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TOLI Global Day of

Fasting and Prayer

October 24, 2023
“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers,
intercessions, and thanksgiving be made for all people, for
kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a
peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is
good.” // 1 Timothy 2:1-3

Thank you for joining us on TOLI’s Global Day of Fasting and Prayer. We are setting
apart this day because we believe — and have experienced — that God works
powerfully through prayer. The unity of prayer can move mountains, and God has
mighty answers to our prayers. For 24 hours, the TOLI family in Kenya, Egypt, Uganda,
Ethiopia, Nicaragua, and the US are coming together to lift our requests before God.

In this guide, you’ll find prayer themes

and detailed prayer requests from our
program locations. You can use this
guide to lead you throughout the day. Or
use the sign-up link on the next page to
pray for a specific theme and hour.

Our hope is that you feel connected to

the TOLI family today. From 7-8am MT,
jump on a "TOLI family" Zoom call with
TOLI Field Staff, volunteers, and prayer warriors all around the world. For US pray-ers
based in Colorado Springs, from 6-7pm MT come to the TOLI office to break fast and
worship together. Lastly, we’ll be sharing pictures of our prayer spots throughout the day
on social media. If you’d like to participate, please tag TOLI in a post, and we’ll share it with
the whole TOLI family.

Thank you for your prayers, now and always.

24-Hour Prayer Schedule

Sign Up Here for a Specific Prayer Time.

*** Times are in MT and for East Africa. Please adjust to your location.

12am MT / 9am East Africa & Egypt 12pm MT / 9pm East Africa & Egypt

1am MT / 10am East Africa & Egypt 1pm MT / 10pm East Africa & Egypt

2am MT / 11am East Africa & Egypt 2pm MT / 11pm East Africa & Egypt

3am MT / 12pm East Africa & Egypt 3pm MT / 12am East Africa & Egypt
PRAYER THEME: Nations PRAYER THEME: Business Training

