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Diamond Energy Resources (DER)

Due February 26, 2024. Hardcopy, PRIOR to the start of class. Your name MUST appear on the

To help you save some time I have posted an excel file with Exhibit 9 on D2L.

Please answer the following four questions. You have one page (single sided) to submit your answers,
single spaced, size 11 font. Please use 1” margins all around.

1. Calculate the tax adjusted WACC for the proposed investment. Use the target values for debt
and equity to do the weighting.
2. What is the NPV of this project?
3. Which items do you consider most uncertain? How or what can be done to improve the quality
of the decision in a world of uncertainty? What elements do you think are missing from the cash
flow forecast?
4. After considering the benefits and the risks of this investment, should DER invest in the project?
Why or why not?

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