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Multimedia Research

Summary and Analysis

Multimedia Research Summary and Analysis

Aaron M Rodriguez

Houston Christian University


Multimedia Research 2
Summary and Analysis

Multimedia Research Summary and Analysis

Multimedia in our day and age is nearly impossible to ignore now. We use it constantly,

whether we are just trying to pass the time on social media, trying to talk to our family through

text messages, or even just doing homework on our laptops. It surrounds us constantly, so it was

only a matter of time before it was in our classrooms. Now that it is here, we should embrace it,

students already use multimedia every day so why not use that to our advantage?

In an article written by Omer Beydogan, and Zeynel Hayran titled “The Effect of

Multimedia-Based Learning on the Concept Learning Levels and Attitudes of Students”

(Beydogan, Hayran, 2015) The article explores the impact of multimedia-based learning on

students' conceptual understanding and attitudes towards learning. It discusses how multimedia

tools, such as videos, interactive simulations, and animations, are utilized in educational settings

to enhance students' comprehension of complex concepts. The study involve assessing students'

conceptual learning levels before and after engaging with multimedia materials and examining

any changes in their attitudes towards the subject matter or learning process. The study found

that the students who did use multimedia to learn scored significantly higher on exams they those

who did not (Beydogan, Hayran, 2015) They even go on to say that “To enable the introduction

of more effective learning experiences concerning concept teaching, teachers should be informed

about new developments in concept teaching,” (Beydogan, Hayran, 2015) This is significant

because it shows us that we must always be keeping up with current practices so that our

students don’t suffer from our out of date way.

We even see its effects in secondary school. In a study conducted by Oyebola Akinoso in

2018, they wanted to see how it would affect students’ math scores. Once again, we see the same

results “it was established that the use of multimedia can improve the learning of mathematics to
Multimedia Research 3
Summary and Analysis

a certain level. The experimental group mean was higher than the control, but the difference was

not significant” (Akinoso, 2018) While the scores may not be significantly different it does show

that it has a positive effect in the classroom.

How would this work in a different setting though? Well in a study by Genc Osman and Sahin

Oruc we get to see the effect of multimedia on students’ performance in middle school social

studies classes. The study found that “multimedia technique is a much better instruction way

than traditional ways. Additionally, students’ interest, motivation and participation increased

according to the researcher and experimental group’s teacher observations.” (Osman, Oruc,

2016) What is significant about this study is the fact that the students were also more interested

and motivated about the subject matter. This is because students these days are always using

some form of multimedia, so they are comfortable with it and know how to use it effectively.

There for they are more excited to learn and absorb material better. This is also further

reinforced by a study in Croatia. They plugged multimedia learning into a class called “ Nature

and Society” (Lauc, 2020) The findings were, “Overall, the students learned better and showed

more interest and positive reactions” (Lauc, 2020) They had the same feedback from students

that they were far more interested and motivated and that fed into them understanding material

more. In this study though they do say that more studies need to be conducted to see if this

format will also work for other classes or if it needs to be changed. (Lauc, 2020)

Where multimedia education may fall though is using it in classes for those with special

needs. “the results evidently show that the system cannot be used by two different groups of

special needs learners. Both groups of children found the system enjoyable and interesting due to

the visual-oriented design and added support for cognitive loading. However, the Down’s
Multimedia Research 4
Summary and Analysis

syndrome group did not successfully translate this enjoyment to learning and their experience

was limited to having fun.” (Khan, 2010) What may need to be implemented is rather than a

blanket lesson plan for all of the students in special needs classes lesson plans should be created

for them individually to effectively teach them.

As we can see multimedia education has a great effect on the education system it helps

students receive higher grades and makes them more interested in the subject matter and school

overall. If we can implement this into every class effectively we could improve students grades

overall as a class.
Multimedia Research 5
Summary and Analysis


Akinoso, S. O. (2022, April 13). Effect of the use of multimedia on Studentsâ performance
in Secondary School Mathematics.

Beydoğan, H. Ö., & Hayran, Z. (2015). The effect of multimedia-based learning on the concept
learning levels and attitudes of students. Eurasian Journal of Educational
Research, 15(60), 261–280.

Effect of the use of multimedia on students’ performance - eric. (n.d.).

Khan, T. M. (2010). The effects of multimedia learning on children with different special
education needs. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2(2), 4341–4345.

Lauc, T., Jagodić, G. K., & Bistrović, J. (2020). Effects of multimedia instructional message on
motivation and academic performance of elementary school students in
Croatia. International Journal of Instruction, 13(4), 491–508.

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