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Measure words 支, 张(張), and 把

 支 (zhī) is a measure word often used for long, thin objects such as pens, pencils, or
sticks. Example: 一支铅笔 (yī zhī qiān bǐ) - "one pencil"
 张 (張) (zhāng) is a measure word often used for flat objects, such as sheets of paper,
tables, or beds. Example: 一张桌子 (yī zhāng zhuōzi) - "one table"
 把 (bǎ) is a measure word used for objects with a handle or objects that can be held in the
hand. Example: 一把剪刀 (yī bǎ jiǎn dāo)-”one scissors”

qiān bĭ cǎi sè qiān bĭ mǎ kè bǐ bái bǎn bǐ
支 铅笔 彩色铅笔 马克笔 白板笔
(鉛筆) (彩色鉛筆) (馬克筆) (白板筆)

张 zhǐ zhuō zi
纸 桌子
(張) (紙)

把 jiǎn dāo yǐ zi
剪刀 椅子

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