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LCABE 8.8 Score

1. Case Management

In a mo tgage application, the user creates a Loan Request. An appraiser visits the prope ty
to complete a valuation in an Appraisal case type. Before approving the loan request, the loan
officer must receive and review the appraisal results.

How should the case types be configured to reflect this relationship?

A Configure appraisal as a parent case type and loan request a child case type.

B Configure loan request as a parent case type and appraisal a child case type.

C Configure mo tgage as a parent case type. Configure loan request and appraisal as child case
D Configure both loan request and appraisal as parent (top level) case types.

2. Repo ting

A manager requests a repo t that contains the following columns:

Create Date
Case ID
Create Operator
Work Status.

The results must be so ted so that the most recently created cases appear at the top of the
list with the remaining cases descending from newest to oldest. How should this repo t be
designed to suppo t this requirement?
A Select highest to lowest so t type for the Create Date prope ty.

B Add a filter condition where Create Date > 1.

C Configure the Create Date as the first column in the repo t.

D For the Create Date prope ty, select Count in the Summarize column.
3. User Expe ience

Which template is being applied in the example


4. Secu ity

Identify the use case that requires creating a new role. (choose one)
A An additional person needs to interact with an application.

B A new application is created.

C The pe missions for an existing role are too limited for necessa y work to be done.

D An additional combination of channel inte face and pe missions is necessa y.

5. Application Development

Select two ways that Agile Workbench can be used to add details to bug and feedback items.
Choose two)
A Use the integrated video recording tool.

B Use the integrated audio recording tool.

C Use the integrated screen capture tool.

D Record the bugs and feedback in the case life cycle step desc iptions.
6. Application Development

Select two use cases suppo ted by Agile Workbench. Choose two)
A The project team discusses how many application developers are needed and repo ts back to
the stakeholders.

B Du ing a peer review, the reviewer discovers and records an application bug.

C The lead developer creates a new application for the development team to sta t working on.

D The due date for several user sto ies needs to be adjusted.

7. Application Development

Select the two co rect statements about work items in Agile Workbench. Choose two)
A The development backlog includes user sto ies, bugs, and tasks.

B User sto ies must be associated with features.

C Major bugs are typically defe red.

D Feedback items are feature enhancement requests.

8. Case Management

A requirement states the need to evaluate cases as potential duplicates when existing cases
and the cu rent case have the same create operator. How should the duplicate search step
be configured to ensure that only cases with the same create operator are evaluated?
A Add a basic condition for create operator and apply a weight of 100.

B Add a weighted condition for create operator = 100.

C Add a weighted condition for create operator = create operator and a weight of 0.

D Add a basic condition where create operator in an existing case is the same as in the current

9. Case Management

Management repo ts that an unacceptably large number of cases are inco rectly identified as
potential duplicate cases. Which two approaches should be used to modify the duplicate case
search process so that it produces fewer false positives? Choose two)
A Decrease the threshold value.

B Reduce the basic condition weights.

C Add a second Search duplicate cases step to filter out invalid duplicates.

D Increase the basic condition weights.

E Do not use any basic conditions.

F Increase the threshold value.

10. Case Management

An application captu ing transaction que ies uses a search duplicate cases step to reduce
any duplication of work. Unfo tunately, the step seems to be quite slow, what should be
considered to improve pe fo mance?
A Configure the process containing the search duplicates step as a parallel process.

B Configure the search duplicates step to use account number and Date as weighted conditions
and Amount as a basic condition.
C Break down the search duplicates step into several, simpler steps to spread the load.

D Add RAM to each se ver node to provide more processing power.

E Configure the search duplicates step to use account number as a basic condition and Amount
and Date as weighted conditions.

F Configure the search duplicates step to have fewer weighted conditions.

11. Case Management

A business process requirement states that users should be able to modify the shipping
address at any time without inte upting the p ima y path of the case. Which of the following
options is the best way to design for this requirement?
A Add a change shipping address process to an alte nate stage.

B Add a change shipping address step to each applicable process.

