Review - Pre - Intermediate 2024

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Review 2024 – Pre-intermediate


Computer games

Three teenagers talk about playing computer games.


I spend about five hours a week playing computer games. My parents don’t mind because they know it’s less time
than some teenagers spend on the computer. I’ve got all kinds of games, but the ones I like most are those
where you learn things. I’ve got a brilliant game called ‘History Ship’. It shows you what life was like on sailing
ships hundreds of years ago and it’s fun to play. There’s another interesting game I’d like to get called ‘Space
Journey’. It’s quite expensive, but I think I’ll have enough money for it soon.


Both of my brothers love being outdoors playing football, but the hobby I enjoy most is playing computer games.
My parents are OK with that because they think you can learn a lot from playing games. The only thing they say
is that I can’t play games on the evenings I have homework. I’ve got a variety of games, but my favourite is
called ‘Forestworld’. A friend said it was an amazing game, so I was really pleased when I got it as a present for
my birthday.


I’ve enjoyed playing computer games for as long as I can remember. I have lots of different games, but the one
I like most is called ‘Sea Adventure’. It’s a really great game. I wasn’t very good at it at first, but I’ve improved
and can complete the different levels really quickly now. Several of my friends like computer games too, so they
come round to my house at the weekend and we play together. It’s great fun!

1 Who says their favourite computer game was a gift?

A Kamil B Mia C Liam

2 Who often plays computer games with other people?

A Kamil B Mia C Liam

3 Who has seen a new computer game they would like to buy?

A Kamil B Mia C Liam

4 Who prefers playing computer games to doing sport?

A Kamil B Mia C Liam

5 Who has got better at playing their favourite computer game?

A Kamil B Mia C Liam

6 Who is not allowed to play computer games every day?

A Kamil B Mia C Liam

7 Who prefers computer games that teach something?

A Kamil B Mia C Liam


1. Listen and tick (✓) the box. There is one example

Where is John’s bed in hospital?

1 What has John broken?

2 What happened to John?

3 What has May bought for John?

4 Who is John’s favourite nurse?

5 What’s John going to have for dinner tonight?

Present Simple

 Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the present simple. (Affirmative and

1 We / not like / martial arts films

We don’t like martial arts films.

2 Harry / not watch / chat shows


3 I / read / film blogs


4 My friends / not go / to the cinema


5 Julia / enjoy / comedies


6 They / not buy / DVDs


Adverbs of frequency

 Order the following words to make sentences.

1 listen / They / to music / in the morning / always

They always listen to music in the morning.

2 usually / on / goes out / Patricia / Saturday


3 late / Liz and Dave / are / often


4 watch TV / morning / never / We / in / the


5 happy / always / is / My dog


6 sometimes / play / You / with your friends


Present Continuous

 Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the present continuous. (Affirmative and

1 Lots of people are shopping in the mall today. (shop)

2 I ______________ for a new dress. (look)

3 My mum _______________ a book in the café. (read)

4 She _____________ coffee. (not drink)

5 My brother ______________ a computer game. (play)

6 We _______________ a lot of money. (not spend)


 Complete the following sentences using the adjectives from the box.



1 Someone who is ____________ makes no effort to do things.

2 A _______________ person believes they can do anything.
3 If someone feels _____________ , they feel shy or ashamed of themselves.
4 A ____________ person feels sad because they feel they are alone.
5 Someone who is ______________ is thinking about negative things that might happen.
6 A person who is _______________ experiences an unexpected feeling.
7 A ________________ person is helpful and kind to others.
8 If someone is ____________ , they want to shout at people for doing things they dislike.
9 A person who is _____________ feels unhappy.

1. Complete the sentences with GO, DO and PLAY in the correct form.

1. My mother never _______ cycling. She doesn’t like it.

2. Tom is __________ football in a local team at the moment

3. She ___________ swimming three times a week, even in winter.

4. Gina _________ karate every Friday. She’s very good at it!

5. This weekend Mark is ___________ skiing with me.

6. Her daughter _________ basketball on Saturdays.

7. Kate and Ken _______ judo at the gym.

Present Simple vs Present Continuous

 Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the present simple or present continuous.
(Affirmative and Negative)

1. The children ………………………….. (play) outside now.

2. She usually ………………………. (read) the newspaper in the morning.

3. I …………………………… (do) my homework now.

4. They …………………………….. (watch) TV now.

5. I ……………………………. (not / like) spaghetti.

6. The baby …………………………. (sleep) now.

7. My mother usually …………………. (cook) dinner in the evening.

8. He ………………….. (write) a letter to his pen-friend every month.

2. Find the mistake.

1. At the moment I prepare my school bag.

2. I usually am having breakfast at 7.15.
3. I’m eat toast and jam at the moment.
4. We never are wearing a school uniform at the weekends.
5. What do you doing at the moment?

Past simple

 Write the past simple of the following verbs.

Infinitive Past simple Infinitive Past simple


 Complete the following text using the correct form of the past simple.

Anna's holiday ____________ (be) great last summer. She _______________ (stay) in a college in England
for two weeks. She ________________ (have) classes in the mornings and in the afternoons she
________________ (do) some sports like swimming or tennis.
In the evenings she often __________________ (go) dancing or _______________ (watch) films with
her new friends.
At weekends they __________________ (drive) to some interesting places. Once they
__________________ (visit) Marwell Zoo where they _______________ (see) some beautiful animals.
Anna ____________________ (not like) the food at the college canteen but that
_____________________ (not be) a problem. She _______ (meet) a lot of people and
____________________ (learn) some English. All the students in her class ________________ (be)
sorry to go home. They all _________ (promise) to come back next summer.

