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5 Progress test

Name: _______________________________________________ Result: __/100

1 Choose the correct option.
1 How many languages can you speak/clean?
2 Can I use your phone to fly/send a message to
my dad?
3 Our car is very dirty, let’s catch/wash it now.
4 How do you spell/carry ‘friend’? Is it F-R-I-E-N-D? 3 __________ 4 __________
5 There’s a problem with my bike. Can you
speak/repair it?
6 Do you ever climb/jump mountains?
Score __/6

2 Complete the text with the verbs in the box. There 5 __________ 6 __________
is one extra verb. Score __/6
add carry clean fly jump talk tell
4 Choose the correct answers.
Fantastic facts 1 It costs $1,000,000. It’s very __________ .
a cheap b expensive c easy
2 Sunil often takes __________ on his phone.
a photos b sports c friends
3 There aren’t any students in the room, it’s
__________ .
a ugly b crowded c empty
* Red kangaroos can 1 __________ about 1.5 m into
the air, sometimes up to 3 m. That’s high! 4 My shoes are dirty; I need to __________ them.
* Godwits are a type of bird. They can 2 __________ a a climb b carry c clean
long way without stopping – from Alaska (USA) to New
5 We need some medicine. Let’s go to the
Zealand. That’s over 12,000 km!
* Ants are very strong! They can 3 __________ things __________ .
that are up to 5,000 times heavier than their own body a chemist’s b baker’s c hairdresser’s
6 Your aunt’s son is your __________ .
* Parrots are very clever birds. Some parrots can
4 __________ , and they know up to 800 words. a uncle b nephew c cousin
Others can 5 __________ numbers too, for example 2 7 That car is very __________ . It goes 500 km/hour!
+ 2 = 4! But parrots can’t 6 __________ stories.
a slow b fast c heavy
Score __/6
Score __/7
3 Look at the photos and write the technology nouns.

1 __________ 2 __________

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5 Progress test

5 Write sentences and questions with can. 3 I haven’t got a games console, but my sister has got
one. I often use she’s.
1 we / not / sing
4 My birthday is on 3rd May and my brother’s birthday
2 you / play football?
is on 2nd May, so my birthday is the day after he’s.
3 Marek / cook / Japanese food
5 That book is my. Look, it’s got my name on it.
4 they / not / tell good stories.
6 We’ve got good bikes, but they aren’t light. Jan’s
_______________________________________ bike is very light, our are much heavier.
5 What musical instruments / Sara / play? _________________________________________
_______________________________________ Score __/6
6 I / repair this computer.
8 Choose the correct answers.
Score __/6 An amazing printer
6 Complete the dialogue with the comparative form of
the adjectives in brackets.
Saul I don’t know which of these two cameras to
Kara Well, what do you want to use it for? The black
camera is big. The grey camera is
Around the world, there are about 285 million people
1 __________ (small) than the black one. It’s
who are completely blind (they can’t see) or have
2 __________ (light), too – it’s about 350 g,
problems with 1 __________ eyes. This means they
but the black one is about 450 g. That means
2 __________ read normal books. They can read books
the grey one is 3 __________ (easy) to carry
in Braille, a language that blind people ‘read’ with their
hands. But Braille printers are much more
Saul But it costs €150, so it’s 4 __________ 3 __________ than normal printers – they
(expensive). The black one is €120. 4 __________ about $2,000! Shubham Banerjee
Kara True, but it’s 5 __________ (good) quality 5 __________ from Belgium, but now he lives in the
than the black one, in fact it’s excellent quality. USA. He invents things using technology.
6 __________ Braille printer uses cheap things that
Saul Do you think it’s 6 __________ (difficult) you can buy in many shops so it’s not expensive to make!
to use? This means people can print books in Braille for much
Kara No, I don’t. I’m sure you can use it without less money. Have you got any good ideas for some new
any problems. technology? Try 7 __________ !
Score __/6 1 a theirs b their c them
2 a can to b can c can’t
7 Underline the mistake in each sentence and write
the correct possessive pronoun. 3 a expensive b cheap c fast

1 That’s Max and Sue’s laptop, and the charger is 4 a costs b cost c don’t cost
them, too. 5 a am b is c are
_________________________________________ 6 a Shubam’s b Shubams’ c Shubams
2 My speakers aren’t very good, but your are 7 a they b their c them
Score __/7

