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Stereochemistry of the 1,2-migration of the carboxyl group

that occurs during the biosynthesis of tropic acid from phenylalanine112

Natural Products Laboratory, School of Chemistry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455 U.S.A.
Received June 3, 1986
Thispaper is dedicated to Dr. 0.E. (Ted) Edwards

EDWARD LEETE.Can. J . Chem. 65, 226 (1 987).

(2S,3R)- and (2S,3S)-[1-'~C,3-~H]~hen~lalanine were fed in separate experiments to Daturn innoxia plants. The distribution
of isotopes in the resultant labeled hyoscyamine and scopolamine indicates that the biosynthesis of the acid moiety of these ester
alkaloids, namely (S)-tropic acid, involves the migration of the carboxyl group of phenylalanine to its prochiral C-3 position with
retention of configuration.

EDWARD LEETE.Can. J. Chem. 65, 226 (1987).

Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from by on 12/06/23

Au cours d'expkriences skparkes, on a fait croitre des plants de Datura innoxia en prksence de [I4C-1,3H-3]-phknylalanines
soit (2S,3R) soit (2S,3S). En se basant sur la distribution des isotopes dans les hyoscyamine et scopolamine marqukes qui en
rksultent, on peut en conclure que la biosynthkse de la portion acide de ces esters d'alcaloi'des, soit l'acide tropique-(S), implique
la migration du groupement carboxyle de la phknylalanine vers sa position prochirale-3 et que cette migration se fait avec
rktention de configuration.
[Traduit par la revue]

Introduction The interpretation of the results is complicated by the fact that

It has been established that the biosynthesis of (S)-tropic acid the tropic acid moiety of hyoscyamine and scopolamine is
(I), the acid moiety of the tropane alkaloids hyoscyamine (2) readily racemized. Such racemization will result in loss of
and scopolamine (3), involves the intramolecular 1,2-migration tritium from the chiral center of tropic acid. Thus the hyoscya-
of the carboxyl group of phenylalanine, from C-2 to C-3 (2). mine isolated from the feeding of (2S,3R)-[1-14C,3-3fl]pheny
Recently, it has been shown that the biosynthesis of tropic alanine (Expt. 1) had 50% enantiomeric excess of the (-)-isomer.
acid also involves a 1,2-migration of hydrogen from C-3 of However, it retained 65% of tritium relative to carbon-14.
phenylalanine to C-2, which ultimately becomes the hydroxy- When this hyoscyamine was racemized (by addition of a trace of
methyl group of tropic acid (3). This preliminary result was sodium hydroxide to a solution of the alkaloid in ethanol), the
obtained by feeding a mixture of all four possible stereoisomers reisolated racemic hyoscyamine (atropine) retained only 10% of
of [1-14C,3-3H]phenylalanine(2R,3R; 2R,3S; 2S,3R; and its tritium, indicating that most of the tritium was located at the
2S,3S) to Datura innoxia plants. The stereochemistry of the chiral center of the tropic acid. Hydrolysis of the racemized
migration of the carboxyl group has now been probed by hyoscyarnine with aqueous barium hydroxide yielded racemic
carrying out feeding experiments with (2s)-phenylalanine tropic acid with the same relative amount of tritium. The
stereospecifically labeled with one tritium at its prochiral scopolamine, which is optically more stable than hyoscyamine,
C-3 position. These substrates were obtained as previously retained 83% of tritium relative to carbon-14. However,
described (4). The stereochemical purity at the C-3 position was hydrolysis of this alkaloid with aqueous barium hydroxide
determined by conversion to trans-cinnamic acid with the yielded tropic acid that was almost racemic (18% enantiomeric
enzyme phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL). This enzyme excess), and retained only 13% of tritium relative to carbon- 14.
catalyses the trans elimination of ammonia. From the retention The residual tritium found in the racemic tropic acid presumably
of tritium relative to carbon-14 (located at C-1), it was arises from the (2~,3~)-[1-'~C,3-~~]phenylalanine (1 1%) pre-
calculated that both the (3R)- and (3S)-[1-'4C,3-3H]phenyl- sent in the administered precursor.
alanine were 89% enantiomerically pure at their prochiral Complementary results were obtained with (2S,3S)- [ 1-
C-3 positions. The doubly labeled phenylalanines were fed to '4~,3-3~]phenylalanine (Expt. 2). The alkaloids isolated from
Datura innoxia plants by the wick method. The alkaloids were this feeding experiment retained most of the tritium relative to
isolated and separated as previously described (5) from plants carbon-14. Racemization of the alkaloids caused little change in
that were harvested 10 days after the initial feeding. their 3 ~ 14C / ratios, indicating that the tritium was not located at
the chiral center of tropic acid. Basic hydrolysis of the alkaloids
Results and discussion yielded racemic tropic acid that retained 85% of the tritium,
Scheme 1 illustrates the fate of hydrogen at C-3 of phenyl- which was shown to be present on the hydroxymethyl group
alanine when tropic acid is formed. If the migration of the using the degradation previously described (3).
carboxyl group occurs with retention of configuration, (2S,3R)- Independently, Haslam and co-workers (6) fed (2S,3R)- and
[1-14C,3-3H]phenylalanine (5) will afford (S)-tropic acid (4), ( 2 ~ , 3 S-)[2- 14C,3-3H]phenylalanine to Datura stramonium
retaining tritium at its chiral center. If the migration occurs with plants. They considered that their results were consistent
inversion, the tritium will be displaced and will be found on the with a stereospecific loss of the pro-R hydrogen at C-3 of
hydroxymethyl group of (S)-tropic acid (6). phenylalanine, the carboxyl group migrating with inversion of
The results recorded in Table 1 are consistent with the first
configuration at this position. This conclusion is the direct
mechanism, that is, migration with retention of configuration. opposite of the one reported in the present article. However, the
'This article is Part 35 in the series "Chemistry of the Tropane authors apparently failed to realize that tritium located at the
Alkaloids." For Part 1, see ref. 1. chiral center of tropic acid is very labile. The 3 ~ 14C / ratio of the
2~ommunicationNo. 202 from this laboratory. isolated alkaloids was not reported. The mixture of alkaloids