 Spot and correct the mistake in the following sentences.

1. She didn’t saw my grandma. _______________________________________

2. The police catched them. _________________________________________

4. Did she walked alone? ___________________________________________

5. Celia and I was best friends. ______________________________________

 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.


1. Students are expected to keep the cleanliness and _______________ of classrooms.

2. She had five days off work due to ______________.
3. When he got married, he felt complete ______________. He smiled all day.
4. Dancing is my _______________. I am not good at it.
5. Her ______________ at her grandfather's death was visible.

Past Continuous

 Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the past continuous. (Affirmative and

1 I _______________ (not/ make) my dinner at 8 o’clock last night.

2 Joe and Sam ______________________ (use) the wrong program in IT yesterday.

3 Who was that guy you ______________________(dance) with at the party?

4 Paula _____________________ (come) home from school when she saw an accident.

5 In 1999 my father ________________(live) in Dublin. That’s where he met my mother.

6 He ______________________________(open) the box when he cut his finger.

Past simple vs Past Continuous

 Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the past simple or past continuous.

1 I was reading (read) in bed when I heard (hear) a loud noise in the street.

2 No one ___________(watch) when the burglars ________ (break) into the bank.

3 The diamonds ___________ (disappear) while the guards _________ (have) lunch.

4 While we __________ (watch) TV, the alarm ____________ (go) off.

5 While we ___________ (look) out of the window, police officers __________ (enter) the bank.

6 The burglars ______________ (count) their money when the police ________ (catch) them.

 Complete with the words from the box - Adjectives of character.


1. My neighbour was really ___________ to me when I needed help with my kids.

2. My best friend always stays __________ in situations which I would be crazy.

3. People say that firefighters are ___________ because they face up dangerous situations.

4. Despite losing her job, she remained _______________ and happy.

5. Agustin is a very __________________ person. He never shouts or talks too much.

Comparative and superlative

1 My sister is older / the oldest than me.

2 Driving is dangerouser / more dangerous than flying.

3 This is the worse / worst holiday of my life. I want to go home!

4 I’ve got long hair, but Anna’s hair is more long / longer.

5 You are the more / most intelligent person in the class.

6 It’s the most funny / funniest film that I’ve got on DVD.

3. Make Comparative and superlative sentences with these famous people.

1 Can I have a / an biscuit, please?

2 We haven’t got some / any crisps.

3 Has Sam got a / any milk in his packed lunch?

4 Take some / a water with you to school.

5 Have we got some / any eggs?

 Complete the sentences with the name of the person. Look at the words in bold to help you.

1. My brother takes a lot of photographs. He's an amazing ________________.

2. We visited the island of Malta last summer. The ________________ were very friendly.

3. My friend Julia swims very quickly. She's a champion ________________.

4. My dad builds houses all week. He works as a ________________.

5. My cousins live on a farm because their dad is a ________________.

6. Marco Polo explored China. He was a famous ________________.


A wonderful year

Ben Jones talks about his year of travel before studying at university.

I always knew I wanted to spend a year travelling before university. I wanted to see the world, improve my skiing,
make new friends from other countries and, more than anything, try lots of things I’ve never done before.

The first place I visited was France. I’ve always loved the French language and I wanted to study it. Then, while I
was there, I became interested in French food. I took some cooking lessons at a farmhouse in the French
countryside, and learned to make lots of lovely dishes.

Next, I visited Australia. My cousins live near the river in Sydney, so I had somewhere to stay. To begin with, we
spent a lot of time sailing in their boat. But then I got a job in a hotel. It was great – the customers and staff
were so friendly.

My last country was Japan, where I learned to become a skiing teacher. I planned to do a three-week course. But
when I got there, I saw that I wasn’t actually that good, so I changed to a seven-week one. The course was
amazing and afterwards I got a job with a skiing company.

The other teachers were very friendly and on our days off, we did activities like snowboarding. One weekend we
even did winter camping. That was quite interesting, but it was cold, so I can’t say I slept well! Anyway, we’re all
planning to meet up soon and I can’t wait.

1 What did Ben want to do during the year after he left school?

A try some different sports

B have some new experiences

C meet up with old friends

2 Why did Ben go to France?

A to do a French cooking course

B to see the French countryside

C to learn to speak French

3 Where did Ben live when he was in Australia?

A in the hotel where he worked

B with members of his family

C on a boat on the river

4 Why did Ben change his course in Japan?

A He heard about a better one.

B He knew he needed more practice.

C He wasn’t enjoying the first one.

5 What does Ben say about winter camping?

A It wasn’t pleasant at night.

B He would love to do it again soon.

C It was the most interesting thing he’s ever done

Listening test 05:

audioscripts/ Part 2

For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a date or a time.

You will hear a boy leaving a message for a friend about some homework.

Subject: English

What to write: (6) ………………………………

Number of words: (7) ………………………………

Remember to add: (8) ………………………………

Get ideas from: (9) www. ……………………………… .com

Date to give to teacher: (10) ………………………………

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