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Software Guide

Copyright and Trademark Notices
All other trademarks in this document are owned by or licensed to GTECH® Corporation or
Spielo Manufacturing ULC and are registered or pending registration in the United States and
other countries.

This document is the property of GTECH® Corporation, Providence, RI, and Spielo
Manufacturing ULC (Spielo). It contains confidential and trade secret information. This
document, including all information within it, may not be used, transferred, reproduced, published,
or disclosed, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, except as expressly authorized by an officer
of GTECH Corporation pursuant to written agreement.

Copyright © 2009 GTECH Corporation and Spielo Manufacturing ULC. All rights reserved.

GTECH Center
10 Memorial Boulevard
Providence, Rhode Island
02903 USA
Table of Contents

Chapter 1
Overview ....................................................................1-1
Accessing the Operator Menus ..................................1-2
Key Switches..............................................................1-3
Using the Operator Menus .......................................1-4

Chapter 2
Operator Menus
Gaming Machine Menu..............................................2-2
Gaming Info Tab......................................................2-3
Calibrating the Touch Screen ...............................2-4
Enabled Features Tab...............................................2-5
Errors Tab ................................................................2-7
Events Tab ...............................................................2-8
Games Configured Tab ............................................2-9
Games Available Tab.............................................2-10
Accounting Menu.....................................................2-11
Basic Meters Tab ...................................................2-12
Advanced Meters Tab ............................................2-13
Game Play Tab.......................................................2-16
Game Stats Tab ......................................................2-19
History Menu............................................................2-21
Games Played Tab .................................................2-22
Bills In Tab ............................................................2-24
Coins In Tab...........................................................2-25
Tickets Out Tab .....................................................2-26
Event Logs Tab ......................................................2-27
Handpays ...............................................................2-29
Viewing Handpays .............................................2-29
Vouchers Accepted ................................................2-30
Table of Contents

Viewing Vouchers Accepted ..............................2-30

External Bonus.......................................................2-31
Viewing External Bonuses .................................2-31
Cashless In .............................................................2-32
Viewing Cashless In ...........................................2-32
Cashless Out ..........................................................2-33
Viewing Cashless Out ........................................2-33
Progressives ...........................................................2-34
Viewing Progressives History ............................2-34
Test Menu.................................................................2-35
Batteries Tab ..........................................................2-36
Performing a Batteries Test ................................2-36
Buttons Tab............................................................2-37
Candle and Switches Tab.......................................2-38
Devices Tab ...........................................................2-39
Belly Lights Tab ....................................................2-41
Touch Screen Tab ..................................................2-42
Marquee Bezel Tab ................................................2-43
NVRAM Tab .........................................................2-44
Doors Tab ..............................................................2-45
Options Menu...........................................................2-46
Volume Tab ...........................................................2-47
Buttons Tab............................................................2-48
Candle Tab .............................................................2-49
Devices Tab ...........................................................2-51
Games Tab .............................................................2-53
Configuring Games ............................................2-53
Gaming Machine Tab ............................................2-57
Setting Machine Credit Limits ...........................2-58
Setting Machine Date and Time .........................2-58
Setting Machine Hard Meters .............................2-59
Setting Machine Door Ticket .............................2-59
Setting Machine Serial Number .........................2-59
Setting Ticket Information Configuration ..........2-60
Setting Local Progressives Configuration ..........2-60
Component Checksum Tab....................................2-61
Table of Contents

Calculating the Component Checksum ..............2-61

Cursor Tab .............................................................2-62
Enabling/Disabling the Touch Screen Cursor ....2-62
Comm Menu.............................................................2-63
SAS ........................................................................2-63
Configuring SAS Communications ....................2-63
No Host ..................................................................2-68
Placing the Gaming Machine in Standalone Mode 2-68
Tournament Menu ....................................................2-69
History Tab ............................................................2-69
Viewing Tournament Game Information ...........2-69
Games Tab .............................................................2-71
Configuring Tournament Games ........................2-71
Standalone Tab ......................................................2-72
Configuring Standalone Tournament Games .....2-72
Comm Ports Tab ....................................................2-74
Configuring Comm Ports for Tournament Gaming 2-74

Chapter 3
Error Messages
Error Messages Descriptions......................................3-2
Critical Errors ..........................................................3-2
Generic Gaming Machine Configuration Errors......3-3
SAS Communication Errors ....................................3-4
Bill Acceptor Errors.................................................3-5
Printer Errors............................................................3-6
Door Errors ..............................................................3-7
Other Hardware Errors.............................................3-8
Software Errors ........................................................3-9
Table of Contents

Chapter 4
Meter Descriptions
Basic Meters...............................................................4-2
Advanced Meters - Money In.....................................4-4
Advanced Meters- Money Out ...................................4-7
Advanced Meters - Bill Information ........................4-10
Advanced Meters - Progressives ..............................4-12

Chapter 5
Default Settings
Options Menu.............................................................5-2
SAS Menu ..................................................................5-4
Important Notice

Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a
commitment on the part of Spielo. The contents of this manual are confidential and proprietary to
Spielo, and may not be disclosed without prior written authorization from Spielo. No excerpt of
this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, especially
by photocopying or recording, for any purpose without prior written authorization from Spielo.

70-0669-02 2-1
Modification History


70-0669-0101 October, 2008 S. Lataille Draft for Review

70-0669-02 May, 2009 S. Lataille Updates to Menus

70-0669-02 3-1

This Software Guide describes the Operator Menus and other software functions of the gaming
machine. More information on the gaming machine is contained in the following documents:

• Technical Manual: This document describes the technical aspects of the gaming machine,
including installation instructions, troubleshooting guides, maintenance procedures and
descriptions of the machine’s functions and components.
• Electronics Guide: This document describes the theory of operation of the gaming
machine and its electronic components. Schematics of each circuit board and wiring
diagrams are included in this document.
• Operator’s Guide: This document describes the basic operation of the gaming machine.

70-0669-02 1-1
Back Office

Accessing the Operator Menus

There are two levels of security that affect the Menu options that a user may access, which are
dictated by the keys used to access the Menu. These two levels are:

• Level 1 - Audit Key Switch

• Level 2 -Technician Key Switch
• Level 3 - Electronic Key Chip

1-2 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Key Switches

Key Switches
Software functions are accessed using two switches.

• The Audit Key Switch is used to access Level 1 menus.

• The Technician key switch is used to access Level 2 menus.
• The Electronic Key Chip is used to access Level 3 menus.

The Audit key switch is located on the right side of the machine, while the Technician push button
is located inside the machine’s cabinet. The switches are shown in Figure 1-1. The Electronic Key
Chip plugs into the machine’s parallel port on the logic box.

Figure 1-1. Audit and Technician Switches

70-0669-02 1-3
Back Office

To Install Electronic Key Chip:

1. Open the logic compartment door.
2. Turn off the machine.
3. Plug the Key Chip (pictured above) into the parallel
port (shown to the right).
4. Turn on the machine.
5. Use the Technician Key switch to access the
Operator Menu.

Figure 1-2. Electronic Key Chip

Using the Operator Menus

This section provides a brief overview of Operator Menu general use.

• All screens contain Exit buttons that will Exit the Operator Menus.
• When functions display more information than can fit on one screen, the multiple screens
can be viewed by scrolling using the Up and Down arrows on the right side of the screen.
Note that these arrows only display when multiple screens of information exist.
• Most screens contain a Print button which will print all information from that screen. Some
screens, which contain scroll bars to view more data, will contain a Print button and a Print
All button. On these screens, the Print button will print only the information currently in-
view on that screen; whereas the Print All button will print all information from that screen.
• When in the Operator Menu, the gaming machine is non-functional for gaming.

1-4 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Operator Menus

The Main Operator menu provides access to all menu options and is illustrated in Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1. Main Operator Menu

It is important to note that screen access is determined by security level. Available menu options
and screens will vary by user. The access level of the current user is displayed in the top left
corner of every screen. Retailers have Level 1 access and technicians have Level 2 access.

70-0669-02 2-1

Gaming Machine Menu

The Gaming Machine menu is accessed from the Main menu. It provides access to the following

• “Gaming Info Tab” on page 2-3

• “Enabled Features Tab” on page 2-5
• “Errors Tab” on page 2-7
• “Events Tab” on page 2-8
• “Games Configured Tab” on page 2-9
• “Games Available Tab” on page 2-10

All Gaming Machine screens are available to Level 1 and Level 2 users.

2-2 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Gaming Machine Menu

Gaming Info Tab

The Gaming Machine Information screen displays general information regarding the gaming
machine such as device identification data, firmware configuration data, and system data. The
information is read-only; however, the Out of Service, Calibrate Touch Screen, and Print buttons
are available.

• The Out of Service box, when checked indicates that the terminal has been disabled by a
• The Calibrate Touch Screen button provides access to the touch screen calibration
procedure. The text box next to the button instructs the user how to start the touch screen
calibration without having to touch the screen.

Figure 2-2. Gaming Machine - Gaming Machine Information

Viewing Information

1. Select Gaming Machine from the Main menu.

2. The display defaults to the Gaming Info tab (Figure 2-2).
3. Touch Print to request a hardcopy printout of the Gaming Machine Information screen. This
printout serves as a service ticket.
4. Touch Out of Service to disable the machine and place a check mark in this box.
5. Touch Calibrate Touch Screen, if desired. See “Calibrating the Touch Screen” on page 2-4
for instructions.
6. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

70-0669-02 2-3

Calibrating the Touch Screen

The button will launch the touch screen calibration function. The “Press Highlighted Button To
Configure Touch Screen” message to the right of the button indicates that the calibration process
may be started by pressing the illuminated mechanical button on the machine. This would be used
if the on-screen button is not available.

To Calibrate the Touchscreen

1. Touch the Calibrate Touch

Screen button.
2. A plus sign appears in the lower
left-hand corner of the screen.

