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1. The bacteria play important roles in nature as: Chemical recyclers

2. Which steroids are speacial chemicals produced in one part of the body that control functions of other
parts of the body, such as those produced by the ovaries and control of the function of the uterus during
the menstrual cycle?: Hormones

3. Of the following , identify which is NOT among major food rich in protein: Butter

4. Which of the following is NOT an example of a asexual reproduction through cellular division in plants?:
Sporophyte generation

5. These facts will show that a person suffers from genetic disorder due to mitochondrial gene inheritance
EXCEPT: Eye/optic atrophy

6. Formulated the Theory of Spontaneous Generation: Aldrien Certres

7. These properties make water very important to life EXCEPT______ As a highly reactive substance

8. How can the problem of acid rain be resolved since its effects in soil acidity come from sources around
the world? Worldwide environmental protection program

9. Several kinds of aquatic plants, algae, snails, and fish were placed in an aquarium. The aquarium was
sealed. Each week the aquarium was weighted. The weight of the aquarium and its content would
Remain about the same

10. What is the possible advantage of the plants which has flowers that open only at night? More active

11. Of the following, identify the main solvent and protoplasm of the human cells that are nutrients needed
by the human body for survival? Water

12. What causes camote leaves sold in markets to wilt? Decreased turgor pressure

13. What is the product of biotechnology that has existed even before the industrial age? Leavened bread

14. Apart from the great magnifying capability, what do you find as another advantage of electron
microscope? Resolving power

15. This is an activity which promotes sustainable use of natural resources Breeding species with
favorable adaptation

16. Of the following, identify which are the building blocks of proteins essential in the formation of new
protoplasm for the growth and repair of worn-out cells: Amino Acid

17. What fact will you select to show that animals and plants share a particular structural design or body
plan? All plants and animals have cells organized into tissues and organs

18. Belonging to the functional groups of atoms which carry out characteristics chemical reactions is
hydroxyl or Alcohol

19. What pH (potential hydrogen) level can you suggest so that your body fluids can become normal, thus
a voiding fatality? pH7

20. Identify which of the following is NOT true about tapeworm: They are autorophic

21. Among biomes, which has winter rainy seasons followed by summer drought? Chaparral

22. How are radioactive isotopes useful in medical practice along making whole-body scans? As tools for
diagnosing suspected diseases

23. Which will you use as the most stable measure of central tendency when associated with interval or
ratio data with distribution being normal? Mean

24. Judge which of the following arguments support the argument that climate change is fiction and not
fact: Data on global warming are confused by other factors, such as ozone depletion and changes in
ocean currents

25. Which is at the top of the hierarchy of biological taxonomy? Domain

26. What is the name for leaves that are attached directly to the stem by a stalk? Petiole

27. How will you classify photosynthesis microorganisms under the two kingdom scheme of biological
classification? Under Kingdom Plantae

28. What factor contributes to the greenhouse effect on the environment? Destruction of forests

30. Which is mismatched by way of scientists and contributions to science? Sir Alexander Fleming: Father
of Medical Surgery

31. These are the best examples of lipids which are soluble in solvents such as alcohol EXCEPT _____.

32. Which are consumers in a rice field community? Insects and mice

33. of the four elements out of 105 known elements that compose 98% of living matter, the highest
percentage or 63% is: Oxygen

34. Among the elements, which has been most useful to man as evidenced by a manufacturing cans,
kitchen utensils and watches? Aluminum compounds

35. What is composed of different populations interacting within a particular area? Community

36. Identify the nutrition tip most important for healthy eating habits: Balanced food diet activity

38. When is Eugenics an advantage by way of its modifying human genes? In curing human defects

39. Who will you give credit for formulating the Theory of Spontaneous Generation? Adrein Certe

40. These are the ways science can further be beneficial to man, but NOT making the products of
scientific endeavor simply ______. Stored away in memory

