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Revision sheet

Grade 7

Choose the correct answer:

1. What is the geosphere?

A. all the air and gases on the planet
B. all the frozen water on the Earth
C. the rivers, lakes, and oceans of the Earth
D. the non-living soil, rocks, and minerals of the Earth

2. What is the biosphere?

A. all the air and gases on the planet
B. made up of living things
C. the non-living soil, rocks, and minerals of the Earth
D. the rivers, lakes, and oceans of the Earth

3. What is the hydrosphere?

A. all the air and gases on the planet
B. made up of living things
C. the non-living soil, rocks, and minerals of the Earth
D. the rivers, lakes, and oceans of the Earth

4. What is the atmosphere?

A. all the air and gases on the planet
B. made up of living things
C. the non-living soil, rocks, and minerals of the Earth
D. the rivers, lakes, and oceans of the Earth

5. The waves in the ocean are part of _______.

A. atmosphere
B. biosphere
C. hydrosphere
D. geosphere
6. Which sphere contains icebergs and glaciers.
A. Atmosphere
B. Cryosphere
C. Biosphere
D. Geosphere

7. Which sphere contains trees and plants?

A. Atmosphere
B. Hydrosphere
C. Biosphere
D. Geosphere

8. All of the animals and plants of the Earth are part of ________.
A. atmosphere
B. biosphere
C. hydrosphere
D. geosphere

9. The layer that protects the Earth from direct rays of the sun is part
of _________.
A. atmosphere
B. geosphere
C. biosphere
D. hydrosphere

10. The rocky surface of the Earth is part of _______.

A. atmosphere
B. biosphere
C. geosphere
D. biosphere
11. What often happens to rocks that undergo chemical weathering?
A. They form crystals.
B. They produce acids.
C. They become stronger.
D. They crumble more easily.

12. Which are the main causes of crack growth in rocks over time?
A. plant roots and ice wedging
B. ice wedging and wind abrasion
C. animal burrowing and plant roots
D. animal burrowing and wind abrasion

13. Leaves release acids into the soil as they decay. How could the decaying
leaves affect the rocks in the soil underneath them?
A. They could increase the amount of physical weathering.
B. They could decrease the amount of physical weathering.
C. They could increase the amount of chemical weathering.
D. They could decrease the amount of chemical weathering.

14. Changing temperatures cause the rock to ________ or__________.

A. break / contract
B. grow / shrink
C. expand / contract
D. expand / shatter

15. ______________ is the breaking down of rock material by physical

and chemical processes.
A. Weathering
B. Erosion
C. Deposition
D. Sedimentary Exchange
16. ______________ weathering is the process of rock breaking down
into smaller and smaller pieces.
A. Chemical
B. Physical
C. Complete
D. Shared

17. What happens to a rock when it is weathered?

A. It is broken into smaller pieces.
B. It is moved by wind, air, or water.
C. It is built up as material is deposited.
D. It is changed into another type of rock.

18. ______________ occurs when water seeps into the cracks of rocks
and expands when it freezes.
A. Icing
B. Wedging
C. Expansion
D. Ice Wedging

19. _____________ Weathering is the breaking down of rocks by chemical

A. Chemical
B. Physical
C. Deposition
D. Erosion

20. Seeds from plants land on or in the cracks of rocks and begin to grow.
As they do, the roots slowly help to separate the rock. This is an
example of:………..
A. Plant Weathering
B. Animal Weather
C. Chemical Weathering
D. None are correct
21. _____________ can loosen soil exposing more rocks to weathering.
A. Plants
B. Animals
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A or B

22. ____________ is the breaking down and wearing a way of rock by

mechanical action.
A. Erosion
B. QOxidation
C. Iron Oxide
D. Abrasion

23. Wind, water and gravity are NOT examples of which type of weathering?
A. Chemical
B. Mechanical
C. Physical
D. Both B and C

24. ___________ occurs when other chemicals combine with oxygen in the
A. Oxidation
B. Iron Oxide
C. Erosion
D. Abrasion

