Lot field is empty, the Serial Number field is published.
1) qmptc231.serl
2) qmptc231.clot For Storage:
1) Session Storage Inspection Inventory Serials (qmptc2131m000), Serial Number field.
2) Session Storage Inspection Inventory Serials (qmptc2131m000), Lot field.

If the Lot field is empty, the Serial Number field is published.

For Order: For Order:
qmptc120.cwar Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Warehouse field.

The concatenation of 'W' and the Warehouse field is published.

For Order:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Order:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcmcs003.dsca 1) Session Warehouses - General (tcmcs0103s000), Description field.
2) qmptc120.cwar 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the Description field is published.

For Order: For Order:
qmptc120.date Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Inventory Date field.
For Order: For Order:
qmptc120.oqua Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Order Quantity field.

For Storage: For Storage:

qmptc220.oqua Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Order Quantity field.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) qmptc120.cuoq 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Order Unit field.

For Storage: Based on the Order Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
Infor April 07, 2020 250
2) tcibd001.cuni For Storage:
3) qmptc220.item 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) qmptc120.item 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Item field.
3) qmptc120.oqua 3) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Order Quantity field.

For Storage: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
1) tcibd001.cuni The Order Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
2) qmptc220.item
3) qmptc220.oqua For Storage:
1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Item field.
3) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Order Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Order Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) qmptc120.item 3) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Item field.

For Storage: Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni For Storage:
3) qmptc220.item 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For Order: For Order:
qmptc120.aaqa Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Actual Quantity Accepted field.

For Storage: For Storage:

qmptc220.aaqa Not displayed in any session, Actual Quantity Accepted field.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) qmptc120.cuoq 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Order Unit field.

For Storage: Based on the Order Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni For Storage:
3) qmptc220.item 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) qmptc120.item 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Item field.
3) qmptc120.aaqa 3) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Actual Quantity Accepted field.

For Storage: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
1) tcibd001.cuni The Actual Quantity Accepted field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
2) qmptc220.item
3) qmptc220.aaqa For Storage:
1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Item field.
3) Not displayed in any session, Actual Quantity Accepted field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Actual Quantity Accepted field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) qmptc120.item 3) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Item field.

For Storage: Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 251
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni For Storage:
3) qmptc220.item 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For Order: For Order:
qmptc120.raqa Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Recommended Quantity Accepted field.

For Storage: For Storage:

qmptc220.raqa Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Recommended Quantity Accepted field.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) qmptc120.cuoq 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Order Unit field.

For Storage: Based on the Order Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni For Storage:
3) qmptc220.item 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) qmptc120.item 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Item field.
3) qmptc120.raqa 3) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Recommended Quantity Accepted field.

For Storage: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
1) tcibd001.cuni The Recommended Quantity Accepted field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
2) qmptc220.item
3) qmptc220.raqa For Storage:
1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Item field.
3) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Recommended Quantity Accepted field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Recommended Quantity Accepted field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) qmptc120.item 3) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Item field.

For Storage: Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni For Storage:
3) qmptc220.item 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For Order: For Order:
qmptc120.arqa Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Actual Quantity Rejected field.

For Storage: For Storage:

qmptc220.arqa Not displayed in any session, Actual Quantity Rejected field.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) qmptc120.cuoq 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Order Unit field.

For Storage: Based on the Order Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni For Storage:
3) qmptc220.item 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For Order:

Infor April 07, 2020 252

1) tcibd001.cuni For Order:
2) qmptc120.item 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) qmptc120.arqa 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Item field.
3) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Actual Quantity Rejected field.
For Storage:
1) tcibd001.cuni Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
2) qmptc220.item The Actual Quantity Rejected field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
3) qmptc220.arqa
For Storage:
1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Item field.
3) Not displayed in any session, Actual Quantity Rejected field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Actual Quantity Rejected field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) qmptc120.item 3) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Item field.

For Storage: Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni For Storage:
3) qmptc220.item 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For Order: For Order:
qmptc120.rrqa Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Recommended Quantity Rejected field.

For Storage: For Storage:

qmptc220.rrqa Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Recommended Quantity Rejected field.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) qmptc120.cuoq 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Order Unit field.

For Storage: Based on the Order Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni For Storage:
3) qmptc220.item 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) qmptc120.item 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Item field.
3) qmptc120.rrqa 3) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Recommended Quantity Rejected field.

For Storage: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
1) tcibd001.cuni The Recommended Quantity Rejected field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
2) qmptc220.item
3) qmptc220.rrqa For Storage:
1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Item field.
3) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Recommended Quantity Rejected field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Recommended Quantity Rejected field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) qmptc120.item 3) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Item field.

For Storage: Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni For Storage:
3) qmptc220.item 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 253
For Order: For Order:
1) qmptc120.apno 1) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Inspection field.
2) qmptc120.apsq 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Inspection Line field.
3) whinh211.qdes 3) Session Warehouse Inspections (whinh3122m000), Inspection Results tab, Inspection Destroyed Quantity

The Destroyed Quantity field related to the Inspection field and the Inspection Line field is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) qmptc120.item 3) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) qmptc120.apno 1) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Inspection field.
2) qmptc120.apsq 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Inspection Line field.
3) whinh211.qdes 3) Session Warehouse Inspections (whinh3122m000), Inspection Results tab, Inspection Destroyed Quantity

The Destroyed Quantity field related to the Inspection field and the Inspection Line field is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) qmptc120.item 3) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For Order: For Order:
qmptc120.rdqa Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Recommended Quantity Destroyed field.

For Storage: For Storage:

qmptc220.rdqa Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Recommended Quantity Destroyed field.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) qmptc120.cuoq 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Order Unit field.

For Storage: Based on the Order Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni For Storage:
3) qmptc220.item 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) qmptc120.item 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Item field.
3) qmptc120.rdqa 3) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Recommended Quantity Destroyed field.

For Storage: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
1) tcibd001.cuni The Recommended Quantity Destroyed field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
2) qmptc220.item
3) qmptc220.rdqa For Storage:
1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Item field.
3) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Recommended Quantity Destroyed field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Recommended Quantity Destroyed field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) qmptc120.item 3) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Item field.

For Storage: Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni For Storage:
3) qmptc220.item 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Item field.

Infor April 07, 2020 254

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For Order: For Order:
qmptc120.cdis Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Reason for Rejection field.

For Storage: For Storage:

qmptc220.cdis Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Reason for Rejection field.
Always filled with 'Reject Reasons'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Order: For Order:
1) qmptc120.apno 1) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Inspection field.
2) qmptc120.apsq 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Inspection Line field.
3) whinh211.resd 3) Session Warehouse Inspections (whinh3122m000), Inspection Results tab, Inspection Destroy Reason field.

The Destroy Reason field related to the Inspection field and the Inspection Line field is published.
For Order:
Always filled with 'Destroy Reasons'.
For Order:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Order: For Order:
qmptc120.reco Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), QM Only Recommends field.
For Order: For Order:
qmptc120.blmt Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Blocking Method field.

If the Blocking Method field is equal to 'Continue', 'Continue' is published.

If the Blocking Method field is equal to 'Block on Operation', 'BlockOperation' is published.
If the Blocking Method field is equal to 'Block on Completed Operation', 'BlockCompletedOperation' is published.
If the Blocking Method field is equal to 'Block', 'Block' is published.
For Order:
Always filled with 'Blocking Methods'.
For Order: For Order:
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Employee field.
2) qmptc120.apno 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Inspection field.
3) qmptc120.apsq 3) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Inspection Line field.
4) whinh211.user 4) Not displayed in any session, User field.

Based on the User field related to the Inspection field and the Inspection Line field, the Employee field is
For Order:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Order:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.
2) qmptc120.apno 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Inspection field.
3) qmptc120.apsq 3) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Inspection Line field.
4) whinh211.user 4) Not displayed in any session, User field.

Based on the User field related to the Inspection field and the Inspection Line field, the Name field is published.
For Order: For Order:
For Infor LN 10.5 or later: Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Additional Information tab, Additional Information fields.
For Order: For Order:
tcstl200.fldn Session Additional Information Definitions (tcstl2100m000), Field Name field.
For Order:
Based on the Definition this will be 'StringType', 'IndicatorType', 'DateTimeType' or 'IntegerNumericType'.
For Order: For Order:
1) qmptc120.effn 1) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Effectivity Unit field.
2) qmptc120.acdt 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Activation Date field.

Infor April 07, 2020 255

3) qmptc120.cdat 3) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Completion Date field.
4) qmptc120.pdat 4) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Processing Date field.
5) qmptc120.cldt 5) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Closing Date field.
6) qmptc120.cndt 6) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Canceled Date field.

For Storage: For the Effectivity Unit field, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name

1) qmptc220.effn is filled with 'ln.EffectivityUnit' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/
2) qmptc220.acdt NameValue@type is filled with 'NumericType'.
3) qmptc220.cdat
4) qmptc220.pdat The below BOD elements are available for Infor LN 10.5 or later.
5) qmptc220.cldt
For the Activation Date field:
If filled, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.ActivationDate' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled
with 'DateTimeType'.

For the Completion Date field:

If filled, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.CompletionDate' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled
with 'DateTimeType'.

For the Processing Date field:

If filled, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.ProcessingDate' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled
with 'DateTimeType'.

For the Closing Date field:

If filled, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.ClosingDate' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with

For the Canceled Date field:

If filled, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.CancelledDate' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled
with 'DateTimeType'.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data

For Storage:
1) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Effectivity Unit field.
2) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Activation Date field.
3) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Completion Date field.
4) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Processing Date field.
5) Session Storage Inspections (qmptc2120m000), Closing Date field.

For the Effectivity Unit field, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name

is filled with 'ln.EffectivityUnit' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is filled with 'NumericType'.

The below BOD elements are available for Infor LN 10.5 or later.

For the Activation Date field:

If filled, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.ActivationDate' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled
with 'DateTimeType'.

For the Completion Date field:

If filled, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.CompletionDate' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled
with 'DateTimeType'.

For the Processing Date field:

If filled, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.ProcessingDate' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled
with 'DateTimeType'.

For the Closing Date field:

If filled, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.ClosingDate' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data
qmptc100.iorn Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), General tab, Inspection Order field.

Infor April 07, 2020 256

qmptc100.txta Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), Methodology tab, Inspection Order Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
qmptc101.osta Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Order Line Status field.

Of all the lines related to the Inspection Order, the Order Line Status field with the lowest value is used.

If the Order Line Status field is equal to 'Free', 'Draft' is published.

If the Order Line Status field is equal to 'Printed', 'Printed' is published.
If the Order Line Status field is equal to 'Active', 'Open' is published.
If the Order Line Status field is equal to 'Completed', 'Completed' is published.
Always filled with 'Inspection Order Task Status'.
qmptc100.cdat Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), General tab, Completion Date field.

If the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/Status/Code element is equal to 'Completed', the Completion Date

field is published.
When the Inspection Order is removed, 'true' is published.
qmptc100.odat Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), General tab, Order Date field.
qmptc000.cpdt Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.

The concatenation of 'C' and the Period Table field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcccp060.dsca 1) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Period Table Code Description field.
2) qmptc000.cpdt 2) Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.

Based on the Period Table field, the Period Table Code Description field is published.
1) tcccp070.peri 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Number field.
2) qmptc000.cpdt 2) Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.
3) qmptc100.odat 3) Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), General tab, Order Date field.

Based on the Order Date field and the Period Table field, the Period Number field is published.
1) tcccp070.yrno 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
2) qmptc000.cpdt 2) Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.
3) qmptc100.odat 3) Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), General tab, Order Date field.

Based on the Order Date field and the Period Table field, the Year field is published.
qmptc000.cpdt Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.

The concatenation of 'C' and the Period Table field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcccp060.dsca 1) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Period Table Code Description field.
2) qmptc000.cpdt 2) Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.

Based on the Period Table field, the Period Table Code Description field is published.
1) tcccp070.peri 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Number field.
2) qmptc000.cpdt 2) Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.
3) qmptc100.cdat 3) Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), General tab, Completion Date field.

Based on the Completion Date field and the Period Table field, the Period Number field is published.
1) tcccp070.yrno 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
2) qmptc000.cpdt 2) Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.
3) qmptc100.cdat 3) Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), General tab, Completion Date field.

Based on the Completion Date field and the Period Table field, the Year field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 257

qmptc100.quid Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), General tab, Standard Test Procedure field.
Always filled with 'Test Procedures'.
qmptc100.vrsn Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), General tab, Version field.
1) qmptc100.quid 1) Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), General tab, Standard Test Procedure field.
2) qmptc100.vrsn 2) Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), General tab, Version field.
3) qmptc100.tstg 3) Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), General tab, Test Group field.

The concatenation of the Standard Test Procedure field, the Version field and the Test Group field is published.
Always filled with 'Test Groups'.
qmptc100.acre Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), General tab, Result field.

If the Result field is equal to 'Accepted', 'Accepted' is published.

If the Result field is equal to 'Partially Accepted', 'PartiallyAccepted' is published.
If the Result field is equal to 'Rejected', Rejected' is published.
If the Result field is equal to 'Undefined', 'Undefined' is published.
Always filled with 'Test Results'.
qmptc100.orio Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), General tab, Original Inspection Order field.
qmptc100.reio Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), General tab, Re-Inspection Order field.
qmptc100.tsty Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), Methodology tab, Test Type field.

If the Test Type field is equal to '100 %', 'HundredPercent' is published.

If the Test Type field is equal to 'Single Sampling', 'SingleSampling' is published.
If the Test Type field is equal to 'Continuous Sampling', 'ContinuousSampling' is published.
If the Test Type field is equal to 'Sampling Rule', 'SamplingRule' is published.

For LN 10.4 or later:

If the Test Type field is equal to 'Conformance Reporting', 'ConformanceReporting' is published.
Always filled with 'Test Types'.
qmptc100.freq Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), Methodology tab, Frequency field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) qmptc100.cufr 2) Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), Methodology tab, Frequency Unit field.

Based on the Frequency Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
qmptc100.psms Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), Methodology tab, Percentage field.
qmptc100.qtst Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), General tab, Test Quantity field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) qmptc100.tuni 2) Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), General tab, Test Unit field.

Based on the Test Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) qmptc100.item 2) Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), General tab, Item field.
3) qmptc100.qtst 3) Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), General tab, Test Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Test Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) qmptc100.item 3) Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), General tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) qmptc100.tsty 1) Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), Methodology tab, Test Type field.
2) qmptc120.oqua 2) Session Order Inspections (qmptc1120m000), Order Quantity field.
3) qmptc100.freq 3) Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), Methodology tab, Frequency field.
4) qmptc100.sams 4) Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), Methodology tab, Sample Size field.
5) qmptc100.cvss 5) Not displayed in any session, Conversion Factor Sample Size field.

Infor April 07, 2020 258

If the Test Type field is equal to 'Continuous', the Sample Size field multiplied with the Order Quantity field
divided by the Frequency field, taking into account the Conversion Factor Sample Size field, is published.
Otherwise, the Sample Size field is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) qmptc100.cuss 2) Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), Methodology tab, Sample Unit field.

Based on the Sample Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) qmptc100.item 2) Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), General tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/SampleQuantity element expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) qmptc100.item 3) Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), General tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
qmptc100.aqll Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), Methodology tab, Acceptable Quality Level field.
qmptc100.saru Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), Methodology tab, Sampling Rule field.
Always filled with 'Sampling Rules'.
qmptc100.sapl Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), Methodology tab, Sampling Plan field.
qmptc100.inss Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), Methodology tab, Inspection Standard field.
Always filled with 'Inspection Standards'.
qmptc100.inse Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), Methodology tab, Inspection Severity field.

If the Inspection Severity field is equal to 'Reduced', 'Reduced' is published.

If the Inspection Severity field is equal to 'Normal', 'Normal' is published.
If the Inspection Severity field is equal to 'Tightened', 'Tightened' is published.
Always filled with 'Inspection Severities'.
qmptc100.noit Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), Methodology tab, Number of Iterations field.
qmptc100.iter Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), Methodology tab, Iteration field.
qmptc100.ilvl Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), Methodology tab, Inspection Level field.
Always filled with 'Inspection Levels'.
qmptc100.sklo Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), Methodology tab, Skip Lot field.
qmptc100.qacc Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), Methodology tab, Accept Quantity field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) qmptc100.cuss 2) Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), Methodology tab, Sample Unit field.

Based on the Sample Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) qmptc100.item 2) Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), General tab, Item field.
3) qmptc100.qacc 3) Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), Methodology tab, Accept Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Accept Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) qmptc100.item 3) Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), General tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
qmptc100.qrej Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), Methodology tab, Reject Quantity field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) qmptc100.cuss 2) Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), Methodology tab, Sample Unit field.
Infor April 07, 2020 259
Based on the Sample Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) qmptc100.item 2) Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), General tab, Item field.
3) qmptc100.qrej 3) Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), Methodology tab, Reject Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Reject Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) qmptc100.item 3) Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), General tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
qmptc100.effn Session Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m000), General tab, Effectivity Unit field.

For the Effectivity Unit field, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name

is filled with 'ln.EffectivityUnit' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is filled with 'NumericType'.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data
qmptc101.pono Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Line field.
qmptc101.txta Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
qmptc101.osta Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Status field.

If the Status field is equal to 'Free', 'Draft' is published.

If the Status field is equal to 'Printed', 'Printed' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Active', 'Open' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Completed', 'Completed' is published.
Always filled with 'Inspection Order Task Status'.
1) qmptc101.osta 1) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Status field.
2) qmptc101.acdt 2) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Actual Completion Date field.

If the Status field is equal to 'Completed', the Actual Completion Date field is published.
qmptc101.aspt Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Aspect field.
Always filled with 'Item Aspects'.
qmptc101.char Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Characteristic field.
Always filled with 'Item Characteristics'.
qmptc101.ctyp Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Characteristic Type field.

If the Characteristic Type field is equal to 'Fraction', 'Fraction' is published.

If the Characteristic Type field is equal to 'Integer', 'Integer' is published.
If the Characteristic Type field is equal to 'Option', 'Option' is published.
Always filled with 'Item Characteristic Types'.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) qmptc101.chun 2) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Characteristic Unit field.

Based on the Characteristic Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
Always filled with 'Unit Codes'.
qmptc101.asdt Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Actual Start Date field.
qmptc000.cpdt Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.

The concatenation of 'C' and the Period Table field is published.


Infor April 07, 2020 260

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcccp070.peri 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Number field.
2) qmptc000.cpdt 2) Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.
3) qmptc101.asdt 3) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Actual Start Date field.

Based on the Actual Start Date field and the Period Table field, the Period Number field is published.
1) tcccp070.yrno 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
2) qmptc000.cpdt 2) Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.
3) qmptc101.asdt 3) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Actual Start Date field.

Based on the Actual Start Date field and the Period Table field, the Year field is published.
qmptc101.acdt Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Actual Completion Date field.
qmptc000.cpdt Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.

The concatenation of 'C' and the Period Table field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcccp070.peri 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Number field.
2) qmptc000.cpdt 2) Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.
3) qmptc101.acdt 3) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Actual Completion Date field.

Based on the Actual Completion Date field and the Period Table field, the Period Number field is published.
1) tcccp070.yrno 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
2) qmptc000.cpdt 2) Session Quality Management Parameters (qmptc0100m000), Inspection - General tab, Period Table field.
3) qmptc101.acdt 3) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Actual Completion Date field.

Based on the Actual Completion Date field and the Period Table field, the Year field is published.
qmptc101.test Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), Test Data tab, Test field.
Always filled with 'Tests'.
1) qmptc007.cwar 1) Session Test Areas (qmptc0107m000), Warehouse field.
2) qmptc007.cwoc 2) Session Test Areas (qmptc0107m000), Work Center field.
3) qmptc101.tare 3) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), Test Data tab, Test Area field.

Based on the Test Area field, when the Warehouse field is filled, 'Warehouse' is published.
Based on the Test Area field, when the Work Center field is filled, 'Office' is published.
1) qmptc007.cwar 1) Session Test Areas (qmptc0107m000), Warehouse field.
2) qmptc007.cwoc 2) Session Test Areas (qmptc0107m000), Work Center field.
3) qmptc101.tare 3) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), Test Data tab, Test Area field.

Based on the Test Area field, when the Warehouse field is filled, the concatenation of 'W' and the Warehouse
field is published.
Based on the Test Area field, when the Work Center field is filled, the concatenation of 'D' and the Work Center
field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcmcs003.dsca 1) Session Warehouses - General (tcmcs0103s000), Description field.
2) tcmcs065.dsca 2) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Description field.
3) qmptc007.cwar 3) Session Test Areas (qmptc0107m000), Warehouse field.
4) qmptc007.cwoc 4) Session Test Areas (qmptc0107m000), Work Center field.

When the Warehouse field is filled, based on the Warehouse field, the Description (1) field is published.
When the Work Center field is filled, based on the Work Center field, the Description (2) field is published.
1) whwmd300.dsca 1) Session Warehouse - Location (whwmd3100s000), Description field.
2) qmptc007.loca 2) Session Test Areas (qmptc0107m000), Inventory Locations field.

Infor April 07, 2020 261

3) qmptc007.cwar 3) Session Test Areas (qmptc0107m000), Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field and the Inventory Locations field, the Description field is published.
For Order: For Order:
qmptc007.cwoc Session Test Areas (qmptc0107m000), Work Center field.
For Order:
Always filled with 'Office'.
For Order:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Order:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) tcmcs065.dsca 1) Session Departments - General (tcmcs0165s000), Description field.
2) qmptc007.cwoc 2) Session Test Areas (qmptc0107m000), Work Center field.

Based on the Work Center field, the Description field is published.

qmptc101.acre Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), Test Data tab, Result field.

If the Result field is equal to 'Accepted', 'Accepted' is published.

If the Result field is equal to 'Partially Accepted', 'PartiallyAccepted' is published.
If the Result field is equal to 'Rejected', 'Rejected' is published.
If the Result field is equal to 'Undefined', 'Undefined' is published.
Always filled with 'Test Results'.
qmptc101.dstr Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), Test Data tab, Destructive Test field.
qmptc101.rslt Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), Test Data tab, Result Type field.

If the Result Type field is equal to 'Quantitative', 'Quantitative' is published.

If the Result Type field is equal to 'Qualitative', 'Qualitative' is published.
Always filled with 'Test Result Types'.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) qmptc101.tuni 2) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), Test Data tab, Test Unit field.

Based on the Test Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
Always filled with 'Unit Codes'.
qmptc101.tstd Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), Test Data tab, Test Standard field.
qmptc101.skll Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), Test Data tab, Skill field.
Always filled with 'Skills'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
qmptc101.emno Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), Test Data tab, Employee field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.
2) qmptc101.emno 2) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), Test Data tab, Employee field.

Based on the Employee field, the Name field is published.

1) qmptc101.fcvl 1) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), Limits tab, Fixed Characteristic Value field.
2) qmptc101.chun 2) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Characteristic Unit field.

The Fixed Characteristic Value field expressed in the Characteristic Unit field is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) qmptc101.chun 2) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Characteristic Unit field.

Based on the Characteristic Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 262

qmptc101.cstd Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), Limits tab, Characteristic Standard field.
1) qmptc101.norm 1) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), Limits tab, Norm field.
2) qmptc101.chun 2) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Characteristic Unit field.

The Norm field expressed in the Characteristic Unit field is published.

1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) qmptc101.chun 2) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Characteristic Unit field.

Based on the Characteristic Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) qmptc101.llmt 1) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), Limits tab, Lower Limit field.
2) qmptc101.chun 2) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Characteristic Unit field.

The Lower Limit field expressed in the Characteristic Unit field is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) qmptc101.chun 2) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Characteristic Unit field.

Based on the Characteristic Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) qmptc101.ulmt 1) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), Limits tab, Upper Limit field.
2) qmptc101.chun 2) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Characteristic Unit field.

The Upper Limit field expressed in the Characteristic Unit field is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) qmptc101.chun 2) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Characteristic Unit field.

Based on the Characteristic Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) qmptc101.ltwa 1) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), Limits tab, Lower Warning field.
2) qmptc101.chun 2) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Characteristic Unit field.

The Lower Warning field expressed in the Characteristic Unit field is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) qmptc101.chun 2) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Characteristic Unit field.

Based on the Characteristic Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) qmptc101.utwa 1) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), Limits tab, Upper Warning field.
2) qmptc101.chun 2) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Characteristic Unit field.

The Upper Warning field expressed in the Characteristic Unit field is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) qmptc101.chun 2) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Characteristic Unit field.

Based on the Characteristic Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Order: For Order:
1) qmptc101.algo 1) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Algorithm field.
2) qmptc101.falg 2) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Characteristic for Algorithm field.
3) qmptc101.inst 3) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), Test Data tab, Instrument field.
4) qmptc101.intg 4) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), Test Data tab, Instrument Group field.
5) qmptc101.inno 5) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), Test Data tab, Instrument Number field.
6) qmptc101.mthd 6) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Method field.
7) qmptc101.oset 7) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Option Set field.

For LN 10.5 and later: For the Algorithm field, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/InspectionOrderTaskLine/UserArea/Property/
8) qmptc001.cusg NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.CharacteristicAlgorithm' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/
9) qmptc101.refr UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.

For Storage: For the Characteristic for Algorithm field, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/InspectionOrderTaskLine/
1) qmptc101.algo UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.CharacteristicForAlgorithmIndicator' and InspectionOrder/
2) qmptc101.falg InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.
3) qmptc101.inst
4) qmptc101.intg For the Instrument field, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/InspectionOrderTaskLine/UserArea/Property/
5) qmptc101.inno NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.TestInstrument' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/
6) qmptc101.mthd Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
7) qmptc101.oset
For the Instrument Group field, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/InspectionOrderTaskLine/UserArea/
For LN 10.5 and later: Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.TestInstrumentGroup' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/
8) qmptc001.cusg UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
Infor April 07, 2020 263
9) qmptc101.refr
For the Instrument Number field, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/InspectionOrderTaskLine/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.TestInstrumentNumber' and InspectionOrder/
InspectionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.

For the Method field, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/InspectionOrderTaskLine/UserArea/Property/

NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.CharacteristicMethod' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/
UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
If the Method field is equal to 'Fixed', 'Fixed' is published.
If the Method field is equal to 'Variable', 'Variable' is published.
If the Method field is equal to 'Algorithm', 'Algorithm' is published.

For the Option Set field, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/InspectionOrderTaskLine/UserArea/Property/

NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.CharacteristicOptionSet' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/
UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.

For LN 10.5 and later:

8) Session Characteristics (qmptc0101m000), General tab, Characteristic Usage field.
9) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Reference Designator field.

For the Characteristic Usage field, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/InspectionOrderTaskLine/UserArea/

Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.CharacteristicUsage' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/
UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
If the Characteristic Usage field is equal to 'Analytical', 'Analytical' is published.
If the Characteristic Usage field is equal to 'Variable', 'Variable' is published.

For the Reference Designator field,

the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/InspectionOrderTaskLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue is filled with
the Reference Designator field,
the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/InspectionOrderTaskLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is
filled with 'ln.ReferenceDesignator',
the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/InspectionOrderTaskLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is
filled with 'CodeType',
the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/InspectionOrderTaskLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@listID is
filled with 'Reference Designators',
the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/InspectionOrderTaskLine/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@accountingEntity is filled with the related accounting entity.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data

For Storage:
1) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Algorithm field.
2) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Characteristic for Algorithm field.
3) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), Test Data tab, Instrument field.
4) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), Test Data tab, Instrument Group field.
5) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), Test Data tab, Instrument Number field.
6) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Method field.
7) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Option Set field.

For the Algorithm field, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/InspectionOrderTaskLine/UserArea/Property/

NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.CharacteristicAlgorithm' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/
InspectionOrderTaskLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.

For the Characteristic for Algorithm field, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/InspectionOrderTaskLine/

UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.CharacteristicForAlgorithmIndicator' and InspectionOrder/
InspectionOrderTask/InspectionOrderTaskLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with

For the Instrument field, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/InspectionOrderTaskLine/UserArea/Property/

NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.TestInstrument' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/
InspectionOrderTaskLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.

For the Instrument Group field, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/InspectionOrderTaskLine/UserArea/

Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.TestInstrumentGroup' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/
InspectionOrderTaskLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.

For the Instrument Number field, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/InspectionOrderTaskLine/UserArea/

Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.TestInstrumentNumber' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/
InspectionOrderTaskLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.

For the Method field, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/InspectionOrderTaskLine/UserArea/Property/

NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.CharacteristicMethod' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/
InspectionOrderTaskLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
If the Method field is equal to 'Fixed', 'Fixed' is published.
If the Method field is equal to 'Variable', 'Variable' is published.
If the Method field is equal to 'Algorithm', 'Algorithm' is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 264

For the Option Set field, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/InspectionOrderTaskLine/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.CharacteristicOptionSet' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/
InspectionOrderTaskLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.

For LN 10.5 and later:

8) Session Characteristics (qmptc0101m000), General tab, Characteristic Usage field.
9) Session Inspection Order Lines (qmptc1101m000), General tab, Reference Designator field.

For the Characteristic Usage field, the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/InspectionOrderTaskLine/UserArea/

Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.CharacteristicUsage' and InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderHeader/
UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
If the Characteristic Usage field is equal to 'Analytical', 'Analytical' is published.
If the Characteristic Usage field is equal to 'Variable', 'Variable' is published.

For the Reference Designator field,

the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/InspectionOrderTaskLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue is filled with
the Reference Designator field,
the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/InspectionOrderTaskLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is
filled with 'ln.ReferenceDesignator',
the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/InspectionOrderTaskLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is
filled with 'CodeType',
the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/InspectionOrderTaskLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@listID is
filled with 'Reference Designators',
the InspectionOrder/InspectionOrderTask/InspectionOrderTaskLine/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@accountingEntity is filled with the related accounting entity.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data

Infor April 07, 2020 265

For CycleCount: For CycleCount:
1) whinh500.orno 1) Session Cycle Count Order (whinh5600m000), Order field.
2) whinh500.cntn 2) Session Cycle Count Order (whinh5600m000), Count Number field.
The concatenation of Order field and Count Number field is published.
For Adjustment:
whinh520.orno This BOD is published when users:

- Process a Cycle Counting Order and the following conditions are valid:
1. When there are related Cycle Count Order Lines that have status 'Processed' and the 'Variance' <> 0 then an
InventoryAdjustmentBOD is published.
2. When there are related Cycle Count Order Lines that have status 'Processed' and have the 'Handling Unit'
filled and the 'Handling Unit Present' flag set to 'No' then an InventoryAdjustmentBOD is published.

For Adjustment:
Session Adjustment Order (whinh5120m000), Order field.
The Order field is published.

This BOD is published when users:

- Process an Inventory Adjustment Order.

For CycleCount: For CycleCount:
whinh500.cwar Session Cycle Counting Orders (whinh5100m000), Warehouse field.
Based on the Warehouse field, the accountingEntity field is published.
For Adjustment:
whinh520.cwar For Adjustment:
Session Adjustment Orders (whinh5120m000), Warehouse field.
Based on the Warehouse field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For CycleCount: For CycleCount:
whinh500.cwar Session Cycle Counting Orders (whinh5100m000), Warehouse field.
Based on the Warehouse field, the location field is published.
For Adjustment:
whinh520.cwar For Adjustment:
Session Adjustment Orders (whinh5120m000), Warehouse field.
Based on the Warehouse field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For CycleCount: For CycleCount:
1) whinh500.orno 1) Session Cycle Count Order (whinh5600m000), Order field.
2) whinh500.cntn 2) Session Cycle Count Order (whinh5600m000), Count Number field.
The concatenation of Order field and Count Number field is published.
For Adjustment:
whinh520.orno For Adjustment:
Session Adjustment Order (whinh5120m000), Order field.
The Order field is published.
For CycleCount: For CycleCount:
whinh501.cdat Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Counting Date field.
The latest Counting Date field of all lines in the Cycle Count Order is published.
For Adjustment:
whinh521.adat For Adjustment:
Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Adjustment Date field.
The latest Adjustment Date field of all lines in the Adjustment Order is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 266
For CycleCount: For CycleCount:
whinh500.txta Session Cycle Count Order (whinh5600m000), Header Text field.

For Adjustment: For Adjustment:

whinh520.txta Session Adjustment Order (whinh5120m000), Header Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
Always filled with 'Open'.
Always filled with the current date.
If the Inventory Adjustment is deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For CycleCount: For CycleCount:
1) whwmd530.item 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5630m000), Item field.
2) whinh501.huid 2) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Handling Unit field.
3) whinh501.pono 3) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Line field.

For Adjustment: If the Handling Unit field is filled and the handling unit contains more than one Handling Unit, Item fields in the
1) whwmd530.item tree structure, the concatenation of the Line field and a sequence number is published. The sequence number
2) whinh521.huid starts with 1 and is incremented by 1 for each Handling Unit, Item in the tree structure.
3) whinh521.pono Otherwise, only the Line field is published.

For Adjustment:
1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5630m000), Item field.
2) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Handling Unit field.
3) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Line field.

If the Handling Unit field is filled and the handling unit contains more than one Handling Unit, Item fields in the
tree structure, the concatenation of the Line field and a sequence number is published. The sequence number
starts with 1 and is incremented by 1 for each Handling Unit, Item in the tree structure.
Otherwise, only the Line field is published.
For Cycle Count: For CycleCount:
whinh501.txta Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Header Text field.

For Adjustment: For Adjustment:

whinh521.txta Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Header Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
For CycleCount: For CycleCount:
whinh501.cwar Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Warehouse field.

For Adjustment: For Adjustment:

whinh521.cwar Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Warehouse field.

The concatenation of 'W' and the Warehouse field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For CycleCount: For Cycle Count:
1) tcmcs003.dsca 1) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Description field.
2) whinh501.cwar 2) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Warehouse field.

For Adjustment: Based on the Warehouse field, the Description field is published.
1) tcmcs003.dsca
2) whinh521.cwar For Adjustment:
1) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Description field.
2) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the Description field is published.

1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Name field is published.

1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tcmcs003.cadr 7) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Address Code field.
Infor April 07, 2020 267
The six Address Lines are published based on the Address Code field.
One Address Line is published per sequence.
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the City field is published.

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the State/Province field is published.

1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Addresses (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tcmcs003.cadr 3) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
For CycleCount: For CycleCount:
1) whwmd530.item 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5630m000), Item field.
2) whinh501.huid 2) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Handling Unit field.
3) whinh501.item 3) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Item field.

For Adjustment: If the Handling Unit field is filled, the Item (1) fields in the tree structure are published.
1) whwmd530.item Otherwise, the Item (3) field is published.
2) whinh521.huid
3) whinh521.item For Adjustment:
1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5630m000), Item field.
2) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Handling Unit field.
3) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Item field.

If the Handling Unit field is filled, the Item (1) fields in the tree structure are published.
Otherwise, the Item (3) field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.
2) whwmd530.item 2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5630m000), Item field.

For CycleCount: For CycleCount:

1) whinh501.huid 1) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Handling Unit field.
2) whinh501.item 2) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Item field.
If the Handling Unit field is filled, the Description field is based on the Handling Units, Item field and is published
For Adjustment: for each Handling Units Item in the tree structure.
1) whinh521.huid Otherwise, the Description field, based on the Cycle Count Order Lines, Item field, is published.
2) whinh521.item
For Adjustment:
1) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Handling Unit field.
2) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Item field.
If the Handling Unit field is filled, the Description field is based on the Handling Units, Item field and is published
for each Handling Units Item in the tree structure.
Otherwise, the Description field, based on the Adjustment Order Lines, Item field, is published.
1) whwmd530.qhds 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Quantity field.
2) whwmd530.item 2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Item field.

For CycleCount: For CycleCount:

1) whinh501.qvrr 1) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Variance (Storage Unit) field.
2) whinh501.huid 2) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Handling Unit field.
3) whinh501.hupr 3) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Handling Unit Present field.

For Adjustment: If the Handling Unit field is filled, the Handling Units, Quantity field is published for each Handling Units Item field
1) whinh521.qvrr in the tree structure. The Handling Units, Quantity is based on the Handling Unit Present field.
Infor April 07, 2020 268
2) whinh521.huid Otherwise, the Cycle Count Order Lines, Variance (Storage Unit) field is published.
3) whinh521.hupr
For Adjustment:
1) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Variance (Storage Unit) field.
2) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Handling Unit field.
3) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Handling Unit Present field.

If the Handling Unit field is filled, the Handling Units, Quantity field is published for each Handling Units, Item
field in the tree structure. The Handling Units, Quantity is based on the Handling Unit Present field.
Otherwise, the Adjustment Order Lines, Variance (Storage Unit) field is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) whwmd530.item 3) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Item field.

For CycleCount: For CycleCount:

1) whinh501.huid 1) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Handling Unit field.
2) whinh501.item 2) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Item field.
If the Handling Unit field is filled, the Inventory Unit field is based on the Handling Units, Item field and is read for
For Adjustment: each Handling Units, Item in the tree structure.
1) whinh521.huid Otherwise, the Inventory Unit field, based on the Cycle Count Order Lines, Item field, is read.
2) whinh521.item
For Adjustment:
1) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Handling Unit field.
2) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Item field.
If the Handling Unit field is filled, the Inventory Unit field is based on the Handling Units, Item field and is read for
each Handling Units, Item in the tree structure.
Otherwise, the Inventory Unit field, based on the Adjustment Order Lines, Item field, is read.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) whwmd530.item 3) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Item field.
4) whwmd530.qhds 4) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Quantity expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) whwmd530.item 3) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
Unique increasing number starting with 1.
For CycleCount: For CycleCount:
1) whwmd536.clot 1) Session Handling Unit Lots and Serials (whwmd5136m000), Lot field.
2) whinh501.huid 2) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Handling Unit field.
3) whinh501.item 3) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Item field.
4) whinh501.clot 4) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Lot field.
5) whinh506.clot 5) Session Cycle Count Order Line Lots and Serials (whinh5106m000), Lot field.

For Adjustment: If the Handling Unit field is filled, the Lot (1) field is published.
1) whwmd536.clot Otherwise, publishing is based on the Cycle Count Order Lines, Item field.
2) whwmd530.item - If the item is lot-controlled in inventory, the Lot (4) field is published.
3) whwmd530.clot - If the item is lot-controlled not in inventory, the Lot (5) fields are published if filled.
4) whinh521.huid Nothing is published if the item is not lot-controlled.
5) whinh521.item
6) whinh521.clot For Adjustment:
7) whinh526.clot 1) Session Handling Unit Lots and Serials (whwmd5136m000), Lot field.
2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Item field.
3) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Lot field.
4) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Handling Unit field.
5) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Item field.
6) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Lot field.
7) Session Adjustment Order Line Lots and Serials (whinh5126m000), Lot field.

If the Handling Unit field is filled:

- If the Handling Units, Item is lot-controlled in inventory, the Lot (3) field is published.
- If the Handling Units, Item is lot-controlled not in inventory, the Lot (1) fields are published.
Otherwise, publishing is based on the Adjustment Order Lines, Item field.
- If the item is lot-controlled in inventory, the Lot (6) field is published.
- If the item is lot-controlled not in inventory, the Lot (7) fields are published if filled.
Nothing is published if the item is not lot-controlled.

Infor April 07, 2020 269

1) whwmd536.qhds 1) Session Handling Unit Lots and Serials (whwmd5136m000), Quantity in Storage Unit field.
2) whwmd530.item 2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Item field.

For CycleCount: For CycleCount:

1) whinh501.huid 1) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Handling Unit field.
2) whinh501.hupr 2) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Handling Unit Present field.
3) whinh501.item 3) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Item field.
4) whinh501.qvrr 4) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Variance (Storage Unit) field.
5) whinh506.qvrc 5) Session Cycle Count Order Line Lots and Serials (whinh5106m000), Variance field.

For Adjustment: If the Handling Unit field is filled, the Handling Units, Quantity field is published for each Handling Units Item field
1) whwmd530.qhds in the tree structure. The Handling Units, Quantity is based on the Handling Unit Present field.
2) whinh521.huid Otherwise, publishing is based on the Cycle Count Order Lines, Item field.
3) whinh521.hupr - If the item is lot-controlled in inventory, the Cycle Count Order Lines, Variance (Storage Unit) field is published.
4) whinh521.item - If the item is lot-controlled not in inventory, the Cycle Count Order Line Lots and Serials, Variance fields are
5) whinh521.qvrr published.
6) whinh526.qvrc Nothing is published if item is not lot-controlled.

For Adjustment:
1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Quantity field.
2) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Handling Unit field.
3) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Handling Unit Present field.
4) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Item field.
5) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Variance (Storage Unit) field.
6) Session Adjustment Order Line Lots and Serials (whinh5126m000), Variance field.

If the Adjustment Order Lines, Handling Unit field is filled:

- If the Handling Units, Item is lot-controlled in inventory, the Handling Units, Quantity field is published for each
Handling Units, Item field in the tree structure.
- If the Handling Units, Item is lot-controlled not in inventory, the Handling Unit Lots and Serials, Quantity in
Storage Unit field of each Handling Unit Lots and Serials, Lot field, is published.
The Quantity is based on the Handling Unit Present field.
Otherwise, publishing is based on the Adjustment Order Lines, Item field.
- If the item is lot-controlled in inventory, the Adjustment Order Lines, Variance (Storage Unit) field is published.
- If the item is lot-controlled not in inventory, the Adjustment Order Line Lots and Serials, Variance fields are
Nothing is published if the item is not lot-controlled.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) whwmd530.unit 2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Unit field.
3) whwmd530.item 3) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Item field.

For CycleCount: For CycleCount:

1) whinh501.huid 1) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Handling Unit field.
2) whinh501.item 2) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Item field.
3) whinh501.stun 3) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Storage Unit field.
4) whinh506.stun 4) Session Cycle Count Order Line Lots and Serials (whinh5106m000), Variance Unit field.

For Adjustment: If the Cycle Count Order Lines, Handling Unit field is filled, the Handling Units, Unit field is read for each
1) whwmd536.cuni Handling Units, Item field in the tree structure.
2) whwmd536.clot Otherwise, publishing is based on the Cycle Count Order Lines, Item field.
3) whinh521.huid - If the item is lot-controlled in inventory, the Cycle Count Order Lines, Storage Unit field is read.
4) whinh521.item - If the item is lot-controlled not in inventory, the Cycle Count Order Line Lots and Serials, Variance Unit fields
5) whinh521.stun are read.
6) whinh526.stun Nothing is published if the item is not lot-controlled.
Based on the Handling Units, Unit / Cycle Count Order Lines, Storage Unit / Cycle Count Order Line Lots and
Serials, Variance Unit fields, the ISO Code field is published.

For Adjustment:
1) Session Handling Unit Lots and Serials (whwmd5136m000), Storage Unit field.
2) Session Handling Unit Lots and Serials (whwmd5136m000), Lot field.
3) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Handling Unit field.
4) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Item field.
5) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Storage Unit field.
6) Session Adjustment Order Line Lots and Serials (whinh5126m000), Storage Unit of Variance field.

If the Adjustment Order Lines, Handling Unit field is filled:

- If the Handling Units, Item is lot-controlled in inventory, the Handling Units, Unit field is read for each Handling
Units, Item field in the tree structure.
- If the Handling Units, Item is lot-controlled not in inventory, the Handling Unit Lots and Serials, Storage Unit
field of each Handling Unit Lots and Serials, Lot field, is read.
Otherwise, publishing is based on the Adjustment Order Lines, Item field.
- If the item is lot-controlled in inventory, the Adjustment Order Lines, Storage Unit field is read.
- If the item is lot-controlled not in inventory, the Adjustment Order Line Lots and Serials, Storage Unit of
Variance fields are read.
Nothing is published if the item is not lot-controlled.

Infor April 07, 2020 270

Based on the Handling Units, Unit / Handling Unit Lots and Serials, Storage Unit / Adjustment Order Lines,
Storage Unit / Adjustment Order Line Lots and Serials, Variance Unit fields, the ISO Code field of the unit is
For CycleCount: For CycleCount:
1) whwmd536.serl 1) Session Handling Unit Lots and Serials (whwmd5136m000), Serial Number field.
2) whinh501.huid 2) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Handling Unit field.
3) whinh501.item 3) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Item field.
4) whinh506.cser 4) Session Cycle Count Order Line Lots and Serials (whinh5106m000), Serial Number field.

For Adjustment: If the Handling Unit field is filled, the Serial Number (1) field is published.
1) whwmd536.serl Otherwise, publishing is based on the Cycle Count Order Lines, Item field.
2) whwmd530.item - If the item is serialized , the Serial Number (4) fields are published if filled.
3) whwmd530.cser Nothing is published if the item is not serialized.
4) whinh521.huid
5) whinh521.item For Adjustment:
6) whinh526.cser 1) Session Handling Unit Lots and Serials (whwmd5136m000), Serial Number field.
2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Item field.
3) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Serial Number field.
4) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Handling Unit field.
5) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Item field.
6) Session Adjustment Order Line Lots and Serials (whinh5126m000), Serial Number field.

If the Handling Unit field is filled:

- If the Handling Units Item is serialized in inventory, the Serial Number (3) field is published.
- If the Handling Units Item is serialized not in inventory, the Serial Number (1) fields are published.
Otherwise, publishing is based on the Adjustment Order Lines, Item field.
- If the item is serialized, the Serial Number (6) fields are published if filled.
Nothing is published if the item is not serialized.
For CycleCount: For CycleCount:
1) whwmd536.serl 1) Session Handling Unit Lots and Serials (whwmd5136m000), Serial Number field.
2) whinh501.huid 2) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Handling Unit field.
3) whinh501.item 3) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Item field.
4) whinh506.cser 4) Session Cycle Count Order Line Lots and Serials (whinh5106m000), Serial Number field.

For Adjustment: If the Handling Unit field is filled, the Serial Number (1) field is published.
1) whwmd536.serl Otherwise, publishing is based on the Cycle Count Order Lines, Item field.
2) whwmd530.item - If the item is serialized , the Serial Number (4) fields are published if filled.
3) whwmd530.cser Nothing is published if the item is not serialized.
4) whinh521.huid
5) whinh521.item For Adjustment:
6) whinh526.cser 1) Session Handling Unit Lots and Serials (whwmd5136m000), Serial Number field.
2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Item field.
3) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Serial Number field.
4) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Handling Unit field.
5) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Item field.
6) Session Adjustment Order Line Lots and Serials (whinh5126m000), Serial Number field.

If the Handling Unit field is filled:

- If the Handling Units Item is serialized in inventory, the Serial Number (3) field is published.
- If the Handling Units Item is serialized not in inventory, the Serial Number (1) fields are published.
Otherwise, publishing is based on the Adjustment Order Lines, Item field.
- If the item is serialized, the Serial Number (6) fields are published if filled.
Nothing is published if the item is not serialized.
1) whwmd530.qhds 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5630m000), Quantity field.
2) whwmd530.item 2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5630m000), Item field.

For CycleCount: For CycleCount:

1) whinh501.qvrr 1) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Variance (Storage Unit) field.
2) whinh501.huid 2) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Handling Unit field.
3) whinh501.hupr 3) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Handling Unit Present field.

For Adjustment: If the Handling Unit field is filled, the Handling Units, Quantity field is published for each Handling Units, Item
1) whinh521.qvrr field in the tree structure. The Handling Units, Quantity is based on the Handling Unit Present field.
2) whinh521.huid Otherwise, the Cycle Count Order Lines, Variance (Storage Unit) field is published.
3) whinh521.hupr
For Adjustment:
1) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Variance (Storage Unit) field.
2) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Handling Unit field.
3) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Handling Unit Present field.

If the Handling Unit field is filled, the Handling Units, Quantity field is published for each Handling Units, Item
field in the tree structure. The Handling Units, Quantity is based on the Handling Unit Present field.
Otherwise, the Adjustment Order Lines, Variance (Storage Unit) field is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
Infor April 07, 2020 271
2) whwmd530.stun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5630m000), Storage Unit field.
For CycleCount:
whinh501.stun For CycleCount:
Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Storage Unit field.
For Adjustment:
whinh521.stun For Adjustment:
Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Storage Unit field.

Based on the Storage Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For CycleCount: For CycleCount:
whinh507.prsn Session Cycle Counting Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh5107m000), Project Peg Line field.
For Adjustment: For Adjustment:
whinh527.prsn Session Adjustment Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh5127m000), Peg Line field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

For CycleCount: For CycleCount:
whinh507.cprj Session Cycle Counting Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh5107m000), Project field.
For Adjustment: For Adjustment:
whinh527.cprj Session Adjustment Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh5127m000), Project field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For CycleCount: For CycleCount:
whinh507.cact Session Cycle Counting Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh5107m000), Activity field.
For Adjustment: For Adjustment:
whinh527.cact Session Adjustment Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh5127m000), Activity field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

For CycleCount: For CycleCount:
whinh507.cspa Session Cycle Counting Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh5107m000), Element field.
For Adjustment: For Adjustment:
whinh527.cspa Session Adjustment Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh5127m000), Element field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

For CycleCount: For CycleCount:
whinh507.qvrca Session Cycle Counting Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh5107m000), Variance field.
For Adjustment: For Adjustment:
whinh527.qvrc Session Adjustment Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh5127m000), Variance field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
For CycleCount: For CycleCount:
3) whinh501.item 3) Session Cycle Counting Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Item field.
For Adjustment: For Adjustment:
3) whinh521.item 3) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

For CycleCount: For CycleCount:
whinh507.ccco Session Cycle Counting Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh5107m000), Cost Component field.
For Adjustment: For Adjustment:
whinh527.ccco Session Adjustment Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh5127m000), Cost Component field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

For CycleCount: For CycleCount:
whinh507.cstl Session Cycle Counting Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh5107m000), Extension field.
For Adjustment: For Adjustment:
whinh527.cstl Session Adjustment Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh5127m000), Extension field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

Infor April 07, 2020 272
For CycleCount: For CycleCount:
whinh507.cprj Session Cycle Counting Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh5107m000), Project field.
For Adjustment: Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.
For Adjustment:
Session Adjustment Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh5127m000), Project field.
Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

For CycleCount: For CycleCount:
whinh507.cprj Session Cycle Counting Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh5107m000), Project field.
Based on the Project field, the location field is published.
For Adjustment:
whinh527.cprj For Adjustment:
Session Adjustment Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh5127m000), Project field.
Based on the Project field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

For CycleCount: For CycleCount:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) whinh501.qvrc 2) Session Cycle Counting Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Variance field.
For Adjustment:
For Adjustment: 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
1) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Adjustment Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh5127m000), Variance field.
2) whinh521.qvrc
Based on the element InventoryAdjustment/InventoryAdjustmentLine/Item/ItemID/ID, the Inventory Unit is
The Variance field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) whinr140.item 3) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
Always filled with 'Open'.
For CycleCount: For CycleCount:
whinh501.cadj Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Reason for Variance field.
For Adjustment:
whinh521.adrn For Adjustment:
Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Reason for Adjustment field.
Always filled with 'Inventory Adjustment Reason Codes'.
For CycleCount: For CycleCount:
whinh501.cdat Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Counting Date field.
For Adjustment:
whinh521.adat For Adjustment:
Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Adjustment Date field.
For CycleCount: For CycleCount:
1) whbod001.cnts 1) Not displayed in any session, table Maintain Count Sequence by Warehouse and Item (whbod001), Count
2) whinh501.cwar Sequence field.
3) whinh501.item 2) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Warehouse field.
3) Session Cycle Count Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Item field.

Based on the Warehouse field and Item field, the Count Sequence field is published.
For CycleCount: For CycleCount:
For PCF: For PCF:
1) whinh501.item 1) Session Cycle Counting Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Cycle Counting tab, Item field.
2) tcibd001.cpva 2) Session Items (tcibd0501m000), Details tab, Configuration group, Product Variant field(1).
For Assembly: For Assembly:
3) tcibd420.cpva 3) Session Cycle Counting Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Specification tab, Product Variant (2) field.
Infor April 07, 2020 273
For Adjustment: For Adjustment:
For PCF: For PCF:
4) whinh521.item 4) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Adjustment tab, Item field.
5) tcibd001.cpva 5) Session Items (tcibd0501m000), Details tab, Configuration group, Product Variant field(1).
For Assembly:
6) tcibd420.cpva For Assembly:
6) Session Adjustment Order Lines (whinh5121m000), Specification tab, Product Variant (2) field.

For the Product Variant field,

for PCF, the InventoryAdjustment/InventoryAdjustmentLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue is filled with the
Product Variant (1) field related to the Item field,
for Assembly, the InventoryAdjustment/InventoryAdjustmentLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue is filled with the
concatenation of 'A' and the Product Variant (2) field,
the InventoryAdjustment/InventoryAdjustmentLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
the InventoryAdjustment/InventoryAdjustmentLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with
the InventoryAdjustment/InventoryAdjustmentLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@noun is filled with
the InventoryAdjustment/InventoryAdjustmentLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@accountingEntity is filled
with the accounting entity related to the Product Variant field.

This BOD element is available for LN 10.5.0 or later.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data

Infor April 07, 2020 274

1) tdsls441.ofbp 1) Session Inventory Consumption - Lines (tdsls4640m000), Sold-to BP field.
2) tdsls441.stbp 2) Session Inventory Consumption - Lines (tdsls4640m000), Ship-to BP field.
3) tdsls441.cwar 3) Session Inventory Consumption - Lines (tdsls4640m000), Warehouse field.
4) tdsls441.item 4) Session Inventory Consumption - Lines (tdsls4640m000), Item field.
5) tdsls441.csdt 5) Session Inventory Consumption - Lines (tdsls4640m000), Consumption Date field.
6) tdsls441.sern 6) Not displayed in any session, Sequence Number field.

The concatenation of the Sold-to BP field, the Ship-to BP field, the Warehouse field, the Item field, the
Consumption Date field and the Sequence Number field is published.

This BOD is published when users Process an Inventory Consumption.

This BOD is not available for FP5.
tdsls441.cwar Session Inventory Consumption Lines (tdsls4141m000), Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tdsls441.cwar Session Inventory Consumption Lines (tdsls4141m000), Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tdsls441.ofbp 1) Session Inventory Consumption - Lines (tdsls4640m000), Sold-to BP field.
2) tdsls441.stbp 2) Session Inventory Consumption - Lines (tdsls4640m000), Ship-to BP field.
3) tdsls441.cwar 3) Session Inventory Consumption - Lines (tdsls4640m000), Warehouse field.
4) tdsls441.item 4) Session Inventory Consumption - Lines (tdsls4640m000), Item field.
5) tdsls441.csdt 5) Session Inventory Consumption - Lines (tdsls4640m000), Consumption Date field.
6) tdsls441.sern 6) Not displayed in any session, Sequence Number field.

The concatenation of the Sold-to BP field, the Ship-to BP field, the Warehouse field, the Item field, the
Consumption Date field and the Sequence Number field is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
tdsls441.cwar Session Inventory Consumption - Lines (tdsls4640m000), Warehouse field.

The concatenation of 'W' and the Warehouse field is published.

1) tcmcs003.dsca 1) Session Warehouses - General (tcmcs0103s000), Description field.
2) tdsls441.cwar 2) Session Inventory Consumption - Lines (tdsls4640m000), Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the Description field is published.

tdsls441.ofbp Session Inventory Consumptions (tdsls4140m000), Sold-to BP field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) tdsls440.ofbp 2) Session Inventory Consumptions (tdsls4140m000), Sold-to BP field.

Based on the Sold-to BP field, the Name field is published.

tdsls440.stbp Session Inventory Consumptions (tdsls4140m000), Ship-to BP field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Infor April 07, 2020 275
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) tdsls440.stbp 2) Session Inventory Consumptions (tdsls4140m000), Ship-to BP field.

Based on the Ship-to BP field, the Name field is published.

Always filled with 'Customer'.
tdsls440.ofbp Session Inventory Consumptions (tdsls4140m000), Sold-to BP field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) tdsls440.ofbp 2) Session Inventory Consumptions (tdsls4140m000), Sold-to BP field.

Based on the Sold-to BP field, the Name field is published.

Always 'Open' is published.
Always filled with '1'.
1) tdsls441.pksp 1) Session Inventory Consumptions Lines (tdsls4141m000), Shipment tab, Packing Slip field.
2) tdsls441.pksl 2) Session Inventory Consumptions Lines (tdsls4141m000), Shipment tab, Packing Slip (external) field.

For Packing Slip field filled with 'PackingSlip'.

For Packing Slip (external) field filled with 'Carrier'.
1) tdsls441.pksp 1) Session Inventory Consumptions Lines (tdsls4141m000), Shipment tab, Packing Slip field.
2) tdsls441.pksl 2) Session Inventory Consumptions Lines (tdsls4141m000), Shipment tab, Packing Slip (external) field.
1) tdsls441.item 1) Session Inventory Consumptions Lines (tdsls4141m000), Item field.
2) tdsls441.stbp 2) Session Inventory Consumptions Lines (tdsls4141m000), Ship-to BP field.
3) tdsls441.ofbp 3) Session Inventory Consumptions Lines (tdsls4141m000), Sold-to BP field.
4) tcibd004.aitc 4) Session Item Codes by Item Code System (tcibd0504m000), Alternative Item Code field.

The customer item is determined as the Alternative Item Code field, which belongs to the Ship-to BP field or the
Sold-to BP field.

An array of the Item field and the customer item is published.

tcibd004.aitc Session Item Codes by Item Code System (tcibd0504m000), Alternative Item Code field.

If the Alternative Item Code field is filled, 'Customer' is published.

Otherwise, nothing is published.
1) tdsls441.stbp 1) Session Inventory Consumptions Lines (tdsls4141m000), Ship-to BP field.
2) tdsls441.ofbp 2) Session Inventory Consumptions Lines (tdsls4141m000), Sold-to BP field.
3) tcibd004.bpid 3) Session Item Codes by Item Code System (tcibd0504m000), Business Partner field.

The customer is determined as the Business Partner field, which belongs to the Ship-to BP field or the Sold-to
BP field.
The customer is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.
2) tdsls441.item 2) Session Inventory Consumptions Lines (tdsls4141m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Description field is published.

tcibd411.quni Session Lot and Serial Set (tcibd4111m000), Quantity in Inventory Unit field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
tcibd411.clot Session Lot and Serial Set (tcibd4111m000), Lot field.

Infor April 07, 2020 276

tcibd411.quni Session Lot and Serial Set (tcibd4111m000), Quantity in Inventory Unit field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
tcibd411.sern Session Lot and Serial Set (tcibd4111m000), Serial Number field.
tcibd411.sern Session Lot and Serial Set (tcibd4111m000), Serial Number field.
tdsls441.qccs Session Inventory Consumptions Lines (tdsls4141m000), Consumed Quantity field.
tdsls441.cucs 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Inventory Consumptions Lines (tdsls4141m000), Consumed Quantity Unit field.

Based on the Consumed Quantity Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tdsls441.item 2) Session Inventory Consumptions Lines (tdsls4141m000), Item field.
3) tdsls441.qccs 3) Session Inventory Consumptions Lines (tdsls4141m000), Consumed Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Consumed Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tdsls441.item 3) Session Inventory Consumptions Lines (tdsls4141m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
tdsls441.csdt Session Inventory Consumptions Lines (tdsls4141m000), Consumption Date field.
1) tdsls441.ofbp 1) Session Inventory Consumption - Lines (tdsls4640m000), Sold-to BP field.
2) tdsls441.stbp 2) Session Inventory Consumption - Lines (tdsls4640m000), Ship-to BP field.
3) tdsls441.cwar 3) Session Inventory Consumption - Lines (tdsls4640m000), Warehouse field.
4) tdsls441.item 4) Session Inventory Consumption - Lines (tdsls4640m000), Item field.
5) tdsls441.csdt 5) Session Inventory Consumption - Lines (tdsls4640m000), Consumption Date field.
6) tdsls441.sern 6) Not displayed in any session, Sequence Number field.
7) tdsls442.csbo 7) Session Inventory Consumption - Lines (tdsls4640m000), Orders by Inventory Consumption Line tab,
8) tdsls311.cono Business Object field.
8) Session Sales Schedule - Lines (tdsls3611m000), Contract field.

Based on the Sold-to BP field, the Ship-to BP field, the Warehouse field, the Item field, the Consumption Date
field and the Sequence Number field, the Business Object field is determined.
Based on the Business Object field, the corresponding Contract field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
1) tdsls441.ofbp 1) Session Inventory Consumption - Lines (tdsls4640m000), Sold-to BP field.
2) tdsls441.stbp 2) Session Inventory Consumption - Lines (tdsls4640m000), Ship-to BP field.
3) tdsls441.cwar 3) Session Inventory Consumption - Lines (tdsls4640m000), Warehouse field.
4) tdsls441.item 4) Session Inventory Consumption - Lines (tdsls4640m000), Item field.
5) tdsls441.csdt 5) Session Inventory Consumption - Lines (tdsls4640m000), Consumption Date field.
6) tdsls441.sern 6) Not displayed in any session, Sequence Number field.
7) tdsls442.csbo 7) Session Inventory Consumption - Lines (tdsls4640m000), Orders by Inventory Consumption Line tab,
8) tdsls311.pono Business Object field.
8) Session Sales Schedule - Lines (tdsls3611m000), Contract Position field.

Based on the Sold-to BP field, the Ship-to BP field, the Warehouse field, the Item field, the Consumption Date
field and the Sequence Number field, the Business Object field is determined.
Based on the Business Object field, the corresponding Contract Position field is published.
1) tdsls441.refe 1) Session Inventory Consumptions Lines (tdsls4141m000), Consumption tab, Reference field.
2) tdsls441.refs 2) Session Inventory Consumptions Lines (tdsls4141m000), Consumption tab, Shipment Reference field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.

1) tdsls441.refe 1) Session Inventory Consumptions Lines (tdsls4141m000), Consumption tab, Reference field.
2) tdsls441.refs 2) Session Inventory Consumptions Lines (tdsls4141m000), Consumption tab, Shipment Reference field.

For the Reference field filled with 'Reference'.

Infor April 07, 2020 277
For the Shipment Reference field filled with 'ShipmentReference'.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.

1) tdsls441.refe 1) Session Inventory Consumptions Lines (tdsls4141m000), Consumption tab, Reference field.
2) tdsls441.refs 2) Session Inventory Consumptions Lines (tdsls4141m000), Consumption tab, Shipment Reference field.

If the Reference field or the Shipment Reference field is filled, this field is filled with 'StringType'.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.

Infor April 07, 2020 278

1) whwmd215.cwar 1) Session Warehouse - Item Inventory (whwmd2515m000), Warehouse field.
2) whwmd215.item 2) Session Warehouse - Item Inventory (whwmd2515m000), Item field.

The concatenation of Warehouse field and Item field is published.

This BOD is published when users:

1) Process a Cycle Counting Order,
2) Publish InventoryCount Messages.
whwmd215.cwar Session Warehouse - Item Inventory (whwmd2515m000), Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
whwmd215.cwar Session Warehouse - Item Inventory (whwmd2515m000), Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) whwmd215.cwar 1) Session Warehouse - Item Inventory (whwmd2515m000), Warehouse field.
2) whwmd215.item 2) Session Warehouse - Item Inventory (whwmd2515m000), Item field.

The concatenation of Warehouse field and Item field is published.

1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

Always the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
whinr140.item Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
Always filled with 'Warehouse'.
whinr140.cwar Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Warehouse field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcmcs003.dsca 1) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Description field.
2) whinr140.cwar 2) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the Description field is published.

1) whbod001.cnts 1) Not displayed in any session, table Maintain Count Sequence by Warehouse and Item (whbod001), Count
2) whinr140.cwar Sequence field.
3) whinr140.item 2) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Warehouse field.
3) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field.

Based on the Warehouse field and Item field, the Count Sequence field is published.
1) whwmd215.qhnd 1) Session Warehouse - Item Inventory (whwmd2515m000), Inventory on Hand field.
2) whwmd215.cwar 2) Session Warehouse - Item Inventory (whwmd2515m000), Warehouse field.
3) whwmd215.item 3) Session Warehouse - Item Inventory (whwmd2515m000), Item field.

Based on the Warehouse field and Item field, the Inventory on Hand field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 279

1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Inventory Unit field.
3) whwmd215.item 3) Session Warehouse - Item Inventory (whwmd2515m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
A unique increasing sequence number.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

whwmd260.cprj Session Project Pegged Inventory (whwmd2560m000), Project field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

whwmd260.cact Session Project Pegged Inventory (whwmd2560m000), Activity field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

whwmd260.cspa Session Project Pegged Inventory (whwmd2560m000), Element field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

whwmd260.qhnd Session Project Pegged Inventory (whwmd2560m000), Inventory on Hand field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) whinr140.item 2) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

whwmd260.ccco Session Project Pegged Inventory (whwmd2560m000), Cost Component field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

Always filled with 'Cost Components'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
whwmd260.cstl Session Project Pegged Inventory (whwmd2560m000), Extension field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

whwmd260.cprj Session Project Pegged Inventory (whwmd2560m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
whwmd260.cprj Session Project Pegged Inventory (whwmd2560m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) whwmd215.item 2) Session Warehouse - Item Inventory (whwmd2515m000), Item field.
3) whwmd215.qhnd 3) Session Warehouse - Item Inventory (whwmd2515m000), Inventory on Hand field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Inventory on Hand field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

Infor April 07, 2020 280

1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) whwmd215.item 3) Session Warehouse - Item Inventory (whwmd2515m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
Always filled with 'Open'.
Always filled with 'Generic Status'.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
If the Warehouse - Item Data is deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
A unique increasing sequence number starting with 1 is published.
whinr140.item Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) whltc100.revi 1) Session Item - Lot (whltc1100m000), General tab, E-item Revision field.
2) whinr140.item 2) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field.
3) whinr140.clot 3) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Lot field.

If the Lot field is filled, based on the Item field, the E-item Revision field is published.
1) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.
2) whinr140.item 2) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Description field is published.

whinr140.qhnd Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Inventory on Hand field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) whinr140.item 3) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
whinr140.clot Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Lot field.
whinr140.qhnd Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Inventory on Hand field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) whinr140.item 3) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
whinr140.qhnd Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Inventory on Hand field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) whinr140.item 3) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) whinr140.item 2) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field.
3) whinr140.qhnd 3) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Inventory on Hand field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Inventory on Hand field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) whinr140.item 3) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field.

Infor April 07, 2020 281

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
whinr140.cwar Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Warehouse field.

The concatenation of 'W' and the Warehouse field is published.

A sequence number is published.
For sequence number 1, 'Warehouse' is published.
For sequence number 2, 'StorageArea' is published.
For sequence number 3, 'Location' is published.
For sequence number 4, 'Aisle' is published.
For sequence number 5, 'Level' is published.
For sequence number 6, 'Bin' is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcmcs003.dsca 1) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Description field.
2) whinr140.cwar 2) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the Description field is published.

If the message is published due to a cycle count 'Counted' is published. Otherwise, 'NotCounted' is published.
Always filled with 'Inventory Count Status'.
whinr140.trdt Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Blocking tab, Last Transaction Date field.
1) whwmd610.bloc HoldCodes can be based on:
2) whwmd620.bloc 1) Session Warehouse - Blocked Zones/Locations (whwmd6110m000), Reason for Blocking field.
3) whwmd630.bloc 2) Session Item - Blocked Lots (whwmd6120m000), Reason for Blocking field.
4) whwmd640.bloc 3) Session Warehouse - Location - Item - Blocked Inventory (whwmd6130m000), Reason for Blocking field.
5) whinh000.ibrn 4) Session Blocked Handling Units (whwmd6140m000), Reason for Blocking field.
6) whinh000.obrn 5) Session Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000), Warehouse Inspections tab, Inbound Inspection
7) whinh000.rbrn Blocking Reason.
6) Session Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000), Warehouse Inspections tab, Outbound Inspection
Blocking Reason.
7) Session Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000), Warehouse Inspections tab, Rejection Blocking

If the Zone/Location of the stock point is blocked, the Reason for Blocking (1) field is published.

If the Lot of the stock point is blocked, the Reason for Blocking (2) field is published.

If the Stock Point is blocked, the Reason for Blocking (3) field is published.

If the Handling Unit of the stock point is blocked, the Reason for Blocking (4) field is published.

If the stock point is blocked due to an inbound inspection, the Inbound Inspection Blocking Reason field is

If the stock point is blocked due to an outbound inspection, the Outbound Inspection Blocking Reason field is

If the stock point is blocked due to rejected inventory, the Rejection Blocking Reason field is published.
Always filled with 'Hold Reason Codes'
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
whinh501.qvrc Session Cycle Counting Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Variance field.

If the InventoryCount is published due to a cycle count, the Variance field is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) whinr140.item 3) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 282

Session Cycle Counting Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh5107m000), Project Peg Line field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

whinh507.cprj Session Cycle Counting Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh5107m000), Project field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

whinh507.cact Session Cycle Counting Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh5107m000), Activity field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

whinh507.cspa Session Cycle Counting Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh5107m000), Element field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

whinh507.qvrc Session Cycle Counting Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh5107m000), Variance field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) whinh501.item 3) Session Cycle Counting Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

whinh507.ccco Session Cycle Counting Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh5107m000), Cost Component field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

Always filled with 'Cost Components'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
whinh507.cstl Session Cycle Counting Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh5107m000), Extension field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

whinh507.cprj Session Cycle Counting Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh5107m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
whinh507.cprj Session Cycle Counting Order Line Peg Distribution (whinh5107m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) whinr140.item 2) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field.
3) whinh501.qvrc 3) Session Cycle Counting Order Lines (whinh5101m000), Variance field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Variance field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) whinr140.item 3) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

Infor April 07, 2020 283

1) whltc100.effn 1) Session Item - Lot (whltc1100m000), General tab, Effectivity Unit field.
2) whinr140.item 2) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field.
3) whinr140.clot 3) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Lot field.

If the Lot field is filled, based on the Item field, for the Effectivity Unit field, the InventoryCount/
InventoryCountLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.EffectivityUnit' and InventoryCount/
InventoryCountLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'IntegerNumericType'.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data

Infor April 07, 2020 284

The concatenation of Warehouse and GUID to make the ID unique.

This BOD is published when users:

1) Block or Unblock Inventory by Location, Lot, Stock Point, or Handling Unit,
2) Update Inventory to be Inspected (inbound or outbound),
3) Update Rejected Inventory.
whinr140.cwar Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
whinr140.cwar Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Warehouse field.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

Always the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
whinr140.item Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) whltc100.revi 1) Session Item - Lot (whltc1100m000), General tab, E-item Revision field.
2) whinr140.item 2) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field.
3) whinr140.clot 3) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Lot field.

If the Lot field is filled, based on the Item field, the E-item Revision field is published.
1) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.
2) whinr140.item 2) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Description field is published.

whinr140.qblk Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Blocked field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Inventory Unit field.
3) whinr140.item 3) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) whinr140.item 2) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field.
3) whinr140.qblk 3) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Blocked field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Blocked field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) whinr140.item 3) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

Infor April 07, 2020 285

whinr140.clot Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Lot field.
whinr140.qblk Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Blocked field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Inventory Unit field.
3) whinr140.item 3) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) whinr140.item 2) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field.
3) whinr140.qblk 3) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Blocked field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Blocked field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) whinr140.item 3) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) whwmd610.bloc 1) Session Warehouse - Blocked Zones/Locations (whwmd6110m000), Reason for Blocking field.
2) whwmd620.bloc 2) Session Item - Blocked Lots (whwmd6120m000), Reason for Blocking field.
3) whwmd630.bloc 3) Session Warehouse - Location - Item - Blocked Inventory (whwmd6130m000), Reason for Blocking field.
4) whwmd640.bloc 4) Session Blocked Handling Units (whwmd6140m000), Reason for Blocking field.
5) whinh000.ibrn 5) Session Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000), Warehouse Inspections tab, Inbound Inspection
6) whinh000.obrn Blocking Reason field.
7) whinh000.rbrn 6) Session Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000), Warehouse Inspections tab, Outbound Inspection
Blocking Reason field.
7) Session Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000), Warehouse Inspections tab, Rejection Blocking
Reason field.

When the inventory was blocked for 1 or more of the above reasons, the related Blocking Reason fields are
Always filled with 'Hold Reason Codes'
1) whwmd610.bloc 1) Session Warehouse - Blocked Zones/Locations (whwmd6110m000), Reason for Blocking field.
2) whwmd620.bloc 2) Session Item - Blocked Lots (whwmd6120m000), Reason for Blocking field.
3) whwmd630.bloc 3) Session Warehouse - Location - Item - Blocked Inventory (whwmd6130m000), Reason for Blocking field.
4) whwmd640.bloc 4) Session Blocked Handling Units (whwmd6140m000), Reason for Blocking field.
5) whinh000.ibrn 5) Session Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000), Warehouse Inspections tab, Inbound Inspection
6) whinh000.obrn Blocking Reason field.
7) whinh000.rbrn 6) Session Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000), Warehouse Inspections tab, Outbound Inspection
Blocking Reason field.
7) Session Inventory Handling Parameters (whinh0100m000), Warehouse Inspections tab, Rejection Blocking
Reason field.

When the inventory is now blocked for 1 or more of the above reasons, the related Blocking Reason fields are
Always filled with 'Hold Reason Codes'
whinr140.qblk Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Blocked field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Inventory Unit field.
3) whinr140.item 3) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) whinr140.item 2) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field.
3) whinr140.qblk 3) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Blocked field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Blocked field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs001.icun
Infor April 07, 2020 286
2) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
3) whinr140.item 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) whbod001.cnts 1) Not displayed in any session, table Maintain Count Sequence by Warehouse and Item (whbod001), Count
2) whinr140.cwar Sequence field.
3) whinr140.item 2) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Warehouse field.
3) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field.

Based on the Warehouse field and Item field, the Count Sequence field is published.
1) whltc100.effn 1) Session Item - Lot (whltc1100m000), General tab, Effectivity Unit field.
2) whinr140.item 2) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Item field.
3) whinr140.clot 3) Session Stock Point Inventory (whinr1540m000), Lot field.

If the Lot field is filled, based on the Item field, for the Effectivity Unit field, the InventoryCount/
InventoryCountLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.EffectivityUnit' and InventoryCount/
InventoryCountLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'IntegerNumericType'.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data
Always filled with Open'.

Infor April 07, 2020 287

For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.doct 1) Not displayed in any session, Document Type field.
2) cisli205.amti 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Amount field.
3) cisli205.ndcn 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines Group, Debit/Credit Notes field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: If the Document Type field is equal to 'Credit Note', or the Document Type field is equal to 'Pay-from Receipt'
1) cisli305.doct and the Amount field is less than zero, or the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance Receipt Request' and
2) cisli305.amti the Amount field is less than zero, 'CreditMemo' is published.
3) cisli310.srtp If the Document Type field is not equal to 'Credit Note' and the Debit/Credit Notes field is greater than zero,
'DebitMemo' is published.
For SalesACR: Otherwise, 'Invoice' is published.
1) tfacr200.trec
2) tfacr200.amti For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Not displayed in any session, Document Type field.
2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Amount field.
3) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Source Type field.

If the Document Type field is equal to 'Credit Note', or the Document Type field is equal to 'Pay-from Receipt'
and the Invoice Amount field is less than zero, or the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance Receipt
Request' and the Invoice Amount field is less than zero, 'CreditMemo' is published.
If the Document Type field is not equal to 'Credit Note' and an invoice line exists for which the Source Type field
is equal to 'Debit/Credit Note', 'DebitMemo' is published.
Otherwise, 'Invoice' is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document Type field.
2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Amount in Invoice Currency field.

If the Document Type is equal to 'Sales Invoice' and the Amount in Invoice Currency is greater than or equal to
0, 'Invoice' is published.
If the Document Type is equal to 'Credit Note' or the Amount in Invoice Currency is less than 0, 'CreditMemo' is

For Warehousing:
Always filled with 'Invoice'.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: The concatenation of the Financial Company, the Invoice Number (Transaction Type), and the Invoice Number
1) cisli305.sfcp (Document) fields is published.
2) cisli305.tran
3) cisli305.idoc This BOD is published when users:
1) Post an Invoice,
For SalesACR: 2) Archive and/or Delete the Invoice.
1) tfacr200.ttyp
2) tfacr200.ninv For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Financial Company) field.
For Warehousing: 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
whinh430.shpm 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Document) field.

The concatenation of the Invoice Number (Financial Company), the Invoice Number (Transaction Type), and the
Invoice Number (Document) fields is published.

This BOD is published when users:

1) Post an Invoice,
2) Archive and/or Delete the Invoice.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document (Transaction Type) field.
2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document (Document) field.

The concatenation of the current company, the Document (Transaction Type) field and the Document
(Document) field is published.

This BOD is published when users:

1) Finalize a transaction of type Sales Invoice (not originating from the Central Invoicing module),
2) Archive and/or Delete the Invoice.

For Warehousing:
Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Shipment field.

This BOD is published when users confirm a shipment for a Sales Order or a Sales Schedule when BOD
parameter 'Publish Proforma Invoice BOD' is equal to 'yes'.

Infor April 07, 2020 288

For LN 10.7 or later, users can also publish this BOD by using the Print Shipping Documents by External
Application (whinh4430m300) session for a Frozen or Confirmed Shipment.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tfgld004.acdp 1) Session Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000), General tab, Company Data group, Accounting Department
2) cisli205.sfcp field.
2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) cisli305.sfcp Based on the Accounting Department and Financial Company fields, the accountingEntity field is published.
2) cisli305.tran Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
3) cisli305.idoc
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
For SalesACR: 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Financial Company) field.
tfgld004.acdp 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Document) field.
For Warehousing:
whinh430.sfco Based on the Invoice Number fields, the accountingEntity field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For SalesACR:
Session Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000), General tab, Company Data group, Accounting Department

Based on the Accounting Department field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For Warehousing:
Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-From Code field.

Based on the Ship-From Code field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tfgld004.acdp 1) Session Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000), General tab, Company Data group, Accounting Department
2) cisli205.sfcp field.
2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) cisli305.sfcp Based on the Accounting Department and Financial Company fields, the location field is published.
2) cisli305.tran Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
3) cisli305.idoc
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
For SalesACR: 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Financial Company) field.
tfgld004.acdp 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Document) field.
For Warehousing:
whinh430.sfco The concatenation of the Invoice Number (Financial Company), the Invoice Number (Transaction Type), and the
Invoice Number (Document) fields is published.

Based on the Invoice Number field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For SalesACR:
Session Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000), General tab, Company Data group, Accounting Department

Based on the Accounting Department field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For Warehousing:
Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-From Code field.

Based on the Ship-From Code field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
cisli205.csbi Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Customer Invoice field.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.ityp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
2) cisli205.idoc 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: The concatenation of the Invoice Number (Transaction Type) and the Invoice Number (Document) fields is
1) cisli305.tran published.
2) cisli305.idoc This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For SalesACR: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

Infor April 07, 2020 289
1) tfacr200.ttyp 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
2) tfacr200.ninv 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Document) field.

For Warehousing: The concatenation of the Invoice Number (Transaction Type), and the Invoice Number (Document) fields is
whinh430.shpm published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document (Transaction Type) field.
2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Document (Document) field.

The concatenation of the Document (Transaction Type) field and the Document (Document) field is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For Warehousing:
Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Shipment field.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
2) tccom001.loco 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.

For Warehousing:
1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
cisli205.idat Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Date field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

cisli305.idat Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Date field.

For SalesACR: For SalesACR:

tfacr200.docd Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Document Date field.

For Warehousing: For Warehousing:

1) whinh430.cdat 1) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Date Confirmed field.
2) whinh430.pddt 2) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-from/to tab, Planned Delivery Date field.

The Date Confirmed field is published.

For Infor LN 10.7 or later.

If published from session Print Shipping Documents by External Application (whinh4430m300), the Planned
Delivery Date field is published. Otherwise, the Date Confirmed field is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.

Infor April 07, 2020 290

4) tfacr200.refr 4) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous group, Reference field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company, the Invoice Number (Transaction Type), and the Invoice Number (Document)
1) tfacr200.refr fields, the Reference field is published.
2) cisli305.sfcp
3) cisli305.tran For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
4) cisli305.idoc 1) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous group, Reference field.
2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
For SalesACR: 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
tfacr200.refr 4) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Document) field.

Based on the Financial Company, the Invoice Number (Transaction Type), and the Invoice Number (Document)
fields, the Reference field is published.

For SalesACR:
Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Miscellaneous tab, Reference field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tfacr200.text 1) Not displayed in any session, Text field.
2) cisli305.sfcp 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
3) cisli305.tran 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
4) cisli305.idoc 4) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Document) field.

For SalesACR: Based on the Financial Company, the Invoice Number (Transaction Type), and the Invoice Number (Document)
tfacr200.text fields, the Text field is published.

For SalesACR:
Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.gdai 1) Not displayed in any session, Goods Amount Invoice Currency field.
2) cisli205.rmai 2) Not displayed in any session, Remaining Amount field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: The sum of Goods Amount Invoice Currency and the Remaining Amount is published.
1) cisli310.slai
2) cisli310.chtp For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Not displayed in any session, Source Line Amount field.
For SalesACR: 2) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
1) tfacr200.amti
2) tfacr200.vati The sum of the Source Line Amounts of all invoice lines for which Charge Type is not equal to 'Costs' is

For SalesACR:
1) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, Amount in
Invoice Currency field.
2) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, Tax Amount
in Invoice Currency field.

The result of the Amount in Invoice Currency field minus the Tax Amount in Invoice Currency field is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) cisli205.ccur 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) cisli305.sfcp For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
3) cisli305.ccur 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
For SalesACR: 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Currency field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tfacr200.ccur Based on the Financial Company field and the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, In Invoice
Currency field.

Based on the In Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.gdai 1) Not displayed in any session, Goods Amount Invoice Currency field.
2) cisli205.rmai 2) Not displayed in any session, Remaining Amount field.
3) tcemm170.fcua 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: The sum of Goods Amount Invoice Currency and the Remaining Amount expressed in Local Currency is
Infor April 07, 2020 291
1) cisli310.slah(1) published.
2) cisli310.chtp This BOD element is available for FP7.

For SalesACR: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) tfacr200.amth(1) 1) Not displayed in any session, Source Line Amount in Home Currency field.
2) tfacr200.vath(1) 2) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.

The sum of the Source Line Amounts in Home Currency fields of all invoice lines for which Charge Type is not
equal to 'Costs' is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, Amount in
Home Currency field.
2) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, Tax Amount
in Home Currency field.

The result of the Amount in Home Currency field minus the Tax Amount in Home Currency field is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
2) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.gdai 1) Not displayed in any session, Goods Amount Invoice Currency field.
2) cisli205.rmai 2) Not displayed in any session, Remaining Amount field.
3) tcemm170.lcur 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.
1) cisli310.slai The sum of Goods Amount Invoice Currency and the Remaining Amount expressed in Reference Currency is
2) cisli310.chtp published.
3) cisli310.lcur Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is available for FP7.
For SalesACR:
1) tfacr200.amti For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
2) tfacr200.vati 1) Not displayed in any session, Source Line Amount field.
3) tcemm170.lcur 2) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The sum of the Source Line Amounts of all invoice lines for which Charge Type is not equal to 'Costs' expressed
in Reference Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, Amount in
Invoice Currency field.
2) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, Tax Amount
in Invoice Currency field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Tax Amount in Invoice Currency field is subtracted from the Amount in Invoice Currency field. The result
expressed in Reference Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
2) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 292

This BOD element is available for FP7.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
cisli205.amti Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Amount field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

cisli305.amti Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Amount field.

For SalesACR: For SalesACR:

tfacr200.amnt Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, Amount in
Invoice Currency field.
For Warehousing:
1) whinh431.csvl For Warehousing:
2) whinh431.csvc 1) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Customs Value tab, Customs Value field.
3) whinh431.qshp 2) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Customs Value tab, Customs Value Currency field.
4) whinh431.amnt 3) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Item tab, Quantity Shipped field.
5) whinh430.curr 4) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Item tab, Amount field.
5) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Invoicing tab, Currency field.

The total for all shipment lines of the multiplication of Customs Value and Shipped Quantity aggregated with the
Amount field is published.

All amounts are first converted to 1 currency. This is the first found Customs Value Currency field on the
shipment lines. If no Customs Value Currency can be found, the Currency field from the Shipment header is
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) cisli205.ccur 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) cisli305.sfcp For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
3) cisli305.ccur 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
For SalesACR: 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Currency field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tfacr200.ccur Based on the Financial Company field and the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.

For Warehousing: For SalesACR:

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) whinh431.csvc 2) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, In Invoice
3) whinh430.curr Currency field.

Based on the In Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.

For Warehousing:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Customs Value tab, Customs Value Currency field.
3) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Invoicing tab, Currency field.

The currency field used is the first found Customs Value Currency field on the shipment lines. If no Customs
Value Currency can be found, the Currency field from the Shipment header is used.

Based on this currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
cisli205.amth(1) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Details group, Amount in Local Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: The Amount in Local Currency field is published.
cisli305.amth(1) This BOD element is available for FP7.

For SalesACR: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

tfacr200.amth(1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Amount in Home Currency field.

Infor April 07, 2020 293

For Warehousing: The Invoice Amount in Home Currency field is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua
2) tcemm170.comp For SalesACR:
3) whinh430.sfco Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, Amount in
Home Currency field.

The Amount in Home Currency field is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For Warehousing:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-From Code field.

Based on the Ship-From Code field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

The Invoice/InvoiceHeader/TotalAmount element expressed in Local Currency is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc This BOD element is available for FP7.
2) tcemm170.fcua
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
For SalesACR: 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.fcua
Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Warehousing:
1) tcmcs002.iccc For SalesACR:
2) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
3) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.
4) whinh430.sfco
Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For Warehousing:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-From Code field.

Based on the Ship-From Code field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.amti 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Amount field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currencies field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.
1) cisli305.amti The Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
2) tcemm170.lcur Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is available for FP7.
For SalesACR:
1) tfacr200.amnt For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
2) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Amount field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field
For Warehousing:
1) tcemm170.lcur Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.
2) tcemm170.comp The Invoice Amount expressed in Reference Currency is published.
3) whinh430.sfco Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, Amount in
Invoice Currency field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Amount in Invoice Currency field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

Infor April 07, 2020 294

For Warehousing:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-From Code field.

Based on the Ship-From Code field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Invoice/InvoiceHeader/TotalAmount element expressed in Reference Currency is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc This BOD element is available for FP7.
2) tcemm170.lcur
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
For SalesACR: 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.lcur
Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For Warehousing:
1) tcmcs002.iccc For SalesACR:
2) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
3) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
4) whinh430.sfco
Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For Warehousing:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-From Code field.

Based on the Ship-From Code field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) tccom000.fovn 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Tax Number of Own Company field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company field, the Tax Number of Own Company field is published.
1) cisli305.sfcp
2) tccom000.fovn For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
For SalesACR: 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Tax Number of Own Company field.
Based on the Financial Company field, the Tax Number of Own Company field is published.

For SalesACR:
Session General Company Data (tccom0502m000), Tax Details group, Tax Number of Own Company field.

Based on the current company, the Tax Number of Own Company field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
Always filled with 'TaxIdentificationNumber'.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) tccom000.nama 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0502m000), Company (description) field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company field, the Company (Description) field is published.
1) cisli305.sfcp
2) tccom000.nama For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
For SalesACR: 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0502m000), Company (Description) field.
Based on the Financial Company field, the Company (Description) field is published.

For SalesACR:
Session General Company Data (tccom0502m000), Company (description) field.
Infor April 07, 2020 295
For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.

For SalesACR:
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
3) cisli205.sfcp 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and the Address Code fields, the Name field is published.
1) tccom130.nama
2) tccom000.cadr For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
3) cisli305.sfcp 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
For SalesACR: 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
1) tccom130.nama
2) tccom000.cadr Based on the Financial Company and the Address Code fields, the Name field is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General tab, Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Name field is published.

For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tccom000.cadr 7) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
8) cisli205.sfcp 8) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and the Address Code fields, the six Address Lines are published.
1) tccom130.ln01
2) tccom130.ln02 One Address Line is published per sequence.
3) tccom130.ln03
4) tccom130.ln04 For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
5) tccom130.ln05 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
7) tccom000.cadr 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
8) cisli305.sfcp 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
For SalesACR: 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
1) tccom130.ln01 7) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
2) tccom130.ln02 8) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
3) tccom130.ln03
4) tccom130.ln04 Based on the Financial Company and the Address Code fields, the six Address Lines are published.
5) tccom130.ln05
6) tccom130.ln06 One Address Line is published per sequence.
7) tccom000.cadr
For SalesACR:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General tab, Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line.

Infor April 07, 2020 296

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line.

For SalesACR:
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
3) cisli305.sfcp 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.

Based on the Financial Company and the Address Code fields, the House Number field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
3) cisli305.sfcp 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.

Based on the Financial Company and the Address Code fields, the Building field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
3) cisli305.sfcp 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.

Based on the Financial Company and the Address Code fields, the Street field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
3) cisli305.sfcp 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.

Based on the Financial Company and the Address Code fields, the Unit field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
3) cisli305.sfcp 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.

Based on the Financial Company and the Address Code fields, the Floor field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
3) cisli305.sfcp 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.

Based on the Financial Company and the Address Code fields, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
3) cisli205.sfcp 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and the Address Code fields, the City field is published.
1) tccom130.dsca
2) tccom000.cadr For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
3) cisli305.sfcp 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
For SalesACR: 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
1) tccom130.dsca
2) tccom000.cadr Based on the Financial Company and the Address Code fields, the City field is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General tab, Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the City field is published.

For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
3) cisli205.sfcp 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.

Infor April 07, 2020 297

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and the Address Code fields, the State/Province field is published.
1) tccom130.cste
2) tccom000.cadr For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
3) cisli305.sfcp 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
For SalesACR: 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
1) tccom130.cste
2) tccom000.cadr Based on the Financial Company and the Address Code fields, the State/Province field is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General tab, Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the State/Province field is published.

For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tccom000.cadr 3) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
4) cisli205.sfcp 4) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and the Address Code fields, the Country Code is determined.
1) tccom130.ccty The ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
2) tcmcs010.ict2
3) tccom000.cadr For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
4) cisli305.sfcp 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
For SalesACR: 3) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
1) tccom130.ccty 4) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2
3) tccom000.cadr Based on the Financial Company and the Address Code fields, the Country Code is determined.
The ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General tab, Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
3) cisli205.sfcp 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and the Address Code fields, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
1) tccom130.pstc
2) tccom000.cadr For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
3) cisli305.sfcp 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
For SalesACR: 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
1) tccom130.pstc
2) tccom000.cadr Based on the Financial Company and the Address Code fields, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General tab, Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.itbp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Business Partner field.
2) cisli205.ofbp 2) Not displayed in any session, Sold-to Business Partner field.
3) tccom100.prbp 3) Session Business Partners (tccom4500m000), Parent field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: If the Sold-to Business Partner field is filled, the Sold-to Business Partner field is published.
1) cisli305.ofbp Otherwise, if the Business Partner field has a role as Sold-to Business Partner, the Business Partner field is
2) cisli310.ofbp published.
Otherwise, if the Parent field of the Business Partner has a role as Sold-to Business Partner, the Parent field is
For SalesACR: published.
1) tfacr200.itbp In all other cases the Business Partner field is published.
2) tfacr200.ofbp
3) tccom100.prbp For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, General group, Sold-to Business Partner
For Warehousing: field.
whinh430.stco 2) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, Variable Composing Criteria group,
Sold-to Business Partner field.

Infor April 07, 2020 298

If the Sold-to Business Partner (1) field is filled, the Sold-to Business Partner (1) field is published.
Otherwise, if the Sold-to Business Partner (2) field is identical for all invoice lines, the Sold-to Business Partner
(2) field is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Invoice-to Business Partner field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Order-from Business Partner field.
3) Session Business Partners (tccom4500m000), Parent field.

If the Order-from Business Partner field is filled, the Order-from Business Partner field is published.
Otherwise, if the Invoice-to Business Partner field has a role as Sold-to Business Partner, the Invoice-to
Business Partner field is published.
Otherwise, if the Parent field of the Invoice-to Business Partner has a role as Sold-to Business Partner, the
Parent field is published.
In all other cases the Invoice-to Business Partner field is published.

For Warehousing:
Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-From/To tab, Ship-To Code field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.itbp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Business Partner field.
2) cisli205.ofbp 2) Not displayed in any session, Sold-to Business Partner field.
3) tccom100.prbp 3) Session Business Partners (tccom4500m000), Parent field.
4) cisli205.txdt 4) Not displayed in any session, Tax Date field.
5) cisli205.ofad 5) Not displayed in any session, Sold-to Address field.
6) tccom130.ccty 6) Session Addresses (tccom4530m000), Country field.
7) tctax400.fovn 7) Session Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax4100m000), Tax Number field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: If the Sold-to Business Partner field is filled, the Sold-to Business Partner is used.
1) cisli305.ofbp Otherwise, if the Business Partner field has a role as Sold-to Business Partner, the Business Partner field is
2) cisli315.txdt used.
3) cisli305.ofad Otherwise, if the Parent field of the Business Partner has a role as Sold-to Business Partner, the Parent field is
4) tccom130.ccty used.
5) tctax400.fovn In all other cases the Business Partner field is used.

For SalesACR: Based on the Sold-to Address field, the Country field is determined.
1) tfacr200.itbp Based on the Business Partner, the Country and the Tax Date fields, the Tax number field is published.
2) tfacr200.ofbp
3) tccom100.prbp For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
4) tccom110.cadr 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, General group, Sold-to Business Partner
5) tccom130.ccty field.
6) tfacr200.docd 2) Session Invoice - Tax Details (cisli3115m000), Tax Date field.
7) tctax400.fovn 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, General group, Sold-to Address field.
4) Session Addresses (tccom4530m000), Country field.
5) Session Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax4100m000), Tax Number field.

Based on the Sold-to Address field, the Country field is determined.

Based on the Sold-to Business Partner, Country and Tax Date fields, the Tax Number field is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Invoice-to Business Partner field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Order-from Business Partner field.
3) Session Business Partners (tccom4500m000), Parent field.
4) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), General tab, General group, Address field.
5) Session Addresses (tccom4530m000), Country field.
6) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Document Date field.
7) Session Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax41000m000), Tax Number field.

If the Order-from Business Partner field is filled, the Order-from Business Partner field is used.
Otherwise, if the Invoice-to Business Partner field has a role as Sold-to Business Partner, the Invoice-to
Business Partner field is used.
Otherwise, if the Parent field of the Invoice-to Business Partner has a role as Sold-to Business Partner, the
Parent field is used.
In all other cases the Invoice-to Business Partner field is used.

Based on the Business Partner field and the Address field, the Country field is determined.
Based on the Business Partner, the Country and the Document Date fields, the Tax number field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) cisli305.ofad 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, General group, Sold-to Address field.
2) tccom130.ccty 2) Session Addresses (tccom4530m000), Country field.
3) tcmcs010.ict2 3) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.

Based on the Sold-to Address field, the Country field is determined.

Infor April 07, 2020 299

Based on the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is determined.
The concatenation of ISO Code alpha-2 field and ':VAT' is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
Always filled with 'TaxIdentificationNumber'.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) cisli205.itbp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Business Partner field.
3) cisli205.ofbp 3) Not displayed in any session, Sold-to Business Partner field.
4) tccom100.prbp 4) Session Business Partners (tccom4500m000), Parent field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: If the Sold-to Business Partner field is filled, Sold-to Business Partner is used.
1) tccom100.nama Otherwise, if the Business Partner field has a role as Sold-to Business Partner, the Business Partner field is
2) cisli305.ofbp used.
Otherwise, if the Parent field of the Business Partner has a role as Sold-to Business Partner, the Parent field is
For SalesACR: used.
1) tccom100.nama In all other cases the Business Partner field is used.
2) tfacr200.itbp
3) tfacr200.ofbp Based on the Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
4) tccom100.prbp
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
For Warehousing: 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
1) tccom100.nama 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, General group, Sold-to Business Partner
2) whinh430.stco field.

Based on the Sold-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Invoice-to Business Partner field.
3) Not displayed in any session, Order-from Business Partner field.
4) Session Business Partners (tccom4500m000), Parent field.

If the Order-from Business Partner field is filled, the Order-from Business Partner field is used.
Otherwise, if the Invoice-to Business Partner field has a role as Sold-to Business Partner, the Invoice-to
Business Partner field is used.
Otherwise, if the Parent field of the Invoice-to Business Partner has a role as Sold-to Business Partner, the
Parent field is used.
In all other cases the Invoice-to Business Partner field is used.

Based on the Business Partner field, the Name field is published.

For Warehousing:
1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-From/To tab, Ship-To Code field.

Based on the Ship-To Code field, the Name field is published.

Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) cisli205.ofad 2) Not displayed in any session, Sold-to Address field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Sold-to Address field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom130.nama
2) cisli305.ofad For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
For SalesACR: 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, General group, Sold-to Address field.
1) tccom130.nama
2) tfacr200.itbp Based on the Sold-to Address field, the Name field is published.
3) tfacr200.ofbp
4) tccom100.prbp For SalesACR:
5) tccom110.cadr 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Invoice-to Business Partner field.
For Warehousing: 3) Not displayed in any session, Order-from Business Partner field.
1) tccom130.nama 4) Session Business Partners (tccom4500m000), Parent field.
2) whinh430.stad 5) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), General tab, General group, Address field.

If the Order-from Business Partner field is filled, the Order-from Business Partner field is used.
Otherwise, if the Invoice-to Business Partner field has a role as Sold-to Business Partner, the Invoice-to
Business Partner field is used.
Otherwise, if the Parent field of the Invoice-to Business Partner has a role as Sold-to Business Partner, the
Parent field is used.
In all other cases the Invoice-to Business Partner field is used.
Infor April 07, 2020 300
Based on the Business Partner field, the Address of the Business Partner is determined. Based on the Address
field, the Name field is published.

For Warehousing:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-To Address field.

Based on the Ship-To Address field, the Name field is published.

For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) cisli205.ofad 7) Not displayed in any session, Sold-to Address field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Sold-to Address field, the six Address Lines are published.
1) tccom130.ln01
2) tccom130.ln02 One Address Line is published per sequence.
3) tccom130.ln03
4) tccom130.ln04 For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
5) tccom130.ln05 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
7) cisli305.ofad 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
For SalesACR: 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
1) tccom130.ln01 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 7) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, General group, Sold-to Address field.
3) tccom130.ln03
4) tccom130.ln04 Based on the Sold-to Address field, the six Address Lines are published.
5) tccom130.ln05
6) tccom130.ln06 One Address Line is published per sequence.
7) tccom110.cadr
For SalesACR:
For Warehousing: 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
1) tccom130.ln01 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 7) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), General tab, General group, Address field.
7) whinh430.stad
Based on the Address field (see AttentionOfName), the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

For Warehousing:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-To Address field.

Based on the Ship-To Address field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line.

For SalesACR:
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line.

For Warehousing:
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
Infor April 07, 2020 301
1) tccom130.hono For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
2) cisli305.ofad 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, General group, Sold-to Address field.

Based on the Sold-to Address field, the House Number field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) cisli305.ofad 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, General group, Sold-to Address field.

Based on the Sold-to Address field, the Building field is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) cisli305.ofad 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, General group, Sold-to Address field.

Based on the Sold-to Address field, the Street field is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) cisli305.ofad 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, General group, Sold-to Address field.

Based on the Sold-to Address field, the Unit field is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) cisli305.ofad 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, General group, Sold-to Address field.

Based on the Sold-to Address field, the Floor field is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) cisli305.ofad 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, General group, Sold-to Address field.

Based on the Sold-to Address field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) cisli205.ofad 2) Not displayed in any session, Sold-to Address field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Sold-to Address field, the City field is published.
1) tccom130.dsca
2) cisli305.ofad For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
For SalesACR: 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, General group, Sold-to Address field.
1) tccom130.dsca
2) tccom110.cadr Based on the Sold-to Address field, the City field is published.

For Warehousing: For SalesACR:

1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) whinh430.stad 2) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), General tab, General group, Address field.

Based on the Address field (see AttentionOfName), the City field is published.

For Warehousing:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-To Address field.

Based on the Ship-To Address field, the City field is published.

For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) cisli205.ofad 2) Not displayed in any session, Sold-to Address field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Sold-to Address field, the State/Province field is published.
1) tccom130.cste
2) cisli305.ofad For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
For SalesACR: 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, General group, Sold-to Address field.
1) tccom130.cste
2) tccom110.cadr Based on the Sold-to Address field, the State/Province field is published.

For Warehousing: For SalesACR:

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) whinh430.stad 2) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), General tab, General group, Address field.

Based on the Address field (see AttentionOfName), the State/Province field is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 302
For Warehousing:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-To Address field.

Based on the Ship-To Address field, the State/Province field is published.

For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) cisli205.ofad 3) Not displayed in any session, Sold-to Address field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Sold-to Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.ccty
2) tcmcs010.ict2 For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
3) cisli305.ofad 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
For SalesACR: 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, General group, Sold-to Address field.
1) tccom130.ccty
2) tcmcs010.ict2 Based on the Sold-to Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
3) tccom110.cadr
For SalesACR:
For Warehousing: 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
1) tccom130.ccty 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 3) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), General tab, General group, Address field.
3) whinh430.stad
Based on the Address field (see AttentionOfName) and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the
country is published.

For Warehousing:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-To Address field.

Based on the Ship-To Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) cisli205.ofad 2) Not displayed in any session, Sold-to Address field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Sold-to Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
1) tccom130.pstc
2) cisli305.ofad For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
For SalesACR: 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, General group, Sold-to Address field.
1) tccom130.pstc
2) tccom110.cadr Based on the Sold-to Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.

For Warehousing: For SalesACR:

1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) whinh430.stad 2) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), General tab, General group, Address field.

Based on the Address field (see AttentionOfName), the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.

For Warehousing:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-To Address field.

Based on the Ship-To Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tccom140.clan 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Language field.
2) tcmcs046.ilng 2) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000), ISO Code field.
3) cisli205.ofbp 3) Not displayed in any session, Sold-to Business Partner field.
4) tccom110.ccnt 4) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), General tab, General group, Contact field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Sold-to Business Partner field, the Contact is determined.
1) tccom140.clan Based on the Contact field and the Language field, the ISO Code field of the language is published.
2) tcmcs046.ilng
3) cisli305.ofbp For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
4) tccom110.ccnt 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Language field.
2) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000), ISO Code field.
For SalesACR: 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, General group, Sold-to Business Partner
1) tccom140.clan field.
2) tcmcs046.ilng 4) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), General tab, General group, Contact field.
3) tfacr200.itbp
4) tfacr200.ofbp Based on the Sold-to Business Partner field, the Contact is determined.
Infor April 07, 2020 303
5) tccom100.prbp Based on the Contact field and the Language field, the ISO Code field of the language is published.
6) tccom110.ccnt
For SalesACR:
1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Language field.
2) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000), ISO Code field.
3) Session Invoice-to Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Invoice-to Business Partner field.
4) Not displayed in any session, Order-from Business Partner field.
5) Session Business Partners (tccom4500m000), Parent field.
6) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), General tab, General group, Contact field.

If the Order-from Business Partner field is filled, the Order-from Business Partner field is used.
Otherwise, if the Invoice-to Business Partner field has a role as Sold-to Business Partner, the Invoice-to
Business Partner field is used.
Otherwise, if the Parent field of the Invoice-to Business Partner has a role as Sold-to Business Partner, the
Parent field is used.
In all other cases the Invoice-to Business Partner field is used.

Based on the Business Partner field, the Contact is determined.

Based on the Contact field and the Language field, the ISO Code field of the language is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tccom110.ccnt 1) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), General tab, General group, Contact field.
2) cisli205.itbp 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Invoice-to Business Partner field.
3) cisli205.ofbp 3) Not displayed in any session, Sold-to Business Partner field.
4) tccom100.prbp 4) Not displayed in any session, Order-from Business Partner field.
5) Session Business Partners (tccom4500m000), Parent field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom110.ccnt If the Order-from Business Partner field is filled, the Order-from Business Partner field is used.
2) cisli305.itbp Otherwise, if the invoice originates from Central Invoicing and the Sold-to Business Partner field is filled, the
3) cisli305.ofbp Sold-to Business Partner field is used.
4) tccom100.prbp Otherwise, if the Invoice-to Business Partner field has a role as Sold-to Business Partner, the Invoice-to
Business Partner field is used.
For SalesACR: Otherwise, if the Parent field of the Invoice-to Business Partner has a role as Sold-to Business Partner, the
1) tccom110.ccnt Parent field is used.
2) tfacr200.itbp In all other cases the Invoice-to Business Partner field is used.
3) cisli205.ofbp
4) tfacr200.ofbp Based on the Business Partner field, the Contact field is published.
5) tccom100.prbp
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), General tab, General group, Contact field.
2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria Tab, Fixed Composing Criteria Group, Invoice-to
Business Partner field.
3) Not displayed in any session, Sold-to Business Partner field.
4) Not displayed in any session, Order-from Business Partner field.
5) Session Business Partners (tccom4500m000), Parent field.

If the Order-from Business Partner field is filled, the Order-from Business Partner field is used.
Otherwise, if the invoice originates from Central Invoicing and the Sold-to Business Partner field is filled, the
Sold-to Business Partner field is used.
Otherwise, if the Invoice-to Business Partner field has a role as Sold-to Business Partner, the Invoice-to
Business Partner field is used.
Otherwise, if the Parent field of the Invoice-to Business Partner has a role as Sold-to Business Partner, the
Parent field is used.
In all other cases the Invoice-to Business Partner field is used.

Based on the Business Partner field, the Contact field is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), General tab, General group, Contact field.
2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Invoice-to Business Partner field.
3) Not displayed in any session, Sold-to Business Partner field.
4) Not displayed in any session, Order-from Business Partner field.
5) Session Business Partners (tccom4500m000), Parent field.

If the Order-from Business Partner field is filled, the Order-from Business Partner field is used.
Otherwise, if the invoice originates from Central Invoicing and the Sold-to Business Partner field is filled, the
Sold-to Business Partner field is used.
Otherwise, if the Invoice-to Business Partner field has a role as Sold-to Business Partner, the Invoice-to
Business Partner field is used.
Otherwise, if the Parent field of the Invoice-to Business Partner has a role as Sold-to Business Partner, the
Parent field is used.
In all other cases the Invoice-to Business Partner field is used.

Based on the Business Partner field, the Contact field is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

Infor April 07, 2020 304

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field.
2) cisli205.ofbp 2) Not displayed in any session, Sold-to Business Partner field.
3) tccom110.ccnt 3) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), General tab, General group, Contact field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Sold-to Business Partner field and the Contact field, the Family Name field is published.
1) tccom140.surn
2) cisli305.ofbp For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
3) tccom110.ccnt 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field.
2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, General group, Sold-to Business Partner
For SalesACR: field.
1) tccom140.surn 3) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), General tab, General group, Contact field.
2) tfacr200.itbp
3) tfacr200.ofbp Based on the Sold-to Business Partner field and the Contact field, the Family Name field is published.
4) tccom100.prbp
5) tccom110.ccnt For SalesACR:
1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field.
2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Invoice-to Business Partner field.
3) Not displayed in any session, Order-from Business Partner field.
4) Session Business Partners (tccom4500m000), Parent field.
5) Session Sold-to Business Partners (tccom4110s000), General tab, General group, Contact field.

If the Order-from Business Partner field is filled, the Order-from Business Partner field is used.
Otherwise, if the Invoice-to Business Partner field has a role as Sold-to Business Partner, the Invoice-to
Business Partner field is used.
Otherwise, if the Parent field of the Invoice-to Business Partner has a role as Sold-to Business Partner, the
Parent field is used.
In all other cases the Invoice-to Business Partner field is used.

Based on the Business Partner field and the Contact field, the Family Name field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
tctax400.fovn Session Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax4100m000), Tax Number field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
tctax400.fovn Session Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax4100m000), Tax Number field.

If the Tax Number field is filled, 'TaxIdentificationNumber' is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
tctax400.rnam Session Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax4100m000), Verified Registered Name field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4530m000), Name field.
2) tctax400.rgad 2) Not displayed in any session, Registered Address field.

Based on the Registered Address field, the Name field is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tctax400.rgad 7) Not displayed in any session, Registered Address field.

Based on the Registered Address field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tctax400.rgad 2) Not displayed in any session, Registered Address field.

Infor April 07, 2020 305

Based on the Registered Address field, the House Number field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tctax400.rgad 2) Not displayed in any session, Registered Address field.

Based on the Registered Address field, the Building field is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tctax400.rgad 2) Not displayed in any session, Registered Address field.

Based on the Registered Address field, the Street field is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tctax400.rgad 2) Not displayed in any session, Registered Address field.

Based on the Registered Address field, the Unit field is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tctax400.rgad 2) Not displayed in any session, Registered Address field.

Based on the Registered Address field, the Floor field is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tctax400.rgad 2) Not displayed in any session, Registered Address field.

Based on the Registered Address field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tctax400.rgad 2) Not displayed in any session, Registered Address field.

Based on the Registered Address field, the City field is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tctax400.rgad 2) Not displayed in any session, Registered Address field.

Based on the Registered Address field, the State/Province field is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tctax400.rgad 3) Not displayed in any session, Registered Address field.

Based on the Registered Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tctax400.rgad 2) Not displayed in any session, Registered Address field.

Based on the Registered Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tfcmg011.cbad 1) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), International Bank ID field.
2) cisli305.pfbp 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
3) tfcmg114.bank Business Partner field.
4) tfcmg001.brch 3) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Paying tab, Bank Relation field.
4) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field, the Bank Relation field is determined.
Based on the Bank Relation field, the Bank Branch field is determined.
Based on the Bank Branch field, the International Bank ID field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tfcgm011.bnam 1) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Name field.
2) cisli305.pfbp 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
3) tfcmg114.bank Business Partner field.
4) tfcmg001.brch 3) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Paying tab, Bank Relation field.

Infor April 07, 2020 306

4) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field, the Bank Relation field is determined.
Based on the Bank Relation field, the Bank Branch field is determined.
Based on the Bank Branch field, the Bank Name field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
The value 'Text' or 'Discrete' is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4530m000), Name field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
3) cisli305.pfbp 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
4) tfcmg114.bank Business Partner field.
5) tfcmg001.brch 4) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Paying tab, Bank Relation field.
5) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field, the Bank Relation field is determined.
Based on the Bank Relation field, the Bank Branch field is determined.
Based on the Bank Branch field, the Bank Address field is determined.
Based on the Bank Address field, the Name field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tfcmg011.badr 7) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
8) cisli305.pfbp 8) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
9) tfcmg114.bank Business Partner field.
10) tfcmg001.brch 9) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Paying tab, Bank Relation field.
10) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field, the Bank Relation field is determined.
Based on the Bank Relation field, the Bank Branch field is determined.
Based on the Bank Branch field, the Bank Address field is determined.
Based on the Bank Address field, the six Address Lines are published.
One Address Line is published per sequence.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field, the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field, the sequence is set to 2.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
3) cisli305.pfbp 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
4) tfcmg114.bank Business Partner field.
5) tfcmg001.brch 4) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Paying tab, Bank Relation field.
5) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field, the Bank Relation field is determined.
Based on the Bank Relation field, the Bank Branch field is determined.
Based on the Bank Branch field, the Bank Address field is determined.
Based on the Bank Address field, the House Number field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
3) cisli305.pfbp 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
4) tfcmg114.bank Business Partner field.
5) tfcmg001.brch 4) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Paying tab, Bank Relation field.
5) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field, the Bank Relation field is determined.
Based on the Bank Relation field, the Bank Branch field is determined.
Based on the Bank Branch field, the Bank Address field is determined.
Based on the Bank Address field, the Building field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
Infor April 07, 2020 307
3) cisli305.pfbp 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
4) tfcmg114.bank Business Partner field.
5) tfcmg001.brch 4) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Paying tab, Bank Relation field.
5) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field, the Bank Relation field is determined.
Based on the Bank Relation field, the Bank Branch field is determined.
Based on the Bank Branch field, the Bank Address field is determined.
Based on the Bank Address field, the Street field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
3) cisli305.pfbp 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
4) tfcmg114.bank Business Partner field.
5) tfcmg001.brch 4) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Paying tab, Bank Relation field.
5) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field, the Bank Relation field is determined.
Based on the Bank Relation field, the Bank Branch field is determined.
Based on the Bank Branch field, the Bank Address field is determined.
Based on the Bank Address field, the Unit field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
3) cisli305.pfbp 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
4) tfcmg114.bank Business Partner field.
5) tfcmg001.brch 4) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Paying tab, Bank Relation field.
5) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field, the Bank Relation field is determined.
Based on the Bank Relation field, the Bank Branch field is determined.
Based on the Bank Branch field, the Bank Address field is determined.
Based on the Bank Address field, the Floor field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
3) cisli305.pfbp 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
4) tfcmg114.bank Business Partner field.
5) tfcmg001.brch 4) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Paying tab, Bank Relation field.
5) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field, the Bank Relation field is determined.
Based on the Bank Relation field, the Bank Branch field is determined.
Based on the Bank Branch field, the Bank Address field is determined.
Based on the Bank Address field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
3) cisli305.pfbp 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
4) tfcmg114.bank Business Partner field.
5) tfcmg001.brch 4) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Paying tab, Bank Relation field.
5) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field, the Bank Relation field is determined.
Based on the Bank Relation field, the Bank Branch field is determined.
Based on the Bank Branch field, the Bank Address field is determined.
Based on the Bank Address field, the City field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
3) cisli305.pfbp 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
4) tfcmg114.bank Business Partner field.
5) tfcmg001.brch 4) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Paying tab, Bank Relation field.
5) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field, the Bank Relation field is determined.
Based on the Bank Relation field, the Bank Branch field is determined.
Based on the Bank Branch field, the Bank Address field is determined.
Based on the Bank Address field, the State/Province field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
Infor April 07, 2020 308
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tfcmg011.badr 3) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
4) cisli305.pfbp 4) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
5) tfcmg114.bank Business Partner field.
6) tfcmg001.brch 5) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Paying tab, Bank Relation field.
6) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field, the Bank Relation field is determined.
Based on the Bank Relation field, the Bank Branch field is determined.
Based on the Bank Branch field, the Bank Address field is determined.
Based on the Bank Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tfcmg011.badr 2) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
3) cisli305.pfbp 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
4) tfcmg114.bank Business Partner field.
5) tfcmg001.brch 4) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Paying tab, Bank Relation field.
5) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field, the Bank Relation field is determined.
Based on the Bank Relation field, the Bank Branch field is determined.
Based on the Bank Branch field, the Bank Address field is determined.
Based on the Bank Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tfcmg001.bano 1) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Account field.
2) tfcmg001.iban 2) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), IBAN field.
3) cisli305.pfbp 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
4) tccom114.bank Business Partner field.
4) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Bank Relation field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field, the Bank Relation field is determined.
Based on the Bank Relation field and when the IBAN field is empty, the Bank Account field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tfcmg001.iban 1) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), IBAN field.
2) cisli305.pfbp 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
3) tccom114.bank Business Partner field.
3) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Bank Relation field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field, the Bank Relation field is determined.
Based on the Bank Relation field, the IBAN field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) cisli305.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
2) tccom000.nama 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0502m000), Company (Description) field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the Company (Description) field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
cisli305.bkrn Not displayed in any session, Bank Reference Number field.

For SalesACR: For SalesACR:

tfacr200.bkrn Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Bank Reference field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli305.stat Always filled with 'Standard'.
2) cisli305.sfcp
3) cisli305.tran For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
4) cisli305.idoc 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Status field.
5) cisli305.cpay 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Transaction Type field.
4) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number field.
5) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Payment
Terms field.

If Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted' and multiple Invoice Lines exist for the Financial Company field,
Transaction Type field and Invoice Number field, a payment schedule exists .
If Invoice Status field is not equal to 'Posted' and the Payment Term has schedules lines, a payment schedule

If a payment schedule exists, 'Scheduled' is published. Otherwise, 'Standard' is published.

For SalesACR:
Always filled with 'Standard'.
Infor April 07, 2020 309
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcmcs013.dsca 1) Session Terms of Payment (tcmcs0113m000), Terms of Payment tab, Description field.
2) cisli205.cpay 2) Not displayed in any session, Terms of Payment field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Terms of Payment, the Description is published.
1) tcmcs013.dsca
2) cisli305.cpay For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Terms of Payment (tcmcs0113m000), Terms of Payment tab, Description field.
For SalesACR: 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Payment
1) tcmcs013.dsca Terms field.
2) tfacr200.cpay
Based on the Payment Terms, the Description is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Terms of Payment (tcmcs0113s000), Terms of Payment tab, Description field.
2) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Payment Conditions group, Terms of
Payment field.

Based on the Terms of Payment field, the Description field is published.

For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.cpay 1) Not displayed in any session, Terms of Payment field.
2) tcmcs013.txta 2) Session Terms of Payment (tcmcs0113m000), Text field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Terms of Payment, the Text field is published.
1) tcmcs013.txta
2) cisli305.cpay For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Terms of Payment (tcmcs0113m000), Text field.
For SalesACR: 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Payment
1) tcmcs013.txta Terms field.
2) tfacr200.cpay
Based on the Payment Terms, the Text field is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Terms of Payment (tcmcs0113s000), Terms of Payment tab, Terms of Payment Text field.
2) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Payment Conditions group, Terms of
Payment field.

Based on the Terms of Payment field, the Terms of Payment Text field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
cisli205.cpay Not displayed in any session, Terms of Payment field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

cisli305.cpay Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Payment
Terms field.
For SalesACR:
tfacr200.cpay For SalesACR:
Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Payment Conditions group, Terms of
Payment field.
Always filled with 'Payment Term'.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tfacr200.dued 1) Session Sales Invoices (tfacr2522m000), Receipt Details tab, Due Date field.
2) tfacr200.docd 2) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Document Date field.
3) cisli205.sfcp 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
4) cisli205.ityp 4) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
5) cisli205.idoc 5) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company, Invoice Number (Transaction Type) and Invoice Number (Document) fields,
1) tfacr200.dued the Due Date and the Document Date are determined.
2) tfacr200.docd If the Due Date is not equal to 0, the Due Date is published.
3) cisli305.sfcp Otherwise, the Document Date is published.
4) cisli305.tran
5) cisli305.idoc For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Sales Invoices (tfacr2522m000), Receipt Details tab, Due Date field.
For SalesACR: 2) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Document Date field.
1) tfacr200.dued 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
2) tfacr200.docd 4) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
5) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Document) field.

Infor April 07, 2020 310

For Warehousing:
whinh430.cdat Based on the Financial Company, Invoice Number (Transaction Type) and Invoice Number (Document) fields,
the Due Date and the Document Date are determined.
If the Due Date is not equal to 0, the Due Date is published.
Otherwise, the Document Date is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Payment Conditions group, Due
Date field.
2) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Payment Conditions group,
Document Date field.

The Due Date field is published. If no Due Date can be determined, the Document Date field is published.

For Warehousing:
Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Date Confirmed field.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
cisli205.amti Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Amount field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

cisli305.amti Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Amount field.

For SalesACR: For SalesACR:

tfacr200.amnt Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, Amount in
Invoice Currency field.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) cisli205.ccur 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) cisli305.sfcp For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
3) cisli305.ccur 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
For SalesACR: 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Currency field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tfacr200.ccur Based on the Financial Company field and the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the Currency is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, In Invoice
Currency field.

Based on the In Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
cisli205.amth(1) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Details group, Amount in Local Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: The Amount in Local Currency field is published.
cisli305.amth(1) This BOD element is available for FP7.

For SalesACR: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

tfacr200.amth(1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Amount in Home Currency field.

The Invoice Amount in Home Currency field is published.

For SalesACR:
Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, Amount in
Home Currency field.

The Amount in Home Currency field is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
2) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 311

For SalesACR:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.amti 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Amount field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.
1) cisli205.amti The Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
2) tcemm170.lcur Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is available for FP7.
For SalesACR:
1) tfacr200.amnt For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
2) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Invoices (cisli2105m000), Invoice Amount field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Invoice Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, Amount in
Invoice Currency field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Amount in Invoice Currency field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
2) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1', '2' or '3' is published, depending on the first, second or third discount.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.d1dt 1) Not displayed in any session, First Discount Date field.
2) cisli205.d2dt 2) Not displayed in any session, Second Discount Date field.
3) cisli205.d3dt 3) Not displayed in any session, Third Discount Date field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: All Discount Date fields are published.
1) cisli305.d1dt
2) cisli305.d2dt For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
3) cisli305.d3dt 1) Not displayed in any session, First Discount Date field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Second Discount Date field.
For SalesACR: 3) Not displayed in any session, Third Discount Date field.
1) tfacr200.did1
2) tfacr200.did2 All Discount Date fields are published.
3) tfacr200.did3
4) tfacr200.dc1a For SalesACR:
5) tfacr200.dc2a 1) Session Terms of Payment (tfacr1112s000), First Discount Date field.
6) tfacr200.dc3a 2) Session Terms of Payment (tfacr1112s000), Second Discount Date field.
3) Session Terms of Payment (tfacr1112s000), Third Discount Date field.
4) Session Terms of Payment (tfacr1112s000), First Discount Amount field.
5) Session Terms of Payment (tfacr1112s000), Second Discount Amount field.
6) Session Terms of Payment (tfacr1112s000), Third Discount Amount field.

Infor April 07, 2020 312

If the First Discount Amount is filled, the First Discount Date field is published for the first discount.
If the Second Discount Amount is filled, the Second Discount Date field is published for the second discount.
If the Third Discount Amount is filled, the Third Discount Date field is published for the third discount.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: 1) Not displayed in any session, First Discount Date field.
1) cisli205.d1dt 2) Not displayed in any session, Second Discount Date field.
2) cisli205.d2dt 3) Not displayed in any session, Third Discount Date field.
3) cisli205.d3dt
All Discount Date fields are published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) cisli305.d1dt
2) cisli305.d2dt
3) cisli305.d3dt
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.d1ai 1) Not displayed in any session, First Invoice Discount Invoice Currency field.
2) cisli205.d2ai 2) Not displayed in any session, Second Invoice Discount Invoice Currency field.
3) cisli205.d3ai 3) Not displayed in any session, Third Invoice Discount Invoice Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: All Invoice Discount Invoice Currency fields are published.
1) cisli305.d1ai
2) cisli305.d2ai For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
3) cisli305.d3ai 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Data tab, Amounts group, First Invoice Discount field.
2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Data tab, Amounts group, Second Invoice Discount field.
For SalesACR: 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Data tab, Amounts group, Third Invoice Discount field.
1) tfacr200.dc1a
2) tfacr200.dc2a All Invoice Discount fields are published.
3) tfacr200.dc3a
For SalesACR:
1) Session Terms of Payment (tfacr1112s000), First Discount Amount field.
2) Session Terms of Payment (tfacr1112s000), Second Discount Amount field.
3) Session Terms of Payment (tfacr1112s000), Third Discount Amount field.

If the First Discount Amount is filled, the First Discount Amount is published for the first discount.
If the Second Discount Amount is filled, the Second Discount Amount is published for the second discount.
If the Third Discount Amount is filled, the third Discount Amount is published for the third discount.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.ccur 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Currency field.
2) tcmcs002.iccc 2) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) cisli305.sfcp For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
3) cisli305.ccur 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
For SalesACR: 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Currency field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tfacr200.ccur Based on the Financial Company field and the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the Currency is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field.
2) Session Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.d1ah(1) 1) Not displayed in any session, First Invoice Discount Home Currency field.
2) cisli205.d2ah(1) 2) Not displayed in any session, Second Invoice Discount Home Currency field.
3) cisli205.d3ah(1) 3) Not displayed in any session, Third Invoice Discount Home Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Dependent on the first, second or third discount, the First Discount Home Currency field, the Second Discount
1) cisli305.d1ah(1) Home Currency field or the Third Discount Home Currency field is published.
2) cisli305.d2ah(1) This BOD element is available for FP7.
3) cisli305.d3ah(1)
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
For SalesACR: 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Data tab, Amounts group, First Invoice Discount in Home Currency
1) tfacr200.dc1h(1) field.
2) tfacr200.dc2h(1) 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Data tab, Amounts group, Second Invoice Discount in Home
3) tfacr200.dc3h(1) Currency field.
3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Data tab, Amounts group, Third Invoice Discount in Home
Currency field.

Depending on the first, second or third discount, the First Discount Amount in Home Currency, the Second
Discount Amount in Home Currency or Third Discount Amount in Home Currency is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, First
Infor April 07, 2020 313
Discount Amount in Home Currency field.
2) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, Second
Discount Amount in Home Currency field.
3) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, Third
Discount Amount in Home Currency field.

Dependent on the first, second or third discount, the First Discount Amount in Home Currency field, the Second
Discount Amount in Home Currency field or the Third Discount Amount in Home Currency field is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
2) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.d1ai 1) Not displayed in any session, First Invoice Discount Invoice Currency field.
2) cisli205.d2ai 2) Not displayed in any session, Second Invoice Discount Invoice Currency field.
3) cisli205.d3ai 3) Not displayed in any session, Third Invoice Discount Invoice Currency field.
4) tcemm170.lcur 4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.
1) cisli305.d1ai All Invoice Discount Invoice Currency fields expressed in Reference Currency are published.
2) cisli305.d2ai Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
3) cisli305.d3ai This BOD element is available for FP7.
4) tcemm170.lcur
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
For SalesACR: 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Data tab, Amounts group, First Invoice Discount field.
1) tfacr200.dc1a 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Data tab, Amounts group, Second Invoice Discount field.
2) tfacr200.dc2a 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Data tab, Amounts group, Third Invoice Discount field.
3) tfacr200.dc3a 4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
4) tcemm170.lcur
Based on the financial Company, the Reference Currency is determined.
All Invoice Discount fields expressed in Reference Currency are published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Terms of Payment (tfacr1112s000), First Discount Amount field.
2) Session Terms of Payment (tfacr1112s000), Second Discount Amount field.
3) Session Terms of Payment (tfacr1112s000), Third Discount Amount field.
4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

Dependent on the first, second or third discount, the First Discount Amount field, the Second Discount Amount
field or the Third Discount Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
2) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.

Infor April 07, 2020 314

2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
cisli205.ccrs Not displayed in any session, Late Payment Surcharge field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

cisli305.ccrs Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Late
Payment Surcharge field.
For SalesACR:
tfacr200.ccrs For SalesACR:
Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Payment Conditions group, Late
Payment Surcharge field.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.ccrs 1) Not displayed in any session, Late Payment Surcharge field.
2) tcmcs011.dsca 2) Session Late Payment Surcharges (tcmcs0111m000), Late Payment Surcharge Description field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on Late Payment Surcharge field, the Late Payment Surcharge Description field is published.
1) cisli305.ccrs
2) tcmcs011.dsca For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Late
For SalesACR: Payment Surcharge field.
1) tcmcs011.dsca 2) Session Late Payment Surcharges (tcmcs0111m000), Late Payment Surcharge Description field.
2) tfacr200.ccrs
Based on Late Payment Surcharge field, the Late Payment Surcharge Description field is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Late Payment Surcharges (tcmcs0111m000), Late Payment Surcharge Description field.
2) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Payment Conditions group, Late
Payment Surcharge field.

Based on the Late Payment Surcharge field, the Late Payment Surcharge Description field is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
cisli205.scdt Not displayed in any session, Late Payment Surcharge Date field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

cisli305.scdt Not displayed in any session, Late Payment Surcharge Date field.

For SalesACR: For SalesACR:

tfacr200.lpdt Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Payment Conditions group, Late
Payment Surcharge Date field.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
cisli205.scai Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Details Group, Late Payment Surcharge Amount field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

cisli305.scai Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Data tab, Amounts group, LPS Amount field.

For SalesACR: For SalesACR:

tfacr200.lapa Session Terms of Payment (tfacr1112s000), Late Payment Surcharge Amount field.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.ccur 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Currency field.
2) tcmcs002.iccc 2) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) cisli305.sfcp For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
3) cisli305.ccur 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
For SalesACR: 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Currency field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tfacr200.ccur Based on the Financial Company field and the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the Currency is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field.
2) Session Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
cisli205.scah(1) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Details Group, Late Payment Surcharge Home Currency
Amount field.

Infor April 07, 2020 315

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
cisli305.scah(1) The Late Payment Surcharge Home Currency Amount field is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7.
For SalesACR:
tfacr200.laph(1) For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Data tab, Amounts group, LPS Amount in Home Currency field.

The LPS Amount in Home Currency is published.

For SalesACR:
Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, Late Payment
Surcharge Amount in Home Currency field.

The Late Payment Surcharge Amount in Home Currency field is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
2) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.scai 1) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Details Group, Late Payment Surcharge Amount field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.
1) cisli305.scai The Late Payment Surcharge Amount expressed in Reference Currency is published.
2) tcemm170.lcur Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is available for FP7.
For SalesACR:
1) tfacr200.lapa For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
2) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Data tab, Amounts group, LPS Amount field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The LPS Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, Late
Payment Surcharge Amount field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Late Payment Surcharge Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
2) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.

Infor April 07, 2020 316

2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
cisli305.paym Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Payment Method field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
Hard coded with 'Payment Methods'.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) cisli305.stat 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Status field.
2) cisli312.stxa 2) Session Additional Cost - Stamp Tax (cisli3112m000), Stamp Tax Amount field.

Multiple occurrences can be published for this group:

If the Invoice Status field is not equal to 'Posted', an occurrence is published for each row in the Invoice - Tax
Details (cisli315) table.
If the Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted' and the invoice is not finalized in LN Financials, an occurrence is
published for each row in the Interim Tax (tfgld107) table.
If the Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted' and the invoice is finalized in LN Financials, an occurrence is
published for each row in the Tax Analysis (tfgld110) table.
Additionally, if the Stamp Tax Amount field is not equal to zero, an additional occurence is published for LN 10.4
or later.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) cisli312.sfcp 1) Session Additional Cost - Stamp Tax (cisli3112m000), Invoice Number (Financial Company) field.
2) cisli312.tran 2) Session Additional Cost - Stamp Tax (cisli3112m000), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli312.idoc 3) Session Additional Cost - Stamp Tax (cisli3112m000), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli312.stxa 4) Session Additional Cost - Stamp Tax (cisli3112m000), Stamp Tax Amount field.

If the Stamp Tax Amount field is not equal to zero, 'stamp' is published for the Stamp Tax Amount row.
Otherwise, 'VAT' is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tfgld110:ccty 1) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Country field.
2) tfgld110.cvat 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Code field.
3) tfgld107.ccty 3) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Country field.
4) tfgld107.cvat 4) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Tax Code field.
5) tcmcs010.ict2 5) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For finalized lines:

1) cisli305.stat Based on the Country (1) field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is determined.
2) cisli305.sfcp The concatenation of the ISO Code alpha-2 field and the Tax Code (2) field is published.
3) cisli305.tran
4) cisli305.idoc For non-finalized lines:
5) tfgld110.ccty Based on the Country (3) field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is determined.
6) tfgld110.cvat The concatenation of the ISO Code alpha-2 field and the Tax Code (4) field is published.
7) tfgld107.ccty
8) tfgld107.cvat For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
9) cisli315.ccty 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Status field.
10) cisli315.cvat 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
11) tcmcs010.ict2 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
12) cisli312.stxa 4) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Document) field.
5) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Country field.
For SalesACR: 6) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Code field.
1) tfgld110:ccty 7) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Country field.
2) tfgld110.cvat 8) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Tax Code field.
3) tfgld107.ccty 9) Session Invoice - Tax Details (cisli3115m000), Tax Country field.
4) tfgld107.cvat 10) Session Invoice - Tax Details (cisli3115m000), Tax Code field.
5) tcmcs010.ict2 11) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
12) Session Additional Cost - Stamp Tax (cisli3112m000), Stamp Tax Amount field.

Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the Country and Tax Code field are determined.

For finalized lines and Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted':

Based on the Country (5) field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is determined.
The concatenation of the ISO Code alpha-2 field and the Tax Code (6) field is published.

For non-finalized lines and Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted' :

Based on the Country (7) field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is determined.
The concatenation of the ISO Code alpha-2 field and the Tax Code (8) field is published.

For Invoice Status field is not equal to 'Posted':

Based on the Tax Country (9) field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is determined.
Infor April 07, 2020 317
The concatenation of the ISO Code alpha-2 field and the Tax Code (10) field is published.

If the Stamp Tax Amount field is not equal to zero:

Based on the Tax Country (9) field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is determined.
The concatenation of the ISO Code alpha-2 field and 'BOLLO' is published for the Stamp Tax Amount row.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Country field.
2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Code field.
3) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Country field.
4) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Tax Code field.
5) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.

For finalized lines:

Based on the Country (1) field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is determined.
The concatenation of the ISO Code alpha-2 field and the Tax Code (2) field is published.

For non-finalized lines:

Based on the Country (3) field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is determined.
The concatenation of the ISO Code alpha-2 field and the Tax Code (4) field is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) tfgld110.ctau 4) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Periods tab, Tax Authority field.
5) tfgld107.ctau 5) Not displayed in any session, Tax Authority field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the Tax Authority field is determined.
1) cisli305.stat For the finalized lines, the value is taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the value
2) cisli305.sfcp is taken from table Interim Tax table (tfgld107).
3) cisli305.tran
4) cisli305.idoc For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
5) tfgld110.ctau 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Status field.
6) tfgld107.ctau 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
7) cisli315.ctau 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
4) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Document) field.
For SalesACR: 5) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Periods tab, Tax Authority field.
1) tfgld110.ctau 6) Not displayed in any session, Tax Authority field.
2) tfgld107.ctau 7) Session Invoice - Tax Details (cisli3115m000), Tax Authority field.

Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the Tax Authority field is determined.

For Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted' and for the finalized lines, the Tax Authority (5) field is published.
For Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted' and for the non-finalized lines, the Tax Authority (6) field is published.
For Invoice Status field is not equal to 'Posted' the Tax Authority (7) field is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Periods tab, Tax Authority field.
2) Not displayed in any session, table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107), Tax Authority field.

The Tax Authority field is published.

For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the
values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) tfgld110.tbam 4) Session Tax Analysis (tfgdl1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Tax Base Amount field.
5) tfgld110.amnt 5) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Net Amount field.
6) tfgld107.tbam 6) Not displayed in any Session, Tax Base Amount field.
7) tfgld107.amnt 7) Not displayed in any Session, Net Amount field.
8) tfacr200.post 8) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Posting Details tab, Invoice Batch Information group,
Finalization Run field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) cisli305.stat Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the Tax Amounts are determined.
2) cisli305.sfcp The Tax Base Amount field is published.
3) cisli305.tran If the Tax Base Amount field is not filled, the Net Amount is published.
4) cisli305.idoc If the Invoice has been finalized, the amount is multiplied with -1.
5) tfgld110.tbam For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the
6) tfgld110.amnt values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
7) tfgld107.tbam
8) tfgld107.amnt For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
9) tfacr200.post 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Status field.
10) cisli315.tbai 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
11) cisli312.stxa 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
Infor April 07, 2020 318
4) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Document) field.
For SalesACR: 5) Session Tax Analysis (tfgdl1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Tax Base Amount field.
1) tfgld110.tbam 6) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Net Amount field.
2) tfgld110.amnt 7) Not displayed in any Session, Tax Base Amount field.
3) tfgld107.tbam 8) Not displayed in any Session, Net Amount field.
4) tfgld107.amnt 9) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Posting Details tab, Invoice Batch Information group,
Finalization Run field.
10) Session Invoice - Tax Details (cisli3115m000), Taxable Amount field.
11) Session Additional Cost - Stamp Tax (cisli3112m000), Stamp Tax Amount field.

Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the Tax Amounts are determined.

If Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted', the Tax Base Amount field is published.
If the Tax Base Amount field is not filled, the Net Amount is published.
If the Invoice has been finalized, the amount is multiplied with -1.
For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the
values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
If Invoice Status field is not equal to 'Posted', the Taxable Amount field is published.
If the Stamp Tax Amount field is not equal to zero, 0.0 is published for the Stamp Tax Amount row.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount field.
2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Net Amount field.
3) Not displayed in any session, Tax Base Amount field.
4) Not displayed in any session, Net Amount field.

The Tax Base Amount field is published.

If the Tax Base Amount field is not filled, the Net Amount is published.
If the Invoice has been finalized, the amount is multiplied by -1.
For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the
values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) tfgld110.ccur 4) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Net Amount field.
5) tfgld107.ccur 5) Not displayed in any session, Currency field.
6) tcmcs002.iccc 6) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the Currency field is determined. The ISO Code
1) cisli305.stat field of the currency is published.
2) cisli305.sfcp For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the
3) cisli305.tran values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
4) cisli305.idoc
5) tfgld110.ccur For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
6) tfgld107.ccur 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Status field.
7) cisli305.ccur 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
8) tcmcs002.iccc 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
4) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Document) field.
For SalesACR: 5) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Net Amount currency field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 6) Not displayed in any session, Currency field.
2) tfgld110.ccur 7) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Net Amount currency field.
3) tfgld107.ccur 8) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.

Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the Currency field is determined.

For Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted' and for the finalized lines, the ISO Code field of the Net Amount
currency (5) field field is published.
For Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted' and for the non-finalized lines, the ISO Code field of the Currency (6)
field field is published.
For Invoice Status field is not equal to 'Posted', the ISO Code field of the Net Amount currency (7) field field is

For SalesACR:
1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field.
2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Net Amount Currency field.
3) Not displayed in any session, Currency field.

For the finalized lines, based on the Net Amount Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For the non-finalized lines, based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tfgld110.tbah(1) 1) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount in HC field.
2) tfgld110.amth(1) 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Net Amount in HC field.
3) tfgld107.tbah(1) 3) Not displayed in any session, Tax Base Amount in HC field.
4) tfgld107.amth(1) 4) Not displayed in any session, Net Amount in HC field.

Infor April 07, 2020 319

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: If the transaction is finalized, the Tax Base Amount in HC (1) field is published if it is unequal to 0. If the
1) cisli305.stat transaction is finalized and the Tax Base Amount in HC (1) is equal to 0, the Net Amount in HC (2) field is
2) tfgld110.tbah(1) published.
3) tfgld110.amth(1) If the transaction is not finalized, the Tax Base Amount in HC (3) field is published if it is unequal to 0. If the
4) tfgld107.tbah(1) transaction is not finalized and the Tax Base Amount in HC (3) is equal to 0, the Net Amount in HC (4) field is
5) tfgld107.amth(1) published.
6) cisli315.tbah(1) This BOD element is available for FP7.
7) cisli312.stxa
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
For SalesACR: 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Status field.
1) tfgld110.tbah(1) 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount in HC field.
2) tfgld110.amth(1) 3) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Net Amount in HC field.
3) tfgld107.tbah(1) 4) Not displayed in any session, Tax Base Amount in HC field.
4) tfgld107.amth(1) 5) Not displayed in any session, Net Amount in HC field.
6) Session Invoice - Tax Details (cisli3115m000), Taxable Amount field.
7) Session Additional Cost - Stamp Tax (cisli3112m000), Stamp Tax Amount field.

For Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted' and for the finalized lines, the Tax Base Amount in HC (2) field is
published. If the Tax Base Amount in HC (2) field is equal to 0, the Net Amount in HC (3) field is published.
For Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted' and for the non-finalized lines, the Tax Base Amount in HC (4) field is
published. If the Tax Base Amount in HC (4) is equal to 0, the Net Amount in HC (5) field is published.
For Invoice Status field is not equal to 'Posted', the Taxable Amount in HC (6) field is published.
If the Stamp Tax Amount field is not equal to zero, 0.0 is published for the Stamp Tax Amount row.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount in HC field.
2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Net Amount in HC field.
3) Not displayed in any session, Tax Base Amount in HC field.
4) Not displayed in any session, Net Amount in HC field.

If the transaction is finalized, the Tax Base Amount in HC (1) field is published if it is unequal to 0. If the
transaction is finalized and the Tax Base Amount in HC (1) is equal to 0, the Net Amount in HC (2) field is
If the transaction is not finalized, the Tax Base Amount in HC (3) field is published if it is unequal to 0. If the
transaction is not finalized and the Tax Base Amount in HC (3) is equal to 0, the Net Amount in HC (4) field is
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc This BOD element is available for FP7.
2) cisli305.sfcp
3) tcemm170.fcua For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
For SalesACR: 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.fcua
Based on the Financial Company and the Local Currency fields, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tfgld110.tbam 1) Session Tax Analysis (tfgdl1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Tax Base Amount field.
2) tfgld110.amnt 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Net Amount field.
3) tfgld107.tbam 3) Not displayed in any Session, Tax Base Amount field.
4) tfgld107.amnt 4) Not displayed in any Session, Net Amount field.
5) tcemm170.lcur 5) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.
1) cisli305.stat The Tax Base Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
2) cisli305.sfcp If the Tax Base Amount field is unequal to 0, the Net Amount expressed in Reference Currency is published.
3) cisli305.tran If the Invoice has been finalized, the amount is multiplied by -1.
4) cisli305.idoc For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the
5) tfgld110.tbam values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
6) tfgld110.amnt Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
7) tfgld107.tbam This BOD element is available for FP7.
8) tfgld107.amnt
9) cisli315.tbai For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
10) tfacr200.post 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Status field.

Infor April 07, 2020 320

11) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
12) cisli312.stxa 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
4) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Document) field.
For SalesACR: 5) Session Tax Analysis (tfgdl1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Tax Base Amount field.
1) tfgld110.tbam 6) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Net Amount field.
2) tfgld110.amnt 7) Not displayed in any Session, Tax Base Amount field.
3) tfgld107.tbam 8) Not displayed in any Session, Net Amount field.
4) tfgld107.amnt 9) Session Invoice - Tax Details (cisli3115m000), Taxable Amount field.
5) tcemm170.lcur 10) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Posting Details tab, Invoice Batch Information group,
Finalization Run field.
11) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
12) Session Additional Cost - Stamp Tax (cisli3112m000), Stamp Tax Amount field.

Based on the Financial Company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the Tax Amounts are determined.

If Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted', the Tax Base Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is
published. If the Tax Base Amount field is not filled, the Net Amount expressed in Reference Currency is
published. If the Invoice has been finalized, the amount is multiplied with -1. For the finalized lines, the values
are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the values are taken from table Interim
Tax Table (tfgld107).
If Invoice Status field is not equal to 'Posted', the Taxable Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is
If the Stamp Tax Amount field is not equal to zero, 0.0 is published for the Stamp Tax Amount row.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Tax Analysis (tfgdl1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Tax Base Amount field.
2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Net Amount field.
3) Not displayed in any Session, Tax Base Amount field.
4) Not displayed in any Session, Net Amount field.
5) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Tax Base Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
If the Tax Base Amount field is unequal to 0, the Net Amount expressed in Reference Currency is published.
If the Invoice has been finalized, the amount is multiplied by -1.
For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the
values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc This BOD element is available for FP7.
2) tcemm170.lcur
3) cisli305.sfcp For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
For SalesACR: 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
2) tcemm170.lcur
Based on the Financial Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) tfgld110.pvat 4) Session Tax Analysis (tfgdl1520m000), Tax Amount tab, Tax Percentage field.
5) tfgld107.pvat 5) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109m000), Tax Details tab, Tax Percentage field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the Tax Percentage is determined.
1) cisli305.stat For the finalized lines, the value is taken from table tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the value
2) cisli305.sfcp is taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
3) cisli305.tran The Tax Percentage divided by 100 is published.
4) cisli305.idoc
5) tfgld110.pvat For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
6) tfgld107.pvat 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Status field.

Infor April 07, 2020 321

7) cisli315.perc 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
For SalesACR: 4) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Document) field.
1) tfgld110.pvat 5) Session Tax Analysis (tfgdl1520m000), Tax Amount tab, Tax Percentage field.
2) tfgld107.pvat 6) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109m000), Tax Details tab, Tax Percentage field.
7) Session Invoice - Tax Details (cisli3115m000), Information Group, Percentage field.

Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the Tax Percentage is determined.

If Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted' and for the finalized lines, the Tax Percentage (5) field divided by 100
is published.
If Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted' and for the non-finalized lines, the Tax Percentage (4) field divided by
100 is published.
If Invoice Status field is not equal to 'Posted', the Percentage (7) field divided by 100 is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Tax Analysis (tfgdl1520m000), Tax Amount tab, Tax Percentage field.
2) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109m000), Tax Details tab, Tax Percentage field.

The Tax Percentage divided by 100 is published.

For the finalized lines, the value is taken from table tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the value
is taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) tfgld110.rcod 4) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.
5) tfgld107.rcod 5) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the Exempt Reason is determined.
1) cisli305.stat For the finalized lines, the value is taken from table tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the value
2) cisli305.sfcp is taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
3) cisli305.tran
4) cisli305.idoc For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
5) tfgld110.rcod 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Status field.
6) tfgld107.rcod 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
7) cisli315.rcod 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
4) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Document) field.
For SalesACR: 5) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.
1) tfgld110.rcod 6) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.
2) tfgld107.rcod 7) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.

Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the Exempt Reason is determined.

For Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted' and for the finalized lines, the value is taken from table Tax Analysis
(tfgld110). For Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted' and for the non-finalized lines, the value is taken from
table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
For Invoice Status field is not equal to 'Posted', the value is taken from table Invoice - Tax Details (cisli315).

For SalesACR:
1) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.

The Exempt Reason field is published.

For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the
values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) tfgld110.rcod 4) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.
5) tfgld107.rcod 5) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.
6) tcmcs005.dsca 6) Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason field.
7) cisli205.sfcp 7) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the Exempt Reason Description is determined.
1) cisli305.sfcp Based on the appropriate Exempt Reason and Financial Company, the Reason field is published.
2) cisli305.tran
3) cisli305.idoc For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
4) tfgld110.rcod 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
5) tfgld107.rcod 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
6) cisli315.rcod 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Document) field.
7) tcmcs005.dsca 4) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.
5) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.
For SalesACR: 6) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.
1) tfgld110.rcod 7) Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason field.
Infor April 07, 2020 322
2) tfgld107.rcod
3) tcmcs005.dsca Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the Exempt Reason Description is determined.
Based on the appropriate Exempt Reason and Financial Company, the Reason field is published.

For Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted' and for the finalized lines, the value is taken from table Tax Analysis
(tfgld110). For Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted' and for the non-finalized lines, the value is taken from
table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
For Invoice Status field is not equal to 'Posted', the value is taken from table Invoice - Tax Details (cisli315).

For SalesACR:
1) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.
3) Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason Description field.

Based on the Exempt Reason field, the Reason Description field is published.

For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the
values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) tfgld110.tbam 4) Session Tax Analysis (tfgdl1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Tax Base Amount field.
5) tfgld110.amnt 5) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Net Amount field.
6) tfgld107.tbam 6) Not displayed in any session, Tax Base Amount field.
7) tfgld107.amnt 7) Not displayed in any session, Net Amount field.
8) tfgld110.rcod 8) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.
9) tfgld107.rcod 9) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the Tax Exemption Amount is determined.
1) cisli305.stat If the Exempt Reason field is filled, the Tax Base Amount field is published.
2) cisli305.sfcp If the Exempt Reason field is filled and the Tax Base Amount field is not filled, the Net Amount is published.
3) cisli305.tran If the Exempt Reason field is not filled, nothing is published.
4) cisli305.idoc
5) tfgld110.tbam For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the
6) tfgld110.amnt values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
7) tfgld107.tbam
8) tfgld107.amnt For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
9) cisli315.tbai 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Status field.
2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
For SalesACR: 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
1) tfgld110.tbam 4) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Document) field.
2) tfgld110.amnt 5) Session Tax Analysis (tfgdl1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Tax Base Amount field.
3) tfgld107.tbam 6) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Net Amount field.
4) tfgld107.amnt 7) Not displayed in any session, Tax Base Amount field.
5) tfgld110.rcod 8) Not displayed in any session, Net Amount field.
6) tfgld107.rcod 9) Session Invoice - Tax Details (cisli3115m000), Taxable Amount field.

Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the Tax Exemption Amount is determined.

If Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted', the Tax Base Amount field is published. If the Tax Base Amount field
is not filled, the Net Amount is published. For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis
(tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
If Invoice Status field is not equal to 'Posted', the Taxable Amount field is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Tax Base Amount field.
2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Net Amount field.
3) Not displayed in any session, Tax Base Amount field.
4) Not displayed in any session, Net Amount field.
5) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.
6) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.

If the Exempt Reason field is filled, the Tax Base Amount field is published.
If the Exempt Reason field is filled and the Tax Base Amount field is not filled, the Net Amount is published.
If the Exempt Reason field is not filled, nothing is published.

For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the
values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) cisli205.sfcp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
3) cisli205.ityp 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
4) cisli205.idoc 4) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
5) tfgld110.ccur 5) Session Tax Analysis (tfgdl1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Net Amount field.
6) tfgld107.ccur 6) Not displayed in any session, Currency field.

Infor April 07, 2020 323

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the Currency is determined.
1) cisli305.stat Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
2) tcmcs002.iccc For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the
3) cisli305.sfcp values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
4) cisli305.tran
5) cisli305.idoc For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
6) tfgld110.ccur 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Status field.
7) tfgld107.ccur 2) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
8) cisli305.ccur 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
4) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
For SalesACR: 5) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Document) field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 6) Session Tax Analysis (tfgdl1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Net Amount field.
2) tfgld110.ccur 7) Not displayed in any session, Currency field.
3) tfgld107.ccur 8) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Currency field.

Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the currency is determined.

For Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted' and for the finalized lines, the ISO Code of the Currency (6) field is
For Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted' and for the non-finalized lines, the ISO Code of the Currency (7) field
is published.
For Invoice Status field is not equal to 'Posted', the ISO Code of the Currency (8) field is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field.
2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Net Amount Currency field.
3) Not displayed in any session, Currency field.

For the finalized lines, based on the Net Amount Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For the non-finalized lines, based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) tfgld110.ccty 4) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Country field.
5) tfgld110.cvat 5) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Code field.
6) tfgld110.sern 6) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Sequence Number field.
7) tfgld107.ccty 7) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Country field.
8) tfgld107.cvat 8) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Tax Code field.
9) tfgld107.sern 9) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Tax Sequence Number field.
10) tcmcs036.dsca 10) Session Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0536m000), Tax Code field.
11) tcmcs036.smpl 11) Session Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0536m000), Singular Tax field.
12) tcmcs035.dsca 12) Session Multiple Tax Code Lines (tcmcs0535m000), Description field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the Country, Tax Code, and Tax Sequence
1) cisli305.stat Number fields are determined.
2) cisli305.sfcp Based on the Country, Tax Code, and Tax Sequence Number fields, the Description field is published. If the
3) cisli305.tran Singular Tax field holds 'No', the Description field of the Multiple Tax Codes table (tcmcs035) is published.
4) cisli305.idoc For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the
5) tfgld110.ccty values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
6) tfgld110.cvat
7) tfgld110.sern For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
8) tfgld107.ccty 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Status field.
9) tfgld107.cvat 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
10) tfgld107.sern 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
11) cisli315.ccty 4) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Document) field.
12) cisli315.cvat 5) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Country field.
13) tcmcs036.dsca 6) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Code field.
14) tcmcs036.smpl 7) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Sequence Number field.
15) tcmcs035.dsca 8) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Country field.
9) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Tax Code field.
For SalesACR: 10) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Tax Sequence Number field.
1) tcmcs036.dsca 11) Session Invoice - Tax Details (cisli3115m000), Tax Country field.
2) tfacr200.vatc 12) Session Invoice - Tax Details (cisli3115m000), Tax Code field.
3) tfacr200.cvat 13) Session Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0536m000), Tax Code field.
14) Session Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0536m000), Singular Tax field.
15) Session Multiple Tax Code Lines (tcmcs0535m000), Description field.

Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the Country, Tax Code, and Tax Sequence
Number fields are determined.
Based on the Country, Tax Code, and Tax Sequence Number fields, the Description field is published. If the
Singular Tax field holds 'No', the Description field of the Multiple Tax Codes table (tcmcs035) is published.
For Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted' and for the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax
Analysis (tfgld110).
For Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted' and for the non-finalized lines, the values are taken from table
Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).

Infor April 07, 2020 324

For Invoice Status field is not equal to 'Posted', the values are taken from table Invoice - Tax Details (cisli315).

For SalesACR:
1) Session Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0136s000), General tab, General group, Description field.
2) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Tax Details group, Country for Tax
3) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Tax Details group, Tax Code field.

Based on the Country for Tax and Tax code fields, the Description field is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) tfgld110.vamh(1) 4) Not displayed on any session, Tax Amount in HC (first element) field.
5) tfgld107.vamh(1) 5) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Tax A/c tab, Tax Amount in HC field.
6) tfacr200.post 6) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Posting Details tab, Invoice Batch Information group,
Finalization Run field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) cisli305.stat Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the Tax Amount in HC is determined.
2) cisli305.sfcp For the finalized lines, the value is taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the value
3) cisli305.tran is taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
4) cisli305.idoc if the Invoice has been finalized, the amount is multiplied by -1.
5) tfgld110.vamh(1)
6) tfgld107.vamh(1) For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
7) cisli315.txah(1) 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Status field.
8) tfacr200.post 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
For SalesACR: 4) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Document) field.
1) tfgld110.vamh(1) 5) Not displayed on any session, Tax Amount in HC field.
2) tfgld107.vamh(1) 6) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Tax A/c tab, Tax Amount in HC field.
7) Session Invoice - Tax Details (cisli3115m000), Taxable Amount field.
8) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Posting Details tab, Invoice Batch Information group,
Finalization Run field.

Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the Tax Amount in HC is determined.

For Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted' and for the finalized lines, the value is taken from table Tax Analysis
(tfgld110). For Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted' and for the non-finalized lines, the value is taken from
table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
if the Invoice has been finalized, the amount is multiplied by -1.
For Invoice Status field is not equal to 'Posted', the Taxable Amount field is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Amount tab, Tax Amount (in HC) field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount in HC (first element) field.

For the finalized lines, the Tax Amount (in HC) field is published.
For the non-finalized lines, The Tax Amount in HC (first element) field is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) cisli205.sfcp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
3) tcemm170.fcua 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and the Local Currency fields, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) cisli305.sfcp For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
3) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
For SalesACR: 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tcemm170.fcua Based on the Financial Company and the Local Currency fields, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) tfgld110.vamt 4) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount field.
5) tfgld107.vamt 5) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount field.
6) tfacr200.post 6) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s00), Posting Details tab, Invoice Batch Information group,
Infor April 07, 2020 325
Finalization Run field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) cisli305.stat Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the Tax Amount is determined.
2) cisli305.sfcp For the finalized lines, the value is taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the value
3) cisli305.tran is taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
4) cisli305.idoc If the Invoice has been finalized, the amount is multiplied by -1.
5) tfgld110.vamt
6) tfgld107.vamt For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
7) tfacr200.post 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Status field.
8) cisli315.txai 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
9) cisli312.stxa 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
4) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Document) field.
For SalesACR: 5) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount field.
1) tfgld110.vamt 6) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount field.
2) tfgld107.vamt 7) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s00), Posting Details tab, Invoice Batch Information group,
Finalization Run field.
8) Session Invoice - Tax Details (cisli3115m000), Tax Amount field.
9) Session Additional Cost - Stamp Tax (cisli3112m000), Stamp Tax Amount field.

Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the Tax Amount is determined.

For Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted' and for the finalized lines, the value is taken from table Tax Analysis
For Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted' and for the non-finalized lines, the value is taken from table Interim
Tax Table (tfgld107).
If the Invoice has been finalized, the amount is multiplied by -1.
For Invoice Status field is not equal to 'Posted', the Tax Amount (8) field is published.
If the Stamp Tax Amount field is not equal to zero, the Stamp Tax Amount field is published for the Stamp Tax
Amount row.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Amount tab, Tax Amount field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount field.

For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the
values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) cisli205.sfcp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
3) cisli205.ityp 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
4) cisli205.idoc 4) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
5) tfgld110.ccur 5) Session Tax Analysis (tfgdl1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Net Amount field.
6) tfgld107.ccur 6) Not displayed in any session, Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the Currency is determined.
1) cisli305.stat Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
2) tcmcs002.iccc For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the
3) cisli305.sfcp values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
4) cisli305.tran
5) cisli305.idoc For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
6) tfgld110.ccur 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Status field.
7) tfgld107.ccur 2) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
8) cisli305.ccur 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
4) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
For SalesACR: 5) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Document) field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 6) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Net Amount field.
2) tfgld110.ccur 7) Not displayed in any session, Currency field.
3) tfgld107.ccur
Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the currency is determined.
Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.

For Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted' and for the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax
Analysis (tfgld110).
For Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted' and for the non-finalized lines, the values are taken from table
Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
For Invoice Status field is not equal to 'Posted', the values are taken from table Invoice - Tax Details (cisli315).

For SalesACR:
1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field.
2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Net Amount Currency field.
3) Not displayed in any session, Currency field.

For the finalized lines, based on the Net Amount Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For the non-finalized lines, based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tfgld110.vamh(1) 1) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount in HC field.

Infor April 07, 2020 326

2) tfgld107.vamh(1) 2) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount in HC field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: If the transaction is finalized, the Tax Amount in HC (1) field is published.
1) cisli305.stat If the transaction is not finalized, the Tax Amount in HC (2) field is published.
2) tfgld110.vamh(1) This BOD element is available for FP7.
3) tfgld107.vamh(1)
4) cisli315.txah(1) For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
5) cisli312.stxa 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Status field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount in HC field.
For SalesACR: 3) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount in HC field.
1) tfgld110.vamh(1) 4) Session Invoice - Tax Details (cisli3115m000), Tax Amount field.
2) tfgld107.vamh(1) 5) Session Additional Cost - Stamp Tax (cisli3112m000), Stamp Tax Amount field.

If Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted' and if the transaction is finalized, the Tax Amount in HC (1) field is
If Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted' and if the transaction is not finalized, the Tax Amount in HC (2) field is
If Invoice Status field is not equal to 'Posted', the Tax Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.
If the Stamp Tax Amount field is not equal to zero, the Stamp Tax Amount field expressed in Local Currency is
published for the Stamp Tax Amount row.

For SalesACR:
1) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount in HC field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount in HC field.

If the transaction is finalized, the Tax Amount in HC (1) field is published.

If the transaction is not finalized, the Tax Amount in HC (2) field is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc This BOD element is available for FP7.
2) cisli305.sfcp
3) tcemm170.fcua For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
For SalesACR: 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.fcua
Based on the Financial Company and the Local Currency fields, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tfgld110.vamt 1) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount field.
2) tfgld107.vamt 2) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount field.
3) tcemm170.lcur 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.
1) cisli305.stat The Tax Amount expressed in Reference Currency is published.
2) cisli305.sfcp For the finalized lines, the value is taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the value
3) cisli305.tran is taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
4) cisli305.idoc If the Invoice has been finalized, the amount is multiplied by -1.
5) tfgld110.vamt Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
6) tfgld107.vamt This BOD element is available for FP7.
7) tfacr200.post
8) tcemm170.lcur For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
9) cisli315.txai 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Status field.
10) cisli312.stxa 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
For SalesACR: 4) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Document) field.
1) tfgld110.vamt 5) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount field.
2) tfgld107.vamt 6) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount field.
3) tcemm170.lcur 7) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s00), Posting Details tab, Invoice Batch Information group,
Finalization Run field.
8) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
9) Session Invoice - Tax Details (cisli3115m000), Tax Amount field.
10) Session Additional Cost - Stamp Tax (cisli3112m000), Stamp Tax Amount field.

Based on the Financial Company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the Tax Amount is determined.

Infor April 07, 2020 327

For Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted' and for the finalized lines, the value is taken from table Tax Analysis
(tfgld110). For Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted' and for the non-finalized lines, the value is taken from
table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
If the Invoice has been finalized, the amount is multiplied by -1.
For Invoice Status field is not equal to 'Posted', the values are taken from table Invoice - Tax Details (cisli315).
If the Stamp Tax Amount field is not equal to zero, the Stamp Tax Amount field is taken for the Stamp Tax
Amount row.

This amount expressed in Reference Currency is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.

For SalesACR:
1) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Tax Amount expressed in Reference Currency is published.
For the finalized lines, the value is taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the value
is taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
If the Invoice has been finalized, the amount is multiplied by -1.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc This BOD element is available for FP7.
2) tcemm170.lcur
3) cisli305.sfcp For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
For SalesACR: 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
2) tcemm170.lcur
Based on the Financial Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tfgld110.ktax 1) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Code (1) field.
2) tfgld107.ktax 2) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Tax Code (2) field.
3) tcmcs036.ktax 3) Session Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0536m000), Kind of Tax field.

If Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted' and If invoice is finalized, 'true' is published if Tax Code (1) field is
equal to 'Withholding Income Tax' or 'Withholding Social Contribution' or 'Social Contribution (Company
Expense)'. Otherwise, 'false' is published.

If Invoice Status field is equal to 'Posted' and If invoice is not finalized, 'true' is published if Tax Code (2) field is
equal to 'Withholding Income Tax' or 'Withholding Social Contribution' or 'Social Contribution (Company
Expense)'. Otherwise, 'false' is published.

If Invoice Status field is not equal to 'Posted', 'true' is published if Tax Code (3) field is equal to 'Withholding
Income Tax' or 'Withholding Social Contribution' or 'Social Contribution (Company Expense)'. Otherwise, 'false'
is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
tcmcs036.txta Session Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0536m000), Text field.

For the Text field, the InvoiceHeader/Tax/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.TaxText' and
InvoiceHeader/Tax/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) cisli312.cstx 1) Session Additional Cost - Stamp Tax (cisli3112m000), Charge Stamp Tax field.
2) cisli312.stxa 2) Session Additional Cost - Stamp Tax (cisli3112m000), Stamp Tax Amount field.

If the Charge Stamp Tax field is set and the Stamp Tax Amount field is not equal to zero, this group is published
for LN 10.4 or later.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
Always filled with '1'.
Infor April 07, 2020 328
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
Always filled with 'BOLLO'.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
Always filled with '0.0'.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) cisli305.ccur 2) Session Invoice (cisli3105m00), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Invoice Currency field.

Based on the Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
Always filled with '0.0'.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) cisli305.sfcp 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
3) tcemm170.fcua 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the Financial Company and the Local Currency fields, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
Always filled with '0.0'.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) cisli305.sfcp 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
Always filled with 'Stamp Tax'.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
cisli312.stxa Session Additional Cost - Stamp Tax (cisli3112m000), Stamp Tax Amount field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) cisli305.ccur 2) Session Invoice (cisli3105m00), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Invoice Currency field.

Based on the Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) cisli305.sfcp 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
3) cisli312.stxa 3) Session Additional Cost - Stamp Tax (cisli3112m000), Stamp Tax Amount field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Stamp Tax Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) cisli305.sfcp 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
3) tcemm170.fcua 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the Financial Company and the Local Currency fields, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) cisli305.sfcp 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
3) cisli312.stxa 3) Session Additional Cost - Stamp Tax (cisli3112m000), Stamp Tax Amount field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
The Stamp Tax Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) cisli305.sfcp 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 329
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
Always filled with 'VAT'.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) cisli315.ccty 1) Session Invoice - Tax Details (cisli3115m000), Tax Country field.
2) cisli312.cvat 2) Session Additional Cost - Stamp Tax (cisli3112m000), Tax Code field.
3) tcmcs010.ict2 3) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.

Based on the Tax Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is determined.
The concatenation of the ISO Code alpha-2 field and the Tax Code field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
cisli312.stxa Session Additional Cost - Stamp Tax (cisli3112m000), Stamp Tax Amount field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) cisli305.ccur 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m00), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Invoice Currency field.

Based on the Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) cisli305.sfcp 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
3) cisli312.stxa 3) Session Additional Cost - Stamp Tax (cisli3112m000), Stamp Tax Amount field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Stamp Tax Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) cisli305.sfcp 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
3) tcemm170.fcua 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the Financial Company and the Local Currency fields, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) cisli305.sfcp 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
3) cisli312.stxa 3) Session Additional Cost - Stamp Tax (cisli3112m000), Stamp Tax Amount field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
The Stamp Tax Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) cisli305.sfcp 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) cisli315.txai 1) Session Invoice - Tax Details (cisli3115m000), Tax Amount field.
2) cisli315.ccty 2) Session Invoice - Tax Details (cisli3115m000), Tax Country field.
3) cisli312.cvat 3) Session Additional Cost - Stamp Tax (cisls3112m000), Tax Code field.

Based on the Tax Country field, and the Tax Code field, the Tax Amount field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) cisli305.ccur 2) Session Invoice (cisli3105m00), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Invoice Currency field.

Based on the Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) cisli305.sfcp 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
3) cisli315.txai 3) Session Invoice - Tax Details (cisli3115m000), Tax Amount field.
4) cisli315.ccty 4) Session Invoice - Tax Details (cisli3115m000), Tax Country field.
5) cisli312.cvat 5) Session Additional Cost - Stamp Tax (cisls3112m000), Tax Code field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
Based on the Tax Country field and the Tax Code field, the Tax Amount field expressed in Local Currency is
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) cisli305.sfcp 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
Infor April 07, 2020 330
3) tcemm170.fcua 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the Financial Company and the Local Currency fields, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) cisli305.sfcp 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
3) cisli315.txai 3) Session Invoice - Tax Details (cisli3115m000), Tax Amount field.
4) cisli315.ccty 4) Session Invoice - Tax Details (cisli3115m000), Tax Country field.
5) cisli312.cvat 5) Session Additional Cost - Stamp Tax (cisls3112m000), Tax Code field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
Based on the Tax Country field and the Tax Code field, the Tax Amount field expressed in Reference Currency
is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) cisli305.sfcp 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For Warehousing: For Warehousing:
1) whinh431.amnt 1) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Item tab, Amount field.
2) whinh430.curr 2) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Invoicing tab, Currency field.
3) whinh431.addc 3) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Item tab, Additional Cost field.

The total for all shipment lines, for which the Additional Cost field is deselected, with the Amount field is
For Warehousing: For Warehousing:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) whinh430.curr 2) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Invoicing tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Warehousing: For Warehousing:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) whinh430.sfco 3) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-From Code field.

Based on the Ship-From Code field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

The Invoice/InvoiceHeader/Allowance/Amount element expressed in Local Currency is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For Warehousing: For Warehousing:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) whinh430.sfco 4) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-From Code field.

Based on the Ship-From Code field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For Warehousing: For Warehousing:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) whinh430.sfco 3) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-From Code field.

Based on the Ship-From Code field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Invoice/InvoiceHeader/Allowance/Amount element expressed in Reference Currency is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For Warehousing: For Warehousing:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) whinh430.sfco 4) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-From Code field.

Infor April 07, 2020 331

Based on the Ship-From Code field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.fcrt 1) Not displayed in any session, Rate Determinator Field.
2) cisli205.styp 2) Not displayed in any session, Sales Type field.
3) cisli205.pfbp 3) Not displayed in any session, Pay-from Business Partner field.
4) cisli205.pfad 4) Not displayed in any session, Pay-from Address field.
5) cisli205.setl 5) Not displayed in any session, Inter Company Sales Orders field.
6) cisli205.lmbi 6) Not displayed in any session, Link to Monthly Billing Invoice field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For the Rate Determinator field, the InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
1) cisli305.fcrt 'ln.RateDeterminer' and InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
2) cisli305.styp For the Sales Type field, the InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.SalesType'
3) cisli305.pfbp and InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
4) cisli305.pfoa For the Pay-from Business Partner field, the InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
5) cisli305.setl 'ln.PayFromBusinessPartner' and InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
6) cisli305.lmbi For the Pay-from Address field, the InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
7) cisli305.ofbp 'ln.PayFromAddress' and InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
8) cisli305.idat For the Inter Company Sales Orders field, the InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled
9) cisli305.bpct with 'ln.InterCompanySettlement' and InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with
For SalesACR: For the Link to Monthly Billing Invoice field, the InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled
1) tfacr200.rade with 'ln.LinkToMonthlyBillingInv' and InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with
2) tfacr200.styp 'IndicatorType'.
3) tfacr200.pfbp
4) tfacr200.lmbi UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.
Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Not displayed in any session, Rate Determiner Field.
2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Sales
Type field.
3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
Business Partner field.
4) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
Address field.
5) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group,
Intercompany Sales Order field.
6) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Link to
Monthly Billing Invoice field.
7) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, General group, Sold-to Business Partner
8) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Date field.
9) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Business Partner Tax Country field.

For the Rate Determiner field, the InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with

'ln.RateDeterminer' and InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the Sales Type field, the InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.SalesType'
and InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the Pay-by Business Partner field, the InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.PayFromBusinessPartner' and InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the Pay-by Address field, the InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.PayFromAddress' and InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the Inter Company Sales Order field, the InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.InterCompanySettlement' and InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with
For the Link to Monthly Billing Invoice field, the InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled
with 'ln.LinkToMonthlyBillingInv' and InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with
Based on the Sold-to Business Partner, the Business Partner Tax Country and the Invoice Date fields, the Tax
Number field is determined. For the Tax Number field, the InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.InvoiceCustomerTaxID' and InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data

For SalesACR:
1) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous group, Rate Determination
2) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Sales Type field.
3) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Details tab, Pay-by Business Partner field.
4) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Details tab, Link to Monthly Billing Invoice field.

Infor April 07, 2020 332

For the Rate Determination field, the InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.RateDeterminer' and InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the Sales Type field, the InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.SalesType'
and InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the Pay-by Business Partner field, the InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.PayFromBusinessPartner' and InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the Link to Monthly Billing Invoice field, the InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled
with 'ln.LinkToMonthlyBillingInv' and InvoiceHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data
For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
Always filled with 'Open'.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

Always filled with 'Open'.

For SalesACR:
Always filled with 'Open'.

For Warehousing:
Always filled with 'Proforma'.
Always filled with 'Invoice Status'.
For Warehousing: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) whinh430.cdat Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.

For SalesACR:
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.

For Warehousing:
1) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Date Confirmed field.

For Infor LN 10.7 or later.

If published from session Print Shipping Documents by External Application (whinh4430m300), the UTC number
of the Date and Time when the BOD is published is published. Otherwise, Date Confirmed field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
If the object is being archived or deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For Warehousing: For Warehousing:
whinh430.shst Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Status field.

If the Status field is equal to 'Frozen' or 'Confirmed' and the BOD is published through the Print Shipping
Documents by External Application (whinh4430m300) session, 'PrintShippingDocuments' is published.
Otherwise, nothing is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.7 or later.

For Warehousing: For Warehousing:
whinh430.shst Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Status field.

If the Status field is equal to 'Frozen' or 'Confirmed' and the BOD is published through the Print Shipping
Documents by External Application (whinh4430m300) session, 'Validation Status' is published.
Otherwise, nothing is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.7 or later.

For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
cisli205.rtyp Not displayed in any session, Exchange Rate Type field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

cisli305.rtyp Not displayed in any session, Exchange Rate Type field.

For SalesACR: For SalesACR:

tfacr200.rtyp Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Miscellaneous tab, Rate Type field.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
Infor April 07, 2020 333
1) cisli205.ccur For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
2) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Currency field.
2) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
cisli305.ccur Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.

For SalesACR: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) tcmcs002.iccc Sessions Invoices (cisli3105m000), Currency field.
2) tfacr200.ccur
For SalesACR:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, Invoice
Currency field.

Based on the Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
Always filled with 'Currency'.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.csys 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Currency System field.
3) cisli205.ratf 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Details group, Rate Factor field.
4) tcemm170.fcua 4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field.
5) cisli205.ccur 5) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the current company, the Reference Currency and Currency System are determined.
1) tcemm170.lcur If the Currency System is equal to 'Dependent' and the Reference Currency is equal to the Home Currency or
2) tcemm170.csys the Invoice Currency, the belonging Rate Factor is published.
3) cisli305.ratf If the Currency System is equal to 'Dependent' and the Reference Currency differs from the Home Currency and
4) tcemm170.fcua the Invoice Currency, 1 is published as Rate Factor.
5) cisli305.ccur If the Currency System is equal to 'Single', 'Independent', or 'Standard', the Rate Factor belonging to the Local
Currency is published.
For SalesACR:
1) tcemm170.lcur For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
2) tcemm170.csys 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
3) tfacr200.ratf 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Currency System field.
4) tcemm170.fcua 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Rate
5) tfacr200.ccur Factor field.
4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field.
5) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Currency field.

Based on the current company, the Reference Currency and Currency System are determined.
If the Currency System is equal to 'Dependent' and the Reference Currency is equal to the Home Currency or
the Invoice Currency, the belonging Rate Factor is published.
If the Currency System is equal to 'Dependent' and the Reference Currency differs from the Home Currency and
the Invoice Currency, 1 is published as Rate Factor.
If the Currency System is equal to 'Single', 'Independent', or 'Standard', the Rate Factor belonging to the Local
Currency is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Currency System field.
3) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Miscellaneous tab, Rate Factor field.
4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field.
5) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, Invoice
Currency field.

Based on the current company, the Reference Currency and Currency System are determined.
If the Currency System is equal to 'Dependent' and the Reference Currency is equal to the Home Currency or
the Invoice Currency, the belonging Rate Factor is published.
If the Currency System is equal to 'Dependent' and the Reference Currency differs from the Home Currency and
the Invoice Currency, 1 is published as Rate Factor.
If the Currency System is equal to 'Single', 'Independent', or 'Standard', the Rate Factor belonging to the Local
Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
2) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field.

Based on the current company and the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field.

Based on the current company and the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the Currency is published.

For SalesACR:
Infor April 07, 2020 334
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field.

Based on the current company and the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
Always filled with 'Currency'.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
Always filled with '1'.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

Always filled with 'I'.

For SalesACR:
Always filled with '1'.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcemm030.fcmp 1) Session Enterprise Units (tcemm0130m000), Financial Company field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.csys 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Currency System field.
4) tcemm170.fcua 4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field.
5) cisli205.ccur 5) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Currency field.
6) cisli205.rtyp 6) Not displayed in any session, Exchange Rate Type field.
7) tcmcs008.excb 7) Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Express In Base Currency field.
8) cisli205.amti 8) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Amount field.
9) cisli205.amth(1) 9) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Invoice Details group, Amount field, Amount (in home currency)
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcemm030.fcmp Based on the Financial Company, the Reference Currency and the Currency System are determined.
2) tcemm170.lcur Based on the Reference Currency, the Invoice Currency or the Local Currency and the Rate Type, Express in
3) tcemm170.csys Base Currency is determined.
4) tcemm170.fcua If the Currency System is equal to 'Single', 'Independent', or 'Standard', or the Currency System is equal to
5) cisli305.ccur 'Dependent' and the Reference Currency is equal to the Home Currency or the Invoice Currency, and the
6) cisli305.tran Express in Base Currency is equal to 'No', RateNumeric will be equal to the Currency Rate.
7) tcmcs008.excb If the Currency System is equal to 'Single', 'Independent', or 'Standard', or the Currency System is equal to
8) cisli305.amti 'Dependent' and the Reference Currency is equal to the Home Currency or the Invoice Currency, and the
9) cisli305.amth(1) Express in Base Currency is equal to 'Yes', RateNumeric is the result of 1/Currency Rate.
If the Currency System is equal to 'Dependent' and the Reference Currency differs from the Home Currency and
For SalesACR: the Invoice Currency, the Rate Factor is the result of the Amount divided by the Amount (in home currency).
1) tcemm030.fcmp If the Currency System is equal to 'Dependent' and the Reference Currency differs from the Home Currency and
2) tcemm170.lcur the Invoice Currency, and one of the above mentioned amounts is equal to zero, 1 is used for the Rate Factor.
3) tcemm170.csys
4) tcemm170.fcua For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
5) tfacr200.ccur 1) Session Enterprise Units (tcemm0130m000), Financial Company field.
6) tfacr200.rtyp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
7) tcmcs008.excb 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Currency System field.
8) tfacr200.amnt 4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field.
9) tfacr200.amth(1) 5) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Currency field.
6) Not displayed in any session, Exchange Rate Type field.
7) Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Express In Base Currency field.
8) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Amount field.
9) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Amount in Home Currency field.

Based on the Financial Company, the Reference Currency and the Currency System are determined.
Based on the Reference Currency, the Invoice Currency or the Local Currency and the Rate Type, Express in
Base Currency is determined.
If the Currency System is equal to 'Single', 'Independent', or 'Standard', or the Currency System is equal to
'Dependent' and the Reference Currency is equal to the Home Currency or the Invoice Currency, and the
Express in Base Currency is equal to 'No', RateNumeric will be equal to the Currency Rate.
If the Currency System is equal to 'Single', 'Independent', or 'Standard', or the Currency System is equal to
'Dependent' and the Reference Currency is equal to the Home Currency or the Invoice Currency, and the
Express in Base Currency is equal to 'Yes', RateNumeric is the result of 1/Currency Rate.
If the Currency System is equal to 'Dependent' and the Reference Currency differs from the Home Currency and
the Invoice Currency, the Rate Factor is the result of the Invoice Amount divided by the Invoice Amount in Home
If the Currency System is equal to 'Dependent' and the Reference Currency differs from the Home Currency and
the Invoice Currency, and one of the above mentioned amounts is equal to zero, 1 is used for the Rate Factor.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Enterprise Units (tcemm0130m000), Financial Company field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Currency System field.
4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field.
5) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, Invoice
Currency field.
6) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Miscellaneous tab, Rate Type field.
7) Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Express In Base Currency field.
8) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, Amount in
Infor April 07, 2020 335
IC field.
9) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Invoice Details tab, Total Invoice Amounts group, Amount in
HC field.

Based on the Financial Company, the Reference Currency and the Currency System are determined.
Based on the Reference Currency, the Invoice Currency or the Local Currency and the Rate Type, Express in
Base Currency is determined.
If the Currency System is equal to 'Single', 'Independent', or 'Standard', or the Currency System is equal to
'Dependent' and the Reference Currency is equal to the Home Currency or the Invoice Currency, and the
Express in Base Currency is equal to 'No', RateNumeric will be equal to the Currency Rate.
If the Currency System is equal to 'Single', 'Independent', or 'Standard', or the Currency System is equal to
'Dependent' and the Reference Currency is equal to the Home Currency or the Invoice Currency, and the
Express in Base Currency is equal to 'Yes', RateNumeric is the result of 1/Currency Rate.
If the Currency System is equal to 'Dependent' and the Reference Currency differs from the Home Currency and
the Invoice Currency, the Rate Factor is the result of the Amount in IC divided by the Amount in HC.
If the Currency System is equal to 'Dependent' and the Reference Currency differs from the Home Currency and
the Invoice Currency, and one of the above mentioned amounts equals zero, 1 is used for the Rate Factor.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:


For SalesACR:
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli245.sbim 1) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Invoice Related tab, Self-Billing group,
2) cisli205.sfcp Self-Billing field.
3) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
4) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
4) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) cisli305.sbim If the Self-Billing field, of the corresponding Financial Company, Invoice Number (Transaction Type) and Invoice
2) cisli305.sfcp Number (Document) is set, 'true' is published.
3) cisli305.tran
4) cisli305.idoc For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Self-Billing
2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
4) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Document) field.

