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John Christian L.


Activity 2
1.What do you think are the advantages of verbal/oral communication?
-Verbal or oral communication offers several advantages. Firstly, it allows for immediate
feedback and clarification, enhancing understanding between speakers. This real-time interaction
also enables speakers to gauge the listener’s reactions, adjusting their message accordingly to
ensure it’s received as intended. Additionally, verbal communication often conveys emotions and
intentions more effectively than written forms, due to tone, pitch, and other vocal cues. It can
also be more engaging, as it allows for spontaneity, storytelling, and the use of humor or other
rhetorical devices. Overall, verbal communication fosters a deeper connection between
individuals and can be more dynamic and impactful than written communication in many
2. What do you think are the disadvantages of verbal/oral communication?
_Verbal or oral communication has several disadvantages compared to written communication. It
lacks permanence, as spoken words are not recorded and can be easily forgotten or
misinterpreted. Verbal communication also lacks the visual cues present in face-to-face
interactions, such as body language and facial expressions, which can lead to misunderstandings.
Additionally, verbal communication is limited in its reach, as it can only be heard by those
present at the time of communication. Complex ideas may be more difficult to convey verbally,
as there is often less opportunity for clarification or elaboration. Overall, while verbal
communication can be immediate and personal, it also carries the risk of misinterpretation and
lacks the permanence and clarity of written communication.
3. What do you think are the Advantages of written Communication?
The advantages of writing communication provides a permanent record of information, making it
easier to refer back to and ensuring clarity and consistency in messaging. It also allows for more
thoughtful and precise expression, as writers can take the time to organize their thoughts and
choose their words carefully. Additionally, written communication can reach a wider audience
and can be easily distributed across different locations and time zones. It also enables
communication with individuals who may not be able to participate in verbal exchanges, such as
those with hearing impairments. Written communication is also more suitable for conveying
complex or detailed information, as it allows for the use of diagrams, charts, and other visual
4. What do you think are the Disadvantages of written Communication?
Written communication has disadvantages such as lack of immediate feedback, time-consuming
drafting, and less engaging interaction compared to verbal communication. It may not be suitable
for conveying complex ideas or emotions, and may not be accessible to those with limited
literacy skills or access to written materials. Additionally, it may not provide the dynamic and
dynamic interaction of verbal communication.

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