4am MT / 1pm East Africa & Egypt 4pm MT / 1am East Africa & Egypt

5am MT / 2pm East Africa & Egypt

5pm MT / 2am East Africa & Egypt
PRAYER THEME: Committees and Boards

6am MT / 3pm East Africa & Egypt

6pm MT / 3am East Africa & Egypt
PRAYER THEME: Partner Ministries
PRAYER THEME: Leadership teams //
Break the fast and worship at TOLI Office
7am MT / 4pm East Africa & Egypt
PRAYER THEME: Global Zoom Call
7pm MT / 4am East Africa & Egypt
PRAYER THEME: Donors and Volunteers
8am MT / 5pm East Africa & Egypt
PRAYER THEME: Spiritual Discipleship
8pm MT / 5am East Africa & Egypt
PRAYER THEME: The Kingdom of God
9am MT / 6pm East Africa & Egypt
9pm MT / 6am East Africa & Egypt
10am MT / 7pm East Africa & Egypt
PRAYER THEME: Family Hardships 10pm MT / 7am East Africa & Egypt
11am MT / 8pm East Africa & Egypt
PRAYER THEME: Children 11pm MT / 8am East Africa & Egypt
PRAYER THEME: TOLI-Vision planning
Prayer Guide
Thanksgiving > Pray for clients in Kenya – for Miriam who
LITURGY: “Oh LORD, you are my God; I will exalt had surgery and Jackline who cut her finger.
you; I will praise your name, for you have done > Pray for clients in Egypt – for Amgad, who
wonderful things, plans formed of old, faithful, will have an open heart surgery, for Suhair,
and sure.” // Isaiah 25:1 who might need to amputate part of her
leg, and for Nora who is very ill.
> Praise God for the success of TOLI, for our > Pray for the health of the TOLI family in
program locations in Egypt, Kenya, Ethiopia, Nicaragua. Pray for the miraculous healing
Nicaragua, and Uganda, for clients who are of Pastor Earl, who was in a serious car
building thriving businesses and repaying accident in June. Pray for clients who have
their microloans, for clients who have heard to travel to Managua for serious medical
and believed the gospel, for families lifted treatments. Pray for mothers with children
out of poverty, for generous donors, and for with special needs.
a remarkable global staff who share the > Pray for the health of TOLI Social Workers.
Gospel in word and deed. Pray for TOLI Social Worker Sally in Egypt
> Praise God for clients – specifically for who is donating part of her liver to save her
Anastasia in Kenya who God has healed sister. Pray for the health of Junior, Orlando,
after being in the hospital. Praise God for and Miguel in Nicaragua. Pray for TOLI's
clients like Brenda and Genet, who have Upper Egypt Manager, Ehab and his son
taken second and third loans. Karim. Karim broke his arm this summer,
> Praise God for our 55 TOLI Field Staff. and it has not healed. Pray for them as they
> Praise God for our Partner Ministries – Kenya look for answers.
Connection Kids, Life Center Ethiopia,
Goshen Gospel Ministries, and Heliopolis TOLI Businesses
Evangelical Church. We’re thankful for their LITURGY: “I praise you for my current
dreams and growth. There are six sites in employment, in this season of life, I give you
Kenya, two in Ethiopia, 16 in Egypt, and two thanks. By it, may I meet my own needs, and
in Uganda. contribute to the needs of others. Let me work
and serve in this position with mindfulness,
Health creativity, and kindness, loving you well by loving
LITURGY: “The Lord bless you and keep you; the all whom I encounter here.” // Every Moment
Lord make his face shine upon you and be Holy
gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance
upon you and give you peace.” // Numbers > Pray for clients as they repay their
6:24-26 microloans. Pray that they have customers,
creative ideas, and a consistent income from
> Pray for clients’ and their families' health. their businesses. Pray for holistic
Pray for clients with cancer like Emad in transformation. Pray they all know God loves
Egypt, with HIV, for those about to undergo them.
surgery, for those with chronic illness, and > In Ethiopia, pray for clients like Ruth, Bedelu,
for those with injuries that keep them from Alemnesh, Kalkidan, Sherrmelese, Solomon
working. Pray for clients as they pay medical and Azeb who are expanding their
bills. businesses. Pray for clients like Tison and
> Pray for clients' health in Ethiopia – for Hanna who are moving their businesses to a
Alemnesh, Bizunesh, Abaynesh, and Amina. better location. Pray for Kebebush, Hayat,
and Elsa who are struggling economically.
Prayer Guide
> In Nicaragua, pray for clients as TOLI > Pray for Ukraine. Pray for Sudan. Pray for an
releases them from their loan obligations end to war. Pray that everyone in every
(due to our shut down in this region). Pray nation hears and receives the Gospel.
that clients who are able would keep going,
saving, and reinvesting in their businesses. TOLI Field Staff
Pray for the struggling economy and for
LITURGY: “Christ with me, Christ before me,
safety for clients and TOLI Social Workers.
Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath
> In Uganda, pray for clients who are not
me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on
repaying their loans. Pray for clients growing
my left, Christ where I lie, Christ where I sit,
their businesses like Polly, Janet, and Fatiya. Christ where I arise, Christ in the mouth of every
one who speaks to me, Christ in every eye that
The Nations sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me.” // St.
LITURGY: “Therefore God also has highly exalted Patrick “Christ be with me”
Him and given Him the name which is above
every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee > Pray that God fills TOLI Social Workers and
should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on Field Staff with His love, words, and wisdom.
earth, and of those under the earth, and that Pray for their families. Pray that God goes
every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is before them in everything they do.
Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” // Philippians > Pray for the four new TOLI Social Workers in
2:9-11 Kenya, Nathan, Loyd, Jiljane, and Christine,
and the two new Social Workers in Ethiopia,
> Pray for peace. Pray for peace in all our Beakal and Meles. Pray for unity in the TOLI
program countries, especially for continued family and ease as they learn the ministry.
peace in Ethiopia. Pray for those in Ethiopia > Pray for Junior, Orlando, and Miguel in
who are displaced and are recovering from Nicaragua. We recently were forced to end
the ethnic conflict. Pray for widows who lost our program there. Pray for them and their
their husbands in the war. families as they start new jobs and face
> Pray for God to transform the hearts of the political and economic oppression. Pray for
leaders in Nicaragua so that they know God them as they look for ways to continue
and love the people in their country. Pray for ministering to TOLI clients
selflessness, economic prosperity, religious
freedom, and for God to break through the TOLI Committees and Boards
LITURGY: “O Christ who made himself the
> Pray for the development of Kenya and
servant of all, I would set my heart and my
Uganda. Pray for those living in poverty. Pray
affections upon you – and upon you alone – for I
that Uganda becomes politically stable.
can only serve others rightly when such service is
> Pray for Egypt. Pray the wealthy areas of undertaken from first to last as an act of devotion
Egypt see and respond to the needs in offered to you.” // Every Moment Holy
remote villages. Pray for relief from inflation
and economic pressure. Pray for wisdom for > Pray for the Local Committees and
the Egyptian government as they border volunteers for TOLI in Uganda, Ethiopia,
the Gaza strip. Pray for peace in Israel and Kenya, and Egypt. We’re so thankful for their
Gaza and pray the devastation ends. Pray for involvement. Pray that God blesses them in
the Middle East. their work so they can continue serving TOLI
and their communities. Pray for vision and
Prayer Guide
> Pray for TOLI leadership teams in all our ministry forcing TOLI to end our program
Partner Ministries, including Pastor Sameh, there too. Pray for the church as they look for
Fitfit, Norma, Nancy, Biso, Humphrey, Hellen, funds to pay the employees severance. Pray
Jafford, Julius, Benjamin, Freesia. Maynor, for the leadership of the church as they
Pastor Earl, Jose Luis, Yader, Guillermo, Mulu, make decisions. Pray for strength and
Amare, Wondwossen, Wubishet, Angie, provision for the whole team. Pray for Pastor
Pastor David, Pastor Moses, Moses, and Jane. Earl as he recovers from the accident this
> Pray for the Uganda committee and their summer.
dreams to reach all of Uganda with the
Gospel and TOLI program. Global Zoom Call
> Pray for wisdom for the US board of LITURGY: “I pray that our good Lord will bless us
directors – Abigail McConnell, Eddie Yassa, with His unending blessings and that He may fill
Monna Yassa, Stu Lark, John Jaeger, Dick us with overflowing hope. The Bible tells us, “to
Frieg, Erin Eilmes, Laura Blackburn, and not be anxious about anything but through
Linda Hood. prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, let us all
make our requests known to God” (Phillippians
TOLI’s Partner Ministries 4:6). My prayer is that God fills us with joy and
LITURGY: “Of this gospel I was made a minister peace as we trust in Him and that we overflow
according to the gift of God’s grace, which was with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” //
given me by the working of his power. To me, prayer by Olive, TOLI Social Worker in Kenya
though I am very least of all the saints, this grace
was given, to preach to the Gentiles the > JOIN US for a Global Zoom Call from 7-8am