C Add a change shipping address process to each applicable stage.

D Add an optional change shipping address action to the case.

12. Case Management

According to best practice, which is the odd one out?

A New-Unqualified

B Open-Su vey

C Inprocess-Creditsco ing

D Pending-Riskassessment

E Resolved-Withdrawn

F Pending-FinalReview
13. Case Management

Which of the following scena ios would be best implemented using a decision shape in a
flow? Choose two)
A In a medical insurance claims case a Covid or flu shot, is automatically approved. All other
medical claims, such as visits to a specialist or alte native practitioner, require additional review
by the claims agent.

B An onboarding case requires that new employees receive an assigned seating location. If an
employee is remote, it is unnecessa y to a assign a seating location or office equipment. The
facilities setup process applies if the employee is not remote, othe wise it does not apply.

C A car insurance claims case always requires a claims agent to assess the claim repo t. If the
claim includes images of the damage to the vehicle, the claim repo t must also include them.

D A home appraisal case requires a house older than 40 years to be tested for asbestos. If the
home is 40 years old or greater, additional info mation is required. If the home is less than 40
years old, the appraisal case moves fo ward. It is anticipated that in future releases, the c ite ia
for additional info mation to be provided, will change.

14. Case Management

Which requirement could best be satisfied with an optional user action?

A Reassign any task that remains open after three days to another user.

B Require a separate approval process whenever an order exceeds USD 10,000.

C An application randomly sends a su vey to customers once their case is resolved.

D Allow a user to transfer a case to another employee at any stage in its lifecycle
15. Case Management

To dete mine how to process a loan application, you configure an application to evaluate an
applicant's credit score for a mo tgage loan case.

• If the credit score of the applicant 700, the case goes immediately to unde w iting.
• If the credit score of the applicant 500, the applicant is sent an email denying the loan
• Othe wise, the case requires a follow-up review by a loan officer.

Select the co rect flow below.



16. Case Management

Automating decisions based on business logic enables ____________________.

A application users to ove ide them as required

B application users to mark a specific location for business exceptions that may a ise in the
process flow

C application users to focus on more nuanced decisions that require business expe tise

D architects to spend less time building the application

17. Case Management

Which of the following scena ios does not need to be implemented using a decision shape in
a flow? Choose two)
A A motor insurance claim case for glass damage is automatically approved. All other claim types,
require additional reviews by a claims agent.

B A vehicle auction case requires a car older than 20 years to be tested for road wo thiness. If
the car is at least 20 years old, a mechanical appraisal is required. If the car is less than 20
years old, the auction case moves fo ward.

C A home insurance fire claim case always requires a claims agent to assess the claims repo t. If
the claim includes images of the prope ty damage, the claim repo t must include those as well.

D An on-boarding case requires that new employees receive a laptop and phone, unless they are
a contractor. The new employee equipment process only sta ts if the employee is not a

18. Case Management

Which of the following statements co rectly desc ibes the use of conditions in a case type?
A Stages and processes are skipped based on an associated When ule.

B Stages are skipped and processes are sta ted based on an associated When ule.

C Stages and processes are sta ted based on an associated When ule.

D Processes are skipped and stages are sta ted based on an associated When ule.

19. Case Management

In an online purchasing application, the Purchase Order case type has two child case types:
Payment and Packaging. In processing Purchase Order case PO 11, the Payment case PAY 37
and Packaging case PAC 56 are created.

Which statement about the processing of PO 11, PAY 37, and PAC 56 desc ibes the best,
valid business configuration scena io?
A PAC 56 must be resolved before PAY 37 is resolved.

B Both PAY 37 and PAC 56 must be resolved before PO 11 can be resolved.

C PO 11 must be resolved before either PAY 37 and PAC 56 is resolved.

D PO 11 can be resolved when either PAY 37 or PAC 56 is resolved.

20. Case Management

In an online banking application, a Transaction inquiry case is created when a suspicious

transaction is detected. If the customer ve ifies that the transaction was unautho ized, the
application creates a Fraud investigation case, which can be spun off for investigation as
approp iate. Details about the transaction are collected in the Transaction inquiry case. Those
details are populated in the Fraud investigation case when it is created.