Note: There is a 15 second time-

out. If the plus sign is not touched
within the 15 second countdown to
zero, the calibration is aborted and
the current settings are retained.

3. Touch the plus sign in the lower

left-hand corner to set the
coordinates for this area of the
touch screen.

4. A plus sign appears in the upper

right-hand corner of the screen. The
15 second time-out applies to this
setting also.
5. Touch the plus sign in the upper
right-hand corner to set the
coordinates for this area of the
touch screen.
6.The calibration is complete.

2-4 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Gaming Machine Menu

Enabled Features Tab

The Enabled Features screen, upon default, displays the status of all configuration options in the
Options and Tournament menus, such as volume, candle, communication, and all machine devices
and games.

Figure 2-3. Gaming Machine - Enabled Features - Options

70-0669-02 2-5

Figure 2-4. Gaming Machine - Enabled Features - SAS Protocol

Viewing Enabled Features

1. Select Gaming Machine from the Main menu.

2. Touch the Enabled Features tab. The Enabled Features Status screen opens and displays the
device options information. (Figure 2-3). A summary of features is displayed.
3. Touch SAS Protocol to view a summary of communications options (Figure 2-4).
4. Touch Print or Print All to request a hardcopy summary of enabled features.
5. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

2-6 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Gaming Machine Menu

Errors Tab
The Errors screen displays a list of all currently active error conditions on the gaming machine.
Historic errors experienced by the machine are not displayed here, but may be accessed from the
History menu (touch the Most Recent Events button on the Event Logs screen).

Refer to “Error Messages” on page 3-1 for a list of error messages and descriptions.

Figure 2-5. Gaming Machine - Errors

Viewing Errors

1. Select Gaming Machine from the Main menu.

2. Touch the Errors tab. The Errors screen opens (Figure 2-5). Active errors being experienced
by the machine are listed.
3. Touch Print to request a hardcopy printout of the errors.
4. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

70-0669-02 2-7

Events Tab
The Events screen displays event counters for the gaming machine. The counters record the
following events and corresponding number of occurrences: door accesses (each door), power
resets, coin jams, bill validator errors, RAM recoveries, and technician menu and audit menu
accesses. The screen also lists the date and time of the most recent power reset, power restore, and
master reset.

Figure 2-6. Gaming Machine - Event Counters

Viewing Events

1. Select Gaming Machine from the Main menu.

2. Touch the Events tab. The Event Counters screen opens (Figure 2-6). Event Counters for the
machine are listed.
3. Touch Print to print the list of event counters.
4. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

2-8 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Gaming Machine Menu

Games Configured Tab

The Games Configured screen provides details regarding each of the games that are configured on
the machine and the denomination and status of each.

Figure 2-7. Gaming Machine - Games Configured

Viewing the Games Configured

1. Select Gaming Machine from the Main menu.

2. Touch the Games Configured tab. The Games Configured screen opens (Figure 2-7). The
games that are currently configured on the machine are listed, along with details about the
game and its status (enabled or disabled).
3. Touch Print to request a hardcopy printout listing configured games.
4. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

70-0669-02 2-9

Games Available Tab

The Games Available screen provides the name, version, and game type of each game stored in the
flash memory of the gaming machine.

Figure 2-8. Gaming Machine - Games Available

Viewing the Games Available

1. Select Gaming Machine from the Main menu.

2. Touch the Games Available tab. The Games Available screen opens (Figure 2-8). The games
that are currently stored in flash memory on the machine are listed.
3. Touch Print to request a hardcopy printout listing available games.
4. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

2-10 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Accounting Menu

Accounting Menu
The Accounting menu is accessed from the Main menu. It provides access to the following

• “Basic Meters Tab” on page 2-12

• “Advanced Meters Tab” on page 2-13
• “Game Play Tab” on page 2-16
• “Game Stats Tab” on page 2-19

All Accounting screens are available to Level 1 and Level 2 users.

70-0669-02 2-11

Basic Meters Tab

The Basic Meters screen displays accounting data for the master and period meters. Data includes
cash in/out, and game and wager activity.

Figure 2-9. Accounting - Basic Meters

Viewing Basic Meters

1. Select Accounting from the Main menu.

2. The Basic Meters screen displays (Figure 2-9). The screen displays the basic meters
accounting summary.
3. Touch Print to request a hardcopy printout of the screen.
4. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

2-12 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Accounting Menu

Advanced Meters Tab

The Advanced Meters screen displays accounting information for the gaming machine including,
Money In, Money Out, Bill Information, and Progressives.

Figure 2-10. Accounting - Advanced Meters - Money In

Viewing Advanced Meters

1. Select Accounting from the Main menu.

2. Touch the Advanced Meters tab. The Advanced Meter screen opens (Figure 2-10). The screen
displays an summary of Money taken in by the gaming machine.
3. Touch Print to request a hardcopy printout of the screen.
4. Touch Money Out to view a summary of Money Paid/Taken out of the machine(Figure 2-11).
Touch Print if desired.

70-0669-02 2-13

Figure 2-11. Accounting - Advanced Meters - Money Out

5. Touch Bill Information to view a summary of bill activity for the machine (Figure 2-12).
Touch Print if desired.

Figure 2-12. Accounting - Advanced Meters - Bill Information

6. Touch Progressives to view a summary of accounting activity for progressive games on the
machine(Figure 2-13). Touch Print if desired.

2-14 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Accounting Menu

Figure 2-13. Accounting - Advanced Meters - Progressives

7. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

70-0669-02 2-15

Game Play Tab

The Game Play screen provides a summary of accounting data relating to game play on the
machine. The buttons along the top of the screen (All Games, Slot, Game and Denomination)
display the accounting information according to the button touched.

Figure 2-14. Accounting - Game Play - All Games

Viewing Game Play

1. Select Accounting from the Main menu.

2. Touch the Game Play tab. By default, the All Games screen opens (Figure 2-14). The All
Games screen summarizes cash in/out and payout information for all games on a particular
gaming machine. Touch Print to request a hardcopy printout of the summary data.
3. Touch Slot to change the summary to display by slot (Figure 2-15). Touch Print to print if

2-16 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Accounting Menu

Figure 2-15. Accounting - Game Play - Slot

4. Touch the Game button to change the summary to display by game (Figure 2-16). Touch Print
to print if desired.

Figure 2-16. Accounting - Game Play - Game

70-0669-02 2-17

5. Touch Denomination to view the summary by currency denomination (Figure 2-17). Touch
Print to print if desired.

Figure 2-17. Accounting - Game Play - Denomination

6. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

2-18 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Accounting Menu

Game Stats Tab

The Game Stats screen provides a summary of winning combination statistics for each game. The
summary can be displayed by Slot or by Game.

Figure 2-18. Accounting - Game Stats - Slot

Viewing Game Stats

1. Select Accounting from the Main menu.

2. Touch the Game Stats tab. The Game Stats screen opens (Figure 2-18). The screen displays a
summary of game statistics by Slot.
3. Touch Game to display the statistics by game (Figure 2-18).

70-0669-02 2-19

Figure 2-19. Accounting - Game Stats - Game

4. Touch Print to request a hardcopy printout of the screen.

5. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

2-20 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

History Menu

History Menu
The History menu is accessed from the Main menu. It provides access to the following screens:

• “Games Played Tab” on page 2-22

• “Bills In Tab” on page 2-24
• “Coins In Tab” on page 2-25
• “Tickets Out Tab” on page 2-26
• “Event Logs Tab” on page 2-27
• “Handpays” on page 2-29
• “Vouchers Accepted” on page 2-30
• “External Bonus” on page 2-31
• “Cashless In” on page 2-32
• “Cashless Out” on page 2-33
• “Progressives” on page 2-34

All History screens are available to Level 1 and Level 2 users.

70-0669-02 2-21

Games Played Tab

The Games Played screen provides a summary of the last games played on the machine.
Information will display for the last 500 games played. A visual representation of a specific game
can be displayed by selecting a game from the list and touching the View button. See Figure 2-21
on page 2-23.

Touch Bonus Games to view a bonus games summary. The last 100 games played can be printed
by touching the Print Last 100 Games button or the entire games played summary may be printed
by touching the Print All button.

Figure 2-20. History - Last Games Played Summary

Viewing Games Played

1. Select History from the Main menu.

2. Touch the Games Played tab. The screen displays a summary of the last games played on the
machine (up to 500) (Figure 2-20).
3. Touch Bonus Games to view a summary of bonus games, if desired. Note that the Bonus
Games button will only be available if the game highlighted actually contains a bonus.
4. Touch Print All to print the entire game play summary, or touch Print Last 100 Games to
print the last 100, if desired.

2-22 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

History Menu

Figure 2-21. Games Played - Selected Game View

5. To view a visual representation of a specific game play outcome, touch a game line on the
screen to highlight it and touch View. To return to the Games Played screen touch the Exit
Game button (note that once pressed, the View button turns into the Exit Game button). To go
back to a previous game screen or to the next, touch the Previous or Next buttons.
6. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

70-0669-02 2-23

Bills In Tab
The Bills In screen displays a summary of the last one hundred bills accepted by the gaming
machine. The data provided includes the date, time and denomination of the bills.

Figure 2-22. History - Last Bills In Summary

Viewing Bills In

1. Select History from the Main menu.

2. Touch the Bills In tab. The Last Bills in Summary screen opens (Figure 2-22). The screen
displays a summary of the last one hundred bills that have been accepted by the machine.
3. Touch Print to print the screen or touch Print All to print the entire Bills In history, if desired.
4. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

2-24 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

History Menu

Coins In Tab
The Coins In screen displays a summary of the last one hundred coins accepted by the gaming
machine. The data provided includes the date, time, and amount of the coins accepted.