41. As a student researcher in science, these are activities you should do so that the hypothesis can be
considered scientifically valid but these do NOT include _______. Investigating within the realm of pure

42. What was the first inorganic compound synthesized in the Laboratory, resulting from boiling a solution
of ammonium cyanide? Ammonia

43. Which occurrence can you identify as cause of replacement by different organism when a freshwater
pond becomes a meadow? Migration of organism to other environments

44. the main source of energy for most organisms which man gets from starchy foods and table sugar
______. Glucose

45. What is the control center of the cell? Nucleus

46. When a lager cut down tall trees, water does not well up on the cut surfaces of the trunks. What does
this suggest? Roots of the trees have been damaged

47. In a period of a few weeks, what will you discover about the weight of the aquarium and it's content
during an experiment of aquatic plants, algae, snails, and fish inside a sealed aquarium? Weight is about
the same

48. Plants wilt when the of ____________. Transpiration is the faster than water absorption

49. What will you do if you were asked to apply the most basic process in the Science of Taxonomy?
Identify organism

50. Gibberellins cause growth by stimulating ________. Germination

51. You need foods high in zinc content and with nutrition value as an antioxidant and slowing down of
aging, but this is NOT one of them __________. French fries

52. What do viruses lack such that they are not considered true cells? Metabolic life-sustaining machinery

53. this is the original cell that makes up the human body which would reproduce the new cells that are
needed for man to survive and function. Fertilized egg

54. Sequence the process that occurs in the "fish kil"l that results in the death of aquatic organisms:
I. Decomposition uses up oxygen dissolved in the bottom water
II. Organic water are increasingly concentrated in bodies of water
III. Domestic and agricultural waste are caused by homes and farms
IV. Algae and aquatic plants grow, die and sink to bottom of lakes and estuaries
III, II, IV and I

55. These are examples of homeostasis mechanisms in the body which maintain internal balance in the
body but NOT to include _________. Waste products are stored for accumulation and concentration

56. Chloroplast and mitochondria have the in common EXCEPT _______. NADH

57. Which of the following organisms does not require a wet or moist surface for obtaining oxygen outside
the body? Insects

58. Resolution is to clarify as magnification is to __________. Size

59. Identify which of the following is mismatched: Anabolism - cellular respiration

61. What region around North Pole has severely cold temperature with ice and snow continuously
covering the area? Arctic

62. How will you describe the disappearance of dinosaurs on earth? Extinction

63. A series of membrane-bound channels free of ribosomes is called _________. Smooth endoplasmic

64. Double fertilization in plants occurs when ___________. One sperm cell fuses with an egg cell while
another sperm cell fuses with two polar nuclei to form endosperm

65. Since hydrogen is a reactive chemical element, with what will you combine it with in order to produce
ammonia? Nitrogen

66. If human twin develop from separate egg cells, they are ____________. Genetically different

67. Identify the statement about animals and plants that show they share a particular design or body plan:
They have cells organized into tissues and organs

68. In organic compounds that contain carbon atoms are mostly ________. Oxides

69. During the primal planet earth, what was formed when hydrogen combined with oxygen? Water

70. Following the Kyoto Protocol, what needs to be reduced through global advocacy to protect the
ecological environment? Greenhouse emissions

71. In an ordinary biological laboratory for undergraduate courses which kind of microscope is most
practical for study of microorganism magnified a few thousand times? Electron microscopes

72. Who first used the word "genetic"? Hugo Vries

73. Indicate the cause of cholera which killed millions of people during an epidemic in Europe. Bacteria

74. What scientific skill is applied when you seek alternative courses of action - their advantages,
disadvantages, possible side effects, etc.? Constructive thinking

75. A genetic defect prevents guard cells from closing the stomata in the leaves of a plant. What is the
most likely cause of this defect in the plant? Loss of water

76. When you engage in strenuous exercise, your body metabolism ______. Rises

77. What kind of organism is the schistoma which causes schistosomiasis, a tropical disease traced to
contaminated water? Flatworm