How do you achieve this configuration in App Studio? Choose Two)

A Configure Fraud investigation as a parent case and Transaction inquiry as a child case.

B Configure Transaction inquiry as a parent case and Fraud investigation as a child case.

C Reference the transaction data from the parent case in the child case.

D Propagate the transaction data from the parent case to the child case.

21. Case Management

Which requirement is best implemented by using a Wait step in a case?

A A case must pause until a user uploads a signed document as an attachment.

B Processing cannot proceed in an expense repo t until a manager approves the request.

C After a user completes a fo m send an email to confi m it has been submitted.

D A user cannot complete a purchase case on a website unless they create and complete a new
account case first.

22. Case Management

Select the configuration which will pause a parent case until its child is resolved.


Data and Integration

Which three actions can you pe fo m in the Visual Data Model shown? Choose three)
A Delete the Case status field.

B Edit the Phone number field.

C Delete the Email address field.

D Add a new field.

E Edit the Case ID field.

24. Mobility

Which statements about Pega mobile applications are t ue? Select two)
A Three buttons provide customized pages for building a mobile app for the respective platfo ms;
iOS, Android and Windows mobile.
B Pega Mobile Preview provides access to test the full functionality of an application on a device
as a mobile app for up to 30 days by scanning the QR code provided.
C Building a native mobile app from the channel configuration requires configu ing access to the
mobile app build se ver which can be done using a simple HTTP connection.
D Downloading a native mobile app, or previewing it with Pega Mobile Preview both require
logging in to Pega Platfo m over a secure HTTPS connection.
25. Data and Integration

Which statement best desc ibes the object shown in the

A Assistance Request is a parent case type, it has a related
Service child case type.

B Assistance Request is a case type, which has 6 related data

objects. It has one of each of Customer ID, Service address,
Payment information, and Vehicle information. It has a list of
Service providers each of which has a list of Services offered.

C Assistance Request is a case type, it has a related Service case

type and 6 related data objects, 2 of which are one-to-many

D Assistance Request is a data object, it has 7 related data

objects. An Assistance Request has a Customer ID, which has a
Service address.

26. Case Management

In a mo tgage loan case type, applicants enter data in the Credit score, Income, Assets,
Liabilities, and Loan amount fields. The data is submitted in different process steps in the
Submission stage. Based on the submitted data, the system info ms ce tain applicants that
there are no approp iate loan products available and the case does not enter the
Underwriting stage.

How should the case type be configured to pe fo m the data validation desc ibed in this
scena io? (choose one)
A Configure business logic validation on each view

B Configure business logic validation on the Underwriting stage

C Configure business logic validation on the Submission stage

D Set each field to the approp iate field type to test for valid data

E Set the control for each field to allow only valid data
27. Repo ting

A manager has requested a repo t that shows the purchase requests for each of the regional
cost centers. They want to organize the results so that each cost center appears only once
on the repo t and the requests are listed under each cost center. How should the repo t be
configured? (choose one)
A Use the cost center column to group the results.

B Configure the repo t with a paramete ized filter to filter the results so that only one cost center
and its associated requests are included in the repo t. Each cost center manager can then see
their respective purchase orders.
C Use the purchase requests column to group the results.

D Summa ize the purchase requests column using the count function.

28. Repo ting

What configuration options can be deduced from

the Explore Data image? (choose one)
A Results are grouped by date created, most recent
B Results are so ted by date created, most recent first.

C Results are so ted by date created, most recent first

and case type in ascending order.

D Results are so ted by date created, most recent first

and grouped by case type.

29. Repo ting

A payroll manager requests a repo t on the average length of time taken to obtain the va ious
approvals for employee raises and promotions. What type of met ics will the repo t provide?
(choose one)
A Business met ics

B Approval met ics

C Process met ics

D Quality met ics

30. User Expe ience

What are two reasons for using a theme to style an application? Choose two.)
A A theme makes for easier user inte face maintenance.

