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Federal Republic of Nigeria

Immunization Plus and Malaria Progress by Accelerating Coverage and Transforming Services (IMPACT) Project
Health Sector The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can
Credit No.: 6539 be found at the following website: NPHCDA Website
Project ID No.: P167156 or can be obtained at the
address given below.
Assignment Title: LGA Decentralized Facility Financing
(DFF) Technical Assistants for Immunization Plus and The Immunization Plus and Malaria Progress by Accelerating
Malaria Progress by Accelerating Coverage and
Coverage and Promoting Services (IMPACT) Project now invites
Transforming Services (IMPACT) Project
eligible individuals (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in
Reference No.: NPHCDA/IMPACTMPA/CS/INDV/12 providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide
information demonstrating that they have the required
A. Introduction: qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.
1) The Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria has received
financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA
Immunization Plus and Malaria Progress by Accelerating The shortlisting criteria are:
Coverage and Promoting Services (IMPACT) Project and
intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services. Essential Minimum Qualifications and Experience
2) The National Primary Health Care Development Agency 1. Minimum of five years relevant experience in PHC
(NPHCDA) is a parastatal of Nigeria's Federal Ministry of Health activities.
with the corporate goals to; control preventable diseases and 2. Background in Midwifery, Nursing, Medical Laboratory
eradicate polio, improve access to basic health services, Technology, Health Technology, Maternal and Child Health,
improve quality of care, develop high-performing health
Public Health, Health Economics/Health Management,
workforce, strengthen the primary health care institutions,
Health Information Management or Public Policy is
partnerships, and community engagement.
3) The World Bank supports the Government of Nigeria to desired.
strengthen primary health care and reduce under-5 mortality 3. In-depth understanding of the Nigerian health system and
rates through a Multiphase Programmatic Approach (MPA) RMNCAH+N (Basic Emergency Obsterics and Newborn
intervention. The MPA has 3 phases, starting with the IMPACT Care (BEmONC), Essential Newborn Care Course (ENCC),
project. The IMPACT project is a significant investment in the Modified/Life-Saving Skills (MLSS/LSS)).
Nigeria health sector with ambitious targets for service 4. Significant Knowledge on Immunization programs at the
improvement and strengthening health systems. LGA level (RI services, Logistics and Vaccine Management,
4) The project development objective of the IMPACT phase of the data management, advocacy and community mobilization
MPA is to improve the utilisation and quality of immunisation etc).
plus (immunisation, child, neonatal and maternal health) and 5. Strong problem-solving skills and experience working
malaria services in selected states.
under demanding work plans, and fast-paced
5) The project has four components; (1) Malaria Control; (2)
Immunisation plus; (3) Knowledge for Change; and (4)
Contingency Emergency Response Components (CERC) and 6. Experience organising training, conducting field visits, and
will be implemented in a total of 20 states. 4 States of Borno, providing support to health facilities.
Imo, Lagos and Rivers will implement component 1 on malaria 7. Strong diplomatic and interpersonal relationship skills;
control, and 19 States of Abia, Adamawa, Bauchi, Benue, Delta, experience working with partners and traditional
Ebonyi, Ekiti, Gombe, Kaduna, Kano, Kogi, Kwara, Nasarawa, institutions at community and LGA levels.
Oyo, Ondo, Plateau, Sokoto, Yobe and Zamfara will implement 8. Ability to understand and speak local language.
component 2, the immunisation plus component of the project. 9. Technical proficiency with Microsoft Word, Excel and
6) The project will be implemented by two Project Implementing PowerPoint, with ability to use these tools to collect and
Units (PIUs) at the Federal level situated at the National Malaria analyse immunisation program data.
Elimination Program (NMEP) for components 1 and 3 and at the 10. Good verbal, and written communication skills.
National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA)
11. Ability to create written project reports and retire funds.
for components 2 and 3. Similarly, at the State level, the PIUs at
SMEP will implement Component 1 in the Malaria States and
12. Previous experience working in a similar role in rural
SPHCBs, and Component 2 in the Immunization Plus States. settings with limited infrastructure.
7) The immunisation-plus component of the project includes high- 13. Ability to travel within and outside the LGA and within the
impact and innovative RMNCAH+N interventions that will focus state of assignment.
on improving the availability, uptake and quality of perinatal 14. Ability to work independently and with minimal
and post-natal services, which will contribute to addressing supervision.
neonatal mortality and, as a continuum, improve under-five 15. Experience with Results-Based Financing of Healthcare
morbidity, including malnutrition, and under-five mortality. (DFF and PBF design or implementation) is an advantage.

BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE SERVICE The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III,
The consulting services (“the Services”) include: paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of the World Bank's
The Decentralized Facility Financing (DFF) LGA Technical “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” July 2016 and
Assistants for IMPACT Project revised November 2020 (“Procurement Regulations”), setting
forth the World Bank's policy on conflict of interest.
Objective of the Technical Assistant position
The overall objective of the LGA DFF-TA is to support health facilities
implementing IMPACT project towards achieving the Project A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Individual
Development Objectives (PDO) of reducing maternal and child Consultant Selection method set out in the Procurement
morbidity and mortality as well as provide technical assistance for Regulations.
effective and efficient implementation of IMPACT through DFF Model Further information can be obtained at the address below during
in all IMPACT states. office hours i.e 0900 to 1600 hours.


The engagement will be full-time for one year, renewable based on Expressions of interest (including a CV) indicating the preferred
performance, with a satisfactory quarterly (every three months) State of Assignment and Cluster number must be delivered
performance review. in a written form to the address below in person, by courier mail
or email on or before 1200noon 12 September, 2023.
Job Location
Three selected LGAs in one of the 19 IMPACT supported States as
listed in item no. 4, section A above. Project Implementation Unit
Attn: Project Manager, IMPACT Project
Age limit: No. 16 Idris Kutigi Street, Asokoro extension, Asokoro
The prospective TA shall not exceed 45 years of age as at the final Abuja, Nigeria
day for submission of applications. Tel:+2348034983936, +2348136361010,

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