If the Self-Billing field, of the corresponding Financial Company, Invoice Number (Transaction Type) and Invoice
Number (Document) is set, 'true' is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.itbp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Business Partner field.
2) cisli205.cofc 2) Not displayed in any session, Department field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: If the Department field is empty, the Business Partner field is published.
cisli305.itbp If the Department field is filled, the concatenation of the Business Partner field and the Department field is
For SalesACR:
tfacr200.itbp For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria Tab, Fixed Composing Criteria Group, Invoice-to
Business Partner field.

For SalesACR:
Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Invoice-to Business Partner field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tctax400.fovn 1) Session Tax Number by Business Partner (txtax4100m000), Tax Number field.
2) cisli205.itbp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Business Partner field.
3) cisli205.itoa 3) Not displayed in any session, Invoice-to Address field.
4) tccom130.ccty 4) Session Addresses (tccom4530m000), Country field.
5) cisli205.txdt 5) Not displayed in any session, Tax Date field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the Country field is determined.
1) tctax400.fovn Based on the Business Partner, the Country and the Tax Date fields, the Tax number field is published.
2) cisli305.itbp
3) cisli305.itoa For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

Infor April 07, 2020 336

4) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Tax Number by Business Partner (txtax4100m000), Tax Number field.
5) cisli315.txdt 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Invoice-to
Business Partner field.
For SalesACR: 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Invoice-to
1) tfacr200.itbp Address field.
2) tfacr200.adrs 4) Session Addresses (tccom4530m000), Country field.
3) tccom112.cadr 5) Session Invoice - Tax Details (cisli3115m000), Tax Date field.
4) tccom130.ccty
5) tfacr200.docd Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the Country field is determined.
6) tctax400.fovn Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner, Country and Tax Date fields, the Tax Number field is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Invoice-to Business Partner field.
2) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous group, Postal Address field.
3) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), General tab, Address field.
4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
5) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Payment Conditions group,
Document Date field.
6) Session Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax4100m000), Tax Number field.

If the Postal Address field is filled, based on the Postal Address field, the Country field is determined.
Otherwise, based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field and the Address field, the Country field is determined.

Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner, the Country and the Document Date fields, the Tax number field is
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
Always filled with 'TaxIdentificationNumber'.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
Value '0000000' is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) cisli205.itbp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Business Partner field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom100.nama
2) cisli305.itbp For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
For SalesACR: 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Invoice-to
1) tccom100.nama Business Partner field.
2) tfacr200.itbp
Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Invoice-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) cisli205.itoa 2) Not displayed in any session, Invoice-to Address field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom130.nama
2) cisli305.itao For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
For SalesACR: 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Invoice-to
1) tccom130.nama Address field.
2) tccom112.cadr
3) tfacr200.itbp Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the Name field is published.
4) tfacr200.adrs
For SalesACR:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Invoice-to Business Partner field.
4) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous group, Postal Address field.

If the Postal Address field is filled, based on the Postal Address the Name field is published.
Otherwise, based on the Address Code of the Invoice-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 337

For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) cisli205.itoa 7) Not displayed in any session, Invoice-to Address field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the six Address Lines are published.
1) tccom130.ln01
2) tccom130.ln02 One Address Line is published per sequence.
3) tccom130.ln03
4) tccom130.ln04 For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
5) tccom130.ln05 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
7) cisli305.itoa 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
For SalesACR: 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
1) tccom130.ln01 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 7) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Invoice-to
3) tccom130.ln03 Address field.
4) tccom130.ln04
5) tccom130.ln05 Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the six Address Lines are published.
6) tccom130.ln06
7) tccom112.cadr One Address Line is published per sequence.
8) tfacr200.itbp
9) tfacr200.adrs For SalesACR:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), General tab, Address Code field.
8) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Invoice-to Business Partner field.
9) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous group, Postal Address field.

If the Postal Address field is filled, based on the Postal Address the six Address Lines are published.
Otherwise, based on the Address Code of the Invoice-to Business Partner field, the six Address Lines are

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) cisli305.itoa 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Invoice-to
Address field.

Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the House Number field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) cisli305.itoa 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Invoice-to
Address field.

Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the Building field is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) cisli305.itoa 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Invoice-to
Address field.

Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the Street field is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) cisli305.itoa 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Invoice-to
Address field.

Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the Unit field is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) cisli305.itoa 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Invoice-to

Infor April 07, 2020 338

Address field.

Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the Floor field is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) cisli305.itoa 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Invoice-to
Address field.

Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) cisli205.itoa 2) Not displayed in any session, Invoice-to Address field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the City field is published.
1) tccom130.dsca
2) cisli305.itoa For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
For SalesACR: 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Invoice-to
1) tccom130.dsca Address field.
2) tccom112.cadr
3) tfacr200.itbp Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the City field is published.
4) tfacr200.adrs
For SalesACR:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Invoice-to Business Partner field.
4) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous group, Postal Address field.

If the Postal Address field is filled, based on the Postal Address the City field is published.
Otherwise, based on the Address Code of the Invoice-to Business Partner field, the City field is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) cisli205.itoa 2) Not displayed in any session, Invoice-to Address field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the State/Province field is published.
1) tccom130.cste
2) cisli305.itoa For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
For SalesACR: 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Invoice-to
1) tccom130.cste Address field.
2) tccom112.cadr
3) tfacr200.itbp Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the State/Province field is published.
4) tfacr200.adrs
For SalesACR:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Invoice-to Business Partner field.
4) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous group, Postal Address field.

If the Postal Address field is filled, based on the Postal Address the State/Province field is published.
Otherwise, based on the Address Code of the Invoice-to Business Partner field, the State/Province field is
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) cisli205.itoa 3) Not displayed in any session, Invoice-to Address field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Invoice-to Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is
1) tccom130.ccty published.
2) tcmcs010.ict2
3) cisli305.itoa For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
For SalesACR: 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
1) tccom130.ccty 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Invoice-to
2) tcmcs010.ict2 Address field.
3) tccom112.cadr
4) tfacr200.itbp Based on the Invoice-to Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is
5) tfacr200.adrs published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), General tab, Address Code field.

Infor April 07, 2020 339

4) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Invoice-to Business Partner field.
5) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous group, Postal Address field.

If the Postal Address field is filled, based on the Postal Address the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is
Otherwise, based on the Address Code of the Invoice-to Business Partner and the Country field, the ISO Code
alpha-2 field of the country is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) cisli205.itoa 2) Not displayed in any session, Invoice-to Address field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
1) tccom130.pstc
2) cisli305.itoa For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
For SalesACR: 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Invoice-to
1) tccom130.pstc Address field.
2) tccom112.cadr
3) tfacr200.itbp Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
4) tfacr200.adrs
For SalesACR:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Invoice-to Business Partner field.
4) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous group, Postal Address field.

If the Postal Address field is filled, based on the Postal Address the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
Otherwise, based on the Address Code of the Invoice-to Business Partner, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom112.ccnt 1) Session Invoice-To Business Partner (tccom4112s000), General tab, Primary Contact field.
2) tccom130.info 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Detailed tab, E-mail (1) field.
3) tccom140.info 3) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, E-mail (2) field.

If field E-mail (1) or E-mail (2) is filled, 'Email' is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom112.ccnt 1) Session Invoice-To Business Partner (tccom4112s000), General tab, Primary Contact field.
2) tccom130.info 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Detailed tab, E-mail (1) field.
3) tccom140.info 3) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, E-mail (2) field.

If field E-mail (1) or E-mail (2) is filled, 'Office' is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom112.ccnt 1) Session Invoice-To Business Partner (tccom4112s000), General tab, Primary Contact field.
2) tccom130.info 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Detailed tab, E-mail (1) field.
3) tccom140.info 3) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Contact tab, E-mail (2) field.

If field E-mail (1) is filled, E-mail (1) is published.

Otherwise, if field E-mail (2) is filled, E-mail (2) is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tccom140.clan 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Language field.
2) tcmcs046.ilng 2) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000), ISO Code field.
3) cisli205.itbp 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Business Partner field.
4) tccom112.ccnt 4) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), General tab, General group, Contact field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Business Partner field, the Contact is determined.
1) tcmcs046.ilng Based on the Contact field and the Language field, the ISO Code field of the language is published.
2) cisli305.itbp
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
For SalesACR: 1) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000), ISO Code field.
1) tccom140.clan 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Invoice-to
2) tcmcs046.ilng Business Partner field.
3) tccom112.ccnt
4) tfacr200.itbp Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field, the ISO Code field of the language is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Language field.
2) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000), ISO Code field.
3) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), General tab, Contact field.
4) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Invoice-to Business Partner field.

Infor April 07, 2020 340

Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field and the Contact field, the ISO Code field of the language is
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field.
2) cisli205.itbp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Business Partner field.
3) tccom112.ccnt 3) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), General tab, General group, Contact field

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Business Partner field, the Contact is determined.
1) tccom140.surn Based on the Contact field, the Family Name field is published.
2) cisli305.itbp
3) tccom112.ccnt For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field.
For SalesACR: 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Invoice-to
1) tccom140.surn Business Partner field.
2) tccom112.ccnt 3) Session Invoice-to Business Partners (tccom4112s000), General tab, General group, Contact field
3) tfacr200.itbp
Based on the Business Partner field, the Contact is determined.
Based on the Contact field, the Family Name field is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field.
2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), General tab, Contact field.
3) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Invoice-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field and the Contact field, the Family Name field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
cisli305.pfbp Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria Tab, Fixed Composing Criteria Group, Pay-by
Business Partner field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) cisli305.pfbp 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
Business Partner field.

Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) cisli305.pfoa 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
Address field.

Based on the Pay-by Address field, the Name field is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) cisli305.pfoa 7) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
Address field.

Based on the Pay-by Address field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Infor April 07, 2020 341
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) cisli305.pfoa 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
Address field.

Based on the Pay-by Address field, the House Number field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) cisli305.pfoa 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
Address field.

Based on the Pay-by Address field, the Building field is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) cisli305.pfoa 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
Address field.

Based on the Pay-by Address field, the Street field is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) cisli305.pfoa 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
Address field.

Based on the Pay-by Address field, the Unit field is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) cisli305.pfoa 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
Address field.

Based on the Pay-by Address field, the Floor field is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) cisli305.pfoa 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
Address field.

Based on the Pay-by Address field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) cisli305.pfoa 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
Address field.

Based on the Pay-by Address field, the City field is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) cisli305.pfoa 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
Address field.

Based on the Pay-by Address field, the State/Province field is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) cisli305.pfoa 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
Address field.

Based on the Pay-by Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) cisli305.pfoa 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
Address field.

Based on the Pay-by Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

Infor April 07, 2020 342

1) cisli305.pfbp For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
2) tccom115.iban 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
3) tccom115.bano Business Partner field.
4) cisli305.cban 2) Session Bank Accounts by Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4515m000), International Bank Account Number
3) Session Bank Accounts by Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4515m00), Bank Account field.
4) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Bank
Account Code field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field, the Bank Account Code field and when the International Bank
Account Number field is empty, the Bank Account field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) cisli305.pfbp 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
2) tccom115.iban Business Partner field.
3) cisli305.cban 2) Session Bank Accounts by Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4515m000), International Bank Account Number
3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Bank
Account Code field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field and the Bank Account Code field, the International Bank Account
Number field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) cisli305.amti 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Data tab, Invoice Amount field.
2) cisli305.txai 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Data tab, Tax Amount field.

The Invoice Amount field minus the Tax Amount field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) cisli305.ccur 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Invoice Currency field.

Based on the Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) cisli305.amth(1) 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Data tab, Home Currency group, Invoice Amount field.
2) cisli305.txah(1) 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Data tab, Home Currency group, Tax Amount field.

The Invoice Amount field minus the Tax Amount field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) cisli305.amti 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Data tab, Invoice Amount field.
2) cisli305.txai 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Data tab, Tax Amount field.
3) tcemm170.lcur 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

The Invoice Amount field minus the Tax Amount field in Reference Currency is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) lpmex000.trgm 1) Mexican Parameters (lpmex0100m000), Tax Regime field.
2) cisli310.cdec 2) Session Invoice Lines (cisli3110m000), Order tab, Delivery group, Delivery Terms field.

If the Tax Regime field is filled, the Tax Regime field is published.
If the Delivery Terms field is filled, based on the Delivery Terms field, the Delivery Terms Group is determined.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight), 'CIF' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to CFR (Cost and Freight), 'CFR' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to CPT (Carriage Paid To), 'CPT' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid to), 'CIP' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to DAF (Delivered At Frontier), 'DAF' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to DAP (Delivered At Place), 'DAP' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to DPU (Delivered At Place Unloaded), 'DPU' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to DAT (Delivered At Terminal), 'DAT' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay), 'DEQ' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to DES (Delivered Ex Ship), 'DES' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid), 'DDU' is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 343

If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to DDP (Delivered Duty Paid), 'DDP' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to EXW (Ex Works), 'EXW' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to FCA (Free Carrier), 'FCA' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to FAS (Free Alongside Ship), 'FAS' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to FOB (Free On Board), 'FOB' is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) lpmex000.trgm 1) Mexican Parameters (lpmex0100m000), Tax Regime field.
2) cisli310.cdec 2) Session Invoice Lines (cisli3110m000), Order tab, Delivery group, Delivery Terms field.

If the Tax Regime field is filled, 'SATRegimeCode' is published.

If the Delivery Terms field is filled, 'Incoterms' is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli240.adin 1) Not displayed in any session, Additional Information field.
2) cisli205.sfcp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
3) cisli205.ityp 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
4) cisli205.idoc 4) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
5) cisli205.nslo 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
6) cisli205.cofc 6) Not displayed in any session, Department field.
7) cisli205.pfbp 7) Not displayed in any session, Pay-by Business Partner field.
8) cisli205.ofbp 8) Not displayed in any session, Sold-to Business Partner field.
9) tccom110.osno 9) Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Selling tab, Selling group, Our Supplier Number field.
10) tccom114.bank 10) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Paying tab, Paying group, Bank Relation field.
11) tfcmg001.brch 11) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
12) tfcmg001.iban 12) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0501m000), IBAN field.
13) tfcmg011.bnam 13) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Name field.
14) tfcmg011.cbad 14) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), International Bank ID field.
15) tfcmg011.badr 15) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
16) tccom000.nama 16) Session General Company Data (tccom0502m000), Company (Description) field.
17) tccom130.dsca 17) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
18) tccom130.ccty 18) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
19) tcmcs010.ict2 19) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist
1) cisli310.hain (Sales Orders/Schedules).
2) cisli310.srtp If a Sales Order/Schedule line exists, the Additional Information fields are published (for FP7).
3) cisli305.cofc Based on the Sold-to Business Partner field, the Our Supplier Number field is published.
4) cisli305.pfbp Based on the Pay-by Business Partner and Department fields, the Bank Relation field is determined.
5) cisli305.ofbp Based on the Bank Relation field, the IBAN field is published.
6) tccom110.osno Based on the Bank Relation field, the Bank Branch field is determined.
7) tccom114.bank Based on the Bank Branch field, the Bank Name and International Bank ID fields are published.
8) tfcmg001.brch Based on the Bank Branch field, the Bank Address field is determined.
9) tfcmg001.iban Based on the Bank Address field, the City field is published.
10) tfcmg011.bnam Based on the Bank Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
11) tfcmg011.cbad If the Bank Relation field is filled, the Company (Description) field is published.
12) tfcmg011.badr
13) tccom000.nama This BOD element is not available for FP5.
14) tccom130.dsca
15) tccom130.ccty For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
16) tcmcs010.ict2 1) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Header Additional Information tab, Additional Information fields.
2) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Source Type field.
For Warehousing: 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Variable Composing Criteria Tab, General group, Department field.
whinh430.adin 4) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria Tab, Fixed Composing Criteria group, Pay-by
Business Partner field.
5) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Variable Composing Criteria Tab, General group, Sold-to Business Partner
6) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Selling tab, Selling group, Our Supplier Number field.
7) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Paying tab, Paying group, Bank Relation field.
8) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), Bank Branch field.
9) Session Bank Relations (tfcmg0510m000), IBAN field.
10) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Name field.
11) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), International Bank ID field.
12) Session Bank Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Address field.
13) Session General Company Data (tccom0502m000), Company (Description) field.
14) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
15) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
16) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.

If the Source Type field equals 'Sales Order', the Additional Information fields are published.
Based on the Sold-to Business Partner field, the Our Supplier Number field is published.
Based on the Pay-by Business Partner and Department fields, the Bank Relation field is determined.
Based on the Bank Relation field, the IBAN field is published.
Based on the Bank Relation field, the Bank Branch field is determined.
Based on the Bank Branch field, the Bank Name and International Bank ID fields are published.
Based on the Bank Branch field, the Bank Address field is determined.
Based on the Bank Address field, the City field is published.
Based on the Bank Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 344

If the Bank Relation field is filled, the Company (Description) field is published.

For Warehousing:
Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Additional Information tab, Additional Information fields.
For Warehousing: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
tcstl200.dsca For the Additional Information fields, the label descriptions of the Additional Information fields are published.
For the Our Supplier Number field, 'ExternalSupplierNumber' is published.
For the IBAN field, 'IBANID' is published.
For the Bank Name field, 'BankName' is published.
For the International Bank ID field, 'BICID' is published.
For the City field, 'BankCity' is published.
For the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country, 'BankCountry' is published.
For the Company (Description) field, 'AccountHolderName' is published.

This BOD element is not available for FP5.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

For the Additional Information fields, the label descriptions of the Additional Information fields are published.
For the Our Supplier Number field, 'ExternalSupplierNumber' is published.
For the IBAN field, 'IBANID' is published.
For the Bank Name field, 'BankName' is published.
For the International Bank ID field, 'BICID' is published.
For the City field, 'BankCity' is published.
For the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country, 'BankCountry' is published.
For the Company (Description) field, 'AccountHolderName' is published.

For Warehousing:
Session Additional information Definitions (tcstl2100m000), UI Description field.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
Always filled with 'StringType'.

This BOD element is not available for FP5.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

Always filled with 'StringType'.

For Warehousing:
Always filled with 'StringType'
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) tfacr200.crep 4) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous group, Sales
Representative field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) cisli305.crep Based on the Financial Company, Invoice Number (Transaction Type), and the Invoice Number (Document)
2) cisli310.crep fields, the Sales Representative field is published.

For SalesACR: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

tfacr200.crep 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, General group, Sales Representative
2) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, Variable Composing Criteria group,
Sales Representative field.

If the Sales Representative (1) field is filled, the Sales Representative (1) field is published.
Otherwise, if the Sales Representative (2) field is identical for all invoice lines, the Sales Representative (2) field
is published.

For SalesACR:
Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous group, Sales Representative
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees (tccom0101m000), Employee (Name) field.
2) cisli205.sfcp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
3) cisli205.ityp 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
4) cisli205.idoc 4) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
5) tfacr200.crep 5) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous group, Sales
Representative field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
tccom001.nama Based on the Financial Company, Invoice Number (Transaction Type), and the Invoice Number (Document)
Infor April 07, 2020 345
fields, the Sales Representative is determined.
For SalesACR: Based on the Sales Representative field, the Employee (Name) field is published.
1) tccom001.nama
2) tfacr200.crep For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the SalesPersonReference/IDs/ID element, the Name field is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Employees (tccom0101m000), Employee (Name) field.
2) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Miscellaneous tab, Miscellaneous group, Sales
Representative field.

Based on the Sales Representative field, the Employee (Name) field is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli280.emno 1) Session Debit/Credit Note Invoice Data (cisli2580m000), Details tab, Credit Analyst field.
2) tccom112.ccra 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4122s000), Credit Control tab, Credit Control group, Credit
3) cisli205.ndcn Analyst field.
4) cisli205.itbp 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines Group, Debit/Credit Notes field.
4) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Business Partner field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) cisli310.srtp If the Debit/Credit Notes field is greater than zero, the Credit Analyst (1) field is published.
2) cisli305.itbp Otherwise, based on the Business Partner field, the Credit Analyst (2) field is published.
3) tccom112.ccra
4) cisli311.fldv For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Source Type field.
For SalesACR: 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria Tab, Fixed Composing Criteria Group, Invoice-to
1) tccom112.ccra Business Partner field.
2) tfacr200.itbp 3) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), Credit Control tab, Credit Control group, Credit
Analyst field.
4) Not displayed in any session, Field Value field, for which Field Code equals 'EMNO' (Credit Analyst field).

If the Source Type field equals 'Debit/Credit Note' , the Credit Analyst (4) field is published.
Otherwise, based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field, the Credit Analyst (3) field is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4122s000), Credit Control tab, Credit Control group, Credit
Analyst field.
2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Invoice-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field, the Credit Analyst field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli280.emno 1) Session Debit/Credit Note Invoice Data (cisli2580m000), Details tab, Credit Analyst field.
2) tccom112.ccra 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4122s000), Credit Control tab, Credit Control group, Credit
3) cisli205.ndcn Analyst field.
4) cisli205.itbp 3) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines Group, Debit/Credit Notes field.
5) tccom001.nama 4) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Business Partner field.
5) Session Employees (tccom0101m000), Employee (Name) field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
tccom001.nama The Credit Analyst is determined.
If the Debit/Credit Notes field is greater than zero, the Credit Analyst (1) field is used.
For SalesACR: Otherwise, based on the Business Partner field, the Credit Analyst (2) field is used.
1) tccom140.surn
2) tccom112.ccra Based on the Credit Analyst field, the Employee (Name) field is published.
3) tfacr200.itbp
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the CreditPersonReference/IDs/ID element, the Name field is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field.
2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4122s000), Credit Control tab, Credit Control group, Credit
Analyst field.
3) Session Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000), Invoice-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field, the Credit Analyst is determined.
Based on the Credit Analyst field, the Family Name field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) cisli305.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Financial Company) field.
2) cisli305.tran 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
Infor April 07, 2020 346
3) cisli305.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli312.rfcp 4) Session Invoice Line Satellites (cisli3112m000), Related Invoice (Company) field.
5) cisli312.rtra 5) Session Invoice Line Satellites (cisli3112m000), Related Invoice (Transaction Type) field.
6) cisli312.rido 6) Session Invoice Line Satellites (cisli3112m000), Related Invoice (Document) field.

Based on the Invoice Number field, the Related Invoice field is determined. The concatenation of the Related
Invoice (Company), the Related Invoice (Transaction Type), and the Related Invoice (Document) fields is
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) cisli312.rfcp 1) Session Invoice Line Satellites (cisli3112m000), Related Invoice (Company) field.
2) cisli312.rtra 2) Session Invoice Line Satellites (cisli3112m000), Related Invoice (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli312.rido 3) Session Invoice Line Satellites (cisli3112m000), Related Invoice (Document) field.

Based on the Related Invoice field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) cisli312.rfcp 1) Session Invoice Line Satellites (cisli3112m000), Related Invoice (Company) field.
2) cisli312.rtra 2) Session Invoice Line Satellites (cisli3112m000), Related Invoice (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli312.rido 3) Session Invoice Line Satellites (cisli3112m000), Related Invoice (Document) field.

Based on the Related Invoice field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli310.line An automatic generated sequence number, starting from 1, is published.

For LN 10.6 and later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

2) cisli310.aseq 1) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Line field.
3) cisli350.aggr
For LN 10.6 and later:
For Warehousing: 2) Not displayed in any session, Aggregation Sequence field.
whinh431.pono 3) Session Invoice (cisli3605m000), Lines to be Printed tab, Aggregated field.

If the Aggregated field is set, the aggregated quantities and amounts for an Aggregation Sequence are

For SalesACR:
An automatic generated sequence number, starting from 1, is published.

For Warehousing:
Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Line field.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nmsi 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field.
5) cisli205.nprj 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
6) cisli205.nslo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
7) cisli205.nwho 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
8) cisli205.nrpo 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
9) cisli205.npcs 9) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
10) cisli205.nmts 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
11) cisli205.nsvc 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
12) cisli205.nsvo 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
13) cisli225.desc 13) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Description field.
14) cisli235.desc 14) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Project field.
15) cisli245.desc 15) Not displayed in any session, Description field.
16) cisli255.desc 16) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Service Order field.
17) cisli265.desc 17) Not displayed in any session, Description field.
18) cisli275.desc 18) Not displayed in any session, Description field.
19) cisli295.desc 19) Not displayed in any session, Description field.
20) cisli210.ttyp 20) Session Interest Invoice Data (cisli2110s000), Common tab, Original Invoice Group, Invoice Number.
21) cisli210.ninv 21) Session Interest Invoice Data (cisli2110s000), Common tab, Original Invoice Group, Invoice Number.
22) cisli280.otyp 22) Session Debit/Credit Note Invoice Data (cisli2580m000), Common Tab, Relations tab, Original Invoice.
23) cisli280.odoc 23) Session Debit/Credit Note Invoice Data (cisli2580m000), Common Tab, Relations tab, Original Invoice.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist
cisli310.ldsc (Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders,
Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, Service Orders, Interest Invoice Orders or Debit/Credit Notes).
For SalesACR: If a Manual Sales invoice line exists, the belonging Description is published (Description from Manual Sales
1) tfgld106.refr Order Lines).
2) tfgld102.refr If a Project invoice line exists, the belonging Description is published (Description from project Invoice Data).
Infor April 07, 2020 347
3) tfacr200.post If a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line, or a PCS Order line exists, the
belonging Description is published (Description from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data).
If a Maintenance Sales Order line, a Service Call line, or a Service Order line exists, the belonging Description is
published (Description from Service Order Invoice Data).
If a Service Contract Order line exists, the belonging Description is published (Description from Service Contract
Installments Data).
If a Freight Order Invoice line exists, the belonging Description is published (Description from Freight Order
Invoice Data).
If a Rebate Invoice line exists, the belonging Description is published (Description from Rebate Invoices Lines
If a Interest Invoice exists, the concatenation of Invoice Number (20) and Invoice Number (21) is published.
If a Debit/Credit Note exists, the concatenation of Original Invoice (22) and Original Invoice (23) is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

Not displayed in any session, Line Description field.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1509m000), Header tab, Transaction Reference field.
2) Session Non-Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1508m000), Amount tab, Transaction Reference field.
3) Not displayed in any session, Finalization Run Number field.

If the Finalization Run Number field is filled, the Transaction Reference (1) field is published.
If the Finalization Run Number field is not filled, the Transaction Reference (2) field is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nmsi 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field.
5) cisli205.nprj 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
6) cisli205.nslo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
7) cisli205.nwho 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
8) cisli205.nrpo 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
9) cisli205.npcs 9) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
10) cisli205.nmts 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
11) cisli205.nsvc 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
12) cisli205.nsvo 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
13) cisli225.text 13) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Detail Text field.
14) cisli235.ltxt 14) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Detail Text field.
15) cisli245.ltxt 15) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Lines (cisli2545m000), Detail Text field.
16) cisli255.ltxt 16) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Detail Text field.
17) cisli275.dtxt 17) Session Freight Order Invoice Data - Lines (cisli2575m000), Text field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist
1) cisli310.dtxt (Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders,
2) cisli310.htxt Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, or Service Orders).
If a Manual Sales invoice line exists, the belonging Text is published (Detail Text from Manual Sales Order
For SalesACR: Lines).
1) tfgld106.txta If a Project invoice line exists, the belonging text is published (Detail Text from project Invoice Data).
2) tfgld102.txta If a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line, or a PCS Order line exists, the
3) tfacr200.post belonging Text is published (Detail Text from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data).
If a Maintenance Sales Order line, a Service Call line, or a Service Order line exists, the belonging Text is
published (Detail Text from Service Order Invoice Data).
If a Freight Order Invoice line exists, the belonging Text is published (Text from Freight Order Invoice Data).

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Text (Detail) field.
2) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Text (Header) field.

For SalesACR:
1) Not displayed in any session, Transaction Text field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Transaction Text field.
3) Not displayed in any session, Finalization Run Number field.

If the Finalization Run Number field is filled, the Transaction Text (1) field is published.
If the Finalization Run Number field is not filled, the Transaction Text (2) field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) cisli310.dtxt 1) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Text (Detail) field.
2) cisli310.htxt 2) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Text (Header) field.

If a Detail Text exists, 'Detail' is published.

If a Header Text exists, 'Header' is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
Infor April 07, 2020 348
1) cisli205.sfcp For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
2) cisli205.ityp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
3) cisli205.idoc 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
4) cisli205.nslo 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
5) cisli205.nwho 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
6) cisli205.nprj 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
7) cisli205.nreb 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
8) cisli205.nsvo 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Rebates field.
9) cisli205.nsco 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
10) cisli245.shpm 9) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Contracts field.
11) cisli245.dqua 10) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Details group, Shipment
12) cisli245.amti field.
13) cisli245.koor 11) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Item tab, Item group, Delivered Quantity
14) cisli295.amti field.
15) cisli255.ortp 12) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Order
Amount field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: 13) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Order Origin field.
1) cisli310.srtp 14) Session Invoice - Rebate Invoice Data Lines (cisli2595m100), Financial tab, Totals group, Amount field.
2) cisli310.oref 15) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Order Type field.
3) cisli310.dqua
4) cisli310.slai Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist
5) cisli310.cprj (Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Projects, Rebates, Service Orders or Service Contracts).
6) cisli310.tref Multiple occurrences can be published, based on the kind of invoice lines and the invoice line data.
7) cisli310.orno 1. Type 'BOL':
8) cisli305.cono For FP6 or later: if a Sales Order/Schedule line or a Warehouse Order line exists and the Shipment field is filled
and either the Delivered Quantity field is greater than zero or the Order Amount field is greater than or equal to
For Warehousing: zero, 'BOL' published.
1) whinh430.shpm 2. Type 'Shipment':
2) whinh431.worg For FP6 or later: if a Sales Order/Schedule line or a Warehouse Order line exists and the Shipment field is filled
and either the Delivered Quantity field is greater than zero or the Order Amount field is greater than or equal to
zero, 'Shipment' is published.
3. Type 'ProjectMaster':
If a Project line exists, 'ProjectMaster' is published.
4. Type 'ReceiveDelivery':
For FP6 or later: if a Sales Order/Schedule line or a Warehouse Order line exists and the Shipment field is filled
and either the Delivered Quantity field is less than zero or the Order Amount field is less than zero,
'ReceiveDelivery' is published.
5. Type 'CustomerReturn':
If a Sales Order/Schedule line or a Warehouse Order line exists and the Order Origin field is equal to 'Sales
Order' and either the Delivered Quantity field is less than zero or the Order Amount field is less than zero,
'CustomerReturn' is published. If a Rebate line exists and the Amount field is greater than zero,
'CustomerReturn' is published.
6. Type 'ServiceOrder':
For FP7: if a Service Order line exists and the Order Type field is equal to 'Service Order', 'ServiceOrder' is
7. Type 'ServiceContract':
For FP7: if a Service Contract line exists, 'ServiceContract' is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Source Type field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Order Reference field.
3) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Order tab, Delivery group, Delivered Quantity field.
4) Not displayed in any session, Source Line Amount field.
5) Not displayed in any session, Project field.
6) Not displayed in any session, Technical Reference field.
7) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Order Number field.
8) Not displayed in any session, Contract field.

Multiple occurrences can be published.

1. Type 'BOL':
If the Source Type field equals 'Sales Order', 'Warehouse Order', 'Purchase Order' or 'PCS Order', and the
Order Reference field is filled and either the Delivered Quantity field is greater than zero or the Source Line
Amount field is greater than or equal to zero, 'BOL' published.
This occurrence is not published when a Customer Parameter (tcmcs0195m000) is present (BOD, 0, 701, pbol,
2. Type 'Shipment':
If the Source Type field equals 'Sales Order', 'Warehouse Order', 'Purchase Order' or 'PCS Order', and the
Order Reference field is filled and either the Delivered Quantity field is greater than zero or the Source Line
Amount field is greater than or equal to zero, 'Shipment' is published.
3. Type 'ProjectMaster':
If the Source Type field equals 'Project' or 'Contract' and the Project field is filled, 'ProjectMaster' is published.
4. Type 'ReceiveDelivery':
If the Source Type field equals 'Sales Order', 'Warehouse Order', 'Purchase Order' or 'PCS Order', and the
Order Reference field is filled and either the Delivered Quantity field is less than zero or the Source Line Amount
field is less than zero, 'ReceiveDelivery' is published.
5. Type 'CustomerReturn':
If the Source Type field equals 'Sales Order', 'Warehouse Order', 'Purchase Order' or 'PCS Order', and the first
position of the Technical Reference field is equal to '3' and either the Delivered Quantity field is less than zero or
the Source Line Amount field is less than zero, 'CustomerReturn' is published. If the Source Type field equals
Infor April 07, 2020 349
'Rebate' and the Order Number field is filled and the Source Line Amount field is greater than zero,
'CustomerReturn' is published.
6. Type 'ServiceOrder':
If the Source Type field equals 'Service Order' and the Order Number field is filled, 'ServiceOrder' is published.
7. Type 'ServiceContract':
If the Source Type field equals 'Service Contract' and the Order Number field is filled, 'ServiceContract' is
8. Type 'ProjectContract':
If the Source Type field equals 'Contract' and the Project field is filled and the Contract field is filled,
'ProjectContract' is published.

For Warehousing:
1) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Shipment field.
2) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Order tab, Order Origin field.

For the Shipment field, 'BOL' is published.

For the Order Origin field, the corresponding noun name is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of BOD identifiers.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nslo 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
5) cisli205.nwho 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
6) cisli205.nprj 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
7) cisli205.nreb 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Rebates field.
8) cisli205.nsvo 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
9) cisli205.nsco 9) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Contracts field.
10) cisli245.shpm 10) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Details group, Shipment
11) cisli245.pksp field.
12) cisli245.invt 11) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Details group, Packing Slip
13) cisli245.dqua field.
14) cisli245.amti 12) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Invoice Related tab, Invoice group, Type
15) cisli245.cwar field.
16) cisli245.stbp 13) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Item tab, Item group, Delivered Quantity
17) cisli245.koor field.
18) cisli245.slso 14) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Order
19) cisli235.cprj Amount field.
20) cisli295.reso 15) Not displayed in any session, Warehouse field.
21) cisli295.amti 16) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Details group, Ship-to
22) cisli255.srvo Business Partner field.
23) cisli255.ortp 17) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Order Origin field.
24) cisli265.csco 18) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Sales Order/Schedule field.
19) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli235s000), Project field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: 20) Session Invoice - Rebate Invoice Data Lines (cisli2595m100), Sales Order field.
1) cisli310.srtp 21) Session Invoice - Rebate Invoice Data Lines (cisli2595m100), Financial tab, Totals group, Amount field.
2) cisli310.oref 22) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Order field.
3) cisli310.dqua 23) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Order Type field.
4) cisli310.slai 24) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Service Contract field.
5) cisli310.cprj
6) cisli310.tref Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist
7) cisli310.orno (Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Projects, Rebates, Service Orders or Service Contracts).
8) cisli310.invt Multiple occurrences can be published, based on the kind of invoice lines and the invoice line data.
9) cisli310.stbp 1. Type 'BOL':
10) cisli311.fldv For FP6 or later: if a Sales Order/Schedule line or a Warehouse Order line exists and the Shipment field is filled
11) cisli311.fldv and the Type field is not equal to 'Pay from Receipt' and either the Delivered Quantity field is greater than zero
12) cisli305.cono or the Order Amount field is greater than or equal to zero, the Shipment field is published. If a Sales Order/
Schedule line or a Warehouse Order line exists and the Shipment field is filled and the Type field is equal to
For Warehousing: 'Pay from Receipt' and either the Delivered Quantity field is greater than zero or the Order Amount field is
1) whinh430.shpm greater than or equal to zero, the Packing Slip field is published.
2) whinh431.worg 2. Type 'Shipment':
For FP6 or later: if a Sales Order/Schedule line or a Warehouse Order line exists and the Shipment field is filled
and the Type field is not equal to 'Pay from Receipt' and either the Delivered Quantity field is greater than zero
or the Order Amount field is greater than or equal to zero, based on the Shipment field, the ID of the Shipment
noun is published. If a Sales Order/Schedule line or a Warehouse Order line exists and the Shipment field is
filled and the Type field is equal to 'Pay from Receipt' and either the Delivered Quantity field is greater than zero
or the Order Amount field is greater than or equal to zero, based on the packing Slip field, the ID of the
Shipment noun is published.
3. Type 'ProjectMaster':
If a Project line exists, based on the Project field, the ID of the ProjectMaster noun is published.
4. Type 'ReceiveDelivery':
For FP6 or later: if a Sales Order/Schedule line or a Warehouse Order line exists and the Shipment field is filled
and the Type field is not equal to 'Pay from Receipt' and either the Delivered Quantity field is less than zero or
the Order Amount field is less than zero, based on the Shipment field, the Warehouse field and the Ship-to
Business Partner field, the ID of the ReceiveDelivery noun is published. If a Sales Order/Schedule line or a
Warehouse Order line exists and the Shipment field is filled and the Type field is equal to 'Pay from Receipt' and

Infor April 07, 2020 350

either the Delivered Quantity field is less than zero or the Order Amount field is less than zero, based on the
Packing Slip field, the Warehouse field and the Ship-to Business Partner field, the ID of the ReceiveDelivery
noun is published.
5. Type 'CustomerReturn':
If a Sales Order/Schedule line or a Warehouse Order line exists and the Order Origin field is equal to 'Sales
Order' and either the Delivered Quantity field is less than zero or the Order Amount field is less than zero, based
on the Sales Order/Schedule field, the ID of the CustomerReturn noun is published. If a Rebate line exists and
the Amount field is greater than zero, based on the Sales Order field, the ID of the CustomerReturn noun is
6. Type 'ServiceOrder':
For FP7: if a Service Order line exists and the Order Type field is equal to 'Service Order', based on the Order
field, the ID of the ServiceOrder noun is published.
7. Type 'ServiceContract':
For FP7: if a Service Contract line exists, based on the Service Contract field, the ID of the ServiceContract
noun is published.

Refer to the documentation of the related noun for more information about the determination of the ID field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Source Type field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Order Reference field.
3) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Order tab, Delivery group, Delivered Quantity field.
4) Not displayed in any session, Source Line Amount field.
5) Not displayed in any session, Project field.
6) Not displayed in any session, Technical Reference field.
7) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Order Number field.
8) Not displayed in any session, Invoice Type field.
9) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, Variable Composing Criteria group,
Ship-to Business Partner field.
10) Not displayed in any session, Field Value field, for which Field Code equals 'PKSP' (Packing Slip field).
11) Not displayed in any session, Field Value field, for which Field Code equals 'CWAR' (Warehouse field).
12) Not displayed in any session, Contract field.

Multiple occurrences can be published.

1. Type 'BOL':
If the Source Type field equals 'Sales Order', 'Warehouse Order', 'Purchase Order' or 'PCS Order', and the
Order Reference field is filled and the Invoice Type field is not equal to 'Pay from Receipt' and either the
Delivered Quantity field is greater than zero or the Source Line Amount field is greater than or equal to zero, the
Order Reference field (which contains the Shipment) is published.
If the Source Type field equals 'Sales Order', 'Warehouse Order', 'Purchase Order' or 'PCS Order', and the
Order Reference field is filled and the Invoice Type field is equal to 'Pay from Receipt' and either the Delivered
Quantity field is greater than zero or the Source Line Amount field is greater than or equal to zero, the Packing
Slip field is published.
2. Type 'Shipment':
If the Source Type field equals 'Sales Order', 'Warehouse Order', 'Purchase Order' or 'PCS Order', and the
Order Reference field is filled and the Invoice Type field is not equal to 'Pay from Receipt' and either the
Delivered Quantity field is greater than zero or the Source Line Amount field is greater than or equal to zero,
based on the Order Reference field (which contains the Shipment), the ID of the Shipment noun is published.
If the Source Type field equals 'Sales Order', 'Warehouse Order', 'Purchase Order' or 'PCS Order', and the
Order Reference field is filled and the Invoice Type field is equal to 'Pay from Receipt' and either the Delivered
Quantity field is greater than zero or the Source Line Amount field is greater than or equal to zero, based on the
Packing Slip field, the ID of the Shipment noun is published.
3. Type 'ProjectMaster':
If the Source Type field equals 'Project' or 'Contract' and the Project field is filled, based on the Project field, the
ID of the ProjectMaster noun is published.
4. Type 'ReceiveDelivery':
If the Source Type field equals 'Sales Order', 'Warehouse Order', 'Purchase Order' or 'PCS Order', and the
Order Reference field is filled and the Invoice Type field is not equal to 'Pay from Receipt' and either the
Delivered Quantity field is less than zero or the Source Line Amount field is less than zero, based on the Order
Reference field (which contains the Receipt), the Warehouse field and the Ship-to Business Partner field, the ID
of the ReceiveDelivery noun is published.
If the Source Type field equals 'Sales Order', 'Warehouse Order', 'Purchase Order' or 'PCS Order', and the
Order Reference field is filled and the Invoice Type field is equal to 'Pay from Receipt' and either the Delivered
Quantity field is less than zero or the Source Line Amount field is less than zero, based on the Packing Slip field,
the Warehouse field and the Ship-to Business Partner field, the ID of the ReceiveDelivery noun is published.
5. Type 'CustomerReturn':
If the Source Type field equals 'Sales Order' and the first position of the Technical Reference field is equal to '3'
and either the Delivered Quantity field is less than zero or the Source Line Amount field is less than zero, based
on the Order Number field, the ID of the CustomerReturn noun is published. If the Source Type field equals
'Rebate' and the Order Number field is filled and the Source Line Amount field is greater than zero, based on the
Order Number field, the ID of the CustomerReturn noun is published.
6. Type 'ServiceOrder':
If the Source Type field equals 'Service Order' and the Order Number field is filled, based on the Order Number
field, the ID of the ServiceOrder noun is published.
7. Type 'ServiceContract':
If the Source Type field equals 'Service Contract' and the Order Number field is filled, based on the Order
Number field, the ID of the ServiceContract noun is published.
8. Type 'ProjectContract':
If the Source Type field equals 'Contract' and the Project field is filled and the Contract field is filled, based on
Infor April 07, 2020 351
the Contract field, the ID of the ProjectContract noun is published.

Refer to the documentation of the related noun for more information about the determination of the ID field.

For Warehousing:
1) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Shipment field.
2) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Order tab, Order Origin field.

If type is equal to 'BOL', the Shipment field is published.

Based on the Order Origin field, the ID prefix and suffix values are determined. Refer to the Integration Guide for
more information about the determination of BOD identifiers.
The concatenation of the ID prefix value, the Order field and the ID suffix value (if applicable) is published.
For Warehousing: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
whinh430.sfco Multiple occurrences can be published, based on the invoice line data.
1. Type 'BOL':
Nothing is published.
2. Type 'Shipment':
Refer to the documentation of the Shipment noun for more information about the determination of the
accountingEntity field.
3. Type 'ProjectMaster':
Refer to the documentation of the ProjectMaster noun for more information about the determination of the
accountingEntity field.
4. Type 'ReceiveDelivery':
Refer to the documentation of the ReceiveDelivery noun for more information about the determination of the
accountingEntity field.
5. Type 'CustomerReturn':
Refer to the documentation of the CustomerReturn noun for more information about the determination of the
accountingEntity field.
6. Type 'ServiceOrder':
Refer to the documentation of the ServiceOrder noun for more information about the determination of the
accountingEntity field.
7. Type 'ServiceContract':
Refer to the documentation of the ServiceContract noun for more information about the determination of the
accountingEntity field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

Multiple occurrences can be published.
1. Type 'BOL':
Nothing is published.
2. Type 'Shipment':
Refer to the documentation of the Shipment noun for more information about the determination of the
accountingEntity field.
3. Type 'ProjectMaster':
Refer to the documentation of the ProjectMaster noun for more information about the determination of the
accountingEntity field.
4. Type 'ReceiveDelivery':
Refer to the documentation of the ReceiveDelivery noun for more information about the determination of the
accountingEntity field.
5. Type 'CustomerReturn':
Refer to the documentation of the CustomerReturn noun for more information about the determination of the
accountingEntity field.
6. Type 'ServiceOrder':
Refer to the documentation of the ServiceOrder noun for more information about the determination of the
accountingEntity field.
7. Type 'ServiceContract':
Refer to the documentation of the ServiceContract noun for more information about the determination of the
accountingEntity field.
8. Type 'ProjectContract':
Refer to the documentation of the ProjectContract noun for more information about the determination of the
accountingEntity field.

For Warehousing:
Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-From Code field.

Based on the Ship-From Code field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Warehousing: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
whinh430.sfco Multiple occurrences can be published, based on the invoice line data.
1. Type 'BOL':
Nothing is published.
2. Type 'Shipment':
Refer to the documentation of the Shipment noun for more information about the determination of the location
3. Type 'ProjectMaster':
Refer to the documentation of the ProjectMaster noun for more information about the determination of the
location field.
Infor April 07, 2020 352
4. Type 'ReceiveDelivery':
Refer to the documentation of the ReceiveDelivery noun for more information about the determination of the
location field.
5. Type 'CustomerReturn':
Refer to the documentation of the CustomerReturn noun for more information about the determination of the
location field.
6. Type 'ServiceOrder':
Refer to the documentation of the ServiceOrder noun for more information about the determination of the
location field.
7. Type 'ServiceContract':
Refer to the documentation of the ServiceContract noun for more information about the determination of the
location field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

Multiple occurrences can be published.
1. Type 'BOL':
Nothing is published.
2. Type 'Shipment':
Refer to the documentation of the Shipment noun for more information about the determination of the location
3. Type 'ProjectMaster':
Refer to the documentation of the ProjectMaster noun for more information about the determination of the
location field.
4. Type 'ReceiveDelivery':
Refer to the documentation of the ReceiveDelivery noun for more information about the determination of the
location field.
5. Type 'CustomerReturn':
Refer to the documentation of the CustomerReturn noun for more information about the determination of the
location field.
6. Type 'ServiceOrder':
Refer to the documentation of the ServiceOrder noun for more information about the determination of the
location field.
7. Type 'ServiceContract':
Refer to the documentation of the ServiceContract noun for more information about the determination of the
location field.
8. Type 'ProjectContract':
Refer to the documentation of the ProjectContract noun for more information about the determination of the
location field.

For Warehousing:
Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-From Code field.

Based on the Ship-From Code field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
cisli310.shpm Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Order tab, Delivery group, Shipment field.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nslo 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
6) cisli205.nreb 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
5) cisli205.nwho 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Rebates field.
7) cisli245.shpm 7) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Details group, Shipment field.
8) cisli245.chtp 8) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
9) cisli245.shln 9) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Details group, Shipment Line
10) cisli245.dqua field.
11) cisli245.amti 10) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Item tab, Item group, Delivered Quantity
12) cisli245.invt field.
13) cisli245.koor 11) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Order
14) cisli245.pono Amount field.
15) cisli295.pono 12) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Invoice Related tab, Invoice group, Type
16) cisli295.amti field.
13) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Order Origin field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: 14) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Line field.
1) cisli310.srtp 15) Session Invoice - Rebate Invoice Data Lines (cisli2595m100), Line field.
2) cisli310.oref 16) Session Invoice - Rebate Invoice Data Lines (cisli2595m100), Financial tab, Totals group, Amount field.
3) cisli310.dqua
4) cisli310.slai Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist
5) cisli310.chtp (Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders or Rebates).
6) cisli310.tref Multiple occurrences can be published, based on the kind of invoice lines and the invoice line data.
7) cisli310.orno 1. Type 'BOL':
8) cisli310.invt Nothing is published.
9) cisli310.pono 2. Type 'Shipment':
Infor April 07, 2020 353
10) cisli311.fldv For FP6 or later: if a Sales Order/Schedule line or a Warehouse Order line exists and the Shipment field is filled
11) cisli305.cnln and either the Delivered Quantity field is greater than zero or the Order Amount field is greater than or equal to
12) cisli310.cprj zero and the Type field is not equal to 'Pay from Receipt' and the Charge Type field is not equal to 'Costs', the
13) cisli305.cono Shipment Line field is published.
3. Type 'ProjectMaster':
For Warehousing: Nothing is published.
whinh431.wpon 4. Type 'ReceiveDelivery':
Nothing is published.
5. Type 'CustomerReturn':
If a Sales Order/Schedule line or a Warehouse Order line exists and the Order Origin field is equal to 'Sales
Order' and either the Delivered Quantity field is less than zero or the Order Amount field is less than zero, the
Line (14) field is published. If a Rebate line exists and the Amount field is greater than zero, the Line (15) field is
6. Type 'ServiceOrder':
Nothing is published.
7. Type 'ServiceContract':
Nothing is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Source Type field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Order Reference field.
3) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Order tab, Delivery group, Delivered Quantity field.
4) Not displayed in any session, Source Line Amount field.
5) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
6) Not displayed in any session, Technical Reference field.
7) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Order Number field.
8) Not displayed in any session, Invoice Type field.
9) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Order Line field.
10) Not displayed in any session, Field Value field, for which Field Code equals 'SHLN' (Shipment Line field).
11) Not displayed in any session, Contract Line field.
12) Not displayed in any session, Project field.
13) Not displayed in any session, Contract field.

Multiple occurrences can be published.

1. Type 'BOL':
Nothing is published.
2. Type 'Shipment':
If the Source Type field equals 'Sales Order', 'Warehouse Order', 'Purchase Order' or 'PCS Order', and the
Order Reference field is filled and the Invoice Type field is not equal to 'Pay from Receipt' and either the
Delivered Quantity field is greater than zero or the Source Line Amount field is greater than or equal to zero and
the Charge Type field is not equal to 'Costs', the Shipment Line field is published.
3. Type 'ProjectMaster':
Nothing is published.
4. Type 'ReceiveDelivery':
Nothing is published.
5. Type 'CustomerReturn':
If the Source Type field equals 'Sales Order' and the first position of the Technical Reference field is equal to '3'
and either the Delivered Quantity field is less than zero or the Source Line Amount field is less than zero, the
Order Line field is published. If the Source Type field equals 'Rebate' and the Order Number field is filled and the
Source Line Amount field is greater than zero, the Order Line field is published.
6. Type 'ServiceOrder':
Nothing is published.
7. Type 'ServiceContract':
Nothing is published.
8. Type 'ProjectContract':
If the Source Type field equals 'Contract' and the Project field is filled and the Contract field is filled, the Contract
Line field is published.

For Warehousing:
Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Order tab, Order Line field.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tppdm600.cpla 1) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Planning tab, Scheduling group, Active Plan field.
2) cisli205.sfcp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
3) cisli205.ityp 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
4) cisli205.idoc 4) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
5) cisli205.nprj 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
6) cisli235.cprj 6) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Project field.
7) cisli235.cact 7) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Project Relations tab, Project group, Activity field.
8) cisli235.slcp 8) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Logistic Company field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined if Project Invoice lines exist.
1) cisli310.srtp If a Project line exists and the Activity field is filled, based on the Logistic Company and the Project fields, the
2) cisli310.cprj Active Plan field is published.
3) tppdm600.cpla
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Source Type field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Project field.

Infor April 07, 2020 354

3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Planning tab, Scheduling group, Active Plan field.

If the Source Type field equals 'Project' or 'Contract' and the Project field is filled, based on the Project field, the
Active Plan field is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli235.cact 1) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Project Relations tab, Project group, Activity field.
2) cisli205.sfcp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
3) cisli205.ityp 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
4) cisli205.idoc 4) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
5) cisli205.nprj 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
6) cisli235.cprj 6) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Project field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined if Project Invoice lines exist.
1) cisli310.srtp If a Project line exists, the Activity field is published.
2) cisli310.cprj
3) cisli311.fldv For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Source Type field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Project field.
3) Not displayed in any session, Field Value field, for which Field Code equals 'CACT' (Activity field).

If the Source Type field equals 'Project' or 'Contract' and the Project field is filled, the Activity field is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nmsi 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field.
5) cisli205.nprj 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
6) cisli205.nslo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
7) cisli205.nwho 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
8) cisli205.nrpo 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
9) cisli205.npcs 9) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
10) cisli205.nmts 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
11) cisli205.nsvc 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
12) cisli205.nsvo 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
13) cisli205.nsco 13) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Contracts field.
14) cisli205.nfrt 14) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Freight Orders field.
15) cisli205.nreb 15) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Rebates field.
16) cisli225.item 16) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Item field.
17) cisli235.item 17) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Project Relations tab, Cost Object group, Item field.
18) cisli245.item 18) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Item group, Item field.
19) cisli245.stbp 19) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Ship-to Business Partner
20) tcibd004.aitc field.
21) cisli255.item 20) Session Item Codes by Item Code System (tcibd0504m000), Alternative Item Code field.
22) cisli265.item 21) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Delivery/Labor/Travel tab, Delivery group, Item/
23) cisli275.item Tool Type field.
24) cisli295.item 22) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Common tab, Details group, Serialized
Item (Maintenance) field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: 23) Not displayed in any session, Item field.
1) cisli310.item 24) Not displayed in any session, Item field.
2) cisli310.srtp
3) cisli310.stbp Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist
4) tcibd004.aitc (Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders,
Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, Service Orders, Service Contracts, Freight Orders, or Rebates).
For Warehousing: If a Manual Sales invoice line exists, the belonging Item is published (Item from Manual Sales Order Lines).
1) whinh431.item If a Project invoice line exists, the belonging Item is published (Item from Project Invoice Data).
2) whinh430.stco If a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line, or a PCS Order line exists, the
3) tcibd004.aitm belonging Item is published (Item from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data). For these lines also the Alternative
Item Code field is published, determined by using the Ship-to Business Partner and Item field.
If a Maintenance Sales Order line, a Service Call line, or a Service Order line exists, the belonging Item is
published (Item from Service Order Invoice Data).
If a Service Contract Order line exists, the belonging item is published (Item from Service Contract Invoice Data).
If a Freight Order line exists, the belonging item is published (Item from Freight Order Invoice - Lines).
If a Rebate Invoice line exists, the belonging item is published (Item from Rebate Invoice Lines).

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Order tab, Order group, Item field.
2) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Source Type field.
3) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, Variable Composing Criteria group,
Ship-to Business Partner field.
4) Session Item Codes by Item Code System (tdibd0504m000), Alternative Item Code field.

The Item field is always published.

Based on the Item field, the Alternative Item Code field is published.
If the Source Type field equals 'Sales Order', the Alternative Item Code field is based on the Item and the Ship-
to Business Partner fields.
Infor April 07, 2020 355
For Warehousing:
1) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Item field.
2) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-To Code field.
3) Session Item Codes by Item Code System (tdibd0504m000), Alternative Item Code field.

The Item field is always published.

Based on the Item field and the Ship-To Code field, the Alternative Item Code field is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
If the Alternative Item Code field is published in the Item/ItemID/ID element, 'Customer' is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

If the Alternative Item Code field is published in the Item/ItemID/ID element, 'Customer' is published.

For Warehousing:
Always filled with 'Customer', when the Alternative Item Code field is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
cisli245.stbp Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Ship-to Business Partner field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: If the Alternative Item Code field is published in the Item/ItemID/ID element, the Ship-to Business Partner field is
cisli310.stbp published.

For Warehousing: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

whinh430.stco Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, Variable Composing Criteria group,
Ship-to Business Partner field.

If the Alternative Item Code field is published in the Item/ItemID/ID element, the Ship-to Business Partner field is

For Warehousing:
Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-To Code field.

When the Alternative Item Code field is published, the Ship-to Code field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
cisli311.fldv Not displayed in any session, Field Value field, for which Field Code equals 'REVI' (Revision field).
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Session Items (tcibd0501m000), Classification tab, EAN Code field.

For Warehousing:
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nmsi 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field.
5) cisli205.nprj 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
6) cisli205.nslo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
7) cisli205.nwho 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
8) cisli205.nrpo 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
9) cisli205.npcs 9) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
10) cisli205.nmts 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
11) cisli205.nsvc 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
12) cisli205.nsvo 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
13) tcibd001.dsca 13) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.
14) cisli225.item 14) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Item field.
15) cisli235.item 15) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Project Relations tab, Cost Object group, Item field.
16) cisli245.item 16) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Item tab, Item group, Item field.
17) cisli255.item 17) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Delivery/Labor/Travel tab, Delivery group, Item/
18) cisli265.item Tool Type field.
19) cisli275.item 18) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Common tab, Details group, Serialized
20) cisli295.item Item (Maintenance) field.
19) Not displayed in any session, Item field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: 20) Not displayed in any session, Item field.
1) tcibd001.dsca
2) cisli310.item Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist
(Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders,
For Warehousing: Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, or Service Orders).
1) tcibd001.dsca If a Manual Sales invoice line exists, the Description of the belonging Item is published (Item from Manual Sales
Infor April 07, 2020 356
2) whinh431.item Order Lines).
If a Project invoice line exists, the Description of the belonging Item is published (Item from project Invoice Data).
If a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line, or a PCS Order line exists, the
Description of the belonging Item is published (Item from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data).
If a Maintenance Sales Order line, a Service Call line, or a Service Order line exists, the Description of the
belonging Item is published (Item from Service Order Invoice Data).
If a Service Contract Order line exists, the Description of the belonging Item is published (Item from Service
Contract Installments Data).
If a Freight Order Invoice line exists, the Description of the belonging Item is published (Item from Freight Order
Invoice Data).
If a Rebate Invoice line exists, the Description of the belonging Item is published (Item from Rebate Invoices
Lines Data).

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.
2) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Order tab, Order group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Description field is published.

For Warehousing:
1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.
2) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Description field is published.

For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcibd001.ccde 1) Session Items (tcibd0501m000), Classification tab, Harmonized System Code field.
2) cisli310.item 2) Session Invoice Lines (cisli3110m000), Item field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Item field, the Harmonized System Code field is published if filled.
1) cisli310.item
2) tcibd001.ccde For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item field.
2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Grouping Data tab, Selections group, Commodity Code field.

Based on the Item field, the Commodity Code field is published.

For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcibd001.ccde 1) Session Items (tcibd0501m000), Classification tab, Harmonized System Code field.
2) cisli310.item 2) Session Invoice Lines (cisli3110m000), Item field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: If based on the Item field, the Harmonized System Code field is filled, 'SATCommodity' is published.
1) cisli310.item
2) tcibd001.ccde For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item field.
2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Grouping Data tab, Selections group, Commodity Code field.

If the Commodity Code field is filled, 'SATCommodity Codes' is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli311.fldv An automatic generated sequence number, starting from 1, is published.
2) cisli310.srtp
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Not displayed in any session, Field Value field, for which Field Code equals 'LSST' (Lot and Serial Set).
2) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Source Type field.

An automatic generated sequence number, starting from 1, is published if the Source Type field equals 'Sales
Order', 'Warehouse Order', 'Purchase Order' or 'PCS Order' and the Lot and Serial Set value (Field Value field)
is filled.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nslo 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
5) cisli205.nwho 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
6) cisli205.nrpo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
7) cisli205.npcs 7) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
8) cisli245.lsst 8) Not displayed in any session, Lot and Serial Set field.
9) tcibd411.clot 9) Session Lot and Serial Set (tcibd4111m000), Lot field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist
1) tcibd411.clot (Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders or PCS Orders).
2) cisli311.fldv If a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line, or a PCS Order line exists,
3) cisli310.srtp based on the Lot and Serial Set field the Lot field is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

Infor April 07, 2020 357
1) Session Lot and Serial Set (tcibd4111m000), Lot field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Field Value field, for which Field Code equals 'LSST' (Lot and Serial Set).
3) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Source Type field.

If the Source Type field equals 'Sales Order', 'Warehouse Order', 'Purchase Order' or 'PCS Order', based on the
Lot and Serial Set value (Field Value field), the Lot field is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nslo 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
5) cisli205.nwho 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
6) cisli205.nrpo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
7) cisli205.npcs 7) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
8) cisli245.lsst 8) Not displayed in any session, Lot and Serial Set field.
9) tcibd411.clot 9) Session Lot and Serial Set (tcibd4111m000), Lot field.
10) tcibd411.sern 10) Session Lot and Serial Set (tcibd4111m000), Serial Number field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist
1) tcibd411.sern (Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders or PCS Orders).
2) cisli311.fldv If a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line, or a PCS Order line exists,
3) cisli310.srtp based on the Lot and Serial Set field the Serial Number field is published if the Lot field is filled.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Lot and Serial Set (tcibd4111m000), Serial Number field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Field Value field, for which Field Code equals 'LSST' (Lot and Serial Set).
3) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Source Type field.

If the Source Type field equals 'Sales Order', 'Warehouse Order', 'Purchase Order' or 'PCS Order', based on the
Lot and Serial Set field, the Serial Number value (Field Value field) is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nslo 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
5) cisli205.nwho 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
6) cisli205.nrpo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
7) cisli205.npcs 7) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
8) cisli245.lsst 8) Not displayed in any session, Lot and Serial Set field.
9) tcibd411.clot 9) Session Lot and Serial Set (tcibd4111m000), Lot field.
10) tcibd411.sern 10) Session Lot and Serial Set (tcibd4111m000), Serial Number field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist
1) tcibd411.sern (Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders or PCS Orders).
2) cisli311.fldv If a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line, or a PCS Order line exists,
3) cisli310.srtp based on the Lot and Serial Set field the Serial Number field is published if the Lot field is not filled.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Lot and Serial Set (tcibd4111m000), Serial Number field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Field Value field, for which Field Code equals 'LSST' (Lot and Serial Set).
3) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Source Type field.

If the Source Type field equals 'Sales Order', 'Warehouse Order', 'Purchase Order' or 'PCS Order', based on the
Lot and Serial Set field, the Serial Number value (Field Value field) is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
cisli310.ddat Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Order tab, Delivery group, Delivery Date field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) whinh431.ctyo 1) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Order tab, Country of Origin field.
2) tcibd001.ctyo 2) Session Items (tcibd0501m000), Classification tab, Country of Origin field.
3) tcmcs010.ict2 3) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
4) cisli310.item 4) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Order tab, Order group, Item field.

If the Country of Origin (1) field is not filled, based on the Item field, the Country of Origin (2) field is determined.
Based on the Country of Origin field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nmsi 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field.
5) cisli205.nprj 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
6) cisli205.nslo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
7) cisli205.nwho 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.

Infor April 07, 2020 358

8) cisli205.nrpo 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
9) cisli205.npcs 9) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
10) cisli205.nmts 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
11) cisli205.nsvc 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
12) cisli205.nsvo 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
13) cisli225.quan 13) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Quantity field.
14) cisli235.quan 14) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Project Relations tab, Cost Object group, Quantity field.
15) cisli245.dqua 15) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Item tab, Item group, Delivered Quantity
16) cisli255.quan field.
16) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Delivery/Labor/Travel tab, Delivery group,
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Delivered Quantity field.
Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist
For Warehousing: (Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders,
whinh431.qshp Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, or Service Orders).
If a Manual Sales invoice line exists, the belonging Quantity is published (Quantity from Manual Sales Order
If a Project invoice line exists, the belonging Quantity is published (Quantity from project Invoice Data).
If a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line, or a PCS Order line exists, the
belonging Quantity is published (Delivered Quantity from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data).
If a Maintenance Sales Order line, a Service Call line, or a Service Order line exists, the belonging Quantity is
published (Delivered Quantity from Service Order Invoice Data).

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Order tab, Delivery group, Delivered Quantity field.

For Warehousing:
Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Shipments tab, Shipped Quantity field.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nmsi 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field.
5) cisli205.nprj 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
6) cisli205.nslo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
7) cisli205.nwho 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
8) cisli205.nrpo 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
9) cisli205.npcs 9) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
10) cisli205.nmts 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
11) cisli205.nsvc 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
12) cisli205.nsvo 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
13) cisli225.cuni 13) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Quantity field.
14) cisli235.cuni 14) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Project Relations tab, Cost Object group, Unit field.
15) cisli245.cuns 15) Not displayed in any session, Unit field.
16) cisli255.cuni 16) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Delivery/Labor/Travel tab, Labor group, Actual
Sales Labor Rate field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcmcs001.icun Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist
2) cisli310.cuns (Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders,
Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, or Service Orders).
For Warehousing: If a Manual Sales invoice line exists, the belonging Unit is published (Unit from Manual Sales Order Lines).
1) tcmcs001.icun If a Project invoice line exists, the belonging Unit is published (Unit from project Invoice Data).
2) whinh431.cuni If a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line, or a PCS Order line exists, the
belonging Unit is published (Unit from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data).
If a Maintenance Sales Order line, a Service Call line, or a Service Order line exists, the belonging Unit is
published (Unit from Service Order Invoice Data).

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Order tab, Delivery group, Delivered Quantity (Delivery Unit) field.

Based on the Delivered Quantity (Delivery Unit) field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.

For Warehousing:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Unit field.

Based on the Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) cisli205.sfcp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
3) cisli205.ityp 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
4) cisli205.idoc 4) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
5) cisli205.nmsi 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field.
6) cisli205.nprj 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
7) cisli205.nslo 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.

Infor April 07, 2020 359

8) cisli205.nwho 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
9) cisli205.nrpo 9) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
10) cisli205.npcs 10) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
11) cisli205.nmts 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
12) cisli205.nsvc 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
13) cisli205.nsvo 13) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
14) cisli225.quan 14) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Quantity field.
15) cisli235.quan 15) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Project Relations tab, Cost Object group, Quantity field.
16) cisli245.dqua 16) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Item tab, Item group, Delivered Quantity
17) cisli255.quan field.
18) cisli225.item 17) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Delivery/Labor/Travel tab, Delivery group,
19) cisli235.item Delivered Quantity field.
20) cisli245.item 18) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Item field.
21) cisli255.item 19) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Project Relations tab, Cost Object group, Item field.
20) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Item tab, Item group, Item field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: 21) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Delivery/Labor/Travel tab, Delivery group, Item/
1) tcibd001.cuni Tool Type field.
2) cisli310.dqua
3) cisli310.item Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist
(Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders,
For Warehousing: Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, or Service Orders).
1) tcibd001.cuni If a Manual Sales invoice line exists, based on the Item (18) field, the Inventory Unit is determined. The Quantity
2) whinh431.item (14) field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
3) whinh431.qshp If a Project invoice line exists, based on the Item (19) field, the Inventory Unit is determined. The Quantity (15)
field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
If a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line, or a PCS Order line exists,
based on the Item (20) field, the Inventory Unit is determined. The Delivered Quantity (16) field expressed in the
Inventory Unit is published.
If a Maintenance Sales Order line, a Service Call line, or a Service Order line exists, based on the Item (21)
field, the Inventory Unit is determined. The Delivered Quantity (17) field expressed in the Inventory Unit is
This BOD element is available for FP6 or later.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Order tab, Delivery group, Delivered Quantity field.
3) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Order tab, Order group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined. The Delivered Quantity field expressed in the
Inventory Unit is published.

For Warehousing:
1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Item field.
3) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Shipments tab, Shipped Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Shipped Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) cisli205.sfcp 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
4) cisli205.ityp 4) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
5) cisli205.idoc 5) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
6) cisli205.nmsi 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field.
7) cisli205.nprj 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
8) cisli205.nslo 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
9) cisli205.nwho 9) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
10) cisli205.nrpo 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
11) cisli205.npcs 11) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
12) cisli205.nmts 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
13) cisli205.nsvc 13) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
14) cisli205.nsvo 14) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
15) cisli225.item 15) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Item field.
16) cisli235.item 16) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Project Relations tab, Cost Object group, Item field.
17) cisli245.item 17) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Item tab, Item group, Item field.
18) cisli255.item 18) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Delivery/Labor/Travel tab, Delivery group, Item/
Tool Type field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcmcs001.icun Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist
2) tcibd001.cuni (Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders,
3) cisli310.item Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, or Service Orders).
If a Manual Sales invoice line exists, based on the Item (15) field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is
For Warehousing: published.
1) tcmcs001.icun If a Project invoice line exists, based on the Item (16) field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
2) tcibd001.cuni If a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line, or a PCS Order line exists,
Infor April 07, 2020 360
3) whinh431.item based on the Item (17) field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
If a Maintenance Sales Order line, a Service Call line, or a Service Order line exists, based on the Item (18)
field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP6 or later.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Order tab, Order group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.

For Warehousing:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nmsi 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field.
5) cisli205.nprj 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
6) cisli205.nslo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
7) cisli205.nwho 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
8) cisli205.nrpo 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
9) cisli205.npcs 9) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
10) cisli205.nmts 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
11) cisli205.nsvc 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
12) cisli205.nsvo 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
13) cisli225.pric 13) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Price Per field.
14) cisli235.pric 14) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Project Relations tab, Cost Object group, Price field.
15) cisli245.pric 15) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Item tab, Item group, Price field.
16) cisli255.pric 16) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Delivery/Labor/Travel tab, Delivery group, Price
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
cisli310.pric Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist
(Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders,
Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, or Service Orders).
If a Manual Sales invoice line exists, the belonging Price is published (Price from Manual Sales Order Lines).
If a Project invoice line exists, the belonging Price is published (Price from project Invoice Data).
If a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line, or a PCS Order line exists, the
belonging Price is published (Price from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data).
If a Maintenance Sales Order line, a Service Call line, or a Service Order line exists, the belonging Price is
published (Price from Service Order Invoice Data).

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

Not displayed in any session, Price field.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) cisli205.sfcp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
3) cisli205.ityp 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
4) cisli205.idoc 4) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
5) cisli205.nmsi 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field.
6) cisli205.nprj 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
7) cisli205.nslo 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
8) cisli205.nwho 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
9) cisli205.nrpo 9) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
10) cisli205.npcs 10) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
11) cisli205.nmts 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
12) cisli205.nsvc 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
13) cisli205.nsvo 13) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
14) cisli205.ccur 14) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist.
1) tcmcs002.iccc For Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders,
2) cisli305.sfcp Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls or Service Orders, the Currency is determined.
3) cisli305.ccur Based on this Currency, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Currency field.

Infor April 07, 2020 361

Based on the Financial Company field and the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the Currency is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) cisli205.sfcp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
3) cisli205.ityp 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
4) cisli205.idoc 4) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
5) cisli205.nmsi 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field.
6) cisli205.nprj 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
7) cisli205.nslo 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
8) cisli205.nwho 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
9) cisli205.nrpo 9) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
10) cisli205.npcs 10) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
11) cisli205.nmts 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
12) cisli205.nsvc 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
13) cisli205.nsvo 13) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
14) cisli225.pric 14) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Price Per field.
15) cisli235.pric 15) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Project Relations tab, Cost Object group, Price field.
16) cisli245.pric 16) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Item tab, Item group, Price field.
17) cisli255.pric 17) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Delivery/Labor/Travel tab, Delivery group, Price
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcemm170.fcua Based on the Financial Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
2) cisli310.pric Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist
(Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders,
Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, or Service Orders).
If a Manual Sales invoice line exists, the Price Per field expressed in Local Currency is published.
If a Project invoice line exists, the Price (15) field expressed in Local Currency is published.
If a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line, or a PCS Order line exists, the
Price (16) field expressed in Local Currency is published.
If a Maintenance Sales Order line, a Service Call line, or a Service Order line exists, the Price (17) field
expressed in Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Price field.

Based on the financial company, the Local Currency field is determined.

The Price field expressed in Local Currency is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc This BOD element is available for FP7.
2) tcemm170.fcua
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) cisli205.sfcp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
3) cisli205.ityp 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
4) cisli205.idoc 4) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
5) cisli205.nmsi 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field.
6) cisli205.nprj 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
7) cisli205.nslo 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
8) cisli205.nwho 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
9) cisli205.nrpo 9) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
10) cisli205.npcs 10) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
11) cisli205.nmts 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
12) cisli205.nsvc 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
13) cisli205.nsvo 13) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
14) cisli225.pric 14) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Price Per field.
15) cisli235.pric 15) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Project Relations tab, Cost Object group, Price field.
16) cisli245.pric 16) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Item tab, Item group, Price field.
17) cisli255.pric 17) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Delivery/Labor/Travel tab, Delivery group, Price
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcemm170.lcur Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
2) cisli310.pric Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist
(Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders,
Infor April 07, 2020 362
Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, or Service Orders).
If a Manual Sales invoice line exists, the Price Per field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
If a Project invoice line exists, the Price (15) field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
If a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line, or a PCS Order line exists, the
Price (16) field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
If a Maintenance Sales Order line, a Service Call line, or a Service Order line exists, the Price (17) field
expressed in Reference Currency is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Price field.

Based in the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Price field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc This BOD element is available for FP7.
2) tcemm170.lcur
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nmsi 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field.
5) cisli205.nprj 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
6) cisli205.nslo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
7) cisli205.nwho 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
8) cisli205.nrpo 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
9) cisli205.npcs 9) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
10) cisli205.nmts 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
11) cisli205.nsvc 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
12) cisli205.nsvo 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
13) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Currency field.
14) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.

Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist.
For Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders,
Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls or Service Orders, '1' is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

Always filled with 1.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nmsi 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field.
5) cisli205.nprj 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
6) cisli205.nslo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
7) cisli205.nwho 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
8) cisli205.nrpo 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
9) cisli205.npcs 9) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
10) cisli205.nmts 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
11) cisli205.nsvc 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
12) cisli205.nsvo 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
13) cisli225.cuni 13) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Quantity field.
14) cisli235.cuni 14) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Project Relations tab, Cost Object group, Unit field.
15) cisli245.cups 15) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Lines (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Item group, Price field.
16) cisli255.cups 16) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Delivery/Labor/Travel tab, Delivery group, Price
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
cisli310.cups Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist
(Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders,
Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, or Service Orders).
If a Manual Sales invoice line exists, the belonging Unit is published (Unit from Manual Sales Order Lines).
If a Project invoice line exists, the belonging Unit is published (Unit from project Invoice Data).

Infor April 07, 2020 363

If a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line, or a PCS Order line exists, the
belonging Unit is published (Unit from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data).
If a Maintenance Sales Order line, a Service Call line, or a Service Order line exists, the belonging Unit is
published (Unit from Service Order Invoice Data).

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

Not displayed in any session, Price Unit field.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) cisli205.sfcp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
3) cisli205.ityp 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
4) cisli205.idoc 4) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
5) cisli205.nmsi 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field.
6) cisli205.nprj 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
7) cisli205.nslo 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
8) cisli205.nwho 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
9) cisli205.nrpo 9) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
10) cisli205.npcs 10) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
11) cisli205.nmts 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
12) cisli205.nsvc 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
13) cisli205.nsvo 13) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
14) cisli225.item 14) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Item field.
15) cisli235.item 15) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Project Relations tab, Cost Object group, Item field.
16) cisli245.item 16) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Item tab, Item group, Item field.
17) cisli255.item 17) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Delivery/Labor/Travel tab, Delivery group, Item/
Tool Type field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcibd001.cuni Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist
2) cisli310.item (Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders,
Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, or Service Orders).
If a Manual Sales invoice line exists, based on the Item (14) field, the Inventory Unit is determined. The value '1'
expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
If a Project invoice line exists, based on the Item (15) field, the Inventory Unit is determined. The value '1'
expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
If a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line, or a PCS Order line exists,
based on the Item (16) field, the Inventory Unit is determined. The value '1' expressed in the Inventory Unit is
If a Maintenance Sales Order line, a Service Call line, or a Service Order line exists, based on the Item (17)
field, the Inventory Unit is determined. The value '1' expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP6 or later.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Order tab, Order group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined. The value '1' expressed in the Inventory Unit is
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) cisli205.sfcp 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
4) cisli205.ityp 4) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
5) cisli205.idoc 5) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
6) cisli205.nmsi 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field.
7) cisli205.nprj 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
8) cisli205.nslo 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
9) cisli205.nwho 9) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
10) cisli205.nrpo 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
11) cisli205.npcs 11) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
12) cisli205.nmts 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
13) cisli205.nsvc 13) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
14) cisli205.nsvo 14) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
15) cisli225.item 15) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Item field.
16) cisli235.item 16) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Project Relations tab, Cost Object group, Item field.
17) cisli245.item 17) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Item tab, Item group, Item field.
18) cisli255.item 18) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Delivery/Labor/Travel tab, Delivery group, Item/
Tool Type field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcmcs001.icun Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist
2) tcibd001.cuni (Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders,
3) cisli310.item Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, or Service Orders).
If a Manual Sales invoice line exists, based on the Item (15) field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is
If a Project invoice line exists, based on the Item (16) field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
If a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line, or a PCS Order line exists,
based on the Item (17) field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 364

If a Maintenance Sales Order line, a Service Call line, or a Service Order line exists, based on the Item (18)
field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP6 or later.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Order tab, Order group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nmsi 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field.
5) cisli205.nprj 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
6) cisli205.nslo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
7) cisli205.nwho 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
8) cisli205.nrpo 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
9) cisli205.npcs 9) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
10) cisli205.nmts 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
11) cisli205.nsvc 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
12) cisli205.nsvo 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
13) cisli205.nsco 13) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Contracts field.
14) cisli205.nfrt 14) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Freight Orders field.
15) cisli205.nreb 15) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Rebates field.
16) cisli225.chtp 16) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Charge Type field.
17) cisli235.chtp 17) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
18) cisli245.chtp 18) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
19) cisli255.chtp 19) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
20) cisli265.chtp 20) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
21) cisli295.chtp 21) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
22) cisli225.amti 22) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Amount field.
23) cisli235.amti 23) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Financials 1 tab, Totals group, Amount field.
24) cisli245.amti 24) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Order
25) cisli255.amti Amount field.
26) cisli265.amti 25) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Invoice Related tab, Totals group, Amount field.
27) cisli275.amti 26) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Common tab, Totals group, Amount
28) cisli295.amti field.
29) cisli210.chtp 27) Not displayed in any session, Amount in Invoice Currency field.
30) cisli210.amti 28) Not displayed in any session, Amount in Invoice Currency field.
31) cisli280.amti 29) Not displayed in any session, Charge type field.
30) Session Interest Invoice Data (cisli2110s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Amount field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: 31) Session Debit/Credit Note Invoice Data (cisli2580m000), Invoice Related tab, Totals group, Amount field.
1) cisli310.slai
2) cisli310.chtp Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist.
For Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders,
For SalesACR: Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, Service Orders, Service Contracts, Rebates or Interests and the
1) tfgld106.dbcr Charge Type does not equal 'Costs', the belonging Amount field is published.
2) tfgld106.amnt
3) tfgld102.dbcr Based on the type of invoice lines, the following amounts are published if the Charge Type does not equal
4) tfgld102.amnt 'Costs':
5) tfacr200.post - Manual Sales: Amount from Manual Sales Order Lines.
- Projects: Amount from project Invoice Data.
For Warehousing: - Sales Orders/Schedules: Amount from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data.
1) whinh431.csvl - Warehouse Orders: Amount from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data.
2) whinh431.qshp - Purchase Orders: Amount from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data.
- PCS Orders: Amount from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data.
- Maintenance Sales Orders: Amount from Service Order Invoice Data.
- Service Calls: Amount from Service Order Invoice Data.
- Service Orders: Amount from Service Order Invoice Data.
- Service Contracts: Amount from Service Contract Invoice Data.
- Rebates: Amount in Invoice Currency from Rebate Invoice Lines.
- Interests: Amount from Interest Invoice Data.

In case of Freight Orders, the Amount in Invoice Currency (from Freight Order Invoice - Lines) is published.
In case of Debit/Credit Notes, the Amount in Invoice Currency (from Debit/Credit Note Invoice Data) is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Not displayed in any session, Source Line Amount field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Charge type field.

If the Charge Type field is not equal to 'Costs', the Source Line Amount field is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1509m000), Header tab, Debit/Credit field.
2) Session Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1509m000), Quantities tab, Amount field.

Infor April 07, 2020 365

3) Session Non-Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1508m000), Quantities tab, Debit/Credit field.
4) Session Non-Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1508m000), Quantities tab, Amount field.
5) Not displayed in any session, Finalization Run Number field.

If the Finalization Run Number field is filled, the Amount (2) field is published. If the Debit/Credit (1) field is equal
to 'Debit', the amount is multiplied by -1.
If the Finalization Run Number field is not filled, the Amount (4) field is published. If the Debit/Credit (3) field is
equal to 'Debit', the amount is multiplied by -1.

For Warehousing:
1) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Customs Value tab, Customs Value field.
2) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Item tab, Quantity Shipped field.

The multiplication of Customs Value and Shipped Quantity is published.

For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nmsi 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field.
5) cisli205.nprj 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
6) cisli205.nslo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
7) cisli205.nwho 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
8) cisli205.nrpo 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
9) cisli205.npcs 9) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
10) cisli205.nmts 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
11) cisli205.nsvc 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
12) cisli205.nsvo 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
13) cisli205.nsco 13) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Contracts field.
14) cisli205.nfrt 14) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Freight Orders field.
15) cisli205.nreb 15) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Rebates field.
16) cisli225.chtp 16) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Charge Type field.
17) cisli235.chtp 17) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
18) cisli245.chtp 18) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
19) cisli255.chtp 19) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
20) cisli265.chtp 20) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
21) cisli295.chtp 21) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
22) cisli210.chtp 22) Not displayed in any session, Charge type field.
23) cisli280.chtp 23) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Currency field.
24) cisli205.ccur 24) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
25) tcmcs002.iccc
Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders,
1) tcmcs002.iccc Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, Service Orders, Service Contracts, Rebates or Interests and the
2) cisli305.sfcp Charge Type does not equal 'Costs', the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
3) cisli305.ccur For Freight Orders, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.

For SalesACR: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tfacr200.ccur 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Currency field.
For Warehousing:
1) tcmcs002.iccc Based on the Financial Company field and the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the Currency is published.
2) whinh430.ccur
For SalesACR:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Sales Invoices by Business Partner (tfacr2531m000), Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.

For Warehousing:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Customs Value tab, Customs Value Currency field.

Based on the Customs Value Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nmsi 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field.
5) cisli205.nprj 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
6) cisli205.nslo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
7) cisli205.nwho 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
8) cisli205.nrpo 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
9) cisli205.npcs 9) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
10) cisli205.nmts 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
11) cisli205.nsvc 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.

Infor April 07, 2020 366

12) cisli205.nsvo 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
13) cisli205.nsco 13) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Contracts field.
14) cisli205.nfrt 14) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Freight Orders field.
15) cisli205.nreb 15) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Rebates field.
16) cisli225.chtp 16) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Charge Type field.
17) cisli235.chtp 17) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
18) cisli245.chtp 18) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
19) cisli255.chtp 19) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
20) cisli265.chtp 20) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
21) cisli295.chtp 21) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
22) cisli225.amth(1) 22) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Amount in Home Currency field.
23) cisli235.amth(1) 23) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Financials 1 tab, Totals group, Amount in Home
24) cisli245.amth(1) Currency field.
25) cisli255.amth(1) 24) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Order
26) cisli265.amth(1) Amount in Home Currency field.
27) cisli275.amth(1) 25) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Invoice Related tab, Totals group, Amount in
28) cisli295.amth(1) Home Currency field.
29) cisli210.chtp 26) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Common tab, Totals group, Amount in
30) cisli210.amth(1) Home Currency field.
31) cisli280.amth(1) 27) Not displayed in any session, Amount in Home Currency field.
28) Not displayed in any session, Amount in Home Currency field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: 29) Not displayed in any session, Charge type field.
1) cisli310.slah(1) 30) Session Interest Invoice Data (cisli2110s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Amount in Home Currency field.
2) cisli310.chtp 31) Session Debit/Credit Note Invoice Data (cisli2580m000), Invoice Related tab, Totals group, Amount in Home
Currency field.
For SalesACR:
1) tfgld106.dbcr Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist.
2) tfgld106.amth(1) For Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders,
3) tfgld102.dbcr Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, Service Orders, Service Contracts, Rebates or Interests and the
4) tfgld102.amth(1) Charge Type does not equal 'Costs', the belonging Amount in Home Currency field is published.
5) tfacr200.post
Based on the type of invoice lines, the following amounts are published if the Charge Type does not equal
For Warehousing: 'Costs':
1) tcemm170.fcua - Manual Sales: Amount in Home Currency from Manual Sales Order Lines.
2) tcemm170.comp - Projects: Amount in Home Currency from project Invoice Data.
3) whinh430.sfco - Sales Orders/Schedules: Amount in Home Currency from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data.
- Warehouse Orders: Amount in Home Currency from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data.
- Purchase Orders: Amount in Home Currency from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data.
- PCS Orders: Amount in Home Currency from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data.
- Maintenance Sales Orders: Amount in Home Currency from Service Order Invoice Data.
- Service Calls: Amount in Home Currency from Service Order Invoice Data.
- Service Orders: Amount in Home Currency from Service Order Invoice Data.
- Service Contracts: Amount in Home Currency from Service Contract Invoice Data.
- Rebates: Amount in Home Currency from Rebate Invoice Lines.
- Interests: Amount in Home Currency from Interest Invoice Data.

In case of Freight Orders, the Amount in Home Currency (from Freight Order Invoice - Lines) is published.
In case of Debit/Credit Notes, the Amount in Home Currency (from Debit/Credit Note Invoice Data) is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Not displayed in any session, Source Line Amount in Home Currency field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Charge type field.

If the Charge Type field is not equal to 'Costs', the Source Line Amount in Home Currency field is published.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Non-Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1508m000), Amount tab, Debit/Credit field.
2) Session Non-Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1508m000), Amount tab, Amount in Home Currency field.
3) Session Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1509m000), Header tab, Debit/Credit field.
4) Session Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1509m000), Header tab, Amount in Home Currency field.
5) Not displayed in any session, Finalization Run Number field.

If the Finalization Run Number field is not filled, the Amount in Home Currency (2) field is published. If the Debit/
Credit (1) field is equal to 'Debit', the amount is multiplied by -1.
If the Finalization Run Number field is filled, the Amount in Home Currency (4) field is published. If the Debit/
Credit (3) field is equal to 'Debit', the amount is multiplied by -1.

For Warehousing:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-From Code field.

Based on the Ship-From Code field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

The Invoice/InvoiceLine/ExtendedAmount element expressed in Local Currency is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

Infor April 07, 2020 367
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc This BOD element is available for FP7.
2) tcemm170.fcua
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
For SalesACR: 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.fcua
Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Warehousing:
1) tcmcs002.iccc For SalesACR:
2) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
3) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.
4) whinh430.sfco
Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For Warehousing:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-From Code field.

Based on the Ship-From Code field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) cisli205.sfcp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
3) cisli205.ityp 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
4) cisli205.idoc 4) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
5) cisli205.nmsi 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field.
6) cisli205.nprj 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
7) cisli205.nslo 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
8) cisli205.nwho 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
9) cisli205.nrpo 9) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
10) cisli205.npcs 10) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
11) cisli205.nmts 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
12) cisli205.nsvc 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
13) cisli205.nsvo 13) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
14) cisli205.nsco 14) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Contracts field.
15) cisli205.nfrt 15) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Freight Orders field.
16) cisli205.nreb 16) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Rebates field.
17) cisli225.chtp 17) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Charge Type field.
18) cisli235.chtp 18) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
19) cisli245.chtp 19) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
20) cisli255.chtp 20) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
21) cisli265.chtp 21) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
22) cisli295.chtp 22) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
23) cisli225.amti 23) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Amount field.
24) cisli235.amti 24) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Financials 1 tab, Totals group, Amount field.
25) cisli245.amti 25) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Order
26) cisli255.amti Amount field.
27) cisli265.amti 26) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Invoice Related tab, Totals group, Amount field.
28) cisli275.amti 27) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Common tab, Totals group, Amount
29) cisli295.amti field.
30) cisli210.chtp 28) Not displayed in any session, Amount in Invoice Currency field.
31) cisli210.amti 29) Not displayed in any session, Amount in Invoice Currency field.
32) cisli280.amti 30) Not displayed in any session, Charge type field.
31) Session Interest Invoice Data (cisli2110s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Amount field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: 32) Session Debit/Credit Note Invoice Data (cisli2580m000), Invoice Related tab, Totals group, Amount field.
1) cisli310.slai
2) cisli310.chtp Based on the Financial Company, the Reference Currency field is determined.
3) tcemm170.lcur Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist.
For Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders,
For SalesACR: Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, Service Orders, Service Contracts, Rebates or Interests and the
1) tfgld106.dbcr Charge Type does not equal 'Costs', the belonging Amount field is published.
2) tfgld106.amnt
3) tfgld102.dbcr Based on the type of invoice lines, the following amounts expressed in Reference Currency are published if the
4) tfgld102.amnt Charge Type does not equal 'Costs':
5) tfacr200.post - Manual Sales: Amount from Manual Sales Order Lines.
6) tcemm170.lcur - Projects: Amount from project Invoice Data.

Infor April 07, 2020 368

- Sales Orders/Schedules: Amount from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data.
For Warehousing: - Warehouse Orders: Amount from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data.
1) tcemm170.lcur - Purchase Orders: Amount from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data.
2) tcemm170.comp - PCS Orders: Amount from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data.
3) whinh430.sfco - Maintenance Sales Orders: Amount from Service Order Invoice Data.
- Service Calls: Amount from Service Order Invoice Data.
- Service Orders: Amount from Service Order Invoice Data.
- Service Contracts: Amount from Service Contract Invoice Data.
- Rebates: Amount in Invoice Currency from Rebate Invoice Lines.
- Interests: Amount from Interest Invoice Data.

In case of Freight Orders, the Amount in Invoice Currency (from Freight Order Invoice - Lines) expressed in
Reference Currency is published.
In case of Debit/Credit Notes, the Amount in Invoice Currency (from Debit/Credit Note Invoice Data) expressed
in Reference Currency is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is available for FP7.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Not displayed in any session, Source Line Amount field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Charge type field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

If the Charge Type field is not equal to 'Costs', the Source Line Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.

For SalesACR:
1) Session Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1509m000), Header tab, Debit/Credit field.
2) Session Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1509m000), Quantities tab, Amount field.
3) Session Non-Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1508m000), Quantities tab, Debit/Credit field.
4) Session Non-Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1508m000), Quantities tab, Amount field.
5) Not displayed in any session, Finalization Run Number field.
6) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

If the Finalization Run Number field is filled, the Amount (2) field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
If the Debit/Credit (1) field is equal to 'Debit', the amount is multiplied by -1.
If the Finalization Run Number field is not filled, the Amount (4) field expressed in Reference Currency is
published. If the Debit/Credit (3) field is equal to 'Debit', the amount is multiplied by -1.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.

For Warehousing:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-From Code field.

Based on the Ship-From Code field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Invoice/InvoiceLine/ExtendedAmount element expressed in Reference Currency is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc This BOD element is available for FP7.
2) tcemm170.lcur
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
For SalesACR: 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.lcur
Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For Warehousing:
1) tcmcs002.iccc For SalesACR:
2) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
3) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
4) whinh430.sfco
Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For Warehousing:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
Infor April 07, 2020 369
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-From Code field.

Based on the Ship-From Code field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nmsi 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field.
5) cisli205.nprj 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
6) cisli205.nslo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
7) cisli205.nwho 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
8) cisli205.nrpo 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
9) cisli205.npcs 9) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
10) cisli205.nmts 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
11) cisli205.nsvc 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
12) cisli205.nsvo 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
13) cisli205.nsco 13) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Contracts field.
14) cisli205.nfrt 14) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Freight Orders field.
15) cisli205.nreb 15) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Rebates field.
16) cisli225.amti 16) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Amount field.
17) cisli225.lpai 17) Not displayed in any session, LPS in Invoice Currency field.
18) cisli225.txai 18) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount in Invoice Currency field.
19) cisli235.amti 19) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Financials 1 tab, Totals group, Amount field.
20) cisli235.ldai 20) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Invoice Related tab, Totals group, Line Discount
21) cisli235.hbai Amount field.
22) cisli235.txai 21) Not displayed in any session, Holdback Amount field.
23) cisli245.amti 22) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Financials 1 tab, Totals group, Tax Amount field.
24) cisli245.ldai 23) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Order
25) cisli245.odai Amount field.
26) cisli245.txai 24) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Discount tab, Totals group, Line
27) cisli255.amti Discount Amount.
28) cisli255.ldai 25) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Discount tab, Totals group, Order
29) cisli255.txai Discount Amount.
30) cisli265.amti 26) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Tax Amount.
31) cisli265.ldai 27) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Invoice Related tab, Totals group, Amount field.
32) cisli265.txai 28) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Financial tab, Discount group, Amount field.
33) cisli275.amti 29) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Invoice Related tab, Totals group, Tax Amount
34) cisli275.txai field.
35) cisli295.amti 30) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Common tab, Totals group, Amount
36) cisli295.txai field.
37) cisli210.amti 31) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Financial tab, Miscellaneous group,
38) cisli210.txai Line Discount Amount field.
39) cisli280.amti 32) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Common tab, Totals group, Tax
40) cisli280.txai Amount field.
33) Not displayed in any session, Amount in Invoice Currency field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: 34) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount in Invoice Currency field.
1) cisli310.amti 35) Not displayed in any session, Amount in Invoice Currency field.
2) cisli310.txai 36) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount in Invoice Currency field.
3) cisli310.hbai 37) Session Interest Invoice Data (cisli2110s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Amount field.
4) cisli310.srtp 38) Session Interest Invoice Data (cisli2110s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Tax Amount field.
39) Session Debit/Credit Note Invoice Data (cisli2580m000), Invoice Related tab, Totals group, Amount field.
40) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount in Invoice Currency.

Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist.
In case of Manual Sales lines, the sum of the Amount field, the LPS in Invoice Currency field, and the Tax
Amount in Invoice Currency field are published (all amounts taken from Manual Sales Invoice Details).
In case of Project invoice lines, the result of the Amount field minus the Line Discount Amount, minus the
Holdback Amount, plus the Tax Amount and plus a calculated late payment surcharge amount is published (all
amounts taken from Project Invoice Data).
In case of a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line, or a PCS Order line,
the result of the Order Amount field minus the Line Discount Amount, minus the Order Discount Amount, plus
the Tax Amount and plus a calculated late payment surcharge amount is published (all amounts taken from
Sales and Warehouse Order Invoice Lines).
In case of a Maintenance Sales Order line, a Service Call line, or a Service Order line, the result of the Amount
field minus the Discount Amount, plus the Tax Amount and plus a calculated late payment surcharge amount is
published (all amounts taken from Service Invoice Lines).
In case of a Service Contract Order line, the result of the Amount field minus the Discount Amount, plus the Tax
Amount and plus a calculated late payment surcharge amount is published (all amounts taken from Service
Contract Installments).
In case of Freight Orders, the result of the Amount in Invoice Currency field, plus the Tax Amount in Invoice
Currency field and plus a calculated late payment surcharge amount is published (all amounts taken from
Freight Order Invoice - Lines).
In case of Rebate Invoice lines, the result of the Amount in Invoice Currency field, plus the Tax Amount in

Infor April 07, 2020 370

Invoice Currency field and plus a calculated late payment surcharge amount is published (all amounts taken
from Rebate Invoice Lines).
In case of Interest Invoices, the result of the Amount field, plus the Tax Amount field and plus a calculated late
payment surcharge amount is published (all amounts taken from Interest Invoice Data).
In case of Debit/Credit Notes, the result of the Amount field, plus the Tax Amount field and plus a calculated late
payment surcharge amount is published (all amounts taken from Debit/Credit Notes from Finance).

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Invoice Currency group, Invoice Amount field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount field.
3) Not displayed in any session, Holdback Amount field.
4) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Source Type field.

If the Source Type field equals 'Project', the sum of the Invoice Amount, Tax Amount and Holdback Amount
fields is published.
Otherwise, the sum of the Invoice Amount and Tax Amount fields is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) cisli205.sfcp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
3) cisli205.ityp 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
4) cisli205.idoc 4) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
5) cisli205.ccur 5) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, the Currency field is determined.
1) tcmcs002.iccc The ISO Code field of this currency is published.
2) cisli305.sfcp
3) cisli305.ccur For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Currency field.

Based on the Financial Company field and the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the Currency is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nmsi 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field.
5) cisli205.nprj 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
6) cisli205.nslo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
7) cisli205.nwho 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
8) cisli205.nrpo 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
9) cisli205.npcs 9) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
10) cisli205.nmts 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
11) cisli205.nsvc 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
12) cisli205.nsvo 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
13) cisli205.nsco 13) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Contracts field.
14) cisli205.nfrt 14) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Freight Orders field.
15) cisli205.nreb 15) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Rebates field.
16) cisli225.amth(1) 16) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Amount in Home Currency field.
17) cisli225.lpah(1) 17) Not displayed in any session, LPS in Home Currency field.
18) cisli225.txah(1) 18) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount in Home Currency field.
19) cisli235.amth(1) 19) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Financials 1 tab, Totals group, Amount in Home
20) cisli235.ldai Currency field.
21) cisli235.hbai 20) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Invoice Related tab, Totals group, Line Discount
22) cisli235.txah(1) Amount field.
23) cisli245.amth(1) 21) Not displayed in any session, Holdback Amount field.
24) cisli245.ldam 22) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Financials 1 tab, Totals group, Tax Amount in Home
25) cisli245.odai Currency field.
26) cisli245.txah(1) 23) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Order
27) cisli255.amth(1) Amount in Home Currency field.
28) cisli255.ldai 24) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Discount tab, Totals group, Line
29) cisli255.txah(1) Discount Amount field.
30) cisli265.amth(1) 25) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Discount tab, Totals group, Order
31) cisli265.ldai Discount Amount field.
32) cisli265.txah(1) 26) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Tax Amount
33) cisli275.amth(1) in Home Currency field.
34) cisli275.txah(1) 27) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Invoice Related tab, Totals group, Amount field
35) cisli295.amth(1) in Home Currency field.
36) cisli295.txah(1) 28) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Financial tab, Discount group, Amount field.
37) cisli210.amth(1) 29) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Invoice Related tab, Totals group, Tax Amount in
38) cisli210.txah(1) Home Currency field.
39) cisli280.amth(1) 30) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Common tab, Totals group, Amount in
40) cisli280.txah(1) Home Currency field.
31) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Financial tab, Miscellaneous group,
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Line Discount Amount field.
1) cisli310.amth(1) 32) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Common tab, Totals group, Tax

Infor April 07, 2020 371

2) cisli310.txah(1) Amount in Home Currency field.
3) cisli310.hbai 33) Not displayed in any session, Amount in Home Currency field.
4) cisli310.srtp 34) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount in Home Currency field.
5) tcemm170.fcua 35) Not displayed in any session, Amount in Home Currency field.
36) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount in Home Currency field.
37) Session Interest Invoice Data (cisli2110s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Amount in Home Currency field.
38) Session Interest Invoice Data (cisli2110s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Tax Amount in Home Currency
39) Session Debit/Credit Note Invoice Data (cisli2580m000), Invoice Related tab, Totals group, Amount in Home
Currency field.
40) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount in Home Currency field.

Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist.
In case of Manual Sales lines, the sum of the Amount in Home Currency field, the LPS in Home Currency field,
and the Tax Amount in Home Currency field are published (all amounts taken from Manual Sales Invoice
In case of Project invoice lines, the result of the Amount in Home Currency field minus the Line Discount
Amount (expressed in Local Currency), minus the Holdback Amount (expressed in Local Currency), plus the
Tax Amount in Home Currency and plus a calculated late payment surcharge amount in Home Currency is
published (all amounts taken from Project Invoice Data).
In case of a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line, or a PCS Order line,
the result of the Order Amount in Home Currency field minus the Line Discount Amount (expressed in Local
Currency), minus the Order Discount Amount (expressed in Local Currency), plus the Tax Amount in Home
Currency and plus a calculated late payment surcharge amount in Home Currency is published (all amounts
taken from Sales and Warehouse Order Invoice Lines).
In case of a Maintenance Sales Order line, a Service Call line, or a Service Order line, the result of the Amount
in Home Currency field minus the Discount Amount (expressed in Local Currency), plus the Tax Amount in
Home Currency and plus a calculated late payment surcharge amount in Home Currency is published (all
amounts taken from Service Invoice Lines).
In case of a Service Contract Order line, the result of the Amount in Home Currency field minus the Discount
Amount (expressed in Local Currency), plus the Tax Amount in Home Currency and plus a calculated late
payment surcharge amount in Home Currency is published (all amounts taken from Service Contract
In case of Freight Orders, the result of the Amount in Home Currency field, plus the Tax Amount in Home
Currency field and plus a calculated late payment surcharge amount in Home Currency is published (all
amounts taken from Freight Order Invoice - Lines).
In case of Rebate Invoice lines, the result of the Amount in Home Currency field, plus the Tax Amount in Home
Currency field and plus a calculated late payment surcharge amount in Home Currency is published (all
amounts taken from Rebate Invoice Lines).
In case of Interest Invoices, the result of the Amount in Home Currency field, plus the Tax Amount in Home
Currency field and plus a calculated late payment surcharge amount in Home Currency is published (all
amounts taken from Interest Invoice Data).
In case of Debit/Credit Notes, the result of the Amount in Home Currency field, plus the Tax Amount in Home
Currency field and plus a calculated late payment surcharge amount in Home Currency is published (all
amounts taken from Debit/Credit Notes from Finance).
This BOD element is available for FP7.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Invoice Currency group, Invoice Amount in Home
Currency field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount in Home Currency field.
3) Not displayed in any session, Holdback Amount field.
4) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Source Type field.
5) Session Companies (tcemm1170m00), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the Local Currency field is determined.

If the Source Type field equals 'Project', the sum of the Invoice Amount in Home Currency, Tax Amount in Home
Currency and Holdback Amount expressed in Local Currency, is published.
Otherwise, the sum of the Invoice Amount in Home Currency and Tax Amount in Home Currency fields is
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc This BOD element is available for FP7.
2) tcemm170.fcua
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
2) cisli205.sfcp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
3) cisli205.ityp 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.

Infor April 07, 2020 372

4) cisli205.idoc 4) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
5) cisli205.nmsi 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field.
6) cisli205.nprj 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
7) cisli205.nslo 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
8) cisli205.nwho 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
9) cisli205.nrpo 9) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
10) cisli205.npcs 10) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
11) cisli205.nmts 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
12) cisli205.nsvc 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
13) cisli205.nsvo 13) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
14) cisli205.nsco 14) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Contracts field.
15) cisli205.nfrt 15) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Freight Orders field.
16) cisli205.nreb 16) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Rebates field.
17) cisli225.amti 17) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Amount field.
18) cisli225.lpai 18) Not displayed in any session, LPS in Invoice Currency field.
19) cisli225.txai 19) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount in Invoice Currency field.
20) cisli235.amti 20) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Financials 1 tab, Totals group, Amount field, first
21) cisli235.ldai column.
22) cisli235.hbai 21) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Invoice Related tab, Totals group, Line Discount
23) cisli235.txai Amount field.
24) cisli245.amti 22) Not displayed in any session, Holdback Amount field.
25) cisli245.ldai 23) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Financials 1 tab, Totals group, Tax Amount field.
26) cisli245.odai 24) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Order
27) cisli245.txai Amount field, first column.
28) cisli255.amti 25) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Discount tab, Totals group, Line
29) cisli255.ldai Discount Amount.
30) cisli255.txai 26) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Discount tab, Totals group, Order
31) cisli265.amti Discount Amount.
32) cisli265.ldai 27) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Tax Amount,
33) cisli265.txai first column.
34) cisli275.amti 28) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Invoice Related tab, Totals group, Amount field,
35) cisli275.txai first column.
36) cisli295.amti 29) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Financial tab, Discount group, Amount field.
37) cisli295.txai 30) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Invoice Related tab, Totals group, Tax Amount
38) cisli210.amti field, first column.
39) cisli210.txai 31) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Common tab, Totals group, Amount
40) cisli280.amti field, first column.
41) cisli280.txai 32) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Financial tab, Miscellaneous group,
Line Discount Amount field, first column.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: 33) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Common tab, Totals group, Tax
1) cisli310.amti Amount field, first column.
2) cisli310.txai 34) Not displayed in any session, Amount in Invoice Currency field.
3) cisli310.hbai 35) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount in Invoice Currency field.
4) cisli310.srtp 36) Not displayed in any session, Amount in Invoice Currency field.
5) tcemm170.lcur 37) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount in Invoice Currency field.
38) Session Interest Invoice Data (cisli2110s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Amount field, first column.
39) Session Interest Invoice Data (cisli2110s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Tax Amount field, first column.
40) Session Debit/Credit Note Invoice Data (cisli2580m000), Invoice Related tab, Totals group, Amount field,
first column.
41) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount in Invoice Currency.

Based on the Financial Company, the Reference Currency is determined.

Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist.
In case of Manual Sales lines, the sum of the Amount field, the LPS in Invoice Currency field, and the Tax
Amount in Invoice Currency field, expressed in Reference Currency, is published (all amounts taken from
Manual Sales Invoice Details).
In case of Project invoice lines, the result of the Amount field minus the Line Discount Amount, minus the
Holdback Amount, plus the Tax Amount and plus a calculated late payment surcharge amount, expressed in
Reference Currency, is published (all amounts taken from Project Invoice Data).
In case of a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line, or a PCS Order line,
the result of the Order Amount field minus the Line Discount Amount, minus the Order Discount Amount, plus
the Tax Amount and plus a calculated late payment surcharge amount, expressed in Reference Currency, is
published (all amounts taken from Sales and Warehouse Order Invoice Lines).
In case of a Maintenance Sales Order line, a Service Call line, or a Service Order line, the result of the Amount
field minus the Discount Amount, plus the Tax Amount and plus a calculated late payment surcharge amount,
expressed in Reference Currency, is published (all amounts taken from Service Invoice Lines).
In case of a Service Contract Order line, the result of the Amount field minus the Discount Amount, plus the Tax
Amount and plus a calculated late payment surcharge amount, expressed in Reference Currency, is published
(all amounts taken from Service Contract Installments).
In case of Freight Orders, the result of the Amount in Invoice Currency field, plus the Tax Amount in Invoice
Currency field and plus a calculated late payment surcharge amount, expressed in Reference Currency, is
published (all amounts taken from Freight Order Invoice - Lines).
In case of Rebate Invoice lines, the result of the Amount in Invoice Currency field, plus the Tax Amount in
Invoice Currency field and plus a calculated late payment surcharge amount, expressed in Reference Currency,
is published (all amounts taken from Rebate Invoice Lines).
In case of Interest Invoices, the result of the Amount field, plus the Tax Amount field and plus a calculated late
payment surcharge amount, expressed in Reference Currency, is published (all amounts taken from Interest
Invoice Data).
In case of Debit/Credit Notes, the result of the Amount field, plus the Tax Amount field and plus a calculated late
Infor April 07, 2020 373
payment surcharge amount, expressed in Reference Currency, is published (all amounts taken from Debit/
Credit Notes from Finance).
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is available for FP7.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Invoice Currency group, Invoice Amount field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount field.
3) Not displayed in any session, Holdback Amount field.
4) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Source Type field.
5) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

If the Source Type field equals 'Project', the sum of the Invoice Amount, Tax Amount and Holdback Amount
fields, expressed in Reference Currency, is published.
Otherwise, the sum of the Invoice Amount and Tax Amount fields, expressed in Reference Currency, is
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc This BOD element is available for FP7.
2) tcemm170.lcur
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
Always filled with 'VAT'.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nmsi 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field.
5) cisli205.nprj 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
6) cisli205.nslo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
7) cisli205.nwho 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
8) cisli205.nrpo 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
9) cisli205.npcs 9) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
10) cisli205.nmts 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
11) cisli205.nsvc 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
12) cisli205.nsvo 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
13) cisli205.nsco 13) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Contracts field.
14) cisli205.nfrt 14) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Freight Orders field.
15) cisli205.nreb 15) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Rebates field.
16) cisli225.txct 16) Session Manual Sales Invoice Data - Lines (cisli2525m000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Country.
17) cisli225.txid 17) Session Manual Sales Invoice Data - Lines (cisli2525m000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Code.
18) cisli235.txct 18) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Financials 1 tab, Tax group, Tax Country.
19) cisli235.txid 19) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Financials 1 tab, Tax group, Tax Code.
20) cisli245.txct 20) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Country.
21) cisli245.txid 21) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Code.
22) cisli255.txct 22) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Country.
23) cisli255.txid 23) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Code.
24) cisli265.txct 24) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Country.
25) cisli265.txid 25) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Code.
26) cisli275.txct 26) Session Freight Invoice Data - Lines (cisli2575m000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Country.
27) cisli275.txid 27) Session Freight Invoice Data - Lines (cisli2575m000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Code.
28) cisli295.txct 28) Session Rebate Invoice Data - Lines (cisli2595m000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Country.
29) cisli295.txid 29) Session Rebate Invoice Data - Lines (cisli2595m000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Code.
30) cisli210.txct 30) Session Interest Invoice Data (cisli2100m000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Country.
31) cisli210.txid 31) Session Interest Invoice Data (cisli2100m000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Code.
32) cisli280.txct 32) Session Debit/Credit Note Invoice Data (cisli2580m000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Country.
33) cisli280.txid 33) Session Debit/Credit Note Invoice Data (cisli2580m000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Code.
34) tcmcs010.ict2 34) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist.
1) tcmcs010.ict2 Based on the appropriate Tax Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is determined.
2) cisli305.txct The concatenation of the ISO Code alpha-2 field and the appropriate Tax Code field is published.
3) cisli310.cvat
4) cisli310.stoa This BOD element is not available for FP5.
5) tccom130.ccty
Infor April 07, 2020 374
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
2) Session invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Tax Country field.
3) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, Variable Composing Criteria group,
Tax Code field.
4) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, Variable Composing Criteria group,
Ship-to Business Address field.
5) Session Addresses (tccom4530m000), Country field.

If the Tax Country field is not filled, based on the Ship-to Business Address field, the Country field is determined.
Based on the (Tax) Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is determined.
The concatenation of the ISO Code alpha-2 field and the Tax Code field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
cisli310.tbai Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Invoice Currency group, Taxable Amount field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) cisli305.sfcp 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
3) cisli305.ccur 3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Currency field.

Based on the Financial Company field and the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the Currency is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
cisli310.tbah(1) Not displayed in any session, Tax Base Amount in HC field.

The Tax Base Amount in Home Currency field is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) cisli310.tbai 1) Not displayed in any session, Tax Base Amount field.
2) cisli310.tbah 2) Not displayed in any session, Tax Base Amount in HC field.
3) tcemm170.lcur 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nmsi 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field.
5) cisli205.nprj 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
6) cisli205.nslo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
7) cisli205.nwho 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
8) cisli205.nrpo 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
9) cisli205.npcs 9) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
10) cisli205.nmts 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
11) cisli205.nsvc 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
12) cisli205.nsvo 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
13) cisli205.nsco 13) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Contracts field.
14) cisli205.nfrt 14) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Freight Orders field.
15) cisli205.nreb 15) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Rebates field.
16) cisli225.txct 16) Session Manual Sales Invoice Data - Lines (cisli2525m000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Country.
17) cisli225.txid 17) Session Manual Sales Invoice Data - Lines (cisli2525m000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Code.
18) cisli235.txct 18) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Financials 1 tab, Tax group, Tax Country.
19) cisli235.txid 19) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Financials 1 tab, Tax group, Tax Code.
20) cisli245.txct 20) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Country.
21) cisli245.txid 21) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Code.
22) cisli255.txct 22) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Country.
23) cisli255.txid 23) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Code.
24) cisli265.txct 24) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Country.
25) cisli265.txid 25) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Code.
26) cisli275.txct 26) Session Freight Invoice Data - Lines (cisli2575m000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Country.
27) cisli275.txid 27) Session Freight Invoice Data - Lines (cisli2575m000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Code.
28) cisli295.txct 28) Session Rebate Invoice Data - Lines (cisli2595m000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Country.
29) cisli295.txid 29) Session Rebate Invoice Data - Lines (cisli2595m000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Code.

Infor April 07, 2020 375

30) cisli210.txct 30) Session Interest Invoice Data (cisli2100m000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Country.
31) cisli210.txid 31) Session Interest Invoice Data (cisli2100m000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Code.
32) cisli280.txct 32) Session Debit/Credit Note Invoice Data (cisli2580m000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Country.
33) cisli280.txid 33) Session Debit/Credit Note Invoice Data (cisli2580m000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Code.
34) cisli205.txdt 34) Not displayed in any session, Tax Date field.
35) tcmcs032.pvat 35) Session Single Tax Rates (tcmcs0536m000), Tax Rate.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist.
1) tcmcs032.pvat Based on the appropriate Tax Country, Tax Code and Tax Date, the Tax Rate field is published.
2) tcmcs033.pvat
3) cisli305.txct This BOD element is not available for FP5.
4) cisli310.cvat
5) cisli305.idat For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Single Tax Rates (tcmcs0536m000), Tax Rate.
2) Session Multiple tax Rates (tcmcs0133m000), Tax Rate.
3) Session invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Tax Country field.
4) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, Variable Composing Criteria group,
Tax Code field.
5) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Invoice Date field.

Based on the Tax Country, Tax Code and Invoice Date fields, the appropriate Tax Rate field is determined and
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nmsi 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field.
5) cisli205.nprj 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
6) cisli205.nslo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
7) cisli205.nwho 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
8) cisli205.nrpo 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
9) cisli205.npcs 9) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
10) cisli205.nmts 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
11) cisli205.nsvc 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
12) cisli205.nsvo 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
13) cisli205.nsco 13) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Contracts field.
14) cisli205.nfrt 14) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Freight Orders field.
15) cisli205.nreb 15) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Rebates field.
16) cisli225.txct 16) Session Manual Sales Invoice Data - Lines (cisli2525m000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Country.
17) cisli225.txid 17) Session Manual Sales Invoice Data - Lines (cisli2525m000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Code.
18) cisli235.txct 18) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Financials 1 tab, Tax group, Tax Country.
19) cisli235.txid 19) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Financials 1 tab, Tax group, Tax Code.
20) cisli245.txct 20) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Country.
21) cisli245.txid 21) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Code.
22) cisli255.txct 22) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Country.
23) cisli255.txid 23) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Code.
24) cisli265.txct 24) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Country.
25) cisli265.txid 25) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Code.
26) cisli275.txct 26) Session Freight Invoice Data - Lines (cisli2575m000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Country.
27) cisli275.txid 27) Session Freight Invoice Data - Lines (cisli2575m000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Code.
28) cisli295.txct 28) Session Rebate Invoice Data - Lines (cisli2595m000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Country.
29) cisli295.txid 29) Session Rebate Invoice Data - Lines (cisli2595m000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Code.
30) cisli210.txct 30) Session Interest Invoice Data (cisli2100m000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Country.
31) cisli210.txid 31) Session Interest Invoice Data (cisli2100m000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Code.
32) cisli280.txct 32) Session Debit/Credit Note Invoice Data (cisli2580m000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Country.
33) cisli280.txid 33) Session Debit/Credit Note Invoice Data (cisli2580m000), Financial tab, Tax group, Tax Code.
34) tcmcs036.dsca 34) Session Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0536m000), Tax Code Description.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist.
1) tcmcs036.dsca Based on the appropriate Tax Country and Tax Code, the Tax Code Description field is published.
2) tcmcs035.dsca
3) cisli305.txct This BOD element is not available for FP5.
4) cisli310.cvat
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0536m000), Tax Code Description field.
2) Session Multiple Tax Code Lines (tcmcs0535m000), Description field.
3) Session invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Tax Country field.
4) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, Variable Composing Criteria group,
Tax Code field.

Based on the Tax Country and Tax Code, the appropriate (Tax Code) Description field is determined and
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
cisli310.txai Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Tax Amount field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
Infor April 07, 2020 376
1) tcmcs002.iccc For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
2) cisli305.sfcp 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
3) cisli305.ccur 2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Currency field.

Based on the Financial Company field and the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the Currency is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
cisli310.txah(1) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount in HC field.

The Tax Amount in Home Currency field is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) cisli310.txai 1) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount field.
2) cisli310.txah 2) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount in HC field.
3) tcemm170.lcur 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Tax Amount field expressed in Reference Currency, is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) cisli305.txct 1) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Fixed Composing Criteria tab, Tax Country field.
2) cisli310.cvat 2) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, Tax Code field.
3) tcmcs036.ktax 3) Session Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0536m000), Kind of Tax field.

Based on the Tax Country and Tax Code, the appropriate Kind of Tax field is determined.
If the Kind of Tax field equals ' Withholding Income Tax', 'Withholding Social Contribution' or 'Social Contribution
(Company Expense)', ''true'' is published.
Otherwise, ''false'' is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli225.item 4) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Item field.
5) cisli235.item 5) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Project Relations tab, Cost Object group, Item field.
6) cisli245.item 6) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Item group, Item field.
7) cisli255.item 7) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Delivery/Labor/Travel tab, Delivery group, Item/
8) cisli265.item Tool Type field.
9) cisli295.item 8) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Common tab, Details group, Serialized
10) tcbod000.frci Item (Maintenance) field.
9) Not displayed in any session, Item field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: 10) Session BOD Parameters (tcbod0100m000), BOD Specific tab, Invoice group, Freight Cost Item for Invoice
1) cisli310.item field.
2) tcbod000.frci
Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist. In
For Warehousing: case of Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Service Calls, Service Orders,
1) whinh431.addc Service Contracts, Rebates or Interests and the InvoiceLine/InvoiceCharge/Amount is set, the InvoiceCharge/
2) whinh431.item Type is determined. If the belonging Item field is equal to the Freight Cost Item for Invoice field, 'Freight' is
3) tcbod000.frci published. Otherwise, 'Other' is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Order tab, Order group, Item field.
2) Session BOD Parameters (tcbod0100m000), BOD Specific tab, Invoice group, Freight Cost Item for Invoice

If the InvoiceLine/InvoiceCharge/Amount is set, the InvoiceCharge/Type is determined. If the Item field is equal
to the Freight Cost Item for Invoice field, 'Freight' is published. Otherwise, 'Other' is published.

For Warehousing:
1) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Additional Cost field.
2) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Item field.
3) Session BOD Parameters (tcbod0100m000), BOD Specific tab, Invoice group, Freight Cost Item for Invoice

Infor April 07, 2020 377


If Item field is equal to the Freight Cost Item for Invoice field and the Additional Costs field is set, 'Freight' is
published. Otherwise, 'Other' is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nmsi 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field.
5) cisli205.nprj 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
6) cisli205.nslo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
7) cisli205.nwho 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
8) cisli205.nrpo 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
9) cisli205.npcs 9) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
10) cisli205.nmts 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
11) cisli205.nsvc 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
12) cisli205.nsvo 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
13) cisli205.nsco 13) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Contracts field.
14) cisli205.nfrt 14) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Freight Orders field.
15) cisli205.nreb 15) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Rebates field.
16) cisli225.chtp 16) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Charge Type field.
17) cisli235.chtp 17) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
18) cisli245.chtp 18) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
19) cisli255.chtp 19) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
20) cisli265.chtp 20) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
21) cisli295.chtp 21) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
22) cisli225.amti 22) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Amount field.
23) cisli235.amti 23) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Financials 1 tab, Totals group, Amount field, first column
24) cisli245.amti 24) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Order
25) cisli255.amti Amount field, first column.
26) cisli265.amti 25) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Invoice Related tab, Totals group, Amount field,
27) cisli295.amti first column.
28) cisli210.chtp 26) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Common tab, Totals group, Amount
29) cisli210.amti field, first column.
27) Not displayed in any session, Amount in Invoice Currency field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: 28) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
1) cisli310.amti 29) Session Interest Invoice Data (cisli2110s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Amount field, first column.
2) cisli310.chtp
Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist. In
For Warehousing: case of Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders,
whinh431.amnt Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, Service Orders, Service Contracts, Rebates or Interests and the
Charge Type equals 'Costs', the belonging Amount field is published.
(For Manual Sales lines the Amount from Manual Sales Order Lines, for Project invoice lines the Amount from
project Invoice Data, for a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line or PCS
Order line the Amount from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data, for a Maintenance Sales Order line, a Service
Call line or Service Order line the Amount from Service Order Invoice Data, for a Service Contract Order line the
Amount from Service Contract Invoice Data, for a Rebate Invoice line the Amount in Invoice Currency from
Rebate Invoice Lines and for an Interest Invoice line the Amount from Interest Invoice Data.)

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Invoice Currency group, Invoice Amount field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Charge type field.

If the Charge Type equals 'Costs', the Invoice Amount field is published.

For Warehousing:
Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Amount field.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nmsi 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field.
5) cisli205.nprj 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
6) cisli205.nslo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
7) cisli205.nwho 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
8) cisli205.nrpo 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
9) cisli205.npcs 9) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
10) cisli205.nmts 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
11) cisli205.nsvc 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
12) cisli205.nsvo 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
13) cisli205.nsco 13) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Contracts field.
14) cisli205.nfrt 14) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Freight Orders field.
15) cisli205.nreb 15) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Rebates field.
16) cisli225.chtp 16) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Charge Type field.
17) cisli235.chtp 17) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
18) cisli245.chtp 18) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.

Infor April 07, 2020 378

19) cisli255.chtp 19) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
20) cisli265.chtp 20) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
21) cisli295.chtp 21) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
22) cisli210.chtp 22) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
23) cisli205.ccur 23) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Currency field.
24) tcmcs002.iccc 24) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist. In
1) tcmcs002.iccc case of Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders,
2) cisli305.sfcp Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, Service Orders, Service Contracts, Rebates or Interests and the
3) cisli305.ccur Charge Type equals 'Costs', the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
In case of Freight Orders, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Warehousing:
1) tcmcs002.iccc For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
2) whinh430.ccur 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Currency field.

Based on the Financial Company field and the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.

For Warehousing:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Invoicing tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nmsi 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field.
5) cisli205.nprj 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
6) cisli205.nslo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
7) cisli205.nwho 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
8) cisli205.nrpo 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
9) cisli205.npcs 9) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
10) cisli205.nmts 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
11) cisli205.nsvc 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
12) cisli205.nsvo 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
13) cisli205.nsco 13) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Contracts field.
14) cisli205.nfrt 14) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Freight Orders field.
15) cisli205.nreb 15) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Rebates field.
16) cisli225.chtp 16) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Charge Type field.
17) cisli235.chtp 17) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
18) cisli245.chtp 18) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
19) cisli255.chtp 19) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
20) cisli265.chtp 20) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
21) cisli295.chtp 21) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
22) cisli225.amth(1) 22) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Amount in Home Currency field.
23) cisli235.amth(1) 23) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Financials 1 tab, Totals group, Amount in Home
24) cisli245.amth(1) Currency field, first column
25) cisli255.amth(1) 24) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Order
26) cisli265.amth(1) Amount in Home Currency field, first column.
27) cisli295.amth(1) 25) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Invoice Related tab, Totals group, Amount in
28) cisli210.chtp Home Currency field, first column.
29) cisli210.amth(1) 26) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Common tab, Totals group, Amount in
Home Currency field, first column.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: 27) Not displayed in any session, Amount in Home Currency field.
1) cisli310.amth(1) 28) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
2) cisli310.chtp 29) Session Interest Invoice Data (cisli2110s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Amount in Home Currency field.

For Warehousing: Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist. In
1) tcemm170.fcua case of Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders,
2) tcemm170.comp Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, Service Orders, Service Contracts, Rebates or Interests and the
3) whinh430.sfco Charge Type is equal to 'Costs', the belonging Amount in Home Currency field is published.
(For Manual Sales lines the Amount in Home Currency from Manual Sales Order Lines, for Project invoice lines
the Amount in Home Currency from project Invoice Data, for a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order
line, a Purchase Order line or PCS Order line the Amount in Home Currency from Sales and Warehouse Invoice
Data, for a Maintenance Sales Order line, a Service Call line or Service Order line the Amount in Home
Currency from Service Order Invoice Data, for a Service Contract Order line the Amount in Home Currency from
Service Contract Invoice Data, for a Rebate Invoice line the Amount in Home Currency from Rebate Invoice
Lines and for an Interest Invoice line the Amount in Home Currency from Interest Invoice Data.)
This BOD element is available for FP7.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Invoice Currency group, Invoice Amount in Home
Currency field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Charge type field.

Infor April 07, 2020 379

If the Charge Type equals 'Costs', the Invoice Amount in Home Currency field is published.

For Warehousing:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-From Code field.

Based on the Ship-From Code field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

The Invoice/InvoiceLine/InvoiceCharge/Amount element expressed in Local Currency is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc This BOD element is available for FP7.
2) tcemm170.fcua
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
For Warehousing: 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.fcua
3) tcemm170.comp Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
4) whinh430.sfco
For Warehousing:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-From Code field.

Based on the Ship-From Code field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nmsi 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Manual Sales field.
5) cisli205.nprj 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
6) cisli205.nslo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
7) cisli205.nwho 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
8) cisli205.nrpo 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
9) cisli205.npcs 9) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
10) cisli205.nmts 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
11) cisli205.nsvc 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
12) cisli205.nsvo 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
13) cisli205.nsco 13) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Contracts field.
14) cisli205.nfrt 14) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Freight Orders field.
15) cisli205.nreb 15) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Rebates field.
16) cisli225.chtp 16) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Charge Type field.
17) cisli235.chtp 17) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
18) cisli245.chtp 18) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
19) cisli255.chtp 19) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
20) cisli265.chtp 20) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
21) cisli295.chtp 21) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
22) cisli225.amti 22) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Amount field.
23) cisli235.amti 23) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Financials 1 tab, Totals group, Amount field, first column
24) cisli245.amti 24) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Order
25) cisli255.amti Amount field, first column.
26) cisli265.amti 25) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Invoice Related tab, Totals group, Amount field,
27) cisli295.amti first column.
28) cisli210.chtp 26) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Common tab, Totals group, Amount
29) cisli210.amti field, first column.
30) tcemm170.lcur 27) Not displayed in any session, Amount in Invoice Currency field.
28) Not displayed in any session, Charge Type field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: 29) Session Interest Invoice Data (cisli2110s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Amount field, first column.
1) cisli310.amti 30) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
2) cisli310.chtp
3) tcemm170.lcur Based on the Financial Company, the Reference Currency is determined.
Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist. In
For Warehousing: case of Manual Sales, Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders,
1) tcemm170.lcur Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, Service Orders, Service Contracts, Rebates or Interests and the

Infor April 07, 2020 380

2) tcemm170.comp Charge Type equals 'Costs', the belonging Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
3) whinh430.sfco (For Manual Sales lines the Amount from Manual Sales Order Lines, for Project invoice lines the Amount from
project Invoice Data, for a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line or PCS
Order line the Amount from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data, for a Maintenance Sales Order line, a Service
Call line or Service Order line the Amount from Service Order Invoice Data, for a Service Contract Order line the
Amount from Service Contract Invoice Data, for a Rebate Invoice line the Amount in Invoice Currency from
Rebate Invoice Lines and for an Interest Invoice line the Amount from Interest Invoice Data.)

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is available for FP7.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Invoice Currency group, Invoice Amount field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Charge type field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

If the Charge Type equals 'Costs', the Invoice Amount field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.

For Warehousing:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-From Code field.

Based on the Ship-From Code field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Invoice/InvoiceLine/InvoiceCharge/Amount element expressed in Reference Currency is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc This BOD element is available for FP7.
2) tcemm170.lcur
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
For Warehousing: 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.lcur
3) tcemm170.comp Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
4) whinh430.sfco
For Warehousing:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Ship-From Code field.

Based on the Ship-From Code field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nprj 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
5) cisli205.nslo 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
6) cisli205.nwho 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
7) cisli205.nrpo 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
8) cisli205.npcs 8) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
9) cisli205.nmts 9) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
10) cisli205.nsvc 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
11) cisli205.nsvo 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
12) cisli205.nsco 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Contracts field.
13) cisli235.ldai 13) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Invoice Related tab, Discount group, Line Discount
14) cisli245.ldai Amount field.
15) cisli245.odai 14) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Discount tab, Totals group, Line
16) cisli255.ldai Discount Amount.
17) cisli265.ldai 15) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Discount tab, Totals group, Order
Discount Amount.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: 16) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Financial tab, Discount group, Amount field.
1) cisli310.ldai 17) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Financial tab, Miscellaneous group,
2) cisli310.odai Line Discount Amount field, first column.

Infor April 07, 2020 381

Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist. In
case of Projects, Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, Service Orders, or Service Contracts, the belonging
Line Discount Amount is published.

Based on the type of invoice lines, the following amounts are published:
- Projects: Line Discount Amount from Project Invoice Data.
- Maintenance Sales Orders: Discount Amount from Service Order Invoice Data.
- Service Calls: Discount Amount from Service Order Invoice Data.
- Service Orders: Discount Amount from Service Order Invoice Data.
- Service Contracts: Line Discount Amount from Service Contract Invoice Data.

In case of Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, or PCS Orders, the sum of the Line
Discount Amount and the Order Discount Amount (both from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data) is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Invoice Currency group, Line Discount Amount field.
2) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Invoice Currency group, Order Discount Amount field.

The sum of the Line Discount Amount field and the Order Discount Amount field is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nprj 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
5) cisli205.nslo 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
6) cisli205.nwho 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
7) cisli205.nrpo 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
8) cisli205.npcs 8) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
9) cisli205.nmts 9) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
10) cisli205.nsvc 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
11) cisli205.nsvo 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
12) cisli205.nsco 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Contracts field.
13) cisli205.ccur 13) Session Invoice - Manual Sales Order Lines (cisli2525m100), Currency field.
14) tcmcs002.iccc 14) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist. In
1) tcmcs002.iccc case of Projects, Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, PCS Orders, Maintenance
2) cisli305.sfcp Sales Orders, Service Calls, Service Orders, or Service Contracts, the ISO Code field of the currency is
3) cisli305.ccur published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
3) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Currency field.

Based on the Financial Company field and the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the Currency is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nprj 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
5) cisli205.nslo 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
6) cisli205.nwho 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
7) cisli205.nrpo 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
8) cisli205.npcs 8) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
9) cisli205.nmts 9) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
10) cisli205.nsvc 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
11) cisli205.nsvo 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
12) cisli205.nsco 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Contracts field.
13) cisli235.ldai 13) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Invoice Related tab, Discount group, Line Discount
14) cisli245.ldai Amount field.
15) cisli245.odai 14) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Discount tab, Totals group, Line
16) cisli255.ldai Discount Amount.
17) cisli265.ldai 15) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Discount tab, Totals group, Order
18) tcemm170.fcua Discount Amount.
16) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Financial tab, Discount group, Amount field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: 17) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Financial tab, Miscellaneous group,
1) cisli310.ldai Line Discount Amount field, first column.
2) cisli310.odai 18) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.fcua
Based on the Financial Company, the Local Currency is determined.
Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist. In
case of Projects, Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, Service Orders, or Service Contracts, the belonging
Line Discount Amount expressed in Local Currency is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 382

Based on the type of invoice lines, the following amounts expressed in Local Currency are published:
- Projects: Line Discount Amount from Project Invoice Data.
- Maintenance Sales Orders: Discount Amount from Service Order Invoice Data.
- Service Calls: Discount Amount from Service Order Invoice Data.
- Service Orders: Discount Amount from Service Order Invoice Data.
- Service Contracts: Line Discount Amount from Service Contract Invoice Data.

In case of Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, or PCS Orders, the sum of the Line
Discount Amount and the Order Discount Amount (both from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data) expressed in
Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Invoice Currency group, Line Discount Amount field.
2) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Invoice Currency group, Order Discount Amount field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the Local Currency field is determined.

The sum of the Line Discount Amount field and the Order Discount Amount field, expressed in Local Currency,
is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc This BOD element is available for FP7.
2) tcemm170.fcua
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nprj 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Projects field.
5) cisli205.nslo 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
6) cisli205.nwho 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
7) cisli205.nrpo 7) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
8) cisli205.npcs 8) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
9) cisli205.nmts 9) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
10) cisli205.nsvc 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
11) cisli205.nsvo 11) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
12) cisli205.nsco 12) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Contracts field.
13) cisli235.ldai 13) Session Project Invoice Data - Line (cisli2135s000), Invoice Related tab, Discount group, Line Discount
14) cisli245.ldai Amount field.
15) cisli245.odai 14) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Discount tab, Totals group, Line
16) cisli255.ldai Discount Amount.
17) cisli265.ldai 15) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Discount tab, Totals group, Order
18) tcemm170.lcur Discount Amount.
16) Session Service Order Invoice Data - Line (cisli2155s000), Financial tab, Discount group, Amount field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: 17) Session Service Contract Invoice Data - Installment (cisli2165s000), Financial tab, Miscellaneous group,
1) cisli310.ldai Line Discount Amount field, first column.
2) cisli310.odai 18) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.lcur
Based on the Financial Company, the Reference Currency is determined.
Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist. In
case of Projects, Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, Service Orders, or Service Contracts, the belonging
Line Discount Amount expressed in Reference Currency is published.

Based on the type of invoice lines, the following amounts expressed in Reference Currency are published:
- Projects: Line Discount Amount from Project Invoice Data.
- Maintenance Sales Orders: Discount Amount from Service Order Invoice Data.
- Service Calls: Discount Amount from Service Order Invoice Data.
- Service Orders: Discount Amount from Service Order Invoice Data.
- Service Contracts: Line Discount Amount from Service Contract Invoice Data.

In case of Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, or PCS Orders, the sum of the Line
Discount Amount and the Order Discount Amount (both from Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data) expressed in
Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Invoice Currency group, Line Discount Amount field.
2) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Invoice Currency group, Order Discount Amount field.

Infor April 07, 2020 383

3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency is determined.

The sum of the Line Discount Amount field and the Order Discount Amount field expressed in Reference
Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc This BOD element is available for FP7.
2) tcemm170.lcur
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nslo 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
5) cisli205.nwho 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
6) cisli205.nrpo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
7) cisli205.npcs 7) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
8) tcmcs001.icun 8) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
9) cisli245.cuqs 9) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Item tab, Item group, Order Unit field.
10) cisli245.dqua 10) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Item tab, Item group, Delivered Quantity
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tcmcs001.icun Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist.
2) cisli310.cuqs If a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line or a PCS Order line exists, this
3) cisli310.dqua element is published.
4) cisli310.refa
5) cisli310.refb For the Delivered Quantity field expressed in the Order Unit, the InvoiceLine/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.InvoiceQuantityInSalesUOM' and InvoiceLine/UserArea/Property/
For Warehousing: NameValue@type is filled with 'NumericType'.
1) whinh431.qshp For the ISO Code field of the Order Unit, the InvoiceLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
2) whinh431.cuni 'ln.SalesUOM' and InvoiceLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
3) tcmcs001.icun
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Order Unit field.
3) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Order tab, Delivery group, Delivered Quantity field.
4) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Order tab, Order group, First Reference field.
5) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Order tab, Order group, Second Reference field.

For the Delivered Quantity field expressed in the Order Unit, the InvoiceLine/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.InvoiceQuantityInSalesUOM' and InvoiceLine/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is filled with 'QuantityType' and InvoiceLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@unitCode is
filled with the ISO Code field of the Order Unit.
For the ISO Code field of the Order Unit, the InvoiceLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.SalesUOM' and InvoiceLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the First Reference field, the InvoiceLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.ReferenceA'
and InvoiceLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the Second Reference field, the InvoiceLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.ReferenceB' and InvoiceLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data

For Warehousing:
1) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Item tab, Shipped Quantity field.
2) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Item tab, Shipped Quantity Unit field.
3) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.

For the Shipped Quantity field, the Shipment/ShipmentItem/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with

'ln.ShippedQuantityInSalesUOM', Shipment/ShipmentItem/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with

Infor April 07, 2020 384

'QuantityType' and the Shipment/ShipmentItem/UserArea/Property/NameValue@unitCode is filled with the ISO
code field of the Shipped Quantity field.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nslo 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
5) cisli205.nwho 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
6) cisli205.nrpo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
7) cisli205.npcs 7) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
8) cisli205.nreb 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Rebates field.
9) cisli245.koor 9) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Order Origin field.
10) cisli245.slso 10 Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Sales Order/Schedule field.
11) cisli245.dqua 11) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Item tab, Item group, Delivered Quantity
12) cisli245.amti field.
13) cisli295.reso 12) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Order
14) cisli295.amti Amount field.
13) Session Invoice - Rebate Invoice Data Lines (cisli2595m100), Sales Order field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: 14) Session Invoice - Rebate Invoice Data Lines (cisli2595m100), Financial tab, Totals group, Amount field.
1) cisli310.orno
2) cisli310.srtp Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist.
3) cisli310.tref If a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line or a PCS Order line exists and
4) cisli310.dqua the Order Origin field is equal to 'Sales Order' and either the Delivered Quantity field is greater than zero or the
5) cisi310.slai Order Amount field is greater than or equal to zero, based on the Sales Order/Schedule field, the ID of the
SalesOrder noun is published.
For Warehousing: If a Rebate line exists and the Amount field is less than or equal to zero, based on the Sales Order field, the ID
1) whinh431.worg of the SalesOrder noun is published.
2) whinh431.worn
Refer to the documentation of the SalesOrder noun for more information about the determination of the ID field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Order Number field.
2) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Source Type field.
3) Not displayed in any session, Technical Reference field.
4) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Order tab, Delivery group, Delivered Quantity field.
5) Not displayed in any session, Source Line Amount field.

If the Source Type field equals 'Sales Order' and the first position of the Technical Reference field is equal to '3'
and either the Delivered Quantity field is greater than zero or the Source Line Amount field is greater than or
equal to zero, based on the Order Number field, the ID of the SalesOrder noun is published. If the Source Type
field equals 'Rebate' and the Order Number field is filled and the Source Line Amount field is less than or equal
to zero, based on the Order Number field, the ID of the SalesOrder noun is published.

Refer to the documentation of the SalesOrder noun for more information about the determination of the ID field.

For Warehousing:
1) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Order Origin field.
2) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Order Number field.

If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Sales' then the Order Number field is published.
For Warehousing: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
tdsls400.cofc Refer to the documentation of the SalesOrder noun for more information about the determination of the
accountingEntity field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

Refer to the documentation of the SalesOrder noun for more information about the determination of the
accountingEntity field.

For Warehousing:
Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Financial Department field.

Based on the Financial Department field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Warehousing: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
tdsls400.cofc Refer to the documentation of the SalesOrder noun for more information about the determination of the location

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

Refer to the documentation of the SalesOrder noun for more information about the determination of the location

For Warehousing:
Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), General tab, Financial Department field.

Infor April 07, 2020 385

Based on the Financial Department field, the location field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
cisli310.odat Not displayed in any session, Order Date field.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nslo 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
5) cisli205.nwho 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
6) cisli205.nrpo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
7) cisli205.npcs 7) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
8) cisli205.nreb 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Rebates field.
9) cisli245.koor 9) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Order Origin field.
10) cisli245.dqua 10) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Item tab, Item group, Delivered Quantity
11) cisli245.amti field.
12) cisli245.pono 11) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Financial tab, Totals group, Order
13) cisli295.amti Amount field.
14) cisli295.pono 12) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Line field.
13) Session Invoice - Rebate Invoice Data Lines (cisli2595m100), Financial tab, Totals group, Amount field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: 14) Session Invoice - Rebate Invoice Data Lines (cisli2595m100), Line field.
1) cisli310.orno
2) cisli310.srtp Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist.
3) cisli310.tref If a Sales Order/Schedule line, a Warehouse Order line, a Purchase Order line, or a PCS Order line exists and
4) cisli310.dqua the Order Origin field is equal to 'Sales Order' and either the Delivered Quantity field is greater than zero or the
5) cisi310.slai Order Amount field is greater than or equal to zero, the Line (12) field is published. If a Rebate line exists and
6) cisli310.pono the Amount field is less than or equal to zero, the Line (14) field is published.

For Warehousing: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) whinh431.worg 1) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Order Number field.
2) whinh431.wpon 2) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Source Type field.
3) Not displayed in any session, Technical Reference field.
4) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Order tab, Delivery group, Delivered Quantity field.
5) Not displayed in any session, Source Line Amount field.
7) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Order Line field.

If the Source Type field equals 'Sales Order' and the first position of the Technical Reference field is equal to '3'
and either the Delivered Quantity field is greater than zero or the Source Line Amount field is greater than or
equal to zero, the Order Line field is published. If the Source Type field equals 'Rebate' and the Order Number
field is filled and the Source Line Amount field is less than or equal to zero, the Order Line field is published.

For Warehousing:
1) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Order Origin field.
2) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Order Line field.

If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Sales' then the Order Line field is published.
For Warehousing: For Warehousing:
1) whinh431.worg 1) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Order Origin field.
2) whinh431.wseq 2) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Order Line Sequence field.

If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Sales' and the Order Line Sequence field is not equal to 0, the Order Line
Sequence field is published.
For Warehousing: For Warehousing:
1) whinh431.worg 1) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Order Origin field.
2) whinh431.boml 2) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Order tab, Warehousing Order group, BOM line field.

If the Order Origin field is equal to 'Sales' and the BOM Line field is not equal to 0, the BOM line field is
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nslo 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
5) cisli205.nwho 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
6) cisli205.nrpo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
7) cisli205.npcs 7) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
8) cisli205.nmts 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
9) cisli205.nsvc 9) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
10) cisli205.nsvo 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
11) tfgld482.idtc 11) Session Integration Transactions (tfgld4582m000), Journal Details tab, Integration Document Type field.

Infor April 07, 2020 386

12) tcfin010.fitr 12) Session Integration Document Type by Transaction Origin/Financial Transaction (tcfin0110m000), Financial
13) tfgld482.amth Transaction field.
14) cisli255.cost 13) Not displayed in any session, Amount in Home Currency Field.
14) Not displayed in any session, Costs field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) cisli311.fldv Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist.
2) cisli312.cogs In case of Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, and PCS Orders, the belonging
3) cisli312.iseq Integration Transactions are determined. For all Financial Transactions of type 'General COGS Triangular', 'Cost
4) cisli310.srtp of Goods Sold', 'COGS Triangular', and 'Cost of Goods Sold Quotation', the Amounts in Home Currency are
summed. The result is published.
In case of Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, and Service Orders, the Costs field is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Not displayed in any session, table Invoice Lines - Additional Fields (cisli311), Field Value field, for which
Field Code equals 'COST' (Costs).
2) Session COGS by Cost Component (cisli3112m000), COGS Amount field.
3) Session COGS by Cost Component (cisli3112m000), Invoice Line Sequence field.
4) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Source Type field.

If the Source Type field equals 'Service Order', the Cost value (Field Value field) is published.
If the Source Type field equals 'Sales Order', 'Warehouse Order', 'Purchase Order' or 'PCS Order', the sum of
the COGS Amount field for the Invoice Line Sequence is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) cisli205.sfcp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
3) tcemm170.fcua 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and the Local Currency, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) cisli305.sfcp For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
3) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field.

Based on the Financial Company and the Local Currency, the ISO Code field of the Currency is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nslo 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
5) cisli205.nwho 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
6) cisli205.nrpo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
7) cisli205.npcs 7) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
8) cisli205.nmts 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
9) cisli205.nsvc 9) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
10) cisli205.nsvo 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
11) tfgld482.idtc 11) Session Integration Transactions (tfgld4582m000), Journal Details tab, Integration Document Type field.
12) tcfin010.fitr 12) Session Integration Document Type by Transaction Origin/Financial Transaction (tcfin0110m000), Financial
13) tfgld482.amth Transaction field.
14) cisli255.cost 13) Not displayed in any session, Amount in Home Currency Field.
15) tcemm170.lcur 14) Not displayed in any session, Costs field.
15) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) cisli311.fldv Based on the Financial Company, the Reference Currency is determined.
2) cisli312.cogs Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist.
3) cisli312.iseq In case of Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, and PCS Orders, the belonging
4) cisli310.srtp Integration Transactions are determined. For all Financial Transactions of type 'General COGS Triangular', 'Cost
5) tcemm170.lcur of Goods Sold', 'COGS Triangular', and 'Cost of Goods Sold Quotation', the Amounts in Home Currency are
summed. The result expressed in Reference Currency is published.
In case of Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, and Service Orders, the Costs field expressed in
Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Not displayed in any session, table Invoice Lines - Additional Fields (cisli311), Field Value field, for which
Field Code equals 'COST' (Costs).
2) Session COGS by Cost Component (cisli3112m000), COGS Amount field.
3) Session COGS by Cost Component (cisli3112m000), Invoice Line Sequence field.
4) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Source Type field.
5) Session Companies (tcemm1170m00), Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

If the Source Type field equals 'Service Order', the Cost value (Field Value field) expressed in Reference
Currency is published.
If the Source Type field equals 'Sales Order', 'Warehouse Order', 'Purchase Order' or 'PCS Order', the sum of

Infor April 07, 2020 387

the COGS Amount field for the Invoice Line Sequence expressed in Reference Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc This BOD element is available for FP7.
2) tcemm170.lcur
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nslo 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
5) cisli205.nwho 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
6) cisli205.nrpo 6) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Purchase Orders field.
7) cisli205.npcs 7) Not displayed in any session, No. of PCS Order Invoice Lines field.
8) cisli205.nmts 8) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Maintenance Sales Orders field.
9) cisli205.nsvc 9) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Calls field.
10) cisli205.nsvo 10) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Service Orders field.
11) tfgld482.idtc 11) Session Integration Transactions (tfgld4582m000), Journal Details tab, Integration Document Type field.
12) tcfin010.fitr 12) Session Integration Document Type by Transaction Origin/Financial Transaction (tcfin0110m000), Financial
13) tfgld482.amth Transaction field.
14) cisli255.cost 13) Not displayed in any session, Amount in Home Currency Field.
14) Not displayed in any session, Costs field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) cisli311.fldv Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist.
2) cisli312.cogs In case of Sales Orders/Schedules, Warehouse Orders, Purchase Orders, and PCS Orders, the belonging
3) cisli312.iseq Integration Transactions are determined. For all Financial Transactions of type 'General COGS Triangular', 'Cost
4) cisli310.srtp of Goods Sold', 'COGS Triangular', and 'Cost of Goods Sold Quotation', the Amounts in Home Currency are
summed. The result is published.
In case of Maintenance Sales Orders, Service Calls, and Service Orders, the Costs field is published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Not displayed in any session, table Invoice Lines - Additional Fields (cisli311), Field Value field, for which
Field Code equals 'COST' (Costs).
2) Session COGS by Cost Component (cisli3112m000), COGS Amount field.
3) Session COGS by Cost Component (cisli3112m000), Invoice Line Sequence field.
4) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Source Type field.

If the Source Type field equals 'Service Order', the Cost value (Field Value field) is published.
If the Source Type field equals 'Sales Order', 'Warehouse Order', 'Purchase Order' or 'PCS Order', the sum of
the COGS Amount field for the Invoice Line Sequence is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) cisli205.sfcp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
3) tcemm170.fcua 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and the Local Currency, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) cisli305.sfcp For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
3) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Invoices (cisli3105m000), Financial Company field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field.

Based on the Financial Company and the Local Currency, the ISO Code field of the Currency is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nslo 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
5) cisli205.nwho 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
6) cisli245.stbp 6) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Ship-to Business Partner
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) cisli310.stbp Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist
2) cisli310.srtp (Sales Orders/Schedules or Warehouse Orders).
If a Sales Order/Schedule line or a Warehouse Order line exists, the Ship-to Business Partner field is published.
Otherwise, nothing is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 388
This BOD element is not available for FP5.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, Variable Composing Criteria group,
Ship-to Business Partner field.
2) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Source Type field.

If the Source Type field equals 'Sales Order', 'Warehouse Order', 'Purchase Order' or 'PCS Order', the Ship-to
Business Partner field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nslo 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
5) cisli205.nwho 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
6) cisli245.stbp 6) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Ship-to Business Partner
7) cisli245.ddat field.
8) cisli245.stoa 7) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Details group, Delivery Date
9) tccom130.ccty field.
10) tctax400.fovn 8) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Ship-to Address field.
9) Session Addresses (tccom4530m000), Country field.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: 10) Session Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax4100m000), Tax Number field.
1) cisli310.stbp
2) cisli310.srtp Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist
3) cisli310.stoa (Sales Orders/Schedules or Warehouse Orders).
4) tccom130.ccty If a Sales Order/Schedule line or a Warehouse Order line exists, based on the Ship-to Address field, the
5) cisli315.txdt Country field is determined. Based on the Ship-to Business Partner field, the Country field and the Delivery Date
6) tctax400.fovn field, the Tax number field is published.

This BOD element is not available for FP5.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, Variable Composing Criteria group,
Ship-to Business Partner field.
2) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Source Type field.
3) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, Variable Composing Criteria group,
Ship-to Address field.
4) Session Addresses (tccom4530m000), Country field.
5) Session Invoice - Tax Details (cisli3115m000), Tax Date field.
6) Session Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax4100m000), Tax Number field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Country field is determined.

If the Source Type field equals 'Sales Order', 'Warehouse Order', 'Purchase Order' or 'PCS Order', based on the
Ship-to Business Partner, Country and Tax Date fields the Tax Number field is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nslo 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
5) cisli205.nwho 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
6) tccom100.nama 6) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
7) cisli245.stbp 7) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Ship-to Business Partner
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom100.nama Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist
2) cisli310.stbp (Sales Orders/Schedules or Warehouse Orders).
3) cisli310.srtp If a Sales Order/Schedule line or a Warehouse Order line exists, based on the Ship-to Business Partner field,
the Name field is published. Otherwise, nothing is published.

This BOD element is not available for FP5.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, Variable Composing Criteria group,
Ship-to Business Partner field.
3) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Source Type field.

If the Source Type field equals 'Sales Order', 'Warehouse Order', 'Purchase Order' or 'PCS Order', based on the
Ship-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 389
For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nslo 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
5) cisli205.nwho 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
6) tccom130.nama 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
7) cisli245.stoa 7) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Ship-to Address field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist
1) tccom130.nama (Sales Orders/Schedules or Warehouse Orders).
2) cisli310.stoa If a Sales Order/Schedule line or a Warehouse Order line exists, based on the Invoice-to Address field, the
Name field is published. Otherwise, nothing is published.

This BOD element is not available for FP5.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, Variable Composing Criteria group,
Ship-to Business Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Business Address field, the Name field is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nslo 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
5) cisli205.nwho 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
6) tccom130.ln01 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
7) tccom130.ln02 7) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
8) tccom130.ln03 8) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
9) tccom130.ln04 9) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
10) tccom130.ln05 10) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
11) tccom130.ln06 11) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
12) cisli245.stoa 12) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Ship-to Address field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist
1) tccom130.ln01 (Sales Orders/Schedules or Warehouse Orders).
2) tccom130.ln02 If a Sales Order/Schedule line or a Warehouse Order line exists, based on the Ship-to Address field, the six
3) tccom130.ln03 Address Lines are published. Otherwise, nothing is published.
4) tccom130.ln04
5) tccom130.ln05 One Address Line is published per sequence.
6) tccom130.ln06
7) cisli310.stoa This BOD element is not available for FP5.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, Variable Composing Criteria group,
Ship-to Business Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Business Address field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) cisli310.stoa 2) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, Variable Composing Criteria group,
Ship-to Business Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Business Address field, the House Number field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 390

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) cisli310.stoa 2) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, Variable Composing Criteria group,
Ship-to Business Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Business Address field, the Building field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) cisli310.stoa 2) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, Variable Composing Criteria group,
Ship-to Business Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Business Address field, the Street field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) cisli310.stoa 2) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, Variable Composing Criteria group,
Ship-to Business Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Business Address field, the Unit field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) cisli310.stoa 2) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, Variable Composing Criteria group,
Ship-to Business Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Business Address field, the Floor field is published.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) cisli310.stoa 2) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, Variable Composing Criteria group,
Ship-to Business Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Business Address field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nslo 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
5) cisli205.nwho 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
6) tccom130.dsca 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
7) cisli245.stoa 7) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Ship-to Address field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist
1) tccom130.dsca (Sales Orders/Schedules or Warehouse Orders).
2) cisli310.stoa If a Sales Order/Schedule line or a Warehouse Order line exists, based on the Ship-to Address field, the City
field is published. Otherwise, nothing is published.

This BOD element is not available for FP5.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, Variable Composing Criteria group,
Ship-to Business Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Business Address field, the City field is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nslo 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
5) cisli205.nwho 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
6) tccom130.cste 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
7) cisli245.stoa 7) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Ship-to Address field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist
1) tccom130.cste (Sales Orders/Schedules or Warehouse Orders).
2) cisli310.stoa If a Sales Order/Schedule line or a Warehouse Order line exists, based on the Ship-to Address field, the State/
Province field is published. Otherwise, nothing is published.

This BOD element is not available for FP5.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, Variable Composing Criteria group,
Infor April 07, 2020 391
Ship-to Business Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Business Address field, the State/Province field is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nslo 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
5) cisli205.nwho 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
6) tccom130.ccty 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
7) tcmcs010.ict2 7) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
8) cisli245.stoa 8) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Ship-to Address field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist
1) tccom130.ccty (Sales Orders/Schedules or Warehouse Orders).
2) tcmcs010.ict2 If a Sales Order/Schedule line or a Warehouse Order line exists, based on the Ship-to Address field and the
3) cisli310.stoa Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published. Otherwise, nothing is published.

This BOD element is not available for FP5.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, Variable Composing Criteria group,
Ship-to Business Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Business Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli205.sfcp 1) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Financial Company field.
2) cisli205.ityp 2) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Transaction Type) field.
3) cisli205.idoc 3) Session Invoices (cisli2505m100), Invoice Number (Document) field.
4) cisli205.nslo 4) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Sales Orders/Schedules field.
5) cisli205.nwho 5) Session Invoice (cisli2505s000), Details tab, Available Invoice Lines group, Warehouse Orders field.
6) tccom130.pstc 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
7) cisli245.stoa 7) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Delivery tab, Ship-to Address field.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later: Based on the Financial Company and Invoice Number fields, it is determined which kind of invoice lines exist
1) tccom130.pstc (Sales Orders/Schedules or Warehouse Orders).
2) cisli310.stoa If a Sales Order/Schedule line or a Warehouse Order line exists, based on the Ship-to Address field, the Zip
Code/Postal Code field is published. Otherwise, nothing is published.

This BOD element is not available for FP5.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Variable Composing Criteria tab, Variable Composing Criteria group,
Ship-to Business Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Business Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
1) cisli240.corn 1) Not displayed in any session, Customer Order field.
2) cisli245.adin 2) Session Sales and Warehouse Invoice Data - Line (cisli2145s000), Additional Information tab, Additional
Information fields.
For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
1) cisli310.dain The Customer Order field and the Additional Information fields are published.
2) cisli310.srtp The Additional Information fields are only published for FP7.
3) cisli311.fldv This BOD element is not available for FP5.
4) cisli311.fldv
5) cisli311.fldv For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:
6) cisli311.fldv 1) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Detail Additional Information tab, Additional Information fields.
2) Session Invoice - Lines (cisli3110m000), Amounts tab, Source Type field.
For Warehousing: 3) Not displayed in any session, Field Value field, for which Field Code equals 'CORN' (Line Customer Order
whinh431.adin Number).
4) Not displayed in any session, Field Value field, for which Field Code equals 'HCON' (Header Customer Order
5) Not displayed in any session, Field Value field, for which Field Code equals 'CORP' (Customer Order
6) Not displayed in any session, Field Value field, for which Field Code equals 'CORS' (Customer Order

If the Source Type field equals 'Sales Order' or 'Contract', the Additional Information fields are published.
If the Source Type field equals 'Sales Order' or 'Contract', the Line Customer Order Number field is published.
If the Source Type field equals 'Sales Order' or 'Contract' and the Line Customer Order Number field is not filled,
the Header Customer Order Number field is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 392
If the Source Type field equals 'Sales Order' or 'Contract', the Customer Contract Reference field is published.
If the Source Type field equals 'Sales Order' or 'Contract', the Customer Order Position field is published.
If the Source Type field equals 'Sales Order' or 'Contract', the Customer Order Sequence field is published.

For Warehousing:
Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Additional Information tab, Additional Information fields.
For Warehousing: For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
tcstl200.dsca The Additional Information field labels or 'CustomerOrderNumber' is published.

This BOD element is not available for FP5.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

The Additional Information field labels or 'CustomerOrderNumber' is published.

For Warehousing:
Session Additional information Definitions (tcstl2100m000), UI Description field.
For Sales on FP7 or earlier:
Always filled with 'StringType'.

This BOD element is not available for FP5.

For Sales on LN 10.2 or later:

Always filled with 'StringType'.

For Warehousing:
Always filled with 'StringType'.

Infor April 07, 2020 393

For Common: For Common:
1) tcibd001.item 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Item field.

For Infor LN 10.3.0 or later: For Infor LN 10.3.0 or later:

2) tcibd004.bpid 2) Session Item Code System - Items (tcibd0104m000), Business Partner field.
3) tcibd004.citt 3) Session Item Code System - Items (tcibd0104m000), Item Code System field.
4) tcibd004.aitc 4) Session Item Code System - Items (tcibd0104m000), Business Partner Item Code field.
5) tcibd001.kitm 5) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Characteristics group, Item Type field.
6) tcibd001.itmt 6) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Characteristics group, Item Type Specification field.

For Revision: Based on the item, the Business Partner field is determined.
1) tiedm101.item Based on the Business Partner field, the Item Code System field is determined.
2) tcibd004.bpid Based on the Item field, the Item Code System field and the Business Partner field, the Business Partner Item
3) tcibd004.citt Code field is published.
4) tcibd004.aitc
This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete Item Data.
This BOD is not published if the Item Type field is equal to 'List' and the Item Type Specification field is equal to
'Option' or 'Menu'.

For Revision:
1) Session Engineering Item - Item Relationship (tiedm1101m000), Item field.
2) Session Item Code System - Items (tcibd0104m000), Business Partner field.
3) Session Item Code System - Items (tcibd0104m000), Item Code System field.
4) Session Item Code System - Items (tcibd0104m000), Business Partner Item Code field.

The Item field is published.

Based on the item, the Business Partner field is determined.
Based on the Business Partner field, the Item Code System field is determined.
Based on the Item field, the Item Code System field and the Business Partner field, the Business Partner Item
Code field is published.

This BOD is published when users Create or Delete an Engineering Item - Item Relationship or when users
Update an Engineering Item and the Engineering Item - Item Relationship is present.

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2.1 or later.

For Common: For Common:
For Infor LN 10.3.0 or later: For Infor LN 10.3.0 or later:
1) tcibd004.bpid 1) Session Item Code System - Items (tcibd0104m000), Business Partner field.
2) tccom110.ofbp 2) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Sold-to Business Partner field.
3) tccom120.otbp 3) Session Buy-from Business Partner (tccom4120s000), Buy-from Business Partner field.

For Revision: Based on the item, the Business Partner field is determined.
1) tcibd004.bpid Based on the Business Partner field, the Sold-to Business Partner field is determined.
2) tccom110.ofbp Based on the Business Partner field, the Buy-from Business Partner field is determined.
3) tccom120.otbp
If the Sold-to Business Partner field is filled, 'Customer' is published.
If the Buy-from Business Partner field is filled, 'Supplier' is published.

For Revision:
1) Session Item Code System - Items (tcibd0104m000), Business Partner field.
2) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Sold-to Business Partner field.
3) Session Buy-from Business Partner (tccom4120s000), Buy-from Business Partner field.

Based on the item, the Business Partner field is determined.

Based on the Business Partner field, the Sold-to Business Partner field is determined.
Based on the Business Partner field, the Buy-from Business Partner field is determined.

If the Sold-to Business Partner field is filled, 'Customer' is published.

If the Buy-from Business Partner field is filled, 'Supplier' is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Common:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For Revision:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Revision: For Revision:
tiedm101.revi Session Engineering Item - Item Relationship (tiedm1101m000), E-Item Revision field.
For Common: For Common:
tcibd001.item Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Item field.

For Revision: The Item field is published.

1) tiedm101.item A space is added between the segments of the Item field.
Infor April 07, 2020 394
2) tiedm101.revi
For Revision:
1) Session Engineering Item - Item Relationship (tiedm1101m000), Item field.
2) Session Engineering Item - Item Relationship (tiedm1101m000), E-Item Revision field.

The concatenation of the Item field and the E-Item Revision field is published.
A space is added between the Item field segments and between the Item field and the E-Item Revision field.
For Common: For Common:
tcibd001.cean Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Grouping Data tab, Special group, EAN Code field.
For Common: For Common:
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

For Revision: Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.
1) tccom001.emno Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
2) tccom001.loco
For Revision:
1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined. Based on the User field, the Employee field is
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama For Common:
Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For Revision:
Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For Common: For Common:
tcibd001.kitm Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Characteristics group, Item Type field.

For Revision: If Item Type field is equal to 'Service' or 'Cost', 'true' is published.
tiedm010.kitm Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For Revision:
Session Engineering Item (tiedm0110m000), General tab, Specific group, Item Type field.

If Item Type field is equal to 'Service' or 'Cost', 'true' is published.

Otherwise, 'false' is published.
tcibd001.dsca For Common:
Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Description field.

If Multi Language is enabled (MLE), the item description is published in the defined data languages.
The description in the base language is published as the last one.

For Revision:
Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Description field.
For Common: For Common:
ttaad111.dlan Session Data Language (ttaad1111m000), Data Language field.

If Multi Language is enabled (MLE), the Data Language field is published.

For Common: For Common:
tcibd001.txta Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Text field.

For Revision: For Revision:

1) tiedm010.txta 1) Session Engineering Item (tiedm0110m000), Configuration tab, E-Item Text group, Text field.
2) tiedm100.txta 2) Session Engineering Item Revision (tiedm1100m000), Validity tab, E-Item Revision Text field.
3) tiedm000.cptx 3) Session Engineering Data Management Parameters (tiedm0100m000), Configuration group, Copy Text field.

If Copy Text field is From E-Item, Text field is published.

If Copy Text field is From E-Item Revision, E-Item Revision Text field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 395

For Common:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.

For Revision:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcibd001.kitm 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Characteristics group, Item Type field.
2) tcibd001.citg 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Characteristics group, Item Group field.
3) tcibd001.dscc 3) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data II tab, Classification group, Size field.
4) tcibd001.cpcl 4) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Grouping Data tab, Selections group, Product Class field.
5) tcibd001.cpln 5) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Grouping Data tab, Selections group, Product Line field.
6) tcibd001.ccde 6) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Grouping Data tab, Selections group, Commodity Code field.
7) tdisa001.rbgp 7) Session Items - Sales (tdisa0501m000), Price tab, Sales Rebate group field.
8) whwmd400.abcc 8) Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Inventory tab, Issue Data group, ABC Code field.

For FP7 or later: For FP7 or later:

9) tcibd001.dscb 9) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data II tab, Classification group, Material field.
10) tcibd001.dscd 10) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data II tab, Classification group, Standard field.
11) tcibd001.ctyp 11) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Grouping Data tab, Selections group, Product Type field.
12) tcmcs022.csel 12) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Grouping Data tab, Selections group, Selection Code field.
13) tcibd001.csig 13) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Grouping Data tab, Special group, Item Signal field.

For Infor LN 10.2 or later: For Infor LN 10.2 or later:

14) tppdm005.ccit 14) Session Item - Project (tppdm0105s000), Cost Price tab, General group, Control Code Material field.
15) tppdm025.cceq 15) Session Standard Equipment (tppdm0112s000), General tab, Control group, Control Code Equipment field.
16) tppdm625.cceq 16) Session Project Equipment (tppdm6112s000), General tab, Control group, Control Code Equipment field.
17) tppdm035.ccsb 17) Session Standard Subcontracting (tppdm0113s000), General tab, Control group, Control Code
18) tppdm635.ccsb Subcontracting field.
18) Session Project Subcontracting (tppdm6113s000), General tab, Control group, Control Code field.
For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:
19) tcibd200.opol For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:
20) tcibd200.rgrp 19) Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Settings tab, Order Settings group, Order Policy field.
20) Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Generation I tab, Ordering Planning/Limits group, Routing Group
For Infor LN 10.5 or later: field.
21) tsmdm200.csgr
22) tsmdm200.seri For Infor LN 10.5 or later:
21) Session Item - Service (tsmdm2100m000), Service Item Group field.
For Revision: 22) Session Item - Service (tsmdm2100m000), Configuration Controlled field.
1) tiedm100.dscc
2) tiedm100.dscb If the Item Type field is equal to 'Purchased', 'Purchased' is published.
3) tiedm100.dscd If the Item Type field is equal to 'Manufactured', 'Manufactured' is published.
4) tiedm100.csig If the Item Type field is equal to 'Generic', 'Generic' is published.
5) tiedm010.citg If the Item Type field is equal to 'Cost', 'Cost' is published.
6) tiedm010.csel If the Item Type field is equal to 'Service', 'Service' is published.
7) tiedm010.ctyp If the Item Type field is equal to 'Subcontracted Service', 'Subcontracted Service' is published.
8) tiedm010.kitm If the Item Type field is equal to 'List', 'List' is published.
9) tiedm010.opol If the Item Type field is equal to 'Equipment', 'Equipment' is published.
If the Item Type field is equal to 'Engineering Module', 'Engineering Module' is published.
If the Item Type field is equal to 'Tool', 'Tool' is published.
If Item Purchase Data is present and the Item has a filled Project Segment, '*' is published.
If the Order Policy field is equal to 'Anonymous', Anonymous is published.
If the Order Policy field is equal to 'To Order', 'ToOrder' is published.
If Item Service Data is present the Service Item Group field is published.
If the Configuration Controlled field is equal to 'Anonymous', Anonymous is published.
If the Configuration Controlled field is equal to 'Serialized', Serialized is published.
If the Configuration Controlled field is equal to 'Consumable', Consumable is published.

For Revision:
1) Session Engineering Item Revision (tiedm1100m100), Physical group, Size field.
2) Session Engineering Item Revision (tiedm1100m100), Physical group, Material field.
3) Session Engineering Item Revision (tiedm1100m100), Physical group, Norm Standard field.
4) Session Engineering Item Revision (tiedm1100m100), General group, Item Signal field.
5) Session Engineering Item (tiedm0110m000), General tab, Specific group, Item Group field.
6) Session Engineering Item (tiedm0110m000), General tab, Specific group, Selection Code field.
7) Session Engineering Item (tiedm0110m000), General tab, Specific group, Product Type field.
8) Session Engineering Item (tiedm0110m000), General tab, Specific group, Item Type field.
9) Session Engineering Item (tiedm0110m000), General tab, Specific group, Order Policy field.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcibd001.kitm 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Characteristics group, Item Type field.
2) tcibd001.citg 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Characteristics group, Item Group field.
3) tcibd001.dscc 3) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data II tab, Classification group, Size field.
4) tcibd001.cpcl 4) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Grouping Data tab, Selections group, Product Class field.
5) tcibd001.cpln 5) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Grouping Data tab, Selections group, Product Line field.
6) tcibd001.ccde 6) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Grouping Data tab, Selections group, Commodity Code field.
7) tcmcs018.csig 7) Session Items - Sales (tdisa0501m000), Price tab, Sales Rebate group field.
8) whwmd400.abcc 8) Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Inventory tab, Issue Data group, ABC Code field.

Infor April 07, 2020 396

For FP7 or later: For FP7 or later:
9) tcibd001.dscb 9) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data II tab, Classification group, Material field.
10) tcibd001.dscd 10) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data II tab, Classification group, Standard field.
11) tcibd001.ctyp 11) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Grouping Data tab, Selections group, Product Type field.
12) tcmcs022.csel 12) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Grouping Data tab, Selections group, Selection Code field.
13) tdisa001.rbgp 13) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Grouping Data tab, Special group, Item Signal field.

For Infor LN 10.2 or later: For Infor LN 10.2 or later:

14) tppdm005.ccit 14) Session Item - Project (tppdm0105s000), Cost Price tab, General group, Control Code Material field.
15) tppdm025.cceq 15) Session Standard Equipment (tppdm0112s000), General tab, Control group, Control Code Equipment field.
16) tppdm625.cceq 16) Session Project Equipment (tppdm6112s000), General tab, Control group, Control Code Equipment field.
17) tppdm035.ccsb 17) Session Standard Subcontracting (tppdm0113s000), General tab, Control group, Control Code
18) tppdm635.ccsb Subcontracting field.
18) Session Project Subcontracting (tppdm6113s000), General tab, Control group, Control Code field.
For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:
19) tcibd200.opol For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:
20) tcibd200.rgrp 19) Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Settings tab, Order Settings group, Order Policy field.
20) Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Generation I tab, Ordering Planning/Limits group, Routing Group
For Infor LN 10.5 or later: field.
21) tsmdm200.csgr
22) tsmdm200.seri For Infor LN 10.5 or later:
21) Session Item - Service (tsmdm2100m000), Service Item Group field.
For Revision: 22) Session Item - Service (tsmdm2100m000), Configuration Controlled field.
1) tiedm100.dscc
2) tiedm100.dscb If the Item Type field is filled, 'Item Types' is published.
3) tiedm100.dscd If the Item Group field is filled, 'Item Groups' is published.
4) tiedm100.csig If the Size field is filled, 'Sizes' is published.
5) tiedm010.citg If the Product Class field is filled, 'Item Classes' is published.
6) tiedm010.csel If the Product Line field is filled, 'Product Lines' is published.
7) tiedm010.ctyp If the Commodity Code field is filled, 'Commodity Codes' is published.
8) tiedm010.kitm If the Sales Rebate group field is filled, 'Item Rebate Groups' is published.
9) tiedm010.opol If the ABC Code field is filled, 'ABC Codes' is published.
If Item Purchase Data is present and the Item has a filled Project Segment, 'MRO Classes' is published.

For FP7 or later:

If the Material field is filled, 'Materials' is published.
If the Standard field is filled, 'Standards' is published.
If the Product Type field is filled, 'Product Types' is published.
If the Selection Code field is filled, 'Product Selection Codes' is published.
If the Item Signal field is filled, 'Item Signals' is published.

For Infor LN 10.2 or later: If Control Code Material field is filled or Control Code Equipment field is filled or
Control Code Equipment field is filled or Control Code Subcontracting field is filled or Control Code field is filled,
'Item Control Codes' is published.

For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:

If the Order Policy field is filled, 'Order Policy' is published.
If the Routing Group field is filled, 'Route Types' is published.

For Infor LN 10.5 or later:

If the Service Item Group field is filled, 'LN Service Item Groups' is published.
If the Configuration Controlled field is filled, 'LN Configuration Controlled' is published.

For Revision:
1) Session Engineering Item Revision (tiedm1100m100), Physical group, Size field.
2) Session Engineering Item Revision (tiedm1100m100), Physical group, Material field.
3) Session Engineering Item Revision (tiedm1100m100), Physical group, Norm Standard field.
4) Session Engineering Item Revision (tiedm1100m100), General group, Item Signal field.
5) Session Engineering Item (tiedm0110m000), General tab, Specific group, Item Group field.
6) Session Engineering Item (tiedm0110m000), General tab, Specific group, Selection Code field.
7) Session Engineering Item (tiedm0110m000), General tab, Specific group, Product Type field.
8) Session Engineering Item (tiedm0110m000), General tab, Specific group, Item Type field.
9) Session Engineering Item (tiedm0110m000), General tab, Specific group, Order Policy field.

If the Item Type field is filled, 'Item Types' is published.

If the Size field is filled, 'Sizes' is published.
If the Item Group field is filled, 'Item Groups' is published.
If the Material field is filled, 'Materials' is published.
If the Standard field is filled, 'Standards' is published.
If the Product Type field is filled, 'Product Types' is published.
If the Selection Code field is filled, 'Product Selection Codes' is published.
If the Item Signal field is filled, 'Item Signals' is published.
If the Order Policy field is filled, 'Order Policy' is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs052.plnk 1) Session General Projects (tcmcs0552m000), Project Package Linked field field.

Infor April 07, 2020 397

2) tppdm600.tmpl 2) Session Project (tppdm660m400), General tab, Template field field.
3) tppdm600.intp 3) Session Project (tppdm660m400), General tab, Internal Project field.
4) tppdm600.capp 4) Session Project (tppdm660m400), General tab, Capital Project field field.

If Project Packge Linked field is equal to 'Project (PCS)', 'Manufacture' is published.

If Template field is selected, 'Template' is published.
If Capital Project field and Internal Project field are selected, 'Internal' is published.
If Capital Project field is selected, 'Capital' is published.
Otherwise, 'Standard' is published
For Common: For Common:
1) tcibd001.cprj 1) Not displayed in any session, Project field.
2) tcmcs052.plnk 2) Session General Projects (tcmcs0552m000), Project Package Linked field.

For Revision: If the Project Package Linked field is equal to 'Project' or is equal to 'Project (PCS)', the Project field is published.
This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

For Revision:
Session Engineering Item - Item Relationship (tiedm1101m000), Item field.

The Project Segment of the Item field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For Common:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For Revision:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) whwmd400.item 1) Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Item field.
2) whwmd400.hama 2) Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Hazardous Material field.

If the Item field exists and the Hazardous Material field is selected, 'true' is published.
If the Item field exists and the Hazardous Material field is not selected, 'false' is published.
If the Item field does not exist nothing is published.
For Common: For Common:
whwmd400.risk Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Class of Risk field.

If the Hazardous Material field is selected, the Class of Risk field is published.
Otherwise, nothing is published.
For Common: For Common:
whwmd405.pitm Session Packaging (whwmd4505m000), Packaging Item field.

If the Packaging Item data exist, 'Packaging' is published.

For Common: For Common:
whwmd406.pkcl Session Business Partner Packaging Item Codes (whwmd4506m000), Packaging Classification field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4.1 or later.

For Common: For Common:
whwmd406.pibp Session Business Partner Packaging Item Codes (whwmd4506m000), Business Partner field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4.1 or later.

For Common:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Common:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tiipd001.oltm 1) Session Items - Production (tiipd0101m000), Routing tab, Routing group, Order Lead Time field.
2) tiipd001.oltu 2) Session Items - Production (tiipd0101m000), Routing tab, Routing group, Order Lead Time Unit field.
For Common: For Common:
tiipd001.bfep Session Items - Production (tiipd0101m000), Methods tab, Backflushing group, Backflush Materials field.
For Common:
Infor April 07, 2020 398
tcibd001.kitm For Common:
Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Characteristics group, Item Type field.
For Revision:
tiedm010.kitm If Item Type field is equal to 'Cost' or 'Service', 'false' is published.
Otherwise, 'true' is published

For Revision:
Session Engineering Item (tiedm0110m000), General tab, Specific group, Item Type field.

If Item Type field is equal to 'Service' or 'Cost', 'false' is published.

Otherwise, 'true' is published.
For Revision:
If the Item is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
Otherwise, 'Open' is published.
For Common:
If the Item is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
Otherwise, 'Open' is published.
Always filled with 'Item Status'.
For Common: For Common:
tcibd200.fodt Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Generation I tab, Ordering Planning/Limits group, First Allowed Order
Date field.
For Revision:
tiedm100.indt For Revision:
Session Engineering Item Revision (tiedm1100m100), Validity group, Effective Date field.
For Common: For Common:
tcibd200.lodt Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Generation I tab, Ordering Planning/Limits group, Last Allowed Order
Date field.
For Revision:
tiedm100.exdt For Revision:
Session Engineering Item Revision (tiedm1100m100), Validity group, Expiry Date field.
For Common:
Always 'false' is published.

For Revision:
If the Item Revision is deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.

For Revision: Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tiedm100.cuni For Revision:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Engineering Item Revision (tiedm1100m100), Units group, Unit field.

Based on the Unit field, the ISO Code field of the Unit field is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.

For Revision: Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Revision:
Session Engineering Item Revision (tiedm1100m100), Unit group, Unit field.

Based on the Unit field, the ISO Code field of the Unit field is published.
For Common: For Common:
tcibd001.lmdt Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Last Modification Date field.

For Revision:
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
For Common: For Common:
tcibd001.uset Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Unit Set field.

For Revision: For Revision:

tiedm100.uset Session Engineering Item Revision (tiedm1100m100), Units group, Unit Set field.
Infor April 07, 2020 399
Based on the item, the Package Definition field and the Unit field, the Height field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) ticpr007.item 1) Session Items - Costing (ticpr0107m000), Item field.
2) ticpr007.ecpr 2) Session Items - Costing (ticpr0107m000), Standard Cost tab, Standard Cost group, Standard Cost
3) ticpr007.base (Estimated) field.
3) Not displayed in any session, Standard Costs Base field.

If one record is found for the Item field, the Standard Cost (Estimated) field is published.
Otherwise, if the Standard Costs Base field is equal to 'Yes', the Standard Cost (Estimated) field is published.
Otherwise, nothing is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) ticpr007.ccur 2) Session Items - Costing (ticpr0107m000), General tab, Settings group, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) ticpr007.ecpr 2) Session Items - Costing (ticpr0107m000) Standard Cost tab, Standard Cost group, Standard Cost
(Estimated) field.

Based on the current company, the Local Currency field is determined.

The Cost Price (Estimated) field expressed in Local Currency is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) ticpr007.ecpr 2) Session Items - Costing (ticpr0107m000), Standard Cost tab, Standard Cost group, Standard Cost
(Estimated) field.

Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) ticpr007.ecpr 2) Session Items - Costing (ticpr0107m000) Standard Cost tab, Standard Cost group, Standard Cost
(Estimated) field.

Based on the current company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Cost Price (Estimated) field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the current company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For Common:
Always filled with '1'.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common:
Always filled with '1'.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Common:
Always filled with 'Standard'.
For Common: For Common:
fmfmd100.frcl Session Item - Freight Management (fmfmd1100m000), Freight Data tab, Freight Data group, Freight Class field.
Infor April 07, 2020 400
For Common:
Always filled with '1'.
For Common:
Always filled with 'Freight Class'.
For Common:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcibd001.ctyo 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Grouping Data tab, Selections group, Country of Origin field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.

Based on the Country of Origin field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
For Common: For Common:
tcibd001.seri Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data II tab, Traceability group, Serialized field.
For Common: For Common:
tcibd001.ltct Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data II tab, Traceability group, Lot Controlled field.
For Common: For Common:
tcibd001.cnfg Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Characteristics group, Configurable field.
For Common: For Common:
1) whwmd400.kpsl 1) Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Inventory tab, Period for Shelf Life group.
2) whwmd400.npsl 2) Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Inventory tab, Period for Shelf Life group, Shelf Life field.

