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BIOL 1412 Midterm I

Set A

1. Which set of the question paper you have received?

a) Set A.

b) Set B.

2. Select all that is true about homeostasis:

a) It is dynamic

b) It maintains body conditions within physiological units

c) Functions on feedback mechanisms

d) Does not allow conditions within the internal environment to change

3. Which of these membrane proteins is not an integral protein?

a) Glucose transporter protein

b) Glycoprotein

c) Na+/K+ - ATPase

d) Both a) and b)

4. Which of the following membrane proteins help in identifying a cell as “self”?

a) Glycoproteins

b) Major Histocompatibility Complex

c) Integral proteins

d) Both a) and b)
5. Membrane transport plays a critical role in maintaining homeostasis and facilitating the
movement of molecules across a membrane. Which of the following is not true?

A) Active transport requires the use of energy (ATP)

b) Facilitated diffusion moves a solute against its chemical gradient

c) Facilitated transport and active transport both use carrier proteins

d) Osmosis is an example of simple diffusion

6. Absorption of Vitamin D in the small intestine is through:

a) Diffusion

b) Exocytosis

c) Active transport

d) Phagocytosis

BIOL 1412 MT I
7. When a red blood cell (RBC) with an internal concentration of 0.9% is placed in a beaker of saline
with 9% concentration, which of the following is correct? Assume all solutes are non-
penetrating, and only water can cross the RBC membrane.

A) The RBC was placed in a hypotonic solution and will undergo


b) The RBC was placed in a hypertonic solution and will undergo hemolysis.

c) The RBC was placed in a hypotonic solution and will undergo hemolysis.

d) The RBC was placed in a hypertonic solution and will undergo crenation.

8. What is the role of the spinal cord in reflex action?

a) It processes sensory information.

b) It relays signals between the sensory and motor neurons.

c) It sends signals to the brain.

d) All of the above.

9. If there is a stimulus that causes gated channels to open, what all could happen? Select all that

a) Membrane can depolarize

b) Membrane can hyperpolarize

c) Organic ions can diffuse out of the cell.

d) Action potential can happen.

10. Which one of the following neurotransmitters would you expect to find in the synapse during a
fast inhibitory synaptic transmission?


b) Acetylcholine

c) Noradrenaline

d) Glutamate
11. Which of the following statements is not true about inhibitory post synaptic potential?

a) Potassium ions will move out of the cell.

b) Chlorine ions will move out of the cell.

c) Threshold potential will not be achieved.

d) Glutamate neurotransmitter will be present at synapse.

BIOL 1412 MT I

12. Which of the following combinations of characteristics of the sympathetic and parasympathetic
nervous systems are correct? i. Dilates pupil.

ii. Increase glycogenolysis, increase heart rate. Iii. Constricts pupil. Iv. Induces ejaculation.

v. Increase salivation and gastric juices secretion.

vi. Sexual arousal.

a) Sym NS: iii, v, vi; Parasym NS: I, ii, iv.

b) Sym NS: I, ii, iv; Parasym NS: iii, v, vi.

c) Sym NS: ii, iv, vi; Parasym NS: I, iii, v.

d) Sym NS: I, iii, iv; Parasym NS: ii, iv, vi.

13. What are the actual receptors for hearing and balance?

a) Cochlear cells.

b) Mechanoreceptors.

c) Pupils of the eyes.

d) Hair cells.

14. Which part of the brain is responsible for these characteristics?

i. Maintaining glucose levels. Ii. Assess fear and emotions. Iii. Control
of heart rate.

iv. Contains neurosecretory cells.

a) Hypothalamus

b) Cerebellum

c) Cerebrum

d) Medulla oblongata

15. Which of the following is not true about the somatic nervous system?

a) Somatic fibers relay in ganglia.

b) Have type-A fibers only.

c) Can perform rhythmic action.

d) Involves input from limbic system.

16. Which level of the motor control pathway is required for playing guitar?
Select all that apply.

a) Sensory cortex

b) Brain stem nuclei

c) Skeletal muscles

d) Cerebellum

17. Which mechanism of hormonal stimulation would be affected if signaling and hormone release
from the hypothalamus is blocked?

A) Humoral and Hormonal stimuli

b) Neural and hormonal stimuli

c) Neural and humoral stimuli

d) Neural, hormonal, and humoral stimuli

18. Which of the hormones are inhibited via negative feedback upon fertilization?

a) Human chorionic gonadotropin

b) Progesterone

c) Follicular stimulating hormone

d) Both b) and c)

19. Select all that are true about the luteal phase of the female menstrual cycle, if fertilization did
not occur?

a) Degeneration of corpus albicans.

b) High levels of progesterone.

c) Maintenance of corpus luteum.

d) Negative feedback signals sent to LH.

20. What is the relative refractory period?

a) The period where the neuron is becoming more negative because potassium is leaving
the cell and it is harder to fire an action potential.

b) The period where the neuron is becoming more negative because potassium is leaving
the cell and it is easier to send an action potential.

c) The period where voltage-gated sodium channels slam shut and the cell can no longer
fire an action potential until they open.

d) The period where voltage gated calcium channels open and a chemical signal is sent
through the synapse.

Use Figure 1 to answer the next two questions:

Figure 1. Reaction time (milliseconds) of human males aged 20-99.

Figure and caption modified from Wu et al. 2009. IATSS Res. 33(1):27-34.

21. In the following order, identify the dependent variable, independent variable, units of
measurement for the dependent variable, and which age group has the fastest reaction time.
Use Figure 1 to answer the question.

a) Age group, Reaction time, decades, 50 year olds

b) Age group, Reaction time, decades, 90 year olds

c) Reaction time, Age group, milliseconds, 50 year olds

d) Reaction time, Age group, milliseconds, 90 year olds

22. The dependent data measured in Figure 1 is an example of

a) Quantitative data

b) Qualitative data

c) Quantum mechanical data

d) Quadratic data

23. Imagine you are working in a lab, and you just received a shipment for a new chemical. Your
supervisor has asked you to unpack the chemical and store it properly. You are unfamiliar with
the chemical, but you see that it has the following symbols on the bottle. Where would you look
to find information about what the symbols indicate?
a) Don’t worry about it, how bad can the chemical be? It’s not like the University of
Manitoba had to call the bomb squad last month to come to campus and detonate a
dangerous chemical that was stored improperly.

b) FDA and DEA

c) WHO and CDC

d) WHMIS and SDS

24. The resting potential for a particular neuron is measured to be -60 mV. Which of the following
distributions of ions could not produce this measurement?

a) More cations than anions on both sides of the cell membrane.

b) More cations than anions on the outside of the membrane, more anions than cations on
the inside of the membrane.

c) More anions than cations on both sides of the cell membrane.

d) More anions than cations on the outside of the membrane, more cations than anions on
the inside of the membrane.
25. Which of the following is not associated with the synaptic cleft?

a) Presynaptic neuron

b) Slower than electrical synapse

c) Transmission similar to that of nerve impulse within an axon

d) Release of neurotransmitters

26. A diagram showing an axon terminal and synapse is given. Which combination of 2 labels is
correct? Only one answer is correct.

a) C: Synaptic vesicles, A: Receptor protein.

b) D: Calcium ions, C: Neurotransmitter.

c) A: Calcium channels B: Synaptic cleft.

d) D: Potassium ions, C: Sodium ions.

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