Figure 2-23. History - Last Coins In Summary

Viewing Coins In

1. Select History from the Main menu.

2. Touch the Coins In tab. The Last Coins In Summary screen opens (Figure 2-23). The screen
displays a summary of the last one hundred coins that have been accepted by the machine.
3. Touch Print to print the screen or touch Print All to print the entire Coins In history, if
4. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

70-0669-02 2-25

Tickets Out Tab

The Tickets Out screen displays the date, time, amount, and ticket number of the last one hundred
cashout tickets issued by the gaming machine. The last four digits of the validation ID will also be

Figure 2-24. History - Last Tickets Out Summary

Viewing Tickets Out

1. Select History from the Main menu.

2. Touch the Tickets Out tab. The Last Tickets Out Summary screen opens (Figure 2-24). The
screen displays a summary of the last one hundred cashout tickets issued by the gaming
3. Touch Print to print the screen or touch Print All to print the entire Tickets Out history, if
4. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

2-26 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

History Menu

Event Logs Tab

The Events Log screen displays a summary of all events that has occurred on the gaming machine,
providing a date, time and description of each event. The screen defaults to the Most Recent
Events display when selected, but can be sorted to view general errors, software errors, currency
events, game play, or user interaction.

Figure 2-25. History - Events Log

Viewing the Events Log Summary

1. Select History from the Main menu.

2. Touch the Events Log tab. By default, the Most Recent Events screen opens (Figure 2-25).
The screen displays a summary of all events that have occurred the gaming machine.
3. The default is Most Recent Events. Touch one of the buttons on the left side of the screen to
specify a specific type of event to view.
• GENERAL: Touch General to review only those messages that are informational in
• DEBUG: Touch Debug to view only all software errors that have occurred on the
• MONEY IN/OUT: Touch Money In/Out to view only all events relating to the
insertion or dispensing of money. Money In includes the type of deposit and the amount
and the Money Out includes the type of cashout and the amount.
• GAME PLAY: Touch Game Play to view only the events relating to game play, such
as game started, game won, etc.

70-0669-02 2-27

• INTERACTION: Touch Interaction to view only the events related to user

interaction with the machine, including a record of the games chosen by players.

4. Touch Print to print the screen or touch Print All to print the entire Event Log history, if
5. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

2-28 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

History Menu

The Handpays screen displays the last 100 handpays made by the machine. The information
displayed includes the Ticket Number, Date, Time, Amount, Type and the last four digits of the
Validation ID number. The last four digits of the Validation ID number are always displayed with
or without handpay receipts enabled.

Figure 2-26. History - Handpays Screen

Viewing Handpays
1. Select History from the Main Menu.
2. Touch the Handpays tab.
3. The Last Handpays Summary screen (Figure 2-26) displays the last 100 handpays made by the
4. Touch Print to print the screen or touch Print All to print the entire Handpays history, if
5. To access another area of the Operator Menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator Menu.

70-0669-02 2-29

Vouchers Accepted
The Vouchers Accepted screen displays information regarding the last 100 vouchers accepted. The
summary includes the Date, Time, Amount and the last four digits of the Validation ID number.

Figure 2-27. History -Last Vouchers Accepted Summary Screen

Viewing Vouchers Accepted

1. Select History from the Main Menu.
2. Touch the Vouchers Accepted tab.
3. The Last Vouchers Accepted Summary screen (Figure 2-27) displays a summary of the last
100 vouchers accepted by the gaming machine.
4. Touch Print to print the screen or touch Print All to print the entire Vouchers Accepted
history, if desired.
5. To access another area of the Operator Menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator Menu.

2-30 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

History Menu

External Bonus
The External Bonus screen displays information regarding the last 100 external bonuses issued by
the machine. The information displayed includes the Date, Time, Amount and Type of each. In
addition to External Bonuses, the types that are displayed include, AFT Bonuses, AFT Jackpots
and Multiplied Jackpots.

Figure 2-28. History - Last External Bonus Summary Screen

Viewing External Bonuses

1. Select History from the Main Menu.
2. Touch the External Bonus tab.
3. The Last External Bonus Summary screen (Figure 2-28) displays summary of the last 100
external bonuses issued by the gaming machine.
4. Touch Print to print the screen or touch Print All to print the entire External Bonus history, if
5. To access another area of the Operator Menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator Menu.

70-0669-02 2-31

Cashless In
The Cashless In screen displays information regarding the last 100 cashless transfers into the
gaming machine. The information displayed includes the Date, Time, Amount, Type and the ID of
each transfers.

Figure 2-29. History - Last Cashless In Summary Screen

Viewing Cashless In
1. Select History from the Main Menu.
2. Touch the > button to see additional History option tabs.
3. Touch the Cashless In tab.
4. The Last Cashless In Summary screen (Figure 2-29) displays a summary of the last 100
cashless transfers accepted by the gaming machine.
5. Touch Print to print the screen or touch Print All to print the entire Cashless In history, if
6. To access another area of the Operator Menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator Menu.
7. The Vouchers Accepted screen displays information regarding the last 100 vouchers accepted.

2-32 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

History Menu

Cashless Out
The Cashless Out screen displays information regarding the last 100 cashless transfers out of the
gaming machine. The information displayed includes the Date, Time, Amount, Type and ID of
each transfer.

Figure 2-30. History - Last Cashless Out Summary Screen

Viewing Cashless Out

1. Select History from the Main Menu.
2. Touch the > tab to see additional History option tabs.
3. Touch the Cashless Out tab.
4. The Last Cashless Out screen (Figure 2-30) displays a summary of the last 100 cashless
transfers out of the gaming machine.
5. Touch Print to print the screen or touch Print All to print the entire Cashless Out history, if
6. To access another area of the Operator Menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator Menu.

70-0669-02 2-33

The Progressives screen displays information regarding the last 100 progressives payouts from the
gaming machine. The information displayed includes the Date, Time, Amount, Group ID, Level,
and Slot that corresponds to each payout.

Figure 2-31. History - Last Progressives Summary Screen

Viewing Progressives History

1. Select History from the Main Menu.
2. Touch the > tab to see additional History option tabs.
3. Touch the Progressives tab.
4. The Last Progressives Summary screen (Figure 2-31) displays a summary of the last 100
progressives events on the gaming machine.
5. Touch Print to print the screen or touch Print All to print the entire Progressives history, if
6. To access another area of the Operator Menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator Menu.

2-34 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Test Menu

Test Menu
The Test menu is accessed from the Main menu. It provides access to the following screens:

• “Batteries Tab” on page 2-36

• “Buttons Tab” on page 2-37
• “Candle and Switches Tab” on page 2-38
• “Devices Tab” on page 2-39
• “Belly Lights Tab” on page 2-41
• “Touch Screen Tab” on page 2-42
• “Marquee Bezel Tab” on page 2-43
• “NVRAM Tab” on page 2-44
• “Doors Tab” on page 2-45

All Test screens are available to Level 1 and Level 2 users.

70-0669-02 2-35

Batteries Tab
The Batteries test function performs a status check of each of the machine’s batteries and the
screen displays status of each, including the battery type, voltage, fail point, and test result.

Figure 2-32. Test - Batteries

Performing a Batteries Test

1. Select Test from the Main menu.
2. Touch the Batteries tab. The Batteries screen opens (Figure 2-32). The machine performs a test
of the batteries and the screen displays a summary of the results.
3. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

2-36 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Test Menu

Buttons Tab
The Buttons test function performs a test of the button board that is used in the gaming machine
and displays a visual representation of the board. The status of each button (position: up or down
and lamp: on or off) is displayed in the status area of the screen.

Figure 2-33. Test - Button Board/Button Status

Performing a Buttons Test

1. Select Test from the Main menu.

2. Touch the Buttons tab. The Button Board screen opens (Figure 2-33).
3. Press one of the mechanical buttons on the VLT. The corresponding graphical representation
of the button on the screen should display that the position is DOWN and the lamp is OFF.
4. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

70-0669-02 2-37

Candle and Switches Tab

The Candles and Switches test function performs a test of the device candles and provides the
status of the machine key switches (ON or OFF). In terms of the Candle, the checkboxes located
next to Top Section and Bottom Section enable the testing of either candle section or both, as
desired. Regarding the machine’s key switches, when the Audit or Technician key is turned, the
switch will change from OFF to ON in the status area of the screen.

Figure 2-34. Test - Test Candle/Key Switch Status

Performing a Candles and Switches Test

1. Select Test from the Main menu.

2. Touch the Candles and Switches tab. The Test Candle/Key Switch Status screen opens
(Figure 2-34).
3. Touch the checkbox next to Top Section and/or Bottom Section to display the status of either
or both sections.
4. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

2-38 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Test Menu

Devices Tab
The Devices test function provides tests buttons for the Bill Validator, Coin Validator, and Printer.
The Bill Validator test is the default test that is displayed when the screen is selected.

Accessing Device Tests

1. Select Test from the Main menu.

2. Touch the Devices tab. To test other gaming machine functions, touch:

• The Bill Validator test verifies

the proper functionally of the bill
validator. Bills are inserted into
the validator and the read status
is reported. The last five errors
encountered by the machine (if
any) will display in the status
area of the screen with a
description, the read data, and
the date and time of the error.

It is important to note that

accounting data is not affected
by this test. Any bills inserted are not placed in the stacker and are returned to the user.

• Review validation error data in the Last 5 Bill Validator Error pane. Information
includes a description of the error and the date and time of the error.
• Insert a bill into the bill validator and verify that no errors occur. The Status of the test
is displayed. Possible status settings include: Valid Bill, Invalid Bill, Initial Test and
• Touch the Acceptance Rate button to summarize the denomination and count of bills
accepted by the gaming machine.
• To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or
touch Exit to exit the Operator menu.

70-0669-02 2-39

•The Coin Validator test

verifies the proper operation of
the coin validator. Coins are
inserted into the validator and the
number next to the
corresponding text box (Coin 1 -
Coin 4) should increment with
each coin inserted. This indicates
that the coin(s) are accepted.
Note that accounting data is not
affected by this test.