unsearchable riches of Christ, and to bring to MT and Nicaragua, 4-5pm in Egypt, Kenya,
light for everyone what is the plan of the mystery Uganda, and Ethiopia:
hidden for ages in God, who created all things, so
that through the church the manifold wisdom of SXFDUTlKTkdXeGw1QjZFR3lUWEFjdz09
God might now be made known to the rulers and
authorities in the heavenly places.” // Ephesians Spiritual Discipleship
3:7-10 LITURGY: “O God, quicken to life every power
within me, that I may lay hold on eternal things.
> Pray for KCK Ministries. Pray for continued Open my eyes that I may see; give me acute
provision as they help children and families spiritual perception; enable me to taste Thee and
out of poverty. Pray for Praise, a child at KCK, know that Thou art good. Make heaven more real
who undergoes frequent brain surgeries. to me than any earthly thing has ever been.
> Pray for Life Center Ethiopia as they minister Amen.” // AW Tozer “The Pursuit of God”
to orphans and widows and open new TOLI
sites across Ethiopia. > Pray that the Gospel is proclaimed! Pray that
> Pray for Goshen Gospel Ministries. Pray for clients know God and lead others to know
the leadership of the church. Pray for the Him too. Pray for clients who are spiritual
shepherding of that congregation and their leaders in their community – like Polly.
impact of the Gospel in the Luwero area. > Pray for spiritual gatherings. Last month
> Pray for Heliopolis Evangelical Church. more than 300 women gathered for
Praise God for their 100 years of ministry. spiritual retreats in Cairo and Upper Egypt.
Pray for their growing TOLI leadership team. Pray for the individuals who surrendered
> Pray for Verbo Ministries, our partners in their life to Jesus, that God would keep,
Nicaragua. The government shut down their protect and guide every person who made
Prayer Guide
this decision. Pray for all of TOLI’s programs LITURGY: “Lord, make me an instrument of your
as they host more and more spiritual peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
gatherings, especially in Uganda. where there is injury, pardon; where there is
> Pray for the spiritual development of TOLI doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where
Field Staff. Pray TOLI staff encourage each there is darkness, light;, where there is sadness,
other so that they can pour into clients. Pray joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much
for new ideas for reaching people with the seek to be consoled as to console, not so much to
Gospel. be understood as to understand, not so much to
> Pray for clients when they receive Bibles. be loved, as to love; for it is in giving that we
> Pray for Muslim clients – specifically for Leon receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, it
in Uganda, for clients in Egypt, and for is in dying that we awake to eternal life.” // St.
Muslim clients in Ethiopia who took a Bible Francis of Assisi “Instrument of Your Peace”
home after training. Pray for Aida, a client in
> Pray for clients who are victims of domestic
Uganda, who just became a Christian.
abuse. Pray for safety, courage, and for Christ
> Pray for true and authentic faith for clients
to intercede powerfully. Please also pray for
in Kenya.
some of our TOLI Social Workers who face
> Pray that every TOLI client is connected to
these challenges at home. Pray for the TOLI
the local church.
family as they come alongside Social
Climate > Pray for the health of marriages. Pray for
LITURGY: “Lead us, O God, from the sight of the Mona and her marriage. Pray for Nashaat –
lovely things of the world to the thought of thee
he and his wife separated due to family
their Creator; and grant that delighting in the
beautiful things of thy creation, we may delight in
> Pray that God will be received in Laila’s
thee, the first author of beauty and the Sovereign
family. They have serious problems and
Lord of all thy works, blessed forever more.” // St.
need God. Pray for Nagwa and her family in
Augustine “Lead Us”
Egypt. Pray for Noura.
> Pray for the earth and its resources. Pray for > Pray for mothers. Pray for mothers like Leila
rain for where there is famine, and dry who are trying to have a child, but can’t. Pray
weather where there’s flooding. Pray for for new moms like Ann Joy and Gabriel in
those in Afghanistan after the earthquakes Kenya. Pray for mothers as they take care of
and those in Libya after the devastating sick children and run a small business.
flooding. > Pray for widows and single mothers.
> Pray for farmers in East Africa, where the
rainy season has just started. Pray for those Children
who are struggling to grow crops or whose LITURGY: “The word of the LORD came to me,
livestock have passed away. saying, ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew
