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Remote Web Services

Self Teaching yourself software engineering is one of the hardest things but too interesting when you bump
into understanding it. There is nothing simple which has a bright future in this world. It is a long process.
The time it takes one to become a software engineer varies based on individual commitment, prior
knowledge and learning pace. With focused effort, it’s possible to gain basic proficiency in as little as a few

Software Engineering is a process of designing, developing, testing and maintaining software systems.
Software engineering includes a variety of techniques, tools and methodologies including requirements
analysis, design, testing and maintenance. Software Engineering is a rapidly evolving field, & new tools and
technologies are rapidly being developed e.g. AIs like ChatGPT, tools like StackOverFlow, tiktok etc…

Remote Web Services
So What you should know is that Software engineering is wide. Now you should specialize and generalize in
a specific field. You cannot do everything pick something and leave the rest for others. That’s how we can
produce perfect products because everyone produces what he or she is best in and when we put the
products together we can come up with one perfect big product. To produce a software which is to solve a
reasonable problem there must be many types of developers. Those who work on logo, ui, ux design,
backend etc. Lets first look at types of software developers you can venture in.
1. Web Developers – These guys develop (backend) and design (front-end) websites.
They mostly use html, css & JavaScript for frontend and PHP for backend. Most
popular CMS WordPress is also used to develop websites with themes and assisted by
plugins to extend functionality. WordPress now powers 43.1%+ of all websites on the
internet which means its still growing.
2. Application Development – For them they develop and design programs for devices
e.g. mobile phones and desktop computers. You can decide to be a mobile App
developer or a desktop app dev. But mobile application is more profitable because
most of the people use mobile phones not desktop computers.

Remote Web Services
So me personally those are the fields I would advice and guide you to start self teaching yourself because when
you understand those and gain enough experience you will add on other skills if needed in the future and I would
also advise you to make more research about other fields such that you decide once. These are some of the Key
points to note:

1. Choose a Specialization you have Passion in.

2. Learn only modern and necessary technologies.
3. Never accept failure because these things are hard to everyone learning.
4. Base on Project Based Learning – Start making small projects to big ones.
5. Use both tutorials and documentations for learning, don’t lean only on tutorials for example when you are
learning a certain language like PHP using a Video Tutorial Go visit the official documentations of PHP for new
concepts you find.

Remote Web Services
Am Passionate about my Skills and I Love Sharing tech life experiences and
knowledge with aspiring others thank you Share to others who may need
such a resource.
+256 759623852

By Kuloba Abdul-Shafik
WordPress Developer| Web Developer
Remote Developer Services

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