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5 Progress test

Tech talk 10 Read the article again. Are the sentences T (true)
or F (false)?
1 Three million people around the world have
smartphones. T/F
2 Eighty-eight per cent of Americans use apps. T/F
3 Apple has got about two million apps. T/F
4 Friendly apps look good. T/F
5 It’s a good idea to pay for better apps. T/F

Are you one of over 3.5 billion people around the world Score __/5
who use a smartphone? China, India and the USA have
the most smartphone users. In the USA, a typical teen 11 Read the article again. Complete each gap with one
spends nine hours a day using screens, and over seven of word or a number.
those hours are on their smartphone. 1 American teenagers use their phones for over
Americans spend up to 88% of their time on phones __________ hours every day.
using apps – and there are millions to choose from.
2 There are __________ of apps that people can use.
Google Play has over 2.8 million and Apple has over
1,960,000. 3 The writer thinks apps should be __________ to
Think of the 3 Fs when choosing an app. A great app is:
1 FAST Today, we can’t wait for a slow app to load – 4 If an app isn’t __________ to use, it’s no good.
we’re too busy! 5 Most people choose apps that are __________ , so
2 FRIENDLY If it’s difficult to download or use, it’s no they don’t pay anything.
good. An app needs to be ‘friendly on the eye’, so images Score __/5
on the screen are clear and attractive.
3 FREE Look for apps that are free or cheap. Many 12 In your opinion, are apps a good thing? Give two
people can’t, or don’t want to, pay lots of money. Most reasons why/why not.
people choose apps that don’t cost anything.

9 Read the article. Which TWO things is it about? ____________________________________________

1 why smartphones are popular ___ ____________________________________________

2 the fact that apps are very popular ___ Score __/3

3 how to choose an app ___

4 how expensive apps are ___
Score __/2

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5 Progress test

13 Listen to a talk about 3D printers. Put a–d in the 3 At Food Ink restaurant, they print …
order you hear them. a the food only.
b the food, the tables and the chairs.
4 The company called Relativity Space …
a wants to buy bigger printers.
b wants to print rockets on other planets.
5 Which technology can you print?
a speakers
b tablets
Score __/5

a printing rockets ___

b the advantages of 3D printers ___
c printing things for your house ___ 16 Complete the dialogue with the words in the box.
There is one extra word.
d printing food ___
Finally First How Then What Where
Score __/4
Max Hi Sarita. I’ve got a problem – I can’t share a
14 Listen again. Are the sentences T (true) or F (false)? photo on social media. 1 __________ do you
1 It isn’t cheap to use 3D printers. T/F do that?

2 3D printers are worse for the environment than Sarita 2 __________ , go to the website.
other printers. T/F Max 3 __________’s next?
3 You can print meat. T/F Sarita 4 __________ write your post.
4 Food Ink restaurant is only in one city. T/F Max OK, right.
5 There is a 3D printer that is about 10 m tall. T/F Sarita Next, click on the photo icon and choose the
6 You can’t print musical instruments now. T/F photo you want. 5 __________ , click on
‘upload’ and that’s it.
Score __/6
Max Can you show me?
15 Listen again and choose the correct answers. Sarita Sure, come on.
1 With 3D printers, … Score __/5
a the quality isn’t always good.
17 Work in pairs and act out the dialogues using the
b it’s easy to correct mistakes. prompts in the Speaking task from your teacher.
2 The food that people usually print includes … Score __/5
a sweet things.
b meat.

Get Involved! A1+ © Macmillan Education Limited 2021 Standard


5 Progress test

18 Read the information about the gaming keyboard
and write an advert. You can include some/all of the
information in any order. ● Say what you can do with the keyboard
Gaming keyboard ● Describe the object and compare it to other
● perfect for video game players similar objects
● easy to use, comes with a cable to connect to a ● Use phrases for adverts
● quality is very good Remember to:
● stronger and heavier than other keyboards ● check your spelling
● it’s got lights on the keyboard so you can see the keys ● use can/can’t
(good at night!) ● use comparative adjectives
● black (colour)
● Three months old
● price: €10

Write 60–80 words.













Score __/10

Teacher’s comments:
Vocabulary __/25
Grammar __/25
Reading __/15
Listening __/15
Speaking __/10
Writing __/10
TOTAL __/100

Get Involved! A1+ © Macmillan Education Limited 2021 Standard

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