If Item - Warehousing data exists and the Period for Shelf Life is applicable, based on the Period for Shelf Life
group and the Shelf Life field the duration is published.
For Common: For Common:
For FP7 or later: For FP7 or later:
1) tdisa001.item 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Subentities tab, Zoom to item session group, Sales Data field.
2) tiipd001.item 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Subentities tab, Zoom to item session group, Production Data field.
3) ticpr007.item 3) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Subentities tab, Zoom to item session group, Costing Data field.
4) whwmd400.item 4) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Subentities tab, Zoom to item session group, Warehousing Data
5) tppdm005.item field.
6) tdipu001.item 5) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Subentities tab, Zoom to item session group, Project Data field.
7) tcibd200.item 6) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Subentities tab, Zoom to item session group, Purchase Data field.
8) cprpd100.plni 7) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Subentities tab, Zoom to item session group, Ordering Data field.
9) tsmdm200.item 8) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Subentities tab, Zoom to item session group, Planning Data field.
10) fmfmd100.item 9) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Subentities tab, Zoom to item session group, Service Data field.
10) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Subentities tab, Zoom to item session group, Freight Data field.
For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:
11) qmptc018.item For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:
12) tcibd001.itmt 11) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Subentities tab, Zoom to item session group, Quality Data field.
13) tcibd001.dfit 12) Session Item -General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Characteristics group, Item Type Specification field.
13) Session Item -General (tcibd0101s000), Engineering tab, Item Relation group, Derived-from Item field.
For Infor LN 10.4 or later:
14) tcibd001.cust For Infor LN 10.4 or later:
15) tcibd001.cpva 14) Session Items (tcibd0501m000), General tab, Customized field.
16) tipcf011.acfg 15) Session Items (tcibd0501m000), Details tab, Configuration group, Product Variant field.
17) tipcf011.inid 16) Session CPQ Configurator Settings (tipcf0111m000), Configured by CPQ Configurator field.
18) tipcf011.name 17) Session CPQ Configurator Settings (tipcf0111m000), Instance Name field.
19) tdisa001.pris 18) Session CPQ Configurator Settings (tipcf0111m000), Namespace field.
20) tdisa001.cups 19) Session Item - Sales (tdisa 0501m000), Sales Price field.
21) tcibd001.cuni 20) Session Item - Sales (tdisa 0501m000), Sales Price Unit field.
21) Session Item - General (tcibd0101m000), Inventory Unit field.
For Infor LN 10.6 or later:
22) tdipu001.retw For Infor LN 10.6 or later:
22) Session Item - Purchase (tdipu0601m000), Release to Warehousing field.
For Infor LN 10.7 or later:
23) tcibd001.ccur For Infor LN 10.7 or later:
23) Session Item - Sales (tdisa 0501m000), Sales Currency field.

For the Sales Data field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is

filled with 'ln.SalesIndicator' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type
is filled with 'IndicatorType'.
For the Production Data field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.ProductionIndicator' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.
For the Costing Data field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name
is filled with 'ln.CostingIndicator' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.
For the Warehousing Data field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
Infor April 07, 2020 401
NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.WarehousingIndicator' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/
UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.
For the Project Data field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name
is filled with 'ln.ProjectIndicator' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.
For the Purchase Data field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.PurchaseIndicator' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.
For the Ordering Data field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name
is filled with 'ln.OrderingIndicator' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.
For the Planning Data field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name
is filled with 'ln.PlanningIndicator' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.
For the Service Data field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name
is filled with 'ln.ServiceIndicator' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.
For the Freight Data field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name
is filled with 'ln.FreightIndicator' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.
For the Quality Data field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name
is filled with 'ln.QualityIndicator' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.
For the Item Type Specification field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.ItemTypeSpecification' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/
UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the Derived-from Item field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.DerivedFromItem' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the Customized field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is
filled with 'ln.CustomizedIndicator' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.
For the Product Variant field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.ProductVariant' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'MasterDataReference' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/
UserArea/Property/NameValue@noun is filled with 'LnProductVariant'.
For the Configured by CPQ Configurator field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.ConfiguredByCPQIndicator' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/
UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.
For the Instance Name field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.ConfiguratorApplicationName' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/
UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the Namespace field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name
is filled with 'ln.ConfiguratorNamespace' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the Sales Price field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is
filled with 'ln.SalesPriceAmount' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is filled with 'AmountType' and the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@CurrencyID is filled with 'Sales Currency'. If Sales Price Unit (tdisa001. cups) differs from
Inventory Unit (tcibd001. cuni), the Sales Price is converted to Inventory Unit (tcibd001. cuni).

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data
For Common: For Common:
tcibd200.cwar Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Settings tab, Warehousing group, Warehouse field.

The concatenation of 'W' and the Warehouse field is published.

For Common:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Common:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Common: For Common:
tcibd001.envc Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Characteristics group, Environmental Compliance field.
For Common:
Always filled with 'Environmental Compliance'.
For Common: For Common:
tiipd001.cpha Session Items - Production (tiipd0101m000), BOM tab, Phantom group, Phantom field.
For Common: For Common:
tdisa001.item Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Subentities tab, Zoom to item session group, Sales Data field.

Infor April 07, 2020 402

If Sales Item data exists, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For Common: For Common:
tiipd001.item Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Subentities tab, Zoom to item session group, Production Data field.

If the Production Data field is checked, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For Common: For Common:
tdipu001.item Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Subentities tab, Zoom to item session group, Purchase Data field.

If the Purchase Data field is checked, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For Common: For Common:
whwmd400.item Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Subentities tab, Zoom to item session group, Warehousing Data field.

If the Warehouse Data field is checked, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.

For Revision: Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Revision:
Session Engineering Item Revision (tiedm1100m100), Physical group, Weight Unit field.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.dsca 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), Unit description field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.

For Revision: Based on the Inventory Unit field, the Unit description field is published.
1) tcmcs001.dsca
2) tiedm100.cwun For Revision:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), Unit description field.
2) Session Engineering Item Revision (tiedm1100m100), Physical group, Weight Unit field.

Based on the Weight Unit field, the Unit description field is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.

For Revision: Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Revision:
Session Engineering Item Revision (tiedm1100m100), Physical group, Weight Unit field.
For Common: For Common:
whwmd400.wdth Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Inventory tab, Dimensions group, Width field.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) whwmd000.lgth 2) Session Master Data Parameters (whwmd0100s000), Miscellaneous tab, Default Units group, Length field.

Based on the Length field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
whwmd400.dpth Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Inventory tab, Dimensions group, Length field.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) whwmd000.lgth 2) Session Master Data Parameters (whwmd0100s000), Miscellaneous tab, Default Units group, Length field.

Based on the Length field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
whwmd400.hght Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Inventory tab, Dimensions group, Height field.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun Session Master Data Parameters (whwmd0100s000), Miscellaneous tab, Default Units group, Length field.
2) whwmd000.lgth
Based on the Length field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
tcibd001.wght Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Weight field.
Infor April 07, 2020 403
For Revision: For Revision:
tiedm100.wght Session Engineering Item Revision (tiedm1100m100), Physical group, Weight field.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cwun 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Weight Unit field.

For Revision: Based on the Weight Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tiedm100.cwun For Revision:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Engineering Item Revision (tiedm1100m100), Physical group, Weight Unit field.

Based on the Weight Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
tcibd001.wght Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Weight field.

For Revision: Note: The gross weight on an order depends on the actual packaging items being used.
For Revision:
Session Engineering Item Revision (tiedm1100m100), Physical group, Weight field.

Note: The gross weight on an order depends on the actual packaging items being used.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cwun 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Weight Unit field.

For Revision: Based on the Weight Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tiedm100.cwun For Revision:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Engineering Item Revision (tiedm1100m100), Physical group, Weight Unit field.

Based on the Weight Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) whwmd400.wdth 1) Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Inventory tab, Dimensions group, Width field.
2) whwmd400.dpth 2) Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Inventory tab, Dimensions group, Length field.
3) whwmd400.hght 3) Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Inventory tab, Dimensions group, Height field.

The multiplication of the Width field, the Length field and the Height field is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcmcs101.dvol 2) Session Unit Dimensional Relationships (tcmcs1101m000), Derived Volume Unit field.
3) tcmcs000.clen 3) Session MCS Parameters (tcmcs0100s000), Base Unit group, Length field.

Based on the Length field, the Derived Volume Unit field is determined.

Based on the Derived Volume Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
For FP5: For FP5:
tcibd001.kitm Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Characteristics group, Item Type field.
For FP 6 or later:
For FP6 or later: Session Items (tcibd0501m000), General tab, Supply Source group, Default field.
If Items - Planning data exists for the item, the default procurement method is determined (see below:
Determination of default procurement method).
If the default procurement method is Job Shop, 'Manufacture' is published.
If the default procurement method is Repetitive, 'Manufacture' is published.
If the default procurement method is Purchase, 'Purchase' is published.
If the default procurement method is Distribution, 'Transfer' is published.

For FP5:
If Items - Planning data does not exist for the item, publishing is based on the Item Type field.
If the Item Type field is Purchased, 'Purchase' is published.
If the Item Type field is not Purchased, 'Manufacture' is published.

For FP6 or later:

If Items - Planning data does not exist for the item, publishing is based on the Default Supply Source field.
If the Default Supply Source field is Purchased, 'Purchase' is published.
If the Default Supply Source field is Assembly, 'Manufacture' is published.
If the Default Supply Source field is Repetitive, 'Manufacture' is published.
If the Default Supply Source field is Job Shop, 'Manufacture' is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 404
Determination of default procurement method:

The warehouse is retrieved from the Item Ordering (tcibd2100s000) data. If no Plan Item exists for the
warehouse defined in the Item Ordering data, the plan item with an empty cluster is retrieved.

If the Order System of the item is equal to 'Planned', the 'Default Supply Source' of the plan item related to the
item is determined.
If the 'Default Supply Source' is not 'Production/Purchase', the default procurement method is equal to
If the 'Default Supply Source' is equal to 'Production/Purchase', the actual 'Item Type' of the item is determined.
If the actual 'Item Type' is Purchase, the default procurement method is equal to 'Purchase'.
If the actual 'Item Type' is not Purchase, the default procurement method is equal to 'Production'.

If the Order System is not 'Planned', the actual 'Item Type' of the item is determined.
If the actual 'Item Type' is Purchase, the default procurement method is equal to 'Purchase'.
If the actual 'Item Type' is not Purchase, the default procurement method is equal to 'Production'.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcibd001.kitm 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Characteristics group, Item Type field.
2) tdipu001.otbp 2) Session Item - Purchase (tdipu0601m000), General group, Buy-from BP field.

If the default procurement method is equal to 'Purchase', the Buy-from BP field is published.

Determination of default procurement method:

If Items - Planning data exists for the item, the default procurement method is determined.
The warehouse is retrieved from the Item Ordering (tcibd2100s000) data. If no Plan Item exists for the
warehouse defined in the Item Ordering data, the plan item with an empty cluster is retrieved.

If the Order System of the item is equal to 'Planned', the 'Default Supply Source' of the plan item related to the
item is determined.
If the 'Default Supply Source' is not 'Production/Purchase', the default procurement method is equal to
If the 'Default Supply Source' is equal to 'Production/Purchase', the actual 'Item Type' of the item is determined.
If the actual 'Item Type' is Purchase, the default procurement method is equal to 'Purchase'.
If the actual 'Item Type' is not Purchase, the default procurement method is equal to 'Production'.

If the Order System is not 'Planned', the actual 'Item Type' of the item is determined.
If the actual 'Item Type' is Purchase, the default procurement method is equal to 'Purchase'.
If the actual 'Item Type' is not Purchase, the default procurement method is equal to 'Production'.
For Common:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Common:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcibd001.kitm 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Characteristics group, Item Type field.
2) tcibd200.osys 2) Session Item - Ordering ( tcibd2100s000), Settings tab, Order Settings group, Order System field.
3) cprpd100.cwar 3) Session Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000), Warehouse field.

If the default procurement method is equal to 'Distribution' and the Order System field is equal to 'Planned', the
Warehouse field is published.

The concatenation of 'W' and the Warehouse field is published.

Determination of default procurement method:

If Items - Planning data exists for the item, the default procurement method is determined.
The warehouse is retrieved from the Item Ordering (tcibd2100s000) data. If no Plan Item exists for the
warehouse defined in the Item Ordering data, the plan item with an empty cluster is retrieved.

If the Order System of the item is equal to 'Planned', the 'Default Supply Source' of the plan item related to the
item is determined.
If the 'Default Supply Source' is not 'Production/Purchase', the default procurement method is equal to
If the 'Default Supply Source' is equal to 'Production/Purchase', the actual 'Item Type' of the item is determined.
If the actual 'Item Type' is Purchase, the default procurement method is equal to 'Purchase'.
If the actual 'Item Type' is not Purchase, the default procurement method is equal to 'Production'.

If the Order System is not 'Planned', the actual 'Item Type' of the item is determined.
If the actual 'Item Type' is Purchase, the default procurement method is equal to 'Purchase'.
If the actual 'Item Type' is not Purchase, the default procurement method is equal to 'Production'.
For Common:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Infor April 07, 2020 405
For Common: For Common:
1) tcibd001.kitm 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Characteristics group, Item Type field.
2) tcibd200.osys 2) Session Item - Ordering ( tcibd2100s000), Settings tab, Order Settings group, Order System field.
3) tirou102.cwoc 3) Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), Work Center field.

If the default procurement method is equal to 'Production', the Work Center field of the last operation of the
default routing is published.
For Common:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Common:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tirou102.cwoc 1) Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), Work Center field.
2) tirou001.dsca 2) Session Work Centers (tirou0101m000), Description field.

Based on the Work Center field, the Description field is published.

For Common: For Common:
tcibd200.omth Session Item - Ordering ( tcibd2100s000), Settings tab, Order Settings group, Order Method field.
For Common: For Common:
tcibd200.oqmf Session Item - Ordering ( tcibd2100s000), Settings tab, Order Quantity Settings group, Minimum Order Quantity
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
tcibd200.fioq Session Item - Ordering ( tcibd2100s000), Settings tab, Order Quantity Settings group, Fixed Order Quantity
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tcibd200.item 2) Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Item field.
3) tcibd200.fioq 3) Session Item - Ordering ( tcibd2100s000), Settings tab, Order Quantity Settings group, Fixed Order Quantity

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Fixed Order Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tcibd200.item 3) Session Item Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
tcibd200.mioq Session Item - Ordering ( tcibd2100s000), Settings tab, Order Quantity Settings group, Minimum Order Quantity
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tcibd200.item 2) Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Item field.
3) tcibd200.mioq 3) Session Item - Ordering ( tcibd2100s000), Settings tab, Order Quantity Settings group, Minimum Order
Quantity field.

Infor April 07, 2020 406

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
The Minimum Order Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tcibd200.item 3) Session Item Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
tcibd200.maoq Session Item - Ordering ( tcibd2100s000), Settings tab, Order Quantity Settings group, Maximum Order Quantity
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tcibd200.item 2) Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Item field.
3) tcibd200.maoq 3) Session Item - Ordering ( tcibd2100s000), Settings tab, Order Quantity Settings group, Maximum Order
Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Maximum Order Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tcibd200.item 3) Session Item Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
tcibd200.osys Session Item - Ordering ( tcibd2100s000), Settings tab, Order Settings group, Order System field.
For Common: For Common:
tcibd200.reop Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Generation I tab, Reordering Parameters group, Reorder Point field.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tcibd200.item 2) Session Item Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Item field.
3) tcibd200.reop 3) Session Item Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Generation I tab, Reordering Parameters group, Reorder Point field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Reorder Point field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tcibd200.item 3) Session Item Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Common: For Common:
tcibd200.maxs Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Generation I tab, Reordering Parameters group, Maximum Inventory
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
Infor April 07, 2020 407
2) tcibd200.item 2) Session Item Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Item field.
3) tcibd200.maxs 3) Session Item Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Generation I tab, Reordering Parameters group, Maximum Inventory

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Maximum Inventory field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tcibd200.item 3) Session Item Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Common: For Common:
tcibd200.sfst Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Generation I tab, Reordering Parameters group, Safety Stock field.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tcibd200.item 2) Session Item Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Item field.
3) tcibd200.sfst 3) Session Item Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Generation I tab, Reordering Parameters group, Safety Stock field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Safety Stock field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tcibd200.item 3) Session Item Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Common: For Common:
tcibd200.ecoq Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Settings tab, Order Quantity Settings group, Economic Order Quantity
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tcibd200.item 2) Session Item Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Item field.
3) tcibd200.ecoq 3) Session Item Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Settings tab, Order Quantity Settings group, Economic Order
Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Economic Order Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tcibd200.item 3) Session Item Ordering (tcibd2200m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcibd001.kitm 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Characteristics group, Item Type field.
2) tiipd001.oltu 2) Session Items - Production (tiipd0101m000), Routing tab, Routing group, Order Lead Time unit field.
3) tdipu001.sutu 3) Session Items - Purchase (tdipu0101m000), Purchase Details II tab, Supply Details group, Unit for Supply
4) tiipd001.oltm Time field.
5) tdipu001.suti 4) Session Items - Production (tiipd0101m000), Routing tab, Routing group, Order Lead Time field.
5) Session Items - Purchase (tdipu0101m000), Purchase Details II tab, Supply Details group, Supply Time field.

Infor April 07, 2020 408

If Items - Production data exists for the item, publishing is based on the ProcurementMethodCode.
- If the ProcurementMethodCode is Production, the Order Lead Time field is published.
- If the ProcurementMethodCode is Purchase, the Supply Time field is published.
- If the ProcurementMethodCode is Transfer, the lead time is published (see below: Determination of lead time).

Determination of lead time:

The lead time is the time needed for a transfer between a receiving warehouse and a supplying warehouse.
The receiving warehouse is based on the item.
The supply lead time is based on the Supplying Relationship (the one with the highest priority).

The lead time includes the following components:

- Transport time (or supply time)
- Inbound/outbound time
- Extra lead time
- Safety time
For Common: For Common:
1) tcibd200.oint 1) Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Generation I tab, Ordering Planning/Limits group, Order Interval
2) tcibd200.oivu field.
2) Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Generation I tab, Ordering Planning/Limits group, Order Interval
unit field.

Based on the Order Interval field and the Order Interval unit field, the duration is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) cprpd100.otmf 1) Session Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000), Horizons tab, Order Horizon field.
2) cprpd100.ptmf 2) Session Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000), Horizons tab, Planning Horizon field.
For Common: For Common:
1) cprpd100.otmf 1) Always filled with 'Ordering'.
2) cprpd100.ptmf 2) Always filled with 'Planning'.
For Common: For Common:
cprpd100.plit Session Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000), General tab, General data group, Plan Item Type field.
For Common: For Common:
cprpd100.plvl Session Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000), General tab, General data group, Plan Level field.
For Common: For Common:
1) cprpd100.tmfc 1) Session Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000), Horizons tab, Time Fences group, Time Fence field.
2) cprpd100.tmfu 2) Session Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000), Horizons tab, Time Fences group, Time Fence unit field.

Based on the Time Fence field and the Time Fence unit field, the time fence is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcibd005.aitm 1) Session Alternative Items (tcibd0105s000), Alternative Item field.
2) tcibd005.repl 2) Session Alternative Items (tcibd0105s000), Substitute group, Replacement field.

If the Replacement field is checked, the Alternative Item field is published.

For Common:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Common:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Common:
Always filled with '1'.
For Common:
Always filled with '1'.
For Common: For Common:
tcibd005.sdte Session Alternative Items (tcibd0105s000), Validation Period tab, Introduction Date field.
For Common: For Common:
cprpd100.plid Session Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000), General tab, General data group, Planner field.
For Common: For Common:
1) cprpd100.plid 1) Session Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000), General tab, General data group, Planner field.
2) tccom001.nama 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Employee description field.

Based on the Planner field, the Employee description field is published.


Infor April 07, 2020 409

For Common: For Common:
For WarehouseLocation: For WarehouseLocation:
whwmd210.abcc Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Forecast tab, Turnover group, ABC Code field.

For Location: For Location:

1) whwmd400.abcc 1) Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Inventory Tab, Issue Data Group, ABC Code field.
2) tdisa001.rbgp 2) Session Items - Sales (tdisa0501m000), Price tab, Sales Rebate group field.

For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later: For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:

4) tppdm005.ccit 4) Session Item - Project (tppdm0105s000), Cost Price tab, General group, Control Code Material field.
5) tcibd200.opol 5) Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Settings tab, Order Settings group, Order Policy field.
6) tcibd200.rgrp 6) Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Generation I tab, Ordering Planning/Limits group, Routing Group

If the Order Policy field is equal to 'Anonymous', Anonymous is published.

If the Order Policy field is equal to 'To Order', 'ToOrder' is published.
For Common:
The sequence starts with '1' for the first Code and increases with 1 for each additional Code that is published.
For Common: For Common:
For WarehouseLocation: For WarehouseLocation:
whwmd210.abcc Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Forecast tab, Turnover group, ABC Code field.

For Location: For Location:

1) whwmd400.abcc 1) Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Inventory Tab, Issue Data Group, ABC Code field.
2) tdisa001.rbgp 2) Session Items - Sales (tdisa0501m000), Price tab, Sales Rebate group field.

For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later: For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:

4) tppdm005.ccit 4) Session Item - Project (tppdm0105s000), Cost Price tab, General group, Control Code Material field.
5) tcibd200.opol 5) Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Settings tab, Order Settings group, Order Policy field.
6) tcibd200.rgrp 6) Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Generation I tab, Ordering Planning/Limits group, Routing Group

If the ABC Code field is filled, 'ABC Codes' is published.

If the Sales Rebate group field is filled, 'Item Rebate Groups' is published.
If Control Code Material field is filled, 'Item Control Codes' is published.
If the Order Policy field is filled, 'Order Policy' is published.
If the Routing Group field is filled, 'Route Types' is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) whwmd400.item 1) Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Item field.
2) whwmd400.hama 2) Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Hazardous Material field.

If the Item field exists and the Hazardous Material field is selected, 'true' is published.
If the Item field exists and the Hazardous Material field is not selected, 'false' is published.
If the Item field does not exist nothing is published.
For Common: For Common:
whwmd400.risk Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Class of Risk field.

If the Hazardous Material field is selected, the Class of Risk field is published.
Otherwise, nothing is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tiipd001.oltm 1) Session Items - Production (tiipd0101m000), Routing tab, Routing group, Order Lead Time field.
2) tiipd001.oltu 2) Session Items - Production (tiipd0101m000), Routing tab, Routing group, Order Lead Time Unit field.
For Common: For Common:
tiipd001.bfep Session Items - Production (tiipd0101m000), Methods tab, Backflushing group, Backflush Materials field.
For Common: For Common:
ticpr007.ecpr Session Items - Costing (ticpr0107m000), Standard Cost tab, Standard Cost group, Standard Cost (Estimated)
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) ticpr007.ccur 2) Session Items - Costing (ticpr0107m000), General tab, Settings group, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) ticpr007.ecpr 2) Session Items - Costing (ticpr0107m000) Standard Cost tab, Standard Cost group, Standard Cost
(Estimated) field.

Infor April 07, 2020 410

Based on the current company, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Cost Price (Estimated) field expressed in Local Currency is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) ticpr007.ecpr 2) Session Items - Costing (ticpr0107m000), Standard Cost tab, Standard Cost group, Standard Cost
(Estimated) field.

Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) ticpr007.ecpr 2) Session Items - Costing (ticpr0107m000) Standard Cost tab, Standard Cost group, Standard Cost
(Estimated) field.

Based on the current company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Cost Price (Estimated) field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the current company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For Common:
Always filled with '1'.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common:
Always filled with '1'.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For Common: For Common:
For LN 10.4 or later: For LN 10.4 or later:
1) whwmd210.serv 1) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Forecast tab, Forecast group, Service Level field.
2) whwmd210.sftm 2) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Date/Time Settings tab, Lead Time group, Safety Lead Time
3) whwmd210.sftu field.
3) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Date/Time Settings tab, Lead Time group, Safety Lead Time
For FP7 or later: Unit field.
1) tdisa001.item
2) tiipd001.item For the Service Level field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name
3) ticpr007.item is filled with 'ln.ServiceLevelPercentage' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
4) whwmd400.item NameValue@type is filled with 'IntegerNumericType'.
5) tppdm005.item For the Safety Lead Time field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
6) tdipu001.item NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.SafetyLeadTime' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/
7) tcibd200.item Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'. Based on the Safety Lead Time Unit, Safety Lead Time is
8) cprpd100.plni expressed a Duration format.
9) tsmdm200.item
10) fmfmd100.item For FP7 or later:
1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Subentities tab, Zoom to item session group, Sales Data field.
For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later: 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Subentities tab, Zoom to item session group, Production Data field.
11) qmptc018.item 3) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Subentities tab, Zoom to item session group, Costing Data field.
12) titrp001.tltp 4) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Subentities tab, Zoom to item session group, Warehousing Data
For LN 10.4 or later: 5) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Subentities tab, Zoom to item session group, Project Data field.
13) tdisa001.pris 6) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Subentities tab, Zoom to item session group, Purchase Data field.
14) tdisa001.cups 7) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Subentities tab, Zoom to item session group, Ordering Data field.
15) tcibd001.cuni 8) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Subentities tab, Zoom to item session group, Planning Data field.
16) tcibd001.cpva 9) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Subentities tab, Zoom to item session group, Service Data field.
10) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Subentities tab, Zoom to item session group, Freight Data field.
For Infor LN 10.6 or later:
17) tdipu001.retw For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:
11) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Subentities tab, Zoom to item session group, Quality Data field.
For Infor LN 10.7 or later: 12) Session Alternative Tool (titrp0505m000), Tool field.
18) tcibd001.ccur
For LN 10.4 or later:
13) Session Item - Sales (tdisa 0501m000), Sales Price field.

Infor April 07, 2020 411

14) Session Item - Sales (tdisa 0501m000), Sales Price Unit field.
15) Session Item (tcibd0501m000), General tab, Inventory Unit field.

For LN 10.5 or later:

16) Session Item (tcibd0501m000), Configuration Control tab, Product Variant field.

For Infor LN 10.6 or later:

17) Session Item - Purchase (tdipu0601m000), Release to Warehousing field.

For Infor LN 10.7 or later:

18) Session Item - Sales (tdisa 0501m000), Sales Currency field.

For the Sales Data field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is

filled with 'ln.SalesIndicator' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type
is filled with 'IndicatorType'.
For the Production Data field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.ProductionIndicator' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.
For the Costing Data field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name
is filled with 'ln.CostingIndicator' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.
For the Warehousing Data field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.WarehousingIndicator' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/
UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.
For the Project Data field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name
is filled with 'ln.ProjectIndicator' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.
For the Purchase Data field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.PurchaseIndicator' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.
For the Ordering Data field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name
is filled with 'ln.OrderingIndicator' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.
For the Planning Data field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name
is filled with 'ln.PlanningIndicator' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.
For the Service Data field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name
is filled with 'ln.ServiceIndicator' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.
For the Freight Data field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name
is filled with 'ln.FreightIndicator' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.
For the Quality Data field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name
is filled with 'ln.QualityIndicator' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.
For the Item Type Specification field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.ToolIndicator' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.
For the Sales Price field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is
filled with 'ln.SalesPriceAmount' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is filled with 'AmountType' and the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@CurrencyID is filled with 'Sales Currency. If Sales Price Unit (tdisa001. cups) differs from
Inventory Unit (tcibd001. cuni), the Sales Price is converted to Inventory Unit (tcibd001. cuni).
For the Release to Warehousing field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.ReleaseToWarehousing' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/
UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.
For the Product Variant field, the ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.ProductVariant' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'MasterDataReference' and ItemMaster/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/
UserArea/Property/NameValue@noun is filled with 'LnProductVariant'.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data
For Common: For Common:
1) whwmd400.kpsl 1) Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Inventory tab, Period for Shelf Life group.
2) whwmd400.npsl 2) Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Inventory tab, Period for Shelf Life group, Shelf Life field.

If Item - Warehousing data exists and the Period for Shelf Life is applicable, based on the Period for Shelf Life
group and the Shelf Life field the duration is published.
For Common: For Common:
whwmd210.cwar Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), General tab, Warehouse field.

The concatenation of 'W' and the Warehouse field is published.


Infor April 07, 2020 412

For Common:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Common: For Common:
tcmcs003.dsca Session Warehouses (whwmd2500m000), Warehouse description field.
For Common:
The value 'Site' is published.
For Common: For Common:
tcemm170.comp Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Company.

The concatenation of 'S' and the Company field is published.
For Common:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Common:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Common: For Common:
tcemm170.desc Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Description field.
For Common: For Common:
fmfmd100.frcl Session Item - Freight Management (fmfmd1100m000), Freight Data tab, Freight Data group, Freight Class field.
For Common:
Always filled with '1'.
For Common:
Always filled with 'Freight Class'.
For Common:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Common: For Common:
tcibd200.cwar Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100m000), General tab, Warehousing group, Warehouse field.

The concatenation of 'W' and the Warehouse field is published.

For Common:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Common:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Common: For Common:
tiipd001.cpha Session Items - Production (tiipd0101m000), BOM tab, Phantom group, Phantom field.
For Common: For Common:
tdisa001.item Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Subentities tab, Zoom to item session group, Sales Data field.

If Sales Item data exists, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For Common: For Common:
tiipd001.item Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Subentities tab, Zoom to item session group, Production Data field.

If the Production Data field is checked, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For Common: For Common:
tdipu001.item Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Subentities tab, Zoom to item session group, Purchase Data field.

If the Purchase Data field is checked, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For Common: For Common:
whwmd400.item Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Subentities tab, Zoom to item session group, Warehousing Data field.

If the Warehouse Data field is checked, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.

Infor April 07, 2020 413

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.dsca 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), Unit description field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the Unit description field is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
whwmd400.wdth Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Inventory tab, Dimensions group, Width field.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) whwmd000.lgth 2) Session Master Data Parameters (whwmd0100s000), Miscellaneous tab, Default Units group, Length field.

Based on the Length field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
whwmd400.dpth Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Inventory tab, Dimensions group, Length field.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) whwmd000.lgth 2) Session Master Data Parameters (whwmd0100s000), Miscellaneous tab, Default Units group, Length field.

Based on the Length field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
whwmd400.hght Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Inventory tab, Dimensions group, Height field.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun Session Master Data Parameters (whwmd0100s000), Miscellaneous tab, Default Units group, Length field.
2) whwmd000.lgth
Based on the Length field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) whwmd400.wdth 1) Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Inventory tab, Dimensions group, Width field.
2) whwmd400.dpth 2) Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Inventory tab, Dimensions group, Length field.
3) whwmd400.hght 3) Session Item - Warehousing (whwmd4100s000), Inventory tab, Dimensions group, Height field.

The multiplication of the Width field, the Length field and the Height field is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcmcs101.dvol 2) Session Unit Dimensional Relationships (tcmcs1101m000), Derived Volume Unit field.
3) tcmcs000.clen 3) Session MCS Parameters (tcmcs0100s000), Base Unit group, Length field.

Based on the Length field, the Derived Volume Unit field is determined.
Based on the Derived Volume Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
For FP5: For FP5:
tcibd001.kitm Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Characteristics group, Item Type field.

For FP6 or later: For FP 6 or later:

tcibd001.srce Session Items (tcibd0501m000), General tab, Supply Source group, Default field.

If Items - Planning data exists for the item, the default procurement method is determined (see below:
Determination of default procurement method).
If the default procurement method is Job Shop, 'Manufacture' is published.
If the default procurement method is Repetitive, 'Manufacture' is published.
If the default procurement method is Purchase, 'Purchase' is published.
If the default procurement method is Distribution, 'Transfer' is published.

For FP5:
If Items - Planning data does not exist for the item, publishing is based on the Item Type field.
If the Item Type field is Purchased, 'Purchase' is published.
If the Item Type field is not Purchased, 'Manufacture' is published.

For FP6 or later:

If Items - Planning data does not exist for the item, publishing is based on the Default Supply Source field.
Infor April 07, 2020 414
If the Default Supply Source field is Purchased, 'Purchase' is published.
If the Default Supply Source field is Assembly, 'Manufacture' is published.
If the Default Supply Source field is Repetitive, 'Manufacture' is published.
If the Default Supply Source field is Job Shop, 'Manufacture' is published.

Determination of default procurement method:

The warehouse is retrieved from the Item Ordering (tcibd2100s000) data. If no Plan Item exists for the
warehouse defined in the Item Ordering data, the plan item with an empty cluster is retrieved.

If the Order System of the item is equal to 'Planned', the 'Default Supply Source' of the plan item related to the
item is determined.
If the 'Default Supply Source' is not 'Production/Purchase', the default procurement method is equal to
If the 'Default Supply Source' is equal to 'Production/Purchase', the actual 'Item Type' of the item is determined.
If the actual 'Item Type' is Purchase, the default procurement method is equal to 'Purchase'.
If the actual 'Item Type' is not Purchase, the default procurement method is equal to 'Production'.

If the Order System is not 'Planned', the actual 'Item Type' of the item is determined.
If the actual 'Item Type' is Purchase, the default procurement method is equal to 'Purchase'.
If the actual 'Item Type' is not Purchase, the default procurement method is equal to 'Production'.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcibd001.kitm 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Characteristics group, Item Type field.
2) tdipu001.otbp 2) Session Item - Purchase (tdipu0601m000), General group, Buy-from BP field.

If the default procurement method is equal to 'Purchase', the Buy-from BP field is published.

Determination of default procurement method:

If Items - Planning data exists for the item, the default procurement method is determined.
The warehouse is retrieved from the Item Ordering (tcibd2100m000) data. If no Plan Item exists for the
warehouse defined in the Item Ordering data, the plan item with an empty cluster is retrieved.

If the Order System of the item is equal to 'Planned', the 'Default Supply Source' of the plan item related to the
item is determined.
If the 'Default Supply Source' is not 'Production/Purchase', the default procurement method is equal to
If the 'Default Supply Source' is equal to 'Production/Purchase', the actual 'Item Type' of the item is determined.
If the actual 'Item Type' is Purchase, the default procurement method is equal to 'Purchase'.
If the actual 'Item Type' is not Purchase, the default procurement method is equal to 'Production'.

If the Order System is not 'Planned', the actual 'Item Type' of the item is determined.
If the actual 'Item Type' is Purchase, the default procurement method is equal to 'Purchase'.
If the actual 'Item Type' is not Purchase, the default procurement method is equal to 'Production'.
For Common:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Common:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcibd001.kitm 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Characteristics group, Item Type field.
2) tcibd200.osys 2) Session Item - Ordering ( tcibd2100m000), General tab, Order Policy group, Order System field.
3) cprpd100.cwar 3) Session Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000), Warehouse field.

If the default procurement method is equal to 'Distribution' and the Order System field is equal to 'Planned', the
Warehouse field is published.

The concatenation of 'W' and the Warehouse field is published.

Determination of default procurement method:

If Items - Planning data exists for the item, the default procurement method is determined.
The warehouse is retrieved from the Item Ordering (tcibd2100m000) data. If no Plan Item exists for the
warehouse defined in the Item Ordering data, the plan item with an empty cluster is retrieved.

If the Order System of the item is equal to 'Planned', the 'Default Supply Source' of the plan item related to the
item is determined.
If the 'Default Supply Source' is not 'Production/Purchase', the default procurement method is equal to
If the 'Default Supply Source' is equal to 'Production/Purchase', the actual 'Item Type' of the item is determined.
If the actual 'Item Type' is Purchase, the default procurement method is equal to 'Purchase'.
If the actual 'Item Type' is not Purchase, the default procurement method is equal to 'Production'.

If the Order System is not 'Planned', the actual 'Item Type' of the item is determined.

Infor April 07, 2020 415

If the actual 'Item Type' is Purchase, the default procurement method is equal to 'Purchase'.
If the actual 'Item Type' is not Purchase, the default procurement method is equal to 'Production'.
For Common:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcibd001.kitm 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Characteristics group, Item Type field.
2) tcibd200.osys 2) Session Item - Ordering ( tcibd2100m000), General tab, Order Policy group, Order System field.
3) tirou102.cwoc 3) Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), Work Center field.

If the default procurement method is equal to 'Production', the Work Center field of the last operation of the
default routing is published.
For Common:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Common:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tirou102.cwoc 1) Session Routing Operations (tirou1102m000), Work Center field.
2) tirou001.dsca 2) Session Work Centers (tirou0101m000), Description field.

Based on the Work Center field, the Description field is published.

For Common: For Common:
For WarehouseLocation: For WarehouseLocation:
1) whwmd210.omth 1) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Replenishment tab, Order Settings group, Order System field.
2) whwmd210.uidt 2) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), General tab, Settings group, Use Item Ordering Data field.

For Location: If the Use Item Ordering Data field is checked, the Order System field is not published.
For Location:
Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100m000), General tab, Order Policy group, Order System field.

If the Order System field is equal to 'Lot for Lot', 'Lot for Lot' is published.
If the Order System field is equal to 'Economic Order Quantity', 'Economic Order Quantity' is published.
If the Order System field is equal to 'Fixed Order Quantity', 'Fixed Order Quantity' is published.
If the Order System field is equal to 'Replenish to Maximum Inventory', 'Replenish to Max. Inv.' is published.
For Common: For Common:
tcibd200.fodt Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100m000), Lot Sizes tab, Limits group, First Allowed Order Date field.
For Common: For Common:
tcibd200.lodt Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100m000), Lot Sizes tab, Limits group, Last Allowed Order Date field.
For Common: For Common:
For WarehouseLocation: For WarehouseLocation:
1) whwmd210.oqmf 1) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Replenishment tab, Order Settings group, Order Quantity
2) whwmd210.uidt Increment field.
2) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), General tab, Settings group, Use Item Ordering Data field.
For Location:
tcibd200.oqmf If the Use Item Ordering Data field is checked, the Order Quantity Increment field is not published.

For Location:
Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100m000), Lot Sizes tab, Quantities group, Order Increment field.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
For WarehouseLocation: For WarehouseLocation:
1) whwmd210.fioq 1) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Replenishment tab, Order Settings group, Fixed Order
2) whwmd210.uidt Quantity field.
2) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), General tab, Settings group, Use Item Ordering Data field.
For Location:
tcibd200.fioq If the Use Item Ordering Data field is checked, the Fixed Order Quantity field is not published.

For Location:
Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100m000), Lot Sizes tab, Quantities group, Fixed Order field.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
Infor April 07, 2020 416
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) whwmd210.fioq 2) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Replenishment tab, Order Settings group, Fixed Order
3) whwmd210.uidt Quantity field.

Based on the item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Fixed Order Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.

If the Use Item Ordering Data field is checked, the Order System field is not published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
For WarehouseLocation: For WarehouseLocation:
1) whwmd210.mioq 1) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Replenishment tab, Order Settings group, Minimum Order
2) whwmd210.uidt Quantity field.
2) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), General tab, Settings group, Use Item Ordering Data field.
For Location:
tcibd200.mioq If the Use Item Ordering Data field is checked, the Minimum Order Quantity field is not published.

For Location:
Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100m000), Lot Sizes tab, Quantities group, Minimum field.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) whwmd210.mioq 2) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Replenishment tab, Order Settings group, Minimum Order
3) whwmd210.uidt Quantity field.
3) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), General tab, Settings group, Use Item Ordering Data field.

Based on the item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Minimum Order Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.

If the Use Item Ordering Data field is checked, the Order System field is not published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
For WarehouseLocation: For WarehouseLocation:
1) whwmd210.maoq 1) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Replenishment tab, Order Settings group, Maximum Order
2) whwmd210.uidt Quantity field.
2) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), General tab, Settings group, Use Item Ordering Data field.
For Location:
tcibd200.maoq If the Use Item Ordering Data field is checked, the Maximum Order Quantity field is not published.

For Location:
Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100m000), Lot Sizes tab, Quantities group, Maximum field.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) whwmd210.maoq 2) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Replenishment tab, Order Settings group, Maximum Order
3) whwmd210.uidt Quantity field.
3) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), General tab, Settings group, Use Item Ordering Data field.

Infor April 07, 2020 417

Based on the field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
The Maximum Order Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.

If the Use Item Ordering Data field is checked, the Order System field is not published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), General tab, Settings group, Use Item Ordering Data field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
tcibd200.osys Session Item - Ordering ( tcibd2100m000), General tab, Order Policy group, Order System field.
For Common: For Common:
For WarehouseLocation: For WarehouseLocation:
1) whwmd210.reop 1) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Replenishment tab, Order Settings group, Reorder Point field.
2) whwmd210.uidt 2) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), General tab, Settings group, Use Item Ordering Data field.

For Location: If the Use Item Ordering Data field is checked, the Reorder Point field is not published.
For Location:
Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100m000), General tab, Sic group, Reorder Point field.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) whwmd210.reop 2) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Replenishment tab, Order Settings group, Reorder Point field.
3) whwmd210.uidt 3) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), General tab, Settings group, Use Item Ordering Data field.

Based on the item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Reorder Point field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.

If the Use Item Ordering Data field is checked, the Reorder Point field is not published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) whwmd210.reop 1) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Replenishment tab, Order Settings group, Minimum Order
2) whwmd210.uidt Quantity field.
2) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), General tab, Settings group, Use Item Ordering Data field.

If the Use Item Ordering Data field is checked, the Reorder Point field is not published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) whwmd210.reop 2) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Replenishment tab, Order Settings group, Minimum Order
3) whwmd210.uidt Quantity field.
3) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), General tab, Settings group, Use Item Ordering Data field.

Based on the item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Minimum Order Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.

If the Use Item Ordering Data field is checked, the Reorder Point field is not published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 418
For Common: For Common:
For WarehouseLocation: For WarehouseLocation:
1) whwmd210.maxs 1) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Replenishment tab, Order Settings group, Maximum Inventory
2) whwmd210.uidt field.
2) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), General tab, Settings group, Use Item Ordering Data field.
For Location:
tcibd200.maxs If the Use Item Ordering Data field is checked, the Reorder Point field is not published.

For Location:
Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100m000), Lot Sizes tab, Limits group, Maximum Inventory field.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) whwmd210.maxs 2) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Replenishment tab, Order Settings group, Maximum Inventory
3) whwmd210.uidt field.
3) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), General tab, Settings group, Use Item Ordering Data field.

Based on the item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Maximum Inventory field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.

If the Use Item Ordering Data field is checked, the Reorder Point field is not published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
For WarehouseLocation: For WarehouseLocation:
1) whwmd210.sfst 1) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Replenishment tab, Order Settings group, Safety Stock field.
2) whwmd210.uidt 2) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), General tab, Settings group, Use Item Ordering Data field.

For Location: If the Use Item Ordering Data field is checked, the Safety Stock field is not published.
For Location:
Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100m000), General tab, Safety group, Safety Stock field.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) whwmd210.uidt 3) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), General tab, Settings group, Use Item Ordering Data field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field the ISO Code field of the unit is published.

If the Use Item Ordering Data field is checked, the Safety Stock field is not published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) whwmd210.sfst 2) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Replenishment tab, Order Settings group, Safety Stock field.
3) whwmd210.uidt 3) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), General tab, Settings group, Use Item Ordering Data field.

Based on the item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Safety Stock field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) whwmd210.uidt 3) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), General tab, Settings group, Use Item Ordering Data field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field the ISO Code field of the unit is published.

If the Use Item Ordering Data field is checked, the Safety Stock field is not published.
For Common: For Common:
For WarehouseLocation: For WarehouseLocation:
1) whwmd210.ecoq 1) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Replenishment tab, Order Settings group, Economic Order
2) whwmd210.uidt Quantity field.
2) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), General tab, Settings group, Use Item Ordering Data field.
For Location:
tcibd200.ecoq If the Use Item Ordering Data field is checked, the Economic Order Quantity field is not published.

Infor April 07, 2020 419

For Location:
Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100m000), Lot Sizes tab, Costing group, Economic Order Quantity field.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) whwmd210.ecoq 2) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Replenishment tab, Order Settings group, Economic Order
3) whwmd210.uidt Quantity field.
3) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), General tab, Settings group, Use Item Ordering Data field.

Based on the item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Economic Order Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.

If the Use Item Ordering Data field is checked, the Safety Stock field is not published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) tcibd001.kitm 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Characteristics group, Item Type field.
2) tiipd001.oltu 2) Session Items - Production (tiipd0101m000), Routing tab, Routing group, Order Lead Time unit field.
3) tdipu001.sutu 3) Session Items - Purchase (tdipu0101m000), Purchase Details II tab, Supply Details group, Unit for Supply
4) tiipd001.oltm Time field.
5) tdipu001.suti 4) Session Items - Production (tiipd0101m000), Routing tab, Routing group, Order Lead Time field.
5) Session Items - Purchase (tdipu0101m000), Purchase Details II tab, Supply Details group, Supply Time field.

If Items - Production data exists for the item, publishing is based on the ProcurementMethodCode.
- If the ProcurementMethodCode is Production, the Order Lead Time field is published.
- If the ProcurementMethodCode is Purchase, the Supply Time field is published.
- If the ProcurementMethodCode is Transfer, the lead time is published (see below: Determination of lead time).

Determination of lead time:

The lead time is the time needed for a transfer between a receiving warehouse and a supplying warehouse.
The receiving warehouse is based on the item.
The supply lead time is based on the Supplying Relationship (the one with the highest priority).

The lead time includes the following components:

- Transport time (or supply time)
- Inbound/outbound time
- Extra lead time
- Safety time
For Common: For Common:
1) tcibd200.oint 1) Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100m000), General tab, Order Policy group, Interval field.
2) tcibd200.oivu 2) Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100m000), General tab, Order Policy group, Interval unit field.

Based on the Order Interval field and the Order Interval unit field, the duration is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) cprpd100.otmf 1) Session Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000), Horizons tab, Order Horizon field.
2) cprpd100.ptmf 2) Session Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000), Horizons tab, Planning Horizon field.
For Common: For Common:
1) cprpd100.otmf 1) Always filled with 'Ordering'.
2) cprpd100.ptmf 2) Always filled with 'Planning'.
For Common: For Common:
cprpd100.plid Session Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000), General tab, General data group, Plan Item Type field.
For Common: For Common:
cprpd100.plvl Session Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000), General tab, General data group, Plan Level field.
For Common: For Common:
1) cprpd100.tmfc 1) Session Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000), Horizons tab, Time Fences group, Time Fence field.
2) cprpd100.tmfu 2) Session Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000), Horizons tab, Time Fences group, Time Fence unit field.

Based on the Time Fence field and the Time Fence unit field, the time fence is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 420

For Common: For Common:
whwmd210.scst Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), General tab, General group, Inventory Carrying Costs per Year
For Common: For Common:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) whwmd210.cwar 4) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), General tab, Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Common:
Always filled with 'P1Y'.
For Common: For Common:
1) whwmd210.iltm 1) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Date/Time Settings tab, Date/Time Settings group, Inbound
2) whwmd210.iltu Lead Time field.
2) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Date/Time Settings tab, Date/Time Settings group, Inbound
Lead Time unit field.

Based on the Inbound Lead Time field and the Inbound Lead Time unit field, the duration is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) whwmd210.oltm 1) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Date/Time Settings tab, Date/Time Settings group, Outbound
2) whwmd210.oltu Lead Time field.
2) Session Warehouse - Item (whwmd2110s000), Date/Time Settings tab, Date/Time Settings group, Outbound
Lead Time unit field.

Based on the Outbound Lead Time field and the Outbound Lead Time unit field, the duration is published.
For Common: For Common:
cprpd100.plid Session Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000), General tab, General data group, Planner field.
For Common:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Common:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Common: For Common:
1) cprpd100.plid 1) Session Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000), General tab, General data group, Planner field.
2) tccom001.nama 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Employee description field.

Based on the Planner field, the Employee description field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 421

For Standard: For Standard:
tppdm015.task Session Standard Labor (tppdm0511m000), Labor field.

For Project: This BOD is published when users add, change or delete a Standard Labor record.
1) tppdm615.cprj This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2.1 or later.
2) tppdm615.task
For Project:
1) Session Project Labor (tppdm6511m000), Project field.
2) Session Project Labor (tppdm6511m000), Labor field.

The concatenation of the Project field and the Labor field is published.

This BOD is published when users add, change or delete a Project Labor record.
This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2.1 or later.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Standard: For Standard:
tppdm015.task Session Standard Labor (tppdm0511m000), Labor field.

For Project: For Project:

1) tppdm615.cprj 1) Session Project Labor (tppdm6511m000), Project field.
2) tppdm615.task 2) Session Project Labor (tppdm6511m000), Labor field.

The concatenation of the Project field and the Labor field is published.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
For Standard: For Standard:
tppdm015.desc Session Standard Labor (tppdm0511m000), Description field.

For Project: For Project:

tppdm615.desc Session Project Labor (tppdm6511m000), Description field.
For Standard: For Standard:
tppdm015.txta Session Standard Labor (tppdm0511m000), Text field.

For Project: For Project:

tppdm615.txta Session Project Labor (tppdm6511m000), Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
For Standard:
If the Standard Labor object is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
Otherwise, 'Open' is published.

For Project:
If the Project Labor object is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
Otherwise, 'Open' is published.
Always filled with 'Generic Status'.
For Standard:
If the Standard Labor object is deleted, 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For Project:
Infor April 07, 2020 422
If the Project Labor object is deleted, 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.
Always filled with 'Labor'.
For Project: For Project:
tppdm615.cprj Session Project Labor (tppdm6511m000), Project field.
For Project:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Project:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For Project:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Standard: For Standard:
1) tppdm015.ccts 1) Session Standard Labor (tppdm0511m000), General tab, Control Code Labor field.
2) tppdm015.ccco 2) Session Standard Labor (tppdm0511m000), General tab, Cost Cmp. field.

For Project: The Control Code Labor field and the Cost Cmp. field are published one by one.
1) tppdm615.ccts
2) tppdm615.ccco For Project:
3) tppdm615.cprj 1) Session Project Labor (tppdm6511m000), General tab, Control Code Labor field.
4) tppdm615.task 2) Session Project Labor (tppdm6511m000), General tab, Cost Cmp. field.
3) Session Project Labor (tppdm6511m000), Project field.
4) Session Project Labor (tppdm6511m000), Labor field.

When the Control Code Labor field is equal as the Labor field in session Project Labor, the concatenation of the
Project field and the Control Code Labor field is published.
Otherwise, the Control Code Labor field is published.

The Control Code Labor field (or the concatenation of the Project field and the Control Code Labor field) and the
Cost Cmp. field are published one by one.
For Standard: For Standard:
1) tppdm015.ccts 1) Session Standard Labor (tppdm0511m000), General tab, Control Code Labor field.
2) tppdm015.ccco 2) Session Standard Labor (tppdm0511m000), General tab, Cost Cmp. field.

For Project: Based on the Control Code Labor field, 'Labor Control Codes' is published.
1) tppdm615.ccts Based on the Cost Cmp. field, 'Cost Components' is published.
2) tppdm615.ccco
For Project:
1) Session Project Labor (tppdm6511m000), General tab, Control Code Labor field.
2) Session Project Labor (tppdm6511m000), General tab, Cost Cmp. field.

Based on the Control Code Labor field, 'Labor Control Codes' is published.
Based on the Cost Cmp. field, 'Cost Components' is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Standard: For Standard:
1) tppdm015.ccts 1) Session Standard Labor (tppdm0511m000), General tab, Control Code Labor field.
2) tppdm015.ccco 2) Session Standard Labor (tppdm0511m000), General tab, Cost Cmp. field.

For Project: For the Control Code Labor field, the sequence '1' is published.
1) tppdm615.ccts For the Cost Cmp. field, the sequence '2' is published.
2) tppdm615.ccco
For Project:
1) Session Project Labor (tppdm6511m000), General tab, Control Code Labor field.
2) Session Project Labor (tppdm6511m000), General tab, Cost Cmp. field.

For the Control Code Labor field, the sequence '1' is published.
For the Cost Cmp. field, the sequence '2' is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 423

tiasl130.asln Session Assembly Lines (tiasl1530m000), Assembly Line field.

This BOD is published when users:

1) Create an Assembly Line
2) Change the status of an Assembly Line
3) Delete anAssembly Line
This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.5.0 or later.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tiasl130.asln Session Assembly Lines (tiasl1530m000), Assembly Line field.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.
Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the languageID field.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
tiasl130.dsca Session Assembly Lines (tiasl1530m000), Description field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the languageID field.
tiasl130.alss Session Assembly Lines (tiasl1530m000), Assembly Line Structure Status field.

If the Status field is equal to 'Modified', 'Modified' is published.

If the Status field is equal to 'Validated', 'Validated' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Actualized', 'Actual' is published.
If the object is being deleted, 'true' is published.
tiasl130.ncmp Session Assembly Lines (tiasl1530m000), Company field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tiasl130.ncmp 1) Session Assembly Lines (tiasl1530m000), Company field.
2) tcemm170.desc 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company Name field.

Based on the Company field, the Company Name field is published.

tiasl130.wthl Session Assembly Lines (tiasl1530m000), WIP Transfer Handling field.
Always 'WIP Transfer Handling' is published.
tiasl130.cfdp Session Assembly Lines (tiasl1530m000), Configuration Dependent field.
tiasl130.ccal Session Assembly Lines (tiasl1530m000), Calendar field.
tiasl130.ract Session Assembly Lines (tiasl1530m000), Calendar field.
tiasl130.clco Session Assembly Lines (tiasl1530m000), Calculation Office field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tiasl130.aotf Session Assembly Lines (tiasl1530m000), Assembly Order Horizon field (Days).
Infor April 07, 2020 424
tiasl130.rftf Session Assembly Lines (tiasl1530m000), Refresh Horizon field (Days).
tiasl130.clpo Session Assembly Lines (tiasl1530m000), Calendar Last Processed On field.
tiasl130.lsdt Session Assembly Lines (tiasl1530m000), Last Sequence Date field.
tiasl130.cdsl Not displayed in any session, Configuration Dependent Supply Lines Present field.
tiasl141.segm Session Assembly Line - Line Segments (tiasl1541m000), Line Segment field.
tiasl140.dsca Session Assembly Line - Line Segments (tiasl1541m000), Line Segment field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the languageID field.
tiasl140.oftm Session Line Segments (tiasl1540m000), Segment Lead Time Offset field.
tiasl140.frtf Session Line Segments (tiasl1540m000), Freeze Horizon (Days) field.
tiasl140.plnr Session Line Segments (tiasl1540m000), Segment Planner field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
Session Line Segments (tiasl1540m000), Segment Planner field.
tiasl141.nasl Session Assembly Line - Line Segments (tiasl1541m000), Assembly Line of Next Segment field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tiasl141.nsgm Session Assembly Line - Line Segments (tiasl1541m000), Next Line Segment field.
tiasl150.sttn Session Line Segment - Stations (tiasl1550m000), Station field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tiasl150.nstn Session Line Segment - Stations (tiasl1550m000), Next Station field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tiasl150.efdt Session Line Segment - Stations (tiasl1550m000), Effective Date field.
tiasl150.exdt Session Line Segment - Stations (tiasl1550m000), Expiry Date field.
tiasl150.nsgm Session Line Segment - Stations (tiasl1550m000), Segment of next station field.
tiasc510.asgt Session Assembly Line - Assignments (tiasc5510m000), Assignment field.
tiasc510.avge Session Assembly Line - Assignments (tiasc5510m000), Average Cycle Time field.
tiasc510.efdt Session Assembly Line - Assignments (tiasc5510m000), Effective Date field.
tiasc510.exdt Session Assembly Line - Assignments (tiasc5510m000), Expiry Date field.
tiasc510.sttm Session Assembly Line - Assignments (tiasc5510m000), Start Time field.
tiasc510.edtm Session Assembly Line - Assignments (tiasc5510m000), End Time field.
1) tiasc510.oftm 1) Session Assembly Line - Assignments (tiasc5510m000), Offset Time field.
2) tiasc510.ouni 2) Session Assembly Line - Assignments (tiasc5510m000), Offset Time Unit field.
1) tiasc510.cytm 1) Session Assembly Line - Assignments (tiasc5510m000), Cycle Time field.
2) tiasc510.cytu 2) Session Assembly Line - Assignments (tiasc5510m000), Cycle Time Unit field.
Infor April 07, 2020 425
tiasc510.actv Session Assembly Line - Assignments (tiasc5510m000), Active field.
tiasc520.lstn Session Assembly Line - Assignments and Line Stations (tiasc5520m000), Line Station field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tiasc520.mnoc Session Assembly Line - Assignments and Line Stations (tiasc5520m000), Man Occupation field.
tiasc520.mcoc Session Assembly Line - Assignments and Line Stations (tiasc5520m000), Machine Occupation field.
tiasl520.nuct Session Assembly Line - Assignments and Line Stations (tiasc5520m000), Number of Cycle Times field.
1) tiasl130.ccal 1) Session Assembly Lines (tiasl1530m000), Calendar field.
2) tiasl130.ract 2) Session Assembly Lines (tiasl1530m000), Calendar(2), Availability field.

For the Calendar and Availability field, the LnAssemblyLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.ResourceCalendar' and LnAssemblyLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with
'MasterDataReferenceType', the LnAssemblyLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@nounName is filled with
'LnResourceCalendar', the LnAssemblyLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@accountingEntity is filled with the
related accounting entity.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data

Infor April 07, 2020 426

For Customer:
Always filled with 'Customer'.

For Supplier:
Always filled with 'Supplier'.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm100.ccno Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Claim field.

For Supplier: The concatenation of 'C' and the Claim field is published.
This BOD is published when users:
1) Create a Customer Claim
2) Change the status of a Customer Claim
3) Delete a Customer Claim

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.5.1 or later.

For Supplier:
Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Claim tab, Claim field.

The concatenation of 'S' and the Claim field is published.

This BOD is published when users:

1) Create a Supplier Claim

2) Change the status of a Supplier Claim
3) Delete a Supplier Claim

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.5.1 or later.

For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm100.cwoc Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the accountingEntity field is published.
tscmm200.cwoc Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For Supplier:
Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

Based on the Service Department field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm100.cwoc Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the location field is published.
tscmm200.cwoc Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For Supplier:
Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

Based on the Service Department field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm100.ccno Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Claim field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm200.scno Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Claim tab, Claim field.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 427
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm100.crtm Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Creation Date field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm200.crtm Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Creation Date field.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm100.desc Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Description field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm200.desc Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Claim tab, Description field.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tscmm100.txta 1) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, External Claim Text field.
2) tscmm100.txtb 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Internal Claim Text field.
3) tscmm100.txte 3) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice Text field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

1) tscmm200.txta 1) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Claim tab, External Claim Text field.
2) tscmm200.txtb 2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Internal Claim Text field.
3) tscmm200.txte 3) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice Text field.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tscmm100.txta 1) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, External Claim Text field.
2) tscmm100.txtb 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Internal Claim Text field.
3) tscmm100.txte 3) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice Text field.

For Supplier: For the External Claim Text field, 'External' is published.
1) tscmm200.txta For the Internal Claim Text field, 'Internal' is published.
2) tscmm200.txtb For the Invoice Text field, 'Invoice' is published.
3) tscmm200.txte
For Supplier:
1) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Claim tab, External Claim Text field.
2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Internal Claim Text field.
3) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice Text field.

For the External Claim Text field, 'External' is published.

For the Internal Claim Text field, 'Internal' is published.
For the Invoice Text field, 'Invoice' is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tscmm100.oosy 1) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Sales Reference System field.
2) tscmm100.corg 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Claim Origin field.
3) tscmm100.odty 3) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Sales Reference Document Type field.
4) tcisli310.srtp 4) Session Invoice Lines (cisli3110m000), Source Type field.

For Supplier: If the Sales Reference Document Type is equal to 'Order' or 'Order History':
tscmm200.oosy If the Sales Reference System field is equal to 'Call', 'CustomerCall' is published.
If the Sales Reference System field is equal to 'Claim', 'LnClaim' is published.
If the Sales Reference System field is equal to 'Service Order', 'ServiceOrder' is published.
If the Sales Reference System field is equal to 'Maintenance Sales Order', 'LnMaintenanceSalesOrder' is
If the Sales Reference System field is equal to 'Sales Order', 'SalesOrder' is published.
If the Sales Reference System field is equal to 'Sales Schedule', 'ShipmentSchedule' is published.
If the Sales Reference System field is equal to 'Not Applicable' and the Claim Origin field is equal to 'Call',
'CustomerCall' is published.

If the Sales Reference Document Type is equal to 'Invoice':

The noun type related to the Source Type is published.

For Supplier:
Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Claim tab, Purchase Reference System field.

If the Purchase Reference System field is equal to 'Supplier Claim', 'LnClaim' is published.
If the Purchase Reference System field is equal to 'Purchase Order', 'PurchaseOrder' is published.
If the Purchase Reference System field is equal to 'Purchase Schedule', 'SupplierShipmentSchedule' is
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tscmm100.oosy 1) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Sales Reference System field.

Infor April 07, 2020 428

2) tscmm100.corg 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Claim Origin field.
3) tscmm100.odty 3) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Sales Reference Document Type field.
4) tscmm100.odno 4) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Sales Reference Document Number field.
5) cisli310.orno 5) Session Invoice Lines (cisli3110m000), Source Order field.
6) tsmdm400.orno 6) Session Customer Claim - Related Orders (tsmdm4500m000), Related Order field.

For Supplier: If the Sales Reference Document Type field is equal to 'Order' or 'Order History', the Sales Reference Document
tscmm200.odno Number field is published.
If the Sales Reference Document Type field is equal to 'Invoice', the Source Order field is published.
If the Sales Reference System field is equal to 'Not Applicable' and the Claim Origin field is equal to 'Call', the
Related Order field is published.

For Supplier:
Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Claim tab, Purchase Reference Document Number field.
Refer to the documentation of the noun to which LnClaim/LnClaimHeader/DocumentReference@type refers for
more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the documentation of the noun to which LnClaim/LnClaimHeader/DocumentReference@type refers for
more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm100.stat Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Status field.

For Supplier: If the Status field is equal to 'Free', 'free' is published.

tscmm200.stat If the Status field is equal to 'Modified' or 'Pending Approval', 'pend.approval' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Approved', 'approved' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Rejected', 'rejected' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Canceled', 'canceled' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Closed', 'settled' is published.

If the object is being deleted, 'Deleted' is published.

For Supplier:
Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Claim tab, Status field.

If the Status field is equal to 'Free', 'free' is published.

If the Status field is equal to 'Modified' or 'Pending Approval', 'pend.approval' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Approved', 'approved' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Rejected', 'rejected' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Canceled', 'canceled' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Closed', 'settled' is published.

If the object is being deleted, 'Deleted' is published.

Always filled with 'LN Claim Status'.
If the object is being deleted, 'true' is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm100.cstp Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Service Type field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm200.cstp Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Claim tab, Service Type field.
Always filled with 'Service Types'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm100.ofbp Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Sold-to Business Partner field.
For Customer:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Customer:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) tscmm100.ofbp 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Sold-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Sold-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 429
For Customer:
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tscmm100.ofad 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Sold-to Address field.

Based on the Sold-to Address field, the Name field is published.

For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tscmm100.ofad 7) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Sold-to Address field.

Based on the Sold-to Address field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

For Customer:
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tscmm100.ofad 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Sold-to Address field.

Based on the Sold-to Address field, the House Number field is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tscmm100.ofad 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Sold-to Address field.

Based on the Sold-to Address field, the Building field is published.

For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tscmm100.ofad 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Sold-to Address field.

Based on the Sold-to Address field, the Street field is published.

For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tscmm100.ofad 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Sold-to Address field.

Based on the Sold-to Address field, the Unit field is published.

For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tscmm100.ofad 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Sold-to Address field.

Based on the Sold-to Address field, the Floor field is published.

For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tscmm100.ofad 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Sold-to Address field.

Based on the Sold-to Address field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tscmm100.ofad 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Sold-to Address field.

Based on the Sold-to Address field, the City field is published.

For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tscmm100.ofad 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Sold-to Address field.

Based on the Sold-to Address field, the State/Province field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 430
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tscmm100.ofad 3) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Sold-to Address field.

Based on the Sold-to Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tscmm100.ofad 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Sold-to Address field.

Based on the Sold-to Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm100.ofcn Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Sold-to Contact field.
For Customer:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Customer:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field.
2) tscmm100.ofcn 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Sold-to Contact field.

Based on the Sold-to Contact field, the Family Name field is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom110.crep 1) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Selling tab, Internal Sales Representative field.
2) tccom110.osrep 2) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Selling tab, External Sales Representative field.
3) tscmm100.ofbp 3) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Sold-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Sold-to Business Partner field, the Internal Sales Representative field is published.
Based on the Sold-to Business Partner field, the External Sales Representative field is published.
For Customer:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Customer:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Employee Name field.
2) tccom110.crep 2) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Selling tab, Internal Sales Representative field.
3) tccom110.osrep 3) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Selling tab, External Sales Representative field.
4) tscmm100.ofbp 4) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Sold-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Sold-to Business Partner field, the Employee Name field of the Internal Sales Representative field
is published.
Based on the Sold-to Business Partner field, the Employee Name field of the External Sales Representative field
is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom110.crep 1) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Selling tab, Internal Sales Representative field.
2) tccom110.osrep 2) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Selling tab, External Sales Representative field.
3) tscmm100.ofbp 3) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Sold-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Sold-to Business Partner field, for the Internal Sales Representative field, 'Internal' is published.
Based on the Sold-to Business Partner field, for the External Sales Representative field, 'External' is published.
For Supplier: For Supplier:
tscmm200.bfbp Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Claim tab, Buy-from Business Partner field.
For Supplier:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Supplier:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Supplier: For Supplier:
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) tscmm200.bfbp 2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Claim tab, Buy-from Business Partner field.

Based on the Buy-from Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 431
For Supplier:
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
For Supplier: For Supplier:
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tscmm200.bfad 2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Claim tab, Buy-from Address field.

Based on the Buy-from Address field, the Name field is published.

For Supplier: For Supplier:
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tscmm200.bfad 7) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Claim tab, Buy-from Address field.

Based on the Buy-from Address field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

For Supplier:
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
For Supplier: For Supplier:
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tscmm200.bfad 2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Claim tab, Buy-from Address field.

Based on the Buy-from Address field, the House Number field is published.
For Supplier: For Supplier:
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tscmm200.bfad 2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Claim tab, Buy-from Address field.

Based on the Buy-from Address field, the Building field is published.

For Supplier: For Supplier:
1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tscmm200.bfad 2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Claim tab, Buy-from Address field.

Based on the Buy-from Address field, the Street field is published.

For Supplier: For Supplier:
1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tscmm200.bfad 2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Claim tab, Buy-from Address field.

Based on the Buy-from Address field, the Unit field is published.

For Supplier: For Supplier:
1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tscmm200.bfad 2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Claim tab, Buy-from Address field.

Based on the Buy-from Address field, the Floor field is published.

For Supplier: For Supplier:
1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tscmm200.bfad 2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Claim tab, Buy-from Address field.

Based on the Buy-from Address field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
For Supplier: For Supplier:
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tscmm200.bfad 2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Claim tab, Buy-from Address field.

Based on the Buy-from Address field, the City field is published.

For Supplier: For Supplier:
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.

Infor April 07, 2020 432

2) tscmm200.bfad 2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Claim tab, Buy-from Address field.

Based on the Buy-from Address field, the State/Province field is published.

For Supplier: For Supplier:
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tscmm200.bfad 3) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Claim tab, Buy-from Address field.

Based on the Buy-from Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is
For Supplier: For Supplier:
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tscmm200.bfad 2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Claim tab, Buy-from Address field.

Based on the Buy-from Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
For Supplier: For Supplier:
tscmm200.bfcn Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Claim tab, Buy-from Contact field.
For Supplier:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Supplier:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Supplier: For Supplier:
1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field.
2) tscmm200.bfcn 2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Claim tab, Buy-from Contact field.

Based on the Buy-from Contact field, the Family Name field is published.
For Supplier: For Supplier:
1) tccom120.ccon 1) Session Buy-from Business Partner (tccom4120s000), Purchasing tab, Buyer field.
2) tscmm200.bfbp 2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Claim tab, Buy-from Business Partner field.

Based on the Buy-from Business Partner field, the Buyer field is published.
For Supplier:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Supplier:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Supplier: For Supplier:
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Employee Name field.
2) tccom120.ccon 2) 1) Session Buy-from Business Partner (tccom4120s000), Purchasing tab, Buyer field.
3) tscmm200.bfbp 3) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Claim tab, Buy-from Business Partner field.

Based on the Buy-from Business Partner field, the Employee Name field of the Buyer field is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm100.ivbp Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Business Partner field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm200.ivbp Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Business Partner field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) tscmm100.ivbp 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Business Partner field.

For Supplier: Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom100.nama
2) tscmm200.ivbp For Supplier:
1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Invoice-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 433

Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tscmm100.ivad 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.

For Supplier: Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom130.nama
2) tscmm200.ivad For Supplier:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.

Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the Name field is published.

For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tscmm100.ivad 7) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.

For Supplier: Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the six Address Lines are published.
1) tccom130.ln01
2) tccom130.ln02 One Address Line is published per sequence.
3) tccom130.ln03
4) tccom130.ln04 For Supplier:
5) tccom130.ln05 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
7) tscmm200.ivad 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.

Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tscmm100.ivad 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.

For Supplier: Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the House Number field is published.
1) tccom130.hono
2) tscmm200.ivad For Supplier:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.

Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the House Number field is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tscmm100.ivad 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.

For Supplier: Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the Building field is published.
1) tccom130.bldg
2) tscmm200.ivad For Supplier:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.

Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the Building field is published.

For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tscmm100.ivad 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.

For Supplier: Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the Street field is published.
1) tccom130.namc
2) tscmm200.ivad For Supplier:

Infor April 07, 2020 434

1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.

Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the Street field is published.

For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tscmm100.ivad 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.

For Supplier: Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the Unit field is published.
1) tccom130.blun
2) tscmm200.ivad For Supplier:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.

Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the Unit field is published.

For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tscmm100.ivad 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.

For Supplier: Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the Floor field is published.
1) tccom130.blfl
2) tscmm200.ivad For Supplier:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.

Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the Floor field is published.

For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tscmm100.ivad 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.

For Supplier: Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
1) tccom130.pobn
2) tscmm200.ivad For Supplier:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.

Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tscmm100.ivad 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.

For Supplier: Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the City field is published.
1) tccom130.dsca
2) tscmm200.ivad For Supplier:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.

Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the City field is published.

For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tscmm100.ivad 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.

For Supplier: Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the State/Province field is published.
1) tccom130.cste
2) tscmm200.ivad For Supplier:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.

Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the State/Province field is published.

For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tscmm100.ivad 3) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.

For Supplier: Based on the Invoice-to Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is
1) tccom130.ccty published.
2) tcmcs010.ict2
3) tscmm200.ivad For Supplier:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.
Infor April 07, 2020 435
Based on the Invoice-to Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tscmm100.ivad 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.

For Supplier: Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
1) tccom130.pstc
2) tscmm200.ivad For Supplier:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Address field.

Based on the Invoice-to Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm100.ivcn Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Contact field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm200.ivcn Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Contact field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field.
2) tscmm100.ivcn 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Contact field.

For Supplier: Based on the Invoice-to Contact field, the Family Name field is published.
1) tccom140.surn
2) tscmm200.ivcn For Supplier:
1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field.
2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Contact field.

Based on the Invoice-to Contact field, the Family Name field is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tscmm100.clst 1) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Installation tab, Installation Group field.
2) tscmm100.item 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Installation tab, Item field.
3) tscmm100.sern 3) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Installation tab, Serial Number field.

For Supplier: If the Installation Group field is filled, the concatenation of 'G' and the Installation Group field is published.
1) tscmm200.clst If the Item field and the Serial Number field are filled, the concatenation of 'S' and the Item field and the Serial
2) tscmm200.item Number field is published.
3) tscmm200.sern If the Item field is filled and the Serial Number field is empty, the concatenation of 'N' and the Item field is

For Supplier:
1) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Installation tab, Installation Group field.
2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Installation tab, Item field.
3) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Installation tab, Serial Number field.

If the Installation Group field is filled, the concatenation of 'G' and the Installation Group field is published.
If the Item field and the Serial Number field are filled, the concatenation of 'S' and the Item field and the Serial
Number field is published.
If the Item field is filled and the Serial Number field is empty, the concatenation of 'N' and the Item field is
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tscmm100.clst 1) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Installation tab, Installation Group field.
2) tscmm100.item 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Installation tab, Item field.
3) tscmm100.sern 3) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Installation tab, Serial Number field.

For Supplier: If the Installation Group field is filled, 'Group' is published.

1) tscmm200.clst If the Item field and the Serial Number field are filled, 'Serial' is published.
2) tscmm200.item If the Item field is filled and the Serial Number field is empty, 'Non-Serial' is published.
3) tscmm200.sern
For Supplier:
1) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Installation tab, Installation Group field.
2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Installation tab, Item field.
3) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Installation tab, Serial Number field.

Infor April 07, 2020 436

If the Installation Group field is filled, 'Group' is published.
If the Item field and the Serial Number field are filled, 'Serial' is published.
If the Item field is filled and the Serial Number field is empty, 'Non-Serial' is published.
Always filled with 'Asset Types'.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tsbsc100.desc 1) Session Installation Groups (tsbsc1100m000), Description field.
2) tscmm100.clst 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Installation tab, Installation Group field.

For Supplier: Based on the Installation Group field, the Description field is published.
1) tsbsc100.desc
2) tscmm200.clst For Supplier:
1) Session Installation Groups (tsbsc1100m000), Description field.
2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Installation tab, Installation Group field.

Based on the Installation Group field, the Description field is published.

For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm100.fldt Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Installation tab, Failure Date field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm200.fldt Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Installation tab, Failure Date field.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm100.cvtm Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Installation tab, Coverage Time field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm200.cvtm Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Installation tab, Coverage Time field.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm100.cctp Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Installation tab, Coverage Type field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm200.cctp Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Installation tab, Coverage Type field.
Always filled with 'Coverage Types'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tsmdm030.gwte 1) Session Service Types (tsmdm0130m000), General tab, Warranty Template field.
2) tscmm100.ccno 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Claim field.
3) tscmm100.cstp 3) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Service Type field.
4) tscmm100.item 4) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Installation tab, Item field.
5) tscmm100.sern 5) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Installation tab, Serial Number field.
6) tscmm100.term 6) Not displayed in any session, Warranty Terms field.
7) tscmm100.cvtm 7) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Installation tab, Coverage Time field.

Based on the Claim field, the Service Type field, the Item field, the Serial Number field, the Warranty Terms field
and the Coverage Time field, the warranty type and warranty are determined.
If the warranty type equals 'Generic Warranty', the Generic Warranty field is published.
For Customer:
Always filled with 'LN Generic Warranties'.
For Customer:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tsctm020.cwte 1) Session Warranty Templates (tsctm0120m000), Warranty Template field.
2) tscmm100.ccno 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Claim field.
3) tscmm100.cstp 3) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Service Type field.
4) tscmm100.item 4) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Installation tab, Item field.
5) tscmm100.sern 5) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Installation tab, Serial Number field.
6) tscmm100.term 6) Not displayed in any session, Warranty Terms field.
7) tscmm100.cvtm 7) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Installation tab, Coverage Time field.

For Supplier: Based on the Claim field, the Service Type field, the Item field, the Serial Number field, the Warranty Terms field
1) tscfg200.swte and the Coverage Time field, the warranty type and warranty are determined.
2) tscmm200.term If the warranty type equals 'Serialized Item Warranty', the Warranty Template field is published.

For Supplier:
1) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Warranty Template field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Warranty Terms field.

Infor April 07, 2020 437

Based on the Warranty Terms field, the Warranty Template field is published.
Always filled with 'LN Serialized Item Warranties'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm100.csco Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Installation tab, Service Contract field.

Refer to the documentation of the ServiceContract noun for more information about the determination of the ID
For Customer:
Refer to the documentation of the ServiceContract noun for more information about the determination of the
accountingEntity field.
For Customer:
Refer to the documentation of the ServiceContract noun for more information about the determination of the
location field.
For Customer:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm100.ccur Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Financials tab, Currency field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm200.ccur Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Financials tab, Currency field.
Always filled with 'Currency'.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm100.cwoc Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm200.cwoc Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.
Always filled with 'Departments'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm100.irep Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Internal Sales Representative field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm200.irep Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Internal Contact field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.
2) tscmm100.irep 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Internal Sales Representative field.

For Supplier: Based on the Internal Sales Representative field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom001.nama
2) tscmm200.irep For Supplier:
1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.
2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Internal Contact field.

Based on the Internal Contact field, the Name field is published.

For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm100.lftm Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Latest Finish Time field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm200.lftm Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Latest Finish Time field.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm100.pdtm Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Planned Delivery Time field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm200.prtm Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Planned Receipt Time field.

Infor April 07, 2020 438

For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm100.cprl Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Problem field.
For Customer:
Always filled with 'Problem Codes'.
For Customer:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm100.cstn Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Solution field.
For Customer:
Always filled with 'Solution Codes'.
For Customer:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The sum for all lines of LnClaimLine/Actuals/ClaimedAmount is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tscmm100.ccur 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Financials tab, Currency field.

For Supplier: Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tscmm200.ccur For Supplier:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Financials tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
The sum for all lines of LnClaimLine/Actuals/ClaimedBaseAmount is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tscmm100.cwoc 4) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcmcs002.iccc Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
2) tcemm170.fcua
3) tcemm170.comp For Supplier:
4) tscmm200.cwoc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
The sum for all lines of LnClaimLine/Actuals/ClaimedReportAmount is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tscmm100.cwoc 4) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcmcs002.iccc Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
2) tcemm170.lcur
3) tcemm170.comp For Supplier:
4) tscmm200.cwoc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
The sum for all lines of LnClaimLine/Actuals/ApprovedAmount is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tscmm100.ccur 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Financials tab, Currency field.

Infor April 07, 2020 439

For Supplier: Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tscmm200.ccur For Supplier:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Financials tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
The sum for all lines of LnClaimLine/Actuals/ApprovedBaseAmount is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tscmm100.cwoc 4) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcmcs002.iccc Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
2) tcemm170.fcua
3) tcemm170.comp For Supplier:
4) tscmm200.cwoc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
The sum for all lines of LnClaimLine/Actuals/ApprovedReportAmount is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tscmm100.cwoc 4) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcmcs002.iccc Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
2) tcemm170.lcur
3) tcemm170.comp For Supplier:
4) tscmm200.cwoc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) tscmm100.apby 3) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Approval tab, Approved By field.

For Supplier: Based on the Approved By field, the User field is determined.
1) tccom001.emno Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
2) tccom001.loco
3) tscmm200.apby For Supplier:
1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Approval tab, Approved By field.

Based on the Approved By field, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) tscmm100.apby 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Approval tab, Approved By field.

For Supplier: Based on the Approved By field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom001.nama
2) tscmm200.apby For Supplier:
1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Infor April 07, 2020 440

2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Approval tab, Approved By field.

Based on the Approved By field, the Name field is published.

For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm100.apdt Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Approval tab, Approved Date field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm200.apdt Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Approval tab, Approved Date field.
The sum for all lines of LnClaimLine/Actuals/RejectedAmount is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tscmm100.ccur 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Financials tab, Currency field.

For Supplier: Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tscmm200.ccur For Supplier:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Financials tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
The sum for all lines of LnClaimLine/Actuals/RejectedBaseAmount is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tscmm100.cwoc 4) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcmcs002.iccc Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
2) tcemm170.fcua
3) tcemm170.comp For Supplier:
4) tscmm200.cwoc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
The sum for all lines of LnClaimLine/Actuals/RejectedReportAmount is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tscmm100.cwoc 4) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcmcs002.iccc Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
2) tcemm170.lcur
3) tcemm170.comp For Supplier:
4) tscmm200.cwoc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) tscmm100.rjby 3) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Approval tab, Rejected By field.

For Supplier: Based on the Rejected By field, the User field is determined.
1) tccom001.emno Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
2) tccom001.loco
3) tscmm200.rjby For Supplier:
1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Approval tab, Rejected By field.

Infor April 07, 2020 441

Based on the Rejected By field, the User field is determined.
Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) tscmm100.rjby 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Approval tab, Rejected By field.

For Supplier: Based on the Rejected By field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom001.nama
2) tscmm200.rjby For Supplier:
1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Approval tab, Rejected By field.

Based on the Rejected By field, the Name field is published.

For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm100.rjdt Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Approval tab, Rejection Date field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm200.rjdt Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Approval tab, Rejection Date field.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm100.rjre Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Approval tab, Rejection Reason field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm200.rjre Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Approval tab, Rejection Reason field.
Always filled with 'LN Reasons'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The sum for all lines of LnClaimLine/Actuals/LinkedInvoiceAmount is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tscmm100.ccur 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Financials tab, Currency field.

For Supplier: Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tscmm200.ccur For Supplier:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Financials tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
The sum for all lines of LnClaimLine/Actuals/LinkedInvoiceBaseAmount is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tscmm100.cwoc 4) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcmcs002.iccc Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
2) tcemm170.fcua
3) tcemm170.comp For Supplier:
4) tscmm200.cwoc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
The sum for all lines of LnClaimLine/Actuals/LinkedInvoiceReportAmount is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tscmm100.cwoc 4) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

Infor April 07, 2020 442

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcmcs002.iccc Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
2) tcemm170.lcur
3) tcemm170.comp For Supplier:
4) tscmm200.cwoc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) tscmm100.cnby 3) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Approval tab, Canceled By field.

For Supplier: Based on the Canceled By field, the User field is determined.
1) tccom001.emno Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
2) tccom001.loco
3) tscmm200.cnby For Supplier:
1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Approval tab, Canceled By field.

Based on the Canceled By field, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) tscmm100.cnby 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Approval tab, Canceled By field.

For Supplier: Based on the Canceled By field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom001.nama
2) tscmm200.cnby For Supplier:
1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Approval tab, Canceled By field.

Based on the Canceled By field, the Name field is published.

For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm100.cndt Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Approval tab, Cancel Date field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm200.cndt Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Approval tab, Cancel Date field.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm100.cnre Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Approval tab, Cancel Reason field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm200.cnre Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Approval tab, Cancel Reason field.
Always filled with 'LN Reasons'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm110.lino Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Line field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm210.lino Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Line field.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm110.desc Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Description field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm210.desc Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Description field.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tscmm110.txta 1) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), Texts tab, External Text field.
2) tscmm110.txtb 2) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), Texts tab, Internal Text field.
3) tscmm110.txte 3) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), Texts tab, Invoice Text field.

Infor April 07, 2020 443

For Supplier: For Supplier:
1) tscmm210.txta 1) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Texts tab, External Text field.
2) tscmm210.txtb 2) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Texts tab, Internal Text field.
3) tscmm210.txte 3) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Texts tab, Invoice Text field.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tscmm110.txta 1) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), Texts tab, External Text field.
2) tscmm110.txtb 2) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), Texts tab, Internal Text field.
3) tscmm110.txte 3) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), Texts tab, Invoice Text field.

For Supplier: For the External Text field, 'External' is published.

1) tscmm210.txta For the Internal Text field, 'Internal' is published.
2) tscmm210.txtb For the Invoice Text field, 'Invoice' is published.
3) tscmm210.txte
For Supplier:
1) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Texts tab, External Text field.
2) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Texts tab, Internal Text field.
3) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Texts tab, Invoice Text field.

For the External Text field, 'External' is published.

For the Internal Text field, 'Internal' is published.
For the Invoice Text field, 'Invoice' is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tscmm100.oosy 1) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Sales Reference System field.
2) tscmm100.corg 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Claim Origin field.

For Supplier: If the Sales Reference System field is equal to 'Call', 'CustomerCall' is published.
tscmm200.oosy If the Sales Reference System field is equal to 'Claim', 'LnClaim' is published.
If the Sales Reference System field is equal to 'Service Order', 'ServiceOrder' is published.
If the Sales Reference System field is equal to 'Maintenance Sales Order', 'LnMaintenanceSalesOrder' is
If the Sales Reference System field is equal to 'Sales Order', 'SalesOrder' is published.
If the Sales Reference System field is equal to 'Sales Schedule', 'ShipmentSchedule' is published.
If the Sales Reference System field is equal to 'Not Applicable' and the Claim Origin field is equal to 'Call',
'CustomerCall' is published.

For Supplier:
Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Claim tab, Purchase Reference System field.

If the Purchase Reference System field is equal to 'Supplier Claim', 'LnClaim' is published.
If the Purchase Reference System field is equal to 'Purchase Order', 'PurchaseOrder' is published.
If the Purchase Reference System field is equal to 'Purchase Schedule', 'SupplierShipmentSchedule' is
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tscmm100.oosy 1) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Sales Reference System field.
2) tscmm100.corg 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Claim Origin field.
3) tscmm100.odty 3) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Sales Reference Document Type field.
4) tscmm100.odno 4) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Sales Reference Document Number field.
5) cisli310.boid 5) Session Invoice Lines (cisli3110m000), Business Object ID field.

For Supplier: If the Sales Reference Document Type field is equal to 'Order', the Sales Reference Document Number is
tscmm200.odno published.
If the Sales Reference Document Type field is equal to 'Invoice', the Business Object ID is published.

For Supplier:
Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Claim tab, Purchase Reference Document Number field.
Refer to the documentation of the noun to which LnClaim/LnClaimHeader/DocumentReference@type refers for
more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the documentation of the noun to which LnClaim/LnClaimHeader/DocumentReference@type refers for
more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm110.odln Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Sales Document Line field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tsmdm210.odln Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Origin tab, Purchase Document Line field.
For Customer:

Infor April 07, 2020 444

tscmm110.odsq For Customer:
Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Sales Document Detail Line field.
For Supplier:
tsmdm210.odsq For Supplier:
Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Origin tab, Purchase Document Detail Line field.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm110.stat Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Line Status field.

For Supplier: If the Line Status field is equal to 'Free', 'free' is published.
tscmm210.stat If the Line Status field is equal to 'Modified', 'modified' is published.
If the Line Status field is equal to 'Pending Approval Estimates', 'pend.appr.estl' is published.
If the Line Status field is equal to 'Pending Material Return', 'pend.mat.ret' is published.
If the Line Status field is equal to 'Pending Supplier Approval', 'pend.suppl.appr' is published.
If the Line Status field is equal to 'Approved for Invoice Link', 'appr.inv.link' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Approved', 'approved' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Rejected', 'rejected' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Canceled', 'canceled' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Settled', 'settled' is published.

For Supplier:
Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Line Status field.

If the Line Status field is equal to 'Free', 'free' is published.

If the Line Status field is equal to 'Modified', 'modified' is published.
If the Line Status field is equal to 'Pending Approval', 'pend.approval' is published.
If the Line Status field is equal to 'Pending Approval Estimates', 'pend.appr.estl' is published.
If the Line Status field is equal to 'Pending Material Return', 'pend.mat.ret' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Approved', 'approved' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Rejected', 'rejected' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Canceled', 'canceled' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Settled', 'settled' is published.
Always filled with 'LN Claim Status'.
For Customer: For Customer:
tsccmm110.cotp Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Cost Type field.

For Supplier: If the Cost type field is equal to 'Material', 'Material' is published.
tsccmm210.cotp If the Cost type field is equal to 'Labor', 'Labor' is published.
If the Cost type field is equal to 'Tooling', 'Tools' is published.
If the Cost type field is equal to 'Traveling', 'Travel' is published.
If the Cost type field is equal to 'Subcontracting', 'Subcontracting' is published.
If the Cost type field is equal to 'Help Desk', 'HelpDesk' is published.
If the Cost type field is equal to 'Other', 'Other' is published.
If the Cost type field is equal to 'Order', 'Order' is published.
If the Cost type field is equal to 'Activity', 'Activity' is published.
If the Cost type field is equal to 'Freight', 'Freight' is published.
If the Cost type field is equal to 'Quotation Invoice', 'Quote' is published.

For Supplier:
Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Cost Type field.

If the Cost type field is equal to 'Material', 'Material' is published.

If the Cost type field is equal to 'Labor', 'Labor' is published.
If the Cost type field is equal to 'Tooling', 'Tools' is published.
If the Cost type field is equal to 'Traveling', 'Travel' is published.
If the Cost type field is equal to 'Subcontracting', 'Subcontracting' is published.
If the Cost type field is equal to 'Help Desk', 'HelpDesk' is published.
If the Cost type field is equal to 'Other', 'Other' is published.
If the Cost type field is equal to 'Order', 'Order' is published.
If the Cost type field is equal to 'Activity', 'Activity' is published.
If the Cost type field is equal to 'Freight', 'Freight' is published.
If the Cost type field is equal to 'Quotation Invoice', 'Quote' is published.
Always filled with 'Service Cost Types'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm110.clmt Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Claim Method field.

For Supplier: If the Claim Method field is equal to 'Reimburse Costs', 'costs' is published.
tscmm210.clmt If the Claim Method field is equal to 'Reimburse Materials', 'material' is published.

For Supplier:
Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Claim Method field.

Infor April 07, 2020 445

If the Claim Method field is equal to 'Reimburse Costs', 'costs' is published.
If the Claim Method field is equal to 'Reimburse Materials', 'material' is published.
Always filled with 'LN Claim Methods'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm110.rmrq Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Return Material Required field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm210.rmrq Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Return Material Required field.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm110.uest Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Use Estimates field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm210.uest Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Use Estimates field.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm110.gscl Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Generate Supplier Claim field.

If the Generate Supplier Claim field is equal to 'Not Applicable' or 'Generated', 'false' is published.
If the Generate Supplier Claim field is equal to 'To be Generated', 'true' is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tsmdm400.roty 1) Session Customer Claim - Related Orders (tsmdm4500m000), Related Order Type field.
2) tsmdm400.rono 2) Session Customer Claim - Related Orders (tsmdm4500m000), Related Order Number field.

If the Related Order Type field is equal to 'Supplier Claim', based on the Related Order Number field, the ID of
the LnClaim noun, is published.

Refer to the documentation of the LnClaim noun for more information about the determination of the ID field.
For Customer:
Refer to the documentation of the LnClaim noun for more information about the determination of the
accountingEntity field.
For Customer:
Refer to the documentation of the LnClaim noun for more information about the determination of the location
For Customer:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tsmdm400.roty 1) Session Customer Claim - Related Orders (tsmdm4500m000), Related Order Type field.
2) tsmdm400.reln 2) Session Customer Claim - Related Orders (tsmdm4500m000), Related Line Number field.

If the Related Order Type field is equal to 'Supplier Claim', the Related Line Number field is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tscmm110.item 1) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Item field.
2) tscmm110.sern 3) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Serial Number field.

For Supplier: If the Item field and the Serial Number field are filled, the concatenation of 'S' and the Item field and the Serial
1) tscmm210.clst Number field is published.
2) tscmm210.item If the Item field is filled and the Serial Number field is empty, the concatenation of 'N' and the Item field is
3) tscmm210.sern published.

For Supplier:
1) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Origin tab, Installation Group field.
2) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Origin tab, Item field.
3) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Origin tab, Serial Number field.

If the Installation Group field is filled, the concatenation of 'G' and the Installation Group field is published.
If the Item field and the Serial Number field are filled, the concatenation of 'S' and the Item field and the Serial
Number field is published.
If the Item field is filled and the Serial Number field is empty, the concatenation of 'N' and the Item field is
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tscmm110.item 1) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Item field.
Infor April 07, 2020 446
2) tscmm110.sern 3) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Serial Number field.

For Supplier: If the Item field and the Serial Number field are filled, 'Serial' is published.
1) tscmm210.clst If the Item field is filled and the Serial Number field is empty, 'Non-Serial' is published.
2) tscmm210.item
3) tscmm210.sern For Supplier:
1) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Origin tab, Installation Group field.
2) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Origin tab, Item field.
3) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Origin tab, Serial Number field.

If the Installation Group field is filled, 'Group' is published.

If the Item field and the Serial Number field are filled, 'Serial' is published.
If the Item field is filled and the Serial Number field is empty, 'Non-Serial' is published.
Always filled with 'Asset Types'.
For Supplier: For Supplier:
1) tsbsc100.desc 1) Session Installation Groups (tsbsc1100m000), Description field.
2) tscmm210.clst 2) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Origin tab, Installation Group field.

Based on the Installation Group field, the Description field is published.

For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm110.ccmp Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Cost Component field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm210.ccmp Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Cost Component field.
Always filled with 'Cost Components'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm110.tgto Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), Approval tab, Tagged To field.

For Supplier: If the Tagged To field is equal to 'Repair Warranty', 'rep.warranty' is published.
tscmm210.tgto If the Tagged To field is equal to 'Serialized Item Warranty', 'warranty' is published.
If the Tagged To field is equal to 'Generic Warranty', 'general.warrant' is published.
If the Tagged To field is equal to 'Contract', 'contract' is published.
If the Tagged To field is equal to 'Goodwill', 'goodwill' is published.
If the Tagged To field is equal to 'Field Change Order', 'fco' is published.
If the Tagged To field is equal to 'Not Applicable', 'not.applicable' is published.

For Supplier:
Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Approval tab, Tagged To field.

If the Tagged To field is equal to 'Warranty', 'warranty' is published.

If the Tagged To field is equal to 'General', 'not.applicable' is published.
Always filled with 'LN Tagged To'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tscmm110.wrty 1) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), Approval tab, Warranty field.
2) tscmm110.tgto 2) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), Approval tab, Tagged To field.

If the Tagged To field is equal to 'Generic Warranty', the Warranty field is published.
For Customer:
Always filled with 'LN Generic Warranties'.
For Customer:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tsctm020.cwte 1) Session Warranty Templates (tsctm0120m000), Warranty Template field.
2) tsctm100.ccno 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Claim tab, Claim field.
3) tscmm110.tgto 3) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), Approval tab, Tagged To field.

For Supplier: If the Tagged To field is equal to 'Serialized Item Warranty', based on the Claim field, the Warranty Template
1) tsctm020.cwte field is published.
2) tscmm210.term
For Supplier:
1) Session Warranty Templates (tsctm0120m000), Warranty Template field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Warranty Terms field.

Infor April 07, 2020 447

Based on the Warranty Terms field, the Warranty Template field is published.
Always filled with 'LN Serialized Item Warranties'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm110.clam Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Claimed Amount field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm210.clam Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Claimed Amount field.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tscmm100.ccur 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Financials tab, Currency field.

For Supplier: Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tscmm200.ccur For Supplier:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Financials tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tscmm100.cwoc 3) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.
4) tscmm110.clam 4) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Claimed Amount field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcemm170.fcua Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
2) tcemm170.comp The Claimed Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.
3) tscmm200.cwoc
4) tscmm210.clam For Supplier:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.
4) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Claimed Amount field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Claimed Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tscmm100.cwoc 4) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcmcs002.iccc Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
2) tcemm170.fcua
3) tcemm170.comp For Supplier:
4) tscmm200.cwoc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tscmm100.cwoc 3) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.
4) tscmm110.clam 4) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Claimed Amount field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcemm170.lcur Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
2) tcemm170.comp
3) tscmm200.cwoc The Claimed Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
4) tscmm210.clam
For Supplier:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.
Infor April 07, 2020 448
4) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Claimed Amount field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Claimed Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tscmm100.cwoc 4) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcmcs002.iccc Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
2) tcemm170.lcur
3) tcemm170.comp For Supplier:
4) tscmm200.cwoc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm110.qccl Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Claimed Quantity field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm210.qccl Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Claimed Quantity field.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tscmm110.cucq 2) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Claimed Quantity Unit field.

For Supplier: Based on the Claimed Quantity Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tscmm210.cucq For Supplier:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Claimed Quantity Unit field.

Based on the Claimed Quantity Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tscmm110.item 2) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Item field.
3) tscmm110.qccl 3) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Claimed Quantity field.

For Supplier: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
1) tcibd001.cuni The Claimed Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
2) tscmm210.item
3) tscmm210.qccl For Supplier:
1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Item field.
3) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Claimed Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Claimed Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tscmm110.item 3) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Item field.

For Supplier: Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni For Supplier:
3) tscmm210.item 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm110.acam Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), Approval tab, Approved Amount field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm210.acam Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Approval tab, Approved Amount field.
Infor April 07, 2020 449
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tscmm100.ccur 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Financials tab, Currency field.

For Supplier: Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tscmm200.ccur For Supplier:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Financials tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tscmm100.cwoc 3) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.
4) tscmm110.acam 4) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), Approval tab, Approved Amount field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcemm170.fcua Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
2) tcemm170.comp The Approved Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.
3) tscmm200.cwoc
4) tscmm210.acam For Supplier:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.
4) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Approval tab, Approved Amount field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Approved Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tscmm100.cwoc 4) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcmcs002.iccc Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
2) tcemm170.fcua
3) tcemm170.comp For Supplier:
4) tscmm200.cwoc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tscmm100.cwoc 3) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.
4) tscmm110.acam 4) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), Approval tab, Approved Amount field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcemm170.lcur Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
2) tcemm170.comp
3) tscmm200.cwoc The Approved Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
4) tscmm210.acam
For Supplier:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.
4) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Approval tab, Approved Amount field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Approved Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tscmm100.cwoc 4) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.
Infor April 07, 2020 450
For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcmcs002.iccc Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
2) tcemm170.lcur
3) tcemm170.comp For Supplier:
4) tscmm200.cwoc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm110.qaac Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), Approval tab, Approved Quantity field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm210.qaac Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Approval tab, Approved Quantity field.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tscmm110.cuaq 2) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), Approval tab, Approved Quantity Unit field.

For Supplier: Based on the Approved Quantity Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tscmm210.cuaq For Supplier:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Approval tab, Approved Quantity Unit field.

Based on the Approved Quantity Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tscmm110.item 2) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Item field.
3) tscmm110.qaac 3) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), Approval tab, Approved Quantity field.

For Supplier: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
1) tcibd001.cuni The Approved Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
2) tscmm210.item
3) tscmm210.qaac For Supplier:
1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Item field.
3) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Approval tab, Approved Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Approved Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tscmm110.item 3) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Item field.

For Supplier: Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni For Supplier:
3) tscmm210.item 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) tscmm110.apby 3) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), Approval tab, Approved By field.

For Supplier: Based on the Approved By field, the User field is determined.
1) tccom001.emno Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
2) tccom001.loco
3) tscmm210.apby For Supplier:
1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Approval tab, Approved By field.

Based on the Approved By field, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Infor April 07, 2020 451
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) tscmm110.apby 2) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), Approval tab, Approved By field.

For Supplier: Based on the Approved By field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom001.nama
2) tscmm210.apby For Supplier:
1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Approval tab, Approved By field.

Based on the Approved By field, the Name field is published.

For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm110.apdt Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), Approval tab, Approval Date field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm210.apdt Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Approval tab, Approval Date field.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tscmm110.clam 1) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Claimed Amount field.
2) tscmm110.acam 2) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), Approval tab, Approved Amount field.

For Supplier: The Claimed Amount field - the Approved Amount field is published.
1) tscmm210.clam
2) tscmm210.acam For Supplier:
1) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Claimed Amount field.
2) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Approval tab, Approved Amount field.

The Claimed Amount field - the Approved Amount field is published.

For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tscmm100.ccur 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Financials tab, Currency field.

For Supplier: Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tscmm200.ccur For Supplier:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Financials tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tscmm100.cwoc 3) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.
4) tscmm110.clam 4) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Claimed Amount field.
5) tscmm110.acam 5) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), Approval tab, Approved Amount field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcemm170.fcua Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
2) tcemm170.comp The Claimed Amount field expressed in Local Currency - the Approved Amount field expressed in Local
3) tscmm200.cwoc Currency is published.
4) tscmm210.clam
5) tscmm210.acam For Supplier:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.
4) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Claimed Amount field.
5) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Approval tab, Approved Amount field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Claimed Amount field expressed in Local Currency - the Approved Amount field expressed in Local
Currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tscmm100.cwoc 4) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcmcs002.iccc Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 452

2) tcemm170.fcua
3) tcemm170.comp For Supplier:
4) tscmm200.cwoc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tscmm100.cwoc 3) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.
4) tscmm110.clam 4) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Claimed Amount field.
5) tscmm110.acam 5) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), Approval tab, Approved Amount field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcemm170.lcur Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
2) tcemm170.comp
3) tscmm200.cwoc The Claimed Amount field expressed in Reference Currency - the Approved Amount field expressed in
4) tscmm210.clam Reference Currency is published.
5) tscmm210.acam
For Supplier:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.
4) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Claimed Amount field.
5) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Approval tab, Approved Amount field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Claimed Amount field expressed in Reference Currency - the Approved Amount field expressed in
Reference Currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tscmm100.cwoc 4) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcmcs002.iccc Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
2) tcemm170.lcur
3) tcemm170.comp For Supplier:
4) tscmm200.cwoc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tscmm110.qccl 1) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Claimed Quantity field.
2) tscmm110.cucq 2) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Claimed Quantity Unit field.
3) tscmm110.qaac 3) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), Approval tab, Approved Quantity field.
4) tscmm110.cuaq 4) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), Approval tab, Approved Quantity Unit field.
5) tscmm110.item 5) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Item field.

For Supplier: If the Claimed Quantity Unit field equals the Approved Quantity Unit field, the Claimed Quantity field - the
1) tscmm210.qccl Approved Quantity field is published.
2) tscmm210.cucq
3) tscmm210.qaac Otherwise, based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
4) tscmm210.cuaq The Claimed Quantity field expressed in Inventory Unit - the Approved Quantity field expressed in Inventory Unit
5) tscmm210.item is published.

For Supplier:
1) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Claimed Quantity field.
2) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Claimed Quantity Unit field.
3) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Approval tab, Approved Quantity field.
4) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Approval tab, Approved Quantity Unit field.
5) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Item field.

If the Claimed Quantity Unit field equals the Approved Quantity Unit field, the Claimed Quantity field - the
Approved Quantity field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 453

Otherwise, based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
The Claimed Quantity field expressed in Inventory Unit - the Approved Quantity field expressed in Inventory Unit
is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tscmm110.cucq 2) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Claimed Quantity Unit field.
3) tscmm110.cuaq 3) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), Approval tab, Approved Quantity Unit field.
4) tscmm110.item 4) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Item field.

For Supplier: If the Claimed Quantity Unit field equals the Approved Quantity Unit field, based on the Claimed Quantity Unit
1) tcmcs001.icun field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
2) tscmm210.cucq
3) tscmm210.cuaq Otherwise, based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
4) tscmm210.item Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.

For Supplier:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Claimed Quantity Unit field.
3) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Approval tab, Approved Quantity Unit field.
4) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Item field.

If the Claimed Quantity Unit field equals the Approved Quantity Unit field, based on the Claimed Quantity Unit
field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.

Otherwise, based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tscmm110.item 2) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Item field.
3) tscmm110.qccl 3) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Claimed Quantity field.
4) tscmm110.qaac 4) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), Approval tab, Approved Quantity field.

For Supplier: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
1) tcibd001.cuni The Claimed Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit - the Approved Quantity field expressed in the
2) tscmm210.item Inventory Unit is published.
3) tscmm210.qccl
4) tscmm210.qaac For Supplier:
1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Item field.
3) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Claimed Quantity field.
4) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Approval tab, Approved Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Claimed Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit - the Approved Quantity field expressed in the
Inventory Unit is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tscmm110.item 3) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Item field.

For Supplier: Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni For Supplier:
3) tscmm210.item 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) tscmm110.rjby 3) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), Approval tab, Rejected By field.

For Supplier: Based on the Rejected By field, the User field is determined.
1) tccom001.emno Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
2) tccom001.loco
3) tscmm210.rjby For Supplier:
1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Approval tab, Rejected By field.

Based on the Rejected By field, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 454
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) tscmm110.rjby 2) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), Approval tab, Rejected By field.

For Supplier: Based on the Rejected By field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom001.nama
2) tscmm210.rjby For Supplier:
1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Approval tab, Rejected By field.

Based on the Rejected By field, the Name field is published.

For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm110.rjdt Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), Approval tab, Rejection Date field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm210.rjdt Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Approval tab, Rejection Date field.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm110.rjre Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), Approval tab, Rejection Reason field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm210.rjre Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), Approval tab, Rejection Reason field.
Always filled with 'LN Reasons'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm115.caic 1) Session Customer Claim Invoice Lines (tscmm1115m000), General tab, Linked Amount in Invoice Currency
tscmm100.ccur field.
2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Financials tab, Currency field.
For Supplier:
tscmm215.caic The Linked Amount in Invoice Currency field expressed in the Currency field is published.
For Supplier:
1) Session Supplier Claim Invoice Lines (tscmm2115m000), General tab, Linked Amount in Invoice Currency
2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Financials tab, Currency field.

The Linked Amount in Invoice Currency field expressed in the Currency field is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tscmm100.ccur 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Financials tab, Currency field.

For Supplier: Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tscmm200.ccur For Supplier:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Financials tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tscmm100.cwoc 3) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.
4) tscmm115.caic 4) Session Customer Claim Invoice Lines (tscmm1115m000), General tab, Linked Amount in Invoice Currency
For Supplier:
1) tcemm170.fcua Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
2) tcemm170.comp Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
3) tscmm200.cwoc The Linked Amount in Invoice Currency field expressed in Local Currency is published.
4) tscmm215.caic
For Supplier:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.
4) Session Supplier Claim Invoice Lines (tscmm2115m000), General tab, Linked Amount in Invoice Currency

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.

Infor April 07, 2020 455

Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Linked Amount in Invoice Currency field expressed in Local Currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tscmm100.cwoc 4) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcmcs002.iccc Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
2) tcemm170.fcua
3) tcemm170.comp For Supplier:
4) tscmm200.cwoc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tscmm100.cwoc 3) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.
4) tscmm115.caic 4) Session Customer Claim Invoice Lines (tscmm1115m000), General tab, Linked Amount in Invoice Currency
For Supplier:
1) tcemm170.lcur Based on theService Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
2) tcemm170.comp Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
3) tscmm200.cwoc
4) tscmm215.caic The Linked Amount in Invoice Currency field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

For Supplier:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.
4) Session Supplier Claim Invoice Lines (tscmm2115m000), General tab, Linked Amount in Invoice Currency

Based on theService Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Linked Amount in Invoice Currency field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tscmm100.cwoc 4) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcmcs002.iccc Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
2) tcemm170.lcur
3) tcemm170.comp For Supplier:
4) tscmm200.cwoc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tscmm115.podt 1) Session Customer Claim Invoice Lines (tscmm1115m000), Details tab, Posting Date field.
2) tscmm115.finl 2) Session Customer Claim Invoice Lines (tscmm1115m000), General tab, Final Invoice field.

For Supplier: If the Final invoice field is equal to 'Yes', the Posting Date field is published.
1) tscmm215.podt
2) tscmm215.finl For Supplier:
1) Session Supplier Claim Invoice Lines (tscmm2115m000), Details tab, Posting Date field.
2) Session Supplier Claim Invoice Lines (tscmm2115m000), General tab, Final Invoice field.

If the Final invoice field is equal to 'Yes', the Posting Date field is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm111.clam Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Estimate tab, Claimed Amount field.

Infor April 07, 2020 456

For Supplier: For Supplier:
tscmm211.clam Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Estimate tab, Claimed Amount field.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tscmm100.ccur 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Financials tab, Currency field.

For Supplier: Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tscmm200.ccur For Supplier:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Financials tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tscmm100.cwoc 3) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.
4) tscmm111.clam 4) Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Estimate tab, Claimed Amount field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcemm170.fcua Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
2) tcemm170.comp The Claimed Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.
3) tscmm200.cwoc
4) tscmm211.clam For Supplier:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.
4) Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Estimate tab, Claimed Amount field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Claimed Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tscmm100.cwoc 4) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcmcs002.iccc Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
2) tcemm170.fcua
3) tcemm170.comp For Supplier:
4) tscmm200.cwoc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tscmm100.cwoc 3) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.
4) tscmm111.clam 4) Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Estimate tab, Claimed Amount field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcemm170.lcur Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
2) tcemm170.comp
3) tscmm200.cwoc The Claimed Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
4) tscmm211.clam
For Supplier:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.
4) Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Estimate tab, Claimed Amount field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Claimed Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
Infor April 07, 2020 457
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tscmm100.cwoc 4) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcmcs002.iccc Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
2) tcemm170.lcur
3) tcemm170.comp For Supplier:
4) tscmm200.cwoc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm111.qucl Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Estimate tab, Claimed Quantity field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm211.qucl Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Estimate tab, Claimed Quantity field.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tscmm111.cucq 2) Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Estimate tab, Claimed Quantity Unit field.

For Supplier: Based on the Claimed Quantity Unit field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tscmm211.cucq For Supplier:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Estimate tab, Claimed Quantity Unit field.

Based on the Claimed Quantity Unit field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tscmm110.item 2) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Item field.
3) tscmm111.qucl 3) Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Estimate tab, Claimed Quantity field.

For Supplier: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
1) tcibd001.cuni The Claimed Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
2) tscmm210.item
3) tscmm211.qucl For Supplier:
1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Item field.
3) Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Estimate tab, Claimed Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Claimed Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tscmm110.item 3) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Item field.

For Supplier: Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni For Supplier:
3) tscmm210.item 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm111.acam Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Estimate tab, Approved Amount field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm211.acam Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Estimate tab, Approved Amount field.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tscmm100.ccur 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Financials tab, Currency field.

For Supplier: Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tscmm200.ccur For Supplier:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Financials tab, Currency field.
Infor April 07, 2020 458
Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tscmm100.cwoc 3) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.
4) tscmm111.acam 4) Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Estimate tab, Approved Amount field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcemm170.fcua Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
2) tcemm170.comp The Approved Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.
3) tscmm200.cwoc
4) tscmm211.acam For Supplier:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.
4) Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Estimate tab, Approved Amount field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Approved Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tscmm100.cwoc 4) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcmcs002.iccc Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
2) tcemm170.fcua
3) tcemm170.comp For Supplier:
4) tscmm200.cwoc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tscmm100.cwoc 3) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.
4) tscmm111.acam 4) Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Estimate tab, Approved Amount field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcemm170.lcur Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
2) tcemm170.comp
3) tscmm200.cwoc The Approved Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
4) tscmm211.acam
For Supplier:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.
4) Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Estimate tab, Approved Amount field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Approved Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tscmm100.cwoc 4) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcmcs002.iccc Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
2) tcemm170.lcur
3) tcemm170.comp For Supplier:
4) tscmm200.cwoc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

Infor April 07, 2020 459

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm111.qaac Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Estimate tab, Approved Quantity field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm211.qaac Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Estimate tab, Approved Quantity field.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tscmm111.cuaq 2) Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Estimate tab, Approved Quantity Unit field.

For Supplier: Based on the Approved Quantity Unit field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tscmm211.cuaq For Supplier:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Estimate tab, Approved Quantity Unit field.

Based on the Approved Quantity Unit field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tscmm110.item 2) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Item field.
3) tscmm111.qaac 3) Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Estimate tab, Approved Quantity field.

For Supplier: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
1) tcibd001.cuni The Approved Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
2) tscmm210.item
3) tscmm211.qaac For Supplier:
1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Item field.
3) Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Estimate tab, Approved Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Approved Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tscmm110.item 3) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Item field.

For Supplier: Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni For Supplier:
3) tscmm210.item 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) tscmm111.apby 3) Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Estimate tab, Approved By field.

For Supplier: Based on the Approved By field, the User field is determined.
1) tccom001.emno Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
2) tccom001.loco
3) tscmm211.apby For Supplier:
1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Estimate tab, Approved By field.

Based on the Approved By field, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) tscmm111.apby 2) Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Estimate tab, Approved By field.

For Supplier: Based on the Approved By field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom001.nama

Infor April 07, 2020 460

2) tscmm211.apby For Supplier:
1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Estimate tab, Approved By field.

Based on the Approved By field, the Name field is published.

For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm111.aptm Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Estimate tab, Approval Date field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm211.aptm Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Estimate tab, Approval Date field.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tscmm111.clam 1) Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Estimate tab, Claimed Amount field.
2) tscmm111.acam 2) Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Estimate tab, Approved Amount field.

For Supplier: The Claimed Amount field - the Approved Amount field is published.
1) tscmm211.clam
2) tscmm211.acam For Supplier:
1) Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Estimate tab, Claimed Amount field.
2) Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Estimate tab, Approved Amount field.

The Claimed Amount field - the Approved Amount field is published.

For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tscmm100.ccur 2) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Financials tab, Currency field.

For Supplier: Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tscmm200.ccur For Supplier:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Financials tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tscmm100.cwoc 3) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.
4) tscmm111.clam 4) Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Estimate tab, Claimed Amount field.
5) tscmm111.acam 5) Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Estimate tab, Approved Amount field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcemm170.fcua Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
2) tcemm170.comp The Claimed Amount field expressed in Local Currency - the Approved Amount field expressed in Local
3) tscmm200.cwoc Currency is published.
4) tscmm211.clam
5) tscmm211.acam For Supplier:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.
4) Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Estimate tab, Claimed Amount field.
5) Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Estimate tab, Approved Amount field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Claimed Amount field expressed in Local Currency - the Approved Amount field expressed in Local
Currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tscmm100.cwoc 4) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcmcs002.iccc Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
2) tcemm170.fcua
3) tcemm170.comp For Supplier:
4) tscmm200.cwoc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 461

For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tscmm100.cwoc 3) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.
4) tscmm111.clam 4) Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Estimate tab, Claimed Amount field.
5) tscmm111.acam 5) Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Estimate tab, Approved Amount field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcemm170.lcur Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
2) tcemm170.comp
3) tscmm200.cwoc The Claimed Amount field expressed in Reference Currency - the Approved Amount field expressed in
4) tscmm211.clam Reference Currency is published.
5) tscmm211.acam
For Supplier:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.
4) Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Estimate tab, Claimed Amount field.
5) Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Estimate tab, Approved Amount field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Claimed Amount field expressed in Reference Currency - the Approved Amount field expressed in
Reference Currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tscmm100.cwoc 4) Session Customer Claims (tscmm1100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

For Supplier: Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcmcs002.iccc Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
2) tcemm170.lcur
3) tcemm170.comp For Supplier:
4) tscmm200.cwoc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) Session Supplier Claims (tscmm2100m000), Internal tab, Service Department field.

Based on the Service Department field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tscmm111.qccl 1) Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Estimate tab, Claimed Quantity field.
2) tscmm111.cucq 2) Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Estimate tab, Claimed Quantity Unit field.
3) tscmm111.qaac 3) Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Estimate tab, Approved Quantity field.
4) tscmm111.cuaq 4) Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Estimate tab, Approved Quantity Unit field.
5) tscmm110.item 5) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Item field.

For Supplier: If the Claimed Quantity Unit field equals the Approved Quantity Unit field, the Claimed Quantity field - the
1) tscmm211.qccl Approved Quantity field is published.
2) tscmm211.cucq
3) tscmm211.qaac Otherwise, based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
4) tscmm211.cuaq The Claimed Quantity field expressed in Inventory Unit - the Approved Quantity field expressed in Inventory Unit
5) tscmm210.item is published.

For Supplier:
1) Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Estimate tab, Claimed Quantity field.
2) Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Estimate tab, Claimed Quantity Unit field.
3) Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Estimate tab, Approved Quantity field.
4) Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Estimate tab, Approved Quantity Unit field.
5) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Item field.

If the Claimed Quantity Unit field equals the Approved Quantity Unit field, the Claimed Quantity field - the
Approved Quantity field is published.

Otherwise, based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Claimed Quantity field expressed in Inventory Unit - the Approved Quantity field expressed in Inventory Unit
is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tscmm111.cucq 2) Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Estimate tab, Claimed Quantity Unit field.
3) tscmm111.cuaq 3) Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Estimate tab, Approved Quantity Unit field.
4) tscmm110.item 4) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Item field.
Infor April 07, 2020 462
For Supplier: If the Claimed Quantity Unit field equals the Approved Quantity Unit field, based on the Claimed Quantity Unit
1) tcmcs001.icun field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
2) tscmm211.cucq
3) tscmm211.cuaq Otherwise, based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
4) tscmm210.item Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.

For Supplier:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Estimate tab, Claimed Quantity Unit field.
3) Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Estimate tab, Approved Quantity Unit field.
4) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Item field.

If the Claimed Quantity Unit field equals the Approved Quantity Unit field, based on the Claimed Quantity Unit
field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.

Otherwise, based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tscmm110.item 2) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Item field.
3) tscmm111.qccl 3) Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Estimate tab, Claimed Quantity field.
4) tscmm111.qaac 4) Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Estimate tab, Approved Quantity field.

For Supplier: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
1) tcibd001.cuni The Claimed Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit - the Approved Quantity field expressed in the
2) tscmm210.item Inventory Unit is published.
3) tscmm211.qccl
4) tscmm211.qaac For Supplier:
1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Item field.
3) Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Estimate tab, Claimed Quantity field.
4) Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Estimate tab, Approved Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Claimed Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit - the Approved Quantity field expressed in the
Inventory Unit is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tscmm110.item 3) Session Customer Claim Lines (tscmm1110m000), General tab, Item field.

For Supplier: Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni For Supplier:
3) tscmm210.item 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Supplier Claim Lines (tscmm2110m000), General tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) tscmm111.rjby 3) Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Estimate tab, Rejected By field.

For Supplier: Based on the Rejected By field, the User field is determined.
1) tccom001.emno Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
2) tccom001.loco
3) tscmm211.rjby For Supplier:
1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Estimate tab, Rejected By field.

Based on the Rejected By field, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Customer: For Customer:
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) tscmm111.rjby 2) Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Estimate tab, Rejected By field.

For Supplier: Based on the Rejected By field, the Name field is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 463
1) tccom001.nama
2) tscmm211.rjby For Supplier:
1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Estimate tab, Rejected By field.

Based on the Rejected By field, the Name field is published.

For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm111.rjtm Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Approval tab, Rejection Date field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm211.rjtm Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Approval tab, Rejection Date field.
For Customer: For Customer:
tscmm111.rjre Session Customer Claim Estimates (tscmm1111m000), Estimate tab, Rejection Reason field.

For Supplier: For Supplier:

tscmm211.rjre Session Supplier Claim Estimates (tscmm2111m000), Estimate tab, Rejection Reason field.
Always filled with 'LN Reasons'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

Infor April 07, 2020 464

1) tpctm110.cono 1) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract field.
2) tpctm110.cnln 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract Line field.

The concatenation of the Contract field and the Contract Line field is published.

This BOD is published when session Publish Billing Dates (tpbod5230m000) is run and the field
LnContractLineBillingDate is selected.

This BOD is available for LN 10.4 or later.

tpctm110.cono Session Contract Line (tpctm1110m000), Contract field.

Based on the Sales Office of the Contract field, the accountingEntity field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tpctm110.cono Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract field.

Based on the Sales Office of the Contract field, the location field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tpctm110.cono 1) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract field.
2) tpctm110.cnln 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract Line field.

The concatenation of the Contract field and the Contract Line field is published.
tpctm110.desc Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Summary tab, Description field.
Always filled with 'Open'.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
tpctm110.cono session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tpctm110.cnln Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract Line field.
tpctm110.cprj Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Summary tab, Project field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tpctm110.cprj 1) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract field.
2) tppdm600.dsca 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Description field.

Based on the Contract field, the Description field is published.

1) tpctm110.blcl 1) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Invoicing tab, Billing Cycle field.
2) tpctm030.recu 2) Session Billing Cycles, (tpctm0130m000), Recurrence field.

Based on the Billing Cycle field and the Recurrence field, the LastBillingDateTime before the current date is
calculated and published.
1) tpctm110.blcl 1) Session Contract Lines, Invoicing tab, Billing Cycle field.
2) tpctm030.recu 2) Session Billing Cycles, (tpctm0130m000), Recurrence field.

Based on the Billing Cycle field and the Recurrence field, the NextBillingDateTime before the current date is
calculated and published.
tpctm110.cmng Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract Manager field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

Infor April 07, 2020 465

The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tpctm100.prgm Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Program field.
tpctm110.ccat Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Classification tab, Category field.
tpctm110.csec Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Classification tab, Business Sector field.
tpctm110.creg Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Classification tab, Geographical Area field.
tpctm110.cfac Session Contract Lines (tpctm110m000), Classification tab, Financing Method field.
tpctm110.ccam Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Classification tab, Acquiring Method field.
tpctm110.blcl Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Invoicing tab, Billing Cycle field.

Infor April 07, 2020 466

whinh140.orno Session Cost Peg Transfers (whinh1140m000), Cost Peg Transfer field.
whinh140.cwar Session Cost Peg Transfers (whinh1140m000), Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
whinh140.cwar Session Cost Peg Transfers (whinh1140m000), Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
whinh140.orno Session Cost Peg Transfers (whinh1140m000), Cost Peg Transfer field.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
whinh140.crdt Session Cost Peg Transfers (whinh1140m000), Creation Date field.
whinh140.txtn Session Cost Peg Transfers (whinh1140m000), Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
whinh140.prcd Session Cost Peg Transfers (whinh1140m000), Processed field.

If the Processed field is equal to 'No', 'Open' is published.

If the Processed field is equal to 'Yes', 'Processed' is published.

When the Cost Peg Transfer is removed, 'Deleted' is published.

Always filled with 'LN Cost Peg Transfer Status'.
When the Cost Peg Transfer is removed, 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.
Always filled with 'Warehouse'.
whinh140.cwar Session Cost Peg Transfers (whinh1140m000), Warehouse field.

The concatenation of 'W' and the Warehouse field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcmcs003.dsca 1) Session Warehouses - General (tcmcs0103s000), Description field.
2) whinh140.cwar 2) Session Cost Peg Transfers (whinh1140m000), Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the Description field is published.

whinh145.pono Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Line field.
whinh145.txtn Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Miscellaneous tab, Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
whinh145.prcd Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Processed field.

If the Processed field is equal to 'No', 'Open' is published.

If the Processed field is equal to 'Yes', 'Processed' is published.

When the Cost Peg Transfer is removed, 'Deleted' is published.

Always filled with 'LN Cost Peg Transfer Status'.
1) whinh145.prcd 1) Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Processed field.
2) whinh145.pdat 2) Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Processing Date field.

If the Processed field is equal to 'Yes', the Processing Date field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 467

whinh145.ttyp Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Transfer Type field.

If the Transfer Type field is equal to 'Permanent', 'Permanent' is published.

If the Transfer Type field is equal to 'Borrow/Loan', 'Borrow/Loan' is published.
If the Transfer Type field is equal to 'Payback', 'Payback' is published.
whinh145.orgn Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Origin field.

If the Origin field is equal to 'Enterprise Planning', 'EnterprisePlanning' is published.

If the Origin field is equal to 'Outbound Advice', 'OutboundAdvice' is published.
If the Origin field is equal to 'Manual', 'Manual' is published.
If the Origin field is equal to 'Mass Cost Peg Transfer', 'MassCostPegTransfer' is published.
Always filled with 'Warehouse'.
whinh145.cwar Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Warehouse field.

The concatenation of 'W' and the Warehouse field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcmcs003.dsca 1) Session Warehouses - General (tcmcs0103s000), Description field.
2) whinh145.cwar 2) Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the Description field is published.

whinh145.item Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Item field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.
2) whinh145.item 2) Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Description field is published.

whinh145.qord Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Quantity field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) whinh145.item 3) Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) whinh145.item 2) Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Item field.
3) whinh145.qord 3) Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) whinh145.item 3) Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
whinh145.cdis Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Reason field.
whinh145.rqdt Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Required Date field.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Employee field.
2) whinh145.prby 2) Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Processed By field.

Based on the Processed By field, the Employee field is published.


Infor April 07, 2020 468

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.
2) whinh145.prby 2) Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Processed By field.

Based on the Processed By field, the Name field is published.

whinh145.owns Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Ownership field.

If the Ownership field is equal to 'Company Owned', 'CompanyOwned' is published.

If the Ownership field is equal to 'Customer Owned', 'CustomerOwned' is published.
whinh145.fprj Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, From Project field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
whinh145.fact Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, From Activity field.
whinh145.fspa Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, From Element field.
whinh145.tprj Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, To Project field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
whinh145.tact Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, To Activity field.
whinh145.tspa Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, To Element field.
whinh145.tpor Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, To Peg Origin field.

If the To Peg Origin field is equal to 'Top Demand', 'TopDemand' is published.

If the To Peg Origin field is equal to 'Costing Break', 'CostingBreak' is published.
If the To Peg Origin field is equal to 'Manual', 'Manual' is published.
whinh145.pric Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Miscellaneous tab, Inventory Value field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) whinh145.cwar 4) Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) whinh145.cwar 3) Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Warehouse field.
4) whinh145.pric 4) Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Miscellaneous tab, Inventory Value field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

The Inventory Value field expressed in Local Currency is published.

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) whinh145.cwar 4) Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur

Infor April 07, 2020 469

2) tcemm170.comp 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) whinh145.cwar 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) whinh145.pric 3) Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Warehouse field.
4) Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Miscellaneous tab, Inventory Value field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Inventory Value field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) whinh145.cwar 4) Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
Always filled with '1.0'.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) whinh145.item 3) Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
Always filled with '1.0'.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) whinh145.item 3) Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
whinh145.amnt Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Miscellaneous tab, Transaction Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) whinh145.cwar 4) Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) whinh145.cwar 3) Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Warehouse field.
4) whinh145.amnt 4) Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Miscellaneous tab, Transaction Amount field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

The Transaction Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) whinh145.cwar 4) Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) whinh145.cwar 3) Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Warehouse field.
4) whinh145.amnt 4) Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Miscellaneous tab, Transaction Amount field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Transaction Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) whinh145.cwar 4) Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Warehouse field.

Infor April 07, 2020 470

Based on the Warehouse field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
whinh145.oorg Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Miscellaneous tab, Order Origin field.

The corresponding noun name of the Order Origin field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of BOD identifiers.
1) whinh145.oorg 1) Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Miscellaneous tab, Order Origin field.
2) whinh145.oorn 2) Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Miscellaneous tab, Order field.
3) whinh145.oset 3) Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Miscellaneous tab, Order Set field.

Based on the Order origin field, the Order field and the Order Set field, the ID of the noun to which
LnCostPegTransfer/LnCostPegTransferLine/DocumentReference@type refers, is published.

Refer to the documentation of the noun to which LnCostPegTransfer/LnCostPegTransferLine/

DocumentReference@type refers for more information about the determination of the ID field.
Refer to the documentation of the noun to which LnCostPegTransfer/LnCostPegTransferLine/
DocumentReference@type refers for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the documentation of the noun to which LnCostPegTransfer/LnCostPegTransferLine/
DocumentReference@type refers for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
whinh145.opon Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Miscellaneous tab, Order Line field.
whinh145.seqn Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Miscellaneous tab, Sequence field.
whinh145.sern Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Miscellaneous tab, Advice Line field.
whinh145.effn Session Cost Peg Transfer Lines (whinh1145m000), Cost Peg Transfer tab, Effectivity Unit field.

For the Effectivity Unit field, the LnCostPegTransfer/LnCostPegTransferHeader/UserArea/Property/

NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.EffectivityUnit' and LnCostPegTransfer/LnCostPegTransferHeader/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'NumericType'.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data

Infor April 07, 2020 471

1) tcibd002.kitm 1) Session Items - Defaults (tcibd0502m000), Item Type field.
2) tcibd002.citg 2) Session Items - Defaults (tcibd0502m000), Item Group field.

The concatenation of the Item Type constant field and the Item Group field is published.

A separator is added between the Item Type field and Item Group field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete Item General defaults.
This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2.1 or later.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcibd002.kitm 1) Session Items - Defaults (tcibd0502m000), Item Type field.
2) tcibd002.citg 2) Session Items - Defaults (tcibd0502m000), Item Group field.

The concatenation of the Item Type description field and the Item Group field is published.

A space is added between the Item Type field and Item Group field.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

1) tcibd002.kitm 1) Session Items - Defaults (tcibd0102s000), General tab, Item Type field.
2) tcibd002.citg 2) Session Items - Defaults (tcibd0102s000), General tab, Item Group field.
3) tcibd002.ctyp 3) Session Items - Defaults (tcibd0102s000), Classification tab, Product Type field.
4) tcibd002.cpcl 4) Session Items - Defaults (tcibd0102s000), Classification tab, Product Class field.
5) tcibd002.cpln 5) Session Items - Defaults (tcibd0102s000), Classification tab, Product Line field.
6) tcibd002.csel 6) Session Items - Defaults (tcibd0102s000), Classification tab, Selection Code field.
7) tcibd002.csig 7) Session Items - Defaults (tcibd0102s000), Details tab, Item Signal field.
8) tcibd201.opol 8) Session Items - Ordering Defaults (tcibd2101s000), Settings tab, Order Policy field.
If the Item Type field is filled, 'Item Types' is published.
If the Item Group field is filled, 'Item Groups' is published.
If the Product Type field is filled, 'Product Types' is published.
If the Product Class field is filled, 'Item Classes' is published.
If the Product Line field is filled, 'Product Lines' is published.
If the Selection Code field is filled, 'Product Selection Codes' is published.
If the Item Signal field is filled, 'Item Signals' is published.
If the Order Policy field is filled, 'Order Policy' is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
If the Item is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.

Otherwise, 'Open' is published.

Always filled with 'Item Status'.
If the Item Defaults are deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd002.cuni 2) Session Items - Defaults (tcibd0102s000), General tab, Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
tcibd002.uset Session Items - Defaults (tcibd0102s000), General tab, Unit Set field.
Based on the item, the Package Definition field and the Unit field, the Height field is published.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tcibd002.seri Session Items - Defaults (tcibd0102s000), Details tab, Traceability group, Serialized field.
Infor April 07, 2020 472
tcibd002.ltct Session Items - Defaults (tcibd0102s000), Details tab, Traceability group, Lot Controlled field.
1) tiipd002.unom 1) Session Items - Production Defaults (tiipd0102m000), BOM tab, BOM Quantity field.
2) tcibd002.cuni 2) Session Items - Defaults (tcibd0102s000), General tab, Inventory Unit field.

For the BOM Quantity field, the LnItemMasterDefaults/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/UserArea/Property/

NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.BOMQuantity', LnItemMasterDefaults/ItemMasterHeader/UserArea/
UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'QuantityType' and LnItemMasterDefaults/ItemMasterHeader/
UserArea/UserArea/Property/NameValue@unitCode is filled with the Inventory Unit field.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data
tcibd201.cwar Session Items - Ordering Defaults (tcibd2101s000), Settings tab, Warehouse field.

The concatenation of 'W' and the Warehouse field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tiipd002.cpha Session Items - Production Defaults (tiipd0102m000), BOM tab, Phantom field.

Infor April 07, 2020 473

This BOD will be published if the user;
- Executes session Publish Service Transactional Data (tsbod0200m000).
- Change the status of Maintenance Sales Order to Release, Completed, In Process, Costed, Closed, Cancel or
Interrupted and also for every subsequent change.

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.

tsmsc100.cmso Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Maintenance Sales Order field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tsmsc100.corn Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), General tab, Customer Order field.
tsmsc100.cmso Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Maintenance Sales Order field.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

tsmsc100.ordt Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), General tab, Order Date field.
tsmsc100.desc Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), General tab, Description field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
1) tsmsc100.txta 1) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), General tab, Order Text field.
2) tsmsc100.txtb 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), General tab, Invoice Text field.
Always filled with either 'Order' or 'Invoice'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
1) tsmsc100.stat 1) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), General tab, Order Status field.
2) tsmsc100.blyn 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), General tab, Blocked field.

If the Blocked field is equal to 'Yes', 'Hold' is published.

If the Status field is equal to 'Released', 'Approved' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'In Process', 'In Process' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Completed', 'Completed' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Costed', 'Invoiced' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Canceled', 'Canceled' is published.
Always filled with 'MaintenanceOrderStatus'.
1) tsmsc100.stat 1) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), General tab, Order Status field.

If Order Status field is equal to 'Costed' or 'Closed', 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
tsmsc100.ofbp Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Sold-to Business Partner field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) tsmsc100.ofbp 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Sold-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Sold-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 474
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published. An address block with text data and an address block with discrete
data will be published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tsmsc100.ofad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Sold-to Business Partner
Address field.
Based on the Sold-to Business Partner Address field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tsmsc100.ofad 7) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, sold - to Business Partner
Address field.
Based on the Sold-to Business Partner Address field, the six Address Lines are published.
One Address Line is published per sequence.
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tsmsc100.ofad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Sold-to Business Partner
Address field.
Based on the Address Code field, the House Number field is published.
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tsmsc100.ofad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Sold-to Business Partner
Address field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Building field is published.

1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tsmsc100.ofad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Sold-to Business Partner
Address field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Street field is published.

1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tsmsc100.ofad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Sold-to Business Partner
Address field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Unit field is published.

1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tsmsc100.ofad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Sold-to Business Partner
Address field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Floor field is published.

1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tsmsc100.ofad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Sold-to Business Partner
Address field.

Based on the Address Code field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tsmsc100.ofad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Sold-to Business Partner
Address field.
Based on the Sold-to Business Partner Address field, the City field is published.
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tsmsc100.ofad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Sold-to Business Partner
Address field.
Based on the Sold-to Business Partner Address field, the CountrySubDivisionCode field is published.
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tsmsc100.ofad 3) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Sold-to Business Partner
Address field.

Infor April 07, 2020 475

Based on the Sold-to Business Partner Address field, and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the
country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tsmsc100.ofad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Sold-to Business Partner
Address field.
Based on the Sold-to Business Partner Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
tsmsc100.ofcn Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Sold-to Contact field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tsmsc100.stbp Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners, Ship-to BP field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) tsmsc100.stbp 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Ship-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Ship-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published. An address block with text data and an address block with discrete
data will be published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tsmsc100.stad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Ship-to Business Partner
Address field.
Based on the Ship-to Business Partner Address field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tsmsc100.stad 7) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Ship-to Business Partner
Address field.
Based on the Ship-to Business Partner Address field, the six Address Lines are published.
One Address Line is published per sequence.
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tsmsc100.stad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Ship-to Business Partner
Address field.

Based on the Address Code field, the House Number field is published.
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tsmsc100.stad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Ship-to Business Partner
Address field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Building field is published.

1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tsmsc100.stad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Ship-to Business Partner
Address field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Street field is published.

1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tsmsc100.stad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Ship-to Business Partner
Address field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Unit field is published.

1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tsmsc100.stad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Ship-to Business Partner
Address field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Floor field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 476

1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tsmsc100.stad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Ship-to Business Partner
Address field.

Based on the Address Code field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tsmsc100.stad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Ship-To Party Business
Partner Address field.
Based on the Ship-to Business Partner Address field, the City field is published.
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tsmsc100.stad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Ship-to Business Partner
Address field.
Based on the Ship-to Business Partner Address field, the CountrySubDivisionCode field is published.
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tsmsc100.stad 3) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Ship-to Business Partner
Address field.
Based on the Ship-to Business Partner Address field, and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the
country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tsmsc100.stad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Ship-to Business Partner
Address field.
Based on the Ship-to Business Partner Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
tsmsc100.stcn Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Ship-to Contact field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tsmsc100.itbp Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Party field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) tsmsc100.itbp 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Invoicing-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published. An address block with text data and an address block with discrete
data will be published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tsmsc100.itad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Business Partner Address
Based on the Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tsmsc100.itad 7) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Business Partner Address
Based on the Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Business Partner Address field., the six Address Lines are published.
One Address Line is published per sequence.
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tsmsc100.itad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Business Partner Address

Based on the Address Code field, the House Number field is published.
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tsmsc100.itad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Business Partner Address
Infor April 07, 2020 477

Based on the Address Code field, the Building field is published.

1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tsmsc100.itad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Business Partner Address
Based on the Address Code field, the Street field is published.
1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tsmsc100.itad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Business Partner Address

Based on the Address Code field, the Unit field is published.+I184

1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tsmsc100.itad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Business Partner Address

Based on the Address Code field, the Floor field is published.

1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tsmsc100.itad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Business Partner Address

Based on the Address Code field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tsmsc100.itad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-To Party Business Partner
Address field.
Based on the Bill-To Party Business Partner Address field, the City field is published.
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tsmsc100.itad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice -To Party Business Partner
Address field.
Based on the Bill-ToPartyBusiness Partner Address field, the CountrySubDivisionCode field is published.
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tsmsc100.itad 3) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Invoice -ToPartyBusiness
Partner Address field.
Based on the Bill-ToPartyBusiness Partner Address field., and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of
the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tsmsc100.itad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-ToPartyBusiness Partner
Address field.
Based on the Invoicing tab, Bill-ToPartyBusiness Partner Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is
tsmsc100.itcn Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-To Party Contact field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tsmsc100.cfrw Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Carrier/LSP field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcmcs080.dsca 1) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0180s000), Description field.
2) tsmsc100.cfrw 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Carrier/LSP field.

Based on the Carrier/LSP field, the Description field is published.

tsmsc100.pfbp Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Financials, Pay-by BP field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) tsmsc100.pfbp 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Financials tab, Pay-by BP field.
Infor April 07, 2020 478
Based on the Pay-by BP field, the Name field is published.
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published. An address block with text data and an address block with discrete
data will be published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tsmsc100.pfad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Financials tab, Pay-by Business Partner Address field.
Based on the Pay-by Business Partner Address field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tsmsc100.pfad 7) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Financials tab, Pay-by Business Partner Address field.
Based on the Pay-by Business Partner Address field, the six Address Lines are published.
One Address Line is published per sequence.
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tsmsc100.pfad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Financials tab, Pay-by Business Partner Address field.

Based on the Address Code field, the House Number field is published.
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tsmsc100.pfad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Financials tab, Pay-by Business Partner Address field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Building field is published.

1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tsmsc100.pfad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Financials tab, Pay-by Business Partner Address field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Street field is published.

1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tsmsc100.pfad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Financials tab, Pay-by Business Partner Address field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Unit field is published.

1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tsmsc100.pfad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Financials tab, Pay-by Business Partner Address field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Floor field is published.

1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tsmsc100.pfad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Financials tab, Pay-by Business Partner Address field.

Based on the Address Code field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tsmsc100.pfad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Financials tab, Pay-by Business Partner Address field.
Based on the Pay-by Party Business Partner Address field, the City field is published.
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tsmsc100.pfad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Financials tab, Pay-by Business Partner Address field.
Based on the Pay-by Business Partner Address field, the CountrySubDivisionCode field is published.
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tsmsc100.pfad 3) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Financials tab, Pay-by Business Partner Address field.
Based on the Pay-by Business Partner Address field, and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the
country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tsmsc100.pfad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Financials tab, Pay-by Business Partner Address field.
Based on the Pay-by Business Partner Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
tsmsc100.pfcn Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Invoicing tab, Pay-by Contact field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

Infor April 07, 2020 479

The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tsmsc100.cpay Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Invoicing tab, Payment Term field.
Always filled with 'PaymentTerms'.
tsmsc100.ccrs Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Invoicing tab, Late Payment -Surcharge field.
tsmsc100.paym Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Invoicing tab, Payment Method field.
Always filled with 'PaymentMethods'.
tsmsc100.cstp Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), General tab, Service Type field.
Always filled with 'ServiceTypes'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tsmsc100.sttm Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), General tab, Start Date Time.
tsmsc100.fntm Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), General tab, Finish Date Time.
tsmsc100.srep Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), General tab, Sales Representative field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.
2) tsmsc100.srep 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), General tab, Sales Representative field.

Based on the Sales Representative field, the Name field is published.

tsmsc100.ccur Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Financials tab, Currency field.
tsmsc100.rtyp Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Financials tab, ExchangeRateType field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tsmsc100.clst 1) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), General tab, Installation Group field.
2) tsmsc100.item 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), General tab, Item field.
3) tsmsc100.sern 3) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), General tab, Serial Number field.

If the Installation Group field is filled, the concatenation of 'G' and the Installation Group field is published.
If the item is serialized, the concatenation of 'S', the Item field and the Serial Number field is published.
If the item is anonymous, the concatenation of 'N' and the Item field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
Always filled with 'Group'.
Always filled with 'Asset Types'.
1) tsbsc100.desc 1) Session Installation Groups (tsbsc1100m000), Description field.
2) tcibd001.dsca 2) Session Items (tcibd0501m000), Item Description field.
3) tsmsc100.clst 3) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), General tab, Installation Group field.
4) tsmsc100.item 4) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), General tab, Item field.

If the Installation Group field is filled, the Description (1) field is published. Otherwise, the Description (2) field is
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
tsmsc100.cprj Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Project Pegging, Project field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tsmsc100.cprj

Infor April 07, 2020 480

2) tcmcs052.dsca 1) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Project Pegging, Project field.
2) Session General Projects (tcmcs0552m000), Description field.

Based on the Project field, the Description field is published.

tsmsc100.pcac Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Project Pegging Tab, Activity field.
tsmsc100.cspa Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Project Pegging Tab, Element field.
1) tsmsc100.cbrn 1) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Line of Business field.
2) tsmsc100.creg 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Area field.
3) tsmsc100.cdec 3) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Delivery Terms field.
4) tsmsc100.soff 4) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), General tab, Service Office field.

If the Line of Business field is filled, the Line of Business field is published.
If the Area field is filled, the Area field is published.
If the Delivery Terms field is filled, based on the Delivery Terms field, the Delivery Terms Group is determined.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight), 'CIF' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to CFR (Cost and Freight), 'CFR' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to CPT (Carriage Paid To), 'CPT' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid to), 'CIP' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to DAF (Delivered At Frontier), 'DAF' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to DAP (Delivered At Place), 'DAP' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to DPU (Delivered At Place Unloaded), 'DPU' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to DAT (Delivered At Terminal), 'DAT' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay), 'DEQ' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to DES (Delivered Ex Ship), 'DES' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid), 'DDU' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to DDP (Delivered Duty Paid), 'DDP' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to EXW (Ex Works), 'EXW' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to FCA (Free Carrier), 'FCA' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to FAS (Free Alongside Ship), 'FAS' is published.
If the Delivery Terms Group is equal to FOB (Free On Board), 'FOB' is published.
If the Service Office field is filled, the Service Office field is published.
Based on the number of Classification Codes, the sequence number is set.
1) tsmsc100.cbrn 1) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Line of Business field.
2) tsmsc100.creg 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Area field.
3) tsmsc100.cdec 3) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Business Partners tab, Delivery Terms field.
4) tsmsc100.soff 4) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), General tab, Service Office field.

For the Line of Business field 'Industries' is published.

For the Area field 'Geographic Areas' is published.
For the Delivery Terms field 'Incoterms' is published.
For the Service Office field 'Departments' is published.
tsmsc110.lino Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), General tab, Line Number field.
1) tsmsc110.txta 1) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), General tab, Problem Text field.
2) tsmsc110.txtb 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), General tab, Solution Text field.
3) tsmsc110.txtd 3) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), General tab, Accessories Text field.
4) tsmsc110.txte 4) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), General tab, Maintenance SalesText field.
5) tsmsc110.txtc 5) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), General tab, Cancellation Text field.
1) tsmsc110.txta 1) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), General tab, Problem Text field.
2) tsmsc110.txtb 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), General tab, Solution Text field.
3) tsmsc110.txtd 3) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), General tab, Accessories Text field.
4) tsmsc110.txte 4) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), General tab, Maintenance SalesText field.
5) tsmsc110.txtc 5) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), General tab, Cancellation Text field.

For the Problem Text field always filled with 'Problem'.

For the Solution Text field always filled with 'Solution'.
For the Accessories Text field always filled with 'Accessories'.
For the MaintenanceSales Text field always filled with 'MaintenanceSales'.
For the Cancellation Text field always filled with 'Cancelation'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
1) tsmsc110.csco 1) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Pricing tab, Contract field.

For the Contract field, 'ServiceContract' is published.

tsmsc110.csco Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Pricing tab, Contract field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Infor April 07, 2020 481
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tsmsc110.lsta 1) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), General tab, Line Status field.
2) tsmsc110.ityn 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Execution tab, Interrupted field.

If the Line Status field is equal to 'Released' or 'Completed', 'Approved' is published.

If the Status field is equal to 'In Process', 'In Process' is published.
If the Line Status field is equal to 'Costed', 'Invoiced' is published.
If the Line Status field is equal to 'Closed', 'Closed' is published.
If the Line Status field is equal to 'Canceled', 'Canceled' is published.
If the Interrupted field is set, 'Hold' is published.
Always filled with 'MaintenanceOrderStatus'.
1) tsmsc110.lsta 1) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), General tab, Line Status field.
2) tsmsc110.cdat 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Execution tab, Cancellation Time.

If the Status is Canceled , the Cancellation Time is published.

1) tsmsc110.cdis 1) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Execution tab, Cancelation Reason field.
2) tsmsc110.crit 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1110m100), Execution tab, Interrupted Reason field.

If the Line Status is equal to Cancelled, the Cancel Reason Code field is published. Otherwise, if Interrupted
field is set, the Interrupted Reason field is published.
Always filled with 'LnReason'.
If record is deleted , it filled with 'FALSE'. If the status is Costed or Closed , filled with 'TRUE'.
tsmsc110.quan Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), General tab, Quantity field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tsmsc110.cuqs 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Unit field.

Based on the Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tsmsc110.item 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), General tab, Item field.
3) tsmsc110.quan 3) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), General tab, Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tsmsc110.item 3) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1100m100), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tsmsc110.pmtd 1) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Pricing tab, Payment Method field.
2) tsmsc110.pris 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Pricing tab, Sales Price field.

If the Payment Method field is equal to 'Single Fixed Price', the Sales Price field is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tsmsc100.ccur 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m000), Financials Tab, Order Currency field.

Based on the Order Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tsmsc100.soff 3) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m000), General Tab, Service Office.
4) tsmsc110.pris 4) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1110m100), Resource tab, Sales Price field.

Based on the Service Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Sales Price field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tsmsc100.soff 4) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m000), General Tab, Service Office.

Infor April 07, 2020 482

Based on the Service Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tsmsc100.soff 3) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m000), General Tab, Service Office.
4) tsmsc110.pris 4) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1110m100), Resource tab, Sales Price field.

Based on the Service Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
The Sales Price field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tsmsc100.soff 4) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m000), General Tab, Service Office.
Based on the Service Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
tsmsc110.pmtd Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Pricing tab, Payment Method field.

If the Payment Method field is equal to 'Fixed Order Price', '1.0' is published.
1) tsmsc110.cuqs 1) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Quantity Unit field.
2) tsmsc110.pmtd 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Pricing tab, Payment Method field.

If the Payment Method field is equal to 'Fixed Order Price', the Quantity Unit field is published.
1) tsmsc110.pmtd 1) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Pricing tab, Payment Method field.

If the Payment Method field is equal to 'Fixed Order Price', '1.0' is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tsmsc110.cuqs 3) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Quantity Unit field.
4) tsmsc110.item 4) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1100m100), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
tsmsc110.stbp Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Execution tab, Ship-to Business Partner field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) tsmsc110.stbp 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1110m100), Business Partners, Ship-to BP field.

Based on Ship-to BP field, name is published.

tsmsc110.stad Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Execution tab, Ship-to Address field.
s 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tsmsc110.stad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Execution tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Name field is published.

1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tsmsc110.stad 7) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Execution tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tsmsc110.stad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Execution tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the House Number field is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 483
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tsmsc110.stad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Execution tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Building field is published.

1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tsmsc110.stad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Execution tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Street field is published.

1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tsmsc110.stad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Execution tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Unit field is published.

1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tsmsc110.stad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Execution tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Floor field is published.

1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tsmsc110.stad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Execution tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tsmsc110.stad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Execution tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the City field is published.

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tsmsc110.stad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Execution tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the State/Province field is published.

1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tsmsc110.stad 3) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Execution tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tsmsc110.stad 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Execution tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
tsmsc110.stcn Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Execution tab, Ship-to Contact field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field.
2) tsmsc110.stcn 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Execution tab, Ship-to Contact field.

Based on the Ship-to Contact field, the Family Name field is published.
tsmsc111.paln Session Maintenance Sales Order Activity Lines (tsmsc1111m000), Line field.
tsmsc111.desc Session Maintenance Sales Order Activity Lines (tsmsc1111m000), Description field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
tsmsc111.crac Session Maintenance Sales Order Activity Lines (tsmsc1111m000), General tab, Reference Activity field.
Always filled with 'Activity Template'.
tsmsc111.orig Session Maintenance Sales Order Activity Lines (tsmsc1111m000), General tab, Origin field.
Always filled with 'Activity Line Origin'.
1) tsmsc111.pris 1) Session Maintenance Sales Order Activity Lines (tsmsc1111m000), Pricing tab, Sales Price field.
2) tsmsc111.pmtd 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order Activity Lines (tsmsc1111m000), Pricing Method field.
Infor April 07, 2020 484
If the Pricing Method field is equal to 'Fixed Activity Price', the Sales Price field is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tsmsc100.ccur 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m000), Financials Tab, Order Currency field.
3) tsmsc110.pmtd 3) Session Maintenance Sales Order Activity Lines (tsmsc1111m000), Pricing Method field.

If the Pricing Method field is equal to 'Fixed Activity Price', based on the Order Currency field, the ISO Code field
of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tsmsc100.soff 3) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m000), Service Office.
4) tsmsc111.pris 4) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1111m000), Resource tab, Sales Price field.
5) tsmsc111.pmtd 5) Session Maintenance Sales Order Activity Lines (tsmsc1111m000), Pricing Method field.

If the Pricing Method field is equal to 'Fixed Activity Price',

- Based on the Service Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
- Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
- The Sales Price field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tsmsc100.soff 4) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m000), Service Office.
5) tsmsc111.pmtd 5) Session Maintenance Sales Order Activity Lines (tsmsc1111m000), Pricing Method field.

If the Pricing Method field is equal to 'Fixed Activity Price',

- Based on the Service Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
- Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tsmsc100.soff 3) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m000), Service Office.
4) tsmsc111.pris 4) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1111m000), Resource tab, Sales Price field.
5) tsmsc111.pmtd 5) Session Maintenance Sales Order Activity Lines (tsmsc1111m000), Pricing Method field.

If the Pricing Method field is equal to 'Fixed Activity Price',

- Based on the Service Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
- Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
- The Sales Price field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tsmsc100.soff 4) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m000), Service Office.
5) tsmsc111.pmtd 5) Session Maintenance Sales Order Activity Lines (tsmsc1111m000), Pricing Method field.

If the Pricing Method field is equal to 'Fixed Activity Price',

- Based on the Service Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
- Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
Always filled with '1.0'.
tsmsc110.cuqs Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Quantity Unit field
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tsmsc111.item 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1111m000), Resource tab, Item field.
3) tsmsc110.quan 3) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tsmsc110.item 3) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1100m100), Item field.
4) tsmsc110.pmtd 4) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Pricing tab, Payment Method field.

If the Payment Method field is equal to 'Fixed Order Price', based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the
Inventory Unit is published.
tsmsc111.wono Session Maintenance Sales Order Activity Lines (tsmsc1111m000), Execution, Work Order field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

Infor April 07, 2020 485

The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tsmsc111.acln Session Maintenance Sales Order Activity Lines (tsmsc1111m000), Activity field.
tsmsc111.cprj Session Maintenance Sales Order Activity Lines (tsmsc1111m000), Project Pegging tab, Project Pegging,
Project field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tsmsc111.pcac Session Maintenance Sales Order Activity Lines (tsmsc1111m000), Execution, Activity field.
tsmsc111.cspa Session Maintenance Sales Order Activity Lines (tsmsc1111m000), Project Pegging tab, Project Pegging,
Element field.
tsmsc120.cvln Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Coverage line field.
tsmsc120.desc Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Description field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
tsmsc120.txta Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Invoicing, Detail text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
tsmsc120.clst Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Coverage line status.

If the Status field is equal to 'Approved Estimates' , 'Approve Estimates' is published.

If the Status field is equal to 'Approved Actuals' , 'Approve Actuals' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Costed', 'Invoiced' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Posted', 'Posted' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Rejected', 'Rejected' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Canceled', 'Canceled' is published.
Always filled with 'Coverage Line Status'.
For status 'Posted to Finance', true. Otherwise, false.
tsmsc120.cvlt Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Resource tab, Line origin field.
Always filled with 'Line Origin'.
tsmsc120.cotp Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Resource tab, Costtype field.
Always filled with 'Service Cost Types'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tsmsc120.item Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Resource tab, Item field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tsmsc120.sern Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Resource tab, Serial number field.
tsmsc120.cctp Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Resource tab, Coverage Type field.
Always filled with 'CoverageTypes'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
1) tsmsc120.shlt 1) Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Resource tab, Labor Type Sales
2) tsmsc120.ccmp field.
2) Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Resource tab, Cost Component
Unique increasing number starting with 1.
1) tsmsc120.shlt 1) Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Resource tab, Labor Type Sales
2) tsmsc120.ccmp field.
2) Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Resource tab, Cost Component

Infor April 07, 2020 486

For the Labor Type Sales field, 'Wage Group' is published.
For Cost Component field, 'Cost Centers' is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tsmsc120.quan Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Resource tab, Consumed Quantity
tsmsc120.cuni Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Resource tab, Consumed Quantity
Unit field.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tsmsc120.item 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Resource tab, Item field.
3) tsmsc120.quan 3) Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Resource tab, Consumed
Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Consumed Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tsmsc120.item 3) Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Resource tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
tsmsc120.pris Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Resource tab, Sales Price field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tsmsc100.ccur 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m000), Financials Tab, Order Currency field.

Based on the Order Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tsmsc100.soff 3) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m000), General Tab, Service Office.
4) tsmsc120.pris 4) Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Resource tab, Sales Price field.

Based on the Service Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Sales Price field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tsmsc100.soff 4) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m000), General Tab, Service Office.

Based on the Service Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tsmsc100.soff 3) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m000), General Tab, Service Office.
4) tsmsc120.pris 4) Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Resource tab, Sales Price field

Based on the Service Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
The Sales Price field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tsmsc100.soff 4) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m000), General Tab, Service Office.
Based on the Service Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
Always filled with '1'.
1) tcmcs001.icun The Sales Price field expressed in Local Currency is published.
2) tsmsc120.cuni
1) tsmsc120.item 1) Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Resource tab, Item field.
2) tsmsc120.cuni 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Resource tab, Sales Price Unit
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tsmsc120.cuni
Infor April 07, 2020 487
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Resource tab, Consumed
Quantity Unit field.
tsmsc120.pric Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Resource tab, Unit Cost field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tsmsc100.ccur 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m000), Financials Tab, Order Currency field.

Based on the Order Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tsmsc100.soff 3) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m000), General Tab, Service Office.
4) tsmsc120.pric 4) Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Resource tab, Unit Cost field.

Based on the Service Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Unit Cost field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tsmsc100.soff 4) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m000), General Tab, Service Office.

Based on the Service Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tsmsc100.soff 3) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m000), General Tab, Service Office.
4) tsmsc120.pric 4) Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Resource tab, Unit Cost field.

Based on the Service Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
The Unit Cost field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tsmsc100.soff 4) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m000), General Tab, Service Office.

Based on the Service Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
tsmsc120.stot Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Cost tab, Total Sales Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tsmsc100.ccur 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m000), Financials Tab, Order Currency field.

Based on the Order Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tsmsc100.soff 3) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m000), General Tab, Service Office.
4) tsmsc120.stot 4) Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Cost tab, Total Sales Amount

Based on the Service Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Total Sales Amount expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tsmsc100.soff 4) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m000), General Tab, Service Office field.

Based on the Service Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tsmsc100.soff 3) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m000), General Tab, Service Office field.
4) tsmsc120.stot 4) Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Cost tab, Total Sales Amount

Based on the Service Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Infor April 07, 2020 488
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
The Total Sales Amount field expressed in ReferenceCurrency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tsmsc100.soff 4) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m000), General Tab, Service Office.

Based on the Service Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
tsmsc120.snet Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Cost tab, Net Invoice Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tsmsc100.ccur 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m000), Financials Tab, Order Currency field.

Based on the Order Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tsmsc100.soff 3) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m000), General Tab, Service Office.
4) tsmsc120.snet 4) Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Cost tab, Net Invoice Amount

Based on the Service Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Net Invoice Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tsmsc100.soff 4) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m000), General Tab, Service Office.

Based on the Service Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tsmsc100.soff 3) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m000), General Tab, Service Office.
4) tsmsc120.snet 4) Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Cost tab, Net Invoice Amount field
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
The Amount field expressed in ReferenceCurrency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tsmsc100.soff 4) Session Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m000), General Tab, Service Office.
Based on the Service Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
tsmsc120.invd Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Invoicing, Date field.
tsmsc120.psdt Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Invoicing, Posting date field.
1) tsmsc120.wono 1) Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Origin tab, Work Order field.

The concatenation of 'W' and the Work Order field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tsmsc120.acln Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Origin tab, Work Order Activity field.
tsmsc120.cprj Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Resource tab, Project field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tsmsc120.pcac Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Resource tab, Project Activity field.
tsmsc120.cspa Session Maintenance Sales Order Line - Coverage Line (tsmsc1120m000), Resource tab, Element field.

Infor April 07, 2020 489

tsmsc110.lpro Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), General, Line Procedure Code.
Always filled with 'Line Procedure'.
1) tsmsc110.clst 1) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), General tab, Installation Group field.
2) tsmsc110.item 2) 1Session Maintenance Sales Order Lines (tsmsc1110m100), General tab, Item field.
3) tsmsc110.sern 3) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), General tab, Serial Number field.

If the Installation Group field is filled, the concatenation of 'G' and the Installation Group field is published.
If the item is serialized, the concatenation of 'S', the Item field and the Serial Number field is published.
If the item is anonymous, the concatenation of 'N' and the Item field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
Always filled with 'Group'.
Always filled with 'Asset Types'.
1) tsbsc100.desc 1) Session Installation Groups (tsbsc1100m000), Description field.
2) tcibd001.dsca 2) Session Items (tcibd0501m000), Item Description field.
3) tsmsc110.clst 3) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), General tab, Installation Group field.
4) tsmsc110.item 4) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), General tab, Item field.

If the Installation Group field is filled, the Description (1) field is published. Otherwise, the Description (2) field is
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
1) tsmsc110.mdpt 1) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Execution tab, Operation Department field.

The concatenation of 'D' and the Operation Department field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcmcs065.dsca 1) Session Departments (tcmcs0565m000), Description field.
2) tsmsc110.mdpt 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Execution tab, Operation Department field.

Based on the Operation Department field, the Description field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
Session Maintenance Sales Order Lines (tsmsc1110m100), General tab, Reference Activity field.
Always filled with 'Activity Templates'.
1) tsmsc110.wono 1) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Execution tab, Work Order field.

The concatenation of 'W' and Work Order field is published.

1) tsmsc110.wono 1) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Execution tab, Work Order field.

Based on the Work Order field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
1) tsmsc110.wono 1) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Execution tab, Work Order field.

Based on the Work Order field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tswcs200.ordt 1) Session Work Orders (tswcs2100m000), Order Date Time field.
2) tsmsc110.wono 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Execution tab, Work Order field.

Based on the Work Order field, the Order Date Time field is published.
tsmsc110.prob Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), General tab, Actual Problem Code field.
Always filled with 'Problem Codes'.

Infor April 07, 2020 490

tsmsc110.soln Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), General tab, Actual Solution Code field.
Always filled with 'Solution Code'.
tsmsc110.cvtm Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Pricing tab, Coverage Time field.
tsmsc110.call Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Origin tab, Call field.
1) tsmsc110.call 1) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Origin tab, Call field.

Based on the call field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
1) tsmsc110.call 1) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Origin tab, Call field.

Based on the call field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tsmsc110.cstp Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Pricing tab, Service Type field.
Always filled with 'Service Types'.
tsmsc110.cprj Session Maintenance Sales Orders Lines (tsmsc1110m100), Project Pegging, Project field.
1) tsmsc110.cprj 1) Session Maintenance Sales Orders Lines (tsmsc1110m100), Project Pegging, Project field.

Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
1) tsmsc110.cprj 1) Session Maintenance Sales Orders Lines (tsmsc1110m100), Project Pegging, Project field.

Based on the Project field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
1) tcmcs052.dsca 1) Session General Projects (tcmcs0552m000), Description field.
2) tsmsc110.cprj 2) Session Maintenance Sales Orders Lines (tsmsc1110m100), Project Pegging, Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Description field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
tsmsc100.pcac Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Project Pegging Tab, Activity field.
tsmsc100.cspa Session Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000), Project Pegging Tab, Element field.
1) tsmsc110.wrty 1) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Pricing tab, Warranty Code field.
2) tsmsc110.wrtp 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Pricing tab, Warranty type field.

If the Warranty Type is equal to 'General', the Warranty Code field is published.
1) tsmsc110.wrty 1) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Pricing tab, Warranty Code field.
2) tsmsc110.wrtp 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Pricing tab, Warranty type field.

If the Warranty Type is equal to 'Serial', the Warranty Code field is published.
tsmsc110.pdtm Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Logistic tab, Delivery Plan Time field.
tsmsc110.adtm Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Logistic tab, Delivery Actual Time.
tsmsc110.rwrh Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Logistic tab, Receipt Warehouse field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcmcs003.dsca 1) Session Warehouses - General (tcmcs0103s000), Description field.
2) tsmsc110.rwrh 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Logistic tab, Receipt Warehouse field.
Based on the Warehouse field, the Description field is published.
tsmsc110.dqty Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Logistic tab, Delivery Quantity field.

Infor April 07, 2020 491

tsmsc110.cuqs Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), General tab, Sales Quantity Unit.
tsmsc110.dcfw Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Logistic tab, Freight Delivery - Planned
Carrier field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcmcs080.dsca 1) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0180s000), Description field.
2) tsmsc110.dcfw 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Logistic tab, Freight Delivery - Planned
Carrier field.

Based on the Freight Delivery - Planned Carrier field, the Description field is published.
tsmsc110.dacw Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Freight tab, Actual Delivery Carrier field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcmcs080.dsca 1) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0180s000), Description field.
2) tsmsc110.dacw 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Freight tab, Actual Delivery Carrier field.

Based on the Actual Delivery Carrier field, the Description field is published.
tsmsc110.dlot Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Logistic tab, Delivery Lot field.
tsmsc110.dsel Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Logistic tab, Delivery Lot Selection field.
tsmsc110.pltm Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Freight tab, Planned Loading Time field.
tsmsc110.altm Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Freight tab, Actual Loading Time field.
tsmsc110.dlod Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Freight tab, Actual Delivery Load field.
tsmsc110.dshm Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Freight tab, Actual Shipment field.
1) tsmsc110.dshm 1) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Freight tab, Actual Shipment field.

Based on the Actual Shipment field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
1) tsmsc110.dshm 1) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Freight tab, Actual Shipment field.

Based on the Actual Shipment field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tsmsc110.dwgh Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Freight tab, Actual Delivery Weight field.
tsmsc110.dwtu Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Freight tab, Actual Delivery Weight Unit field.
tsmsc110.prtm Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Logistic tab, Receipt Plan Time field.
tsmsc110.artm Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Logistic tab, Receipt Actual Time.
tsmsc110.rwrh Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Logistic tab, Receipt Warehouse field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcmcs003.dsca 1) Session Warehouses - General (tcmcs0103s000), Description field.
2) tsmsc110.rwrh 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Logistic tab, Receipt Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the Description field is published.

tsmsc110.rqty Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Logistic tab, Receipt Quantity field.
tsmsc110.cuqs Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), General tab, Sales Quantity Unit.
Infor April 07, 2020 492
Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Logistic tab, Freight Receipt - Planned Carrier
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcmcs080.dsca 1) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0180s000), Description field.
2) tsmsc110.rcfw 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Logistic tab, Freight Receipt - Planned
Carrier field

Based on Freight Receipt - Planned Carrier field, the Description field is published.
tsmsc110.racw Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Freight tab, Actual Receipt Carrier field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcmcs080.dsca 1) Session Carriers/ LSP (tcmcs0180s000), Description field.
2) tsmsc110.racw 2) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Freight actual, Actual Receipt Carrier field.

Based on Actual Receipt Carrier field, the Description field is published

tsmsc110.rlot Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Logistic tab, Receipt Lot field.
tsmsc110.rsel Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Logistic tab, Receipt Lot selection field.
tsmsc110.putm Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Freight tab, Planned UnLoading Time field.
tsmsc110.autm Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Freight tab, Actual UnLoading Time field.
tsmsc110.rlod Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Freight tab, Actual Receipt Load field.
tsmsc110.rshm Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Freight actual, Receipt Shipment field.
1) tsmsc110.rshm 1) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Freight actual, Receipt Shipment field.

Based on the Receipt Shipment field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
1) tsmsc110.rshm 1) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Freight actual, Receipt Shipment field.

Based on the Receipt Shipment field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tsmsc110.rwgh Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Freight tab, Actual Receipt Weight field.
tsmsc110.rwtu Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Freight tab, Actual Receipt Weight unit field.
1) tsmsc110.styp 1) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Pricing tab, Sales Type field.
1) tsmsc110.styp 1) Session Maintenance Sales Order - Part Lines (tsmsc1110m000), Pricing tab, Sales Type field.

For the Sales Type field filled with 'Sales Types'.

Infor April 07, 2020 493

For AnticipatedPayment: This BOD is available for FP7 or later.
1) tfcmg110.bank
2) tfcmg110.tdoc For AnticipatedPayment:
3) tfcmg110.pdoc 1) Session Anticipated Payments (tfcmg2509s000), Payment Details tab, Bank field.
2) Session Anticipated Payments (tfcmg2509s000), Payment Details tab, Transaction Type field.
For BillingDate: 3) Session Anticipated Payments (tfcmg2509s000), Payment Details tab, Document for Ant. Pmt. field.
The concatenation of 'AnticipatedPayment', the Financial Company field, the Bank field, the Transaction Type
For Company: field and the Document for Ant. Pmt. is published.
This BOD is published when:
For EnterpriseUnit: - a new Anticipated Payment of type check is posted.
tcemm030.eunt - the Anticipated Payment of type check is reconciled.
- the status of a Payment document is reset.
For FinalizationError: - a Check is reprinted.
1) tfgld105.year
2) tfgld105.btno For BillingDate:
Session Billing Cycles (tpctm0130m000), Billing Cycle field.
For FiscalPeriod:
1) tfgld007.ptyp The concatenation of 'BillingDate' and the Billing Cycle field is published.
2) tfgld007.year
3) tfgld007.prno This BOD is published when session Publish Billing Dates (tpbod5230m000) is run and the field By Billing Date
is selected.
For Company:
cprrp800.runn Session Enterprise Units (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Company field.

For MaintenanceNotification: The concatenation of 'Company' and the Company field is published.
This BOD is published when users Create or Delete a Company.
For PurchaseContractLine:
1) tdpur301.cono For EnterpriseUnit:
2) tdpur301.pono Session Enterprise Units (tcemm0130m000), Enterprise Unit field.
3) tdpur301.cofc
4) tdpur301.csqn The concatenation of 'EnterpriseUnit' and the Enterprise Unit field is published.

For PurchaseInvoice: This BOD is published when users Create an Enterprise Unit.
1) tfacp200.ttyp
2) tfacp200.ninv Note: If enterprise unit is added user needs to setup Tenant, Accounting Entity and Location in session
tcemm3100m000 before BODs can be published for the new enterprise unit. Without this setup publishing BODs
For PurchaseScheduleLine: and entering transactions for new enterprise unit is blocked.
1) tdpur311.schn
2) tdpur311.styp For FinalizationError:
3) tdpur311.spon 1) Session Error Log (tfgld1106m000), Fiscal Year field.
4) tdpur311.stat 2) Session Error Log (tfgld1106m000), Batch field.
5) tdpur311.ddta
The concatenation of 'FinalizationError', the Fiscal Year field and the Period field is published.
For ServiceOrder:
tssoc200.orno This BOD is published after inserting or updating a record in the Error Log.

For TransactionType: For FiscalPeriod:

tfgld011.ttyp 1) Session Period Status (tfgld0107m000), Period Type field.
2) Session Period Status (tfgld0107m000), Fiscal Year field.
3) Session Period Status (tfgld0107m000), Period field.

The concatenation of 'FiscalPeriod', the Period Type field, the Fiscal Year field and the Period field is published.

This BOD is published when users Create or Update a Fiscal Period.

For GenerateOrderPlanningAborted:
Session Statistics Order Planning (cprrp8100m000), Run Number field.

The concatenation of 'GenerateOrderPlanningAborted and the Run Number field is published.

This BOD is published when Generate Order Planning is aborted.

This LnMessage/GenerateOrderPlanningAbortedBOD is available for LN 10.6 or later.

For MaintenanceNotification:
Session Maintenance Notifications (tscfg3110m000), Maintenance Notification field.

The concatenation of 'MaintenanceNotification' and the Maintenance Notification field is published.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete Maintenance Notifications.

For PurchaseContractLine:
1) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Contract field.
2) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Line field.

Infor April 07, 2020 494

3) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Purchase Office field.
4) Session Purchase Contract Line Details (tdpur3101m100), Sequence field.

The concatenation of 'PurchaseContractLine', Contract field, Line field and the Purchase Office field is published.
This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Contract Line. The contract parameter 'Use
Corporate Purchase Contracts' (tdpur000. ucpc.3) must be switched on.

This LnMessage/PurchaseContractLineBOD is available for LN 10.4 or later.

For PurchaseInvoice:
1) Session Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000), Invoice Data Tab, Invoice Document field.
2) Session Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000), Invoice Data Tab, Invoice Type field.

The concatenation of 'PurchaseInvoice' and the current company, Invoice Document field and Invoice Type field
is published.

This BOD is published when users:

- Create a Purchase Invoice.
- Update the status of a Purchase Invoice.
- Update the Matched with Orders field.
- Delete a Purchase Invoice (that is not yet approved).

For PurchaseScheduleLine:
1) Session Purchase Schedule Line (tdpur3111m000), Schedule field.
2) Session Purchase Schedule Line (tdpur3111m000), Type field.
3) Session Purchase Schedule Line (tdpur3111m000), Position field.
4) Session Purchase Schedule Line (tdpur3111m000), Status field.
5) Session Purchase Schedule Line (tdpur3111m000), Planned Receipt Date field.

The concatenation of 'PurchaseScheduleLine', Schedule field, Type field and Position field is published.
This BOD is published when users Create or Delete a Schedule Line, or Update the Status field or the Planned
Receipt Date field of a Schedule Line.

This LnMessage/PurchaseScheduleLineBOD is available for LN 10.3 or later.

For ServiceOrder:
Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), Service Order field.

The concatenation of 'ServiceOrder' and the Service Order field is published.

This BOD is published when users Create or Update a Service Order.

This LnMessage/ServiceOrderBOD is available until LN 10.5.2. It is not available anymore in LN 10.6 or later.

For TransactionType:
Session Transaction Types (tfgld0511m000), General Tab, Transaction Type field.

The concatenation of 'TransactionType' and the Transaction Type field is published.

This BOD is published when users Create or Update a Transaction Type.

This element is mandatory.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For AnticipatedPayment: For AnticipatedPayment:
1) tfcmg110.bank 1) Session Anticipated Payments (tfcmg2509s000), Payment Details tab, Bank field.
2) tfcmg110.tdoc 2) Session Anticipated Payments (tfcmg2509s000), Payment Details tab, Transaction Type field.
3) tfcmg110.pdoc 3) Session Anticipated Payments (tfcmg2509s000), Payment Details tab, Document for Ant. Pmt. field.

For BillingDate: The concatenation of the Financial Company field, the Bank field, the Transaction Type field and the Document
tpctm030.blcl for Ant. Pmt. is published.

For Company: For BillingDate:

tcemm170.comp Session Billing Cycles (tpctm0130m000), Billing Cycle field.

For EnterpriseUnit: For Company:

tcemm030.eunt Session Enterprise Units (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Company field.

For FinalizationError: For EnterpriseUnit:

1) tfgld105.year Session Enterprise Units (tcemm0130m000), Enterprise Unit field.
2) tfgld105.btno
For FinalizationError:
For FiscalPeriod: 1) Session Error Log (tfgld1106m000), Fiscal Year field.

Infor April 07, 2020 495

1) tfgld007.ptyp 2) Session Error Log (tfgld1106m000), Batch field.
2) tfgld007.year
3) tfgld007.prno The concatenation of the Fiscal Year field and the Period field is published.

For MaintenanceNotification: For FiscalPeriod:

tscfg310.mnno 1) Session Period Status (tfgld0107m000), Period Type field.
2) Session Period Status (tfgld0107m000), Fiscal Year field.
For PurchaseContractLine: 3) Session Period Status (tfgld0107m000), Period field.
1) tdpur301.cono
2) tdpur301.pono The concatenation of the Period Type field, the Fiscal Year field and the Period field is published.
3) tdpur301.cofc
For MaintenanceNotification:
For PurchaseInvoice: Session Maintenance Notifications (tscfg3110m000), Maintenance Notification field.
1) tfacp200.ttyp
2) tfacp200.ninv For PurchaseContractLine:
1) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Contract field.
For PurchaseScheduleLine: 2) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Line field.
1) tdpur311.schn 3) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Purchase Office field.
2) tdpur311.styp
3) tdpur311.spon The concatenation of the Contract field, Line field and the Purchase Office field is published.

For ServiceOrder:
tssoc200.orno For PurchaseInvoice:
1) Session Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000), Invoice Data Tab, Invoice Document field.
For TransactionType: 2) Session Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000), Invoice Data Tab, Invoice Type field.
The concatenation of the current company, Invoice Document field and Invoice Type field is published.

For PurchaseScheduleLine:
1) Session Purchase Schedule Line (tdpur3111m000), Schedule field.
2) Session Purchase Schedule Line (tdpur3111m000), Type field.
3) Session Purchase Schedule Line (tdpur3111m000), Position field.

The concatenation of Schedule field, Type field and Position field is published.

For ServiceOrder:
Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), Service Order field.

For TransactionType:
Session Transaction Types (tfgld511m000), General Tab, Transaction Type field.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For BillingDate: For BillingDate:
tpctm030.dsca Session Billing Cycles (tpctm0130m000), Description field.

For Company: For Company:

tcemm170.desc Session Enterprise Units (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Description field.

For EnterpriseUnit: For EnterpriseUnit:

tcemm030.dsca Session Enterprise Units (tcemm0130m000), Description field.

For MaintenanceNotification: For GenerateOrderPlanningAborted:

tscfg310.nome Always filled with: 'Session Generate Order Planning (cprrp1210m00) is aborted'.

For TransactionType: For MaintenanceNotification:

tfgld011.desc Session Maintenance Notifications (tscfg3110m000), Notification Message field.

For TransactionType:
Session Transaction Types (tfgld511m000), General Tab, Description field.
For FiscalPeriod: For AnticipatedPayment:
1) tfgld007.sacp If a new anticipated payment of type check is posted, 'Open' is published.
2) tfgld007.sacr If the check was paid by the bank, 'Complete' is published.
3) tfgld007.scmg If the check was rejected by the bank, 'Rejected' is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 496

4) tfgld007.sgld
5) tfgld007.sint For BillingDate:
Always filled with 'Open'.
For MaintenanceNotification:
tscfg310.nsta For Company:
If the Company is deleted, 'Deleted' is published. Otherwise, 'Open' is published.
For For FinalizationError:
PurchaseContractLineGroup: If the Error Log is deleted, 'Deleted' is published. Otherwise, 'Open' is published.
For FiscalPeriod:
For PurchaseInvoice: 1) Session Period Status (tfgld0107m000), Accounts Payable (ACP) field.
tfacp200.stap 2) Session Period Status (tfgld0107m000), Accounts Receivable (ACR) field.
3) Session Period Status (tfgld0107m000), Cash Management (CMG) field.
For PurchaseScheduleLine: 4) Session Period Status (tfgld0107m000), General Ledger (GLD) field.
tdpur311.stat 5) Session Period Status (tfgld0107m000), Integrations (INT) field.

For ServiceOrder: If the Accounts Payable (ACP) field, Accounts Receivable (ACR) field, Cash Management (CMG) field, General
1) tssoc200.osta Ledger (GLD) field and Integrations (INT) field are Closed (or Finally Closed), 'Closed' is published. Otherwise,
2) tssoc200.blyn 'Open' is published.
3) tssoc200.ityn
For FinalizationError:
If the Error Log is deleted, 'Deleted' is published. Otherwise, 'Open' is published.

For GenerateOrderPlanningAborted:
Always filled with 'Open'.

For MaintenanceNotification:
Session Maintenance Notifications (tscfg3110m000), Status field.

If the actionCode is equal to 'Cancelled' and the Status field is not equal to 'Transferred', 'Deleted' is published.

For PurchaseContractLineGroup:
Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Status field.

For PurchaseInvoice:
Session Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000), Invoice Data Tab, Invoice Status field.

Status 'Transaction Entered' and 'Registered' are published as 'Registered'.

If an not approved Invoice is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.

For PurchaseScheduleLine:
Session Purchase Schedule Line (tdpur3111m000), Status field.

If the Status field is equal to 'Created', 'Created' is published.

If the Status field is equal to 'Approved', 'Approved' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Disapproved', ''Disapproved' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Order Generated', 'OrderGenerated' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'ASN Received', 'ASNReceived' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Partial Receipt', ''PartialReceipt' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Final Receipt', 'FinalReceipt' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Invoiced', 'Invoiced' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Processed', 'Processed' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Canceled', 'Canceled' is published.

For ServiceOrder:
1) Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), General tab, Status field.
2) Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), General tab, Blocked field.
3) Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), General tab, Interrupted field.

If the Blocked field or the Interrupted field is equal to 'Yes', 'Hold' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Planned', 'Open' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Released', 'Approved' is published.
For AnticipatedPayment:
For BillingDate:
For Company:
For FinalizationError:
For FiscalPeriod:
For MaintenanceNotification:
For PurchaseContractLineGroup:
For PurchaseInvoice:
For PurchaseScheduleLine:

Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
For MaintenanceNotification: For AnticipatedPayment:
tscfg310.nsta Always 'false' is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 497

For Company:
If the 'Company' is deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For FinalizationError:
If the 'Error Log' is deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For FiscalPeriod:
Always 'false' is published.

For MaintenanceNotification:
Session Maintenance Notifications (tscfg3110m000), Status field.

If the actionCode is equal to 'Cancelled' and the Status field is not equal to 'Transferred', 'false' is published.
Otherwise, 'true' is published.

For PurchaseContractLineGroup:
If the 'PurchaseContractLine' is deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For PurchaseInvoice:
If the 'PurchaseInvoice' is deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For PurchaseScheduleLine:
If the 'Purchase Schedule Line' is deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For ServiceOrder:
If the 'Service Order' is deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For AnticipatedPayment: For AnticipatedPayment:
For BillingDate: For BillingDate:
For Company: For Company:
For EnterpriseUnit: For EnterpriseUnit:
For FiscalPeriod: For FiscalPeriod:
For MaintenanceNotification: For MaintenanceNotification:
For PurchaseContractLine: For PurchaseContractLine:
For PurchaseScheduleLine: For PurchaseScheduleLine:
For ServiceOrder: For ServiceOrder:
For TransactionType: For TransactionType:
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), User field.

For FinalizationError: For FinalizationError:

1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Employee field.
2) tfgld105.user 2) Session Error Log (tfgld1106m000), User field.

For PurchaseInvoice: For PurchaseInvoice:

1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Employee field.
2) tfacp200.user 2) Session Transaction Entry (tfgld1140m000), User field.

Based on the User field, the Employee field of the employee is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For AnticipatedPayment: For AnticipatedPayment:
For BillingDate: For BillingDate:
For Company: For Company:
For EnterpriseUnit: For EnterpriseUnit:
For FiscalPeriod: For FiscalPeriod:
For For GenerateOrderPlanningAborted:
GenerateOrderPlanningAborted:For MaintenanceNotification:
For MaintenanceNotification: For PurchaseContractLine:
For PurchaseContractLine: For PurchaseScheduleLine:
For PurchaseScheduleLine: For ServiceOrder:
For ServiceOrder: For TransactionType:
For TransactionType: Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), User field.
For FinalizationError:
For FinalizationError: Session Error Log (tfgld1106m000), User field.
For PurchaseInvoice:
For PurchaseInvoice: Session Transaction Entry (tfgld1140m000), User field.
For MaintenanceNotification: 1) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Installation Group field.
1) tscfg200.clst 2) Session Maintenance Notifications (tscfg3110m000), Maintenance Notification tab, Item field.
2) tscfg310.item 3) Session Maintenance Notifications (tscfg3110m000), Maintenance Notification tab, Serial number field.
Infor April 07, 2020 498
3) tscfg310.sern 4) Session Service Contracts (tsctm3100m000), Description field.
4) tsctm300.desc
Based on the Installation Group field, the Item field and the Serial number field, the Description field is published.
For MaintenanceNotification: For MaintenanceNotification:
1) tscfg200.clst 1) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Installation Group field.
2) tscfg310.item 2) Session Maintenance Notifications (tscfg3110m000), Maintenance Notification tab, Item field.
3) tscfg310.sern 3) Session Maintenance Notifications (tscfg3110m000), Maintenance Notification tab, Serial number field.
4) tsctm300.csco 4) Session Service Contracts (tsctm3100m000), Service Contract field.