78. These cover the scope of the science of Genetics EXCEPT _____. Life longetivity

79. Where does the dominant vegetation of mangroves thrive? Coastal zone

80. Which of the following exemplifies a closed population where no migration takes place: Paramecia in
a hay infusion

81. At which organelle are proteins manufactured? Ribosome

82. What should form your diet if you wish to have more starch stored in your body? Rice and cassava

83. The following Philippines laws regulate the use of natural resources EXCEPT _____. Toxic and
Hazardous Substances and Waste act

84. The largest organ inside the human body is the _____. Liver

85. Most leaves have fewer stomata on the upper than on the lower surface. A greater number of stomata
on the upper surface would result in _____. Excessive evaporation of water

86. If you were a laboratory chemist, how will you subject elements like hydrogen, ammonia and water
vapor in order to stimulate prebiotic evolution (chemical evolution before life existed on earth)? By
hydrocarbon bonding

87. Which genetic term pertains to the physical appearance of an individual? Phenotype

88. In measure of central location, the _____ is used for arithmetic average. Mean

89. In applying crop technology, which of the following will you NOT use since these are not genetically
modified organisms? Cross-bred hydbrid plants

90. Linnaeus placed humans under the genus Homo because man _____. Has a large brain and upright

91. These are the characteristics you can find to show that the bacteria is the earliest life forms in
primitive earth, but NOT to include _____. They produce sexually with parent producing two identical
daughter cells

92. Roots that grow above the ground are _____. Adventitious roots

93. What system or classifying organisms will you use in arranging closely-related species in sequence
from the most primitive to the most advanced? Phylogenetic

94. Among inorganic compounds, what is the universal solvent in which other substance can be

95. Sugar in fruits is known as _____. Fructose

96. Identify which of the following contains all eight essential amino acids for growth and repair of worn-
out fells: Beans

97. What fact will you select to show that greatly outnumber individuals in all the kingdoms combined? A
pinch of soil has 1 billion bacteria of 10,000 different species

98. How are animals eating other animals classified? Obligate carnivores

99. What will result in an offspring acquired Huntington's disease as a dominant hereditary trait? Leads to
progressive brain deterioration

100. Most of the food in the biosphere is made by photosynthetic producers, but are a few producers
which make food using the energy from chemical reactions rather than the sun. Chemotrophic organisms

101. The cell which is the basic structural unit of life consist of chemical substances. Entirely

102. What autotrophic organism obtains energy from inorganic compounds deep under the sea rather
than from sunlight? Prokaryotic

103. The movement of materials in and out of cells by active transport requires _____. Carrier and cellular

104. Of the following, which will you identify as the main source of energy that come from plants in the
form of sugar and starch and functions as one of the structural components of living cells? Carbohydrates

105. Which of the following procedures do you find to be mismatched? Anabolism : Cellular respiration

106. Carlos wants to examine the bacterial cells of Salmonella, which causes food poisoning. Which
objective of the compound light microscope is best for his to use? Oil immersion objective

107. These are the four main classes or organic compounds in organisms, and of these simple sugars are
_____. Carbohydates

109. What is the science that deals with classifying organisms? Taxonomy

110. What important field of study can be advanced as a response to the threat on the environment by
humans? Population Ecology

111. The different or discrete variation of genes during gene transfer from parent to offspring is known as
_____. Alleles

112. Insects and birds have analogous structures, that is both have wings, because these structures
_____. Are similar in purpose but not inherited from a common ancestor

113. How can you make wood useful as fuel? Burn it

114. What cell process moves substance against a concentration gradient? Active transport

115. In its function in the circulatory system, ventricles _____. Pump blood out of the heart

116. Which will you identify as the majority of the 8.7 million species of living organisms reported by the
US Environmental Program's Worlds Conservation Monitoring Centre in 2011? Marine Life