It is possible to disable the coin

validator by removing the check mark from the Test Disable Function checkbox. When the
coin validator is disabled in this screen, it is temporary and is used only to test whether the
device will accept or reject coins when it is enabled/disabled.

• Insert a coin into the coin validator and verify that the numbers next to the text boxes
increment by 1 each time.
• Touch the checkmark in the Test Disable Function checkbox to disable the Coin
• To clear all coin validator errors, touch the Clear All Errors button.

•The Printer test function will

print a test ticket to verify its
proper operation and current
status. To perform the test,
touch Print Test Ticket. If a
ticket is printed successfully,
the status will show as “Pass”.
If not, the status will show as

•Touch Print Test Ticket and

verify the status is Pass.
•The Printer Status pane
summarizes any error condition detected during the printer test.

3. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

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Test Menu

Belly Lights Tab

The Belly Lights option is used to adjust the lights on the belly door. Use the red, green, and blue
intensity sliders to modify the brightness of each color. By modifying more than one intensity
slider at a time, you can create different colors with the belly lights. The Clear button to turn off all
belly lights.

Figure 2-35. Test - Belly Lights

Performing a Belly Lights Test

1. Select Test from the Main menu.

2. Select the Belly Lights tab. The Belly Lights Presets screen opens (Figure 2-36).
3. Use the red, green, and blue intensity sliders to modify the brightness of each color or touch
the Clear button to turn off all of the lights.
4. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

70-0669-02 2-41

Touch Screen Tab

The Touch Screen test function is available to perform a test of the touch screen. The test is
performed once the screen is touched.

Figure 2-36. Test - Touch Screen

Performing a Touch Screen Test

1. Select Test from the Main menu.

2. Select the Touch Screen tab. The Touch Screen screen opens (Figure 2-36).
3. Touch the screen as indicated to begin the touch screen test; the screen clears. As you touch the
screen Xs will display. If an X does not display, the touch screen needs to be calibrated. See
“Calibrating the Touch Screen” on page 2-4.
4. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

2-42 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Test Menu

Marquee Bezel Tab

The Marquee Bezel test function is available to perform a test of the marquee bezel on the
machine. The screen displays hardware ID and configuration for the various marquee bezels on the
machine. It also provides options to test the color commands using buttons on the screen to change
the colors of the bezel displays.

Figure 2-37. Test - Touch Screen

Performing a Touch Screen Test

1. Select Test from the Main menu.

2. Select the Marquee Bezel tab. The Marquee Bezel screen opens (Figure 2-36).
3. Touch a color button to test the color settings of the bezels, if desired.
4. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

70-0669-02 2-43

The NVRAM test function evaluates the NVRAM available and used in the machine. The Copy to
USB Drive (when enabled) allows for a technician to copy the encrypted contents of the NVRAM
to a USB stick; accordingly, only technicians with Level 2 access will have this function enabled.

Figure 2-38. Test - NVRAM

Performing a NVRAM Test

1. Select Test from the Main menu.

2. Touch the NVRAM tab. The NVRAM screen opens (Figure 2-38). The Used and Available
amount of NVRAM displays on the screen.
3. Technicians may choose to Copy the contents of the NVRAM to a USB stick, if desired.
4. To copy to a USB, insert the USB device into the machine. Wait 10 seconds and touch Install
USB Device. When the Copy to USB Drive button is activated, touch it to begin copying to
the device. When the copy is complete, touch Uninstall USB Device and remove the device
from the machine.
5. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

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Test Menu

Doors Tab
The Doors Test Function displays the status of each of the gaming machine doors including, the
Logic Door, Drop Door, Slot Door, Cash Box, Belly Door, and Top Door.

Figure 2-39. Test - Doors

Performing a Doors Test

1. Select Test from the Main menu.

2. Touch the Doors tab. The Doors screen opens (Figure 2-39). The status of each of the doors is
displayed (Open / Closed).
3. Ensure that the status of each changes as the doors are opened and closed.
4. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR touch Exit to exit the
Operator menu.

70-0669-02 2-45

Options Menu
The Options menu is accessed from the Main menu. It provides access to the following screens:

• “Volume Tab” on page 2-47

• “Buttons Tab” on page 2-48
• “Candle Tab” on page 2-49
• “Devices Tab” on page 2-51
• “Games Tab” on page 2-53
• “Gaming Machine Tab” on page 2-57
• “Component Checksum Tab” on page 2-61
• “Cursor Tab” on page 2-62
• “Comm Menu” on page 2-63

All Options screens are available to Level 1 and Level 2 users; however, screens are read-only for
Level 1 users.

2-46 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Options Menu

Volume Tab
The Volume option is used to adjust the volume levels for the Main Game, Bonus, as well as the
volume setting for the Door Alarm. If the Player Sound option is enabled, players have the ability
to adjust the minimum Main and Bonus game volume levels. The Sound Mode drop-down allows
you to select the sound mode, either Stereo or 5-Channels. When this option is changed, a pop-up
displays prompting you to reboot now. Select Yes to reboot and set the new sound mode; or No to
set the sound mode later upon reboot.

Figure 2-40. Options - Volume Configuration

Configuring Volume

1. Select Options from the Main menu.

2. Touch the Volume tab.
3. The Volume Configuration screen opens (Figure 2-40). The current volume levels display on
the screen.
4. Touch the Test buttons under a setting to test the current volume.
5. Adjust the Min. and Max. levels for the Main Game and the Bonus using the sliders.
6. Adjust the level for the door alarm.
7. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

70-0669-02 2-47
Buttons Tab
The Button Board Configuration screen is used to designate the gaming machine button
configuration that indicates if the machine is set to interface with two, three, or up to a maximum
of eighteen buttons1. The Prev. and Next buttons scroll through the available button

Figure 2-41. Options - Button Layout

Configuring Button Boards:

1. Select Options from the Main menu.

2. Touch the Buttons tab. The Buttons Layout screen opens (Figure 2-41).
3. Touch Prev. and Next to scroll through the available button board configurations.
4. Select the desired configuration.
5. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

1. The number of available board configurations is dependent upon the installation of the Finger
Button Board (FBB). If the FBB is not installed, only the 2-button board and 3-button will be
available on this screen. If the FBB is installed, the 14-button board will also be available.
Options Menu

Candle Tab
The Candle Configuration screen is used to set the candle configuration of the gaming machine.
The screen displays a list of events that will activate the candle, with the event listed first
commanding the top priority. The screen allows for existing events to be edited or deleted, as well
as for new events to be added. Events in the list can be moved up and down in the list in priority
using the Up and Down buttons.

Exercise caution when choosing to delete an event, as it is done immediately, without


Figure 2-42. Options - Candle Configuration

When adding or editing an event, a condition (that will trigger the event) must be selected from a
list of pre-determined conditions, using the drop down list.

Predetermined conditions include:

• Std: Out Of Service

• Std: Service Button
• Std: Hand Pay/Attendant Pay
• Std: Door Open
• Ext: Idle, slot door closed
• Ext: Idle, slot door open
• Ext: Idle, drop door open

70-0669-02 2-49

• Ext: Request change, slot door closed

• Ext: Disabled
• Ext: Request change, slot door open
• Ext: Disabled, slot door open
• Ext: Disabled, drop door open
• Ext: Tilt, slot door closed
• Ext: Handpay jackpot, slot door closed
• Ext: Handpay jackpot, tilt, slot door closed
• Ext: Handpay jackpot, slot door open
• Ext: Tilt, slot door open
• Ext: Tilt, drop door open
• Ext: Admin mode, slot door closed
• Ext: Admin mode, slot door open
• Ext: Admin mode, drop door open

Note that only the first Std. events listed above are currently implemented. They are market-
specific and may change in future versions.

Candle options must also be set, which include configuring the event to activate how the top and/
or bottom candles display (Off, On, Flash Slow, Flash Medium, or Flash Fast). Once these settings
are made, the candle entry may be enabled or disabled using the checkbox. Touching Enter will
add or save changes and return to the Candle Configuration screen.

Note that candle conditions described in this document are for the extended candles, which are not
yet being used. For the current four standard events mentioned on the previous page (Out of
Service, Service, Hand Pay, and Door Open), a condition may be selected from the following:
Flash Top, Solid Top, Flash Bottom and Solid Bottom.

Configuring Candles

1. Select Options from the Main menu.

2. Touch the Candle tab. The Candle Configuration screen opens (Figure 2-42). Existing candle
events display on the screen.
3. To change the order of events, select one from the list and use the Up and Down buttons move
it in the list.
4. To edit an event, select one from the list and touch Edit to edit it, if desired.
5. To delete an event, select one from the list and touch Delete to delete it, if desired.
6. Touch Add to add a new event.
7. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

2-50 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Options Menu

Devices Tab
The Devices option provides access to configuration settings for gaming machine devices.
Configurable devices include the bill validator, coin validator and printer.

Figure 2-43. Options - Devices

Configuring Devices

1. Select Options from the Main menu.

2. Touch the Devices tab. The default screen is Bill Validator (Figure 2-43).
3. Touch the device button for corresponding configuration options.

• Touch the Bill Validator

Enabled box to enable the
device. Touch the check mark in
the box to remove or disable the
bill validator.

70-0669-02 2-51

•Touch Coin Validator and the

coin validator Enabled box to
enable the device. Touch the
check mark in the box to
remove or disable the coin
validator. The available coin
validator models are also
displayed on the screen, only
one type can be selected. The
selected coin validator may be
configured by touching the
Configure button, which
allows for the selection of coin
denominations that may be accepted by the machine.

•Touch Printer and touch the

Printer box to enable the device.
Touch the check mark in the box
to remove or disable the printer.

4. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

2-52 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Options Menu

Games Tab
All Games Screens and Functions are available to Level 1 and Level 2 Users; however, screens
are Read-Only for Level 1 Users.