"C 7
% s COOH - inversion HOOC,,,,
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from by on 12/06/23

Ph/ 'CH~OH P~'R\C / ~h' 'CHOH

Z~ N H ~ I
4 5 6

TABLE1. Feeding of labeled phenylalanines to Datura innoxia

Experiment No.

Exp. No. 1 2

Precursor fed: (2S,3R)-[1-~~~,3-~H]~hen~lalanine

( 2 ~ , 3 ~ ) -'4~,3-3H]phenylalanine
Time of feeding April June
Fresh weight of plants (g) 220 350
I4c '4c
(dpm/mmol) 3 ~ I4c
/ (dpm/mmol) 3H/ I4C

Activity 1.83 x lo7 10.6

Amount fed 0.5 mmol

Alkaloids isolated
Weight (mg)
Enantiomeric excessa
Absolute inc. (I")
Tropic acid
Scopolamine. HCl
Weight (mg)
Enantiomeric excessa
Absolute inc. (I")
Tropic acid

"The optical purity was obtained by determination of the specific rotations of the alkaloid hydrochlorides. Optically pure
hyoscyamine.HC1 has [a]: -24.2" (c 3.5, EtOH) and scopolamine.HC1 has [a]: - 17.7" ( c 4.5, EtOH).
bAbsolute inc. = total activity (dpm) found in the isolated alkaloid divided by the total activity (dpm) fed to the plants.

was hydrolyzed by refluxing with aqueous 10% sodium hydrox- are thus entirely consistent with ours, the retention of tritium in
ide for 30 min, conditions which would cause racemization of the tropic acid derived from the [3S-3H]phenylalanine being
tropic acid. The tropic acid was assayed for radioactivity after due to its migration to the hydroxymethyl group, and not
conversion to methyl-3-0-acetyltropate. It was reported that because it remained at the chiral center of tropic acid.
this tropic acid derived from (2S,3R)- [2-14C,3-3H]phenyl- The 1,2-migration of the carboxyl group of phenylalanine to
alanine (88% enantiomeric excess at C-3) had lost 88-93% of ultimately yield (S)-tropic acid is analogous to the biochemical
its tritium relative to carbon-14. The tropic acid derived from conversion of (2R)-methylmalonyl coenzyme A (7) to succinyl
(2~,3S)-[2-'~~,3-~~]phen~lalanine (83% enantiomeric excess coenzyme A (8) (7), which is illustrated in Scheme 2. In this
at C-3) lost 30-35% of the tritium. These experimental results reaction, it is the thioester group that undergoes an intramole-
CAN. J. CHEM. VOL. 65, 1987
intramolecular, with retention of configuration



cular migration with retention of configuration. The displaced the solution was acidified with a drop of acetic acid and then evaporated
hydrogen also migrates in the opposite direction; however, this to dryness. The residue was subjected to tlc o n silica gel PF 254
migration is intermolecular. It has not yet been determined (Merck), developing with a mixture of CHC13, EtOH, concentrated
whether the 1,2-migration of the 3-pro-S hydrogen of phenyl- NH3 (80: 20: 1). The zone (R 0.3) corresponding to atropine (detected
by uv) was extracted with MeOH. This extract was neutralized with
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from by on 12/06/23

