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Cross Flow Heat Exchanger

MECH 3120.104
Group 3B

Jasmine Miller
Nicholas Walker

Date of Experiment
Date of Report Submission

Contribution of each member:

Jasmine Miller: Abstract, Nomenclature, Methods, Graphs, Experimental Apparatus, Error
Analysis, References
Nicholas Walker: Sample Calculations,Graphs, Discussion, Results, Graphs
The cross-flow heat exchanger (TecQuipment TE930) assists in observing the effect of changing
the position of a heated rod has on the heat transfer value . The apparatus also helps determine
how a heated rod loses heat through the process of convection when in contact with the working
section of the wind tunnel apparatus. For the experiment, the heat transfer coefficient will be
determined using the rate of cooling of the heated rod in the system. During the experiment,
there will be a total of 10 trials that are completed for a duration of 2 minutes and 30 seconds in
intervals of 10 seconds for the valve openings ranging from 10% to 100%. …. In this
experiment, the effect of rod positioning on the air flow, air velocity, will be determined and used
to prove the observation of the heat transfer improving.


Variable Variable Name Dimension

𝑑 Diameter of Heated Rod 𝑚

𝐿 Length of Heated Rod 𝑚

𝐴1 Effective Surface Area of 𝑚

Heated Rod

𝑚 Mass of Heated Rod 𝑘𝑔

𝑐 Specific Heat of Copper 𝐽


𝑃𝐴 Barometric Pressure 𝑃𝑎

𝑇1 Ambient Air Temperature, 𝐾


𝑇2 Temperature of Heated Rod 𝐾

𝑃𝑢 Upstream Static Air Pressure 𝑃𝑎

𝑃𝑑 Downstream Static Air P 𝑃𝑎

𝑉1 Upstream Velocity 𝑚
𝑉2 Downstream Velocity 𝑚

𝑉 Mean Velocity Across Rods 𝑚


𝑀 Slope of Cooling Curve 𝑃𝑎


𝑃𝑡 Total Pressure at Pitot 𝑃𝑎

∆𝑃 Pressure Drop Across the 𝑃𝑎


α Coefficient of Heat Transfer 2

𝑚 𝑠𝐾

Experimental Apparatus:

Figure 1: TecQuipment TE93 Cross Flow Heat Exchanger [1]

This experiment utilizes the TecQuipment TE93 Cross Flow Heat Exchanger, Figure 1. The
apparatus is a horizontal wind tunnel that consists of two main parts, the Control and
Instrumentation Unit and the Duct Assembly. The Control and Instrumentation Unit includes the
controls for the electric fan which operates at a constant speed, pressure measurement ports, a
digital display of the temperature and pressure, electrical circuit breakers, and a main switch.
There is also a heater compartment, that is heated by an electric heater and has a temperature
control system to maintain the temperature at about 75℃. The temperature and pressure display
gives the inlet air temperature at the duct inlet T1, and the temperature of the thermocouple in the
heated rod T2.
The Duct Assembly includes an inlet cone with an effuser, a thermocouple at the inlet,
the working section, pitot assembly, an electric motor, a fan, and an exhaust duct with an
adjustable air valve. In the working section, there are multiple holes on two transparent windows
that hold the rods and blanking plugs. The main portion of the heated rod is made of copper with
ends machined from Tufnol, an insulator that conducts a small amount of heat.

1. Switch on the Control and Instrumentation Unit and insert the Heated Rod into the heater
2. Fit all the plugs into the working section and leave only an empty space for the heated
rod in the upstream center position in column one.
3. Switch on the fan and record the ambient air temperature (T1).
4. Fully open the air valve to 100% and calibrate the system.
5. Switch on the Heater Power switch and wait for approximately two minutes.
6. Remove the heated rod from its heater compartment and fit it into the working section.
7. Record the temperature of the heated rod (T2) in intervals of ten seconds for 2 minutes
and 30 seconds.
8. Repeat steps 6-7 for air valve positions 90% - 10%. Wait two minutes before removing
the heated rod from the heater compartment.

Sample Calculations:
To find the change in temperature ∆𝑇, we can utilize the equation below. Our value was
determined in class from the experiment. Below is the value determined for a singular rod with a
50% opened valve at 80 secs.

∆𝑇 = 𝑇2 − 𝑇1 = 316. 1 − 295. 5 = 19. 8 °𝐾

By using the value from above, we can now solve for 𝑙𝑜𝑔10(𝑇2 − 𝑇1), below is the value for a
singular rod with a 50% opened valve at 80 secs.

𝑙𝑜𝑔10(𝑇2 − 𝑇1) = 𝑙𝑜𝑔10(316. 1 − 295. 5) = 1. 30

Therefore, we can now calculate for our M value utilizing the initial and final times that correlate
with the 𝑙𝑜𝑔10(𝑇2 − 𝑇1) calculation.

