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9i1212a, 02:00 Report for Garcia, Laura Activity assigned by Ventura, Brandon Activity Pare Part2 para Parca Parts Parcs Parc7 pane Total Score Units 6-10 Review T Part 1 sten to the conversation. Type £ i the sentence describes Emily and M if it describes Mark > ost ° ample ‘his person seating dessert. [] 41) This person used to be on a diet, E 2. This person is avoiding dessert. M 3° This person is trying to lose weight. M 4 This person is crazy about chocolate. E Part 2 Listen to the conversation. Choose True or False for each sentence. > -0028 4 ° Example: Ben dislikes the stone sculpture True False 5 Ben likes colorful paintings True False nipsifmyengishiab, pearson-int.comvactiviies/1923113280V0!report Units 6-10 General Test — Made: ceport~ Unit 10> Units 6-10 Review Tests - C3 OCT-DEC SAT 2023 - MyEnglshLab Date submitted: 09 Dec 2023, Score 100% 100% 100% 100% 85% 100% 100% 100% 96% 414 100% 414 100% 9i1212a, 02:00 Units 6-10 General Test — Made: ceport~ Unit 10> Units 6-10 Review Tests - C3 OCT-DEC SAT 2023 - MyEnglshLab 6 Ben prefers traditional ar. False 7. Jessicais going to a museum in Chicago False 8 There's alot of modern artat the Museum of Contemporary. True False Part3 ss choose the word or phrase that does NOT correctly complete each sentence. 100% Example: Please attach / upload / open / crash ths file for me. 9 Environment /Extrovert _/ Nature / Nurture affects people's personalities 40 [love this cloth. thinks wonderful/fantastic/awful terrific 41 Let's goto the computer store, Ineed a new mouse / keyboard / monitor / sibling 42 This dish is very spicy calm —/ sweet / salty 13, This drawing / painting / sculpture /gene was made by a Chinese artist. Part4 44 Choose the statement that matches each picture. 100% Example: ‘They didn't charge me enough. “They gave me too mach change.” "paid more than the correct amount." nipsifmyengishiab, pearson-int,comvactiviies/1923113280/0!report 9i1212a, 02:00 Units 6-10 General Test — Made: ceport~ Unt 10> Units 6-10 Review Tests - C3 OCT-DEC SAT 2023 - MyEnglshLab “ “rm feeling down.” "Tm an olé-ashioned guy.” really enjoy making people laugh.” 16 *Were all bored” ‘Weve all introverts "We're all enjoying ourselves.” 17© vthey forgot something “They charged me too much" ‘They gave me more than I ordered. nipsifmyengishiab, pearson-int,comvactiviies/1923113280/0!report 9i1212a, 02:00 Units 6-10 General Test — Made: ceport~ Unit 10> Units 6-10 Review Tests - C3 OCT-DEC SAT 2023 - MyEnglshLab Part 5 ana Choose the answer that correctly completes each sentence. 85% Example: She liked telling jokes ___ people laugh. to make making 18 I don't usually enjoy __ new foods, but this salad was great! ty touy trying 19 That photograph __ two years ago. ‘was took was taken taken 20 1f1___whowon the contest, ! would tll you. knew find out ‘would know 21 Zachary allergic to milk, so he ___it,he would get realy sick drank rinks ‘would érink 22 You and Kevin have the same cell phone. Is this one__ or ist Kevin's? they's thems yours 23. I make $10 an hour, and Bill makes $27 an hour. I don't make __as much as he does. nearly not nearly 24 I've been working so long that I'm getting really tired of __ study tostudy studying 25 Charleston is 6 km from here, and Springfield is 19 km from here, Charleston is_ Springfield sfaras farther than 26 There's a sale on airplane tickets to Pars, nd T really want 80 togo going 27. 11a father, Twould spend a lt of time with my children, be were 28 Katherine is going to check the website __what time the event starts. nipsifmyengishiab, pearson-int,comvactiviies/1923113280/0!report 9i1212a, 02:00 Units 6-10 General Test — Made: ceport~ Unit 10> Units 6-10 Review Tests - C3 OCT-DEC SAT 2023 - MyEnglshLab tose seeing 29, {for deeng lot of soda, but now I'm cuting back useto used to usually 30 Jimi 42 and Karen is 41, Karen is __ old asim, almost as ot nearly as Part 6 tno Match the definitions on the right with the words or phrases on the left 100% a couldn't hurt trying not to get heavier junk e-mall someone who is not outgoing ethical lemma not representing the real appearance of Introvert sings abstract rules that apply ciferently to different groups surf the Internet unwanted messages received over the watehing my weight Internet double standara no reason not to do it ray about very interesting fascinating 40 from website to website sexist believing that men are better than women likes very much ‘difficult decision about right and wrong, Part 7 616 Read each sentence, Then choose the sentence that is closest in meaning, 100% Example: Coffee doesn't agree with me, T don't tke coffee eel sick when I drink coffee, 32 Laura was inspite by her fiend Charlene Charlene inspired Laura. Laura inspired Charlene. 33. Brad quit smoking last yea. Ihe could quit smoking, he would He used to smoke. 34 Wehad a thought provoking discussion, nipsifmyengishiab, pearson-int,comvactiviies/1923113280/0!report 9i1212a, 02:00 ur discussion was boring. ur discussion was interesting, 35. My old monitor was 24 em, and my new ane is 25 cm. My old monitor isn't quite as big as my new one. My old monitor isnt nearly as big as my new one. 36. Lenis addicted to chocolate Len really loves to eat chocolate. Len doesn't ike chocolate, 37, My father isa big coffee drinker. My father I big and drinks cote, My father drinks alot of coffee. Part 8 Read the article, Then match the sentence beginning on the left with the correct ending on the right Units 6-10 General Test — Made: ceport~ Unt 10> Units 6-10 Review Tests - C3 OCT-DEC SAT 2023 - MyEnglshLab 44 100% Art Made of. . . Cheese? Artists ate always looking for new and {interesting ways to express themselves in their art, Sometimes they choose to use Interesting materials. Sculptor Sarah Kaufmann is a good example. She carves her sculptures out of cheese! Kaufmann is inspired by cheese. She says that she chooses this material for heer sculptures because it's part of her bbackground. She is from the state of Wisconsin, where many kinds of cheeses te made. She usually carves hard cheese, like cheddar. Sarah uses knives to carve the cheese, She works by slowly cutting away the cheese to create her sculptures. She says teente pra ft. 38 Sarah's sculptures are made Sarah chooses to carve cheese partly because ‘The sculptures ae carved Sarah hasn't yet made a sculpture of Sarah has made many sculptures of 1 2023 Pearson Engh | Manage Preferences nipsifmyengishiab, pearson-int.comvactiviies/1923113280V0!report aren per Oagge has to work carefully. If she cuts off a piece ‘of cheese, she can’t put it back. Then it has to be eaten! Kaufmann is hired by companies and individuals to create special cheese art. She has made cheese sculptures of famous structures, like the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California. She has also made sculptures of many famous people. One day she would like to carve a 2,000-pound elephant, all out of cheese. Sarah says that every piece of cheese has a personality and it is discovered by her. | | that it takes a lot of patience, and that she | | eter ell rae Op PO po she's from Wisconsin, of cheese, aglant elephant, with knives. famous people. Terms and contins | Priacy nase | Cooke poly | Reporta problem | reas 9i1212a, 02:00 Units 6-10 General Test ~ Mode: report — Unt 10 > Unis 6-10 Review Tests — C3 OCT-DEC SAT 2023 MyEnglishLab bitpsisimyenglishlab,pearson int com/activites/1923113280/0report 7

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