> Pray for God’s protection for our clients from you, before you were born I set you apart; I
the changing weather patterns. Pray appointed you as a prophet to the nations.’ ‘Alas,
especially for protection in Nicaragua from Sovereign LORD,’ I said, ‘I do not know how to
hurricanes and flooding. speak; I am too young.’ But the LORD said to me,
> Pray for food security, especially in Ethiopia. . ‘Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ You must go to
everyone I send you to and say whatever I
Family Hardships command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am
Prayer Guide
with you and will rescue you,’ declares the LORD.” // because their 25-year-old nephew passed
Jeremiah 4:1-8 away.
> Pray for those mourning the loss of a child,
> Pray for our clients’ children — some who the loss of a dream, or the loss of self.
are going to school for the first time. Pray > Pray for TOLI volunteers and donors who are
clients are able to provide for their children grieving the loss of a loved one, a job, or a
emotionally, spiritually, and financially. Pray dream.
that the children know God. Pray for the > Pray that everyone feels God’s comfort and
youth in Garbage Village, Egypt, who have a presence in their grief.
high suicide rate. Pray for kids in Uganda
where crime is high.
> Pray for vulnerable children. For the orphans
LITURGY: “You are the God who nourished the
and children at our partner ministries at
Israelites in the wilderness, who turned water
KCK Ministries in Kenya and Life Center
into wine, who fed five thousand with a handful
of loaves and fish. We tell ourselves these stories
> Pray for Miriam’s child Youssef, who is 6
of Your kindness to remember that You are an
years old and is in the hospital with major
abundant provider. You may not always give in
stomach problems. Pray for Mervat’s
the way that we ask, but You will always provide
grandson who was born premature.
exactly what we need, for even when we are
> Pray for children with special needs.
faithless, You remain faithful.” // Audrey Elledge
“Liturgies of Hope.”
LITURGY: “Lord, we know that You are the God > Pray for all clients as they make decisions
who comforts us. I pray that You provide a time of and save money in this time of high inflation
comfort and rest for those whose hearts are and insecurity. Pray that they trust God. Pray
hurting right now. Hold them in Your embrace, for clients as they budget and separate their
Father. Wrap them in Your love and remind them business and personal finances.
that though they may have lost someone dear, > Pray for clients in Ethiopia who are
they are not alone, for You are with them. Bring to struggling with inflation. Pray for the
them the hope of Your unfailing love and turn increased financial burden of those who
their sadness into gladness. Soothe their have to change the plastic walls of their
heartache as they lean on You for comfort and businesses into metal sheets. Pray for their
guidance. I pray that their grief heals smoothly, home businesses.
for You will be with them every step of the way. > Pray for clients in Egypt who are struggling
May they hold on to You for strength, hope, and to buy raw materials because of inflation –
sustenance. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.” like Amira and Ihab’s mother. Pray for their
> Pray for the family of Ashraf, a TOLI client,
> Pray for those with large families. Pray for
who passed away this month.
those who are taking care of dependents
> Pray for comfort for Omar in Egypt, whose
(grandparents, grandchildren, orphans,
brother passed away, and for Martha, whose
and/or children in their communities.)
cousin passed away. Pray for Miriam in
Kenya who’s husband passed away, for
Timothy in Kenya who lost his son through
LITURGY: “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the
suicide. Pray for Mary and her family
Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
Prayer Guide
I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my > Pray for the testimonies of clients as they
fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’” // Psalm 91:1-2 share their stories with participants.
> Pray for effective and consistent business
> Pray for clients who are domestically training implementation across our sites.
abused. Pray for safety, courage, and for
Christ to intercede powerfully. Please also
pray for some of our TOLI Social Workers
LITURGY: “For you created my inmost being; you
who face these challenges at home. Pray for
knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise
the TOLI family as they come alongside the
you because I am fearfully and wonderfully
Social Workers.
made; your works are wonderful, I know that full
> Pray for Gihan, she left her home due to
well.” // Psalm 139:13-14
family problems with her husband.
