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Portfolio Date:27.01.

 Estimate the figure of Napoleon Bonaparte
as leader of France.
Napoleon Bonaparte also known as Napoleon I, was a French military leader and
emperor who conquered much of Europe in the early 19th century. After seizing
political power in France in a 1799 coup d’état, he crowned himself emperor in
1804. Shrewd, ambitious and a skilled military strategist, Napoleon successfully
waged war against various coalitions of European nations and expanded his
empire. However, after a disastrous French invasion of Russia in 1812, Napoleon
abdicated the throne two years later and was exiled to the island of Elba. In 1815,
he briefly returned to power in his Hundred Days campaign. After a crushing
defeat at the Battle of Waterloo, he abdicated once again and was exiled to the
remote island of Saint Helena, where he died at 51.

 Domestic policy
In France,Napoleon Bonaparte made a lot of changes in politics,economy and
social life.First he overthrow directory and established Consulate with 3
consuls,but in 1804 he changed way of governing to empire and became
Napoleon I.The good thing was that every change he made was approved by
plebiscite. Napoleon reorganised local government of France and divided it in
departments.He developed education by founding new schools.He created a
kind of nobility of talent for everyone who served in such matters as
politics,civil services,local government and arts.The cocordat was an agreement
of N.B with pope.This agreement made every frenchman catholic and it
strengthed the position of Napoleon I.The emperor created new
banks,chambers of commerce and different industries.Napoleon opened a lot of
work places,which made him populary in France.The last achievement was the
code of Napoleon.It was a summary of laws of France.I think that as a leader of
France,Napoleon made a lot of changes for France,which developed her and
made her more competitive among other states.He was a great leader in the
domestic policy,because in such a difficult time for France ,he raised her back
in her feet and made the economy and industry of France solid again.
 Foreign policy
In the foreign policy,Napoleon made more impact,but it also resulted as his
biggest reason for his downfall.His compain in Italy was his first achievement
in foreign policy.He invaded North italy by defeating austrian and italian
troops.The Egypt compain didn’t result as succesful as he thought,because the
English fleet destroyed thein the i French fleet in Alexandria..Then he created
the Continental System,which aim was to forbidde France and her allies not to
accept Britsh goods,so to destroy the economy of Britain.He created an
aggressive nature of Continental System,because he understimated the national
feeling of people and forced different states to enter it.The russian compain was
the worst decision he ever made,because perhaps he lost the compain, he also
lost most of his army by cold and hunger.At the battle of Nations came his first
end.After he was defeated ,he lost his thrown and was send to Elba.And in the
period of hundred days of N.B he lost at the battle of Waterloo,which ended his
epoch.He was too ambitious and wanted all the power for himself.This created
problems with his allies.So in the foreign policy he was a selfish leader who
wanted to conquer all the Europe on his will,but this arrogance made him lose
everything he had. When he reclaimed the throne he should’ve stayed in Paris
and rebuilt it or passed laws to help the lives of everyone. Focused on France
and not military glory.So in this point we wasn’t a great leader for France.His
bad decisions in the foreign policy made him lose his thrown and all his power.

Worked by:Eguen Toska

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