Aninon Lesson 6 To 8

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Lesson #6

Activity #1

Maria Clara is portrayed as a saint. As the woman that should be

followed, should be admired, should be copied. Her gentleness towards
her surroundings is a factor highlighted in the story. In it, it
remains steadfast while the story and everybody arounds her is shaken
to their core. This femininity is expected out of every woman and
therefore makes Maria Clara a timeless feminine icon.

Activity #2
Crime and its Causes

Crime has always been rooted in income inequality, as supported

by Fajnzylber, P. in 2002 and Weatherburn, D. in 2001. However,
contrary to popular belief, as determined by Coyne, S. in 2007, media
has little correlation with violence. Moreover, it has also been
determined, by Benett, S. in 2004, that women commit less crime
because of social cognitive skills that are present in women in higher
rates compared to men. Although research on the topic is still
minimal, as investigated by Heinemann, A. et al. in 2006, factors such
that of poor economic capacity are clear determinants on whether a
person will commit a crime or not.

Lesson #7
Activity #1
Seven (7) proponents are necessary in order to manifest a research
report. These are; title, abstract, introduction, methodology,
results, and references. With all that is listed, the hardest to
accomplish is the introduction. Introducing an entire research only in
a set of limited pages necessitates that the works are successfully
summarized and clearly written. The introduction will give the reader
of the research what is necessary for them and must therefore be clear
and straight to the point.
Activity #2
I. Rationale
Water refilling stations will be provided around the campus
for students who wish to acquire water without having the need
to buy.

II. Objectives
To allow students free access to water especially during the

III. Benefits
All students and teachers alike will benefit from the
initiative as it allows everybody access to free water.

IV. Methodology
By sourcing out budget to the authorities, water dispensers
will be provided around the campus. However, a weekly
collection will be necessary to supply the water gallons that
will allow the dispensers to work.

V. Schedule
The project will last the whole summer as that is when the
water is used most. It is when the water is most necessary.

VI. Budget
A financial assistance of around PHP 20,000 will be asked to
the local government office. This money will be used to buy
the dispensers that will be placed all around the campus.
Furthermore, a collection of around PHP 500 per class will be
asked so the students present will never run out of water to
Lesson #8
Activity #1
1. B.
2. B.
3. A.
4. B.
5. A.

Activity #2

Its as clear as day that we use technology to serve as on a day-

to-day basis. We are dependent on it. If not for computers most
hospitals would cease to function. If not for computers, the
legitimacy of our government would be put into question. If not for
computers, we would not be here today.

The usage of computers today may be described as too much. It may

be described as addicting and debilitating. However, when we look at
the benefits that computers provide us, we can then understand why
such addiction is necessary.

Our dependency towards our computers allows us to live our lives

to the fullest. With it, we remove most of our worries and proceed
with our lives because it automates most function we would otherwise
accomplish if not for them.

Computers are necessary for our society to function. Without it,

many people will lose jobs, income, and maybe even their lives. In the
absence of computers chaos may ensue.
Finally, computers are a part of our society as people are a part
of them. Computers remain as an integral part of our lives. We are too
dependent on computers because its necessary for our survival

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