25. ………is the breaking down of rocks and other materials on the Earth's
A. Weathering
B. Erosion
C. Deposition
D. Exfoliation
26. The process by which rock and soil are moved from one place to another
is called-……….
A. chemical weathering
B. erosion
C. mechanical weathering
D. deposition

27. ………is a type of weathering in which rock is physically broken into

smaller pieces.
A. Chemical weathering
B. Erosion
C. Mechanical weathering
D. Deposition

28. What do we call the process in which rock is broken down by changes in
its chemical makeup?
A. Chemical weathering
B. Mechanical weathering
C. Erosion
D. Deposition

29. ………is the grinding/scratching away of rock by other rock particles

carried in water, ice, or wind
A. Frost wedging
B. Exfoliation
C. Oxidation
D. Abrasion

30. ……….is a type of chemical weathering in which a substance combines

with oxygen, as when iron oxidizes, forming rust.
A. Acid rain
B. Oxidation
C. Reaction to water
D. Exfoliation
31. The image above depicts the effects of chemical weathering breaking
down limestone. Which type of chemical weathering causes this reaction?
A. Acid rain
B. Oxidation
C. Exfoliation
D. Abrasion

32. Which type of sediment does wind erosion most strongly affect?
A. Loose, sandy soil
B. Wet rocks
C. Wet, compacted soil
D. Dry, compacted soil

33. Which of the following agents is the usually responsible for the formation
of canyons?
A. Gravity pulling
B. Wind blowing
C. Flowing water
D. Glaciers moving

34. What harmful gas does the rainforest help to get rid of from our
A. Nitrogen
B. Oxygen
C. Carbon Dioxide

35. Soil erosion is when the soil is not held together and it is washed
away by the rain and water. It can cause flooding and landslides.
A. True
B. False

36. How old is the earth?

A. 2.6 million years old
B. 1 billion years old
C. 100 million years old
D. 4.6 billion years old
37. What are the 5 ways fossils can be preserved?
A. tree sap, tar, ice, cement and rock
B. asphalt, tree sap, rock, ice and petrification
C. petrification, cement, tar, asphalt and tree sap
D. ice, rock, petrification, gum and cement

38. What is the theory that all continents were once a large land mass?
A. Tectonic Plate Theory
B. Pangea
C. Supercontinent Theory
D. Geology Theory

39. Which is NOT a way an organism can be preserved as a fossil

A. Frozen
B. Asphalt
C. Petrified
D. Pangaea

40. List an example of trace fossils.

A. Dung
B. Tracks
C. Burrows
D. All of the answers

41. Which is NOT an example of materials scientists can use to tell

about the history of Earth's climate.
A. Ice Cores
B. Rain Gauge
C. Sea Floor Sediments
D. Tree Trunks

42. An area that describes the weather conditions in the area over a
long period of time is called
A. Ice core
B. Trace fossil
C. Climate
D. Uniformitarianism
43. Which principle states that geological processes that happened in
the past can be explained by current geologic processes?
A. Climate
B. Uniformitarianism
C. Petrification
D. Trace Fossils

44. Geological change is most commonly a very quick process.

A. True
B. False

45. What kind of rock can most fossils be discovered in?

A. Igneous
B. Metamorphic
C. Sedimentary
D. Lava

46. According to the Law of ______________, sedimentary rock Layers

are laid down on top of each other. In Order for the rock layer to
form, a layer of rock must have existed below it.
A. Superposition
B. Horizontality
C. Unconformities
D. Uniformitarianism

47. Which of the following is true?

A. A fault is younger than the rock layers that it goes through.
B. A fault is older than the rock layers that it goes through.
C. The rock layers are younger than the fault that cuts through it.

48. Which of the following is true?

A. An igneous intrusion is older than the rock layers that it goes
B. An igneous intrusion is younger than the rock layers that it goes
C. The rock layers are younger than the intrusion that cuts through it.

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