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Computer Organization &

Assembly Language

Prof. Dr. Imtiaz Ali Korejo

Course Information
Welcome to CSC-430 (Computer Organization and Assembly Language)
Teaching Methodology:
❖ Lectures, Assignments, Practical labs,
Reference Materials:
1) Assembly Language programming & Organization of the IBM PC
By Ytha Yu & Charles Marut
2) Assembly language for x86 Processor(6th edition or 7th edition)
By Kip Irvine
3) Computer Orgnaization and Architecture By William Stallings
Course Objectives
❖ To understand Organization of a computer system
❖ To gain an insight knowledge about the internal architecture and
working of microprocessors.
❖ To understand working of memory devices, interrupt controllers
and I/O devices.
❖To learn Assembly Language
❖ To understand how low level logic is applied for problem solving
by using assembly as a language.
❖ Must know a programming language such as
Procedural or structured programming Languages
( C Language).
❖ You know about ASCII code:
A 65
a 97
0 48
Basic Structure & Function of
Computer System
The Computer-Top-level Structure
• Four major structural components are as follows:
❖ Control unit: Controls the operation of the CPU and hence the
❖ALU: Performs the computer’s data processing functions.
❖Registers: Provides storage internal to the CPU.
❖CPU Interconnection: Some mechanism that provides for
communication among the control unit, ALU and registers.
CPU and Motherboard
❖ Function is the operation of individual components as part of the
❖Main functions performed by a computer system are:
❖ Process Data
❖Store Data
❖Move Data
❖Control the above three functions
Basic Computer Organization
❖Computer Organization: It is concerned with the way the hardware
components operate and the way they are connected to form the
computer system.
❖Computer Architecture: Which is concerned with the structure and
behavior of the computer as seen by the user.
❖Computer Design: It is concerned with the hardware design of the
Basic Computer Organization
Basic Computer Organization
Introduction of Assembly Language
❖ Why we study Assembly Language?
❖ What is assembly Language?
High level Language Test.c

Assembly Code Test.asm

Library File

Object File Test.obj


Machine Code Test.exe

Why we study Assembly Language?
❖Better understanding of hardware and Software interaction
❖To learn how high-level language code gets translated into machine code.
❖The programmer can write the code to access registers and retrieve the
memory address of pointers and values.
❖Better processing time than other language program.
❖ To speed up applications by direct access to hardware (Writing directly to
I/O ports instead of doing a system call) or Increase efficiency &
❖Assembly language is useful for implementing system software such as
Device Drivers.
❖ Also useful for small embedded system applications
What is assembly language?
❖Computer Programming Language. ( HL, AL, & LL Languages)
❖Low level / Symbolically Programming Language.
Machine Language
❖Each CPU can only execute its own machine language
❖Machine Language is stored in binary code - a series of 0's and 1's
❖Very difficult to write ML programs!
❖Each family of CPU's has its own distinct machine language
Assembly Language
❖ Assembly Language is a low level programming language.
❖It is mainly depends on the architecture of computer and sometimes to an operating
❖ Using mnemonics (ADD, MOV, MUL) instead of machine code.
❖It is also known as Symbolical Language
❖One ALC statement usually translates to 1 ML statement
❖Just as each computer has its own Machine Language - each computer has its own
Assembler Language.
❖ Close to human language
❖Assembler is a language translator that translate the assembly code into machine code .
❖Each CPU has own assembly language.

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