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Structure of Urimary System

Heart and Brain

iRe f e p i a o
ogeE, urinar, circulaton
consists of many organ systenms
The human body
nervous sysitemis.

consists ot the tollowing


aicet, and

The main organs O u

are a Dphraga
pa atedd one on Aora
either side of the
protected by the last two nbs at th
Vena cava- Lit na ver
are located in the
abdomen, The right kidney 1s a httle

than te e Let r a afer
large spacE Ocupled DYne u Ureter
On the inner border ot each kidney,

halar wreter The

runction of ureter is to collect urine

produced the Kidney Sphincter mus

ranisports uine downwards to the

bag-like muscular structure Caled

971. The hunan uinary
der h e w

e the
opernings of the ureters
third opens into the urethra,Asnhi to the
urethra closed. It relaxes
during urination wher P a s s e s through the urethra to
e Outside

HEART dnternal Structure)

5 the body and pumping it to

Darts of
It is Jocated in the thorax.

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cture or Orny System, Heart and Brain

ris covered by a doube
nericardial ttuia Proetmembranous
to pericardial membranes which filled with
neart trom e are
shocks and friction
The humarn neart cont from other
stria divided by an tour chambers
hteratial 1The (Fig.7.2). upper part consists ot
part is divided into a two
walled right ventrtcie ana thick-Waled and the lower
left ventricle. thi
Subolavian as COnimon carctid artey
updiavun atery

uperor cvd

Pulnonay Puorary arery

Right &

Coronary artery
Coronary anery

Left vertrce
enor vena Cava
Right ven
Pig.7.2. Human heart (frant vie)

Pulmonary artery
o nghit lung


Pumonary vens
From nght and left lungs)

anum Vave erdo

n o r vena cava (Main
Let enticle
Cardiac musce
Haght ventrce
Fig. 7.3. Structure of the human h a cn

fuman is characterised by the compiep ygenated blood from

Deowveenated blood is pumpe t n u oxygenated
is recelved by the left atrium and pumped to the body by the left ventricle

through the left aortic arn

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Practical Bioliog
0 tricuspid vaive whie the left auio
6. The right arto
walve s called
e d bicuspid or mitral v a

ventricular valne is ca
Aota (0Man aner

te body
Puimonary vein
-Let anu
Pacilaty u V .
of the Biood fow
74,Dapam af e hean showng directon
he valves are kept in postion by the tendon-like ibres called chordate tendin
The human heart 5 c o n t r o l e d Dy the sunuatnal t s n oe or the pacemaker. t a

the night ventricet

The heart
n e rece DO

e 8atum,
the Pumps t through
h the pulmonary artery The blood coie a
through the pulmonary veins into the left atrium and goes to the lett ventricke to he
unpec t0 he pody thfough the main aorta (Fig 7

BRAIN (Extemal View)

which lodges the brain is called the brainbox or cranium. The mammalian bras
dvided nto three Parts-the torebrain, the midbrain and the hindbrain

uorain es no the spuna cord in most parts of the brain, the grey
fitres i s tocabed d t h e sutface, while the white matter mad

ed vertrncd

Frortal lbes of cert Midbrain


vpctalaha ons Fibres connectng he

utay bo h a l v s of cerebelu)

Meduila obiongata

7Secon rough head lo show bran

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12:57 PM
ecture of Urinaty Systenm Heart and Brain

eebral henIspheres



Fig 7.4. The bra, showirg specialaed aras,

Forebrain conssts tmainiy ot the cerebrum, which 1s the largest part of the brain.
The cerebrum l l s the cavity ot the cranium and consists oft the right and lett

called median fissure and connected by aband of fibres called corpus callosum
The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain. its surface is covered with billioris of
erve cell bodies forming a layer called cerebral cortex. 1he surtace of the cerebral
cortex is thrown into a series of convolutions which are separate by rurrows
appeas To ate more nerve cell bodies in a limited space
of the brainbe
conststs ot a number ot scattereass o
e grey matter im the
e matter at the base of the Draln. t o i n s ugher nerve centres for

temperature regulations, hunger, t

neuropomoe wi rmones and controls their releise into the bO
The midb ns many groups of nerve cells (nuclei) scattered in the white
matter Some of these nucles are i n v o l v e d im c o n r o i n g n e u c e tone a n d modity

o t o r acivities iniiated oy uhe c o r e x

e hindbrain consists of the cerebellum ft
ocated ventrally ceN in its deeper central part, the medulla made of

nucet made ot 8rey nhatter, scattered

here are also cerebellar
n the white matter

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12:57 P
Practical Bliology

oblongata e
med ate
of pons
em contains
controiling Many centre

the spinar e entre, vasomotor cente s v cemtre, etc
into ngner brai
vegetative centres, between
he sp
the sptnal a cora

tracts cranal nerves
Iso e n e s
are called
f the brain
pr ormost part of the bralin and contnues into t
The nerves arising from dieren dongata differs from tne cee
6. The medulla oblonga erebrum i
and the
punal coru. n the outer side
having the wrile
Hhe cerebral corte
7. 1ne
ivities. The o responsio l
nd onses towaru
diferent sit
intelligence, imagination, thinkin
activities v o l v
reasoning como rebrum is the centre of sensory Perceptaonw
Sen on of pain, temperature and touch E
sight, hearing, taste and smell.
C) Control of valuntary muscies Lereu cnen w ne correlation of
y e eved by the
mpulses and the
COorinanon oP o

u t i a t t o n ana c o t t o o te conran

n e runctions or h e cerebeltum a r e o mamtaln p o s t u r e n d e y u i n b r u m ot the body

and the muscle tone Cerebellum also moduiates and moderaes te o

RThe main functicons of the medulla oblongata re

(o) 1t controls many involuntary movements of the body especially tho

concernied with respiration, circulation heartbeat and digestion.

t aso contros the constriction and dilation of the blood vessels.

1 8 7 a n d Fig 7b show the vanous regons of tfhie brain controlling some part
the body.


.1. Define anatomy.

Anatony is defioed as the study o phe intermal structures of the body.
Q.2. which s the main
exCretory ogan oi the tbody
he dney

hat are the main

functions of the
Midheys a
h Oumore
) Excretionc urea

ecreon en
nat are basic unts of kidney
Neghrons or uriniterous tubuie

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