alanine that occurs during tropic acid biosynthesis is inter- or

HC1, evaporated to dryness, and the residue crystallized from arnixture
intra-molecular. Another point of interest is the fact that the of EtOH and ethyl acetate to afford atropine hydrochloride. This salt
conversion of 7 to 8 is catalyzed by coenzyme B12.However, had essentially the same I4C specific activity as the initial hyoscyamine
the presence of vitamin B12or its derivatives in higher plants is hydrochloride, but its 3H/'4C ratio changed from 6.9 to 1.1.
tenuous and controversial (8-10). Twenty years ago I sent an Scopolamine hydrochloride was similarly racemized; however, its
extract of Datura plants to Professor R. H. Abeles (then at half-life under the same conditions was longer (22 min).
the University of Michigan), but he was unable to detect any
Hydrolysis of the alkaloids
vitamin B12 in this material. The alkaloid hydrochloride (200 mg) was dissolved in aqueous
Experimental saturated Ba(OH)2 solution (10 mL) and the mixture refluxed for
30 min. The cooled solution was acidified with HCl and extracted with
Radioactivity assay Et20 (3 x 30 mL). The residue obtained on evaporation of the dried
Radioactivity measurements were carried out in a Tracor Analytic (Na2S04)Et20 extract was crystallized from a mixture of benzene and
Mark I11 liquid scintillation counter. Samples (assayed in duplicate) hexane, affording tropic acid (50-60 mg), mp 118°C. Optically pure
were dissolved in water or EtOH (1 mL), which was then diluted with tropic acid has mp 129°C (1 1).
liquid scintillation solution (10 mL). The liquid scintillation solution
was made by dissolving naphthalene (50 g), 2,5-diphenyloxazole Acknowledgements
(3.5 g), and 1,4-(5-phenyloxazol-2-y1)-benzene(0.25 g) in spectro-
scopic grade dioxane (500 mL). The backgrounds in the I4cand 3~
This research was supported by a research grant GM-13246
channels were 8 and 14 dpm, respectively. In unquenched samples the from the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Public Health
efficiency of counting in the 14cand 3~ channels was 60 and 45%, Service. Seeds of Datura innoxia were obtained from the
respectively, and spillover of 14cinto the 3~ channel was 10%. Zentral Institut fiir Genetik und Kulturpflanzenforschung,
Gatersleben, D.D.R.
(2 S ,3R)- and (2s ,3~)-[1-'~~,3-~~]~hen~lalanine
The (2S,3R)- and (2~,3~)-[1-'~~,3-~~]~henylalanine
were obtained
1. E. LEETE,L. MARION, and I. D. SPENSER. Nature, 174, 650
from [formyl-3~]benzaldehydeand [ l - 1 4 ~ ] g i y c i n eas previously
described (4). The enantiomeric excess at C-3 was determined by
2. E. LEETE,N. KOWANKO, and R. A. NEWMARK. J. Am. Chem.
incubation with phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (EC from
SOC.97, 6826 (1975).
Rhodotorula glutinis (Sigma Chem. Co.), as previously described (4).
3. E. LEETE.J . Am. Chem. Soc. 106, 7271 (1984).
Administration of the labeled phenylalanine to Datura innoxia plants 4. R. H. WIGHTMAN, J. STAUNTON, A. R. BATTERSBY, and K. R.
and isolation of the alkaloids HANSON. J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. 1, 2355 (1972).
The plants were 3 months old, growing in soil in a greenhouse at the 5. E. LEETE.Phytochemistry, 11, 1713 (1973).
time of feeding, which was done by means of cotton wicks inserted into 6. R. V. PLATT,C . T. OPIE,and E. HASLAM. Phytochemistry, 23,
the stems of the plants near to ground level. After 10 days the plants 221 1 (1984).
(both the roots and aerial parts) were harvested and the alkaloids, 7. J. R ~ T E Y
In. New comprehensive biochemistry, stereochernistry.
hyoscyamine and scopolamine, isolated and separated by thin-layer Vol. 3. Edited by Ch. Tamm. Elsevier Biochem. Press, New
chromatography (tlc) as previously described (5). York. 1982. pp. 261-265.
8. L. FRIES.Physiol. Plantarum, 15,566 (1962).
Racemization of hyoscyamine and scopolamine 9. J. M. POSTON. Phytochemistry, 17, 401 (1978).
The following is a typical procedure, the optical rotations being 10. W. S. BECK.In B12. Vol. 2. Edited by D. Dolphin. John Wiley
determined in a Perkin-Elmer 242 polarimeter. The hyoscyamine and Sons, New York. 1982. pp. 9-10.
I hydrochloride (I 13.7 mg) from Expt. 1 was dissolved in absolute EtOH 11. M. B. WATSON and G. W. YOUNGSON. J. Chem. Soc. Perkin
(10 mL) at 25OC. Aqueous 10% NaOH (0.05 mL) was added. Under Trans. 1, 1597 (1972).
these conditions the rotation was reduced by half in 12.5 min. After 2 h

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