Bollam - OS - Discussion - 500 Words

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There is no doubt to the fact that Windows is the least secure operating system and it is true
in a lot of ways. The reason is that the size of the installed base makes it an easy proposition
to attack. Formulation of malware that is operational in 88 % of the machines that are used in
an enterprise as you likely to achieve a compromise in such cases. Though this is
mathematically true it does not mean that Windows is less secure than other operating
systems. The use of windows operating system is dependent upon the error( Ташенова,, &
Ергали, (2020)

There could be an argument that the popularity of Windows means Microsoft has the
possibility of defending against malware attacks. The difficult aspect is that most of the
malware is targeted towards Windows. What this means is that you will require a quality end-
point security solution but this does not hold any value based on the operating system that
you are running. Windows operating system is used as a tool of communication ( Sharma,

Privacy along with security is dependent upon the operating system. It is known to guard
your system and ensure that the information is intact once it starts up. Hence it goes on to
provide fundamental chip protection. Windows 11 turns out to be one of the most secure
operating systems where the features are designed in such a manner that the security is up to

Some of the measures include data protection and an in-built encryption system. This is also
going to evolve intelligent safeguards against various forms of threats. Trusted boot along
with secure boot as these components prevent the load from building up. The attestation
process does take a lot of time and you need to be aware of how to prevent it on all counts.


Some of the security measures that can be suggested to Microsoft are opting for a Windows
Defender Smart Screen. This is something that can go on to block a single sight. If they go on
to visit websites that they previously visited then due to phishing or malware this is expected
to stop them in every possible way. It is also going to report against any form of fake ads

The suggestion is to use account control that ensures malware is not going to damage any
machine. Hence an organization is able to manage the desktop app in a better way. Once you
go on to enable this feature the app along with the tasks are operational in a security context.
This is till the point of time when the administrator is going to provide access to a non-,
administrator person. It also ensures that automatic installation of unsecured apps is
prevented. To the system settings, any form of accidental damage is prevented.


Sharma, P. (2022, September). Windows Malware Detection using Machine Learning and TF-
IDF Enriched API Calls Information. In 2022 Second International Conference on Computer
Science, Engineering and Applications (ICCSEA) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

Ташенова, Ж. М., & Ергали, У. К. (2020). INFORMATION ON ERRORS IN THE

научные исследования в современном мире, (11-2), 42-46.

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