B A theme allows applications to be differentiated by applying different logos.

C A theme applies consistent colors and typography to elements throughout the application.

D Only a theme can apply colors and text styles to a fo m.

31. User Expe ience

In the company's HR application, the legal depa tment references state and local laws on
multiple fo ms. Stakeholders would like these references styled differently to distinguish the
laws from other content.

How should this requirement be implemented to apply font styling on all legal references
found in the application?
A Open the application theme and add a new theme text that maps to a text element for legal

B Upload a new theme

C Upload a new theme text

D Run a case type that uses the text element and change the font on the fo m view.

32. User Expe ience

Which of the following statements are t ue about the dashboard? Choose two)
A The dashboard displays key pe fo mance indicators KPIs) and operational info mation for an

B The dashboard should contain all of the available widgets for a specific role to help increase

C Each role-based inte face includes a dashboard, tailored to the role.

D When a user with the Case Manager role signs in to a Pega application, they are presented with
an empty dashboard that they can configure with widgets they choose.
E Role-based inte faces must be created and customized for the roles used in your business.

33. User Expe ience

Which of the following statements is co rect?

A Dashboards reference pages, which organise widgets into slots

B Dashboards reference slots, which organise widgets with templates

C Pages reference dashboards, which organise widgets into slots

D Dashboards use templates, which organise widgets into slots


Which statements about Pega mobile applications are t ue? Select two)
A Suppo t for offline processing can be enabled in a mobile channel.

B Additional secu ity settings, like use of biomet ics and timeouts can be configured for a mobile
C Mobile channels cannot be associated with a specified role, which has access to them.

D The long press gesture can be configured to t igger actions, such as to open an assignment.

35. Case Management

According to Pega design best practices, which of these steps should be used as little as
A Assignment B Subprocess

C Automation D Decision

36. Case Management

A Wait step pauses a case’s processing until a predete mined time expires or
A Completion of the Assignment

B Dependent case(s) processing reaches a specific status

C A prope ty’s value exceeds a threshold

D A subcase or spin-off is created

37. User Expe ience

Which of the following statements regarding action sets is t ue?

A An action set consists of one or more actions, each of which t iggers one or more events.
Actions can also be fu ther conditionalized with when ules.

An action set consists of one or more events, each of which t iggers one or more actions.
Action sets can be conditionalized with when ules.

C An action set consists of an event which t iggers an action which can be fu ther
conditionalized with a when ule.

D An action set consists of one or more events, each of which t iggers one or more actions.
Actions can also be fu ther conditionalized with when ules.
38. Application Development

Complete the following statement: Case types, ____________ and __________ should be defined
before estimating the project size and scope with the Estimator tool.
A Process flow; UI fo ms

B Data Objects; Personas

C Personas; Channels

D Data Model; Personas

39. Repo ting

James needs to create a repo t which will show a summa y of total time spent by operators
du ing an account creation process. What catego y of repo t should James create this repo t
in, to access the relevant data?
A Work.

B Assignments.

C Histo y.

D Create the repo t in a new, custom catego y.

40. Repo ting

What are two benefits of using insights? Choose Two)

A Insights provide a way to modify application data to fit business requirements.

B Insights provide a way to share data que ies between users to suppo t collaboration.

C Insights provide a way to organise data for applications to gain better access to the data

D Insights provide a way to transfo m que ies into tables and visualizations to make data analysis

41. Repo ting

Which two of the following statements regarding Insights in the Explore Data landing page are
t ue? Choose 2
A Shared visibility means the insight is shared with members of the Access Group that the
operator belongs to.

B Shared visibility means the insight is shared with members of the Work Group that the operator
belongs to.

C In the Measures field, nume ical data (such as Count, Maximum, …) have to be used.

D In the Dimensions fields, nume ical data (such as Count, Maximum, …) have to be used .
42. Application Development

Which role are the p ima y pa ties interested in using the App Studio, Application Profile,
Estimator tool?
A End users

B Project stakeholders

C Business Architects

D System Architects

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