117. Wood can be made useful to you as fuel by _____. Burning it

118. The Latin word virus was introduced by Dutch Biologist Martinus Beijerinck to name tiny disease-
causing agents, and the word means _____. Poison

119. How do you compare anabolism with metabolism? The former is constructive, the latter is

120. Of the following ecosystems, which can be identified as the richest in terms of number of species
they sustain? Dipterocarp and coral reef

121. In chemical digestion, fat molecules are converted into _____. Fatty acids and glycerol

122. Of lipids, which are the most abundant and useful for storage and insulations, e.g. whales and seals
kept safe from cold temperature? Fats

123. What was Robert Koch's hypothesis that led to the advancement of the Germ Theory? That disease
are caused by specific harmful microorganisms

124. What is the process of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, infiltration runoff and subsurface
flow of water in our planet? Water cycle

125. The carrier molecules in the cell membrane which facilitates the transport of large molecules in the
cell are actually ____. Proteins

126. How can the problem of acid rain be resolved since its effects (e.g. soil acidity and death of trees)
come from sources around the world (from the U.S., British Isles, and Central Europe)? Cooperation of
many nations

127. In considering population in an ecosystem, which refers to the various species in area of biological
clusters on earth? Biotic Community

128. Sodium chloride or table salt is an example of which of the following? Chemical compound

129. Since viruses mutate from time to time, vaccines can become ineffective. What then should be
done? Develop new vaccines

130. Among the main trophic levels which denote the transfer of energy and matter in a biological
community, there are plants and some organisms which can make their own food. Producers

131. What is the process of absorption by atmospheric gasses of thermal radiation that causes global
warming? Greenhouse effect

132. What is the process of water evaporating from the leaves of the plants? Transpiration

133. In 1952, the Hershy-Chase experiment identified as the molecule responsible for inheritance. DNA

134. What fact will you state to show that proteins and water may have formed the first cytoplasm on
primitive earth? More than 80% of the present-day cytoplasm is composed of water and protein

136. Why are animal scavengers e.g. vultures and crows, known as "cleanup patrol" of an ecosystem?
They feed on dead animals

137. Which is the correct way of writing with capital and small letters that scientific name for the onion?
Allium cepa

138. What is the raw material of photosynthesis that enters through the stomata? Carbon dioxide

139. Since hydrogen is reactive chemical element, with what other element will you combine in to form
water? Oxygen

140. What most appropriate instrument can be used to observe and study viruses? Electron microscope

141. What will you choose as the highest category in the hierarchy of classification of living organisms?

142. What justifies not using the thumb to take the heart pulse of a person? Its pulse may be confused
with a heart beat pulse of the person

143. To what particular type of microfilament are troponin and tropomyosin bound prior to the binding of
calcium and troponin? Actin

144. How do biologists today classify bacteria-like organisms that live in extremely harsh environments
like hot springs, sewerage, and swamp? Archaea

145. Claudia took an interest in flowering plants, especially day-neutral plants that flower without being
interrupted by the change is seasons. Roses

146. How will you classify large single eukaryotic cell such as green and red algae under the 6-kingdom
system? Protista

147. These are part of the human body's nervous system, EXCEPT _____. Heart

148. What field kf study will you take if you wish to specialize in the medical care of children? Pediatrics

149. Which of the following is protected by exoskeleton? Crustacean

150. What is NOT one of the most abundant and lightest elements during the earliest period of the planet
earth? Sodium

151. Which does not diffuse through the placenta from the mother fetus? Water

152. Which of this is not a multicellular organism? Amoeba

153. True of Trisomy 21: An abnormality of chromosomes inheritance in which there are 3 copies of
chromosomes 21

154. Which of the following protists causes Malaria? Plasmodium

155. Mrs. Cruz is always conscious about acne on her face. She has lots of pimples and oily skin. The
gland responsinle for causing this condition is: Sebaceous gland

156. The chromosome mutation that occurs when a piece of chromosome breaks off and joins to a non-
homologous chromosome is known as which of the following: Translocation

