Bone Machine GTX

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For "Bone* sounds, low octaves and ring mod effects crank the Bore to 5«).

For overdrive and more focused fuzz, try 9d)0.

Mood Range switch: Seb the Mood knob range.

The most dramatic change In Mood occurs from 7:00 to 12:00

when range is set "HI"

Slowly turn the mood up and you will hear It get more fuzzy.

Note: Turning the Bore up Of down has much affect on the mood.

These are sample settings, let your ears direct you I


Mood Range switch: HI

Gain 10«)
Mood 7.-00

A Fuzz setting I like:

Mood Range switch: HI

Gain 2:00-5:00
Bore: 10:00

Fat horn lead Hoes: Use your neck pup with gult vol. maxed. Gain atlGOorso.SettoSJ
Mood Range switch: to

At these settings, your wound strings will do octaves and octave + a 5th down that you can control with your Vol.

The Range switch In low position takes the mood knob into sputtery blown amp territory.
In most cases, the higher the gain, the crazier the effects.
But low gain settings between 8-11:00 can give some strange Ring moddish effects tool

It might even "lock Into feedback" Look for my "secret synth" video on Youtube

No matter how the settings are, you can always roll your Vol. back for edgy
overdrive, and spanky cleans.

You will notice your circuit and anything that could move is Is simple to remove If service Is ever
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