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Money calling for a case

When living in a world where nothing can be taken for granted,people feel like all their hope is lost.And
then,there comes help from various charities,which have as their main cause to aid people who need
their funds.In this way,society can become a more welcoming place.

One approach which can be followed is giving the right amount of money for health charities.As it is
generally known, the healthcare industry is in a continous downgrade.When the costs for life-saving
procedures can reach unimaginable sums,there comes the filantropical support of such financial
assistances.Thanks to them,thousands of people have beneficiated of having a second chance to live a
happier and healthier life again.But it also has their downsides,considering the fact that there is even
more bias in the medical industry.No matter how much money you give,there will always be
interminable waiting lines for the ill ones.

Another suitable approach would be adressing to resolve humanitary causes.As it is known,not everyone
has the privilege to live a normal life,due to their geographical or political context.In order to give equal
chances for every inhabitant,there are being proposed ideas in investing on things such as
shelters,canteens,and even clinics.While it might seem like a good idea,it can shortly develop in
segregation.There will always be someone who will disagree on this topic,considering that money could
be given on more serious topics,which include all the population,not only the disadvantaged peers.

To conclude,when least expected,life can take a tragic turn.In terms of significance,non-profit charities
which are in the help of supporting human rights deserve to be given the most finances.

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