The Games option provides access to configuration settings for games enabled on the machine.

Figure 2-44. Games Configuration Screen

Configuring Games
1. Select Options from the Main Menu.
2. Touch the Games tab.
3. The default screen is Video Options (Figure 2-44).
4. Touch the game setting button for corresponding configuration options (reference each game
setting section that follows for instructions).
5. To access another area of the Operator Menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator Menu.

70-0669-02 2-53

Video Options

The Video Options function allows for

the attract mode to be enabled and
disabled on the gaming machine. Once
enabled, the time delay may be set for
when the arttract mode should activate.
The time delay default is 30 seconds
and may be set in five-second
increments. In addition, a notification
regarding the legal age requirement that
will display on the top screen of the
machine may also be configured on this
screen. The default text “Must Be 18 Years or Older to Play” may be edited by touching the text
box and using the keypad to enter new text.

Bonus Pots

This Bonus Pots option allows for the

machine’s bonus pots to be set for
games that support Bonus Pots. The
Slot area of the screen displays
supported games. When one is selected,
the available Bonus Pots for the
selected game display in the Bonus Pots
area of the screen and may be
configured for the game. Available
Bonus Pots are then configured by
touching the Config button. Enable
Bonus Pot viewing on the Chooser screen by touching the box to check it off.

Continuous Play

The Continuous Game Play option

allows for continuous play to be
enabled on the machine. When this is
enabled, the player may simply hold
the Play button for continuous play on
the machine. When this setting is
Disabled, the player must press the
Play button each time to initiate a spin.

2-54 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Options Menu

Credit Display

This Credit Display option allows for

the configuration of how amounts are
displayed on the credit display, either
Credits and/or Currency. For example,
in the screen to the right, the credit
display is set to display amounts in
Credits. If set to Currency then the
amounts would be shown in currency.
The Toggle On Touch feature if
selected, allows for the player to toggle
between credits and currency on the
game screen.

Game Language

The Game Language option allows for

the machine to be configured to display
in more than one language. The
Languages area of the screen displays
the available languages on the machine.
The Game Languages area of the
screen displays the languages for the
game, which will be selectable by the
player. The language at the top is the

Button Configuration

The Button Configuration option

allows for the configuration of the of
the game buttons for each game. Select
a game on the screen and touch the
Config button to open the configuration
window and change the options (refer
to the following page).

70-0669-02 2-55

Use this screen to configure the

Lines, Bets Per Line and Maximum
bet amounts for the selected game.
After selecting options, touch Enter
to save and exit this screen.

Paytables / Denominations

This Paytables/Denominations screen

displays the slots that are available on
the gaming machine. To configure a
slot, touch a slot entry in the list and
touch the Config button. A pop-up
window displays and the game, number
of lines, denomination and payout
percentage, bet style, and Ext. game
and status for the selected slot may be

Responsible Gaming

The Responsible Gaming option allows

for responsible gaming to be enabled or
disabled. When enabled, the game(s)
will contain one additional help screen
that provides the player with responsible
gaming information and a contact phone

2-56 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Options Menu

Gaming Machine Tab

The Gaming Machine option provides access to machine-specific options that may be configured.

All Gaming Machine screens and functions are available to Level 1 and Level 2 users; however,
screens are read-only for Level 1 users.

Figure 2-45. Options - Gaming Machine

Configuring the Gaming Machine

1. Select Options from the Main menu.

2. Touch the Gaming Machine tab. By default the Credit Limits screen opens (Figure 2-45).
3. Touch the gaming machine options for corresponding configuration settings (reference each
gaming machine section that follows for instructions). Settings include:
• “Setting Machine Credit Limits” on page 2-58
• “Setting Machine Date and Time” on page 2-58
• “Setting Machine Hard Meters” on page 2-59
• “Setting Machine Door Ticket” on page 2-59
• “Setting Machine Serial Number” on page 2-59
• “Setting Ticket Information Configuration” on page 2-60

70-0669-02 2-57

4. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

Setting Machine Credit

The Credit Limits option allows for
credit limit configuration. Values may
be edited by touching the text box and
using the pop-up keyboard to enter new

•Jackpot Limit: Amounts higher than

this limit must be paid by an attendant.
•Credit Limit: The machine will
automatically cash out when a player
exceeds this limit amount.
• Credit Limit Cashout Amount indicates how much money will be automatically cashed out
when the credit limit is reached. One of the three options may be enabled:
• Full Bank Amount: When the credit limit is exceeded an automatic cashout is generated
for the full bank amount
• Win Amount: When the credit limit is exceeded an automatic cashout is generated for
the current win amount with the remaining credits staying in the credit meter.
• Credit Limit Amount: When the credit limit is exceeded an automatic cashout is
generated for the credit limit amount with the remaining credits staying in the credit
• The Currency Acceptance Limit: The amount in the bank at which the bill validator and the
coin validator are disabled. These values may be edited by touching the text box and using
the pop-up keyboard to enter a new value.
• Printer Payout Limit: When a cashout is generated and the amount exceeds this limit then
a Cancel Credit Attendant pay is generated instead of a cashout voucher.

Setting Machine Date and

The Date and Time option displays the
current settings for the machine date
and time. These values may be edited
by touching the text box and using the
pop-up keyboard to enter a new value.

2-58 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Options Menu

Setting Machine Hard

The Hard Meters option allows for the
machine hard meters to be configured.
The drop-down lists next to each hard
meter contain soft meters that may be
associated to it. When a soft meter is
selected for a hard meter the ratio that
corresponds to the association is

Setting Machine Door Ticket

The Door Ticket option allows for the
selection of which door open event
will trigger the printing of a door open
ticket. The machine doors that appear
on this screen are dependent upon the
type of gaming machine.

Setting Machine Serial

The Machine Serial Number option
allows for the entry of the machine
serial number. If the host system
requires this field to be set, it must be
identical to the machine information
stored in the host system. When the
text box is touched, a keypad displays
for number entry.

70-0669-02 2-59

Setting Ticket Information

The Ticket Information option allows for
specific data to be entered into the machine.
This information includes: Name,
Address(2), Host ID, the Number of Days
before cash out tickets will expire, and the
Cash Cage ID that will be printed on tickets.
All of these values may be changed by
touching a text box and using the keypad
that displays to enter a new value. The
Double Barcode setting may be enabled or disabled by touching the checkbox. When enabled,
tickets contain an additional barcode that contains the asset number and ticket amount.

Setting Local Progressives

Used for multi-featured standalone
progressives, the Local Progressives
configuration screen allows for each
progressive under the multi-feature to be
configured with Current Value, Minimum
Value, Maximum Value, Escrow Amount
and Increment Rate.

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Options Menu

Component Checksum Tab

The Component Checksum screen provides the ability to calculate the checksum for machine
components. The Execute Checksum Calculation button performs the checksum version check
when pressed.

All Cursor screens and functions are available to Level 1 and Level 2 users.

Figure 2-46. Options - Component Checksum Configuration

Calculating the Component Checksum

1. Select Options from the Main menu.
2. Touch the Component Checksum tab. The Component Checksums screen opens (Figure 2-47).
Touch Execute Checksum Calculation to calculate the checksums for machine components.
3. Touch Print to print the screen, if desired.
4. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

70-0669-02 2-61

Cursor Tab
The cursor screen allows for the touch screen cursor to be enabled or disabled in Operator menus
and the Game Application.

All Cursor screens and functions are available to Level 1 and Level 2 users; however, screens are
read-only for Level 1 users.

Figure 2-47. Options - Touch Screen Cursor Configuration

Enabling/Disabling the Touch Screen Cursor

1. Select Options from the Main menu.
2. Touch the Cursor tab. The Touch Screen Cursor Configuration screen opens (Figure 2-47).
Touch the Touch Screen Cursor box to enable the cursor. When enabled, touch the check mark
to disable the cursor display.
3. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

2-62 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Comm Menu

Comm Menu
The Comm Menu is accessed from the Main Menu. It provides access to SAS and No Host screens
for entry of communications settings.

All Comm Screens and Functions are available to Level 1 and Level 2 Users; however, screens
are Read-Only for Level 1 Users.

The SAS configuration screen provides access to the Port assignments for the gaming machine.
Other options on this screen are disabled until the ports are configured.

Figure 2-48. Comm - SAS Configuration Screen

Configuring SAS Communications

1. Select Comm from the Main Menu.
2. Touch the SAS tab.
3. The SAS Configuration screen opens (Figure 2-48), reference each SAS section that follows
for instructions).
1. To access another area of the Operator Menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator Menu.

70-0669-02 2-63


The Ports option allows for the

selection of machine ports for
communication for various functions.
In the assign ports area of the screen,
use the drop down menus to select the
communication port to be used for
Accounting and Control, Validations,
Progressives, AFT/EFT, and Legacy
Bonusing functions. The Port area of
the screen allows for the address(s) for
each port to be entered. When a port
text box is touched, a keypad will display for manual entry of the port address. The Fiber Optic
checkbox, when touched, toggled between enabling and disabling the RS-485 port for fiber optics.

Game Exceptions

The Game Exceptions option is used to

enable and disable notifications sent to
the host when a game event starts or
ends. When the Game Exceptions box
is checked, game events are sent to the
central system.


The Validation option allows validation

communication permissions to be
enabled for the printer and handpays.

• Printer as Cashout Device,

when enabled, allows the
printer to print cashout tickets.
• Validate Handpays, when
enabled, allows the machine to
validate handpays.
• Print Restricted Tickets, when
enabled, allows the printer to print restricted tickets.
• Ticket Redemption, when enabled, allows for the machine to accept cashout tickets inserted
into the bill acceptor as credit.

2-64 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Comm Menu

• Print Jackpot/Handpay Receipts, when enabled, allows the printer to print jackpot and
handpay receipts.