Based on the Installation Group field, the Item field and the Serial number field, the Service Contract field is
For AnticipatedPayment:
Always filled with 'AnticipatedPayment'.

For BillingDate:
Always filled with 'BillingDate'.

For Company:
Always filled with 'Company'.

For EnterpriseUnit:
Always filled with 'EnterpriseUnit'.

For FinalizationError:
Always filled with 'FinalizationError'.

For FiscalPeriod:
Always filled with 'FisicalPeriod'.

For GenerateOrderPlanningAborted:
Always filled with 'GenerateOrderPlanningAborted'.

For MaintenanceNotification:
Always filled with 'MaintenanceNotification'.

For PurchaseContractLine:
Always filled with 'PurchaseContractLine'

For PurchaseInvoice:
Always filled with 'PurchaseInvoice'.

For PurchaseScheduleLine:
Always filled with 'PurchaseScheduleLine'

For ServiceOrder:
Always filled with 'ServiceOrder'.

For TransactionType:
Always filled with 'TransactionType'.
For For GenerateOrderPlanningAborted:
1) cprrp801.plni 1) Session Statistics Order Planning per Item (cprrp8101m000), Plan Item field.
2) tcibd001.dsca 2) Session Items (tcibd0501m000), Description field.
3) cprrp801.seqn 3) Session Statistics Order Planning per Item (cprrp8101m000), Sequence Number field.
4) cprrp800.cjob 4) Session Statistics Order Planning (cprrp8100m000), Job field.
5) cprrp800.sequ 5) Session Statistics Order Planning (cprrp8100m000), Job Sequence field.
6) tccom001.emno 6) Session Employees (tccom0501m000), Employee field.
7) tccom001.nama 7) Session Employees (tccom0501m000), Name field.
8) cprrp800.stdt 8) Session Statistics Order Planning (cprrp8100m000), Start Date field.
9) cprrp801.pbsh 9) Session Statistics Order Planning per Item (cprrp8101m000), Parallel bshell field.
10) cprrp800.runn 10) Session Statistics Order Planning (cprrp8100m000), Run number field.

For the Plan Item field, the LnMessage/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to 'Plan Item' and
LnMessage/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'StringType'
For the Description field, the LnMessage/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to 'Item Description'
and LnMessage/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'StringType'.
For the Sequence Number field, the LnMessage/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to 'Plan Item
Sequence Number' and LnMessage/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'NumericType'.
For the Failure Reason, the LnMessage/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to 'Failure Reason' and
LnMessage/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'StringType'.
For the Job field, the LnMessage/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to 'Job code' and LnMessage/
UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'StringType'.
For the Job Sequence field, the LnMessage/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to
'JobSequenceNumber' and LnMessage/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'NumericType'.
Infor April 07, 2020 499
Based on the Employee field, the Name field is published.
For the Name field, the LnMessage/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to 'User' and LnMessage/
UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'StringType'.
For the Start Date field, the LnMessage/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to 'Start Date Session'
and LnMessage/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'DateTimeType'.
For the Parallel bshell field, the LnMessage/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to 'Parallel Bshell
Number' and LnMessage/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'NumericType'.
Based on the Run numberfield the total number of Plan items is published.
For the total number of Plan items, the LnMessage/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is equal to 'Number
of items planned' and LnMessage/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is equal to 'NumericType'.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data
For For GenerateOrderPlanningAborted:
GenerateOrderPlanningAborted:1) Session Statistics Order Planning per Item (cprrp8101m000), Plan Item field.
1) cprrp801.plni 2) Session Items Planning (cprpd1100m000), Planner field.
2) cprpd100.plid
Based on the Plan Item field, the Planner field is published.
For MaintenanceNotification:
1) tscfg310.emno For MaintenanceNotification:
2) tscfg300.emno 1) Session Maintenance Notifications (tscfg3110m000), Assigned To field.
3) tscfg200.emno 2) Session Inspections (tscfg3100m000), Handled by field.
3) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Service Control tab, Preferred Engineer field.
For PurchaseContractLine:
tdpur300.ccon For PurchaseContractLine:
tdpur301.ccon Session Purchase Contract (tdpur3100m000), Buyer field.
Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Regeneration Data tab, Buyer field.
For PurchaseScheduleLine:
tdpur310.buyr For PurchaseScheduleLine:
Session Purchase Schedules (tdpur3110m000), Regeneration General tab, Buyer field.

For ServiceOrder:
Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), Service Engineer field.
For MaintenanceNotification: For GenerateOrderPlanningAborted:
1) tscfg310.emno Always filled with 'Employee'.
2) tscfg300.emno
3) tscfg200.emno For MaintenanceNotification:
1) Session Maintenance Notifications (tscfg3110m000), Assigned To field.
2) Session Inspections (tscfg3100m000), Handled by field.
3) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Service Control tab, Preferred Engineer field.

For the AssignedTo field, 'AssignedTo' is published.

For the Handled by field, 'MeasuredBy' is published.
For the Preferred Engineer field, 'PreferredEngineer' is published.

For PurchaseContractLine:
For PurchaseScheduleLine:
Always filled with 'Buyer'.

For ServiceOrder:
Always filled with 'ServiceEngineer'.
For MaintenanceNotification:
For PurchaseScheduleLine:
For ServiceOrder:
One Person is published per sequence.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For MaintenanceNotification: For MaintenanceNotification:
1) tscfg200.ofcn 1) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), General tab, Sold-to Contact field.
2) tscfg200.ccnt 2) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Service Control tab, Contact field.
For MaintenanceNotification: For MaintenanceNotification:
1) tscfg200.ofcn 1) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), General tab, Sold-to Contact field.
2) tscfg200.ccnt 2) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Service Control tab, Contact field.

For the Sold-to Contact field, 'Customer' is published.

For the Contact field, 'SerializedItem' is published.
For MaintenanceNotification:
One Contact is published per sequence.
Infor April 07, 2020 500
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
tfgld011.catg Session Transaction Types (tfgld511m000), General Tab, Transaction Category field.
tfacp200.ifbp Session Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000), Invoice Data Tab, Business Partner field.
tfacp200.ifbp Session Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000), Invoice Data Tab, Business Partner field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tfacp200.amnt Session Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000), Invoice Data Tab, Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tfacp200.ccur 2) Session Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000), Invoice Data Tab, Amount (Currency) field.

Based on the currency code of the transaction, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tfacp200.amth Session Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000), Invoice Data Tab, Amount in Home Currency field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.

Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
tfacp200.bref Session Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000), Payment Tab, Assigned Approver field.
tcemm030.lcmp Session Enterprise Units (tcemm0130m000), Logistic Company field.
tcemm030.fcmp Session Enterprise Units (tcemm0130m000), Financial Company field.
tcemm030.euca Session Enterprise Units (tcemm0130m000), Enterprise Unit Category field.
tcemm170.ctyp Session Enterprise Units (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Company Type field.
tcemm170.csys Session Enterprise Units (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Currency System field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

If the Currency System is equal to 'Dependent' and if the Reference Currency is not equal to the Local Currency,
based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tfgld007.year Session Period Status (tfgld0107m000), Fiscal Year field.
tfgld007.prno Session Period Status (tfgld0107m000), Period field.
tfgld007.prno Session Period Status (tfgld0107m000), Period field.
1) tfgld007.year 1) Session Period Status (tfgld0107m000), Fiscal Year field.
2) tfgld007.prno 2) Session Period Status (tfgld0107m000), Period field.

Based on the Fiscal Year field and the Period field, the PeriodEndDate is determined.
tfgld007.sacp Session Period Status (tfgld0107m000), Accounts Payable (ACP) field.

Status 'Closed' and 'Finally Closed' are published as 'Closed'.

tfgld007.sacr Session Period Status (tfgld0107m000), Accounts Receivable (ACR) field.

Status 'Closed' and 'Finally Closed' are published as 'Closed'.


Infor April 07, 2020 501

Session Period Status (tfgld0107m000), Cash Management (CMG) field.

Status 'Closed' and 'Finally Closed' are published as 'Closed'.

tfgld007.sint Session Period Status (tfgld0107m000), Integrations (INT) field.

Status 'Closed' and 'Finally Closed' are published as 'Closed'.

tfgld007.sgld Session Period Status (tfgld0107m000), General Ledger (GLD) field.

Status 'Closed' and 'Finally Closed' are published as 'Closed'.

tfgld105.year Session Error Log (tfgld1106m000), Fiscal Year field.
tfgld105.btno Session Error Log (tfgld1106m000), Batch field.
tfcmg110.paym Session Anticipated Payments (tfcmg2509s000), Payment Details tab, Payment/Receipt Method field.
tfcmg110.bpid Session Anticipated Payments (tfcmg2509s000), Payment Details tab, Business Partner field.
tfcmg110.bpid Session Anticipated Payments (tfcmg2509s000), Payment Details tab, Business Partner field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tfcmg110.amnt Session Anticipated Payments (tfcmg2509s000), Payment Details tab, Transaction Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tfcmg110.curr 2) Session Anticipated Payments (tfcmg2509s000), Payment Details tab, Currency/Rate field.

Based on the Currency/Rate field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tfcmg110.amnt 3) Session Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000), Invoice Data Tab, Amount field.

Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

The Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.

Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
tfcmg110.cheq Session Anticipated Payments (tfcmg2509s000), Payment Details tab, Check Number field.
tfcmg110.crea Session Anticipated Receipt Status (tfcmg2113s000), Date of Creation field.
tfcmg110.plan Session Anticipated Payments (tfcmg2509s000), Payment Details tab, Planned Clearing Date field.
tssoc200.corn Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), General tab, Customer Order field.
tssoc200.clst Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), General tab, Installation Group field.
tssoc200.ofbp Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), General tab, Sold-to BP field.
tssoc200.ofbp Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), General tab, Sold-to BP field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tssoc200.odpr Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), General tab, Order Procedure field.

If the Order Procedure field is equal to 'Normal', 'false' is published.

If the Order Procedure field is equal to 'Emergency', 'true' is published.
tssoc200.cwoc Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), General tab, Service Department field.
tssoc200.pstm Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), Times tab, Planned Start Time field.
tssoc200.pftm Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), Times tab, Planned Finish Time field.

Infor April 07, 2020 502

tssoc200.lftm Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), Times tab, Latest Finish Time field.
tscfg310.item Session Maintenance Notifications (tscfg3110m000), Item field.
tscfg310.item Session Maintenance Notifications (tscfg3110m000), Item field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tscfg310.sern Session Maintenance Notifications (tscfg3110m000), Serial number field.
tscfg310.fact Session Maintenance Notifications (tscfg3110m000), Follow-up Activity field.
tscfg310.crdt Session Maintenance Notifications (tscfg3110m000), Maintenance Notification tab, Creation Date field.
tscfg310.cmea Session Measurement Types (tsmdm0165m000), Measurement Type field.
1) tscfg310.cmea 1) Session Measurement Types (tsmdm0165m000), Measurement Type field.
2) tsmdm065.name 2) Session Counter Measurement Types (tsmdm0165m100), Name field.

Based on the Measurement Type field, the Name field is published.

1) tscfg310.ingd 1) Not displayed in any session, Inspection field.
2) tscfg300.mvln 2) Session Inspections (tscfg3100m000), Measured Value field.
3) tsmdm065.cmun 3) Session Counter Measurement Types (tsmdm0165m100), Unit field.

Based on the Inspection field, the concatenation of the Measured Value field and the Unit field is published.
tscfg300.rgtm Session Maintenance Notifications (tscfg3110m000), Inspections tab, Measured On field.
tscfg200.srbp Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), General tab, Alternate Serial Number field.
tscfg200.clst Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), General tab, Installation Group field.
tscfg200.ofbp Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), General tab, Sold-to B.P. field.
tscfg200.ofbp Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), General tab, Sold-to B.P. field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tscfg200.sigr Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Item Control, Serialized Item Group field.
tscfg200.stat Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Configuration Control, Status field.
tscfg200.titm Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Configuration Control, Top Item field.
tscfg200.tser Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Configuration Control, Top Serial Number field.
tpctm030.blcl Session Billing Cycles (tpctm0130m000), Billing Cycle field.

Based on the Billing Cycle field, the earliest calculated billing date is published.
tdpur311.styp Session Purchase Schedule Line (tdpur3111m000), Schedule Type field.

If the Schedule Type field is equal to 'Push', 'Push' is published.

If the Schedule Type field is equal to 'Pull Forecast', 'PullForecast' is published.
If the Schedule Type field is equal to 'Pull Call-off', 'PullCallOff' is published.
If the Schedule Type field is equal to 'Not Applicable', 'NotApplicable' is published.
tdpur311.ddta Session Purchase Schedule Line (tdpur3111m000), Planned Receipt Date field.

The UTC number of the Planned Receipt Date field is published.

tdpur311.item Session Purchase Schedule Line (tdpur3111m000), Item field.
tdpur311.item Session Purchase Schedule Line (tdpur3111m000), Item field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Infor April 07, 2020 503
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tdpur301.sdat Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Date / Status tab, Effective Date field.

This BOD element is available for LN 10.4 or later.

tdpur301.edat Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Date / Status tab, Expiry Date field.

This BOD element is available for LN 10.4 or later.

tdpur301.item Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Item field.

This BOD element is available for LN 10.4 or later.

tdpur301.item Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Item tab, Item field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tdpur301.qicl Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Invoicing tab, Called Quantity field.

This BOD element is available for LN 10.4 or later.

tcibd001.cuni Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Invoicing tab, Unit field.

This BOD element is available for LN 10.4 or later.

1) tdpur301.qicl 1) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Invoicing tab, Called Quantity field.
2) tdpur301.cltp 2) Not displayed in any session, Contract Lines Type field.

The sum of the Called Quantity field of the detail lines of all related lines with Contract Lines Type field is equal
to 'Detail' is published.

This BOD element is available for LN 10.4 or later.

tcibd001.cuni Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Invoicing tab, Unit field.

This BOD element is available for LN 10.4 or later.

1) tdpur301.qicl 1) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Invoicing tab, Called Quantity field.
2) f.agr.perc.agree 2) Session Purchase Contract Line - Analysis (tdpur3513m000), Aggregated Quantity tab, Usage field.

The Usage field, which is 100 times the total used quantity divided by the total agreed quantity is published.

This BOD element is available for LN 10.4 or later.

1) tdpur301.qicl 1) Session Purchase Contract Lines (tdpur3101m000), Invoicing tab, Called Quantity field.
2) f.agr.gty.diff 2) Session Purchase Contract Line - Analysis (tdpur3513m000), Aggregated Quantity tab, Expected Usage field.

The Expected Usage field, which is 100 times the expected quantity divided by the total agreed quantity is

This BOD element is available for LN 10.4 or later.

Infor April 07, 2020 504

1) cprao020.plnc 1) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Scenario field.
2) cprao020.plid 2) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Planner ID field.
3) cprao020.plni 3) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Plan Item field.
4) cprao020.type 4) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Type field.
5) cprao020.orno 5) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order field.
6) cprao020.pldt 6) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Reference Date field.
7) cprao020.sign 7) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Message field.
8) cprao020.pono 8) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Position field.
9) cprao020.seqn 9) Not displayed - Sequence Number field.

The concatenation of the Scenario field, the Planner ID field, the Plan Item field, the Order Type field, the Order
field, the Reference Date field, the Message field, the Position field and the Sequence Number field is published.

This BOD is published when users:

1) Execute the planning MRP Run and Planning Signals (or Exception Messages) are removed,
2) Create or update a Planning Signal.

This BOD is available for FP7 or later.

cprrp100.cwar Session Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000) (cprpd1100m000), Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
cprpd100.cwar Session Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000), Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) cprao020.plnc 1) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Scenario field.
2) cprao020.plid 2) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Planner ID field.
3) cprao020.plni 3) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Plan Item field.
4) cprao020.type 4) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Type field.
5) cprao020.orno 5) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order field.
6) cprao020.pldt 6) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Reference Date field.
7) cprao020.sign 7) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Message field.
8) cprao020.pono 8) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Position field.
9) cprao020.seqn 9) Not displayed - Sequence Number field.

The concatenation of the Scenario field, the Planner ID field, the Plan Item field, the Order Type field, the Order
field, the Reference Date field, the Message field, the Position field and the Sequence Number field is published.
cprao020.pldt Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Reference Date field.
cprao020.sign Not displayed - Exception Message.
cprao020.sign Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Exception Message field
cprao020.trdt Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Exception Message Date field.
cprao020.plid Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Planner ID field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) cprao020.plid 1) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao11235m000), Planner ID field.
2) tccom001.emno 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Employee field.
3) tccom001.nama 3) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.

Based on the Planner ID field and the Employee field, the Name field is published.
cprao020.plnc Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1135m000), Scenario field.
cprao020.plni Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Plan Item field.
1) cprao020.plni 1) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Plan Item field.
2) cprpd100.item 2) Session Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000), Plan Item field.
3) tcibd001.dsca 3) Session Items - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.

Infor April 07, 2020 505

Based on the Plan Item 1) field and the Plan Item 2) field, the Description field is published.
cprao020.plni Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Plan Item field, Cluster part.
cprao020.plni Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Plan Item field, Project part.
1) cprao020.cprj 1) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Plan Item field, Project part.
2) tcmcs052.cprj 2) Session General Projects (tcmcs0152s000), Project field.
3) tcmcs052.dsca 3) Session General Projects (tcmcs0152s000), Description I field.

Based on the Project part of the Plan Item field and the Project field, the Description I field is published.
cprao020.plni Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Plan Item field, Item part.
1) cprao020.plni 1) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Plan Item field.
2) cprpd100.item 2) Session Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000), Plan Item field.
3) tcibd001.dsca 3) Session Items - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.

Based on the Plan Item 1) field and the Plan Item 2) field, the Description field is published.
cprao020.type Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Type field.

If the OrderType field is equal to 'Planned Production Order', 'PlannedProductionOrder' is published.

If the OrderType field is equal to 'Planned Purchase Order', 'PlannedPurchaseOrder' is published.
If the OrderType field is equal to 'Planned Distribution Order', 'PlannedDistributionOrder' is published.
Otherwise, nothing is published.
cprao020.orno Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order field.
cprao020.mess Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Message field.
cprao020.prio Not displayed - Priority Code.
cprao020.quan Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Information tab, Quantity field.
1) cprao020.plni 1) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Plan Item field, Item part.
2) tcibd001.item 2) Session Items - General (tcibd0101s000), Item field.
3) tcibd001.cuni 3) Session Items - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Item part of the Plan Item field and the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is published.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) cprao020.plni 2) Session Exception Messages by planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Plan Item field, Item part.
3) cprao020.quan 3) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Information tab, Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) cprao020.plni 3) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item, Plan Item field, Item part.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
cprao020.prdt Not displayed - RequiredDateTime.
cprao020.resd Not displayed - RescheduleDateTime.
cprao020.acce Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Accept field.

If the Accept field is selected, 'true' is published.

Otherwise, 'false' is published.
cprao020.effn Not displayed - Obsolete field.

If the Exception Message is deleted, 'true' is published.

Otherwise, 'false' is published.
cprao020.autp Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Auto Process field.

Infor April 07, 2020 506

If the Auto Process field is selected, 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.
cprao020.proc Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Processed field.

If the Processed field is selected, 'true' is published.

Otherwise, 'false' is published.
1) cprao020.type 1) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Type field.
2) cprao020.orno 2) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order field.
3) cprao020.plni 3) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Plan Item field.
4) tdpur400.orno 4) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4101m000), Order field.
5) tdpur400.ccon 5) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Buyer field.
6) tdipu001.item 6) Session Items - Purchase (tdipu0101m000), Item field.
7) tdipu001.buyr 7) Session Items - Purchase (tdipu0101m000), Buyer field.
8) whina310.orno 8) Session Purchase Order Advice (whina3110m000), Order Advice field.
9) whina310.buyr 9) Session Purchase Order Advice (whina3110m000), Buyer field.
10) tdpur200.rqno 10) Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), Requisition field.
11) tdpur200.ccon 11) Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), Buyer field.

If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Order' or 'Purchase Order (Manual)', based on the Order 2) field
and the Order 4) field, the Buyer 5) field is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Planned Purchase Order' or 'Planned Distribution Order' or 'Planned
Production Order', based on the Plan Item field and the Item 6) field, the Buyer 7) field is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Order Advice', based on the Order 2) field and the Order Advice
field, the Buyer 9) field is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Requisition', based on the Order 2) field and the Requisition field,
the Buyer 11) field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) cprao020.type 1) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Type field.
2) cprao020.orno 2) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order field.
3) cprao020.plni 3) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Plan Item field.
4) tdpur400.orno 4) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4101m000), Order field.
5) tdpur400.ccon 5) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Buyer field.
6) tdipu001.item 6) Session Items - Purchase (tdipu0101m000), Item field.
7) tdipu001.buyr 7) Session Items - Purchase (tdipu0101m000), Buyer field.
8) whina310.orno 8) Session Purchase Order Advice (whina3110m000), Order Advice field.
9) whina310.buyr 9) Session Purchase Order Advice (whina3110m000), Buyer field.
10) tdpur200.rqno 10) Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), Requisition field.
11) tdpur200.ccon 11) Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), Buyer field.
12) tccom001.emno 12) Session Items - General (tccom0101m000), Buyer field.
13) tccom001.nama 13) Session Items - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.

If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Order' or 'Purchase Order (Manual)', based on the Order 2) field,
the Order 4) field, the Buyer 5) field and the Buyer 12) field, the Name field is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Planned Purchase Order' or 'Planned Distribution Order' or 'Planned
Production Order', based on the Plan Item field, the Item 6) field, the Buyer 7) field and the Buyer 12) field, the
Name field is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Order Advice', based on the Order 2) field, the Order Advice field,
the Buyer 9) field and the Buyer 12) field, the Name field is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Requisition', based on the Order 2) field, the Requisition field, Buyer
11) field and the Buyer 12) field, the Name field is published.
Otherwise, nothing is published.
1) cpra020.type 1) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Type field.
2) cprao020.orno 2) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order field.
3) tssoc200.orno 3) Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), Service Order field.
4) tssoc200.emno 4) Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), Service Engineer field.

If the Order Type field is equal to 'Service Order' or 'Service Order (Manual)', based on the Order field and the
Service Order field, the Service Engineer field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) cpra020.type 1) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Type field.
2) cprao020.orno 2) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order field.
3) tssoc200.orno 3) Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), Service Order field.

Infor April 07, 2020 507

4) tssoc200.emno 4) Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), Service Engineer field.
5) tccom001.emno 5) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Employee field.
6) tccom001.nama 6) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.

If the Order Type field is equal to 'Service Order' or 'Service Order (Manual)', based on the Order field, the
Service Order field, the Service Engineer field and the Employee field, the Name field is published.
1) cpra020.type 1) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Type field.
2) cprao020.orno 2) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order field.
3) cprao020.pono 3) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Position field.
4) tssoc200.orno 4) Session Service Order - Lines (tssoc2100m000), Service Order field.
5) tssoc205.line 5) Session Service Order - Lines (tssoc2100m000), Line field.
6) tssoc205.emno 6) Session Service Order - Lines (tssoc2100m000), Assignments tab, Service Engineer field.

If the Order Type field is equal to 'Service Order', 'Service Order (Manual)', 'Maintenance Sales Order' or
'Maintenance Sales Order (Manual)' based on the Order field, the Position field, the Service Order field and the
Line field, the Service Engineer field is published.
1) cprao020.type 1) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Type field.
2) cprao020.orno 2) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order field.
3) tdsls400.orno 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000, Order field.
4) tdsls400.crep 4) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Internal Representative field.

If the Order Type field is equal to 'Sales Order' or 'Sales Order (Manual)', based on the Order 2) field and the
Order 3) field, the Internal Representative field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) cprao020.type 1) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Type field.
2) cprao020.orno 2) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order field.
3) tdsls400.orno 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Order field.
4) tdsls400.crep 4) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Internal Sales Representative field.
5) tccom001.emno 5) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Employee field.
6) tccom001.nama 6) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.

If the Order Type field is equal to 'Sales Order' or 'Sales Order (Manual)', based on the Order 2) field, the Order
3) field, the Internal Sales Representative field and the Employee field, the Name field is published.
1) cprao020.type 1) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item, (cprao1125m000), Order Type field.
2) cprao020.orno 2) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item , (cprao1125m000), Order field.

If the Order Type field is not equal to 'Planned Production Order', 'Planned Purchase Order' or 'Planned
Distribution Order', and the Order field is not empty, this field is published.
cprpd100.cwar Session Items - Planning (cprpd1100m000), Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
cprpd100.cwar Session tems - Planning (cprpd1100m000), Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
cprao020.pono Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Position field.
Not displayed - The Logistical Company from which the Exception Message is published from, is published.
1) cprao020.type 1) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Type field.
2) cprao020.orno 2) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order field.
3) tdsls400.orno 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Order field.
4) tdsls400.cofc 4) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Sales Office field.
5) tdsls311.schn 5) session Sales Schedules (tdsls3111m000), Schedule field.
6) tdsls311.cofc 6) Session Sales Schedules (tdsls3111m000), Sales Office field.
7) tdsls100.qono 7) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), Quotation field.
8) tdsls100.cofcc 8) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), Sales Office field.
9) tiasc200.asso 9) Session Assembly Orders (tiasc2100s000) Assembly Order field.
10) tiasc200.clco 10) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), Order tab, Calculation Office field.
11) tisfc001.pdno 11) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Production Order field.
12) tisfc001.clco 12) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Costing tab, Calculation Office field.
13) tdpur200.rqno 13) Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), Requisition field.
Infor April 07, 2020 508
14) tdpur200.cofc 14) Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), Conversion tab, Purchase Office field.
15) tdpur400.orno 15) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4101m000), Order field.
16) tdpur400.cofc 16) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m00), Purchase Office field.
17) tdpur310.schn 17) session Purchase Schedules (tdpur3110m000), Purchase Schedule field.
18) tdpur310.cofc 18) Session Purchase Schedules (tdpur3110m000), Regeneration Data tab, Purchase Office field.
19) tssoc200.orno 19) Session Service Orders (tssc01200m000), Service Order field.
20) tssoc200.cwoc 20) Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), Service Department field.
21) tcmcs065.cwoc 21) Session Departments (tcmcs0565m000), Department field.
22) tcmcs065.typd 22) Session Departments (tcmcs0565m000), Department Type field.
23) tcemm110.enty 23) Session Key Entities (tcemm1510m000), Entity Type field.
24) tcemm110.enid 24) Session Key Entities (tcemm1510m000), Entity field.
25) tcemm110.grid 25) Session Key Entities (tcemm1510m000) Enterprise Unit field.

If the Order Type field is equal to 'Sales Order' or 'Sales Order (Manual)', based on the Order 2) field, the Order
3) field and the Sales Office 4) field or,
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Sales Schedule', based on the Order 2) field, the Schedule field and the Sales
Office 6) field or,
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Sales Quotation', based on the Order 2) field and the Quotation field, the
Sales Office 8) field or,
If the Order Type field is equal to 'ASC Production Order', based on the Order 2) field and the Assembly Order
field and the Calculation Office field or,
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Production Order' or 'Production Order (Manual)', based on the Order 2) field,
the Production Order field and the Calculation Office 12) or,
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Requisition', based on the Order 2) field, the Requisition field and
the Purchase Office 14) field or,
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Order' or 'Purchase Order (Manual)', based on the Order 2) field
and the Order 15) field and the Purchase Office 16) field or,
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Schedule', based on the Order 2) field and the Purchase Schedule
field and the Purchase Office 18) field or,
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Service Order', 'Service Order (Manual)' or 'Maintenance Sales Order
(Manual)', based on the Order 2) field and the Service Order field and the Service Department field, then:

based on the Department field, the Department Type field and the Entity Type field, the Enterprise Unit field is
1) cprao020.type 1) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Type field.
2) cprao020.orno 2) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order field.
3) tdsls400.orno 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Order field.
4) tdsls400.cofc 4) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Sales Office field.
5) tdsls311.schn 5) session Sales Schedules (tdsls3111m000), Schedule field.
6) tdsls311.cofc 6) Session Sales Schedules (tdsls3111m000), Sales Office field.
7) tdsls100.qono 7) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), Quotation field.
8) tdsls100.cofc 8) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), Sales Office field.
9) tiasc200.asso 9) Session Assembly Orders (tiasc2100s000) Assembly Order field.
10) tiasc200.clco 10) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), Order tab, Calculation Office field.
11) tisfc001.pdno 11) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Production Order field.
12) tisfc001.clco 12) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Costing tab, Calculation Office field.
13) tdpur200.rqno 13) Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), Requisition field.
14) tdpur200.cofc 14) Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), Conversion tab, Purchase Office field.
15) tdpur400.orno 15) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4101m000), Order field.
16) tdpur400.cofc 16) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m00), Purchase Office field.
17) tdpur310.schn 17) session Purchase Schedules (tdpur3110m000), Purchase Schedule field.
18) tdpur310.cofc 18) Session Purchase Schedules (tdpur3110m000), Regeneration Data tab, Purchase Office field.
19) tssoc200.orno 19) Session Service Orders (tssc01200m000), Service Order field.
20) tssoc200.cwoc 20) Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), Service Department field.

If the Order Type field is equal to 'Sales Order' or 'Sales Order (Manual)', based on the Order 2) field and the
Order 3) field, the Sales Office 4) field is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Sales Schedule', based on the Order 2) field and the Schedule field, the Sales
Office 6) is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Sales Quotation', based on the Order 2) field and the Quotation field, the
Sales Office 8) is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'ASC Production Order', based on the Order 2) field and the Assembly Order
field, the Calculation Office 10) field is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Production Order' or 'Production Order (Manual)', base on the Order 2) field
and the Production Order field, the Calculation Office 12) field is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Requisition', based on the Order 2) field and the Requisition field,
the Purchase Office 14) field is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Order' or 'Purchase Order (Manual)', based on the Order 2) field
and the Order 15) field, the Purchase Office 16) field is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Schedule', based on the Order 2) field and the Purchase Schedule
field, the Purchase Office 18) is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Service Order', 'Service Order (Manual)' or 'Maintenance Sales Order
(Manual)', based on the Order 2) field and the Service Order field, the Service Department field is published.
1) cprao020.type 1) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Type field.
2) cprao020.orno 2) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order field.
3) tdpur400.orno 3) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Order field.
Infor April 07, 2020 509
4) tdpur400.oamt 4) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Financial group, Order Amount field.
5) tdsls400.orno 5) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Number field.
6) tdsls400.oamt 6) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Order Amount field.
7) tdpur201.rqno 7) Session Purchase Requisition Lines (tdpur2502m000), Requisition field.
8) tdpur201.oamt 8) Session Purchase Requisition Lines (tdpur2502m000), Amount field.

If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Order' or 'Purchase Order (Manual)', based on the Order 2) field
and the Order 3) field, the Order Amount 4) field is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Sales Order' or 'Sales Order (Manual)', based on the Order 2) field and the
Number field, the Order Amount 6) field is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Requisition', based on the Order field and the Requisition field, the
total of the Amount fields 8) is published.
1) tcms002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) cprao020.type 2) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Type field.
3) cprao020.orno 3) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order field.
4) tdpur400.orno 4) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4100m000), Purchase Order field.
5) tdpur400.ccur 5) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Invoicing tab, Currency field.
6) tdsls400.orno 6) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Number field.
7) tdsls400.ccur 7) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Currency field.
8) tdpur200.rqno 8) Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), Requisition field.
9) tdpur200.ccur 9) Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), Conversion tab, Currency field.

If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Order' or 'Purchase Order (Manual)', based on the Order field and
the Purchase Order field, the ISO Code field of the Currency 5) field is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Sales Order' or 'Sales Order (Manual)', based on the Order field and the
Number field, the ISO Code field of the Currency 7) field is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Requisition', based on the Order field and the Requisition field, the
ISO Code field of the Currency 9) field is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) cprao020.type 3) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Type field.
4) tdpur400.cofc 4) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Purchase Office field.
5) tdsls400.cofc 5) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Sales Office field.
6) tdpur200.cofc 6) Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), Conversion tab, Purchase Office field.
7) tdpur400.oamt 7) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Order Amount field.
8) tdsls400.oamt 8) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Order Amount field.
9) tdsls201.oamt 9) Session Purchase Requisition - Lines (tdpur2502m000), Buying tab, Amount field.

- If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Order' or 'Purchase Order (Manual)', based on the Purchase Office
4) field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Order Amount 7) field expressed in Local Currency is published.
- if the Order Type field is equal to 'Sales Order' or 'Sales Order (Manual)', based on the Sales Office 5) field, the
Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Order Amount 8) field expressed in Local Currency is published.
- if the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Requisition', based on the Purchase Office 6) field, the Company
field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The sum of the Amount 8) fields, expressed in Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) cprao020.type 4) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Type field.
5) tdpur400.cofc 5) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Purchase Office field.
6) tdsls400.cofc 6) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Sales Office field.
7) tdpur200.cofc 7) Session Requisition - Lines (tdpur2501m000), Purchase Office field.
8) tdpur400.oamt
9) tdsls400.oamt If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Order' or 'Purchase order (Manual)', based on the Purchase Office
10) tdpur201.oamt 5), the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
- if the Order Type field is equal to 'Sales Order' or 'Sales Order (Manual)', based on the Sales Office 5) field, the
Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Order Amount 8) field expressed in Local Currency is published.
- if the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Requisition', based on the Purchase Office 6) field, the Company
field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The sum of the Amount 8) fields, expressed in Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) cprao020.type 3) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Type field.
Infor April 07, 2020 510
4) tdpur400.cofc 4) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Purchase Office field.
5) tdsls400.cofc 5) Session Sales order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Sales Office field.
6) tdpur200.cofc 6) Session Purchase Requisition - Lines (tdpur2502m000), Buying tab, Purchase Office field.
7) tdpur400.oamt 7) Session Purchase order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Order Amount field.
8) tdsls400.oamt 8) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4101m900), Order Amount field.
9) tdsls201.oamt 9) Session Purchase Requisition - Lines (tdpur2502m000), Buying tab, Amount field.

- If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Order' or 'Purchase Order (Manual)', based on the Purchase Office
4) field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
The Order Amount 7) field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
- if the Order Type field is equal to 'Sales Order' or 'Sales Order (Manual)', based on the Sales Office 5) field, the
Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
The Order Amount 8) field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
- if the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Requisition', based on the Purchase Office 6) field, the Company
field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
The Amount 9) field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) cprao020.type 4) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Type field.
5) tdpur400.cofc 5) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Purchase Office field.
6) tdsls400.cofc 6) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Sales Office field.
7) tdpur200.cofc 7) Session Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), Purchase Office field.

- If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Order' or 'Purchase Order (Manual)', based on the Purchase Office
5) field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
- If the Order Type field is equal to 'Sales Order' or 'Sales Order (Manual)', based on the Sales Office 6) field,
the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
- If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Requisition)', based on the Purchase Office 5) field, the Company
field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) cprao020.type 1) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Type field.
2) cprao020.orno 2) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order field.
3) tisfc001.pdno 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101m000), Production Order field.
4) tisfc001.osta 4) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101m000), Order Status field.
5) tiasc200.asso 5) Session Assembly Orders (tiasc2502m000), Assembly Order field.
6) tiasc200.asst 6) Session Assembly Orders (tiasc2502m000), Assembly Order Status field.
7) tdpur400.orno 7) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Order field.
8) tdpur400.hdst 8) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Status field.
9) tdsls401.orno 9) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4101m000), Sales Order field.
10) tdsls401.pono 10) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Position field.
11) tdsls401.bkyn 11) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Canceled field.
12) tdsls401.clyn 12) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Blocked field.
13) cprao020.pono 13) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Position field.
14) tdpur201.orno 14) Session Requisition Lines (tdpur2502m000), Requisition field.
15) tdpur201.pono 15) Session requisition Lines (tdpur2502m000), Position field.
16) tdpur201.recj 16) Session Requisition Lines (tdpur2502m000), Buying tab, Rejected field.

If the Order Type field equal to 'Production Order', based on the Order 2) field and the Production Order field,
- If the Order Status field is equal to 'Planned', 'Scheduled' or 'Documents Printed', 'Planned' is published.
- If the Order Status field is equal to 'Active', 'Active' is published.
- If the Order Status field is equal to 'To be Completed' or 'Completed', 'Completed' is published.
- If the Order Status field is equal to 'Closed', 'Closed' is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'ASC Production Order', based on the Order 2) field and the Assembly Order
- If the Order Status field is equal to 'Sequenced', 'Released' is published.
- If the Order Status field is equal to 'In Progress', 'Active' is published.
- If the Order Status field is equal to 'To be Completed', 'Active' is published.
- If the Order Status field is equal to 'Canceled', 'Canceled' is published.
- If the Order Status field is equal to 'Closed', 'Closed' is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Order' or 'Purchase Order (Manual)', based on the Order 2) field
and the Order 7) field,
- If the Status field is equal to 'Modified', 'Modified' is published.
- If the Status field is not equal to 'Modified', 'Open' is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Sales Order' or 'Sales Order (Manual)', based on the Order 2) field and the
Order 7) field,
- If the Canceled field is selected, 'Canceled' is published.
- If the Blocked field is selected, 'Blocked' is published.
- If the Canceled field is not selected and the Blocked field is not selected, 'Open' is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 511

If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Requisition', based on the Order 2) field, the Requisition field, the
Position 10) field and the position 15) field,
- If the Rejected field is not selected, 'Open' is published.
- Otherwise, 'Rejected' is published.
1) cprao020.type 1) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Type field.
2) cprao020.orno 2) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order field.
3) cprao020.pono 3) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Position field.
4) tisfc001.pdno 4) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101m000), Production Order field.
5) tisfc001.osta 5) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101m000), Order Status field.
6) tiasc200.asso 6) Session Assembly Orders (tiasc2502m000), Assembly Order field.
7) tiasc200.asst 7) Session Assembly Orders (tiasc2502m000), Assembly Order Status field.
8) tdpur401.orno 8) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Order field.
9) tdpur401.pono 9) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Position field.
10) tdpur401.clyn 10) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Canceled field.
11) tdpur400.hdst 11) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Status field.
12) tdsls401.orno 12) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Sales Order field.
13) tdsls401.pono 13) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Position field.
14) tdsls401.clyn 14) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Canceled field.
15) tdsls401.bkyn 15) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Blocked field.
16) tdpur201.orno 16) Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2500m000), Requisition field.
17) tdpur201.recj 17) Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2502m000), Buying tab, Rejected field.

If the Order Type field is equal to 'Production Order', based on the Order 2) field and the Production Order field,
- If the Order Status field is equal to 'Planned', 'Scheduled' or 'Documents Printed', 'Planned' is published.
- If the Order Status field is equal to 'Active', 'Active' is published.
- If the Order Status field is equal to 'To be Completed' or 'Completed', 'Completed' is published.
- If the Order Status field is equal to 'Closed', 'Closed' is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'ASC Production Order', based on the Order 2) field and the Assembly Order
- If the Order Status field is equal to 'Sequenced', 'Released' is published.
- If the Order Status field is equal to 'In Progress', 'Active' is published.
- If the Order Status field is equal to 'To be Completed', 'Active' is published.
- If the Order Status field is equal to 'Canceled', 'Canceled' is published.
- If the Order Status field is equal to 'Closed', 'Closed' is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Order' or 'Purchase Order (Manual)', based on the Order 2) field,
the Order 8) field, the Position 3) field and Position 9) field,
- If the Canceled 10) field is selected, 'Canceled' is published.
- If the Status 11) field is equal to 'Closed', 'Closed' is published.
- Otherwise, 'Open' is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Sales Order' or 'Sales Order (Manual)', based on the Order 2) field, the
Position 3) field, the Order 12) field and the Position 13) field,
- If the Canceled 14) field is selected, 'Canceled' is published.
- If the Blocked 15) field is selected, 'Blocked' is published.
- If the Canceled 14) field is not selected and the Blocked 15) field is not selected, 'Open' is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Requisition', based on the Order 2) field, the Requisition field, the
Position 3) field and the Position 14) field,
- If the Rejected field is selected, 'Rejected' is published.
- Otherwise, 'Open' is published.
1) cprao020.type 1) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Type field.
2) cprao020.orno 2) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order field.
3) cprao020.pono 3) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Position field.
4) tpur401.orno 4) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Order field.
5) tdpur401.pono 5) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Line field.
6) tdpur401.oamt 6) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Order Amount field.
7) tdsls401.orno 7) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Order field.
8) tdsls401.pono 8) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Position field.
9) tdsls401.oamt 9) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Order Amount field.
10) tdpur201.rqno 10) Session Purchase Requisition Lines (tdpur2502m000), Requisition field.
11) tdpur201.pono 11) Session Purchase Requisition Lines (tdpur2502m000), Position field.
12) tdpur201.oamt 12) Session Purchase Requisition Lines (tdpur2502m000), Amount field.
13) tdsls101.qono 13) Session Sales Quotation Lines (tdsls1501m000), Quotation field.
14) tdsls101.pono 14) Session Sales Quotation Lines (tdsls1501m000), Position field.
15) tdsls101.amta 15) Session Sales Quotation Lines (tdsls1501m000), Amount field.

If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Order' or 'Purchase Order (Manual)', based on the Order 2) field,
the Position field, the Order 4) field and the Line 5) field, the Order Amount 6) field is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Sales Order' or 'Sales Order (Manual)', based on the Order 2) field, the
Position 3) field, the Order 7) field and the Position 8) field, the Order Amount 9) field is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Requisition', based on the Order 2) field, the Position 3) field, the
Requisition field and the Position 11) field, the Amount 12) field is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Sales Quotation', based on the Order 2) field, the Position 3) field, the
Quotation field and the Position 14) field, the Amount 15) field is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) cprao020.type 2) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Type field.
3) cprao020.orno 3) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order field.
Infor April 07, 2020 512
4) tdpur400.orno 4) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4100m000), Purchase Order field.
5) tdpur400.ccur 5) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Invoicing tab, Currency field.
6) tdsls400.orno 6) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Number field.
7) tdsls400.ccur 7) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Invoicing tab, Currency field.
8) tdpur200.rqno 8) Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), Requisition field.
9) tdpur200.ccur 9) Session Purchase Requisitions (tdpur2501m000), Conversion tab, Currency field.
10) tdsls100.qono 10) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), Quotation field.
11) tdsls100.ccur 11) Session Sales Quotations (tdsls1500m000), Invoicing tab, Currency field.

If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Order' or 'Purchase Order (Manual)', based on the Order field and
the Purchase Order field, the ISO Code field of the Currency 5) field is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Sales Order' or 'Sales Order (Manual)', based on the Order field and the
Number field, the ISO Code field of the Currency 7) field is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Requisition', based on the Order field and the Requisition field, the
ISO Code field of the Currency 9) field is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Sales Quotation', based on the Order field and the Quotation field, the ISO
Code field of the Currency 11) field is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) cprao020.type 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tdpur400.cofc 4) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Type field.
5) tdsls400.cofc 5) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Purchase Office field.
6) tdpur200.cofc 6) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Sales Office field.
7) tdpur401.oamt 7) Session Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000), Sales Office field.
8) tdsls401.oamt 8) Session Requisition - Lines (tdpur2501m000), Purchase Office field.
9) tdsls201.oamt 9) Session Purchase Order Line (tdpur4101m000), Buying tab, Total Net Amount field.
10) tdpur201.oamt 10) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Amount field.
11) Session Sales Quotation Lines - Lines (tdsls11501m000), Amount field.
12) Session Purchase Requisition Lines (tdpur2502m000), Buying tab, Amount field.

- If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Order' or 'Purchase order (Manual)', based on the Purchase Office
5), the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency is determined.
The Total Net Amount field, expressed in the Local Currency is published.
- if the Order Type field is equal to 'Sales Order' or 'Sales Order (Manual)', based on the Sales Office 6) field, the
Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Amount 10) field expressed in Local Currency is published.
- if the Order Type field is equal to 'Sales Quotation', based on the Sales Office 7) field, the Company field for
the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Amount 11) field, expressed in Local Currency is published.
- if the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Requisition', based on the Purchase Office 8) field, the Company
field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Amount 12) field, expressed in Local Currency is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) cprao020.type 4) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Type field.
5) tdpur400.cofc 5) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Purchase Office field.
6) tdsls400.cofc 6) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Sales Office field.
7) tdpur200.cofc 7) Session Requisition - Lines (tdpur2501m000), Purchase Office field.

- If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Order' or 'Purchase order (Manual)', based on the Purchase Office
5), the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
- if the Order Type field is equal to 'Sales Order' or 'Sales Order (Manual)', based on the Sales Office 5) field, the
Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
- if the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Requisition', based on the Purchase Office 6) field, the Company
field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) cprao020.type 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tdpur400.cofc 4) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Type field.
5) tdsls400.cofc 5) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Purchase Office field.
6) tdpur200.cofc 6) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Sales Office field.
7) tdpur401.oamt 7) Session Sales Quotation - Lines (tdsls1600m000), Sales Office field.
8) tdsls401.oamt 8) Session Requisition - Lines (tdpur2501m000), Purchase Office field.
Infor April 07, 2020 513
9) tdsls201.oamt 9) Session Purchase Order Line (tdpur4101m000), Buying tab, Total Net Amount field.
10) tdpur201.oamt 10) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Amount field.
11) tdsls101.amta 11) Session Sales Quotation Lines - Lines (tdsls11501m000), Amount field.
12) tdpu201.oamt 12) Session Purchase Requisition Lines (tdpur2502m000), Buying tab, Amount field.

- If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Order' or 'Purchase order (Manual)', based on the Purchase Office
5), the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency is determined.
The Total Net Amount field, expressed in the Local Currency is published.
- if the Order Type field is equal to 'Sales Order' or 'Sales Order (Manual)', based on the Sales Office 6) field, the
Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
The Amount 10) field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
- if the Order Type field is equal to 'Sales Quotation', based on the Sales Office 7) field, the Company field for
the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
The Amount 11) field, expressed in Reference Currency is published.
- if the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Requisition', based on the Purchase Office 8) field, the Company
field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
The Amount 12) field, expressed in Reference Currency is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) cprao020.type 4) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Type field.
5) tdpur400.cofc 5) Session Purchase Order - Lines (tdpur4100m900), Purchase Office field.
6) tdsls400.cofc 6) Session Sales Order - Lines (tdsls4100m900), Sales Office field.
7) tdpur200.cofc 7) Session Requisition - Lines (tdpur2501m000), Purchase Office field.

- If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Order' or 'Purchase order (Manual)', based on the Purchase Office
5), the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
- if the Order Type field is equal to 'Sales Order' or 'Sales Order (Manual)', based on the Sales Office 6) field, the
Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO code field of the Reference Currency field is determined.
- if the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Requisition', based on the Purchase Office 7) field, the Company
field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO code field of the Reference Currency field is determined.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

1) cpra020.type 1) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Type field.
2) cprao020.orno 2) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order field.
3) cprao020.pono 3) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Position field.
4) tdpur400.orno 4) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Purchase Order field.
5) tdpur400.suno 5) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Buy-from BP field.
6) whina310.orno 6) Session Purchase Order Advice (whina3110m000), Order Advice field.
7) whina310.suno 7) Session Purchase Order Advice (whina3110m000), Buy-from Business Partner field.
8) tdpur201.rqno 8) Session Purchase Requisition Lines (tdpur2502m000), Requisition field.
9) tdpur201.pono 9) Session Purchase Requisition Lines (tdpur2502m000), Position field.
10) tdpur201.otbo 10) Session Purchase Requisition Lines (tdpur2502m000), Buy-from BP field.

If Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Order' or 'Purchase Order (Manual)', based on the Order field and the
Purchase Order field, the Buy-from BP field is published.
If Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Order Advice', based on the Order field, the Order Advice field and the
Buy-from Business Partner field, the Buy-from Business Partner field is published.
If Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Requisition', based on the Order field, the Requisition field, the Position
2) field and the Position 3) field, the Buy-from BP field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) cpra020.type 1) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Type field.
2) cprao020.orno 2) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order field.
3) cprao020.pono 3) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Position field.
4) tdpur400.orno 4) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Purchase Order field.
5) tdpur400.suno 5) Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Buy-from BP field.
6) whina310.orno 6) Session Purchase Order Advice (whina3110m000), Order Advice field.
7) whina310.suno 7) Session Purchase Order Advice (whina3110m000), Buy-from Business Partner field.
8) tdpur201.rqno 8) Session Purchase Requisition Lines (tdpur2502m000), Requisition field.
9) tdpur201.pono 9) Session Purchase Requisition Lines (tdpur2502m000), Position field.
10) tdpur201.otbo 10) Session Purchase Requisition Lines (tdpur2502m000), Buy-from BP field.
Infor April 07, 2020 514
11) tccom100.bpid 11) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Business Partner field.
12) tccom100.nama 12) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Name field.

If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Order' or 'Purchase Order (Manual)', based on the Order field, the
Purchase Order field and the Buy-from BP 5) field, the Name field is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Order Advice', based on the Order 2) field, the Order Advice field
and the Buy-from Business Partner 7) field, the Name field is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Requisition', based on the Order 2) field, the Requisition field, the
Position 3) field, the Position 9) field and the Buy-from BP 10) field, the Name field is published.
1) cprao020.type 1) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Type field.
2) cprao020.orno 2) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order field.
3) tdsls400.orno 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Order field.
4) tdsls400.ofbp 4) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Sold-to Business Partner field.

If the Order Type field is equal to 'Sales Order' or 'Sales Order (Manual)', based on the Order 2) field and the
Order 3) field, the Sold-to Business Partner field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) cprao020.type 1) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Type field.
2) cprao020.orno 2) Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order field.
3) tdsls400.orno 3) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Order field.
4) tdsls400.ofbp 4) Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Sold-to Business Partner field.
5) tccom100.bpid 5) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Business Partner field.
6) tccom100.nama 6) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Name field.

If the Order Type field is equal to 'Sales Order' or 'Sales Order (Manual)', based on the Order 2) field, the Order
3) field, the Sold-to Business Partner field and the Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
cprao020.type Session Exception Messages by Planner and Item (cprao1125m000), Order Type field.

If the Order Type field is equal to 'Production Order', 'Production Order (Manual)', 'ASC Production Order' or
'ASC Production Order (Manual)', 'ProductionOrder' is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Order', 'Purchase Order (Manual)' or 'Purchase Order Advice',
'PurchaseOrder' is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Sales Order' or 'Sales Order (Manual)', 'SalesOrder' is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Purchase Requisition', 'Requisition' is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Sales Quotation', 'SalesQuotation' is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Service Order' or 'Service Order (Manual)', 'ServiceOrder' is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 515

For PCF: For PCF:
tipcf500.cpva Session Product Variant (tipcf5600m000), Product Variant Field.

For Assembly: This BOD is published when users add, change or delete a Product Variant (Assembly).
This BOD is available for LN 10.5 or later.

For Assembly:
Session Product Variant (Assembly) (tiapl3100s000), Product Variant Field. The concatenation of 'A' and the
Product Variant Field is published.

This BOD is published when users add, change or delete a Product Variant (Assembly).

This BOD is available for LN 10.5 or later.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For PCF: For PCF:
tipcf500.cpva Session Product Variant (tipcf5600m000), Product Variant Field.

For Assembly: For Assembly:

tiapl300.cpva Session Product Variant (Assembly) (tiapl3100s000), Product Variant Field.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama For PCF:
Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For Assembly:
Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
For PCF: For PCF:
tipcf500.dsca Session Product Variant (tpcf5600m000), Description Field.

For Assembly: For Assembly:

tiapl300.dsca Session Product Variant (Assembly) (tiapl3100s000), Description Field.
For PCF: For PCF:
tipcf500.txta Not displayed in any session, Product Variant Text field.

For Assembly:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
tiapl300.pvst Session Product Variant (Assembly) (tiapl3100s000), Miscellaneous Data, Assembly Status Field.

- If the Assembly Status field is equal to 'Open', 'Open' is published.

- If the Assembly Status field is equal to 'Planned', 'Planned' is published.
- If the Assembly Status field is equal to 'Frozen', 'Frozen' is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 516
- If the Assembly Status field is equal to 'Closed', 'Closed' is publsished.
- If the Assembly Status field is equal to 'Canceled', 'Canceled' is published.
For PCF: For PCF:
tipcf500.cuid Not displayed in any session, Configuration ID field
For PCF: For PCF:
tipcf500.item Session Product Variant (tipcf5600m000), Item field.

For Assembly: For Assembly:

tiapl300.item Session Product Variant (Assembly) (tiapl3100s000), Item field.
For PCF:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For PCF:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For PCF: For PCF:
tipcf500.dsca Session Product Variant (tipcf5600m000), Description field.

For Assembly: For Assembly:

1) tiapl300.item 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.
2) tcibd001.item 2) Session Product Variant (Assembly) (tiapl3100s000), Item field.

Based on the item field, the Description field is published.

For PCF: For PCF:
tipcf500.reft Session Product Variant (tipcf5600m000), Reference Type field.

For Assembly: If the Reference Type field is equal to 'Sales Quotation', 'Sales Quotation' is publsihed;
tiapl300.reft If the Reference Type field is equal to 'Sales Order', 'Sales Order' is publsihed;
If the Reference Type field is equal to 'Budget', 'Budget' is publsihed;
If the Reference Type field is equal to 'Project (PCS)', 'Project (PCS)' is publsihed;
If the Reference Type field is equal to 'Standard Variant', 'Standard Variant' is publsihed;
If the Reference Type field is equal to 'Project', 'Project' is publsihed;
If the Reference Type field is equal to 'Pseudo Order', 'Pseudo Order' is publsihed;
If the Reference Type field is equal to 'Contract Deliverable', 'Contract Deliverable' is publsihed;

For Assembly:
Session Product Variant (Assembly) (tiapl3100s000), Reference Type field.

If the Reference Type field is equal to 'Sales Quotation', Sales Quotation' is publsihed;
If the Reference Type field is equal to 'Sales Order', 'Sales Order' is publsihed;
If the Reference Type field is equal to 'Standard Variant', 'Standard Variant' is publsihed;
If the Reference Type field is equal to 'Pseudo Order', 'Pseudo Order' is publsihed;
For PCF: For PCF:
tipcf500.refo Session Product Variant (tipcf5600m000), Reference Order field

For Assembly: For Assembly:

tiapl300.refo Session Product Variant (Assembly) (tiapl3100s000), Reference Order field
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For PCF: For PCF:
tipcf500.pono Session Product Variant (tipcf5600m000), Reference Position field.

For Assembly: For Assembly:

tiapl300.pono Session Product Variant (Assembly) (tiapl3100s000), Reference Position field.
For PCF: Not displayed in any session, Alternative Quotation field.

For Assembly:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
tiapl300.sitm Session Product Variant Structure (tiapl3110s000), Item field.

Infor April 07, 2020 517

For Assembly:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Assembly:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
tiapl300.siwh Session Product Variant (Assembly) (tiapl3100s000), Warehouse field.
For Assembly:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Assembly:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
tiapl300.effn Session Product Variant (Assembly) (tiasl3100s000), Effectivity Unit field.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
tiapl300.mser Session Product Variant (Assembly) (tiasl3100s000), Miscellaneous Data tab, Serial Number field.
For PCF: For PCF:
tipcf500.cpcf Not displayed in any session, Configured By Configurator field .

For Assembly: If the Configured By Configurator field is equal to 'Yes', 'true' is publsihed;
tiapl300.cpcf Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For Assembly:
Session Product Variant (Assembly) (tiapl3100s000), Configured By Configurator field .

If the Configured By Configurator field is enabled, 'true' is publsihed;

Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
1) tiapl300.cpcf 1) Session Product Variant (Assembly) (tiapl3100s000), Configured By Configurator field .
2) tiapl300.cpva 2) Session Product Variant (Assembly) (tiapl3100s000), Product Variant field.

If the Configured By Configurator field is enabled, the Product Variant field is publsihed;
Otherwise, '0' is publsihed.
For Assembly:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Assembly:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
tiapl300.smsc Session Product Variant (Assembly) (tiapl3100s000), Sell Multiples of Same Configuration field.

If the Sell Multiples of Same Configuration field is enabled, 'true' is published;

Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For PCF: For PCF:
tipcf500.slpr Session Product Variant (tipcf5600m000), Product Variant Option Set tab, Sales Price field.

For Assembly: For Assembly:

tiapl300.slpr Session Product Variant (Assembly) (tiapl3100s000), Configuration Based Sales Price field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tiapl300.scur 2) Session Product Variant (Assembly), Miscellaneous Data tab, Sales Price Currency field.

Based on the Sales Price Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For PCF: For PCF:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpcf500.slpr 3) Session Product Variant (tipcf5600m000), Product Variant Option Sets tab, Sales Price field.

For Assembly: Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
1) tcemm170.fcua The Sales Price field expressed in Local Currency is published.
2) tcemm170.comp
3) tiapl300.slpr For Assembly:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) Session Product variant (Assemly) (tdpur3100s000), Configuration Based Sales Price field.

Infor April 07, 2020 518

Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Configuration Based Sales Price field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.

Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For PCF: For PCF:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tipcf500.slpr 3) Session Product Variant (tipcf5600m000), Product Variant Option Set, Sales Price field.

For Assembly: Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
1) tcemm170.lcur
2) tcemm170.comp The Sales Price field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
3) tiapl300.slpr
For Assembly:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) Session Product Variant (Assembly) (tdpur3100s000), Configuration Based Sales Price field.

Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Configuration Based Sales Price field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.

Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
tiapl300.rqod Session Product Variant (Assembly) (tiapl3100s000), Requested Offline Date field
For Assembly: For Assembly:
tiapl300.plod Session Product Variant (Assembly) (tiapl3100s000, Miscellaneous Data tab, Planned Offline Date field.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
tiapl300.copr Session Product Variant (Assembly) (tiapl3100s000), Miscellaneous Data tab, Configuration Based Standard
Cost field.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tiapl300.ccur 2) Session Product Variant (Assembly) (tiapl3100s000), Configuration Based Standard Cost Currency field.

Based on the Standard Cost Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tiapl300.copr 3) Session Product Variant (Assembly) (tiapl3100s000), Configuration Based Sales Price field.

Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

The Configuration Based Sales Price field expressed in Local Currency is published.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.

Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tiapl300.slpr 3) Session Product Variant Structure (tiapl3100s000), Sales Price Currency field.

Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Sales Price Currency field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

For Assembly: For Assembly:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
Infor April 07, 2020 519
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.

Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
tiapl300.apsv Session Product Variant (Assembly) (tiapl3100s000), Miscellaneous Data tab, Product Variant Structure
Generated field.

If the Product Variant Structure Generated field is enabled, 'true' is published;

Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
tiapl300.aspa Session Product Variant (Assembly) (tiapl3100s000), Miscellaneous Data tab, Assembly Parts Allocated field.

If the Assembly Parts Allocated field is enabled, 'true' is published;

Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
tiapl300.idsp Session Product Variant (Assembly) (tiapl3100s000), Miscellaneous Data tab, Assembly Parts Allocated field.

If the Assembly Parts Allocated field is enabled, 'true' is published;

Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
tiapl300.ircf Not displayed in any session, Is Reconfigured Indicator.

If the Is Reconficured Indicator is equal to 'Yes', 'true' is published;

Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
tiabl300.tbdl Session Product Variant Structure (Assembly) (tiapl3100s000), To Be Deleted field.

If the To Be Deleted field is enabled, 'true' is published;

Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For PCF: For PCF:
tipcf500.vali Session Product Variant (tipcf5600m000), Product Variant Valid field.

If the Product Variant Valid field is enabled, 'true' is publsihed;

Otherwise, 'false' is publsihed.
For PCF: For PCF:
tipcf500.pcfd Session Product Variant (tipcf5600m000s000), Product Configuration Date field.

For Assembly: For Assembly:

tiapl300.pcfd Session Product Variant Structure (Assembly) (tiapl3100s000), Product Configuration Date field.
For PCF: For PCF:
tipcf500.acfv Session Product Variant (tipcf5600m000), CPQ Configurator Variant field.

If the CPQConfiguratpr Variant field is enabled, 'true' is publidhed;

Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For PCF: For PCF:
tipcf500.acfs Session Product Variant (tipcf5600m000), CPQ Configurator Status field.

If the CPQ Configurator Status field is equal to 'Not Applicable', 'Not Applicable' is published;
If the CPQ Configurator Status field is equal to 'Initial', 'Initial' is published;
If the CPQ Configurator Status field is equal to 'Succes', 'Succes' is published;
If the CPQ Configurator Status field is equal to 'Partial Save', 'Partial Save' is published;
If the CPQ Configurator Status field is equal to 'Error', 'Error' is published;
For PCF: For PCF:
tipcf500.spcf Session Product Variant (tipcf6500m000), Structure by PCF field.

If the Structure by PCF field is enabled, 'true' is published;

Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For PCF: For PCF:
tipcf500.enho Session Product Variant (tipcf6500m000), Engineering Hold Indicator.

If the Engineering Hold Indicator field is enabled, 'true' is published;

Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For PCF:

Infor April 07, 2020 520

tipcf510.opts For PCF:
Session Product Variant (tipcf5600m000), Product Variant Options Sets tab, Option Set field.
For PCF: For PCF:
tipcf510.item Session Product Variant (tipcf5600m000), Product Variant Option Sets tab, Item field.

For Assembly: For Assembly:

tiapl310.item Session Product Variant Structure (tiapl3110s000), Item field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
tiapl310.pono Session Product Variant Structure (tiapl3110s000), Position Number field.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
tiapl310.mitm Session Product Variant Structure (tiapl3110s000), Main Item field.
For Assembly:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Assembly:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For PCF: For PCF:
tipcf510.pcfl Session Product Variant (tipcf5600m000), Product Variant Option Sets tab, PCF level field.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
tiapl310.quan Session Product Variant Structure (tiapl3110s000), Net Quantity field.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
1) tcmcs001.cun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
i 2) Session Product Variant Structure (tiapl3110s000), Item field.
2) tiapl310.item
Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined;
Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tiapl310.item 2) Session Product Variant Structure (tiapl3110s000), Item field.
3) tiapl310.quan 3) Session Product Variant Structure (tiapl3110s000), Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tiapl310.item 2) Session Product Variant Structure (tiapl3110s000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
tiapr310.oper Session Product Variant Structure (tiapl3110s000), Operation field.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
tiaapl310.oper Session Product Variant Structure (tiapl3110s000), Operation field.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
tiapl310.asln Session Product Variant Structure (tiapl3110s000), Assembly Line field.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
tials310.asln Session Product Variant Structure (tiapl3110s000), Assembly Line field.
For Assembly:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Assembly:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
tiapl310.segm Session Product Variant Structure (tiapl310s000), Segment field.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
tiapl310.lstn Session Product Variant Structure (tiapl3110s000), Line Station field.

Infor April 07, 2020 521

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
tiapl310.exin Session Product Variant Structure (tiapl3110s000), Extra Information field.
For Assembly: For Assembly:
tiapl310.plni Not displayed in any session, Plan Item field.
For Assembly:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Assembly:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For PCF: For PCF:
tipcf510.txta Session Product Variant (tipcf5600m000), Product Variant Option Sets tab, Text field.

For Assembly: For Assembly:

tiapl310.txta Session Product Variant Structure (Assembly) (tiapl3100s000), BOM Text field.
For PCF:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
For PCF: For PCF:
tipcf500.sern Session Product Variant (tipcf5600m000), Product Variant Options tab, Sequence field.
For PCF: For PCF:
tipcf520.cpft Session Product Variant (tipcf5600m000), Product Variant Options tab, Product Feature field.
For PCF: For PCF:
tipcf520.opvd Session Product Feature (tipcf0150m000), Option Domain field.

If the Option Domain field is equal to 'Integers' or 'Fractions', 'NumericType' is published.

If the Option Domain field is equal to 'Alphanumeric', 'StringType' is published.
For PCF: For PCF:
tipcf520.dsca Session Product Variant (tipcf5600m000), Product Variant Options tab, Product Feature Description field.
For PCF: For PCF:
tipcf520.txta Session Product Variant (tipcf5600m000), Product Variant Options tab, Text field.
For PCF:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
For PCF: For PCF:
tipcf530.amnt Session Product Variant (tipcf5600m000), Product Variant Sales Price Structure tab, Amount field
For PCF: For PCF:
1) tipcf500.ccur 1) Session Product Variant (tipcf5600m000), Sales Price Curreny field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
3) tcmcs002.iccc 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For PCF: For PCF:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tipcf530.amnt 3) Session Product Variant (tipcf5600m000), Product Variant Sales Price Structure tab, Amount field.

Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

The Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.
For PCF: For PCF:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.

Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For PCF: For PCF:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tipcf530.amnt 3) Session Product Variant (tipcf5600m000), Product Variant Purchase Price Structure tab, Amount field.
Infor April 07, 2020 522
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

For PCF: For PCF:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.

Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For PCF: For PCF:
tipcf530.txta Session Product Variant (tipcf5600m000), Product Variant Sales Price Structure, Text field.
For PCF:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
For PCF: For PCF:
tipcf535.amnt Session Product Variant (tipcf5600m000), Product Variant Purchase Price Structure tab, Amount field.
For PCF: For PCF:
1) tipcf500.ccur 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Product Variant (tipcf5600m000), Variant Sales Price Currency field.

Based on the Variant Sales Price field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For PCF: For PCF:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tipcf535.amnt 3) Session Product Variant (tipcf5600m000), Product Variant Purchase Price Structure tab, Amount field.

Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

The Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.
For PCF: For PCF:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.

Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For PCF: For PCF:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tipcf535.amnt 3) Session Product Variant (tipcf5600m000), Product Variant Purchase Price Structure tab, Amount field.

Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

For PCF: For PCF:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.

Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For PCF: For PCF:
tipcf535.txta Session Product Variant (tipcf5600m000), Product Variant Purchase Price Structure, Text field.
For PCF:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.

Infor April 07, 2020 523

1) tirpt436.cwoc 1) Session Work Cell Shifts (tirpt4136m000), Work Cell field.
2) tirpt436.shfi 2) Session Work Cell Shifts (tirpt4136m000), Shift field.

The concatenation of Work Cell field and the Shift field is published.
Note: only BODs with status 'Complete' or 'Closed' are published.
This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.5 or later.
tirpt436.cwoc Session Work Cell Shifts (tirpt4136m000), Work Cell field.

Based on the Work Cell field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tirpt436.cwoc Session Work Cell Shifts (tirpt4136m000), Work Cell field.

Based on the Work Cell field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tirpt436.cwoc 1) Session Work Cell Shifts (tirpt4136m000), Work Cell field.
2) tirpt436.shfi 2) Session Work Cell Shifts (tirpt4136m000), Shift field.

The Work Cell field and the Shift field are published.
tirpt436.rudt Session Report Shift (tirpt4636m200), Change Date field.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) tirpt436.ruus 3) Session Report Shift (tirpt4636m200), Supervisor field.

Based on the Supervisor field, the User field is determined.

If the User field cannot be determined, based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.
Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) tirpt436.ruus 2) Session Report Shift (tirpt4636m200), Supervisor field.

Based on the Supervisor field, the Name field is published.

tirpt436.wcss Session Report Shift (tirpt4636m200), Shift Status field.
Always filled with 'Production Order Status'.
Always 'false' is published.
tcccp002.shfi Session Shifts (tcccp0102m000), Shift field.
tcccp020.shfn Session Calendar Working Hours (tcccp0120m000), Shift Name field.
tcccp020.desc Session Calendar Working Hours (tcccp0120m000), Description field.
tcccp002.stdt Session Shifts (tcccp0102m000), Start Date (date) field.
tcccp002.stdt Session Shifts (tcccp0102m000), Start Date (date) field.

Based on the Start Date, the Start Date (day) field is published.
tcccp002.stdt Session Shifts (tcccp0102m000), Start Date (time) field.
tcccp002.endt Session Shifts (tcccp0102m000), End Date (date) field.
tcccp002.endt Session Shifts (tcccp0102m000), End Date (time) field.
tcccp002.ntim Session Shifts (tcccp0102m000), Net Hours field.

Based on the Net Hours field, the ISO representation of the duration is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 524
1) tcccp030.ovyn 1) Session Calendar Work Days (tcccp0130m000), Overtime field.
2) tcccp020.ovyn 2) Session Calendar Working Hours (tcccp0120m000), Overtime (not displayed) field.

Based on the Overtime (1) field the Overtime (2) is set.

Always filled with 'Item Status'.
tirpt440.avlb Session Work Cell - OEE (tirpt4540m000), Availability (%) field.
tirpt440.prfm Session Work Cell - OEE (tirpt4540m000), Performance (%) field.
tirpt440.qlty Session Work Cell - OEE (tirpt4540m000), Quality (%) field.
tirpt440.oeev Session Work Cell - OEE (tirpt4540m000), OEE (%) field.

Infor April 07, 2020 525

1) tcccp050.ccal 1) Session Calendar Availability Types (tcccp0150m000), Calendar Code field.
2) tcccp050.ract 2) Session Calendar Availability Types (tcccp0150m000), Availability Type field.

The concatenation of the Calendar Code field and the Availability Type field is published.

This BOD is published when users create, update or delete Calendar Working Hours or a Calendar Availability
This BOD is available for LN 10.5 or later.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcccp050.ccal 1) Session Calendar Availability Types (tcccp0150m000), Calendar Code field.
2) tcccp050.ract 2) Session Calendar Availability Types (tcccp0150m000), Availability Type field.

The concatenation of the Calendar Code field and the Availability Type field is published.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tcccp050.ccal 1) Session Calendar Availability Types (tcccp0150m000), Calendar Code field.
2) tcccp050.ract 2) Session Calendar Availability Types (tcccp0150m000), Availability Type field.
3) tcccp010.dsca 3) Session Calendar Code (tcccp0110m000), Calendar Code Description field.
4) tcccp001.dsca 4) Session Availability Types (tcccp0101m000), Availability Type Description field.

Based on the Calendar Code field, the Calendar Code Description field is determined.
Based on the Availability Type field, the Availability Type Description is determined.

The concatenation of the Calendar Code Description field and the Availability Types Description field is
If the Calendar Availability Type is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
Otherwise, 'Open' is published.
tcccp050.ccal Session Calendar Availability Types (tcccp0150m000), Calendar Code field.
1) tcccp050.ccal 1) Session Calendar Availability Types (tcccp0150m000), Calendar Code field.
2) tcccp010.dsca 2) Session Calendar Code (tcccp0110m000), Calendar Code Description field.

Based on the Calendar Code field, the Calendar Code Description field is published.
tcccp050.ract Session Calendar Availability Types (tcccp0150m000), Availability Type field.
1) tcccp050.ract 1) Session Calendar Availability Types (tcccp0150m000), Availability Type field.
2) tcccp001.dsca 2) Session Availability Types (tcccp0101m000), Availability Type Description field.

Based on the Availability Type field, the Availability Type Description is published.
1) tcccp050.ccal 1) Session Calendar Availability Types (tcccp0150m000), Calendar Code field.
2) tcccp010.stdt 2) Session Calendar Code (tcccp0110m000), Start Date field.

Based on the Calendar Code field, the Start Date field is published.
1) tcccp050.ccal 1) Session Calendar Availability Types (tcccp0150m000), Calendar Code field.
2) tcccp010.endt 2) Session Calendar Code (tcccp0110m000), End Date field.

Based on the Calendar Code field, the End Date field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 526

An automatic generated sequence number, starting from 1, is published.
tcccp020.date Session Calendar Working Hours (tcccp0120m000), Working Hours tab, Date field.
tcccp020.date Session Calendar Working Hours (tcccp0120m000), Working Hours tab, Date field.

Based on the Date field, the day number of the week is published. Day number of the week depends on the
starting day of the week defined in the company calendar.
tcccp020.sttm Session Calendar Working Hours (tcccp0120m000), Working Hours tab, Start Time field.
tcccp020.entm Session Calendar Working Hours (tcccp0120m000), Working Hours tab, End Time field.
tcccp020.titp Session Calendar Working Hours (tcccp0120m000), Working Hours tab, Working Hours Type field.
1) tcccp020.titp 1) Session Calendar Working Hours (tcccp0120m000), Working Hours tab, Working Hours Type field.
2) tcccp003.dsca 2) Session Working Hours Types (tcccp0103m000), Working Hours Type Description field.

Based on the Working Hours Type field, the Working Hours Type Description field is published.
tcccp020.shfn Session Calendar Working Hours (tcccp0120m000), Working Hours tab, Shift Name field.
tcccp020.desc Session Calendar Working Hours (tcccp0120m000), Working Hours tab, Description field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
tcccp020.avlb Session Calendar Working Hours (tcccp0120m000), Working Hours tab, Available field.
tcccp020.ovyn Not displayed in any session, Overtime field.
tcccp020.efac Session Calendar Working Hours (tcccp0120m000), Capacity Details tab, Efficiency Factor field.
1) tcccp020.sttm 1) Session Calendar Working Hours (tcccp0120m000), Working Hours Tab, Start Time field.
2) tcccp020.entm 2) Session Calendar Working Hours (tcccp0120m000), Working Hours Tab, End Time field.
3) tcccp020.efac 3) Session Calendar Working Hours (tcccp0120m000), Capacity Details tab, Efficiency Factor field.

The End Time field minus the Start Time field is calculated.
The result of this calculation, multiplied by the Efficiency Factor field is published.
tcccp020.capp Session Calendar Working Hours (tcccp0120m000), Capacity Details tab, Capacity Percentage field.
1) tcccp020.sttm 1) Session Calendar Working Hours (tcccp0120m000), Working Hours tab, Start Time field.
2) tcccp020.entm 2) Session Calendar Working Hours (tcccp0120m000), Working Hours tab, End Time field.
3) tcccp020.capp 3) Session Calendar Working Hours (tcccp0120m000), Capacity Details tab, Capacity Percentage field.
4) tcccp020.efac 4) Session Calendar Working Hours (tcccp0120m000), Capacity Details tab, Efficiency Factor field.

The End Time field minus the Start Time field is calculated.
The result of this calculation, multiplied by the Efficiency Factor field, multiplied by the Capacity Percentage field
divided by 100 is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 527

For ActRevenue: For ActRevenue:
1) tsctm460.csco 1) Session Contract Revenues (tsctm4160m000), Service Contract field.
2) tsctm460.cchn 2) Session Contract Revenues (tsctm4160m000), Origin Contract Change field.
3) tsctm460.cfln 3) Session Contract Revenues (tsctm4160m000), Configuration Line field.

For EstRevenue: The concatenation of the Service Contract field, the Origin Contract Change field, the Configuration Line field
1) tsctm450.csco and 'ActualRevenue' is published.
2) tsctm450.cchn
3) tsctm450.cfln For EstRevenue:
1) Session Estimated Contract Revenues per Period (tsctm4550m000), Service Contract field.
For ActCost: 2) Session Estimated Contract Revenues per Period (tsctm4550m000), Origin Contract Change field.
1) tsctm480.csco 3) Session Estimated Contract Revenues per Period (tsctm4550m000), Configuration Line field.
2) tsctm480.cchn
3) tsctm480.cfln The concatenation of the Service Contract field, the Origin Contract Change field, the Configuration Line field
and 'EstimatedRevenue' is published.

For ActCost:
1) Session Contract Cost Coverage - Overview (tsctm4580m000), Service Contract field.
2) Session Contract Cost Coverage - Overview (tsctm4580m000), Origin Contract Change field.
3) Session Contract Cost Coverage - Overview (tsctm4580m000), Configuration Line field.

The concatenation of the Service Contract field, the Origin Contract Change field, the Configuration Line field
and 'ActualCost' is published.
tsctm300.cwoc Session Service Contracts (tsctm3100m000), Sales tab, Service Office field.

Based on the Service Office field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tsctm300.cwoc Session Service Contracts (tsctm3100m000), Sales tab, Service Office field.

Based on the Service Office field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For ActRevenue: For ActRevenue:
1) tsctm460.csco 1) Session Contract Revenues (tsctm4160m000), Service Contract field.
2) tsctm460.cchn 2) Session Contract Revenues (tsctm4160m000), Origin Contract Change field.
3) tsctm460.cfln 3) Session Contract Revenues (tsctm4160m000), Configuration Line field.

For EstRevenue: The concatenation of the Service Contract field, the Origin Contract Change field, the Configuration Line field
1) tsctm450.csco and 'ActualRevenue' is published.
2) tsctm450.cchn
3) tsctm450.cfln For EstRevenue:
1) Session Estimated Contract Revenues per Period (tsctm4550m000), Service Contract field.
For ActCost: 2) Session Estimated Contract Revenues per Period (tsctm4550m000), Origin Contract Change field.
1) tsctm460.csco 3) Session Estimated Contract Revenues per Period (tsctm4550m000), Configuration Line field.
2) tsctm460.cchn
3) tsctm460.cfln The concatenation of the Service Contract field, the Origin Contract Change field, the Configuration Line field
and 'EstimatedRevenue' is published.

For ActCost:
1) Session Contract Cost Coverage - Overview (tsctm4580m000), Service Contract field.
2) Session Contract Cost Coverage - Overview (tsctm4580m000), Origin Contract Change field.
3) Session Contract Cost Coverage - Overview (tsctm4580m000), Configuration Line field.

The concatenation of the Service Contract field, the Origin Contract Change field, the Configuration Line field
and 'ActualCost' is published.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 528
Always filled with 'Open'.
Always filled with 'Service Order Status'.
For ActRevenue:
If the Contract Revenues are deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For EstRevenue:
If the Estimated Contract Revenues per Period are deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For ActCost:
If the Estimated Contract Revenues per Period are deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For ActRevenue:
Always filled with 'ActualRevenue'.

For EstRevenue:
Always filled with 'EstimatedRevenue'.

For ActCost:
Always filled with 'ActualCost'.
For ActRevenue: For ActRevenue:
tsctm460.csco Session Contract Revenues (tsctm4160m000), Service Contract field.

For EstRevenue: Based on the Service Contract field, the ID of the ServiceContract noun, is published.
Refer to the documentation of the ServiceContract noun for more information about the determination of the ID
For ActCost: field.
For EstRevenue:
Session Estimated Contract Revenues per Period (tsctm4550m000), Service Contract field.

Based on the Service Contract field, the ID of the ServiceContract noun, is published.

Refer to the documentation of the ServiceContract noun for more information about the determination of the ID

For ActCost:
Session Contract Cost Coverage - Overview (tsctm4580m000), Service Contract field.

Based on the Service Contract field, the ID of the ServiceContract noun, is published.

Refer to the documentation of the ServiceContract noun for more information about the determination of the ID
Refer to the documentation of the ServiceContract noun for more information about the determination of the
accountingEntity field.
Refer to the documentation of the ServiceContract noun for more information about the determination of the
location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For ActRevenue: For ActRevenue:
tsctm460.cchn Session Contract Revenues (tsctm4160m000), Origin Contract Change field.

For EstRevenue: For EstRevenue:

tsctm450.cchn Session Estimated Contract Revenues per Period (tsctm4550m000), Origin Contract Change field.

For ActCost: For ActCost:

tsctm480.cchn Session Contract Cost Coverage - Overview (tsctm4580m000), Origin Contract Change field.
For ActRevenue: For ActRevenue:
tsctm460.cfln Session Contract Revenues (tsctm4160m000), Configuration Line field.

For EstRevenue: For EstRevenue:

tsctm450.cfln Session Estimated Contract Revenues per Period (tsctm4550m000), Configuration Line field.

For ActCost: For ActCost:

tsctm480.cfln Session Contract Cost Coverage - Overview (tsctm4580m000), Configuration Line field.
For ActCost: For ActRevenue:
tsctm480.seqn Increasing number starting with 1.

For EstRevenue:
Increasing number starting with 1.
Infor April 07, 2020 529
For ActCost:
Session Contract Cost Coverage - Overview (tsctm4580m000), Cost Line field.
For ActCost: For ActCost:
tsctm480.ortp Session Contract Cost Coverage - Overview (tsctm4580m000), Order Type field.

If the Order Type field is equal to 'Service', 'ServiceOrder' is published.

If the Order Type field is equal to 'Maintenance', 'LnMaintenanceSalesOrder' is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Call', 'CustomerCall' is published.
If the Order Type field is equal to 'Claim', 'LnClaim' is published.
For ActCost: For ActCost:
tsctm480.orno Session Contract Cost Coverage - Overview (tsctm4580m000), Order Number field.

Based on the Order Number field, the ID of the noun to which LnServiceContractBalance/
LnServiceContractBalanceLine/DocumentReference@type refers, is published.

Refer to the documentation of the noun to which LnServiceContractBalance/LnServiceContractBalanceLine/

DocumentReference@type refers for more information about the determination of the ID field.
For ActCost:
Refer to the documentation of the noun to which LnServiceContractBalance/LnServiceContractBalanceLine/
DocumentReference@type refers for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For ActCost:
Refer to the documentation of the noun to which LnServiceContractBalance/LnServiceContractBalanceLine/
DocumentReference@type refers for more information about the determination of the location field.
For ActCost:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For ActCost: For ActCost:
tsctm480.pono Session Contract Cost Coverage - Overview (tsctm4580m000), Order Line field.
For ActCost: For ActCost:
tsctm480.cvln Session Contract Cost Coverage - Overview (tsctm4580m000), Coverage Line field.
For ActRevenue: For ActRevenue:
tsctm460.stat Session Contract Revenues (tsctm4160m000), Status field.

For ActCost: If the Status field is equal to 'Free', 'Open' is published.

tsctm480.stat If the Status field is equal to 'Confirmed', 'Approved' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Recognized', 'Invoiced' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Posted', ;Closed' is published.

For ActCost:
Session Contract Cost Coverage - Overview (tsctm4580m000), Status field.

If the Status field is equal to 'Free', 'Open' is published.

If the Status field is equal to 'Confirmed', 'Approved' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Recognized', 'Invoiced' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Posted', ;Closed' is published.
Always filled with 'Service Order Status'.
For ActRevenue: For ActRevenue:
tsctm460.crdt Session Contract Revenues (tsctm4160m000), Dates tab, Creation Date field.

For ActCost: For ActCost:

tsctm480.codt Session Contract Cost Coverage - Overview (tsctm4580m000), Date Spent Costs field.
For ActRevenue: Session Service Contracts (tsctm3100m000), Sales tab, Service Office field.
Based on the Service Office field, the financial company is determined.
For EstRevenue: The concatenation of 'Fiscal' and the financial company is published.
Refer to the documentation of the FinancialCalendar noun for more information about the determination of the
ID field.
Refer to the documentation of the FinancialCalendar noun for more information about the determination of the
accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 530

For ActRevenue: Session Service Contracts (tsctm3100m000), Sales tab, Service Office field.
Based on the Service Office field, the financial company is determined.
For EstRevenue: The concatenation of 'Fiscal' and the financial company is published.
For ActRevenue: For ActRevenue:
tsctm460.plpr Session Contract Revenues (tsctm4160m000), Planned Period field.

For EstRevenue: For EstRevenue:

tsctm450.fspr Session Estimated Contract Revenues per Period (tsctm4550m000), Period field.
For ActRevenue: For ActRevenue:
tsctm460.plyr Session Contract Revenues (tsctm4160m000), Planned Year field.

For EstRevenue: For EstRevenue:

tsctm450.fsyr Session Estimated Contract Revenues per Period (tsctm4550m000), Year field.
For ActRevenue: Session Service Contracts (tsctm3100m000), Sales tab, Service Office field.
Based on the Service Office field, the financial company is determined.
For ActCost: The concatenation of 'Fiscal' and the financial company is published.
Refer to the documentation of the FinancialCalendar noun for more information about the determination of the
ID field.
Refer to the documentation of the FinancialCalendar noun for more information about the determination of the
accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For ActRevenue: For ActRevenue:
tsctm460.popr Session Contract Revenues (tsctm4160m000), Posted Fiscal Period field.

For ActCost: For ActCost:

tsctm480.popr Session Contract Cost Coverage - Overview (tsctm4580m000), Posted Period field.
For ActRevenue: For ActRevenue:
tsctm460.poyr Session Contract Revenues (tsctm4160m000), Posted Fiscal Year field.

For ActCost: For ActCost:

tsctm480.poyr Session Contract Cost Coverage - Overview (tsctm4580m000), Posted Year field.
For ActRevenue: For ActRevenue:
tsctm460.ndrc Session Contract Revenues (tsctm4160m000), Calculation tab, Number of Days Recognized field.

For EstRevenue: For EstRevenue:

tsctm450.cvdy Session Estimated Contract Revenues per Period (tsctm4550m000), Covered Days field.
For ActRevenue: For ActRevenue:
tsctm460.corv Session Contract Revenues (tsctm4160m000), Revenue field.

For EstRevenue: For EstRevenue:

tsctm450.esrv Session Estimated Contract Revenues per Period (tsctm4550m000), Estimated Revenue field.

For ActCost: For ActCost:

tsctm480.acco Session Contract Cost Coverage - Overview (tsctm4580m000), Actual Cost field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tsctm300.ccur 2) Session Service Contracts (tsctm3100m000), Financials tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For ActRevenue: For ActRevenue:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tsctm300.cwoc 3) Session Service Contracts (tsctm3100m000), Sales tab, Service Office field.
4) tsctm460.corv 4) Session Contract Revenues (tsctm4160m000), Revenue field.

For EstRevenue: Based on the Service Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcemm170.fcua Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
2) tcemm170.comp The Revenue field expressed in Local Currency is published.
3) tsctm300.cwoc
4) tsctm450.esrv For EstRevenue:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
For ActCost: 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.

Infor April 07, 2020 531

1) tcemm170.fcua 3) Session Service Contracts (tsctm3100m000), Sales tab, Service Office field.
2) tcemm170.comp 4) Session Estimated Contract Revenues per Period (tsctm4550m000), Estimated Revenue field.
3) tsctm300.cwoc
4) tsctm480.acco Based on the Service Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Estimated Revenue field expressed in Local Currency is published.

For ActCost:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) Session Service Contracts (tsctm3100m000), Sales tab, Service Office field.
4) Session Contract Cost Coverage - Overview (tsctm4580m000), Actual Cost field.

Based on the Service Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

The Actual Cost field expressed in Local Currency is published.

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tsctm300.cwoc 4) Session Service Contracts (tsctm3100m000), Sales tab, Service Office field.

Based on the Service Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For ActRevenue: For ActRevenue:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tsctm300.cwoc 3) Session Service Contracts (tsctm3100m000), Sales tab, Service Office field.
4) tsctm460.corv 4) Session Contract Revenues (tsctm4160m000), Revenue field.

For EstRevenue: Based on the Service Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcemm170.lcur Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
2) tcemm170.comp
3) tsctm300.cwoc The Revenue field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
4) tsctm450.esrv
For EstRevenue:
For ActCost: 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
1) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
2) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Service Contracts (tsctm3100m000), Sales tab, Service Office field.
3) tsctm300.cwoc 4) Session Estimated Contract Revenues per Period (tsctm4550m000), Estimated Revenue field.
4) tsctm480.acco
Based on the Service Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Estimated Revenue field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

For ActCost:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) Session Service Contracts (tsctm3100m000), Sales tab, Service Office field.
4) Session Contract Cost Coverage - Overview (tsctm4580m000), Actual Cost field.

Based on the Service Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Actual Cost field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tsctm300.cwoc 4) Session Service Contracts (tsctm3100m000), Sales tab, Service Office field.

Based on the Service office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For ActCost: For ActCost:
tsctm480.cotp Session Contract Cost Coverage - Overview (tsctm4580m000), Cost Type field.

If the Cost type field is equal to 'Material', 'Material' is published.

If the Cost type field is equal to 'Labor', 'Labor' is published.
If the Cost type field is equal to 'Tooling', 'Tools' is published.
If the Cost type field is equal to 'Traveling', 'Travel' is published.
If the Cost type field is equal to 'Subcontracting', 'Subcontracting' is published.
If the Cost type field is equal to 'Help Desk', 'HelpDesk' is published.
If the Cost type field is equal to 'Other', 'Other' is published.
If the Cost type field is equal to 'Order', 'Order' is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 532
If the Cost type field is equal to 'Activity', 'Activity' is published.
If the Cost type field is equal to 'Freight', 'Freight' is published.
If the Cost type field is equal to 'Quotation Invoice', 'Quote' is published.
For ActCost:
Always filled with 'Service Cost Types'.
For ActCost:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

Infor April 07, 2020 533

tppdm095.cobs Session User Defined Structures (tppdm0195s000), User Defined Structure field.

This BOD is published when:

- a User Defined Structure is added in Session 'Project' (tppdm6600m000), and the User Defined Structure is
not already used in another Project;
- a User Defined Structure or User Defined Structure Element is changed, and the User Defined Structure is
used in a Project.

Only User Defined Structures of Type 'OBS' will be published.

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2.1 or later.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tppdm095.cobs Session User Defined Structures (tppdm0195s000), User Defined Structure field.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
tppdm095.dsca Session User Defined Structures (tppdm0195s000), Description field.
tppdm095.txta Session User Defined Structures (tppdm0195s000), Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
Always filled with 'Open'.
Always filled with 'false'.
tppdm095.styp Session User Defined Structures (tppdm0195s000), Type field.

Always filled with 'Organization Breakdown'.

tppdm095.obsu Session User Defined Structures (tppdm0195s000), Reference Type field.

If the Reference Type field is equal to 'Project OBS', 'Project' is published,

If the Reference Type field is equal to 'Standard OBS', 'Standard' is published.
tppdm095.coel Session User Defined Structures (tppdm0195s000), Top Element field.
tppdm096.dsca Session User Defined Structure Elements (tppdm0196s000), Description field.
tppdm096.txta Session User Defined Structure Elements (tppdm0196s000), Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
Always filled with 'Open'.
tppdm096.coep Session User Defined Structure Elements (tppdm0196s000), Parent Element field.
tppdm096.emno Session User Defined Structure Elements (tppdm0196s000), Responsible Person field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tppdm096.emno 1) Session User Defined Structure Elements (tppdm0196s000), Responsible Person field.
2) tccom001.nama 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.

Based on the Responsible Person field, the Name field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 534

1) tdpur801.bpid 1) Not displayed in any session, Business Partner field.
2) tdpur801.item 2) Not displayed in any session, Item field.
3) tdpur801.cpdt 3) Not displayed in any session, Period Table field.
4) tdpur801.year 4) Not displayed in any session, Year field.
5) tdpur801.peri 5) Not displayed in any session, Period field.

The concatenation of the Business Partner field, Item field, Period Table field, Year field and the Period field is
The BOD is published for LN 10.4.2 and later.

This BOD is published when users run Session 'Update Vendor Rating' (tdpur8850m000).
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tdpur801.bpid 1) Not displayed in any session, Business Partner field.
2) tdpur801.item 2) Not displayed in any session, Item field.
3) tdpur801.cpdt 3) Not displayed in any session, Period Table field.
4) tdpur801.year 4) Not displayed in any session, Year field.
5) tdpur801.peri 5) Not displayed in any session, Period field.

The concatenation of the Business Partner field, Item field, Period Table field, Year field and the Period field is
The BOD is published for LN 10.4 and later.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) tdpur801.emno 3) Not displayed in any session, 'Changed By' field.

Based on the 'Changed By' field, the User field is determined.

If the User field cannot be determined, based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.
Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) tdpur801.emno 2) Not displayed in any session, 'Changed By' field.

Based on the 'Changed By' field, the Name field is published.

Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
If the record is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
Otherwise, 'Open' is published.
If the record is deleted, 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.
tdpur801.item Not displayed in any session, Item field.
tdpur801.item Not displayed in any session, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tdpur801.item 1) Not displayed in any session, Item field.
2) tcibd001.dcsa 2) Session Item (tcibd0101s000), Description field.

Based on the Item field, the Description field is published.

tdpur801.bpid Not displayed in any session, Business partner field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
1) tdpur801.bpid

Infor April 07, 2020 535

2) tccom100.nama 1) Not displayed in any session, Business Partner field.
2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Name field.

Based on the Business Partner field, the Name field is published.

tdpur801.peri Not displayed in any session, Period field.
tdpur801.year Not displayed in any session, Year field.
1) tdpur801.item 1) Not displayed in any session, Item field.
2) tdpur801.bpid 2) Not displayed in any session, Business Partner field.
3) tdpur801.cpdt 3) Not displayed in any session, Period table field.
4) tdpur801.year 4) Not displayed in any session, Year field.
5) tdpur801.peri 5) Not displayed in any session, Period field.
6) tdpur801.ctyp 6) Not displayed in any session, Criterion Type field.
7) tdpur801.tval 7) Not displayed in any session, Total Value field

The sum of the values for 'Total Value' for the same Item, Business Partner, Period Table, Year and Period, for
all Criterion Types, is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tdpur801.ccur 2) Not displayed in any session Session, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tdpur801.item 1) Not displayed in any session, Item field.
2) tdpur801.bpid 2) Not displayed in any session, Business Partner field.
3) tdpur801.cpdt 3) Not displayed in any session, Period table field.
4) tdpur801.year 4) Not displayed in any session, Year field.
5) tdpur801.peri 5) Not displayed in any session, Period field.
6) tdpur801.ctyp 6) Not displayed in any session, Criterion Type field.
7) tdpur801.tpoc 7) Not displayed in any session, Total Number of PO Lines field.

The sum of the values for 'Total Number of PO Lines' for the same Item, Business Partner, Period Table, Year
and Period, for all Criterion Types, is published.
1) tdpur000.smth.8 1) Session Vendor Rating Parameters (tdpur0100m800), Method/Factors tab, Method/Factors field.
2) tdpur000.perc 2) Not displayed in any session, Percentage field.
3) tdpur801.bpid 3) Not displayed I any session, Business Partner field.
4) tdpur801.cpdt 4 Not displayed in any session, Period Table field.
5) tdpur801.year 5) Not displayed in any session, Year field.
6) tdpur801.peri 6) Not displayed in any session, Period field.

If the Method/Factors checkbox 'Moving Average' is enabled, the Moving Average is calculated for the number
of periods in 'Moving Average Periods', for the given Business Partner, Period Table, Year and Period. The
calculated value is published in 'OverallRatingPercentage'.
If the Method/Factors checkbox 'Smoothing Factor' is enabled, the Moving Avergae is calculated for the given
Business Partner, Period Table, Year and Period, and multiplied with the Smoothing Factor field. The calculated
value is published in 'OverallRatingPercentage'.
1) tdpur894.ratc 1) Session Vendor Classification Scheme (tdpur8194m000), Rating field.
2) tdpur801.perc 2) Not displayed in any session, Percentage field.

Based on the Percentage field, the Rating field is published.

1) tdpur894.dsca 1) Session Vendor Classification Scheme (tdpur8194m000), Description field.
2) tdpur801.perc 2) Not displayed in any session, Percentage field.

Based on the Percentage field, the Description field is published.

1) tdpur801.ctyp 1. Not displayed in any session, Criterion Type
2) tdpur801.perc 2. Not displayed in any session, Percentage Rating

If he Criterion Type is equal to 'Delivery', Percentage Rating is published

1) tdpur801.ctyp 1. Not displayed in any session, Criterion Type
2) tdpur801.per1 2. Not displayed in any session, Computed Rating

If he Criterion Type is equal to 'Quality', Computed Rating is published

1) tdpur801.ctyp 1. Not displayed in any session, Criterion Type
2) tdpur801.perc 2. Not displayed in any session, Percentage Rating

If he Criterion Type is equal to 'Qualtity', Percentage Rating is published


Infor April 07, 2020 536

1) tdpur801.ctyp 1. Not displayed in any session, Criterion Type
2) tdpur801.per1 2. Not displayed in any session, Computed Rating

If he Criterion Type is equal to 'Delivery', Computed Rating is published

1) tdpur801.ctyp 1. Not displayed in any session, Criterion Type
2) tdpur801.perc 2. Not displayed in any session, Percentage Rating

If he Criterion Type is equal to 'Quantity', Percentage Rating is published

1) tdpur801.ctyp 1. Not displayed in any session, Criterion Type
2) tdpur801.per1 2. Not displayed in any session, Computed Rating

If he Criterion Type is equal to 'Quantity', Computed Rating is published

1) tdpur801.ctyp 1. Not displayed in any session, Criterion Type
2) tdpur801.perc 2. Not displayed in any session, Percentage Rating

If he Criterion Type is equal to 'Cost Performance', Percentage Rating is published

1) tdpur801.ctyp 1. Not displayed in any session, Criterion Type
2) tdpur801.per1 2. Not displayed in any session, Computed Rating

If he Criterion Type is equal to 'Order Confirmation', Computed Rating is published

1) tdpur801.ctyp 1. Not displayed in any session, Criterion Type
2) tdpur801.perc 2. Not displayed in any session, Percentage Rating

If he Criterion Type is equal to 'Order Confirmation', Percentage Rating is published

1) tdpur801.ctyp 1. Not displayed in any session, Criterion Type
2) tdpur801.per1 2. Not displayed in any session, Computed Rating

If he Criterion Type is equal to 'Order Confirmation', Computed Rating is published

1) tdpur801.ctyp 1. Not displayed in any session, Criterion Type
2) tdpur801.perc 2. Not displayed in any session, Percentage Rating

If he Criterion Type is equal to 'Period Rating', Percentage Rating is published

1) tdpur801.ctyp 1. Not displayed in any session, Criterion Type
2) tdpur801.per1 2. Not displayed in any session, Computed Rating

If he Criterion Type is equal to 'Period Rating', Computed Rating is published

Infor April 07, 2020 537

For Warehouse:
The value 'Warehouse' is published.

For Department:
The value 'Office' is published.

For Project:
The value 'Project' is published.

For Site:
The value 'Site' is published.
For Warehouse: For Warehouse:
tcmcs003.cwar Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Warehouse field.

For Department: The concatenation of 'W' and the Warehouse field is published.
tcmcs065.cwoc This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Warehouse.

For Project: For Department:

tppdm600.cprj Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Department field.

For Site: This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Department.
tcemm170.comp The concatenation of 'D' and the Department field is published.

For Project:
Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Project.

The concatenation of 'P' and the Project field is published.

For Site:
Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.

This BOD is published when users Create, Update or Delete a Company.

The concatenation of 'S' and the Company field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Warehouse: For Warehouse:
tcmcs003.cwar Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Warehouse field.

For Department: For Department:

tcmcs065.cwoc Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Department field.

For Project: For Project:

tppdm600.cprj Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

For Site: For Site:

tcemm170.comp Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For Warehouse: For Warehouse:
tcmcs003.dsca Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Warehouse Description field.

For Department: For Department:

tcmcs065.dsca Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Description field.

For Project: For Project:

tppdm600.dsca Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Description field.

Infor April 07, 2020 538

For Site: For Site:
tcemm170.desc Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Description field.
1) tccom130.glat 1) Session Addresses (tcom4130m000), Detailed tab, Latitude field.

For Warehouse: For Warehouse:

2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Address Code field.

For Department: For Department:

2) tcmcs065.cadr 2) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field.

For Project: For Project:

2) tppdm600.padr 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Address Code Project field.

For Site: For Site:

2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General group, Address Code field.

Based on the Address field, the integer part of the Latitude field is published.
1) tccom130.glat 1) Session Addresses (tcom4130m000), Detailed tab, Latitude field.

For Warehouse: For Warehouse:

2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Address Code field.

For Department: For Department:

2) tcmcs065.cadr 2) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field.

For Project: For Project:

2) tppdm600.padr 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Address Code Project field.

For Site: For Site:

2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General group, Address Code field.

Based on the Address field, the integer part of (the decimal part of the Latitude field times 60) is published.
1) tccom130.glat 1) Session Addresses (tcom4130m000), Detailed tab, Latitude field.

For Warehouse: For Warehouse:

2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Address Code field.

For Department: For Department:

2) tcmcs065.cadr 2) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field.

For Project: For Project:

2) tppdm600.padr 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Address Code Project field.

For Site: For Site:

2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General group, Address Code field.

Based on the Address field, the decimal part of (the decimal part of the Latitude field times 60) times 60 is
1) tccom130.glon 1) Session Addresses (tcom4130m000), Detailed tab, Longitude field.

For Warehouse: For Warehouse:

2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Address Code field.

For Department: For Department:

2) tcmcs065.cadr 2) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field.

For Project: For Project:

2) tppdm600.padr 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Address Code Project field.

For Site: For Site:

2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General group, Address Code field.

Based on the Address field, the integer part of the Longitude field is published.
1) tccom130.glon 1) Session Addresses (tcom4130m000), Detailed tab, Longitude field.

For Warehouse: For Warehouse:

2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Address Code field.

For Department: For Department:

2) tcmcs065.cadr 2) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field.

For Project: For Project:

Infor April 07, 2020 539

2) tppdm600.padr 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Address Code Project field.

For Site: For Site:

2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General group, Address Code field.

Based on the Address field, the integer part of (the decimal part of the Longitude field times 60) is published.
1) tccom130.glon 1) Session Addresses (tcom4130m000), Detailed tab, Longitude field.

For Warehouse: For Warehouse:

2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Address Code field.

For Department: For Department:

2) tcmcs065.cadr 2) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field.

For Project: For Project:

2) tppdm600.padr 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Address Code Project field.

For Site: For Site:

2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General group, Address Code field.

Based on the Address field, the decimal part of (the decimal part of the Longitude field times 60) times 60 is
`Discrete` and `Text` is published.
An address block with discrete data and an address block with text data will be published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.

For Warehouse: For Warehouse:

2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Address Code field.

For Department: For Department:

2) tcmcs065.cadr 2) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field.

For Project: For Project:

2) tppdm600.padr 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Address Code Project field.

For Site: For Site:

2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General group, Address Code field.

Based on the Address field, the Name field is published

1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.

For Warehouse: For Warehouse:

7) tcmcs003.cadr 7) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Address Code field.

For Department: For Department:

7) tcmcs065.cadr 7) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field.

For Project: For Project:

7) tppdm600.padr 7) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Address Code Project field.

For Site: For Site:

7) tccom000.cadr 7) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General group, Address Code field.

Based on the Address field, the six Address Lines are published.
One Address Line is published per sequence.
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
( tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.

For Warehouse: For Warehouse:

2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Address Code field.

For Department: For Department:

Infor April 07, 2020 540

2) tcmcs065.cadr 2) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field.

For Project: For Project:

2) tppdm600.padr 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Address Code Project field.

For Site: For Site:

2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General group, Address Code field.

Based on the Address field, the House Number field is published.

1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.

For Warehouse: For Warehouse:

2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Address Code field.

For Department: For Department:

2) tcmcs065.cadr 2) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field.

For Project: For Project:

2) tppdm600.padr 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Address Code Project field.

For Site: For Site:

2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General group, Address Code field.

Based on the Address field, the Building field is published.

1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.

For Warehouse: For Warehouse:

2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Address Code field.

For Department: For Department:

2) tcmcs065.cadr 2) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field.

For Project: For Project:

2) tppdm600.padr 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Address Code Project field.

For Site: For Site:

2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General group, Address Code field.

Based on the Address field, the Street field is published.

1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.

For Warehouse: For Warehouse:

2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Address Code field.

For Department: For Department:

2) tcmcs065.cadr 2) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field.

For Project: For Project:

2) tppdm600.padr 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Address Code Project field.

For Site: For Site:

2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General group, Address Code field.

Based on the Address field, the Unit field is published.

1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
For Warehouse:
2) tcmcs003.cadr For Warehouse:
2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Address Code field.
For Department:
2) tcmcs065.cadr For Department:
2) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field.
For Project:
2) tppdm600.padr For Project:
2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Address Code Project field.
For Site:
2) tccom000.cadr For Site:
2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General group, Address Code field.

Based on the Address field, the Floor field is published.

1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.

For Warehouse: For Warehouse:

Infor April 07, 2020 541

2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Address Code field.

For Department: For Department:

2) tcmcs065.cadr 2) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field.

For Project: For Project:

2) tppdm600.padr 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Address Code Project field.

For Site: For Site:

2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General group, Address Code field.

Based on the Address field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.

For Warehouse: For Warehouse:

2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Address Code field.

For Department: For Department:

2) tcmcs065.cadr 2) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field.

For Project: For Project:

2) tppdm600.padr 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Address Code Project field.

For Site: For Site:

2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General group, Address Code field.

Based on the Address field, the State/Province field is published.

1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.

For Warehouse: For Warehouse:

2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Address Code field.

For Department: For Department:

2) tcmcs065.cadr 2) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field.

For Project: For Project:

2) tcmcs065.cadr 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Address Code Project field.

For Site: For Site:

2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General group, Address Code field.

Based on the Address field, the City field is published.

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.

For Warehouse: For Warehouse:

2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Address Code field.

For Department: For Department:

2) tcmcs065.cadr 2) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field.

For Project: For Project:

2) tppdm600.padr 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Address Code Project field.

For Site: For Site:

2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General group, Address Code field.

Based on the Address field, the State/Province field is published.

1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.

For Warehouse: For Warehouse:

3) tcmcs003.cadr 3) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Address Code field.

For Department: For Department:

3) tcmcs065.cadr 3) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field.

For Project: For Project:

3) tppdm600.padr 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Address Code Project field.

For Site: For Site:

3) tccom000.cadr 3) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General group, Address Code field.

Based on the Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 542

1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.

For Warehouse: For Warehouse:

2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Address Code field.

For Department: For Department:

2) tcmcs065.cadr 2) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field.

For Project: For Project:

2) tppdm600.padr 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Address Code Project field.

For Site: For Site:

2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General group, Address Code field.

Based on the Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
For Warehouse: For Warehouse:
1) tcmcs003.inep 1) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Include in Enterprise Planning field.
2) tcemm112.dicl 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Relationship tab, Distribution Cluster field.
3) tcmcs003.cwar 3) Session Warehouses (whwm2500m000), Warehouse field.
4) whwmd301.chkc 4) Session Warehouse - Location - Capacity (whwmd3101s000), Units field.
5) whwmd301.totc 5) Session Warehouse - Location - Capacity (whwmd3101s000), Maximum Units field.
6) whwmd301.capu 6) Session Warehouse - Location - Capacity (whwmd3101s000), Capacity Unit field.
7) whwmd301.chkw 7) Session Warehouse - Location - Capacity (whwmd3101s000), Weight field.
8) whwmd301.totw 8) Session Warehouse - Location - Capacity (whwmd3101s000), Maximum Weight field.
9) whwmd301.chks 9) Session Warehouse - Location - Capacity (whwmd3101s000), Floor Space field.
10) whwmd301.tots 10) Session Warehouse - Location - Capacity (whwmd3101s000), Maximum Floor Space field.
11) whwmd301.chkv 11) Session Warehouse - Location - Capacity (whwmd3101s000), Volume field.
12) whwmd301.totv 12) Session Warehouse - Location - Capacity (whwmd3101s000), Maximum Volume field.
13) whwmd300.loct 13) Session Warehouse - Locations (whwmd3500m000), Location Type field.
14) whwmd300.inca 14) Session Warehouse - Locations (whwmd3500m000), Infinite Capacity field.
15) tcmcs101.dare 15) Session Unit Dimensional Relationships (tcmcs1101m000), Derived Area Unit field.
16) tcmcs101.dvol 16) Session Unit Dimensional Relationships (tcmcs1101m000), Derived Volume Unit field.
17) whwmd000.wght 17) Session Warehouse Master Data Parameters (whwmd0100s000), Miscellaneous tab, Default Weight Unit
18) whwmd000.lgth field.
19) tcibd003.basu 18) Session Warehouse Master Data Parameters (whwmd0100s000), Miscellaneous tab, Default Length Unit
20) tcibd003.unit field.
21) tcibd003.conv 19) Session Conversion Factors (tcibd0103m000), Base Unit field.
22) tcibd003.appr 20) Session Conversion Factors (tcibd0103m000), Unit field.
23) tcmcs001.icun 21) Session Conversion Factors (tcibd0103m000), Conversion Factor field.
22) Session Conversion Factors (tcibd0103m000), Approved field.
For Department: 23) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
1) tsmdm100.cwoc
2) tsmdm100.srtp For the Include in Enterprise Planning field, the Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
3) tcmcs065.emno 'ln.IncludeInPlanning' and Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.
4) tcmcs065.ccal
5) tcmcs065.ract For the Distribution Cluster field, the Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.Cluster'
and Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For Project:
1) tppdm600.intp If based on the Warehouse field, for ALL Warehouse - Locations for which the Location Type is equal to 'Bulk' or
2) tppdm600.pmng equal to 'Pick' the Infinite Capacity field is not set,
- If for ALL Warehouse - Locations the Units field is set, the aggregation of the Maximum Units field is calculated
For Site: as follows:
1) tcemm170.ccal -- the Capacity Unit field of the first Warehouse - Locations is used as base unit.
2) tcemm170.ract -- If there is a Conversion Factor for which the Approved field is set between the base unit and the Capacity Unit
field of the next Warehouse - Location - Capacity, the Maximum Units of that next Warehouse - Location -
Capacity is divided by the Conversion Factor field. If the Conversion Factor field is greater than 1.0, the base
unit becomes the Capacity Unit field of that next Warehouse - Location - Capacity and the aggregated Maximum
Units are multiplied by the Conversion Factor field.
- Otherwise, the aggregation of the Maximum Units field is equal to zero.
- For the Maximum Units field,
-- If the aggregation of the Maximum Units is not equal to zero,
the Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.MaximumUnits' and Location/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'QuantityType' and Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@unitCode
is filled with the ISO Code field of the base unit.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.5 or later.

- If for ALL Warehouse - Locations the Weight field is set,

-- For the aggregated Maximum Weight,
the Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.MaximumWeight' and Location/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'QuantityType' and Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@unitCode
is filled with the ISO Code field of the Default Weight Unit field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.5 or later.

- If for ALL Warehouse - Locations the Floor Space field is set,

Infor April 07, 2020 543
-- For the aggregated Maximum Floor Space,
--- the Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.MaximumFloorSpace' and Location/
UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'QuantityType'
-- based on the Default Length Unit field, Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@unitCode is filled with the
ISO Code field of the Derived Area Unit field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.5 or later.

- If for ALL Warehouse - Locations the Volume field is set,

-- For the aggregated Maximum Volume,
--- the Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.MaximumVolume' and Location/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'QuantityType'
-- based on the Default Length Unit field, Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@unitCode is filled with the
ISO Code field of the Derived Volume field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.5 or later.

For Department:
1) Session Service Departments (tsmdm1100m000), Service Department field.
2) Session Service Departments (tsmdm1100m000), Field of Support field.
3) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Manager field.
4) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Calendar field.
5) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Availability Type field.

For the Service Department field,

Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.ServiceIndicator' and
Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.

If the Service Department is present, 'true' is published.

Otherwise, 'false' is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.5 or later.

If the Service Department is present, for the Field of Support field,

Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.InternalIndicator' and
Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.5 or later.

For the Manager field,

Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.Manager',
Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'MasterDataReferenceType',
Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@nounName is filled with 'Person' and
Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@accountingEntity is filled with the accountingEntity related to the
Person BOD.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.5 or later.

If the Calendar field and the Availability Type field are filled,
Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.ResourceCalendar',
Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'MasterDataReferenceType',
Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@nounName is filled with 'LnResourceCalendar' and
Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@accountingEntity is filled with the accountingEntity.

For Project:
1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), general tab, Internal Project field.
2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), general tab, Project Manager field.

For the Internal Project field,

Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.InternalIndicator' and
Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.5 or later.

For the Project Manager field,

Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.Manager',
Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'MasterDataReferenceType',
Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@nounName is filled with 'Person' and
Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@accountingEntity is filled with the accountingEntity related to the
Person BOD.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.5 or later.

For Site:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Calendar tab, Calendar field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Calendar tab, Availability Type field.

If the Calendar field and the Availability Type field are filled,
Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.ResourceCalendar',
Infor April 07, 2020 544
Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'MasterDataReferenceType',
Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@nounName is filled with 'LnResourceCalendar' and
Location/UserArea/Property/NameValue@accountingEntity is filled with the accountingEntity.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data
For Department: For Department:
1) tcmcs065.typd 1) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Department Type field.
2) tirou001.mnwc 2) Session Work Centers (tirou0101m000), Relationships tab, Main Work Center field.
3) tsmdm100.cmwc 3) Session Service Department (tsmdm1100m000), Details tab, Main Department field.

For Project: Based on the Department Type field, the Main Work Center field or the Main Department field is published
tppdm600.mprj The concatenation of 'D' and the Department field is published.

For Project:
Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Main Project field.

The concatenation of 'P' and the Project field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Department: For Department:
For Project: For Project:
tcmcs065.dsca Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Description field.
For Warehouse: For Warehouse:
tcmcs003.cwar Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Warehouse field.

For Department: Based on the Warehouse field, the Operational Company is determined. The concatenation of 'S' and the
tcmcs065.cwoc Operational Company field is published.

For Project: For Department:

tppdm600.cprj Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Department field.

For Site: Based on the Department field, the Operational Company is determined. The concatenation of 'S' and the
tcemm170.comp Operational Company field is published.

For Project:
Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Operational Company is determined. The concatenation of 'S' and the
Operational Company field is published.

For Site:
Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.

The concatenation of 'S' and the Company field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tcemm170.desc Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company Description field.
For Warehouse: For Warehouse:
1) tcmcs003.cwar 1) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Warehouse field.
2) tcmcs003.typw 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Warehouse Type field.

For Department: Based on the Warehouse field, the Enterprise unit is published.
1) tcmcs065.cwoc
2) tcmcs065.ctyp For Department:
1) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Department field.
For Project: 2) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Department Type field.
1) tppdm600.cprj
2) tppdm600.kopr Based on the Department field, the Enterprise unit is published.

For Site: For Project:

1) tcemm170.comp 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.
2) tcemm170.ctyp 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Hierarchy Type field.

Based on the Project field, the Enterprise unit is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 545

For Site:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company Type field.
Based on the number of Classification Codes, the sequence number is set.
For Warehouse: For Warehouse:
1) tcmcs003.cwar 1) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Warehouse field.
2) tcmcs003.typw 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Warehouse Type field.

For Department: Based on the Warehouse field, the Enterprise unit is determined and 'Enterprise Units' is published.
1) tcmcs065.cwoc For the Warehouse Type field, 'Location Sub Types' is published.
2) tcmcs065.ctyp
For Department:
For Project: 1) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Department field.
1) tppdm600.cprj 2) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Department Type field.
2) tppdm600.kopr
Based on the Department field, the Enterprise unit is determined and 'Enterprise Units' is published.
For Site: For the Department Type field, 'Location Sub Types' is published.
1) tcemm170.comp
2) tcemm170.ctyp For Project:
1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.
2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Hierarchy Type field.

Based on the Project field, the Enterprise unit is determined and 'Enterprise Units' is published.
For the Hierarchy Type field, 'Location Sub Types' is published.

For Site:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company Type field.

Based on the Company field, the Enterprise unit is determined and 'Enterprise Units' is published.
For the Company Type field, 'Location Sub Types' is published.
tcemm100.timz Session Time Zones (tcemm1100m000), Time Zone field.

Based on the Time Zone field (which is needed to determine the UTC and convert the UTC long format value to
local date and time), the number of hours expressed in decimals the current time zone of the user is away from
UTC is published.
1) tccom130.tzid 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Time Zone field.
2) tcemm100.timz 2) Session Time Zones (tcemm1100m000), Time Zone field.

For Warehouse: For Warehouse:

3) tcmcs003.cadr 3) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Address Code field.

For Department: For Department:

3) tcmcs065.cadr 3) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field.

For Project: For Project:

3) tppdm600.padr 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Address Code Project field.

For Site: For Site:

3) tccom000.cadr 3) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), General group, Address Code field.

Based on the Address field and the Time Zone (1) field, the Time Zone (2) field is published.
If the Location is deleted 'Deleted' is published.
Otherwise, 'Open' is published.
If the Location is deleted 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 546

tcmcs060.cmnf Session Manufacturers (tcmcs0160m000), Manufacturer field.

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2.1 or later.

This BOD is published when users Create or Update Manufacturers.
This element is mandatory.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

tcmcs060.dsca Session Manufacturers (tcmcs0160m000), Manufacturer description field.
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tcmcs060.cadr 2) Session Manufacturers (tcmcs0160m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Name field is published.

1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Identification group, Name field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Additions tab, Additional Address Data group, Name 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Address group, Address field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Additions tab, Additional Address Data group, Address 2 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Address group, City field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Additions tab, Additional Address Data group, City 2 field.
7) tccom060.cadr 7) Session Manufacturers (tcmcs0160m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tcmcs060.cadr 2) Session Manufacturers (tcmcs0160m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the City field is published.

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Manufacturers (tcmcs0160m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the State/Province field is published.

1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country (1) field.
2) tcmcs060.ccty 2) Session Manufacturers (tcmcs0160m000), Country field.
3) tcmcs010.ict2 3) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
4) tcmcs060.cadr 4) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

If Address Code field is not empty, based on the Address Code field and the Country (1) field, the ISO Code
alpha-2 field of the country is published. Otherwise, based on the Country (2) field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of
the country is published
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tcmcs060.cadr 2) Session Manufacturers (tcmcs0160m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
Used, but not separately stored.

Infor April 07, 2020 547

tcmcs060.txta Session Manufacturers (tcmcs0160m000), Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
tcmcs060.stat Session Manufacturers (tcmcs0160m000), Status field.

If the Status field is equal to 'For Approval', 'Open' is published.

If the Status field is equal to 'Approved', 'Approved' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Blocked', 'Hold' is published.
If the Manufacturer is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
tcmcs060.cdis Session Manufacturers (tcmcs0160m000), Reason field.
tcmcs060.indt Session Manufacturers (tcmcs0160m000), Effective Date field.
tcmcs060.exdt Session Manufacturers (tcmcs0160m000), Expiry Date field.
Always filled with 'false'.
tcmcs060.otbp Session Manufacturers (tcmcs0160m000), Buy-from Business Partner field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 548

For FP6: For FP6:
1) tdsmi110.bpid 1) Session Opportunities (tdsmi1510m000), Business Partner field.
2) tdsmi110.role 2) Session Opportunities (tdsmi1510m000), Role of BP field.
3) tdsmi110.mprj 3) Session Opportunities (tdsmi1510m000), Opportunity field.

For FP7 or later: The concatenation of the Business Partner field, the Role of BP field and the Opportunity field is published.
1) tdsmi110.opty
This BOD is published when users Create or Update an Opportunity.

For FP7 or later:

Session Opportunities (tdsmi1110m000), Opportunity field.

Based on the Opportunity field, the Opportunity field is published.

This BOD is published when users Create or Update an Opportunity when the status is unequal to Preliminary.

This BOD is published when users Delete an Opportunity and the status is equal to 'In Process'.
This BOD is published if the old status is equal to 'In Process' and the new status is equal to 'Preliminary'.

This BOD is not available for FP5.

For FP6: For FP6:
tccom001.cwoc Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Department field.
Based on the Department field, the accountingEntity field is published.
For FP7 or later:
tdsmi110.cofc For FP7 or later:
Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Miscellaneous tab, Sales Office field.
Based on the Sales Office field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For FP6: For FP6:
tccom001.cwoc Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Department field.
Based on the Department field, the location field is published.
For FP7 or later:
tdsmi110.cofc For FP7 or later:
Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Miscellaneous tab, Sales Office field.
Based on the Sales Office field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For FP7 or later: Session Opportunities (tdsmi1110m000), Opportunity field.
1) tdsmi110.opty
Based on the Opportunity field, the Opportunity field is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

tdsmi110.ltdt For FP6:
Session Opportunities (tdsmi1510m000), Last Transaction Date field.

For FP7 or later:

Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Last Modification Date field.
For FP6: For FP6:
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

For FP7 or later: Based on the current LN user the User field is determined.
1) tccom001.emno Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
2) tccom001.loco
3) tdsmi110.lmus For FP7 or later:
1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Last Modified by field.

Based on the Last Modified by field, the User field is determined.

If the User field cannot be determined, based on the current LN user the User field is determined.
Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For FP6:

Infor April 07, 2020 549

1) tccom001.nama For FP6:
Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
For FP7 or later:
1) tccom001.nama Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.
2) tdsmi110.lmus
For FP7 or later:
1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Last Modified by field.

Based on the Last Modified by field, the Name field is published.

tdsmi110.fcdt For FP6:
Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Date First Contact field.

For FP7 or later:

Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), First Contact field.
tdsmi110.dsca Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Description field.
tdsmi110.text For FP6:
Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Opportunity Text field.

For FP7 or later:

Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Information field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
For FP7 or later: For FP6:
1) tdsmi110.opty Always 'Open' is published.
2) tdsmi110.opst
For FP7 or later:
1) Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Opportunity field.
2) Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Status field.

If the Status field is equal to 'In Process', 'Open' is published.

If the Opportunity is deleted and the Status field is equal to 'In Process', 'Deleted' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Dead', 'Lost' or 'Canceled', 'Lost' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Won', 'Won' is published.

If the old status is equal to 'In Process' and the new status is equal to 'Preliminary', 'Deleted' is published.
Always filled with 'Opportunity Status'.
tdsmi110.ltdt For FP6:
Session Opportunities (tdsmi1510m000), Last Transaction Date field.

For FP7 or later:

Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Last Modification Date field.
For FP7 or later: For FP6:
tdsmi110.cdis Nothing is published.

For FP7 or later:

1) Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Reason field.
For FP6:
Nothing is published.

For FP7 or later:

If the Opportunity is deleted, 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.
tdsmi110.xpam Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Expected Revenue field.
For FP6: For FP6:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

For FP7 or later: Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tdsmi110.ccur. For FP7 or later:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 550
For FP7 or later: For FP7 or later:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tdsmi110.cofc 3) Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Miscellaneous tab, Sales Office field.
4) tdsmi110.xpam 4) Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Expected Revenue field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
- The Expected Revenue field expressed in Local Currency is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For FP7 or later: For FP7 or later:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tdsmi110.cofc 4) Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Miscellaneous tab, Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For FP7 or later: For FP7 or later:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tdsmi110.cofc 3) Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Miscellaneous tab, Sales Office field.
4) tdsmi110.xpam 4) Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Expected Revenue field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
- The Expected Revenue field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For FP7 or later: For FP7 or later:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tdsmi110.cofc 4) Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Miscellaneous tab, Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

tdsmi110.bpid For FP6:
Session Opportunities (tdsmi1510m000), Business Partner field.

For FP7 or later:

Session Opportunities (tdsmi1110m000), Sold-to Business Partner field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom100.nama For FP6:
2) tdsmi110.bpid 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) Session Opportunities (tdsmi1110m000), Business Partner field.

Based on the Business Partner field, the Name field is published.

For FP7 or later:

1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) Session Opportunities (tdsmi1110m000), Sold-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Sold-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
1) tcmcs046.ilng For FP6:
2) tccom140.clan 1) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Language field.

For FP7 or later:

1) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Details tab, Language field.

Infor April 07, 2020 551

Based on the Language field, the ISO Code field of the language is published.
For FP7 or later: For FP6:
tdsmi122.ccnt Nothing is published.

For FP7 or later:

1) Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Contacts tab, Contacts field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For FP6: tccom140.surn. For FP6:
Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Family Name field.
For FP7 or later:
tccom140.fuln. For FP7 or later:
Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Full Name field.
For FP6: tccom140.cfun Session Contact (tccom1640m000), Job Title field.

For FP7 or later:

tccom600.acty Session Activities (tccom6100m000), Activity field.

If the Activity field is equal to 'Appointment', 'Appointment' is published.

If the Activity field is equal to 'Call', 'Call' is published.
If the Activity field is equal to 'Task', 'Task' is published.
If the Activity field is equal to 'EMail', 'EMail' is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

tccom600.acty Session Activities (tccom6100m000), Activity field.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

tccom600.dsca Session Activities (tccom6100m000), Subject field.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

tccom600.txta Session Appointment (tccom6600m100), Information field.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
tccom600.acst Session Activities (tccom6100m000), Status field.

If the Status field is equal to 'Not Started', 'Planning' is published.

If the Status field is equal to 'In Process', 'InProgress' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Completed', 'Completed' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Waiting', 'InProgress' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Deferred', 'Planning' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Planned', 'Planning' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Held', 'Completed' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Not Held', 'Closed' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Draft', 'Open' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Sent', 'Completed' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Received', 'Completed' is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

tccom600.stdt Session Activities (tccom6100m000), Start Date field.

The Start Date field is published.

If this field is empty, nothing is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

1) tccom600.actp 1) Session Activities (tccom6100m000), Type field.
2) tccom600.duhr 2) Session Activities (tccom6100m000), Duration Hours field.
3) tccom600.enmn 3) Session Activities (tccom6100m000), Duration Minutes field.
Infor April 07, 2020 552
If the Type field is equal to 'Call', the concatenation of the Duration Hours field and the Duration Minutes field is
Otherwise, nothing is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

1) tccom600.actp 1) Session Activities (tccom6100m000), Type field.
2) tccom600.dudt 2) Session Activities (tccom6100m000), Due Date field.
3) tccom600.endt 3) Session Activities (tccom6100m000), End Date field.

If the Type field is equal to 'Task', the Due Date field is published.
If the Type field is equal to 'Appointment', the End Date field is published.
Otherwise, nothing is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

1) tccom600.actp 1) Session Activities (tccom6100m000), Type field.
2) tccom600.cmdt 2) Session Activities (tccom6100m000), Completion Date field.

If the Type field is equal to 'Task', the Completion Date field is published.
If this field is empty, nothing is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

tdsmi110.crep For FP6:
Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Internal Sales Rep field.

For FP7 or later:

Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Assigned to field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Description field.
tdsmi110.sccp For FP6:
Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Success Percentage field.

For FP7 or later:

Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Probability Percentage field.
tdsmi110.cpha Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Phase field.
tdsmi110.cpha Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Phase field.

If the Phase field is filled, 'Sales Stages' is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tdsmi110.dcdt For FP6:
Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Decision Date field.

For FP7 or later:

Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Expected Close Date field.
Always 'Opportunity' is published.
tdsmi110.cptp For FP6:
Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Opportunity Type field.

For FP7 or later:

Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Type field.
For FP7 or later: For FP6:
tdsmi110.incf Always 'false' is published.

For FP7 or later:

Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Include in Forecast field.

If the Include in Forecast field is equal to 'Yes', 'true' is published.

If the Include in Forecast field is equal to 'No', 'false' is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 553

For FP6:
Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Internal Sales Rep field.

For FP7 or later:

Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Assigned to field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Description field.
tdsmi110.csou Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Source field.
tdsmi110.csou Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Source field.

If the Source field is filled, 'Opportunity Sources' is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tdsmi113.pono Session Items by Opportunity (tdsmi1113m000), Position field.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

1) tdsmi110.opty For FP6:
2) tdsmi110.opst Nothing is published.

For FP7 or later:

1) Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Opportunity field.
2) Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Status field.

If the Status field is equal to 'In Process', 'Open' is published.

If the Opportunity is deleted and the Status field is equal to 'In Process', 'Deleted' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Dead', 'Lost' or 'Canceled', 'Lost' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Won', 'Won' is published.
Always filled with 'Opportunity Status'.
tdsmi110.ltdt Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Last Modification Date field.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For FP7 or later: For FP6:
tdsmi110.cdis Nothing is published.

For FP7 or later:

1) Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Reason field.
For FP6:
Nothing is published.

For FP7 or later:

If the Opportunity is deleted, 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.
tdsmi113.item Session Items by Opportunity (tdsmi1113m000), Item field.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

1) tcibd001.kitm 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Type field.
2) tdsmi113.item 2) Session Items by Opportunity (tdsmi1113m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Item Type is determined.

If Item Type is Service, 'true' is published.
For all other Item Types, 'false' is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

Infor April 07, 2020 554
1) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.
2) tdsmi113.item 2) Session Items by Opportunity (tdsmi1113m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Description field is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

tdsmi113.amta Session Items by Opportunity (tdsmi1113m000), Amount field.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tdsmi110.ccur 2) Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

tdsmi113.qoor Session Items by Opportunity (tdsmi1113m000), Ordered Quantity field.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

tdsmi113.cuqs Session Items by Opportunity (tdsmi1113m000), Ordered Quantity Unit field.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tdsmi113.item 2) Session Items by Opportunity (tdsmi1113m000), Item field.
3) tdsmi113.qoor 3) Session Items by Opportunity (tdsmi1113m000), Ordered Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Ordered Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tdsmi113.item 3) Session Items by Opportunity (tdsmi1113m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

tdsmi110.dcdt Session Opportunity (tdsmi1610m000), Expected Close Date field.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

Infor April 07, 2020 555

When the Handling Unit is filled, the concatenation of Warehouse, 'whwmd5130m000' and Handling Unit is

When the Handling Unit is not filled, the concatenation depends on the activity:

The concatenation of Warehouse, Activity, Order Origin, Order Number, Order Line and Order Line Sequence is

The concatenation of Warehouse, Activity, Order Origin, Order Number, Order Line, Order Line Sequence and
Outbound Advice Line is published.

The concatenation of Warehouse, Activity, Shipment and Shipment Line is published.

The concatenation of Warehouse, Activity, Inspection and Inspection Line is published.

The concatenation of Warehouse, Activity, and HU is published.

The concatenation of Warehouse, Activity, Receipt and Receipt Line is published.

The concatenation of Warehouse, Activity, Ship-from BP, ASN and ASN Line is published.

The concatenation of Warehouse, Activity, Order Origin, Order Number, Order Line, Order Line Sequence, BOM
Line, BOM Line Sequence, Inbound Advice and Inbound Advice Line is published.

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2.1 or later.

whwmd530.cwar Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Location tab, Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
whwmd530.cwar Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Location tab, Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
The concatenation of Order Number, Order Line and Order Line Sequence of the related Warehousing Order is
whinh200.oorg Session Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000), Order Origin field.
When the Handling Unit is filled, the concatenation of Warehouse, 'whwmd5130m000' and Handling Unit is

When the Handling Unit is not filled, the concatenation depends on the activity:

The concatenation of Warehouse, Activity, the English description of Order Origin, Order Number, Order Line
and Order Line Sequence is published.

The concatenation of Warehouse, Activity, the English description of Order Origin, Order Number, Order Line,
Order Line Sequence and Outbound Advice Line is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 556
The concatenation of Warehouse, Activity, Shipment and Shipment Line is published.

The concatenation of Warehouse, Activity, Inspection and Inspection Line is published.

The concatenation of Warehouse, Activity, and HU is published.

The concatenation of Warehouse, Activity, Receipt and Receipt Line is published.

The concatenation of Warehouse, Activity, Ship-from BP, ASN and ASN Line is published.

The concatenation of Warehouse, Activity, the English description of Order Origin, Order Number, Order Line,
Order Line Sequence, BOM Line, BOM Line Sequence, Inbound Advice and Inbound Advice Line is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) whinh211.logn 3) Not displayed in any session, User field.
4) whwmd530.logn 4) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Miscellaneous tab, User field.

If the User (3) field is filled, based on the User (3) field, the User field is determined. Otherwise, based on the
User (4) field the User field is determined.

If the User field cannot be determined, based on the current LN user the User field is determined.
Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) whinh211.logn 2) Not displayed in any session, User field.
3) whwmd530.logn 3) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Miscellaneous tab, User field.

If the User (2) field is filled, based on the User (2) field, the Name field is published. Otherwise, based on the
User (3) field, the Name field is published.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
Always filled with 'Open'.
whwmd530.cwar Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Location tab, Warehouse field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcmcs003.dsca 1) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0503m000), Description field.
2) whwmd530.cwar 2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Location tab, Warehouse field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the Description field is published.

1) whwmd530.sfty 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Ship-From/To tab, Ship-From Type field.
2) whwmd530.sfco 2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Ship-From/To tab, Ship-From Code field.

If the Ship-From Type is equal to 'Business Partner', the Ship-From Code field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) whwmd530.sfty 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Ship-From/To tab, Ship-From Type field.
2) whinh200.wdep 2) Session Warehousing Order (whinh2100m000), Warehousing Order tab, Office field.
3) tccom000.fovn 3) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Tax Number of Own Company field.

If the Ship-From Type is equal to 'Warehouse', the Tax Number of Own Company from the financial company
related to the Office field is published.
1) whwmd530.sfty
Infor April 07, 2020 557
2) whinh200.depc 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Ship-From/To tab, Ship-From Type field.
3) tccom000.lgid 2) Not displayed in any session, Office Company field.
3) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Tax Number of Own Company field.
For Infor LN 10.6 or later:
1) whwmd530.sfty If the Ship-From Type is equal to 'Warehouse', the Chamber of Commerce ID related to the Office Company
2) whwmd530.sfco field is published.
3) tcemm030.duns
4) tccom000.duns For Infor LN 10.6 or later:
1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Ship-From/To tab, Ship-From Type field.
2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Ship-From/To tab, Ship-From Code field.
3) Session Enterprise Units (tcemm0130m000), DUNS Number (1) field.
4) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), DUNS Number (2) field.

If the Ship-From Type is equal to 'Warehouse',

based on the Ship-From Code field, the DUNS Number (1) field from the enterprise unit of the warehouse is
published. When this DUNS Number is not defined, the DUNS Number (2) field is published.
1) whwmd530.sfty 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Ship-From/To tab, Ship-From Type field.
2) whwmd530.sfco 2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Ship-From/To tab, Ship-From Code field.
3) tccom100.nama 3) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.

If the Ship-From Type field is equal to 'Business Partner', based on the Ship-From Code field, the Name field is
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) Ship-from Address 2) Ship-from Address related to the activity.

Based on the Ship-from Address field, the Name field is published.

1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) Ship-from Address 7) Ship-from Address related to the activity.

Based on the Ship-from Address field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) Ship-from Address 2) Ship-from Address related to the activity.

Based on the Ship-from Address field, the City field is published.

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) Ship-from Address 2) Ship-from Address related to the activity.

Based on the Ship-from Address field, the State/Province field is published.

1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) Ship-from Address 3) Ship-from Address related to the activity.

Based on the Ship-from Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) Ship-from Address 2) Ship-from Address related to the activity.

Based on the Ship-from Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
Carrier/LSP Carrier/LSP related to the activity.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcmcs080.dsca 1) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0180s000), Description field.
2) Carrier/LSP 2) Carrier/LSP field related to the activity.

Based on the Carrier/LSP field, the Description field is published.

1) whwmd530.stty 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Ship-From/To tab, Ship-To Type field.
2) whwmd530.stco 2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Ship-From/To tab, Ship-To Code field.
Infor April 07, 2020 558
For LN 10.5 and later: If the Ship-To Type is equal to 'Business Partner', the Ship-To Code field is published.
3) tdsls311.stbp
4) tcibd420.alst For LN 10.5 and later:
3) Session Sales Schedule (tdsls3611m000), Ship-to BP field.
4) Session Demand Pegging Relationships (tcibd4520m000), Allocated to Ship-to Business Partner field.

If the Ship-To Type is not equal to 'Business Partner' and the Ship-to BP filed is filled, the Ship-to BP field is
Otherwise, if the Ship-To Type is not equal to 'Business Partner' and the Allocated to Ship-to Business Partner
field is filled, the Allocated to Ship-to Business Partner field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) whwmd530.stty 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Ship-From/To tab, Ship-To Type field.
2) whwmd530.stco 2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Ship-From/To tab, Ship-To Code field.
3) tccom100.nama 3) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.

For LN 10.5 and later: If the Ship-To Type field is equal to 'Business Partner', based on the Ship-To Code field, the Name field is
4) tdsls311.stbp published.
5) tcibd420.alst
For LN 10.5 and later:
4) Session Sales Schedule (tdsls3611m000), Ship-to BP field.
5) Session Demand Pegging Relationships (tcibd4520m000), Allocated to Ship-to Business Partner field.

If the Ship-To Type field is not equal to 'Business Partner' and the Ship-to BP filed is filled, based on the Ship-to
BP field, the Name field is published.
Otherwise, if the Ship-To Type field is not equal to 'Business Partner' and the Allocated to Ship-to Business
Partner field is filled, based on the Allocated to Ship-to Business Partner, the Name field is published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) Ship-to Address 2) Ship-to Address related to the activity.

For LN 10.5 and later: If the Ship-to Type is equal to 'Business Partner', based on the Ship-to Address field, the Name field is published.
3) tdsls311.stad
For LN 10.5 and later:
3) Session Sales Schedule (tdsls3611m000), Ship-to Address (2) field.

If the Ship-To Type field is not equal to 'Business Partner' and the Ship-to Address (2) fleld is filled, based on the
Ship-to Address (2), the Name fleld is published. Otherwise, based on the Ship-to Address field, the Name field
is published.
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) Ship-to Address 7) Ship-to Address related to the activity.

For LN 10.5 and later: If the Ship-to Type is equal to 'Business Partner', based on the Ship-to Address field, the six Address Lines are
8) tdsls311.stad published.

For LN 10.5 and later:

8) Session Sales Schedule (tdsls3611m000), Ship-to Address (2) field.

If the Ship-To Type field is not equal to 'Business Partner' and the Ship-to Address (2) fleld is filled, based on the
Ship-to Address (2) field, the six Address Lines are published. Otherwise, based on the Ship-to Address field,
the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) Ship-to Address 2) Ship-to Address related to the activity.

For LN 10.5 and later: If the Ship-to Type is equal to 'Business Partner', based on the Ship-to Address field, the City field is published.
3) tdsls311.stad
For LN 10.5 and later:
3) Session Sales Schedule (tdsls3611m000), Ship-to Address (2) field.

If the Ship-To Type field is not equal to 'Business Partner' and the Ship-to Address (2) fleld is filled, based on the
Ship-to Address (2) field, the City fleld is published. Otherwise, based on the Ship-to Address field, the City field
is published.
1) tccom130.cste

Infor April 07, 2020 559

2) Ship-to Address 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) Ship-to Address related to the activity.
For LN 10.5 and later:
3) tdsls311.stad If the Ship-to Type is equal to 'Business Partner', based on the Ship-to Address field, the State/Province field is

For LN 10.5 and later:

3) Session Sales Schedule (tdsls3611m000), Ship-to Address (2) field.

If the Ship-To Type field is not equal to 'Business Partner' and the Ship-to Address (2) fleld is filled, based on the
Ship-to Address (2) field, the State/Province fleld is published. Otherwise, based on the Ship-to Address field,
the State/Province field is published.
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) Ship-to Address 3) Ship-to Address related to the activity.

For LN 10.5 and later: If the Ship-to Type is equal to 'Business Partner', based on the Ship-to Address field and the Country field, the
4) tdsls311.stad ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.

For LN 10.5 and later:

4) Session Sales Schedule (tdsls3611m000), Ship-to Address (2) field.

If the Ship-To Type field is not equal to 'Business Partner' and the Ship-to Address (2) fleld is filled, based on the
Ship-to Address (2) field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
Otherwise, based on the Ship-to Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) Ship-to Address 2) Ship-to Address related to the activity.

For LN 10.5 and later: If the Ship-to Type is equal to 'Business Partner', based on the Ship-to Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code
3) tdsls311.stad field is published.

For LN 10.5 and later:

3) Session Sales Schedule (tdsls3611m000), Ship-to Address (2) field.

If the Ship-To Type field is not equal to 'Business Partner' and the Ship-to Address (2) fleld is filled, based on the
Ship-to Address (2) field, the Zip Code/Postal Code fleld is published. Otherwise, based on the Ship-to Address
field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
Additional Info Additional Info related to the activity (only outbound).
tcstl200.dsca Session Additional Information Definitions (tcstl2100m000), Table Description field.
Always filled with 'StringType'
whinh430.ofbp Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Invoicing tab, Sold-to Business Partner field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) whinh430.ofbp 2) Session Shipments (whinh4130m000), Invoicing tab, Sold-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Sold-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
If PackageLabel/PackageLabelHeader/CustomerParty/PartyIDs/ID is filled, 'false' is published. Otherwise, 'true'
is published.
whinh006.labl Session Activities by Procedure (whinh0106m000), Label Layout field.
whinh006.copy Session Activities by Procedure (whinh0106m000), Copies field.
All name-value pairs that are available for label printing are published.
whwmd530.huid Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Handling Unit field.
1) whwmd530.grwt 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Quantity/Weight tab, Gross Weight field.
2) whwmd530.ntwt 2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Quantity/Weight tab, Net Weight field.

If Gross Weight and Net Weight are greater than zero, Gross Weight - Net Weight is published.
whwmd530.cwun Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Quantity/Weight tab, Weight Unit field.

Infor April 07, 2020 560

whwmd530.ntwt Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Quantity/Weight tab, Net Weight field.
whwmd530.cwun Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Quantity/Weight tab, Weight Unit field.
whwmd530.grwt Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Quantity/Weight tab, Gross Weight field.
whwmd530.cwun Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Quantity/Weight tab, Weight Unit field.
1) whwmd530.volu 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Quantity/Weight tab, Volume field.
2) whwmd530.cdun 2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Quantity/Weight tab, Length Unit field.
3) tcmcs000.clen 3) Session MCS Parameters (tcmcs0100s000), Length field
4) tcmcs000.cvol 4) Session MCS Parameters (tcmcs0100s000), Volume field
5) tcibd003.conv 5) Conversion Factors (tcibd0103m000), Conversion factor field

If the Volume of the Handling Unit is filled then the multiplication of the Volume times the conversion factor
between Length Unit of the Handling Unit and the Length Unit in the MCS Parameters which is raised to the
power of 3 is published.
tcmcs000.cvol Session MCS Parameters (tcmcs0100s000), Volume field
whwmd530.wdth Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Quantity/Weight tab, Width field.
whwmd530.cdun Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Quantity/Weight tab, Length Unit field.
whwmd530.dpth Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Quantity/Weight tab, Depth field.
whwmd530.cdun Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Quantity/Weight tab, Length Unit field.
whwmd530.hght Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Quantity/Weight tab, Height field.
whwmd530.cdun Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Quantity/Weight tab, Length Unit field.
whwmd532.auxp Session Handling Unit Auxiliary Packaging (whwmd5132m000), Auxiliary Packaging field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
whwmd532.qaux Session Handling Unit Auxiliary Packaging (whwmd5132m000), Number Auxiliary Packages field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Handling Unit Auxiliary Packaging (whwmd5132m000), Auxiliary Packaging field.
3) whwmd532.auxp
Based on the Auxiliary Packaging field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) whwmd532.auxp 2) Session Handling Unit Auxiliary Packaging (whwmd5132m000), Auxiliary Packaging field.
3) whwmd532.qaux 3) Session Handling Unit Auxiliary Packaging (whwmd5132m000), Number Auxiliary Packages field.

Based on the Auxiliary Packaging field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Number Auxiliary Packages field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) whwmd532.auxp 3) Session Handling Unit Auxiliary Packaging (whwmd5132m000), Auxiliary Packaging field.

Based on the Auxiliary Packaging field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.
2) whwmd532.auxp 2) Session Handling Unit Auxiliary Packaging (whwmd5132m000), Auxiliary Packaging field.

Based on the Auxiliary Packaging field, the Description field is published.

1) whwmd405.ruse 1) Session Packaging Items (twhwmd4505000), Reusable field.
2) whwmd532.auxp 2) Session Handling Unit Auxiliary Packaging (whwmd5132m000), Auxiliary Packaging field.

Based on the Auxiliary Packaging field and the Reusable field is selected, 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.
1) whwmd530.pitm 1) Session Handling Units (whinh5130m000), Quantity/Weight tab, Packaging Item field.
2) whwmd530.stty 2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Original tab, Ship-To Type field.
3) whwmd530.stco 3) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Original tab, Ship-To Code field.
4) whinh223.oorg 4) Session Handling Unit Process Outbound (whinh2123m000), Order Origin field
5) whinh223.orno 5) Session Handling Unit Process Outbound (whinh2123m000), Order Number field

Infor April 07, 2020 561

6) whinh223.oset 6) Session Handling Unit Process Outbound (whinh2123m000), Order Set field
7) whinh223.pono 7) Session Handling Unit Process Outbound (whinh2123m000), Order Line field
8) whinh223.seqn 8) Session Handling Unit Process Outbound (whinh2123m000), Order Line Sequence field
9) tdsls401.stbp 9) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to BP
10) tdsls307.stbp 10) Session Sales Schedule Lines (tdsls3107m000), Reference tab, Ship-to BP
11) tdsls320.stbp 11) Session Sales Schedule Planned Warehouse Orders (tdsls3521m000), General tab, Ship-to BP
12) tcibd004.aitm 12) Session Item Codes by Item Code System (tdibd0504m000), Alternative Item Code field.

The Packaging Item field is always published.

When the Ship-To Type field has the value Business Partner then based on the Packaging Item field and the
Ship-To Code field, the Alternative Item Code field is also published.
When the Ship-To Type field does not have the value Business Partner and the Handling Unit Order Line is
related to a Sales Order Line or Schedule Line then based on the Packaging Item field and the Ship-To BP field
(9, 10 or 11), the Alternative Item Code field is also published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
whwmd530.qpac Session Handling Units (whinh5130m000), Quantity/Weight tab, Quantity of Packaging Items field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) whwmd530.pitm 3) Session Handling Units (whinh5130m000), Quantity/Weight tab, Packaging Item field.

Based on the Packaging Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
whwmd530.qpac Session Handling Units (whinh5130m000), Quantity/Weight tab, Quantity of Packaging Items field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) whwmd530.pitm 3) Session Handling Units (whinh5130m000), Quantity/Weight tab, Packaging Item field.

Based on the Packaging Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.
2) whwmd530.pitm 2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Packaging Item field

Based on the Item field, the Description field is published.

1) whwmd406.pkcl 1) Session Business Partner Packaging Item Codes (whwmd4506m000), Packaging Classification field.
2) whwmd530.pitm 2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Quantity/Weight tab, Packaging Item field.

Based on the Packaging Item field, the Packaging Classification field is published.
1) whwmd405.ruse 1) Session Packaging Items (twhwmd4505000), Reusable field.
2) whwmd532.auxp 2) Session Handling Unit Auxiliary Packaging (whwmd5132m000), Auxiliary Packaging field.

Based on the Auxiliary Packaging field and the Reusable field is selected, 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.
whwmd530.huid Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Handling Unit field.

For the Handling Unit it's children are published.

1) whwmd530.item 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Item field.
2) whwmd530.stty 2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Original tab, Ship-To Type field.
3) whwmd530.stco 3) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Original tab, Ship-To Code field.
4) whinh223.oorg 4) Session Handling Unit Process Outbound (whinh2123m000), Order Origin field
5) whinh223.orno 5) Session Handling Unit Process Outbound (whinh2123m000), Order Number field
6) whinh223.oset 6) Session Handling Unit Process Outbound (whinh2123m000), Order Set field
7) whinh223.pono 7) Session Handling Unit Process Outbound (whinh2123m000), Order Line field
8) whinh223.seqn 8) Session Handling Unit Process Outbound (whinh2123m000), Order Line Sequence field
9) tdsls401.stbp 9) Session Sales Order Lines (tdsls4101m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to BP
10) tdsls307.stbp 10) Session Sales Schedule Lines (tdsls3107m000), Reference tab, Ship-to BP
11) tdsls320.stbp 11) Session Sales Schedule Planned Warehouse Orders (tdsls3521m000), General tab, Ship-to BP
12) tcibd004.aitm 12) Session Item Codes by Item Code System (tdibd0504m000), Alternative Item Code field.

The Auxiliary Packaging field is always published.

When the Ship-To Type field has the value Business Partner then based on the Item field and the Ship-To Code
field, the Alternative Item Code field is also published.
When the Ship-To Type field does not have the value Business Partner and the Handling Unit Order Line is
related to a Sales Order Line or Schedule Line then based on the Item field and the Ship-To BP field (9, 10 or
11), the Alternative Item Code field is also published.
Infor April 07, 2020 562
Always filled with 'System', when the Item field is published.
Always filled with 'Customer', when the Alternative Item Code field is published.
1) whwmd530.stty 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Original tab, Ship-To Type field.
2) whwmd530.stco 2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Original tab, Ship-To Code field.

When the Ship-To Type field has the value Business Partner and the Alternative Item Code field is published,
the Ship-To Code field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.
2) whwmd530.item 2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Description field is published.

1) whwm530.shpm 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Process tab, Shipment field.
2) whinh431.ctyo 2) Session Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000), Order tab, Country of Origin field.
3) tcmcs010.ict2 3) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.

If the Shipment field is filled, based on the Country of Origin field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is
whwmd530.qhds Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Quantity/Weight tab, Quantity in Storage Unit field.
whwmd530.unit Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Quantity/Weight tab, Storage Unit field.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) whwmd530.item 2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Handling Unit tab, Item field.
3) whwmd530.qhds 3) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Quantity/Weight tab, Quantity in Storage Unit field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Quantity in Storage Unit field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) whwmd530.item 3) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Handling Unit tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
whwm530.shpm Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Process tab, Shipment field.

If the Shipment field is filled, 'Shipment' is published.

whwm530.shpm Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Process tab, Shipment field.

If the Shipment field is filled, the concatenation of '100' and the Shipment field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
whwmd530.shpm Session Handling Units (whwmd5630m000), Shipment field.
1) whwmd530.slal 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd6530m000), Handling Unit Label tab, Label Layout field.
2) whwmd530.huid 2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Handling Unit field.

If the Handling Unit field is not filled and based on the Label Layout field, the label is equal to 'lb.eff.unit',
the PackageLabel/PackageLabelUnit/ShipmentUnitItemUserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.EffectivityUnit' and PackageLabel/PackageLabelUnit/ShipmentUnitItem/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type
is filled with 'IntegerNumericType'.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data
If the SerializedLot/Lot/LotIDs/ID element is filled, the aggregation of the Lot/Quantity element expressed in the
Inventory Unit of the Item is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 563

If only the SerializedLot/SerialNumber element is filled, the aggregation of the number of SerialNumber's,
expressed in the Inventory Unit of the Item is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General, Item data I tab, Inventory Unit field.
3) whinh530.item 3) Session Receipt Lines (whinh3112s000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) whwmd530.item 2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Handling Unit tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Shipment/ShipmentUnit/ShipmentUnitItem/SerializedLot/ItemQuantity element expressed in the Inventory
Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) whwmd530.item 3) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Handling Unit tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
Unique increasing number starting with 1.
1) whwmd530.clot 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Handling Unit tab, Lot field.
2) whwmd536.clot 2) Session Handling Unit Lots and Serials (whwmd5136m000), Lot field.

Handling Unit and lot-controlled in inventory:

The Lot (1) field is published.

Handling Unit and lot-controlled not in inventory:

The Lot (2) field is published.
1) whwmd530.qhds 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Handling Unit tab, Quantity in Storage Unit field.
2) whwmd536.qhds 2) Session Handling Unit Lots and Serials (whwmd5136m000), In Storage Unit field.

Handling Unit and lot-controlled in inventory:

The Quantity in Storage Unit field is published.

Handling Unit and lot-controlled not in inventory:

The Storage Unit field is published.
1) whwmd530.unit For ShipmentOut with Shipment Procedure:
2) whwmd536.cuni 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Handling Unit tab, Storage Unit field.
2) Session Handling Unit Lots and Serials (whwmd5136m000), Storage Unit field.

If the Handling Unit field is filled and lot-controlled in inventory:

The Storage Unit (1) field is published.

If the Handling Unit field is filled and lot-controlled not in inventory:

The Storage Unit (2) field is published.
For ShipmentOut with 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
Shipment Procedure: 2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Handling Unit tab, Item field.
1) tcibd001.cuni 3) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Handling Unit tab, Quantity in Storage Unit field.
2) whwmd530.item
3) whwmd530.qhds Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
The Quantity in Storage Unit field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) whwmd530.item 3) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Handling Unit tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) whwmd530.serl 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Handling Unit tab, Serial Number field.
2) whwmd536.cser 2) Session Handling Unit Lots and Serials (whwmd5136m000), Serial Number field.

Handling Unit and serialized in inventory:

The Serial Number (1) field is published.

Handling Unit and serialized not in inventory:

The Serial Number (2) field is published.
1) whwmd530.serl
Infor April 07, 2020 564
2) whwmd536.cser 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Handling Unit tab, Serial Number field.
2) Session Handling Unit Lots and Serials (whwmd5136m000), Serial Number field.

Handling Unit and serialized in inventory:

The Serial Number (1) field is published.

Handling Unit and serialized not in inventory:

The Serial Number (2) field is published.
1) tcstl210.fdxx 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), tab Additional Information, ManufacturingReferenceNumber
2) tcstl200.dsca field.
2) Session Additional Information Definitions (tcstl2100m000), UI Description field.

If the UI Description field is equal to 'ManufacturingReferenceNumber', the ManufacturingReferenceNumber

field is published.
1) whwmd530.idat 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5630m000), Inventory Date field.
2) whwmd400.npsl 2) Session Item Warehousing (whwmd4600m000), Inventory tab, Shelf Life [Period] field.
3) whwmd400.kpsl 3) Session Item Warehousing (whwmd4600m000), Inventory tab, Period for Shelf Life field.
4) whwmd400.obpr 4) Session Item Warehousing (whwmd4600m000), Handling tab, Outbound Method field.

If the Outbound Method field is equal to 'LIFO' or 'FIFO' and Inventory Date field is filled and the Shelf Life
[Period] field is not equal to zero, the Inventory Date minus the Shelf Life [Period] field in Period for Shelf Life is
1) whwmd530.idat 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5630m000), Inventory Date field.
2) whwmd400.npsl 2) Session Item Warehousing (whwmd4600m000), Inventory tab, Shelf Life [Period] field.
3) whwmd400.obpr 3) Session Item Warehousing (whwmd4600m000), Handling tab, Outbound Method field.

If the Outbound Method field is equal to 'LIFO' or 'FIFO' and the Shelf Life [Period] field is not equal to zero, the
Inventory Date is published.
1) whwmd530.adin 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Additional Information tab, Additional Information fields.
2) whwmd530.item 2) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Item field.
3) whwmd530.sfco 3) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Original tab, Ship-From field.
4) whwmd530.stco 4) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Original tab, Sold-To field.
5) tcibd004.aitd 5) Session Item Codes by Item Code System (tcibd0504m000), Business Partner Item Description field.

Based on the Item field, the Ship-From field and the Ship-To field the Business Partner Item Description field is
If the Business Partner Item Description field is filled, this field is published.

An array of the Additional Information fields and the Business Partner Item Description field is published.
1) tcstl200.dsca 1) Session Additional Information Definitions (tcstl2100m000), Table Description field.
2) tcibd004.aitd 2) Session Item Codes by Item Code System (tcibd0504m000), Business Partner Item Description field.

If the Business Partner Item Description field is filled, 'PartName' is published.

An array of the Table Description fields and 'PartName' is published.

Always filled with 'StringType'
1) whwmd530.slal 1) Session Handling Units (whwmd5130m000), Packaging tab, Label Layout field.
2) whinh006.labl 2) Session Activities by Procedure (whinh0106m000), Label Layout field.

If the Label Layout (1) field is filled, the Label Layout (1) field is published. Otherwise, the Label Layout (2) field
is published.
whinh006.copy Session Activities by Procedure (whinh0106m000), Copies field.

Infor April 07, 2020 565

1) tccom114.pfbp 1) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), General tab, Pay-by Business Partner field.
2) tccom114.cofc 2) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), General tab, Department field.

The Pay-by Business Partner field is published. Otherwise, if the Department field is filled, the concatenation of
Pay-by Business Partner field and the Department field is published.

This BOD is published when users Create or Update a Business Partner.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom114.pfbp 1) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), General tab, Pay-by Business Partner field.
2) tccom114.cofc 2) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), General tab, Department field.

The Pay-by Business Partner field and the Department field are published.
1) tccom114.pfbp 1) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), General tab, Pay-by Business Partner field.
2) tccom114.cadr 2) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) tctax400.fovn 3) Session Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax4100m000), Tax Number field.
4) tccom130.ccty 4) Session Addresses (tccom4530m000), Country field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field and the Address Code field, the Country field is determined. Based
on the Country field, the Tax Number field is published.
1) tccom100.cmid 1) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Detailed tab, Identification group, Commercial ID field.
2) tccom114.pfbp 2) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), General tab, Pay-by Business Partner field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field, the Commercial ID field is published.
tccom114.lmdt Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), General tab, Last Modification Date field.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) tccom114.lmus 3) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), General tab, Last Modified by field.

Based on the Last Modified by field, the User field is determined.

If the User field cannot be determined, based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.
Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) tccom114.lmus 2) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), General tab, Last Modified by field.

Based on the Last Modified by field, the Name field is published.

1) tccom114.pfbp 1) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), General tab, Pay-by Business Partner field.
2) tccom100.nama 2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), General tab, Name field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
The value 'Text' or 'Discrete' is published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4530m000), Name field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Name field is published.

1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tccom133.cadr 7) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the six Address Lines are published.
One Address Line is published per sequence.

Infor April 07, 2020 566

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field, the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field, the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the House Number field is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Building field is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Street field is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Unit field is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Floor field is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the City field is published.

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the State/Province field is published.

1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tccom133.cadr 3) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
1) tccom114.cadr 1) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), General tab, Address field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address field.
3) tccom133.bpid 3) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Business Partner field.

Based on the Address (1) field, 'true' is published.

Based on the Address (2) field, 'false' is published.
1) tccom114.telp 1) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), General tab, Business Phone field.
2) tccom114.tefx 2) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Detailed tab, Fax Number field.

If the Business Phone or Fax Number field is filled, 'Phone' is published.

1) tccom114.telp
Infor April 07, 2020 567
2) tccom114.tefx 1) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), General tab, Business Phone field.
2) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Detailed tab, Fax Number field.

If the Business Phone field is filled, 'Office' is published.

If the Fax Number field is filled, 'Fax' is published.
1) tccom114.tlcy 1) Session Business Phone Number Details (Pay-by BP) (tccom4114s200), Country field.
2) tccom114.tfcy 2) Session Fax Number Details (Pay-by BP) (tccom4114s300), Country field.
1) tccom114.tlci 1) Session Business Phone Number Details (Pay-by BP) (tccom4114s200), City/Area Code field.
2) tccom114.tfci 2) Session Fax Number Details (Pay-by BP) (tccom4114s300), City/Area Code field.
1) tccom114.tlln 1) Session Business Phone Number Details (Pay-by BP) (tccom4114s200), Local Number field.
2) tccom114.tfln 2) Session Fax Number Details (Pay-by BP) (tccom4114s300), Local Number field.
1) tccom114.tlex 1) Session Business Phone Number Details (Pay-by BP) (tccom4114s200), Extension field.
2) tccom114.tfex 2) Session Fax Number Details (Pay-by BP) (tccom4114s300), Extension field.
tccom145.ccnt Session Contacts by Business Partner (tccom4545m00), Contact field.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom145.ccnt For FP6 or earlier:
2) tccom140.fuln 1) Session Contacts by Business Partner (tccom4545m00), Contact field.
3) tccom140.chrn 3) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Given Name field.
4) tccom140.inse 4) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Middle Name field.
5) tccom140.surn 5) Session Contacts (tccom1640m000), Family Name field.

Based on the Contact field, the concatenation of Given Name, Middle Name and Family Name field is published.

For FP7 or later:

1) Session Contacts by Business Partner (tccom4545m00), Contact field.
2) Session Contact Name Details (tccom4140s100), Full Name field.

Based on the Contact field, the Full Name field is published.

tccom145.ctpr Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Contact tab, Primary Pay-by field.
tccom114.txta For FP6 or earlier:
Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Header Text field.
For FP7 or later:
Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), General tab, Text group, Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
1) tccom114.ptbp 1) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), General tab, Pay-by Business Partner field.
2) tccom114.cban 2) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Paying tab, Paying group, Bank Account field.
3) tccom115.brch 3) Session Bank Account by Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4115s000), Bank Branch field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field and the Bank Account field, the Bank Branch field is published.
tfcmg011.desc Session Bank-Branches (tfcmg0511m000), Bank Branches Name field.
1) tccom114.pfbp 1) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), General tab, Pay-by Business Partner field.
2) tccom114.cban 2) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Paying tab, Paying group, Bank Account field.
3) tccom115.iban 3) Session Bank Account by Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4115s000), Bank IBAN field.
4) tccom115.bano 4) Session Bank Account by Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4115s000), Bank Account field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field and the Bank Account field, when the Bank IBAN filed is empty, the
Bank Account field is published.
1) tccom114.pfbp 1) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), General tab, Pay-by Business Partner field.
2) tccom114.cban 2) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Paying tab, Paying group, Bank Account field.
3) tccom115.iban 3) Session Bank Account by Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4115s000), Bank IBAN field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field and the Bank Account field, the IBAN field is published.
tccom114.cban Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Paying tab, Bank Account field.

Infor April 07, 2020 568

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tccom114.curr 2) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Paying tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tdsmi101.cfea 1) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Additional Attributes tab, Attribute field.
2) tdsmi101.dats 2) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Additional Attributes tab, Value field.

The concatenation of 'ln.CRM' and the Attribute field is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.
1) tccom114.bpst 1) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), General tab, Business Partner Status field.
2) tccom100.prst 2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), General tab, Business Partner Status field.
3) tccom100.prbp 3) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Detailed tab, Parent Business Partner group, Parent field.

First the Business Partner Status (1) field is determined, the Business Partner Status (2) field and finally the
Business Partner Status (1) field of the parent business partner based on the Parent field, if applicable. The
resulting status is determined based on the following priority: Inactive, Potential, Active. This means that if, for
example, the Business Partner Status (1) field is equal to 'Active', the Business Partner Status (2) field is equal
to 'Potential' and the Business Partner Status (1) field of the parent business partner based on the Parent field is
equal to 'Inactive', the resulting status is determined as 'Inactive'. If the Business Partner Status (1) field is equal
to 'Doubtful', it is considered as 'Active'. The status is determined for the system date.
If the resulting status is equal to 'Active', 'Open' is published.
If the resulting status is equal to 'Inactive', 'Closed' is published.
If the resulting status is equal to 'Potential', 'Hold' is published.
If the Pay-from Business Partner is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
tccom114.stdt Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), General tab, Start Date field.
If the element PayFromPartyMaster/Status/Code is equal to 'Open' or 'Prospect', the Start Date field is published.
If the element PayFromPartyMaster/Status/Code is equal to 'Closed' or 'Deleted', the current date is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
If the Pay-from Business Partner is deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
1) tccom114.cofc 1) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), General tab, Department field.
2) tccom114.cbtp For FP6 or earlier:
2) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), General tab, Business Partner Type field.
For FP7 or later:
2) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Detailed tab, Business Partner Type field.

If the Department field is filled, the Department field is published.

If the Business Partner Type field is filled, the Business Partner Type field is published.
Based on the number of Classification Codes, the sequence number is set.
1) tccom114.cofc 1) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), General tab, Department field.
2) tccom114.cbtp For FP6 or earlier:
2) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), General tab, Business Partner Type field.
For FP7 or later:
2) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), Detailed tab, Business Partner Type field.

If the Department field is filled, 'Departments' is published.

If the Business Partner Type field is filled, 'CustomerType' is published.
1) tccom112.itbp 1) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), General tab, Pay-by Business Partner field.
2) tccom100.prbp For FP6 or earlier:
2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), General tab, General group, Parent field.
For FP7 or later:
2) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Detailed tab, Parent Business Partner group, Parent field.

If the Invoice-to Business Partner exists for the Business Partner, the Invoice-to Business Partner field is
Otherwise, if the Invoice-to Business Partner exists for the Parent Business Partner, the Invoice-to Business
Partner field of the Parent Business Partner is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tccom112.itbp 2) Session Invoice-to Business Partner (tccom4112s000), General tab, Invoice-to Business Partner field.
3) tccom100.prbp For FP6 or earlier:
3) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), General tab, General group, Parent field.
For FP7 or later:
3) Session Business Partner (tccom4100s000), Detailed tab, Parent Business Partner group, Parent field.

If the Invoice-to Business Partner exists for the Business Partner, the Name field of Business Partner is
Infor April 07, 2020 569
Otherwise, if the Invoice-to Business Partner exists for the Parent Business Partner, the Name field of the
Parent Business Partner is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 570

For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp500.fcom 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Financial Company field.
2) tfacp500.ttyp 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Transaction Type) field.
3) tfacp500.ninv 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Document) field.

For Payment: The concatenation of the Financial Company, the Transaction Type field and the Document field is published.
1) tfacp600.pcom
2) tfacp600.payt This BOD is published when users:
3) tfacp600.payd 1) Finalize a transaction of type Purchase Invoice, Purchase Credit Note, Purchase Correction, or Cash.
4) tfacp600.payl 2) Archive and/or delete the purchase invoice.
5) tfacp600.seqn 3) Update header information of a finalized document.

This BOD is published for open entry header documents of type Purchase Invoice, Credit Note, Advance
Payment, Unallocated Payment, Assigment and Normal Payment.

For Payment:
1) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.
2) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Document (Transaction Type) field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Document (Document Number)
4) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Document (Line Number) field.
5) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Document (Sequence Number)

If the Original Payment Document (Sequence Number) field is not equal to zero, the concatenation of the
Original Payment Company, the Original Payment Document (Transaction Type) field, the Original Payment
Document (Document Number) field and the Original Payment Document (Line Number) field is published.
Otherwise, the concatenation of the Original Payment Company, the Original Payment Document (Transaction
Type) field, the Original Payment Document (Document Number) field, the Original Payment Document (Line
Number) field and Sequence Number field is published.

??This BOD is published when users:

??1) Finalize a transaction of type Sales Invoice, Sales Credit Note, Sales Correction, or Cash,
??2) Archive and/or Delete the Invoice,
??3) Update header information of a finalized document.

This BOD is published for open entry header documents of type Advance Payment, Normal Payment,
Assignment or Unallocated Payment.
??This BOD does not support documents of type Trade Note.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp500.fcom 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Financial Company field.
2) tfacp500.ttyp 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Transaction Type) field.
3) tfacp500.ninv 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Document) field.

For Payment: Based on the concatenation of the Financial Company, the Transaction Type field and the Document field, the
1) tfacp600.pcom accountingEntity field is published.
2) tfacp600.payt Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
3) tfacp600.payd
4) tfacp600.payl For Payment:
5) tfacp600.seqn 1) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.
2) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Document (Transaction Type) field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Document (Document Number)
4) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Document (Line Number) field.
5) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Document (Sequence Number)

Based on the concatenation of the Original Payment Company, the Original Payment Document (Transaction
Type) field, the Original Payment Document (Document Number) field, the Original Payment Document (Line
Number) field and Original Payment Document (Sequence Number) field , the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp500.fcom 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Financial Company field.
2) tfacp500.ttyp 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Transaction Type) field.
3) tfacp500.ninv 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Document) field.

For Payment: Based on the concatenation of the Financial Company, the Transaction Type field and the Document fiel, the
1) tfacp600.pcom location field is published.
2) tfacp600.payt Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
3) tfacp600.payd
4) tfacp600.payl For Payment:
5) tfacp600.seqn 1) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.
2) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Document (Transaction Type) field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Document (Document Number)

Infor April 07, 2020 571

4) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Document (Line Number) field.
5) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Document (Sequence Number)

Based on the concatenation of the Original Payment Company, the Original Payment Document (Transaction
Type) field, the Original Payment Document (Document Number) field, the Original Payment Document (Line
Number) field and Original Paymentt Document (Sequence Number) field , the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For Payment: For Invoice:
1) tfacp600.pcom The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
2) tfacp600.payt
3) tfacp600.payd For Payment:
4) tfacp600.payl 1) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.
5) tfacp600.seqn 2) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Document (Transaction Type) field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Document (Document Number)
4) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Paymentt Document (Line Number) field.
5) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Document (Sequence Number)

Based on the concatenation of the Original Payment Company, the Original Payment Document (Transaction
Type) field, the Original Payment Document (Document Number) field, the Original Payment Document (Line
Number) field and Original Payment Document (Sequence Number) field , the lid field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the lid field.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp500.ttyp 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Transaction Type) field.
2) tfacp500.ninv 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Document) field.

For Payment: The concatenation of the Transaction Type field and the Document field is published.
1) tfacp600.payt
2) tfacp600.payd For Payment:
3) tfacp600.payl 1) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Document (Transaction Type) field.
4) tfacp600.seqn 2) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Document (Document Number)
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Document (Line Number) field.
4) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Document (Sequence Number)

If the Original Payment Document (Sequence Number) field is not equal to zero, the concatenation of the
Original Payment Document (Transaction Type) field, the Original Payment Document (Document Number) field
and the Original Payment Document (Line Number) field is published.
Otherwise, the concatenation of the Original Payment Document (Transaction Type) field, the Original Payment
Document (Document Number) field, the Original Payment Document (Line Number) field and Original Payment
Document (Sequence Number) field is published.
For Payment: For Invoice:
tfacp600.sdat Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.

For Payment:
Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Creation Date field.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) tfacp500.user 3) Not displayed in any session, User field.

For Payment: Based on the User (3) field, the User (2) field is determined.
1) tccom001.emno If the User (2) field cannot be determined, based on the current LN user, the User (2) field is determined.
2) tccom001.loco Based on the User (2) field, the Employee field is published.
3) tfacp600.usrc
For Payment:
1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Created by field.

Based on the Created by field, the User field is determined.

If the User field cannot be determined, based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.
Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 572

For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) tfacp500.user 2) Not displayed in any session, User field.

For Payment: Based on the User field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom001.nama
2) tfacp600.usrc For Payment:
1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Created by field.

Based on the Created by field, the Name field is published.

For Invoice: For Invoice:
tfacp500.docd Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Date field.

For Payment: For Payment:

tfacp600.ddat Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Document Date field.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
tfacp500.refr Session Open Entries (tfacp2100s000), Document tab, Reference field.

For Payment: For Payment:

tfacp600.pyid Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment ID field.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
tfacp500.text Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Header Text field.
For Invoice:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp200.tpay 1) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2522m000), Document Type field.
2) tfacp200.stap 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Date and Status group, Invoice Status field.
3) tfacp200.appr 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2500m000), Invoice Type field.
4) tfacp200.bloc 4) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Discount tab, Authorization Data group, Hold Reason field.
5) tfacp200.amnt 5) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount in Invoice Currency
6) tfacp200.tpay field.
7) tfacp200.amti 6) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Document Type field.
8) tfacp200.lapi 7) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Amount in Invoice Currency field.
9) tfacp200.dc1i 8) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Late Payment Surcharge in Invoice Currency field.
10) tfacp200.padi 9) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field.
11) tfacp200.wtpi 10) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Payment Difference in Invoice Currency field.
12) tfacp200.tapr 11) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Withholding Tax in Invoice Currency field.
12) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Taxes tab, Approval group, Document Approval field.
For Payment:
1) tfacp600.amnt The Balance in Invoice Currency, excluding Anticipated Payments and excluding non-finalized Payments is
2) tfacp601.amnt determined. This Balance is calculated by adding the Amount in Invoice Currency of the related Payment
documents (which is a negative amount for normal Payments) to the Amount in Invoice Currency of the Invoice
For the Invoice Header, the Amount in Invoice Currency (5) field is read.

For related Payment documents, the Amount in Invoice Currency is calculated as:
If the Document Type field is equal to 'Correction', the Amount in Invoice Currency (7) field is read.
Otherwise, if the Document Type (6) field is not equal to 'Anticipated Payment', 'Unallocated Anticipated',
'Advance Anticipated' and 'Standing Order', the Amount in Invoice Currency is the sum of the Amount in Invoice
Currency (7) field, the Late Payment Surcharge in Invoice Currency field, the Discount Amount in Invoice
Currency field, the Withholding Tax in Invoice Currency field and the Payment Difference in Invoice Currency

If the Balance is equal to 0, 'Paid' is published.

If a related Payment document (excluding Anticipated Payments and excluding non-finalized Payments) exists,
'PartialPaid' is published.
If the Hold Reason field is filled, 'Hold' is published.
If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders' or 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders' or
'Invoice Related to Landed Costs' and the Document Approval field is not empty, 'Approved' is published.
If a Purchase Invoice is registered in the Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000) session and the Invoice Type field
is not 'Cost Invoice', the Invoice is approved, afterwards unapproved and finally the Invoice is deleted through
the Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000) session, 'Deleted' is published.
Otherwise, 'Open' is published.

For Payment:
1) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Amount field.
2) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related Documents (tfacp6501m000), Amount in Document
Currency field.

If the Amount field is not equal to zero and no related record exists in session Invoices/Documents by Payment-

Infor April 07, 2020 573

related documents, 'Open' is published.
If the Amount field is equal to zero and no related record exists in session Invoices/Documents by Payment-
related documents, 'Paid' is published.
if the Amount field is equal to the sum of related Payment Amount in Payment Currency fields, 'Paid' is
if the Amount field is not equal to the sum of related Amount in Document Currency fields, 'PartialPaid' is
Always filled with 'Payable Tracker Status'.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp500.docd 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Date field.
2) tfacp250.data 2) Session Matched Order Lines (tfacp2552m0000, Date of Approval field.
3) tfacp252.date 3) Session Display Invoices related to Load/Shipment (tfacp2552m100), Date of Approval Field.
4) tfacp254.apdt 4) Session Matched Landed Cost Lines by Invoice (tfacp2554m100), Approval Date field.
5) tfacp500.appr 5)
6) tfgld018.dcdt Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2500m000), Invoice Type field.
6) Session Journal Voucher Documents (tfgld0618m000), Document Date field.

If the Status/Code element of the PayableTransactionHeader is equal to 'Paid' or 'PartialPaid', the Document
Date of the last payment document is published. If no payment document exists, the Document Date (1) field is
If the Status/Code element of the PayableTransactionHeader is equal to 'Hold' the Document Date (1) field is
If the Status/Code element of the PayableTransactionHeader is equal to 'Approved' and the Invoice Type field is
equal to 'Invoice related to Purchase Orders', the Date of Approval (2) field is published.
If the Status/Code element of the PayableTransactionHeader is equal to 'Approved' and the Invoice Type field is
equal to 'Invoice related to Freight Orders', the Date of Approval (3) field is published.
If the Status/Code element of the PayableTransactionHeader is equal to 'Approved' and the Invoice Type field is
equal to 'Invoice related to Landed Costs', the Approval Date field is published.
If the Status/Code element of the PayableTransactionHeader is equal to 'Approved' and the Invoice Type field is
equal to 'Invoice related to Purchase Orders' or the Invoice Type is equal to 'Invoice related to Freight Orders' or
the Invoice Type is equal to 'Invoice related to Landed Costs' and the total invoice amount has been specified as
cost, the Document Date (5) field is published.
In all other cases it is filled with the Date when the BOD is published.
For Invoice:
Normally this attribute is not filled/published. Only if an invoice with balance 0.00 is deleted through the Archive/
Delete Fully Paid Purchase Invoices (tfacp2250m000) session, the BOD must be published again with this
ArchiveIndicator attribute set to 'true'.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp500.otbp 1) Not displayed in any session, Buy-from Business Partner field.
2) tfacp500.ifbp 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Invoice-from Business
Partner field.
For Payment:
tfacp600.ptbp If the Buy-from Business Partner field is filled, the Buy-from Business Partner field is published. Otherwise, the
Invoice-from Business Partner field is published.

For Payment:
Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp500.otbp 1) Not displayed in any session, Buy-from Business Partner field.
2) tccom120.cadr 2) Session Buy-from Business Partner (tccom4120s000), General tab, General group, Address field.
3) tfacp500.ifbp 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Invoice-from Business
4) tccom122.cadr Partner field.
5) tccom130.ccty 4) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, General group, Address field.
6) tfacp200.docd 5) Session Addresses (tccom4530m000), Country field.
7) tctax400.fovn 6) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Date field.
7) Session Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax4100m000), Tax Number field.
For Payment:
1) tfacp600.ptbp If the Buy-from Business Partner not exist, the Invoice-from Business Partner is used.
2) tccom114.cadr Based on the Business Partner field and the Address field, the Country field is determined.
3) tccom130.ccty Based on the Business Partner, the Country and the Document Date fields, the Tax number field is published.
4) tfacp600.ddat
5) tctax400.fovn For Payment:
1) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.
2) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), General tab, General group, Address field.
3) Session Addresses (tccom4530m000), Country field.
4) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Document Date field.
5) Session Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax41000m000), Tax Number field.

Infor April 07, 2020 574

Based on the Pay-to Business Partner field and the Address field, the Country field is determined.
Based on the Pay-to Business Partner, the Country and the Document Date field, the Tax number field is
Always filled with 'TaxIdentificationNumber'.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp500.otbp 1) Not displayed in any session, Buy-from Business Partner field.
2) tfacp500.ifbp 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Invoice-from Business
3) tccom100.nama Partner field.
3) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), General tab, General group, Name field.
For Payment:
1) tfacp600.ptbp If the Buy-from Business Partner not exist, the Invoice-from Business Partner is used.
2) tccom100.nama Based on the Pay-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published.

For Payment:
1) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.
2) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.

Based on the Pay-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.

An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp500.ifbp 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Invoice-from Business
4) tfacp500.otbp Partner field.
4) Not displayed in any session, Buy-from Business Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.nama Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner or the Buy-from Business Partner, the
2) tccom100.cadr Name field is published.
3) tfacp600.ptbp
For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), General tab, General group, Address field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the Name field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tccom130.cadr 7) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
8) tfacp500.ifbp 8) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Invoice-from Business
9) tfacp500.otbp Partner field.
9) Not displayed in any session, Buy-from Business Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.ln01 Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner, the six Address Lines are published.
2) tccom130.ln02
3) tccom130.ln03 One Address Line is published per sequence.
4) tccom130.ln04
5) tccom130.ln05 For Payment:
6) tccom130.ln06 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
7) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
8) tfacp600.ptbp 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
8) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.

Infor April 07, 2020 575

For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp500.ifbp 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Invoice-from Business
4) tfacp500.otbp Partner field.
4) Not displayed in any session, Buy-from Business Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.dsca Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner field, the City field is published.
2) tccom130.cadr
3) tfacp600.ptbp For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner field, the City field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp500.ifbp 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Invoice-from Business
4) tfacp500.otbp Partner field.
4) Not displayed in any session, Buy-from Business Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.bldg Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner, the Building field is published.
2) tccom130.cadr
3) tfacp600.ptbp For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the Building field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp500.ifbp 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Invoice-from Business
4) tfacp500.otbp Partner field.
4) Not displayed in any session, Buy-from Business Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.namc Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner, the Street field is published.
2) tccom130.cadr
3) tfacp600.ptbp For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the Street field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp500.ifbp 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Invoice-from Business
4) tfacp500.otbp Partner field.
4) Not displayed in any session, Buy-from Business Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.blun Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner, the Unit field is published.
2) tccom130.cadr
3) tfacp600.ptbp For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the Unit field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp500.ifbp 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Invoice-from Business
4) tfacp500.otbp Partner field.
4) Not displayed in any session, Buy-from Business Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.blfl Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner, the Floor field is published.
2) tccom130.cadr
3) tfacp600.ptbp For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.

