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New Gardenia Public School



SUBJECT- Computer

TIME: 3 Hr MM: 100

Note: All the questions are compulsory.

A. Choose the correct option.

1. Which of the following smart speaker developed by amazon company?
a. Nest Hub b. Siri c. Echo
2. Which one of the following is a programming language?
a. Touch b. Scratch c. Match
3. The default sprite present on the stage is
a. Cat b. Dog c. Mouse
4. What is the first step in stepwise thinking
a. Final result b. Analyze c. Planning
5. What is google chrome?
a. Website b. Webpage c. Web browser
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Internet is used to _______________ any information.
2. ______________ browser is required to surf the internet.
3. ______________ making is a part of problem solving.
4. Scratch has many _______________ sprites.
5. Title bar is at the _______________ of the scratch window.
6. Scratch is one of the easiest computers ____________ for kids.
7. Computer require very specific _________________ to perform their tasks.
C. Full form of COMPUTER.
D. Write the five input Device name.
E. Write the five output Device name.
F. Answer the following questions.
1. What is artificial intelligence?
2. Define smart speakers.
3. What is the use of looks blocks?
4. What is loop?
5. Write any two functions of smart watches.

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