The Validation Type area of the screen allows for the selection of a validation type, which will
enable and disable configuration options.

• Standard Validation: The only validation configuration option available with this
validation type is Printer as cashout device.
• Secure Enhanced: All validation configuration options are available with this validation
• System: The only validation configuration options available with this validation type are
Printer as cashout device, Print restricted tickets and Ticket redemption.

Handpay Reset

The Handpay Reset option allows for

the handpay reset options to be

Handpay Reset to Credit Meter, when

enabled, will deposit the attendant pay
win into the credit meter when an
attendant turns the audit key. Touch the
box to enable or disable this function.

Handpay Reset Jackpot Limit is the

maximum amount that can be
deposited to the credit meter from a
handpay. Any amount equal to or greater than the entered amount cannot be deposited. Touch the
text box and use the keypad that displays to enter the amount.

Remote Handpay Reset, when enabled, allows the central system to remotely clear a handpay
without the attendant turning the audit key.


The Progressive option allows for

progressive communication settings to
be enabled.

The Group ID identifies the

progressive group in which the
machine is participating. Touch the text
box and use the keyboard that displays
to enter the Group ID.

The Mystery jackpot function, when

enabled, allows the machine to award a
mystery win on the progressive channel.

70-0669-02 2-65

The Mystery Text field is the message that will display in the game when the mystery prize is won.

The Levels Enabled area of the screen allows each level of a multi-level progressive to be enabled
or disabled. Touch the box to place a check mark next to a level to enable it.

The Clear Progressive Memory button will clear the area of non-volatile (NVRAM) memory
where jackpot meters are stored. When this button is touched, a confirmation will display
prompting the user to proceed with the clearing procedure.


The AFT option allows for Advanced

Funds Transfer settings to be enabled
To enable it, the AFT processing
checkbox needs to be checked. Once
AFT is enabled, the various options
available within the AFT feature can be
enabled or disabled: In-house
Transfers, Partial transfers, Bonus
transfers, and Debit transfers.

If the Debit Transfers option is enabled,

the machine needs to be registered using the Register Gaming Machine button and the gaming
machine asset number must be entered. When this button is touched, the game is registered and the
button text changes to Cancel Registration, allowing the AFT Registration of the machine to be

Touch the Print Report button to print the AFT report, if desired. The Bonus Text field is the
message that the game will display when an AFT – external bonus is awarded to the game.


The EFT option allows for Electronic Funds Transfer to be enabled on the machine. Note that only
AFT or EFT can be enabled at one time. This option is currently disabled.

Legacy Bonusing

The Legacy Bonusing option allows for

external legacy bonus awards or the
jackpot multiplier to be enabled on the
machine. Touch the checkbox next to
each setting to enable it.

2-66 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Comm Menu

Note that the Legacy Bonus Awards setting only applies to the port assigned to the Legacy
Bonusing function. Although the Mystery Jackpot function also uses the external bonus command
(long poll 8A), the Progressive setup screen has its own method of enabling the mystery jackpot

Comm Logs

The Comm Logs option is used for

debugging purposes. It displays the
communication on the serial ports
supported by the gaming machine.The
screen refreshes when a Serial button is
pressed and provides a snapshot of the
communication on the selected port.
Touch the Print button to print a copy
of the log, if desired.

70-0669-02 2-67

No Host
The No Host screen allows for the gaming machine to operate in Standalone Mode and disables
communications with the Host. Remember that the only way to remove a terminal from standalone
(No Host) communication is to perform a RAM Clear.

Figure 2-49. Comm - No Host Screen

Placing the Gaming Machine in Standalone Mode

1. Select Comm from the Main Menu.
2. Touch the No Host tab.
3. The Host Communications screen opens (Figure 2-49).
4. Touch the No Host Communications box to disable host communications and place the
machine into standalone mode.
5. To access another area of the Operator Menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator Menu.

2-68 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Tournament Menu

Tournament Menu
The Tournament menu is accessed from the Main Menu. It provides access to the following

• “History Tab” on page 2-69

• “Games Tab” on page 2-71
• “Tournament - Standalone Tab” on page 2-72
• “Tournament - Comm. Ports Tab” on page 2-74

All Tournament Screens and Functions are available to Level 1 and Level 2 Users; however, screens
are Read-Only for Level 1 Users.

History Tab
The Tournament History option provides a list of the last 20 Tournament games played on the
gaming machine. It details the games by Game Number, Date, Time, Slot, Clock Time, Initial,
Amount Bet, Amount Won, After, Score and Round.

Figure 2-50. Tournament - History Screen

Viewing Tournament Game Information

1. Select Tournament from the Main menu.
2. Touch the History tab. The Last Games Played Summary In screen (Figure 2-50) displays a
list of the last 20 tournament games played.

70-0669-02 2-69

3. To view a visual representation of a specific game play outcome, touch a game line on the
screen to highlight it and touch View. To return to the Games Played screen touch the Exit
Game button (note that once pressed, the View button turns into the Exit Game button). To go
back to a previous game screen or to the next, touch the Previous or Next buttons.
4. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

Figure 2-51. Tournament History Screen - View

2-70 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Tournament Menu

Games Tab
The Games Tab option allows for the configuration of Tournament games on slots in the machine.
Available Tournament Games are listed. Select a game and touch Config. to configure it for play
on the machine.

Figure 2-52. Tournament - Games Tab

Configuring Tournament Games

1. Select Tournament from the Main menu.
2. Touch the Games tab. The Available Tournament Games screen opens (Figure 2-52).
3. Select a game from the list and press Config. button to configure the game for play on a
selected slot in the machine.
4. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

70-0669-02 2-71

Standalone Tab
The Standalone Tab option allows for the configuration of a Tournament game to be played in
Standalone mode on a single machine. Select a game from the drop down list and choose play
options. In order for a tournament game to appear in the drop down list, it needs to be configured
under the Tournament>Games tab (refer to “Tournament - Games Tab” on page 2-71). When
configured, press Start to start the new standalone tournament session.

Figure 2-53. Tournament - Standalone Tab

Configuring Standalone Tournament Games

1. Select Tournament from the Main menu.
2. Touch the Standalone tab. The Standalone Configuration screen opens (Figure 2-53).
3. Select a game from the drop down list. The selected game will be loaded when the Reset
button is pressed.
4. Select the tournament game options by touching the fields and selecting or entering desired
• Tournament Enabled: When checked, this option puts the machine tournament mode.
• Tournament Reports: When checked, this option enables reports to be generated from
tournament mode.
• Tournament Clock: This option is used to set the duration of the tournament. The time is
entered in minutes and seconds. To run the tournament with no time limit, set the time to
0:0 to turn the clock off.
• Tournament Payout %: This option is used to select the TournaMaster pay table. If the
tournament game only has one pay table, this option will be disabled.

2-72 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Tournament Menu

• Initial Credits: This option is used to set the amount of credits in the credit bank at the
beginning of the tournament. To run the tournament with unlimited credits (with a time
limit only) set the credits to 0 to turn off the credit bank window.
• Initial Score: The initial score sets the score that a player starts the tournament with (Default
is 0). The score is displayed on the top glass and the credit won bank. An example of where
this field could be used would be in the event of a gaming machine malfunction during a
tournament round where the casino operator would like to restart the player's tournament
with the credits that they had before the malfunction.

5. Press Start when all game options are selected to start the new standalone terminal session.
6. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

70-0669-02 2-73

Comm Ports Tab

The Comm Ports Tab option allows for the configuration of Tournament ports for the machine so
that it can communicate with a tournament controller in a linked tournament setup.

Figure 2-54. Tournament - Comm. Ports Tab

Configuring Comm Ports for Tournament Gaming

1. Select Tournament from the Main menu.
2. Touch the Comm. Ports tab. The Comm. Ports screen displays (Figure 2-54).
3. Touch the Tournament Port field to select communications port for the machine. Touch the
Address field and enter the Address (0 through 127) for the tournament communications.
4. To access another area of the Operator menu, touch another tab, OR turn the key or touch Exit
to exit the Operator menu.

2-74 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Error Messages

There are two types of Error Messages, Critical and Non-Critical. Critical Errors are non-
recoverable and a master reset of the gaming machine must be performed. Non-Critical errors are
recoverable once the error condition has been corrected.

70-0669-02 3-1

Error Messages Descriptions

Critical Errors
Message Text Description
OS ERROR (X) A critical error has occurred in the operating
system. X is a numerical code representing the
specific type of error. Each code must be
CRITICAL ERROR (X) A critical error has occurred. X is a numerical
code representing the specific type of error.
Each code must be documented.

3-2 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Error Messages Descriptions

Generic Gaming Machine Configuration Errors

Out of Service Generic error when gaming machine is in Out
of Service followed by other errors.
Out of Service by Technician A technician has place the gaming machine in
Local Disable.
Please Remove Security Key from Machine The paytable security key has been left
connected to the logic boxes parallel port.
Local Disable Gaming machine has been placed out of
service locally by technician.
No Games Enabled Games have not been configured and enabled
or have been disabled by the host.
Ticket Information Not Set Ticket information has not been configured in
gaming machine or has not been sent by the
host. To configure this information directly
from the gaming machine, enter the technician
"Name" field must be set in order to clear this
error. Alternatively, ticket information can be
sent from the host using SAS protocol.
Power Down Occurred This message will be displayed after the
gaming machine is powered down and then
powered back up. This message will disappear
when the next game is played or when the
Utility Chooser is accessed.