Infor April 07, 2020 576

3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the Floor field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp500.ifbp 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Invoice-from Business
4) tfacp500.otbp Partner field.
4) Not displayed in any session, Buy-from Business Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.pobn Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
2) tccom130.cadr
3) tfacp600.ptbp For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp500.ifbp 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Invoice-from Business
4) tfacp500.otbp Partner field.
4) Not displayed in any session, Buy-from Business Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.dsca Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner field, the City field is published.
2) tccom130.cadr
3) tfacp600.ptbp For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner field, the City field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp500.ifbp 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Invoice-from Business
4) tfacp500.otbp Partner field.
4) Not displayed in any session, Buy-from Business Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.cste Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner field, the State/Province field is published.
2) tccom130.cadr
3) tfacp600.ptbp For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-toBusiness Partner field, the State/Province field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tccom130.cadr 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
4) tfacp500.ifbp 4) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Invoice-from Business
5) tfacp500.otbp Partner field.
5) Not displayed in any session, Buy-from Business Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.ccty Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner and the Country field, the ISO Code
2) tcmcs010.ict2 alpha-2 field of the country is published.
3) tccom130.cadr
4) tfacp600.ptbp For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
4) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2
field of the country is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp500.ifbp 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Invoice-from Business
4) tfacp500.otbp Partner field.

Infor April 07, 2020 577

4) Not displayed in any session, Buy-from Business Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.pstc Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is
2) tccom130.cadr published.
3) tfacp600.ptbp
For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
tfacp500.ptbp Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Pay-to Business Partner
For Invoice:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Invoice:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tctax400.fovn 1) Session Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax4100m000), Tax Number field.
2) tfacp500.ptbp 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Pay-to Business
3) tccom130.ccty Partner field.
4) tccom124.cadr 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
5) tfacp500.docd 4) Session Pay-to Business Partners (tccom4124s000), General tab, General group, Address Code field.
5) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Date field.
For Payment:
1) tfacp600.pcom Based on the Pay-to Business Partner field and the Address Code field, the Country field is determined.
2) tccom000.fovn Based on the Pay-to Business Partner, the Country and the Document Date fields, the Tax number field is

For Payment:
1) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.
2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Tax Number of Own Company field.

Based on the Original Payment Company field, the Tax Number of Own Company field is published.
Always filled with 'TaxIdentificationNumber'.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) tfacp500.ptbp 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Pay-to Business
Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tfacp600.pcom Based on the Pay-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
2) tccom000.nama
For Payment:
1) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.
2) Session General Company Data (tccom0502m000), Company (Description) field.

Based on the Original Payment Company field, the Company (Description) field is published.
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.

An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Pay-to Business Partner, General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp500.ptbp 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Pay-to Business
Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.nama Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the Name field is published.
2) tccom000.cadr
3) tfacp600.pcom For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.

Based on the Original Payment Company filed and the Address Code field, the Name field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
Infor April 07, 2020 578
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tccom130.cadr 7) Session Pay-to Business Partner, General tab, Address Code field.
8) tfacp500.ptbp 8) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Pay-to Business
Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.ln01 Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the six Address Lines are published.
2) tccom130.ln02
3) tccom130.ln03 One Address Line is published per sequence.
4) tccom130.ln04
5) tccom130.ln05 For Payment:
6) tccom130.ln06 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
7) tccom000.cadr 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
8) tfacp600.pcom 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
8) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.

Based on the Original Payment Company field and the Address Code field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Pay-to Business Partner, General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp500.ptbp 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Pay-to Business
Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.hono Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the House Number field is published.
2) tccom000.cadr
3) tfacp600.pcom For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.

Based on the Original Payment Company filed and the Address Code field, the House Number field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Pay-to Business Partner, General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp500.ptbp 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Pay-to Business
Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.bldg Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the Building field is published.
2) tccom000.cadr
3) tfacp600.pcom For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.

Based on the Original Payment Company field and the Address Code field, the Building field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Pay-to Business Partner, General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp500.ptbp 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Pay-to Business
Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.namc Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the Street field is published.
2) tccomo00.cadr
3) tfacp600.pcom For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.

Based on the Original Payment Company field and the Address Code field, the Street field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 579

For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Pay-to Business Partner, General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp500.ptbp 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Pay-to Business
Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.blun Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the Unit field is published.
2) tccom000.cadr
3) tfacp600.pcom For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.

Based on the Original Payment Company field and the Address Code field, the Unit field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Pay-to Business Partner, General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp500.ptbp 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Pay-to Business
Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.blfl Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the Floor field is published.
2) tccom000.cadr
3) tfacp600.pcom For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.

Based on the Original Payment Company field and the Address Code field, the Floor field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Pay-to Business Partner, General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp500.ptbp 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Pay-to Business
Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.pobn Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
2) tccom000.cadr
3) tfacp600.pcom For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.

Based on the Original Payment Company field and the Address Code field, the P.O. Box Number field is
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Pay-to Business Partner, General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp500.ptbp 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Pay-to Business
Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.dsca Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the City field is published.
2) tccom000.cadr
3) tfacp600.pcom For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.

Based on the Original Payment Company field and the Address Code filed, the City field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Pay-to Business Partner, General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp500.ptbp 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Pay-to Business
Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.cste Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the State/Province field is published.
2) tccom000.cadr
3) tfacp600.pcom For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.

Based on the Original Payment Company field and the Address Code filed, the State/Province field is published.
For Invoice:

Infor April 07, 2020 580

1) tccom130.ccty For Invoice:
2) tcmcs010.ict2 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
3) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
4) tfacp500.ptbp 3) Session Pay-to Business Partner, General tab, Address Code field.
4) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Pay-to Business
For Payment: Partner field.
1) tccom130.ccty
2) tcmcs010.ict2 Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2
3) tccom000.cadr field of the country is published.
4) tfacp600.pcom
For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
4) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.

Based on the Original Payment Company field and the Address Code field, the Country Code is determined.
The ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Pay-to Business Partner, General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp500.ptbp 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Pay-to Business
Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.pstc Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
2) tccom000.cadr
3) tfacp600.pcom For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.

Based on the Original Paymentt Company field and the Address Code field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is
For Invoice: For Invoice:
tfacp500.ifbp Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Invoice-from Business
Partner field.
For Payment:
tfacp600.ptbp For Payment:
Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tctax400.fovn 1) Session Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax4100m000), Tax Number field.
2) tfacp500.ifbp 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Invoice-from Business
3) tccom122.cadr Partner field.
4) tccom130.ccty 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, General group, Address field.
5) tfacp500.docd 4) Session Addresses (tccom4530m000), Country field.
5) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Date field.
For Payment:
1) tfacp600.ptbp Based on the Business Partner field and the Address field, the Country field is determined.
2) tccom114.cadr Based on the Business Partner, the Country and the Document Date fields, the Tax number field is published.
3) tccom130.ccty
4) tfacp600.ddat For Payment:
5) tctax400.fovn 1) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.
2) Session Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4114s000), General tab, General group, Address field.
3) Session Addresses (tccom4530m000), Country field.
4) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Document Date field.
5) Session Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax41000m000), Tax Number field.

Based on the Pay-to Business Partner field and the Address field, the Country field is determined.
Based on the Pay-to Business Partner, the Country and the Document Date field, the Tax number field is
Always filled with 'TaxIdentificationNumber'.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) tfacp500.ifbp 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Invoice-from Business
Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom100.nama Based on the Invoice-from Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
2) tfacp600.ptbp

Infor April 07, 2020 581

For Payment:
1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Pay-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.

An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp500.ifbp 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Invoice-from Business
Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.nama Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner, the Name field is published.
2) tccom130.cadr
3) tfacp600.ptbp For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the Name field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tccom130.cadr 7) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
8) tfacp500.ifbp 8) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Invoice-from Business
Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.ln01 Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner, the six Address Lines are published.
2) tccom130.ln02
3) tccom130.ln03 One Address Line is published per sequence.
4) tccom130.ln04
5) tccom130.ln05 For Payment:
6) tccom130.ln06 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
7) tccom114.cadr 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
8) tfacp600.ptbp 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) Session Pay by Business Partners (tccom4114s000), General tab, General group, Address field.
8) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp500.ifbp 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Invoice-from Business
Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.hono Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner, the House Number field is published.
2) tccom130.cadr
3) tfacp600.ptbp For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the House Number field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.

Infor April 07, 2020 582

2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp500.ifbp 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Invoice-from Business
Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.bldg Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner, the Building field is published.
2) tccom130.cadr
3) tfacp600.ptbp For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the Building field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp500.ifbp 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Invoice-from Business
Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.namc Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner, the Street field is published.
2) tccom130.cadr
3) tfacp600.ptbp For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the Street field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp500.ifbp 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Invoice-from Business
Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.blun Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner, the Unit field is published.
2) tccom130.cadr
3) tfacp600.ptbp For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the Unit field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp500.ifbp 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Invoice-from Business
Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.blfl Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner, the Floor field is published.
2) tccom130.cadr
3) tfacp600.ptbp For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the Floor field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp500.ifbp 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Invoice-from Business
Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.pobn Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
2) tccom130.cadr
3) tfacp600.ptbp For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp500.ifbp 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Invoice-from Business

Infor April 07, 2020 583

Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.dsca Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner field, the City field is published.
2) tccom130.cadr
3) tfacp600.ptbp For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner field, the City field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp500.ifbp 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Invoice-from Business
Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.cste Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner field, the State/Province field is published.
2) tccom130.cadr
3) tfacp600.ptbp For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner field, the State/Province field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tccom130.cadr 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
4) tfacp500.ifbp 4) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Invoice-from Business
Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.ccty Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner and the Country field, the ISO Code
2) tcmcs010.ict2 alpha-2 field of the country is published.
3) tccom130.cadr
4) tfacp600.ptbp For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
4) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2
field of the country is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp500.ifbp 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Invoice-from Business
Partner field.
For Payment:
1) tccom130.pstc Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is
2) tccom130.cadr published.
3) tfacp600.ptbp
For Payment:
1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
tccom000.fovn Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Tax Number of Own Company field.

For Payment: For Payment:

1) tfacp600.pcom 1) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.
2) tccom000.fovn 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Tax Number of Own Company field.

Based on the Original Payment Company field, the Tax Number of Own Company field is published.
Always filled with 'TaxIdentificationNumber'.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
tccom000.nama Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Name field.

For Payment: For Payment:

1) tfacp600.pcom 1) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.

Infor April 07, 2020 584

2) tccom000.nama 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0502m000), Company (Description) field.

Based on the Original Payment Company field, the Company (Description) field is published.
For Payment:
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.

An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

For Payment: Based on the Address Code field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom130.nama
2) tccom000.cadr For Payment:
3) tfacp600.pcom 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.

Based on the Original Payment Company filed and the Address Code field, the Name field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tccom000.cadr 7) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

For Payment: Based on the Address Code field, the six Address Lines are published.
1) tccom130.ln01
2) tccom130.ln02 One Address Line is published per sequence.
3) tccom130.ln03
4) tccom130.ln04 For Payment:
5) tccom130.ln05 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
7) tccom000.cadr 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
8) tfacp600.pcom 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
8) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.

Based on the Original Payment Company field and the Address Code field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
For Payment: For Payment:
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
3) tfacp600.pcom 3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.

Based on the Original Payment Company filed and the Address Code field, the House Number field is published.
For Payment: For Payment:
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
3) tfacp600.pcom 3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.

Based on the Original Payment Company field and the Address Code field, the Building field is published.
For Payment: For Payment:
1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tccomo00.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
3) tfacp600.pcom 3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.

Based on the Original Payment Company field and the Address Code field, the Street field is published.
For Payment:
Infor April 07, 2020 585
1) tccom130.blun For Payment:
2) tccom000.cadr 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
3) tfacp600.pcom 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.

Based on the Original Payment Company field and the Address Code field, the Unit field is published.
For Payment: For Payment:
1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
3) tfacp600.pcom 3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.

Based on the Original Payment Company field and the Address Code field, the Floor field is published.
For Payment: For Payment:
1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
3) tfacp600.pcom 3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.

Based on the Original Payment Company field and the Address Code field, the P.O. Box Number field is
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

For Payment: Based on the Address Code field, the City field is published.
1) tccom130.dsca
2) tccom000.cadr For Payment:
3) tfacp600.pcom 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.

Based on the Original Payment Company field and the Address Code filed, the City field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

For Payment: Based on the Address Code field, the State/Province field is published.
1) tccom130.cste
2) tccom000.cadr For Payment:
3) tfacp600.pcom 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.

Based on the Original Payment Company field and the Address Code filed, the State/Province field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tccom000.cadr 3) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

For Payment: Based on the Address Code field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.ccty
2) tcmcs010.ict2 For Payment:
3) tccom000.cadr 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
4) tfacp600.pcom 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
4) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.

Based on the Original Payment Company field and the Address Code field, the Country Code is determined.
The ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tccom000.cadr 2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.

For Payment: Based on the Address Code field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
1) tccom130.pstc
2) tccom000.cadr For Payment:
3) tfacp600.pcom 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) Session General Company Data (tccom0102s000), Address Code field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.

Based on the Original Paymentt Company field and the Address Code field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is
Infor April 07, 2020 586
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp500.tpay 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.
2) tfacp500.amnt 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Amount in Invoice Currency field.
3) tfacp500.line 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Line) field.

For Payment: If the Document (Line) field is greater then zero and the Document Type is equal to 'Advance Payment' or
tfacp600.tpay 'Unallocated Payment', 'Prepaid' is published.
If the Document Type is equal to 'Credit Note' or 'Purchase Invoice', and the Amount is negative, 'CreditMemo' is
If the Document Type is equal to 'Purchase Invoice' and the Amount is equal to 0 or positive, 'Invoice' is

For Payment:
Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

If the Document Type is equal to 'Normal Payment' or 'Assignment' or 'Unallocated Payment', 'Invoice' is
If the Document Type is equal to 'Advance Payment', 'Prepaid' is published.
Always filled with 'Payable Styles'.
For Payment:
Always filled with 'P'.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp500.fcom 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Financial Company field.
2) tfacp500.ttyp 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Transaction Type) field.
3) tfacp500.ninv 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Document) field.
4) tfacp500.post 4) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Finalization Run Number field.
5) tfacp500.appr 5) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Match with Orders field.
6) tfacp500.stat 6) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Invoice Status field.

If the Match with Orders field is equal to 'Cost Invoice' and the finalization Run Number greater then zero or the
Invoice Status field is equal to 'Approved', the concatenation of the Financial Company, the Transaction Type
field and the Document field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp500.fcom 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Financial Company field.
2) tfacp500.ttyp 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Transaction Type) field.
3) tfacp500.ninv 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Document) field.

Based on the concatenation of the Financial Company, the Transaction Type field and the Document field, the
accountingEntity field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp500.fcom 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Financial Company field.
2) tfacp500.ttyp 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Transaction Type) field.
3) tfacp500.ninv 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Document) field.

Based on the concatenation of the Financial Company, the Transaction Type field and the Document fiel, the
location field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For Invoice:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Payment: For Payment:
1) tfacp600.ptbp 1) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.
2) tctax401.fidn 2) Session Fiscal IDs by Business Partner (tctax4101m000), Fiscal Identification field.

Based on the Pay-to Business Partner field the the Fiscal Identification field is determined.
For Payment: For Payment:
tctax401.fidn Session Fiscal IDs by Business Partner (tctax4101m000), Fiscal Identification field.

If the Fiscal Identification field is filled, 'SATUseCode' is published.

For Invoice: For Invoice:
tfcmg306.ptbp Session Main Pay-to Business Partner for 1099 (tfcmg3106m000), Pay-to B.Partner field.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
tfacp500.amnt Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Amount in Invoice Currency field.

For Payment: For Payment:

1) tfacp600.rcom 1) Session Payment-related documents (tfacr6500m000), Original Payment Company field.
Infor April 07, 2020 587
2) tfacp600.rect 2) Session Payment-related documents (tfacr6500m000), Original Payment Document (Transaction Type) field.
3) tfacp600.recd 3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacr6500m000), Original Payment Document (Document Number) field.
4) tfacp600.recl 4) Session Payment-related documents (tfacr6500m000), Original Payment Document (Line Number) field.
5) tfacp600.seqn 5) Session Payment-related documents (tfacr6500m000), Sequence Number field.
6) tfacp600.amnt 6) Session Payment-related documents (tfacr6500m000), Amount field.
7) tfacp601.disp 7) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Amounts group, Discount
8) tfacp601.lpsp Amount in Payment Currency field.
9) tfacp601.pdfp 8) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Amounts group, Late
Payment Surcharge in Payment Currency field.
9) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Amounts group, Payment
Differences in Payment Currency field.

Based on the Original Payment Company field, the Original Payment Document (Transaction Type) field, the
Original Payment Document (Document Number) field, the Original Payment Document (Line Number) field and
the Sequence Number field the related Invoices/Documents by Payment-related Documents are determined.
The sum of the Amount field, the related Discount Amount in Payment Currency fields, the related Late Payment
Surcharge in Payment Currency fields and the related Payment Differences in Payment Currency fields,
multiplied by -1, is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tfacp500.ccur 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Invoice Currency field.

For Payment: Based on the Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tfacp600.ccur For Payment:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Payment Details group, Amount currency field.

Based on the Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
tfacp500.amth(1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Amount in Home Currency field.

For Payment: The Amount in Home Currency field is published.

1) tfacp600.rcom
2) tfacp600.rect For Payment:
3) tfacp600.recd 1) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.
4) tfacp600.recl 2) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Document (Transaction Type) field.
5) tfacp600.seqn 3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Document (Document Number)
6) tfacp600.amtl field.
7) tfacp601.disl 4) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Document (Line Number) field.
8) tfacp601.lpsl 5) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Sequence Number field.
9) tfacp601.pdfl 6) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Payment Details group, Amount in Local Currency
7) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Amounts group, Discount
Amount in Local Currency field.
8) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Amounts group, Late
Payment Surcharge in Local Currency field.
9) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Amounts group, Payment
Differences in Local Currency field.

Based on the Original Payment Company field, the Original Payment Document (Transaction Type) field, the
Original Payment Document (Document Number) field, the Original Payment Document (Line Number) field and
the Sequence Number field the related Invoices/Documents by Payment-related Documents are determined.
The sum of the Amount in Local Currency field, the related Discount Amount in Local Currency fields, the related
Late Payment Surcharge in Local Currency fields and the related Payment Differences in Local Currency fields,
multiplied by -1, is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp500.amnt 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Amount in Invoice Currency field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

For Payment: Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.
1) tfacp600.rcom The Amount in Invoice Currency field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
2) tfacp600.curr Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
3) tfacp600.sdat
For Payment:
1) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.
2) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Payment Details group, Amount currency field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Creation Date field.

Based on the Original Payment Company field, Amount Currency field and the Creation Date field, the
Infor April 07, 2020 588
TotalAmount element expressed in Reference Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfgld110.ccty 1) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Country field.
2) tfgld110.cvat 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Code field.
3) tfgld107.ccty 3) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Country field.
4) tfgld107.cvat 4) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Tax Code field.
5) tcmcs010.ict2 5) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
6) tfacp200.tpay 6) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

For finalized lines:

Based on the Country (1) field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is determined.
The concatenation of the ISO Code alpha-2 field and the Tax Code (2) field is published.

For non-finalized lines:

Based on the Country (3) field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is determined.
The concatenation of the ISO Code alpha-2 field and the Tax Code (4) field is published.

This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfgld110.ctau 1) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Periods tab, Tax Authority field.
2) tfgld107.ctau 2) Not displayed in any session, Tax Authority field.
3) tfacp200.tpay 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

If the transaction is finalized, the Tax Authority (1) field is published.

If the transaction is not finalized, the Tax Authority (2) field is published.
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfgld110.tbam 1) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount field.
2) tfgld110.amnt 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Net Amount field.
3) tfgld107.tbam 3) Not displayed in any session, Tax Base Amount field.
4) tfgld107.amnt 4) Not displayed in any session, Net Amount field.
5) tfacp200.tpay 5) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

If the transaction is finalized, the Tax Base Amount (1) field is published if it is unequal to 0. If the transaction is
finalized and the Tax Base Amount (1) field is equal to 0, the Net Amount (2) field is published.
If the transaction is not finalized, the Tax Base Amount (3) field is published if it is unequal to 0. If the transaction
is not finalized and the Tax Base Amount (3) field is equal to 0, the Net Amount (4) field is published.
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field.
2) tfgld110.ccur 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Net Amount Currency field.
3) tfgld107.ccur 3) Not displayed in any session, Currency field.

If the transaction is finalized, based on the Net Amount Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is
Otherwise, based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfgld110.tbah(1) 1) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount in HC field.
2) tfgld110.amth(1) 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Net Amount in HC field.
3) tfgld107.tbah(1) 3) Not displayed in any session, Tax Base Amount in HC field.
4) tfgld107.amth(1) 4) Not displayed in any session, Net Amount in HC field.
5) tfacp200.tpay 5) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

If the transaction is finalized, the Tax Base Amount in HC (1) field is published if it is unequal to 0. If the
transaction is finalized and the Tax Base Amount in HC (1) field is equal to 0, the Net Amount in HC (2) field is
If the transaction is not finalized, the Tax Base Amount in HC (3) field is published if it is unequal to 0. If the
transaction is not finalized and the Tax Base Amount in HC (3) field is equal to 0, the Net Amount in HC (4) field
is published.
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
For Invoice:

Infor April 07, 2020 589

1) tcmcs002.iccc For Invoice:
2) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tfgld110.tbam 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount field.
3) tfgld110.amnt 3) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Net Amount field.
4) tfgld107.tbam 4) Not displayed in any session, Tax Base Amount field.
5) tfgld107.amnt 5) Not displayed in any session, Net Amount field.
6) tfacp200.tpay 6) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

If the transaction is finalized, the Tax Base Amount (2) field expressed in Reference Currency is published if it is
unequal to 0. If the transaction is finalized and the Tax Base Amount (2) field is equal to 0, the Net Amount (3)
field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
If the transaction is not finalized, the Tax Base Amount (4) field expressed in Reference Currency is published if
it is unequal to 0. If the transaction is not finalized and the Tax Base Amount (4) field is equal to 0, the Net
Amount (5) field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfgld110.rcod 1) Not displayed in any Session, Exempt Reason field.
2) tfgld107.rcod 2) Not displayed in any Session, Exempt Reason field.
3) tfacp200.tpay 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

The Exempt Reason field is published.

For the finalized lines, the value is taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the value
is taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcmcs005.dsca 1) Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason field.
2) tfgld110.rcod 2) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.
3) tfgld107.rcod 3) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.

If the transaction is finalized, based on the Exempt Reason (2) field, the Reason is published.
Otherwise, based on the Exempt Reason (3) field, the Reason is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfgld110.tbam 1) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Tax Base Amount field.
2) tfgld110.amnt 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Net Amount field.
3) tfgld110.rcod 3) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.
4) tfgld107.tbam 4) Not displayed in any session, Tax Base Amount field.
5) tfgld107.amnt 5) Not displayed in any session, Net Amount field.
6) tfgld107.rcod 6) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.
7) tfacp200.tpay 7) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

If the Exempt Reason field is filled and the Tax Base Amount field is filled, the Tax Base Amount field is
If the Exempt Reason field is filled and the Tax Base Amount field is not filled, the Net Amount is published.

For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the
values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field.
2) tfgld110.ccur 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Net Amount Currency field.
3) tfgld107.ccur 3) Not displayed in any session, Currency field.

If the transaction is finalized, based on the Net Amount Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is
If the transaction is not finalized, based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 590

For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcmcs036.dsca 1) Session Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0136s000), General tab, General group, Description field.
2) tfacp200.vatc 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Country for Tax field.
3) tfacp200.cvat 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Tax Code field.
4) tfacp200.tpay 4) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

Based on the Country for Tax and Tax code fields, the Description field is published.
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfgld110.vamh(1) 1) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount in HC field.
2) tfgld107.vamh(1) 2) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount in HC field.
3) tfacp200.tpay 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

If the transaction is finalized, the Tax Amount in HC (1) field is published.

If the transaction is not finalized, the Tax Amount in HC (2) field is published.
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfgld110.vamt 1) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount field.
2) tfgld107.vamt 2) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount field.
3) tfacp200.tpay 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

If the transaction is finalized, the Tax Amount (1) field is published.

If the transaction is not finalized, the Tax Amount (2) field is published.
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field.
2) tfgld110.ccur 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Net Amount Currency field.
3) tfgld107.ccur 3) Not displayed in any session, Currency field.

If the transaction is finalized, based on the Net Amount Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is
If the transaction is not finalized, based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfgld110.vamh(1) 1) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount in HC field.
2) tfgld107.vamh(1) 2) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount in HC field.
3) tfacp200.tpay 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

If the transaction is finalized, the Tax Amount in HC (1) field is published.

If the transaction is not finalized, the Tax Amount in HC (2) field is published.
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
2) tfgld110.vamt 2) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount field.
3) tfgld107.vamt 3) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount field.
4) tfacp200.tpay 4) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

If the transaction is finalized, the Tax Amount (2) field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
If the transaction is not finalized, the Tax Amount (3) field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Infor April 07, 2020 591

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp200.amnt 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount in Invoice Currency
2) tfacp200.tpay field.
3) tfacp200.amti 2) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Document Type field.
4) tfacp200.lapi 3) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Amount in Invoice Currency field.
5) tfacp200.dc1i 4) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Late Payment Surcharge in Invoice Currency field.
6) tfacp200.padi 5) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field.
7) tfacp200.wtpi 6) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Payment Difference in Invoice Currency field.
7) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Withholding Tax in Invoice Currency field.
For Payment:
1) tfacp600.rcom The Balance in Invoice Currency, excluding Anticipated Payments and excluding non-finalized Payments is
2) tfacp600.rect published. This Balance is calculated by adding the Amount in Invoice Currency of the related Payment
3) tfacp600.recd documents (which is a negative amount for normal Payments) to the Amount in Invoice Currency of the Invoice
4) tfacp600.recl Header.
5) tfacp600.seqn For the Invoice Header, the Amount in Invoice Currency (1) field is read.
6) tfacp600.amnt
7) tfacp601.amnt For related Payment documents, the Amount in Invoice Currency is calculated as:
If the Document Type field is equal to 'Correction', the Amount in Invoice Currency (3) field is read.
Otherwise, if the Document Type field is not equal to 'Anticipated Payment', 'Unallocated Anticipated', 'Advance
Anticipated' and 'Standing Order', the Amount in Invoice Currency is the sum of the Amount in Invoice Currency
(3) field, the Late Payment Surcharge in Invoice Currency field, the Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field,
the Withholding Tax in Invoice Currency field and the Payment Difference in Invoice Currency field.

For Payment:
1) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.
2) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Document (Transaction Type) field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Document (Document Number)
4) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Document (Line Number) field.
5) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Sequence Number field.
6) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Payment Details group, Amount field.
7) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Amounts group, Payment
Amount in Payment Currency field.

Based on the Original Payment Company field, the Original Payment Document (Transaction Type) field, the
Original Payment Document (Document Number) field, the Original Payment Document (Line Number) field and
the Sequence Number field the related Invoices/Documents by Payment-related Documents are determined.
The sum of the Amount field and the related Amount in Payment Currency fields, multiplied by -1, is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tfacp200.ccur 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Invoice Currency field.

For Payment: Based on the Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tfacp600.ccur For Payment:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Payment Details group, Amount currency field.

Based on the Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp200.amth(1) 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount in Home Currency
2) tfacp200.tpay field.
3) tfacp200.amth(1) 2) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Document Type field.
4) tfacp200.laph(1) 3) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Amount in Home Currency field.
5) tfacp200.dc1h(1) 4) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Late Payment Surcharge in Home Currency field.
6) tfacp200.padh(1) 5) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Discount Amount in Home Currency field.
7) tfacp200.wtph(1) 6) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Payment Difference in Home Currency field.
7) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Withholding Tax in Home Currency field.
For Payment:
1) tfacp600.rcom The Balance in Home Currency, excluding Anticipated Payments and excluding non-finalized Payments is
2) tfacp600.rect published. This Balance is calculated by adding the Amount in Home Currency of the related Payment
3) tfacp600.recd documents (which is a negative amount for normal Payments) to the Amount in Home Currency of the Invoice
4) tfacp600.recl Header.
5) tfacp600.seqn For the Invoice Header, the Amount in Home Currency (1) field is read.
6) tfacp600.amnt
7) tfacp601.amtl For related Payment documents, the Amount in Home Currency is calculated as:
If the Document Type field is equal to 'Correction', the Amount in Home Currency (3) field is read.
Otherwise, if the Document Type field is not equal to 'Anticipated Payment', 'Unallocated Anticipated', 'Advance
Anticipated' and 'Standing Order', the Amount in Home Currency is the sum of the Amount in Home Currency (3)
field, the Late Payment Surcharge in Home Currency field, the Discount Amount in Home Currency field, the
Withholding Tax in Home Currency field and the Payment Difference in Home Currency field.

For Payment:
Infor April 07, 2020 592
1) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.
2) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Document (Transaction Type) field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Document (Document Number)
4) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Document (Line Number) field.
5) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Sequence Number field.
6) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Payment Details group, Amount field.
7) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Amounts group, Payment
Amount in Local Currency field.

Based on the Original Payment Company field, the Original Payment Document (Transaction Type) field, the
Original Payment Document (Document Number) field, the Original Payment Document (Line Number) field and
the Sequence Number field the related Invoices/Documents by Payment-related Documents are determined.
The sum of the Amount field in Local Currency and the related Amount in Local Currency fields, multiplied by -1,
is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
2) tfacp200.amnt 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount in Invoice Currency
3) tfacp200.tpay field.
4) tfacp200.amti 3) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Document Type field.
5) tfacp200.lapi 4) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Amount in Invoice Currency field.
6) tfacp200.dc1i 5) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Late Payment Surcharge in Invoice Currency field.
7) tfacp200.padi 6) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field.
8) tfacp200.wtpi 7) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Payment Difference in Invoice Currency field.
8) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Withholding Tax in Invoice Currency field.
For Payment:
1) tfacp600.rcom Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.
2) tfacp600.curr The Balance expressed in Reference Currency, excluding Anticipated Payments and excluding non-finalized
3) tfacp600.sdat Payments is published. This Balance is calculated by adding the Amount in Invoice Currency of the related
Payment documents (which is a negative amount for normal Payments) to the Amount in Invoice Currency of
the Invoice Header and converting the Balance to Reference Currency.
For the Invoice Header, the Amount in Invoice Currency (2) field is read.

For related Payment documents, the Amount in Invoice Currency is calculated as:
If the Document Type field is equal to 'Correction', the Amount in Invoice Currency (3) field is read.
Otherwise, if the Document Type field is not equal to 'Anticipated Payment', 'Unallocated Anticipated', 'Advance
Anticipated' and 'Standing Order', the Amount in Invoice Currency is the sum of the Amount in Invoice Currency
(4) field, the Late Payment Surcharge in Invoice Currency field, the Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field,
the Withholding Tax in Invoice Currency field and the Payment Difference in Invoice Currency field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.

For Payment:
1) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment Company field.
2) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Payment Details group, Amount currency field.
3) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Creation Date field.

Based on the Original Payment Company field, Amount Currency field and the Creation Date field, the
PayableAmount element expressed in Reference Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

For Payment: Based on the Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tcemm170.fcua For Payment:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp200.paym 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Payment Data tab, Payment Details group, Payment
2) tfacp200.tpay Method field.
3) tfacp200.amnt 2) Session Payments on Purchase Invoice (tfacp2523s000), Document Type field.
4) tfacp200.tdoc 3) Session Payments on Purchase Invoice (tfacp2523s000), Transaction Amount field.
5) tfacp200.docn 4) Session Payments on Purchase Invoice (tfacp2523s000), Document (Transaction Type) field.
6) tfacp200.step 5) Session Payments On Purchase Invoices (tfacp2523m000), Document (Document) field.
7) tfgld011.catg 6) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Payment Procedure Step field.
8) tfcmg003.rgrp 7) Session Transaction Types (tfgld0511m000), Transaction Category field.
9) tfcmg003.sess 8) Session Payment/Receipt Method (tfcmg0140s000), Details tab, Report Options group, Payment Report field.
Infor April 07, 2020 593
10) tfcmg003.xfyn 9) Session Payment/Receipt Method (tfcmg0140s000), Details tab, Report Options group, Session to Create
11) tfacp200.pysh Payments/Receipts field.
12) tfacp201.paym 10) Session Payment/Receipt Method (tfcmg0140s000), Details tab, Report Options group, XML File field.
13) tfacp201.balc 11) Not displayed in any session, Schedules field.
14) tfacp200.tpay 12) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Payment Method field.
13) Not displayed in any session, Balance in Invoice Currency field.
For Payment: 14) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.
If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes' the Payment Method (12) field will be determined from the Payment
Schedules table (tfacp201). This field will be taken from the first schedule line for which the Balance in Invoice
Currency field is not equal to 0. Otherwise, it will be taken from the first schedule line.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'No', and one or several payment documents are linked to the invoice (the
Document (Transaction Type) and Document (Document) fields are not empty), the Payment Method is based
on the last payment document:
- If the Document Type is equal to 'Normal Payment' and the Payment Procedure Step is empty, or
- If the Document Type is equal to 'Credit Note', or
- If the Document Type is equal to 'Assignment' and the Transaction Category field of the Document
(Transaction Type) field is equal to 'Purchase Credit Notes' or 'Purchase Corrections', or
- If the Document Type is equal to 'Purchase Invoice' and the Transaction Amount is negative,
'CreditTransfer' is published.

For the remaining last finalized payments with Document Type equal to 'Normal Payment', 'Assignment',
'Advance Payment', 'Unallocated Payment', 'Credit Note', and 'Purchase Invoice', the Payment Method of the
line is taken.
If there is no payment document linked to the invoice (the Document (Transaction Type) and
Document(Document) fields are empty), the Payment Method of the header document is taken.

Based on the Payment Method, the Payment Report, the Session to Create Payments/Receipts, and the XML
File fields are determined.
Based on these fields, the PaymentMethodCode is published.
If the Session to Create Payments/Receipts field is equal to 'tfcmg1261m000' or 'tfcmg1262m000', or the XML
File field is selected, 'ElectronicFundsTransfer' is published.
- For Payment Reports: 2 (Bank File (Clieop)), 7 (Postgiro File (Swedish layout)), 8 (Bankgiro File (Swedish
layout)), 12 (BankGiroCentrale File), 13 (BACS layout as used in UK), 14 (ABN AMRO BTL91 format), 19 (ACH
Formatted File), 23 (ULMP 2499 (Finland)), 24 (LUM2 (Finland)), 27 (Norske Bank/Foreign (Norway)), 28
(Norske Bank/Domestic (Norway)), 29 (Sisu - Foreign (Sweden)), 30 (Bank File (Clieop EUR / NLG)), 32
(Danske Bank - Foreign (Denmark)), 33 (BG Bank - Domestic (Denmark)), 34 (BG Bank - Foreign (Denmark)),
35 (Danske Bank - Domestic (Denmark)), 36 (Postgiro - Domestic (Sweden)), 37 (Belgian Bank File for
Payments in FC), 38 (LM2/Mertia Domestic (Finland)), 39 (LM02/Leonia Domestic (Finland)), 41 (Payment
Report for Domestic Payments in Euros), 43 (Bankgiro / Domestic (Sweden)), 47 (Uni Bank/UTF9/Domestic
(Denmark)), 48 (Belgian Bank File for Domestic Payments in BEF), 49 (Merita Bank File (Finland)), 51 (Uni
Bank/UBT040/Foreign (Denmark)), 54 (ZENGINKO (Japanese bank file layout)), 55 (ETEBAC local payment
(France)), 56 (ETEBAC foreign payment (France)), 57 (Electronic Payment File (Italy)), 59 (Postgiro Sweden),
60 (Norma File 34 (Spain)), 62 (Norma File 68 (Spain)), 63 (Norma File 34-1 (Spain)), 65 (PAYMUL Domestic
(Austria)), 66 (PAYMUL Foreign (Austria)), 67 (Danske Bank - Domestic), 68 (Danske Bank - Foreign),
'ElectronicFundsTransfer' is published.
- For Payment Reports: 3 (Checks), 10 (Checks - German Layout), 15 (Checks (US Layout)), 17 (Canadian
Checks), 18 (Carta Pagare (Spain)), 22 (Check Layout for France), 97 (UK Checks), 99 (Checks), 'Cheque' is
- For Payment Report: 1 (Bank Orders), 11 (Trade Notes), 16: Bank Orders (German Layout), 'BankDraft' is

For Payment:
Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Payment Method field.
Always filled with 'Payment Methods'.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field.
2) tfacp500.ccur 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Amount in Invoice Currency
(currency) field.
For Payment:
1) tcmcs002.iccc Based on the Amounts In Invoice Currency (currency) field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
2) tfacp600.ccur
For Payment:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Payment Details group, Amount currency field.

Based on the Amount currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
tfacp500.ratf Not displayed in any session, Rate Factor field.

Dependent currency system:

If the reference currency and the local currency are equal, the Rate Factor of the reference currency position is
If the reference currency and the transaction currency are equal, the Rate Factor of the local home currency
Infor April 07, 2020 594
position is published.
If the transaction currency, the reference currency, and the local currency differ, '1' is published.

Other currency systems:

The Rate Factor of the local home currency position is published.

For Payment:
Always filled with '1'.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
tcmcs002.iccc Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.

For Payment: Based on the local home currency, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tcemm170.fcua For Payment:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
Always filled with '1'.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp500.ratf 1) Not displayed in any session, Rate Factor field.
2) tcmcs008.excb 2) Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Express in Base Currency field.
3) tfacp500.amnt 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Amount (in invoice currency) field.
4) tfacp500.amth 4) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Amount (in local home currency)
5) tfacp500.ccur field.
5) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Amount in Invoice Currency
(currency) field.

Dependent currency system:

- If the reference currency is equal to the local home currency or equal to the invoice currency, the
TargetCurrencyCode is based on the Express in Base Currency field of the Currency Rates between the
reference currency and the invoice currency (Amounts In (invoice currency) field), or between the reference
currency and the local home currency.
If the Express in Base Currency field is equal to 'No', the Rate Factor field is published.
Otherwise, the division of 1 by the Rate Factor is published.
- If the reference currency, the local home currency, and the invoice currency (Amounts In (invoice currency)
field) differ, and if the Amount (in invoice currency) and the Amount (in local home currency) are not equal to 0,
the division of the Amount (in local home currency) by the Amount (in invoice currency) is published. If the
Amount (in invoice currency) or the Amount (in local home currency) is equal to 0, '1' is published.

Standard, single, or independent currency systems:

The TargetCurrencyCode is based on the Express in Base Currency field of the Currency Rates between the
local home currency and the invoice currency (Amounts In (invoice currency) field). If the Express in Base
Currency field is equal to 'No', the Rate Factor field is published.

For Payment:
If CurrencyExchangeRate/SourceCurrencyCode is equal to CurrencyExchangeRate/TargetCurrencyCode or if
the TotalAmount is equal to 0.00, '1' is published.
Otherwise, the TotalBaseAmount divided by the TotalAmount is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
tfacp200.ratd Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.
For Invoice:
Always filled with 'Standard'.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcmcs013.dsca 1) Session Terms of Payment (tcmcs0113s000), Terms of Payment tab, Description field.
2) tfacp500.cpay 2) Session Purchase Invoice Inquiry (tfacp2600m100), Payment tab, Payment Term field.

Based on the Payment Term field, the Description is published.

For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp500.cpay 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Payment tab, Payment Terms field.
2) tcmcs013.txta 2) Session Payment Terms (tcmcs0113s000), Text field.

Based on the Payment Terms fields, the Text field is published.

For Invoice: For Invoice:
tfacp500.cpay Session Purchase Invoice Inquiry (tfacp2600m100), Payment tab, Payment Term field.

Infor April 07, 2020 595

For Invoice:
Always filled with 'PaymentTerm'.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp500.dued 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), General, Due Date field.
2) tfacp500.docd 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Document Date field.
3) tfacp500.tpay 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), General tab, Document Type field.

If the Due Date field is filled, the Due Date field is published. Otherwise, the Document Date field is published.
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp500.amnt 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), General, Amount field.
2) tfacp500.pysh 2) Not displayed in any session, Schedules field.
3) tfacp500.tpay 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), General, Document Type field.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'No', the Amount field is published.

This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field.
2) tfacp200.ccur 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Invoice Currency field.

Based on the Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp500.amth(1) 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), General, Amount in Home Currency
2) tfacp500.pysh field.
3) tfacp500.tpay 2) Not displayed in any session, Schedules field.
3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), General, Document Type field.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'No', the Amount in Home Currency field is published.
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
2) tfacp500.amnt 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), General, Amount field.
3) tfacp500.pysh 3) Not displayed in any session, Schedules field.
4) tfacp500.tpay 4) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), General, Document Type field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'No', the Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
For Invoice:
1', '2' or '3' is published, depending on the first, second or third discount.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp500.dc1a 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Payment tab, First Discount Amount
2) tfacp500.dc2a field.
3) tfacp500.dc3a 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Payment tab, Second Discount
4) tfacp500.pysh Amount field.
5) tfacp201.balc 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Payment tab, Third Discount
6) tfacp201.dc1i Amount field.
7) tfacp201.dc2i 4) Not displayed in any session, Schedules field.
8) tfacp201.dc3i 5) Not displayed in any session, Balance in Invoice Currency field.
6) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, First Discount Amount in
Invoice Currency field.
7) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, Second Discount Amount
in Invoice Currency field.
8) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, Third Discount Amount in
Invoice Currency field.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes' the Discount Amount fields will be determined from the Payment
Schedules table (tfacp201). These fields will be taken from the first schedule line for which the Balance in
Invoice Currency field is not equal to 0. Otherwise, they will be taken from the first schedule line.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'No' and the First Discount Amount is filled, the First Discount Amount is
published for the first discount.
If the Schedules field is equal to 'No' and the Second Discount Amount is filled, the Second Discount Amount is
published for the second discount.
If the Schedules field is equal to 'No' and the Third Discount Amount is filled, the third Discount Amount is
Infor April 07, 2020 596
published for the third discount.
If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes' and the First Disc Amount is filled, the First Discount Amount in Invoice
Currency is published for the first discount.
If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes' and the Second Disc Amount is filled, the Second Discount Amount in
Invoice Currency is published for the second discount.
If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes' and the Third Disc Amount is filled, the Third Discount Amount in Invoice
Currency is published for the third discount.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field.
2) tfacp200.ccur 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Invoice Currency field.

Based on the Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp500.dc1h(1) 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Payment tab, Discount Amount in
2) tfacp500.dc2h(1) Home Currency field.
3) tfacp500.dc3h(1) 2) Not displayed in any session, Second Discount Amount in Home Currency field.
4) tfacp500.pysh 3) Not displayed in any session, Third Discount Amount in Home Currency field.
5) tfacp201.balc 4) Not displayed in any session, Schedules field.
6) tfacp201.dc1i 5) Not displayed in any session, Balance in Invoice Currency field.
7) tfacp201.dc2i 6) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, First Discount Amount in
8) tfacp201.dc3i Invoice Currency field.
7) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, Second Discount Amount
in Invoice Currency field.
8) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, Third Discount Amount in
Invoice Currency field.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes' the Discount Date and Amount fields will be determined from the Payment
Schedules table (tfacp201). These fields will be taken from the first schedule line for which the Balance in
Invoice Currency field is not equal to 0. Otherwise, they will be taken from the first schedule line.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'No', dependent on the first, second or third discount, the Discount Amount in
Home Currency field, the Second Discount Amount in Home Currency field or the Third Discount Amount in
Home Currency field is published.
If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes', dependent on the first, second or third discount, the First Discount
Amount in Invoice Currency field, the Second Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field or the Third Discount
Amount in Invoice Currency field, expressed in the Local Currency, is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tfacp200.ccur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
2) tfacp500.dc1a 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Payment tab, First Discount Amount
3) tfacp500.dc2a field.
4) tfacp500.dc3a 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Payment tab, Second Discount
5) tfacp500.pysh Amount field.
6) tfacp201.balc 4) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Payment tab, Third Discount
7) tfacp201.dc1i Amount field.
8) tfacp201.dc2i 5) Not displayed in any session, Schedules field.
9) tfacp201.dc3i 6) Not displayed in any session, Balance in Invoice Currency field.
7) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, First Discount Amount in
Invoice Currency field.
8) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, Second Discount Amount
in Invoice Currency field.
9) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, Third Discount Amount in
Invoice Currency field.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes' the Discount Date and Amount fields will be determined from the Payment
Schedules table (tfacp201). These fields will be taken from the first schedule line for which the Balance in
Invoice Currency field is not equal to 0. Otherwise, they will be taken from the first schedule line.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'No', dependent on the first, second or third discount, the First Discount Amount
field expressed in Reference Currency, the Second Discount Amount field expressed in Reference Currency or
the Third Discount Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes', dependent on the first, second or third discount, the First Discount
Amount in Invoice Currency field expressed in Reference Currency, the Second Discount Amount in Invoice
Currency field expressed in Reference Currency or the Third Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field
expressed in Reference Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
Infor April 07, 2020 597
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
tfacp500.ccrs Session Purchase-Invoice Inquiry (tfacp2600m100), Payment tab, Late Payment Surcharge field.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcmcs011.dsca 1) Session Late Payment Surcharges (tcmcs0111m000), Late Payment Surcharge (description) field.
2) tfacp500.ccrs 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Inquiry (tfacp2600m100), Payment tab, Late Payment Surcharge field.

Based on the Late Payment Surcharge field, the Late Payment Surcharge (description) is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
tfacp500.lpdt Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Payment tab, Late Payment Surcharge
Date field.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
tfacp500.lapa Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Payment tab, Late Payment Surcharge
Amount field.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field.
2) tfacp500.ccur 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Payment tab, Late Payment
Surcharge Amount (currency) field.

Based on the Late Payment Surcharge Amount (currency) field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
tfacp500.laph(1) Session Open Entry Details (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Late Payment Surcharge Amount in
Home Currency field.

The Late Payment Surcharge Amount in Home Currency field is published.

For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
2) tfacp500.lapa 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Payment tab, Late Payment
Surcharge Amount field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Late Payment Surcharge Amount in Invoice Currency field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
tfacp201.schn Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Schedule Number field.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
tfacp201.payd Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Due Date field.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
tfacp201.amnt Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Amount field.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field.
2) tfacp500.ccur 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Payment tab, Late Payment
Surcharge Amount (currency) field.

Based on the Late Payment Surcharge Amount (currency) field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp201.amnt 1) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Amount field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Infor April 07, 2020 598

The Amount field, expressed in the Local Currency, is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp201.amnt 1) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Amount field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For Invoice:
1', '2' or '3' is published, depending on the first, second or third discount.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp201.dc1i 1) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, First Discount Amount in
2) tfacp201.dc2i Invoice Currency field.
3) tfacp201.dc3i 2) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, Second Discount Amount
in Invoice Currency field.
3) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, Third Discount Amount in
Invoice Currency field.

Dependent on the first, second or third discount, the First Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field, the Second
Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field or the Third Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field.
2) tfacp500.ccur 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Payment tab, Late Payment
Surcharge Amount (currency) field.

Based on the Late Payment Surcharge Amount (currency) field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp201.dc1i 1) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, First Discount Amount in
2) tfacp201.dc2i Invoice Currency field.
3) tfacp201.dc3i 2) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, Second Discount Amount
4) tcemm170.fcua in Invoice Currency field.
3) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, Third Discount Amount in
Invoice Currency field.
4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Dependent on the first, second or third discount, the First Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field, the Second
Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field or the Third Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field, expressed in
the Local Currency, is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp201.dc1i 1) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, First Discount Amount in
2) tfacp201.dc2i Invoice Currency field.
3) tfacp201.dc3i 2) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, Second Discount Amount
4) tcemm170.lcur in Invoice Currency field.
3) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, Third Discount Amount in
Invoice Currency field.
4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Dependent on the first, second or third discount, the First Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field, the Second
Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field or the Third Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field, expressed in
Reference Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.

Infor April 07, 2020 599

For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp201.amnt 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For Payment: For Payment:
tfacp600.pyid Session Payment-related documents (tfacp6500m000), Original Payment ID field.

For the Original Payment ID field, the PayableTrackerHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled

with lcl.PaymentRefNumberr' and PayableTrackerHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@typ is filled with

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data
A sequence number starting from 1 is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
tfacp200.refr Session Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000), Invoice Data tab, Reference field.

For Payment: For Payment:

tfacp601.refr Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Transaction Reference field.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
tfacp200.text Session Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000), Text field.
For Invoice:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
For Payment: For Invoice:
tfacp601.doct Always filled with 'PayableTracker'.

For Payment:
Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Document Type field.

If Document Type field is equal to 'Purchase Invoice' or 'Purchase Credit Note', 'SupplierInvoice' is published.
If Document Type field is equal to 'Sales Invoice' or 'Sales Credit Note', 'Invoice' is published.
If Document Type field is equal to 'Advance Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment', 'PayableTracker' is published.
If Document Type field is equal to 'Advance Receipt' or 'Unallocated Receipt', 'ReceivableTracker' is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp200.tpay 1) Session Payment-related Documents by Open Entry (tfacp2523m000), Document Type field.
2) tfacp200.tdoc 2) Session Payment-related Documents by Open Entry (tfacp2523m000), Document (Transaction Type) field.
3) tfacp200.docn 3) Session Payment-related Documents by Open Entry (tfacp2523m000), Document (Document) field.
4) tfacp200.lino 4) Session Payment-related Documents by Open Entry (tfacp2523m000), Document (line) field.
5) tfacp200.ttyp 5) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Number (Transaction Type) field.
6) tfacp200.ninv 6) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Number (Document) field.
7) tfacp200.line 7) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Number (Line) field.

For Payment: If the Document Type field is not equal to 'Assignment', the concatenation of the current company, the
1) tfacp601.doct Transaction Type (2) field and the Document (3) field and the Line (4) field is published
2) tfacp601.icom Otherwise, the concatenation of the current company, the Transaction Type (5) field, the Document (6) field and
3) tfacp601.ityp the Line (7) field of the assigned document is published.
4) tfacp601.idoc
5) tfacp601.ilin For Payment:
1) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Document Type field.
2) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Invoice Company field.
3) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Invoice Document
(Transaction Type) field.
4) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Invoice Document
(Document) field.
5) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Invoice Document (Line) field.

If Document Type field is equal to 'Purchase Invoice' or 'Purchase Credit Note', the concatenation of Invoice
Company field, Invoice Document (Transaction Type) field and Invoice Document (Document) is published.
If Document Type field is equal to 'Sales Invoice' or 'Sales Credit Note', the concatenation of Invoice Company
field, Invoice Document (Transaction Type) field and Invoice Document (Document) is published.
If Document Type field is equal to 'Advance Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment', the concatenation of Invoice
Company field, Invoice Document (Transaction Type) field, Invoice Document (Document) and Invoice
Document (Line) is published.
If Document Type field is equal to 'Advance Receipt' or 'Unallocated Receipt', the concatenation of Invoice
Company field, Invoice Document (Transaction Type) field, Invoice Document (Document) and Invoice
Document (Line) is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 600
tfgld004.acdp Session Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000), General tab, Company Data group, Accounting Department

Based on the Accounting Department field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tfgld004.acdp Session Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000), General tab, Company Data group, Accounting Department

Based on the Accounting Department field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp200.tpay 1) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.
2) tfacp200.amti 2) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Amount in Invoice Currency field.
3) tfacp200.amth(1)
One record of table tfacp200 can result in one or more Payable Tracker Lines in the BOD.

Publish first line if:

tfacp200.amti <> 0.0 or tfacp200.amth(1) <> 0.0 or tfacp200.amth(2) <> 0.0 or tfacp200.amth(3) <> 0.0:
tfacp200.tpay = Normal PayableTransactionType is 'Payment'
tfacp200.tpay = Credit Note PayableTransactionType is 'CreditMemo'
tfacp200.tpay = Correction PayableTransactionType is 'MiscAdjustment'
tfacp200.tpay = Currency Difference PayableTransactionType is 'CurrencyDifference'
tfacp200.tpay = Payment Difference PayableTransactionType is 'WriteOff'
tfacp200.tpay = Assignment PayableTransactionType is 'Payment' or 'Invoice'

Publish second, third, . line if:

tfacp200.dc1i <> 0.0 or tfacp200.dc1h(1) <> 0.0 or tfacp200.dc1h(2) <> 0.0 or tfacp200.dc1h(3) <> 0.0
PayableTransactionType is 'PaymentDiscount'
tfacp200.lapi <> 0.0 or tfacp200.laph(1) <> 0.0 or tfacp200.laph(2) <> 0.0 or tfacp200.laph(3) <> 0.0:
PayableTransactionType is 'Penalty'
if tfacp200.padi <> 0.0 or tfacp200.padh(1) <> 0.0 or tfacp200.padh(2) <> 0.0 or tfacp200.padh(3) <> 0.0:
PayableTransactionType is 'WriteOff'
tfacp200.cdam(1) <> 0.0 or tfacp200.cdam(2) <> 0.0 or tfacp200.cdam(3) <> 0.0:
PayableTransactionType is 'CurrencyDifference'

For Payment:
If PayableTrackerLine\LineNumber element is equal to 1, 'Invoice' is published.
If PayableTrackerLine\LineNumber element is equal to 2, 'PaymentDiscount' is published.
If PayableTrackerLine\LineNumber element is equal to 3, 'Penalty' is published.
If PayableTrackerLine\LineNumber element is equal to 4, 'WriteOff' is published.
Always filled with 'Payable Transaction Types'.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
tfacp200.docd Session Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m100), Invoice Data tab, Invoice Date field.

For Payment: For Payment:

tfacp601.sdat Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Document Date field.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp500.tpay 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.
2) tfacp200.amti 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Amount in Invoice Currency field.
3) tfacp200.amth 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Amount in Home Currency field.
4) tfacp200.dc1i 4) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Discount Amount in Invoice
5) tfacp200.dc1h Currency field.
6) tfacp200.lapi 5) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Discount Amount in Home Currency
7) tfacp200.laph field.
8) tfacp200.padi 6) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Late Payment Surcharge in Invoice
9) tfacp200.padh Currency field.
10) tfacp200.cdam 7) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Late Payment Surcharge in Home
Currency field.
For Payment: 8) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Payment Difference in Invoice
1) tfacp601.amnt Currency field.
2) tfacp601.disp 9) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Payment Difference in Home
3) tfacp601.lpsp Currency field.
4) tfacp601.pdfp 10) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Currency Difference field.

One record of table tfacp200 can result in one or more Payable Tracker Lines in the BOD.

Publish first line if Amount in Invoice Currency or the Amount in Home Currency is not equal zero:
The Amount in Invoice Currency field multiplied by -1 is published

Publish second, third, . line if:

If Discount Amount in Invoice Currency or the Discount Amount in Home Currency is not equal zero, the
Infor April 07, 2020 601
Discount Amount in Invoice Currency multiplied by -1 is published.
If Late Payment Surcharge in Invoice Currency or the Late Payment Surcharge in Home Currency is not equal
zero, the Late Payment Surcharge in Invoice Currency multiplied by -1 is published.
If Payment Difference in Invoice Currency or the Payment Difference in Home Currency is not equal zero, the
Payment Difference in Invoice Currency multiplied by -1 is published.
If Currency Difference is not equal zero, '0.0' is published.

For Payment:
1) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Payment Amount Payment
Currency field.
2) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Discount Amount Payment
Currency field.
3) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Late Payment Surcharge
Amount Payment Currency field.
4) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Payment Differences Amount
Payment Currency field.

If PayableTrackerLine\LineNumber element is equal to 1, the negative Payment Amount Payment Currency field
is published.
If PayableTrackerLine\LineNumber element is equal to 2, the negative Discount Amount Payment Currency field
is published.
If PayableTrackerLine\LineNumber element is equal to 3, the negative Late Payment Surcharge Amount
Payment Currency is published.
If PayableTrackerLine\LineNumber element is equal to 4, the negative Payment Differences Amount Payment
Currency is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field.
2) tfacp500.ccur 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Currency field.

For Payment: Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Payment:
Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Amount in Document Currency
(currency) field.

Based on the Amount in Document Currency (currency) field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp200.tpay 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.
2) tfacp200.amti 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Amount in Invoice Currency field.
3) tfacp200.amth 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Amount in Home Currency field.
4) tfacp200.dc1i 4) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Discount Amount in Invoice
5) tfacp200.dc1h Currency field.
6) tfacp200.lapi 5) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Discount Amount in Home Currency
7) tfacp200.laph field.
8) tfacp200.padi 6) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Late Payment Surcharge in Invoice
9) tfacp200.padh Currency field.
10) tfacp200.cdam 7) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Late Payment Surcharge in Home
Currency field.
For Payment: 8) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Payment Difference in Invoice
1) tfacp601.amtl Currency field.
2) tfacp601.disl 9) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Payment Difference in Home
3) tfacp601.lpsl Currency field.
4) tfacp601.pdfl 10) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Currency Difference field.

One record of table tfacp200 can result in one or more Payable Tracker Lines in the BOD.

Publish first line if Amount in Invoice Currency or the Amount in Home Currency is not equal zero:
The Amount in Home Currency field is published

Publish second, third, . line if:

If Discount Amount in Invoice Currency or the Discount Amount in Home Currency is not equal zero, the
Discount Amount in Home Currency is published.
If Late Payment Surcharge in Invoice Currency or the Late Payment Surcharge in Home Currency is not equal
zero, the Late Payment Surcharge in Home Currency is published.
If Payment Difference in Invoice Currency or the Payment Difference in Home Currency is not equal zero, the
Payment Difference in Home Currency is published.
If Currency Difference is not equal zero, the Currency Difference field is published.

For Payment:
1) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Payment Amount in Local
Currency field.
2) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Discount Amount in Local
Currency field.
3) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Late Payment Surcharge
Amount in Local Currency field.
4) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Payment Differences Amount

Infor April 07, 2020 602

in Local Currency field.

If PayableTrackerLine\LineNumber element is equal to 1, Payment Amount in Local Currency field is published.

If PayableTrackerLine\LineNumber element is equal to 2, Discount Amount in Local Currency field is published.
If PayableTrackerLine\LineNumber element is equal to 3, Late Payment Surcharge Amount in Local Currency is
If PayableTrackerLine\LineNumber element is equal to 4, Payment Differences Amount in Local Currency is
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp200.tpay 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.
2) tfacp200.amti 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Amount in Invoice Currency field.
3) tfacp200.amth 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Amount in Home Currency field.
4) tfacp200.dc1i 4) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Discount Amount in Invoice
5) tfacp200.dc1h Currency field.
6) tfacp200.lapi 5) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Discount Amount in Home Currency
7) tfacp200.laph field.
8) tfacp200.padi 6) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Late Payment Surcharge in Invoice
9) tfacp200.padh Currency field.
10) tfacp200.cdam 7) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Late Payment Surcharge in Home
Currency field.
For Payment: 8) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Payment Difference in Invoice
1) tfacp601.amnt Currency field.
2) tfacp601.disp 9) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Payment Difference in Home
3) tfacp601.lpsp Currency field.
4) tfacp601.pdfp 10) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Currency Difference field.
5) tcemm170.lcur
One record of table tfacp200 can result in one or more Payable Tracker Lines in the BOD.

Publish first line if Amount in Invoice Currency or the Amount in Home Currency is not equal zero:
The Amount in Reference Currency field is published

Publish second, third, . line if:

If Discount Amount in Invoice Currency or the Discount Amount in Home Currency is not equal zero, the
Discount Amount in Reference Currency is published.
If Late Payment Surcharge in Invoice Currency or the Late Payment Surcharge in Home Currency is not equal
zero, the Late Payment Surcharge inReference Currency is published.
If Payment Difference in Invoice Currency or the Payment Difference in Home Currency is not equal zero, the
Payment Difference in Reference Currency is published.
If Currency Difference is not equal zero, the Currency Difference field in Reference currency is published.

For Payment:
1) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Payment Amount Payment
Currency field.
2) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Discount Amount Payment
Currency field.
3) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Late Payment Surcharge
Amount Payment Currency field.
4) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Payment Differences Amount
Payment Currency field.
5) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

If PayableTrackerLine\LineNumber element is equal to 1, Payment Amount Payment Currency field expressed
in Reference Currency is published.
If PayableTrackerLine\LineNumber element is equal to 2, Discount Amount in Payment Currency field
expressed in Reference Currency is published.
If PayableTrackerLine\LineNumber element is equal to 3, Late Payment Surcharge Amount Payment Currency
in Reference Currency is published.
If PayableTrackerLine\LineNumber element is equal to 3, Payment Differences Amount Payment Currency in
Reference Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
For Invoice: 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.lcur
Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Payment:
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tcemm170.fcua
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfgld110.ccty 1) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Country field.
Infor April 07, 2020 603
2) tfgld110.cvat 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Code field.
3) tfgld107.ccty 3) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Country field.
4) tfgld107.cvat 4) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Tax Code field.
5) tcmcs010.ict2 5) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
6) tfacp500.tpay 6) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

For finalized lines:

Based on the Country (1) field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is determined.
The concatenation of the ISO Code alpha-2 field and the Tax Code (2) field is published.

For non-finalized lines:

Based on the Country (3) field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is determined.
The concatenation of the ISO Code alpha-2 field and the Tax Code (4) field is published.
For Invoice:
Always filled with 'TaxIdentificationNumber'.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp500.ttyp 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Transaction Type) field.
2) tfacp500.ninv 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Document Number) field.
3) tfgld110.ctau 3) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Periods tab, Tax Authority field.
4) tfgld107.ctau 4) Not displayed in any session, Tax Authority field.
5) tfacp500.tpay 5) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

Based on the Financial Company and Document fields, the Tax Authority is published.
For the finalized lines, the value is taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the value
is taken from table Interim Tax table (tfgld107).
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp500.ttyp 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Transaction Type) field.
2) tfacp500.ninv 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Document Number) field.
3) tfgld110.tbam 3) Session Tax Analysis (tfgdl1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Tax Base Amount field.
4) tfgld110.amnt 4) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Net Amount field.
5) tfgld107.tbam 5) Not displayed in any Session, Tax Base Amount field.
6) tfgld107.amnt 6) Not displayed in any Session, Net Amount field.
7) tfacp500.post 7) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Finalization Run field.
8) tfacp500.tpay 8) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

Based on the current company and the Document fields, the Tax Amounts can be determined.
The Tax Base Amount field is published.
If the Tax Base Amount field is not filled, the Net Amount is published.
If the Invoice has been finalized, the amount is multiplied by -1.
For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the
values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp500.ttyp 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Transaction Type) field.
2) tfacp500.ninv 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Document Number) field.
3) tfgld110.ccur 3) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Net Amount field.
4) tfgld107.ccur 4) Not displayed in any session, Currency field.
5) tcmcs002.iccc 5) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.

Based on the current company and the Document fields, the Tax Amount can be determined.
Based on the Currency Field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the
values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfgld110.tbah(1) 1) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount in HC field.
2) tfgld110.amth(1) 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Net Amount in HC field.
3) tfgld107.tbah(1) 3) Not displayed in any session, Tax Base Amount in HC field.
4) tfgld107.amth(1) 4) Not displayed in any session, Net Amount in HC field.
5) tfacp500.tpay 5) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

If the transaction is finalized, the Tax Base Amount in HC (1) field is published if it is unequal to 0. If the
transaction is finalized and the Tax Base Amount in HC (1) is equal to 0, the Net Amount in HC (2) field is
If the transaction is not finalized, the Tax Base Amount in HC (3) field is published if it is unequal to 0. If the
transaction is not finalized and the Tax Base Amount in HC (3) is equal to 0, the Net Amount in HC (4) field is
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 604

For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfgld110.tbam 1) Session Tax Analysis (tfgdl1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Tax Base Amount field.
2) tfgld110.amnt 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Net Amount field.
3) tfgld107.tbam 3) Not displayed in any Session, Tax Base Amount field.
4) tfgld107.amnt 4) Not displayed in any Session, Net Amount field.
5) tcemm170.lcur 5) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
6) tfacp500.tpay 6) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Tax Base Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
If the Tax Base Amount field is unequal to 0, the Net Amount expressed in Reference Currency is published.
If the Invoice has been finalized, the amount is multiplied by -1.
For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the
values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp500.ttyp 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Transaction Type) field.
2) tfacp500.ninv 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Document Number) field.
3) tfgld110.rcod 3) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.
4) tfgld107.rcod 4) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.

Based on the current company, the Document (Transaction Type) field and the Document (Document Number)
field, the Exempt Reason field is published.
For the finalized lines, the value is taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the value
is taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp500.ttyp 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Transaction Type) field.
2) tfacp500.ninv 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Document Number) field.
3) tfgld110.rcod 3) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.
4) tfgld107.rcod 4) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.
5) tcmcs005.dsca 5) Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason field.

Based on the current company, the Document (Transaction Type) field and the Document (Document Number)
field, the Exempt Reason is determined.
Based on the Exempt Reason field, the Description field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp500.ttyp 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Transaction Type) field.
2) tfacp500.ninv 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Document Number) field.
3) tfgld110.rcod 3) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.
4) tfgld107.rcod 4) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.
5) tfgld110.tbam 5) Session Tax Analysis (tfgdl1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Tax Base Amount field.
6) tfgld110.amnt 6) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Net Amount field.
7) tfacp500.post 7) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Finalization Run field.

Based on the current company, the Document (Transaction Type) field and the Document (Document Number)
field, the Exempt Reason and amounts are determined.
If the Tax Exemption field is filled, the Tax Base Amount field is published.
If the Tax Base Amount field is not filled, the Net Amount is published.
If the Invoice has been finalized, the amount is multiplied by -1.
For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the
values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp500.ttyp 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Transaction Type) field.
2) tfacp500.ninv 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Document Number) field.
3) tfgld110.rcod 3) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.
4) tfgld107.rcod 4) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.
5) tfgld110.ccur 5) Session Tax Analysis (tfgdl1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Net Amount field.
6) tfgld107.ccur 6) Not displayed in any session, Currency field.
7) tcmcs002.iccc 7) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.

Based on the current company, the Document (Transaction Type) field and the Document (Document Number)
field, the Exempt Reason, Net Amount, and Currency field are determined.
Based on the Currency Field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the
values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
For Invoice:

Infor April 07, 2020 605

1) tcmcs036.dsca For Invoice:
2) tfacp500.vatc 1) Session Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0136s000), General tab, General group, Description field.
3) tfacp500.cvat 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Country for Tax field.
3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Tax Code field.

Based on the Country for Tax and Tax code fields, the Description field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp500.ttyp 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Transaction Type) field.
2) tfacp500.ninv 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Document Number) field.
3) tfgld110.vamh(1) 3) Not displayed on any session, Tax Amount in HC field.
4) tfgld107.vamh(1) 4) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Tax A/c tab, Tax Amount in HC field.
5) tfacp500.post 5) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Finalization Run field.

Based on the current company, the Document (Transaction Type) field and the Document (Document Number)
field, the Tax Amount in HC field is published.
For the finalized lines, the value is taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the value
is taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp500.ttyp 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Transaction Type) field.
2) tfacp500.ninv 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Document Number) field.
3) tfgld110.vamt 3) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount field.
4) tfgld107.vamt 4) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount field.
5) tfacp500.post 5) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Finalization Run field.

Based on the current company, the Document (Transaction Type) field and the Document (Document Number)
field, the Tax Amount field is published.
For the finalized lines, the value is taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the value
is taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
If the Invoice has been finalized, the amount is multiplied by -1.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfacp500.ttyp 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Transaction Type) field.
2) tfacp500.ninv 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document (Document Number) field.
3) tfgld110.ccur 3) Session Tax Analysis (tfgdl1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Net Amount field.
4) tfgld107.ccur 4) Not displayed in any session, Currency field.
5) tcmcs002.iccc 5) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.

Based on the current company, the Document (Transaction Type) field and the Document (Document Number)
field, the Net Amount and Currency field are determined.
Based on the Currency Field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the
values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfgld110.vamh(1) 1) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount in HC field.
2) tfgld107.vamh(1 2) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount in HC field.

If the transaction is finalized, the Tax Amount in HC (1) field is published.

If the transaction is not finalized, the Tax Amount in HC (2) field is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Invoice: For Invoice:
1) tfgld110.vamt 1) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount field.
2) tfgld107.vamt 2) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount field.
3) tcemm170.lcur 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Tax Amount expressed in Reference Currency is published.
For the finalized lines, the value is taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the value
is taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
If the Invoice has been finalized, the amount is multiplied by -1.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
For Invoice:

Infor April 07, 2020 606

1) tcmcs002.iccc For Invoice:
2) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For Payment: For Payment:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tfacp601.curr 2) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Amount in Document
Currency (currency) field.

Based on the Amount in Document Currency (currency) field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Payment:
Always filled with '1'.
For Payment: For Payment:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For Payment:
Always filled with '1'.
For Payment: For Payment:
1) tfacp601.ccur 1) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Amount in Document
2) tcemm170.fcua Currency (currency) field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

If the Amount in Document Currency (currency) field is equal to Local Currency field, '1' is published.
If the PayableTrackerLine/AssignedAmount is equal to zero, '1' is published.
Otherwise, the PayableTrackerLine/AssignedBaseAmount divided by PayableTrackerLine/AssignedAmount is
For Payment: For Payment:
1) tfacp601.icom 1) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Invoice Company field.
2) tfacp601.ityp 2) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Invoice Document
3) tfacp601.idoc (Transaction Type) field.
4) tfacp601.ilin 3) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Invoice Document (Document
5) tfacp601.isch Number) field.
6) tfacp201.amnt 4) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Invoice Document (Line
7) tfacp201.schn Number) field.
5) Session Invoices/Documents by Payment-related documents (tfacp6501m000), Schedule Number field.
6) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Details group, Amount field.
7) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), General group, Schedule Number field.

Based on the Invoice Company field and the Invoice Document field, the External UUID field is published.
For the External UUID field, the PayableTrackerLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with'
lcl.UUID' and the PayableTrackerLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.

The payment term type is expressed as 'Standard', 'Installment' or 'Scheduled'. If Schedule Number (5) field is
equal to zero, 'Standard' is published. If Schedule Number (5) field is not equal to zero, the Invoice Document
fields are used to count number of Payments Schedule records. If one record exists, 'Standard' is published.
Otherwise, 'Scheduled' is published.
For the payment term type, the PayableTrackerLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with'
lcl.PaymentMethod' and the PayableTrackerLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.

Only publish total. amount - paid. amount if element with @name is equal to 'lcl.PaymentMethod' is equal to
'Scheduled'. The total amount is the sum of the Schedule Amount fields for this payment. The paid amount is the
sum of the Schedule Amount fields for this payment for which Schedule Number (7) field is greater then
Schedule Number (5) field.
For this element, the PayableTrackerLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with'
lcl.UnpaidBalanceAmount' and the PayableTrackerLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with

Only publish this element if element with @name is equal to 'lcl.PaymentMethod' is equal to 'Scheduled'.
For the Schedule Number (5) field, the PayableTrackerLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with'
lcl.PartPaymentNumber' and the PayableTrackerLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data

Infor April 07, 2020 607

1) tfacp200.ttyp 1) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2522m000), Document Number (Transaction Type) field.
2) tfacp200.ninv 2) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2522m000), Document Number (Document) field.
3) tfacp200.line 3) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2522m000), Document Number (Line) field.
4) tfacp200.tpay 4) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2522m000), Document Type field.

If the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment', the concatenation of the
current company, the Transaction Type field, the Document field and the Line field is published.
Otherwise, the concatenation of the current company, the Transaction Type field and the Document field is

This BOD is published when users:

1) Finalize a transaction of type Purchase Invoice, Purchase Credit Note, Purchase Correction, or Cash,
2) Archive and/or delete the purchase invoice,
3) Update header information of a finalized document.

This BOD is published for open entry header documents of type Purchase Invoice, Credit Note, Advance
Payment or Unallocated Payment. Open entry header documents of type Advance Payment or Unallocated
Payment are only published for FP7 or later.
This BOD does not support documents of type Trade Notes.
tfgld004.acdp Session Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000), General tab, Company Data group, Accounting Department

Based on the Accounting Department field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tfgld004.acdp Session Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000), General tab, Company Data group, Accounting Department

Based on the Accounting Department field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tfacp200.ttyp 1) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2522m000), Document Number (Transaction Type) field.
2) tfacp200.ninv 2) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2522m000), Document Number (Document) field.
3) tfacp200.line 3) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2522m000), Document Number (Line) field.
4) tfacp200.tpay 4) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2522m000), Document Type field.

If the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment', the concatenation of the
Transaction Type field, the Document field, and the Line field is published.
Otherwise, the concatenation of the Transaction Type field and the Document field is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) tfacp200.user 3) Not displayed in any session, User field.

Based on the User (3) field, the User (2) field is determined.
If the User (2) field cannot be determined, based on the current LN user, the User (2) field is determined.
Based on the User (2) field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) tfacp200.user 2) Not displayed in any session, User field.

Based on the User field, the Name field is published.

tfacp200.docd Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2522m000), Document Date field.
tfacp200.refr Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Document tab, Details group, Reference field.
tfacp200.text Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Header Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
1) tfacp200.tpay 1) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2522m000), Document Type field.
2) tfacp200.stap 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Date and Status group, Invoice Status field.
3) tfacp200.appr 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2500m000), Invoice Type field.
4) tfacp200.bloc 4) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Discount tab, Authorization Data group, Hold Reason field.
Infor April 07, 2020 608
5) tfacp200.amnt 5) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount in Invoice Currency
6) tfacp200.tpay field.
7) tfacp200.amti 6) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Document Type field.
8) tfacp200.lapi 7) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Amount in Invoice Currency field.
9) tfacp200.dc1i 8) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Late Payment Surcharge in Invoice Currency field.
10) tfacp200.padi 9) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field.
11) tfacp200.wtpi 10) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Payment Difference in Invoice Currency field.
12) tfacp200.tapr 11) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Withholding Tax in Invoice Currency field.
12) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Taxes tab, Approval group, Document Approval field.

The Balance in Invoice Currency, excluding Anticipated Payments and excluding non-finalized Payments is
determined. This Balance is calculated by adding the Amount in Invoice Currency of the related Payment
documents (which is a negative amount for normal Payments) to the Amount in Invoice Currency of the Invoice
For the Invoice Header, the Amount in Invoice Currency (5) field is read.
For related Payment documents, the Amount in Invoice Currency is calculated as:
If the Document Type field is equal to 'Correction', the Amount in Invoice Currency (7) field is read.
Otherwise, if the Document Type (6) field is not equal to 'Anticipated Payment', 'Unallocated Anticipated',
'Advance Anticipated' and 'Standing Order', the Amount in Invoice Currency is the sum of the Amount in Invoice
Currency (7) field, the Late Payment Surcharge in Invoice Currency field, the Discount Amount in Invoice
Currency field, the Withholding Tax in Invoice Currency field and the Payment Difference in Invoice Currency

If the Balance is equal to 0, 'Paid' is published. Otherwise:

If the Document Type (1) field of the Invoice Header is equal to 'Advance Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment',
'Prepaid' is published.
If the Amount in Invoice Currency (5) field is greater than zero and the Balance is less than zero, or the Amount
in Invoice Currency (5) field is less than zero and the balance is greater than zero, 'Prepaid' is published.
If a related Payment document (excluding Anticipated Payments and excluding non-finalized Payments) exists,
'PartialPaid' is published.

If the Hold Reason field is filled, 'Hold' is published.

If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders' or 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders' or
'Invoice Related to Landed Costs':
- If the Document Approval field is empty, 'Unapproved' is published.
- Otherwise, 'Approved' is published.

If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Cost Invoice', 'Vouchered' is published.

If a Purchase Invoice is registered in the Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000) session and the Invoice Type field
is not 'Cost Invoice', the Invoice is approved, afterwards unapproved and finally the Invoice is deleted through
the Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000) session, 'Deleted' is published.
Always filled with 'Payable Transaction Status'.
1) tfacp200.docd 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Date field.
2) tfacp250.data 2) Session Matched Order Lines (tfacp2552m0000, Date of Approval field.
3) tfacp252.date 3) Session Display Invoices related to Load/Shipment (tfacp2552m100), Date of Approval Field.
4) tfacp254.apdt 4) Session Matched Landed Cost Lines by Invoice (tfacp2554m100), Approval Date field.
5) tfacp200.appr 5) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2500m000), Invoice Type field.
6) tfgld018.dcdt 6) Session Journal Voucher Documents (tfgld0618m000), Document Date field.

If the Status/Code element of the PayableTransactionHeader is equal to 'Paid', 'PartialPaid' or 'Prepaid', the
Document Date of the last payment document is published. If no payment document exists, the Document Date
(1) field is published.
If the Status/Code element of the PayableTransactionHeader is equal to 'Vouchered', 'Hold' or 'Unapproved', the
Document Date (1) field is published.
If the Status/Code element of the PayableTransactionHeader is equal to 'Approved' and the Invoice Type field is
equal to 'Invoice related to Purchase Orders', the Date of Approval (2) field is published.
If the Status/Code element of the PayableTransactionHeader is equal to 'Approved' and the Invoice Type field is
equal to 'Invoice related to Freight Orders', the Date of Approval (3) field is published.
If the Status/Code element of the PayableTransactionHeader is equal to 'Approved' and the Invoice Type field is
equal to 'Invoice related to Landed Costs', the Approval Date field is published.
If the Status/Code element of the PayableTransactionHeader is equal to 'Approved' and the Invoice Type field is
equal to 'Invoice related to Purchase Orders' or the Invoice Type is equal to 'Invoice related to Freight Orders' or
the Invoice Type is equal to 'Invoice related to Landed Costs' and the total invoice amount has been specified as
cost, the Document Date (5) field is published.
In all other cases it is filled with the Date when the BOD is published.
tfacp200.ifbp Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Invoice-from Business Partner field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tctax400.fovn 1) Session Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax4100m000), Tax Number field.
2) tfacp200.ifbp 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Business Partner field.
Infor April 07, 2020 609
3) tccom122.cadr 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, General group, Address field.
4) tccom130.ccty 4) Session Addresses (tccom4530m000), Country field.
5) tfacp200.docd 5) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Date field.

Based on the Business Partner field and the Address field, the Country field is determined.
Based on the Business Partner, the Country and the Document Date fields, the Tax number field is published.
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) tfacp200.ifbp 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Invoice-from Business Partner field.

Based on the Invoice-from Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp200.ifbp 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Invoice-from Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner, the Name field is published.
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tccom130.cadr 7) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
8) tfacp200.ifbp 8) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Invoice-from Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp200.ifbp 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Invoice-from Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner, the House Number field is published.
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp200.ifbp 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Invoice-from Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner, the Building field is published.
1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp200.ifbp 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Invoice-from Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner, the Street field is published.
1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp200.ifbp 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Invoice-from Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner, the Unit field is published.
1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp200.ifbp 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Invoice-from Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner, the Floor field is published.
1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp200.ifbp 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Invoice-from Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner, the P.O. Box Number field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 610

1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp200.ifbp 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Invoice-from Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner field, the City field is published.
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp200.ifbp 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Invoice-from Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner field, the State/Province field is published.
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tccom130.cadr 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
4) tfacp200.ifbp 4) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Invoice-from Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner and the Country field, the ISO Code
alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp200.ifbp 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Invoice-from Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Invoice-from Business Partner, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is
1) tcmcs046.ilng 1) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000), ISO Code field.
2) tfacp200.ifbp 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Invoice-from Business Partner field.
3) tccom112.ccnt 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, General group, Primary Contact field.

Based on the Primary Contact field of the Business Partner, the ISO Code field of the language is published.
1) tfacp200.ifbp 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Invoice-from Business Partner field.
2) tccom122.ccnt 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, General group, Primary Contact field.

Based on the Invoice-from Business Partner field, the Primary Contact field is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field.
2) tfacp200.ifbp 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Invoice-from Business Partner field.
3) tccom122.ccnt 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner (tccom4122s000), General tab, General group, Primary Contact field.

Based on the Invoice-from Business Partner field, the Primary Contact is determined.
Based on the Primary Contact field, the Family Name field is published.
1) tfacp200.ptbp 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.
2) tfgld004.acdp 2) Session Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000), General tab, Company Data group, Accounting Department

If the Accounting Department field is not empty, the concatenation of the Pay-to Business Partner field and the
Accounting Department field is published. Otherwise, the Pay-to Business Partner field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tctax400.fovn 1) Session Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax4100m000), Tax Number field.
2) tfacp200.ptbp 2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.
3) tccom130.ccty 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
4) tccom124.cadr 4) Session Pay-to Business Partners (tccom4124s000), General tab, General group, Address Code field.
5) tfacp200.docd 5) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Date field.

Based on the Pay-to Business Partner field and the Address Code field, the Country field is determined.
Based on the Pay-to Business Partner, the Country and the Document Date fields, the Tax number field is
1) tccom100.nama
Infor April 07, 2020 611
2) tfacp200.ptbp 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Pay-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Pay-to Business Partner, General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp200.ptbp 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the Name field is published.
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tccom130.cadr 7) Session Pay-to Business Partner, General tab, Address Code field.
8) tfacp200.ptbp 8) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Pay-to Business Partner, General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp200.ptbp 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the House Number field is published.
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Pay-to Business Partner, General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp200.ptbp 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the Building field is published.
1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Pay-to Business Partner, General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp200.ptbp 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the Street field is published.
1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Pay-to Business Partner, General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp200.ptbp 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the Unit field is published.
1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Pay-to Business Partner, General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp200.ptbp 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the Floor field is published.
1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Pay-to Business Partner, General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp200.ptbp 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Pay-to Business Partner, General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp200.ptbp 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the City field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 612

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Pay-to Business Partner, General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp200.ptbp 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the State/Province field is published.
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tccom130.cadr 3) Session Pay-to Business Partner, General tab, Address Code field.
4) tfacp200.ptbp 4) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2
field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tccom130.cadr 2) Session Pay-to Business Partner, General tab, Address Code field.
3) tfacp200.ptbp 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Address Code field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
1) tcmcs046.ilng 1) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000), ISO Code field.
2) tccom124.ccnt 2) Session Pay-to Business Partner (tccom4124s000), Contact field.
3) tfacp200.ptbp 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Contact field of the Pay-to Business Partner, the ISO Code field of the language is published.
1) tccom124.ccnt 1) Session Pay-to Business Partner (tccom4124s000), Contact field.
2) tfacp200.ptbp 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Pay-to Business Partner field, the Contact field is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field.
2) tccom124.ccnt 2) Session Pay-to Business Partner (tccom4124s000), Contact field.
3) tfacp200.ptbp 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Pay-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Contact of the Pay-to Business Partner, the Family Name field is published.
1) tfacp200.tpay 1) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.
2) tfacp200.amnt 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount field.

If the Document Type is equal to 'Credit Note' or 'Purchase Invoice', and the Amount is negative, 'CreditMemo' is
If the Document Type is equal to 'Purchase Invoice' and the Amount is equal to 0 or positive, 'Invoice' is
If the Document Type is equal to 'Advance Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment', 'Prepaid' is published.
1) tfacp200.ttyp 1) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2522m000), Document Number (Transaction Type) field.
2) tfacp200.ninv 2) Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2522m000), Document Number (Document) field.
3) tfacp200.tpay 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

If the Document Type field is not equal to 'Advance Payment' and 'Unallocated Payment', the concatenation of
the current company, the Transaction Type field, and the Document field is published.
tfgld004.acdp Session Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000), General tab, Company Data group, Accounting Department

Based on the Accounting Department field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tfgld004.acdp Session Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000), General tab, Company Data group, Accounting Department

Based on the Accounting Department field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom126.ptbp

Infor April 07, 2020 613

2) tfacp200.ptbp 1) Session Pay-to Business Partner 1099 Details (tccom4126s000), Pay-to BP field.
2) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Payment Data tab, Payment Details
group, Pay-to Business Partner field.

If the Pay-to Business Partner exists as Pay-to BP field, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
1) tfacp200.amti 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount in Invoice Currency
2) tfacp200.vati field.
2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Tax Amount in Invoice
Currency field.

The result of the Amount in Invoice Currency field minus the Tax Amount in Invoice Currency field is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field.
2) tfacp200.ccur 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Invoice Currency field.

Based on the Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tfacp200.amth(1) 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount in Home Currency
2) tfacp200.vath(1) field.
2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Tax Amount in Home
Currency field.

The result of the Amount in Home Currency field minus the Tax Amount in Home Currency field is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
2) tfacp200.amti 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount in Invoice Currency
3) tfacp200.vati field.
3) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Tax Amount in Invoice
Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The result of the Amount in Invoice Currency field minus the Tax Amount in Invoice Currency field expressed in
Reference Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tfacp200.amth(1) 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount in Home Currency
2) tfacp200.vath(1) field.
2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Tax Amount in Home
Currency field.

The result of the Amount in Home Currency field minus the Tax Amount in Home Currency field is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
tfacp200.amti Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount in Invoice Currency field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field.
2) tfacp200.ccur 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Invoice Currency field.

Based on the Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tfacp200.amth(1) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount in Home Currency field.

The Amount in Home Currency field is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Infor April 07, 2020 614

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
2) tfacp200.amti 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount in Invoice Currency

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Amount in Invoice Currency field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
tfacp200.amth(1) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount in Home Currency field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tfgld110.ccty 1) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Country field.
2) tfgld110.cvat 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Code field.
3) tfgld107.ccty 3) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Country field.
4) tfgld107.cvat 4) Session Tax Codes by Line (tfgld1109s000), Tax Code field.
5) tcmcs010.ict2 5) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
6) tfacp200.tpay 6) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

For finalized lines:

Based on the Country (1) field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is determined.
The concatenation of the ISO Code alpha-2 field and the Tax Code (2) field is published.

For non-finalized lines:

Based on the Country (3) field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is determined.
The concatenation of the ISO Code alpha-2 field and the Tax Code (4) field is published.

This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
1) tfgld110.ctau 1) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Periods tab, Tax Authority field.
2) tfgld107.ctau 2) Not displayed in any session, Tax Authority field.
3) tfacp200.tpay 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

If the transaction is finalized, the Tax Authority (1) field is published.

If the transaction is not finalized, the Tax Authority (2) field is published.
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
1) tfgld110.tbam 1) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount field.
2) tfgld110.amnt 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Net Amount field.
3) tfgld107.tbam 3) Not displayed in any session, Tax Base Amount field.
4) tfgld107.amnt 4) Not displayed in any session, Net Amount field.
5) tfacp200.tpay 5) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

If the transaction is finalized, the Tax Base Amount (1) field is published if it is unequal to 0. If the transaction is
finalized and the Tax Base Amount (1) field is equal to 0, the Net Amount (2) field is published.
If the transaction is not finalized, the Tax Base Amount (3) field is published if it is unequal to 0. If the transaction
is not finalized and the Tax Base Amount (3) field is equal to 0, the Net Amount (4) field is published.
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field.
2) tfgld110.ccur 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Net Amount Currency field.
3) tfgld107.ccur 3) Not displayed in any session, Currency field.

If the transaction is finalized, based on the Net Amount Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is
Otherwise, based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tfgld110.tbah(1) 1) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount in HC field.
2) tfgld110.amth(1) 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Net Amount in HC field.
3) tfgld107.tbah(1) 3) Not displayed in any session, Tax Base Amount in HC field.
4) tfgld107.amth(1) 4) Not displayed in any session, Net Amount in HC field.
Infor April 07, 2020 615
5) tfacp200.tpay 5) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

If the transaction is finalized, the Tax Base Amount in HC (1) field is published if it is unequal to 0. If the
transaction is finalized and the Tax Base Amount in HC (1) field is equal to 0, the Net Amount in HC (2) field is
If the transaction is not finalized, the Tax Base Amount in HC (3) field is published if it is unequal to 0. If the
transaction is not finalized and the Tax Base Amount in HC (3) field is equal to 0, the Net Amount in HC (4) field
is published.
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tfgld110.tbam 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount field.
3) tfgld110.amnt 3) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Net Amount field.
4) tfgld107.tbam 4) Not displayed in any session, Tax Base Amount field.
5) tfgld107.amnt 5) Not displayed in any session, Net Amount field.
6) tfacp200.tpay 6) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

If the transaction is finalized, the Tax Base Amount (2) field expressed in Reference Currency is published if it is
unequal to 0. If the transaction is finalized and the Tax Base Amount (2) field is equal to 0, the Net Amount (3)
field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
If the transaction is not finalized, the Tax Base Amount (4) field expressed in Reference Currency is published if
it is unequal to 0. If the transaction is not finalized and the Tax Base Amount (4) field is equal to 0, the Net
Amount (5) field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tfgld107.pvat 1) Not displayed in any session, Tax Percentage field.
2) tfgld110.pvat 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Amount tab, Tax Percentage field.
3) tfacp200.tpay 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

If the transaction is finalized, the Tax Percentage (2) field divided by 100.0 is published. Otherwise, the Tax
Percentage (1) field divided by 100.0 is published.
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
1) tfgld110.rcod 1) Not displayed in any Session, Exempt Reason field.
2) tfgld107.rcod 2) Not displayed in any Session, Exempt Reason field.
3) tfacp200.tpay 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

The Exempt Reason field is published.

For the finalized lines, the value is taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the value
is taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
1) tcmcs005.dsca 1) Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason field.
2) tfgld110.rcod 2) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.
3) tfgld107.rcod 3) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.

If the transaction is finalized, based on the Exempt Reason (2) field, the Reason is published.
Otherwise, based on the Exempt Reason (3) field, the Reason is published.
1) tfgld110.tbam 1) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Tax Base Amount field.
2) tfgld110.amnt 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Tax Base Amount tab, Net Amount field.
3) tfgld110.rcod 3) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.
4) tfgld107.tbam 4) Not displayed in any session, Tax Base Amount field.
5) tfgld107.amnt 5) Not displayed in any session, Net Amount field.
6) tfgld107.rcod 6) Not displayed in any session, Exempt Reason field.
7) tfacp200.tpay 7) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

Infor April 07, 2020 616

If the Exempt Reason field is filled and the Tax Base Amount field is filled, the Tax Base Amount field is
If the Exempt Reason field is filled and the Tax Base Amount field is not filled, the Net Amount is published.

For the finalized lines, the values are taken from table Tax Analysis (tfgld110). For the non-finalized lines, the
values are taken from table Interim Tax Table (tfgld107).
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field.
2) tfgld110.ccur 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Net Amount Currency field.
3) tfgld107.ccur 3) Not displayed in any session, Currency field.

If the transaction is finalized, based on the Net Amount Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is
If the transaction is not finalized, based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs036.dsca 1) Session Tax Codes by Country (tcmcs0136s000), General tab, General group, Description field.
2) tfacp200.vatc 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Country for Tax field.
3) tfacp200.cvat 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Tax Code field.
4) tfacp200.tpay 4) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

Based on the Country for Tax and Tax code fields, the Description field is published.
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
1) tfgld110.vamh(1) 1) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount in HC field.
2) tfgld107.vamh(1) 2) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount in HC field.
3) tfacp200.tpay 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

If the transaction is finalized, the Tax Amount in HC (1) field is published.

If the transaction is not finalized, the Tax Amount in HC (2) field is published.
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tfgld110.vamt 1) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount field.
2) tfgld107.vamt 2) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount field.
3) tfacp200.tpay 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

If the transaction is finalized, the Tax Amount (1) field is published.

If the transaction is not finalized, the Tax Amount (2) field is published.
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field.
2) tfgld110.ccur 2) Session Tax Analysis (tfgld1520m000), Net Amount Currency field.
3) tfgld107.ccur 3) Not displayed in any session, Currency field.

If the transaction is finalized, based on the Net Amount Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is
If the transaction is not finalized, based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tfgld110.vamh(1) 1) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount in HC field.
2) tfgld107.vamh(1) 2) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount in HC field.
3) tfacp200.tpay 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

If the transaction is finalized, the Tax Amount in HC (1) field is published.

If the transaction is not finalized, the Tax Amount in HC (2) field is published.
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
2) tfgld110.vamt 2) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount field.
3) tfgld107.vamt 3) Not displayed in any session, Tax Amount field.
4) tfacp200.tpay 4) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

Infor April 07, 2020 617

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.
If the transaction is finalized, the Tax Amount (2) field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
If the transaction is not finalized, the Tax Amount (3) field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tfacp200.amti 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount in Invoice Currency
2) tfacp200.dc1a field.
3) tfacp200.pysh 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, First Discount Amount in
4) tfacp201.dc1i Invoice Currency field.
5) tfacp200.tpay 3) Not displayed in any session, Schedules field.
4) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), General tab, Discount group, First Discount Amount in Invoice
Currency field.
5) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes', the First Discount Amount in Invoice Currency (4) field will be taken from
the first schedule line.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'No' and the First Discount Amount in Invoice Currency (2) field is equal to 0, or
the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes' and the First Discount Amount in Invoice Currency (4) field is equal to 0, the
Amount in Invoice Currency field is published.
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field.
2) tfacp200.ccur 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Invoice Currency field.

Based on the Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tfacp200.amth(1) 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount in Home Currency
2) tfacp200.dc1a field.
3) tfacp200.pysh 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, First Discount Amount in
4) tfacp201.dc1i Invoice Currency field.
5) tfacp200.tpay 3) Not displayed in any session, Schedules field.
4) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), General tab, Discount group, First Discount Amount in Invoice
Currency field.
5) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes', the First Discount Amount in Invoice Currency (4) field will be taken from
the first schedule line.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'No' and the First Discount Amount in Invoice Currency (2) field is equal to 0,
the Amount in Home Currency field is published, or the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes' and the First Discount
Amount in Invoice Currency (4) field is equal to 0, the Amount in Invoice Currency field is published.
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
2) tfacp200.amti 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount in Invoice Currency
3) tfacp200.dc1a field.
4) tfacp200.pysh 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, First Discount Amount in
5) tfacp201.dc1i Invoice Currency field.
6) tfacp200.tpay 4) Not displayed in any session, Schedules field.
5) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), General tab, Discount group, First Discount Amount in Invoice
Currency field.
6) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes', the First Discount Amount in Invoice Currency (5) field will be taken from
the first schedule line.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'No' and the First Discount Amount in Invoice Currency (3) field is equal to 0, or
Infor April 07, 2020 618
the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes' and the First Discount Amount in Invoice Currency (5) field is equal to 0, the
Amount in Invoice Currency field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tfacp200.dc1a 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, First Discount Amount in
2) tfacp200.pysh Invoice Currency field.
3) tfacp201.balc 2) Not displayed in any session, Schedules field.
4) tfacp201.dc1i 3) Not displayed in any session, Balance in Invoice Currency field.
5) tfacp200.tpay 4) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), General tab, Discount group, First Discount Amount in Invoice
Currency field.
5) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes', the First Discount Amount in Invoice Currency (4) field will be determined
from the Payment Schedules table (tfacp201). The field will be taken from the first schedule line for which the
Balance in Invoice Currency field is not equal to 0. Otherwise, it will be taken from the first schedule line.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'No', the First Discount Amount in Invoice Currency (1) field is published.
If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes', the First Discount Amount in Invoice Currency (4) field is published.
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field.
2) tfacp200.ccur 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Invoice Currency field.

Based on the Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tfacp.dc1h(1) 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, First Discount Amount in
2) tfacp200.pysh Home Currency field.
3) tfacp201.balc 2) Not displayed in any session, Schedules field.
4) tfacp201.dc1i 3) Not displayed in any session, Balance in Invoice Currency field.
5) tfacp200.tpay 4) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), General tab, Discount group, First Discount Amount in Invoice
Currency field.
5) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes', the First Discount Amount in Invoice Currency (4) field will be determined
from the Payment Schedules table (tfacp201). The field will be taken from the first schedule line for which the
Balance in Invoice Currency field is not equal to 0. Otherwise, it will be taken from the first schedule line.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'No', the First Discount Amount in Home Currency field is published.
If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes', the First Discount Amount in Invoice Currency (4) field, expressed in
Local Currency, is published.
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
2) tfacp200.dc1a 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, First Discount Amount in
3) tfacp200.pysh Invoice Currency field.
4) tfacp201.balc 3) Not displayed in any session, Schedules field.
5) tfacp201.dc1i 4) Not displayed in any session, Balance in Invoice Currency field.
6) tfacp200.tpay 5) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), General tab, Discount group, First Discount Amount in Invoice
Currency field.
6) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes' the First Discount Amount in Invoice Currency (5) field will be determined
from the Payment Schedules table (tfacp201). The field will be taken from the first schedule line for which the
Balance in Invoice Currency field is not equal to 0. Otherwise, it will be taken from the first schedule line.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'No', the First Discount Amount in Invoice Currency (2) field expressed in
Reference Currency is published.
If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes', the First Discount Amount in Invoice Currency (5) field, expressed in
Reference Currency, is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 619
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tfacp200.dc1i 1) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field.
2) tfacp200.lapi 2) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Late Payment Surcharge in Invoice Currency field.
3) tfacp200.tpay 3) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Document Type field.

For all finalized payment lines, with Document Type equal to 'Normal Payment', 'Sales Invoice', 'Credit Note',
'Assignment', or 'Trade Notes', the Discount Amounts in Invoice Currency and the Late Payment Surcharges in
Invoice Currency are summed.
The result multiplied by -1 is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field.
2) tfacp200.ccur 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Invoice Currency field.

Based on the Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tfacp200.dc1h(1) 1) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Discount Amount in Home Currency field.
2) tfacp200.laph 2) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Late Payment Surcharge in Home Currency field.
3) tfacp200.tpay 3) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Document Type field.

For all finalized payment lines, with Document Type equal to 'Normal Payment', 'Sales Invoice', 'Credit Note',
'Assignment', or 'Trade Notes', the Discount Amounts in Home Currency and the Late Payment Surcharges in
Home Currency are summed.
The result multiplied by -1 is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
2) tfacp200.dc1i 2) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field.
3) tfacp200.lapi 3) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Late Payment Surcharge in Invoice Currency field.
4) tfacp200.tpay 4) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Document Type field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

For all finalized payment lines, with Document Type equal to 'Normal Payment', 'Sales Invoice', 'Credit Note',
'Assignment', or 'Trade Notes', the Discount Amounts in Invoice Currency and the Late Payment Surcharges in
Invoice Currency are summed.
The result multiplied by -1 and expressed in Reference Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tfacp200.did1 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Discount tab, Payment Data group, First Discount Date field.
2) tfacp200.lpdt 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Discount tab, Payment Data group, Late Payment
3) tfacp200.dc1i Surcharge Date field.
4) tfacp200.lapi 3) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field.
5) tfacp200.tpay 4) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Late Payment Surcharge in Invoice Currency field.
6) tfacp200.docd 5) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Document Type field.
7) tfacp200.pysh 6) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Document Date field.
8) tfacp200.schn 7) Not displayed in any session, Schedules field.
9) tfacp201.schn 8) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Amount tab, Schedule Line Number field.
10) tfacp201.did1 9) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, General group, Schedule Number field.
10) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, First Discount Date field.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'No', all finalized payment lines with Document Type equal to 'Normal Payment',
'Sales Invoice', 'Credit Note', 'Assignment', or 'Trade Notes' are selected.
If for a line the Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field is not equal to zero and the Document Date is later
than the First Discount Date (1) field, or the Late Payment Surcharge in Invoice Currency field is not equal to
zero and the Document Date is later than the Late Payment Surcharge Date, 'true' is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 620

If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes' and the First Discount Date (10) field of the schedule line of which the
Schedule Number field is equal to the Schedule Line Number field of the payment document, is later than the
First Discount Date (1) field, 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.
1) tfacp200.amnt 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount in Invoice Currency
2) tfacp200.tpay field.
3) tfacp200.amti 2) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Document Type field.
4) tfacp200.lapi 3) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Amount in Invoice Currency field.
5) tfacp200.dc1i 4) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Late Payment Surcharge in Invoice Currency field.
6) tfacp200.padi 5) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field.
7) tfacp200.wtpi 6) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Payment Difference in Invoice Currency field.
7) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Withholding Tax in Invoice Currency field.

The Balance in Invoice Currency, excluding Anticipated Payments and excluding non-finalized Payments is
published. This Balance is calculated by adding the Amount in Invoice Currency of the related Payment
documents (which is a negative amount for normal Payments) to the Amount in Invoice Currency of the Invoice
For the Invoice Header, the Amount in Invoice Currency (1) field is read.
For related Payment documents, the Amount in Invoice Currency is calculated as:
If the Document Type field is equal to 'Correction', the Amount in Invoice Currency (3) field is read.
Otherwise, if the Document Type field is not equal to 'Anticipated Payment', 'Unallocated Anticipated', 'Advance
Anticipated' and 'Standing Order', the Amount in Invoice Currency is the sum of the Amount in Invoice Currency
(3) field, the Late Payment Surcharge in Invoice Currency field, the Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field,
the Withholding Tax in Invoice Currency field and the Payment Difference in Invoice Currency field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field.
2) tfacp200.ccur 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Invoice Currency field.

Based on the Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tfacp200.amth(1) 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount in Home Currency
2) tfacp200.tpay field.
3) tfacp200.amth(1) 2) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Document Type field.
4) tfacp200.laph(1) 3) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Amount in Home Currency field.
5) tfacp200.dc1h(1) 4) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Late Payment Surcharge in Home Currency field.
6) tfacp200.padh(1) 5) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Discount Amount in Home Currency field.
7) tfacp200.wtph(1) 6) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Payment Difference in Home Currency field.
7) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Withholding Tax in Home Currency field.

The Balance in Home Currency, excluding Anticipated Payments and excluding non-finalized Payments is
published. This Balance is calculated by adding the Amount in Home Currency of the related Payment
documents (which is a negative amount for normal Payments) to the Amount in Home Currency of the Invoice
For the Invoice Header, the Amount in Home Currency (1) field is read.
For related Payment documents, the Amount in Home Currency is calculated as:
If the Document Type field is equal to 'Correction', the Amount in Home Currency (3) field is read.
Otherwise, if the Document Type field is not equal to 'Anticipated Payment', 'Unallocated Anticipated', 'Advance
Anticipated' and 'Standing Order', the Amount in Home Currency is the sum of the Amount in Home Currency (3)
field, the Late Payment Surcharge in Home Currency field, the Discount Amount in Home Currency field, the
Withholding Tax in Home Currency field and the Payment Difference in Home Currency field.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
2) tfacp200.amnt 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount in Invoice Currency
3) tfacp200.tpay field.
4) tfacp200.amti 3) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Document Type field.
5) tfacp200.lapi 4) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Amount in Invoice Currency field.
6) tfacp200.dc1i 5) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Late Payment Surcharge in Invoice Currency field.
7) tfacp200.padi 6) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field.
8) tfacp200.wtpi 7) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Payment Difference in Invoice Currency field.
8) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Withholding Tax in Invoice Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Balance expressed in Reference Currency, excluding Anticipated Payments and excluding non-finalized
Payments is published. This Balance is calculated by adding the Amount in Invoice Currency of the related
Payment documents (which is a negative amount for normal Payments) to the Amount in Invoice Currency of
the Invoice Header and converting the Balance to Reference Currency.
For the Invoice Header, the Amount in Invoice Currency (2) field is read.
For related Payment documents, the Amount in Invoice Currency is calculated as:
If the Document Type field is equal to 'Correction', the Amount in Invoice Currency (3) field is read.
Otherwise, if the Document Type field is not equal to 'Anticipated Payment', 'Unallocated Anticipated', 'Advance
Infor April 07, 2020 621
Anticipated' and 'Standing Order', the Amount in Invoice Currency is the sum of the Amount in Invoice Currency
(4) field, the Late Payment Surcharge in Invoice Currency field, the Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field,
the Withholding Tax in Invoice Currency field and the Payment Difference in Invoice Currency field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tfacp200.amnt 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount in Invoice Currency
2) tfacp200.tpay field.
3) tfacp200.amti 2) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Document Type field.
4) tfacp200.lapi 3) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Amount in Invoice Currency field.
5) tfacp200.dc1i 4) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Late Payment Surcharge in Invoice Currency field.
6) tfacp200.padi 5) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field.
7) tfacp200.wtpi 6) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Payment Difference in Invoice Currency field.
8) tfacp200.pysh 7) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Withholding Tax in Invoice Currency field.
9) tfacp201.balc 8) Not displayed in any session, Schedules field.
9) Not displayed in any session, Balance in Invoice Currency field.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes' the Balance in Invoice Currency field will be determined from the Payment
Schedules table (tfacp201). This field will be taken from the first schedule line for which the Balance in Invoice
Currency field is not equal to 0. Otherwise, it will be taken from the first schedule line.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'No', the Balance in Invoice Currency, excluding Anticipated Payments and
excluding non-finalized Payments is published. This Balance is calculated by adding the Amount in Invoice
Currency of the related Payment documents (which is a negative amount for normal Payments) to the Amount in
Invoice Currency of the Invoice Header.
For the Invoice Header, the Amount in Invoice Currency (1) field is read.
For related Payment documents, the Amount in Invoice Currency is calculated as:
If the Document Type field is equal to 'Correction', the Amount in Invoice Currency (3) field is read.
Otherwise, if the Document Type field is not equal to 'Anticipated Payment', 'Unallocated Anticipated', 'Advance
Anticipated' and 'Standing Order', the Amount in Invoice Currency is the sum of the Amount in Invoice Currency
(3) field, the Late Payment Surcharge in Invoice Currency field, the Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field,
the Withholding Tax in Invoice Currency field and the Payment Difference in Invoice Currency field.
If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes' and the Balance in Invoice Currency field is equal to 0, 0 is published.
Otherwise, the Balance in Invoice Currency field is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field.
2) tfacp200.ccur 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Invoice Currency field.

Based on the Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tfacp200.amth(1) 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount in Home Currency
2) tfacp200.tpay field.
3) tfacp200.amth(1) 2) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Document Type field.
4) tfacp200.laph(1) 3) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Amount in Home Currency field.
5) tfacp200.dc1h(1) 4) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Late Payment Surcharge in Home Currency field.
6) tfacp200.padh(1) 5) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Discount Amount in Home Currency field.
7) tfacp200.wtph(1) 6) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Payment Difference in Home Currency field.
8) tfacp200.pysh 7) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Withholding Tax in Home Currency field.
9) tfacp201.balc 8) Not displayed in any session, Schedules field.
9) Not displayed in any session, Balance in Invoice Currency field.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes' the Balance in Invoice Currency field will be determined from the Payment
Schedules table (tfacp201). This field will be taken from the first schedule line for which the Balance in Invoice
Currency field is not equal to 0. Otherwise, it will be taken from the first schedule line.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'No', the Balance in Home Currency, excluding Anticipated Payments and
excluding non-finalized Payments is published. This Balance is calculated by adding the Amount in Home
Currency of the related Payment documents (which is a negative amount for normal Payments) to the Amount in
Home Currency of the Invoice Header.
For the Invoice Header, the Amount in Home Currency (1) field is read.
For related Payment documents, the Amount in Home Currency is calculated as:
If the Document Type field is equal to 'Correction', the Amount in Home Currency (3) field is read.
Otherwise, if the Document Type field is not equal to 'Anticipated Payment', 'Unallocated Anticipated', 'Advance
Anticipated' and 'Standing Order', the Amount in Home Currency is the sum of the Amount in Home Currency (3)
field, the Late Payment Surcharge in Home Currency field, the Discount Amount in Home Currency field, the
Withholding Tax in Home Currency field and the Payment Difference in Home Currency field.
If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes' and the Balance in Invoice Currency field is equal to 0, 0 is published.
Otherwise, the Balance in Invoice Currency field, expressed in Local Currency, is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.
Infor April 07, 2020 622
Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
2) tfacp200.amnt 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount in Invoice Currency
3) tfacp200.tpay field.
4) tfacp200.amti 3) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Document Type field.
5) tfacp200.lapi 4) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Amount in Invoice Currency field.
6) tfacp200.dc1i 5) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Late Payment Surcharge in Invoice Currency field.
7) tfacp200.padi 6) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field.
8) tfacp200.wtpi 7) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Payment Difference in Invoice Currency field.
9) tfacp200.pysh 8) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Withholding Tax in Invoice Currency field.
10) tfacp201.balc 9) Not displayed in any session, Schedules field.
10) Not displayed in any session, Balance in Invoice Currency field.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes' the Balance in Invoice Currency field will be determined from the Payment
Schedules table (tfacp201). This field will be taken from the first schedule line for which the Balance in Invoice
Currency field is not equal to 0. Otherwise, it will be taken from the first schedule line.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'No', the Balance expressed in Reference Currency, excluding Anticipated
Payments and excluding non-finalized Payments is published. This Balance is calculated by adding the Amount
in Invoice Currency of the related Payment documents (which is a negative amount for normal Payments) to the
Amount in Invoice Currency of the Invoice Header and converting the Balance to Reference Currency.
For the Invoice Header, the Amount in Invoice Currency (2) field is read.
For related Payment documents, the Amount in Invoice Currency is calculated as:
If the Document Type field is equal to 'Correction', the Amount in Invoice Currency (3) field is read.
Otherwise, if the Document Type field is not equal to 'Anticipated Payment', 'Unallocated Anticipated', 'Advance
Anticipated' and 'Standing Order', the Amount in Invoice Currency is the sum of the Amount in Invoice Currency
(4) field, the Late Payment Surcharge in Invoice Currency field, the Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field,
the Withholding Tax in Invoice Currency field and the Payment Difference in Invoice Currency field.
If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes' the Balance in Invoice Currency field, expressed in Reference Currency,
is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tfacp200.tpay 1) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Document Type field.
2) tfacp200.amti 2) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Amount in Invoice Currency field.

For all finalized payment lines, with Document Type equal to 'Normal Payment', 'Sales Invoice', 'Credit Note',
'Assignment', or 'Trade Notes', the Amounts in Invoice Currency are summed.
The result multiplied by -1 is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field.
2) tfacp200.ccur 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Invoice Currency field.

Based on the Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tfacp200.tpay 1) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Document Type field.
2) tfacp200.amth(1) 2) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Amount in Home Currency field.

For all finalized payment lines, with Document Type equal to 'Normal Payment', 'Sales Invoice', 'Credit Note',
'Assignment', or 'Trade Notes', the Amounts in Home Currency are summed.
The result multiplied by -1 is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
2) tfacp200.tpay 2) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Document Type field.
3) tfacp200.amti 3) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Amount in Invoice Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

For all finalized payment lines, with Document Type equal to 'Normal Payment', 'Sales Invoice', 'Credit Note',
'Assignment', or 'Trade Notes', the Amounts in Invoice Currency are summed.
The result multiplied by -1 and expressed in Reference Currency is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 623

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tfacp200.paym 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Details (tfacp2100s000), Payment Data tab, Payment Details group, Payment
2) tfacp200.tpay Method field.
3) tfacp200.amnt 2) Session Payments on Purchase Invoice (tfacp2523s000), Document Type field.
4) tfacp200.tdoc 3) Session Payments on Purchase Invoice (tfacp2523s000), Transaction Amount field.
5) tfacp200.docn 4) Session Payments on Purchase Invoice (tfacp2523s000), Document (Transaction Type) field.
6) tfacp200.step 5) Session Payments On Purchase Invoices (tfacp2523m000), Document (Document) field.
7) tfgld011.catg 6) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000), Payment Procedure Step field.
8) tfcmg003.rgrp 7) Session Transaction Types (tfgld0511m000), Transaction Category field.
9) tfcmg003.sess 8) Session Payment/Receipt Method (tfcmg0140s000), Details tab, Report Options group, Payment Report field.
10) tfcmg003.xfyn 9) Session Payment/Receipt Method (tfcmg0140s000), Details tab, Report Options group, Session to Create
11) tfacp200.pysh Payments/Receipts field.
12) tfacp201.paym 10) Session Payment/Receipt Method (tfcmg0140s000), Details tab, Report Options group, XML File field.
13) tfacp201.balc 11) Not displayed in any session, Schedules field.
14) tfacp200.tpay 12) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Payment Method field.
13) Not displayed in any session, Balance in Invoice Currency field.
14) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes' the Payment Method (12) field will be determined from the Payment
Schedules table (tfacp201). This field will be taken from the first schedule line for which the Balance in Invoice
Currency field is not equal to 0. Otherwise, it will be taken from the first schedule line.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'No', and one or several payment documents are linked to the invoice (the
Document (Transaction Type) and Document (Document) fields are not empty), the Payment Method is based
on the last payment document:
- If the Document Type is equal to 'Normal Payment' and the Payment Procedure Step is empty, or
- If the Document Type is equal to 'Credit Note', or
- If the Document Type is equal to 'Assignment' and the Transaction Category field of the Document
(Transaction Type) field is equal to 'Purchase Credit Notes' or 'Purchase Corrections', or
- If the Document Type is equal to 'Purchase Invoice' and the Transaction Amount is negative,
'CreditTransfer' is published.

For the remaining last finalized payments with Document Type equal to 'Normal Payment', 'Assignment',
'Advance Payment', 'Unallocated Payment', 'Credit Note', and 'Purchase Invoice', the Payment Method of the
line is taken.
If there is no payment document linked to the invoice (the Document (Transaction Type) and
Document(Document) fields are empty), the Payment Method of the header document is taken.

Based on the Payment Method, the Payment Report, the Session to Create Payments/Receipts, and the XML
File fields are determined.
Based on these fields, the PaymentMethodCode is published.
If the Session to Create Payments/Receipts field is equal to 'tfcmg1261m000' or 'tfcmg1262m000', or the XML
File field is selected, 'ElectronicFundsTransfer' is published.
- For Payment Reports: 2 (Bank File (Clieop)), 7 (Postgiro File (Swedish layout)), 8 (Bankgiro File (Swedish
layout)), 12 (BankGiroCentrale File), 13 (BACS layout as used in UK), 14 (ABN AMRO BTL91 format), 19 (ACH
Formatted File), 23 (ULMP 2499 (Finland)), 24 (LUM2 (Finland)), 27 (Norske Bank/Foreign (Norway)), 28
(Norske Bank/Domestic (Norway)), 29 (Sisu - Foreign (Sweden)), 30 (Bank File (Clieop EUR / NLG)), 32
(Danske Bank - Foreign (Denmark)), 33 (BG Bank - Domestic (Denmark)), 34 (BG Bank - Foreign (Denmark)),
35 (Danske Bank - Domestic (Denmark)), 36 (Postgiro - Domestic (Sweden)), 37 (Belgian Bank File for
Payments in FC), 38 (LM2/Mertia Domestic (Finland)), 39 (LM02/Leonia Domestic (Finland)), 41 (Payment
Report for Domestic Payments in Euros), 43 (Bankgiro / Domestic (Sweden)), 47 (Uni Bank/UTF9/Domestic
(Denmark)), 48 (Belgian Bank File for Domestic Payments in BEF), 49 (Merita Bank File (Finland)), 51 (Uni
Bank/UBT040/Foreign (Denmark)), 54 (ZENGINKO (Japanese bank file layout)), 55 (ETEBAC local payment
(France)), 56 (ETEBAC foreign payment (France)), 57 (Electronic Payment File (Italy)), 59 (Postgiro Sweden),
60 (Norma File 34 (Spain)), 62 (Norma File 68 (Spain)), 63 (Norma File 34-1 (Spain)), 65 (PAYMUL Domestic
(Austria)), 66 (PAYMUL Foreign (Austria)), 67 (Danske Bank - Domestic), 68 (Danske Bank - Foreign),
'ElectronicFundsTransfer' is published.
- For Payment Reports: 3 (Checks), 10 (Checks - German Layout), 15 (Checks (US Layout)), 17 (Canadian
Checks), 18 (Carta Pagare (Spain)), 22 (Check Layout for France), 97 (UK Checks), 99 (Checks), 'Cheque' is
- For Payment Report: 1 (Bank Orders), 11 (Trade Notes), 16: Bank Orders (German Layout), 'BankDraft' is

This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field.
2) tfacp200.ccur 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amounts In (in invoice
currency) field.

Infor April 07, 2020 624

Based on the Amounts In (in invoice currency) field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tfacp200.ratf Not displayed in any session, Rate Factor field.

Dependent currency system:

If the reference currency and the local currency are equal, the Rate Factor of the reference currency position is
If the reference currency and the transaction currency are equal, the Rate Factor of the local home currency
position is published.
If the transaction currency, the reference currency, and the local currency differ, '1' is published.

Other currency systems:

The Rate Factor of the local home currency position is published.
tcmcs002.iccc Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.

Based on the local home currency, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
Always filled with '1'.
1) tfacp200.ratf 1) Not displayed in any session, Rate Factor field.
2) tcmcs008.excb 2) Session Currency Rates (tcmcs0108m000), Express in Base Currency field.
3) tfacp200.amnt 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount (in invoice currency)
4) tfacp200.amth field.
5) tfacp200.ccur 4) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount (in local home
currency) field.
5) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amounts In (invoice currency)

Dependent currency system:

- If the reference currency is equal to the local home currency or equal to the invoice currency, the
TargetCurrencyCode is based on the Express in Base Currency field of the Currency Rates between the
reference currency and the invoice currency (Amounts In (invoice currency) field), or between the reference
currency and the local home currency.
If the Express in Base Currency field is equal to 'No', the Rate Factor field is published.
Otherwise, the division of 1 by the Rate Factor is published.
- If the reference currency, the local home currency, and the invoice currency (Amounts In (invoice currency)
field) differ, and if the Amount (in invoice currency) and the Amount (in local home currency) are not equal to 0,
the division of the Amount (in local home currency) by the Amount (in invoice currency) is published. If the
Amount (in invoice currency) or the Amount (in local home currency) is equal to 0, '1' is published.

Standard, single, or independent currency systems:

The TargetCurrencyCode is based on the Express in Base Currency field of the Currency Rates between the
local home currency and the invoice currency (Amounts In (invoice currency) field). If the Express in Base
Currency field is equal to 'No', the Rate Factor field is published.
Otherwise, the division of 1 by the Rate Factor is published.
tfacp200.ratd Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.
Always filled with 'Standard'.
1) tcmcs013.dsca 1) Session Terms of Payment (tcmcs0113s000), Terms of Payment tab, Description field.
2) tfacp200.cpay 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Discount tab, Payment Data group, Terms of Payment field.

Based on the Terms of Payment field, the Description is published.

1) tcmcs013.txta 1) Not displayed on any session, Text field.
2) tfacp200.cpay 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Discount tab, Payment Data group, Terms of Payment field.

Based on the Terms of Payment field, the Text field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
tfacp200.cpay Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Discount tab, Payment Data group, Terms of Payment field.
Always filled with 'Payment Term'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
1) tfacp200.dued 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Date and Status group, Due Date field.
2) tfacp200.docd 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Date and Status group, Document Date field.
3) tfacp200.tpay 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

If the Due Date field is filled, the Due Date field is published. Otherwise, the Document Date field is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 625
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
1) tfacp200.amnt 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount field.
2) tfacp200.pysh 2) Not displayed in any session, Schedules field.
3) tfacp200.tpay 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'No', the Amount field is published.

This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field.
2) tfacp200.ccur 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Invoice Currency field.

Based on the Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tfacp200.amth(1) 1) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Amount in Home Currency field.
2) tfacp200.pysh 2) Not displayed in any session, Schedules field.
3) tfacp200.tpay 3) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'No', the Amount in Home Currency field is published.
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
2) tfacp200.amnt 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Amount field.
3) tfacp200.pysh 3) Not displayed in any session, Schedules field.
4) tfacp200.tpay 4) Session Invoice-from Business Partner Open entries (tfacp2520m000), Document Type field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'No', the Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is equal to 'Advance
Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1', '2' or '3' is published, depending on the first, second or third discount.
1) tfacp200.did1 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Discount tab, Payment Data group, First Discount Date field.
2) tfacp200.did2 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Discount tab, Payment Data group, Second Discount Date
3) tfacp200.did3 field.
4) tfacp200.pysh 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Discount tab, Payment Data group, Third Discount Date
5) tfacp201.balc field.
6) tfacp201.did1 4) Not displayed in any session, Schedules field.
7) tfacp201.did2 5) Not displayed in any session, Balance in Invoice Currency field.
8) tfacp201.did3 6) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, First Discount Date field.
9) tfacp201.dc1i 7) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, Second Discount Date
10) tfacp201.dc2i field.
11) tfacp201.dc3i 8) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, Third Discount Date field.
9) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, First Discount Amount in
Invoice Currency field.
10) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, Second Discount Amount
in Invoice Currency field.
11) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, Third Discount Amount in
Invoice Currency field.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes' the Discount Date and Amount fields will be determined from the Payment
Schedules table (tfacp201). These fields will be taken from the first schedule line for which the Balance in
Invoice Currency field is not equal to 0. Otherwise, they will be taken from the first schedule line.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'No' and the First Discount Amount field is filled, the First Discount Date (1) field
is published for the first discount.
If the Schedule field is equal to 'No' and the Second Discount Amount field is filled, the Second Discount Date
(2) field is published for the second discount.

Infor April 07, 2020 626

If the Schedule field is equal to 'No' and the Third Discount Amount field is filled, the Third Discount Date (3)
field is published for the third discount.
If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes' and the First Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field is filled, the First
Discount Date (8) field is published for the first discount.
If the Schedule field is equal to 'Yes' and the Second Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field is filled, the
Second Discount Date (9) field is published for the second discount.
If the Schedule field is equal to 'Yes' and the Third Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field is filled, the Third
Discount Date (10) field is published for the third discount.
1) tfacp200.dc1a 1) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Discount tab, Payment Data group, First Discount Amount
2) tfacp200.dc2a field.
3) tfacp200.dc3a 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Discount tab, Payment Data group, Second Discount
4) tfacp200.pysh Amount field.
5) tfacp201.balc 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Discount tab, Payment Data group, Third Discount Amount
6) tfacp201.dc1i field.
7) tfacp201.dc2i 4) Session Sales Invoice Details (tfacr2525s000), Payment Conditions tab, Payment Conditions group,
8) tfacp201.dc3i Schedules field.
5) Not displayed in any session, Balance in Invoice Currency field.
6) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, First Discount Amount in
Invoice Currency field.
7) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, Second Discount Amount
in Invoice Currency field.
8) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, Third Discount Amount in
Invoice Currency field.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes' the Discount Amount fields will be determined from the Payment
Schedules table (tfacp201). These fields will be taken from the first schedule line for which the Balance in
Invoice Currency field is not equal to 0. Otherwise, they will be taken from the first schedule line.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'No' and the First Discount Amount is filled, the First Discount Amount is
published for the first discount.
If the Schedules field is equal to 'No' and the Second Discount Amount is filled, the Second Discount Amount is
published for the second discount.
If the Schedules field is equal to 'No' and the Third Discount Amount is filled, the third Discount Amount is
published for the third discount.
If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes' and the First Disc Amount is filled, the First Discount Amount in Invoice
Currency is published for the first discount.
If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes' and the Second Disc Amount is filled, the Second Discount Amount in
Invoice Currency is published for the second discount.
If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes' and the Third Disc Amount is filled, the Third Discount Amount in Invoice
Currency is published for the third discount.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field.
2) tfacp200.ccur 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Invoice Currency field.

Based on the Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tfacp200.dc1h(1) 1) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Discount Amount in Home Currency field.
2) tfacp200.dc2h(1) 2) Not displayed in any session, Second Discount Amount in Home Currency field.
3) tfacp200.dc3h(1) 3) Not displayed in any session, Third Discount Amount in Home Currency field.
4) tfacp200.pysh 4) Not displayed in any session, Schedules field.
5) tfacp201.balc 5) Not displayed in any session, Balance in Invoice Currency field.
6) tfacp201.dc1i 6) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, First Discount Amount in
7) tfacp201.dc2i Invoice Currency field.
8) tfacp201.dc3i 7) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, Second Discount Amount
in Invoice Currency field.
8) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, Third Discount Amount in
Invoice Currency field.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes' the Discount Date and Amount fields will be determined from the Payment
Schedules table (tfacp201). These fields will be taken from the first schedule line for which the Balance in
Invoice Currency field is not equal to 0. Otherwise, they will be taken from the first schedule line.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'No', dependent on the first, second or third discount, the Discount Amount in
Home Currency field, the Second Discount Amount in Home Currency field or the Third Discount Amount in
Home Currency field is published.
If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes', dependent on the first, second or third discount, the First Discount
Amount in Invoice Currency field, the Second Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field or the Third Discount
Amount in Invoice Currency field, expressed in the Local Currency, is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcemm170.lcur
Infor April 07, 2020 627
2) tfacp200.dc1a 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
3) tfacp200.dc2a 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Discount tab, Payment Data group, First Discount Amount
4) tfacp200.dc3a field.
5) tfacp200.pysh 3) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Discount tab, Payment Data group, Second Discount
6) tfacp201.balc Amount field.
7) tfacp201.dc1i 4) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Discount tab, Payment Data group, Third Discount Amount
8) tfacp201.dc2i field.
9) tfacp201.dc3i 5) Not displayed in any session, Schedules field.
6) Not displayed in any session, Balance in Invoice Currency field.
7) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, First Discount Amount in
Invoice Currency field.
8) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, Second Discount Amount
in Invoice Currency field.
9) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, Third Discount Amount in
Invoice Currency field.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes' the Discount Date and Amount fields will be determined from the Payment
Schedules table (tfacp201). These fields will be taken from the first schedule line for which the Balance in
Invoice Currency field is not equal to 0. Otherwise, they will be taken from the first schedule line.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

If the Schedules field is equal to 'No', dependent on the first, second or third discount, the First Discount Amount
field expressed in Reference Currency, the Second Discount Amount field expressed in Reference Currency or
the Third Discount Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
If the Schedules field is equal to 'Yes', dependent on the first, second or third discount, the First Discount
Amount in Invoice Currency field expressed in Reference Currency, the Second Discount Amount in Invoice
Currency field expressed in Reference Currency or the Third Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field
expressed in Reference Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
tfacp200.ccrs Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Discount tab, Payment Data group, Late Payment Surcharge
1) tcmcs011.dsca 1) Session Late Payment Surcharges (tcmcs0111m000), Late Payment Surcharge (description) field.
2) tfacp200.ccrs 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Discount tab, Payment Data group, Late Payment
Surcharge field.

Based on the Late Payment Surcharge field, the Late Payment Surcharge (description) is published.
tfacp200.lpdt Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Discount tab, Payment Data group, Late Payment Surcharge
Date field.
tfacp200.lapa Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Late Payment Surcharge
Amount in Invoice Currency field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies, tcmcs0102m000, ISO Code field.
2) tfacp200.ccur 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Invoice Currency field.

Based on the Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tfacp200.laph(1) Session Payment Details (tfacp2524s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Late Payment Surcharge Amount in
Home Currency field.

The Late Payment Surcharge Amount in Home Currency field is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
2) tfacp200.lapa 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Late Payment Surcharge
Amount in Invoice Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Late Payment Surcharge Amount in Invoice Currency field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
Infor April 07, 2020 628
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
tfacp201.schn Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Schedule Number field.
tfacp201.payd Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Due Date field.
tfacp201.amnt Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tfacp200.ccur 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Invoice Currency field.

Based on the Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tfacp201.amnt 1) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Amount field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

The Amount field, expressed in the Local Currency, is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tfacp201.amnt 1) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Amount field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1', '2' or '3' is published, depending on the first, second or third discount.
1) tfacp201.dc1i 1) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, First Discount Amount in
2) tfacp201.dc2i Invoice Currency field.
3) tfacp201.dc3i 2) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, Second Discount Amount
in Invoice Currency field.
3) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, Third Discount Amount in
Invoice Currency field.

Dependent on the first, second or third discount, the First Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field, the Second
Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field or the Third Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tfacp200.ccur 2) Session Purchase-Invoice Data (tfacp2525s000), Amount tab, Amounts group, Invoice Currency field.

Based on the Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tfacp201.dc1i 1) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, First Discount Amount in
2) tfacp201.dc2i Invoice Currency field.
3) tfacp201.dc3i 2) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, Second Discount Amount
4) tcemm170.fcua in Invoice Currency field.
3) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, Third Discount Amount in
Invoice Currency field.
4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Dependent on the first, second or third discount, the First Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field, the Second
Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field or the Third Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field, expressed in
the Local Currency, is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc

Infor April 07, 2020 629

2) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tfacp201.dc1i 1) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, First Discount Amount in
2) tfacp201.dc2i Invoice Currency field.
3) tfacp201.dc3i 2) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, Second Discount Amount
4) tcemm170.lcur in Invoice Currency field.
3) Session Payment Schedule (tfacp1103m000), Invoice Details tab, Discount group, Third Discount Amount in
Invoice Currency field.
4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Dependent on the first, second or third discount, the First Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field, the Second
Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field or the Third Discount Amount in Invoice Currency field, expressed in
Reference Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tfacp201.amnt 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tfacp200.tpay Session Business Partner - Open Entries (tfacp2522m000), Document Type field.

A sequence number starting from 1 is published.

The PayableTransactionLine component is not available for documents for which the Document Type field is
equal to 'Advance Payment' or 'Unallocated Payment'.
1) tfacp101.refr 1) Session Matched Purchase Invoice/Statement Line Transaction (tfacp1133s000), Document tab, Description
2) tfgld102.refr group, Trans. Reference field.
3) tfgld106.refr 2) Not displayed in any session, Reference field.
4) tfacp200.appr 3) Not displayed in any session, Reference field.
5) tfacp200.pfre 4) Session Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000), Invoice Data tab, General group, Invoice Type field.
5) Not displayed in any session, Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field.

If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders' or 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders', the
Trans. Reference field is published.
If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Cost Invoice' and the document is finalized, the Reference (3) field is published.
If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Cost Invoice' and the document is non-finalized, the Reference (2) field is
If the Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field is equal to 'Yes', nothing is published.

If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Invoice Related to Landed Costs', the Trans. Reference field is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tfgld106.txta 1) Not displayed in any session, Text field.
2) tfgld102.txta 2) Not displayed in any session, Text field.
3) tfacp200.appr 3) Session Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000), Invoice Data tab, General group, Invoice Type field.

If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Cost Invoice' and the document is finalized, the Text (1) field is published.
If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Cost Invoice' and the document is not finalized, the Text (2) field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
If the Status/Code element of the PayableTransactionHeader is equal to 'Paid', 'Paid' is published.
Otherwise, nothing is published.
Always filled with 'Payable Transaction Status'.
If the Status/Code element of the PayableTransactionHeader is equal to 'Paid', the value of the Status/
EffectiveDateTime element of the PayableTransactionHeader is published.
1) tfacp240.item 1) Session Matched Purchase Order Lines (tfacp2541m000), Item field.
2) tfacp205.item 2) Session Display Invoice Detail Lines (tfacp2505m000), Operation tab, Item field.
3) tfacp200.appr 3) Session Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000), Invoice Data tab, General group, Invoice Type field.

Infor April 07, 2020 630

4) tfacp200.pfre 4) Not displayed in any session, Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field.
For FP7 or later.
For FP7 or later: 5) Session Landed Cost Order Lines (tfacp2544m200), Item field.
5) tfacp244.item
If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders', the Item (1) field is published.
If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Cost Invoice' or 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders', nothing is published.
If the Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field is equal to 'Yes', the Item (2) field is published.
For FP7 or later.
If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders' or 'Invoice Related to Landed Costs', the
Item (5) field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Description field.
2) tfacp240.item 2) Session Matched Purchase Order Lines (tfacp2541m000), Item field.
3) tfacp205.item 3) Session Display Invoice Detail Lines (tfacp2505m000), Operation tab, Item field.
For FP7 or later.
For FP7 or later: 4) Session Landed Cost Order Lines (tfacp2544m200), Item field.
4) tfacp244.item
Based on the Item field, the Description field is published.
1) tfacp250.iqan 1) Session Matched Purchase Order Lines (tfacp2541m000), Invoiced Quantity field.
2) tfacp205.iqan 2) Not displayed in any session, Invoiced Quantity in Order Unit field.
3) tfacp200.appr 3) Session Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000), Invoice Data tab, General group, Invoice Type field.
4) tfacp200.pfre 4) Not displayed in any session, Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field.

If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders', the Invoiced Quantity field is published.
If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Cost Invoice' or 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders', nothing is published.
If the Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field is equal to 'Yes', the Invoiced Quantity in Order Unit field is published.
1) tfacp240.iuni 1) Session Matched Purchase Order Lines (tfacp2541m000), Order Quantity (unit) field.
2) tfacp205.ouni 2) Session Display Invoice Detail Lines (tfacp2505m000), Quantities tab, Order Quantity in Order Unit (unit) field.
3) tfacp200.appr 3) Session Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000), Invoice Data tab, General group, Invoice Type field.
4) tfacp200.pfre 4) Not displayed in any session, Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field.

If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders', the Order Quantity (unit) field is published.
If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Cost Invoice' or 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders', nothing is published.
If the Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field is equal to 'Yes', the Order Quantity in Order Unit (unit) field is published.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tfacp240.item 2) Session Matched Purchase Order Lines (tfacp2541m000), Item field.
3) tfacp205.item 3) Session Display Invoice Detail Lines (tfacp2505m000), Operation tab, Item field.
4) tfacp250.iqan 4) Session Matched Purchase Order Lines (tfacp2541m000), Invoiced Quantity field.
5) tfacp205.iqan 5) Not displayed in any session, Invoiced Quantity in Order Unit field.
6) tfacp200.appr 6) Session Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000), Invoice Data tab, General group, Invoice Type field.
7) tfacp200.pfre 7) Not displayed in any session, Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field

If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders', the Item (2) field and the Invoiced Quantity
field are used for the calculation.
If the Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field is equal to 'Yes', the Item (3) field and the Invoiced Quantity in Order Unit
field are used for the calculation.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Invoiced Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tfacp240.item 3) Session Matched Purchase Order Lines (tfacp2541m000), Item field.
4) tfacp205.item 4) Session Display Invoice Detail Lines (tfacp2505m000), Operation tab, Item field.
5) tfacp200.appr 5) Session Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000), Invoice Data tab, General group, Invoice Type field.
6) tfacp200.pfre 6) Not displayed in any session, Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field.

If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders', the Item (3) field is used for the calculation.
If the Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field is equal to 'Yes', the Item (4) field is used for the calculation.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tfgld106.amnt 1) Session Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1509m000), Amount field.
2) tfgld102.amnt 2) Session Non-Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1508m000), Amount field.
3) tfacp101.amnt 3) Not displayed in any session, Amount field.
4) tfacp250.iamt 4) Not displayed in any session, Invoiced Amount field.
5) tfacp252.iamt 5) Not displayed in any session, Invoiced Amount field.
6) tfacp205.amti 6) Session Display Invoice Detail Lines (tfacp2505m000), Amount in Invoice Currency field.

Infor April 07, 2020 631

7) tfacp200.appr 7) Session Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000), Invoice Data tab, General group, Invoice Type field.
8) tfacp200.pfre 8) Not displayed in any session, Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field.

For FP7 or later: For FP7 or later.

9) tfacp254.amnt 9) Session Matched Invoices by Landed Cost Line (tfacp2554m000), Matched Invoice Amount in Invoice
Currency field.

If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Cost Invoice' and the document is finalized, the Amount (1) field is published.
If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Cost Invoice' and the document is not finalized, the Amount (2) field is published.
If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders', the Amount (3) field is published if the
record is present. The Invoiced Amount (4) field is also published.
If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders', the Invoiced Amount (5) field is published.
If the Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field is equal to 'Yes', the Amount in Invoice Currency field is published.

For FP7 or later.

If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders' or 'Invoice Related to Landed Costs', the
Matched Invoice Amount in Invoice Currency field is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tfgld106.ccur 2) Session Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1509m000), Currency/Rate field.
3) tfgld102.ccur 3) Session Non-Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1508m000), Currency/Rate field.
4) tfacp101.ccur 4) Not displayed in any session, Currency/Rate field.
5) tfacp250.ccur 5) Not displayed in any session, Invoice Currency field.
6) tfacp252.ccur 6) Not displayed in any session, Invoice Currency field.
7) tfacp205.icur 7) Session Display Invoice Detail Lines (tfacp2505m000), Invoice Currency field.
8) tfacp200.appr 8) Session Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000), Invoice Data tab, General group, Invoice Type field.
9) tfacp200.pfre 9) Not displayed in any session, Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field.

For FP7 or later: For FP7 or later.

10) tfacp254.curr 10) Session Matched Invoices by Landed Cost Line (tfacp2554m000), Matched Invoice Amount in Invoice
Currency field.

If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Cost Invoice' and the document is finalized, based on the Currency/Rate (2) field
the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Cost Invoice' and the document is not finalized, based on the Currency/Rate (3)
field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders', based on the Currency/Rate (4) field (if the
record is present), the ISO Code field of the currency is published. Based on the Invoice Currency (5) field, the
ISO Code field of the currency is also published.
If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders', based on the Invoice Currency (6) field, the
ISO Code field of the currency is published.
If the Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field is equal to 'Yes', based on the Invoice Currency (7) field, the ISO Code
field of the currency is published.
For FP7 or later.
If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders' or 'Invoice Related to Landed Costs', based
on the Matched Invoice Amount in Invoice Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tfgld106.amth(1) 1) Session Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1509m000), Amount in Home Currency field.
2) tfgld102.amth(1) 2) Session Non-Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1508m000), Amount in Home Currency field.
3) tfacp101.amth(1) 3) Not displayed in any session, Amount in Home Currency field.
4) tfacp250.amth(1) 4) Not displayed in any session, Invoice Amount in Home Currency field.
5) tfacp252.amth(1) 5) Not displayed in any session, Invoice Amount in Home Currency field.
6) tfacp254.amth(1) 6) Not displayed in any session, Matched Invoice Amount in Home Currency field.
7) tfacp205.amti 7) Session Display Invoice Detail Lines (tfacp2505m000), Amount in Invoice Currency field.
8) tfacp200.appr 8) Session Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000), Invoice Data tab, General group, Invoice Type field.
9) tfacp200.pfre 9) Not displayed in any session, Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field.

If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Cost Invoice' and the document is finalized, the Amount in Home Currency (1)
field is published.
If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Cost Invoice' and the document is not finalized, the Amount in Home Currency (2)
field is published.
If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders', the Amount in Home Currency (3) field is
published if the record is present. The Invoice Amount in Home Currency (4) field is also published.
If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders', the Invoice Amount in Home Currency (5) field
is published.
If the Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field is equal to 'Yes', the Amount in Invoice Currency field, converted to the
local currency is published.
If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders' or 'Invoice Related to Landed Costs', the
Matched Invoice Amount in Home Currency field is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcemm170.lcur
Infor April 07, 2020 632
2) tfacp205.amti 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tfgld106.amnt 2) Session Display Invoice Detail Lines (tfacp2505m000), Amount in Invoice Currency field.
4) tfgld102.amnt 3) Session Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1509m000), Amount field.
5) tfacp101.amnt 4) Session Non-Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1508m000), Amount field.
6) tfacp250.iamt 5) Not displayed in any session, Invoiced Amount field.
7) tfacp252.iamt 6) Not displayed in any session, Invoiced Amount field.
8) tfacp254.amnt 7) Not displayed in any session, Invoiced Amount field.
9) tfacp200.appr 8) Session Matched Invoices by Landed Cost Line (tfacp2554m000), Matched Invoice Amount in Invoice
10) tfacp200.pfre Currency field.
9) Session Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000), Invoice Data tab, General group, Invoice Type field.
10) Not displayed in any session, Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field.

Based on the financial company, the Reference Currency field is determined.

If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Cost Invoice' and the document is finalized, the Amount (3) field expressed in
Reference Currency is published.
If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Cost Invoice' and the document is not finalized, the Amount (4) field expressed in
Reference Currency is published.
If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders', the Invoiced Amount (5) field expressed in
Reference Currency is published. The Invoiced Amount (6) field expressed in Reference Currency is also
If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders', the Invoiced Amount (7) field expressed in
Reference Currency is published.
If the Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field is equal to 'Yes', the Amount in Invoice Currency field expressed in
Reference Currency is published.
If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders' or 'Invoice Related to Landed Costs', the
Matched Invoice Amount in Invoice Currency field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information on publishing amounts in Reference Currency.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tfgld106.amth(1) 1) Session Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1509m000), Amount in Home Currency field.
2) tfgld102.amth(1) 2) Session Non-Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1508m000), Amount in Home Currency field.
3) tfacp101.amth(1) 3) Not displayed in any session, Amount in Home Currency field.
4) tfacp250.amth(1) 4) Not displayed in any session, Invoice Amount in Home Currency field.
5) tfacp252.amth(1) 5) Not displayed in any session, Invoice Amount in Home Currency field.
6) tfacp254.amth(1) 6) Not displayed in any session, Matched Invoice Amount in Home Currency field.
7) tfacp205.amti 7) Session Display Invoice Detail Lines (tfacp2505m000), Amount in Invoice Currency field.
8) tfacp200.appr 8) Session Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000), Invoice Data tab, General group, Invoice Type field.
9) tfacp200.pfre 9) Not displayed in any session, Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field.

If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Cost Invoice' and the document is finalized, the Amount in Home Currency (1)
field is published.
If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Cost Invoice' and the document is not finalized, the Amount in Home Currency (2)
field is published.
If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders', the Amount in Home Currency (3) field is
published if the record is present. The Invoice Amount in Home Currency (4) field is also published.
If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders', the Invoice Amount in Home Currency (5) field
is published.
If the Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field is equal to 'Yes', the Amount in Invoice Currency field, converted to the
local currency is published.
If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders' or 'Invoice Related to Landed Costs', the
Matched Invoice Amount in Home Currency field is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local Currency field.

Based on the financial company, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
Always filled with 'ExtendedAmount'.
1) tfgld106.amth(1) 1) Session Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1509m000), Amount in Home Currency field.
2) tfgld102.amth(1) 2) Session Non-Finalized Transaction Lines (tfgld1508m000), Amount in Home Currency field.
3) tfacp101.amth(1) 3) Not displayed in any session, Amount in Home Currency field.
4) tfacp250.amth(1) 4) Not displayed in any session, Invoice Amount in Home Currency field.
5) tfacp252.amth(1) 5) Not displayed in any session, Invoice Amount in Home Currency field.
6) tfacp254.amth(1) 6) Not displayed in any session, Matched Invoice Amount in Home Currency field.
7) tfacp205.amti 7) Session Display Invoice Detail Lines (tfacp2505m000), Amount in Invoice Currency field.
8) tfacp200.appr 8) Session Purchase Invoices (tfacp1110s000), Invoice Data tab, General group, Invoice Type field.
9) tfacp200.pfre 9) Not displayed in any session, Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field.

Infor April 07, 2020 633

If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Cost Invoice' and the document is finalized, the Amount in Home Currency (1)
field is published.
If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Cost Invoice' and the document is not finalized, the Amount in Home Currency (2)
field is published.
If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders', the Amount in Home Currency (3) field is
published if the record is present. The Invoice Amount in Home Currency (4) field is also published.
If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Invoice Related to Freight Orders', the Invoice Amount in Home Currency (5) field
is published.
If the Self-Billing/Internal Invoice field is equal to 'Yes', the Amount in Invoice Currency field, converted to the
local currency is published.
If the Invoice Type is equal to 'Invoice Related to Purchase Orders' or 'Invoice Related to Landed Costs', the
Matched Invoice Amount in Home Currency field is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 634

tccom001.emno Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.

This BOD is published when users Create or Update an Employee.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.emno Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

tccom001.nama Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
tccom001.nama Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
bpmdm001.sexe Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), General Group, Gender field.
bpmdm001.daob Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), General Group, Date of Birth field.
1) tccom001.clan 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Language field.
2) tcmcs046.ilng 2) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000), ISO Code field.

Based on the Language field, the ISO Code field of the language is published.
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4530m000), Name field.
2) tccom133.cadr 2) Session Addresses by Business Partner (tccom4133m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Name field is published.

1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) bpmdm001.cadr 7) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), General Group, Address Code field.

Based on the Address field, the six Address Lines are published.
One Address Line is published per sequence.
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
( tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) bpmdm001.cadr 2) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), General Group, Address Code field.

Based on the Address field, the City field is published.

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) bpmdm001.cadr 2) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), General Group, Address Code field.

Based on the Address field, the State/Province field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 635

1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) bpmdm001.cadr 3) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), General Group, Address Code field.

Based on the Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) bpmdm001.cadr 2) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), General Group, Address Code field.

Based on the Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
1) bpmdm001.telw 1) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Office field.
2) bpmdm001.tlw1 2) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Home field.
3) bpmdm001.telm 3) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Mobile field.
4) bpmdm001.tefw 4) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Fax field.
5) bpmdm001.mail 5) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, E-mail field.
6) bpmdm001.msty 6) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Messenger Type field.

For the Telephone, Telephone2, Mobile Phone or Fax field, 'Phone' is published.
For the E-Mail field, 'EMail' is published.
For the Messenger field, 'Messenger' is published.
1) bpmdm001.telw 1) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Office field.
2) bpmdm001.tlw1 2) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Home field.
3) bpmdm001.telm 3) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Mobile field.
4) bpmdm001.tefw 4) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Fax field.
5) bpmdm001.mail 5) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, E-mail field.
6) bpmdm001.msty 6) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Messenger Type field.

For the Telephone and E-Mail, 'Office' is published.

For the Telephone2, 'Home' is published.
For the Mobile Phone field, 'Mobile (Office)' is published.
For the Fax field, 'Fax' is published.
For the Messenger type field equal to 'Skype', 'Skype' is published.
For the Messenger type field equal to 'MSN', 'MSN' is published.
For the Messenger type field equal to 'AOL', 'AOL' is published.
For the Messenger type field equal to 'Yahoo', 'Yahoo' is published.
1) bpmdm001.telw 1) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Office field.
2) bpmdm001.tlw1 2) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Home field.
3) bpmdm001.telm 3) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Mobile field.
4) bpmdm001.tefw 4) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Fax field.
1) bpmdm001.mail 1) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, E-mail field.
2) bpmdm001.msty 2) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Messenger Type field.
tcbod210.peid Session Received Personnel Data (tcbod0210m000), General Tab, Personnel ID field.
tcbod210.peae Session Received Personnel Data (tcbod0210m000), General Tab, Accounting Entity field.
tcbod210.nama Session Received Personnel Data (tcbod0210m000), General Tab, Name field.
1) tccom001.loco 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
2) ttaad200.ssou 2) Session User Data (ttams1100s000), System Data tab, Employment group, Infor Security User field.

Based on the User field, the Infor Security User field is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tsmdm140.emno 2) Session Employees - Service (tsmdm1140m000), Service Employee field.

Based on the Employee field, the Service Employee field is published.

This BOD element is not available for Infor LN 10.3.0
tccom001.cwoc Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, Department field.

The concatenation of 'D' and the Department field is published.

This BOD element is not available for Infor LN 10.2.1
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 636

1) tccom001.cwoc 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, Department field.
2) tcmcs065.dsca 2) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Description field.

Based on the Department field, the Description field is published.

This BOD element is not available for Infor LN 10.2.1
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tsmdm140.emno 2) Session Employees - Service (tsmdm1140m000), Service Employee field.
3) tppdm801.emno 3) Session Employees - Project (tppdm8101m000), Employee field.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee (1) field.
2) tsmdm140.emno 2) Session Employees - Service (tsmdm1140m000), Service Employee field.
3) tppdm801.emno 3) Session Employees - Project (tppdm8101m000), Employee (2) field.

If the Employee (1) field is filled, 'Sales', 'Buyer' and 'Planner' are published.
If the Service Employee field is filled, 'Service' is published.
If the Service Employee (2) field is filled, 'Project' is published.
Based on the number of Classification Codes, the sequence number is set.
If the Employee is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
Otherwise, 'Open' is published.
Always, 'false' is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 637

1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Employee field.
2) tccom001.cwoc 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Department field.
3) tcmcs065.comp 3) Session Departments (tcmcs0565m000), Financial Company field.

If the Department field is changed, and the old and the new Financial Company field differs, a PersonnelBOD
with Status 'Deleted' is published with the old Department field, and a second PersonnelBOD with Action 'Add'
and Status 'Open' is published with the new Department field.

This BOD is available for LN 10.5 or later.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.emno Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Employee field.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.
tccom001.namb Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), First Name field.
tccom001.namc Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Middle Name field.
tccom001.namd Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Last Name field.
tccom001.nama Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.
bpmdm001.sexe Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), General Group, Gender field.
bpmdm001.cist Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), General Group, Civil Status field.
bpmdm001.daob Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), General Group, Date of Birth field.

If this field is empty, nothing is published.

1) tccom001.clan 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Language field.
2) tcmcs046.ilng 2) Session Languages (tcmcs0146m000), ISO Code field.

Based on the Language field, the ISO Code field of the language is published.
1) bpmdm001.ccty 1) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), General Group, Country of Nationality field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.

Based on the Country of Nationality field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4530m000), Name field.
2) bpmdm001.cadr 2) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Name field is published.

1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.

Infor April 07, 2020 638

4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) bpmdm001.cadr 7) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) bpmdm001.cadr 2) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the House Number field is published.
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) bpmdm001.cadr 2) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Building field is published.

1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) bpmdm001.cadr 2) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Street field is published.

1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) bpmdm001.cadr 2) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Unit field is published.

1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) bpmdm001.cadr 2) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Floor field is published.

1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) bpmdm001.cadr 2) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) bpmdm001.cadr 2) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the City field is published.

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) bpmdm001.cadr 2) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the State/Province field is published.

1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) bpmdm001.cadr 3) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) bpmdm001.cadr 2) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
1) bpmdm001.telw 1) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Office field.
2) bpmdm001.tlw1 2) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Home field.
3) bpmdm001.telm 3) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Mobile field.
4) bpmdm001.tefw 4) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Fax field.
5) bpmdm001.mail 5) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, E-mail field.
6) bpmdm001.msty 6) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Messenger Type field.

For the Telephone, Telephone2, Mobile Phone or Fax field, 'Phone' is published.
For the E-Mail field, 'EMail' is published.
For the Messenger field, 'Messenger' is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 639

1) bpmdm001.telw 1) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Office field.
2) bpmdm001.tlw1 2) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Home field.
3) bpmdm001.telm 3) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Mobile field.
4) bpmdm001.tefw 4) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Fax field.
5) bpmdm001.mail 5) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, E-mail field.
6) bpmdm001.msty 6) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Messenger Type field.

For the Telephone and E-Mail, 'Office' is published.

For the Telephone2, 'Home' is published.
For the Mobile Phone field, 'Mobile (Office)' is published.
For the Fax field, 'Fax' is published.
For the Messenger type field equal to 'Skype', 'Skype' is published.
For the Messenger type field equal to 'MSN', 'MSN' is published.
For the Messenger type field equal to 'AOL', 'AOL' is published.
For the Messenger type field equal to 'Yahoo', 'Yahoo' is published.
1) bpmdm001.telw 1) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Office field.
2) bpmdm001.tlw1 2) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Home field.
3) bpmdm001.telm 3) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Mobile field.
4) bpmdm001.tefw 4) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Fax field.
1) bpmdm001.telw 1) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Office field.
2) bpmdm001.tlw1 2) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Home field.
3) bpmdm001.telm 3) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Mobile field.
4) bpmdm001.tefw 4) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Fax field.
1) bpmdm001.mail 1) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, E-mail field.
2) bpmdm001.msty 2) Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Communication group, Messenger Type field.
bpmdm001.jobt Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Department group, Job Title field.
tcppl020.skll Session Skills by Employee (tcppl0120m000), Skill field.
Always filled with 'Skills'.
tcppl020.exdt Session Skills by Employee (tcppl0120m000), Effective Date field.
tcppl020.efdt Session Skills by Employee (tcppl0120m000), Expiry Date field.
If the Employee is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
Otherwise, 'Open' is published.
If the Employee is deleted, 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.
bpmdm001.sdte Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Employment Data group, First Date of Employment field.
bpmdm001.edte Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Employment Data group, Last Date of Employment field.
bpmdm001.wtsc Session Employees - People (bpmdm0101m000), Department group, Working Time Schedule field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.cpcp Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Cost Component field.
Based on the number of Classification Codes, the sequence number is set.
tccom001.cpcp Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Cost Component field.

If the Cost Component field is filled, 'Cost Components' is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

Infor April 07, 2020 640

1) cprpd000.aplc 1) Session EP Parameters (cprpd0100m000), Actual Scenario field.
2) cprrp100.plnc 2) Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Scenario field.
3) cprrp100.type 3) Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Order Type field.
4) cprrp100.orno 4) Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Planned Order field.

This BOD is published when users Create or Update a Planned Order and the Scenario field is equal to the
Actual Scenario field and the Order Type field is equal to 'Planned Production Order'.
This BOD is available for FP7 or later.
cprrp100.dwar Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Destination Warehouse field.

Based on the Destination Warehouse, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
cprrp00.dwar Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Destination Warehouse field.

Based on the Destination Warehouse field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
cprrp100.orno Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Planned Order field.
cprrp100.trdt Session Planned Orders (cprrp1600m000), Details tab, Transaction Date field.
1) tccom001.emno Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) tccom001.loco
Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
cprrp100.txta Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
1) cprrp100.osta 1) Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Order Status field.
2) cprrp100.ordr 2) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Order Release field.

If the Order Status field is equal to 'Planned', 'Planned' is published.

If the Order Status field is equal to 'Firm Planned', 'FirmPlanned' is published.
If the Order Status field is equal to 'Confirmed', 'Confirmed' is published.
If the planned order is transferred, 'Transferred' is published.
If the planned order is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
If the Order Release field is equal to 'Not to be released', 'Hold' is published.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
cprrp100.orno Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Planned Order field.

If the planned order is deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.

1) cprrp100.item 1) Session Planned Order, General tab, Order Item field.
2) cprrp100.opro 2) Session Planned Order, General tab, Item Routing field.

The concatenation of the Order Item field and the Item Routing field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
cprrp100.psdt Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Planned Start Date field.
cprrp100.pfdt Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Planned Finish Date field.
cprrp100.prdt Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Required Date field.

Infor April 07, 2020 641

cprrp100.cplb Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Planner field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees Dashboard (bpmdm0101m100), Name field.
2) cprrp100.cplb 2) Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Planner field.

Based on the Planner field, the Name field is published.

1) tcibd200.sfpl 1) Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Generation I tab, Shop Floor Planner field.
2) cprrp100.item 2) Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Order Item field.

Based on the Order Item field, the Planner field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees Dashboard (bpmdm0101m100), Name field.
2) cprrp100.item 2) Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Order Item field.
3) tcibd200.sfpl 3) Session Item - Ordering (tcibd2100s000), Generation I tab, Shop Floor Planner field.

Based on the Order Item field and the Planner field, the Name field is published.
cprrp100.plmt Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Planning Method field.

If the Planning Method field is equal to 'Forward', 'true' is published.

If the Planning Method field is equal to 'Backward', 'false' is published.
Always filled with '1'.
Always filled with '0'.
cprrp200.nopn Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), Next Operation field.
cprrp010.plni Session Planned Order - Inventory Movements (cprrp0511m000), Plan Item field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.
2) cprrp010.plni 2) Session Planned Order - Inventory Movements (cprrp0511m000), Plan Item field.

Based on the Plan Item field, the Description field is published.

cprrp010.pono Session Planned Order - Inventory Movements (cprrp0511m000), Position Number field.
cprrp010.qana Session Planned Order - Inventory Movements (cprrp0511m000), Material Quantity tab, Quantity field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) cprrp010.plni 3) Session Planned Order - Inventory Movements (cprrp0511m000), Plan Item field.

Based on the Plan Item field and the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
cprrp010.qana Session Planned Order - Inventory Movements (cprrp0511m000), Material Quantity tab, Quantity field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) cprrp010.plni 3) Session Planned Order - Inventory Movements (cprrp0511m000), Plan Item field.

Based on the Plan Item field and the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) cprrp010.qune 1) Session Planned Order - Inventory Movements (cprrp0511m000), Material Quantity tab, Net Quantity field.
2) cprrp010.scpq 2) Session Planned Order - Inventory Movements (cprrp0511m000), Material Quantity tab, Scrap Quantity field.

If the Net Quantity field is equal to 0 and the Scrap Quantity field is not equal to 0, 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.
cprrp010.scpf Session Planned Order - Inventory Movements (cprrp0511m000), Material Quantity tab, Scrap Factor field.

Infor April 07, 2020 642

cprrp010.scpq Session Planned Order - Inventory Movements (cprrp0511m000), Material Quantity tab, Scrap Quantity field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) cprrp010.plni 3) Session Planned Order - Inventory Movements (cprrp0511m000), Plan Item field.

Based on the Plan Item field and the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
cprrp010.scpq Session Planned Order - Inventory Movements (cprrp0511m000), Material Quantity tab, Scrap Quantity field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) cprrp010.plni 3) Session Planned Order - Inventory Movements (cprrp0511m000), Plan Item field.

Based on the Plan Item field and the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
Always filled with 'Warehouse'
cprrp010.cwar Session Planned Order - Inventory Movements (cprrp0511m000), Bill of Material tab, Warehouse field.

The concatenation of 'W' and the Warehouse field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) cprrp010.cwar 1) Session Planned Order - Inventory Movements (cprrp0511m000), Bill of Material tab, Warehouse field.
2) tcmcs003.dsca 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Description field.

Based on the Warehouse field, the Description field is published.

cprrp010.plni Session Planned Order - Inventory Movements (cprrp0511m000), Plan Item field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.
2) cprrp010.plni 2) Session Planned Order - Inventory Movements (cprrp0511m000), Plan Item field.

Based on the Plan Item field, the Description field is published.

Always filled with 'Primary'.
1) cprrp010.lpon 1) Session Planned Order - Inventory Movements (cprrp0511m000), Line Position Number field.
2) cprrp010.pono 2) Session Planned Order - Inventory Movements (cprrp0511m000), Position Number field.

The concatenation of the Line Position Number field and the Position Number field is published.
cprrp200.nopn Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), Next Operation field.

If the Next Operation field is equal to 0, 'false' is published.

Otherwise, 'true' is published.
cprrp010.qana Session Planned Order - Inventory Movements (cprrp0511m000), Material Quantity tab, Quantity field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) cprrp010.plni 3) Session Planned Order - Inventory Movements (cprrp0511m000), Plan Item field.

Based on the Plan Item field and the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
cprrp010.qana Session Planned Order - Inventory Movements (cprrp0511m000), Material Quantity tab, Quantity field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) cprrp010.plni 3) Session Planned Order - Inventory Movements (cprrp0511m000), Plan Item field.

Based on the Plan Item field and the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
cprrp105.lpon Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Planned Order Distribution tab, Line field.

Infor April 07, 2020 643

cprrp001.cprj Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Planned Order Distribution tab, Project field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
cprrp001.cact Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Planned Order Distribution tab, Activity field.
cprrp001.cspa Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Planned Order Distribution tab, Element field.
cprrp105.rqdt Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Planned Order Distribution tab, Requirement Date field.
cprrp105.oqan Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Planned Order Distribution tab, Ordered Quantity field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) cprrp010.plni 3) Session Planned Order - Inventory Movements (cprrp0511m000), Plan Item field.

Based on the Plan Item field and the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
cprrp105.oqan Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Planned Order Distribution tab, Ordered Quantity field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) cprrp010.plni 3) Session Planned Order - Inventory Movements (cprrp0511m000), Plan Item field.

Based on the Plan Item field and the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
Always filled with 'Warehouse'.
cprrp100.dwar Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Destination Warehouse field.

The concatenation of 'W' and the Destination Warehouse field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) cprrp100.dwar 1) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Destination Warehouse field.
2) tcmcs003.dsca 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Description field.

Based on the Destination Warehouse field, the Description field is published.

1) cprrp200.opno 1) Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), Operation field.
2) cprrp200.qpli 2) Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), Dates and Lead Times tab, Quantity Planned
3) cprrp200.qplo Input field.
3) Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), Dates and Lead Times tab, Quantity Planned
Output field.

If the Operation field is equal to 0, '0' is published.

Otherwise, the Quantity Planned Input field minus the Quantity Planned Output field is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) cprrp010.plni 3) Session Planned Order - Inventory Movements (cprrp0511m000), Plan Item field.

Based on the Plan Item field and the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) cprrp200.opno 1) Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), Operation field.
2) cprrp200.qpli 2) Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), Dates and Lead Times tab, Quantity Planned
3) cprrp200.qplo Input field.
3) Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), Dates and Lead Times tab, Quantity Planned
Output field.

If the Operation field is equal to 0, '0' is published.

Otherwise, the Quantity Planned Input field minus the Quantity Planned Output field is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) cprrp010.plni 3) Session Planned Order - Inventory Movements (cprrp0511m000), Plan Item field.

Infor April 07, 2020 644

Based on the Plan Item field and the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
cprrp200.mcno Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), General Details tab, Machine field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tirou002.dsca 1) Session Machines (tirou0102m000), Description field.
2) cprrp200.mcno 2) Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), General Details tab, Machine field.

Based on the Machine field, the Description field is published.

cprrp200.qplo Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), Dates and Lead Times tab, Quantity Planned Output
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) cprrp100.item 3) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Order Item field.

Based on the Order Item field and the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
cprrp200.qplo Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), Dates and Lead Times tab, Quantity Planned Output
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) cprrp100.item 3) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Order Item field.

Based on the Order Item field and the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
cprrp200.sutm Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), Dates and Lead Times tab, Average Setup Lead
Time field.
cprrp200.wttm Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), Dates and Lead Times tab, Wait Lead Time field.
cprrp200.pltm Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), Dates and Lead Times tab, Production Lead Time
cprrp200.qutm Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), Dates and Lead Times tab, Queue Lead Time field.
cprrp200.mvtm Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), Dates and Lead Times tab, Move Lead Time field.
cprrp200.fdur Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), General Details tab, Fixed Duration field.
cprrp200.yldp Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), General Details tab, Yield Percentage field.
cprrp200.scpq Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), General Details tab, Scrap Quantity field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) cprrp100.item 3) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Order Item field.

Based on the Order Item field and the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
cprrp200.scpq Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), General Details tab, Scrap Quantity field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) cprrp100.item 3) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Order Item field.

Based on the Order Item field and the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
cprrp200.cwoc Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), General Details tab, Resource field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) cprrp200.cwoc 1) Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), General Details tab, Resource field.
2) tirou001.dsca 2) Session Work Centers (tirou0101m000), Description field.

Based on the Resource field, the Description field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 645

1) tirou001.wipw 1) Session Work Centers (tirou0101m000), Relationships tab, Shop Floor Warehouse field.
2) cprrp200.cwoc 2) Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), General Details tab, Resource field.

Based on the Resource field, the concatenation of 'W' and the Shop Floor Warehouse field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
1) tcmcs003.dsca 1) Session Warehouses - General (tcmcs0103s000), Description field.
2) tirou001.wipw 2) Session Work Centers (tirou0101m000), Relationships tab, Shop Floor Warehouse field.
3) cprrp200.cwoc 3) Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), General Details tab, Resource field.

Based on the Resource field and the Shop Floor Warehouse field, the Description field is published.
1) cprrp200.macs 1) Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), General Details tab, Man Capacity Setup field.
2) cprrp200.macp 2) Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), General Details tab, Man Capacity Production
3) cprrp200.mccs field.
4) cprrp200.mccp 3) Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), General Details tab, Machine Capacity Setup field.
4) Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), General Details tab, Machine Capacity Production

If the Man Capacity Setup field or the Man Capacity Production field is unequal to '0', 'Labor' is published.
If the Machine Capacity Setup field or the Machine Capacity Production field is unequal to '0', 'Machine' is
Always 'Estimated' is published.
1) cprrp200.macs 1) Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), General Details tab, Man Capacity Setup field.
2) cprrp200.macp 2) Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), General Details tab, Man Capacity Production
3) cprrp200.mccs field.
4) cprrp200.mccp 3) Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), General Details tab, Machine Capacity Setup field.
4) Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), General Details tab, Machine Capacity Production

If the Man Capacity Setup field or the Man Capacity Production field is unequal to '0', the sum of the Man
Capacity Setup field and the Man Capacity Production field is published.
If the Machine Capacity Setup field or the Machine Capacity Production field is unequal to '0', the sum of the
Machine Capacity Setup field and the Machine Capacity Production field is published.
cprrp200.prdt Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), Dates and Lead Times tab, Production / Planned
Start field.
cprrp200.prrd Session Capacity Use by Planned Order (cprrp2100m000), Dates and Lead Times tab, Wait / Planned Finish

Infor April 07, 2020 646

cprrp100.orno Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Planned Order field.

This BOD is published when users Create or Update a Planned Order and the Scenario field is equal to the
Actual Scenario field and the Order Type field is equal to 'Planned Purchase Order'.
This BOD is available for FP7 or later.
cprrp100.dwar Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Destination Warehouse field.

Based on the Destination Warehouse field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
cprrp100.dwar Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Destination Warehouse field.

Based on the Destination Warehouse field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
cprrp100.orno Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Planned Order field.
cprrp100.prdt Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Deails tab, Transaction date field.
1) tccom001.emno Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) tccom001.loco
Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
1) tccom001.emno Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) tccom001.loco
Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.
cprrp100.txta Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
1) cprrp100.osta 1) Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Order Status field.
2) cprrp100.ordr 2) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Order Release field.

If the Order Status field is equal to 'Planned', 'Planned' is published.

If the Order Status field is equal to 'Firm Planned', 'FirmPlanned' is published.
If the Order Status field is equal to 'Confirmed', 'Confirmed' is published.
If the planned order is transferred, 'Transferred' is published.
If the planned order is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
If the Order Release field is equal to 'Not to be released', 'Hold' is published.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
cprrp100.orno Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Planned Order field.

If the planned order is deleted, 'true' is published.

Otherwise, 'false' is published.
cprrp100.suno Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Buy-from BP field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) cprrp100.suno 2) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Buy-from BP field.

Based on the Buy-from BP field, the Name field is published.

Always 'Warehouse' is published.
cprrp100.dwar Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Destination Warehouse field.

The concatenation of 'W' and the Destination Warehouse field is published

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcmcs003.dsca
Infor April 07, 2020 647
2) cprrp100.dwar 1) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Description field.
2) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Destination Warehouse field.

Based on the Destination Warehouse field, the Description field is published.

1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4530m000), Name field.
2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0130s000), Address Code field.
3) cprrp100.dwar 3) Session Planned Order (cprrp1100m000), Destination Warehouse field.

Based on the Destination Warehouse field and the Address Code field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) cprrp100.dwar 7) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Destination Warehouse field.
8) tcmcs003.cadr 8) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0130s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Destination Warehouse field and the Address Code field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

1) tccom130.namf 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), City field.
2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Warehouses, Address Code field.
3) cprrp100.dwar 3) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Destination Warehouse field.

Based on the Destination Warehouse field and the Address Code field, the City field is published.
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), State/Province field.
2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Warehouses, Address Code field.
3) cprrp100.dwar 3) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Destination Warehouse field.

Based on the Destination Warehouse field and the Address Code field, the State/Provence field is published.
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) cprrp100.dwar 3) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Destination Warehouse field.

Based on the Destination Warehouse field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Postal Code field.
2) tcmcs003.cadr 2) Session Warehouses, Address Code field.
3) cprrp100.dwar 3) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Destination Warehouse field.

Based on the Destination Warehouse field and the Address Code field, the Postal Code field is published.
cprrp100.sush Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Supplier (Ship-from) field
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom100.name 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) cprrp100.sush 2) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Purchase/Supply tab, Supplier (Ship/from) field.

Based on the Supplier (Ship/From) field, the Name field is published.

1) tcdipu001.prip 1) Session Items - Purchase (tdipu0101m000), Purchase Price field.
2) cprrp100.item 2) Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Item field,
3) cprrp100.quan 3) Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Order Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Purchase Price is determined.

The value of the Order Quantity field, multiplied with the value of the Purchase Price field, expressed in the local
currency, is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tdipu001.ccur 2) Session Item - Purchase (tdipu0101m000), Purchase Currency field.
3) cprrp100.item 3) Session Planned Order (cprrp1610m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field and the Purchase Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
Infor April 07, 2020 648
3) cprrp100.dwar 3) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Destination Warehouse field.
4) tcipu001.prip 4) Session Items - Purchase (tdipu0101m000), Purchase Price field.
5) cprrp100.item 5) Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Item field,
6) cprrp100.quan 6) Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Order Quantity field.

Based on the Destination Warehouse field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
Based on the Item field, the Purchase Price is determined.
The value of the Order Quantity field, multiplied with the value of the Purchase Price field, expressed in the
Local Currency, is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) cprrp100.dwar 4) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Destination Warehouse field.

Based on the Destination Warehouse field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) cprrp100.dwar 3) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m0000, Destination Warehouse field.
4) tcipu001.prip 4) Session Items - Purchase (tdipu0101m000), Purchase Price field.
5) cprrp100.item 5) Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Item field,
6) cprrp100.quan 6) Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Order Quantity field.

Based on the Destination Warehouse field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
Based on the Item field, the Purchase Price is determined.

The value of the Order Quantity field, multiplied with the value of the Purchase Price field, expressed in the
Reference currency, is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) cprrp100.dwar 4) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Destination Warehouse field.

Based on the Destination Warehouse field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
cprrp100.carr Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Purchase/Supply tab, Carrier field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcmcs080.cfrw 1) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0180s000), Description field.
2) cprrp100.carr 2) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Purchase/Supply tab, Carrier field.

Based on the Carrier field, the Description field is published.

1) tccom001.nama 1) Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.
2) cprrp100.cplb 2) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Details tab, Planner field.

Based on the Planner field, the Name field is published.

cprrp100.cplb Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Planner field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.
2) cprrp100.cplb 2) Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Details tab, Planner field.

Based on the Planner field, the Name field is published.

1) cprpd000.bapo 1) Session Planning Parameters (cprpd0100m000), Planning Parameters tab, Allow Buyer Assignment on
2) cprrp100.item Planned Purchase Order field.
2) Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Buyer field.

If the Allow Buyer Assignment on Planned Purchase Order field is enabled, the Buyer field is published.
Otherwise, nothing is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 649

1) tccom001.name 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.
2) cprrb100.cplb 2) Session Item - Purchase (tdipu0601m000), Buyer field.
3) cprrp100.item 3) Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field and the Buyer field, the Name field is published.
Always filled with '10'.
cprrp100.item Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Order Item field.

The Order Item field is published without the cluster segment.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.
2) cprrp100.item 2) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Order Item field.

Based on the Order Item field, the Description field is published.

cprrp100.quan Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Order Quantity field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) cprrp100.item 2) Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Order Item field.
3) tcibd001.cuni 3) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Order Item field and the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
cprrp001.cprj Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Planned Order Distribution tab, Project field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
cprrp001.cact Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Planned Order Distribution tab, Activity field.
cprrp001.cspa Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Planned Order Distribution tab, Element field.
cprrp105.rqdt Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Planned Order Distribution tab, Requirement Date field.
cprrp105.oqan Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Planned Order Distribution tab, Ordered Quantity field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) cprrp010.plni 3) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Plan Item field.

Based on the Plan Item field and the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
cprrp105.oqan Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Planned Order Distribution tab, Ordered Quantity field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) cprrp010.plni 3) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Plan Item field.

Based on the Plan Item field and the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tdipu001.prip 1) Session Item - Purchase (tdipu0601m000), Purchase Price field.
2) cprrp100.item 2) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Order Item field.

Based on the Order Item field, the Purchase Price field is published.
1) tcmcs002.icc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tdipu001.ccur 2) Session Items - Purchase (tdipu0101m000), Currency field.
3) cprrp100.item 3) Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Order Item field.

Based on the Order Item field and the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
Always filled with '1'.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) cprrp100.item 2) Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Order Item field.
Infor April 07, 2020 650
3) tcibd001.cuni 3) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Order Item field and the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
cprrp100.prdt Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), General tab, Required Date field.
cprrp100.psdt Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Planned Start Date field.
cprrp100.pfdt Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Planned Finish Date field.

Infor April 07, 2020 651

1) cprpd000.aplc 1) Session EP Parameters (cprpd0100m000), Actual Scenario field.
2) cprrp100.plnc 2) Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Scenario field.
3) cprrp100.type 3) Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Order Type field.
4) cprrp100.orno 4) Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Planned Order field.

This BOD is published when users Create or Update a Planned Order and the Scenario field is equal to the
Actual Scenario field and the Order Type field is equal to 'Planned Distribution Order'.
This BOD is available for FP7 or later.
cprrp100.dwar Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Destination Warehouse field.

Based on the Destination Warehouse field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
cprrp100.dwar Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Destination Warehouse field.

Based on the Destination warehouse field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
cprrp100.orno Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Planned Order field.
cprrp100.trdt Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Details tab, Transaction Date field.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
cprrp100.txta Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
1) cprrp100.osta 1) Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Order Status field.
2) cprrp100.ordr 2) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Order Release field.

If the Order Status field is equal to 'Planned', 'Planned' is published.

If the Order Status field is equal to 'Firm Planned', 'FirmPlanned' is published.
If the Order Status field is equal to 'Confirmed', 'Confirmed' is published.
If the planned order is transferred, 'Transferred' is published.
If the planned order is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
If the Order Release field is equal to 'Not to be released', 'Hold' is published.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
cprrp100.orno Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Planned Order field.

If the planned order is deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.

cprrp100.suwa Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Purchase/Supply tab, Supplying Warehouse field.

The concatenation of 'W' and the Supplying Warehouse is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcmcs003.dsca 1) Session Warehouses - General (tcmcs0103s000), Description field.
2) cprrp100.susi 2) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Purchase/Supply tab, Supplying Site field.
3) cprrp100.suwa 3) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Purchase/Supply tab, Supplying Warehouse field.

Based on the Supplying Site field and the Supplying Warehouse field, the Description field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 652

Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) cprrp100.suwa 2) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Purchase/Supply tab, Supplying Warehouse field.
3) tcmcs003.cadr 3) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Supplying Warehouse field and the Address Code field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) cprrp100.suwa 7) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Purchase/Supply tab, Supplying Warehouse field.
8) tcmcs003.cadr 8) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Supplying Warehouse field and the Address Code field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) cprrp100.suwa 2) Session Planned Order, Supply tab, Supplying Warehouse field.

Based on the Supplying Warehouse field, the House Number field is published.
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) cprrp100.suwa 2) Session Planned Order, Supply tab, Supplying Warehouse field.

Based on the Supplying Warehouse field, the Building name is published.

1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) cprrp100.suwa 2) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Supply tab, Supplying Warehouse field.

Based on the Supplying Warehouse field, the Street field is published.

1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) cprrp001.suwa 2) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Supply tab, Supplying Warehouse field.

Based on the Supplying Warehouse field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) cprrp100.suwa 2) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Supply tab, Suppyling Warehouse field.

Based on the Supplying Warehouse field, the Floor field is published.

1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) cprrp100.suwa 2) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Supplying tab, Supplying Warehouse field.

Based on the Supplying Warehouse field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) cprrp100.suwa 2) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Purchase/Supply tab, Supplying Warehouse field.
3) tcmcs003.cadr 3) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Supplying Warehouse field and the Address Code field, the City field is published.
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) cprrp100.suwa 2) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Purchase/Supply tab, Supplying Warehouse field.
3) tcmcs003.cadr 3) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Supplying Warehouse field and the Address Code field, the State/Province field is published.
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) cprrp100.suwa 3) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Purchase/Supply tab, Supplying Warehouse field.
4) tcmcs003.cadr 4) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Address Code field.

Infor April 07, 2020 653

Based on the Supplying Warehouse field, the Address Code field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2
field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) cprrp100.suwa 2) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Purchase/Supply tab, Supplying Warehouse field.
3) tcmcs003.cadr 3) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Supplying Warehouse field and the Address Code field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is
Always filled with 'Warehouse'.
cprrp100.dwar Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Destination Warehouse field.

The concatenation of 'W' and the Destination Warehouse field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcmcs003.dsca 1) Session Warehouses - General (tcmcs0103s000), Description field.
2) cprrp100.dwar 2) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Destination Warehouse field.

Based on the Destination Warehouse field, the Description field is published.

Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) cprrp100.dwar 2) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Destination Warehouse field.
3) tcmcs003.cadr 3) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Destination Warehouse field and the Address Code field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) cprrp100.dwar 7) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Destination Warehouse field.
8) tcmcs003.cadr 8) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Destination Warehouse field and the Address Code field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) cprrp00.dwar 2) Session Plannede Order (cprrp1600m000), General tab, Destination Warehouse field.

Based on the Destination Warehouse field, the House Number field is published.
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) cprrp1600m000 2) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), General tab, Destination Warehouse field.

Based on the Destination Warehouse field, the Building field is published.

1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) cprrp100.dwar 2) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), General tab, Destination Warehouse field.

Based on the Destination Warehouse field, the Street field is published.

1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) cprrp100.dwar 2) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), General tab, Destination Warehouse field.

Based on the Destination Warehouse field, the Unit field is published.


Infor April 07, 2020 654

1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) cprrp100.dwar 2) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), General tab, Destination Warehouse field.

Based on the Destination Warehouse field, the Floor field is published.

1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) cprrp100.dwar 2) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Selling tab, Destination Warehouse field.

Based on the Destination Warehouse field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) cprrp100.dwar 2) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Destination Warehouse field.
3) tcmcs003.cadr 3) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Destination Warehouse field and the Address Code field, the City field is published.
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) cprrp100.dwar 2) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Destination Warehouse field.
3) tcmcs003.cadr 3) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Destination Warehouse field and the Address Code field, the State/Province field is published.
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) cprrp100.dwar 3) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Destination Warehouse field.
4) tcmcs003.cadr 4) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Destination Warehouse field, the Address Code field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2
field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) cprrp100.dwar 2) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Destination Warehouse field.
3) tcmcs003.cadr 3) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Destination Warehouse field and the Address Code field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is
cprrp100.cplb Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Details tab, Planner field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) cprrp100.cplb 1) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Details tab, Planner field.
2) tccom001.nama 2) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the Planner field, the Name field is published.

cprrp100.carr Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Purchase/Supply tab, Carrier field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcmcs080.dsca 1) Session Carriers/LSP (tcmcs0180s000), Description field.
2) cprrp100.carr 2) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Purchase/Supply tab, Carrier field.

Based on the Carrier field, the Description field is published.

Always filled with '10'.
cprrp100.item Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Order Item field.

The Order Item field is published without the cluster segment.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.
2) cprrp100.item 2) Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Order Item field.

Based on the Order Item field, the Description field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 655

cprrp100.quan Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Order Quantity field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.