> Pray for safety for Social Workers as they > Pray for holistic transformation for each and
travel to see clients or travel to work. Pray every TOLI client. Pray that women feel
especially for TOLI Social Workers in Kenya confident in their ability to provide for their
and Uganda who ride motorbikes. There are families. Pray men become stable providers.
frequent and serious accidents on these Pray that everyone experiences God’s love
roads. Pray for those in Ethiopia who have and feels dignified. Pray they know
long commutes to work. themselves more and who God created
> Pray for those in Nicaragua and at Verbo them to be. Pray for flourishing! Pray for
Ministries. Pray the government does not clients as they dream.
confiscate anymore property from Verbo. > Pray for clients in Egypt. There is a growing
Pray God keep them safe. unease and insecurity of TOLI clients living
in material poverty. Pray for dignity and
Business Training hope for clients and their families in
LITURGY: “And so, from the day we heard, we Garbage Village. Pray for clients in Haganna,
have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you the government wants to move this village
may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all to another location.
spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to > Pray for the continuing consistency of
walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully repayment rates.
pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work > Pray for new clients.
and increasing in the knowledge of God; being > Pray for clients who are leaders like Mercy in
strengthened with all power, according to his Kenya, Hannan in Egypt, Almenesh in
glorious might, for all endurance and patience Ethiopia, Janet in Uganda, and Brenda in
with joy; giving thanks to the Father, who has Nicaragua. Pray their testimonies touch the
qualified you to share in the inheritance of the lives of others.
saints in light.” // Colossians 1:9-12 > Pray for the success of Lomi as she
overcomes obstacles.
> Praise God for the business training in
Kenya. This year, more than 2,000
participants took TOLI’s Basic Business
LITURGY: “And it is my prayer that your love may
Course and learned how to run a small
abound more and more, with knowledge and all
discernment, so that you may approve what is
> Pray that everyone who attends a training
excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the
believes in the Lord.
day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness
Prayer Guide
that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and God’s Kingdom. They are TOLI’s miracle
praise of God.” // Philippians 1:9-11 workers.
> Pray for the new leadership team in Egypt
> We praise God for arranging for a new site in – Mona, Nader, and Ehab. Pray for their
Egypt, Ezbet Hares, set to open next month personal lives and for wisdom for God as
– the fourth new TOLI site in Egypt this year. they lead an amazing and growing ministry.
> We praise God that the Egypt team signed a > Pray for Hailu, the Program Director in
partnership agreement with The Brethren Kenya, Bonface, the Regional Director in
Church of Egypt, giving them access to Kenya, and Tina, TOLI’s lead Social Worker in
serve an additional 20 villages in Upper Uganda.
Egypt. > Pray for the US team and leadership as they
> Praise God that KCK in Kenya launched two enter a new season. Pray for trust, vision, and
more sites and hired four more TOLI Social capacity.
Workers this year. We celebrate that
TOLI-Kenya has now granted more than
Donors and volunteers
1,000 microloans. Pray for the success and
LITURGY: “I do not cease to give thanks for you,
spiritual lives of these clients. Pray for clients
remembering you in my prayers, that the God of
who just took a microloan. Pray for creativity,
our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may
resilience, and grit.
give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in
> Praise God for our rapid expansion in
the knowledge of him, having the eyes of your
Ethiopia. Praise God for their new site in
hearts enlightened, that you may know what is
Meki. Praise God for TOLI Field Staff and
the hope to which he called you,” // Ephesians
Partner’s intentionality with each TOLI
> Pray for growth opportunities in Uganda
> We praise God for each and every TOLI
and for the hiring of a third TOLI Social
donor and volunteer. Praise God for monthly
donors, venture teams, and sustainers.
> Pray that as our programs grow, clients
> Pray for peace for TOLI donors. Pray for their
grow and that no one falls through the
families. Pray for them in hardships. Pray for
blessings in their work.
> Please pray for financial resources as our
> Pray for the health of donors and their
Partners grow rapidly and dream to grow