70-0669-02 3-3

SAS Communication Errors

Broadcast Disable Shutdown command was sent by the host. The host
needs to send startup command to clear the error.
Maintenance Mode Gaming machine has been placed in maintenance
mode by the host. The host needs to send exit
maintenance mode command to clear the error.
Validation/Accounting port not Port on the Validation/Accounting channel has not
set been configured in the SAS configuration screen.
Validation ID Not Configured Validation ID has not been received by the host.
Validation Buffer Full The cash out buffer is full. Normally caused by a loss
of communication on the validation channel. Re-
establish protocol communication to clear.
Port address not set Port address on channels has not been set in the SAS
configuration screen.
Progressive Communication Lost Gaming machine has lost communication on the
progressive channel. Link to between gaming
machine and progressive controller has been lost.
Disabled by Central See Broadcast Disable
AFT Game Lock AFT lock command has been sent by host or player
tracking system.
Protocol Communication Lost Link to host has been lost. Link between gaming
machine and host controller has been lost.

3-4 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Error Messages Descriptions

Bill Acceptor Errors

Bill Stacker Open The bill stacker has been removed. Reference section
4.1 Emptying the Bill Stacker of the Operators Guide.
Bill Acceptor Jam There is a ticket or bill jammed in the bill acceptor.
Reference section 4.2 Clearing Bill Jams of the
Operators Guide.
Bill Stacker Jam The bill stacker has jammed. Reference section 4.2
Clearing Bill Jams of the Operators Guide.
Bill Acceptor Cheated An attempt to cheat the bill acceptor has occurred.
Bill Acceptor Failure The bill acceptor is malfunctioning.
Bill Country Error Bill acceptor firmware has the wrong country code.
Bill Communication Timeout Bill acceptor has lost communication with the
gaming machine. Re-connecting and rebooting the
gaming machine should clear this error.
Bill Acceptor Offline The bill acceptor is offline. Re-connecting and
rebooting the gaming machine should clear this error.

70-0669-02 3-5

Printer Errors
Printer No Communication The printer is offline due to lost of communication with
gaming machine. Usually due to serial or USB
connection being disconnected.
Printer Paper Low The printer paper is low. Reference section 4.3 Printer
Paper Loading of the Operators Guide.
Printer Paper Out The printer paper is out. Reference section 4.3 Printer
Paper Loading of the Operators Guide.
Printer Paper Jam There is a paper jam in the printer. Reference section
4.4 Clearing Paper Jams of the Operators Guide.
Platen Up The printer platen is opened. Reference section 4.4
Clearing Paper Jams of the Operators Guide.
Printer Open The printer is opened. This is due to the printer not
being closed properly. In the prodiGiVu make sure the
printer is pushed all the way back.
Printer Misaligned The printer is misaligned. Reference section 4.3 Printer
Paper Loading of the Operators Guide.
Printer Offline The printer is offline due to lost of communication with
gaming machine. Usually due to serial or USB
connection being disconnected.

3-6 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Error Messages Descriptions

Door Errors
Slot Door Open The main door is open. The main door lock and latch
are located on the right-hand side of the machine.
Reference the diagrams in Section 2.0 - Component
Overview or the Operators Guide.
Logic Door Open The logic door is open. The logic compartment is
located behind the main LCD monitor. Reference the
diagrams in Section 2.0 - Component Overview or the
Operators Guide.
Belly Door Open The belly door lock and latch button are located on the
right-hand side of the machine. Reference the diagrams
in Section 2.0 - Component Overview or the Operators
Top Door Open The top door is open. The top door lock and latch button
are located on the top right-hand side of the machine.
Reference the diagrams in Section 2.0 - Component
Overview or the Operators Guide.
Cash Box Open The cash box door is open. The bill stacker/cash box
door can be accessed when the belly door or main door
is open. Reference the diagrams in Section 2.0 -
Component Overview or the Operators Guide.

70-0669-02 3-7

Other Hardware Errors

Battery 1 Low Battery 1 voltage is below the fail point.
Battery 2 Low Battery 2 voltage is below the fail point.
Battery 3 Low Battery 3 voltage is below the fail point.
Hard Meter The hard meters have lost connection with the gaming
Disconnected machine. The hard meters are located on the right-hand side of
the machine and can be accessed by opening the main door.
Reference the diagrams in Section 2.0 - Component Overview
or the Operators Guide.
Touch Sensor Offline The touch screen sensor is offline or disconnected. The touch
sensor is located behind the main LCD screen and connects to
the logic box by
USB cable Make sure the USB cable is connected properly and reboot the
gaming machine.

3-8 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Error Messages Descriptions

Software Errors
Market ID Error There is a Market ID mismatch.
System Error (x) The software has created an exception and caused a critical
error. Type of error is represented by (x) where X is a numerical
code. More information may be found in the utility choosers
Debug Log. Each case should be documented and investigated.
Recovery from a System Error is dependent on the type. Some
of these errors recover from a simple reboot while others
recover only from a master reset using the security key.

70-0669-02 3-9

3-10 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Meter Descriptions

70-0669-02 4-1

Basic Meters

Coin In Total of all amounts wagered toward game play.

This meter will increment when a game is
Coin Out Total of all amounts paid by the machine
excluding progressive and external bonus
payouts. This meter will increment when a pay
table win is added to the credit meter.
Coin Out (Including machine paid external Total of all amounts paid by the machine
bonus payout and machine paid progressive including progressive and external bonus
by payout) payouts. This meter will increment when a
progressive win, external bonus, or pay table
win is added to the credit meter.
Machine paid external bonus payout Total amount of all external bonus payouts made
by the gaming machine. This meter will
increment when an external bonus for an amount
less than the jackpot limit is received by the
gaming machine.
Machine paid progressive payout Total amount of all external progressive payouts
made by the gaming machine. This meter will
increment when an progressive payout for an
amount less than the jackpot limit is triggered by
the gaming machine.
Net The difference between “Total Cash In” and
“Total Cashout” meters.
Cashout % The result of the “Total Cashout” meter divided
by the “Total Cash In” meter. The quotient is
then multiplied by 100.
Play Return % The result of the "Coin Out" (including Machine
Paid External Bonus, Machine Paid
Progressives, Attendant Paid Jackpots,
Attendant Paid External Bonuses and Attendant
Paid Progressives) meter divided by the "Coin
In" meter. The quotient is then multiplied by
Games Played Count of all games played.
Total Games Won Count of all games played resulting in either
machine-paid or attendant-paid wins.

4-2 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Basic Meters


Total Games Lost Count of all games played resulting in no wins.

% of Games Won The percentage of games won according to the
number of games played.
Total Games Played Since RAM Clear Count of all games played since RAM clear.
Total Games Played Since Power Restore Count of all games played since last gaming
machine power-up.
Total Games Played Since Slot Door Count of all games played since last main door
Closed closure.
Last Wager Amount Amount wagered during the last game played.
Last Cashout Ticket Amount Amount printed on the last ticket printed due to
cashout or electronic transfer to ticket.
Last Cashout Ticket Number Number printed on the last ticket printed due to
cashout or electronic transfer to ticket.
Current Credit Balance Amount currently in the gaming machine credit

70-0669-02 4-3

Advanced Meters - Money In


Physical Coin In Total amount of all coins accepted by coin

Coin Drop Total amount of all coins inserted that were
diverted to the coin box. Coins are diverted
when the payout method is set to “Ticket Only”.
Bill In Total amount of bills accepted by the bill
acceptor. This meter is incremented when a bill
is accepted by the bill acceptor and the bill
amount is added to the gaming machine’s credit
Voucher In Sum of the “Cashable Voucher In” meter and the
“Coupon Promotional In” meter.
Cashable Voucher In Total amount of all cashable tickets accepted by
the bill acceptor. This meter is incremented
when a cashable or debit ticket is accepted by
the gaming machine.
Cashable Voucher In Count Total count of all cashable tickets accepted by
the bill acceptor. This meter is incremented
when a cashable or debit ticket is accepted by
the gaming machine.
Coupon Promotion In Sum of the “Coupon Promotional In Restricted”
meter and the “Coupon Promotional In Non-
restricted” meter.
Coupon Promotion In Restricted Total amount of all restricted tickets accepted by
the bill acceptor. This meter is incremented
when a restricted promotional ticket is accepted
by the gaming machine.
Coupon Promotion In Restricted Count Total count of all restricted tickets accepted by
the bill acceptor. This meter is incremented
when a restricted promotional ticket is accepted
by the gaming machine.
Coupon Promotion In Non-Restricted Total amount of all non-restricted tickets
accepted by the bill acceptor. This meter is
incremented when a non-restricted promotional
ticket is accepted by the gaming machine.

4-4 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Advanced Meters - Money In


Coupon Promotion In Non-Restricted Total count of all non-restricted tickets accepted

Count by the bill acceptor. This meter is incremented
when a non-restricted promotional ticket is
accepted by the gaming machine.
Total Cash In Sum of the “Physical Coin In”, “Bill In”, and
“Voucher In” meters.
EFT In Sum of all AFT debit transfer amounts to the
credit meter and all AFT transfer amount
transferred to ticket. This meter is incremented
when the gaming machine accepts an AFT debit
transfer or AFT debit to credit meter.
WAT In Sum of all electronic transfers of cashable
amounts to the gaming machine's credit meters
plus all electronic transfers of cashable amounts
transferred to ticket. This excludes debit
transfers and AFT bonus transfers. This meter is
incremented when the gaming machine accepts
an electronic transfer of cashable amounts to the
credit meter or to ticket.
Cashable Electronic Promotion In Sum of all AFT electronic transfers of non-
restricted or the sum of EFT electronic transfers
of non-cashable amounts to the gaming
machine's credit meter and transfers to ticket.
This meter is incremented when the gaming
machine accepts AFT electronic transfers of
non-restricted or EFT electronic transfers of
non-cashable to the credit meter or to ticket.
Non-Cashable Electronic Promotion In Sum of all electronic transfers of non-restricted
amounts to the gaming machine’s credit meters.
This meter is incremented when the gaming
machine accepts an electronic transfer of a
restricted amount to the credit meter.