Based on the Order Quantity field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
cprrp105.lpon Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Planned Order Distribution tab, Line field.
cprrp001.cprj Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Planned Order Distribution tab, Project field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
cprrp001.cact Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Planned Order Distribution tab, Activity field.
cprrp001.cspa Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Planned Order Distribution tab, Element field.
cprrp105.rqdt Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Planned Order Distribution tab, Requirement Date field.
cprrp105.oqan Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Planned Order Distribution tab, Ordered Quantity field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) cprrp001.item 3) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Plan Item field.

Based on the Plan Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
cprrp105.oqan Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Planned Order Distribution tab, Ordered Quantity field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) cprrp001.item 3) Session Planned Order (cprrp1600m000), Order Item field.

Based on the Order Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) cprrp100.quan 2) Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Order Quantity field.
3) cprrp100.item 3) Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Order Item field.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

Based on the Order Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
The Order Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) cprrp100.item 3) Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Order Item field.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

Based on the Order Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
cprrp100.prdt Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Required Date field.
cprrp100.psdt Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Planned Start Date field.
cprrp100.pfdt Session Planned Orders (cprrp1100m000), Planned Finish Date field.

Infor April 07, 2020 656

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2.1 or later.

This BOD is published when a Sales Release (tdsls3512m000) with Release Type 'Material Release' is
successfully processed into a Sales Schedule and there are no Terms And Condition Lines (tctrm1620m000) for
which the Synchronize CUMS field is set for either an item or ship-to business partner specified on one of the
Sales Release Lines (tdsls3612m000).
1) tdsls312.rlno 1) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Release field.
2) tdsls312.rlrv 2) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Release Revision field.

The concatenation of the Release field and the Release Revision field is published.
1) tdsls312.rlno 1) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Release field.
2) tdsls312.rlrv 2) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Release Revision field.

Based on the Release field and the Revision field, the accountingEntity field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
1) tdsls312.rlno 1) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Release field.
2) tdsls312.rlrv 2) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Release Revision field.

Based on the Release field and the Revision field, the accountingEntity field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tdsls312.rlrv Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Release Revision field.
tdsls312.crln Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Customer Release field.
tdsls312.crlr Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Customer Revision field.
1) tdsls312.rlno 1) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Release field.
2) tdsls312.rlrv 2) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Release Revision field.

The concatenation of the Release field and the Release Revision field is published.
Always filled with the current time.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

tdsls312.egdt Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Generation Date field.
tdsls312.txta Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
Always filled with 'Processed'.
Always filled with ''false''.
tdsls312.fohs Session Sales Release (tdsls3612m000), Forecast Horizon Start field.
tdsls312.fohe Session Sales Release (tdsls3612m000), Forecast Horizon End field.
tdsls312.sodb Session Sales Release (tdsls3612m000), Shipment/Receipt field.
Always filled with 'Material'.
tdsls312.stbp Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Ship-to BP field.

Infor April 07, 2020 657

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) tdsls312.stbp 2) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Ship-to BP field.

Based on the Ship-to BP field, the Name field is published.

Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tdsls312.stad 2) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Name field is published.

1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tdsls312.stad 7) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tdsls312.stad 2) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the House Number field is published.
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tdsls312.stad 2) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Building field is published.

1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tdsls312.stad 2) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Street field is published.

1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tdsls312.stad 2) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Unit field is published.

1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tdsls312.stad 2) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Floor field is published.

1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tdsls312.stad 2) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the City field is published.

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tdsls312.stad 2) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the State/Province field is published.

1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tdsls312.stad 3) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Ship-to Address field.

Infor April 07, 2020 658

Based on the Ship-to Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tdsls312.stad 2) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
lways filled with 'Planning Schedule'.
tdsls312.ofbp Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Sold-to BP field.
This element is mandatory.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) tdsls312.ofbp 2) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Sold-to BP field.

Based on the Sold-to BP field, the Name field is published.

1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tccom110.cadr 2) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Address field.
3) tdsls312.ofbp 3) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Sold-to BP field.

Based on the Sold-to BP field, the Address field is determined.

Based on the Address field, the Name field is published.
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tccom110.cadr 2) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Address field.
3) tdsls312.ofbp 3) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Sold-to BP field.

Based on the Sold-to BP field, the Address field is determined.

Based on the Address field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tccom110.cadr 7) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Address field.
8) tdsls312.ofbp 8) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Sold-to BP field.

Based on the Sold-to BP field, the Address field is determined.

Based on the Address field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tccom110.cadr 2) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Address field.
3) tdsls312.ofbp 3) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Sold-to BP field.

Based on the Sold-to BP field, the Address field is determined.

Based on the Address field, the House Number field is published.
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tccom110.cadr 2) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Address field.
3) tdsls312.ofbp 3) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Sold-to BP field.

Based on the Sold-to BP field, the Address field is determined.

Based on the Address field, the House Number field is published.
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tccom110.cadr 2) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Address field.

Infor April 07, 2020 659

3) tdsls312.ofbp 3) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Sold-to BP field.

Based on the Sold-to BP field, the Address field is determined.

Based on the Address field, the Building field is published.
1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tccom110.cadr 2) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Address field.
3) tdsls312.ofbp 3) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Sold-to BP field.

Based on the Sold-to BP field, the Address field is determined.

Based on the Address field, the Unit field is published.
1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tccom110.cadr 2) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Address field.
) tdsls312.ofbp 3) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Sold-to BP field.

Based on the Sold-to BP field, the Address field is determined.

Based on the Address field, the Floor field is published.
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tccom110.cadr 2) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Address field.
3) tdsls312.ofbp 3) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Sold-to BP field.

Based on the Sold-to BP field, the Address field is determined.

Based on the Address field, the State/Province field is published.
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tccom110.cadr 3) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Address field.
4) tdsls312.ofbp 4) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Sold-to BP field.

Based on the Sold-to BP field, the Address field is determined.

Based on the Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tccom110.cadr 2) Session Sold-to Business Partner (tccom4110s000), Address field.
3) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Sold-to BP field.

Based on the Sold-to BP field, the Address field is determined.

Based on the Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
tdsls315.rpon Session Sales Release Line Details (tdsls3515m000), Release Position field.
tdsls308.txta Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Requirements tab, Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
1) tdsls308.stat 1) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Reference tab, Status field.

If the Status field is equal to 'Created' or 'Processing', 'Open' is published.

If the Status field is equal to 'Processed', 'Closed' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Exception', 'Cancelled' is published.

For Infor LN 10.4.2 or later:

- If the Status field is equal to 'Superseded', 'Open' is published.
tdsls315.ctyp Session Sales Release Line Details (tdsls3515m000), Reference tab, Customer Requirement Type field.
1) tdsls308.item 1) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Requirements tab, Item field.
2) tdsls308.citm 2) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Requirements tab, Customer Item field.
3) tdsls308.citt 3) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Requirements tab, Item Code System field.
4) tcibd004.aitc 4) Session Item Codes by Item Code System (tcibd0504m000), Business Partner Item Code field.
5) tdsls308.stbp 5) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Reference tab, Ship-to BP field.
6) tdsls312.ofbp 6) Session Sales Releases (tdsls3512m000), Sold-to BP field.

1. The Item field is published.

2. Based on the Item field, the Item Code System field, the Ship-to BP field and the Sold-to BP field, the
Business Partner Item Code field is published. If the Business Partner Item Code field cannot be determined,
the Customer Item field is published.
tdsls308.qilr Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), CUMs tab, Last Receipt Quantity field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data tab, Inventory Unit field.
3) tdsls308.item 3) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Requirements tab, Item field.

Infor April 07, 2020 660

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.
Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of unit is published
tdsls308.lrdt Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), CUMs tab, Last Receipt Date field.
tdsls308.lsid Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), CUMs tab, Last Shipment field.
tdsls308.lsid Session Saels Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Last Shipment field.

Based on the Last Shipment field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tdsls308.lsid Session Saels Release Lines, CUMs tab, Last Shipment field.

Based on the Last Shipment field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
tdsls308.stbp Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Reference tab, Ship-to BP field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) tdsls308.stbp 2) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Reference tab, Ship-to BP field.

Based on the Ship-to BP field, the Name field is published.

1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tdsls308.stad 7) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Reference tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tdsls308.stad 2) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Reference tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Name field is published.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tdsls308.stad 2) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Reference tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the House Number field is published.
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tdsls308.stad 2) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Reference tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Building field is published.

1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tdsls308.stad 2) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Reference tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Street field is published.

1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tdsls308.stad 2) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Reference tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Unit field is published.


Infor April 07, 2020 661

1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tdsls308.stad 2) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Reference tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Floor field is published.

1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tdsls308.stad 2) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Reference tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tdsls308.stad 2) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Reference tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the City field is published.

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tdsls308.stad 2) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Reference tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the State/Province field is published.

1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tdsls308.stad 3) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Reference tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tdsls308.stad 2) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Reference tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
tdsls315.rpon Session Sales Release Line Details (tdsls3515m000), Release Position field.
tdsls313.tiun Session Sales Release Line Details (tdsls3515m000), Requirements tab, Time Unit field.
tdsls315.sdat Session Sales Release Line Details, Requirements tab, Start Date field.
tdsls315.edat Session Sales Release Line Details, Requirements tab, End Date field.
tdsls315.qoor Session Sales Release Line Details (tdsls3515m000), Requirements tab, Quantity field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tdsls315.cuqs 2) Session Sales Release Line Details (tdsls3515m000), Requirements tab, Quantity Unit field.

Based on the Quantity Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tdsls315.item 2) Session Sales Release Line Details (tdsls3515m000), Requirements tab, Item field.
3) tdsls315.qoor 3) Session Sales Release Line Details (tdsls3515m000), Requirements tab, Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tdsls315.item 3) Session Sales Release Line Details (tdsls3515m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
tdsls315.ctyp Session Sales Release Line Details (tdsls3515m000), Reference tab, Customer Requirement Type field.
1) tdsls315.cchn 1) Session Sales Release Line Details (tdsls3515m000), Reference tab, Customer Schedule field.
2) tdsls315.refe 2) Session Sales Release Line Details (tdsls3515m000), Reference tab, Reference field.
3) tdsls315.refs 3) Session Sales Release Line Details (tdsls3515m000), Reference tab, Shipment Reference field.
4) tdsls315.prfa 4) Session Sales Release Line Details (tdsls3515m000), Reference tab, Packaging Reference A field.
5) tdsls315.prfb 5) Session Sales Release Line Details (tdsls3515m000), Reference tab, Packaging Reference B field.
6) tdsls315.dlpt 6) Session Sales Release Line Details (tdsls3515m000), Reference tab, Delivery Point field.
7) tdsls315.citr 7) Session Sales Release Line Details (tdsls3515m000), Requirements tab, Customer Item Revision field.
8) tdsls315.adin 8) Session Sales Release Line Details (tdsls3515m000), Additional Information tab, Additional Information (2)
9) tcstl200.tabl field.
10) tcstl200.fldn 9) Session Additional Information Definitions (tcstl2100m000), Table field.
10) Session Additional Information Definitions (tcstl2100m000), Field Name field.

For the Customer Schedule field:

Infor April 07, 2020 662
- If the Customer Schedule field is filled, 'DelInstrNumber' is published.
For the Reference field:
- If the is Reference field filled, 'Reference' is published.
For the Shipment Reference field:
- If the Shipment Reference field is filled, 'ShipmentReference' is published.
For the Packaging Reference A field:
- If the Packaging Reference A field is filled, 'ContainerReferenceA' is published.
For the Packaging Reference B field:
- If the Packaging Reference B field is filled, 'ContainerReferenceB' is published.
For the Delivery Point field:
- If the Delivery Point field is filled, 'Dock' is published.
For the Customer Item Revision field:
- If the Customer Item Revision field is filled, 'RevisionLevel' is published.
If the Additional Information (2) field is filled and the Table field is equal to 'tdsls315', the description of the
Additional Information (2) published.
1) tdsls315.cchn 1) Session Sales Release Line Details (tdsls3515m000), Reference tab, Customer Schedule field.
2) tdsls315.refe 2) Session Sales Release Line Details (tdsls3515m000), Reference tab, Reference field.
3) tdsls315.refs 3) Session Sales Release Line Details (tdsls3515m000), Reference tab, Shipment Reference field.
4) tdsls315.prfa 4) Session Sales Release Line Details (tdsls3515m000), Reference tab, Packaging Reference A field.
5) tdsls315.prfb 5) Session Sales Release Line Details (tdsls3515m000), Reference tab, Packaging Reference B field.
6) tdsls315.dlpt 6) Session Sales Release Line Details (tdsls3515m000), Reference tab, Delivery Point field.
7) tdsls315.citr 7) Session Sales Release Line Details (tdsls3515m000), Requirements tab, Customer Item Revision field.
8) tdsls315.adin 8) Session Sales Release Line Details (tdsls3515m000), Additional Information tab, Additional Information (2)
9) tcstl200.tabl field.
10) tcstl200.fldn 9) Session Additional Information Definitions (tcstl2100m000), Table field.
10) Session Additional Information Definitions (tcstl2100m000), Field Name field.

For the Schedule field:

For the Customer Schedule field:
- If the Customer Schedule field is filled, 'DelInstrNumber' is published.
For the Reference field:
- If the is Reference field filled, 'Reference' is published.
For the Shipment Reference field:
- If the Shipment Reference field is filled, 'ShipmentReference' is published.
For the Packaging Reference A field:
- If the Packaging Reference A field is filled, 'ContainerReferenceA' is published.
For the Packaging Reference B field:
- If the Packaging Reference B field is filled, 'ContainerReferenceB' is published.
For the Delivery Point field:
- If the Delivery Point field is filled, 'Dock' is published.
For the Customer Item Revision field:
- If the Customer Item Revision field is filled, 'RevisionLevel' is published.
If the Additional Information (2) field is filled and the Table field is equal to 'tdsls315', the description of the
Additional Information (2) published.
tdsls308.csdt Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), CUMs tab, Customer CUMs Reset Date field.
tdsls308.qicr Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), CUMs tab, Received CUM field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data tab, Inventory Unit field.
3) tdsls308.item 3) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Requirements tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of unit is published
tdsls308.qics Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), CUMs tab, Shipped CUM field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data tab, Inventory Unit field.
3) tdsls308.item 3) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Requirements tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of unit is published
1) tdsls308.schn 1) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Reference tab, Schedule field.
2) tdsls308.revn 2) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Reference tab, Schedule Revision field.
3) tdsls308.crln 3) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Reference tab, Customer Release field.
4) tdsls308.crlr 4) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Reference tab, Customer Release Revision field.
5) tdsls308.cpon 5) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Reference tab, Customer Release Position field.
6) tdsls308.corn 6) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Reference tab, Customer Order field.
7) tdsls308.ccrf 7) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Reference tab, Customer Contract Reference field.
8) tdsls308.adin 8) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Additional Information tab, Additional Information (1) field.

For the Schedule field:

Infor April 07, 2020 663

- If the Schedule field is fiiled, 'Schedule' is published.
For the Schedule Revision field:
- If the Schedule Revision field is filled, 'Schedule Revision' is published.
For the Customer Release field:
- If the Customer Release field is filled, 'Customer Release' is published.
For the Customer Release Revision field:
- If the Customer Release Revision field is filled, 'Customer Release Revision' is published.
For the Customer Order field:
- If the Customer Order field is filled, 'CustomerOrderNumber' is published.
For the Customer Contract Reference field:
- If the Customer Contract Reference is filled, 'CustomerContractNumber' is published.
If the Additional Information (1) field is filled and the Table field is equal to 'tdsls308', the description of the
Additional Information (1) published.
1) tdsls308.schn 1) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Reference tab, Schedule field.
2) tdsls308.revn 2) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Reference tab, Schedule Revision field.
3) tdsls308.crln 3) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Reference tab, Customer Release field.
4) tdsls308.crlr 4) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Reference tab, Customer Release Revision field.
5) tdsls308.cpon 5) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Reference tab, Customer Release Position field.
6) tdsls308.corn 6) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Reference tab, Customer Order field.
7) tdsls308.ccrf 7) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Reference tab, Customer Contract Reference field.
8) tdsls308.adin 8) Session Sales Release Lines (tdsls3508m000), Additional Information tab, Additional Information (1) field.

For the Schedule field:

- If the Schedule field is fiiled, 'StringType' is published.
For the Schedule Revision field:
- If the Schedule Revision field is filled, 'StringType' is published.
For the Customer Release field:
- If the Customer Release field is filled, 'StringType' is published.
For the Customer Release Revision field:
- If the Customer Release Revision field is filled, 'StringType' is published.
For the Customer Order field:
- If the Customer Order field is filled, 'StringType' is published.
For the Customer Contract Reference field:
- If the Customer Contract Reference is filled, 'StringType' is published.
If the Additional Information (1) field is filled and the Table field is equal to 'tdsls308', 'StringType' is published.
tdsls308.pcdt Session Sales Release Line Details (tdsls3515m000), Reference tab, Processing Date field.

Infor April 07, 2020 664

1) bobod100.ostg 1) Session BOD Implementation Registration (bobod1100m000), Staging field.
2) tdpcg000.sdpb 2) Session Pricing Parameters (tdpcg0100m000), Sales tab, Default Sales Price Book field.
3) tdpcg000.sspb 3) Session Pricing Parameters (tdpcg0100m000), Sales tab, Default Service Price Book field.
4) tdpcg031.prbk 4) Session Price Book Lines (tdpcg0131m000), Price Book field.

This BOD is staged when the Default Sales Price Book field or the Default Service Price Book field is changed.

Also a BOD is staged if a Price Book Line is added, changed or deleted and the Price Book field is equal to the
Default Sales Price Book field or the Default Service Price Book field.

This BOD can only be published with session Publish Staged BODs (bobod2200m000).

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.

1) tdpcg000.sdpb 1) Session Pricing Parameters (tdpcg0100m000), Sales tab, Default Sales Price Book field.
2) tdpcg000.sspb 2) Session Pricing Parameters (tdpcg0100m000), Sales tab, Default Service Price Book field.

If the Default Sales Price Book field is filled or changed, 'Sales' is published.
If the Default Service Price Book field is filled or changed, 'Service' is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tdpcg011.prbk Session Price Books (tdpcg0111m000), Price Book field.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
tdpcg011.dsca Session Price Books (tdpcg0111m000), Description field.
Always filled with 'Open'.
1) tdpcg000.sdpb 1) Session Pricing Parameters (tdpcg0100m000), Sales tab, Default Sales Price Book field.
2) tdpcg000.sspb 2) Session Pricing Parameters (tdpcg0100m000), Sales tab, Default Service Price Book field.

If the Default Sales Price Book field is filled or changed, 'Sales' is published.
If the Default Service Price Book field is filled or changed, 'Service' is published.
For each Price Book Line record, the LineNumber is increased with 1.
tdpcg031.item Session Price Book Lines (tdpcg0131m000), Item field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.
2) tdpcg031.item 2) Session Price Book Lines (tdpcg0131m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Description field is published.

tdpcg031.perc Session Price Book Lines (tdpcg0131m000), Percentage field.
1) tdpcg031.bapr 1) Session Price Book Lines (tdpcg0131m000), Price field.
2) tdpcg031.prpc 2) Session Price Book Lines (tdpcg0131m000), Price / Percentage field.

Infor April 07, 2020 665

If the Price / Percentage field is equal to 'Price', the Price field is published.
Otherwise, nothing is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tdpcg031.curn 2) Session Price Book Lines (tdpcg0131m000), Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tdpcg031.miqt Session Price Book Lines (tdpcg0131m000), Break Value field.
tdpcg031.qtun Session Price Book Lines (tdpcg0131m000), Break Value Unit field.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tdpcg031.item 2) Session Price Book Lines (tdpcg0131m000), Item field.
3) tdpcg031.miqt 3) Session Price Book Lines (tdpcg0131m000), Break Value field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Break Value field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tdpcg031.item 3) Session Price Book Lines (tdpcg0131m000), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
tdpcg031.refa Session Price Book Lines (tdpcg0131m000), Reference field.
tdpcg031.dssc Session Price Book Lines (tdpcg0131m000), Discount Schedule field.
Always filled with 'Open'.
tdpcg031.efdt Session Price Book Lines (tdpcg0131m000), Effective Date field.
tdpcg031.efdt Session Price Book Lines (tdpcg0131m000), Effective Date field.
tdpcg031.exdt Session Price Book Lines (tdpcg0131m000), Expiry Date field.
tdpcg012.dssc Session Discount Schedules (tdpcg0112m000), Discount Schedule field.
Always filled with 'Open'.
tdpcg021.efdt Session Discount Schedules (tdpcg0121m000), Effective Date field.
tdpcg021.efdt Session Discount Schedules (tdpcg0121m000), Effective Date field.
tdpcg021.exdt Session Discount Schedules (tdpcg0121m000), Expiry Date field.
1) tdpcg012.scty 1) Session Discount Schedules (tdpcg0112m000), Schedule Type field.
2) tdpcg021.bval 2) Session Discount Schedules (tdpcg0121m000), Break Value field.

If the Schedule Type field is equal to 'Quantity Break', the Break Value field is published.
Otherwise, nothing is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tdpcg012.qtun 2) Session Discount Schedules (tdpcg0112m000), Qty Unt field.

Based on the Qty Unt field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tdpcg021.item 2) Session Discount Schedules (tdpcg0121m000), Premium field.
3) tdpcg021.bval 3) Session Discount Schedules (tdpcg0121m000), Break Value field.

Based on the Premium field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Break Value field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tdpcg021.item 3) Session Discount Schedules (tdpcg0121m000), Premium field.
Based on the Premium field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tdpcg012.scty 1) Session Discount Schedules (tdpcg0112m000), Schedule Type field.
2) tdpcg021.bval 2) Session Discount Schedules (tdpcg0121m000), Break Value field.

Infor April 07, 2020 666

If the Schedule Type field is equal to 'Value Break', the Break Value field is published.
Otherwise, nothing is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tdpcg021.curn 2) Session Discount Schedules (tdpcg0121m000), Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tdpcg021.bval 3) Session Discount Schedules (tdpcg0121m000), Break Value field.

Based on the Logistic Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Break Value field expressed in Local Currency is published.

If the Break Value field is equal to '0.0', nothing is published.

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tdpcg021.bval 3) Session Discount Schedules (tdpcg0121m000), Break Value field.

Based on the Logistic Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Break Value field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

If the Break Value field is equal to '0.0', nothing is published.

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tdpcg021.damt Session Discount Schedules (tdpcg0121m000), Amount field.

If the Amount field is equal to '0.0', nothing is published.

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tdpcg021.curn 2) Session Discount Schedules (tdpcg0121m000), Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tdpcg021.damt 3) Session Discount Schedules (tdpcg0121m000), Amount field.

Based on the Logistic Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

The Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.

If the Amount field is equal to '0.0', nothing is published.

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tdpcg021.damt 3) Session Discount Schedules (tdpcg0121m000), Amount field.

Based on the Logistic Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

If the Amount field is equal to '0.0', nothing is published.

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 667
Session Discount Schedules (tdpcg0121m000), Percentage field.

If the Percentage field is equal to '0.0', nothing is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 668

For SFC:
Always filled with 'ShopFloor'.

For ASC:
Always filled with 'Assembly'.

For SOC:
Always filled with 'Maintenance'.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc001.pdno Session Production Order (tisfc0101m100), Production Order field.

For ASC: The concatenation of '1' and the Production Order field is published.
This BOD is published when users Generate, Update or Delete the Production Order and the order is not
For SOC: definitively closed or archived.
For ASC:
Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), General tab, Assembly Order field.

The concatenation of '9' and the Assembly Order field is published.

This BOD is published when users Change the Assembly Order Status.

For SOC:
Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), General tab, Service Order field.

The concatenation of '17' and the Service Order field is published.

This BOD is published when users Change the Service Order Status and the Service Order has one or more
activity lines and the Service Order is a integration order.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc001.clco Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Costing tab, Calculation Office field.

For ASC: Based on the Calculation Office field, the accountingEntity field is published.
tiasc200.clco Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For SOC: For ASC:

tssoc200.fdpt Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), Order tab, Costing Data group, Calculation Office field.

Based on the Calculation Office field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For SOC:
Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), Financial Department field.

Based on the Financial Department field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc001.clco Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Costing tab, Calculation Office field.

For ASC: Based on the Calculation Office field, the location field is published.
tiasc200.clco Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For SOC: For ASC:

tssoc200.fdpt Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), Order tab, Costing Data group, Calculation Office field.

Based on the Calculation Office field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For SOC:
Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), Financial Department field.

Based on the Financial Department field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc001.pdno Session Production Order (tisfc0101m100), Production Order field.

For ASC: For ASC:

tiasc200.asso Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), General tab, Assembly Order field.

Infor April 07, 2020 669

For SOC: For SOC:
tssoc200.orno Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), General tab, Service Order field.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc001.efdt Session Production Order (tisfc0101m100), Reference Date field.

For ASC: For ASC:

tiasc200.cfdt Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), General tab, Product Variant group, Reference Date field.

For SOC: For SOC:

tssoc200.ordt Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), Times tab, Order Date field.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc001.txta Session Production Order (tisfc0101m100), Order group, Text field.

For SOC: For SOC:

tssoc200.txta Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), General tab, Control group, Order Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc001.spcn Session Production Order (tisfc0101m100), Order group, Specification field.

For ASC: If Specification field is filled, 'SalesOrder' is published.

For ASC:
Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), Order tab, Demand Order group, Demand Order field.

If the Demand Order field is filled, 'SalesOrder' is published.

For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.spcn 1) Session Production Order (tisfc0101m100), Order group, Specification field.
2) tcibd420.albo 2) Session Specification (tcibd4120m000), Name field and Value field.

For ASC: Based on the Specification field, the Name field and Value field are determined.
1) tiasc200.dord
2) tiasc200.dotp If the Value field of Name field 'Business Object Type' is equal to 'Sales Order', the Value field of Name field
'Business Object' is published.

For ASC:
1) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), Order tab, Demand Order group, Demand Order field.
2) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), Order tab, Demand Order group, Demand Order Type field.

If the Demand Order Type field is filled with 'Sales Order', the Demand Order field is published.
tdsls400.fdpt Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Financial Department field.

Based on the Financial Department field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tdsls400.fdpt For SFC:
Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Financial Department field.

Based on the Financial Department field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For ASC:
Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Financial Department field.

Infor April 07, 2020 670

Based on the Financial Department field, the location field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.spcn 1) Session Production Order (tisfc0101m100), Order group, Specification field.
2) tcibd420.abor 2) Session Specification (tcibd4120m000), Name field and Value field.

For ASC: Based on the Specification field, the Name field and Value field are determined.
1) tiasc200.dopo
2) tiasc200.dotp If the Value field of Name field 'Business Object Type' is equal to 'Sales Order', the Value field of Name field
'Business Object Reference' is published.

For ASC:
1) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), Order tab, Demand Order group, Position field.
2) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), Order tab, Demand Order group, Type field.

If the Type field is filled with 'Sales Order', Position field is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.osta 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Order Status field.
2) tisfc001.bloc 2) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Planning group, Operations Blocked field.

For ASC: If the Order Status field is equal to 'Planned', 'Scheduled' or 'Documents Printed', 'Planned' is published.
1) tiasc200.cncl If the Order Status field is equal to 'Released', 'Released' is published.
2) tiasc200.bloc If the Order Status field is equal to 'Active', 'Active' is published.
3) tiasc200.asst If the Order Status field is equal to 'To be Completed' or 'Completed', 'Completed' is published.
If the Order Status field is equal to 'Closed', 'Closed' is published.
For SOC: If the Order Status field is equal to 'Archived', 'History' is published.
If the Operations Blocked field is checked, 'Stopped' is published.
If the production order is deleted, 'Canceled' is published.

For ASC:
1) Not displayed in any session, Canceled field.
2) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), General tab, Status group, Blocked field.
3) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), General tab, Status group, Assembly Order Status field.

If the Assembly Order is equal to 'Canceled', 'Canceled' is published.

If the Assembly Order is equal to 'Blocked', 'Stopped' is published.

If the Assembly Order is not 'Canceled' or 'Blocked', based on the

Assembly Order Status field, one of the following statuses is published:
If the Assembly Order Status field is equal to 'Planned', 'Planned' is published.
If the Assembly Order Status field is equal to 'Sequenced', 'Released' is published.
If the Assembly Order Status field is equal to 'In Progress' or 'To be Completed', 'Active' is published.
If the Assembly Order Status field is equal to 'Canceled', 'Canceled' is published.
If the Assembly Order Status field is equal to 'Completed', 'Completed' is published.
If the Assembly Order Status field is equal to 'Closed', 'Closed' is published.

For SOC:
Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), General tab, Order Status field.

Based on the Order Status field, one of the following statuses is published:

If the Order Status field is equal to 'Free', nothing is published.

If the Order Status field is equal to 'Planned', 'Planned' is published.
If the Order Status field is equal to 'Released', 'Released' is published.
If the Order Status field is equal to 'Completed' or 'Costed', 'Completed' is published.
If the Order Status field is equal to 'Closed', 'Closed' is published.
If the Order Status field is equal to 'Canceled' or 'Rejected', 'Canceled' is published.
Always filled with 'Production Order Status'.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.osta 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Order Status field.
2) tisfc001.prdt 2) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Planning group, Production Start (1) field.
3) tisfc001.apdt 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Planning tab, Actual Dates group, Production Start (2) field.
4) tisfc001.cmdt 4) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Planning tab, Actual Dates group, Completion field.
5) tisfc001.adld 5) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Planning tab, Actual Dates group, Actual Delivery Date field.
6) tisfc001.cldt 6) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Planning tab, Actual Dates group, Closing field.

For ASC: If the Order Status field is equal to 'Planned', 'Scheduled', 'Documents Printed' or 'Released', the Production
1) tiasc200.asst Start (1) field is published.
2) tiasc200.cncl If the Order Status field is equal to 'Active', the Production Start (2) field is published.
3) tiasc200.bloc If the Order Status field is equal to 'To be Completed', the Completion field is published.
4) tiasc200.adld If the Order Status field is equal to 'Completed', the Actual Delivery Date field is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 671
If the Order Status field is equal to 'Closed' or 'Archived', the Closing field is published.
For SOC:
tssoc200.osta For ASC:
1) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), General tab, Status group, Assembly Order Status field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Canceled field.
3) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), General tab, Status group, Blocked field.
4) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), Planning tab, Delivery Dates group, Actual Delivery Date field.

If the Assembly Order Status is equal to 'Planned', 'Sequenced', 'In Progress', 'To be Completed', or 'Cancelled',
the UTC number of the Date and Time is published.
If the Assembly Order Status is equal to 'Canceled' or 'Blocked', the UTC number of the Date and Time is
If the Assembly Order Status is equal to 'Completed' or 'Closed', Actual Delivery Date field is published.

For SOC:
Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), General tab, Order Status field.

If Order Status is equal to 'Planned', 'Released', 'Completed', 'Costed', 'Closed', 'Cancelled' or 'Rejected',
the UTC number of the Date and Time is published.
For SOC: For SOC:
tssoc200.cdis Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), General tab, Control group, Cancel Reason field.
For SOC:
Always filled with 'Production Order Reasons'.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc001.defc Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Costing tab, Setup group, Definitively Closed field

For ASC: If the production order is deleted or the Definitively Closed field is checked, 'true' is published.
tiasc200.asst Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For SOC: For ASC:

tssoc200.osta Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), General tab, Status group, Assembly Order Status field.

If the Assembly Order Status field is equal to 'Closed', 'false' is published.

For SOC:
Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), Status field.

If the Order Status field is equal to 'Closed', 'false' is published.

For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.mitm 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.
2) tisfc001.opro 2) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Routing field.

The concatenation of the Item field and the Routing field is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.2.1 or later.

For SFC:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For SFC:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For SFC:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc001.prcd Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Planning tab, Priority field.

For ASC: For ASC:

tiasc200.prio Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), General tab, Status group, Priority field.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc001.qrdr Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Ordered field.

For ASC:
Always filled with '1'.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.mitm 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) tcmcs001.icun 3) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.

For ASC: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.

Infor April 07, 2020 672

1) tcmcs001.icun Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit field is published.
2) tcibd001.cuni
3) tiasc200.item For ASC:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), General tab, Item group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc005.dlin Session Production Order Distribution (tisfc0105m000), Distribution tab, Line field.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc005.cprj Session Production Order Distribution (tisfc0105m000), Distribution tab, Project field.
For SFC:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For SFC:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For SFC:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc005.cact Session Production Order Distribution (tisfc0105m000), Distribution tab, Activity field.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc005.cspa Session Production Order Distribution (tisfc0105m000), Distribution tab, Element field.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tisfc001.mitm 2) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.
3) tisfc005.qntl 3) Session Production Order Distribution (tisfc0105m000), Details tab, Quantity Initial field.
4) tisfc005.qrdr 4) Session Production Order Distribution (tisfc0105m000), Details tab, Quantity Ordered field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

If the Quantity Initial field is equal to zero, the Quantity Ordered field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
Otherwise, the Quantity Initial field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.mitm 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) tcmcs001.icun 3) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tisfc001.mitm 2) Session Production Order (tisfc0101m100), Item field.
3) tisfc001.qrdr 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Quantities group, Ordered field.

For ASC: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
1) tcibd001.cuni
2) tiasc200.item The Ordered field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For ASC:
1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), General tab, Item group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

'1' expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tisfc001.mitm 3) Session Production Order (tisfc0101m100), Item field.

Infor April 07, 2020 673

For ASC: Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
3) tiasc200.item
For ASC:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), General tab, Item group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc001.qrdr Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Quantity Ordered field.

For ASC:
Always filled with '1'.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.mitm 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) tcmcs001.icun 3) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.

For ASC: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.
1) tcmcs001.icun Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit field is published.
2) tcibd001.cuni
3) tiasc200.item For ASC:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), General tab, Item group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tisfc001.mitm 2) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.
3) tisfc001.qrdr 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Quantity Ordered field.

For ASC: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
1) tcibd001.cuni
2) tiasc200.item The Quantity Ordered field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For ASC:
1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), General tab, Item group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

'1' expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tisfc001.mitm 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.

For ASC: Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
3) tiasc200.item
For ASC:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), General tab, Item group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.apdt 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Planning tab, Production Start field.
2) tisfc010.asdt 2) Not displayed in any session, Actual Start Date field.

For ASC: If the Production Order has no operations, the Production Start field is published.
tiasc210.acst Otherwise, the latest Actual Start Date field is published.

For SOC: For ASC:

Infor April 07, 2020 674
tssoc200.pstm Session Assembly Order - Line Station Orders (tiasc2510m000), Planning tab, Planning group, Actual (Start
Time) field.

If the Actual (Start Time) field is filled, the Actual field of first Line Station Orders (minimum Actual Start Time of
Assembly Order) is published.

For SOC:
Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), Times tab, Planned group, Planned Start Time field.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc001.cmdt Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Planning tab, Completion field.

For ASC: For ASC:

tiasc210.acet Session Assembly Order - Line Station Orders (tiasc2510m000), Planning tab, Planning group, Actual (End
Time) field.
For SOC:
tssoc200.pftm If the Actual (End Time) field is filled, the Actual field of last Line Station Orders (maximum Actual End Time of
Assembly Order) is published.

For SOC:
Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), Times tab, Planned group, Planned Finish Time field.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc001.prdt Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Planning group, Production Start field.

For ASC: For ASC:

tiasc210.plst Session Assembly Order - Line Station Orders (tiasc2510m000), Planning tab, Planning group, Planned Start
Time field.

If the Planned Start Time field is filled, the Planned Start Time field of first Line Station Orders (minimum
Planned Start Time of Assembly Order) is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc001.pldt Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Planning group, Planned Delivery field.

For ASC: For ASC:

tiasc210.plet Session Assembly Order - Line Station Orders (tiasc2510m000), Planning tab, Planning group, Planned End
Time field.

If the Planned End Time field is filled, the Planned End Time field of last Line Station Orders (maximum Planned
End Time of Assembly Order) is published.
For ASC: For ASC:
tiasc210.acst Session Assembly Order - Line Station Orders (tiasc2510m000), Planning tab, Planning group, Actual (Start
Time) field.

If the Actual (Start Time) field is filled, the Actual field of first Line Station Orders (minimum Actual Start Time of
Assembly Order) is published.
For ASC: For ASC:
tiasc210.acet Session Assembly Order - Line Station Orders (tiasc2510m000), Planning tab, Planning group, Actual (End
Time) field.

If the Actual (End Time) field is filled, the Actual field of last Line Station Orders (maximum Actual End Time of
Assembly Order) is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc001.cdld Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Planning group, Confirmed Delivery field.

For ASC: For ASC:

tiasc200.cdld Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), Planning tab, Delivery Dates group, Confirmed Delivery Date field.

If the Confirmed Delivery Date field is filled, the Confirmed Delivery Date is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc001.rdld Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Planning group, Requested Delivery field.

For ASC: For ASC:

tiasc200.rdld Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), Planning tab, Delivery Dates group, Requested Delivery Date field.

For SOC: If the Requested Delivery Date field is filled, the Requested Delivery Date is published.
For SOC:
Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), Times tab, Planned group, Latest Finish Time field.
For SFC:

Infor April 07, 2020 675

tisfc001.rdld For SFC:
Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Planning group, Requested Delivery field.
For ASC: For ASC:
tiasc200.rqod Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), Planning tab, Offline Dates group, Requested Offline Date field.

If the Requested Offline Date field is filled, the Requested Offline Date is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.mitm 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.
2) tcibd001.cpva 2) Session Items (tcibd0501m000), Details tab, Configuration group, Product Variant field.

For ASC: For the Product Variant field,

1) tiasc200.asln the ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is filled with the Product Variant
2) tiasc200.pvar field related to the Item field,
the ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
the ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with
the ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@noun is filled with
the ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@accountingEntity is filled with the
accounting entity related to the Product Variant field.

This BOD element is available for LN 10.5.0 or later.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data

For ASC:
1) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), General tab, Assembly Line field.
2) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), General tab, Product Variant field.

For the Assembly Line field,

the ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is filled with the Assembly Line,
the ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
the ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with
the ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@noun is filled with
the ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@accountingEntity is filled with the
accounting entity related to the Assembly Line field.

For the Product Variant field,

the ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue is filled with the concatenation of
'A' and the Product Variant field,
the ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
the ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with
the ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@noun is filled with
the ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@accountingEntity is filled with the
accounting entity related to the Product Variant field.

This BOD element is available for LN 10.5.0 or later.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc001.rwko Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Rework Order field.

If the Rework Order field is checked, 'true' is published.

Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc001.plid Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Planning tab, Planner field.
For SFC:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.

Infor April 07, 2020 676

2) tisfc001.plid 2) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Planning tab, Planner field.

Based on the Planner field, the Name field is published.

For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc001.sfpl Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Planning tab, Shop Floor Planner field.
For SFC:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.
2) tisfc001.sfpl 2) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Planning tab, Shop Floor Planner field.

Based on the Shop Floor Planner field, the Name field is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc001.cpla Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Planning group, Planning Method field.

If the Planning Method field is equal to 'Forward', 'true' is published.

Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For ASC:
Always filled with 'false'.
For ASC: For ASC:
tiasc200.plod Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), Planning tab, Offline Dates group, Planned Offline Date field.

If the Planned Offline Date field is filled, the Planned Offline Date is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc001.rdld Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Planning group, Requested Delivery field.

For ASC: For ASC:

tiasc200.rdld Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), Planning tab, Delivery Dates group, Requested Delivery Date field.

If the Requested Delivery Date field is filled, the Requested Delivery Date is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs048.cref 1) Session Cost Components (tcmcs0148m000), Cost Type field.
2) ticst010.cpcp 2) Session End Item Unit Costs (ticst0510m000), Cost Component field.

For ASC: Based on the Cost Component field, the Cost Type field is determined.
1) tiasc200.asso
2) tiasc200.clco If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Operation Costs', 'Operation' is published.
3) tiasc210.asln If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Material Costs', 'Material' is published.
4) tiasc710.coct If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Surcharge on Operation Costs', 'Operation Burden' is published.
5) tcmcs048.cref If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Surcharge on Material Costs', 'Material Burden' is published.
If the Cost Type field is equal to 'WIP Transfer Costs', 'WIP Transfer' is published.
If the Cost Type field is equal to 'General Costs', 'General' is published.
If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Not Applicable', 'Not Applicable' is published.

For ASC:
1) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), General tab, Assembly Order field.
2) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), Order tab, Costing Data group, Calculation Office field.
3) Session Assembly Order - Line Station Orders (tiasc2510m000), Planning tab, Assembly Line field.
4) Session Financial Transactions (tiasc7510m000), To (Debit) group, Cost Component field.
5) Session Cost Components (tcmcs0148m000), Cost Type field.

Based on the Assembly Order field and the Calculation Office field, the Assembly Line field is determined.
Based on the Assembly Line field, the Cost Component field is determined.
Based on the Cost Component field, the Cost Type field is determined.

If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Operation Costs', 'Operation' is published.

If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Material Costs', 'Material' is published.
If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Surcharge on Operation Costs', 'Operation Burden' is published.
If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Surcharge on Material Costs', 'Material Burden' is published.
If the Cost Type field is equal to 'WIP Transfer Costs', 'WIP Transfer' is published.
If the Cost Type field is equal to 'General Costs', 'General' is published.
If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Not Applicable', 'Not Applicable' is published.
For ASC: For SFC:
1) tiasc200.asso If the amount are estimated costs, 'Planned' is published.
2) tiasc200.clco If the amount are actual costs, 'Actual' is published.
3) tiasc210.asln
4) tiasc710.fitr For ASC:
Infor April 07, 2020 677
5) tiasc000.trpr 1) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), General tab, Assembly Order field.
2) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), Order tab, Costing Data group, Calculation Office field.
3) Session Assembly Order - Line Station Orders (tiasc2510m000), Planning tab, Assembly Line field.
4) Session Financial Transactions (tiasc7510m000), Fin Trns Type field.
5) Session Assembly Control Parameters (tiasc0100m000), General tab, General group, Transaction
Processing field.

If the Fin Trns Type field is equal to 'WIP Transfer Issue' or 'WIP Transfer Issue Invoiced', 'Estimated' is
If the Transaction Processing field is equal to 'Order Based' and Fin Trns Type field is not equal to 'WIP Transfer
Issue' and not equal to 'WIP Transfer Issue Invoiced' and not equal to 'Item Surcharge Receipt', 'Actual' is

'Actual' is published if
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.qrdr 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Ordered field.
2) ticst010.eamt 2) Session End Item Unit Costs (ticst0510m000), Item-based Costs tab, Estimated Amount field.
3) ticst010.aamt 3) Session End Item Unit Costs (ticst0510m000), Item-based Costs tab, Actual Amount field.
4) ticst010.cstv 4) Not displayed in any session, Cost View field.
5) ticst010.ccur 5) Session End Item Unit Costs (ticst0501m000), Item-based Costs tab, Currency field.
6) tcmcs048.cref 6) Session Cost Components (tcmcs0148m000), Cost Type field.

For ASC: If the Costing type is equal to 'Planned', the group sum of the Estimated Amount field multiplied by the Ordered
1) tiasc200.asso field is published.
2) tiasc200.clco If the Costing type is equal to 'Actual', the group sum of the Actual Amount field multiplied by the Ordered field is
3) tiasc210.asln published.
4) tiasc710.amto
The Currency field is visible on the screen if the currency system is not independent and the Currency field and
the office currency are different and single currency is displayed.

Only item based costs grouped by the Currency field and the Cost Type field are published.

For ASC:
1) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), General tab, Assembly Order field.
2) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), Order tab, Costing Data group, Calculation Office field.
3) Session Assembly Order - Line Station Orders (tiasc2510m000), Planning tab, Assembly Line field.
4) Session Financial Transactions (tiasc7510m000), To (Debit) group, Amount field.

Based on the Assembly Order field and the Calculation Office field, the Assembly Line field is determined.
Based on the Assembly Line field, the Amount field is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) ticst010.ccur 2) Session End Item Unit Costs (ticst0501m000), Item-based Costs tab, Currency field.

For ASC: The Currency field is visible on the screen if the currency system is not independent and the Currency field and
1) tcmcs002.iccc the office currency are different and single currency is displayed.
2) tiasc710.amto Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the Currency field is published.

For ASC:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Financial Transactions (tiasc7510m000), To (Debit) group, Amount field.

Based on the Amount field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tisfc001.clco 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Costing tab, Calculation Office field.
4) ticst010.nune 4) Session End Item Unit Costs (ticst0510m000), Item-based Costs tab, Estimated Number of Units field.
5) ticst010.eamt 5) Session End Item Unit Costs (ticst0510m000), Item-based Costs tab, Estimated Amount field.
6) ticst010.nuna 6) Session End Item Unit Costs (ticst0510m000), Item-based Costs tab, Actual Number of Units field.
7) ticst010.aamt 7) Session End Item Unit Costs (ticst0510m000), Item-based Costs tab, Actual Amount field.

For ASC: Based on the Calculation Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcemm170.fcua Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
2) tcemm170.comp
3) tiasc200.clco If the Costing type is equal to 'Planned', the group sum of the Estimated Number of Units fields multiplied by the
4) tiasc710.amto Estimated Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.
If the Costing type is equal to 'Actual', the group sum of the Actual Number of Units field multiplied by the Actual
Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.

For ASC:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), Order tab, Costing Data group, Calculation Office field.
4) Session Financial Transactions (tiasc7510m000), To (Debit) group, Amount field.
Infor April 07, 2020 678
Based on the Calculation Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

The Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.

For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tisfc001.clco 4) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Costing tab, Calculation Office field.

Based on the Calculation Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tisfc001.clco 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Costing tab, Calculation Office field.
4) ticst010.nune 4) Session End Item Unit Costs (ticst0510m000), Item-based Costs tab, Estimated Number of Units field.
5) ticst010.eamt 5) Session End Item Unit Costs (ticst0510m000), Item-based Costs tab, Estimated Amount field.
6) ticst010.nuna 6) Session End Item Unit Costs (ticst0510m000), Item-based Costs tab, Actual Number of Units field.
7) ticst010.aamt 7) Session End Item Unit Costs (ticst0510m000), Item-based Costs tab, Actual Amount field.

For ASC: Based on the Calculation Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
1) tcemm170.lcur Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
2) tcemm170.comp
3) tiasc200.clco If the Costing type is equal to 'Planned', the group sum of the Estimated Number of Units fields multiplied by the
4) tiasc710.amto Estimated Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
If the Costing type is equal to 'Actual', the group sum of the Actual Number of Units field multiplied by the Actual
Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

For ASC:
1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), Order tab, Costing Data group, Calculation Office field.
4) Session Financial Transactions (tiasc7510m000), To (Debit) group, Amount field.

Based on the Calculation Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tisfc001.clco 4) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Costing tab, Calculation Office field.

Based on the Calculation Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tisfc001.mitm 2) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.
3) ticst010.nune 3) Session End Item Unit Costs (ticst0510m000), Item-based Costs tab, Estimated Number of Units field.
4) ticst010.eamt 4) Session End Item Unit Costs (ticst0510m000), Item-based Costs tab, Estimated Amount field.
5) ticst010.nuna 5) Session End Item Unit Costs (ticst0510m000), Item-based Costs tab, Actual Number of Units field.
6) ticst010.aamt 6) Session End Item Unit Costs (ticst0510m000), Item-based Costs tab, Actual Amount field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

If the Costing type is equal to 'Planned', the group sum of the Estimated Number of Units fields multiplied by the
Estimated Amount field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
If the Costing type is equal to 'Actual', the group sum of the Actual Number of Units field multiplied by the Actual
Amount field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tisfc001.mitm 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

Infor April 07, 2020 679
For SOC: For SOC:
tssoc200.estm Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), Times tab, Planned group, Earliest Start Time field.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.spcn 1) Session Production Order (tisfc0101m100), Order group, Specification field.
2) tcibd420.albo 2) Session Specification (tcibd4120m000), Name field and Value field.

For ASC: Based on the Specification field, the Name field and Value field are determined.
1) tiasc200.dord
2) tiasc200.dotp If the Value field of Name field 'Business Object Type' is equal to 'Sales Order', the Value field of Name field
'Business Object' is published.

For ASC:
1) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), Order tab, Demand Order group, Demand Order field.
2) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), Order tab, Demand Order group, Demand Order Type field.

If the Demand Order Type field is filled with 'Sales Order', the Demand Order field is published.
tdsls400.fdpt Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Financial Department field.

Based on the Financial Department field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tdsls400.fdpt For SFC:
Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Financial Department field.

Based on the Financial Department field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For ASC:
Session Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000), Financial Department field.

Based on the Financial Department field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For SFC: The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.spcn 1) Session Production Order (tisfc0101m100), Order group, Specification field.
2) tcibd420.abor 2) Session Specification (tcibd4120m000), Name field and Value field.

For ASC: Based on the Specification field, the Name field and Value field are determined.
1) tiasc200.dopo
2) tiasc200.dotp If the Value field of Name field 'Business Object Type' is equal to 'Sales Order', the Value field of Name field
'Business Object Reference' is published.

For ASC:
1) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), Order tab, Demand Order group, Position field.
2) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), Order tab, Demand Order group, Type field.

If the Type field is filled with 'Sales Order', Position field is published.
Always filled with '1'.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.osta 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Order Status field.
2) tisfc001.bloc 2) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Planning group, Operations Blocked field.

For ASC: If the Order Status field is equal to 'Planned', 'Scheduled' or 'Documents Printed', 'Planned' is published.
1) tiasc200.cncl If the Order Status field is equal to 'Released', 'Released' is published.
2) tiasc200.bloc If the Order Status field is equal to 'Active', 'Active' is published.
3) tiasc200.asst If the Order Status field is equal to 'To be Completed' or 'Completed', 'Completed' is published.
If the Order Status field is equal to 'Closed', 'Closed' is published.
For SOC: If the Order Status field is equal to 'Archived', 'History' is published.
If the Operations Blocked field is checked, 'Stopped' is published.
If the production order is deleted, 'Canceled' is published.

For ASC:
1) Not displayed in any session, Canceled field.
2) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), General tab, Status group, Blocked field.
3) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), General tab, Status group, Assembly Order Status field.

If the Assembly Order is equal to 'Canceled', 'Canceled' is published.

If the Assembly Order is equal to 'Blocked', 'Stopped' is published.

If the Assembly Order is not 'Canceled' or 'Blocked', based on the

Infor April 07, 2020 680

Assembly Order Status field, one of the following statuses could be published:

If the Assembly Order Status field is equal to 'Planned', 'Planned' is published.

If the Assembly Order Status field is equal to 'Sequenced', 'Released' is published.
If the Assembly Order Status field is equal to 'In Progress' or 'To be Completed', 'Active' is published.
If the Assembly Order Status field is equal to 'Canceled', 'Canceled' is published.
If the Assembly Order Status field is equal to 'Completed', 'Completed' is published.
If the Assembly Order Status field is equal to 'Closed', 'Closed' is published.

For SOC:
Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), General tab, Order Status field.

Based on the Order Status field, one of the following statuses is published:

If the Order Status field is equal to 'Free', nothing is published.

If the Order Status field is equal to 'Planned', 'Planned' is published.
If the Order Status field is equal to 'Released', 'Released' is published.
If the Order Status field is equal to 'Completed' or 'Costed', 'Completed' is published.
If the Order Status field is equal to 'Closed', 'Closed' is published.
If the Order Status field is equal to 'Canceled' or 'Rejected', 'Canceled' is published.
Always filled with 'Production Order Status'.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.osta 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Order Status field.
2) tisfc001.prdt 2) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Planning group, Production Start (1) field.
3) tisfc001.apdt 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Planning tab, Actual Dates group, Production Start (2) field.
4) tisfc001.cmdt 4) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Planning tab, Actual Dates group, Completion field.
5) tisfc001.adld 5) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Planning tab, Actual Dates group, Actual Delivery Date field.
6) tisfc001.cldt 6) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Planning tab, Actual Dates group, Closing field.

For ASC: If the Order Status field is equal to 'Planned', 'Scheduled', 'Documents Printed' or 'Released', the Production
1) tiasc200.asst Start (1) field is published.
2) tiasc200.cncl If the Order Status field is equal to 'Active', the Production Start (2) field is published.
3) tiasc200.bloc If the Order Status field is equal to 'To be Completed', the Completion field is published.
4) tiasc200.adld If the Order Status field is equal to 'Completed', the Actual Delivery Date field is published.
If the Order Status field is equal to 'Closed' or 'Archived', the Closing field is published.
For SOC:
tssoc200.osta For ASC:
1) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), General tab, Status group, Assembly Order Status field.
2) Not displayed in any session, Canceled field.
3) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), General tab, Status group, Blocked field.
4) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), Planning tab, Delivery Dates group, Actual Delivery Date field.

If the Assembly Order Status is equal to 'Planned', 'Sequenced', 'In Progress', 'To be Completed', or 'Canceled',
the UTC number of the Date and Time is published.
If the Assembly Order Status is equal to 'Canceled' or 'Blocked', the UTC number of the Date and Time is
If the Assembly Order Status is equal to 'Completed' or 'Closed', the Actual Delivery Date field is published.

For SOC:
Session Service Orders (tssoc2100m000), General tab, Order Status field.

If Order Status is equal to 'Planned', 'Released', 'Completed', 'Costed', 'Closed', 'Cancelled' or 'Rejected', the
UTC number of the Date and Time is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc010.opno Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Operation field.

For ASC: If the production order has no operations, '0' is published.

For ASC:
For SOC: Session Assembly Order - Line Station Orders (tiasc2510m000), Planning tab, Line Station field.
For SOC:
Session Service Order Activity - Lines (tssoc2110m100), Activity group, Line Number field.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc010.nopr Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Next Operation field.

For ASC: For ASC:

tiasc210.nstn Session Assembly Order - Line Station Orders (tiasc2510m000), Planning tab, Next Station field.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc010.txta Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Miscellaneous tab, Operation Text field.

For ASC:

Infor April 07, 2020 681

tiasc210.txta For ASC:
Session Assembly Order - Line Station Orders (tiasc2510m000), Planning tab, Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc010.pdno 1) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Production Order field.
2) tisfc010.opno 2) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Operation field.
3) tisfc010.sset 3) Not displayed in any session, Subcontracting Set field.
4) tdpur401.orno 4) Session Subcontracted Operations by Order (tisfc2110m000), Purchase Order field.

For ASC: If the Subcontracting Set field is not equal to '0', based on the Production Order field and the Operation field, the
1) tiasc211.pord Purchase Order field is determined.
2) tiasc210.sttn If the Purchase Order field is filled, 'PurchaseOrder' is published.
3) tiasc200.asso
For ASC:
1) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), General tab, Assembly Order field.
2) Session Assembly Order - Line Station Orders (tiasc2510m000), Planning tab, Line Station field.
3) Session Line Station Order - Purchase Orders (tiasc2511m000), Purchase Order field.

If the Purchase Order field exists for the Assembly Order field and the Line Station field, 'PurchaseOrder' is
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc010.pdno 1) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Production Order field.
2) tisfc010.opno 2) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Operation field.
3) tisfc010.sset 3) Not displayed in any session, Subcontracting Set field.
4) tdpur401.orno 4) Session Subcontracted Operations by Order (tisfc2110m000), Purchase Order field.

For ASC: If the Subcontracting Set field is not equal to '0', based on the Production Order field and the Operation field, the
1) tiasc211.pord Purchase Order field is published.
2) tiasc211.asso
3) tiasc211.lstn For ASC:
1) Session Line Station Order - Purchase Orders (tiasc2511m000), Purchase Order field.
2) Session Assembly Order - Line Station Orders (tiasc2510m000), Assembly Order field.
3) Session Assembly Order - Line Station Orders (tiasc2510m000), Line Station field.

Based on the Assembly Order field and the Line Station field, the Purchase Order field of the Line Station is
tdpur400.fdpt For SFC:
Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Financial Department field.

Based on the Financial Department field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For ASC:
Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Financial Department field.

Based on the Financial Department field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tdpur400.fdpt Session Purchase Orders (tdpur4100m000), Financial Department field.

Based on the Financial Department field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc010.pdno 1) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Production Order field.
2) tisfc010.opno 2) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Operation field.
3) tisfc010.sset 3) Not displayed in any session, Subcontracting Set field.
4) tdpur401.pono 4) Session Purchase Order Lines (tdpur4101m000), Line field.

For ASC: If the Subcontracting Set field is not equal to '0', based on the Production Order field and the Operation field, the
tiasc211.pono Line field is published.

For ASC:
Session Line Station Order - Purchase Orders (tiasc2511m000), second column Purchase Order field.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.osta 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Order Status field.
2) tisfc001.bloc 2) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Planning group, Operations Blocked field.
3) tisfc010.opst 3) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Operation Status field.

Infor April 07, 2020 682

For ASC: If the Operations Blocked field is checked, 'Stopped' is published.
tiasc210.lsst If the production order is deleted, 'Canceled' is published.
If the production order has no operations,
For SOC: - If the Order Status field is equal to 'Planned', 'Scheduled' or 'Documents Printed', 'Planned' is published.
tssoc210.asta - If the Order Status field is equal to 'Released', 'Released' is published.
- If the Order Status field is equal to 'Active', 'Active' is published.
- If the Order Status field is equal to 'To be Completed' or 'Completed', 'Completed' is published.
- If the Order Status field is equal to 'Closed', 'Closed' is published.
- If the Order Status field is equal to 'Archived', 'History' is published.
- If the Operation Status field is equal to 'Planned', 'Planned' is published.
- If the Operation Status field is equal to 'Ready to start', 'Released' is published.
- If the Operation Status field is equal to 'Started' or 'Active', 'Active' is published.
- If the Operation Status field is equal to 'Blocked', 'Stopped' is published.
- If the Operation Status field is equal to 'Completed', Completed is published.
- If the Operation Status field is equal to 'Closed', 'Closed' is published.

For ASC:
Session Assembly Order - Line Station Orders (tiasc2510m000), Status tab, Status group, LSO Status field.

If the LSO Status field is equal to 'Planned', 'Planned' is published.

If the LSO Status field is equal to 'Frozen', 'Firm' is published.
If the LSO Status field is equal to 'Ready to Start', 'Released' is published.
If the LSO Status field is equal to 'Completed', 'Completed' is published.
If the LSO Status field is equal to 'Closed', 'Closed' is published.

For SOC:
Session Service Order Activity - Lines (tssoc2110m100), Activity group, Activity Status field.

Based on the Activity Status field, one of the following statuses is published:

If the Activity Status field is equal to 'Free', nothing is published.

If the Activity Status field is equal to 'Planned', 'Planned' is published.
If the Activity Status field is equal to 'Released', 'Released' is published.
If the Activity Status field is equal to 'Completed' or 'Costed', 'Completed' is published.
If the Activity Status field is equal to 'Closed', 'Closed' is published.
If the Activity Status field is equal to 'Canceled' or 'Rejected', 'Canceled' is published.
Always filled with 'Production Order Status'.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Planning tab, Order Status field.
1) tisfc001.osta 2) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Planning group, Production Start (1) field.
2) tisfc001.prdt 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Planning tab, Actual Dates group, Production Start (2) field.
3) tisfc001.apdt 4) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Planning tab, Actual Dates group, Completion field.
4) tisfc001.cmdt 5) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Planning tab, Actual Dates group, Actual Delivery Date field.
5) tisfc001.adld 6) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Planning tab, Actual Dates group, Closing field.
6) tisfc001.cldt 7) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Operation Status field.
7) tisfc010.opst 8) Not displayed in any session, Actual Ready to Start field.
8) tisfc010.ardt 9) Not displayed in any session, Actual Start Date field.
9) tisfc010.asdt 10) Session Report Operations Completed (tisfc0130m000), Completion Date field.
10) tisfc010.cmdt 11) Not displayed in any session, Actual Closing Date field.
11) tisfc001.cldt
If the production order has no operations,
For ASC: - If the Order Status field is equal to 'Planned', 'Scheduled', 'Documents Printed' or 'Released', the Production
1) tiasc210.lsst Start (1) field is published.
2) tiasc210.acst - If the Order Status field is equal to 'Active', the Production Start (2) field is published.
3) tiasc210.acet - If the Order Status field is equal to 'To be Completed', the Completion field is published.
- If the Order Status field is equal to 'Completed', the Actual Delivery Date field is published.
For SOC: - If the Order Status field is equal to 'Closed' or 'Archived', the Closing field is published.
tssoc210.asta Otherwise,
- If the Operation Status field is equal to 'Planned', the UTC number of the Date and Time is published.
- If the Operation Status field is equal to 'Ready to Start', the Actual Ready to Start field is published.
- If the Operation Status field is equal to 'Started', 'Active', or 'Blocked', the Actual Start field is published.
- If the Operation Status field is equal to 'Completed', the Completion Date field is published.
- If the Operation Status field is equal to 'Closed', the Actual Closing Date field is published.

For ASC:
1) Session Assembly Order - Line Station Orders (tiasc2510m000), Status tab, Status group, LSO Status field.
2) Session Assembly Order - Line Station Orders (tiasc2510m000), Planning tab, Planning group, Actual (Start
Time) field.
3) Session Assembly Order - Line Station Orders (tiasc2510m000), Planning tab, Planning group, Actual (End
Time) field.

If the LSO Status is equal to 'Planned' or 'Frozen', the UTC number of the Date and Time is published.
If the LSO Status is equal to 'Ready to Start', the Actual (Start Time) field is published.
If the LSO Status is equal to 'completed' or 'closed', the Actual (End Time) field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 683

For SOC:
Session Service Order Activity - Lines (tssoc2110m100), Activity group, Activity Status field.

If Activity Status is equal to 'Planned', 'Released', 'Completed', 'Cancelled' or 'Rejected',

the UTC number of the Date and Time is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
ticst001.sitm Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), General tab, Material Quantity group, Item field.

For ASC: For ASC:

tiasc221.assp Session Line Station Variant - Assembly Parts (tiasc2121m000), Assembly Part tab, Assembly Part field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcibd001.dsca 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Description field.
2) ticst001.sitm 2) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), General tab, Material Quantity group, Item field.

For ASC: Based on the Item field, the Description field is published.
1) tcibd001.dsca
2) tiasc221.assp For ASC:
1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Description field.
2) Session Line Station Variant - Assembly Parts (tiasc2121m000), Assembly Part tab, Assembly Part field.

Based on the Assembly Part field, the Description field is published.

For ASC: For ASC:
tiasc221.txta Session Line Station Variant - Assembly Parts (tiasc2121m000), Assembly Part tab, Text field.
For ASC:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
For ASC: For ASC:
timfc011.clot Session Serial End Item - As-Built Components (timfc0111m000), Lot Code field.
For ASC: For ASC:
1) timfc011.quse 1) Session Serial End Item - As-Built Components (timfc0111m000), Used Quantity field.
2) timfc011.sitm 2) Session Serial End Item - As-Built Components (timfc0111m000), Item field.
3) timfc011.clot 3) Session Serial End Item - As-Built Components (timfc0111m000), Lot Code field.
4) timfc011.sser 4) Session Serial End Item - As-Built Components (timfc0111m000), Component Serial Number field.

The total Used Quantity of the item with the same Lot Code and different Component Serial Number is
For ASC: For ASC:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) tiasc221.assp 3) Session Line Station Variant - Assembly Parts (tiasc2121m000), Assembly Part tab, Assembly Part field.

Based on the Assembly Part field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.
Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For ASC: For ASC:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tiasc221.assp 2) Session Line Station Variant - Assembly Parts (tiasc2121m000), Assembly Part tab, Assembly Part field.
3) timfc011.clot 3) Session Serial End Item - As-Built Components (timfc0111m000), Lot Code field.
4) timfc011.sser 4) Session Serial End Item - As-Built Components (timfc0111m000), Component Serial Number field.
5) timfc011.quse 5) Session Serial End Item - As-Built Components (timfc0111m000), Used Quantity field.

Based on the Assembly Part field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The total Used Quantity of the item with the same Lot Code and different Component Serial Number expressed
in the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For ASC: For ASC:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tiasc221.assp 3) Session Line Station Variant - Assembly Parts (tiasc2121m000), Assembly Part tab, Assembly Part field.

Based on the Assembly Part field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For ASC: For ASC:
timfc011.sser Session Serial End Item - As-Built Components (timfc0111m000), Component Serial Number field.
Infor April 07, 2020 684
For SFC: For SFC:
ticst001.pono Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), General tab, Position field.

For ASC: For ASC:

tiasc221.pono Session Line Station Variant - Assembly Parts (tiasc2121m000), Assembly Part tab, Position field.
For SFC: For SFC:
ticst001.ques Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), Estimated Quantity field.

For ASC: For ASC:

tiasc221.pdeq Session Line Station Variant - Assembly Parts (tiasc2121m000), Assembly Part tab, Quantities group, Product
Engineering Quantity field.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) ticst001.sitm 1) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), General tab, Material Quantity group, Item field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) tcmcs001.icun 3) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.

For ASC: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.
1) tcmcs001.icun Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
2) tcibd001.cuni
3) tiasc221.assp For ASC:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Line Station Variant - Assembly Parts (tiasc2121m000), Assembly Part tab, Assembly Part field.

Based on the Assembly Part field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.
Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) ticst001.sitm 2) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), Item field.
3) ticst001.ques 3) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), Estimated Quantity field.

For ASC: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
1) tcibd001.cuni
2) tiasc221.assp The Estimated Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
3) tiasc221.pdeq
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For ASC:
1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Line Station Variant - Assembly Parts (tiasc2121m000), Assembly Part tab, Assembly Part field.
3) Session Line Station Variant - Assembly Parts (tiasc2121m000), Assembly Part tab, Quantities group,
Product Engineering Quantity field.

Based on the Assembly Part field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Product Engineering Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For ASC: For ASC:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tiasc221.assp 3) Session Line Station Variant - Assembly Parts (tiasc2121m000), Assembly Part tab, Assembly Part field.

Based on the Assembly Part field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) ticst001.qune 1) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), Material Quantity group, Net Quantity field.
2) ticst001.scpq 2) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), Material Quantity group, Scrap Quantity field.

If the Net Quantity field is equal to zero and the Scrap Quantity field is not equal to zero, 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For ASC: For ASC:
1) tiasc210.pbfl 1) Session Assembly Order - Line Station Orders (tiasc2510m000), Status tab, Backflushing Data group,
2) tiasc221.lstv Assembly Parts Backflushed field.
2) Session Line Station Variant - Assembly Parts (tiasc2121m000), Line Station Variant field.

Based on the Line Station Variant field, the Assembly Parts Backflushed field is published.
For SFC:
Always filled with 'Material'.

Infor April 07, 2020 685

Estimated and actual material costs are always published.
For SFC:
For estimated material costs, always filled with 'Planned'.
For actual material costs, always filled with 'Actual'.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) ticst001.ques 1) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), General tab, Material Quantity group, Estimated Quantity field.
2) ticst001.cpes(1) 2) Session Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0506s000), Company Owned tab, Estimated group, Cost
3) ticst001.qucs Price field.
4) ticst001.cpcs(1) 3) Session Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0506s000), Company Owned tab, Actual group, Quantity
4) Session Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0506s000), Company Owned tab, Actual group, Cost Price

For estimated material costs, the absolute value of the Estimated Quantity field multiplied by the estimated Cost
Price field is published.
For actual material costs, the absolute value of the Quantity field multiplied by the actual Cost Price field is
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) ticst001.ccur 2) Session Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0501m000), Estimated Amount Currency field.
3) tcemm170.lcur 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
4) tcemm170.csys 4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Currency System field.

Based on the current company, the Reference Currency and Currency System are determined.

If the Currency System is equal to 'Dependent', or 'Standard', the ISO Code field of the Estimated Amount
Currency field is published.
Otherwise, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency field is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tisfc001.clco 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Costing tab, Calculation Office field.
4) ticst001.ques 4) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), General tab, Material Quantity group, Estimated Quantity field.
5) ticst001.cpes(1) 5) Session Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0506s000), Company Owned tab, Estimated group, Cost
6) ticst001.qucs Price field.
7) ticst001.cpcs(1) 6) Session Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0506s000), Company Owned tab, Actual group, Quantity
7) Session Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0506s000), Company Owned tab, Actual group, Cost Price

Based on the Calculation Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

For estimated material costs, the absolute value of the Estimated Quantity field multiplied by the estimated Cost
Price field expressed in Local Currency is published.
For actual material costs, the absolute value of the Quantity field multiplied by the actual Cost Price field
expressed in Local Currency is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tisfc001.clco 4) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Costing tab, Calculation Office field.

Based on the Calculation Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tisfc001.clco 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Costing tab, Calculation Office field.
4) ticst001.ques 4) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), General tab, Material Quantity group, Estimated Quantity field.
5) ticst001.cpes 5) Session Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0506s000), Company Owned tab, Estimated group, Cost
(1) Price field.
6) ticst001.qucs 6) Session Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0506s000), Company Owned tab, Actual group, Quantity
7) ticst001.cpcs(1) field.
7) Session Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0506s000), Company Owned tab, Actual group, Cost Price

Based on the Calculation Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

For estimated material costs, the absolute value of the Estimated Quantity field multiplied by the estimated Cost
Infor April 07, 2020 686
Price field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
For actual material costs, the absolute value of the Quantity field multiplied by the actual Cost Price field
expressed in Reference Currency is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tisfc001.clco 4) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Costing tab, Calculation Office field.

Based on the Calculation Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) ticst001.sitm 2) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), General tab, Material Quantity group, Item field.
3) ticst001.ques 3) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), General tab, Material Quantity group, Estimated Quantity field.
4) ticst001.qucs 4) Session Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0506s000), Company Owned tab, Actual group, Quantity

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

For estimated material costs, the absolute value of the Estimated Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit
is published.
For actual material costs, the absolute value of the Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) ticst001.sitm 3) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), General tab, Material Quantity group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For SFC: For SFC:
ticst001.scpf Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), General tab, Material Quantity group, Scrap Factor field.
For SFC: For SFC:
ticst001.scpq Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), General tab, Material Quantity group, Scrap Quantity field.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.mitm 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) tcmcs001.icun 3) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) ticst001.sitm 2) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), General tab, Material Quantity group, Item field.
3) ticst001.scpq 3) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Planned Quantities group, Scrap Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Scrap Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) ticst001.sitm 3) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), General tab, Material Quantity group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

Always filled with 'Warehouse'.
Infor April 07, 2020 687
For SFC: For SFC:
ticst001.cwar Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), General tab, General group, Warehouse field.

For ASC: The concatenation of 'W' and the Warehouse field is published.
For ASC:
Session Line Station Variant - Assembly Parts (tiasc2121m000), Supply Data tab, Supply Data group, Shop
Floor Warehouse field.

The concatenation of 'W' and the Shop Floor Warehouse field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
ticst001.qune Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), General tab, Material Quantity group, Net Quantity field.

For ASC: For ASC:

1) tiasc210.lsst 1) Session Assembly Order - Line Station Orders (tiasc2510m000), Status tab, Status group, LSO Status field.
2) tiasc221.pdeq 2) Session Line Station Variant - Assembly Parts (tiasc2121m000), Assembly Part tab, Quantities group,
3) tiasc221.pceq Product Engineering Quantity field.
4) tiasc000.alap 3) Session Line Station Variant - Assembly Parts (tiasc2121m000), Assembly Part tab, Quantities group,
Process Engineering Quantity field.
4) Session Assembly Control Parameters (tiasc0100m000), General tab, Assembly Part Allocation group,
Quantity to Allocate field.

If the LSO Status field is equal to 'Planned', the Product Engineering Quantity field is published.
Otherwise, based on the Quantity to Allocate field the quantity is published as following:
If the Quantity to Allocate field is equal to 'Product Engineering Quantity', the Product Engineering Quantity field
is published.
If the Quantity to Allocate field is equal to 'Process Engineering Quantity', the Process Engineering Quantity field
is published.
If the Quantity to Allocate field is equal to 'Maximum of Both' and the Product Engineering Quantity field and the
Process Engineering Quantity field are equal, the Process Engineering Quantity field is published.
If the Quantity to Allocate field is equal to 'Maximum of Both' and the Product Engineering Quantity field is higher
than the Process Engineering Quantity field are equal, the Product Engineering Quantity field is published.
If the Quantity to Allocate field is equal to 'Maximum of Both' and the Process Engineering Quantity field is
higher than the Product Engineering Quantity field are equal, the Product Engineering Quantity field is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) ticst001.sitm 3) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), General tab, Material Quantity group, Item field.

For ASC: Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni For ASC:
3) tiasc221.assp 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Line Station Variant - Assembly Parts (tiasc2121m000), Assembly Part tab, Assembly Part field.

Based on the Assembly Part field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.
Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.mitm 1) Session Production Order (tisfc0101m100), Item (1) field.
2) ticst001.sitm 2) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), Item (2) field.

For ASC: If Type is equal to 'Product', Item (1) field is published.

1) tiasc200.stdi If Type is equal to 'By-Product', Item (2) field is published.
2) tiasc200.item
For ASC:
1) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), General tab, End Item in Inventory group, Standard Item field.
2) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), General tab, Item group, Item field.

If the Standard Item field is filled, the Standard Item field is published. Otherwise, Item field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.mitm 1) Session Production Order (tisfc0101m100), Item (1) field.
2) ticst001.sitm 2) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), Item (2) field.
3) tcibd001.dsca 3) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Description field.

For ASC: If Type is equal to 'Product', based on the Item (1) field, the Description field is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 688
tcibd001.dsca If Type is equal to 'By-Product', based on the Item (2) field, the Description field is published.

For ASC:
Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Description field.
For ASC: For ASC:
tcibd401.clot Session Serial Numbers (tcibd4101s000), Properties group, Lot field.
For ASC: For ASC:
tcibd401.clot Session Serial Numbers (tcibd4101s000), Properties group, Lot field.

If the Lot field is filled, '1' is published. Otherwise, nothing is published.

For ASC: For ASC:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) tiasc200.item 3) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), General tab, Item group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For ASC: For ASC:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tiasc200.item 2) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), General tab, Item group, Item field.
3) tcibd401.clot 3) Session Serial Numbers (tcibd4101s000), Properties group, Lot field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

If the Lot field is filled, '1' expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For ASC: For ASC:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tiasc200.item 3) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), General tab, Item group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For ASC: For ASC:
tiasc200.mser Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), General tab, Item group, Serial Number field.
For ASC: For ASC:
tiasc200.mser Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), General tab, Item group, Serial Number field.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc010.opno 1) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Planning Related tab, Operation (1) field.
2) ticst001.pdno 2) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), General tab, Production Order field.
3) ticst001.opno 3) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), General tab, General group, Operation (2) field.
4) ticst001.ques 4) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), General tab, Material Quantity group, Estimated Quantity field.
5) ticst001.sayn 5) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), General tab, General group, Subassembly field.

If the production order has no operations, 'Product' is published.

- If the Operation (1) field is filled, 'Product' is published.
- If based on the production order and the Operation (1) field, a estimated material is determined and the
Estimated Quantity field is less than zero and the Subassembly field is not checked, 'By-Product' is published.

For ASC:
Always filled with 'Primary'.
For ASC:
Always filled with 'Item Types'.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.apdt 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Planning tab, Production Start field.
2) tisfc010.asdt 2) Not displayed in any session, Actual Start Date field.

If the production order has no operations, the Production Start field is published.
- If Type is equal to 'Product', the Actual Start Date field is published.
- If Type is equal to 'By-Product',
-- If a related operation is present, the Actual Start Date field is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.cmdt 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Planning tab, Completion field.
2) tisfc010.cmdt 2) Not displayed in any session, Operation Completion Date field.

Infor April 07, 2020 689

If the production order has no operations, the Completion field is published.
- If Type is equal to 'Product', the Operation Completion Date field is published.
- If Type is equal to 'By-Product',
-- If a related operation is present, the Operation Completion Date field is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.mitm 1) Session Production Order (tisfc0101m100), Item (1) field.
2) ticst001.sitm 2) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), Main Item field.
3) tiipd001.item 3) Session Production (tiipd0101m000), BOM tab, Item (3) field.
4) tiipd001.oltm 4) Session Production (tiipd0101m000), Routing tab, Routing group, Order Lead Time field.

If the production order has operations, the Order Lead Time field is published.
- If Type is equal to 'By-Product', based on the Main Item field the Item (3) is determined. Based on the Item (3)
field, the Order Lead Time field is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
ticst001.pono Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), Position field.

If the production order has no operations, '0' is published.

- If Type is equal to 'Product', '0' is published.
- If Type is equal to 'By-Product', the Position field is published.

For ASC:
Always filled with '1'.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc010.nopr Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Next Operation field.

For ASC: If the production order has no operations, 'false' is published.

tiasc210.nstn Otherwise,
- If Type is equal to 'Product' and Next Operation field is equal to zero, false' is published.
- If Type is equal to 'By-Product', 'false' is published.
- Otherwise, 'true' is published.

For ASC:
Session Assembly Order - Line Station Orders (tiasc2510m000), Planning tab, Next Station field.

If the Next Station field is filled, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.qrdr 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Quantity Ordered field.
2) tisfc010.qplo 2) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Planned Quantities group, Qty Planned Output
3) ticst001.ques field.
3) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), General tab, Material Quantity group, Estimated Quantity field.

If the production order has no operations, the Quantity Ordered field is published.
- If Type is equal to 'Product', the Qty Planned Output field is published.
- If Type is equal to 'By-Product', the absolute value of the Estimated Quantity field is published.

For ASC:
Always filled with '1'.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.mitm 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) tcmcs001.icun 3) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.

For ASC: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.
1) tcmcs001.icun Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
2) tcibd001.cuni
3) tiasc200.item For ASC:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), General tab, Item group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tisfc001.mitm 2) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.
3) tisfc001.qrdr 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Quantity Ordered field.

Infor April 07, 2020 690

4) tisfc010.qplo 4) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Planned Quantities group, Qty Planned Output
5) ticst001.ques field.
5) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), General tab, Material Quantity group, Estimated Quantity field.
For ASC:
1) tcibd001.cuni Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
2) tiasc200.item
If the production order has no operations, the Quantity Ordered field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
- If Type is equal to 'Product', the Qty Planned Output field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
- If Type is equal to 'By-Product', the absolute value of the Estimated Quantity field expressed in the Inventory
Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For ASC:
1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), General tab, Item group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

'1' expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tisfc001.mitm 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.

For ASC: Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
3) tiasc200.item
For ASC:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), General tab, Item group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.qtdl 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, To Deliver field.
2) tisfc001.qdlv 2) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Delivered field.
3) tisfc010.qcmp 3) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Actual Quantities group, Completed field.
4) ticst001.qucs 4) Session Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0501m000), Actual Quantity field.

For ASC: If the production order has no operations, the sum of the To Deliver field and the Delivered field is published.
tiasc200.asst Otherwise,
- If Type is equal to 'Product', the Completed field published.
- If Type is equal to 'By-Product', the absolute value of the Actual Quantity field is published.

For ASC:
Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), General tab, Status group, Assembly Order Status field.

If the Assembly Order Status is equal to 'Completed' or 'Closed', '1' is published. Otherwise, '0' is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.mitm 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) tcmcs001.icun 3) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.

For ASC: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.
1) tcmcs001.icun Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
2) tcibd001.cuni
3) tiasc200.item For ASC:
4) tiasc200.stdi 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), General tab, Item group, Item field.
4) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), General tab, End Item in Inventory group, Standard Item field.

If the Standard Item field is filled, based on the Standard Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.
Otherwise, based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tisfc001.mitm 2) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.
3) ticst001.sitm 3) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), Item field
4) tisfc001.qtdl 4) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, To Deliver field.
5) tisfc001.qdlv 5) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Delivered field.
Infor April 07, 2020 691
6) tisfc010.qcmp 6) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Actual Quantities group, Completed field.
7) ticst001.qucs 7) Session Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0501m000), Actual Quantity field.

For ASC: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
1) tcibd001.cuni
2) tiasc200.item If the production order has no operations, the sum of the To Deliver field and the Delivered field expressed in the
3) tiasc200.asst Inventory Unit is published.
- If Type is equal to 'Product', the Completed field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
- If Type is equal to 'By-Product', the absolute value of the Actual Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit
is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For ASC:
1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), General tab, Item group, Item field.
3) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), General tab, Status group, Assembly Order Status field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

If the Assembly Order Status is equal to 'completed' or 'closed', '1' expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
Otherwise, '0' expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tisfc001.mitm 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.

For ASC: Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
3) tiasc200.item
For ASC:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000), General tab, Item group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc001.qtdl Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, To Deliver field.

If the production order has no operations, the To Deliver field is published.

For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.mitm 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) tcmcs001.icun 3) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc001.qtdl Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, To Deliver field.

If the production order has no operations, the To Deliver field is published.

For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.qdlv 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Quantities group, Delivered field.
2) ticst001.qucs 2) Session Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0501m000), Actual Quantity field.

If the production order has operations, the Delivered field is published.

- If Type is equal to 'By-Product', the absolute value of the Actual Quantity field is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.mitm 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) tcmcs001.icun 3) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.

Infor April 07, 2020 692

2) tisfc001.mitm 2) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.
3) tisfc001.qdlv 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Quantities group, Delivered field.
4) ticst001.qucs 4) Session Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0501m000), Actual Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

If the production order has operations, the Delivered field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
- If Type is equal to 'By-Product', the absolute value of the Actual Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit
is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tisfc001.mitm 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For SFC: For SFC:
For Infor LN 10.3 or earlier: For Infor LN 10.3 or earlier:
1) tisfc001.qrjc 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Quantities group, Rejected field.
2) tisfc010.qrjc 2) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Actual Quantities group, Scrapped field.
3) tisfc010.qxac 3) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Actual Quantities group, Planned Scrapped field.

For Infor LN 10.4 or later: If the production order has no operations, the Rejected field is published.
1) tisfc001.qtor Otherwise,
2) tisfc001.qrjc - If Type is equal to 'Product', the sum of the Scrapped field and the Planned Scrapped field is published.
3) tisfc001.qqar
4) tisfc010.qtor For Infor LN 10.4 or later:
5) tisfc010.qxac 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Quantities group, Rejected field.
6) tisfc010.qrjc 2) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Quantities group, Scrapped field.
7) tisfc010.qqar 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Quantities group, Quarantined field.
4) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Actual Quantities group, Rejected field.
5) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Actual Quantities group, Planned Scrapped field.
6) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Actual Quantities group, Scrapped field.
7) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Actual Quantities group, Quarantined field.

If the production order has no operations, the sum of the Rejected (1) field, the Scrapped (2) field and the
Quarantined (3) field is published.
- If Type is equal to 'Product', the sum of the Rejected (4) field, the Planned Scrapped field, the Scrapped (6)
field and the Quarantined (7) field is published.

For ASC:
Always filled with '0'.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.mitm 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) tcmcs001.icun 3) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.

For ASC: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.
1) tcmcs001.icun Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
2) tcibd001.cuni
3) tiasc200.item For ASC:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), General tab, Item group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.qrjc 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Quantities group, Scrapped field.
2) tisfc001.qqar 2) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Quantities group, Quarantined field.
3) tisfc010.qrjc 3) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Actual Quantities group, Scrapped field.
4) tisfc010.qqar 4) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Actual Quantities group, Quarantined field.

For the Scrapped (1) field or the Scrapped (3) field, '1' is published.

For the Quarantined (2) field or the Quarantined (4) field, '2' is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.

Infor April 07, 2020 693
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.qrjc 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Quantities group, Scrapped field.
2) tisfc001.qqar 2) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Quantities group, Quarantined field.
3) tisfc010.qrjc 3) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Actual Quantities group, Scrapped field.
4) tisfc010.qqar 4) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Actual Quantities group, Quarantined field.

If the production order has no operations, the Scrapped (1) field is published.
- If Type is equal to 'Product', the Scrapped (3) field is published.

If the production order has no operations, the Quarantined (2) field is published.
- If Type is equal to 'Product', the Quarantined (4) field is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.

For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.mitm 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) tcmcs001.icun 3) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.

For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tisfc001.mitm 2) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.
3) tisfc001.qrjc 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Quantities group, Scrapped field.
4) tisfc001.qqar 4) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Quantities group, Quarantined field.
5) tisfc010.qrjc 5) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Actual Quantities group, Scrapped field.
6) tisfc010.qqar 6) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Actual Quantities group, Quarantined field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined

If the production order has no operations, the Scrapped (3) field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
- If Type is equal to 'Product', the Scrapped (5) field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.

If the production order has no operations, the Quarantined (4) field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
- If Type is equal to 'Product', the Quarantined (6) field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.

For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tisfc001.mitm 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.

For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.qrjc 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Quantities group, Scrapped field.
2) tisfc001.qqar 2) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Quantities group, Quarantined field.
3) tisfc010.qrjc 3) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Actual Quantities group, Scrapped field.
4) tisfc010.qqar 4) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Actual Quantities group, Quarantined field.

For the Scrapped (1) field or the Scrapped (3) field, 'Scrap' is published.

For the Quarantined (2) field or the Quarantined (4) field, 'AwaitingDisposition' is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.

For SFC:
Always filled with 'DispositionTypes'.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.

For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tisfc001.mitm 2) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.
3) tisfc001.qrjc 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Quantities group, Rejected field.
4) tisfc010.qrjc 4) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Actual Quantities group, Scrapped field.
5) tisfc010.qxac 5) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Actual Quantities group, Planned Scrapped field.
Infor April 07, 2020 694
For ASC: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
1) tcibd001.cuni
2) tiasc200.item If the production order has no operations, the Rejected field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
- If Type is equal to 'Product', the sum of the Scrapped field and the Planned Scrapped field expressed in the
Inventory Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For ASC:
1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), General tab, Item group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

'1' expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tisfc001.mitm 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.

For ASC: Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
3) tiasc200.item
For ASC:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), General tab, Item group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For SFC:
Always filled with 'Material'.

Estimated and actual material costs are always published.

For SFC:
For estimated material costs, always filled with 'Planned'.
For actual material costs, always filled with 'Actual'.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) ticst001.ques 1) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), General tab, Material Quantity group, Estimated Quantity field.
2) ticst001.cpes(1) 2) Session Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0506s000), Company Owned tab, Estimated group, Cost
3) ticst001.qucs Price field.
4) ticst001.cpcs(1) 3) Session Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0506s000), Company Owned tab, Actual group, Quantity
4) Session Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0506s000), Company Owned tab, Actual group, Cost Price

For estimated material costs, the absolute value of the Estimated Quantity field multiplied by the estimated Cost
Price field is published.
For actual material costs, the absolute value of the Quantity field multiplied by the actual Cost Price field is
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) ticst001.ccur 2) Session Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0501m000), Estimated Amount Currency field.
3) tcemm170.lcur 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
4) tcemm170.csys 4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Currency System field.

Based on the current company, the Reference Currency and Currency System are determined.

If the Currency System is equal to 'Dependent', or 'Standard', the ISO Code field of the Estimated Amount
Currency field is published.
Otherwise, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency field is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tisfc001.clco 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Costing tab, Calculation Office field
4) ticst001.ques 4) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), General tab, Material Quantity group, Estimated Quantity field.
5) ticst001.cpes(1) 5) Session Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0506s000), Company Owned tab, Estimated group, Cost
6) ticst001.qucs Price field.
7) ticst001.cpcs(1) 6) Session Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0506s000), Company Owned tab, Actual group, Quantity
Infor April 07, 2020 695
7) Session Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0506s000), Company Owned tab, Actual group, Cost Price

Based on the Calculation Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

For estimated material costs, the absolute value of the Estimated Quantity field multiplied by the estimated Cost
Price field expressed in Local Currency is published.
For actual material costs, the absolute value of the Quantity field multiplied by the actual Cost Price field
expressed in Local Currency is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tisfc001.clco 4) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Costing tab, Calculation Office field

Based on the Calculation Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tisfc001.clco 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Costing tab, Calculation Office field.
4) ticst001.ques 4) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), General tab, Material Quantity group, Estimated Quantity field.
5) ticst001.cpes 5) Session Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0506s000), Company Owned tab, Estimated group, Cost
(1) Price field.
6) ticst001.qucs 6) Session Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0506s000), Company Owned tab, Actual group, Quantity
7) ticst001.cpcs(1) field.
7) Session Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0506s000), Company Owned tab, Actual group, Cost Price

Based on the Calculation Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

For estimated material costs, the absolute value of the Estimated Quantity field multiplied by the estimated Cost
Price field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
For actual material costs, the absolute value of the Quantity field multiplied by the actual Cost Price field
expressed in Reference Currency is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tisfc001.clco 4) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Costing tab, Calculation Office field

Based on the Calculation Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
Always filled with 'Warehouse'.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.cwar 1) Session Production Order (tisfc0101m100), Order group, Warehouse (1) field.
2) ticst001.cwar 2) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), Warehouse (2) field.

For ASC: If the production order has no operations, the Warehouse (1) field is published.
tiasc200.siwh Otherwise,
- If Type is equal to 'Product', the Warehouse (1) field is published.
- If Type is equal to 'By-Product', the Warehouse (2) field is published.

The concatenation of 'D' and the Work Center field is published.

For ASC:
Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), General tab, End Item in Inventory group, Standard Item Warehouse

The concatenation of 'W' and the Standard Item Warehouse field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.cwar 1) Session Production Order (tisfc0101m100), Order group, Warehouse (1) field.
2) ticst001.cwar 2) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), Warehouse (2) field.
3) tcmcs003.dsca 3) Session Warehouses (tcmcs0103s000), General tab, Warehouse field, description.

Infor April 07, 2020 696

Based on the Warehous field, the Warehouse field description is determined.

If the production order has no operations, the Warehouse field description of Warehouse (1) field is published.
- If Type is equal to 'Product', the Warehouse field description of Warehouse (1) field is published.
- If Type is equal to 'By-Product', the Warehouse field description of Warehouse (2) field is published.

For ASC:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For SFC: For SFC:
ticst001.qune Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), Material Quantity group, Net Quantity field.

If Type is equal to 'By-Product', the absolute value of the Net Quantity field is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) ticst001.qune 2) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), Material Quantity group, Net Quantity field.

Based on the Net Quantity field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
ticst001.qune Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), Material Quantity group, Net Quantity field.

If Type is equal to 'By-Product', the absolute value of the Net Quantity field is published in the inventory unit.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tisfc001.mitm 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.qrdr 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Ordered field.
2) tisfc010.qpli 2) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Planned Quantities group, Qty Planned Input
3) tisfc010.scpq field.
4) tisfc010.yldp 3) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Planned Quantities group, Scrap Quantity field.
5) ticst001.ques 4) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Planned Quantities group, Yield field.
5) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), Estimated Quantity field.

If the production order has no operations, the Ordered field is published.

- If Type is equal to 'Product', the result of Qty Planned Input field - ((Qty Planned Input field - Scrap Quantity
field) * (1 - Yield field/100)) + Scrap Quantity field is published.
- If Type is equal to 'By-Product', the absolute value of the Estimated Quantity field is published.

For ASC:
Always filled with '1'.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tisfc001.qrdr 2) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Ordered field.
3) tisfc010.qpli 3) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Planned Quantities group, Qty Planned Input
4) ticst001.ques field.
4) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), Estimated Quantity field.
For ASC:
1) tcmcs001.icun It the production order has no operations, based on the Ordered field the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
2) tcibd001.cuni Otherwise,
3) tiasc200.item - If Type is equal to 'Product', based on the Qty Planned Input field the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
- If Type is equal to 'By-Product', based on the Estimated Quantity field the ISO Code field of the unit is

For ASC:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), General tab, Item group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For SFC:

Infor April 07, 2020 697

1) tcibd001.cuni For SFC:
2) tisfc001.mitm 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tisfc001.qrdr 2) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.
4) tisfc010.qpli 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Quantities tab, Ordered field.
5) tisfc010.scpq 4) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Planned Quantities group, Qty Planned Input
6) tisfc010.yldp field.
7) ticst001.ques 5) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Planned Quantities group, Scrap Quantity field.4)
Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Planned Quantities group, Yield field.
For ASC: 6) Session Estimated Materials (ticst0101m000), Estimated Quantity field.
1) tcibd001.cuni
2) tiasc200.item Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

If the production order has no operations, the Ordered field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
- If Type is equal to 'Product', the result of Qty Planned Input field - ((Qty Planned Input field - Scrap Quantity
field) * (1 - Yield field/100)) + Scrap Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
- If Type is equal to 'By-Product', the absolute value of the Estimated Quantity field expressed in the Inventory
Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For ASC:
1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), General tab, Item group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

'1' expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tisfc001.mitm 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.

For ASC: Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
3) tiasc200.item
For ASC:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), General tab, Item group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc010.qpli 1) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Planned Quantities group, Qty Planned Input
2) tisfc010.scpq field.
3) tisfc010.yldp 2) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Planned Quantities group, Scrap Quantity field.
3) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Planned Quantities group, Yield field

If the production order has operations, '0' is published.

- If Type is equal to 'Product', the result of Qty Planned Input field - (((Qty Planned Input field - Scrap Quantity
field) * (1 - Yield field/100)) + Scrap Quantity field) is published.
- If Type is equal to 'By-Product', '0' is published.

For ASC:
Always filled with '0'.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tisfc001.mitm 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.

For ASC: Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni For ASC:
3) tiasc200.item 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), General tab, Item group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tisfc001.mitm 2) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.
3) tisfc010.qpli 3) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Planned Quantities group, Qty Planned Input
Infor April 07, 2020 698
4) tisfc010.scpq field.
5) tisfc010.yldp 4) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Planned Quantities group, Scrap Quantity field.
5) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Planned Quantities group, Yield field
For ASC:
1) tcibd001.cuni Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
2) tiasc200.item
If the production order has operations, '0' expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
- If Type is equal to 'Product', the result of Qty Planned Input field - (((Qty Planned Input field - Scrap Quantity
field) * (1 - Yield field/100)) + Scrap Quantity field) expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
- If Type is equal to 'By-Product', '0' expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For ASC:
1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), General tab, Item group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

'1' expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tisfc001.mitm 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.

For ASC: Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
3) tiasc200.item
For ASC:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), General tab, Item group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc010.mcno Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Planning Related tab, Machine field.

For SOC: For SOC:

1) tscfg200.mcno 1) Session Serialized Items (tscfg2100m000), Origin tab, Manufacturing group, Machine field.
2) tssoc210.item 2) Session Service Order Activity - Lines (tssoc2110m100), Item group, Item field.
3) tssoc210.sern 3) Session Service Order Activity - Lines (tssoc2110m100), Item group, Serial Number field.

Based on the Item field and Serial Number field, the Machine field is determined.
If the Machine field is filled, the Machine field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc010.mcoc Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Capacity / Subcontracting tab, Capacity Data group, Machine
Occupation field.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc010.mcno 1) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Planning Related tab, Machine field.
2) tirou002.dsca 2) Session Machines (tirou0102m000), Machine field.

Based on the Machine field, the description of the Machine field is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc010.tano Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Planning Related tab, Task field.
For SFC: For SFC:
For LN 10.3 and earlier: For LN 10.3 and earlier:
1) tisfc010.qrjc 1) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Actual Quantities group, Scrapped field.
2) tisfc010.qxac 2) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Actual Quantities group, Planned Scrapped field.

For LN 10.4 and later: The sum of the Scrapped field and the Planned Scrapped field is published.
1) tisfc010.qtor
2) tisfc010.qxac For LN 10.4 and later:
3) tisfc010.qrjc 1) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Actual Quantities group, Rejected field.
4) tisfc010.qqar 2) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Actual Quantities group, Planned Scrapped field.
3) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Actual Quantities group, Scrapped field.
4) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Actual Quantities group, Quarantined field.

Infor April 07, 2020 699

The sum of the Rejected field, the Planned Scrapped field, the Scrapped field and the Quarantined field is

For ASC:
Always filled with '0'.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.mitm 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) tcmcs001.icun 3) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.

For ASC: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.
1) tcmcs001.icun Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
2) tcibd001.cuni
3) tiasc200.item For ASC:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), General tab, Item group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tisfc001.mitm 2) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.

For LN 10.3 and earlier: For LN 10.3 and earlier:

3) tisfc010.qrjc 3) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Actual Quantities group, Scrapped field.
4) tisfc010.qxac 4) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Actual Quantities group, Planned Scrapped field.

For LN 10.4 and later: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
3) tisfc010.qtor
4) tisfc010.qxac The sum of the Scrapped field and the Planned Scrapped field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
5) tisfc010.qrjc
6) tisfc010.qqar For LN 10.4 and later:
3) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Actual Quantities group, Rejected field.
For ASC: 4) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Actual Quantities group, Planned Scrapped field.
1) tcibd001.cuni 5) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Actual Quantities group, Scrapped field.
2) tiasc200.item 6) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Actual Quantities group, Quarantined field.

The sum of the Rejected field, the Planned Scrapped field, the Scrapped field and the Quarantined field
expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For ASC:
1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), General tab, Item group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

'1' expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tisfc001.mitm 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.

For ASC: Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
3) tiasc200.item
For ASC:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), General tab, Item group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc010.qplo Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Planned Quantities group, Qty Planned Output field.

For ASC:
Always filled with '1'.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.mitm 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
Infor April 07, 2020 700
3) tcmcs001.icun 3) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.

For ASC: Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.
1) tcmcs001.icun Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
2) tcibd001.cuni
3) tiasc200.item For ASC:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), General tab, Item group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tisfc001.mitm 2) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.
3) tisfc010.qplo 3) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Planned Quantities group, Qty Planned Output
For ASC:
1) tcibd001.cuni Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
2) tiasc200.item The Qty Planned Output field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For ASC:
1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), General tab, Item group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

'1' expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tisfc001.mitm 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.

For ASC: Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tcibd001.cuni This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.
3) tiasc200.item
For ASC:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) Session Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000)), General tab, Item group, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc010.sutm Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Planning Related tab, Lead Times group, Average Setup Time
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc010.trdl Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Planning Related tab, Lead Times group, Wait Time field.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc010.rutm 1) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Planning Related tab, Lead Times group, Cycle Time field.
2) tisfc010.runi 2) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Planning Related tab, Lead Times group, Routing Unit field.
3) tisfc010.fdur 3) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Planning Related tab, Start Date group, Fixed Duration field.

If the Fixed Duration field is checked, the Cycle Time field is published.
Otherwise, the Cycle Time field divided by the Routing Unit field is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc010.qutm Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Planning Related tab, Lead Times group, Queue Time field.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc010.mvtm Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Planning Related tab, Lead Times group, Move Time field.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc010.sutm 1) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Planning Related tab, Lead Times group, Average Setup Time
2) tisfc010.rutm field.
3) tisfc010.fdur 2) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Planning Related tab, Lead Times group, Cycle Time field.
3) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Planning Related tab, Start Date group, Fixed Duration field.

If the Fixed Duration field is checked, the sum of the Average Setup Time field and the Cycle Time field is

Infor April 07, 2020 701

For ASC: For ASC:
tiasc222.lstv Session Line Station Variant - Operations (tiasc2122m000), Line Station Variant field.

Based on the Line Station Variant field, the sequence number is equal to the sequence of the operation on form.

For example:
For the first operation, '1' is published.
For the second operation, '2' is published.
For ASC: For ASC:
1) tiasc222.oper 1) Session Line Station Variant - Operations (tiasc2122m000), Operation field.
2) tiasc222.oped 2) Session Line Station Variant - Operations (tiasc2122m000), Operation Description field.

The concatenation of Operation field and Operation Description field is published.

For ASC: For ASC:
tiasc222.txtb Session Line Station Variant - Operations (tiasc2122m000)), Operation group, Text field.
For ASC:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
For ASC: For ASC:
tiasc222.exsq Session Line Station Variant - Operations (tiasc2122m000), Work Team group, Execution Sequence field.
For ASC:
Always filled with 'SequenceCode'.
For ASC: For ASC:
tiasc222.txta Session Line Station Variant - Operations (tiasc2122m000), Operation group, Instructions field.
For ASC: For ASC:
tiasc210.asln Session Assembly Order (tiasc2510m000), Assembly Line field.

For the Assembly Line field, the ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/UserArea/

Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.AssemblyLine' the ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is filled with
'MasterDataReference' and ProductionOrder/ProductionOrderDetail/BillOfResources/Operations/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@noun is filled with 'LnAssemblyLine'.

This BOD element is available for LN 10.6 or later.

For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc010.yldp Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Planned Quantities group, Yield field.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc010.scpq Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Planned Quantities group, Scrap Quantity field.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc001.mitm 1) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Item Data I tab, Unit Data group, Inventory Unit field.
3) tcmcs001.icun 3) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit field is determined.

Based on the Inventory Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tisfc001.mitm 2) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.
3) tisfc010.scpq 3) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Quantity tab, Planned Quantities group, Scrap Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Scrap Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tisfc001.mitm 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), General tab, Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.

This BOD element is available for FP7 or later.

Infor April 07, 2020 702
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc010.cwoc Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Planning Related tab, Work Center field.

For ASC: For ASC:

tiasc210.sttn Session Assembly Order - Line Station Orders (tiasc2510m000), Planning tab, Line Station field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tirou001.dsca 1) Session Work Centers (tirou0101m000), Description field.
2) tisfc010.cwoc 2) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Planning Related tab, Work Center field.

For ASC: Based on the Work Center field, the Description field is published.
1) tcmcs065.dsca
2) tiasc210.sttn For ASC:
1) Session Departments - General (tcmcs0165s000), Description field.
2) Session Assembly Order - Line Station Orders (tiasc2510m000), Planning tab, Line Station field.

Based on the Line Station field, the Description field is published.

Always filled with 'Warehouse'.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tisfc010.cwoc 1) Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Planning Related tab, Work Center field.
2) tirou001.wipw 2) Session Work Centers (tirou0101m000), Relationships tab, Type group, Shop Floor Warehouse field.

For ASC: Based on the Work Center field, the Shop Floor Warehouse field is published.
1) tiasc210.sttn
2) tirou001.wipw For ASC:
1) Session Assembly Order - Line Station Orders (tiasc2510m000), Planning tab, Line Station field.
2) Session Work Centers (tirou0101m000), Relationships tab, Type group, Shop Floor Warehouse field.

Based on the Line Station field, the Shop Floor Warehouse field is published.
tirou001.wipw For SFC:
Session Work Centers (tirou0101m000), Relationships tab, Type group, Shop Floor Warehouse field.

Based on the Shop Floor Warehouse field, the accountingEntity field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For ASC:
Session Work Centers (tirou0101m000), Relationships tab, Type group, Shop Floor Warehouse field.

Based on the Shop Floor Warehouse field, the accountingEntity field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) ticst002.wgcs 1) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Labor(1) Costs field,
2) ticst002.mccs Estimated column.
3) ticst002.ohcs 2) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Machine(1) Costs field,
4) ticst002.sccs Estimated column.
5) ticst002.awgc 3) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Overhead(1) Costs field,
6) ticst002.amcc Estimated column.
7) ticst002.aohc 4) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Subcontracting(1) Costs
8) ticst002.ascc field, Estimated column.
5) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Labor(1) Costs field,
Actual column.
6) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Machine(1) Costs field,
Actual column.
7) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Overhead(1) Costs field,
Actual column.
8) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Subcontracting(1) Costs
field, Actual column.

For Labor Costs fields, 'Labor' is published.

For Machine Costs fields, 'Machine' is published.
For Overhead Costs fields, 'Operation Burden' is published.
For Subcontracting Costs fields, 'Contractor' is published.

For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:

For Overhead Costs fields, 'Burden' is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 703

For SFC: For SFC:
1) ticst002.wgcs 1) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Labor(1) Costs field,
2) ticst002.mccs Estimated column.
3) ticst002.ohcs 2) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Machine(1) Costs field,
4) ticst002.sccs Estimated column.
5) ticst002.awgc 3) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Overhead(1) Costs field,
6) ticst002.amcc Estimated column.
7) ticst002.aohc 4) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Subcontracting(1) Costs
8) ticst002.ascc field, Estimated column.
5) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Labor(1) Costs field,
Actual column.
6) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Machine(1) Costs field,
Actual column.
7) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Overhead(1) Costs field,
Actual column.
8) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Subcontracting(1) Costs
field, Actual column.

For Estimated Costs fields, 'Planned' is published.

For Actual Costs fields, 'Actual' is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) ticst002.hrem 1) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Man Hours (Production)
2) ticst002.eshm field, Estimated column.
3) ticst002.hrmc 2) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Man Hours (Setup) field,
4) ticst002.eshc Estimated column.
5) ticst002.ahma 3) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Machine Hours
6) ticst002.ashm (Production) field, Estimated column.
7) ticst002.ahmc 4) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Machine Hours (Setup)
8) ticst002.ashc field, Estimated column.
5) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Man Hours (Production)
field, Actual column.
6) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Man Hours (Setup) field,
Actual column.
7) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Machine Hours
(Production) field, Actual column.
8) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Machine Hours (Setup)
field, Actual column.

If the Costing type is equal to 'Planned' and the Costing rateCode is equal to 'Labor', the sum of the Man Hours
(Production) field, Estimated column and the Man Hours (Setup) field, Estimated column is published.
If the Costing type is equal to 'Planned' and the Costing rateCode is equal to 'Machine', the sum of the Machine
Hours (Production) field, Estimated column and the Machine Hours (Setup) field, Estimated column is published.
If the Costing type is equal to 'Planned' and the Costing rateCode is equal to 'Operation Burden', '0' is published.
If the Costing type is equal to 'Planned' and the Costing rateCode is equal to ''Contractor'', '0' is published.

If the Costing type is equal to 'Actual' and the Costing rateCode is equal to 'Labor', the sum of the Man Hours
(Production) field, Actual column and the Man Hours (Setup) field, Actual column is published.
If the Costing type is equal to 'Actual' and the Costing rateCode is equal to 'Machine', the sum of the Machine
Hours (Production) field, Actual column and the Machine Hours (Setup) field, Actual column is published.
If the Costing type is equal to 'Actual' and the Costing rateCode is equal to 'Operation Burden', '0' is published.
If the Costing type is equal to 'Actual' and the Costing rateCode is equal to ''Contractor'', '0' is published.

For Infor LN 10.2.1 or later:

If the Costing type is equal to 'Actual' and the Costing rateCode is equal to 'Burden', '0' is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) ticst002.wgcs(1) 1) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Labor(1) Costs field,
2) ticst002.mccs(1) Estimated column.
3) ticst002.ohcs(1) 2) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Machine(1) Costs field,
4) ticst002.sccs(1) Estimated column.
5) ticst002.awgc(1) 3) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Overhead(1) Costs field,
6) ticst002.amcc(1) Estimated column.
7) ticst002.ohcs(1) 4) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Subcontracting(1) Costs
8) ticst002.ascc(1) field, Estimated column.
5) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Labor(1) Costs field,
Actual column.
6) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Machine(1) Costs field,
Actual column.
7) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Overhead(1) Costs field,
Actual column.
8) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Subcontracting(1) Costs
field, Actual column.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) ticst001.ccur 2) Session Estimated vs. Actual Material Costs (ticst0501m000), Estimated Amount Currency field.
Infor April 07, 2020 704
3) tcemm170.lcur 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Reference Currency field.
4) tcemm170.csys 4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Currency System field.

Based on the current company, the Reference Currency and Currency System are determined.

If the Currency System is equal to 'Dependent', or 'Standard', the ISO Code field of the Estimated Amount
Currency field is published.
Otherwise, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency field is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tisfc001.clco 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Costing tab, Calculation Office field.
4) ticst002.wgcs(1) 4) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Labor(1) Costs field,
5) ticst002.mccs(1) Estimated column.
6) ticst002.ohcs(1) 5) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Machine(1) Costs field,
7) ticst002.sccs(1) estimated column.
8) ticst002.awgc(1) 6) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Overhead(1) Costs field,
9) ticst002.amcc(1) Estimated column.
10) ticst002.ohcs(1) 7) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Subcontracting(1) Costs
11) ticst002.ascc(1) field, Estimated column.
8) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Labor(1) Costs field,
Actual column.
9) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Machine(1) Costs field,
Actual column.
10) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Overhead(1) Costs
field, Actual column.
11) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Subcontracting(1)
Costs field, Actual column.

Based on the Calculation Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

The Costs fields expressed in Local Currency are published.

For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tisfc001.clco 4) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Costing tab, Calculation Office field.

Based on the Calculation Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tisfc001.clco 3) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Costing tab, Calculation Office field.
4) ticst002.hrem 4) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Labor(1) Costs field,
5) ticst002.eshm Estimated column.
6) ticst002.hrmc 5) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Machine(1) Costs field,
7) ticst002.eshc estimated column.
8) ticst002.ahma 6) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Overhead(1) Costs field,
9) ticst002.ashm Estimated column.
10) ticst002.ahmc 7) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Subcontracting(1) Costs
11) ticst002.ashc field, Estimated column.
8) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Labor(1) Costs field,
Actual column.
9) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Machine(1) Costs field,
Actual column.
10) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Overhead(1) Costs
field, Actual column.
11) Session Estimated vs. Actual Hours Costs (ticst0505s000), Hours tab, Hours group, Subcontracting(1)
Costs field, Actual column.

Based on the Calculation Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Costs fields expressed in Local Currency are published.

For SFC: For SFC:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tisfc001.clco 4) Session Production Orders (tisfc0101s000), Costing tab, Calculation Office field.

Based on the Calculation Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 705
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc010.asdt Not displayed in any session, Actual Start Date field.

For ASC: For ASC:

tiasc210.acst Session Assembly Order - Line Station Orders (tiasc2510m000), Planning tab, Planning group, Actual (Start
Time) field.

If the Actual (Start Time) field is filled, the Actual (Start Time) field is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc010.cmdt Session Report Operations Completed (tisfc0130m000), Completion Date field.

For ASC: For ASC:

tiasc210.acet Session Assembly Order - Line Station Orders (tiasc2510m000), Planning tab, Planning group, Actual (End
Time) field.

If the Actual (End Time) field is filled, the Actual (End Time) field is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc010.psdt Not displayed in any session, Planned Start Date field.

For ASC: For ASC:

tiasc210.plst Session Assembly Order - Line Station Orders (tiasc2510m000), Planning tab, Planning group, Planned Start
Time field.

If the Planned Start Time field is filled, the Planned Start Time field is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc010.pfdt Not displayed in any session, Planned Finish Date field.

For ASC: For ASC:

tiasc210.plet Session Assembly Order - Line Station Orders (tiasc2510m000), Planning tab, Planning group, Planned End
Time field.

If the Planned End Time field is filled, the Planned End Time field is published.
For ASC: For ASC:
tiasc210.acst Session Assembly Order - Line Station Orders (tiasc2510m000), Planning tab, Planning group, Actual (Start
Time) field.

If the Actual (Start Time) field is filled, the Actual (Start Time) field is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc010.prrd Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Wait Start Date field.

For ASC: For ASC:

tiasc210.acet Session Assembly Order - Line Station Orders (tiasc2510m000), Planning tab, Planning group, Actual (End
Time) field.

If the Actual (End Time) field is filled, the Actual (End Time) field is published.
For SFC: For SFC:
tisfc010.prdt Session Production Planning (tisfc0110m000), Setup + Run Start Date field.

Infor April 07, 2020 706

tpppc400.cprj Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project field.

This BOD is published only in the initial load session (tpbod0200m000).

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.
tpppc400.cprj Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tpppc400.cprj Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tpppc400.cprj Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project field.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

tppdm600.ccdt Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Control tab, Actual Cost Last Built field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.
3) tcemm170.fcua 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
4) tpppc400.ambg 4) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Total Budget field.
5) tpppc400.amac 5) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Actual field.
6) tpppc400.amex 6) Not displayed in any session, Commitment amount field.
7) tpppc400.ampm 7) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Performed field.
8) tpppc400.ampe 8) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Forecast tab, Forecast Cost field.
9) tpppc400.amrs 9) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Revenues field.
10) tpppc400.amrf 10) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Forecast tab, Forecast Extra Revenues field.
11) tpppc400.amfr 11) Not displayed in any session, Revenues Reported Completed field.
12) tpdm600.copr 12) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Contract tab, Contract Amount field.
13) tpptc050.copr 13) Session Extensions (tpptc0110s000), Financial tab, Contract Amount field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
Based on the Total Budget field and the Project Currency field, the Total Budget expressed in Project Currency
is published.
Based on the Total Budget field and the Local Currency field, the Total Budget expressed in Local Currency is
Based on the Actual field and the Project Currency field, the Actual expressed in Project Currency is published.
Based on the Actual field and the Local Currency field, the Actual expressed in Local Currency is published.
Based on the Commitment amount field and the Project Currency field, the Commitment amount expressed in
Project Currency is published.
Based on the Commitment amount field and the Local Currency field, the Commitment amount expressed in
Local Currency is published.
Based on the Performed field and the Project Currency field, the Performed in Project Currency field is
Based on the Performed field and the Local Currency field, the Performed in Local Currency field is published.
Based on the Forecast Cost field and the Project Currency field, the Forecast Cost in Project Currency field is
Based on the Forecast Cost field and the Local Currency field, the Forecast Cost in Local Currency field is
Based on the Revenues field and the Project Currency field, the Revenues in Project Currency field is published.
Based on the Revenues field and the Local Currency field, the Revenues in Local Currency field is published.
Based on the Forecast Extra Revenues field and the Project Currency field, the Forecast Extra Revenues in
Project Currency field is published.
Based on the Forecast Extra Revenues field and the Local Currency field, the Forecast Extra Revenues in Local
Currency field is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 707
Based on the Revenues Reported Completed field and the Project Currency field, the Revenues Reported
Completed in Project Currency field is published.
Based on the Revenues Reported Completed field and the Local Currency field, the Revenues Reported
Completed in Local Currency field is published.
Based on the Contract Amount field and the Project Currency field, the Contract Amount in Project Currency
field is published.
Based on the Contract Amount field and the Local Currency field, the Contract Amount in Local Currency field is
tpppc401.cotp Session Control by Project/CostType (tpppc4511m000), Cost Type field.
1) tpppc400.ambg 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Total Budget field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Total Budget field and the Project Currency field, the Total Budget field expressed in Project
Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.ambg 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Total Budget field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Total Budget field and the Local Currency field, the Total Budget field expressed in Local Currency
is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.ambg 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Total Budget field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Total Budget field and the Reference Currency field, the Total Budget field expressed in
Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.ambg 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Total Budget field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Total Budget field and the Project Currency field, the Total Budget field expressed in Project
Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.amac 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Actual field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Actual field and the Project Currency field, the Actual field expressed in Project Currency is
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.amac 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Actual field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Actual field and the Local Currency field, the Actual field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 708

1) tpppc400.amac 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Actual field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Actual field and the Reference Currency field, the Actual field expressed in Reference Currency is
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.amac 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Actual field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Actual field and the Project Currency field, the Actual field expressed in Project Currency is
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.ampm 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Performed field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Performed field and the Project Currency field, the Performed field expressed in Project Currency
is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.ampm 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Performed field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Performed field and the Local Currency field, the Performed field expressed in Local Currency is
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.ampm 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Performed field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Performed field and the Reference Currency field, the Performed field expressed in Reference
Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.ampm 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Performed field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Performed field and the Project Currency field, the Performed field expressed in Project Currency
is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.ambg 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Total Budget field.
2) tpppc400.amac 2) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Actual field.
3) tppdm600.ccur 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Total Budget field, the Actual field and the Project Currency field, the Total Budget field minus the
Actual field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 709
1) tpppc400.ambg 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Total Budget field.
2) tpppc400.amac 2) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Actual field.
3) tcemm170.fcua 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Total Budget field, the Actual field and the Local Currency field, the Total Budget field minus the
Actual field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.ambg 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Total Budget field.
2) tpppc400.amac 2) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Actual field.
3) tcemm170.lcur 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Total Budget field, the Actual field and the Reference Currency field, the Total Budget field minus
the Actual field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.ambg 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Total Budget field.
2) tpppc400.amac 2) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Actual field.
3) tppdm600.ccur 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Total Budget field, the Actual field and the Project Currency field, the Total Budget field minus the
Actual field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.amrs 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Revenues field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Revenues field and the Project Currency field, the Revenues field expressed in Project Currency
is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.amrs 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Revenues field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Revenues field and the Local Currency field, the Revenues field expressed in Local Currency is
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.amrs 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Revenues field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Revenues field and the Reference Currency field, the Revenues field expressed in Reference
Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.amrs 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Revenues field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Revenues field and the Project Currency field, the Revenues field expressed in Project Currency
is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
Infor April 07, 2020 710
2) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpptc050.copr 1) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Financial tab, Contract Amount field.
2) tpptc050.cprj 2) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the summation of the Contract Amount fields is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpptc050.copr 1) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Financial tab, Contract Amount field.
2) tpptc050.cprj 2) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Project field.
3) tcemm170.fcua 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Project field, the summation of the Contract Amount fields is expressed in Local Currency
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpptc050.copr 1) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Financial tab, Contract Amount field.
2) tpptc050.cprj 2) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Project field.
3) tcemm170.lcur 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Project field, the summation of the Contract Amount fields is expressed in Reference Currency
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpptc050.copr 1) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Financial tab, Contract Amount field.
2) tpptc050.cprj 2) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the summation of the Contract Amount fields is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) amount4 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), WIP field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the WIP field and the Project Currency field, the WIP field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) amount4 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), WIP field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the WIP field and the Local Currency field, the WIP field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) amount4 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), WIP field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the WIP field and the Reference Currency field, the WIP field expressed in Reference Currency is
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
Infor April 07, 2020 711
Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) amount4 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), WIP field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the WIP field and the Project Currency field, the WIP field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.ampe 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Forecast tab, Forecast Cost field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Forecast Cost field and the Project Currency field, the Forecast Cost field expressed in Project
Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.ampe 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Forecast tab, Forecast Cost field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Forecast Cost field and the Local Currency field, the Forecast Cost field expressed in Local
Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.ampe 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Forecast tab, Forecast Cost field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Forecast Cost field and the Reference Currency field, the Forecast Cost field expressed in
Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.ampe 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Forecast tab, Forecast Cost field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Forecast Cost field and the Project Currency field, the Forecast Cost field expressed in Project
Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) amount11 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Forecast tab, Variance at Completion field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Variance at Completion field and the Project Currency field, the Variance at Completion field
expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) amount11 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Forecast tab, Variance at Completion field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Variance at Completion field and the Local Currency field, the Variance at Completion field
expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Infor April 07, 2020 712

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) amount11 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Forecast tab, Variance at Completion field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Variance at Completion field and the Reference Currency field, the Variance at Completion field
expressed in Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) amount11 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Forecast tab, Variance at Completion field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Variance at Completion field and the Project Currency field, the Variance at Completion field
expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.ambg 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Forecast tab, Total Budget field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Total Budget field and the Project Currency field, the Total Budget field expressed in Project
Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.ambg 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Forecast tab, Total Budget field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Total Budget field and the Local Currency field, the Total Budget field expressed in Local Currency
is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.ambg 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Forecast tab, Total Budget field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Total Budget field and the Reference Currency field, the Total Budget field expressed in
Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.ambg 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Forecast tab, Total Budget field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Total Budget field and the Project Currency field, the Total Budget field expressed in Project
Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.amac 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Actual field.
2) tpppc400.ampe 2) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Forecast tab, Forecast Cost field.
3) tppdm600.ccur 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Actual field, the Forecast Cost field and the Project Currency field, the Actual field plus the
Forecast Cost field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
Infor April 07, 2020 713
2) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.amac 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Actual field.
2) tpppc400.ampe 2) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Forecast tab, Forecast Cost field.
3) tcemm170.fcua 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Actual field, the Forecast Cost field and the Local Currency field, the Actual field plus the Forecast
Cost field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.amac 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Actual field.
2) tpppc400.ampe 2) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Forecast tab, Forecast Cost field.
3) tcemm170.lcur 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Actual field, the Forecast Cost field and the Reference Currency field, the Actual field plus the
Forecast Cost field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.amac 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Actual field.
2) tpppc400.ampe 2) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Forecast tab, Forecast Cost field.
3) tppdm600.ccur 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Actual field, the Forecast Cost field and the Project Currency field, the Actual field plus the
Forecast Cost field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.ampe 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Forecast tab, Forecast Cost field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Forecast Cost field and the Project Currency field, the Forecast Cost field expressed in Project
Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.ampe 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Forecast tab, Forecast Cost field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Forecast Cost field and the Local Currency field, the Forecast Cost field expressed in Local
Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.ampe 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Forecast tab, Forecast Cost field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Forecast Cost field and the Reference Currency field, the Forecast Cost field expressed in
Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.ampe 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Forecast tab, Forecast Cost field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Infor April 07, 2020 714

Based on the Forecast Cost field and the Project Currency field, the Forecast Cost field expressed in Project
Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.amex 1) Not displayed in any session, Commitments field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Commitments field and the Project Currency field, the Commitments field expressed in Project
Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.amex 1) Not displayed in any session, Commitments field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Commitments field and the Local Currency field, the Commitments field expressed in Local
Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.amex 1) Not displayed in any session, Commitments field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Commitments field and the Reference Currency field, the Commitments field expressed in
Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.amex 1) Not displayed in any session, Commitments field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Commitments field and the Project Currency field, the Commitments field expressed in Project
Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.amrf 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Forecast tab, Forecast Extra Revenues field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Forecast Extra Revenues field and the Project Currency field, the Forecast Extra Revenues field
expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.amrf 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Forecast tab, Forecast Extra Revenues field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Forecast Extra Revenues field and the Local Currency field, the Forecast Extra Revenues field
expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.amrf 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Forecast tab, Forecast Extra Revenues field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Infor April 07, 2020 715

Based on the Forecast Extra Revenues field and the Reference Currency field, the Forecast Extra Revenues
field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc400.amrf 1) Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Forecast tab, Forecast Extra Revenues field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Forecast Extra Revenues field and the Project Currency field, the Forecast Extra Revenues field
expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tppdm600.ccdt Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Control tab, Actual Cost Last Built field.

If the Actual Cost Last Built field is filled, it is published.

Always filled with '1'.
1) tpppc540.aswt 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Planned Value field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Planned Value field and the Project Currency field, the Planned Value field expressed in Project
Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.aswt 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Planned Value field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Planned Value field and the Local Currency field, the Planned Value field expressed in Local
Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.aswt 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Planned Value field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Planned Value field and the Reference Currency field, the Planned Value field expressed in
Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.aswt 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Planned Value field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Planned Value field and the Project Currency field, the Planned Value field expressed in Project
Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.aact 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Excl.Commitments tab, Actuals field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Actuals field and the Project Currency field, the Actuals field expressed in Project Currency is

Infor April 07, 2020 716

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.aact 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Excl.Commitments tab, Actuals field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Actuals field and the Local Currency field, the Actuals field expressed in Local Currency is
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.aact 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Excl.Commitments tab, Actuals field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Actuals field and the Reference Currency field, the Actuals field expressed in Reference Currency
is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.aact 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Excl.Commitments tab, Actuals field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Actuals field and the Project Currency field, the Actuals field expressed in Project Currency is
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.apet 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Excl.Commitments tab, Earned Value
2) tppdm600.ccur field.
2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Earned Value field and the Project Currency field, the Earned Value field expressed in Project
Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.apet 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Excl.Commitments tab, Earned Value
2) tcemm170.fcua field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Earned Value field and the Local Currency field, the Earned Value field expressed in Local
Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.apet 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Excl.Commitments tab, Earned Value
2) tcemm170.lcur field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Earned Value field and the Reference Currency field, the Earned Value field expressed in
Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.apet 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Excl.Commitments tab, Earned Value
2) tppdm600.ccur field.
2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.
Infor April 07, 2020 717
Based on the Earned Value field and the Project Currency field, the Earned Value field expressed in Project
Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.aswt 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Planned Value field.
2) tpppc540.aact 2) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Excl.Commitments tab, Actuals field.
3) tppdm600.ccur 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

The Planned Value field minus the Actuals field, expressed in Project Currency, is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.aswt 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Planned Value field.
2) tpppc540.aact 2) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Excl.Commitments tab, Actuals field.
3) tcemm170.fcua 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

The Planned Value field minus the Actuals field, expressed in Local Currency, is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.aswt 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Planned Value field.
2) tpppc540.aact 2) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Excl.Commitments tab, Actuals field.
3) tcemm170.lcur 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

The Planned Value field minus the Actuals field, expressed in Reference Currency, is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.aswt 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Planned Value field.
2) tpppc540.aact 2) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Excl.Commitments tab, Actuals field.
3) tppdm600.ccur 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

The Planned Value field minus the Actuals field, expressed in Project Currency, is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tppin020.tiia 1) Session Installments (tppin4151s000), Normal Work tab, Invoiced Amount (1) field.
2) tppin020.tiaa 2) Session Installments (tppin4151s000), Additional Work tab, Invoiced Amount (2) field.
3) tppdm600.ccur 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

The sum of all this Invoiced Amount (1) fields plus the sum of all this Invoiced Amount (2) fields, expressed in
Project Currency, is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tppin020.tiia 1) Session Installments (tppin4151s000), Normal Work tab, Invoiced Amount (1) field.
2) tppin020.tiaa 2) Session Installments (tppin4151s000), Additional Work tab, Invoiced Amount (2) field.
3) tcemm170.fcua 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

The sum of all this Invoiced Amount (1) fields plus the sum of all this Invoiced Amount (2) fields, expressed in
Local Currency, is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 718
1) tppin020.tiia 1) Session Installments (tppin4151s000), Normal Work tab, Invoiced Amount (1) field.
2) tppin020.tiaa 2) Session Installments (tppin4151s000), Additional Work tab, Invoiced Amount (2) field.
3) tcemm170.lcur 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

The sum of all this Invoiced Amount (1) fields plus the sum of all this Invoiced Amount (2) fields, expressed in
Reference Currency, is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tppin020.tiia 1) Session Installments (tppin4151s000), Normal Work tab, Invoiced Amount (1) field.
2) tppin020.tiaa 2) Session Installments (tppin4151s000), Additional Work tab, Invoiced Amount (2) field.
3) tppdm600.ccur 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

The sum of all this Invoiced Amount (1) fields plus the sum of all this Invoiced Amount (2) fields, expressed in
Project Currency, is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tppin020.insa 1) Session Installments (tppin4151s000), Normal Work tab, This Installment Amount (1) field.
2) tppin020.inaa 2) Session Installments (tppin4151s000), Additional Work tab, This Installment Amount (2) field.
3) tppdm600.ccur 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

The sum of all this Installment Amount (1) fields plus the sum of all this Installment Amount (2) fields, expressed
in Project Currency, is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tppin020.insa 1) Session Installments (tppin4151s000), Normal Work tab, This Installment Amount (1) field.
2) tppin020.inaa 2) Session Installments (tppin4151s000), Additional Work tab, This Installment Amount (2) field.
3) tcemm170.fcua 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

The sum of all this Installment Amount (1) fields plus the sum of all this Installment Amount (2) fields, expressed
in Local Currency, is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tppin020.insa 1) Session Installments (tppin4151s000), Normal Work tab, This Installment Amount (1) field.
2) tppin020.inaa 2) Session Installments (tppin4151s000), Additional Work tab, This Installment Amount (2) field.
3) tcemm170.lcur 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

The sum of all this Installment Amount (1) fields plus the sum of all this Installment Amount (2) fields, expressed
in Reference Currency, is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tppin020.insa 1) Session Installments (tppin4151s000), Normal Work tab, This Installment Amount (1) field.
2) tppin020.inaa 2) Session Installments (tppin4151s000), Additional Work tab, This Installment Amount (2) field.
3) tppdm600.ccur 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

The sum of all this Installment Amount (1) fields plus the sum of all this Installment Amount (2) fields, expressed
in Project Currency, is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.aeac 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, EAC field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the EAC field and the Project Currency field, the EAC field expressed in Project Currency is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 719
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.aeac 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, EAC field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the EAC field and the Local Currency field, the EAC field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.aeac 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, EAC field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the EAC field and the Reference Currency field, the EAC field expressed in Reference Currency is
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.aeac 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, EAC field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the EAC field and the Project Currency field, the EAC field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) var.at.comp 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, Variance at Completion
2) tppdm600.ccur field.
2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Variance at Completion field and the Project Currency field, the Variance at Completion field
expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) var.at.comp 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, Variance at Completion
2) tcemm170.fcua field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Variance at Completion field and the Local Currency field, the Variance at Completion field
expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) var.at.comp 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, Variance at Completion
2) tcemm170.lcur field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Variance at Completion field and the Reference Currency field, the Variance at Completion field
expressed in Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) var.at.comp 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, Variance at Completion
2) tppdm600.ccur field.
2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Infor April 07, 2020 720

Based on the Variance at Completion field and the Project Currency field, the Variance at Completion field
expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.abac 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, BAC field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the BAC field and the Project Currency field, the BAC field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.abac 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, BAC field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the BAC field and the Local Currency field, the BAC field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.abac 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, BAC field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the BAC field and the Reference Currency field, the BAC field expressed in Reference Currency is
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.abac 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, BAC field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the BAC field and the Project Currency field, the BAC field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.aeac 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, EAC field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the EAC field and the Project Currency field, the EAC field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.aeac 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, EAC field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the EAC field and the Local Currency field, the EAC field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.aeac 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, EAC field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the EAC field and the Reference Currency field, the EAC field expressed in Reference Currency is
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
Infor April 07, 2020 721
Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.aeac 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, EAC field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the EAC field and the Project Currency field, the EAC field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.aeac 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, EAC field.
2) tpppc540.aact 2) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Excl.Commitments tab, Actuals field.
3) tppdm600.ccur 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

The EAC field minus the Actuals field, expressed in Project Currency, is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.aeac 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, EAC field.
2) tpppc540.aact 2) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Excl.Commitments tab, Actuals field.
3) tcemm170.fcua 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

The EAC field minus the Actuals field, expressed in Local Currency, is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.aeac 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, EAC field.
2) tpppc540.aact 2) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Excl.Commitments tab, Actuals field.
3) tcemm170.lcur 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

The EAC field minus the Actuals field, expressed in Reference Currency, is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.aeac 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, EAC field.
2) tpppc540.aact 2) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Excl.Commitments tab, Actuals field.
3) tppdm600.ccur 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

The EAC field minus the Actuals field, expressed in Project Currency, is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.acot 1) Not displayed in any session, Amount Commitments Cum. field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Amount Commitments Cum. field and the Project Currency field, the Amount Commitments Cum.
field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.acot 1) Not displayed in any session, Amount Commitments Cum. field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Amount Commitments Cum. field and the Local Currency field, the Amount Commitments Cum.
field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Infor April 07, 2020 722

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.acot 1) Not displayed in any session, Amount Commitments Cum. field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Amount Commitments Cum. field and the Reference Currency field, the Amount Commitments
Cum. field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc540.acot 1) Not displayed in any session, Amount Commitments Cum. field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Amount Commitments Cum. field and the Project Currency field, the Amount Commitments Cum.
field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpppc500.datt Session Performance-Measurement Generate Codes (tpppc5500m000), Date to field.
tppss200.cact Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Activity field.
tpppc541.cotp Session Performance Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Cost Type field.
1) tpppc541.aswt 1) Session Performance Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Scheduled Work field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Scheduled Work field and the Project Currency field, the Scheduled Work field expressed in
Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc541.aswt 1) Session Performance Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Scheduled Work field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Scheduled Work field and the Local Currency field, the Scheduled Work field expressed in Local
Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc541.aswt 1) Session Performance Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Scheduled Work field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Scheduled Work field and the Reference Currency field, the Scheduled Work field expressed in
Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc541.aswt 1) Session Performance Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Scheduled Work field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Scheduled Work field and the Project Currency field, the Scheduled Work field expressed in
Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc541.aact
Infor April 07, 2020 723
2) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Performance Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Cum. Excl. Commitments tab,
Actuals field.
2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Actuals field and the Project Currency field, the Actuals field expressed in Project Currency is
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc541.aact 1) Session Performance Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Cum. Excl. Commitments tab,
2) tcemm170.fcua Actuals field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Actuals field and the Local Currency field, the Actuals field expressed in Local Currency is
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc541.aact 1) Session Performance Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Cum. Excl. Commitments tab,
2) tcemm170.lcur Actuals field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Actuals field and the Reference Currency field, the Actuals field expressed in Reference Currency
is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc541.aact 1) Session Performance Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Cum. Excl. Commitments tab,
2) tppdm600.ccur Actuals field.
2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Actuals field and the Project Currency field, the Actuals field expressed in Project Currency is
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc541.apet 1) Session Performance Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Performed field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Performed field and the Project Currency field, the Performed field expressed in Project Currency
is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc541.apet 1) Session Performance Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Performed field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Performed field and the Local Currency field, the Performed field expressed in Local Currency is
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc541.apet 1) Session Performance Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Performed field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Performed field and the Reference Currency field, the Performed field expressed in Reference
Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
Infor April 07, 2020 724
2) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc541.apet 1) Session Performance Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Performed field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Performed field and the Project Currency field, the Performed field expressed in Project Currency
is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) var.at.comp 1) Session Performance Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), At Completion tab, Cost Var At
2) tppdm600.ccur Completion field.
2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Cost Var At Completion field and the Project Currency field, the Cost Var At Completion field
expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) var.at.comp 1) Session Performance Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), At Completion tab, Cost Var At
2) tcemm170.fcua Completion field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Cost Var At Completion field and the Local Currency field, the Cost Var At Completion field
expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) var.at.comp 1) Session Performance Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), At Completion tab, Cost Var At
2) tcemm170.lcur Completion field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Cost Var At Completion field and the Reference Currency field, the Cost Var At Completion field
expressed in Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) var.at.comp 1) Session Performance Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), At Completion tab, Cost Var At
2) tppdm600.ccur Completion field.
2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Cost Var At Completion field and the Project Currency field, the Cost Var At Completion field
expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc541.abac 1) Session Performance Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), At Completion tab, BAC field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the BAC field and the Project Currency field, the BAC field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc541.abac 1) Session Performance Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), At Completion tab, BAC field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Infor April 07, 2020 725

Based on the BAC field and the Local Currency field, the BAC field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc541.abac 1) Session Performance Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), At Completion tab, BAC field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the BAC field and the Reference Currency field, the BAC field expressed in Reference Currency is
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc541.abac 1) Session Performance Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), At Completion tab, BAC field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the BAC field and the Project Currency field, the BAC field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc541.aeac 1) Session Performance Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), At Completion tab, EAC field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the EAC field and the Project Currency field, the EAC field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc541.aeac 1) Session Performance Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), At Completion tab, EAC field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the EAC field and the Local Currency field, the EAC field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc541.aeac 1) Session Performance Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), At Completion tab, EAC field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the EAC field and the Reference Currency field, the EAC field expressed in Reference Currency is
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc541.aeac 1) Session Performance Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), At Completion tab, EAC field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the EAC field and the Project Currency field, the EAC field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc541.acot 1) Not displayed in any session, Amount Commitments Cum. field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Amount Commitments Cum. field and the Project Currency field, the Amount Commitments Cum.
field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
Infor April 07, 2020 726
2) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc541.acot 1) Not displayed in any session, Amount Commitments Cum. field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Amount Commitments Cum. field and the Local Currency field, the Amount Commitments Cum.
field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc541.acot 1) Not displayed in any session, Amount Commitments Cum. field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Amount Commitments Cum. field and the Reference Currency field, the Amount Commitments
Cum. field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc541.acot 1) Not displayed in any session, Amount Commitments Cum. field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Amount Commitments Cum. field and the Project Currency field, the Amount Commitments Cum.
field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpppc500.datt Session Performance-Measurement Generate Codes (tpppc5500m000), Date to field.
tpppc400.cprj Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 727

1) tpest300.cprj 1) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Project field.
2) tpest300.vers 2) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Version field.
3) tpest300.bnum 3) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Bid Number field.

The concatenation of Project field, Version field, and Bid Number field is published.

This BOD is published when users Approve or Unapprove a Project Bid.

This BOD is published when users Delete a Project Bid.
This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.
tpppc400.cprj Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tpppc400.cprj Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tpest300.cprj 1) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Project field.
2) tpest300.vers 2) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Version field.
3) tpest300.bnum 3) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Bid Number field.

The concatenation of the Project field, the Version field and the Bid Number field is published.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) tppdm700.lmus 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Project tab, Last Modified by field.
4) tppdm700.crby 4) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Project tab, Created by field.

If the Last Modified by field is filled, based on the Last Modified by field the User field is determined. Otherwise,
based on the Created by field the User field is determined.
Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) tppdm700.lmus 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Project tab, Last Modified by field.
3) tppdm700.crby 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Project tab, Created by field.

If the Last Modified by field is filled, based on the Last Modified by field, the Name field is published. Otherwise,
based on the Created by field, the Name field is published.
1) tpest300.cdat 1) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Miscellaneous tab, Bid Creation Date field.

If the Bid Creation Date field is filled, the Bid Creation Date field is published. Otherwise, the UTC number of the
Date and Time when the BOD is published is published.
tpest300.desc Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Description field.
tpest300.cprj Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Project field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tpest300.cprj 1) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Project field.
2) tpest300.vers 2) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Version field.

The concatenation of the Project field and the Version field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 728
1) tpest100.desc 1) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Description field.
2) tpest300.cprj 2) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Project field.
3) tpest300.vers 3) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Version field.

Based on the Project field and the Version field, the Description field is published.
tpest300.bnum Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Bid Number field.
tpest300.desc Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Description field.
tpest300.bdbp Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Business Partner field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4500m000), Description field.
2) tpest300.bdbp 2) Session Bid (tpest3600m000), Business Partner field.

Based on the Business Partner field, the Description field is published.

tpest300.amoc(1) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Cost Amount (In Bid Currency) field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpest300.cocu 2) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Cost Amount Currency field.

Based on the Cost Amount Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpest300.amoc(2) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Cost Amount (In Home Currency) field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest300.cprj 4) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpest300.cprj 3) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Project field.
4) tpest300.amoc(1) 4) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Cost Amount (In Bid Currency) field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
The Cost Amount (In Bid Currency) field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest300.cprj 4) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
2) tpest300.cprj 2) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Project field.
3) tpest300.amoc(1) 3) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Cost Amount (In Bid Currency) field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Cost Amount (In Bid Currency) field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpest300.amos(1) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Sales Amount (In Bid Currency) field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpest300.sacu 2) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Sales Amount Currency field.

Based on the Sales Amount Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 729

tpest300.amos(2) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Sales Amount (In Home Currency) field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Financial Company field.
4) tpest300.cprj 4) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Financial Company is determined.

Based on the Financial Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpest300.cprj 3) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Project field.
4) tpest300.amos(1) 4) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Sales Amount (In Bid Currency) field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
The Sales Amount (In Bid Currency) field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest300.cprj 4) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
2) tpest300.cprj 2) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Project field.
3) tpest300.amos(1) 3) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Sales Amount (In Bid Currency) field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Sales Amount (In Bid Currency) field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tppdm600.cprj 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Financial Company field.
3) tppdm600.rtyp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Budget tab, Exchange Rate Type field.
4) NA 4) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Profit Margin (In Bid Currency) field.
5) tpest300.cprj 5) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Project field.
6) tpest300.vers 6) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Version field.
7) tpest300.sdat 7) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Miscellaneous tab, Submitted Date field.
8) tpest300.amos 8) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Sales Amount (In Bid Currency) field.
9) tpest300.sacu 9) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Sales Amount Currency field.
10) tpest300.amoc 10) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Cost Amount (In Bid Currency) field.
11) tpest300.cocu 11) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Cost Amount Currency field.

If the Sales Amount Currency field is equal to the Cost Amount Currency field, the SalesAmount minus the
CostAmount is published.
Based on the Project field and the Financial Company field, the currency system and Local Currency field are
If the currency system is not equal to 'Standard', the SalesAmount minus the CostAmount in Local Currency is
Based on the Project field and the Version field, the Exchange Rate Type field is determined.
Based on the Financial Company field, the Exchange Rate Type field, the Submitted Date field,
the Sales Amount Currency field, the Profit Margin field is published
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpest300.sacu 2) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Sales Amount Currency field.

Based on the Sales Amount Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpest300.amos 1) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Sales Amount (In Home Currency) field.
2) tpest300.amoc 2) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Cost Amount (In Home Currency) field.

The Sales Amount minus the Cost Amount is published.

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Financial Company field.
4) tpest300.cprj 4) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Project field.

Infor April 07, 2020 730

Based on the Project field, the Financial Company is determined.
Based on the Financial Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpest300.cprj 3) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Project field.
4) tpest300.amos(1) 4) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Sales Amount (In Bid Currency) field.
5) tpest300.amoc(1) 5) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Cost Amount (In Bid Currency) field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
The Sales Amount (In Bid Currency) minus the Cost Amount (In Bid Currency) expressed in Reference
Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest300.cprj 4) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
2) tpest300.cprj 2) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Project field.
3) tpest300.amos(1) 3) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Sales Amount (In Bid Currency) field.
4) tpest300.amoc(1) 4) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Cost Amount (In Bid Currency) field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Sales Amount (In Bid Currency) minus the Cost Amount (In Bid Currency) expressed in Project Currency is
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpest300.stmt(1) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Sales Tax Amount (In Bid Currency) field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpest300.sacu 2) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Sales Amount Currency field.

Based on the Sales Amount Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tppdm600.cprj 1) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Financial Company field.
2) tppdm600.rtyp 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Budget tab, Exchange Rate Type field.
3) tpest300.cprj 3) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Project field.
4) tpest300.vers 4) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Version field.
5) tpest300.sdat 5) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Miscellaneous tab, Submitted Date field.
6) tpest300.stmt(1) 6) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Sales Tax Amount (In Bid Currency) field.
8) tpest300.sacu 7) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Sales Amount Currency field.

Based on the Project field, the Financial Company field is determined.

Based on the Project field and the Version field, the Exchange Rate Type field is determined.
Based on the Financial Company field, Sales Amount Currency field, the Submitted Date field,
the Exchange Rate Type field, the Sales Tax Amount in local currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest300.cprj 4) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpest300.cprj 3) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Project field.
4) tpest300.stmt(1) 4) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Sales Tax Amount (In Bid Currency) field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
The Sales Tax Amount (In Bid Currency) field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.

Infor April 07, 2020 731

4) tpest300.cprj 4) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
2) tpest300.cprj 2) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Project field.
3) tpest300.stmt(1) 3) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Sales Tax Amount (In Bid Currency) field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Sales Tax Amount (In Bid Currency) field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tppdm051.desc 1) Session Competitors (tdppdm0135m00), Description field.
2) tpest300.coma 2) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Miscellaneous tab, Competitor 1 field.
3) tpest300.comb 3) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Miscellaneous tab, Competitor 2 field.
4) tpest300.comc 4) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Miscellaneous tab, Competitor 3 field.

If the Competitor 1 field is filled, based on the Competitor 1 field the Description field is published.
If the Competitor 2 field is filled, based on the Competitor 2 field the Description field is published.
If the Competitor 3 field is filled, based on the Competitor 3 field the Description field is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Employee field.
2) tccom001.nama 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.
3) tpest300.prep 3) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Miscellaneous tab, Bid Prepared By field.

The Employee field of the first employee for which the Name field is equal to the Bid Prepared By field is
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Employee field.
2) tccom001.nama 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.
3) tpest300.appr 3) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Miscellaneous tab, Bid Approval By field.

The Employee field of the first employee for which the Name field is equal to the Bid Approval By field is
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tpest300.sdat Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Status tab, Approval Date field.

If the Approval Date field is empty, nothing is published.

tpest300.stat Session Bid (tpest3600m000), Bid Status field.

-If the Bid Status field is equal to 'Accepted', 'Accepted'' is published.

-If the Bid Status field is equal to 'Rejected', 'Rejected' is published.
-If the Bid Status field is equal to 'Contract Award', 'Closed' is published.
If project bid (tpest300 row) is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
Otherwise, 'Open' is published.
If project bid (tpest300 row) is deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
tpest300.sper Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Bid Success Percentage field.
tpest300.cstg Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Miscellaneous tab, Phase field.
tpest300.rcod Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Miscellaneous tab, Reason field.
tpest300.rcod Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Miscellaneous tab, Reason field.

If the Reason field is filled, 'LN Reasons' is published.

Otherwise, nothing is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 732
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
1) tcmcs005.dsca 1) Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Description field.
2) tpest300.rcod 2) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Miscellaneous tab, Reason Code field.

Based on the Reason Code field, the Description field is published.

tpest300.edat Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Status tab, Expiry Date field.

If the Expiry Date field is empty, nothing is published.

tpest310.ffno Not displayed in any session, First Free Number field.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
tpest310.desc Session Bid (tpest3600m000), Description field.
tpest310.cosa Session Bid Lines (tpest3110m000), Cost Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpest300.cocu 2) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Cost Amount Currency field.

Based on the Cost Amount Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpest310.cprj 3) Session Bid Lines (tpest3110m000), Project field.
4) tpest310.cosa 4) Session Bid Lines (tpest3110m000), Cost Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Cost Amount field in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest310.cprj 4) Session Bid Lines (tpest3110m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpest310.cprj 3) Session Bid Lines (tpest3110m000), Project field.
4) tpest310.cosa 4) Session Bid Lines (tpest3110m000), Cost Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
The Cost Amount field in Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest310.cprj 4) Session Bid Lines (tpest3110m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
2) tpest310.cprj 2) Session Bid Lines (tpest3110m000), Project field.
3) tpest310.cosa 3) Session Bid Lines (tpest3110m000), Cost Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Cost Amount field in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpest310.nsam Session Bid Lines (tpest3110m000), Net Sales Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpest300.sacu 2) Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Sales Amount Currency field.

Infor April 07, 2020 733

Based on the Cost Amount Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpest310.cprj 3) Session Bid Lines (tpest3110m000), Project field.
4) tpest310.nsam 4) Session Bid Lines (tpest3110m000), Net Sales Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Net Sales Amount field in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest310.cprj 4) Session Bid Lines (tpest3110m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpest310.cprj 3) Session Bid Lines (tpest3110m000), Project field.
4) tpest310.nsam 4) Session Bid Lines (tpest3110m000), Net Sales Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
The Net Sales Amount field in Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest310.cprj 4) Session Bid Lines (tpest3110m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
2) tpest310.cprj 2) Session Bid Lines (tpest3110m000), Project field.
3) tpest310.nsam 3) Session Bid Lines (tpest3110m000), Cost Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Net Sales Amount field in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpest310.sern 1) Session Bid Lines (tpest3110m000), Line No. field.
2) tpest310.lafc 2) Session Bid Lines (tpest3110m000), Include in Cost field.
3) tpest310.lafs 3) Session Bid Lines (tpest3110m000), Include in Sales field.
4) tpest310.stid 4) Not displayed in any session, Structure ID field.
5) tpest310.sele 5) 2) Session Bid Lines (tpest3110m000), Structural Element field.

For the Line No. field, the ProjectBid/BidEstimateVersion/BidHeader/BidLine/UserArea/Property/

NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.LineNumber' and the ProjectBid/BidEstimateVersion/BidHeader/BidLine/
UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'NumericType'.
For the Include in Cost field, the ProjectBid/BidEstimateVersion/BidHeader/BidLine/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.IncludeInCost' and the ProjectBid/BidEstimateVersion/BidHeader/BidLine/
UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.
For the Include in Sales field, the ProjectBid/BidEstimateVersion/BidHeader/BidLine/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.IncludeInSales' and the ProjectBid/BidEstimateVersion/BidHeader/BidLine/
UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.
For the Structure ID field, the ProjectBid/BidEstimateVersion/BidHeader/BidLine/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.StructureID' and the ProjectBid/BidEstimateVersion/BidHeader/BidLine/
UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the Structural Element field, the ProjectBid/BidEstimateVersion/BidHeader/BidLine/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.StructuralElement' and the ProjectBid/BidEstimateVersion/BidHeader/
BidLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
tpest300.apby Session Bid (tpest3600m000), Status tab, Bid Approved field.

If the Bid Approved field is selected, 'true' is published.

If the Bid Approved field is not selected, 'false' is published.
1) tpest300.cbrn
Infor April 07, 2020 734
2) tpest300.creg 1) Session Bid (tpest3600m000), Selling tab, Line of Business field.
3) tpest300.ccat 2) Session Bid (tpest3600m000), Selling tab, Geographical Area field.
4) tpest300.csou 3) Session Bid (tpest3600m000), Selling tab, Category field.
5) tpest300.cofc 4) Session Bid (tpest3600m000), Selling tab, Source field.
5) Session Bid (tpest3600m000), Summary tab, Sales Office field.
The sequence of the property.
1) tpest300.cbrn 1) Session Bid (tpest3600m000), Selling tab, Line of Business field.
2) tpest300.creg 2) Session Bid (tpest3600m000), Selling tab, Geographical Area field.
3) tpest300.ccat 3) Session Bid (tpest3600m000), Selling tab, Category field.
4) tpest300.csou 4) Session Bid (tpest3600m000), Selling tab, Source field.
5) tpest300.cofc 5) Session Bid (tpest3600m000), Summary tab, Sales Office field.

For the Line of Business field, 'Industry' is published.

For the Geographical Area field, 'Territory' is published.
For the Category field, 'Project Categories' is published.
For the Source field, 'Opportunity Sources' is published.
For the Sales Office field, 'Office' is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tpest300.adin Session Bid (tpest3100m000), Additional Information tab, Additional Information fields.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.5 or later.

tcstl200.fldn Session Additional Information Definitions (tcstl2100m000), Field Name field.
Based on the Definition, 'StringType', 'IndicatorType', 'DateTimeType' or 'IntegerNumericType' is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.5 or later.

1) tpest300.crep 1) Session Bid (tpest3600m000), Summary tab, Internal Sales Representative field.
2) tpest300.osrp 2) Session Bid (tpest3600m000), Summary tab, External Sales Representative field.
3) tpest300.cofc 3) Session Bid (tpest3600m000), Summary tab, Sales Office field.

For the Internal Sales Representative field, the ProjectBid/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.InternalSalesRepresentative' the ProjectBid/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with
'MasterDataReference' and ProjectBid/UserArea/Property/NameValue@noun is filled with 'Person'.
For the External Sales Representative field, the ProjectBid/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.ExternalSalesRepresentative', the ProjectBid/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with
'MasterDataReference' and ProjectBid/UserArea/Property/NameValue@noun is filled with 'Person'.
For the Sales Office field, the concatenation of 'D' and the Sales Office is published. The ProjectBid/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.SalesOffice', the ProjectBid/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type
is filled with 'MasterDataReference' and ProjectBid/UserArea/Property/NameValue@noun is filled with 'Location'.

Also, the ProjectBid/UserArea/Property/NameValue@accountingEntity must be filled.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the ProjectBid/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@accountingEntity field.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data

Infor April 07, 2020 735

1) tppdm600.cprj 1) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project field.
2) tppdm600.btpr 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Budget tab, Budget by field.
3) tppdm600.btco 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Budget tab, Activity by field.

If the Budget by field is equal to 'Element' and the Activity by field is equal to 'Activity', the Generate Control
Data (tpptc1230m000) must be executed before this BOD can be published.

This BOD is staged when users use;

- Session Project Status (tppdm6107s000) to set Project Status from 'Free' to 'Active'.
- Session Generate Control Data (tpptc1230m000)
- Session Publish Project Data (tpbod0200m000)

This BOD is published when users use;

- Session Publish Staged BODs (bobod2200m000) and this BOD lies within the selection range.

This BOD is published if entries exist for the project in Budgeted Project Costs (tpptc3801m000).

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2.1 or later.

tppdm600.cprj Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tppdm600.cprj Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tppdm600.cprj Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project field.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) tpptc310.user 3) Not displayed in any session, User field.

Based on the User (3) field, the User (2) field is determined.
If the User field cannot be determined, based on the current LN user the User (2) field is determined.
Based on the User (2) field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) tpptc310.user 2) Not displayed in any session, User field.

For Infor LN 10.3.0 or later:

Based on the User field, the Name field is published.

For Infor LN 10.2.0:

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tcmcs052.dsca 1) Session General Projects (tcmcs0152m000), Description field.
2) tppdm600.cprj 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Description field is published.

tppdm600.cprj Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tpptc120.cspa 1) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
2) tpptc120.sern 2) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Line Number field.
3) tpptc130.cspa 3) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
4) tpptc130.sern 4) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Line Number field.
Infor April 07, 2020 736
5) tpptc140.cspa 5) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
6) tpptc140.sern 6) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Line Number field.
7) tpptc150.cspa 7) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
8) tpptc150.sern 8) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Line Number field.
9) tpptc160.cspa 9) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
10) tpptc160.sern 10) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Plan field.
11) tpptc220.cpla 11) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Activity field.
12) tpptc220.cact 13) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc1110s000), Line Number field.
13) tpptc220.sern 14) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Plan field.
14) tpptc230.cpla 15) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Activity field.
15) tpptc230.cact 16) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Line Number field.
16) tpptc230.sern 17) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Plan field.
17) tpptc240.cpla 18) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Activity field.
18) tpptc240.cact 19) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Line Number field.
19) tpptc240.sern 20) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Plan field.
20) tpptc250.cpla 21) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Activity field.
21) tpptc250.cact 22) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Line Number field
22) tpptc250.sern 23) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Plan field.
23) tpptc260.cpla 24) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Activity field.
24) tpptc260.cact 25) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Line Number field.
25) tpptc260.sern 26) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.
26) tppdm600.btpr 27) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.
27) tppdm600.cprj 28) Session Elements (tpptc1100m000), Cost Control field.
28) tpptc100.cctr 29) Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Cost Control field
29) tppss200.cctr
If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials',
-- based on the Project field and the Element (1) field, the Cost Control (28) field is determined. If the Cost
Control (28) field is not set, the first parent of Element (1) with Cost Control set is used as Element (1).
-- the concatenation of 'E', '1', the Project field, the Element (1) field and the Line Number (2) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor',
-- based on the Project field and the Element (3) field, the Cost Control (28) field is determined. If the Cost
Control (28) field is not set, the first parent of Element (3) with Cost Control set is used as Element (3).
-- the concatenation of 'E', '1', the Project field, the Element (3) field and the Line Number (4) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment',
-- based on the Project field and the Element (5) field, the Cost Control (28) field is determined. If the Cost
Control (28) field is not set, the first parent of Element (5) with Cost Control set is used as Element (5).
-- the concatenation of 'E', '3', the Project field, the Element (5) field and the Line Number (6) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting',
-- based on the Project field and the Element (7) field, the Cost Control (28) field is determined. If the Cost
Control (28) field is not set, the first parent of Element (7) with Cost Control set is used as Element (7).
-- the concatenation of 'E', '4', the Project field, the Element (7) field and the Line Number (8) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost',
-- based on the Project field and the Element (9) field, the Cost Control (28) field is determined. If the Cost
Control (28) field is not set, the first parent of Element (9) with Cost Control set is used as Element t(9).
-- the concatenation of 'E', '4', the Project field, the Element (9) field and the Line Number (10) field is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials',
-- based on the Project field, the Plan (11) field and the Activity (12) field, the Cost Control (29) field is
determined. If the Cost Control (29) field is not set, the first parent of Activity (12) with Cost Control set is used
as Activity (12).
-- the concatenation of 'A', '1', the Project field, the Plan (11) field, the Activity (12) field and the Line Number
(13) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor',
-- based on the Project field, the Plan (14) field and the Activity (15) field, the Cost Control (29) field is
determined. If the Cost Control (29) field is not set, the first parent of Activity (15) with Cost Control set is used
as Activity (15).
-- the concatenation of 'A', '2', the Project field, the Plan (14) field, the Activity (15) field and the Line Number
(16) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment',
-- based on the Project field, the Plan (17) field and the Activity (12) field, the Cost Control (29) field is
determined. If the Cost Control (29) field is not set, the first parent of Activity (18) with Cost Control set is used
as Activity (18).
-- the concatenation of 'A', '3', the Project field, the Plan (17) field, the Activity (18) field and the Line Number
(19) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting',
-- based on the Project field, the Plan (20) field and the Activity (21) field, the Cost Control (29) field is
determined. If the Cost Control (29) field is not set, the first parent of Activity (21) with Cost Control set is used
as Activity (21).
-- the concatenation of 'A', '4', the Project field, the Plan (20) field, the Activity (21) field and the Line Number
(22) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost',
-- based on the Project field, the Plan (23) field and the Activity (24) field, the Cost Control (29) field is
determined. If the Cost Control (29) field is not set, the first parent of Activity (24) with Cost Control set is used
as Activity (24).
-- the concatenation of 'A', '4', the Project field, the Plan (23) field, the Activity (24) field and the Line Number
(25) field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 737

1) tpptc120.cpla 1) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Connected data tab, Plan field.
2) tpptc130.cpla 2) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Connected data tab, Plan field.
3) tpptc140.cpla 3) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Connected data tab, Plan field.
4) tpptc150.cpla 4) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Connected data tab, Plan field.
5) tpptc160.cpla 5) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Connected data tab, Plan field.
6) tpptc220.cpla 6) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Plan field.
7) tpptc230.cpla 7) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Plan field.
8) tpptc240.cpla 8) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Plan field.
9) tpptc250.cpla 9) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Plan field.
10) tpptc260.cpla 10) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Plan field.
11) tppdm600.btpr 11) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Plan (1) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Plan (2) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Plan (3) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Plan (4) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Plan (5) field is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Plan (6) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Plan (7) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Plan (8) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Plan (9) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Plan (10) field is published.
1) tpptc120.cact 1) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Connected data tab, Activity field.
2) tpptc130.cact 2) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Connected data tab, Activity field.
3) tpptc140.cact 3) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Connected data tab, Activity field.
4) tpptc150.cact 4) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Connected data tab, Activity field.
5) tpptc160.cact 5) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Connected data tab, Activity field.
6) tpptc220.cact 6) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Activity field.
7) tpptc230.cact 7) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Activity field.
8) tpptc240.cact 8) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Activity field.
9) tpptc250.cact 9) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) 9 (tpptc2113m000), Activity field.
10) tpptc260.cact 10) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Activity field.
11) tppdm600.btpr 11) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.
12) tppdm600.cpla 12) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Planning tab, Active Plan field.
13) tppdm600.cprj 13) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.
14) tppss200.cctr 14) Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Cost Control field.
15) tpptc120.cspa 15) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Element field.
16) tpptc130.cspa 16) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Element field.
17) tpptc140.cspa 17) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Element field.
18) tpptc150.cspa 18) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Element field.
19) tpptc160.cspa 19) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Element field.
20) tpptc101.cact 20) Session Element Relationships (tpptc1501m000), Child Activity field.
21) tppdm600.cspa 21) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget Top Element field.
22) tppdm600.rsac 22) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Miscellaneous tab, Default Activity field.
23) tppdm600.btco 23) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Control By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials',
-- If the Activity (1) field is filled, based on the Project field, the Active Plan field and the Activity (1) field, the Cost
Control field is determined.
--- If the Cost Control field is set, Activity (1) is published. Otherwise, the first parent of Activity (1) with Cost
Control set is published.
-- If the Activity (1) field is not filled and the Control By field is equal to 'Activity', based on the Element (15) field,
the Child Activity is determined. Based on the Project field, the Active Plan field and the Child Activity field, the
Cost Control field is determined.
--- If the Cost Control field is set, Child Activity is published. Otherwise, the first parent of Child Activity with Cost
Control set is published.
-- If the Control By field is equal to 'Activity',
--- If the Element (15) field is equal to the Budget Top Element field and the Activity (1) field is filled, the Activity
(1) field is published. Otherwise, the Default Activity field is published.

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor',

-- If the Activity (2) field is filled, based on the Project field, the Active Plan field and the Activity (2) field, the Cost
Control field is determined.
--- If the Cost Control field is set, Activity (2) is published. Otherwise, the first parent of Activity (2) with Cost
Control set is published.
-- If the Activity (2) field is not filled and the Control By field is equal to 'Activity', based on the Element (16) field,
the Child Activity is determined. Based on the Project field, the Active Plan field and the Child Activity field, the
Cost Control field is determined.
--- If the Cost Control field is set, Child Activity is published. Otherwise, the first parent of Child Activity with Cost
Control set is published.
-- If the Control By field is equal to 'Activity',
--- If the Element (16) field is equal to the Budget Top Element field and the Activity (2) field is filled, the Activity
Infor April 07, 2020 738
(2) field is published. Otherwise, the Default Activity field is published.

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment',

-- If the Activity (3) field is filled, based on the Project field, the Active Plan field and the Activity (3) field, the Cost
Control field is determined.
--- If the Cost Control field is set, Activity (1) is published. Otherwise, the first parent of Activity (3) with Cost
Control set is published.
-- If the Activity (3) field is not filled and the Control By field is equal to 'Activity', based on the Element (17) field,
the Child Activity is determined. Based on the Project field, the Active Plan field and the Child Activity field, the
Cost Control field is determined.
--- If the Cost Control field is set, Child Activity is published. Otherwise, the first parent of Child Activity with Cost
Control set is published.
-- If the Control By field is equal to 'Activity',
--- If the Element (17) field is equal to the Budget Top Element field and the Activity (1) field is filled, the Activity
(3) field is published. Otherwise, the Default Activity field is published.

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting',

-- If the Activity (4) field is filled, based on the Project field, the Active Plan field and the Activity (4) field, the Cost
Control field is determined.
--- If the Cost Control field is set, Activity (4) is published. Otherwise, the first parent of Activity (4) with Cost
Control set is published.
-- If the Activity (4) field is not filled and the Control By field is equal to 'Activity', based on the Element (18) field,
the Child Activity is determined. Based on the Project field, the Active Plan field and the Child Activity field, the
Cost Control field is determined.
--- If the Cost Control field is set, Child Activity is published. Otherwise, the first parent of Child Activity with Cost
Control set is published.
-- If the Control By field is equal to 'Activity',
--- If the Element (18) field is equal to the Budget Top Element field and the Activity (1) field is filled, the Activity
(4) field is published. Otherwise, the Default Activity field is published.

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Costs',

-- If the Activity (5) field is filled, based on the Project field, the Active Plan field and the Activity (5) field, the Cost
Control field is determined.
--- If the Cost Control field is set, Activity (5) is published. Otherwise, the first parent of Activity (5) with Cost
Control set is published.
-- If the Activity (5) field is not filled and the Control By field is equal to 'Activity', based on the Element (19) field,
the Child Activity is determined. Based on the Project field, the Active Plan field and the Child Activity field, the
Cost Control field is determined.
--- If the Cost Control field is set, Child Activity is published. Otherwise, the first parent of Child Activity with Cost
Control set is published.
-- If the Control By field is equal to 'Activity',
--- If the Element (19) field is equal to the Budget Top Element field and the Activity (5) field is filled, the Activity
(5) field is published. Otherwise, the Default Activity field is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Project field, the Active Plan field and the Activity (6) field,
the Cost Control field is determined.
-- If the Cost Control field is set, Activity(6) is published. Otherwise, the first parent of Activity (6) with Cost
Control set is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', based on the Project field, the Active Plan field and the Activity (7) field, the
Cost Control field is determined.
-- If the Cost Control field is set, Activity(7) is published. Otherwise, the first parent of Activity (7) with Cost
Control set is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Project field, the Active Plan field and the Activity (8)
field, the Cost Control field is determined.
-- If the Cost Control field is set, Activity(8) is published. Otherwise, the first parent of Activity (8) with Cost
Control set is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Project field, the Active Plan field and the Activity (9)
field, the Cost Control field is determined.
-- If the Cost Control field is set, Activity(9) is published. Otherwise, the first parent of Activity (9) with Cost
Control set is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', based on the Project field, the Active Plan field and the Activity (10)
field, the Cost Control field is determined.
-- If the Cost Control field is set, Activity(10) is published. Otherwise, the first parent of Activity (10) with Cost
Control set is published.
1) tpptc120.cspa 1) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
2) tpptc130.cspa 2) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
3) tpptc140.cspa 3) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
4) tpptc150.cspa 4) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
5) tpptc160.cspa 5) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
6) tppdm600.btpr 6) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.
7) tppdm600.cprj 7) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.
8) tpptc100.cctr 8) Session Elements (tpptc1100m000), Cost Control field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Project field and the Element (1) field, the Cost Control
field is determined.

Infor April 07, 2020 739

-- If the Cost Control field is set, Element (1) is published. Otherwise, the first parent of Element (1) with Cost
Control set is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', based on the Project field and the Element (2) field, the Cost Control field is
-- If the Cost Control field is set, Element (2) is published. Otherwise, the first parent of Element (2) with Cost
Control set is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Project field and the Element (3) field, the Cost Control
field is determined.
-- If the Cost Control field is set, Element (3) is published. Otherwise, the first parent of Element (3) with Cost
Control set is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Project field and the Element (4) field, the Cost
Control field is determined.
-- If the Cost Control field is set, Element (4) is published. Otherwise, the first parent of Element (4) with Cost
Control set is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', based on the Project field and the Element (5) field, the Cost Control
field is determined.
-- If the Cost Control field is set, Element (5) is published. Otherwise, the first parent of Element (5) with Cost
Control set is published.
Always filled with 'BottomUp'.
1) tpptc120.adjm 1) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1510m000), Adj. field.
2) tpptc130.adjm 2) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1511m000), Adj. field.
3) tpptc140.adjm 3) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1512m000), Adj. field.
4) tpptc150.adjm 4) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1513m000), Adj. field.
5) tpptc160.adjm 5) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1514m000), Adj. field.
6) tpptc220.adjm 6) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Adj. field.
7) tpptc230.adjm 7) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Adj. field.
8) tpptc240.adjm 8) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Adj. field.
9) tpptc250.adjm 9) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Adj. field.
10) tpptc260.adjm 10) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Adj. field.
11) tppdm600.btpr 11) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials',
- If the Adj. (1) field is set, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor',
- If the Adj. (2) field is set, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment',
- If the Adj. (3) field is set, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting',
- If the Adj. (4) field is set, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost',
- If the Adj. (5) field is set, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials',
- If the Adj. (6) field is set, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor',
- If the Adj. (7) field is set, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment',
- If the Adj. (8) field is set, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting',
- If the Adj. (9) field is set, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost',
- If the Adj. (10) field is set, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
tpptc310.cotp Not displayed in any session, Cost Type field.

If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Labor', 'Labor' is published.

If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Materials', 'Materials' is published.
If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Equipment', 'Equipment' is published.
If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Subcontracting', 'Subcontracting' is published.
If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Sundry Costs', 'Sundry' is published.
1) tpptc120.quan 1) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Quantity field.
2) tpptc130.quan 2) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Quantity field.
3) tpptc140.qutm 3) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Amount of Time field.
4) tpptc150.quan 4) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Quantity field.
5) tpptc160.quan 5) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Quantity field.
6) tpptc220.quan 6) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Quantity field.
7) tpptc230.quan 7) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Quantity field.
8) tpptc240.qutm 8) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Amount of Time field.
9) tpptc250.quan 9) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Quantity field.
10) tpptc260.quan 10) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Quantity field.
11) tppdm600.btpr 11) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

Infor April 07, 2020 740

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Quantity (1) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Quantity (2) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Amount of Time (3) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Quantity (4) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Quantity (5) field is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Quantity (6) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Quantity (7) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Amount of Time (8) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Quantity (9) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Quantity (10) field is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpptc120.cuni 2) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Quantity Unit field.
3) tpptc130.cuni 3) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Quantity Unit field.
4) tpptc140.cuti 4) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Amount of Time Unit field.
5) tpptc150.cuni 5) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Quantity Unit field.
6) tpptc160.cuni 6) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Quantity Unit field.
7) tpptc220.cuni 7) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Quantity Unit field.
8) tpptc230.cuni 8) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Quantity Unit field.
9) tpptc240.cuti 9) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Amount of Time Unit field.
10) tpptc250.cuni 10) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Quantity Unit field.
11) tpptc260.cuni 11) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Quantity Unit field.
12) tppdm600.btpr 12) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Quantity Unit (2) field, the ISO Code field of the unit is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', based on the Quantity Unit (3) field, the ISO Code field of the unit is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Amount of Time Unit (4) field, the ISO Code field of the
unit is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Quantity Unit (5) field, the ISO Code field of the unit
is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', based on the Quantity Unit (6) field, the ISO Code field of the unit is

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Quantity Unit (7) field, the ISO Code field of the unit is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', based on the Quantity Unit (8) field, the ISO Code field of the unit is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Amount Unit (9) field, the ISO Code field of the unit is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Quantity Unit (10) field, the ISO Code field of the
unit is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', based on the Quantity Unit (11) field, the ISO Code field of the unit is
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tppdm000.ctut 2) Session General Project Parameters (tppdm0100s000), Defaults tab, Unit Code for Hours field.
3) tpptc120.quan 3) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Quantity field.
4) tpptc120.item 4) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Item field.
5) tpptc130.quan 5) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Quantity field.
6) tpptc130.norm 6) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Norm field.
7) tpptc140.qutm 7) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Amount of Time field.
8) tpptc140.cequ 8) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Equipment field.
9) tpptc160.quan 9) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Quantity field.
10) tpptc160.csub 10) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Subcontracting field.
11) tpptc220.quan 11) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Quantity field.
12) tpptc220.item 12) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Item field.
13) tpptc230.quan 13) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Quantity field.
14) tpptc230.norm 14) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Norm field.
15) tpptc240.qutm 15) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Amount of Time field.
16) tpptc240.cequ 16) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Equipment field.
17) tpptc250.quan 17) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Quantity field.
18) tpptc250.csub 18) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Subcontracting field.
19) tppdm600.btpr 19) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials',
- Based on the Item (4) field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
- The Quantity (3) field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Quantity (5) field times the Norm (6) field expressed in the Unit Code
for Hours field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment',

Infor April 07, 2020 741

- Based on the Equipment (8) field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
- The Amount of Time (7) field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting',
- Based on the Subcontracting (10) field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
- The Quantity (9) field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials',
- Based on the Item (12) field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
- The Quantity (11) field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Quantity (13) field times the Norm (14) field expressed in the Time field
is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment',
- Based on the Equipment (16) field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
- The Amount of Time (15) field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting',
- Based on the Subcontracting (18) field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
- The Quantity (17) field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tppdm000.ctut 3) Session General Project Parameters (tppdm0100s000), Defaults tab, Unit Code for Hours field.
4) tpptc120.item 4) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Item field.
5) tpptc140.cequ 5) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Equipment field.
6) tpptc160.csub 6) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Subcontracting field.
7) tpptc220.item 7) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Item field.
8) tpptc240.cequ 8) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Equipment field.
9) tpptc250.csub 9) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Subcontracting field.
10) tppdm600.btpr 10) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Item (4) field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the ISO Code field of the Time field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Equipment (5) field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory
Unit is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Subcontracting (6) field, the ISO Code field of the
Inventory Unit is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Item (7) field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the ISO Code field of the Time field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Equipment (8) field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory
Unit is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Subcontracting (9) field, the ISO Code field of the
Inventory Unit is published.
1) tpptc130.norm 1) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Norm field.
2) tpptc230.norm 2) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Norm field.
3) tppdm600.btpr 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element' and the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Norm (1) field is published.
If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity' and the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Norm (2) field is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpptc130.unrt 2) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Cost Rate Unit field.
3) tpptc230.unrt 3) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Cost Rate Unit field.
4) tppdm600.btpr 4) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element' and the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', based on the Cost Rate Unit (2)
field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity' and the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', based on the Cost Rate Unit (3)
field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tpptc120.item 1) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Item field.
2) tpptc140.cequ 2) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Equipment field.
3) tpptc160.csub 3) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Subcontracting field.
4) tpptc220.item 4) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Item field.
5) tpptc240.cequ 5) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Equipment field.
6) tpptc250.csub 6) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Subcontracting field.
7) tppdm600.btpr 7) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.
8) tppdm600.cprj 8) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Item (1) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment',
- If the combination of the Project field and the Equipment (2) field exist in session Project Equipment
Infor April 07, 2020 742
(tppdm6512m000), the concatenation of the Project field and the Equipment (2) field is published. Otherwise,
the Equipment (2) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting',
- If the combination of the Project field and the Subcontracting (3) field exist in session Project Subcontracting
(tppdm6513m000), the concatenation of the Project field and the Subcontracting (3) field is published.
Otherwise, the Subcontracting (3) field is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Item (4) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment',
- If the combination of the Project field and the Equipment (5) field exist in session Project Equipment
(tppdm6512m000), the concatenation of the Project field and the Equipment (5) field is published. Otherwise,
the Equipment (5) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting',
- If the combination of the Project field and the Subcontracting (6) field exist in session Project Subcontracting
(tppdm6513m000), the concatenation of the Project field and the Subcontracting (6) field is published.
Otherwise, the Subcontracting (6) field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tpptc130.task 1) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Labor field.
2) tpptc230.task 2) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Labor field.
3) tppdm600.btpr 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.
4) tppdm600.cprj 4) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element' and the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor',
- If the combination of the Project field and the Labor (1) field exist in session Project Labor (tppdm6511m000),
the concatenation of the Project field and the Labor (1) field is published. Otherwise, the Labor (1) field is

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity' and the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor',
- If the combination of the Project field and the Labor (2) field exist in session Project Labor (tppdm6511m000),
the concatenation of the Project field and the Labor (2) field is published. Otherwise, the Labor (2) field is
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tpptc160.cico 1) Session Element Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc1114s000), Sundry Cost field.
2) tpptc260.cico 2) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost Lines) (tpptc2114m000), Sundry Cost field.
3) tppdm600.btpr 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.
4) tppdm600.cprj 4) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element' and the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost',
- If the combination of the Project field and the Sundry Cost (1) field exist in session Project Sundry Cost
(tppdm6514m000), the concatenation of the Project field and the Sundry Cost (1) field is published. Otherwise,
the Sundry Cost (1) field is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity' and the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost',
- If the combination of the Project field and the Sundry Cost (2) field exist in session Project Sundry Cost
(tppdm6514m000), the concatenation of the Project field and the Sundry Cost (2) field is published. Otherwise,
the Sundry Cost (2) field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tpptc310.exeq 1) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), External Equipment field.
2) tpptc310.cotp 2) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), External Equipment field.
3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element' and the Cost Type field is equal to 'Equipment',
- If the External Equipment (1) field is set, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity' and the Cost Type field is equal to 'Equipment',
- If the External Equipment (2) field is set, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
1) tpptc130.quan 1) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Quantity field.
2) tpptc130.norm 2) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Norm field.
3) tpptc130.unrt 3) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Cost Rate Unit field.
4) tpptc140.qutm 4) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Amount of Time field.
5) tpptc140.cuti 5) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Time Unit field.
6) tpptc150.qutm 6) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Duration field.
7) tpptc150.cuti 7) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Time Unit field.