𝑓 𝑖
𝑙𝑜𝑔10(𝑇2 −𝑇1)−𝑙𝑜𝑔10(𝑇2 −𝑇1) 𝑙𝑜𝑔10(304.3−295.5)−𝑙𝑜𝑔10(345.1−295.5)
𝑀= 𝑓 𝑖 = 150−0
=− 0. 0053
𝑡 −𝑡

Now that we have the our M value, we can now calculate for the heat transfer coefficient by
using the equation:
𝑚𝑐 (.1064)(.39)
α =− 2. 3026 · ( 𝐴1
) · 𝑀 =− 2. 3026( .004028
)(− 0. 0053) =. 1254

Figure 1 shows the graph of log10(T2-T1) vs. Time for the valve openings 10%-20%. Figure 2
shows the graph of log10(T2-T1) vs. Time for the valve openings 30%-60%. Figure 3 shows the
graph of log10(T2-T1) vs. Time for the valve openings 60%-100%.

Figure 1: Plotted Valve openings from 10%-20%

Figure 2: Plotted Valve openings from 30%-60%

Figure 3: Plotted Valve openings from 70%-100%

Raw Data & Results:
Table 1: Results for Air Valve 100%

One Rod
Heated Rod In Column 1
Ambient Air Temperature 𝑇1 = 295. 5 𝐾
Air Valve Position 100%

t Heated Rod 𝑇2 − 𝑇1 𝑙𝑜𝑔10(𝑇2 − 𝑇1 )

(seconds) 𝑇2 ∆𝑃2
(°𝐾) (𝑃𝑎)

0 345 51.2 1.71

10 338 45.1 1.65

20 329.1 35.3 1.55

30 328.7 30.2 1.48

40 324.7 26.4 1.42

50 320.1 21.4 1.33

60 312 16.4 1.21

70 310.1 15.8 1.20

80 308.5 14.6 1.16

90 306.2 12.1 1.08

100 302.7 9.9 1.00

110 302.1 8.5 .93

120 301.8 6.6 .82

130 301.4 5.4 .73

140 300.7 4.6 .66

150 300.0 3.6 .57

Gradient M=-0.0077
Coefficient of heat transfer = .1823

Table 2: Results for Air Valve 90%

One Rod
Heated Rod In Column 1
Ambient Air Temperature 𝑇1 = 295. 5 𝐾
Air Valve Position 90%

t Heated Rod 𝑇2 − 𝑇1 𝑙𝑜𝑔10(𝑇2 − 𝑇1 )

(seconds) 𝑇2 ∆𝑃2
(°𝐾) (𝑃𝑎)

0 344.1 53.0 1.72

10 338.1 42.6 1.63

20 333.1 37.2 1.57

30 328.2 32.3 1.51

40 324.2 27.4 1.44

50 320.1 23.5 1.37

60 316.5 20.5 1.31

70 314.3 17.4 1.24

80 311.5 14.9 1.17

90 309.5 13.1 1.12

100 307.2 11.2 1.05

110 306.1 9.7 0.99

120 304.4 8.3 0.92

130 303.6 7.2 0.86

140 302.6 6.3 .80

150 301.7 5.2 .72

Gradient M=-0.0067
Coefficient of heat transfer = .1594

Table 3: Results for Air Valve 80%

One Rod
Heated Rod In Column 1
Ambient Air Temperature 𝑇1 = 295. 5 𝐾
Air Valve Position 80%

t Heated Rod 𝑇2 − 𝑇1 𝑙𝑜𝑔10(𝑇2 − 𝑇1 )

(seconds) 𝑇2 ∆𝑃2
(°𝐾) (𝑃𝑎)

0 344.8 49.0 1.70

10 336.7 39.9 1.60

20 330.1 34.1 1.53

30 326.4 29.4 1.47

40 321.1 25.5 1.41

50 318.5 22.0 1.34

60 315.3 18.8 1.27

70 312.6 16.3 1.21

80 310.3 13.9 1.14

90 308.6 11.8 1.07

100 306.6 10.2 1.01

110 305.2 8.7 .94

120 303.9 7.3 .86

130 302.8 6.3 .80

140 301.8 5.3 .72

150 301.1 4.5 .65

Gradient M=-0.0069
Coefficient of heat transfer = 0.1640

Table 4: Results for Air Valve 70%

One Rod
Heated Rod In Column 1
Ambient Air Temperature 𝑇1 = 295. 5 𝐾
Air Valve Position 70%

t Heated Rod 𝑇2 − 𝑇1 𝑙𝑜𝑔10(𝑇2 − 𝑇1 )