157. A point mutation that occurs during the process of translation causes the incorrect amino acid to be
inserted into the growing polypeptide. This is an example of what mutation? Missense mutation

158. Which among the pair of words given is not a correct functional pair? Chloroplast — ATP production

159. The deepest layer of the epidermis which consists of cuboidal or columnar cells plays a big role for
mitotic division every 19 days is the: Stratum basale

160. All structures found in pelvic girdle except: Clavide

161. Which of the following is a fat-soluble vitamin? Vitamin A

163. The process carried out by yeast that causes bread dough to rise is: Alcohol fermentation

164. Which is true about transcription? Transcription happens inside the nucleus

165. Which codon terminates the process of protein synthesis? UAA

166. Which of the following refers to a type of genetic drift describing loss of allelic variation that
accompanies founding of a new population from a very small number of individual? Founder effect

167. The number of essential amino acids found specified by codon dictionary is: 20

168. Which of the following refers to the ability of organisms to keep its internal environment stable even
when external conditions change dramatically? Homeostasis

169. What term is given to the outer region of an organs like kidney and brain? Cortex

170. What can prevent being infected with hepatitis virus (HBV) transmitted by sharing contaminated
blood through blood transfusion, contaminated needles or by sexual contact from an infected person?

171. Which of the following is the preferred source of direct energy for cells? Carbohydrates

172. Most mosses grow to be only a few inches tall, but ferns grow to be several feet tall. The difference
exists because mosses lack ____. Vascular tissue

173. What is the difference between a plant and an animal cell? Cell wall is present only in plant cell

174. Which is not a characteristic of an autotrophic cell? Centrally located nucleus

175. Mitochondrion is the site of cellular respiration. Which of the following is the final end product of the
process? ATP

176. Where would the vesicles from endoplasmic reticulum proceed containing the polypeptide for further
modification? Golgi complex

177. An aquatic plant cell was placed in a jar with water, covered and was exposed to sunlight. After a
few hours, bubbles were observed in the set-up. What may be the cause of this? Photosynthesis of the
chloroplast producing oxygen

178. Which of the following plant cell functions as a food storage? Parenchyma

179. Which of the following groups of organisms is a very good source of antibiotics? Penicillium notatum

180. All monocots possess the following characteristics except: Floral parts in multiples of 4 or 5

181. Which describes the ABO blood group system? Multiple alleles

182. Sister chromatids are attached to each other at an area called: Centromere

183. The main energy foods are carbohydrates and _____. Fats

184. The statement, "The worm is 2 centimeters long." is a/an: Observation

185. What raw materials are needed for cellular respiration? Glucose and oxygen

186. What type of bond connects one nucleotide to another in a strand? Hydrogen bond

187. The organelle that breaks down lipids, carbohydrates, proteins into simpler form to be used by the
cell is: Lysosome

188. By what process does a severely cut portion of a starfish grow into a full starfish? Fragmentation

189. How can we differentiate between arthropods from annelids? Arthropods have jointed legs, annelids
have none

190. What type of tropism is shown in the situation where the plant's roots which grew towards the
surface of the ground? Negative geotropism

191. Birds shed off their feathers at least once a year through the process called _____. Molting

192. Mad cow's disease is caused by: Prion

193. When the gene pair is heterozygous, only one is physically expressed and the other one is hidden,
which law is explained? Law of dominance

194. The process that is involved in the production of mRNA using DNA template is called _____.

195. Lamarck's theory of evolution proposed that changes occur as a result of need for them, hence,
called the law of _____. Theory of need

196. Which of the following is the start codon? AUG

197. Which is considered as the master gland due to its influence on the activities of all other glands?

198. Which part of the brain is responsible for intelligence, memory and learned behavior? Cerebrum

199. Which of the following materials is not a major component of plasma membrane? DNA

200. Which of the following is not a type of cell? Virus

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