Infor April 07, 2020 743

8) tpptc230.quan 8) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Quantity field.
9) tpptc230.norm 9) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Norm field.
10) tpptc230.unrt 10) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Cost Rate Unit field.
11) tpptc240.qutm 11) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Amount of Time field.
12) tpptc240.cuti 12) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Time Unit field.
13) tpptc250.qutm 13) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Duration field.
14) tpptc250.cuti 14) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Time Unit field.
15) tppdm600.btpr 15) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.
16) tppdm000.ctut 16) Session General Project Parameters (tppdm0100s000), Defaults tab, Unit Code for Hours field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor',
- If the Quantity (1) field is filled, the Quantity (1) field times the Norm (2) field times the conversion factor
between the Cost Rate Unit (3) field and the Unit for Hours field in ISO format is published.
- If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Equipment', the Amount of Time (4) field times the conversion factor between
the Time Unit (5) field and the Unit for Hours field in ISO format is published.
- If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Duration (6) field times the conversion factor between the
Time Unit (7) field and the Unit for Hours field in ISO format is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor',
- If the Quantity (8) field is filled, the Quantity (8) field times the Norm (9) field times the conversion factor
between the Cost Rate Unit (10) field and the Unit for Hours field in ISO format is published.
- If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Equipment', the Amount of Time (11) field times the conversion factor
between the Time Unit (12) field and the Unit for Hours field in ISO format is published.
- If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Duration (13) field times the conversion factor between
the Time Unit (14) field and the Unit for Hours field in ISO format is published.
1) tpptc130.quan 1) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Quantity field.
2) tpptc130.norm 2) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Norm field.
3) tpptc130.unrt 3) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Cost Rate Unit field.
4) tpptc140.qutm 4) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Amount of Time field.
5) tpptc140.cuti 5) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Time Unit field.
6) tpptc150.qutm 6) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Duration field.
7) tpptc150.cuti 7) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Time Unit field.
8) tpptc230.quan 8) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Quantity field.
9) tpptc230.norm 9) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Norm field.
10) tpptc230.unrt 10) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Cost Rate Unit field.
11) tpptc240.qutm 11) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Amount of Time field.
12) tpptc240.cuti 12) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Time Unit field.
13) tpptc250.qutm 13) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Duration field.
14) tpptc250.cuti 14) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Time Unit field.
15) tppdm600.btpr 15) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.
16) tppdm000.ctut 16) Session General Project Parameters (tppdm0100s000), Defaults tab, Unit Code for Hours field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor',
- If the Quantity (1) field is filled, the Quantity (1) field times the Norm (2) field times the conversion factor
between the Cost Rate Unit (3) field and the Unit for Hours field is published.
- If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Equipment', the Amount of Time (4) field times the conversion factor between
the Time Unit (5) field and the Unit for Hours field is published.
- If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Duration (6) field times the conversion factor between the
Time Unit (7) field and the Unit for Hours field is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor',
- If the Quantity (8) field is filled, the Quantity (8) field times the Norm (9) field times the conversion factor
between the Cost Rate Unit (10) field and the Unit for Hours field is published.
- If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Equipment', the Amount of Time (11) field times the conversion factor
between the Time Unit (12) field and the Unit for Hours field is published.
- If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Duration (13) field times the conversion factor between
the Time Unit (14) field and the Unit for Hours field is published.
1) tpptc120.scpf 1) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Scrap % field.
2) tpptc220.scpf 2) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Scrap % field.
3) tppdm600.btpr 11) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element' and the Cost Type field is equal to 'Materials', the Scrap % (1) field is
If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity' and the Cost Type field is equal to 'Materials', the Scrap % (2) field is
1) tpptc120.stat 1) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Budget Status field.
2) tpptc130.stat 2) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Budget Status field.
3) tpptc140.stat 3) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Budget Status field.
4) tpptc150.stat 4) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Budget Status field.
5) tpptc160.stat 5) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Budget Status field.
6) tpptc220.stat 6) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Budget Status field.
Infor April 07, 2020 744
7) tpptc230.stat 7) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Budget Status field.
8) tpptc240.stat 8) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Budget Status field.
9) tpptc250.stat 9) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Budget Status field.
10) tpptc250.stat 10) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Budget Status field.
11) tppdm600.btpr 11) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Budget Status (1) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Budget Status (2) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Budget Status (3) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Budget Status (4) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Budget Status (5) field is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Budget Status (6) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Budget Status (7) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Budget Status (8) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Budget Status (9) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Budget Status (10) field is published.
1) tpptc220.rsta 1) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Connected data tab, Start Date field.
2) tpptc230.rsta 2) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Connected data tab, Start Date field.
3) tpptc240.rsta 3) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Connected data tab, Related Start Date field.
4) tpptc250.rsta 4) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Connected data tab, Related Start Date
5) tpptc250.rsta field.
6) tppdm600.btpr 5) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Connected data tab, Related Start Date field.
6) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Start Date (1) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Start Date (2) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Related Start Date (3) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Related Start Date (4) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Related Start Date (5) field is published.
1) tpptc220.rfin 1) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Connected data tab, Finish Date field.
2) tpptc230.rfin 2) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Connected data tab, Finish Date field.
3) tpptc240.rfin 3) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Connected data tab, Related Finish Date field.
4) tpptc250.rfin 4) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Connected data tab, Related Finish Date
5) tpptc250.rfin field.
6) tppdm600.btpr 5) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Connected data tab, Related Finish Date field.
6) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Finish Date (1) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Finish Date (2) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Related Finish Date (3) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Related Finish Date (4) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Related Finish Date (5) field is published.
1) tpptc120.btdt 1) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Budget Date field.
2) tpptc130.btdt 2) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Budget Date field.
3) tpptc140.btdt 3) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Budget Date field.
4) tpptc150.btdt 4) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Budget Date field.
5) tpptc160.btdt 5) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Budget Date field.
6) tpptc220.btdt 6) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Budget Date field.
7) tpptc230.btdt 7) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Budget Date field.
8) tpptc240.btdt 8) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Budget Date field.
9) tpptc250.btdt 9) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Budget Date field.
10) tpptc250.btdt 10) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Budget Date field.
11) tppdm600.btpr 11) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Budget Date (1) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Budget Date (2) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Budget Date (3) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Budget Date (4) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Budget Date (5) field is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Budget Date (6) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Budget Date (7) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Budget Date (8) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Budget Date (9) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Budget Date (10) field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 745

Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost Control

The concatenation of 'C' and the Code Period Table for Cost Control field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcccp070.peri 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Number field.
2) tpppc000.cptc 2) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
3) tpptc100.stdt Control field.
4) tpptc120.cspa 3) Session Element (tpptc1100s000), Start Time field.
5) tpptc130.cspa 4) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
6) tpptc140.cspa 5) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
7) tpptc150.cspa 6) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
8) tpptc160.cspa 7) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
9) tpptc220.rsta 8) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
10) tpptc230.rsta 9) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Connected data tab, Start Date field.
11) tpptc240.rsta 10) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Connected data tab, Start Date field.
12) tpptc250.rsta 11) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Connected data tab, Related Start Date field.
13) tpptc260.rsta 12) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Connected data tab, Related Start Date
14) tppdm600.btpr field.
13) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Connected data tab, Related Start Date field.
14) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials',
- Based on the Element (4) field, the Start Time (3) field is determined.
- Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field and the Start Time (3) field, the Period Number field is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor',
- Based on the Element (5) field, the Start Time (3) field is determined.
- Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field and the Start Time (3) field, the Period Number field is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment',
- Based on the Element (6) field, the Start Time (3) field is determined.
- Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field and the Start Time (3) field, the Period Number field is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting',
- Based on the Element (7) field, the Start Time (3) field is determined.
- Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field and the Start Time (3) field, the Period Number field is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost',
- Based on the Element (8) field, the Start Time (3) field is determined.
- Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field and the Start Time (3) field, the Period Number field is

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field and the Start
Date (9) field, the Period Number is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field and the Start Date
(10) field, the Period Number is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field and the Related
Start Date (11) field, the Period Number is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field and the
Related Start Date (12) field, the Period Number is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field and the
Related Start Date (13) field, the Period Number is published.
1) tcccp070.yrno 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
2) tpppc000.cptc 2) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
3) tpptc100.stdt Control field.
4) tpptc120.cspa 3) Session Element (tpptc1100s000), Start Time field.
5) tpptc130.cspa 4) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
6) tpptc140.cspa 5) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
7) tpptc150.cspa 6) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
8) tpptc160.cspa 7) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
9) tpptc220.rsta 8) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
10) tpptc230.rsta 9) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Connected data tab, Start Date field.
11) tpptc240.rsta 10) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Connected data tab, Start Date field.
12) tpptc250.rsta 11) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Connected data tab, Related Start Date field.
13) tpptc260.rsta 12) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Connected data tab, Related Start Date
14) tppdm600.btpr field.
13) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Connected data tab, Related Start Date field.
14) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

Infor April 07, 2020 746
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials',
- Based on the Element (4) field, the Start Time (3) field is determined.
- Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field and the Start Time (3) field, the Year field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor',
- Based on the Element (5) field, the Start Time (3) field is determined.
- Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field and the Start Time (3) field, the Year field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment',
- Based on the Element (6) field, the Start Time (3) field is determined.
- Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field and the Start Time (3) field, the Year field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting',
- Based on the Element (7) field, the Start Time (3) field is determined.
- Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field and the Start Time (3) field, the Year field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost',
- Based on the Element (8) field, the Start Time (3) field is determined.
- Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field and the Start Time (3) field, the Year field is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field and the Start
Date (9) field, the Year is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field and the Start Date
(10) field, the Year is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field and the Related
Start Date (11) field, the Year is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field and the
Related Start Date (12) field, the Year is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field and the
Related Start Date (13) field, the Year is published.
tpppc000.cptf Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Fiscal Period

The concatenation of 'C' and the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcccp060.dsca 1) Session Period Table (tcccp0160m000), Description field.
2) tpppc000.cptf 2) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Fiscal
Period field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field, the Description field is published.
1) tcccp070.peri 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Number field.
2) tpppc000.cptc 2) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Fiscal
3) tpptc100.stdt Period field.
4) tpptc120.cpla 3) Session Element (tpptc1100s000), Start Time field.
5) tpptc130.cpla 4) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
6) tpptc140.cpla 5) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
7) tpptc150.cpla 6) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
8) tpptc160.cpla 7) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
9) tpptc220.rsta 8) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
10) tpptc230.rsta 9) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Connected data tab, Start Date field.
11) tpptc240.rsta 10) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Connected data tab, Start Date field.
12) tpptc250.rsta 11) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Connected data tab, Related Start Date field.
13) tpptc260.rsta 12) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Connected data tab, Related Start Date
14) tppdm600.btpr field.
13) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Connected data tab, Related Start Date field.
14) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials',
- Based on the Element (4) field, the Start Time (3) field is determined.
- Based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field and the Start Time (3) field, the Period Number field is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor',
- Based on the Element (5) field, the Start Time (3) field is determined.
- Based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field and the Start Time (3) field, the Period Number field is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment',
- Based on the Element (6) field, the Start Time (3) field is determined.
- Based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field and the Start Time (3) field, the Period Number field is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting',
- Based on the Element (7) field, the Start Time (3) field is determined.
- Based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field and the Start Time (3) field, the Period Number field is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost',
Infor April 07, 2020 747
- Based on the Element (8) field, the Start Time (3) field is determined.
- Based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field and the Start Time (3) field, the Period Number field is

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field and the Start
Date (9) field, the Period Number is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field and the Start Date
(10) field, the Period Number is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field and the
Related Start Date (11) field, the Period Number is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field and the
Related Start Date (12) field, the Period Number is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field and the
Related Start Date (13) field, the Period Number is published.
1) tcccp070.yrno 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
2) tpppc000.cptc 2) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Fiscal
3) tpptc100.stdt Period field.
4) tpptc120.cpla 3) Session Element (tpptc1100s000), Start Time field.
5) tpptc130.cpla 4) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
6) tpptc140.cpla 5) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
7) tpptc150.cpla 6) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
8) tpptc160.cpla 7) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
9) tpptc220.rsta 8) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
10) tpptc230.rsta 9) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Connected data tab, Start Date field.
11) tpptc240.rsta 10) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Connected data tab, Start Date field.
12) tpptc250.rsta 11) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Connected data tab, Related Start Date field.
13) tpptc260.rsta 12) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Connected data tab, Related Start Date
14) tppdm600.btpr field.
13) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Connected data tab, Related Start Date field.
14) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials',
- Based on the Element (4) field, the Start Time (3) field is determined.
- Based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field and the Start Time (3) field, the Year field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor',
- Based on the Element (5) field, the Start Time (3) field is determined.
- Based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field and the Start Time (3) field, the Year field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment',
- Based on the Element (6) field, the Start Time (3) field is determined.
- Based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field and the Start Time (3) field, the Year field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting',
- Based on the Element (7) field, the Start Time (3) field is determined.
- Based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field and the Start Time (3) field, the Year field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost',
- Based on the Element (8) field, the Start Time (3) field is determined.
- Based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field and the Start Time (3) field, the Year field is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field and the Start
Date (9) field, the Year is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field and the Start Date
(10) field, the Year is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field and the
Related Start Date (11) field, the Year is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field and the
Related Start Date (12) field, the Year is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field and the
Related Start Date (13) field, the Year is published.
tpppc000.cpth Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Hours
Control field.

The concatenation of 'C' and the Code Period Table for Hours Control field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcccp060.dsca 1) Session Period Table (tcccp0160m000), Description field.
2) tpppc000.cpth 2) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Hours
Control field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control field, the Description field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 748

1) tcccp070.peri 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Number field.
2) tpppc000.cptc 2) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Hours
3) tpptc100.stdt Control field.
4) tpptc120.cpla 3) Session Element (tpptc1100s000), Start Time field.
5) tpptc130.cpla 4) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
6) tpptc140.cpla 5) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
7) tpptc150.cpla 6) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
8) tpptc160.cpla 7) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
9) tpptc220.rsta 8) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
10) tpptc230.rsta 9) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Connected data tab, Start Date field.
11) tpptc240.rsta 10) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Connected data tab, Start Date field.
12) tpptc250.rsta 11) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Connected data tab, Related Start Date field.
13) tpptc260.rsta 12) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Connected data tab, Related Start Date
14) tppdm600.btpr field.
13) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Connected data tab, Related Start Date field.
14) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials',
- Based on the Element (4) field, the Start Time (3) field is determined.
- Based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control field and the Start Time (3) field, the Period Number field is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor',
- Based on the Element (5) field, the Start Time (3) field is determined.
- Based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control field and the Start Time (3) field, the Period Number field is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment',
- Based on the Element (6) field, the Start Time (3) field is determined.
- Based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control field and the Start Time (3) field, the Period Number field is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting',
- Based on the Element (7) field, the Start Time (3) field is determined.
- Based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control field and the Start Time (3) field, the Period Number field is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost',
- Based on the Element (8) field, the Start Time (3) field is determined.
- Based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control field and the Start Time (3) field, the Period Number field is

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control field and the Start
Date (9) field, the Period Number is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control field and the Start Date
(10) field, the Period Number is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control field and the
Related Start Date (11) field, the Period Number is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control field and the
Related Start Date (12) field, the Period Number is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control field and the
Related Start Date (13) field, the Period Number is published.
1) tcccp070.yrno 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
2) tpppc000.cptc 2) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Hours
3) tpptc100.stdt Control field.
4) tpptc120.cpla 3) Session Element (tpptc1100s000), Start Time field.
5) tpptc130.cpla 4) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
6) tpptc140.cpla 5) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
7) tpptc150.cpla 6) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
8) tpptc160.cpla 7) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
9) tpptc220.rsta 8) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
10) tpptc230.rsta 9) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Connected data tab, Start Date field.
11) tpptc240.rsta 10) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Connected data tab, Start Date field.
12) tpptc250.rsta 11) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Connected data tab, Related Start Date field.
13) tpptc260.rsta 12) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Connected data tab, Related Start Date
14) tppdm600.btpr field.
13) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Connected data tab, Related Start Date field.
14) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials',
- Based on the Element (4) field, the Start Time (3) field is determined.
- Based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control field and the Start Time (3) field, the Year field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor',
- Based on the Element (5) field, the Start Time (3) field is determined.
- Based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control field and the Start Time (3) field, the Year field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment',
- Based on the Element (6) field, the Start Time (3) field is determined.
- Based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control field and the Start Time (3) field, the Year field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 749

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting',
- Based on the Element (7) field, the Start Time (3) field is determined.
- Based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control field and the Start Time (3) field, the Year field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost',
- Based on the Element (8) field, the Start Time (3) field is determined.
- Based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control field and the Start Time (3) field, the Year field is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control field and the Start
Date (9) field, the Year is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control field and the Start Date
(10) field, the Year is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control field and the
Related Start Date (11) field, the Year is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control field and the
Related Start Date (12) field, the Year is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control field and the
Related Start Date (13) field, the Year is published.
1) tpptc120.amoc 1) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Cost Amount field.
2) tpptc130.amoc 2) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Cost Amount field.
3) tpptc140.amoc 3) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Cost Amount field.
4) tpptc150.amoc 4) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Cost Amount field.
5) tpptc160.amoc 5) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Cost Amount field.
6) tpptc220.amoc 6) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Cost Amount field.
7) tpptc230.amoc 7) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Cost Amount field.
8) tpptc240.amoc 8) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Cost Amount field.
9) tpptc250.amoc 9) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Cost Amount field.
10) tpptc260.amoc 10) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Cost Amount field.
11) tppdm600.btpr 11) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Cost Amount (1) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Cost Amount (2) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Cost Amount (3) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Cost Amount (4) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Cost Amount (5) field is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Cost Amount (6) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Cost Amount (7) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Cost Amount (8) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Cost Amount (9) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Cost Amount (10) field is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpptc120.cocu 2) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Cost Currency field.
3) tpptc130.cocu 3) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Cost Currency field.
4) tpptc140.cocu 4) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Cost Currency field.
5) tpptc150.cocu 5) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Cost Currency field.
6) tpptc160.cocu 6) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Cost Currency field.
7) tpptc220.cocu 7) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Cost Currency field.
8) tpptc230.cocu 8) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Cost Currency field.
9) tpptc240.cocu 9) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Cost Currency field.
10) tpptc250.cocu 10) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Cost Currency field.
11) tpptc250.cocu 11) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Cost Currency field.
12) tppdm600.btpr 12) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Cost Currency (2) field, the ISO Code field of the currency
is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', based on the Cost Currency (3) field, the ISO Code field of the currency is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Cost Currency (4) field, the ISO Code field of the
currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Cost Currency (5) field, the ISO Code field of the
currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', based on the Cost Currency (6) field, the ISO Code field of the
currency is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Cost Currency (7) field, the ISO Code field of the currency
is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', based on the Cost Currency (8) field, the ISO Code field of the currency is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Cost Currency (9) field, the ISO Code field of the
currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Cost Currency (10) field, the ISO Code field of the

Infor April 07, 2020 750

currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', based on the Cost Currency (11) field, the ISO Code field of the
currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tppdm600.cprj 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.
4) tpptc120.amoc 4) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Cost Amount field.
5) tpptc130.amoc 5) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Cost Amount field.
6) tpptc140.amoc 6) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Cost Amount field.
7) tpptc150.amoc 7) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Cost Amount field.
8) tpptc160.amoc 8) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Cost Amount field.
9) tpptc220.amoc 9) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Cost Amount field.
10) tpptc230.amoc 10) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Cost Amount field.
11) tpptc240.amoc 11) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Cost Amount field.
12) tpptc250.amoc 12) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Cost Amount field.
13) tpptc260.amoc 13) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Cost Amount field.
14) tppdm600.btpr 14) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Sales Amount (4) field expressed in Local Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Sales Amount (5) field expressed in Local Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Sales Amount (6) field expressed in Local Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Sales Amount (7) field expressed in Local Currency is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Sales Amount (8) field expressed in Local Currency is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Sales Amount (9) field expressed in Local Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Sales Amount (10) field expressed in Local Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Sales Amount (11) field expressed in Local Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Sales Amount (12) field expressed in Local Currency is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Sales Amount (13) field expressed in Local Currency is
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tppdm600.cprj 4) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tppdm600.cprj 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.
4) tpptc120.amoc 4) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Cost Amount field.
5) tpptc130.amoc 5) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Cost Amount field.
6) tpptc140.amoc 6) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Cost Amount field.
7) tpptc150.amoc 7) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Cost Amount field.
8) tpptc160.amoc 8) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Cost Amount field.
9) tpptc220.amoc 9) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Cost Amount field.
10) tpptc230.amoc 10) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Cost Amount field.
11) tpptc240.amoc 11) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Cost Amount field.
12) tpptc250.amoc 12) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Cost Amount field.
13) tpptc260.amoc 13) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Cost Amount field.
14) tppdm600.btpr 14) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Sales Amount (4) field expressed in Reference Currency is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Sales Amount (5) field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Sales Amount (6) field expressed in Reference Currency is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Sales Amount (7) field expressed in Reference Currency is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Sales Amount (8) field expressed in Reference Currency is

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Sales Amount (9) field expressed in Reference Currency is
Infor April 07, 2020 751
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Sales Amount (10) field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Sales Amount (11) field expressed in Reference Currency is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Sales Amount (12) field expressed in Reference Currency is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Sales Amount (13) field expressed in Reference Currency is
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tppdm600.cprj 4) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
2) tppdm600.cprj 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.
3) tpptc120.amoc 3) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Cost Amount field.
4) tpptc130.amoc 4) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Cost Amount field.
5) tpptc140.amoc 5) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Cost Amount field.
6) tpptc150.amoc 6) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Cost Amount field.
7) tpptc160.amoc 7) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Cost Amount field.
8) tpptc220.amoc 8) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Cost Amount field.
9) tpptc230.amoc 9) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Cost Amount field.
10) tpptc240.amoc 10) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Cost Amount field.
11) tpptc250.amoc 11) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Cost Amount field.
12) tpptc260.amoc 12) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Cost Amount field.
13) tppdm600.btpr 13) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Sales Amount (3) field expressed in Project Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Sales Amount (4) field expressed in Project Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Sales Amount (5) field expressed in Project Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Sales Amount (6) field expressed in Project Currency is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Sales Amount (7) field expressed in Project Currency is

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Sales Amount (8) field expressed in Project Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Sales Amount (9) field expressed in Project Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Sales Amount (10) field expressed in Project Currency is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Sales Amount (11) field expressed in Project Currency is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Sales Amount (12) field expressed in Project Currency is
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
3) tppdm600.cprj 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the ISO Code field of the Project Currency is published.
1) tpctm100.ccur 1) Session Contracts (tpctm1600m000), Currency field.
2) tpptc120.amoc 2) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Cost Amount field.
3) tpptc120.cspa 3) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Element field.
4) tpptc130.amoc 4) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Cost Amount field.
5) tpptc130.cspa 5) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Element field.
6) tpptc140.amoc 6) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Cost Amount field.
7) tpptc140.cspa 7) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Element field.
8) tpptc150.amoc 8) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Cost Amount field.
9) tpptc150.cspa 9) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Element field.
10) tpptc160.amoc 10) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Cost Amount field.
11) tpptc160.cspa 11) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Element field.
12) tpptc220.amoc 12) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Cost Amount field.
13) tpptc220.cact 13) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Cost Amount field.
14) tpptc230.amoc 14) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Cost Amount field.
15) tpptc230.cact 15) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Activity field.
16) tpptc240.amoc 16) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Cost Amount field.
17) tpptc240.cact 17) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Activity field.
18) tpptc250.amoc 18) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Cost Amount field.
19) tpptc250.cact 19) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Cost Amount field.
20) tpptc260.amoc 20) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Cost Amount field.
Infor April 07, 2020 752
21) tpptc260.cact 21) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Activity field.
22) tppdm600.btpr 22) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.
23) tppdm600.cprj 23) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Project field and the Element (3) field, the Currency field is
determined. The Cost Amount (2) field expressed in Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', based on the Project field and the Element (5) field, the Currency field is
determined. The Cost Amount (4) field expressed in Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Project field and the Element (7) field, the Currency field
is determined. The Cost Amount (6) field expressed in Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Project field and the Element (9) field, the Currency
field is determined. The Cost Amount (8) field expressed in Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', based on the Project field and the Element (11) field, the Currency
field is determined. The Cost Amount (10) field expressed in Currency is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Project field and the Activity (13) field, the Currency field is
determined. The Cost Amount (12) field expressed in Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', based on the Project field and the Activity (15) field, the Currency field is
determined. The Cost Amount (14) field expressed in Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Project field and the Activity (17) field, the Currency field
is determined. The Cost Amount (16) field expressed in Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Project field and the Activity (19) field, the Currency
field is determined. The Cost Amount (18) field expressed in Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', based on the Project field and the Activity (21) field, the Currency
field is determined. The Cost Amount (20) field expressed in Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpctm100.ccur 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Currency field.
3) tpptc120.cspa 3) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
4) tpptc130.cspa 4) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
5) tpptc140.cspa 5) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
6) tpptc150.cspa 6) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
7) tpptc160.cspa 7) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
8) tpptc220.cact 8) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Activity field.
9) tpptc230.cact 9) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Activity field.
10) tpptc240.cact 10) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Activity field.
11) tpptc250.cact 11) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Activity field.
12) tpptc260.cact 12) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Activity field.
13) tppdm600.btpr 13) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.
14) tppdm600.cprj 14) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Project field and the Element (3) field, the Currency field is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', based on the Project field and the Element (4) field, the Currency field is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Project field and the Element (5) field, the Currency field
is determined.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Project field and the Element (6) field, the Currency
field is determined.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', based on the Project field and the Element (7) field, the Currency
field is determined.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Project field and the Activity (8) field, the Currency field is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', based on the Project field and the Activity (9) field, the Currency field is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Project field and the Activity (10) field, the Currency field
is determined.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Project field and the Activity (11) field, the Currency
field is determined.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', based on the Project field and the Activity (12) field, the Currency
field is determined.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpptc120.lcta 1) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Landed Cost Amount field.
2) tpptc140.lcta 2) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Landed Cost Amount field.
3) tpptc220.lcta 3) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Landed Cost Amount field.
4) tpptc240.lcta 4) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Landed Cost Amount field.
5) tppdm600.btpr 5) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Landed Cost Amount (1) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Landed Cost Amount (2) field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 753

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Landed Cost Amount (3) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Landed Cost Amount (4) field is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpptc120.cocu 2) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Cost Currency field.
3) tpptc140.cocu 3) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Cost Currency field.
4) tpptc220.cocu 4) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Cost Currency field.
5) tpptc240.cocu 5) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Cost Currency field.
6) tppdm600.btpr 6) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', - If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Sales Amount (4) field
expressed in Local Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Cost Currency (3) field, the ISO Code field of the
currency is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Cost Currency (4) field, the ISO Code field of the currency
is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Cost Currency (5) field, the ISO Code field of the
currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tppdm600.cprj 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.
4) tpptc120.lcta 4) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Landed Cost Amount field.
5) tpptc140.lcta 5) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Landed Cost Amount field.
6) tpptc220.lcta 6) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Landed Cost Amount field.
7) tpptc240.lcta 7) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Landed Cost Amount field.
8) tppdm600.btpr 8) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Landed Cost Amount (4) field expressed in Local Currency is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Landed Cost Amount (5) field expressed in Local Currency is

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Landed Cost Amount (6) field expressed in Local Currency is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Landed Cost Amount (7) field expressed in Local Currency is
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tppdm600.cprj 4) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tppdm600.cprj 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.
4) tpptc120.lcta 4) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Landed Cost Amount field.
5) tpptc140.lcta 5) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Landed Cost Amount field.
6) tpptc220.lcta 6) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Landed Cost Amount field.
7) tpptc240.lcta 7) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Landed Cost Amount field.
8) tppdm600.btpr 8) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Landed Cost Amount (4) field expressed in Reference Currency is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Landed Cost Amount (5) field expressed in Reference Currency is

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

Infor April 07, 2020 754
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Landed Cost Amount (6) field expressed in Reference Currency is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Landed Cost Amount (7) field expressed in Reference Currency is
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tppdm600.cprj 4) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
2) tppdm600.cprj 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.
3) tpptc120.lcta 3) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Landed Cost Amount field.
4) tpptc140.lcta 4) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Landed Cost Amount field.
5) tpptc220.lcta 5) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Landed Cost Amount field.
6) tpptc240.lcta 6) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Landed Cost Amount field.
7) tppdm600.btpr 7) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Landed Cost Amount (3) field expressed in Project Currency is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Landed Cost Amount (4) field expressed in Project Currency is

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Landed Cost Amount (5) field expressed in Project Currency is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Landed Cost Amount (6) field expressed in Project Currency is
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
3) tppdm600.cprj 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the ISO Code field of the Project Currency is published.
1) tpctm100.ccur 1) Session Contracts (tpctm1600m000), Currency field.
2) tpptc120.lcta 2) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Landed Cost Amount field.
3) tpptc120.cspa 3) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Element field.
4) tpptc130.lcta 4) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Landed Cost Amount field.
5) tpptc130.cspa 5) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Element field.
6) tpptc140.lcta 6) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Landed Cost Amount field.
7) tpptc140.cspa 7) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Element field.
8) tpptc150.lcta 8) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Landed Cost Amount field.
9) tpptc150.cspa 9) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Element field.
10) tpptc160.lcta 10) Session Element Budget (Sundry Landed Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Landed Cost Amount field.
11) tpptc160.cspa 11) Session Element Budget (Sundry Landed Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Element field.
12) tpptc220.lcta 12) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Landed Cost Amount field.
13) tpptc220.cact 13) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Landed Cost Amount field.
14) tpptc230.lcta 14) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Landed Cost Amount field.
15) tpptc230.cact 15) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Activity field.
16) tpptc240.lcta 16) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Landed Cost Amount field.
17) tpptc240.cact 17) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Activity field.
18) tpptc250.lcta 18) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Landed Cost Amount field.
19) tpptc250.cact 19) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Activity field.
20) tpptc260.lcta 20) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Landed Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Landed Cost Amount field.
21) tpptc260.cact 21) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Landed Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Activity field.
22) tppdm600.btpr 22) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.
23) tppdm600.cprj 23) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Project field and the Element (3) field, the Currency field is
determined. The Landed Cost Amount (2) field expressed in Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', based on the Project field and the Element (5) field, the Currency field is
determined. The Landed Cost Amount (4) field expressed in Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Project field and the Element (7) field, the Currency field
is determined. The Landed Cost Amount (6) field expressed in Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Project field and the Element (9) field, the Currency
field is determined. The Landed Cost Amount (8) field expressed in Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Landed Cost', based on the Project field and the Element (11) field, the
Currency field is determined. The Landed Cost Amount (10) field expressed in Currency is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

Infor April 07, 2020 755
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Project field and the Activity (13) field, the Currency field is
determined. The Landed Cost Amount (12) field expressed in Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', based on the Project field and the Activity (15) field, the Currency field is
determined. The Landed Cost Amount (14) field expressed in Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Project field and the Activity (17) field, the Currency field
is determined. The Landed Cost Amount (16) field expressed in Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Project field and the Activity (19) field, the Currency
field is determined. The Landed Cost Amount (18) field expressed in Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Landed Cost', based on the Project field and the Activity (21) field, the
Currency field is determined. The Landed Cost Amount (20) field expressed in Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpctm100.ccur 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Currency field.
3) tpptc120.cspa 3) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
4) tpptc130.cspa 4) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
5) tpptc140.cspa 5) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
6) tpptc150.cspa 6) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
7) tpptc160.cspa 7) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Connected data tab, Element field.
8) tpptc220.cact 8) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Activity field.
9) tpptc230.cact 9) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Activity field.
10) tpptc240.cact 10) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Activity field.
11) tpptc250.cact 11) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Activity field.
12) tpptc260.cact 12) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Activity field.
13) tppdm600.btpr 13) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.
14) tppdm600.cprj 14) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Project field and the Element (3) field, the Currency field is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', based on the Project field and the Element (4) field, the Currency field is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Project field and the Element (5) field, the Currency field
is determined.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Project field and the Element (6) field, the Currency
field is determined.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', based on the Project field and the Element (7) field, the Currency
field is determined.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Project field and the Activity (8) field, the Currency field is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', based on the Project field and the Activity (9) field, the Currency field is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Project field and the Activity (10) field, the Currency field
is determined.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Project field and the Activity (11) field, the Currency
field is determined.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', based on the Project field and the Activity (12) field, the Currency
field is determined.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpptc120.pric 1) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Cost Price field.
2) tpptc130.ratc 2) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Cost Rate field.
3) tpptc140.ratc 3) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Cost Rate field.
4) tpptc150.pric 4) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Cost Price field.
5) tpptc160.pric 5) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Cost Price field.
6) tpptc220.pric 6) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Cost Price field.
7) tpptc230.ratc 7) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Cost Rate field.
8) tpptc240.ratc 8) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Cost Rate field.
9) tpptc250.pric 9) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Cost Price field.
10) tpptc260.pric 10) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Cost Price field.
11) tppdm600.btpr 11) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Cost Price (1) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Cost Rate (2) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Cost Rate (3) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Cost Price (4) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Cost Price (5) field is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Cost Price (6) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Cost Rate (7) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Cost Rate (8) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Cost Price (9) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Cost Price (10) field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 756

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpptc120.cocu 2) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Cost Currency field.
3) tpptc130.cocu 3) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Cost Currency field.
4) tpptc140.cocu 4) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Cost Currency field.
5) tpptc150.cocu 5) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Cost Currency field.
6) tpptc160.cocu 6) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Cost Currency field.
7) tpptc220.cocu 7) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Cost Currency field.
8) tpptc230.cocu 8) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Cost Currency field.
9) tpptc240.cocu 9) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Cost Currency field.
10) tpptc250.cocu 10) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Cost Currency field.
11) tpptc260.cocu 11) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Cost Currency field.
12) tppdm600.btpr 12) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Cost Currency (2) field, the ISO Code field of the currency
is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', based on the Cost Currency (3) field, the ISO Code field of the currency is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Cost Currency (4) field, the ISO Code field of the
currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Cost Currency (5) field, the ISO Code field of the
currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', based on the Cost Currency (6) field, the ISO Code field of the
currency is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Cost Currency (7) field, the ISO Code field of the currency
is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', based on the Cost Currency (8) field, the ISO Code field of the currency is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Cost Currency (9) field, the ISO Code field of the
currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Cost Currency (10) field, the ISO Code field of the
currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', based on the Cost Currency (11) field, the ISO Code field of the
currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tppdm600.cprj 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.
4) tpptc120.pric 4) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Cost Price field.
5) tpptc130.ratc 5) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Cost Rate field.
6) tpptc140.ratc 6) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Cost Rate field.
7) tpptc150.pric 7) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Cost Price field.
8) tpptc160.pric 8) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Cost Price field.
9) tpptc220.pric 9) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Cost Price field.
10) tpptc230.ratc 10) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Cost Rate field.
11) tpptc240.ratc 11) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Cost Rate field.
12) tpptc250.pric 12) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Cost Price field.
13) tpptc260.pric 13) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Cost Price field.
14) tppdm600.btpr 14) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Cost Price (4) field expressed in Local Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Cost Rate (5) field expressed in Local Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Cost Rate (6) field expressed in Local Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Cost Price (7) field expressed in Local Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Cost Price (8) field expressed in Local Currency is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Cost Price (9) field expressed in Local Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Cost Rate (10) field expressed in Local Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Cost Rate (11) field expressed in Local Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Cost Price (12) field expressed in Local Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Cost Price (13) field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tppdm600.cprj 4) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur
Infor April 07, 2020 757
2) tcemm170.comp 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tppdm600.cprj 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpptc120.pric 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.
5) tpptc130.ratc 4) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Cost Price field.
6) tpptc140.ratc 5) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Cost Rate field.
7) tpptc150.pric 6) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Cost Rate field.
8) tpptc160.pric 7) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Cost Price field.
9) tpptc220.pric 8) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Cost Price field.
10) tpptc230.ratc 9) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Cost Price field.
11) tpptc240.ratc 10) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Cost Rate field.
12) tpptc250.pric 11) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Cost Rate field.
13) tpptc260.pric 12) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Cost Price field.
14) tppdm600.btpr 13) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Cost Price field.
14) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Cost Price (4) field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Cost Rate (5) field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Cost Rate (6) field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Cost Price (7) field expressed in Reference Currency is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Cost Price (8) field expressed in Reference Currency is

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Cost Price (9) field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Cost Rate (10) field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Cost Rate (11) field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Cost Price (12) field expressed in Reference Currency is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Cost Price (13) field expressed in Reference Currency is
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tppdm600.cprj 4) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Project (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
2) tpptc120.pric 2) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Cost Price field.
3) tpptc120.cspa 3) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Element field.
4) tpptc130.ratc 4) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Cost Rate field.
5) tpptc130.cspa 5) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Element field.
6) tpptc140.ratc 6) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Cost Rate field.
7) tpptc140.cspa 7) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Element field.
8) tpptc150.pric 8) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Cost Price field.
9) tpptc150.cspa 9) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Element field.
10) tpptc160.pric 10) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Cost Price field.
11) tpptc160.cspa 11) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Element field.
12) tpptc220.pric 12) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Cost Price field.
13) tpptc220.cact 13) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Cost Price field.
14) tpptc230.ratc 14) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Cost Rate field.
15) tpptc230.cact 15) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Activity field.
16) tpptc240.ratc 16) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Cost Rate field.
17) tpptc240.cact 17) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Activity field.
18) tpptc250.pric 18) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Cost Price field.
19) tpptc250.cact 19) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Activity field.
20) tpptc260.pric 20) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Cost Price field.
21) tpptc260.cact 21) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Activity field.
22) tppdm600.btpr 22) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.
23) tppdm600.cprj 23) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Project field and the Element (3) field, the Project
Currency field is determined. The Cost Price (2) field expressed in Project Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', based on the Project field and the Element (5) field, the Project Currency
field is determined. The Cost Rate (4) field expressed in Project Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Project field and the Element (7) field, the Project
Currency field is determined. The Cost Rate (6) field expressed in Project Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Project field and the Element (9) field, the Project

Infor April 07, 2020 758

Currency field is determined. The Cost Price (8) field expressed in Project Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', based on the Project field and the Element (11) field, the Project
Currency field is determined. The Cost Price (10) field expressed in Project Currency is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Project field and the Activity (13) field, the Project
Currency field is determined. The Cost Price (12) field expressed in Project Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', based on the Project field and the Activity (15) field, the Project Currency
field is determined. The Cost Rate (14) field expressed in Project Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Project field and the Activity (17) field, the Project
Currency field is determined. The Cost Rate (16) field expressed in Project Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Project field and the Activity (19) field, the Project
Currency field is determined. The Cost Price (18) field expressed in Project Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', based on the Project field and the Activity (21) field, the Project
Currency field is determined. The Cost Price (20) field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
Always filled with '1'.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpptc120.cuni 2) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Unit field.
3) tpptc130.unrt 3) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Cost Rate Unit field.
4) tpptc140.cuni 4) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Unit field.
5) tpptc150.cuni 5) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Unit field.
6) tpptc160.cuni 6) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Unit field.
7) tpptc220.cuni 7) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Unit field.
8) tpptc230.unrt 8) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Cost Rate Unit field.
9) tpptc240.cuni 9) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Unit field.
10) tpptc250.cuni 10) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Unit field.
11) tpptc260.cuni 11) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Unit field.
12) tppdm600.btpr 12) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the ISO Code field of the Unit (2) is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the ISO Code field of the Cost Rate Unit (3) is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the ISO Code field of the Unit (4) is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the ISO Code field of the Unit (5) is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the ISO Code field of the Unit (6) is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the ISO Code field of the Unit (7) is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the ISO Code field of the Cost Rate Unit (8) is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the ISO Code field of the Unit (9) is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the ISO Code field of the Unit (10) is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the ISO Code field of the Unit (11) is published.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tpptc120.cuni 2) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Unit field.
3) tpptc120.item 3) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Item field.
4) tpptc140.cuti 4) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Time Unit field.
5) tpptc140.cequ 5) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Equipment field.
6) tpptc160.cuni 6) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Unit field.
7) tpptc160.csub 7) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Subcontracting field.
8) tpptc220.cuni 8) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Unit field.
9) tpptc220.item 9) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Item field.
10) tpptc240.cuti 10) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Time Unit field.
11) tpptc240.cequ 11) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Equipment field.
12) tpptc250.cuni 12) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Unit field.
13) tpptc250.csub 13) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Subcontracting field.
14) tppdm600.btpr 14) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials',
- Based on the Item (3) field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
- The conversion factor between the Unit (2) field and the Inventory Unit is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment',
- Based on the Equipment (5) field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
- The conversion factor between the Time Unit (4) field and the Inventory Unit is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting',
- Based on the Subcontracting (7) field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
- The conversion factor between the Unit (6) field and the Inventory Unit is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials',
Infor April 07, 2020 759
- Based on the Item (9) field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
- The conversion factor between the Unit (8) field and the Inventory Unit is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment',
- Based on the Equipment (11) field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
- The conversion factor between the Time Unit (10) field and the Inventory Unit is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting',
- Based on the Subcontracting (13) field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
- The conversion factor between the Unit (12) field and the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tpptc120.item 3) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Item field.
4) tpptc140.cequ 4) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Equipment field.
5) tpptc160.csub 5) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Subcontracting field.
6) tpptc220.item 6) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Item field.
7) tpptc240.cequ 7) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Equipment field.
8) tpptc250.csub 8) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Subcontracting field.
9) tppdm600.btpr 9) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Item (3) field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Equipment (4) field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory
Unit is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Subcontracting (5) field, the ISO Code field of the
Inventory Unit is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Item (6) field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Equipment (7) field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory
Unit is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Subcontracting (8) field, the ISO Code field of the
Inventory Unit is published.
1) tpptc120.ccco 1) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Connected data tab, Cost Component field.
2) tpptc130.ccco 2) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Connected data tab, Cost Component field.
3) tpptc140.ccco 3) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Connected data tab, Cost Component field.
4) tpptc150.ccco 4) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Connected data tab, Cost Component field.
5) tpptc160.ccco 5) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Connected data tab, Cost Component field.
6) tpptc220.ccco 6) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Connected data tab, Cost Component field.
7) tpptc230.ccco 7) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Connected data tab, Cost Component field.
8) tpptc240.ccco 8) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Connected data tab, Cost Component field.
9) tpptc250.ccco 9) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Connected data tab, Cost Component field.
10) tpptc260.ccco 10) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Connected data tab, Cost Component field.
11) tppdm600.btpr 11) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Cost Component (1) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Cost Component (2) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Cost Component (3) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Cost Component (4) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Cost Component (5) field is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Cost Component (6) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Cost Component (7) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Cost Component (8) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Cost Component (9) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Cost Component (10) field is published.
Always filled with 'Cost Components'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
1) tpptc120.pris 1) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Connected data tab, Sales Price field.
2) tpptc130.rats 2) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Connected data tab, Sales Rate field.
3) tpptc140.rats 3) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Connected data tab, Sales Rate field.
4) tpptc150.pris 4) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Connected data tab, Sales Price field.
5) tpptc160.pris 5) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Connected data tab, Sales Price field.
6) tpptc220.pris 6) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Connected data tab, Sales Price field.
7) tpptc230.rats 7) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Connected data tab, Sales Rate field.
8) tpptc240.rats 8) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Connected data tab, Sales Rate field.
9) tpptc250.pris 9) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Connected data tab, Sales Price field.
10) tpptc250.pris 10) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Connected data tab, Sales Price field.
11) tppdm600.btpr 11) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

Infor April 07, 2020 760
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Sales Price (1) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Sales Rate (2) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Sales Rate (3) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Sales Price (4) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Sales Price (5) field is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Sales Price (6) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Sales Rate (7) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Sales Rate (8) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Sales Price (9) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Sales Price (10) field is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), Connected data tab, ISO Code field.
2) tpptc120.sacu 2) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Connected data tab, Sales Currency field.
3) tpptc130.sacu 3) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Connected data tab, Sales Currency field.
4) tpptc140.sacu 4) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Connected data tab, Sales Currency field.
5) tpptc150.sacu 5) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Connected data tab, Sales Currency field.
6) tpptc160.sacu 6) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Connected data tab, Sales Currency field.
7) tpptc220.sacu 7) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Connected data tab, Sales Currency field.
8) tpptc230.sacu 8) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Connected data tab, Sales Currency field.
9) tpptc240.sacu 9) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Connected data tab, Sales Currency field.
10) tpptc250.sacu 10) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Connected data tab, Sales Currency field.
11) tpptc250.sacu 11) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Connected data tab, Sales Currency field.
12) tppdm600.btpr 12) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Connected data tab, Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Sales Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Sales Currency (2) field, the ISO Code field of the
currency is published.
- If the Sales Type is equal to 'Labor', based on the Sales Currency (3) field, the ISO Code field of the currency
is published.
- If the Sales Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Sales Currency (4) field, the ISO Code field of the
currency is published.
- If the Sales Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Sales Currency (5) field, the ISO Code field of the
currency is published.
- If the Sales Type is equal to 'Sundry Sales', based on the Sales Currency (6) field, the ISO Code field of the
currency is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Sales Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Sales Currency (7) field, the ISO Code field of the
currency is published.
- If the Sales Type is equal to 'Labor', based on the Sales Currency (8) field, the ISO Code field of the currency
is published.
- If the Sales Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Sales Currency (9) field, the ISO Code field of the
currency is published.
- If the Sales Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Sales Currency (10) field, the ISO Code field of the
currency is published.
- If the Sales Type is equal to 'Sundry Sales', based on the Sales Currency (11) field, the ISO Code field of the
currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tppdm600.cprj 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.
4) tpptc120.pris 4) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Connected Data, Sales Price field.
5) tpptc130.rats 5) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Connected Data, Sales Rate field.
6) tpptc140.rats 6) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Connected Data, Sales Rate field.
7) tpptc150.pris 7) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Connected Data, Sales Price field.
8) tpptc160.pris 8) Session Element Budget (Sundry Connected Data, Sales) (tpptc1114s000), Connected Data, Sales Price
9) tpptc220.pris field.
10) tpptc230.rats 9) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Connected Data, Sales Price field.
11) tpptc240.rats 10) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Connected Data, Sales Rate field.
12) tpptc250.pris 11) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Connected Data, Sales Rate field.
13) tpptc260.pris 12) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Connected Data, Sales Price field.
14) tppdm600.btpr 13) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Connected Data, Sales) (tpptc2114m000), Connected Data, Sales Price
14) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Connected Data, Sales Type is equal to 'Materials', the Connected Data, Sales Price (4) field expressed
in Local Currency is published.
- If the Connected Data, Sales Type is equal to 'Labor', the Connected Data, Sales Rate (5) field expressed in
Local Currency is published.
- If the Connected Data, Sales Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Connected Data, Sales Rate (6) field expressed
in Local Currency is published.
- If the Connected Data, Sales Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Connected Data, Sales Price (7) field

Infor April 07, 2020 761

expressed in Local Currency is published.
- If the Connected Data, Sales Type is equal to 'Sundry Connected Data, Sales', the Connected Data, Sales
Price (8) field expressed in Local Currency is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Connected Data, Sales Type is equal to 'Materials', the Connected Data, Sales Price (9) field expressed
in Local Currency is published.
- If the Connected Data, Sales Type is equal to 'Labor', the Connected Data, Sales Rate (10) field expressed in
Local Currency is published.
- If the Connected Data, Sales Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Connected Data, Sales Rate (11) field
expressed in Local Currency is published.
- If the Connected Data, Sales Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Connected Data, Sales Price (12) field
expressed in Local Currency is published.
- If the Connected Data, Sales Type is equal to 'Sundry Connected Data, Sales', the Connected Data, Sales
Price (13) field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tppdm600.cprj 4) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tppdm600.cprj 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.
4) tpptc120.pris 4) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Connected Data, Sales Price field.
5) tpptc130.rats 5) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Connected Data, Sales Rate field.
6) tpptc140.rats 6) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Connected Data, Sales Rate field.
7) tpptc150.pris 7) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Connected Data, Sales Price field.
8) tpptc160.pris 8) Session Element Budget (Sundry Connected Data, Sales) (tpptc1114s000), Connected Data, Sales Price
9) tpptc220.pris field.
10) tpptc230.rats 9) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Connected Data, Sales Price field.
11) tpptc240.rats 10) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Connected Data, Sales Rate field.
12) tpptc250.pris 11) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Connected Data, Sales Rate field.
13) tpptc260.pris 12) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Connected Data, Sales Price field.
14) tppdm600.btpr 13) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Connected Data, Sales) (tpptc2114m000), Connected Data, Sales Price
14) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Connected Data, Sales Type is equal to 'Materials', the Connected Data, Sales Price (4) field expressed
in Reference Currency is published.
- If the Connected Data, Sales Type is equal to 'Labor', the Connected Data, Sales Rate (5) field expressed in
Reference Currency is published.
- If the Connected Data, Sales Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Connected Data, Sales Rate (6) field expressed
in Reference Currency is published.
- If the Connected Data, Sales Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Connected Data, Sales Price (7) field
expressed in Reference Currency is published.
- If the Connected Data, Sales Type is equal to 'Sundry Connected Data, Sales', the Connected Data, Sales
Price (8) field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Connected Data, Sales Type is equal to 'Materials', the Connected Data, Sales Price (9) field expressed
in Reference Currency is published.
- If the Connected Data, Sales Type is equal to 'Labor', the Connected Data, Sales Rate (10) field expressed in
Reference Currency is published.
- If the Connected Data, Sales Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Connected Data, Sales Rate (11) field
expressed in Reference Currency is published.
- If the Connected Data, Sales Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Connected Data, Sales Price (12) field
expressed in Reference Currency is published.
- If the Connected Data, Sales Type is equal to 'Sundry Connected Data, Sales', the Connected Data, Sales
Price (13) field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tppdm600.cprj 4) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
2) tppdm600.cprj 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.
Infor April 07, 2020 762
3) tpptc120.pris 3) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Connected Data, Sales Price field.
4) tpptc130.rats 4) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Connected Data, Sales Rate field.
5) tpptc140.rats 5) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Connected Data, Sales Rate field.
6) tpptc150.pris 6) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Connected Data, Sales Price field.
7) tpptc160.pris 7) Session Element Budget (Sundry Connected Data, Sales) (tpptc1114s000), Connected Data, Sales Price
8) tpptc220.pris field.
9) tpptc230.rats 8) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Connected Data, Sales Price field.
10) tpptc240.rats 9) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Connected Data, Sales Rate field.
11) tpptc250.pris 10) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Connected Data, Sales Rate field.
12) tpptc260.pris 11) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Connected Data, Sales Price field.
13) tppdm600.btpr 12) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Connected Data, Sales) (tpptc2114m000), Connected Data, Sales Price
13) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Connected Data, Sales Type is equal to 'Materials', the Connected Data, Sales Price (4) field expressed
in Project Currency is published.
- If the Connected Data, Sales Type is equal to 'Labor', the Connected Data, Sales Rate (5) field expressed in
Project Currency is published.
- If the Connected Data, Sales Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Connected Data, Sales Rate (6) field expressed
in Project Currency is published.
- If the Connected Data, Sales Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Connected Data, Sales Price (7) field
expressed in Project Currency is published.
- If the Connected Data, Sales Type is equal to 'Sundry Connected Data, Sales', the Connected Data, Sales
Price (8) field expressed in Project Currency is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Connected Data, Sales Type is equal to 'Materials', the Connected Data, Sales Price (9) field expressed
in Project Currency is published.
- If the Connected Data, Sales Type is equal to 'Labor', the Connected Data, Sales Rate (10) field expressed in
Project Currency is published.
- If the Connected Data, Sales Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Connected Data, Sales Rate (11) field
expressed in Project Currency is published.
- If the Connected Data, Sales Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Connected Data, Sales Price (12) field
expressed in Project Currency is published.
- If the Connected Data, Sales Type is equal to 'Sundry Connected Data, Sales', the Connected Data, Sales
Price (13) field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
3) tppdm600.cprj 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the ISO Code field of the Project Currency is published.
Always filled with '1'.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpptc120.cuni 2) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Unit field.
3) tpptc130.unrt 3) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Cost Rate Unit field.
4) tpptc140.cuni 4) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Unit field.
5) tpptc150.cuni 5) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Unit field.
6) tpptc160.cuni 6) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Unit field.
7) tpptc220.cuni 7) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Unit field.
8) tpptc230.unrt 8) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Cost Rate Unit field.
9) tpptc240.cuni 9) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Unit field.
10) tpptc250.cuni 10) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Unit field.
11) tpptc260.cuni 11) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Unit field.
12) tppdm600.btpr 12) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the ISO Code field of the Unit (2) is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the ISO Code field of the Cost Rate Unit (3) is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the ISO Code field of the Unit (4) is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the ISO Code field of the Unit (5) is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the ISO Code field of the Unit (6) is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the ISO Code field of the Unit (7) is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the ISO Code field of the Cost Rate Unit (8) is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the ISO Code field of the Unit (9) is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the ISO Code field of the Unit (10) is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the ISO Code field of the Unit (11) is published.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tpptc120.cuni 2) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Unit field.
3) tpptc120.item 3) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Item field.
Infor April 07, 2020 763
4) tpptc140.cuti 4) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Time Unit field.
5) tpptc140.cequ 5) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Equipment field.
6) tpptc160.cuni 6) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Unit field.
7) tpptc160.csub 7) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Subcontracting field.
8) tpptc220.cuni 8) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Unit field.
9) tpptc220.item 9) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Item field.
10) tpptc240.cuti 10) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Time Unit field.
11) tpptc240.cequ 11) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Equipment field.
12) tpptc250.cuni 12) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Unit field.
13) tpptc250.csub 13) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Subcontracting field.
14) tppdm600.btpr 14) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials',
- Based on the Item (3) field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
- The conversion factor between the Unit (2) field and the Inventory Unit is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment',
- Based on the Equipment (5) field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
- The conversion factor between the Time Unit (4) field and the Inventory Unit is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting',
- Based on the Subcontracting (7) field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
- The conversion factor between the Unit (6) field and the Inventory Unit is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials',
- Based on the Item (9) field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
- The conversion factor between the Unit (8) field and the Inventory Unit is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment',
- Based on the Equipment (11) field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
- The conversion factor between the Time Unit (10) field and the Inventory Unit is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting',
- Based on the Subcontracting (13) field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
- The conversion factor between the Unit (12) field and the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tpptc120.item 3) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Item field.
4) tpptc140.cequ 4) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Equipment field.
5) tpptc160.csub 5) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Subcontracting field.
6) tpptc220.item 6) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Item field.
7) tpptc240.cequ 7) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Equipment field.
8) tpptc250.csub 8) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Subcontracting field.
9) tppdm600.btpr 9) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Item (3) field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Equipment (4) field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory
Unit is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Subcontracting (5) field, the ISO Code field of the
Inventory Unit is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Item (6) field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Equipment (7) field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory
Unit is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Subcontracting (8) field, the ISO Code field of the
Inventory Unit is published.
1) tpptc120.amos 1) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
2) tpptc130.amos 2) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
3) tpptc140.amos 3) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
4) tpptc150.amos 4) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
5) tpptc160.amos 5) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
6) tpptc220.amos 6) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
7) tpptc230.amos 7) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
8) tpptc240.amos 8) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
9) tpptc250.amos 9) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
10) tpptc260.amos 10) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
11) tppdm600.btpr 11) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Sales Amount (1) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Sales Amount (2) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Sales Amount (3) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Sales Amount (4) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Sales Amount (5) field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 764

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Sales Amount (6) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Sales Amount (7) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Sales Amount (8) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Sales Amount (9) field is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Sales Amount (10) field is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), Connected data tab, ISO Code field.
2) tpptc120.sacu 2) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Connected data tab, Sales Currency field.
3) tpptc130.sacu 3) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Connected data tab, Sales Currency field.
4) tpptc140.sacu 4) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Connected data tab, Sales Currency field.
5) tpptc150.sacu 5) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Connected data tab, Sales Currency field.
6) tpptc160.sacu 6) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Connected data tab, Sales Currency field.
7) tpptc220.sacu 7) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Connected data tab, Sales Currency field.
8) tpptc230.sacu 8) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Connected data tab, Sales Currency field.
9) tpptc240.sacu 9) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Connected data tab, Sales Currency field.
10) tpptc250.sacu 10) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Connected data tab, Sales Currency field.
11) tpptc250.sacu 11) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Connected data tab, Sales Currency field.
12) tppdm600.btpr 12) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Connected data tab, Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Sales Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Sales Currency (2) field, the ISO Code field of the
currency is published.
- If the Sales Type is equal to 'Labor', based on the Sales Currency (3) field, the ISO Code field of the currency
is published.
- If the Sales Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Sales Currency (4) field, the ISO Code field of the
currency is published.
- If the Sales Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Sales Currency (5) field, the ISO Code field of the
currency is published.
- If the Sales Type is equal to 'Sundry Sales', based on the Sales Currency (6) field, the ISO Code field of the
currency is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Sales Type is equal to 'Materials', based on the Sales Currency (7) field, the ISO Code field of the
currency is published.
- If the Sales Type is equal to 'Labor', based on the Sales Currency (8) field, the ISO Code field of the currency
is published.
- If the Sales Type is equal to 'Equipment', based on the Sales Currency (9) field, the ISO Code field of the
currency is published.
- If the Sales Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', based on the Sales Currency (10) field, the ISO Code field of the
currency is published.
- If the Sales Type is equal to 'Sundry Sales', based on the Sales Currency (11) field, the ISO Code field of the
currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tppdm600.cprj 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.
4) tpptc120.amos 4) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
5) tpptc130.amos 5) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
6) tpptc140.amos 6) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
7) tpptc150.amos 7) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
8) tpptc160.amos 8) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
9) tpptc220.amos 9) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
10) tpptc230.amos 10) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
11) tpptc240.amos 11) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
12) tpptc250.amos 12) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
13) tpptc260.amos 13) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
14) tppdm600.btpr 14) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Sales Amount (4) field expressed in Local Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Sales Amount (5) field expressed in Local Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Sales Amount (6) field expressed in Local Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Sales Amount (7) field expressed in Local Currency is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Sales Amount (8) field expressed in Local Currency is published.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Sales Amount (9) field expressed in Local Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Sales Amount (10) field expressed in Local Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Sales Amount (11) field expressed in Local Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Sales Amount (12) field expressed in Local Currency is

Infor April 07, 2020 765

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Sales Amount (13) field expressed in Local Currency is
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tppdm600.cprj 4) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tppdm600.cprj 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.
4) tpptc120.amos 4) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
5) tpptc130.amos 5) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
6) tpptc140.amos 6) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
7) tpptc150.amos 7) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
8) tpptc160.amos 8) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
9) tpptc220.amos 9) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
10) tpptc230.amos 10) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
11) tpptc240.amos 11) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
12) tpptc250.amos 12) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
13) tpptc260.amos 13) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
14) tppdm600.btpr 14) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Sales Amount (4) field expressed in Reference Currency is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Sales Amount (5) field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Sales Amount (6) field expressed in Reference Currency is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Sales Amount (7) field expressed in Reference Currency is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Sales Amount (8) field expressed in Reference Currency is

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Sales Amount (9) field expressed in Reference Currency is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Sales Amount (10) field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Sales Amount (11) field expressed in Reference Currency is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Sales Amount (12) field expressed in Reference Currency is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Sales Amount (13) field expressed in Reference Currency is
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tppdm600.cprj 4) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
2) tppdm600.cprj 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.
3) tpptc120.amos 3) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
4) tpptc130.amos 4) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
5) tpptc140.amos 5) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
6) tpptc150.amos 6) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
7) tpptc160.amos 7) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
8) tpptc220.amos 8) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
9) tpptc230.amos 9) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
10) tpptc240.amos 10) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
11) tpptc250.amos 11) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
12) tpptc260.amos 12) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Connected data tab, Sales Amount field.
13) tppdm600.btpr 13) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Sales Amount (3) field expressed in Project Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Sales Amount (4) field expressed in Project Currency is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 766
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Sales Amount (5) field expressed in Project Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Sales Amount (6) field expressed in Project Currency is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Sales Amount (7) field expressed in Project Currency is

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the Sales Amount (8) field expressed in Project Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Sales Amount (9) field expressed in Project Currency is published.
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the Sales Amount (10) field expressed in Project Currency is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the Sales Amount (11) field expressed in Project Currency is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the Sales Amount (12) field expressed in Project Currency is
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
3) tppdm600.cprj 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the ISO Code field of the Project Currency is published.
1) tpptc230.emno 1) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Connected data tab, Employee field.
2) tppdm600.btpr 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity' and the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.
2) tpptc230.emno 2) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Connected Data tab, Employee field.
3) tppdm600.btpr 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity' and the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', based on the Employee field, the
Name field is published.
1) tpptc120.cstl 1) Session Element Budget (Material) (tpptc1110s000), Connected data tab, Extension field.
2) tpptc130.cstl 2) Session Element Budget (Labor) (tpptc1111s000), Connected data tab, Extension field.
3) tpptc140.cstl 3) Session Element Budget (Equipment) (tpptc1112s000), Connected data tab, Extension field.
4) tpptc150.cstl 4) Session Element Budget (Subcontracting) (tpptc1113s000), Connected data tab, Extension field.
5) tpptc160.cstl 5) Session Element Budget (Sundry Costs) (tpptc1114s000), Connected data tab, Extension field.
6) tpptc220.cstl 6) Session Activity Budget (Material Lines) (tpptc2110m000), Connected data tab, Extension field.
7) tpptc230.cstl 7) Session Activity Budget (Labor Lines) (tpptc2111m000), Connected data tab, Extension field.
8) tpptc240.cstl 8) Session Activity Budget (Equipment Lines) (tpptc2112m000), Connected data tab, Extension field.
9) tpptc250.cstl 9) Session Activity Budget (Subcontracting Lines) (tpptc2113m000), Connected data tab, Extension field.
10) tpptc250.cstl 10) Session Activity Budget (Sundry Cost) (tpptc2114m000), Connected data tab, Extension field.
11) tppdm600.btpr 11) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budget By field.
12) tppdm600.cprj 12) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Element',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the concatenation of the Project field and the Extension (1) field is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the concatenation of the Project field and the Extension (2) field is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the concatenation of the Project field and the Extension (3) field is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the concatenation of the Project field and the Extension (4) field is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the concatenation of the Project field and the Extension (5) field is

If the Budget By field is equal to 'Activity',

- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Materials', the concatenation of the Project field and the Extension (6) field is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Labor', the concatenation of the Project field and the Extension (7) field is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Equipment', the concatenation of the Project field and the Extension (8) field is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Subcontracting', the concatenation of the Project field and the Extension (9) field is
- If the Cost Type is equal to 'Sundry Cost', the concatenation of the Project field and the Extension (10) field is
Infor April 07, 2020 767
Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tppdm600.cprj Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 768

tpctm100.cono Session Contract (tpctm1100m000), Contract field.

This BOD is published when users add or change a Project Contract.

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2.1 or later.
tpctm100.cofc Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tpctm100.cofc Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tpctm100.cono Session Contract (tpctm1100m000), Contract field.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) tpctm110.lmus 3) Session Contract Line (tpctm1110m000), Classification tab, Last Modified by field.
4) tpctm110.lmdt 4) Session Contract Line (tpctm1110m000), Classification tab, Last Modified on field.
5) tpctm110.crby 5) Session Contract Line (tpctm1110m000), Classification tab, Created by field.
6) tpctm110.crdt 6) Session Contract Line (tpctm1110m000), Classification tab, Creation Date field.

Based on the latest Modified on field of all Contract Lines, the Last Modified by field is determined.
Based on the Last Modified by field, the User field is determined.

If the Last Modified by field cannot be determined, based on the latest Creation Date field, the Created by field is
Based on the Created by field, the User field is determined.

If the user field cannot be determined, based on the current LN user the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) tpctm110.lmus 3) Session Contract Line (tpctm1110m000), Classification tab, Last Modified by field.
4) tpctm110.lmdt 4) Session Contract Line (tpctm1110m000), Classification tab, Last Modified on field.
5) tpctm110.crby 5) Session Contract Line (tpctm1110m000), Classification tab, Created by field.
6) tpctm110.crdt 6) Session Contract Line (tpctm1110m000), Classification tab, Creation Date field.

Based on the latest Modified on field of all Contract Lines, the Last Modified by field is determined.
Based on the Last Modified by field, the User field is determined.

If the Last Modified by field cannot be determined, based on the latest Creation Date field, the Created by field is
Based on the Created by field, the User field is determined.

If the user field cannot be determined, based on the current LN user the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Name field is published.

tpctm100.crdt Session Contract (tpctm1600m0000), Selling tab, Creation Date field.
tpctm100.desc Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Description field.
tpctm100.text Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Reference tab, Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
tpctm100.csts Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Status field.

If the Status is equal to 'Free', 'Draft' is published.

If the Status is equal to 'On Hold', 'Pending' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Active', 'Open' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Closed', 'Closed' is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 769
If the Status field is equal to 'Canceled', 'Deleted' is published.
If the Contract is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
Always filled with 'Project Contract Status'.
tpctm100.hrsn Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Hold Reason field.
Always filled with 'LN Reasons'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
If the Contract is deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
tpctm100.crby Session Contract (tpctm1100m000), Selling tab, Created by field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.
2) tpctm100.crby 2) Session Contract (tpctm1100m000), Selling tab, Created by field.

Based on the Created by field, the Name field is published.

tpctm100.cmng Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Agreement tab, Contract Manager field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.
2) tpctm100.cmng 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Agreement tab, Contract Manager field.

Based on the Contract Manager field, the Name field is published.

tpctm100.cstg Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Phase field.
Always filled with 'Phase Codes'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
1) tpctm100.cbrn 1) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Classification tab, Line of Business field.
2) tpctm10.ccam 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Classification tab, Acquiring Method field.
3) tpctm10.cfac 3) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Classification tab, Financing Method field.
4) tpctm10.creg 4) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Classification tab, Geographical Area field.
5) tpctm10.ccat 5) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Classification tab, Category field.
6) tpctm10.csec 6) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Classification tab, Business Sector field.
7) tpctm10.ccot 7) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Classification tab, Group field.

The above mentioned fields are published after each other.

The Tenant, Accountng Entity and Location of the Logistic Company are published in the UserArea node.
tpctm100.pmng Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Agreement tab, Program Manager field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.
2) tpctm100.pmng 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Agreement tab, Program Manager field.

Based on the Contract Manager field, the Name field is published.

tpctm100.prgm Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Program field.
Always filled with 'Project Programs'.
1) tpctm100.refe 1) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Reference tab, First Reference field.
2) tpctm100.refb 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Reference tab, Second Reference field.

The First Reference and/or Second Reference fields are published.

tpctm100.ofbp Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Agreement tab, Sold-to Business Partner field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

Infor April 07, 2020 770

The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) tdsls400.ofbp 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Agreement tab, Sold-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Sold-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tpctm100.ofad 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Agreement tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Name field is published.

1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tpctm100.ofad 7) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Agreement tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tpctm100.ofad 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Selling tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the House Number field is published.

1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tpctm100.ofad 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Sellig tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Building Name is published.

1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tpctm100.ofad 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Selling tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Street Name field is published.

1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tpctm100.ofad 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Selling tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Unit field is published.

1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tpctm100.ofad 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Selling tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Floor field is published.

1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tpctm100.ofad 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Selling tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tpctm100.ofad 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Agreement tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the City field is published.

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tpctm100.ofad 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Agreement tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the State/Province field is published.

1) tccom130.ccty
Infor April 07, 2020 771
2) tcmcs010.ict2 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
3) tpctm100.ofad 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Agreement tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tpctm100.ofad 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Agreement tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
tpctm100.ofcn Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Agreement tab, Contact field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4540m000), Last Name field.
2) tpctm100.ofcn 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Agreement tab, Contact field.

Based on the Contact field, the Last Name field is published.

tpctm100.ofcn Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Agreement tab, Contact field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tpctm100.cofc Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Sales Office field.
Always filled with 'Office'.
tpctm110.cofc Session 'Contract' (tpctm1600m000), Agreement tab, Sales Office field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tcmcs065.cadr 2) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field.
3) tpctm110.cofc 3) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Agreement tab, Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Address field is determined.

Based on the Address field, the Name field is published.
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tcmcs065.cadr 7) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field.
8) tpctm110.cofc 8) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Agreement tab, Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Address field is determined.

Based on the Address field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tpctm100.cofc 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Selling tab, Sales Office field.

Based on the Address field, the House Number field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 772
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tpctm100.cofc 2) Session Contract tpctm1600m000), Selling tab, Sales Office field.

Based on the Address field, the House Number field is published.

1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tpctm100.cofc 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Selling tab, Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Street field is published.

1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tpctm100.cofc 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Selling tab, Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Unit field is published.

1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tpctm100.cofc 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Selling tab, Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Floor field is published.

1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tpctm100.cofc 2) Session Sales Contract (tpctm1600m000), Selling tab, Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tcmcs065.cadr 2) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field.
3) tpctm110.cofc 3) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Agreement tab, Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Address field is determined.

Based on the Address field, the City field is published.
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tcmcs065.cadr 2) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field.
3) tpctm110.cofc 3) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Agreement tab, Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Address field is determined.

Based on the Address field, the State/Province field is published.
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tcmcs065.cadr 3) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field.
4) tpctm110.cofc
Based on the Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tcmcs065.cadr 2) Session Departments (tcmcs0165s000), Address field.
3) tpctm110.cofc 3) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Agreement tab, Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Address field is determined.

Based on the Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
1) tpctm100.crep 1) Session Contract, (tpctm1600m000), Selling tab, Internal Sales Representative field.
2) tpctm100.osrp 2) Session Contract, (tpctm1600m000), Selling tab, External Sales Representative field.

The Internal Sales Representative and/or External Sales Representative fields are published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.
2) tpctm100.crep 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Selling tab, Internal Sales Representative field.
3) tpctm100.osrp 3) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Selling tab, External Sales Representative field.

Based on the Internal Sales Representative field, Name field is published.

Based on the External Sales Representative field, Name field is published.
1) tpctm100.crep 1) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Selling tab, Internal Sales Representative field.
2) tpctm100.osrp 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Selling tab, External Sales Representative field.

Based on the Internal Sales Representative field, 'Internal' is published.

Based on the External Sales Representative field, 'External' is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 773
tpctm100.coty Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Agreement tab, Contract Execution field.

If the Contract Execution field is equal to 'Main Contracting', 'Main Contracting' is published.
If the Contract Execution field is equal to 'Subcontracting', 'Subcontracting' is published.
Always filled with 'Project Contract Execution Types'.
tpctm100.ctyp Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Agreement tab, Contract Type field.

If the Contract Type field is equal to 'Fixed Price', 'Fixed Price' is published.
If the Contract Type field is equal to 'Cost Reimbursement', 'Cost Reimbursement' is published.
If the Project Contract Type field is equal to 'Time & Materials', 'Time and Materials' is published.
Always filled with 'Project Contract Types'.
tpctm100.codt Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract Award Date field.
tpctm100.efdt Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Agreement tab, Effective Date field.
tpctm100.exdt Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Agreement tab, Expiry Date field.
tpctm100.ctyp Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Agreement tab, Exchange Rate Type field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tpctm100.copr Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Agreement tab, Contract Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpctm100.ccur 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpctm100.cofc 3) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Office field.
4) tpctm100.copr 4) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract Amount field.

Based on the Office, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

- The ContractBaseAmount field expressed in Local Currency is published.

1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpctm100.cofc 3) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Office field.
4) tpctm100.copr 4) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract Amount field.

Based on the Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

- The Contract Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

For Infor LN 10.2.1: For Infor LN 10.2.1:
tpctm100.ivam Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Selling tab, Approved for Invoicing field.

For Infor LN 10.3.0 or later: For Infor LN 10.3.0 or later:

tpctm100.itod Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Selling tab, Invoiced to Date field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpctm100.ccur 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Selling tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpctm100.cofc 3) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Sales Office field.
4) tpctm100.ivam 4) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Approved for Invoicing field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

- The BilledBaseAmount field expressed in Local Currency is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 774
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpctm100.cofc 3) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Office field.
4) tpctm100.ivam 4) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Approved for Invoicing field.

Based on the Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

- The Approved for Invoicing field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

1) tpctm110.flmt 1) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Funded Amount field.
2) tpctm100.ccur 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Currency field.

The sum of the Funded Amounts fields from the lines, expressed in the Currency field, is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpctm100.ccur 2) Session Contract, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpctm100.cofc 3) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000)), Sales Office field.
4) tpctm110.flmt 4) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Funded Amount field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The sum of Funded Amount fields, expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpctm100.cofc 3) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Sales Office field.
4) tpctm110.flmt 4) Session Contract Lines (tpctm011m0000), Funded Amount field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The sum of the Funded Amount fields, expressed in Reference Currency is published.
tpctm100.acpn Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Agreement tab, Acceptance Point field.

If the Acceptance Point field is equal to 'Source Acceptance', 'Source Acceptance' is published.
If the Acceptance Point field is equal to 'Destination Acceptance', 'Destination Acceptance' is published.
If the Acceptance Point field is equal to 'Source and Destination Acceptance', 'Source and Destination
Acceptance' is published.
If the Acceptance Point field is equal to 'Not Applicable', 'Not Applicable' is published.
Always filled with 'Project Contract Acceptance Points'.
tpctm110.cnln Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract Line field.
tpctm110.desc Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Summary tab, Description field.
tpctm110.text Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Reference tab, Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about thie element.
tpctm110.csts Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Status field.

If the Status field is equal to 'Free', 'Draft' is published.

If the Status field is equal to 'On Hold', 'Pending' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Active', 'Open' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Closed', 'Closed' is published.
It the Status field is equal to 'Canceled', 'Deleted' is published.
Always filled with 'Project Contract Status'.
1) tcmcs005.dsca 1) Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Reason field.
2) tpctm110.hrsn 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Hold Reason field.

Based on the Hold reason field, the Reason field is published.

Always filled with 'LN Reasons'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Infor April 07, 2020 775
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Employee field.
2) tpctm110.crby 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Classification tab, Created by field.

Based on the Created by field, the Employee field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.
2) tpctm100.crby 2) Session Contract (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Created by field.

Based on the Created by field, the Name field is published.

tpctm110.cmng Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract Manager field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.
2) tpctm110.cmng 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract Manager field.

Based on the Contract Manager field, the Name field is published.

tpctm110.cstg Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Phase field.
Always filled with 'Phase Codes'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
1) tpctm110.cbrn 1) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Classification tab, Line of Business field.
2) tpctm110.ccam 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Classification tab, Acquiring Method field.
3) tpctm110.cfac 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Classification tab, Financing Method field.
4) tpctm110.creg 4) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Classification tab, Geographical Area field.
5) tpctm110.ccat 5) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Classification tab, Category field.
6) tpctm110.csec 6) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Classification tab, Business Sector field.
7) tpctm110.ccot 7) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Classification tab, Group field.

The above mentioned fields are published after each other.

1) tpctm110.blcl 1) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Invoicing tab, Billing Cycle field.
2) tpctm110.dfis 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Invoicing tab, Installment Schedule field.
3) tpctm110.cinm 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Invoicing tab, Invoicing Method field.

The Billing Cycle field, Installment Schedule field and the Invoicing Method field are published in the User Area
1) tpctm110.lmdt 1) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Classification tab, Last Modified on field.
2) tpctm110.crdt 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Classification tab, Creation Date field.

If the Last Modified on field is filled, this field is published.

Otherwise, the Creation Date field is published.
tpctm110.lmus Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Last Modified by field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tcom0101m000), Name field
2) tpctm110.lmus 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Last Modified by field.

Based on the Last Modified by field, the Name field is published.

tpctm110.lcrs Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Last Change Reason field.
Always filled with 'Status Reason Codes'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tpctm110.crdt Not displayed in any session, Creation Date field.
1) tpctm110.cprj
Infor April 07, 2020 776
2) tppdm700.cnpr 1) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Project field
2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Project tab, Project field.

If the Project (1) field is filled, the Project (1) field is published. Otherwise, the first filled Project (2) field for the
Contract Line is published
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tpctm110.rfcu 1) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Reference tab, Customer Order field.
2) tpctm110.pcnt 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Reference tab, Prime Contractor field.
3) tpctm110.nama 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Reference tab, Prime Contractor Name field.
4) tpctm110.pcrf 4) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Reference tab, Prime Contractor Reference field.
1) tpctm110.rfcu 1) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Reference tab, Customer Order field.
2) tpctm110.pcnt 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Reference tab, Prime Contractor field.
3) tpctm110.nama 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Reference tab, Prime Contractor Name field.
4) tpctm110.pcrf 4) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Reference tab, Prime Contractor Reference field.

If the Customer Order field is filled, 'Customer Order' is published.

If the Prime Contractor field is filled, 'PrimeContractor' is published.
If the Prime Contractor Name field is filled, 'PrimeContractorName' is published.
If the Prime Contractor Reference field is filled, 'PrimeContractorReference' is published.
tpctm110.ofbp Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Sold-to Business Partner field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) tpctm110.ofbp 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Shipping tab, Sold-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Sold-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tpctm110.ofad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Name field is published.

1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tpctm110.ofad 7) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tpctm110.ofad 2) Session Contract Lines (pctm1100m000), Selling tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Building field is published.

1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tpctm110.ofad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Selling tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Street field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 777
1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tpctm110.ofad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Selling tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Unit field is published.

1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tpctm110.ofad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Selling tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Floor field is published.

1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tpctm110.ofad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Address field.

Based on the Address field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tpctm110.ofad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the City field is published.

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tpctm110.ofad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the State/Province field is published.

1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tpctm110.ofad 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tpctm110.ofad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
tpctm110.ofcn Session Contract Line (tpctm1110m000), Summary tab, Contact field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts, (tccom4545m000), Last Name field.
2) tpctm110.ofcn 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Contact field.

Based on the Contact field, the Last Name field is published.

Always filled with 'Office'.
tpctm110.cofc Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Summary tab, Sales Office field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tpctm110.ofad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Address field.

Based on Address field, the Name field is published.

1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tpctm110.ofad 7) Session Contract Lines (tpctm111m000), Selling tab, Address field.

Infor April 07, 2020 778

Based on the Address field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tpctm110.cofc 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Summary tab, Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the House Number field is published.
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tpctm110.cofc 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Summary tab, Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Building field is published.

1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tpctm110.cofc 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Summary tab, Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Street field is published.

1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tpctm1100.cofc 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Sales Officefield.

Based on the Sales Officefield, the Unit field is published.

1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tpctm110.cofc 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Summary tab, Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Floor field is published.

1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tpctm110.cofc 2) Contract Lines (tpctm100m000), Summary tab, Sales Officefield.

Based on the Sales Office field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) ptctm110.cofc 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Agreement tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the City field is published.

1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tpctm110.cofc 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Paying tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the State/Province field is published.

1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tpctm110.cofc 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Paying tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tpctm110.cofc 2) Session Contract (tpctm1110m000), Agreement tab, Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
1) tpctm110.crep 1) Session Contract Lines, Selling tab, Internal Sales Representative field.
2) tpctm110.osrp 2) Session Contract Lines, Selling tab, External Sales Representative field.

The Internal Sales Representative and/or External Sales Representative fields are published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama

Infor April 07, 2020 779

2) tpctm110.crep 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.
3) tpctm110.osrp 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Internal Sales Representative field.
3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, External Sales Representative field.

Based on the Internal Sales Representative field, Name field is published.

Based on the External Sales Representative field, Name field is published.
1) tpctm110.crep 1) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Internal Sales Representative field.
2) tpctm110.osrp 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, External Sales Representative field.

Based on the Internal Sales Representative field, 'Internal' is published.

Based on the External Sales Representative field, 'External' is published.
tpctm110.coty Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract Line Execution field.

If the Contract Line Execution field is equal to 'Main Contracting', 'Main Contracting' is published.
If the Contract Line Execution field is equal to 'Subcontracting', 'Subcontracting' is published.
Always filled with 'Project Contract Execution Types'.
tpctm110.ctyp Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract Type field.

If the Contract Type field is equal to 'Fixed Price', 'Fixed Price' is published.
If the Contract Type field is equal to 'Cost Reimbursement', 'Cost Reimbursement' is published.
If the Contract Type field is equal to 'Time & Materials', 'Time and Materials' is published.
Always filled with 'Project Contract Types'.
tpctm110.codt Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract Line Award Date field.
tpctm110.efdt Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Effective Date field.
tpctm110.exdt Session Contract Lines (tpcmt110m000), Summary tab, Expiry date field.
tpctm110.rtyp Session Contract Line (tpctm1110m000), Summary tab, Exchange Rate Type field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tpctm110.copr Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Summary tab, Contract Line Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpctm110.ccur 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Summary tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpctm110.cofc 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Summary tab, Sales Office field.
4) tpctm110.copr 4) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Summary tab, Contract Line Amount field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

- The Contract Line Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.

1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpctm110.cofc 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Sales Office field.
4) tpctm110.copr 4) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract Line Amount field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Contract Line Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

1) tpctm110.copr 1) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract Line Amount field.
2) tpctm100.ccur 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Currency field.

The Contract Lime Amount field, expressed in the Currency field, is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc

Infor April 07, 2020 780

2) tpctm100.ccur 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For Infor LN 10.2.1: For Infor LN 10.2.1:
tpctm110.ivam Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Approved for Invoicing field.

For Infor LN 10.3.0 or later: For Infor LN 10.3.0 or later:

tpctm110.itod Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Invoiced to Date field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpctm110.ccur 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpctm110.cofc 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Summary tab, Sales Office field.
4) tpctm110.ivam 4) Session Contract Lines, (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Approved for Invoicing field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

- The Approved for Invoicing field expressed in Local Currency is published.

1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpctm110.cofc 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Summary tab, Sales Office field.
4) tpctm110.ivam 4) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Approved for Invoicing field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

- The Approved for Invoicing field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

1) tpctm110.itod 1) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Invoiced to Date field.
3) tpctm100.ccur 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Selling tab, Currency field.

The Invoiced to date field, expressed in the Currency field, is published.

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpctm100.ccur 2) Session Contract, Selling tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpctm110.flmt Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Funded Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpctm110.ccur 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpctm110.cofc 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Sales Office field.
4) tpctm110.flmt 4) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Funded Amount field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Funded Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpctm110.cofc 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Sales Office field.
4) tpctm110.flmt 4) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Funded Amount field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Funded Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

1) tpctm110.flmt 1) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1119m000), Selling tab, Funded Amount field.
2) tpctm100.ccur 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Agreement tab, Currency field.

The Funded Amount field, expressed in the Contract Currency is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 781

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpctm100.ccur 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Agreement tab, Currency.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpctm110.rddt Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Contract Delivery Date field.
tpctm110.esam Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Expected Sales Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpctm110.ccur 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Expected Sales Amount Currency field.

Based on the Expected Sales Amount Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpctm110.cofc 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Summary tab, Sales Office field.
4) tpctm110.esam 4) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Expected Sales Amount field.

Based on the Sales Office, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

- The Expected Sales Amount expressed in Local Currency is published.

1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpctm110.cofc 3) Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Summary tab, Sales Office field.
4) tpctm110.esam 4) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Summary tab, Expected Sales Amount field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

- The Expected Sales Amount field, expressed in Reference Currency is published.

tpctm110.clam Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Ceiling Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpctm110.ccur 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Summary tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpctm110.cofc 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Summary tab, Sales Office field.
4) tpctm110.clam 4) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Summary tab, Ceiling Amount field.

Based on the Sales Office, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

- The Ceiling Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.

1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpctm110.cofc 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Summary tab, Sales Office field.
4) tpctm110.clam 4) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Ceiling Amount field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Ceiling Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

tpctm110.pcit Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Markup Material field.
tpctm110.pcts Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Markup Labor field.
tpctm110.pceq Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Markup Equipment field.
tpctm110.pcsb Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Markup Subcontracting field.
tpctm110.pcic Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Markup Sundry Cost field.
tpctm110.acpn Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Shipping tab, Acceptance Point field.

If the Acceptance field is equal to 'Source Acceptance', 'Source Acceptance' is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 782
If the Acceptance field is equal to 'Destination Acceptance', 'Destination Acceptance' is published.
If the Acceptance field is equal to 'Source and Destination Acceptance', 'Source and Destination Acceptance' is
If the Acceptance field is equal to 'Not Applicable', 'Not Applicable' is published.
Always filled with 'Project Contract Acceptance Points'.
tpctm110.stbp Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Business Partner.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) tpctm110.ofbp 2) Session Contract (tpctm1110m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Ship-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tpctm110.stad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Name field is published.

1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tpctm110.stad 7) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tpcm110.stad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the House Number field is published.
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tpctm110.stad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Building field is published.

1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tpctm110.stad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Street field is published.

1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tpctm110.stad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Unit field is published.

1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tpctm110.stad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Adress Field field, the Floor field is published.
1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tpctm110.stad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
1) tccom130.dsca

Infor April 07, 2020 783

2) tpctm110.stad 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the City field is published.

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tpctm110.stad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the State/Province field is published.

1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tpctm110.stad 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tpctm110.stad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
tpctm110.stcn Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Shipping tab, Contact field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4540m000), Last Name field.
2) tpctm110.stcn 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Shipping tab, Contact field.

Based on the Contact field, the Last Name field is published.

Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tpctm110.sadr 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from Address field.

Based on the Ship-from Address field, the Name field is published.

1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tpctm110.sadr 7) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from Address field.

Based on the Ship-from Address field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tpcm110.sadr 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from Address field.

Based on the Ship-from Address field, the House Number field is published.
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tpctm110.sadr 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from Address field.

Based on the Ship-from Address field, the Building field is published.

1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tpctm110.sadr 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from Address field.

Based on the Ship-from Address field, the Street field is published.


Infor April 07, 2020 784

1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tpctm110.sadr 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from Address field.

Based on the Ship-from Address field, the Unit field is published.

1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tpctm110.sadr 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from Address field.

Based on the Ship-from Adress Field field, the Floor field is published.
1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tpctm110.sadr 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from Address field.

Based on the Ship-from Address field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tpctm110.sadr 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from Address field.

Based on the Ship-from Address field, the City field is published.

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tpctm110.sadr 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from Address field.

Based on the Ship-from Address field, the State/Province field is published.

1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tpctm110.sadr 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from Address field.

Based on the Ship-from Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tpctm110.sadr 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Shipping tab, Ship-from Address field.

Based on the Ship-from Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
tpctm110.itbp Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice-to Business partner field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts by Business Partner, (tccom4545m000), Name field.
2) tpctm110.ictn 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Invoicing tab, Contact field.

Based on the Contact field, the Name field is published.

Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tpctm110.itad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Invoicing tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Name field is published.

1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tpctm110.itad 7) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Invoicing tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.hono

Infor April 07, 2020 785

2) tpcm110.itad 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Invoicing tab, Address field.

Based on Address field, the House Number field is published.

1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tpctm110.itad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Invoicing tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Building field is published.

1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tpctm110.itad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Invocing tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Street field is published.

1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tpctm110.itad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Invoicing tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Unit field is published.

1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tpctm110.itad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Invoicing tab, Address field.

Based on the Adress Field field, the Floor field is published.

1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tpctm110.itad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Invoicing tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tpctm110.itad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Invoicing tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the City field is published.

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tpctm110.itad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Invoicing tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the State/Province field is published.

1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tpctm110.itad 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Invoicing tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tpctm110.itad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Invoicing tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
tpctm110.itcn Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Invoicing tab, Contact field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts by Business Partner, (tccom4545m000), Contact field.
2) tpctm110.itcn 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Paying tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Contact field is published.

Always filled with 'Billing Types'.
tpctm110.disc Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice Discount field.
tpctm110.cidm Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Invoicing tab, Invoice Delivery field.
Always filled with 'Invoice Delivery Methods'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

Infor April 07, 2020 786

tpctm110.styp Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Invoicing tab, Sales Type field.
Always filled with 'Sales Types'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tpctm110.prtx Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Invoicing tab, Project Text on Invoice field.

If this field is enabled, ''true'' is published.

Otherwise, ''false'' is published.
1) tpctm110.refe 1) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Reference tab, First Reference field.
2) tpctm110.refb 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Reference tab, Second Reference field.

The First Reference and/or Second Reference fields are published.

tpctm110.tins Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Invoicing tab, Installment Type field.

If the Installment Type field is equal to 'Amount', 'Amount' is published.

If the Installment Type field is equal to 'Percentage', 'Percent' is published.
If the Installment Type field is equal to 'Points', 'Points' is published.
Always filled with 'Installment Types'.
tpctm110.poin Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Invoicing tab, Number of Points field.
tpctm110.ltti Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Invoicing tab, Last Transferred to Invoicing field.
tpctm110.hldb Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Invoicing tab, Holdback field.

If the Holdback field is equal to 'All Invoices', 'All Invoices' is published.

If the Holdback field is equal to 'Based on Progress', 'Based on Progress' is published.
If the Holdback field is equal to 'No Holdback', 'No Holdback' is published.
Always filled with 'Holdback Types'.
tpctm110.hbpc Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Invoicing tab, Holdback Percentage field.
tpctm110.ptsh Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Invoicing tab, Progress Threshold field.
tpctm110.pfbp Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Paying tab, Pay-by Business Partner field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) tpctm110.pfbp 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Paying tab, Pay-by Business Partner field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tpctm110.pfad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Paying tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Name field is published.

1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tpctm110.pfad 7) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Paying tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:

Infor April 07, 2020 787

For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tpcm110.pfad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Paying tab, Address field.

Based on Address field, the House Number field is published.

1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tpctm110.pfad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Paying tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Building field is published.

1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tpctm110.pfad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Paying tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Street field is published.

1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tpctm110.pfad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Paying tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Unit field is published.

1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tpctm110.pad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Paying tab, Address field.

Based on the Adress Field field, the Floor field is published.

1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tpctm110.pfad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1100m000), Paying tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tpctm110.pfad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Paying tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the City field is published.

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tpctm110.pfad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Paying tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the State/Province field is published.

1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tpctm110.pfad 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Paying tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tpctm110.pfad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Paying tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
tpctm110.pfcn Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Paying tab, Contact field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts, (tcom4540m000), Last Name field.
2) tpctm110.pfad 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Paying tab, Address field.

Based on the Address field, the Last Name field is published.

1) tpctm110.pfbp 1) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Paying tab, Pay-by Business Partner field.
2) tccom115.iban 2) session Bank Accounts by Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4515m000), International Bank Account Number
3) tccom115.bano field.
4) tpctm110.cban 3) Session Bank Accounts by Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4515m00), Bank Account field.
4) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Paying tab, Bank Account Code field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field and the Bank Account Code field, when the International Bank
Account Number field is empty, the Bank Account field is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 788
1) tpctm110.pfbp 1) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1119m000), Paying tab, Pay-by Business Partner field.
2) tccom115.iban 2) session Bank Accounts by Pay-by Business Partner (tccom4515m000), International Bank Account Number
3) tpctm110.cban field.
3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Paying tab, Bank Account Code field.

Based on the Pay-by Business Partner field and the Bank Account Code field, the International Bank Account
Number field is published.
tpctm110.cban Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Paying tab, Bank Account Code field.
Always filled with 'Standard'.
tpctm110.cpay Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Paying tab, Payment Terms field.
1) tcmcs013.dsca 1) Session Terms of Payment (tcmcs0113s000), Terms of Payment tab, Description field.
2) tpctm110.cpay 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Paying tab, Payment Terms field.

Based on the Payment Terms field, the Description field is published.

tpctm110.cpay Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Paying tab, Payment Terms field.
Always filled with 'Payment Term'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tpctm110.paym Session Contract Lines tpctm1110m000), Paying tab, Payment Method field.

Infor April 07, 2020 789

1) tppdm700.cono 1) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Contract field.
2) tppdm700.cnln 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Contract Line field.
3) tppdm700.dlvr
3) Not displayed in any session, Deliverable field.

The concatenation of the Contract field, the Contract Line field, and the Deliverable field is published.

This BOD is published when users;

- Change the status of a Project Contract Line with Deliverables to 'Active',
- Change the Sales Office on a Project Contract Line, before setting status to 'Active', in such a way that the
Tenant, Accounting Entity or Location of the old and new Sales Office are different.
- Delete a Project Contract Line with Deliverables,
- Add, Change or Delete Deliverables of an active Project Contract Line.
- Use session Publish Project Data.

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2.1 or later.

tpctm110.cofc Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tpctm110.cofc Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tppdm700.cono 1) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Contract field.
2) tppdm700.cnln 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Contract Line field.
3) tppdm700.dlvr 3) Not displayed in any session, Deliverable field.

The concatenation of the Contract field, the Contract Line field, and the Deliverable field is published.
1) tppdm700.lmdt 1) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Project tab, Creation Date field.
2) tppdm700.crdt 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Project tab, Last Modified On field.

If the Last Modified On field is not filled, the Creation Date field is published. Otherwise, the Last Modified On
field is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) tppdm700.lmus 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Project tab, Last Modified by field.
4) tppdm700.crby 4) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Project tab, Created by field.

If the Last Modified by field is filled, based on the Last Modified by field the User field is determined. Otherwise,
based on the Created by field the User field is determined.
Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) tppdm700.lmus 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Project tab, Last Modified by field.
3) tppdm700.crby 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Project tab, Created by field.

If the Last Modified by field is filled, based on the Last Modified by field, the Name field is published. Otherwise,
based on the Created by field, the Name field is published.
tppdm700.crdt Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Project tab, Created Date field.
tppdm700.stat Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Status field.
Always filled with 'Deliverable Status'.
tppdm700.stat 1) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Status field.

If the Contract Deliverable is deleted and the Status field is not equal to 'Closed', 'true' is published. Otherwise,
'false' is published.
tppdm700.cono Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Contract field.
Infor April 07, 2020 790
Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tpctm110.cofc Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tpctm100.desc 1) Session Contracts (tpctm1100m000), Description field.
2) tppdm700.cono 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Contract field.

Based on the Contract field, the Description field is published.

tppdm700.cnln Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Contract Line field.
tppdm700.tdel Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Type field.
Always filled with 'Deliverable Types'.
1) tppdm700.item 1) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Item field.
2) tcibd004.aitc 2) Session Item Code System - Items (tcibd0104m000), Business Partner Item Code field.
3) tppdm700.citt 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Item Coding System field.
4) tpctm110.ofbp 4) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Sold-to Business Partner field.

If the Item Coding System field is filled, based on the Item Coding System field and the Sold-to BP field, the
Business Partner Item Code field is determined.
1) tppdm700.item 1) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Item field.
2) tcibd004.aitc 2) Session Item Code System - Items, Business Partner Item Code field.
3) tppdm700.citt
For the Item field, 'System' is published.
For the Business Partner Item Code field, 'Customer' is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tppdm700.oqan Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Ordered Quantity field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm700.ouni 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Ordered Quantity Unit field.

Based on the Ordered Quantity Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tppdm700.item 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Item field.
3) tppdm700.oqan 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Ordered Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Ordered Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tppdm700.item 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
tppdm700.sqan Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Delivered Quantity field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm700.suni 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Delivered Quantity Unit field.

Based on the Delivered Quantity Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tppdm700.item 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Item field.
3) tppdm700.sqan 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Delivered Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Delivered Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 791

1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tppdm700.item 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
tppdm700.aqan Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Accepted Quantity field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm700.suni 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Accepted Quantity Unit field.

Based on the Accepted Quantity Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tppdm700.item 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Item field.
3) tppdm700.aqan 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Accepted Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Accepted Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tppdm700.item 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tppdm700.inst 1) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Shipping tab, Use Installation Group field.

The concatenation of 'G' and the Use Installation Group field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tppdm700.effn 1) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Effectivity Unit field.
2) tcmsc041.dsca 2) Session Delivery Terms (tcmcs0141m000), Delivery Terms Description field
3) tppdm700.cdec 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Shipping tab, Delivery Terms field.

For the Effectivity Unit field, the ProjectContractDeliverable/ProjectContractDeliverableHeader//UserArea/

Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.EffectivityUnit' and ProjectContractDeliverable/
ProjectContractDeliverableHeader//UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the Delivery Terms field, the SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled
with 'ln.DeliveryTerms' and SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with
'CodeType' and SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/NameValue@listID is filled with 'LN Delivery
Terms' and based on the Delivery Terms field, the SalesOrder/SalesOrderHeader/UserArea/Property/
Description is filled with the Delivery Terms Description field.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data
tppdm700.schd Not displayed in any session, Schedule field.
tppdm700.txta Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
tppdm700.stat Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Status field.
Always filled with 'Deliverable Status'.
1) tppdm700.stat 1) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Status field.

If the Contract Deliverable is deleted and the Status field is not equal to 'Closed', 'true' is published. Otherwise,
'false' is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), User field.
3) tppdm700.crby 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Project tab, Created by field.

Based on the Created by field and the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Infor April 07, 2020 792
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), User field.
3) tppdm700.crby 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Project tab, Created by field.

Based on the Created by field and the User field, the Name field is published.
tppdm700.crdt Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Project tab, Created Date field.
tppdm700.lmdt Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Project tab, Last Modified On field.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), User field.
3) tppdm700.lmus 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Project tab, Last Modified By field.

Based on the Last Modified By field and the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), User field.
3) tppdm700.lmus 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Project tab, Last Modified By field.

Based on the Last Modified By field and the User field, the Name field is published.
1) tppdm700.item 1) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Item field.
2) tcibd004.aitc 2) Session Item Code System - Items, Business Partner Item Code field.
3) tppdm700.citt 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Item Coding System field.
4) tpctm110.ofbp 4) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Sold-to Business Partner field.

The Item field is published.

If the Item Coding System field is filled, based on the Item Coding System field and the Sold-to BP field, the
Business Partner Item Code field is published.
1) tppdm700.item 1) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Item field.
2) tcibd004.aitc 2) Session Item Code System - Items, Business Partner Item Code field.

For the Item field, 'System' is published.

For the Business Partner Item Code field, 'Customer' is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tppdm700.clot Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Lot field.
Always filled with '1'.
1) tppdm700.serl 1) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Serial Number field.
2) tppdm700.clot 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Lot field.

If the Lot field is filled, the Serial Number field is published.

1) tppdm700.serl 1) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Serial Number field.
2) tppdm700.clot 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Lot field.

If the Lot field is not filled, the Serial Number field is published.
tppdm700.ltsl Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Lot Selection field.
tppdm700.oqan Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Ordered Quantity field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm700.ouni 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Ordered Quantity Unit field.

Based on the Ordered Quantity Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tppdm700.item 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Item field.

Infor April 07, 2020 793

3) tppdm700.oqan 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Ordered Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Ordered Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tppdm700.item 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
Always filled with 'Warehouse'.
1) tppdm700.cwar 1) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Warehouse field.

The concatenation of 'W' and the Warehouse field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tppdm700.rddt Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Contract Delivery Date field.

Only if the Contract Delivery Date field is filled, it is published.

tppdm700.cddt Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Confirmed Delivery Date field.

Only if the Confirmed Delivery Date field is filled, it is published.

tppdm700.pddt Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Planned Delivery Date field.

Only if the Planned Delivery Date field is filled, it is published.

tppdm700.prdt Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Planned Receipt Date field.

Only if the Planned Receipt Date field is filled, it is published.

tppdm700.pris Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Sales Price field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm700.sacu 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpctm110.cofc 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Sales Office field.
4) tppdm700.pris 4) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Sales Price field.
5) tppdm700.rtcs 5) Not displayed in any session, Currency Rate (Sls) field.
6) tppdm700.rtfs 6) Not displayed in any session, Rate Factor (Sales) field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

Based on the Currency Rate (Sls) field and the Rate Factor (Sales) field, the Sales Price field expressed in
Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpctm110.cofc 4) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpctm110.cofc 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Sales Office field.
4) tppdm700.pris 4) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Sales Price field.
5) tppdm700.rtcs 5) Not displayed in any session, Currency Rate (Sls) field.
6) tppdm700.rtfs 6) Not displayed in any session, Rate Factor (Sales) field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

Infor April 07, 2020 794

Based on the Currency Rate (Sls) field and the Rate Factor (Sales) field, the Sales Price field expressed in
Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tppdm700.sacu 4) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
Always filled with '1'.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.ouni 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Ordered Quantity Unit field.
3) tppdm700.item 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Ordered Quantity Unit field is published.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item - General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tppdm700.item 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Item field.
3) tppdm700.oqan 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Ordered Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Ordered Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tppdm700.item 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
tppdm700.samt Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm700.sacu 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpctm110.cofc 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Sales Office field.
4) tppdm700.samt 4) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Amount field.
5) tppdm700.rtcs 5) Not displayed in any session, Currency Rate (Sls) field.
6) tppdm700.rtfs 6) Not displayed in any session, Rate Factor (Sales) field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

Based on the Currency Rate (Sls) field and the Rate Factor (Sales) field, the Amount field expressed in Local
Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpctm110.cofc 4) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpctm110.cofc 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Sales Office field.
4) tppdm700.samt 4) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Amount field.
5) tppdm700.rtcs 5) Not displayed in any session, Currency Rate (Sls) field.
6) tppdm700.rtfs 6) Not displayed in any session, Rate Factor (Sales) field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

Based on the Currency Rate (Sls) field and the Rate Factor (Sales) field, the Amount field expressed in
Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpctm110.cofc 4) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Sales Office field.

Infor April 07, 2020 795

Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
tppdm700.cstv Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Customs Value field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm700.sacu 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpctm110.cofc 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Sales Office field.
4) tppdm700.cstv 4) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Customs Value field.
5) tppdm700.rtcs 5) Not displayed in any session, Currency Rate (Sls) field.
6) tppdm700.rtfs 6) Not displayed in any session, Rate Factor (Sales) field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

Based on the Currency Rate (Sls) field and the Rate Factor (Sales) field, the Customs Value field expressed in
Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpctm110.cofc 4) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpctm110.cofc 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Sales Office field.
4) tppdm700.cstv 4) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Customs Value field.
5) tppdm700.rtcs 5) Not displayed in any session, Currency Rate (Sls) field.
6) tppdm700.rtfs 6) Not displayed in any session, Rate Factor (Sales) field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

Based on the Currency Rate (Sls) field and the Rate Factor (Sales) field, the Customs Value field expressed in
Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpctm110.cofc 4) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
tppdm700.cnpr Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Project field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tppdm700.cnac Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Project tab, Activity field.
tppdm700.cnel Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Project tab, Element field.
tppdm700.milt Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Project tab, Milestone field.
tppdm700.stbp Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Shipping tab, Ship-to BP field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom130.glat 1) Session Addresses (tcom4130m000), Detailed tab, Latitude field.
2) tccom134.glat 2) Session Delivery Points (tccom4134m000), Latitude field.
3) tppdm700.stad 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field.
Infor April 07, 2020 796
4) tppdm700.dlpt 4) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Shipping tab, Delivery Point field.
5) tppdm700.dlor 5) Not displayed in any session, Origin field.
6) tppdm700.rtor 6) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Return Deliverable field.

If the Origin field is not equal to 'Project' and the Return Deliverable field is not set, the following applies;
- If the combination of the Ship-to Address field and the Delivery Point field exists in Delivery Points, the integer
part of the Latitude (2) field is published. Otherwise, the integer part of the Latitude (1) field is published.
1) tccom130.glat 1) Session Addresses (tcom4130m000), Detailed tab, Latitude field.
2) tccom134.glat 2) Session Delivery Points (tccom4134m000), Latitude field.
3) tppdm700.stad 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field.
4) tppdm700.dlpt 4) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Shipping tab, Delivery Point field.
5) tppdm700.dlor 5) Not displayed in any session, Origin field.
6) tppdm700.rtor 6) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Return Deliverable field.

If the Origin field is not equal to 'Project' and the Return Deliverable field is not set, the following applies;
- If the combination of the Ship-to Address field and the Delivery Point field exists in Delivery Points, the integer
part of (the decimal part of the Latitude (2) field times 60) is published. Otherwise, the integer part of (the
decimal part of the Latitude (1) field times 60) is published.
1) tccom130.glat 1) Session Addresses (tcom4130m000), Detailed tab, Latitude field.
2) tccom134.glat 2) Session Delivery Points (tccom4134m000), Latitude field.
3) tppdm700.stad 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field.
4) tppdm700.dlpt 4) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Shipping tab, Delivery Point field.
5) tppdm700.dlor 5) Not displayed in any session, Origin field.
6) tppdm700.rtor 6) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Return Deliverable field.

If the Origin field is not equal to 'Project' and the Return Deliverable field is not set, the following applies;
- If the combination of the Ship-to Address field and the Delivery Point field exists in Delivery Points, the decimal
part of (the decimal part of the Latitude (2) field times 60) times 60 is published. Otherwise, the decimal part of
(the decimal part of the Latitude (1) field times 60) times 60 is published.
1) tccom130.glon 1) Session Addresses (tcom4130m000), Detailed tab, Longitude field.
2) tccom134.glon 2) Session Delivery Points (tccom4134m000), Longitude field.
3) tppdm700.stad 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field.
4) tppdm700.dlpt 4) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Shipping tab, Delivery Point field.
5) tppdm700.dlor 5) Not displayed in any session, Origin field.
6) tppdm700.rtor 6) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Return Deliverable field.

If the Origin field is not equal to 'Project' and the Return Deliverable field is not set, the following applies;
- If the combination of the Ship-to Address field and the Delivery Point field exists in Delivery Points, the integer
part of the Longitude (2) field is published. Otherwise, the integer part of the Longitude (1) field is published.
1) tccom130.glon 1) Session Addresses (tcom4130m000), Detailed tab, Longitude field.
2) tccom134.glon 2) Session Delivery Points (tccom4134m000), Longitude field.
3) tppdm700.stad 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field.
4) tppdm700.dlpt 4) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Shipping tab, Delivery Point field.
5) tppdm700.dlor 5) Not displayed in any session, Origin field.
6) tppdm700.rtor 6) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Return Deliverable field.

If the Origin field is not equal to 'Project' and the Return Deliverable field is not set, the following applies;
- If the combination of the Ship-to Address field and the Delivery Point field exists in Delivery Points, the integer
part of (the decimal part of the Longitude (2) field times 60) is published. Otherwise, the integer part of (the
decimal part of the Longitude (1) field times 60) is published.
1) tccom130.glon 1) Session Addresses (tcom4130m000), Detailed tab, Longitude field.
2) tccom134.glon 2) Session Delivery Points (tccom4134m000), Longitude field.
3) tppdm700.stad 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field.
4) tppdm700.dlpt 4) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Shipping tab, Delivery Point field.
5) tppdm700.dlor 5) Not displayed in any session, Origin field.
6) tppdm700.rtor 6) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Return Deliverable field.

If the Origin field is not equal to 'Project' and the Return Deliverable field is not set, the following applies;
- If the combination of the Ship-to Address field and the Delivery Point field exists in Delivery Points, the decimal
part of (the decimal part of the Longitude (2) field times 60) times 60 is published. Otherwise, the decimal part of
(the decimal part of the Longitude (1) field times 60) times 60 is published.
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tppdm700.stad 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Name field is published.


Infor April 07, 2020 797

1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tppdm700.stad 7) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tppdm700.stad 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the City field is published.

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tppdm700.stad 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the State/Province field is published.

1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tppdm700.stad 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tppdm700.stad 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Shipping tab, Ship-to Address field.

Based on the Ship-to Address field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
tppdm700.stcn Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Shipping tab, Ship-to Contact field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tppdm700.shcn Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Shipping tab, Shipping Constraint field.

If the Shipping Constraint field is equal to 'Ship Line Complete', 'false' is published. Otherwise, 'true' is published.
1) tppdm700.cdec 1) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Shipping tab, Delivery Terms field.
2) tcmcs041.tdgp 2) Session Terms of Delivery (tcmcs0141m000), Terms Of Delivery Group field.

Based on the Terms of Delivery field, the Terms Of Delivery Group is determined.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight), 'CIF' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to CFR (Cost and Freight), 'CFR' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to CPT (Carriage Paid To), 'CPT' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid to), 'CIP' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DAF (Delivered At Frontier), 'DAF' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DAP (Delivered At Place), 'DAP' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DPU (Delivered At Place Unloaded), 'DPU' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DAT (Delivered At Terminal), 'DAT' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay), 'DEQ' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DES (Delivered Ex Ship), 'DES' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid), 'DDU' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to DDP (Delivered Duty Paid), 'DDP' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to EXW (Ex Works), 'EXW' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to FCA (Free Carrier), 'FCA' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to FAS (Free Alongside Ship), 'FAS' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to FOB (Free On Board), 'FOB' is published.
If the Terms Of Delivery Group is equal to FOB (Free On Board), 'FOB' is published.
1) tcmcs004.dayn 1) Session Routes (tcmcs0104m000), Day field.
2) tppdm700.crte 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Shipping tab, Route field.

Based on the Route field, the Day field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 798

Always filled with 'Days of the Week'.
tppdm700.carr Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Shipping tab, Carrier/LSP field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tppdm700.sqan Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Delivered Quantity field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm700.suni 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Delivered Quantity Unit field.

Based on the Delivered Quantity Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tppdm700.item 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Item field.
3) tppdm700.sqan 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Delivered Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Delivered Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tppdm700.item 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
tppdm700.aqan Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Accepted Quantity field.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm700.suni 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Accepted Quantity Unit field.

Based on the Accepted Quantity Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tppdm700.item 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Item field.
3) tppdm700.aqan 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Accepted Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Accepted Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tppdm700.item 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Item field.

Based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcstl200.dsca 1) Session Additional Information Defines, UI Description field.
2) tcstl200.actv 2) Session Additional Information Defines, Active field.
3) tpctm700.adin 3) Not displayed in any session, Additional Information field.

If the Additional Information field is filled, all UI Description fields for table tpctm110 for which the Active field is
set as shown in the Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Additional Information tab are published.
1) tcstl200.dsca 1) Session Additional Information Defines, UI Description field.
2) tcstl200.actv 2) Session Additional Information Defines, Active field.
3) tpctm700.adin 3) Not displayed in any session, Additional Information field.

If the Additional Information field is filled, all UI Description fields for table tpctm110 for which the Active field is
set are published.
1) tppdm700.serv 1) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Shipping tab, Freight Service Level field.
2) tppdm700.ccco 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Project tab, Cost Component field.

The Freight Service Level field and the Cost Component field are published one at a time.
1) tppdm700.serv 1) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Shipping tab, Freight Service Level field.
2) tppdm700.ccco 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Project tab, Cost Component field.

For the Freight Service Level field, 'Freight Service Levels' is published.
For the Cost Component field, 'Cost Components' is published.
1) tppdm700.bpcl 1) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Tax tab, Tax Classification field.
2) tppdm700.exmt 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Tax tab, Tax Exempt field.

Infor April 07, 2020 799

3) tcmcs010.ict2 3) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
4) tppdm700.ccty 4) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Tax tab, Tax Country field.
5) tppdm700.cvat 5) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Tax tab, Tax Code field.
6) tppdm700.bptc 6) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Tax tab, BP Tax Country field.
7) tppdm700.ceno 7) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Tax tab, Tax Exempt Certificate field.
8) tppdm700.exrs 8) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Tax tab, Tax Exemption Reason field.
9) tppdm700.cdec 9) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Shipping tab, Delivery Terms field.
10) tppdm700.ptpa 10) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Shipping tab, Point of Title Passage field.

For the Tax Classification field, the ProjectContractDeliverable/ProjectContractDeliverableLine/UserArea/

Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.TaxClassification' and ProjectContractDeliverable/
ProjectContractDeliverableLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the Tax Exempt field, the ProjectContractDeliverable/ProjectContractDeliverableLine/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.Exempt' and ProjectContractDeliverable/ProjectContractDeliverableLine/
UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.
For the Tax Country field the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published and the
ProjectContractDeliverable/ProjectContractDeliverableLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.TaxCountry' and ProjectContractDeliverable/ProjectContractDeliverableLine/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the BP Tax Country field the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published and the
ProjectContractDeliverable/ProjectContractDeliverableLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.BusinessPartnerTaxCountry' and ProjectContractDeliverable/ProjectContractDeliverableLine/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the Tax Exempt Certificate field, the ProjectContractDeliverable/ProjectContractDeliverableLine/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.ExemptCertificate' and ProjectContractDeliverable/
ProjectContractDeliverableLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the Tax Exempt Reason field, the ProjectContractDeliverable/ProjectContractDeliverableLine/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.ExemptReason' and ProjectContractDeliverable/
ProjectContractDeliverableLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the Delivery Terms field, the ProjectContractDeliverable/ProjectContractDeliverableLine/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.DeliveryTerms' and ProjectContractDeliverable/
ProjectContractDeliverableLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the Point of Title Passage field, the ProjectContractDeliverable/ProjectContractDeliverableLine/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.PointOfTitlePassage' and ProjectContractDeliverable/
ProjectContractDeliverableLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data

Infor April 07, 2020 800

1) tpctm110.cono 1) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract field.
2) tpctm110.cnln 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract Line field.
3) tpctm110.csts 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract Line Status field.

The concatenation of the Contract field and the Contract Line field is published.

This BOD is published when users add, change or delete an Installment record.
This BOD is not published when the Contract Line Status field is equal to 'Free'.
This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2.1 or later.
tpctm110.cofc Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tpctm110.cofc Session Contract (tpctm16m000), Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tpctm110.cono 1) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract field.
2) tpctm110.cnln 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract Line field.

The concatenation of the Contract field and the Contract Line field is published.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) tpctm110.crby 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Classification tab, Created by field.
4) tpctm110.lmus 4) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Classification tab, Last Modified by field.

Based on the Created by field and the Last Modified by field, the User field is determined.
If the User field cannot be determined, based on the current LN user the User field is determined.
Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) tpctm110.crby 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Classification tab, Created by field.
3) tpctm110.lmus 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Classification tab, Last Modified by field.

Based on the Created by field and the Last Modified by field, the Name field is published.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tpctm110.cono 1) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract field.
2) tpctm110.cnln 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract Line field.
3) tppin020.clos 3) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Closed field.
4) tppin020.trsl 4) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Transferred to Invoicing field.
5) tppin020.invo 5) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Approved for Invoicing field.

If all Installments for a Contract Line, identified by the Contract field and the Contract Line field, are deleted,
'Deleted' is published.
Otherwise, when the Closed field is selected for all Installments, identified by the Contract field and the Contract
Line field, 'Closed' is published.
Otherwise, when the Transferred to Invoicing field is selected for all Installments, identified by the Contract field
and the Contract Line field, 'TransferredtoInvoicing' is published.
Otherwise, when the Approved for Invoicing field is selected for all Installments, identified by the Contract field
and the Contract Line field, 'ApprovedforInvoicing' is published.
Otherwise, 'Free' is published.
Always filled with 'Installment Status'.
If the Installment is deleted, 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.
tpctm110.cono Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract field.
tpctm100.cofc Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Sales Office field.

Infor April 07, 2020 801

Based on the Sales Office field, the accountingEntity field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tpctm100.cofc Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Sales Office field.

Based on the Sales Office field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tpctm100.desc Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Description field.
tpctm110.cnln Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract Line field.
tpctm110.ofbp Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Sold-to Business Partner field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) tpctm110.ofbp 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Sold-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Sold-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
1) tpctm110.cono 1) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract field.
2) tpctm110.cnln 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract Line field.
3) tpctm110.ccur 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Currency field.
4) tppin020.insa 4) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Amount of This Installment field.

The sum of the Amount of This Installment field, identified by the Contract field and the Contract Line field,
expressed in the Currency field, is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpctm110.ccur 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpctm110.cono 1) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract field.
2) tpctm110.cnln 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract Line field.
3) tpctm110.ccur 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Currency field.
4) tcemm170.fcua 4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
5) tppin020.insa 5) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), This Installment Amount field.
6) tpctm110.rate 6) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Rate field.
7) tpctm110.ratf 7) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Rate Factor field.
8) tpctm110.rtyp 8) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Exchange Rate Type field.
9) tpctm110.rdat 9) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.

Based on the Contract field and the Contract Line field, the Financial Company is determined.
Based on the Financial Company, the Local Currency field is determined.
Based on the Rate field, the Rate Factor field, the Exchange Rate Type field and the Rate Date field the
conversion factor is calculated between the Currency field and the Local Currency field.
The sum of the This Installment Amount field, identified by the Contract field and the Contract Line field,
expressed in the Local Currency field, is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpctm110.cono 1) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract field.
2) tpctm110.cnln 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract Line field.
3) tpctm110.ccur 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Currency field.
4) tcemm170.lcur 4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
5) tppin020.insa 5) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), This Installment Amount field.
6) tpctm110.rate 6) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Rate field.
7) tpctm110.ratf 7) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Rate Factor field.
8) tpctm110.rtyp 8) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Exchange Rate Type field.
9) tpctm110.rdat 9) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.

Based on the Contract field and the Contract Line field, the Financial Company is determined.
Based on the Financial Company, the Reference Currency field is determined.
Based on the Rate field, the Rate Factor field, the Exchange Rate Type field and the Rate Date field the
conversion factor is calculated between the Currency field and the Reference Currency field.
The sum of the This Installment Amount field, identified by the Contract field and the Contract Line field,
expressed in the Reference Currency field, is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 802
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tppin020.nins Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Installment field.
tppin020.desc Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Description field.
tppin020.txta Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
1) tppin020.clos 1) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Closed field.
2) tppin020.trsl 2) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Transferred to Invoicing field.
3) tppin020.invo 3) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Approved for Invoicing field.

If the Installment is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.

Otherwise, if the Closed field is set, 'Closed' is published.
Otherwise, if the Transferred to Invoicing field is set, 'TransferredtoInvoicing' is published.
Otherwise, if the Approved for Invoicing field is set, 'ApprovedforInvoicing' is published.
Otherwise, 'Free' is published.
Always filled with 'Installment Status'.
If the Installment object is deleted, 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.
tppin020.cnpr Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Project field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tppin020.cact Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Activity field.
tppin020.cspa Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Element field.
tppin020.tact Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Triggering Activity field.
1) tppin020.cnpr 1) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Project field.
2) tppin020.cpro 2) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Revenue Code field.

If the combination of the Project field and the Revenue Code field exists in Project - Revenues
(tppdm6515m000), the concatenation of the Project field and the Revenue Code field is published.
Otherwise, the Revenue Code field is published.
Always filled with 'Revenue Codes'.
tppin020.npoi Session Installments (tppin4151m000), This Installment No. of Points field.
tppin020.nper Session Installments (tppin4151m000), This Installment Percentage field.
tppin020.insa Session Installments (tppin4151m000), This Installment Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppin020.ccur 2) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Currency of This Installment field.

Based on the Currency of This Installment field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpctm110.cono 1) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract field.
2) tpctm110.cnln 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract Line field.
3) tpctm110.ccur 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Currency field.
4) tcemm170.fcua 4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
5) tppin020.insa 5) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), This Installment Amount field.
6) tpctm110.rate 6) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Rate field.
7) tpctm110.ratf 7) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Rate Factor field.
8) tpctm110.rtyp 8) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Exchange Rate Type field.
9) tpctm110.rdat 9) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.

Based on the Contract field and the Contract Line field, the Financial Company is determined.
Based on the Financial Company, the Local Currency field is determined.

Infor April 07, 2020 803

Based on the Rate field, the Rate Factor field, the Exchange Rate Type field and the Rate Date field the
conversion factor is calculated between the Currency field and the Local Currency field.
The This Installment Amount field expressed in the Local Currency field is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpctm110.cono 1) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract field.
2) tpctm110.cnln 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract Line field.
3) tpctm110.ccur 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Currency field.
4) tcemm170.lcur 4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
5) tppin020.insa 5) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), This Installment Amount field.
6) tpctm110.rate 6) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Rate field.
7) tpctm110.ratf 7) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Rate Factor field.
8) tpctm110.rtyp 8) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Exchange Rate Type field.
9) tpctm110.rdat 9) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.

Based on the Contract field and the Contract Line field, the Financial Company is determined.
Based on the Financial Company, the Reference Currency field is determined.
Based on the Rate field, the Rate Factor field, the Exchange Rate Type field and the Rate Date field the
conversion factor is calculated between the Currency field and the Reference Currency field.
The This Installment Amount field expressed in the Reference Currency field is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tppin020.inpo Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Approved for Invoicing No. of Points field.
tppin020.inpr Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Approved for Invoicing Percentage field.
tppin020.inia Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Approved for Invoicing Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppin020.ccur 2) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Approved for Invoicing Currency field.

Based on the Approved for Invoicing Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpctm110.cono 1) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract field.
2) tpctm110.cnln 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract Line field.
3) tpctm110.ccur 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Currency field.
4) tcemm170.fcua 4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
5) tppin020.inia 5) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Approved for Invoicing Amount field.
6) tpctm110.rate 6) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Rate field.
7) tpctm110.ratf 7) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Rate Factor field.
8) tpctm110.rtyp 8) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Exchange Rate Type field.
9) tpctm110.rdat 9) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.

Based on the Contract field and the Contract Line field, the Financial Company is determined.
Based on the Financial Company, the Local Currency field is determined.
Based on the Rate field, the Rate Factor field, the Exchange Rate Type field and the Rate Date field the
conversion factor is calculated between the Currency field and the Local Currency field.
The Approved for Invoicing Amount field expressed in the Local Currency field is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpctm110.cono 1) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract field.
2) tpctm110.cnln 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract Line field.
3) tpctm110.ccur 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Currency field.
4) tcemm170.lcur 4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
5) tppin020.inia 5) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Approved for Invoicing Amount field.
6) tpctm110.rate 6) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Rate field.
7) tpctm110.ratf 7) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Rate Factor field.
8) tpctm110.rtyp 8) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Exchange Rate Type field.
9) tpctm110.rdat 9) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.

Based on the Contract field and the Contract Line field, the Financial Company is determined.
Based on the Financial Company, the Reference Currency field is determined.
Based on the Rate field, the Rate Factor field, the Exchange Rate Type field and the Rate Date field the
conversion factor is calculated between the Currency field and the Reference Currency field.
The Approved for Invoicing Amount field expressed in the Reference Currency field is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 804
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tppin020.tipo Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Invoiced No. of Points field.
tppin020.tipr Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Invoiced Percentage field.
tppin020.tiia Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Invoiced Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppin020.ccur 2) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Invoiced Currency field.

Based on the Invoiced Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpctm110.cono 1) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract field.
2) tpctm110.cnln 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract Line field.
3) tpctm110.ccur 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Currency field.
4) tcemm170.fcua 4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
5) tppin020.tiia 5) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Invoiced Amount field.
6) tpctm110.rate 6) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Rate field.
7) tpctm110.ratf 7) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Rate Factor field.
8) tpctm110.rtyp 8) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Exchange Rate Type field.
9) tpctm110.rdat 9) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.

Based on the Contract field and the Contract Line field, the Financial Company is determined.
Based on the Financial Company, the Local Currency field is determined.
Based on the Rate field, the Rate Factor field, the Exchange Rate Type field and the Rate Date field the
conversion factor is calculated between the Currency field and the Local Currency field.
The Invoiced Amount field expressed in the Local Currency field is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpctm110.cono 1) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract field.
2) tpctm110.cnln 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract Line field.
3) tpctm110.ccur 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Currency field.
4) tcemm170.lcur 4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
5) tppin020.tiia 5) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Invoiced Amount field.
6) tpctm110.rate 6) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Rate field.
7) tpctm110.ratf 7) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Rate Factor field.
8) tpctm110.rtyp 8) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Exchange Rate Type field.
9) tpctm110.rdat 9) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.

Based on the Contract field and the Contract Line field, the Financial Company is determined.
Based on the Financial Company, the Reference Currency field is determined.
Based on the Rate field, the Rate Factor field, the Exchange Rate Type field and the Rate Date field the
conversion factor is calculated between the Currency field and the Reference Currency field.
The Invoiced Amount field expressed in the Reference Currency field is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tppin020.fcmp 1) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Financial Company field.
2) tppin020.ityp 2) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Transaction Type field.
3) tppin020.idoc 3) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Invoice Document field.

The Invoice Document is a concatenation of the Financial Company field, the Transaction Type field and the
Invoice Document field.
If the Transaction Type field is not filled, the Invoice Document is not published.
tfgld004.acdp Session Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000), General tab, Company Data group, Accounting Department

Based on the Accounting Department field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tfgld004.acdp Session Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000), General tab, Company Data group, Accounting Department

Infor April 07, 2020 805

Based on the Accounting Department field, the location field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tppin020.sidt Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Planned Invoice Date field.

If the Planned Invoice Date field is not filled, nothing is published.

tppin020.hbyn Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Use Holdback field.
tppin020.dsca Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Additional Work tab, Description field.
1) tppin020.cnpr 1) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Project field.
2) tppin020.cpra 2) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Additional Work tab, Revenue Code field.

If the combination of the Project field and the Revenue Code field exists in Project - Revenues
(tppdm6515m000), the concatenation of the Project field and the Revenue Code field is published.
Otherwise, the Revenue Code field is published.
Always filled with 'Revenue Codes'.
tppin020.inaa Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Additional Work tab, This Installment Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppin020.ccur 2) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Additional Work tab, Currency of This Installment field.

Based on the Currency of This Installment field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpctm110.cono 1) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract field.
2) tpctm110.cnln 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract Line field.
3) tpctm110.ccur 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Currency field.
4) tcemm170.fcua 4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
5) tppin020.inaa 5) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Additional Work tab, This Installment Amount field.
6) tpctm110.rate 6) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Rate field.
7) tpctm110.ratf 7) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Rate Factor field.
8) tpctm110.rtyp 8) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Exchange Rate Type field.
9) tpctm110.rdat 9) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.

Based on the Contract field and the Contract Line field, the Financial Company is determined.
Based on the Financial Company, the Local Currency field is determined.
Based on the Rate field, the Rate Factor field, the Exchange Rate Type field and the Rate Date field the
conversion factor is calculated between the Currency field and the Local Currency field.
The This Installment Amount field expressed in the Local Currency field is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpctm110.cono 1) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract field.
2) tpctm110.cnln 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract Line field.
3) tpctm110.ccur 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Currency field.
4) tcemm170.lcur 4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
5) tppin020.inaa 5) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Additional Work tab, This Installment Amount field.
6) tpctm110.rate 6) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Rate field.
7) tpctm110.ratf 7) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Rate Factor field.
8) tpctm110.rtyp 8) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Exchange Rate Type field.
9) tpctm110.rdat 9) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.

Based on the Contract field and the Contract Line field, the Financial Company is determined.
Based on the Financial Company, the Reference Currency field is determined.
Based on the Rate field, the Rate Factor field, the Exchange Rate Type field and the Rate Date field the
conversion factor is calculated between the Currency field and the Reference Currency field.
The This Installment Amount field expressed in the Reference Currency field is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tppin020.iiaa Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Additional Work tab, Approved for Invoicing Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppin020.ccur 2) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Additional Work tab, Approved for Invoicing Currency field.

Infor April 07, 2020 806

Based on the Approved for Invoicing Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpctm110.cono 1) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract field.
2) tpctm110.cnln 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract Line field.
3) tpctm110.ccur 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Currency field.
4) tcemm170.fcua 4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
5) tppin020.iiaa 5) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Additional Work tab, Approved for Invoicing Amount field.
6) tpctm110.rate 6) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Rate field.
7) tpctm110.ratf 7) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Rate Factor field.
8) tpctm110.rtyp 8) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Exchange Rate Type field.
9) tpctm110.rdat 9) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.

Based on the Contract field and the Contract Line field, the Financial Company is determined.
Based on the Financial Company, the Local Currency field is determined.
Based on the Rate field, the Rate Factor field, the Exchange Rate Type field and the Rate Date field the
conversion factor is calculated between the Currency field and the Local Currency field.
The Approved for Invoicing Amount field expressed in the Local Currency field is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpctm110.cono 1) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract field.
2) tpctm110.cnln 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract Line field.
3) tpctm110.ccur 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Currency field.
4) tcemm170.lcur 4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
5) tppin020.iiaa 5) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Additional Work tab, Approved for Invoicing Amount field.
6) tpctm110.rate 6) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Rate field.
7) tpctm110.ratf 7) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Rate Factor field.
8) tpctm110.rtyp 8) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Exchange Rate Type field.
9) tpctm110.rdat 9) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.

Based on the Contract field and the Contract Line field, the Financial Company is determined.
Based on the Financial Company, the Reference Currency field is determined.
Based on the Rate field, the Rate Factor field, the Exchange Rate Type field and the Rate Date field the
conversion factor is calculated between the Currency field and the Reference Currency field.
The Approved for Invoicing Amount field expressed in the Reference Currency field is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tppin020.tiaa Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Additional Work tab, Invoiced Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppin020.ccur 2) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Additional Work tab, Invoiced Currency field.

Based on the Invoiced Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpctm110.cono 1) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract field.
2) tpctm110.cnln 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract Line field.
3) tpctm110.ccur 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Currency field.
4) tcemm170.fcua 4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
5) tppin020.tiaa 5) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Additional Work tab, Invoiced Amount field.
6) tpctm110.rate 6) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Rate field.
7) tpctm110.ratf 7) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Rate Factor field.
8) tpctm110.rtyp 8) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Exchange Rate Type field.
9) tpctm110.rdat 9) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.

Based on the Contract field and the Contract Line field, the Financial Company is determined.
Based on the Financial Company, the Local Currency field is determined.
Based on the Rate field, the Rate Factor field, the Exchange Rate Type field and the Rate Date field the
conversion factor is calculated between the Currency field and the Local Currency field.
The Invoiced Amount field expressed in the Local Currency field is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.

Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpctm110.cono 1) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract field.
2) tpctm110.cnln 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Contract Line field.
3) tpctm110.ccur 3) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Currency field.
4) tcemm170.lcur 4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Infor April 07, 2020 807

5) tppin020.tiaa 5) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Additional Work tab, Invoiced Amount field.
6) tpctm110.rate 6) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Rate field.
7) tpctm110.ratf 7) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Rate Factor field.
8) tpctm110.rtyp 8) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Exchange Rate Type field.
9) tpctm110.rdat 9) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.

Based on the Contract field and the Contract Line field, the Financial Company is determined.
Based on the Financial Company, the Reference Currency field is determined.
Based on the Rate field, the Rate Factor field, the Exchange Rate Type field and the Rate Date field the
conversion factor is calculated between the Currency field and the Reference Currency field.
The Invoiced Amount field expressed in the Reference Currency field is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.

Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tppin020.fcma 1) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Additional Work tab, Fin. Comp. Addit. Work field.
2) tppin020.itpa 2) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Additional Work tab, Transaction Type Additional Work field.
3) tppin020.idca 3) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Additional Work tab, Invoice Document Additional Work field.

The Invoice Document on the Additional Work tab is a concatenation of the Fin. Comp. Addit. Work field, the
Transaction Type Additional Work field and the Invoice Document Additional Work field.
If the Transaction Type Additional Work field is not filled, the Invoice Document on the Additional Work tab is not
tfgld004.acdp Session Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000), General tab, Company Data group, Accounting Department

Based on the Accounting Department field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tfgld004.acdp Session Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000), General tab, Company Data group, Accounting Department

Based on the Accounting Department field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tppin020.cpay 1) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Payment tab, Payment Terms field.
2) tppin020.paym 2) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Payment tab, Payment Method field.
1) tppin020.cpay 1) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Payment tab, Payment Terms field.
2) tppin020.paym 2) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Payment tab, Payment Method field.

For the Payment Terms field 'Payment Term' is published.

For the Payment Method field 'Payment Methods' is published.
1) tppin020.cpay 1) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Payment tab, Payment Terms field.
2) tppin020.paym 2) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Payment tab, Payment Method field.

For the Payment Terms field '1' is published.

For the Payment Method field '2' is published.
1) tppin020.bpcl 1) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Payment tab, Tax Classification field.
2) tppin020.exmt 2) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Payment tab, Exempt field.
3) tppin020.ccty 3) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Payment tab, Tax Country field.
4) tppin020.cvat 4) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Payment tab, Tax Code field.
5) tppin020.bptc 5) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Payment tab, BP tax Country field.
6) tppin020.ceno 6) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Payment tab, Exempt Certificate field.
7) tppin020.exrs 7) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Payment tab, Tax Exemption Reason field.

For the Tax Classification field, the ProjectContractInstallment/ProjectContractInstallmentLine/UserArea/

Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.TaxClassification' and ProjectContractInstallment/
ProjectContractInstallmentLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the Excempt field, the ProjectContractInstallment/ProjectContractInstallmentLine/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.Excempt' and ProjectContractInstallment/ProjectContractInstallmentLine/
UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the Tax Country field, the ProjectContractInstallment/ProjectContractInstallmentLine/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.TaxCountry' and ProjectContractInstallment/ProjectContractInstallmentLine/
UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the Tax Code field, the ProjectContractInstallment/ProjectContractInstallmentLine/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.TaxCode' and ProjectContractInstallment/ProjectContractInstallmentLine/
UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the BP Tax Country field, the ProjectContractInstallment/ProjectContractInstallmentLine/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.BusinessPartnerTaxCountry' and ProjectContractInstallment/
ProjectContractInstallmentLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
Infor April 07, 2020 808
For the Excempt Certificate field, the ProjectContractInstallment/ProjectContractInstallmentLine/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.ExcemptCertificate' and ProjectContractInstallment/
ProjectContractInstallmentLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.
For the Tax Excempt Reason field, the ProjectContractInstallment/ProjectContractInstallmentLine/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.ExcemptReason' and ProjectContractInstallment/
ProjectContractInstallmentLine/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data

Infor April 07, 2020 809

For History:
Always filled with 'Actual'.

For Financial Interim Results:

Always filled with 'Interim'.

For EACMaterial:
Always filled with 'EstimateAtCompletion'.

For EACLabor:
Always filled with 'EstimateAtCompletion'.

For EACEquipment:
Always filled with 'EstimateAtCompletion'.

For EACSubcontracting:
Always filled with 'EstimateAtCompletion'.

For EACSundry:
Always filled with 'EstimateAtCompletion'.

For EACOverhead:
Always filled with 'EstimateAtCompletion'.
For History: For History:
1) tpppc200.cprj 1) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Project field.
2) tpppc200.cspa 2) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Element field.
3) tpppc200.cotp 3) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost Type field.
4) tpppc200.coob 4) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost Object field.
5) tpppc200.sern 5) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Seq. No. field.
6) tpppc200.curc 6) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost Amount Currency field.

For Financial Interim Results: The concatenation of the Project field, Element field, Cost Type field, Cost Object field and Seq. No. field is
1) tpppc350.cprj published.
2) tpppc350.cstl
3) tpppc350.cact This BOD is published when a record is added to the Cost Transactions.
4) tpppc350.cspa If the Cost Amount Currency field is empty, no BOD is published.
5) tpppc350.sern This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2.1 or later.

For EACMaterial: For Financial Interim Results:

1) tpppc216.cprj 1) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Project field.
2) tpppc216.item 2) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Extension field.
3) tpppc216.cspa 3) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Activity field.
4) tpppc216.cact 4) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Element field.
5) tpppc216.rgdt 5) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Sequence Number field.
6) tpppc216.appr
The concatenation of the Project field, the Extension field, the Activity field, the Element field, the Sequence
For EACLabor: Number field and 'I' is published.
1) tpppc236.cprj
2) tpppc236.task This BOD is published when users:
3) tpppc236.cspa 1) Post Transactions (tpppc4802m000) for Interim Results that are Approved for Posting,
4) tpppc236.cact 2) Publish Project Data (tpbod0200m000).
5) tpppc236.rgdt
6) tpppc236.appr This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2.1 or later.

For EACEquipment: For EACMaterial:

1) tpppc256.cprj 1) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Project field.
2) tpppc256.cequ 2) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Item field.
3) tpppc256.cspa 3) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Element field.
4) tpppc256.cact 4) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Activity field.
5) tpppc256.rgdt 5) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Registration Date field.
6) tpppc256.appr 6) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Approved field.

For EACSubcontracting: The concatenation of the Project field, the Item field, the Element field, the Activity field, the Registration Date
1) tpppc276.cprj field, 'Material' and 'EAC' is published.
2) tpppc276.csub
3) tpppc276.cspa For Infor LN 10.5.1 or later:
4) tpppc276.cact The concatenation of the Project field, the Item field, the Element field, the Activity field, the Registration Date
5) tpppc276.rgdt field and 'Mt' is published.
6) tpppc276.appr
This BOD is published if the Approved field is selected or deselected.
For EACSundry: This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.3 or later.
1) tpppc296.cprj
2) tpppc296.cico For EACLabor:
3) tpppc296.cspa 1) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Project field.
4) tpppc296.cact 2) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Labor field.

Infor April 07, 2020 810

5) tpppc296.rgdt 3) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Element field.
6) tpppc296.appr 4) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Activity field.
5) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Registration Date field.
For EACOverhead: 6) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Approved field.
1) tpppc606.cprj
2) tpppc606.ovhd The concatenation of the Project field, the Labor field, the Element field, the Activity field, the Registration Date
3) tpppc606.cspa field, 'Labor' and 'EAC' is published.
4) tpppc606.cact
5) tpppc606.rgdt This BOD is published if the Approved field is selected or deselected.
6) tpppc606.appr This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.3 or later.

For EACEquipment:
1) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Project field.
2) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Equipment field.
3) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Element field.
4) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Activity field.
5) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Registration Date field.
6) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Approved field.

The concatenation of the Project field, the Equipment field, the Element field, the Activity field, the Registration
Date field, 'Equipment' and 'EAC' is published.

This BOD is published if the Approved field is selected or deselected.

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.3 or later.

For EACSubcontracting:
1) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Project field.
2) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Subcontracting field.
3) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Element field.
4) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Activity field.
5) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Registration Date field.
6) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Approved field.

The concatenation of the Project field, the Subcontracting field, the Element field, the Activity field, the
Registration Date field, 'Subcontracting' and 'EAC' is published.

This BOD is published if the Approved field is selected or deselected.

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.3 or later.

For EACSundry:
1) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Project field.
2) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Sundry Cost field.
3) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Element field.
4) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Activity field.
5) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Registration Date field.
6) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Approved field.

The concatenation of the Project field, the Sundry Cost field, the Element field, the Activity field, the Registration
Date field, 'Sundry' and 'EAC' is published.

This BOD is published if the Approved field is selected or deselected.

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.3 or later.

For EACOverhead:
1) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Project field.
2) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Overhead field.
3) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Element field.
4) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Activity field.
5) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Registration Date field.
6) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Approved field.

The concatenation of the Project field, the Overhead field, the Element field, the Activity field, the Registration
Date field, 'Overhead' and 'EAC' is published.

This BOD is published if the Approved field is selected or deselected.

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.
For History: For History:
tpppc200.cprj Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Project field.

For Financial Interim Results: Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.
tpppc350.cprj Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For EACMaterial: For Financial Interim Results:

tpppc216.cprj Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Project field.

For EACLabor: Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.
tpppc236.cprj Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

Infor April 07, 2020 811

For EACEquipment: For EACMaterial:
tpppc256.cprj Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Project field.

For EACSubcontracting: Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.
tpppc276.cprj Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For EACSundry: For EACLabor:

tpppc296.cprj Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Project field.

For EACOverhead: Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.
tpppc606.cprj Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For EACEquipment:
Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For EACSubcontracting:
Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For EACSundry:
Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For EACOverhead:
Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For History: For History:
tpppc200.cprj Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Project field.

For Financial Interim Results: Based on the Project field, the location field is published.
tpppc350.cprj Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For EACMaterial: For Financial Interim Results:

tpppc216.cprj Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Project field.

For EACLabor: Based on the Project field, the location field is published.
tpppc236.cprj Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For EACEquipment: For EACMaterial:

tpppc256.cprj Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Project field.

For EACSubcontracting: Based on the Project field, the location field is published.
tpppc276.cprj Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For EACSundry: For EACLabor:

tpppc296.cprj Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Project field.

For EACOverhead: Based on the Project field, the location field is published.
tpppc606.cprj Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For EACEquipment:
Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For EACSubcontracting:
Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For EACSundry:
Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For EACOverhead:
Infor April 07, 2020 812
Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For History:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For Financial Interim Results:

The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACMaterial:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACLabor:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACEquipment:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACSubcontracting:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACSundry:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACOverhead:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For History: For History:
1) tpppc200.cprj 1) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Project field.
2) tpppc200.cspa 2) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Element field.
3) tpppc200.cotp 3) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost Type field.
4) tpppc200.coob 4) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost Object field.
5) tpppc200.sern 5) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Seq. No. field.

For Financial Interim Results: The concatenation of the Project field, Element field, Cost Type field, Cost Object field and Seq. No. field is
1) tpppc350.cprj published.
2) tpppc350.cstl
3) tpppc350.cact For Financial Interim Results:
4) tpppc350.cspa 1) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Project field.
5) tpppc350.sern 2) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Extension field.
3) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Activity field.
For EACMaterial: 4) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Element field.
1) tpppc216.cprj 5) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Sequence Number field.
2) tpppc216.item
3) tpppc216.cspa The concatenation of the Project field, the Extension field, the Activity field, the Element field and the Sequence
4) tpppc216.cact Number field is published.
5) tpppc216.rgdt
For EACMaterial:
For EACLabor: 1) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Project field.
1) tpppc236.cprj 2) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Item field.
2) tpppc236.task 3) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Element field.
3) tpppc236.cspa 4) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Activity field.
4) tpppc236.cact 5) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Registration Date field.
5) tpppc236.rgdt
The concatenation of the Project field, the Item field, the Element field, the Activity field, the Registration Date
For EACEquipment: field, 'Material' and 'EAC' is published.
1) tpppc256.cprj
2) tpppc256.cequ For EACLabor:
3) tpppc256.cspa 1) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Project field.
4) tpppc256.cact 2) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Labor field.
5) tpppc256.rgdt 3) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Element field.
4) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Activity field.
For EACSubcontracting: 5) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Registration Date field.
1) tpppc276.cprj
2) tpppc276.csub The concatenation of the Project field, the Labor field, the Element field, the Activity field, the Registration Date
3) tpppc276.cspa field, 'Labor' and 'EAC' is published.
4) tpppc276.cact
5) tpppc276.rgdt For EACEquipment:
1) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Project field.
For EACSundry: 2) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Equipment field.
1) tpppc296.cprj 3) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Element field.
2) tpppc296.cico 4) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Activity field.
3) tpppc296.cspa 5) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Registration Date field.
4) tpppc296.cact
5) tpppc296.rgdt The concatenation of the Project field, Equipment field, Element field, Activity field, Registration Date field,
'Equipment' and 'EAC' is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 813

For EACOverhead:
1) tpppc606.cprj For EACSubcontracting:
2) tpppc606.ovhd 1) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Project field.
3) tpppc606.cspa 2) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Subcontracting field.
4) tpppc606.cact 3) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Element field.
5) tpppc606.rgdt 4) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Activity field.
5) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Registration Date field.

The concatenation of the Project field, the Subcontracting field, the Element field, the Activity field, the
Registration Date field, 'Subcontracting' and 'EAC' is published.

For EACSundry:
1) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Project field.
2) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Sundry Cost field.
3) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Element field.
4) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Activity field.
5) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Registration Date field.

The concatenation of the Project field, the Sundry Cost field, the Element field, the Activity field, the Registration
Date field, 'Sundry' and 'EAC' is published.

For EACOverhead:
1) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Project field.
2) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Overhead field.
3) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Element field.
4) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Activity field.
5) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Registration Date field.

The concatenation of the Project field, the Overhead field, the Element field, the Activity field, the Registration
Date field, 'Sundry' and 'EAC' is published.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno For History:
2) tccom001.loco 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.

For Financial Interim Results:

1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.

For EACMaterial:
1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.

For EACLabor:
1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.

For EACEquipment:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACSubcontracting:
1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.

For EACSundry:
1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 814

For EACOverhead:
1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama For History:
Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For Financial Interim Results:

Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For EACMaterial:
Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For EACLabor:
Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For EACEquipment:
Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For EACSubcontracting:
Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For EACSundry:
Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For EACOverhead:
Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For History: For History:
tpppc200.rgdt Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Period tab, Registration Date field.

For Financial Interim Results: For Financial Interim Results:

tpppc350.rgdt Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Registration Date field.

For EACMaterial: For EACMaterial:

tpppc216.rgdt Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Registration Date field.

For EACLabor: For EACLabor:

tpppc236.rgdt Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Registration Date field.

For EACEquipment: For EACEquipment:

tpppc256.rgdt Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Registration Date field.

For EACSubcontracting: For EACSubcontracting:

1) tpppc276.rgdt 1) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Registration Date field.

For EACSundry: For EACSundry:

1) tpppc296.rgdt 1) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Registration Date field.

For EACOverhead: For EACOverhead:

tpppc606.rgdt Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Registration Date field.
For History: For History:
tpppc200.desc Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Description field.

Infor April 07, 2020 815

For Financial Interim Results: For Financial Interim Results:
tpppc350.desc Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Description field.
For Financial Interim Results: For History:
tpppc350.comf If the cost transaction is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
Otherwise, 'Actual' is published.
For EACMaterial:
tpppc216.appr For LN 10.4 or later:
If the cost transaction is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
For EACLabor: Otherwise, 'Open' is published.
For Financial Interim Results:
For EACSubcontracting: Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Reported Cpl (Finance) field.
1) tpppc276.appr
If the financial interim result record is deleted, 'Deleted Interim' is published.
For EACSundry: If the Reported Cpl (Finance) field is equal to 'Yes', 'Reversed Interim' is published.
1) tpppc296.appr Otherwise, 'Interim' is published.

For EACOverhead: For LN 10.4 or later:

tpppc606.appr If the financial interim result record is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
If the Reported Cpl (Finance) field is equal to 'Yes', 'Closed' is published.
Otherwise, 'Open' is published.

For EACMaterial:
Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Approved field.

If the Approved field is equal to 'Yes', 'Open' is published.

If the Approved field is changed to 'No', 'Deleted' is published.

For EACLabor:
Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Approved field.

If the Approved field is equal to 'Yes', 'Open' is published.

If the Approved field is changed to 'No', 'Deleted' is published.

For EACEquipment:
If the record is being deleted, 'Deleted' is published; Otherwise, 'Open' is pubished.

For EACSubcontracting:
1) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Approved field.

If the Approved field is equal to 'Yes', 'Open' is published.

If the Approved field is changed to 'No', 'Deleted' is published.

For EACSundry:
1) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Approved field.

If the Approved field is equal to 'Yes', 'Open' is published.

If the Approved field is changed to 'No', 'Deleted' is published.

For EACOverhead:
Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Approved field.

If the Approved field is equal to 'Yes', 'Open' is published.

If the Approved field is changed to 'No', 'Deleted' is published.
Always filled with 'Project Transaction Status'.
For EACMaterial: For History:
tpppc216.appr If the cost transaction is deleted, 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For EACLabor:
tpppc236.appr For Financial Interim Results:
If the financial interim result is deleted, 'true' is published.
For EACSubcontracting: Otherwise, 'false' is published.
1) tpppc276.appr
For EACMaterial:
For EACSundry: Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Approved field.
1) tpppc296.appr
If the Approved field is equal to 'Yes', 'false' is published.
For EACOverhead: If the Approved field is changed to 'No', 'true' is published.
For EACLabor:
Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Approved field.

If the Approved field is equal to 'Yes', 'false' is published.

If the Approved field is changed to 'No', 'true' is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 816

For EACEquipment:
If the record is being deleted, 'true' is published; Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For EACSubcontracting:
1) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Approved field.

If the Approved field is equal to 'Yes', 'false' is published.

If the Approved field is changed to 'No', 'true' is published.

For EACSundry:
1) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Approved field.

If the Approved field is equal to 'Yes', 'false' is published.

If the Approved field is changed to 'No', 'true' is published.

For EACOverhead:
Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Approved field.

If the Approved field is equal to 'Yes', 'false' is published.

If the Approved field is changed to 'No', 'true' is published.
For History: For History:
tpppc200.cprj Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Project field.

For Financial Interim Results: For Financial Interim Results:

tpppc350.cprj Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Project field.

For EACMaterial: For EACMaterial:

tpppc216.cprj Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Project field.

For EACLabor: For EACLabor:

tpppc236.cprj Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Project field.

For EACEquipment: For EACEquipment:

tpppc256.cprj Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Project field.

For EACSubcontracting: For EACSubcontracting:

1) tpppc276.cprj 1) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Project field.

For EACSundry: For EACSundry:

1) tpppc296.cprj 1) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Project field.

For EACOverhead: For EACOverhead:

tpppc606.cprj Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Project field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For History:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For Financial Interim Results:

The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACMaterial:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACLabor:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACEquipment:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACSubcontracting:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACSundry:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACOverhead:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
Always filled with '1'.
For History: For History:
tpppc200.cpla Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Plan field.

Infor April 07, 2020 817

For Financial Interim Results: For Financial Interim Results:
tpppc350.cpla Not displayed in any session, Plan field.

For EACMaterial: For EACMaterial:

1) tpppc26.cpla 1) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Plan field.
2) tpppc216.cact 2) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Activity field.

For EACLabor: If the Activity field is filled, the Plan field is published.
1) tpppc236.cpla
2) tpppc236.cact For EACLabor:
1) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Plan field.
For EACEquipment: 2) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Activity field.
If the Activity field is filled, the Plan field is published.
For EACSubcontracting:
1) tpppc276.cpla For EACEquipment:
2) tpppc276.cact Not displayed in any session, Project Plan field.

For EACSundry: For EACSubcontracting:

1) tpppc296.cpla 1) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Plan field.
2) tpppc296.cact 2) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Activity field.

For EACOverhead: If the Activity field is filled, the Plan field is published.
1) tpppc606.cpla
2) tpppc606.cact For EACSundry:
1) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Plan field.
2) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Activity field.

If the Activity field is filled, the Plan field is published.

For EACOverhead:
1) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Plan field.
2) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Activity field.

If the Activity field is filled, the Plan field is published.

For History: For History:
tpppc200.cact Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Activity field.

For Financial Interim Results: For Financial Interim Results:

tpppc350.cact Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Activity field.

For EACMaterial: For EACMaterial:

tpppc216.cact Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Activity field.

For EACLabor: For EACLabor:

tpppc236.cact Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Activity field.

For EACEquipment: For EACEquipment:

tpppc256.cact Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Activity field.

For EACSubcontracting: For EACSubcontracting:

1) tpppc276.cact 1) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Activity field.

For EACSundry: For EACSundry:

1) tpppc296.cact 1) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Activity field.

For EACOverhead: For EACOverhead:

1) tpppc606.cact 1) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Activity field.
For History: For History:
tpppc200.cspa Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Element field.

For Financial Interim Results: For Financial Interim Results:

tpppc350.cspa Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Element field.

For EACMaterial: For EACMaterial:

tpppc216.cspa Session Material Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Element field.

For EACLabor: For EACLabor:

tpppc236.cspa Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Element field.

For EACEquipment: For EACEquipment:

tpppc256.cspa Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Element field.

For EACSubcontracting: For EACSubcontracting:

1) tpppc276.cspa 1) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Element field.

Infor April 07, 2020 818

For EACSundry: For EACSundry:
1) tpppc296.cspa 1) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Element field.

For EACOverhead: For EACOverhead:

1) tpppc606.cspa 1) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Element field.
For Financial Interim Results: For History:
tpppc350.comf If the cost transaction is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
Otherwise, 'Actual' is published.
For EACMaterial:
tpppc216.appr For LN 10.4 or later:
If the cost transaction is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
For EACLabor: Otherwise, 'Open' is published.
For Financial Interim Results:
For EACSubcontracting: Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Reported Cpl (Finance) field.
1) tpppc276.appr
If the financial interim result record is deleted, 'Deleted Interim' is published.
For EACSundry: If the Reported Cpl (Finance) field is equal to 'Yes', 'Reversed Interim' is published.
1) tpppc296.appr Otherwise, 'Interim' is published.

For EACOverhead: For LN 10.4 or later:

1) tpppc606.appr If the financial interim result record is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
If the Reported Cpl (Finance) field is equal to 'Yes', 'Closed' is published.
Otherwise, 'Open' is published.

For EACMaterial:
Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Approved field.

If the Approved field is equal to 'Yes', 'Open' is published.

If the Approved field is changed to 'No', 'Deleted' is published.

For EACLabor:
Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Approved field.

If the Approved field is equal to 'Yes', 'Open' is published.

If the Approved field is changed to 'No', 'Deleted' is published.

For EACEquipment:
If record is being deleted, 'Deleted' is published; Otherwise, 'Open' is published.

For EACSubcontracting:
1) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Approved field.

If the Approved field is equal to 'Yes', 'Open' is published.

If the Approved field is changed to 'No', 'Deleted' is published.

For EACSundry:
1) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Approved field.

If the Approved field is equal to 'Yes', 'Open' is published.

If the Approved field is changed to 'No', 'Deleted' is published.

For EACOverhead:
1) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Approved field.

If the Approved field is equal to 'Yes', 'Open' is published.

If the Approved field is changed to 'No', 'Deleted' is published.
For History:
Always filled with 'Project Transaction Status'.

For Financial Interim Results:

Always filled with 'Project Transaction Status'.

For EACMaterial:
Always filled with 'Project Transaction Status'.

For EACLabor:
Always filled with 'Project Transaction Status'.

For EACEquipment:
Always 'Project Transaction status' is published.

For EACSubcontracting:
Always filled with 'Project Transaction Status'.

For EACSundry:

Infor April 07, 2020 819

Always filled with 'Project Transaction Status'.

For EACOverhead:
Always filled with 'Project Transaction Status'.
For EACMaterial: For History:
tpppc216.appr If the cost transaction is deleted, 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For EACLabor:
tpppc236.appr For Financial Interim Results:
If the financial interim result is deleted, 'true' is published.
For EACSubcontracting: Otherwise, 'false' is published.
1) tpppc276.appr
For EACMaterial:
For EACSundry: Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Approved field.
1) tpppc296.appr
If the Approved field is equal to 'Yes', 'false' is published.
For EACOverhead: If the Approved field is changed to 'No', 'true' is published.
1) tpppc606.appr
For EACLabor:
Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Approved field.

If the Approved field is equal to 'Yes', 'false' is published.

If the Approved field is changed to 'No', 'true' is published.

For EACEquipment:
If the record is being deleted, 'true' is published; Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For EACSubcontracting:
1) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Approved field.

If the Approved field is equal to 'Yes', 'false' is published.

If the Approved field is changed to 'No', 'true' is published.

For EACSundry:
1) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Approved field.

If the Approved field is equal to 'Yes', 'false' is published.

If the Approved field is changed to 'No', 'true' is published.

For EACOverhead:
1) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Approved field.

If the Approved field is equal to 'Yes', 'false' is published.

If the Approved field is changed to 'No', 'true' is published.
For History: For History:
1) tpppc200.fcmp This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.3.0 or later.
2) tpppc200.ityp
3) tpppc200.idoc 1) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Sales tab, Financial Company field.
2) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Sales tab, Transaction Type field.
3) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Sales tab, Invoice Document field.

If the Transaction Type field is filled, the concatenation of the Financial Company field, Transaction Type field
and Invoice Document field is published.
For History: For History:
1) tpppc200.fcmp This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.3.0 or later.
2) tfgld004.acdp
1) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Sales tab, Financial Company field.
2) Session Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000), Accounting Department field.

Based on the Financial Company field and the Accounting Department field the accountingEntity field is
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For History: For History:
1) tpppc200.fcmp This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.3.0 or later.
2) tfgld004.acdp
1) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Sales tab, Financial Company field.
2) Session Company Parameters (tfgld0503m000), Accounting Department field.

Based on the Financial Company field and the Accounting Department field, the location field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For History:
This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.3.0 or later.

Infor April 07, 2020 820

The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For History: For History:
tpppc200.rgdt Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Period tab, Registration Date field.

For Financial Interim Results: The Registration Date field without the time part is published.
For Financial Interim Results:
For EACMaterial: Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Registration Date field.
The Registration Date field without the time part is published.
For EACLabor:
tpppc236.rgdt For EACMaterial:
Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Registration Date field.
For EACEquipment:
tpppc256.rgdt For EACLabor:
Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Registration Date field.
For EACSubcontracting:
1) tpppc276.rgdt For EACEquipment:
Session Euipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Registration Date field.
For EACSundry:
1) tpppc296.rgdt For EACSubcontracting:
1) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Registration Date field.
For EACOverhead:
tpppc606.rgdt For EACSundry:
1) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Registration Date field.

For EACOverhead:
Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Registration Date field.
For History: For History:
1) tpppc200.cotp 1) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost Type field.
2) tpppc200.cprj 2) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Project field.
3) tpppc200.cequ 3) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Equipment field.
4) tpppc200.csub 4) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Document tab, Subcontracting field.
5) tpppc200.coob 5) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost Object field.
6) tppdm625.cprj 6) Session Project Equipment (tppdm6512m000), Project field.
7) tppdm625.cequ 7) Session Project Equipment (tppdm6512m000), Equipment field.
8) tppdm635.cprj 8) Session Project Subcontracting (tppdm6513m000), Project field.
9) tppdm635.csub 9) Session Project Subcontracting (tppdm6513m000), Subcontr. field.

For EACMaterial: If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Materials', the Cost Object field is published.
tpppc216.item If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Equipment',
- If the combination of the Project field and the Equipment field exists in session Project Equipment, the
For EACEquipment: concatenation of the Project field and Equipment field is published.
1) tpppc256.cprj Otherwise, the Equipment field is published.
2) tpppc256.cequ If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Subcontracting',
- If the combination of the Project field and the Subcontracting field exists in session Project Subcontracting, the
For EACSubcontracting: concatenation of the Project field and Subcontracting field is published.
1) tpppc276.cprj Otherwise, the Subcontracting field is published.
2) tpppc276.csub
For EACMaterial:
Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Item field.

For EACEquipment:
1) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Project field.
2) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Equipment field.

If the combination of the Project field and the Equipment field is present in session Equipment Cost Forecast
(tpppc2156m000), the concatenation of the Project field and the Equipment field is published. Otherwise, the
Equipment field is published.

For EACSubcontracting:
1) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Project field.
2) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Subcontracting field.

If the combination of the Project field and the Subcontracting field is present in session Project Subcontracting
(tppdm6513m000), the concatenation of the Project field and the Subcontracting field is published. Otherwise,
the Subcontracting field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For History:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACMaterial:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 821
For EACEquipment:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACSubcontracting:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For History: For History:
1) tpppc200.cotp 1) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost Type field.
2) tpppc200.cprj 2) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Project field.
3) tpppc200.coob 3) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost Object field.
4) tppdm615.cprj 4) Session Project Labor (tppdm6511m000), Project field.
5) tppdm615.task 5) Session Project Labor (tppdm6511m000), Labor field.

For EACLabor: If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Labor',

1) tpppc236.cprj - If the combination of the Project field and the Labor field exists in session Project Labor, the concatenation of
2) tppdm236.task the Project field and Labor field is published.
3) tppdm615.cprj Otherwise, the Cost Object field is published.
4) tppdm615.task
For EACLabor:
1) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Project field.
2) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Labor field.
3) Session Project Labor (tppdm6511m000), Project field.
4) Session Project Labor (tppdm6511m000), Labor field.

If the combination of the Project field and the Labor field exists in session Project Labor, the concatenation of
the Project field and Labor field is published.
Otherwise, the Labor field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For History:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACLabor:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For History: For History:
1) tpppc200.cotp 1) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost Type field.
2) tpppc200.cprj 2) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Project field.
3) tpppc200.coob 3) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost Object field.
4) tppdm640.cprj 4) Session Project Sundry Costs (tppdm6514m000), Project field.
5) tppdm640.cico 5) Session Project Sundry Costs (tppdm6514m000), Sundry Cost field.

For EACSundry: If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Sundry Costs',

1) tpppc296.cprj - If the combination of the Project field and the Sundry Cost field exists in session Project Sundry Costs, the
2) tpppc296.cico concatenation of the Project field and Sundry Cost field is published.
Otherwise, the Cost Object field is published.

For EACSundry:
1) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Project field.
2) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Sundry Cost field.

If the combination of the Project field and the Sundry Cost field is present in session Project Sundry Costs
(tppdm6514m000), the concatenation of the Project field and the Sundry Cost field is published. Otherwise, the
Sundry Cost field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For History:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACSundry:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For History: For History:
1) tpppc200.ptyc 1) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Posting tab, Posting Type field.
2) tpppc200.tror 2) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Transaction Origin field.
3) tpppc200.csts 3) Not displayed in any session, Cost Transaction field.
4) tpppc200.oldf 4) Not displayed in any session, Old-fashioned Flow field.

From LN 10.4.2 or later: Based on the Posting Type field, the Transaction Origin field, the Cost Transaction field and the Old-fashioned
tpppc200.ptyc Flow field the Hard commitment is determined.

The valid code list value of the Posting Type field is published.
If the Posting Type field is not Hard commitment the postfix '(Actuals)' is set after the value if the Posting Type
field is equal to 'Receipt', 'PriceVariance', 'LandedCostsVarianceInvoiced', 'CurrencyVariance',
'CurrencyGainAndLoss' or 'CurrencyVariance(LandedCosts)'.
Infor April 07, 2020 822
From LN 10.4.2 or later:
Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Posting tab, Posting Type field.
For History: For History:
1) tpppc200.emno 1) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Employee field.
2) tpppc200.cotp 2) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost Type field.

If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Labor', the Employee field is published.
For History:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For History:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For History:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For History: For History:
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.
2) tpppc200.emno 2) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Employee field.

Based on the Employee field, the Name field is published.

For History: For History:
1) tpppc200.cotp 1) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost Type field.
2) tpppc200.coob 2) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost Object field.

For EACOverhead: If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Overhead', the Cost Object field is published.
For EACOverhead:
Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Overhead field.
For EACOverhead:
Always filled with 'Overhead Codes'.
For EACOverhead:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For History: For History:
tpppc200.cotp Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost Type field.

For EACMaterial:
Always filled with 'Material'.

For EACLabor:
Always filled with 'Labor'.

For EACEquipment:
Always filled with 'Equipment'.

For EACSubcontracting:
Always filled with 'Subcontracting'.

For EACSundry:
Always filled with 'Sundry'.

For EACOverhead:
Always filled with 'Overhead'.
Always filled with 'Cost Types'.
For History: For History:
tpppc200.ccco Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost Component field.

For EACMaterial: For EACMaterial:

1) tpppc216.ccco 1) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2116s000), Cost Component field.

For EACLabor: For EACLabor:

1) tpppc236.ccco 1) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2136s000), Cost Component field.

For EACEquipment: For EACEquipment:

tpppc256.ccco Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2156s000), Cost Component field.

For EACSubcontracting: For EACSubcontracting:

1) tpppc276.ccco 1) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2176s000), Cost Component field.

Infor April 07, 2020 823

For EACSundry: For EACSundry:
1) tpppc296.ccco 1) Session Sundry Cost Cost Forecast (tpppc2176s000), Cost Component field.

For EACOverhead: For EACOverhead:

tpppc606.ccco Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Cost Component field.
For History:
Always filled with 'Cost Components'.

For EACMaterial:
Always filled with 'Cost Components'.

For EACLabor:
Always filled with 'Cost Components'.

For EACEquipment:
Always filed with 'Cost Components'.

For EACSubcontracting:
Always filled with 'Cost Components'.

For EACSundry:
Always filled with 'Cost Components'.

For EACOverhead:
Always filled with 'Cost Components'.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For History: For History:
tpppc200.quan Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost tab, Quantity field.

For EACLabor: For EACLabor:

1) tpppc236.cprj 1) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Project field.
2) tpppc236.task 2) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Labor field.
3) tpppc236.cspa 3) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Element field.
4) tpppc236.cpla 4) Not displayed in any session, Plan field.
5) tpppc236.cact 5) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Activity field.
6) tpppc236.rgdt 6) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Registration Date field.
7) tpppc236.ccur 7) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Currency field.
8) tpppc236.quan 8) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2136s000), Forecast Hours field.
9) tpppc000.lfcm 9) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Leading Forecast Method field.

If the Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimate at Completion', the Forecast Hours field is published.
If the Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimate to Completion', based on the Project field, the Element
field and the Activity field, the Cost Amount (1) field + the summation of the Cost Amount (3) field for which the
Cost Type field is equal to 'Labor' is published.
If the Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimated Extra Costs', based on the Project field, the Element
field and the Labor field, the Cost Amount (1) field + the summation of the Cost Amount (5) field is published.
For History: For History:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpppc200.cuni 2) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost tab, Quantity Unit field.

For EACLabor: Based on the Quantity Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun
2) tppdm000.ctut For EACLabor:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session General Project Parameters (tppdm0100s000), Defaults tab, Unit Code for Hours field.

Based on the Unit Code for Hours field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For History: For History:
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tpppc200.item 2) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost tab, Item field.
3) tpppc200.quan 3) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost tab, Quantity field.
4) tpppc200.cotp 4) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost Type field.
5) tppdm000.ctut 5) Session General Project Parameters (tppdm0100s000), Defaults tab, Unit Code for Hours field.

For EACLabor: Based on the Item field, and the Cost Type field is equal to 'Materials', 'Equipment' or 'Subcontracting', the
1) tpppc236.cprj Inventory Unit is determined.
2) tpppc236.task The Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
3) tpppc236.cspa
4) tpppc236.cpla If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Labor', the Quantity field expressed in the Unit Code for Hours field is published.
5) tpppc236.cact
6) tpppc236.rgdt If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Labor', 'Materials', 'Equipment' or 'Subcontracting', this field is published.
7) tpppc236.ccur
Infor April 07, 2020 824
8) tpppc236.quan For EACLabor:
9) tpppc000.lfcm 1) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Project field.
2) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Labor field.
3) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Element field.
4) Not displayed in any session, Plan field.
5) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Activity field.
6) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Registration Date field.
7) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Currency field.
8) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2136s000), Forecast Hours field.
9) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Leading Forecast Method field.

If the Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimate at Completion', the Forecast Hours field is published.
If the Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimate to Completion', based on the Project field, the Element
field and the Activity field, the Cost Amount (1) field + the summation of the Cost Amount (3) field for which the
Cost Type field is equal to 'Labor' is published.
If the Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimated Extra Costs', based on the Project field, the Element
field and the Labor field, the Cost Amount (1) field + the summation of the Cost Amount (5) field is published.
For History: For History:
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tpppc200.item 3) Session Material Transactions to be Invoiced (tppin2100m100), Item field.
4) tpppc200.cotp 4) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost Type field.
5) tppdm000.ctut 5) Session General Project Parameters (tppdm0100s000), Defaults tab, Unit Code for Hours field.

For EACLabor: If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Labor', the ISO Code field of the Unit Code for Hours field is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun Otherwise, based on the Item field, the ISO Code field of the Inventory Unit field is published.
2) tppdm000.ctut
For EACLabor:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session General Project Parameters (tppdm0100s000), Defaults tab, Unit Code for Hours field.

Based on the Unit Code for Hours field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For History: For History:
1) tpppc200.time 1) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost tab, Amount of Time field.
2) tpppc200.cuti 2) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost tab, Time Unit field.
3) tppdm000.ctut 3) Session General Project Parameters (tppdm0100s000), Defaults tab, Unit Code for Hours field.

For EACLabor: If the Amount of Time field is filled, the Amount of Time field times the conversion factor between the Time Unit
tpppc236.quan field and the Unit Code for Hours field is published.

For EACLabor:
Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2136s000), Forecast Hours field.
For History: For History:
1) tpppc200.time 1) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost tab, Amount of Time field.
2) tpppc200.cuti 2) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost tab, Time Unit field.
3) tppdm000.ctut 3) Session General Project Parameters (tppdm0100s000), Defaults tab, Unit Code for Hours field.

For EACLabor: If the Amount of Time field is filled, the Amount of Time field times the conversion factor between the Time Unit
1) tpppc236.cprj field and the Unit Code for Hours field is published in a decimal format.
2) tpppc236.task
3) tpppc236.cspa For EACLabor:
4) tpppc236.cpla 1) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Project field.
5) tpppc236.cact 2) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Labor field.
6) tpppc236.rgdt 3) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Element field.
7) tpppc236.ccur 4) Not displayed in any session, Plan field.
8) tpppc236.quan 5) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Activity field.
9) tpppc000.lfcm 6) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Registration Date field.
7) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Currency field.
8) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2136s000), Forecast Hours field.
9) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Leading Forecast Method field.

If the Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimate at Completion', the Forecast Hours field is published.
If the Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimate to Completion', based on the Project field, the Element
field and the Activity field, the Cost Amount (1) field + the summation of the Cost Amount (3) field for which the
Cost Type field is equal to 'Labor' is published.
If the Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimated Extra Costs', based on the Project field, the Element
field and the Labor field, the Cost Amount (1) field + the summation of the Cost Amount (5) field is published.
For History: For History:
1) tpppc200.amoc 1) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost tab, Cost Amount field.
2) tpppc200.curc 2) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost tab, Cost Amount Currency field.

For Financial Interim Results: If the Cost Amount Currency field is equal to empty, the Cost Amount field is not published.
1) tpppc350.amnt
For Financial Interim Results:
Infor April 07, 2020 825
For LN 10.4 or later: 1) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Amount field.
2) tpppc350.camr
For LN 10.4 or later:
For EACMaterial: 2) Session Interim Results (tpppc3150m000), Cost of Sales Recognized field.
1) tpppc216.amoc
2) tpppc000.lfcm For EACMaterial:
3) tpppc200.amoc 1) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2116s000), Cost Amount field.
4) tpppc200.cotp 2) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Leading Forecast Method field.
5) tpptc127.amoc 3) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost Amount field.
6) tpppc216.cprj 4) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost Type field.
7) tpppc216.cspa 5) Session Control Data (Material Lines) (tpptc1535m000), Cost Amount field.
8) tpppc216.cact 6) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Project field.
9) tpppc216.item 7) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Element field.
8) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Activity field.
For EACLabor: 9) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Item field.
1) tpppc236.amoc
2) tpppc000.lfcm If the Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimate at Completion', the Cost Amount field is published.
3) tpppc200.amoc If the Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimate to Completion', based on the Project field, the Element
4) tpppc200.cotp field and the Activity field, the Cost Amount (1) field + the summation of the Cost Amount (3) field for which the
5) tpptc137.amoc Cost Type field is equal to 'Material' is published.
6) tpppc236.cprj If the Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimated Extra Costs', based on the Project field, the Element
7) tpppc236.cspa field and the Item field, the Cost Amount (1) field + the summation of the Cost Amount (5) field is published.
8) tpppc236.cact
9) tpppc236.task For EACLabor:
1) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2136s000), Cost Amount field.
For EACEquipment: 2) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Leading Forecast Method field.
1) tpppc256.amoc 3) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost Amount field.
2) tpppc000.lfcm 4) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost Type field.
3) tpppc200.amoc 5) Session Control Data (Labor Lines) (tpptc1536m000), Cost Amount field.
4) tpppc200.cotp 6) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Project field.
5) tpptc147.amoc 7) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Element field.
6) tpppc256.cprj 8) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Activity field.
7) tpppc256.cspa 9) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Labor field.
8) tpppc256.cact
9) tpppc256.cequ If the Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimate at Completion', the Cost Amount field is published.
If the Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimate to Completion', based on the Project field, the Element
For EACSubcontracting: field and the Activity field, the Cost Amount (1) field + the summation of the Cost Amount (3) field for which the
1) tpppc276.amoc Cost Type field is equal to 'Labor' is published.
2) tpppc000.lfcm If the Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimated Extra Costs', based on the Project field, the Element
3) tpppc200.amoc field and the Labor field, the Cost Amount (1) field + the summation of the Cost Amount (5) field is published.
4) tpppc200.cotp
5) tpptc157.amoc For EACEquipment:
6) tpppc276.cprj 1) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2156s000), Cost Amount field.
7) tpppc276.cspa 2) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Leading Forecast Method field.
8) tpppc276.cact 3) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost Amount field.
9) tpppc276.csub 4) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost Type field.
5) Session Control Data (Equipment Lines) (tpptc1537m000), Cost Amount field.
For EACSundry: 6) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Project field.
1) tpppc296.amoc 7) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Element field.
2) tpppc000.lfcm 8) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Activity field.
3) tpppc200.amoc 9) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Equipment field.
4) tpppc200.cotp
5) tpptc157.amoc If the Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimate at Completion', the Cost Amount field is published.
6) tpppc296.cprj If the Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimate to Completion', based on the Project field, the Element
7) tpppc296.cspa field and the Activity field, the Cost Amount (1) field + the summation of the Cost Amount (3) field for which the
8) tpppc296.cact Cost Type field is equal to 'Equipment' is published.
9) tpppc296.cico If the Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimated Extra Costs', based on the Project field, the Element
field and the Equipment field, the Cost Amount (1) field + the summation of the Cost Amount (5) field is
For EACOverhead: published.
1) tpppc606.amoc
2) tpppc000.lfcm For EACSubcontracting:
3) tpppc200.amoc 1) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2176s000), Cost Amount field.
4) tpppc200.cotp 2) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Leading Forecast Method field.
5) tpppc606.cprj 3) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost Amount field.
6) tpppc606.cspa 4) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost Type field.
7) tpppc606.cact 5) Session Control Data (SubContractng Lines) (tpptc1538m000), Cost Amount field.
8) tpppc606.ovhd 6) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Project field.
7) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Element field.
8) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Activity field.
9) ) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Subcontracting field.

If the Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimate at Completion', the Cost Amount field is published.
If the Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimate to Completion', based on the Project field, the Element
field and the Activity field, the Cost Amount (1) field + the summation of the Cost Amount (3) field for which the
Cost Type field is equal to 'Subcontracting' is published.
If the Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimated Extra Costs', based on the Project field, the Element
field and the Subcontracting field, the Cost Amount (1) field + the summation of the Cost Amount (5) field is

Infor April 07, 2020 826

For EACSundry:
1) Session Sundry Cost Cost Forecast (tpppc2176s000), Cost Amount field.
2) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Leading Forecast Method field.
3) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost Amount field.
4) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost Type field.
5) Session Control Data (SubContractng Lines) (tpptc1538m000), Cost Amount field.
6) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Project field.
7) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Element field.
8) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Activity field.
9) ) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Sundry Cost field.

If the Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimate at Completion', the Cost Amount field is published.
If the Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimate to Completion', based on the Project field, the Element
field and the Activity field, the Cost Amount (1) field + the summation of the Cost Amount (3) field for which the
Cost Type field is equal to 'Sundry Costs' is published.
If the Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimated Extra Costs', based on the Project field, the Element
field and the Sundry Cost field, the Cost Amount (1) field + the summation of the Cost Amount (5) field is

For EACOverhead:
1) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Cost Amount field.
2) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Leading Forecast Method field.
3) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost Amount field.
4) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost Type field.
5) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Project field.
6) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Element field.
7) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Activity field.
8) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Overhead field.

If the Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimate at Completion', the Cost Amount field is published.
If the Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimate to Completion', based on the Project field, the Element
field and the Activity field, the Cost Amount (1) field + the summation of the Cost Amount (3) field for which the
Cost Type field is equal to 'Overhead' is published.
If the Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimated Extra Costs', the Cost Amount field is published.
For History: For History:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpppc200.curc 2) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost tab, Cost Amount Currency field.

For Financial Interim Results: Based on the Cost Amount Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tpptc350.ccur For Financial Interim Results:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
For EACMaterial: 2) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Amount Currency field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tpppc216.ccur Based on the Amount Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.

For EACLabor: For EACMaterial:

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpppc236.ccur 2) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Currency field.

For EACEquipment: Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tpppc256.ccur For EACLabor:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
For EACSubcontracting: 2) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Currency field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tpppc276.ccur Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.

For EACSundry: For EACEquipment:

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpppc296.ccur 2) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Currency field.

For EACOverhead: Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the Currency field is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tpppc606.ccur For EACSubcontracting:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.

For EACSundry:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.

For EACOverhead:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
Infor April 07, 2020 827
2) Session Overhead Forecast (tppp6106m000), Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For History: For History:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), General tab, Financial Company field.
4) tpppc200.amoc 4) Session Cost History (tpppc2100m000), Cost tab, Cost Amount field.
5) tpppc200.curc 5) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost tab, Cost Amount Currency field.
6) tpppc200.rtcc 6) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost tab, Currency Rate field.
7) tpppc200.rtfc 7) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Cost tab, Rate Factor field.
8) tpppc200.rtyp 8) Not displayed in any session, Exchange Rate Type (Costs) field.
9) tpppc200.rdat 9) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date (Costs) field.

For Financial Interim Results: Based on the Financial Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
1) tcemm170.fcua Based on the Currency Rate field, the Rate Factor field, the Exchange Rate Type (Costs) field and the Rate
2) tppdm600.ncmp Date (Costs) field the conversion factor is calculated between the Cost Amount Currency field and the Local
3) tpppc350.amnt Currency field.
4) tpppc350.rate The Cost Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.
5) tpppc350.ratf
6) tpppc350.rgdt For Financial Interim Results:
7) tppdm600.rrtp 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
8) tppdm000.rrtp 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Financial Company field.
3) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Amount field.
For LN 10.4 or later: 4) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Rate field.
3) tpppc350.camr 5) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Rate Factor field.
4) tpppc350.crdr 6) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Registration Date field.
5) tpppc350.cert 7) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Exchange Rate Type Revenues field.
6) tpppc350.crtr 8) Session General Project Parameters (tppdm0100s000), Defaults tab, Default Exchange Rate Type for
7) tpppc350.crfr Revenues field.
8) tpppc350.chcr
For LN 10.4 or later:
For EACMaterial: 3) Session Interim Results (tpppc3150m000), Cost of Sales Recognized field.
1) tppdm600.ncmp 4) Session Interim Results (tpppc3150m000), Multi Currency tab, Cost of Sales Recognized group, Rate Date
2) tppdm600.crtp field.
3) tpppc216.amoc 5) Session Interim Results (tpppc3150m000), Result tab, Cost Exchange Rate Type field.
4) tpppc216.ccur 6) Session Interim Results (tpppc3150m000), Result tab, Cost Rate field.
5) tpppc216.rtcc 7) Session Interim Results (tpppc3150m000), Result tab, Rate Factor field.
6) tpppc216.rtfc 8) Session Interim Results (tpppc3150m000), Multi Currency tab, Cost of Sales Recognized group, Amount field.
7) tpppc216.rdat
- Based on the Financial Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
For EACLabor: - If the Exchange Rate Type Revenues field is empty, the Default Exchange Rate Type for Revenues field is
1) tppdm600.ncmp used in the calculation.
2) tppdm600.crtp - Based on the Financial Company field, the Rate field, the Rate Factor field, the Registration Date field and the
3) tpppc236.amoc Exchange Rate Type Revenues field, the Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.
4) tpppc236.ccur
5) tpppc236.rtcc For LN 10.4 or later:
6) tpppc236.rtfc - Based on the Financial Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
7) tpppc236.rdat - If the first array field of the Amount field is filled, this array field is published.
- Based on the Financial Company field, the Cost Rate field, the Rate Factor field, the Rate Date field and the
For EACEquipment: Cost Exchange Rate Type field, the Cost of Sales Recognized field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tpppc256.cprj
2) tppdm500.ncmp For EACMaterial:
3) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.
4) tppin00.acin 2) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Budget tab, Exchange Rate Type Costs field.
5) tpppc256.rtoc 3) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2116s000), Cost Amount field.
6) tpppc256.rtfc 4) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Currency field.
7) tppdm600.ctrp 5) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2116s000), Rate field.
8) tpppc256.rdat 6) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2116s000), Rate Factor field.
7) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.
For EACSubcontracting:
1) tppdm600.ncmp Based on the Financial Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
2) tppdm600.crtp Based on the Exchange Rate Type Costs field, the Cost Amount field, the Currency field, the Rate field, the
3) tpppc276.amoc Rate Factor field, and the Rate Date field, the Cost Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.
4) tpppc276.ccur
5) tpppc276.rtcc For EACLabor:
6) tpppc276.rtfc 1) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.
7) tpppc276.rdat 2) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Budget tab, Exchange Rate Type Costs field.
3) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2136s000), Cost Amount field.
For EACSundry: 4) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Currency field.
1) tppdm600.ncmp 5) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2136s000), Rate field.
2) tppdm600.crtp 6) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2136s000), Rate Factor field.
3) tpppc296.amoc 7) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.
4) tpppc296.ccur
5) tpppc296.rtcc Based on the Financial Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
6) tpppc296.rtfc Based on the Exchange Rate Type Costs field, the Cost Amount field, the Currency field, the Rate field, the
7) tpppc296.rdat Rate Factor field, and the Rate Date field, the Cost Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 828

For EACOverhead: For EACEquipment:
1) tppdm600.ncmp 1) Session Progress Payment Requests (tpppc2556m000), Project field.
2) tppdm600.crtp 2) Session Progress Payment Requests (tpppc2556m000), Currency field.
3) tpppc606.amoc 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
4) tpppc606.ccur 4) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Amount of current Invoice field.
5) tpppc606.rtcc 5) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Rate field.
6) tpppc606.rtfc 6) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Rate Factor field.
7) tpppc606.rdat 7) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Selling tab, Exchange Rate Type field.
8) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

Based on the Rate field, the Rate Factor field, the Exchange Rate Type field and the Rate Date field the
conversion factor is calculated between the Currency field and the Project Currency field.
The Amount of current Invoice field expressed in the Project Currency field is published.

For EACSubcontracting:
1) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.
2) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Budget tab, Exchange Rate Type Costs field.
3) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2176s000), Cost Amount field.
4) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Currency field.
5) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2176s000), Rate field.
6) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2176s000), Rate Factor field.
7) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
Based on the Exchange Rate Type Costs field, the Cost Amount field, the Currency field, the Rate field, the
Rate Factor field, and the Rate Date field, the Cost Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.

For EACSundry:
1) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.
2) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Budget tab, Exchange Rate Type Costs field.
3) Session Sundry Cost Cost Forecast (tpppc2176s000), Cost Amount field.
4) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Currency field.
5) Session Sundry Cost Cost Forecast (tpppc2176s000), Rate field.
6) Session Sundry Cost Cost Forecast (tpppc2176s000), Rate Factor field.
7) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
Based on the Exchange Rate Type Costs field, the Cost Amount field, the Currency field, the Rate field, the
Rate Factor field, and the Rate Date field, the Cost Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.

For EACOverhead:
1) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.
2) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Budget tab, Exchange Rate Type Costs field.
3) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Cost Amount field.
4) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Currency field.
5) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Rate field.
6) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Rate Factor field.
7) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
Based on the Exchange Rate Type Costs field, the Cost Amount field, the Currency field, the Rate field, the
Rate Factor field and the Rate Date field, the Cost Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.
For History: For History:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tppdm600.ncmp 4) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), General tab, Financial Company field.

For Financial Interim Results: Based on the Financial Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tcemm170.fcua For Financial Interim Results:
3) tppdm600.ncmp 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
For EACMaterial: 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Financial Company field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tcemm170.fcua Based on the Financial Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
3) tppdm600.ncmp
For EACMaterial:
For EACLabor: 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 3) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp
Based on the Financial Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For EACEquipment:
1) tcmcs002.iccc For EACLabor:
2) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
Infor April 07, 2020 829
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
For EACSubcontracting: 3) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tcemm170.fcua Based on the Financial Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
3) tppdm600.ncmp
For EACEquipment:
For EACSundry: 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.fcua
3) tppdm600.ncmp Based on the Reference Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.

