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English Class - 04 Reference File


to attend - participar/frequentar to motivate - motivar

he/she/it attends he/she/it motivates
attended* motivated*

to leave - sair to achieve - alcançar

he/she/it leaves he/she/it achieves
left* achieved*

*Past Simple Tense verb form

challenge - desafio change - mudança

English Class - 04 Reference File

match - combina / corresponde meaning - significado

outcome - resultado / efeito improve - melhorar / aperfeiçoar

develop - desenvolver upgrade - melhorar / aprimorar

motivation - motivação health - saúde

English Class - 04 Reference File
expectation - expectativa duty - obrigação / dever

issue - problema / assunto growth - crescimento

Expressions / Phrasal verbs

fit for the job - adequado para o cargo to look for - procurar por
to rely on someone - confiar em alguém to deal with - lidar com
self-confidence - auto confiança to look forward - esperar ansiosamente

Do you have any questions for us?
Tip: You might be hired by the questions you ask during the interview.
Answer example 1:
How long does it take to swap engines from the test cell?
Answer example 2:
What would you need me to concentrate on in the first 30 days of starting?
Answer example 3:
What are the plans for the company over the next 5 years?

Why are you interested in this company?

Tip: Explain how your career aspirations are aligned with the company’s.
Answer example 1:
This company is renowned for building high quality equipment and as I'm naturally
committed to delivering outstanding results. This shows that your values and vision are
aligned with my own ambitions and aspirations of constant quality improvement.
English Class - 04 Reference File
Answer example 2:
I want to work for your company because you are socially responsible, you have a
strong set of workplace values that align with my own ambitions and aspirations, and you
have a brilliant track record of achievement. If I am successful, I can genuinely see myself
working for your company for many years to come.

Why should we hire you?

Tip: Give examples of how you believe you match this job position.
Answer example 1:
You should hire me because I’m a match for the job description and I will always take
ownership of difficult challenges when they occur to achieve an outcome that is in the best
interests of your company.
Answer example 2:
I have the necessary skills and experience to perform the job responsibilities
effectively. For example, I have been involved in over fifty different engine setups where I
was responsible for guaranteeing the testing systems fit the test requirements and the test
boundary conditions were met.

Tell me about a time when you overcame a challenge at work.

Tip 1: What did you do to solve an important problem?
Tip 2: Use the STAR technique (Situation, Task, Action, and Result)
Answer example 1:
I had to organize a large company conference at a local hotel. Unfortunately, four
days before the event was due to take place a small fire occurred

Why do you want to leave your current job?

Tip 1: They are trying to figure it out if you're going to stay.
Tip 2: Don't be negative about your previous job.
Tip 3: Again is a good opportunity to show why you are interested in the position and company.
Answer example 1:
My employer has been amazing, they've supported me and we have achieved many
great things during my time there. However, now is the time for me to move on and work
for a new and exciting company such as yours, whose culture, values and ambitions align
with my own.

What's your ideal working environment?

Answer example 1:
My ideal work environment is positive, is one where everyone in the team seeks to
continually grow and improve, and where I would get to use my creative side to help the
business grow and develop.

Common questions:
- What's your ideal working environment?

English Class - 04 Reference File -> 4:30

- Why do you want to work with us? -> 8:17

- Do you have any questions for us? -> 11:15

- What questions do you have for me? -> 4:03

- 24 answers for interview questions

- Power Words for your job interview

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