The Kingdom of God

Leadership teams
LITURGY: “One day Jesus was praying in a
LITURGY: “Govern everything by your wisdom,
certain place. When he finished, one of his
O Lord, so that my soul may always be serving
disciples said to him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray, just
you in the way you will and not as I choose. Let
as John taught his disciples.’ He said to them,
me die to myself so that I may serve you; let me
"When you pray, say: “‘Father, hallowed be your
live to you who are life itself. Amen.” // St. Theresa
name, your kingdom come. Give us each day our
of Avila ``Let Me Serve You”
daily bread. Forgive us our sins, for we also
> We praise God for the TOLI Social Workers forgive everyone who sins against us. And lead us
and Regional Directors, who work around not into temptation.’” // Luke 11:1-4
the clock with true passion and
commitment to see TOLI’s ministry serve
Prayer Guide
> We pray God’s kingdom would come into all my fellow humans, so that I might more
aspects of TOLI’s ministry – to Field Staff, authentically live and learn and love among them
Partner Ministries, and Clients. unto the end that all of our many stories might be
> Pray we are unified in Christ. Pray that our more beautifully woven into your own greater
eyes are fixed on eternity as we help this story.” // Every Moment Holy
broken world.
> Pray for the final roll out of TOLI Atlas, a
> Pray against spiritual darkness and warfare.
massive upgrade to how TOLI tracks client
Pray God’s light always shines in the
success and program impact.
darkness. Pray for protection.
> Pray for ease as Field Staff start using the
program. Pray it helps our partners adapt
the TOLI program to their context. Pray for
LITURGY: “Oh Jesus, You know what it is to be
each client. Pray this helps TOLI listen to
human and tempted. Teach us how to die to our
client stories better and better serve clients.
flesh and ask Your Spirit for help. Lead us to your
> Praise God for Morgan, TOLI’s Program
heart of grace and compassion… Oh Healer and
Associate, and all her hard work developing
Redeemer, reach into the darkest corner of our
this app and setting it up well.
hearts, and shine Your light there. We cry to You
> Pray for Egypt as they start importing data
in the midst of our sin and fall on Your mercy. We
into Atlas and for the Kenya team as they
come into your presence for healing longing to
start adding new clients to the app this
hear these words: Neither do I condemn you; go
month. Give them courage to ask questions.
and sin no more. We are powerless to free
ourselves from sin. Set us free, Holy Spirit. Set us
free. Amen.” // Audrey Elledge “Liturgies of Vision planning for TOLI-US
Hope.” LITURGY: “Lord, we thank you for being in our
lives. Thank you for being the source of every joy
> Pray for all TOLI clients experiencing and blessing. You always guide us and show us
addiction. Pray for those in Egypt, Ethiopia, the right way. Help us make you first in our lives
Kenya, and Uganda. and trust you in our story. Thank you that we
> Pray for men in East Africa and the common experience true joy in closeness to you. We look
struggles with alcohol. forward to the fullness of joy we’ll experience in
> Pray that God releases Sharbat’s son from heaven praising you.” // prayer by Mona, TOLI
his drug addiction. Pray for Moussa, he’s Social Worker in Egypt
addicted to drugs and his sister Martha
desperately wants to see God glorified in the > Pray for discernment, creativity, planning,
life of her brother. and vision for the TOLI-US team.
> Pray for mothers and wives whose > Pray for TOLI-US staff – For Abigail
husbands have an addiction. McConnell as she leads the team, executes
the vision, and plans for the future. For
Morgan Shabe as she develops relationships
TOLI Atlas – our new client tracking
with staff and betters program. For Amy
system Cullins as she creatively plans events and
LITURGY: “May the stories I partake of, and the builds connections with donors. For Audrey
ways in which I engage with them, make me in
Putney as she tells stories and organizes
the end a more empathetic Christ-bearer, more
details. For Eddie Yassa as he shares TOLI
compassionate, more aware of my own
with others, builds and encourages staff,
brokenness and need for grace, better able to
understand the hopes and fears and failings of
Prayer Guide
and grows the ministry. Pray they are led by
the Spirit.
> Pray for wisdom for the board of directors –
Abigail McConnell, Eddie Yassa, Monna
Yassa, Stu Lark, John Jaeger, Dick Frieg, Erin
Eilmes, Laura Blackburn, and Linda Hood.
Pray for those on the Long Range Planning
Committee as they discern new locations
and staff.
> Prayer for the search for TOLI’s next
Executive Director. Pray for Abigail as she
transitions out of the role and for the new
Director as they step into TOLI’s ministry.
Pray for the Field Staff, Partners, US staff,
and US Board throughout this transition.
> Praise God for allowing us to grow and
shepherd this ministry!

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