70-0669-02 4-5


Total Drop Sum of the “Coin Drop”, “Bill In”, “Voucher

In”, “Restricted Promotional Transfers In”,
“Non-Restricted Promotional Transfers In” and
“Cashable Transfers In” meters. This meter will
increment when an inserted coin is diverted to
the cash box, when a bill is accepted by the
gaming machine, when a voucher (cashable,
restricted or non-restricted) is accepted by the
gamine machine, or when an electronic transfer
(cashable, restricted or non-restricted) is
accepted by the gaming machine.

4-6 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Advanced Meters- Money Out

Advanced Meters- Money Out

Meter Description

Voucher Out Sum of the “Voucher Out Cashable” meter and

the “Coupon Promotion Out” meter.
Cashable Voucher Out Total of all cashable amounts printed on tickets
by the gaming machine (this includes cashable
and debit amounts transferred to ticket). This
meter is incremented when a cashable ticket is
Cashable Voucher Out Count Total count of all cashable printed on tickets by
the gaming machine (this includes cashable and
debit amounts transferred to ticket). This meter
is incremented when a cashable ticket is printed.
Promotional Voucher Out Total of all restricted amounts printed on
promotional tickets by the gaming machine (this
includes restricted amounts transferred to
ticket). This meter will increment when a
promotional ticket is printed.
Promotional Voucher Out Count Total count of all restricted amounts printed on
promotional tickets by the gaming machine (this
includes restricted amounts transferred to
ticket). This meter will increment when a
promotional ticket is printed.
Total Attendant Paid Sum of the “Attendant Paid Jackpots”,
“Attendant Paid Cancelled Credits”, “Attendant
Paid External Bonus” and “Attendant Paid
Progressive” meters.
Attendant Paid Jackpots Sum of all pay-table wins individually greater
than the jackpot limit plus all external bonus
payouts individually greater than the jackpot
limit. This meter will increment when a pay
table win or external bonus is greater than the
jackpot limit.

70-0669-02 4-7

Meter Description

Attendant Paid Cancelled Credits Total of all player cashout amounts resulting in
attendant pays due to payout method restrictions
(Hopper Limit, Ticket Limit, etc.). This meter
will increment when the player cashes out an
amount greater than the ticket limit (if the
payout method is set to “Ticket Only”) or an
amount greater than the hopper limit (if the
payout method is set to “Coin Only”).
Attendant Paid External Bonus Total amount of all external bonus payouts
individually greater than the Jackpot Limit. This
meter will be incremented when the gaming
machine receives an external bonus for an
amount greater than the Jackpot Limit.
Attendant Paid Progressive Total amount of all progressive wins
individually greater than the Jackpot Limit. This
meter will increment when the gaming machine
triggers a progressive payout for an amount
greater than the Jackpot Limit.
Total Cashout This meter displays the sum of "Voucher Out",
"Physical Coin Out", "Attendant Paid Jackpots",
"Attendant Paid External Bonus Payout"
"Attendant Paid Progressive Payout",, and
"Attendant Paid Cancelled Credits", meters.
WAT Out Total amount of all electronic transfers of
cashable amounts transferred from the gaming
machine to the host. This meter will be
incremented when the host successfully
electronically transfers a cashable amount from
the gaming machine.
Cashable Electronic Promotion Out Total amount of all AFT electronic transfers of
non-restricted amounts or the total of EFT
cashable amounts transferred from the gaming
machine to the host. This meter will increment
when the host successfully electronically
transfers a restricted promotional amount from
the gaming machine.

4-8 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Advanced Meters- Money Out

Meter Description

Non-Cashable Electronic Promotion Out Total amount of all AFT electronic transfers of
restricted or EFT promotional amounts
transferred from the gaming machine to the host.
This meter will increment when a host
successfully electronically transfers an AFT
restricted or EFT promotional amount from the
gaming machine.

70-0669-02 4-9
Advanced Meters - Bill Information
Bill Counters
Bill In Total count of all bills accepted by the bill
$1 Total count of 1 dollar bills accepted by the bill
$5 Total count of 5 dollar bills accepted by the bill
$10 Total count of 10 dollar bills accepted by the bill
$20 Total count of 20 dollar bills accepted by the bill
$50 Total count of 50 dollar bills accepted by the bill
$100 Total count of 100 dollar bills accepted by the
bill acceptor.
Voucher In Total count of the “Voucher In Cashable” and
the “Coupon Promotional In.
Cashable Voucher In Total count of all cashable tickets accepted by
the bill acceptor. This meter is incremented
when a cashable or debit ticket is accepted by
the gaming machine.
Coupon Promotion In Total count of the "Coupon Promotional In
Restricted” and the "Coupon Promotional In
Coupon Promotion In Restricted Total count of all restricted tickets accepted by
the bill acceptor. This meter is incremented
when a restricted promotional ticket is accepted
by the gaming machine.
Coupon Promotion In Non-Restricted Total count of all non-restricted tickets accepted
by the bill acceptor. This meter is incremented
when a non-restricted promotional ticket is
accepted by the gaming machine.
Bill Amounts
Bill In Total amount of all bills accepted by the bill
$1 Total amount of all 1 dollar bills accepted by the
bill acceptor.
Advanced Meters - Bill Information

$5 Total amount of all 5 dollar bills accepted by the

bill acceptor.
$10 Total amount of all 10 dollar bills accepted by
the bill acceptor.
$20 Total amount of all 20 dollar bills accepted by
the bill acceptor.
$50 Total amount of all 50 dollar bills accepted by
the bill acceptor.
$100 Total amount of all 100 dollar bills accepted by
the bill acceptor.
Voucher In Total amount of all vouchers accepted by the bill
Cashable Voucher In Total amount of all cashable tickets accepted by
the bill acceptor. This meter is incremented
when a cashable or debit ticket is accepted by
the gaming machine.
Coupon Promotion In Sum of the “Coupon Promotional In Restricted”
meter and the “Coupon Promotional In Non-
Restricted” meter.
Coupon Promotion In Restricted Total amount of all restricted tickets accepted by
the bill acceptor. This meter is incremented
when a restricted promotional ticket is accepted
by the gaming machine.
Coupon Promotion In Non-Restricted Total amount of all non-restricted tickets
accepted by the bill acceptor. This meter is
incremented when a non-restricted promotional
ticket is accepted by the gaming machine.

70-0669-02 4-11

Advanced Meters - Progressives

Level 1 to 32
Total Paid Total amount of progressive payouts made by
the gaming machine for a particular progressive
level. There are 32 levels listed, plus a mystery
Maximum Payout Largest progressive payout made by the gaming
machine for a particular progressive level.
Minimum Payout Smallest progressive payout made by the
gaming machine for a particular progressive
Times Hit Number of times that a particular progressive
level was hit.

4-12 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Advanced Meters - Progressives

70-0669-02 4-13

4-14 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Default Settings

This section provides default values for Menu Options settings under the Options and SAS menus
in the Operator Menus of the gaming machine.

70-0669-02 5-1

Options Menu

Volume Main Game Max 50%

Main Game Min 25%
Bonus Game Max 50%
Bonus Game Min 25%
Alarm 0%
Player Volume Control Enabled
Buttons Button Layout 14 Buttons Style 3
Candle Std: Out of Service Flash Top
Std: Service Button Top On
Std: Hand Pay/Attendant Pay Flash Top Flash Bottom
Std: Door Open Bottom On
Devices - Bill Currency US Dollars
Enable Bill Validator Enabled
Devices - Coin Enable Coin Validator Disabled
Select Coin Validator None selected
Devices - Printer Enable Printer Enabled
Games - Video Enable Screen Saver Enabled
Screen Saver Delay 30 Seconds
Legal Age Notice Text MUST BE 18 OR OLDER TO PLAY
Games - Bonus Settings depend on the game(s)
Games - Continuous Play Enabled
Continuous Play
Games - Credit All Credits
Toggle on Touch Enabled
Games - Game Game Languages English

5-2 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

Options Menu


Games - All No games configured

Paytables &
Games - Line/Bet Depends on game
Games - Enable Responsible Gaming Disabled
Games - Soft All Enabled
Gaming Machine Jackpot Limit $1200
- Credit Limits
Credit Limit $5000
Credit Limit Cashout Amount Full Bank Amount
Currency Acceptance Limit $3000
Printer Payout Limit $5000

Gaming Machine Date

- Date and Time
Gaming Machine 1 (soft meter and ratio) Coin In, 1:100
- Hard Meters
2 (soft meter and ratio) Coin Out, 1:100
3 (soft meter and ratio) Total Drop, 1:100
4 (soft meter and ratio) Attendant Paid Jackpots, 1:1000
5 (soft meter and ratio) Attendant Paid Cancelled Credits, 1:100
Door Ticket All Disabled
Serial Number Serial Number
Cursor Touch screen cursor Disabled

70-0669-02 5-3

SAS Menu

Ports Accounting/Control
Legacy Bonusing
Port 1 (RS-232) 0
Port 2 (RS-485) 0
Port 3 (RS-232) 0
Port 4 (RS-232) 0
Fiber Optic on Port 2 Disabled
Handpay Reset Handpay Reset to Credit False
Handpay Reset Jackpot Limit $1200
Remote Handpay Reset Disabled
Validation Printer as cashout device Enabled
Validate handpays Enabled
Print restricted tickets Enabled
Ticket redemption Enabled
Print jackpot/handpay Disabled
Validation Type Secure Enhanced
Progressive Group ID 0
Mystery Disabled
Levels 1-32 Disabled
Mystery Text: Mystery Bonus
Legacy Bonusing Legacy Bonus Awards Disabled
Jackpot multiplier Disabled

5-4 prodiGi Vu Software Guide Casino

SAS Menu


AFT AFT Processing Disabled

In-house transfers Disabled
Partial transfers Disabled
Bonus transfers Disabled
Debit transfers Disabled
Gaming Machine Asset 0
Bonus Text: External Bonus
EFT EFT processing Disabled
Game Exceptions Game Exceptions Enabled

70-0669-02 5-5

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