(seconds) 𝑇2 ∆𝑃2
(°𝐾) (𝑃𝑎)

0 345.3 49.7 1.70

10 341.0 44.3 1.65

20 335.5 38.7 1.60

30 330.7 34.3 1.53

40 326.2 29.9 1.48

50 322.2 25.8 1.41

60 318.8 22.3 1.35

70 315.9 19.5 1.29

80 313.4 16.8 1.23

90 310.1 14.7 1.17

100 309.1 12.7 1.10

110 307.4 11.0 1.04

120 306.0 9.5 0.98

130 304.6 8.2 0.91

140 303.5 7.0 0.85

150 302.5 6.1 0.79

Gradient M=-0.0061
Coefficient of heat transfer = 0.1441

Table 5: Results for Air Valve 60%

One Rod
Heated Rod In Column 1
Ambient Air Temperature 𝑇1 = 295. 5 𝐾
Air Valve Position 60%

t Heated Rod 𝑇2 − 𝑇1 𝑙𝑜𝑔10(𝑇2 − 𝑇1 )

(seconds) 𝑇2 ∆𝑇
(°𝐾) (°𝐾)

0 345.1 49.7 1.70

10 343.3 46.8 1.67

20 338.1 41.8 1.62

30 333.7 37.1 1.60

40 329.3 32.8 1.52

50 325.2 29.8 1.47

60 322.1 25.6 1.41

70 319.0 22.5 1.35

80 316.1 19.8 1.30

90 313.3 17.5 1.24

100 311.7 15.3 1.18

110 309.9 13.5 1.13

120 308.2 12.1 1.08

130 306.7 10.4 1.02

140 305.4 9.1 .96

150 304.3 8.0 .90

Gradient M=-0.0053
Coefficient of heat transfer =0.1254

Table 6: Results for Air Valve 50%

One Rod
Heated Rod In Column 1
Ambient Air Temperature 𝑇1 = 295. 5 𝐾
Air Valve Position 50%

t Heated Rod 𝑇2 − 𝑇1 𝑙𝑜𝑔10(𝑇2 − 𝑇1 )

(seconds) 𝑇2 ∆𝑃2
(°𝐾) (𝑃𝑎)

0 345.8 52.2 1.72

10 340.3 44.1 1.64

20 336.1 40.1 1.60

30 332.1 35.7 1.55

40 328.3 31.9 1.50

50 325.1 29 1.46

60 322.1 25.9 1.41

70 319.5 23.3 1.37

80 317.8 20.7 1.32

90 314.9 18.7 1.27

100 312.9 16.7 1.22

110 311.2 15 1.18

120 309.7 13.3 1.12

130 308.3 12.2 1.09

140 307.0 10.8 1.03

150 305.8 9.7 0.99

Gradient M=-0.0049
Coefficient of heat transfer = .1156

Table 7: Results for Air Valve 40%

One Rod
Heated Rod In Column 1
Ambient Air Temperature 𝑇1 = 295. 5 𝐾
Air Valve Position 40%

t Heated Rod 𝑇2 − 𝑇1 𝑙𝑜𝑔10(𝑇2 − 𝑇1 )

(seconds) 𝑇2 ∆𝑃2
(°𝐾) (𝑃𝑎)

0 345.8 53.4 1.73

10 341.1 44.4 1.65

20 337.3 41.6 1.62

30 333.9 37.7 1.58

40 330.6 34.5 1.54

50 327.6 31.4 1.50

60 325.0 28.8 1.46

70 322.4 26.5 1.42

80 320.0 24.4 1.39

90 317.9 21.8 1.34

100 316.0 20.2 1.31

110 314.2 18.4 1.26

120 312.6 16.6 1.22

130 311.2 15.0 1.18

140 309.7 13.8 1.14

150 308.4 12.5 1.10

Gradient M=-0.0042
Coefficient of heat transfer = .0997

Table 8: Results for Air Valve 30%

One Rod
Heated Rod In Column 1
Ambient Air Temperature 𝑇1 = 295. 5 𝐾
Air Valve Position 30%

t Heated Rod 𝑇2 − 𝑇1 𝑙𝑜𝑔10(𝑇2 − 𝑇1 )

(seconds) 𝑇2 ∆𝑃2
(°𝐾) (𝑃𝑎)