For EACOverhead: For EACSubcontracting:

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.

For EACSundry:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.

For EACOverhead:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For History: For History:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), General tab, Financial Company field.
4) tpppc200.amoc 4) Session Cost History (tpppc2100m000), Cost tab, Cost Amount field.
5) tpppc200.curc 5) Session Cost History (tpppc2100m000), Cost tab, Cost Amount Currency field.
6) tpppc200.rtcc 6) Session Cost History (tpppc2100m000), Cost tab, Currency Rate field.
7) tpppc200.rtfc 7) Session Cost History (tpppc2100m000), Cost tab, Rate Factor field.
8) tpppc200.rtyp 8) Not displayed in any session, Exchange Rate Type (Costs) field.
9) tpppc200.rdat 9) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date (Costs) field.

For Financial Interim Results: Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
1) tcemm170.lcur Based on the Currency Rate field, the Rate Factor field, the Exchange Rate Type (Costs) field and the Rate
2) tppdm600.ncmp Date (Costs) field the conversion factor is calculated between the Cost Amount Currency field and the
3) tpppc350.amnt Reference Currency field.
4) tpppc350.rate The Cost Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
5) tpppc350.ratf
6) tpppc350.rgdt For Financial Interim Results:
7) tppdm600.rrtp 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
8) tppdm000.rrtp 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Financial Company field.
3) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Amount field.
For LN 10.4 or later: 4) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Rate field.
3) tpppc350.camr 5) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Rate Factor field.
4) tpppc350.crdr 6) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Registration Date field.
5) tpppc350.cert 7) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Exchange Rate Type Revenues field.
6) tpppc350.crtr 8) Session General Project Parameters (tppdm0100s000), Defaults tab, Default Exchange Rate Type for
7) tpppc350.crfr Revenues field.
8) tpppc350.chcr
For LN 10.4 or later:
For EACMaterial: 3) Session Interim Results (tpppc3150m000), Cost of Sales Recognized field.
1) tppdm600.ncmp 4) Session Interim Results (tpppc3150m000), Multi Currency tab, Cost of Sales Recognized group, Rate Date
2) tppdm600.crtp field.
3) tpppc216.amoc 5) Session Interim Results (tpppc3150m000), Result tab, Cost Exchange Rate Type field.
4) tpppc216.ccur 6) Session Interim Results (tpppc3150m000), Result tab, Cost Rate field.
5) tpppc216.rtcc 7) Session Interim Results (tpppc3150m000), Result tab, Rate Factor field.
6) tpppc216.rtfc 8) Session Interim Results (tpppc3150m000), Multi Currency tab, Cost of Sales Recognized group, Amount field.
7) tpppc216.rdat
- Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
For EACLabor: - If the Exchange Rate Type Revenues field is empty, the Default Exchange Rate Type for Revenues field is
1) tppdm600.ncmp used in the calculation.
2) tppdm600.crtp - Based on the Financial Company field, the Rate field, the Rate Factor field, the Registration Date field and the
3) tpppc236.amoc Exchange Rate Type Revenues field, the Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
4) tpppc236.ccur
5) tpppc236.rtcc For LN 10.4 or later:
6) tpppc236.rtfc - Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
7) tpppc236.rdat - If the second array field of the Amount field is filled, this array field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 830

- Based on the Financial Company field, the Cost Rate field, the Rate Factor field, the Rate Date field and the
For EACEquipment: Cost Exchange Rate Type field, the Cost of Sales Recognized field expressed in Reference Currency is
1) tppdm600.ncmp published.
2) tppdm600.crtp
3) tpppc256.amoc For EACMaterial:
4) tpppc256.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.
5) tpppc256.rtcc 2) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Budget tab, Exchange Rate Type Costs field.
6) tpppc256.rtfc 3) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2116s000), Cost Amount field.
7) tpppc256.rdat 4) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Currency field.
5) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2116s000), Rate field.
For EACSubcontracting: 6) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2116s000), Rate Factor field.
1) tppdm600.ncmp 7) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.
2) tppdm600.crtp
3) tpppc276.amoc Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
4) tpppc276.ccur Based on the Exchange Rate Type Costs field, the Cost Amount field, the Currency field, the Rate field, the
5) tpppc276.rtcc Rate Factor field, and the Rate Date field, the Cost Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
6) tpppc276.rtfc
7) tpppc276.rdat For EACLabor:
1) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.
For EACSundry: 2) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Budget tab, Exchange Rate Type Costs field.
1) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2136s000), Cost Amount field.
2) tppdm600.crtp 4) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Currency field.
3) tpppc296.amoc 5) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2136s000), Rate field.
4) tpppc296.ccur 6) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2136s000), Rate Factor field.
5) tpppc296.rtcc 7) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.
6) tpppc296.rtfc
7) tpppc296.rdat Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
Based on the Exchange Rate Type Costs field, the Cost Amount field, the Currency field, the Rate field, the
For EACOverhead: Rate Factor field, and the Rate Date field, the Cost Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ncmp
2) tppdm600.crtp For EACEquipment:
3) tpppc606.amoc 1) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.
4) tpppc606.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Budget tab, Exchange Rate Type Costs field.
5) tpppc606.rtcc 3) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556s000), Cost Amount field.
6) tpppc606.rtfc 4) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556s000), Currency field.
7) tpppc606.rdat 5) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556s000), Rate field.
6) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556s000), Rate Factor field.
7) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
Based on the Exchange Rate Type Costs field, the Cost Amount field, the Currency field, the Rate field, the
Rate Factor field, and the Rate Date field, the Cost Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

For EACSubcontracting:
1) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.
2) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Budget tab, Exchange Rate Type Costs field.
3) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2176s000), Cost Amount field.
4) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Currency field.
5) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2176s000), Rate field.
6) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2176s000), Rate Factor field.
7) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
Based on the Exchange Rate Type Costs field, the Cost Amount field, the Currency field, the Rate field, the
Rate Factor field, and the Rate Date field, the Cost Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

For EACSundry:
1) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.
2) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Budget tab, Exchange Rate Type Costs field.
3) Session Sundry Cost Cost Forecast (tpppc2176s000), Cost Amount field.
4) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Currency field.
5) Session Sundry Cost Cost Forecast (tpppc2176s000), Rate field.
6) Session Sundry Cost Cost Forecast (tpppc2176s000), Rate Factor field.
7) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
Based on the Exchange Rate Type Costs field, the Cost Amount field, the Currency field, the Rate field, the
Rate Factor field, and the Rate Date field, the Cost Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

For EACOverhead:
1) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.
2) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Budget tab, Exchange Rate Type Costs field.
3) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Cost Amount field.
4) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Currency field.
5) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Rate field.
6) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Rate Factor field.
7) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
Infor April 07, 2020 831
Based on the Exchange Rate Type Costs field, the Cost Amount field, the Currency field, the Rate field, the
Rate Factor field and the Rate Date field, the Cost Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
For History: For History:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tppdm600.ncmp 4) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), General tab, Financial Company field.

For Financial Interim Results: Based on the Financial Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tcemm170.lcur For Financial Interim Results:
3) tppdm600.ncmp 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
For EACMaterial: 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Financial Company field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tcemm170.lcur Based on the Financial Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
3) tppdm600.ncmp
For EACMaterial:
For EACLabor: 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 3) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp
Based on the Financial Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For EACEquipment:
1) tcmcs002.iccc For EACLabor:
2) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.
For EACSubcontracting:
1) tcmcs002.iccc Based on the Financial Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
2) tcemm170.lcur
3) tppdm600.ncmp For EACEquipment:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
For EACSundry: 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 3) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.
2) tcemm170.lcur
3) tppdm600.ncmp Based on the Financial Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.

For EACOverhead: For EACSubcontracting:

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.

For EACSundry:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.

For EACOverhead:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For History: For History:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tcemm170.exeu 4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Exchange Rate Type tab, Internal field.
5) tcemm170.csys 5) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currency System field.
6) tppdm600.ncmp 6) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), General tab, Financial Company field.
7) tppdm600.ccur 7) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
8) tpppc200.amoc 8) Session Cost History (tpppc2100m000), Cost tab, Cost Amount field.
9) tpppc200.curc 9) Session Cost History (tpppc2100m000), Cost tab, Cost Amount Currency field.
10) tpppc200.rtcc 10) Session Cost History (tpppc2100m000), Cost tab, Currency Rate field.
11) tpppc200.rtfc 11) Session Cost History (tpppc2100m000), Cost tab, Rate Factor field.
12) tpppc200.rdat 12) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date (Costs) field.

For Financial Interim Results: If the Cost Amount field is 0.00, 0.00 is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur Otherwise, if the Project Currency field is equal to the Cost Amount Currency field, the Cost Amount field is
2) tppdm600.ncmp published.
3) tpppc350.amnt Otherwise, if the Project Currency field is equal to the Local Currency field, the Cost Amount field expressed in

Infor April 07, 2020 832

4) tpppc350.rate Local Currency is published.
5) tpppc350.ratf Otherwise, if the Project Currency field is equal to the Reference Currency field, the Cost Amount field
6) tpppc350.rgdt expressed in Reference Currency is published.
7) tppdm600.rrtp Otherwise, if the Currency System field is equal to 'Standard', the Cost Amount field in Local Currency is
8) tppdm000.rrtp published.
Otherwise, if the Currency System field is not equal to 'Standard', the Cost Amount field in Reference Currency
For LN 10.4 or later: is published.
3) tpppc350.camr
4) tpppc350.crdr For Financial Interim Results:
5) tpppc350.cert 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
6) tpppc350.crtr 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Financial Company field.
7) tpppc350.crfr 3) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Amount field.
4) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Rate field.
For EACMaterial: 5) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Rate Factor field.
1) tppdm600.ncmp 6) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Registration Date field.
2) tppdm600.crtp 7) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Exchange Rate Type Revenues field.
3) tppdm600.ccur 8) Session General Project Parameters (tppdm0100s000), Defaults tab, Default Exchange Rate Type for
4) tpppc216.amoc Revenues field.
5) tpppc216.ccur
6) tpppc216.rtcc For LN 10.4 or later:
7) tpppc216.rtfc 3) Session Interim Results (tpppc3150m000), Cost of Sales Recognized field.
8) tpppc216.rdat 4) Session Interim Results (tpppc3150m000), Multi Currency tab, Cost of Sales Recognized group, Rate Date
For EACLabor: 5) Session Interim Results (tpppc3150m000), Result tab, Cost Exchange Rate Type field.
1) tppdm600.ncmp 6) Session Interim Results (tpppc3150m000), Result tab, Cost Rate field.
2) tppdm600.crtp 7) Session Interim Results (tpppc3150m000), Result tab, Rate Factor field.
3) tppdm600.ccur
4) tpppc236.amoc - If the Exchange Rate Type Revenues field is empty, the Default Exchange Rate Type for Revenues field is
5) tpppc236.ccur used in the calculation.
6) tpppc236.rtcc - Based on the Financial Company field, the Rate field, the Rate Factor field, the Registration Date field and the
7) tpppc236.rtfc Exchange Rate Type Revenues field, the Amount field expressed in Project Currency is published.
8) tpppc236.rdat
For LN 10.4 or later:
For EACEquipment: - Based on the Cost Rate field, the Rate Factor field, the Rate Date field and the Cost Exchange Rate Type field,
1) tppdm600.ncmp the Cost of Sales Recognized field expressed in Project Currency is published.
2) tppdm600.crtp
3) tppdm600.ccur For EACMaterial:
4) tpppc256.amoc 1) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.
5) tpppc256.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Budget tab, Exchange Rate Type Costs field.
6) tpppc256.rtcc 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
7) tpppc256.rtfc 4) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2116s000), Cost Amount field.
8) tpppc256.rdat 5) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Currency field.
6) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2116s000), Rate field.
For EACSubcontracting: 7) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2116s000), Rate Factor field.
1) tppdm600.ncmp 8) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.
2) tppdm600.crtp
3) tppdm600.ccur Based on the Exchange Rate Type Costs field, the Cost Amount field, the Currency field, the Rate field, the
4) tpppc276.amoc Rate Factor field, and the Rate Date field, the Cost Amount field expressed in Project Currency is published.
5) tpppc276.ccur
6) tpppc276.rtcc For EACLabor:
7) tpppc276.rtfc 1) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.
8) tpppc276.rdat 2) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Budget tab, Exchange Rate Type Costs field.
3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
For EACSundry: 4) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2136s000), Cost Amount field.
1) tppdm600.ncmp 5) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Currency field.
2) tppdm600.crtp 6) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2136s000), Rate field.
3) tppdm600.ccur 7) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2136s000), Rate Factor field.
4) tpppc296.amoc 8) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.
5) tpppc296.ccur
6) tpppc296.rtcc Based on the Exchange Rate Type Costs field, the Cost Amount field, the Currency field, the Rate field, the
7) tpppc296.rtfc Rate Factor field, and the Rate Date field, the Cost Amount field expressed in Project Currency is published.
8) tpppc296.rdat
For EACEquipment:
For EACOverhead: 1) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.
1) tppdm600.ncmp 2) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Budget tab, Exchange Rate Type Costs field.
2) tppdm600.crtp 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ccur 4) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Cost Amount field.
4) tpppc606.amoc 5) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Currency field.
5) tpppc606.ccur 6) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Rate field.
6) tpppc606.rtcc 7) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Rate Factor field.
7) tpppc606.rtfc 8) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.
8) tpppc606.rdat
Based on the Exchange Rate Type Costs field, the Cost Amount field, the Currency field, the Rate field, the
Rate Factor field, and the Rate Date field, the Cost Amount field expressed in Project Currency is published.

For EACSubcontracting:
1) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.
2) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Budget tab, Exchange Rate Type Costs field.
3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
Infor April 07, 2020 833
4) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2176s000), Cost Amount field.
5) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Currency field.
6) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2176s000), Rate field.
7) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2176s000), Rate Factor field.
8) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.

Based on the Exchange Rate Type Costs field, the Cost Amount field, the Currency field, the Rate field, the
Rate Factor field, and the Rate Date field, the Cost Amount field expressed in Project Currency is published.

For EACSundry:
1) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.
2) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Budget tab, Exchange Rate Type Costs field.
3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
4) Session Sundry Cost Cost Forecast (tpppc2176s000), Cost Amount field.
5) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Currency field.
6) Session Sundry Cost Cost Forecast (tpppc2176s000), Rate field.
7) Session Sundry Cost Cost Forecast (tpppc2176s000), Rate Factor field.
8) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.

Based on the Exchange Rate Type Costs field, the Cost Amount field, the Currency field, the Rate field, the
Rate Factor field, and the Rate Date field, the Cost Amount field expressed in Project Currency is published.

For EACOverhead:
1) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.
2) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Budget tab, Exchange Rate Type Costs field.
3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
4) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Cost Amount field.
5) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Currency field.
6) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Rate field.
7) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Rate Factor field.
8) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.

Based on the Exchange Rate Type Costs field, the Cost Amount field, the Currency field, the Rate field, the
Rate Factor field and the Rate Date field, the Cost Amount field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc For History:
2) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.

For Financial Interim Results:

1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

The ISO Code field of the Project Currency is published.

For EACMaterial:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.

For EACLabor:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.

For EACEquipment:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.

For EACSubcontracting:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.

For EACSundry:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.

For EACOverhead:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
Infor April 07, 2020 834
2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For History: For History:
1) tpctm110.ccur 1) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Currency field.
2) tpppc200.amoc 2) Session Cost History (tpppc2100m000), Cost tab, Cost Amount field.
3) tpppc200.curc 3) Session Cost History (tpppc2100m000), Cost tab, Cost Amount Currency field.
4) tpppc200.rtcc 4) Session Cost History (tpppc2100m000), Cost tab, Currency Rate field.
5) tpppc200.rtfc 5) Session Cost History (tpppc2100m000), Cost tab, Rate Factor field.
6) tpppc200.rdat 6) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date (Costs) field.

For Financial Interim Results: If the Cost Amount field is 0.00, 0.00 is published.
1) tpctm110.ccur Otherwise, if the Currency field is equal to the Cost Amount Currency field, the Cost Amount field is published.
2) tpppc350.camr
3) tpppc350.crdr Otherwise, based on the Currency Rate field, the Rate Factor field and the Rate Date (Costs) field, the Cost
4) tpppc350.cert Amount field expressed in the Currency field is published.
5) tpppc350.crtr
6) tpppc350.crfr For Financial Interim Results:
1) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Currency field.
For EACMaterial: 2) Session Interim Results (tpppc3150m000), Cost of Sales Recognized field.
1) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Interim Results (tpppc3150m000), Multi Currency tab, Cost of Sales Recognized group, Rate Date
2) tppdm600.crtp field.
3) tpppc216.amoc 4) Session Interim Results (tpppc3150m000), Result tab, Cost Exchange Rate Type field.
4) tpppc216.ccur 5) Session Interim Results (tpppc3150m000), Result tab, Cost Rate field.
5) tpppc216.rtcc 6) Session Interim Results (tpppc3150m000), Result tab, Rate Factor field.
6) tpppc216.rtfc
7) tpppc216.rdat - Based on the Rate field, the Rate Factor field, the Rate Date field and the Cost Exchange Rate Type field, the
8) tpctm100.ccur Cost of Sales Recognized field expressed in Contract Currency is published.
9) tpppc216.cprj
10) tpppc216.cspa For EACMaterial:
11) tpppc216.cact 1) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.
2) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Budget tab, Exchange Rate Type Costs field.
For EACLabor: 3) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2116s000), Cost Amount field.
1) tppdm600.ncmp 4) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Currency field.
2) tppdm600.crtp 5) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2116s000), Rate field.
3) tpppc236.amoc 6) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2116s000), Rate Factor field.
4) tpppc236.ccur 7) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.
5) tpppc236.rtcc 8) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Currency field.
6) tpppc236.rtfc 9) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Project field.
7) tpppc236.rdat 10) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Element field.
8) tpctm100.ccur 11) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Activity field.
9) tpppc236.cprj
10) tpppc236.cspa Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
11) tpppc236.cact Based on the Project field, the Element field and the Activity field, the Currency (8) field is determined.
Based on the Exchange Rate Type Costs field, the Cost Amount field, the Currency (4) field, the Rate field, the
For EACEquipment: Rate Factor field, and the Rate Date field, the Cost Amount field expressed in Currency (8) is published.
1) tppdm600.ncmp
2) tppdm600.crtp For EACLabor:
3) tpppc256.amoc 1) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.
4) tpppc256.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Budget tab, Exchange Rate Type Costs field.
5) tpppc256.rtcc 3) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2136s000), Cost Amount field.
6) tpppc256.rtfc 4) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Currency field.
7) tpppc256.rdat 5) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2136s000), Rate field.
8) tpctm100.ccur 6) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2136s000), Rate Factor field.
9) tpppc256.cprj 7) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.
10) tpppc256.cspa 8) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Currency field.
11) tpppc256.cact 9) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Project field.
10) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Element field.
For EACSubcontracting: 11) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Activity field.
1) tppdm600.ncmp
2) tppdm600.crtp Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
3) tpppc276.amoc Based on the Project field, the Element field and the Activity field, the Currency (8) field is determined.
4) tpppc276.ccur Based on the Exchange Rate Type Costs field, the Cost Amount field, the Currency (4) field, the Rate field, the
5) tpppc276.rtcc Rate Factor field, and the Rate Date field, the Cost Amount field expressed in Currency (8) is published.
6) tpppc276.rtfc
7) tpppc276.rdat For EACEquipment:
8) tpctm100.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.
9) tpppc276.cprj 2) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Budget tab, Exchange Rate Type Costs field.
10) tpppc276.cspa 3) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2156s000), Cost Amount field.
11) tpppc276.cact 4) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Currency field.
5) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2156s000), Rate field.
For EACSundry: 6) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2156s000), Rate Factor field.
1) tppdm600.ncmp 7) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.
2) tppdm600.crtp 8) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Currency field.
3) tpppc296.amoc 9) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Project field.
4) tpppc296.ccur 10) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Element field.
5) tpppc296.rtcc 11) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Activity field.

Infor April 07, 2020 835

6) tpppc296.rtfc
7) tpppc296.rdat Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
8) tpctm100.ccur Based on the Project field, the Element field and the Activity field, the Currency (8) field is determined.
9) tpppc296.cprj Based on the Exchange Rate Type Costs field, the Cost Amount field, the Currency (4) field, the Rate field, the
10) tpppc296.cspa Rate Factor field, and the Rate Date field, the Cost Amount field expressed in Currency (8) is published.
11) tpppc296.cact
For EACSubcontracting:
For EACOverhead: 1) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.
1) tppdm600.ncmp 2) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Budget tab, Exchange Rate Type Costs field.
2) tppdm600.crtp 3) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2176s000), Cost Amount field.
3) tpppc606.amoc 4) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Currency field.
4) tpppc606.ccur 5) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2176s000), Rate field.
5) tpppc606.rtcc 6) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2176s000), Rate Factor field.
6) tpppc606.rtfc 7) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.
7) tpppc606.rdat 8) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Currency field.
8) tpctm100.ccur 9) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Project field.
9) tpppc606.cprj 10) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Element field.
10) tpppc606.cspa 11) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Activity field.
11) tpppc606.cact
Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
Based on the Project field, the Element field and the Activity field, the Currency (8) field is determined.
Based on the Exchange Rate Type Costs field, the Cost Amount field, the Currency (4) field, the Rate field, the
Rate Factor field, and the Rate Date field, the Cost Amount field expressed in Currency (8) is published.

For EACSundry:
1) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.
2) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Budget tab, Exchange Rate Type Costs field.
3) Session Sundry Cost Cost Forecast (tpppc2176s000), Cost Amount field.
4) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Currency field.
5) Session Sundry Cost Cost Forecast (tpppc2176s000), Rate field.
6) Session Sundry Cost Cost Forecast (tpppc2176s000), Rate Factor field.
7) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.
8) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Currency field.
9) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Project field.
10) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Element field.
11) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Activity field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
Based on the Project field, the Element field and the Activity field, the Currency (8) field is determined.
Based on the Exchange Rate Type Costs field, the Cost Amount field, the Currency (4) field, the Rate field, the
Rate Factor field, and the Rate Date field, the Cost Amount field expressed in Currency (8) is published.

For EACOverhead:
1) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Financial Company field.
2) Session Projects (tppdm6600m400), Budget tab, Exchange Rate Type Costs field.
3) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Cost Amount field.
4) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Currency field.
5) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Rate field.
6) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Rate Factor field.
7) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.
8) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Currency field.
9) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Project field.
10) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Element field.
11) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Activity field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
Based on the Project field, the Element field and the Activity field, the Currency (8) field is determined.
Based on the Exchange Rate Type Costs field, the Cost Amount field, the Currency (4) field, the Rate field, the
Rate Factor field, and the Rate Date field, the Cost Amount field expressed in Currency (8) is published.
For History: For History:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpctm110.ccur 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Currency field.

For Financial Interim Results: Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tpctm110.ccur For Financial Interim Results:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
For EACMaterial: 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Currency field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tpctm100.ccur The ISO Code field of the Currency is published.
3) tpppc216.cprj
4) tpppc216.cspa For EACMaterial:
5) tpppc216.cact 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Currency field.
For EACLabor: 3) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Project field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 4) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Element field.
2) tpctm100.ccur 5) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Activity field.
3) tpppc236.cprj
Infor April 07, 2020 836
4) tpppc236.cspa Based on the Project field, the Element field and the Activity field, the ISO Code field of the Currency is
5) tpppc236.cact published.

For EACEquipment: For EACLabor:

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpctm100.ccur 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Currency field.
3) tpppc256.cprj 3) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Project field.
4) tpppc256.cspa 4) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Element field.
5) tpppc256.cact 5) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Activity field.

For EACSubcontracting: Based on the Project field, the Element field and the Activity field, the ISO Code field of the Currency is
1) tcmcs002.iccc published.
2) tpctm100.ccur
3) tpppc276.cprj For EACEquipment:
4) tpppc276.cspa 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
5) tpppc276.cact 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Currency field.
3) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Project field.
For EACSundry: 4) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Element field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 5) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Activity field.
2) tpctm100.ccur
3) tpppc296.cprj Based on the Project field, the Element field and the Activity field, the ISO Code field of the Currency is
4) tpppc296.cspa published.
5) tpppc296.cact
For EACSubcontracting:
For EACOverhead: 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Currency field.
2) tpctm100.ccur 3) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Project field.
3) tpppc606.cprj 4) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Element field.
4) tpppc606.cspa 5) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Activity field.
5) tpppc606.cact
Based on the Project field, the Element field and the Activity field, the ISO Code field of the Currency is

For EACSundry:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Currency field.
3) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Project field.
4) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Element field.
5) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Activity field.

Based on the Project field, the Element field and the Activity field, the ISO Code field of the Currency is

For EACOverhead:
1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Currency field.
3) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Project field.
4) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Element field.
5) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Activity field.

Based on the Project field, the Element field and the Activity field, the ISO Code field of the Currency is
For History: For History:
1) tpppc200.amos 1) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Sales tab, Sales Amount field.
2) tpppc200.curs 2) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Sales tab, Sales Amount Currency field.

If the Sales Amount Currency field is equal to empty, the Sales Amount field is not published.
For History: For History:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpppc200.curs 2) Session Cost History (tpppc2100m000), Sales tab, Sales Amount Currency field.

Based on the Sales Amount Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For History: For History:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), General tab, Financial Company field.
4) tpppc200.amos 4) Session Cost History (tpppc2100m000), Sales tab, Sales Amount field.
5) tpppc200.curs 5) Session Cost History (tpppc2100m000), Sales tab, Sales Amount Currency field.
6) tpppc200.rtcs 6) Session Cost History (tpppc2100m000), Sales tab, Currency Rate field.
7) tpppc200.rtfs 7) Session Cost History (tpppc2100m000), Sales tab, Rate Factor field.
8) tpctm110.rtyp 8) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Invoicing tab, Exchange Rate Type field.
9) tpppc200.rdas 9) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date (Sales) field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
Based on the Currency Rate field, the Rate Factor field, the Exchange Rate Type field and the Rate Date
Infor April 07, 2020 837
(Sales) field the conversion factor is calculated between the Sales Amount Currency field and the Local
Currency field.
The Sales Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.
For History: For History:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tppdm600.ncmp 4) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), General tab, Financial Company field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For History: For History:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), General tab, Financial Company field.
4) tpppc200.amos 4) Session Cost History (tpppc2100m000), Sales tab, Sales Amount field.
5) tpppc200.curs 5) Session Cost History (tpppc2100m000), Sales tab, Sales Amount Currency field.
6) tpppc200.rtcs 6) Session Cost History (tpppc2100m000), Sales tab, Currency Rate field.
7) tpppc200.rtfs 7) Session Cost History (tpppc2100m000), Sales tab, Rate Factor field.
8) tpctm110.rtyp 8) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Invoicing tab, Exchange Rate Type field.
9) tpppc200.rdas 9) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date (Sales) field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
Based on the Currency Rate field, the Rate Factor field, the Exchange Rate Type field and the Rate Date
(Sales) field the conversion factor is calculated between the Sales Amount Currency field and the Reference
Currency field.
The Sales Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
For History: For History:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tppdm600.ncmp 4) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), General tab, Financial Company field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For History: For History:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tcemm170.exeu 4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Exchange Rate Type tab, Internal field.
5) tcemm170.csys 5) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currency System field.
6) tppdm600.ncmp 6) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), General tab, Financial Company field.
7) tppdm600.ccur 7) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
8) tpppc200.amos 8) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Sales tab, Sales Amount field.
9) tpppc200.curs 9) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Sales tab, Sales Amount Currency field.
10) tpppc200.rtcs 10) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Sales tab, Currency Rate field.
11) tpppc200.rtfs 11) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Sales tab, Rate Factor field.
12) tpppc200.rdas 12) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date (Sales) field.

If the Sales Amount field is 0.00, 0.00 is published.

Otherwise, if the Project Currency field is equal to the Sales Amount Currency field, the Sales Amount field is
Otherwise, if the Project Currency field is equal to the Local Currency field, the Sales Amount field expressed in
Local Currency is published.
Otherwise, if the Project Currency field is equal to the Reference Currency field, the Sales Amount field
expressed in Reference Currency is published.
Otherwise, if the Currency System field is equal to 'Standard', the Sales Amount field in Local Currency is
Otherwise, if the Currency System field is not equal to 'Standard', the Sales Amount field in Reference Currency
is published.
For History: For History:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For History: For History:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tcemm170.exeu 4) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Exchange Rate Type tab, Internal field.
5) tcemm170.csys 5) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currency System field.
6) tppdm600.ncmp 6) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), General tab, Financial Company field.
7) tpctm100.ccur 7) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Currency field.
8) tpppc200.amos 8) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Sales tab, Sales Amount field.
Infor April 07, 2020 838
9) tpppc200.curs 9) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Sales tab, Sales Amount Currency field.
10) tpppc200.rtcs 10) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Sales tab, Currency Rate field.
11) tpppc200.rtfs 11) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Sales tab, Rate Factor field.
12) tpppc200.rdas 12) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date (Sales) field.

If the Sales Amount field is 0.00, 0.00 is published.

Otherwise, if the Currency field is equal to the Sales Amount Currency field, the Sales Amount field is published.
Otherwise, if the Currency field is equal to the Local Currency field, the Sales Amount field expressed in Local
Currency is published.
Otherwise, if the Currency field is equal to the Reference Currency field, the Sales Amount field expressed in
Reference Currency is published.
Otherwise, if the Currency System field is equal to 'Standard', the Sales Amount field in Local Currency is
Otherwise, if the Currency System field is not equal to 'Standard', the Sales Amount field in Reference Currency
is published.
For History: For History:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpctm100.ccur 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
For History: For History:
tpppc200.cptc Session Cost History (tpppc2100m000), Period tab, Period Table Cost Control field.

For Financial Interim Results: The concatenation of 'C' and the Period Table Cost Control field is published.
For Financial Interim Results:
For EACMaterial: Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost Control
1) tpppc000.cptc field.

For EACLabor: The concatenation of 'C' and the Code Period Table for Cost Control field is published.
1) tpppc000.cptc
For EACMaterial:
For EACEquipment: 1) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
tpppc000.cptc Control field.

For EACSubcontracting: The concatenation of 'C' and the Code Period Table for Cost Control field is published.
1) tpppc000.cptc
For EACLabor:
For EACSundry: 1) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
1) tpppc000.cptc Control field.

For EACOverhead: The concatenation of 'C' and the Code Period Table for Cost Control field is published.
1) tpppc000.cptc
For EACEquipment:
Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost Control

The concatenation of 'C' and the Code Period Table for Cost Control field is published.

For EACSubcontracting:
1) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
Control field.

The concatenation of 'C' and the Code Period Table for Cost Control field is published.

For EACSundry:
1) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
Control field.

The concatenation of 'C' and the Code Period Table for Cost Control field is published.

For EACOverhead:
1) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
Control field.

The concatenation of 'C' and the Code Period Table for Cost Control field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For History:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For Financial Interim Results:

The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACMaterial:

Infor April 07, 2020 839

The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACLabor:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACEquipment:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACSubcontracting:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACSundry:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACOverhead:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For History: For History:
1) tcccp060.dsca 1) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Description field.
2) tpppc200.peri 2) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Posting tab, Cost Control Period field.

For Financial Interim Results: Based on the Cost Control Period field, the Description field is published.
1) tcccp060.dsca
2) tpppc350.peri For Financial Interim Results:
1) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Description field.
For EACMaterial: 2) Session Financial Interim Results (tpppc2160s000), Cost Control Period field.
1) tcccp060.dsca
2) tpppc216.rgdt Based on the Cost Control Period field, the Description field is published.
3) tpppc000.cptc
For EACMaterial:
For EACLabor: 1) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Description field.
1) tcccp060.dsca 2) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Registration Date field.
2) tpppc236.rgdt 3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
3) tpppc000.cptc Control field.

For EACEquipment: Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control Period field and the Registration Date field, the Description
1) tcccp060.dsca field is published.
2) tpppc256.rgdt
3) tpppc000.cptc For EACLabor:
1) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Description field.
For EACSubcontracting: 2) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Registration Date field.
1) tcccp060.dsca 3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
2) tpppc276.rgdt Control field.
3) tpppc000.cptc
Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control Period field and the Registration Date field, the Description
For EACSundry: field is published.
1) tcccp060.dsca
2) tpppc296.rgdt For EACEquipment:
3) tpppc000.cptc 1) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Description field.
2) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Registration Date field.
For EACOverhead: 3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
1) tcccp060.dsca Control field.
2) tpppc606.rgdt
3) tpppc000.cptc Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control Period field and the Registration Date field, the Description
field is published.

For EACSubcontracting:
1) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Description field.
2) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Registration Date field.
3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
Control field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control Period field, and the Registration Date field, the Description
field is published.

For EACSundry:
1) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Description field.
2) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Registration Date field.
3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
Control field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field and the Registration Date field, the Description field is

For EACOverhead:
1) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Description field.
2) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Registration Date field.
3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost

Infor April 07, 2020 840

Control field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field and the Registration Date field, the Description field is
For History: For History:
tpppc200.peri Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Posting tab, Cost Control Period field.

For Financial Interim Results: For Financial Interim Results:

tpppc350.peri Session Financial Interim Results (tpppc2160s000), Cost Control Period field

For EACMaterial: For EACMaterial:

1) tcccp070.peri 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Number field.
2) tpppc216.rgdt 2) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Registration Date field.
3) tpppc000.cptc 3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
Control field.
For EACLabor:
1) tcccp070.peri Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control Period field, and the Registration Date field, the Period
2) tpppc236.rgdt Number field is published.
3) tpppc000.cptc
For EACLabor:
For EACEquipment: 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Number field.
1) tppppc256.rgdt 2) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Registration Date field.
2) tpppc000.cptc 3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
3) tcccp070.peri Control field.

For EACSubcontracting: Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control Period field, and the Registration Date field, the Period
1) tcccp070.peri Number field is published.
2) tpppc276.rgdt
3) tpppc000.cptc For EACEquipment:
1) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Registration Date field.
For EACSundry: 2) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
1) tcccp070.peri Control field.
2) tpppc296.rgdt 3) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Number field.
3) tpppc000.cptc
Based on the Registration Date field and the Code Period Table for Cost Control field, the Period Number field is
For EACOverhead: published.
1) tcccp070.peri
2) tpppc606.rgdt For EACSubcontracting:
3) tpppc000.cptc 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Number field.
2) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Registration Date field.
3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
Control field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control Period field and the Registration Date field, the Period
Number field is published.

For EACSundry:
1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Number field.
2) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Registration Date field.
3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
Control field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field and the Registration Date field, the Period Number field is

For EACOverhead:
1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Number field.
2) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Registration Date field.
3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
Control field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field and the Registration Date field, the Period Number field is
For History: For History:
tpppc200.year Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Posting tab, Cost Control Year field.

For Financial Interim Results: For Financial Interim Results:

tpppc350.year Session Financial Interim Results (tpppc2160s000), Cost Control Period Year field.

For EACMaterial: For EACMaterial:

1) tcccp070.year 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
2) tpppc216.rgdt 2) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Registration Date field.
3) tpppc000.cptc 3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
Control field.
For EACLabor:
1) tcccp070.year Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control Period field and the Registration Date field, the Year field is
Infor April 07, 2020 841
2) tpppc236.rgdt published.
3) tpppc000.cptc
For EACLabor:
For EACEquipment: 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
1) tpppc256.rgdt 2) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Registration Date field.
2) tpppc000.cptc 3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
3) tcccp070.yrno Control field.

For EACSubcontracting: Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control Period field and the Registration Date field, the Year field is
1) tcccp070.year published.
2) tpppc276.rgdt
3) tpppc000.cptc For EACEquipment:
1) Session Equipment Cost ForeCast (tpppc2556m000), Registration Date field.
For EACSundry: 2) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
1) tcccp070.year Control field.
2) tpppc296.rgdt 3) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
3) tpppc000.cptc
Based on the Registration Date field and the Code Period Table for Cost Control field, the Year field is published.
For EACOverhead:
1) tcccp070.year For EACSubcontracting:
2) tpppc606.rgdt 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
3) tpppc000.cptc 2) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Registration Date field.
3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
Control field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control Period field and the Registration Date field, the Year field is

For EACSundry:
1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
2) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Registration Date field.
3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
Control field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field and the Registration Date field, the Year field is published.

For EACOverhead:
1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
2) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Registration Date field.
3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
Control field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field and the Registration Date field, the Year field is published.
For History: For History:
tpppc200.cptf Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Posting tab, Financial Control Period field.

For Financial Interim Results: The concatenation of 'C' and the Financial Control Period field is published.
For Financial Interim Results:
For EACMaterial: Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Fiscal Period
tpppc000.cptf field.

For EACLabor: The concatenation of 'C' and the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field is published.
For EACMaterial:
For EACEquipment: Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Fiscal Period
1) tpppc256.rgdt field.
2) tpppc000.cptf
The concatenation of 'C' and the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field is published.
For EACSubcontracting:
1) tpppc000.cptf For EACLabor:
Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Fiscal Period
For EACSundry: field.
1) tpppc000.cptf
The concatenation of 'C' and the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field is published.
For EACOverhead:
1) tpppc000.cptf For EACEquipment:
1) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Registration Date field.
2) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Fiscal
Period field.

The concatenation of 'C' and the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field is published.

For EACSubcontracting:
1) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Fiscal
Period field.

Infor April 07, 2020 842

The concatenation of 'C' and the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field is published.

For EACSundry:
1) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Fiscal
Period field.

The concatenation of 'C' and the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field is published.

For EACOverhead:
1) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Fiscal
Period field.

The concatenation of 'C' and the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For History:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For Financial Interim Results:

The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACMaterial:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACLabor:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACEquipment:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACSubcontracting:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACSundry:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACOverhead:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For History: For History:
1) tcccp060.dsca 1) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Description field.
2) tpppc200.fper 2) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Posting tab, Fiscal Period field.

For Financial Interim Results: Based on the Fiscal Period field, the Description field is published.
1) tcccp060.dsca
2) tpppc350.fper For Financial Interim Results:
1) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Description field.
For EACMaterial: 2) Session Financial Interim Results (tpppc2160s000), Fiscal Period field.
1) tcccp060.dsca
2) tpppc216.rgdt Based on the Fiscal Period field, the Description field is published.
3) tpppc000.cptf
For EACMaterial:
For EACLabor: 1) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Description field.
1) tcccp060.dsca 2) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Registration Date field.
2) tpppc236.rgdt 3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Fiscal
3) tpppc000.cptf Period field.

For EACEquipment: Based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field and the Registration Date field, the Description field is
1) tpppc000.cptc published.
2) tcccp060.dsca
For EACLabor:
For EACSubcontracting: 1) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Description field.
1) tcccp060.dsca 2) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Registration Date field.
2) tpppc276.rgdt 3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Fiscal
3) tpppc000.cptf Period field.

For EACSundry: Based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field and the Registration Date field, the Description field is
1) tcccp060.dsca published.
2) tpppc296.rgdt
3) tpppc000.cptf For EACEquipment:
1) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
For EACOverhead: Control field.
1) tcccp060.dsca 2) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Period Table Code field, Description part.
2) tpppc606.rgdt
3) tpppc000.cptf Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field, the Description field is determined.

For EACSubcontracting:

Infor April 07, 2020 843

1) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Description field.
2) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Registration Date field.
3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Fiscal
Period field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period Period field, and the Registration Date field, the Description
field is published.

For EACSundry:
1) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Description field.
2) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Registration Date field.
3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Fiscal
Period field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field and the Registration Date field, the Description field is

For EACOverhead:
1) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Description field.
2) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Registration Date field.
3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Fiscal
Period field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field and the Registration Date field, the Description field is
For History: For History:
tpppc200.fper Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Posting tab, Fiscal Period field.

For Financial Interim Results: For Financial Interim Results:

tpppc350.fper Session Financial Interim Results (tpppc2160s000), Fiscal Period field

For EACMaterial: For EACMaterial:

1) tcccp070.peri 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Number field.
2) tpppc216.rgdt 2) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2136m000), Registration Date field.
3) tpppc000.cptf 3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Fiscal
Period field.
For EACLabor:
1) tcccp070.peri Based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period Period field, and the Registration Date field, the Period
2) tpppc236.rgdt Number field is published.
3) tpppc000.cptf
For EACLabor:
For EACEquipment: 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Number field.
tpppc000.cptf 2) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Registration Date field.
3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Fiscal
For EACSubcontracting: Period field.
1) tcccp070.peri
2) tpppc276.rgdt Based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period Period field, and the Registration Date field, the Period
3) tpppc000.cptf Number field is published.

For EACSundry: For EACEquipment:

1) tcccp070.peri Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Fiscal Period
2) tpppc296.rgdt field.
3) tpppc000.cptf
The concatenation of 'C' and the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field is published.
For EACOverhead:
1) tcccp070.peri For EACSubcontracting:
2) tpppc606.rgdt 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Number field.
3) tpppc000.cptf 2) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Registration Date field.
3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Fiscal
Period field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period Period field, and the Registration Date field, the Period
Number field is published.

For EACSundry:
1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Number field.
2) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Registration Date field.
3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Fiscal
Period field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field and the Registration Date field, the Period Number field
is published.

For EACOverhead:
1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Number field.
2) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Registration Date field.
3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Fiscal

Infor April 07, 2020 844

Period field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field and the Registration Date field, the Period Number field
is published.
For History: For History:
tpppc200.fyea Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Posting tab, Fiscal Year field.

For Financial Interim Results: For Financial Interim Results:

tpppc350.fyea Session Financial Interim Results (tpppc2160s000), Fiscal Period Year field.

For EACMaterial: For EACMaterial:

1) tcccp070.year 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
2) tpppc236.rgdt 2) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Registration Date field.
3) tpppc000.cptf 3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Fiscal
Period field.
For EACLabor:
1) tcccp070.year Based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period Period field, and the Registration Date field, the Year field is
2) tpppc236.rgdt published.
3) tpppc000.cptf
For EACLabor:
For EACEquipment: 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
1) tcccp070.year 2) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Registration Date field.
2) tpppc256.rgdt 3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Fiscal
3) tpppc000.cptf Period field.

For EACSubcontracting: Based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period Period field, and the Registration Date field, the Year field is
1) tcccp070.year published.
2) tpppc276.rgdt
3) tpppc000.cptf For EACEquipment:
1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
For EACSundry: 2) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Registration Date field.
1) tcccp070.year 3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Fiscal
2) tpppc296.rgdt Period field.
3) tpppc000.cptf
Based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period Period field and the Registration Date field, the Year field is
For EACOverhead: published.
1) tcccp070.year
2) tpppc606.rgdt For EACSubcontracting:
3) tpppc000.cptf 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
2) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Registration Date field.
3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Fiscal
Period field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period Period field, and the Registration Date field, the Year field is

For EACSundry:
1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
2) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Registration Date field.
3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Fiscal
Period field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field and the Registration Date field, the Year field is

For EACOverhead:
1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
2) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Registration Date field.
3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Fiscal
Period field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field and the Registration Date field, the Year field is
For History: For History:
tpppc200.cpth Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Posting tab, Hours Control Period field.

For EACMaterial: The concatenation of 'C' and the Hours Control Period field is published.
For EACMaterial:
For EACLabor: Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Hours
tpppc000.cpth Control field.

For EACEquipment: The concatenation of 'C' and the Code Period Table for Hours Control field is published.
For EACLabor:
For EACSubcontracting: Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Hours
Infor April 07, 2020 845
1) tpppc000.cpth Control field.

For EACSundry: The concatenation of 'C' and the Code Period Table for Hours Control field is published.
1) tpppc000.cpth
For EACEquipment:
For EACOverhead: Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Code Period Table for Hours Control field.
1) tpppc000.cpth
The concatenation of 'C' and the Code Period Table for Hours Control field is published.

For EACSubcontracting:
1) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Hours
Control field.

The concatenation of 'C' and the Code Period Table for Hours Control field is published.

For EACSundry:
1) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Hours
Control field.

The concatenation of 'C' and the Code Period Table for Hours Control field is published.

For EACOverhead:
1) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Hours
Control field.

The concatenation of 'C' and the Code Period Table for Hours Control field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For History:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACMaterial:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACLabor:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACEquipment:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACSubcontracting:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACSundry:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACOverhead:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For History: For History:
1) tcccp060.dsca 1) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Description field.
2) tpppc200.hper 2) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Posting tab, Period Hours Accounting field.

For EACMaterial: Based on the Period Hours Accounting field, the Description field is published.
1) tcccp060.dsca
2) tpppc216.rgdt For EACMaterial:
3) tpppc000.cpth 1) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Description field.
2) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Registration Date field.
For EACLabor: 3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Hours
1) tcccp060.dsca Control field.
2) tpppc236.rgdt
3) tpppc000.cpth Based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control field and the Registration Date field, the Description field is
For EACEquipment:
1) tpppc000.cpth For EACLabor:
2) tcccp060.dsca 1) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Description field.
2) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Registration Date field.
For EACSubcontracting: 3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Hours
1) tcccp060.dsca Control field.
2) tpppc236.rgdt
3) tpppc000.cpth Based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control field and the Registration Date field, the Description field is
For EACSundry:
1) tcccp060.dsca For EACEquipment:
2) tpppc296.rgdt 1) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Hours
3) tpppc000.cpth Control field.
2) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Period Table Code field, Description part.

Infor April 07, 2020 846

For EACOverhead:
1) tcccp060.dsca Based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control field, the Description field is determined.
2) tpppc606.rgdt
3) tpppc000.cpth For EACSubcontracting:
1) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Description field.
2) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Registration Date field.
3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Hours
Control field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control field and the Registration Date field, the Description field is

For EACSundry:
1) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Description field.
2) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Registration Date field.
3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Hours
Control field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control field and the Registration Date field, the Description field is

For EACOverhead:
1) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Description field.
2) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Registration Date field.
3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Hours
Control field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control field and the Registration Date field, the Description field is
For History: For History:
tpppc200.hper Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Posting tab, Period Hours Accounting field.

For EACMaterial: For EACMaterial:

1) tcccp070.peri 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Number field.
2) tpppc216.rgdt 2) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Registration Date field.
3) tpppc000.cpth 3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Hours
Control field.
For EACLabor:
1) tcccp070.peri Based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control Period field and the Registration Date field, the Period
2) tpppc236.rgdt Number field is published.
3) tpppc000.cpth
For EACLabor:
For EACEquipment: 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Number field.
1) tcccp070.peri 2) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Registration Date field.
2) tpppc256.rgdt 3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Hours
3) tpppc000.cptc Control field.

For EACSubcontracting: Based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control Period field and the Registration Date field, the Period
1) tcccp070.peri Number field is published.
2) tpppc276.rgdt
3) tpppc000.cpth For EACEquipment:
1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Number field.
For EACSundry: 2) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556s000), Registration Date field.
1) tcccp070.peri 3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
2) tpppc296.rgdt Control field.
3) tpppc000.cpth
Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control Period field and the Registration Date field, the Period
For EACOverhead: Number field is published.
1) tcccp070.peri
2) tpppc606.rgdt For EACSubcontracting:
3) tpppc000.cpth 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Number field.
2) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Registration Date field.
3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Hours
Control field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control Period field, and the Registration Date field, the Period
Number field is published.

For EACSundry:
1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Number field.
2) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Registration Date field.
3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Hours
Control field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control field and the Registration Date field, the Period Number field
is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 847

For EACOverhead:
1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Number field.
2) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Registration Date field.
3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Hours
Control field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control field and the Registration Date field, the Period Number field
is published.
For History: For History:
tpppc200.hyea Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Posting tab, Year Hours Accounting field.

For EACMaterial: For EACMaterial:

1) tcccp070.year 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
2) tpppc216.rgdt 2) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Registration Date field.
3) tpppc000.cpth 3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Hours
Control field.
For EACLabor:
1) tcccp070.year Based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control Period field and the Registration Date field, the Year field is
2) tpppc236.rgdt published.
3) tpppc000.cpth
For EACLabor:
For EACEquipment: 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
1) tcccp070.year 2) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Registration Date field.
2) tpppc256.rgdt 3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Hours
3) tpppc000.cptc Control field.

For EACSubcontracting: Based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control Period field and the Registration Date field, the Year field is
1) tcccp070.year published.
2) tpppc276.rgdt
3) tpppc000.cpth For EACEquipment:
1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
For EACSundry: 2) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Registration Date field.
1) tcccp070.year 3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
2) tpppc296.rgdt Control field.
3) tpppc000.cpth
Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control Period field and the Registration Date field, the Year field is
For EACOverhead: published.
1) tcccp070.year
2) tpppc606.rgdt For EACSubcontracting:
3) tpppc000.cpth 1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
2) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Registration Date field.
3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Hours
Control field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control Period field, and the Registration Date field, the Year field is

For EACSundry:
1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
2) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Registration Date field.
3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Hours
Control field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control field and the Registration Date field, the Year field is

For EACOverhead:
1) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
2) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Registration Date field.
3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Hours
Control field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control field and the Registration Date field, the Year field is
For History: For History:
tpppc200.blbl Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Sales tab, Billable field.

If the Billable field is equal to 'Yes', 'true' is published.

Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For Financial Interim Results:

Always 'false' is published.
For History: For History:
1) tpppc200.cprj 1) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Project field.
2) tpppc200.cstl 2) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Extension field.
Infor April 07, 2020 848
For Financial Interim Results: The concatenation of the Project field and the Extension field is published.
1) tpppc350.cprj
2) tpppc350.cstl For Financial Interim Results:
1) Session Financial Interim Results (tpppc2160s000), Project field.
2) Session Financial Interim Results (tpppc2160s000), Extension field.

If the Extension field is filled, the concatenation of the Project field and the Extension field is published.
For History: For History:
tpppc200.cprj Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Project field.

For Financial Interim Results: Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.
tpppc350.cprj Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For Financial Interim Results:

Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For History: For History:
tpppc200.cprj Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Project field.

For Financial Interim Results: Based on the Project field, the location field is published.
tpppc350.cprj Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For Financial Interim Results:

Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For History: For History:
tpppc200.cono Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Contract field.

For Financial Interim Results: For Financial Interim Results:

1) tpppc350.cprj 1) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Project field.
2) tpctm110.cono 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract field.

For LN 10.4 or later: Based on the Project field, the Contract field is published.
3) tpppc350.cono
For LN 10.4 or later:
For EACMaterial: 3) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc3150m000), Contract field.
1) tpctm110.cono
3) tpppc216.cprj For EACMaterial:
4) tpppc216.cspa 1) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract field.
5) tpppc216.cact 3) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Project field.
4) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Element field.
For EACLabor: 5) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Activity field.
1) tpctm110.cono
3) tpppc236.cprj If the combination of the Project field, the Element field and the Activity field is present in session Contract Lines
4) tpppc236.cspa (tpctm1110m000), the Contract field is published.
5) tpppc236.cact
For EACLabor:
For EACEquipment: 1) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract field.
1) tpppc256.cprj 3) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Project field.
2) tpppc256.cspa 4) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Element field.
3) tpppc256.cact 5) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Activity field.
4) tpctm110.cono
5) tpctm110.cnln If the combination of the Project field, the Element field and the Activity field is present in session Contract Lines
(tpctm1110m000), the Contract field is published.
For EACSubcontracting:
1) tpctm110.cono For EACEquipment:
2) tpppc276.cprj 1) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Project field.
3) tpppc276.cspa 2) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Element field.
4) tpppc276.cact 3) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Activity field.
4) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract field.
For EACSundry: 5) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract Line field.
1) tpctm100.cono
3) tpppc296.cprj Based on the Project field, the Element field and the Activity field, the Contract field and the Contract Line fields
4) tpppc296.cspa are determiend.
5) tpppc296.cact The Contract field is published.

For EACOverhead: For EACSubcontracting:

1) tpctm100.cono 1) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract field.

Infor April 07, 2020 849

3) tpppc606.cprj 2) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Project field.
4) tpppc606.cspa 3) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Element field.
5) tpppc606.cact 4) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Activity field.

If the combination of the Project field, the Element field and the Activity field is present in session Contract Lines
(tpctm1110m000), the ISO Code field of the Currency is published.

For EACSundry:
1) Session Contracts (tpctm1100m000), Contract field.
3) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Project field.
4) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Element field.
5) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Activity field.

If the combination of the Project field, the Element field and the Activity field is present in session Contracts
(tpctm1100m000), the Contract is published.

For EACOverhead:
1) Session Contracts (tpctm1100m000), Contract field.
3) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Project field.
4) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Element field.
5) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Activity field.

If the combination of the Project field, the Element field and the Activity field is present in session Contracts
(tpctm1100m000), the Contract is published.
For History: For History:
1) tpppc200.cono 1) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Contract field.
2) tpctm100.cofc 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Sales Office field.

For Financial Interim Results: Based on the Sales Office field of the Contract field, the accountingEntity field is published.
1) tpppc350.cprj Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
2) tpctm100.cofc
For Financial Interim Results:
For EACMaterial: 1) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Project field.
tpctm110.cono 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Sales Office field.

For EACLabor: Based on the Sales Office field, the accountingEntity field is published.
tpctm110.cono Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For EACSubcontracting: For EACMaterial:

tpctm110.cono Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract field.

For EACSundry: Based on the Contract field, the accountingEntity field is published.
tpctm100.cono Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For EACOverhead: For EACLabor:

tpctm100.cono Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract field.

Based on the Contract field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For EACEquipment:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For EACSubcontracting:
Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract field.

Based on the Contract field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For EACSundry:
Session Contracts (tpctm1100m000), Contract field.

Based on the Contract field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For EACOverhead:
Session Contracts (tpctm1100m000), Contract field.

Based on the Contract field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For History: For History:
1) tpppc200.cono 1) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Contract field.
2) tpctm100.cofc 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Sales Office field.

For Financial Interim Results: Based on the Sales Office field of the Contract field, the location field is published.
1) tpppc350.cprj Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
2) tpctm100.cofc
Infor April 07, 2020 850
For Financial Interim Results:
For EACMaterial: 1) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Project field.
tpctm110.cono 2) Session Contract (tpctm1600m000), Sales Office field.

For EACLabor: Based on the Sales Office field, the location field is published.
tpctm110.cono Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For EACSubcontracting: For EACMaterial:

tpctm110.cono Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract field.

For EACSundry: Based on the Contract field, the accountingEntity field is published.
tpctm100.cono Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For EACOverhead: For EACLabor:

tpctm100.cono Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract field.

Based on the Contract field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For EACEquipment:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For EACSubcontracting:
Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract field.

Based on the Contract field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For EACSundry:
Session Contracts (tpctm1100m000), Contract field.

Based on the Contract field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For EACOverhead:
Session Contracts (tpctm1100m000), Contract field.

Based on the Contract field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For History:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For Financial Interim Results:

The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACMaterial:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACLabor:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACEquipment:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACSubcontracting:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACSundry:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For EACOverhead:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For History: For History:
tpppc200.cnln Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Contract Line field.

For Financial Interim Results: For Financial Interim Results:

1) tpppc350.cprj 1) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Project field.
2) tpctm110.cnln 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract Line field.

For LN 10.4 or later: Based on the Project field, the Contract Line field is published.
3) tpppc350.cnln
For LN 10.4 or later:
For EACMaterial: 3) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc3150m000), Contract Line field.
1) tpctm110.cnln
3) tpppc216.cprj For EACMaterial:
4) tpppc216.cspa 1) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1600m000), Contract Line field.

Infor April 07, 2020 851

5) tpppc216.cact 3) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Project field.
4) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Element field.
For EACLabor: 5) Session Material Cost Forecast (tpppc2516m000), Activity field.
1) tpctm110.cnln
3) tpppc236.cprj If the combination of the Project field, the Element field and the Activity field is present in session Contract Lines
4) tpppc236.cspa (tpctm1110m000), the Contract Line field is published.
5) tpppc236.cact
For EACLabor:
For EACEquipment: 1) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1600m000), Contract Line field.
1) tpppc256.cprj 3) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Project field.
2) tpppc256.cspa 4) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Element field.
3) tpppc256.cact 5) Session Labor Cost Forecast (tpppc2536m000), Activity field.
4) tpctm110.cono
5) tpctm110.cnln If the combination of the Project field, the Element field and the Activity field is present in session Contract Lines
(tpctm1110m000), the Contract Line field is published.
For EACSubcontracting:
1) tpctm110.cnln For EACEquipment:
2) tpppc276.cprj 1) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Project field.
3) tpppc276.cspa 2) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Element field.
4) tpppc276.cact 3) Session Equipment Cost Forecast (tpppc2556m000), Activity field.
4) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract field.
For EACSundry: 5) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract Line field.
1) tpctm110.cnln
3) tpppc296.cprj Based on the Project field, the Element field and the Activity field, the Contract field and the Contract Line fields
4) tpppc296.cspa are determined.
5) tpppc296.cact The Contract Line field is published.

For EACOverhead: For EACSubcontracting:

1) tpctm110.cnln 1) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1600m000), Contract Line field.
3) tpppc606.cprj 2) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Project field.
4) tpppc606.cspa 3) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Element field.
5) tpppc606.cact 4) Session Subcontracting Cost Forecast (tpppc2576m000), Activity field.

If the combination of the Project field, the Element field and the Activity field is present in session Contract Lines
(tpctm1110m000), the Contract Line field is published.

For EACSundry:
1) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1600m000), Contract Line field.
3) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Project field.
4) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Element field.
5) Session Sundry Cost Forecast (tpppc2596m000), Activity field.

If the combination of the Project field, the Element field and the Activity field is present in session Contract Lines
(tpctm1110m000), the Contract Line field is published.

For EACOverhead:
1) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1600m000), Contract Line field.
3) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Project field.
4) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Element field.
5) Session Overhead Forecast (tpppc6106m000), Activity field.

If the combination of the Project field, the Element field and the Activity field is present in session Contract Lines
(tpctm1110m000), the Contract Line field is published.
For History: For History:
1) tpppc200.ptyc 1) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Posting tab, Posting Type field.
2) tpppc200.tror 2) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Transaction Origin field.
3) tpppc200.csts 3) Not displayed in any session, Cost Transaction field.
4) tpppc200.oldf 4) Not displayed in any session, Old-fashioned Flow field.
5) tpppc200.effn 5) Session Cost Transactions (tpppc2100m000), Effectivity Unit field.

Based on the Posting Type field, the Transaction Origin field, the Cost Transaction field and the Old-fashioned
Flow field the Actual, Hard and Soft commitment is determined.

For the Actual, Hard and Soft commitment, the ProjectCostsHistory/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is

filled with 'ln.CommitmentOrActual' and ProjectCostsHistory/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with

For the Effectivity Unit field, the ProjectCostsHistory/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with

'ln.EffectivityUnit' and ProjectCostsHistory/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data

Infor April 07, 2020 852

1) tpest100.cprj 1) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
2) tpest100.vers 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Version field.

The concatenation of Project field and Version field is published.

This BOD is published when users Change a Project Bid.

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.
tppdm600.cprj Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tppdm600.cprj Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tpest100.cprj 1) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
2) tpest100.vers 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Version field.

The concatenation of the Project field and the Version field is published.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) tppdm700.lmus 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Project tab, Last Modified by field.
4) tppdm700.crby 4) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Project tab, Created by field.

If the Last Modified by field is filled, based on the Last Modified by field the User field is determined. Otherwise,
based on the Created by field the User field is determined.
Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) tppdm700.lmus 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Project tab, Last Modified by field.
3) tppdm700.crby 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Project tab, Created by field.

If the Last Modified by field is filled, based on the Last Modified by field, the Name field is published. Otherwise,
based on the Created by field, the Name field is published.
tpest100.cdat Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Creation Date field.
tpest100.desc Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Description field.
tpest100.stat Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Status field.

If the Status field is equal to 'Free', 'Open' is published.

If the Status field is equal to 'Final', 'Completed' is published.
tpest100.vers Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Version field.
tpest100.desc Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Description field.
tpest100.cdat Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Creation Date field.
tpest100.esdt Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Estimate Date field.
tpest100.camt Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Version Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpest100.ccur 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Currency field.

Based on the Cur field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tppdm600.ncmp 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Financial Company field.
3) tpest100.cprj 3) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
Infor April 07, 2020 853
4) tpest100.camt 4) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Version Amount field.
5) tpest100.ccur 5) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Currency field.
6) tpest100.esdt 6) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Estimate Date field.
7) tpest100.rtpc 7) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), ExchangeRateType (Costs) field.
8) tpest100.rate 8) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Rate field.
9) tpest100.ratf 9) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Rate Factor field.

Based on the Project field and the Financial Company filed, the Local Currency field is determined.
If Currency field is filled, based on the Financial Company field, Version Amount field, Currency field,
Estimate Date field, ExchangeRateType (Costs) field, Rate field and Rate Factor field, the Version Amount field
expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Financial Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field and the Financial Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
2) tpest100.cprj 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
3) tpest100.camt 3) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Version Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Version Amount field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
3) tpest100.cprj 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
4) tpest100.camt 3) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Version Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Version Amount field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpest100.cstg Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Status and Phase field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
1) tppdm085.desc 1) Session Phases (tppdm0147m000), Description field.
2) tpest100.cstg 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Status and Phase field.

Based on the Status and Phase field, the Description field is published.
tpest100.pfee Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Profit Fee field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpest100.ccur 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Currency field.

Based on the Cur field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tppdm600.ncmp 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Financial Company field.
3) tpest100.cprj 3) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
4) tpest100.pfee 4) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Profit Fee field.
5) tpest100.ccur 5) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Currency field.
6) tpest100.esdt 6) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Estimate Date field.
7) tpest100.rtpc 7) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), ExchangeRateType (Costs) field.
8) tpest100.rate 8) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Rate field.
9) tpest100.ratf 9) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Rate Factor field.

Based on the Project field and the Financial Company filed, the Reference Currency field is determined.
If Currency field is filled, based on the Financial Company field, Profit Fee field, Currency field,
Estimate Date field, ExchangeRateType (Costs) field, Rate field and Rate Factor field, the Profit Fee field
expressed in Reference Currency is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 854
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Financial Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field and the Financial Company filed, the Reference Currency field is determined.
Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
2) tpest100.cprj 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
3) tpest100.pfee 3) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Profit Fee field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Profit Fee field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
3) tpest100.cprj 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
4) tpest100.pfee 3) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Profit Fee field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Profit Fee field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpest100.mres Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), ManagementReserve field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpest100.ccur 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Currency field.

Based on the Cur field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tppdm600.ncmp 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Financial Company field.
3) tpest100.cprj 3) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
4) tpest100.mres 4) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), ManagementReserve field.
5) tpest100.ccur 5) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Currency field.
6) tpest100.esdt 6) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Estimate Date field.
7) tpest100.rtpc 7) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), ExchangeRateType (Costs) field.
8) tpest100.rate 8) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Rate field.
9) tpest100.ratf 9) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Rate Factor field.

Based on the Project field and the Financial Company filed, the Reference Currency field is determined.
If Currency field is filled, based on the Financial Company field, Profit Fee field, Currency field,
Estimate Date field, ExchangeRateType (Costs) field, Rate field and Rate Factor field, the ManagementReserve
expressed in Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Financial Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field and the Financial Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpest100.cprj 3) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
4) tpest100.mres 4) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), ManagementReserve field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
The ManagementReserve field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc

Infor April 07, 2020 855

2) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
3) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
4) tpest100.cprj 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) ttppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tpppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
2) tpest100.cprj 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
3) tpest100.mres 3) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), ManagementReserve field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
The ManagementReserve field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpest100.cprj Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tcmcs052.dsca Session General Projects (tcmcs0152s000), Description I field.
tpest100.bdbp Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Sold-to BP field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4500m000), Description field.
2) tpest100.bdbp 2) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Sold-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Sold-to Business Partner field, the Description field is published.
1) tpest110.cpla 1) Session Estimate Structure (tpest1110m000), Plan field.
2) tpest110.stid 2) Session Estimate Structure (tpest1110m000), Structure ID field.
3) tpest110.styp 3) Session Estimate Structure (tpest1110m000), Structure Type field.
4) tpest100.pstr 4) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Structure Data tab, Primary Structure field.
5) tpest100.asta 5) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Structure Data tab, Additional Structure 1 field.
6) tpest100.astb 6) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Structure Data tab, Additional Structure 2 field.
7) tpest100.astc 7) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Structure Data tab, Additional Structure 3 field.
8) tpest100.astd 8) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Structure Data tab, Additional Structure 4 field.
9) tpest100.aste 9) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Structure Data tab, Additional Structure 5 field.
10) tpest100.astf 10) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Structure Data tab, Additional Structure 6 field.
11) tpest100.astg 11) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Structure Data tab, Additional Structure 7 field.
12) tpest100.cprj 12) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
13) tpest100.vers 13) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Version field.

Based on the Project field and the Version field, the Plan field, Structure ID field and Structure Type field are
If the Structure Type field is equal to 'Activity' and
the Structure ID field is equal to the Primary Structure field or
the Structure ID field is equal to the Additional Structure 1 field or
the Structure ID field is equal to the Additional Structure 2 field or
the Structure ID field is equal to the Additional Structure 3 field or
the Structure ID field is equal to the Additional Structure 4 field or
the Structure ID field is equal to the Additional Structure 5 field or
the Structure ID field is equal to the Additional Structure 6 field or
the Structure ID field is equal to the Additional Structure 7 field, the Plan field is published.
1) tpest110.stid 1) Session Estimate Structure (tpest1110m000), Structure ID field.
2) tpest110.styp 2) Session Estimate Structure (tpest1110m000), Structure Type field.
3) tpest100.pstr 3) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Structure Data tab, Primary Structure field.
4) tpest100.asta 4) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Structure Data tab, Additional Structure 1 field.
5) tpest100.astb 5) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Structure Data tab, Additional Structure 2 field.
6) tpest100.astc 6) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Structure Data tab, Additional Structure 3 field.
7) tpest100.astd 7) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Structure Data tab, Additional Structure 4 field.
8) tpest100.aste 8) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Structure Data tab, Additional Structure 5 field.
9) tpest100.astf 9) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Structure Data tab, Additional Structure 6 field.
Infor April 07, 2020 856
10) tpest100.astg 10) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Structure Data tab, Additional Structure 7 field.
11) tpest100.cprj 11) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
12) tpest100.vers 12) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Version field.
13) tpest120.psel 13) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Structure Details tab, Primary Structure Element field.
14) tpest200.asta 14) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Structure Details tab, Structure 1 field.
15) tpest200.astb 15) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Structure Details tab, Structure 2 field.
16) tpest200.astc 16) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Structure Details tab, Structure 3 field.
17) tpest200.astd 17) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Structure Details tab, Structure 4 field.
18) tpest200.aste 18) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Structure Details tab, Structure 5 field.
19) tpest200.astf 19) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Structure Details tab, Structure 6 field.
20) tpest200.astg 20) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Structure Details tab, Structure 7 field.

Based on the Project field and the Version field, the Structure ID field and Structure Type field are determined.
If the Structure Type field is equal to 'Activity',
if the Structure ID field is equal to the Primary Structure field, the Primary Structure Element field is published.
if the Structure ID field is equal to the Additional Structure 1 field, the Structure 1 field is published.
if the Structure ID field is equal to the Additional Structure 2 field, the Structure 2 field is published.
if the Structure ID field is equal to the Additional Structure 3 field, the Structure 3 field is published.
if the Structure ID field is equal to the Additional Structure 4 field, the Structure 4 field is published.
if the Structure ID field is equal to the Additional Structure 5 field, the Structure 5 field is published.
if the Structure ID field is equal to the Additional Structure 6 field, the Structure 6 field is published.
if the Structure ID field is equal to the Additional Structure 7 field, the Structure 7 field is published.
tpest200.etyp Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Estimate Type field.
tpest200.cotp Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Type field.

If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Labor', 'Labor' is published.

If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Materials', 'Material' is published.
If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Equipment', 'Equipment' is published.
If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Subcontracting', 'Subcontracting' is published.
If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Sundry Costs', 'Sundry' is published.
If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Reference Activity', 'Reference Activity' is published.
1) tpest200.scpf 1) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Quantity Details, Scrap % field.
2) tpest200.adjf 2) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Quantity Details, Adjustment Factor field.
3) tpest200.norm 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Quantity Details, Norm field.
4) tpest200.prat 4) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Quantity Details, Production Rate field.

Based on the Scrap % field, the Adjustment Factor field, the Norm field and the Production Rate field, ( 1 +
Scrap % / 100 ) * Adjustment Factor * (Norm / Production Rate) is published.
tpest200.unit Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Unit field.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tpest200.item 2) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Item field.
3) tpest200.scpf 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Quantity Details, Scrap % field.
4) tpest200.adjf 4) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Quantity Details, Adjustment Factor field.
5) tpest200.norm 5) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Quantity Details, Norm field.
6) tpest200.prat 6) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Quantity Details, Production Rate field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

Based on the Scrap % field, the Adjustment Factor field, the Norm field and the Production Rate field, ( 1 +
Scrap % / 100 ) * Adjustment Factor * (Norm / Production Rate) expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tpest200.item 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Item field.
4) tpest200.cotp 4) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Type field.

If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Materials', 'Equipment' or 'Subcontracting', based on the Item field, the ISO
Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
tpest200.quan Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Quantity field.
tpest200.unit Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Unit field.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tpest200.item 2) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Item field.
3) tpest200.quan 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Quantity field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Quantity field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tpest200.item 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Item field.
Infor April 07, 2020 857
4) tpest200.cotp 4) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Type field.

If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Materials', 'Equipment' or 'Subcontracting', based on the Item field, the ISO
Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tpest200.item 1) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Item field.
2) tpest200.cprj 2) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Project field.
3) tpest200.cequ 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Basic Details tab, Cost Object field.
4) tpest200.cotp 4) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Type field.

If the Item field is filled, the Item field is published.

If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Equipment',
- if the combination of the Project field and the Cost Object field exist in session Project Equipment
(tppdm6512m000), the concatenation of the Project field and the Cost Object field is published. Otherwise, the
Cost Object field is published.

If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Subcontracting',

- if the combination of the Project field and the Cost Object field exist in session Project Subcontracting
(tppdm6513m000), the concatenation of the Project field and the Cost Object field is published. Otherwise, the
Cost Object field is published.

If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Reference Activity', the Cost Object field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tpest200.cequ 1) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Basic Details tab, Cost Object field.
2) tpest200.cprj 2) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Project field.
3) tpest200.cotp 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Type field.

If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Labor',

- if the combination of the Project field and the Cost Object field exist in session Project Labor
(tppdm6511m000), the concatenation of the Project field and the Cost Object field is published. Otherwise, the
Cost Object field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tpest200.cequ 1) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Basic Details tab, Cost Object field.
2) tpest200.cprj 2) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Project field.
3) tpest200.cotp 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Type field.

If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Sundry Costs',

- if the combination of the Project field and the Cost Object field exist in session Project Sundry Costs
(tppdm6514m000), the concatenation of the Project field and the Cost Object field is published. Otherwise, the
Cost Object field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tpest200.scpf Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Quantity Details tab, Scrap % field.
tpest200.adjf Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Quantity Details tab, Adjustment Factor field.
1) tppdm600.bdmt 1) Session Project (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Budgeting Method field.
2) tpest200.prat 2) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Quantity Details tab, Production Rate field.
3) tpest200.norm 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Quantity Details tab, Norm field.

If the Budgeting Method is equal to 'Production Rate', the Production Rate field is published. Otherwise, 1
divided by the Norm field is published.
tpest200.clrt Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Labor Rate Code field.
tpest200.pric Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Cost Price field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpest100.ccur 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Currency field.

Based on the Cur field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpest100.cprj 3) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
Infor April 07, 2020 858
4) tpest200.pric 4) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Cost Price field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Cost Price field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tpest100.cprj 3) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
4) tpest200.pric 4) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Cost Price field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
The Cost Price field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
2) tpest100.cprj 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
3) tpest200.pric 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Cost Price field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Cost Price field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
3) tpest100.cprj 3) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the ISO Code field of the Project Currency is published.
Always filled with '1'.
tpest200.unrt Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Cost Price Unit field.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tpest200.item 2) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Item field.
3) tpest200.unrt 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Cost Price Unit field.
4) tpest200.cotp 4) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Type field.

If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Materials', 'Equipment' or 'Subcontracting',

- Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
- The conversion factor between the Cost Price Unit field and the Inventory Unit field is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tpest200.item 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Item field.
4) tpest200.cotp 4) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Type field.

If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Materials', 'Equipment' or 'Subcontracting', based on the Item field, the ISO
Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
tpest200.cosa Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Cost Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpest100.ccur 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Currency field.

Based on the Cur field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpest100.cprj 3) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
4) tpest200.cosa 4) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Cost Amount field.

Infor April 07, 2020 859

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Cost Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
2) tpest100.cprj 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
3) tpest200.cosa 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Cost Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Cost Amount field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
3) tpest100.cprj 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
4) tpest200.cosa 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Cost Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Cost Amount field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpest200.sura Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Surcharge Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpest200.ccur 2) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpest100.cprj 3) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
4) tpest200.sura 4) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Surcharge Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Surcharge Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
2) tpest100.cprj 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
3) tpest200.sura 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Surcharge Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Surcharge Amount field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 860

1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
3) tpest100.cprj 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
4) tpest200.sura 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Surcharge Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Surcharge Amount field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpest200.sper Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Surcharge % field.
tpest200.lcta Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Landed Cost field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpest200.ccur 2) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpest100.cprj 3) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
4) tpest200.lcta 4) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Landed Cost field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Landed Cost field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
2) tpest100.cprj 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
3) tpest200.lcos 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Landed Cost field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Landed Cost field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
2) tpest100.cprj 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
3) tpest200.lcta 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Landed Cost field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Landed Cost field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpest200.esca Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Escalation Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpest200.ccur 2) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpest100.cprj 3) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Infor April 07, 2020 861

4) tpest200.esca 4) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Escalation Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Escalation Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
2) tpest100.cprj 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
3) tpest200.esca 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Escalation Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Escalation Amount field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
3) tpest100.cprj 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
4) tpest200.esca 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Escalation Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Escalation Amount field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpest200.cona Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Contingency Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpest200.ccur 2) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpest100.cprj 3) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
4) tpest200.cona 4) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Contingency Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Contingency Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
2) tpest100.cprj 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
3) tpest200.cona 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Contingency Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Contingency Amount field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Infor April 07, 2020 862

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
3) tpest100.cprj 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
4) tpest200.cona 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Contingency Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Contingency Amount field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpest200.prim Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Pricing Method field.
tpest200.mper Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Markup % field.
tpest200.mara Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Markup Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpest200.ccur 2) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpest100.cprj 3) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
4) tpest200.mara 4) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Markup Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Markup Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
2) tpest100.cprj 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
3) tpest200.mara 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Markup Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Markup Amount field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
3) tpest100.cprj 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
4) tpest200.mara 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Markup Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Markup Amount field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpest200.desa Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Date of Expected Sales field.
tpest200.rats Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Gross Sales Price field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpest200.scur 2) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Currency field.
Infor April 07, 2020 863
Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpest100.cprj 3) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
4) tpest200.rats 4) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Gross Sales Price field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Gross Sales Price field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
2) tpest100.cprj 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
3) tpest200.rats 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Gross Sales Price field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Gross Sales Price field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
3) tpest100.cprj 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
4) tpest200.rats 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Gross Sales Price field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Gross Sales Price field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
Always filled with '1'.
tpest200.unrt Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Rate Unit field.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tpest200.item 2) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Item field.
3) tpest200.unrt 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Rate Unit field.
4) tpest200.cotp 4) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Type field.

If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Materials', 'Equipment' or 'Subcontracting',

- Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.
- The conversion factor between the Rate Unit field and the Inventory Unit field is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tpest200.item 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Item field.
4) tpest200.cotp 4) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Type field.

If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Materials', 'Equipment' or 'Subcontracting', based on the Item field, the ISO
Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
tpest200.gsam Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Gross Sales Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpest200.scur 2) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
Infor April 07, 2020 864
3) tpest100.cprj 3) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
4) tpest200.gsam 4) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Gross Sales Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Gross Sales Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
2) tpest100.cprj 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
3) tpest200.gsam 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Gross Sales Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Gross Sales Amount field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
3) tpest100.cprj 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
4) tpest200.gsam 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Gross Sales Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Gross Sales Amount field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpest200.dper Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Discount % field.
tpest200.disa Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Discount Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpest200.scur 2) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpest100.cprj 3) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
4) tpest200.disa 4) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Discount Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Discount Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
2) tpest100.cprj 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
3) tpest200.disa 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Discount Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Discount Amount field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
Infor April 07, 2020 865
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
3) tpest100.cprj 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
4) tpest200.disa 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Discount Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Discount Amount field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpest200.nspr Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Net Sales Price field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpest200.scur 2) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpest100.cprj 3) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
4) tpest200.nspr 4) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Net Sales Price field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Net Sales Price field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpest100.cprj 3) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
4) tpest200.nspr 4) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Net Sales Price field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
The Net Sales Price field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
3) tpest100.cprj 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
4) tpest200.nspr 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Net Sales Price field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Net Sales Price field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
Always filled with '1'.
tpest200.unrt Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Rate Unit field.
1) tcibd001.cuni 1) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
2) tpest200.item 2) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Item field.
Infor April 07, 2020 866
3) tpest200.unrt 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Rate Unit field.

Based on the Item field, the Inventory Unit is determined.

The Rate Unit field expressed in the Inventory Unit is published.
1) tcmcs001.icun 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcibd001.cuni 2) Session Item General (tcibd0101s000), Inventory Unit field.
3) tpest200.item 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Item field.
4) tpest200.cotp 4) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Type field.

If the Cost Type field is equal to 'Materials', 'Equipment' or 'Subcontracting', based on the Item field, the ISO
Code field of the Inventory Unit is published.
tpest200.nsam Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Net Sales Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpest200.scur 2) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpest100.cprj 3) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
4) tpest200.nsam 4) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Net Sales Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Net Sales Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
2) tpest100.cprj 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
3) tpest200.nsam 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Net Sales Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Net Sales Amount field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
3) tpest100.cprj 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
4) tpest200.nsam 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Net Sales Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Net Sales Amount field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
NA Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Profit % field.
NA Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Profit Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpest200.scur 2) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tppdm600.ncmp 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Financial Company field.
3) tpest200.cprj 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Project field.
4) NA 4) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Profit Amount field.
Infor April 07, 2020 867
5) tpest200.scur 5) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Cur field.
6) tpest200.desa 6) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Date of Expected Sales field.
7) tpest100.rtps 7) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Exchange Rate Type (Sales) field.
8) tpest200.rtcc 8) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Other Details tab, Rate field.
9) tpest200.rtfc 9) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Other Details tab, Rate Factor field.

Based on the Project field and the Financial Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
Based on the Financial Company field, the Profit Amount field, the Cur field, the Date of Expected Sales field,
the Exchange Rate Type (Costs) field, the Rate field, Rate Factor field, the Profit Amount expressed in
Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpest200.cprj 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Project field.
4) NA 4) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Profit Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
The Profit Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
2) tpest200.cprj 2) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Project field.
3) NA 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Sales Details tab, Profit Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
The Profit Amount field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpest200.lcos Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Estimated Cost Amount field
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpest200.ccur 2) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Currency field.

Based on the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpest100.cprj 3) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
4) tpest200.lcos 4) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Estimated Cost Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
The Estimated Cost Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpest100.cprj 3) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
4) tpest200.lcos 4) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Estimated Cost Amount field.

Infor April 07, 2020 868

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
The Estimated Cost Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpest100.cprj 4) Session Estimate Versions (tpest1100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
3) tpest100.cprj 2) Session Estimate Version (tpest1100m000), Project field.
4) tpest200.lcos 3) Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Cost Details tab, Estimated Cost Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Project Currency field is determined.

The Estimated Cost Amount field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpest200.isco Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Estimate Sheet tab, Include in Scope field.

If the Include in Scope field is set, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
tpest200.icos Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Estimate Sheet tab, Include in Cost field.

If the Include in Cost field is set, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
tpest200.isal Session Estimate Lines (tpest2100m000), Estimate Sheet tab, Include in Sales field.

If the Include in Sales field is set, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
tpest200.ffno Not displayed in any session, First Free Number field.

Infor April 07, 2020 869

1) tpptc050.cprj 1) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Project field.
2) tpptc050.cstl 2) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Extension field.

The concatenation of Project field and Extension field is published.

This BOD is published when users Insert or Modify Extensions.

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

tpppc400.cprj Session Control by Project (tpppc4510m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tpptc050.cprj 1) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Project field.
2) tpptc050.cstl 2) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Extension field.

The concatenation of Project field and Extension field is published.

Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
3) tppdm700.lmus 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Project tab, Last Modified by field.
4) tppdm700.crby 4) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Project tab, Created by field.

If the Last Modified by field is filled, based on the Last Modified by field the User field is determined. Otherwise,
based on the Created by field the User field is determined.
Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom001.nama 1) Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
2) tppdm700.lmus 2) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Project tab, Last Modified by field.
3) tppdm700.crby 3) Session Contract Deliverables (tppdm7100m100), Project tab, Created by field.

If the Last Modified by field is filled, based on the Last Modified by field, the Name field is published. Otherwise,
based on the Created by field, the Name field is published.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
tpptc050.desc Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Description field.
tpptc050.txta Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Text field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
tpptc050.cprj Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Project field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tpptc050.ofbp Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Sold-to Business Partner field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tccom100.nama 1) Session Business Partners (tccom4100s000), Name field.
2) tpptc050.ofbp 2) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Sold-to Business Partner field.

Based on the Sold-to Business Partner field, the Name field is published.
tpptc050.stls Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Extension Status field.

If the Extension Status is equal to 'Free', 'Open' is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 870

If the Extension Status is equal to 'Actual' or equal to 'Invoicing Allowed', 'Actual' is published.
If the Extension Status is equal to 'Final', 'Completed' is published.
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tpptc050.cadc 2) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Name field is published.

1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tpptc050.cadc 7) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tpptc050.cadc 2) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the City field is published.

1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tpptc050.cadc 2) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the State/Province field is published.

1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tpptc050.cadc 3) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is published.
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tpptc050.cadc 2) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Address Code field.

Based on the Address Code field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
tpptc050.codt Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Contract Date field.
tpptc050.copr Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Financial tab, Contract Amount field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tpptc050.cpcu 2) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Financial tab, Contract Amount Currency field.

Based on the Contract Amount Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tppdm600.ncmp 2) Session Project (tppdm6100m000), Financial Company field.
3) tpptc050.cprj 3) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Project field.
4) tpptc050.ofbp 4) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Sold-to Business Partner field.
5) tpptc050.copr 5) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Financial tab, Contract Amount field.
6) tpptc050.rtcc 6) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Financial tab, Contract Amount Currency field.
7) tpptc050.rtfc 7) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Financial tab, Contract Amount Rate field.
8) tpptc050.rdat 8) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Financial tab, Contract Amount Rate Factor field.
9) Not displayed in any session, Rate Date field.

Based on the Project field and the Financial Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
Based on the Project field, the Sold-to Business Partner field and the Contract Amount Currency field, the
Currency Rate Type field is determined.
Based on the Financial Company field, Contract Amount field, Contract Amount Currency field, Contract Amount
Rate field, Contract Amount Rate Factor field,
the Contract Amount in Local Currency is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 871
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100m000), Financial Company field.
4) tpptc050.cprj 4) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Project field.

Based on the Project field and the Financial Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.
Based on the Local Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tpptc050.cprj 3) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Project field.
4) tpptc050.copr 4) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Financial tab, Contract Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
The Contract Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tpptc050.cprj 4) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tppdm600.ccur 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
2) tpptc050.cprj 2) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Project field.
3) tpptc050.copr 3) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Financial tab, Contract Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
The Contract Amount field expressed in Project Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.
3) tpptc050.cprj 3) Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the ISO Code field of the Project Currency is published.
tpptc050.stdt Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Start Time field.
tpptc050.fidt Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Finish Time field.
tpptc050.cogs Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Interim Results tab, Costs of Goods Sold field.

If the Costs of Goods Sold field is equal to 'Completed Project', 'Completed Project' is published.
If the Costs of Goods Sold field is equal to 'Profit Percentage', 'Profit Percentage' is published.
If the Costs of Goods Sold field is equal to 'Reimbursement', 'Reimbursement' is published.
tpptc050.revr Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Interim Results tab, Revenue Recognition field.

If the Revenue Recognition field is equal to 'Completed Project', 'Completed' is published.

If the Revenue Recognition field is equal to 'Percentage Complete', 'Percentage' is published.
If the Revenue Recognition field is equal to 'Milestones', 'Milestones' is published.
If the Revenue Recognition field is equal to 'Earned Revenue Factor', 'Earned Factor' is published.
If the Revenue Recognition field is equal to 'Actual Revenues', 'Actual' is published.
tpptc050.pcmp Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Interim Results tab, Percentage Complete field.
tpptc050.creg Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Miscellaneous tab, Geographical Area field.
tpptc050.csec Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Miscellaneous tab, Business Sector field.
tpptc050.ccat Session Extension (tpptc0110s000), Miscellaneous tab, Category field.

Infor April 07, 2020 872

For TP: For TP:
1) tppdm600.tmpl 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Template field.
2) tppdm600.capp 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Capital Project field.
3) tppdm600.intp 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Internal Project field.

If the Template field is set, 'Template' is published.

If the Capital Project field is set, 'Capital' is published.
If the Capital Project field is not set and the Internal Project field is set, 'Internal' is published.
Otherwise, 'Standard' is published.

For PCS:
Always filled with 'Manufacture'.
For TP: For TP:
tppdm600.cprj Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project field.

For PCS: This BOD is published when users;

tipcs020.cprj - Add a new project.
- Change the status of a project to other than 'Free' and there are activities and/or elements for the project.
- Change any field of an activity or element while the status of the project is greater than 'Free'.
- Execute session Publish Project Data (tpbod0200m000) with mode 'Publish' for the ProjectMasterBOD.

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2.1 or later.

For PCS:
Session Projects (tipcs2101m000), Project field.

This BOD is published when users change the Project Status (tipcs2102m000). Only projects of type 'Main
Project', 'Subproject' or 'Single Project' are published.

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2.1 or later.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For TP: For TP:
tppdm600.cprj Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

For PCS: For PCS:

tipcs020.cprj Session Projects (tipcs2101m000), Project field.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For TP: For TP:
tppdm600.ccdt Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Control tab, Control Data Generation Date field.

For PCS:
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
For TP: For TP:
1) tcmcs052.dsca 1) Session General Projects (tcmcs0152s000), Description I field.
2) tppdm600.cprj 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

For PCS: Based on the Project field, the Description I field is published.
1) tcmcs052.dsca
2) tipcs020.cprj For PCS:
1) Session General Projects (tcmcs0152s000), Description I field.
2) Session Projects (tipcs2101m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Description I field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 873
For TP: For TP:
1) tppdm600.cprj 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

The concatenation of 'P' and the Project field is published.

For TP:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For TP:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For TP:
Values 'Text' and 'Discrete' are published.
An address block with text data and an address block with discrete data will be published.
For TP: For TP:
1) tccom130.nama 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Name field.
2) tppdm600.padr 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Address Code Project field.

Based on the Address Code Project field, the Name field is published.
For TP: For TP:
1) tccom130.ln01 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 1 field.
2) tccom130.ln02 2) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 2 field.
3) tccom130.ln03 3) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 3 field.
4) tccom130.ln04 4) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 4 field.
5) tccom130.ln05 5) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 5 field.
6) tccom130.ln06 6) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab, Address Line 6 field.
7) tppdm600.padr 7) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Address Code Project field.

Based on the Address Code Project field, the six Address Lines are published.

One Address Line is published per sequence.

For TP:
Based on the Address Line, the sequence is set with the number of the Address Line field in Session Addresses
(tccom4130s000), Address Lines tab. For example:
For the Address Line 1 field the sequence is set to 1.
For the Address Line 2 field the sequence is set to 2.
For TP: For TP:
1) tccom130.hono 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, House Number field.
2) tppdm600.padr 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Address Code Project field.

Based on the Address Code Project field, the House Number field is published.
For TP: For TP:
1) tccom130.bldg 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Building field.
2) tppdm600.padr 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Address Code Project field.

Based on the Address Code Project field, the Building field is published.
For TP: For TP:
1) tccom130.namc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Street field.
2) tppdm600.padr 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Address Code Project field.

Based on the Address Code Project field, the Street field is published.
For TP: For TP:
1) tccom130.blun 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Unit field.
2) tppdm600.padr 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Address Code Project field.

Based on the Address Code Project field, the Unit field is published.
For TP: For TP:
1) tccom130.blfl 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Floor field.
2) tppdm600.padr 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Address Code Project field.

Based on the Address Code Project field, the Floor field is published.
For TP: For TP:
1) tccom130.pobn 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, P.O. Box Number field.
2) tppdm600.padr 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Address Code Project field.

Infor April 07, 2020 874

Based on the Address Code Project field, the P.O. Box Number field is published.
For TP: For TP:
1) tccom130.dsca 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, City field.
2) tdpdm600.padr 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Address Code Project field.

Based on the Address Code Project field, the City field is published.
For TP: For TP:
1) tccom130.cste 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, State/Province field.
2) tdpdm600.padr 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Address Code Project field.

Based on the Address Code Project field, the State/Province field is published.
For TP: For TP:
1) tccom130.ccty 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Country field.
2) tcmcs010.ict2 2) Session Countries (tcmcs0110s000), ISO Code alpha-2 field.
3) tdpdm600.padr 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Address Code Project field.

Based on the Address Code Project field and the Country field, the ISO Code alpha-2 field of the country is
For TP: For TP:
1) tccom130.pstc 1) Session Addresses (tccom4130s000), General tab, Zip Code/Postal Code field.
2) tdpdm600.padr 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Address Code Project field.

Based on the Address Code Project field, the Zip Code/Postal Code field is published.
For TP: For TP:
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Employee field.
2) tppdm600.user 2) Session Projects (tppdm6500m000), Control tab, User field.
3) tppdm600.pmng 3) Session Projects (tppdm6500m000), Project Manager field.

For PCS: Based on the User field, the Employee field of the employee is published.
For PCS:
Session Projects (tipcs2101m000), Project Employee field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For TP: For TP:
1) tccom140.surn 1) Session Contacts (tccom4140s000), Family Name field.
2) tccom001.emno 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Employee field.

For PCS: Based on the Employee field, the Family Name field is published.
1) tccom001.nama
2) tipcs020.pemp For PCS:
1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.
2) Session Projects (tipcs2101m000), Project Employee field.

Based on the Employee field, the Name field is published.

For PCS: For PCS:
tipcs030.cldt Session Project Details (tipcs2130m000), Planning tab, Actual Closing date field.

If the Start Date field is not filled, nothing is published.

For TP: For TP:
tppdm600.stdt Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Planning tab, Scheduling Start Date field.

For PCS: For PCS:

tipcs030.sdat Session Project Details (tipcs2130m000), Planning tab, Start Date field.
For TP: For TP:
tppdm600.sfdt Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Planning tab, Scheduling Finish Date field.

For PCS: For PCS:

tipcs030.ddat Session Project Details (tipcs2130m000), Planning tab, Completion Date field.
For TP: For TP:
tppdm600.rtyp Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Budget tab, Exchange Rate Type Budget field.

Infor April 07, 2020 875

For TP:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For TP:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For TP:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For TP: For TP:
tppdm600.kodr Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Hierarchy Type field.

For PCS: For PCS:

tipcs020.kopr Session Projects (tipcs2101m000), Project Type field.
For TP: For TP:
tppdm600.psts Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Status field.

For PCS: If the Status field is equal to 'Free', 'Draft' is published.

tipcs030.psts If the Status field is equal to 'Active', 'Open' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Finished', 'Completed' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Closed', 'Closed' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Archived', 'Closed' is published.

For PCS:
Session Project Details (tipcs2130m000), Planning tab, Project Status field.

If the Status field is equal to 'Free', 'Draft' is published.

If the Status field is equal to 'Simulated', 'Draft' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Active', 'Open' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Canceled', 'Deleted' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Finished', 'Completed' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Closed', 'Closed' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'To be Closed', 'Completed' is published.
If the Status field is equal to 'Archived', 'Closed' is published.
For TP: For TP:
tppdm600.psts 1) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Status field.

For PCS: If Status field is equal to 'Archived', 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For PCS:
1) Session Project Details (tipcs2130m000), Planning tab, Project Status field.

If Status field is equal to 'Archived', 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For TP: For TP:
tppdm600.pstf Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Financial tab, Financial Result Status field.
For TP:
Always filled with 'Financial Status'.
For TP:
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
For TP: For TP:
tppdm600.copr Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Contract tab, Contract Amount field.
For TP: For TP:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

The ISO Code field of the Project Currency is published.

For TP: For TP:
1) tcemm170.fcua 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tppdm600.cprj 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.
4) tppdm600.copr 4) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Contract tab, Contract Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Local Currency field is determined.

The Contract Amount field expressed in Local Currency is published.

For TP: For TP:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
Infor April 07, 2020 876
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tppdm600.cprj 4) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
For TP: For TP:
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tcemm170.comp 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
3) tppdm600.cprj 3) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.
4) tppdm600.copr 4) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Contract tab, Contract Amount field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

The Contract Amount field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

For TP: For TP:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tcemm170.comp 3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.
4) tppdm600.cprj 4) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
For TP: For TP:
tppdm600.copr Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Contract tab, Contract Amount field.
For TP: For TP:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

The ISO Code field of the Project Currency is published.

For TP: For TP:
1) tppdm600.cobs 1) Session Project (tppdm6600m400), OBS field.

If the OBS field is filled, 'LNUserDefinedStructure' is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.3 or later.
For TP: For TP:
tppdm600.cobs Session Project (tppdm6600m400), OBS field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.3 or later.

For TP:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For TP:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For TP:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For TP: For TP:
1) tppdm600.ncmp 1) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Financial Company field.
2) tpppc000.cptc 2) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
3) tpppc000.cptf Control field.
4) tpppc000.cpth 3) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Fiscal
5) tppdm600.cstg Period field.
4) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Hours
Control field
5) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Planning tab, Phase field.

For the Financial Company field, the ProjectMaster/UserArea/Property/NameValue is filled with the accounting
entity for the ProjectMasterBOD in the Financial Company and the ProjectMaster/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.TargetAccountingEntity' and ProjectMaster/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is filled with 'NumericType'.

For the Cost Control field, the ProjectMasterUserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with

'ln.CostControlCalendar' and ProjectMaster/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.

For the Fiscal Period field, the ProjectMaster/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with

'ln.FinancialCalendar' and ProjectMaster/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.

Infor April 07, 2020 877

For the Hours Control field, the ProjectMasterUserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled with
'ln.HoursControlCalendar' and ProjectMaster/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'StringType'.

For the Phase field, if the Phase field is filled, the ProjectMasterUserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled
with 'ln.Phase' and ProjectMaster/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'CodeType' and
ProjectMaster/UserArea/Property/NameValue@listID is filled with 'Phase Codes'.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data
For TP: For TP:
tppdm600.mprj Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Main Project field.

For PCS: For PCS:

1) tipcs026.mprj 1) Session Project Structure (tipcs2115m000), Main Project field.
2) tipcs020.cprj 2) Session Projects (tipcs2101m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the Main Project field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For TP: For TP:
1) tcmcs052.dsca 1) Session General Projects (tcmcs0152s000), Description I field.
2) tppdm600.mprj 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Main Project field.

For PCS: Based on the Main Project field, the Description I field is published.
1) tcmcs052.dsca
2) tipcs026.mprj For PCS:
1) Session General Projects (tcmcs0152s000), Description I field.
2) Session Project Structure (tipcs2115m000), Main Project field.

Based on the Main Project field, the Description I field is published.

For TP: For TP:
tppdm600.agty Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Contract tab, Contract Type field.
For TP: For TP:
tppdm600.invm Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Contract tab, Invoice Type field.
For TP: For TP:
tppdm600.hbpc Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Contract tab, Holdback Percentage field.
For TP: For TP:
tppdm600.cogs Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Interim Results tab, Costs of Goods Sold field.
For TP: For TP:
tppdm600.revr Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Interim Results tab, Revenue Recognition field.
For TP: For TP:
1) tppdm600.cpld 1) Session Project (tppdm6600m400), Planning tab, Planning Method field.

For PCS: If the Planning Method field is equal to 'Forward', 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
1) tipcs030.plcd
This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.5.2 or later.

For PCS:
1) Session Project Details (tipcs2130m000), Planning tab, Planning Method field.

If the Planning Method field is equal to 'Forward', 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.5.2 or later.

For TP: For TP:
tppdm600.cpla Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Planning tab, Active Plan field.

For PCS:
Always filled with '1'.
Infor April 07, 2020 878
For TP: For TP:
tppss200.tact Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Activity Type field.

If the Activity Type field is equal to 'WBS Element', 'WBS Element' is published.
If the Activity Type field is equal to 'Control Account', 'Project Cost Account' is published.
If the Activity Type field is equal to 'Planning Package', 'Planning Package' is published.
If the Activity Type field is equal to 'Work Package', 'Working Package' is published.
If the Activity Type field is equal to ''Milestone', 'Milestone' is published.
For TP: For TP:
tppss200.cact Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Activity field.

For PCS: For PCS:

tipcs400.cact Session Activities (tipcs4101m000), Activity field.
For TP: For TP:
tppss200.desc Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Description field.

For PCS: For PCS:

tipcs400.dsca Session Activities (tipcs4101m000), Description field.
For TP: For TP:
tppss200.txta Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Text field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.5.2 or later.

For TP:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about this element.
For TP: For TP:
tppss200.cloc Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Tracking tab, Project Location field.

For PCS: For PCS:

tipcs400.cwoc Session Activities (tipcs4101m000), General tab, Work Center field.
For TP: For TP:
1) tppdm742.desc 1) Session Project Locations (tppdm6136m000), Description field.
2) tppss200.cloc 2) Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Tracking tab, Project Location field.

For PCS: Based on the Project Location field, the Description field is published.
1) tirou001.dsca
2) tipcs400.cwoc For PCS:
1) Session Work Centers (tirou0101m000), General tab, Description field.
2) Session Activities (tipcs4101m000), General tab, Work Center field.

Based on the Work Center field, the Description field is published.

For TP: For TP:
tppss200.cloc Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Tracking tab, Project Location field.

For PCS: For PCS:

tipcs400.cwoc Session Activities (tipcs4101m000), General tab, Work Center field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For TP: For TP:
tppdm742.desc Session Project - Locations (tppdm6136m000), Description field.

For PCS: For PCS:

1) tirou001.dsca 1) Session Work Centers (tirou0101m000), General tab, Description field.
2) tipcs400.cwoc 2) Session Activities (tipcs4101m000), General tab, Work Center field.

Based on the Work Center field, the Description field is published.

For TP: For TP:
1) tppdm600.cobs 1) Session Project (tppdm6600m400), OBS field.

If the OBS field is filled, 'LNUserDefinedStructure' is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.3 or later.
For TP: For TP:
tppdm600.cobs Session Project (tppdm6600m400), OBS field.

Infor April 07, 2020 879

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.3 or later.
For TP:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For TP:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For TP:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For TP: For TP:
tppss200.coel Session Activities (tppss2100m000), OBS Element field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.3 or later.

For TP: For TP:
tppss200.asdt Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Tracking tab, Actual Start Date field.

For PCS: For PCS:

tipcs400.asdt Session Activities (tipcs4101m000), Planning tab, Actual Start Date field.
For TP: For TP:
tppss200.afdt Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Tracking tab, Actual Finish Date field.

For PCS: For PCS:

tipcs400.afdt Session Activities (tipcs4101m000), Planning tab, Actual End Date field.
For TP: For TP:
tppss200.ssdt Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Tracking tab, Scheduled Start Date field.

For PCS: For PCS:

tipcs400.dsdt Session Activities (tipcs4101m000), Planning tab, Desired Start Date field.
For TP: For TP:
tppss200.sfdt Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Tracking tab, Scheduled Finish Date field.

For PCS: For PCS:

tipcs400.dfdt Session Activities (tipcs4101m000), Planning tab, Desired End Date field.
For TP: For TP:
tppss200.esdt Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Planning tab, Earliest Start Date field

For PCS: This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.5.2 or later.
For PCS:
Session Activities (tipcs4101m000), Planning tab, Earliest Start Date field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.5.2 or later.

For TP: For TP:
tppss200.lsdt Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Planning tab, Latest Start Date field

For PCS: This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.5.2 or later.
For PCS:
Session Activities (tipcs4101m000), Planning tab, Latest Start Date field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.5.2 or later.

For TP: For TP:
tppss200.efdt Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Planning tab, Earliest End Date field.

For PCS: This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.5.2 or later.
For PCS:
Session Activities (tipcs4101m000), Planning tab, Earliest End Date field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.5.2 or later.

For TP: For TP:
tppss200.lfdt Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Planning tab, Latest End Date field.

For PCS: This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.5.2 or later.
Infor April 07, 2020 880
For PCS:
Session Activities (tipcs4101m000), Planning tab, Latest End Date field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.5.2 or later.

For TP: For TP:
tppss200.fref Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Planning tab, Free Float field

For PCS: This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.5.2 or later.
For PCS:
Session Activities (tipcs4101m000), Planning tab, Free Float field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.5.2 or later.

For TP: For TP:
tppss200.totf Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Planning tab, Total Float field.

For PCS: This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.5.2 or later.
For PCS:
Session Activities (tipcs4101m000), Planning tab, Total Float field.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.5.2 or later.

For TP: For TP:
tppss200.wast Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Work Authorization Status field.

For PCS: If the Work Authorization Status field is equal to 'Free', 'Free' is published.
1) tipcs030.psts If the Work Authorization Status field is equal to 'On Hold', 'OnHold' is published.
2) tipcs400.pctc If the Work Authorization Status field is equal to 'Released', 'Released' is published.
If the Work Authorization Status field is equal to 'Finished', 'Finished' is published.
If the Work Authorization Status field is equal to 'Closed', 'Closed' is published.

For PCS:
1) Session Project Details (tipcs2130m000), Planning tab, Project Status field.
2) Session Activities (tipcs4101m000), Planning tab, Percentage Completed field.

If the Project Status field is equal to 'Free' or Simulated, 'Free' is published.

If the Project Status field is equal to 'Active' and Percentage Completed < 100, 'Released' is published.
If the Project Status field is equal to 'Active' and Percentage Completed is equal to 100, 'Finished' is published.
If the Project Status field is equal to 'Finished' or 'To be Closed' , 'Finished' is published.
If the Project Status field is equal to 'Closed' or 'Archived' or 'Canceled' , 'Closed' is published.
Always filled with 'Project Work Status'.
For TP: For TP:
tppss200.ohdt Session Activities (tppss2100m000), On Hold Date field.
For TP: For TP:
tppss200.rcod Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Reason Code field.
For TP:
Always filled with 'LN Reasons'.
For TP: For TP:
1) tcmcs005.dsca 1) Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Description field.
2) tppss200.rcod 2) Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Reason Code field.

Based on the Reason Code field, the Description field is published.

For TP: For TP:
tppss200.pcom Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Tracking tab, Schedule Percentage Complete field.

For PCS: For PCS:

tipcs400.pctc Session Activities (tipcs4101m000), Planning tab, Percentage Completed field.
For TP: For TP:
tppss210.pact Session Activity Relationships (tppss2510m000), Predecessor Activity field.
For TP: For TP:
tppss210.pact Session Activity Relationships (tppss2510m000), Predecessor Activity field.

For PCS: For PCS:

tipcs410.pact Session Activity Relationships (tipcs4110m000), Preceding Activity field.
Infor April 07, 2020 881
For TP: For TP:
tppss210.rltp Session Activity Relationships (tppss2510m000), Relationship Type field.

For PCS: If the Relationship Type field is equal to 'Start-to-Start', 'Start to Start' is published.
tipcs410.korl If the Relationship Type field is equal to 'Start-to-Finish', 'Start to Finish' is published.
If the Relationship Type field is equal to 'Finish-to-Start', 'Finish to Start' is published.
If the Relationship Type field is equal to 'Finish-to-Finish', 'Finish to Finish' is published.

For PCS:
Session Activity Relationships (tipcs4110m000), Relationship Type field.

If the Relationship Type field is equal to 'Start-Start', 'Start to Start' is published.

If the Relationship Type field is equal to 'End-Start', 'Finish to Start' is published.
If the Relationship Type field is equal to 'End-End', 'Finish to Finish' is published.
For TP: For TP:
1) tcibd003.conv 1) Session Conversion Factors (tcibd0103s000), Conversion Factor field.
2) tppdm000.ctut 2) Session General Parameters (tppdm0100s000), Unit Code for Hours field.
3) tppss210.cuni 3) Session Activity Relationships (tppss2510m000), Lead/Lag Unit field.
4) tppss210.lead 4) Session Activity Relationships (tppss2510m000), Lead/Lag field.

For PCS: Based on the Unit Code for Hours field and the Lead/Lag Unit field, the Conversion Factor field is determined.
tipcs410.arfl If the Lead/Lag field is negative, the Lead/Lag field times the Conversion Factor field times -1 is published.

For PCS:
Session Activity Relationships (tipcs4110m000), Float Time field (Days).

If the Float Time field is greater or equal to zero, the Float Time field is published.
For TP: For TP:
1) tppss210.llpc 1) Session Activity Relationships (tppss2510m000), Lead/Lag Percent field.

If the Lead/Lag Percent field is negative, the Lead/Lag Percent field is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.5.2 or later.

For TP: For TP:
1) tcibd003.conv 1) Session Conversion Factors (tcibd0103s000), Conversion Factor field.
2) tppdm000.ctut 2) Session General Parameters (tppdm0100s000), Unit Code for Hours field.
3) tppss210.cuni 3) Session Activity Relationships (tppss2510m000), Lead/Lag Unit field.
4) tppss210.lead 4) Session Activity Relationships (tppss2510m000), Lead/Lag field.

For PCS: Based on the Unit Code for Hours field and the Lead/Lag Unit field, the Conversion Factor field is determined.
abs(tipcs410.arfl) If the Lead/Lag field is positive, the Lead/Lag field times the Conversion Factor field is published.

For PCS:
Session Activity Relationships (tipcs4110m000), Float Time field (Days).

If the Float Time field is less than zero, the absolute Float Time field times -1 is published.
For TP: For TP:
1) tppss210.llpc 1) Session Activity Relationships (tppss2510m000), Lead/Lag Percent field.

If the Lead/Lag Percent field is positive, the Lead/Lag Percent field is published.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.5.2 or later.

For TP: For TP:
tppss210.pcot Not displayed in any session, Predecessor Cost Type field.

If the Predecessor Cost Type field is equal to 'Labor', 'Labor' is published.

If the Predecessor Cost Type field is equal to 'Materials', 'Material' is published.
If the Predecessor Cost Type field is equal to 'Equipment', 'Equipment' is published.
If the Predecessor Cost Type field is equal to 'Subcontracting', 'Subcontracting' is published.
If the Predecessor Cost Type field is equal to 'Sundry Costs', 'Sundry' is published.
For TP: For TP:
tppss200.stat Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Budget Status field.

If the Budget Status field is equal to 'Free', 'Free' is published.

If the Budget Status field is equal to 'Actual', 'Actual' is published.
If the Budget Status field is equal to 'Final', 'Final' is published.
For TP:
Always filled with 'Project Budget Status'.
For TP:
Infor April 07, 2020 882
tppss200.tact For TP:
Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Activity Type field.

If the Activity Type field is equal to ''Milestone', 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For TP: For TP:
tppss200.litm Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Work Authorization Status field.
For TP:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For TP:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For TP:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For TP: For TP:
tppss200.lact Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Milestone tab, Linked Activity field.
For TP: For TP:
tppss200.mevl Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Tracking tab, Earned Value Method field.

If the Earned Value Method field is equal to 'Milestone', 'Milestone' is published.

If the Earned Value Method field is equal to 'Start and End Percent',
- for Infor LN 10.4 or earlier 'Start and End Percent' is published. Otherwise, 'StartandEndPercent' is published.
If the Earned Value Method field is equal to 'Percent Completed',
- for Infor LN 10.4 or earlier 'Percent Complete' is published. Otherwise, 'PercentCompleted' is published.
If the Earned Value Method field is equal to 'Effort Level',
- for Infor LN 10.4 or earlier 'Effort Level' is published. Otherwise, 'EffortLevel' is published.
If the Earned Value Method field is equal to 'Apportioned', 'Apportioned' is published.
For TP:
Always filled with 'Earned Value Methods'.
For TP: For TP:
1) tppss010.tpac 1) Session Plans (tppss1510m000), Top Activity field.
2) tppss200.cprj 2) Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Project field.
3) tppss200.cpla 3) Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Plan field.
4) tppss200.cact 4) Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Activity field.

For PCS: Based on the Project field and the Plan field, the Top Activity field is determined.
1) tipcs026.sact If the Activity field is equal to the Top Activity field, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
2) tipcs020.cprj
3) tipcs400.cact For PCS:
1) Session Project Structure (tipcs2115m000), Start Activity field.
2) Session Projects (tipcs2101m000), Project field.
3) Session Activities (tipcs4101m000), Activity field.

Based on the Project field, the Start Activity field is determined.

If the Start Activity field is equal to the Activity field, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For TP: For TP:
tppss200.cuni Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Unit field.
For TP: For TP:
1) tppss200.prst 1) Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Tracking tab, Start Percentage field.
2) tppss200.prnd 2) Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Tracking tab, End Percentage field.
3) tppss200.prms 3) Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Tracking tab, Milestone Percentage field.
4) tppss200.cctr 4) Session Activities (tppss2100m000), Cost Control field.

For PCS: For the Start Percentage field, the ProjectMaster/ProjectPlan/ProjectActivity/UserArea/Property/

1) tipcs400.tano NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.StartPercent' and ProjectMaster/ProjectPlan/ProjectActivity/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'NumericType'.

For the End Percentage field, the ProjectMaster/ProjectPlan/ProjectActivity/UserArea/Property/

NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.EndPercent' and ProjectMaster/ProjectPlan/ProjectActivity/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'NumericType'.

For the Milestone Percentage field, the ProjectMaster/ProjectPlan/ProjectActivity/UserArea/Property/

NameValue@name is filled with 'ln.MilestonePercent' and ProjectMaster/ProjectPlan/ProjectActivity/UserArea/
Property/NameValue@type is filled with 'NumericType'.

For the Cost Control field, the ProjectMaster/ProjectPlan/ProjectActivity/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name

is filled with 'ln.CostControlIndicator' and ProjectMaster/ProjectPlan/ProjectActivity/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.

Infor April 07, 2020 883

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.

The Property 'ln.CostControlIndicator' is avaliable for Infor LN 10.5.1 or later.

For PCS:
1) Session Activities (tipcs4101m000), Task field.

For the Task field, the ProjectMaster/ProjectPlan/ProjectActivity/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name is filled

with 'ln.Task', the ProjectMaster/ProjectPlan/ProjectActivity/UserArea/Property/NameValue@type is filled with
'CodeType', the ProjectMaster/ProjectPlan/ProjectActivity/UserArea/Property/NameValue@ListID is filled with
'Process Codes' and the ProjectMaster/ProjectPlan/ProjectActivity/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@accountingEntity is filled with the accountingEntity of the CodeDefintionBOD for listID 'Process

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.5 or later.

UserArea may contain multiple instances for UserArea/Property/NameValue.

Data elements in the UserArea may be temporary. In future, some elements may be replaced by normal data
For TP: For TP:
tpptc100.cspa Session Elements (tppptc1100s000), Element field.
For TP: For TP:
tpptc100.desc Session Elements (tppptc1100s000), Description field.
For TP: For TP:
tpptc100.stdt Session Elements (tppptc1100s000), Start Time field.
For TP: For TP:
tpptc100.dldt Session Elements (tppptc1100s000), Finish Time field.
For TP: For TP:
tpptc100.stat Session Elements (tppptc1100s000), Budget Status field.

If the Budget Status field is equal to 'Free', 'Free' is published.

If the Budget Status field is equal to 'Actual', 'Actual' is published.
If the Budget Status field is equal to 'Final', 'Final' is published.
For TP:
Always filled with 'Project Budget Status'.
For TP: For TP:
tpptc100.wast Session Elements (tppptc1100s000), Work Authorization Status field.

If the Work Authorization Status field is equal to 'Free', 'Free' is published.

If the Work Authorization Status field is equal to 'On Hold', 'OnHold' is published.
If the Work Authorization Status field is equal to 'Released', 'Released' is published.
If the Work Authorization Status field is equal to 'Finished', 'Finished' is published.
If the Work Authorization Status field is equal to 'Closed', 'Closed' is published.
For TP:
Always filled with 'Project Work Status'.
For TP: For TP:
tpptc100.ohdt Session Elements (tppptc1100s000), On Hold Date field.
For TP: For TP:
tpptc100.rcod Session Elements (tppptc1100s000), Reason Code field
For TP:
Always filled with 'LN Reasons'.
For TP:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For TP: For TP:
1) tcmcs005.dsca 1) Session Reasons (tcmcs0105m000), Description field.
2) tpptc100.rcod 2) Session Elements (tppptc1100s000), Reason Code field

Based on the Reason Code field, the Description field is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 884
For TP: For TP:
tpptc101.cspp Session Element Relationship (tppptc1105s000), Element field
For TP: For TP:
tpptc101.cpla Session Element Relationship (tppptc1105s000), Child Activity Plan field.
For TP: For TP:
tpptc101.cact Session Element Relationship (tppptc1105s000), Child Activity field.
For TP: For TP:
tpptc100.cuni Session Elements (tpptc1100s000), Unit field.
For TP: For TP:
1) tpptc100.cctr 1) Session Elements (tpptc1100s000), Cost Control field

For the Cost Control field, the ProjectMaster/ProjectPlan/ProjectActivity/UserArea/Property/NameValue@name

is filled with 'ln.CostControlIndicator' and ProjectMaster/ProjectPlan/ProjectActivity/UserArea/Property/
NameValue@type is filled with 'IndicatorType'.

This BOD element is available for Infor LN 10.5.1 or later.

For TP: For TP:
tppss020.basn Session Baselines (tppss0520m000), Baseline field.
For TP: For TP:
tppss020.dsca Session Baselines (tppss0520m000), Description field.
For TP:
Always filled with 'Open'.
For TP: For TP:
tppss020.apdt Session Baselines (tppss0520m000), Approval Date field.
For TP: For TP:
tppss020.dbsn Session Baselines (tppss0520m000), Derived from Baseline field.
For TP: For TP:
tppss020.crdt Session Baselines (tppss0520m000), Creation Date field.
For TP: For TP:
tppss020.crdt Session Baselines (tppss0520m000), Date of Last Update field.
For TP: For TP:
tppss220.cact Session Activity Baseline (tppss2120m000), Activity field.
For TP: For TP:
tppss220.bsdt Session Activity Baseline (tppss2120m000), Baseline Start date field.
For TP: For TP:
tppss220.bfdt Session Activity Baseline (tppss2120m000), Baseline Finish date field.
For TP: For TP:
tppdm600.creg Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Miscellaneous tab, Geographical Area field.
For TP:
Always filled with 'Geographic Areas'.
For TP:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For TP: For TP:
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Project Currency field.

For PCS: Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc
2) tcemm170.fcua For PCS:
3) tcemm170.comp 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Local Currency field.
3) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Company field.

Based on the current company, the Company field for the financial company is determined.
Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Local Currency is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 885
For TP:
Always filled with 'Currency'.
For TP: For TP:
tppdm600.csec Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Miscellaneous tab, Business Sector field.
For TP:
Always filled with 'Business Sectors'.
For TP:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For TP: For TP:
tppdm600.ccam Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Miscellaneous tab, Acquiring Method field.
For TP:
Always filled with 'Project Acquiring Methods'.
For TP:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For TP: For TP:
tppdm600.cfac Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Miscellaneous tab, Financing Method field.
For TP:
Always filled with 'Financing Methods'.
For TP:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For TP: For TP:
tppdm600.ccat Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Miscellaneous tab, Category field.
For TP:
Always filled with 'Project Categories'.
For TP:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For TP: For TP:
tppdm600.ccot Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Miscellaneous tab, Group field.
For TP:
Always filled with 'Project Groups'.
For TP:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For TP: For TP:
tppdm600.prgm Session Projects (tppdm6100m000), Program field.
For TP:
Always filled with 'Project Programs'.
For TP:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For TP: For TP:
tpctm110.cono Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract field.
For TP: For TP:
1) tpctm110.cofc 1) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Sales Office field.
2) tpctm110.cnln 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract Line field
3) tppdm600.cprj 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project field.

Based on the Project field and the Contract Line field, the Sales Office field is determined.
Based on the Sales Office field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For TP: For TP:
1) tpctm110.cofc 1) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Sales Office field.
2) tpctm110.cnln 2) Session Contract Lines (tpctm1110m000), Contract Line field
3) tppdm600.cprj 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), Project field.

Based on the Project field and the Contract Line field, the Sales Office field is determined.
Infor April 07, 2020 886
Based on the Sales Office field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For TP:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 887

1) tpppc540.cprj 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab, Project field.
2) tpppc540.year 2) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab, first column Cost
3) tpppc540.peri Period.
3) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab, second column
Cost Period field.

The concatenation of Project field, first column Cost Period field, second column Cost Period field is published.

This BOD is only published via session Publish Project Data (tpbod0200m000).

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

tpppc540.cprj Session Performance Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tpppc540.cprj Session Performance Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tpppc540.cprj 1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab, Project field.
2) tpppc540.year 2) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab, first column Cost
3) tpppc540.peri Period.
3) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab, second column
Cost Period field.

The concatenation of Project field, first column Cost Period field, second column Cost Period field is published.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

tpppc500.datt Session Performance-Measurement Generate Codes (tpppc5500m000), Date to field.
Always filled with '1'.
tpppc540.aswt(1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab, Planned Value field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6500m000), General tab, General group, Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpppc540.aswt(2) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab, Planned Value field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.

Based on the Financial Company field and the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tppdm600.ncmp 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.
3) tpppc540.aswt(1) 3) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab, Planned Value

Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

Infor April 07, 2020 888

- The Planned Value field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.

Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
tpppc540.aswt(1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab, Planned Value field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6500m000), General tab, General group, Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpppc540.aact(1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Excl.Commitments tab, Actuals field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6500m000), General tab, General group, Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpppc540.aact(2) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Excl.Commitments tab, Actuals field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.

Based on the Financial Company field and the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tppdm600.ncmp 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.
3) tpppc540.aact(1) 3) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Excl.Commitments tab, Actuals field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

- The Planned Value field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.

Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
tpppc540.aact(1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Excl.Commitments tab, Actuals field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6500m000), General tab, General group, Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpppc540.apet(1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab, Earned Value field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6500m000), General tab, General group, Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpppc540.apet(2) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab, Earned Value field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.

Based on the Financial Company field and the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tppdm600.ncmp 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.
3) tpppc540.apet(1) 3) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab, Earned Value

Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

- The Planned Value field expressed in Reference Currency is published.


Infor April 07, 2020 889

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.

Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
tpppc540.apet(1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab, Earned Value field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6500m000), General tab, General group, Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc000.lfcm(1) 1) Session PPC Parameters (tpppc0100s000), General tab, Costs and Commitments group, Leading Forecast
2) tpppc000.cmif(1) Method field.
3) tpppc540.apet(1) 2) Session PPC Parameters (tpppc0100s000), General tab, Costs and Commitments group, Use Commitments
4) tpppc540.aact(1) as Basis for Forecast field.
5) tpppc540.acot(1) 3) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab, Earned Value
6) tpppc540.abac(1) field.
7) tpppc540.aeac(1) 4) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Excl.Commitments tab, Actuals field.
5) Amount Commitments Cum. field is not visible on screen.
6) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, BAC field.
7) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, EAC field.

If Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimated Extra Costs' and Use Commitments as Basis for
Forecast field is checked, Earned Value field minus Actuals field plus Amount Commitments Cum. field minus
EAC field is published.
If Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimated Extra Costs' and Use Commitments as Basis for
Forecast field is not checked, Earned Value field minus Actuals field minus EAC field is published.
If Leading Forecast Method field is not 'Estimated Extra Costs', BAC field minus EAC field is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6500m000), General tab, General group, Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc000.lfcm 1) Session PPC Parameters (tpppc0100s000), General tab, Costs and Commitments group, Leading Forecast
2) tpppc000.cmif Method field.
3) tpppc540.apet 2) Session PPC Parameters (tpppc0100s000), General tab, Costs and Commitments group, Use Commitments
4) tpppc540.aact as Basis for Forecast field.
5) tpppc540.acot 3) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab, Earned Value
6) tpppc540.abac field.
7) tpppc540.aeac 4) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Excl.Commitments tab, Actuals field.
5) Amount Commitments Cum. field is not visible on screen.
6) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, BAC field.
7) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, EAC field.

If Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimated Extra Costs' and Use Commitments as Basis for
Forecast field is checked, Earned Value field minus Actuals field plus Amount Commitments Cum. field minus
EAC field is published.
If Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimated Extra Costs' and Use Commitments as Basis for
Forecast field is not checked, Earned Value field minus Actuals field minus EAC field is published.
If Leading Forecast Method field is not 'Estimated Extra Costs', BAC field minus EAC field is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.

Based on the Financial Company field and the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tppdm600.ncmp 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.
3) tpppc000.lfcm(1) 3) Session PPC Parameters (tpppc0100s000), General tab, Costs and Commitments group, Leading Forecast
4) tpppc000.cmif(1) Method field.
5) tpppc540.apet(1) 4) Session PPC Parameters (tpppc0100s000), General tab, Costs and Commitments group, Use Commitments
6) tpppc540.aact(1) as Basis for Forecast field.
7) tpppc540.acot(1) 5) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab, Earned Value
8) tpppc540.abac(1) field.
9) tpppc540.aeac(1) 6) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Excl.Commitments tab, Actuals field.
7) Amount Commitments Cum. field is not visible on screen.
8) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, BAC field.
9) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, EAC field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

If Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimated Extra Costs' and Use Commitments as Basis for
Forecast field is checked, Earned Value field minus Actuals field plus Amount Commitments Cum. field minus

Infor April 07, 2020 890

EAC field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
If Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimated Extra Costs' and Use Commitments as Basis for
Forecast field is not checked, Earned Value field minus Actuals field minus EAC field expressed in Reference
Currency is published.
If Leading Forecast Method field is not 'Estimated Extra Costs', BAC field minus EAC field expressed in
Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.

Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tpppc000.lfcm(1) 1) Session PPC Parameters (tpppc0100s000), General tab, Costs and Commitments group, Leading Forecast
2) tpppc000.cmif(1) Method field.
3) tpppc540.apet(1) 2) Session PPC Parameters (tpppc0100s000), General tab, Costs and Commitments group, Use Commitments
4) tpppc540.aact(1) as Basis for Forecast field.
5) tpppc540.acot(1) 3) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab, Earned Value
6) tpppc540.abac(1) field.
7) tpppc540.aeac(1) 4) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Excl.Commitments tab, Actuals field.
5) Amount Commitments Cum. field is not visible on screen.
6) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, BAC field.
7) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, EAC field.

If Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimated Extra Costs' and Use Commitments as Basis for
Forecast field is checked, Earned Value field minus Actuals field plus Amount Commitments Cum. field minus
EAC field is published.
If Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimated Extra Costs' and Use Commitments as Basis for
Forecast field is not checked, Earned Value field minus Actuals field minus EAC field is published.
If Leading Forecast Method field is not 'Estimated Extra Costs', BAC field minus EAC field is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6500m000), General tab, General group, Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpppc540.abac(1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, BAC field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6500m000), General tab, General group, Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpppc540.abac(2) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, BAC field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.

Based on the Financial Company field and the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tppdm600.ncmp 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.
3) tpppc540.abac(1) 3) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, BAC field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

- The Planned Value field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.

Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
tpppc540.abac(1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, BAC field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6500m000), General tab, General group, Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpppc540.aeac(1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, EAC field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6500m000), General tab, General group, Project Currency field.

Infor April 07, 2020 891

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpppc540.aeac(2) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, EAC field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.

Based on the Financial Company field and the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tppdm600.ncmp 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.
3) tpppc540.aeac(1) 3) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, EAC field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

- The Planned Value field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.

Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
tpppc540.aeac(1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), At Completion tab, EAC field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6500m000), General tab, General group, Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpppc540.acot(1) Amount Commitments Cum. field is not visible on screen.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6500m000), General tab, General group, Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpppc540.acot(2) Amount Commitments Cum. field is not visible on screen.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.

Based on the Financial Company field and the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tppdm600.ncmp 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.
3) tpppc540.acot(1) 3) Amount Commitments Cum. field is not visible on screen.

Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

- The Planned Value field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.

Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
tpppc540.acot(1) Amount Commitments Cum. field is not visible on screen.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6500m000), General tab, General group, Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpppc500.datt Session Performance-Measurement Generate Codes (tpppc5500m000), first column Date to field.
tpppc541.cact Session Performance Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab, Activity
Always filled with '1'.

Infor April 07, 2020 892

tpppc541.cotp Session Performance Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab, Cost
Type field.
tpppc541.aswt(1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab, Planned
Value field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6500m000), General tab, General group, Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpppc541.aswt(2) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab, Planned
Value field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.

Based on the Financial Company field and the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tppdm600.ncmp 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.
3) tpppc541.aswt(1) 3) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab,
Planned Value field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

- The Planned Value field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.

Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
tpppc541.aswt(1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab, Planned
Value field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6500m000), General tab, General group, Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpppc541.aact(1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Cum.Excl.Commitments tab, Actuals
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6500m000), General tab, General group, Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpppc541.aact(2) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Cum.Excl.Commitments tab, Actuals
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.

Based on the Financial Company field and the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tppdm600.ncmp 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.
3) tpppc541.aact(1) 3) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Cum.Excl.Commitments tab,
Actuals field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

- The Planned Value field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.

Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 893
tpppc541.aact(1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Cum.Excl.Commitments tab, Actuals
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6500m000), General tab, General group, Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpppc541.apet(1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab, Earned
Value field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6500m000), General tab, General group, Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpppc541.apet(2) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab, Earned
Value field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.

Based on the Financial Company field and the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tppdm600.ncmp 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.
3) tpppc541.apet(1) 3) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab,
Earned Value field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.
- The Planned Value field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.

Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
tpppc541.apet(1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab, Earned
Value field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6500m000), General tab, General group, Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc000.lfcm(1) 1) Session PPC Parameters (tpppc0100s000), General tab, Costs and Commitments group, Leading Forecast
2) tpppc000.cmif(1) Method field.
3) tpppc541.apet(1) 2) Session PPC Parameters (tpppc0100s000), General tab, Costs and Commitments group, Use Commitments
4) tpppc541.aact(1) as Basis for Forecast field.
5) tpppc541.acot(1) 3) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab,
6) tpppc541.abac(1) Earned Value field.
7) tpppc541.aeac(1) 4) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Cum.Excl.Commitments tab,
Actuals field.
5) Amount Commitments Cum. field is not visible on screen.
6) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), At Completion tab, BAC field.
7) Session Performance-Measurement Activity Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), At Completion tab, EAC

If Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimated Extra Costs' and Use Commitments as Basis for
Forecast field is checked, Earned Value field minus Actuals field plus Amount Commitments Cum. field minus
EAC field is published.
If Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimated Extra Costs' and Use Commitments as Basis for
Forecast field is not checked, Earned Value field minus Actuals field minus EAC field is published.
If Leading Forecast Method field is not 'Estimated Extra Costs', BAC field minus EAC field is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6500m000), General tab, General group, Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tpppc000.lfcm 1) Session PPC Parameters (tpppc0100s000), General tab, Costs and Commitments group, Leading Forecast
2) tpppc000.cmif Method field.
3) tpppc541.apet 2) Session PPC Parameters (tpppc0100s000), General tab, Costs and Commitments group, Use Commitments
4) tpppc541.aact as Basis for Forecast field.
Infor April 07, 2020 894
5) tpppc541.acot 3) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab,
6) tpppc541.abac Earned Value field.
7) tpppc541.aeac 4) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Cum.Excl.Commitments tab,
Actuals field.
5) Amount Commitments Cum. field is not visible on screen.
6) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), At Completion tab, BAC field.
7) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), At Completion tab, EAC field.

If Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimated Extra Costs' and Use Commitments as Basis for
Forecast field is checked, Earned Value field minus Actuals field plus Amount Commitments Cum. field minus
EAC field is published.
If Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimated Extra Costs' and Use Commitments as Basis for
Forecast field is not checked, Earned Value field minus Actuals field minus EAC field is published.
If Leading Forecast Method feels is not 'Estimated Extra Costs', BAC field minus EAC field is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.

Based on the Financial Company field and the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tppdm600.ncmp 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.
3) tpppc000.lfcm(1) 3) Session PPC Parameters (tpppc0100s000), General tab, Costs and Commitments group, Leading Forecast
4) tpppc000.cmif(1) Method field.
5) tpppc541.apet(1) 4) Session PPC Parameters (tpppc0100s000), General tab, Costs and Commitments group, Use Commitments
6) tpppc541.aact(1) as Basis for Forecast field.
7) tpppc541.acot(1) 5) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab,
8) tpppc541.abac(1) Earned Value field.
9) tpppc541.aeac(1) 6) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Cum.Excl.Commitments tab,
Actuals field.
7) Amount Commitments Cum. field is not visible on screen.
8) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), At Completion tab, BAC field.
9) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), At Completion tab, EAC field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

If Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimated Extra Costs' and Use Commitments as Basis for
Forecast field is checked, Earned Value field minus Actuals field plus Amount Commitments Cum. field minus
EAC field expressed in Reference Currency is published.
If Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimated Extra Costs' and Use Commitments as Basis for
Forecast field is not checked, Earned Value field minus Actuals field minus EAC field expressed in Reference
Currency is published.
If Leading Forecast Method field is not 'Estimated Extra Costs', BAC field minus EAC field expressed in
Reference Currency is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.

Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
1) tpppc000.lfcm(1) 1) Session PPC Parameters (tpppc0100s000), General tab, Costs and Commitments group, Leading Forecast
2) tpppc000.cmif(1) Method field.
3) tpppc541.apet(1) 2) Session PPC Parameters (tpppc0100s000), General tab, Costs and Commitments group, Use Commitments
4) tpppc541.aact(1) as Basis for Forecast field.
5) tpppc541.acot(1) 3) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab,
6) tpppc541.abac(1) Earned Value field.
7) tpppc541.aeac(1) 4) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), Cum.Excl.Commitments tab,
Actuals field.
5) Amount Commitments Cum. field is not visible on screen.
6) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), At Completion tab, BAC field.
7) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), At Completion tab, EAC field.

If Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimated Extra Costs' and Use Commitments as Basis for
Forecast field is checked, Earned Value field minus Actuals field plus Amount Commitments Cum. field minus
EAC field is published.
If Leading Forecast Method field is equal to 'Estimated Extra Costs' and Use Commitments as Basis for
Forecast field is not checked, Earned Value field minus Actuals field minus EAC field is published.
If Leading Forecast Method field is not 'Estimated Extra Costs', BAC field minus EAC field is published.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6500m000), General tab, General group, Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpppc541.abac(1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), At Completion tab, BAC field.
Infor April 07, 2020 895
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6500m000), General tab, General group, Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpppc541.abac(2) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), At Completion tab, BAC field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.

Based on the Financial Company field and the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tppdm600.ncmp 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.
3) tpppc541.abac(1) 3) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), At Completion tab, BAC field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

- The Planned Value field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.

Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
tpppc541.abac(1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), At Completion tab, BAC field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6500m000), General tab, General group, Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpppc541.aeac(1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), At Completion tab, EAC field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6500m000), General tab, General group, Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpppc541.aeac(2) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), At Completion tab, EAC field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.

Based on the Financial Company field and the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tppdm600.ncmp 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.
3) tpppc540.aeac(1) 3) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), At Completion tab, EAC field.

Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

- The Planned Value field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.

Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
tpppc541.aeac(1) Session Performance-Measurement Activity/Cost Type (tpppc5541m000), At Completion tab, EAC field.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6500m000), General tab, General group, Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpppc541.acot(1) Amount Commitments Cum. field is not visible on screen.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6500m000), General tab, General group, Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 896

tpppc540.acot(2) Amount Commitments Cum. field is not visible on screen.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.fcua 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Currencies tab, Local group, Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.

Based on the Financial Company field and the Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
1) tcemm170.lcur 1) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
2) tppdm600.ncmp 2) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.
3) tpppc541.acot(1) 3) Amount Commitments Cum. field is not visible on screen.

Based on the Financial Company field, the Reference Currency field is determined.

- The Planned Value field expressed in Reference Currency is published.

1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tcemm170.lcur 2) Session Companies (tcemm1170m000), Reference Currency field.
3) tppdm600.ncmp 3) Session Project (tppdm6100s000), General tab, Financial Company field.

Based on the Company field, the ISO Code field of the Reference Currency is published.
tpppc541.acot(1) Amount Commitments Cum. field is not visible on screen.
1) tcmcs002.iccc 1) Session Currencies (tcmcs0102m000), ISO Code field.
2) tppdm600.ccur 2) Session Project (tppdm6500m000), General tab, General group, Project Currency field.

Based on the Project Currency field, the ISO Code field of the currency is published.
tpppc500.datt Session Performance-Measurement Generate Codes (tpppc5500m000), Date to field.

Date of Date to field is published.

tpppc540.cprj Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Project field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tpppc540.cptc Period Table Cost Control field is not visible on screen.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tcccp060.dsca 1) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Description field.
2) tpppc540.peri 2) Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab, Cost Period field,
second column.

Based on the Cost Period field, the Description field is published.

tpppc540.peri Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab, Cost Period field,
second column.
tpppc540.year Session Performance-Measurement Activity (tpppc5540m000), Cum.Incl.Commitments tab, Cost Period field,
first column.

Infor April 07, 2020 897

For Activity: For Activity:
1) tpppc160.cprj 1) Session Activity Physical Progress (tpppc1160s000), Project field.
2) tpppc160.cpla 2) Not displayed in session, Plan field.
3) tpppc160.cact 3) Session Activity Physical Progress (tpppc1160s000), Activity field.
4) tpppc160.date 4) Session Activity Physical Progress, Date field.

For Element: The concatenation of '160', the Project field, the Plan field, the Activity field and the Date field is published.
1) tpppc150.cprj
2) tpppc150.cspa This BOD is published when users add, change or delete an Activity Physical Progress record.
3) tpppc150.date
This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2 or later.

For Element:
1) Session Element Physical Progress (tpppc1550m000), Project field.
2) Session Element Physical Progress (tpppc1550m000), Element field.
4) Session Element Physical Progress (tpppc1550m000), Date field.

The concatenation of '150', the Project field, the Element field, and the Date field is published.

This BOD is published when users add, change or delete an Element Physical Progress record.

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.

tppdm600.cprj Session Projects (tppdm1600m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
tppdm600.cprj Session Projects (tppdm1600m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For Activity: For Activity:
1) tpppc160.cprj 1) Session Activity Physical Progress (tpppc1160s000), Project field.
2) tpppc160.cact 2) Session Activity Physical Progress (tpppc1160s000), Activity field.
3) tpppc160.date 3) Session Activity Physical Progress, Date field.

For Element: The concatenation of the Project field, the Plan field, the Activity field, the Date field and 'tpppc160' is published.
1) tpppc150.cprj
2) tpppc150.cspa For Element:
3) tpppc150.date 1) Session Element Physical Progress (tpppc1550m000), Project field.
2) Session Element Physical Progress (tpppc1550m000), Element field.
3) Session Element Physical Progress (tpppc1550m000), Date field.

The concatenation of the Project field, the Element field and the Date field is published.
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For Activity: For Activity:
tpppc160.date Session Activity Physical Progress (tpppc1160s000), Date field.

For Element: For Element:

tpppc150.date Session Element Physical Progress (tpppc1550m000), Date field.
For Activity: For Activity:
tpppc160.cprj Session Activity Physical Progress (tpppc1160s000), Project field.

For Element: For Element:

tpppc150.cprj Session Element Physical Progress (tpppc1550m000), Project field.
Infor April 07, 2020 898
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
Always filled with '1'.
For Activity: For Activity:
tppc160.cact Not displayed in any session, Plan field.
For Activity: For Activity:
tpppc160.cact Session Activity Physical Progress (tpppc1160s000), Activity field.
For Element: For Element:
cprrp150.cspa Session Element Physical Progress (tpppc1550m000), Element field.
For Element: For Element:
tpppc150.cspa Session Element Physical Progress (tpppc1550m000), Element field.
If the Project Progress object is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
Otherwise, 'Open' is published.
For Activity:
If the Project Progress object is deleted, 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For Element:
If the Project Progress Element object is deleted, 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For Activity: For Activity:
tpppc160.date Session Activity Physical Progress (tpppc1160s000), Date field.

For Element: For Element:

tpppc150.date Session Element Physical Progress (tpppc1550m000), Date field.
tpppc000.cptc Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Code Period Table for Cost Control field.

The concatenation of 'C' and the Code Period Table for Cost Control field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tpppc000.cptc 1) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
2) tcccp060.dsca Control field.
2) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Period Table Code field, Description part.

Based on the Code period Table for Fiscal Period field, the Description field is determined.
For Activity: For Activity:
1) tpppc000.cptc 1) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Code Period Table for Cost Control field.
2) tpppc160.date 2) Session Activity Physical Progress (tpppc1160s000), Date field.
3) tcccp070.cpdt 3) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Table Code field.
4) tcccp070.stdt 4) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Start Date field.
5) tcccp070.endt 5) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), End Date field.
6) tcccp070.peri 6) Session periods (tcccp0170m000), Period field.

For Element: Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field, the Date field, the Period Table Code field, the Start
1) tpppc000.cptc Date field and the End date field, the Period field is determined.
2) tpppc150.date
3) tcccp070.cpdt For Element:
4) tcccp070.stdt 1) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Code Period Table for Cost Control field.
5) tcccp070.endt 2) Session Element Physical Progress (tpppc1550m000), Date field.
6) tcccp070.peri 3) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Table Code field.
4) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Start Date field.
5) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), End Date field.
6) Session periods (tcccp0170m000), Period field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field, the Date field, the Period Table Code field, the Start
Date field and the End date field, the Period field is determined.
For Activity:

Infor April 07, 2020 899

1) tpppc000.cptc For Activity:
2) tpppc160.date 1) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Code Period Table for Cost Control field.
3) tcccp070.cpdt 2) Session Activity Physical Progress (tpppc1160s000), Date field.
4) tcccp070.stdt 3) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Table Code field.
5) tcccp070.endt 4) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Start Date field.
6) tcccp070.year 5) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), End Date field.
6) Session periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
For Element:
1) tpppc000.cptc Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field, the Date field, the Period Table Code field, the Start
2) tpppc150.date Date field and the End date field, the Year field is determined.
3) tcccp070.cpdt
4) tcccp070.stdt For Element:
5) tcccp070.endt 1) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Code Period Table for Cost Control field.
6) tcccp070.year 2) Session Element Physical Progress (tpppc1550m000), Date field.
3) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Table Code field.
4) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Start Date field.
5) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), End Date field.
6) Session periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field, the Date field, the Period Table Code field, the Start
Date field and the End date field, the Year field is determined.
tpppc000.cptc Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Code Period Table for Cost Control field.

The concatenation of 'C' and the Code Period Table for Cost Control field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tpppc000.cptf 1) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Fiscal
2) tcccp060.dsca Period field.
2) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Period Table Code field, Description part.

Based on the Code period Table for Fiscal Period field, the Description field is determined.
For Activity: For Activity:
1) tpppc000.cptf 1) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field.
2) tpppc160.date 2) Session Activity Physical Progress (tpppc1160s000), Date field.
3) tcccp070.cpdt 3) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Table Code field.
4) tcccp070.stdt 4) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Start Date field.
5) tcccp070.endt 5) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), End Date field.
6) tcccp070.peri 6) Session periods (tcccp0170m000), Period field.

For Element: Based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field, the Date field, the Period Table Code field, the Start
1) tpppc000.cptf Date field and the End date field, the Period field is determined.
2) tpppc150.date
3) tcccp070.cpdt For Element:
4) tcccp070.stdt 1) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field.
5) tcccp070.endt 2) Session Element Physical Progress (tpppc1550m000), Date field.
6) tcccp070.peri 3) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Table Code field.
4) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Start Date field.
5) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), End Date field.
6) Session periods (tcccp0170m000), Period field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field, the Date field, the Period Table Code field, the Start
Date field and the End date field, the Period field is determined.
For Activity: For Activity:
1) tpppc000.cptf 1) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field.
2) tpppc160.date 2) Session Activity Physical Progress (tpppc1160s000), Date field.
3) tcccp070.cpdt 3) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Table Code field.
4) tcccp070.stdt 4) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Start Date field.
5) tcccp070.endt 5) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), End Date field.
6) tcccp070.year 6) Session periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.

For Element: Based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field, the Date field, the Period Table Code field, the Start
1) tpppc000.cptf Date field and the End date field, the Year field is determined.
2) tpppc150.date
3) tcccp070.cpdt For Element:
4) tcccp070.stdt 1) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field.
5) tcccp070.endt 2) Session Element Physical Progress (tpppc1550m000), Date field.
6) tcccp070.year 3) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Table Code field.
4) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Start Date field.
5) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), End Date field.
6) Session periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.

Infor April 07, 2020 900

Based on the Code Period Table for Fiscal Period field, the Date field, the Period Table Code field, the Start
Date field and the End date field, the Year field is determined.
tpppc000.cpth Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Hours
Control field.

The concatenation of 'C' and the Code Period Table for Hours Control field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
1) tpppc000.cpth 1) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Hours
2) tcccp060.dsca Control field.
2) Session Period Tables (tcccp0160m000), Period Table Code field, Description part.

Based on the Code Period Table for Hours Control field, the Description field is determined.
For Activity: For Activity:
1) tpppc000.cpth 1) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
2) tpppc160.date Control field.
3) tcccp070.cpdt 2) Session Activity Physical Progress (tpppc1160s000), Date field.
4) tcccp070.stdt 3) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Table Code field.
5) tcccp070.endt 4) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Start Date field.
6) tcccp070.peri 5) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), End Date field.
6) Session periods (tcccp0170m000), Period field.
For Element:
1) tpppc000.cpth Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field, the Date field, the Period Table Code field, the Start
2) tpppc150.date Date field and the End date field, the Period field is determined.
3) tcccp070.cpdt
4) tcccp070.stdt For Element:
5) tcccp070.endt 1) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
6) tcccp070.peri Control field.
2) Session Element Physical Progress (tpppc1550m000), Date field.
3) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Table Code field.
4) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Start Date field.
5) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), End Date field.
6) Session periods (tcccp0170m000), Period field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Cost Control field, the Date field, the Period Table Code field, the Start
Date field and the End date field, the Period field is determined.
For Activity: For Activity:
1) tpppc000.cpth 1) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
2) tpppc160.date Control field.
3) tcccp070.cpdt 2) Session Activity Physical Progress (tpppc1160s000), Date field.
4) tcccp070.stdt 3) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Table Code field.
5) tcccp070.endt 4) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Start Date field.
6) tcccp070.year 5) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), End Date field.
6) Session periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.
For Element:
1) tpppc000.cpth Based on the Code Period Table for Code Period Table for Cost Control field, the Date field, the Period Table
2) tpppc150.date Code field, the Start Date field and the End date field, the Year field is determined.
3) tcccp070.cpdt
4) tcccp070.stdt For Element:
5) tcccp070.endt 1) Session Project Progress Parameters (tpppc0100s000), Control Period tab, Code Period Table for Cost
6) tcccp070.year Control field.
2) Session Element Physical Progress (tpppc1550m000), Date field.
3) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Period Table Code field.
4) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), Start Date field.
5) Session Periods (tcccp0170m000), End Date field.
6) Session periods (tcccp0170m000), Year field.

Based on the Code Period Table for Code Period Table for Cost Control field, the Date field, the Period Table
Code field, the Start Date field and the End date field, the Year field is determined.
For Activity: For Activity:
tpppc160.prst Session Activity Physical Progress (tpppc1160s000), Cumulative % field.

For Element: For Element:

tpppc150.prst Session Element Physical Progress (tpppc1550m000), Cumulative % field.
For Activity: For Activity:
tppss200.qans Session Activity Physical Progress (tpppc1160s000), Physical Progress Quantity field.

For Element: For Element:

tpppc150.quan Session Element Physical Progress (tpppc1550m000) Progress Quantity field.
Infor April 07, 2020 901
For Activity: For Activity:
tppss200.cuni 1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Activity Physical Progress (ttppc1560m000), Unit field.
For Element:
tppss150.cuni Based on the Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.

For Element:
1) Session Units (tcmcs0101m000), ISO Code field.
2) Session Element Physical Progress (tpppc1550m000) Progress Quantity field.

Based on the Unit field, the ISO Code field of the unit is published.
For Activity: For Activity:
tpppc160.prco Session Activity Physical progress (tpppc1160s000), Reported Completed field.

For Element: If this field is enabled, 'true' is published.

tpppc150.prco Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For Element:
Session Element Physical Progress (tpppc1550m000), Reported Completed field.

If this field is enabled, 'true' is published.

Otherwise, 'false' is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 902

For History:
Always filled with 'Actual'.

For Financial Interim Results:

Always filled with 'Interim'.

For Manual:
Always filled with 'Draft'.

For AdvancePaymentRequest:
Always filled with 'Advance'.

For Installment:
Always filled with 'Advance'.

For InstallmentExtraWork:
Always filled with 'Advance'.

For Fees:
Always filled with 'Advance'.

For Holdback:
Always filled with 'Advance'.

For ProgressPaymentRequest:
Always filled with 'Advance'.

For DeliveryBased:
Always filled with 'Advance'.
For History: For History:
1) tpppc305.cprj 1) Session Revenue History (tpppc3505m000), Project field.
2) tpppc305.cspa 2) Session Revenue History (tpppc3505m000), Element field.
3) tpppc305.cpro 3) Session Revenue History (tpppc3505m000), Revenue Code field.
4) tpppc305.sern 4) Session Revenue History (tpppc3505m000), Sequence field.

For Financial Interim Results: The concatenation of the Project field, the Element field, the Revenue Code field and the Sequence field is
1) tpppc350.cprj published.
2) tpppc350.cstl
3) tpppc350.cact This BOD is published when;
4) tpppc350.cspa 1) a record is added to the Revenue History.
5) tpppc350.sern 2) a user uses Delete Projects (tppdm7810m000).

For Manual: This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2.1 or later.

1) tpppc301.cprj
2) tpppc301.cpro For Financial Interim Results:
3) tpppc301.sern 1) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Project field.
4) tpppc301.tetm 2) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Extension field.
5) tpppc301.cfpo 3) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Activity field.
4) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Element field.
For AdvancePaymentRequest: 5) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Sequence field.
1) tppin010.cono
2) tppin010.cnln The concatenation of the Project field, the Extension field, the Activity field, the Element field and the Sequence
3) tppin010.sern field is published.

For Installment: This BOD is published when users:

1) tppin020.cono 1) Post Transactions (tpppc4802m000) for Interim Result that are Approved for Posting,
2) tppin020.cnln 2) Delete Project (tppdm7810m000).
3) tppin020.nins 3) Publish Project Data (tpbod0200m000).

For InstallmentExtraWork: This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.2.1 or later.

1) tppin020.cono Note that Financial Interim Result with Result Type 'Interim Result Costs' are not published.
2) tppin020.cnln
3) tppin020.nins For Manual:
4) tppin020.cpra 1) Session Revenue Entry (tpppc3501m000), Project field.
2) Session Revenue Entry (tpppc3501m000), Revenue Code field.
For Fees: 3) Session Revenue Entry (tpppc3501m000), Sequence field.
1) tppin080.cono 4) Session Revenues (tpppc3101s000), Invoice tab, Posting Type field.
2) tppin080.cnln 5) Session Approve Revenues (tpppc4590m000), Approved field.
3) tppin080.cfln
4) tppin080.cprj The concatenation of the Project field, the Revenue Code field and the Sequence field is published.

For Holdback: This BOD is published when;

1) tppin040.cono 1) a record is modified in the Revenue Entry.
2) tppin040.cnln 2) the Approved field is selected or deselected.
3) tppin040.hbnr 3) the Posting Type field must be equal to 'Project Control' or 'Invoice (Finance)'.

Infor April 07, 2020 903

For ProgressPaymentRequest:This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.3 or later.
1) tppin070.cono
2) tppin070.cnln For AdvancePaymentRequest:
3) tppin070.prdt 1) Session Advance Payments (tppin4110m000), Contract field.
4) tppin070.cprj 2) Session Advance Payments (tppin4110m000), Contract Line field.
3) Session Advance Payments (tppin4110m000), Advance Payment field.
For DeliveryBased:
1) tppin060.cono The concatenation of the Contract field, the Contract Line field, the Advance Payment field and '1' is published.
2) tppin060.cnln
3) tppin060.dlvr This BOD is published when users;
4) tppin060.schd 1) Insert, update or delete an Advance Payment.
5) tppin060.shpm 2) Publish Project Data (tpbod0200m000).
6) tppin060.pono
7) tppin060.rcno This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.3 or later.
8) tppin060.rcln
For Installment:
1) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Contract field.
2) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Contract Line field.
3) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Installment field.

The concatenation of the Contract field, the Contract Line field, the Installment field and '2' is published.

This BOD is published when users;

1) Insert, update or delete an Installment.
2) Publish Project Data (tpbod0200m000).

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.3 or later.

For InstallmentExtraWork:
1) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Contract field.
2) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Contract Line field.
3) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Installment field.
4) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Additional Work tab, Revenue Code field.

The concatenation of the Contract field, the Contract Line field, the Installment field and '3' is published.

This BOD is published when users;

1) Insert, update or delete an Installment and the Revenue Code field is filled.
2) Publish Project Data (tpbod0200m000) and the Revenue Code field is filled.

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.3 or later.

For Fees:
1) Session Fees and Penalties (tppin0180m000), Contract field.
2) Session Fees and Penalties (tppin0180m000), Contract Line field.
3) Session Fees and Penalties (tppin0180m000), Fee field.
4) Session Fees and Penalties (tppin0180m000), Project field.

The concatenation of the Contract field, the Contract Line field, the Fee field and '5' is published.

This BOD is published when users:

1) Insert, update or delete a Fee.
2) Publish Project Data (tpbod0200m000).

If the Project field is not filled, no BOD is published.

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.

For Holdback:
1) Session Holdback (tppin4140m000), Contract field.
2) Session Holdback (tppin4140m000), Contract Line field.
3) Session Holdback (tppin4140m000), Sequence field.

The concatenation of the Contract field, the Contract Line field, the Sequence field and '4' is published.

This BOD is published when users;

1) Insert, update or delete a Holdback record.
2) Publish Project Data (tpbod0200m000).

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.3 or later.

For ProgressPaymentRequest:
1) Session Progress Payment Requests (tppin0170m000), Contract field.
2) Session Progress Payment Requests (tppin0170m000), Contract Line field.
3) Session Progress Payment Requests (tppin0170m000), Progress Date field.
4) Session Progress Payment Requests (tppin0170m000), Project field.

The concatenation of the Contract field, the Contract Line field, the Progress Date field and '6' is published.
Infor April 07, 2020 904
This BOD is published when users:
1) Insert, update or delete a Progress Payment Request.
2) Publish Project Data (tpbod0200m000).

If the Project field is not filled, no BOD is published.

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.4 or later.

For DeliveryBased:
1) Session Project Shipments (tppin0160m000), Contract field.
2) Session Project Shipments (tppin0160m000), Contract Line field.
3) Session Project Shipments (tppin0160m000), Deliverable field.
4) Session Project Shipments (tppin0160m000), Schedule field.
5) Session Project Shipments (tppin0160m000), Shipment field.
6) Session Project Shipments (tppin0160m000), Shipment Line field.
7) Session Project Shipments (tppin0160m000), Receipt field.
8) Session Project Shipments (tppin0160m000), Receipt Line field.

The concatenation of the Contract field, the Contract Line field, the Deliverable field, the Schedule field, the
Shipment field, the Shipment Line field, the Receipt field, the Receipt Line field and '7' is published.

This BOD is published when users;

1) Insert, update or delete an Project Shipment.
2) Publish Project Data (tpbod0200m000).

This BOD is available for Infor LN 10.3 or later.

For History: For History:
tpppc305.cprj Session Revenue History (tpppc3505m000), Project field.

For Financial Interim Results: Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.
tpppc350.cprj Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For Manual: For Financial Interim Results:

tpppc301.cprj Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Project field.

For AdvancePaymentRequest: Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.
tppin010.cnpr Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For Installment: For Manual:

tppin020.cnpr Session Revenue Entry (tpppc3501m000), Project field.

For InstallmentExtraWork: Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.
tppin020.cnpr Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For Fees: For AdvancePaymentRequest:

tppin080.cprj Session Advance Payments (tppin4110m000), Project field.

For Holdback: Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.
tppin040.cprj Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For ProgressPaymentRequest:For Installment:

tppin070.cprj Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Project field.

For DeliveryBased: Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.
tppin060.cprj Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For InstallmentExtraWork:
Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For Fees:
Session Fees and Penalties (tppin0180m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For Holdback:
Session Holdback (tppin4140m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For ProgressPaymentRequest:
Session Progress Payment Requests (tppin0170m000), Project field.

Infor April 07, 2020 905

Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.

For DeliveryBased:
Session Project Shipments (tppin0160m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the accountingEntity field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
For History: For History:
tpppc305.cprj Session Revenue History (tpppc3505m000), Project field.

For Financial Interim Results: Based on the Project field, the location field is published.
tpppc350.cprj Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For Manual: For Financial Interim Results:

tpppc301.cprj Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Project field.

For AdvancePaymentRequest: Based on the Project field, the location field is published.
tppin010.cnpr Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For Installment: For Manual:

tppin020.cnpr Session Revenue Entry (tpppc3501m000), Project field.

For InstallmentExtraWork: Based on the Project field, the location field is published.
tppin020.cnpr Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For Holdback: For AdvancePaymentRequest:

tppin040.cprj Session Advance Payments (tppin4110m000), Project field.

For DeliveryBased: Based on the Project field, the location field is published.
tppin060.cprj Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For Installment:
Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For InstallmentExtraWork:
Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For Fees:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For Holdback:
Session Holdback (tppin4140m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For ProgressPaymentRequest:
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.

For DeliveryBased:
Session Project Shipments (tppin0160m000), Project field.

Based on the Project field, the location field is published.

Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For History:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For Financial Interim Results:

The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For Manual:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For AdvancePaymentRequest:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For Installment:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For InstallmentExtraWork:
Infor April 07, 2020 906
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For Fees:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For Holdback:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For ProgressPaymentRequest:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For DeliveryBased:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For History: For History:
1) tpppc305.cprj 1) Session Revenue History (tpppc3505m000), Project field.
2) tpppc305.cspa 2) Session Revenue History (tpppc3505m000), Element field.
3) tpppc305.cpro 3) Session Revenue History (tpppc3505m000), Revenue Code field.
4) tpppc305.sern 4) Session Revenue History (tpppc3505m000), Seq field.

For Financial Interim Results: The concatenation of the Project field, the Element field, the Revenue Code field and the Seq field is published.
1) tpppc350.cprj
2) tpppc350.cstl For Financial Interim Results:
3) tpppc350.cspa 1) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Project field.
4) tpppc350.cact 2) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Extension field.
5) tpppc350.sern 3) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Element field.
4) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Activity field.
For Manual: 5) Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Sequence Number field.
1) tpppc301.cprj
2) tpppc301.cpro The concatenation of the Project field, the Extension field, the Element field, the Activity field and the Sequence
3) tpppc301.sern Number field is published.

For AdvancePaymentRequest: For Manual:

1) tppin010.cono 1) Session Revenue Entry (tpppc3501m000), Project field.
2) tppin010.cnln Element field.
3) tppin010.sern 2) Session Revenue Entry (tpppc3501m000), Revenue Code field.
3) Session Revenue Entry (tpppc3501m000), Seq field.
For Installment:
1) tppin020.cono The concatenation of the Project field, the Revenue Code field and the Seq field is published.
2) tppin020.cnln
3) tppin020.nins For AdvancePaymentRequest:
1) Session Advance Payments (tppin4110m000), Contract field.
For InstallmentExtraWork: 2) Session Advance Payments (tppin4110m000), Contract Line field.
1) tppin020.cono 3) Session Advance Payments (tppin4110m000), Advance Payment field.
2) tppin020.cnln
3) tppin020.nins The concatenation of the Contract field, the Contract Line field, the Advance Payment field and '1' is published.

For Fees: For Installment:

1) tppin080.cono 1) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Contract field.
2) tppin080.cnln 2) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Contract Line field.
3) tppin080.cfln 3) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Installment field.

For Holdback: The concatenation of the Contract field, the Contract Line field, the Installment field and '2' is published.
1) tppin040.cono
2) tppin040.cnln For InstallmentExtraWork:
3) tppin040.hbnr 1) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Contract field.
2) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Contract Line field.
For ProgressPaymentRequest:3) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Installment field.
1) tppin070.cono
2) tppin070.cnln The concatenation of the Contract field, the Contract Line field, the Installment field and '3' is published.
3) tppin070.prdt
For Fees:
For DeliveryBased: 1) Session Fees and Penalties (tppin0180m000), General tab, Contract field.
1) tppin060.cono 2) Session Fees and Penalties (tppin0180m000), General tab, Contract Line field.
2) tppin060.cnln 3) Session Fees and Penalties (tppin0180m000), General tab, Fee field.
3) tppin060.dlvr
4) tppin060.schd The concatenation of the Contract field, the Contract Line field, the Fee field and '5' is published.
5) tppin060.shpm
6) tppin060.pono For Holdback:
7) tppin060.rcno 1) Session Holdback (tppin4140m000), Contract field.
8) tppin060.rcln 2) Session Holdback (tppin4140m000), Contract Line field.
3) Session Holdback (tppin4140m000), Sequence field.

The concatenation of the Contract field, the Contract Line field, the Sequence field and '1' is published.

For ProgressPaymentRequest:
1) Session Progress Payment Requests (tppin0170m000), Contract field.
2) Session Progress Payment Requests (tppin0170m000), Contract Line field.

Infor April 07, 2020 907

3) Session Progress Payment Requests (tppin0170m000), Progress Date field.

The concatenation of the Contract field, the Contract Line field, the Progress Date field and '6' is published.

For DeliveryBased:
1) Session Project Shipments (tppin0160m000), Contract field.
2) Session Project Shipments (tppin0160m000), Contract Line field.
3) Session Project Shipments (tppin0160m000), Deliverable field.
4) Session Project Shipments (tppin0160m000), Schedule field.
5) Session Project Shipments (tppin0160m000), Shipment field.
6) Session Project Shipments (tppin0160m000), Shipment Line field.
7) Session Project Shipments (tppin0160m000), Receipt field.
8) Session Project Shipments (tppin0160m000), Receipt Line field.

The concatenation of the Contract field, the Contract Line field, the Deliverable field, the Schedule field, the
Shipment field, the Shipment Line field, the Receipt field, the Receipt Line field and '7' is published.
For Manual: For History:
tppc301.ltdt Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.

For Financial Interim Results:

Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.

For Manual:
Session Revenues (tpppc3101s000), Posting Data Tab, Transaction Time field

For AdvancePaymentRequest:
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.

For Installment:
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.

For InstallmentExtraWork:
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.

For Fees:
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.

For Holdback:
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.

For ProgressPaymentRequest:
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.

For DeliveryBased:
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
For History: For History:
1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

For Financial Interim Results: Based on the current LN user the User field is determined.
1) tccom001.emno Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
2) tccom001.loco
For Financial Interim Results:
For Manual: 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
1) tccom001.emno 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
2) tpppc301.loco
Based on the current LN user the User field is determined.
For AdvancePaymentRequest: Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
1) tccom001.emno
2) tccom001.loco For Manual:
1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
For Installment: 2) Session Revenues (tpppc3101s000), Posting Data Tab, Login field
1) tccom001.emno
2) tccom001.loco Based on the Login field, the Employee field is published.

For InstallmentExtraWork: For AdvancePaymentRequest:

1) tccom001.emno 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) tccom001.loco 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

For Fees: Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.
1) tccom001.emno Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
2) tccom001.loco
For Installment:
For Holdback: 1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
1) tccom001.emno 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
2) tccom001.loco
Infor April 07, 2020 908
Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.
For ProgressPaymentRequest:Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
1) tccom001.emno
2) tccom001.loco For InstallmentExtraWork:
1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
For DeliveryBased: 2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.
1) tccom001.emno
2) tccom001.loco Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.
Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.

For Fees:
1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.

For Holdback:
1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.

For ProgressPaymentRequest:
Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For DeliveryBased:
1) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Employee field.
2) Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, Employment group, User field.

Based on the current LN user, the User field is determined.

Based on the User field, the Employee field is published.
For Fees: Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For History: For History:
tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

For Financial Interim Results: Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.
For Financial Interim Results:
For Manual: Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.
For AdvancePaymentRequest:
tccom001.nama For Manual:
Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
For Installment:
tccom001.nama Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For InstallmentExtraWork: For AdvancePaymentRequest:

tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

For Fees: Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.
1) tccom001.emno
2) tccom001.loco For Installment:
Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.
For Holdback:
tccom001.nama Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For DeliveryBased: For InstallmentExtraWork:

tccom001.nama Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For Fees:
Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For Holdback:
Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Infor April 07, 2020 909

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For ProgressPaymentRequest:
Session Employees - General (tccom0101m000), Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For DeliveryBased:
Session Employee - General (tccom0101m000), General tab, General group, Name field.

Based on the current LN user, the Name field is published.

For History: For History:
tpppc305.rgdt Session Revenue History (tpppc3505m000), Registration Date field.

For Financial Interim Results: For Financial Interim Results:

tpppc350.rgdt Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Registration Date field.

For Manual: For Manual:

tpppc301.rgdt Session Revenue Entry (tpppc3501m000), Registration Date field.

For AdvancePaymentRequest:
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.

For Installment:
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.

For InstallmentExtraWork:
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.

For Fees:
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.

For Holdback:
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.

For ProgressPaymentRequest:
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.

For DeliveryBased:
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.
For History: For History:
tpppc305.cdoc Session Revenue History (tpppc3505m000), Invoice tab, Document Number field.

For Manual: For Manual:

tpppc301.cdoc Session Revenue Entry (tpppc3501m000), Invoice tab, Document Number field.

For AdvancePaymentRequest: For AdvancePaymentRequest:

tppin010.desc Session Advance Payments (tppin4110m000), Advance Payment Descriptio field.

For Installment: For Installment:

tppin020.desc Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Description field.

For InstallmentExtraWork: For InstallmentExtraWork:

tppin020.dsca Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Additional Work tab, Description field.

For Fees: For Fees:

tppin080.desc Session Fees and Penalties (tppin0180m000), General tab, Description field.

For Holdback: For Holdback:

tppin040.desc Session Holdback (tppin4140m000), Description field.

For ProgressPaymentRequest:For ProgressPaymentRequest:

tppin070.rfcu Session Progress Payment Requests, Contract Number field.

For DeliveryBased: For DeliveryBased:

tppin060.item Session Project Shipments (tppin0160m000), Item field.
For Manual: For History:
tpppc301.cfpo If the Revenue History is deleted, 'Deleted' is published. Otherwise, 'Actual' is published.

For AdvancePaymentRequest: For LN 10.4 or later:

1) tppin010.idoc If the Revenue History is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
2) tppin010.trsl Otherwise, 'Open' is published.
3) tppin010.invo
For Financial Interim Results:
Infor April 07, 2020 910
For Installment: If the Financial Interim Results is deleted, 'Deleted' is published. Otherwise, 'Actual' is published.
1) tppin020.idoc
2) tppin020.clos For Manual:
3) tppin020.trsl Session Revenues (tpppc3501m000), Invoice tab, Approved for Posting field.
4) tppin020.invo
If the Revenue History is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
For InstallmentExtraWork: If the Approved for Posting field is selected, 'Approved' is published.
1) tppin020.idca Otherwise, 'Open' is published.
2) tppin020.clos
3) tppin020.trsl For AdvancePaymentRequest:
4) tppin020.invo 1) Session Advance Payments (tppin4110m000), Invoice Document field.
2) Session Advance Payments (tppin4110m000), Transferred to Invoicing field.
For Fees: 3) Session Advance Payments (tppin4110m000), Approved for Invoicing field.
1) tppin080.idoc
2) tppin0180.trsl If the Advance Payment is deleted and the Invoice Document field is equal to '0', 'Canceled' is published.
3) tppin080.invo If the Invoice Document field is filled, 'Closed' is published.
If the Transferred to Invoicing field is selected, 'Released' is published.
For Holdback: If the Approved for Invoicing field is selected, 'Approved' is published.
1) tppin040.idoc Otherwise, 'Open' is published.
2) tppin040.trsl
3) tppin040.invo For Installment:
4) tppin040.clos 1) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Invoice Document field.
2) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Closed field.
For ProgressPaymentRequest:3) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Transferred to Invoicing field.
1) tppin070.idoc 4) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Approved for Invoicing field.
2) tppin070.trsl
3) tppin070.invo If the Installment is deleted and the Invoice Document field is equal to '0', 'Canceled' is published.
If the Closed field is selected, 'Closed' is published.
For DeliveryBased: If the Transferred to Invoicing field is selected, 'Released' is published.
1) tppin060.idoc If the Approved for Invoicing field is selected, 'Approved' is published.
Otherwise, 'Open' is published.

For InstallmentExtraWork:
1) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Additional Work tab, Invoice Document field.
2) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Closed field.
3) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Transferred to Invoicing field.
4) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Approved for Invoicing field.

If the Installment is deleted and the Invoice Document field is equal to '0', 'Canceled' is published.
If the Closed field is selected, 'Closed' is published.
If the Transferred to Invoicing field is selected, 'Released' is published.
If the Approved for Invoicing field is selected, 'Approved' is published.
Otherwise, 'Open' is published.

For Fees:
1) Session Fees and Penalties (tppin0180m000), Invoice Document field.
2) Session Fees and Penalties (tppin0180m000), Transferred to Invoicing field.
3) Session Fees and Penalties (tppin0180m000), Approved for Invoicing field.

If the record is being deleted, and the Invoice Document field equal to '0', 'Canceled' is published.
f the Invoice Document field is filled, 'Closed' is published.
If the Transferred to Invoicing field is selected, 'Released' is published.
If the Approved for Invoicing field is selected, 'Approved' is published.
Otherwise, 'Open' is published.

For Holdback:
1) Session Holdback (tppin4140m000), Invoice Document field.
2) Session Holdback (tppin4140m000), Transferred to Invoicing field.
3) Session Holdback (tppin4140m000), Approved for Invoicing field.
4) Session Holdback (tppin4140m000), Closed field.

If the Advance Payment is deleted and the Invoice Document field is equal to '0', 'Canceled' is published.
If the Closed field is selected, 'Closed' is published.
If the Transferred to Invoicing field is selected, 'Released' is published.
If the Approved for Invoicing field is selected, 'Approved' is published.
Otherwise, 'Open' is published.

For ProgressPaymentRequest:
1) Session Progress Payment Requests (tppin0170m000), Invoice Document field.
2) Session Progress Payment Requests (tppin0170m000), Transferred to Invoicing field.
3) Session Progress Payment Requests (tppin0170m000), Approved for Invoicing field.

If the Progress Payment Request is deleted and the Invoice Document field is equal to '0', 'Canceled' is
If the Invoice Document field is not equal to '0', 'Closed' is published.
If the Transferred to Invoicing field is selected, 'Released' is published.
If the Approved for Invoicing field is selected, 'Approved' is published.
Otherwise, 'Open' is published.

Infor April 07, 2020 911

For DeliveryBased:
1) Session Project Shipments (tppin0160m000), Invoice Document field.

If the Project Shipment is deleted and the Invoice Document field is equal to '0', 'Canceled' is published.
If the Invoice Document field is not equal to '0', 'Closed' is published.
Otherwise, 'Open' is published.
For History:
Always filled with 'Project Transaction Status'.

For Financial Interim Results:

Always filled with 'Project Transaction Status'.

For Manual:
Always filled with 'Project Transaction Status'.

For AdvancePaymentRequest:
Always filled with 'Project Transaction Status'.

For Installment:
Always filled with 'Project Transaction Status'.

For InstallmentExtraWork:
Always filled with 'Project Transaction Status'.

For Fees:
Always filled with 'Project TransAction Status'.

For Holdback:
Always filled with 'Project Transaction Status'.

For ProgressPaymentRequest:
Always filled with the UTC number of the Date and Time when the BOD is published.

For DeliveryBased:
Always filled with 'Project Transaction Status'.
For History:
If the Revenue History is deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For Financial Interim Results:

If the Financial Interim Results is deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For Manual:
If the Revenue History is deleted, 'true' is published. Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For AdvancePaymentRequest:
If the Advance Payment is deleted, 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For Installment:
If the Installment is deleted, 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For InstallmentExtraWork:
If the Installment is deleted, 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For Fees:
If the Fee is deleted, 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For Holdback:
If the Holdback is deleted, 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For ProgressPaymentRequest:
If the Progress Payment Request is deleted, 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.

For DeliveryBased:
If the Project Shipments is deleted, 'true' is published.
Otherwise, 'false' is published.
For History: For History:
tpppc305.cprj Session Revenue History (tpppc3505m000), Project field.

For Financial Interim Results: For Financial Interim Results:

Infor April 07, 2020 912
tpppc350.cprj Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Project field.

For Manual: For Manual:

tpppc301.cprj Session Revenue Entry (tpppc3501m000), Project field.

For AdvancePaymentRequest: For AdvancePaymentRequest:

tppin010.cnpr Session Advance Payments (tppin4110m000), Project field.

For Installment: For Installment:

tppin020.cnpr Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Project field.

For InstallmentExtraWork: For InstallmentExtraWork:

tppin020.cnpr Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Project field.

For Fees: For Fees:

tppin080.cprj Session Fees and Penalties (tppin0180m000), Project field.

For Holdback: This field is mandatory.

For Holdback:
For ProgressPaymentRequest:Session Holdback (tppin4140m000), Project field.
For ProgressPaymentRequest:
For DeliveryBased: Session Progress Payment Requests (tppin0170m000), Project field.
This field is mandatory.

For DeliveryBased:
Session Project Shipments (tppin0160m000), Project field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the accountingEntity field.
Refer to the Integration Guide for more information about the determination of the location field.
For History:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For Financial Interim Results:

The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For Manual:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For AdvancePaymentRequest:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For Installment:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For InstallmentExtraWork:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For Fees:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For Holdback:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For ProgressPaymentRequest:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.

For DeliveryBased:
The LogicalID of the physical company of the related noun's source data is published.
For History:
Always filled with '1'.

For Financial Interim Results:

Always filled with '1'.

For Manual:
Always filled with '1'.

For AdvancePaymentRequest:
Always filled with '1'.

For Installment:
Always filled with '1'.

Infor April 07, 2020 913

For InstallmentExtraWork:
Always filled with '1'.

For Fees:
Always '1' is published.

For Holdback:
Always filled with '1'.

For ProgressPaymentRequest:
Always '1' is published.

For DeliveryBased:
Always filled with '1'.
For History: For History:
tpppc305.cpla Not displayed in any session, Plan field.

For Financial Interim Results: For Financial Interim Results:

tpppc350.cpla Not displayed in any session, Plan field.

For Manual: For Manual:

tpppc301.cpla Not displayed in any session, Plan field.

For AdvancePaymentRequest: For AdvancePaymentRequest:

1) tppin010.cpla 1) Session Advance Payments (tppin4110m000), Plan field.
2) tppin010.cact 2) Session Advance Payments (tppin4110m000), Activity field.

For Installment: If the Activity field is filled, the Plan field is published.
For Installment:
For InstallmentExtraWork: Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Plan field.
For InstallmentExtraWork:
For Fees: Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Plan field.
1) tppin080.cprj
2) tppdm600.cpla For Fees:
1) Session Fees and Penalties (tppin0180m000), Project field.
2) Session Project (tppdm6600m000), Active Plan field.
For Holdback:
1) tppin040.cpla Based on the Project field, the Active Plan field is published.
2) tppin040.cact
For Holdback:
For ProgressPaymentRequest:1) Session Holdback (tppin4140m000), Plan field.
1) tppin070.cprj 2) Session Holdback (tppin4140m000), Activity field.
2) tppdm600.cpla
If the Activity field is filled, the Plan field is published.

For DeliveryBased: For ProgressPaymentRequest:

1) tppin060.cpla 1) Session Progress Payment Requests (tppin0170m000), Project field.
2) tppin060.cact 2) Session Project (tppdm6600m000), Active Plan field.

Based on the Project field, the Active Plan field is published.

For DeliveryBased:
1) Session Project Shipments (tppin0160m000), Plan field.
2) Session Project Shipments (tppin0160m000), Activity field.

If the Activity field is filled, the Plan field is published.

For History: For History:
tpppc305.cact Session Revenue History (tpppc3505m000), Activity field.

For Financial Interim Results: For Financial Interim Results:

tpppc350.cact Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Activity field.

For Manual: For Manual:

tpppc301.cact Session Revenue Entry (tpppc3501m000), Activity field.

For AdvancePaymentRequest: For AdvancePaymentRequest:

tppin010.cact Session Advance Payments (tppin4110m000), Activity field.

For Installment: For Installment:

tppin020.cact Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Activity field.

For InstallmentExtraWork: For InstallmentExtraWork:

tppin020.cact Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Activity field.
Infor April 07, 2020 914
For Fees: For Fees:
tppin080.cact Session Fees and Penalties (tppin0180m000), Activity field.

For Holdback: For Holdback:

tppin040.cact Session Holdback (tppin4140m000), Activity field.

For ProgressPaymentRequest:For ProgressPaymentRequest:

tppin070.cact Session Progress Payment Requests (tppin0170m000), Activity field.

For DeliveryBased: For DeliveryBased:

tppin060.cact Session Project Shipments (tppin0160m000), Activity field.
For Fees:
For History: For History:
tpppc305.cspa Session Revenue History (tpppc3505m000), Element field.

For Financial Interim Results: For Financial Interim Results:

tpppc350.cspa Session Financial Interim Result (tpppc2160s000), Element field.

For Manual: For Manual:

tpppc301.cspa Session Revenue Entry (tpppc3501m000), Element field.

For AdvancePaymentRequest: For AdvancePaymentRequest:

tppin010.cspa Session Advance Payments (tppin4110m000), Element field.

For Installment: For Installment:

tppin020.cspa Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Element field.

For InstallmentExtraWork: For InstallmentExtraWork:

tppin020.cspa Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Element field.

For Fees: For Fees:

tppin080.cspa Session Fees and Penalties (tppin0180m000), Element field.

For Holdback: For Holdback:

tppin040.cspa Session Holdback (tppin4140m000), Element field.

For ProgressPaymentRequest:For ProgressPaymentRequest:

qtppin070.cspa Session Progress Payment Requests (tppin0170m000), Element field.

For DeliveryBased: For DeliveryBased:

tppin060.cspa Session Project Shipments (tppin0160m000), Element field.
For Manual: For History:
tpppc301.cfpo If the Revenue History is deleted, 'Deleted' is published. Otherwise, 'Actual' is published.

For AdvancePaymentRequest: For LN 10.4 or later:

1) tppin010.idoc If the Revenue History is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
2) tppin010.trsl Otherwise, 'Open' is published.
3) tppin010.invo
For Financial Interim Results:
For Installment: If the Financial Interim Results is deleted, 'Deleted' is published. Otherwise, 'Actual' is published.
1) tppin020.idoc
2) tppin020.clos For Manual:
3) tppin020.trsl Session Revenues (tpppc3501m000), Invoice tab, Approved for Posting field.
4) tppin020.invo
If the Revenue History is deleted, 'Deleted' is published.
For InstallmentExtraWork: If the Approved for Posting field is selected, 'Approved' is published.
1) tppin020.idca Otherwise, 'Open' is published.
2) tppin020.clos
3) tppin020.trsl For AdvancePaymentRequest:
4) tppin020.invo 1) Session Advance Payments (tppin4110m000), Invoice Document field.
2) Session Advance Payments (tppin4110m000), Transferred to Invoicing field.
For Fees: 3) Session Advance Payments (tppin4110m000), Approved for Invoicing field.
1) tppin080.idoc
2) tppin080.trsl If the Advance Payment is deleted and the Invoice Document field is equal to '0', 'Canceled' is published.
3) tppin080.invo If the Invoice Document field is filled, 'Closed' is published.
If the Transferred to Invoicing field is selected, 'Released' is published.
For Holdback: If the Approved for Invoicing field is selected, 'Approved' is published.
1) tppin040.idoc Otherwise, 'Open' is published.
2) tppin040.trsl
3) tppin040.invo For Installment:
4) tppin040.clos 1) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Invoice Document field.
2) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Closed field.
For DeliveryBased: 3) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Transferred to Invoicing field.
Infor April 07, 2020 915
tppin060.idoc 4) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Approved for Invoicing field.

If the Installment is deleted and the Invoice Document field is equal to '0', 'Canceled' is published.
If the Closed field is selected, 'Closed' is published.
If the Transferred to Invoicing field is selected, 'Released' is published.
If the Approved for Invoicing field is selected, 'Approved' is published.
Otherwise, 'Open' is published.

For InstallmentExtraWork:
1) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Additional Work tab, Invoice Document field.
2) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Closed field.
3) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Transferred to Invoicing field.
4) Session Installments (tppin4151m000), Approved for Invoicing field.

If the Installment is deleted and the Invoice Document field is equal to '0', 'Canceled' is published.
If the Closed field is selected, 'Closed' is published.
If the Transferred to Invoicing field is selected, 'Released' is published.
If the Approved for Invoicing field is selected, 'Approved' is published.
Otherwise, 'Open' is published.

For Fees:
1) Session Fees and Penalties (tppin0180m000), Invoice Document field.
2) Session Fees and Penalties (tppin0180m000), Transferred to Invoicing field.
3) Session Fees and Penalties (tppin0180m000), Approved for Invoicing field.

If the Installment is deleted and the Invoice Document field is equal to '0', 'Canceled' is published.
If the Invoice Document field is greater than '0', 'Closed' is published.
If the Transferred to Invoicing field is selected, 'Released' is published.
If the Approved for Invoicing field is selected, 'Approved' is published.
Otherwise, 'Open' is published.

For Holdback:
1) Session Holdback (tppin4140m000), Invoice Document field.
2) Session Holdback (tppin4140m000), Transferred to Invoicing field.
3) Session Holdback (tppin4140m000), Approved for Invoicing field.
4) Session Holdback (tppin4140m000), Closed field.

If the Advance Payment is deleted and the Invoice Document field is equal to '0', 'Canceled' is published.
If the Closed field is selected, 'Closed' is published.
If the Transferred to Invoicing field is selected, 'Released' is published.
If the Approved for Invoicing field is selected, 'Approved' is published.
Otherwise, 'Open' is published.

For DeliveryBased:

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