0 345.2 48.2 1.68

10 343.7 47.6 1.68

20 340.5 44.3 1.65

30 337.2 41.1 1.61

40 334.1 38.1 1.58

50 331.3 35.4 1.55

60 328.7 32.8 1.52

70 326.3 30.2 1.48

80 324.0 27.3 1.44

90 321.8 25.9 1.41

100 319.9 24.0 1.38

110 318.0 22.1 1.34

120 316.3 20.3 1.31

130 314.7 18.7 1.27

140 313.3 17.3 1.24

150 311.9 16.1 1.21

Gradient M=-0.0032
Coefficient of heat transfer = 0.0753

Table 9: Results for Air Valve 20%

One Rod
Heated Rod In Column 1
Ambient Air Temperature 𝑇1 = 295. 5 𝐾
Air Valve Position 20%

t Heated Rod 𝑇2 − 𝑇1 𝑙𝑜𝑔10(𝑇2 − 𝑇1 )

(seconds) 𝑇2 ∆𝑃2
(°𝐾) (𝑃𝑎)

0 345.3 48.5 1.69

10 341.7 45.8 1.66

20 339.0 43.4 1.64

30 336.6 40.6 1.61

40 333.9 38.2 1.58

50 331.5 35.8 1.55

60 329.3 33.7 1.53

70 327.3 31.6 1.50

80 325.2 29.6 1.47

90 323.3 27.6 1.44

100 321.6 25.9 1.41

110 320.0 24.3 1.39

120 318.5 22.9 1.36

130 317.0 21.3 1.33

140 315.7 20.1 1.30

150 314.4 18.5 1.27

Gradient M=-0.0028
Coefficient of heat transfer = 0.0662

Table 10: Results for Air Valve 10%

One Rod
Heated Rod In Column 1
Ambient Air Temperature 𝑇1 = 295. 5 𝐾
Air Valve Position 10%

t Heated Rod 𝑇2 − 𝑇1 𝑙𝑜𝑔10(𝑇2 − 𝑇1 )

(seconds) 𝑇2 ∆𝑃2
(°𝐾) (𝑃𝑎)

0 345.1 50.2 1.70

10 344.7 49.4 1.69

20 342.7 47.4 1.68

30 340.8 45.5 1.66

40 338.8 43.5 1.64

50 337.0 41.7 1.62

60 335.1 39.8 1.60

70 333.3 38.0 2.58

80 331.6 36.4 1.56

90 330.0 34.8 1.54

100 328.4 33.2 1.52

110 327.0 31.7 1.50

120 325.1 30.3 1.48

130 324.2 29.0 1.46

140 322.9 27.6 1.44

150 321.6 26.3 1.42

Gradient M=-0.0019
Coefficient of heat transfer = 0.0444

Table 11: Sample Calculations

Test M α
100% -0.0077 0.1823

90% -0.0067 0.1594

80% -0.0069 0.1640

70% -0.0061 0.1441

60% -0.0053 0.1254

50% -0.0049 0.1156

40% -0.0042 0.0997

30% -0.0032 0.0753

20% -0.0028 0.0662

10% -0.0019 0.0444

In this lab, our goal was to determine the cooling rate of a single rod inserted into the
TecQuipment TE930. From these results we were able to calculate gradient as well as the heat
transfer coefficient (𝛼), from the working station. Based on all of our results we can see that as
we decrease the valve opening of the system, there is a significant drop in our heat transfer
coefficient. We can also see that the gradient number from the system would increase as the
opening of the valve decreased.
From this experiment, we were able to conclude that in order to increase the heat transfer
coefficient of the system, you need to increase the opening of the valve within the system. By
increasing the valve opening, we are able to manipulate the heat transfer coefficient and increase
[1] MECH 3360 Experiment 4 Lab Manual

Error Analysis:
⍵𝑇 = 0. 1°𝐶

Case: 60% Valve Opening at 80 seconds

1. Gradient of the Curve (Δ𝑀 )

ॱ Δ𝑇) ॱ Δ𝑇)
∂𝑀 2 ∂𝑀 2
Δ𝑀 = ( 𝑖 +( 𝑓
∂𝑇2 ∂𝑇2

ॱ Δ𝑇) ॱ Δ𝑇)
∂𝑀 2 ∂𝑀 2
= ( 𝑖 + ( 𝑓
𝑇2 −𝑇1 𝑇2 −𝑇1

= (0. 00009741 ॱ 0. 1) + (0. 00047572 ॱ 0. 1)

2 2

=0. 0000485

2. Heat Transfer Coefficient (Δα)

Δα = ∂𝑀
* Δ𝑀

= 0. 04226 * 0. 0000485
= 2. 049

Table 12: Uncertainty Table for Heated Rod

Test ⍵𝑀 ⍵𝛼

100% 0.0001204 5.0881

90% 0.0000706 2.983

80% 0.0000703 2.970

70% 0.0000687 2.903

60% 0. 0000485 2. 049

50% 0.0000462 1.952

40% 0.0000314 1.326

30% 0.0000260 1.098

20% 0.0000213 1.045

10% 0.0000175 1.023

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