Why Are We Obsessed With True Crime

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Why Are We

Obsessed with
True Crime?
By Marwan Samy
SubH1:- But how does true crime
affect our well-being?
1 Emotional Health
Sometimes, after watching a scary show or reading a creepy book, it can have
an impact on our well-being. For example, it might become difficult to fall
asleep or we might start having nightmares. This happens because disturbing
content can affect our emotions and how we feel. However, it affects each
person differently. It is important to pay attention to our body's reactions and
how we feel when we watch or read these things.
SubH2:-What about our
emotional health?
1 Emotional Impact
Our emotional health can be affected by exposing ourselves
to extreme violence in true crime stories. A study conducted
in 2014 by researchers from Mount Sinai in New York showed
that violent movies affect people's brains in various ways. The
study found that people who are more aggressive might not
feel as upset or nervous as those who are not aggressive
when watching violent content. This could explain why some
individuals are more disturbed by true crime than others. Our
emotional reactions to violence can trigger the fight or flight
response, where our heart rate increases, but we still feel
compelled to keep watching.
SubH3:-When to tune out
Society's Fascination
It's essential to know when to take a break from consuming true
crime content. While there's nothing wrong with watching these
shows or reading books about gruesome events, it's important
to listen to our own limits and recognize when we're emotionally
unwell or having trouble functioning normally. If we start feeling
this way, it's a good idea to step back and take a breather. we
need to be mindful of its potential negative impact on our
mental health.
Annotate Questions

Desensitize(To make something less sensitive)

1 Normalizing crime
Extreme examples

Awareness about serial killers

Lesser forms of violence

The paragraphs discuss how over-consuming content
that depicts violence, particularly against women, can
desensitize and normalize crime. While true-crime
shows raise awareness about notorious serial killers
like Ted Bundy, the constant exposure to extreme
examples of violence can diminish our sensitivity to
lesser forms of violence.
Questions Behind The selection
Question 1 Question2 Question 3
Written Questions
Question 1:- Both watching true crime on TV and
following news benefit into people’s
fascination with violence./Because the
people that see the tv show encourages
them to reanact it.

Question 2:- Main idea: True-crime stories are popular

because people are curious about unusual

Details: 1. People’s curiosity about car

accidents is similar to their curiosity about
true crimes. 2. People are excited about
true crimes the same way as they are
excited about boxing matches.

Question 3:- The analogy of the car accident in

paragraph 11 develops the main idea of the
section by illustrating the potential harm
that can arise from consuming violent
content. The analogy suggests that
exposure to violence through true crime
stories can also have negative effects on
individuals' well-being.
Written Questions
Question 4:- “It was a flagship moment for the genre,”/“It
sort of signalled to the larger world that you
can do [true crime] in a smart way, in a way
that conveyed lots of thought, and in a way
that was captivating for an audience.”

I think the author stated this quotation

because it supports the genre or the topic

Question 5:- Paraphrase:- Lee Exhibits That crime might

have a positive effect of informing human
beings about their violent behavior, but at
the same time these shows desensitize
people to violence so they only focus on bad

Summarize:- crime stories inform people

about disturbing events in the real world
but also makes violence feel ore weaker
because it becomes so common and

Question 6:- The evaluation of whether the

entertainment value of true-crime stories is
worth the negative effects of consuming
violent content depends on individual
perspectives. Some individuals may argue
that the entertainment value outweighs the
negative effect. Others may believe that the
potential negative effects on mental health
and desensitization to violence make it not
worth the entertainment value.
(Whole Text)ALL reasons of human
beings obsession with true-crime

1. Curiosity about Out-of-the-Ordinary Events:

People are naturally curious about events that deviate from the norm, such as car accidents or unusual crimes.

This curiosity drives the desire to understand what happened, even in tragic or disturbing scenarios.

2. Excitement and Entertainment:

True crime stories provide suspense and unexpected twists that capture our attention.

The thrill of not knowing what will happen next and the shock factor contribute to the entertainment value of
true crime.

3. Feeling Like a Detective:

Engaging with true crime content makes individuals feel involved in the story.

Searching for clues, discussing cases, and attempting to solve mysteries give a sense of purpose and

4. Illusion of Empowerment:

True crime narratives, such as podcasts or shows, can create a feeling of empowerment in the audience.

Viewers believe they can contribute to cracking the case, exonerating someone, or overturning a ruling.

5. Desensitization and Normalization:

Overconsumption of violent content, including true crime, can desensitize individuals to violence.

Exposure to extreme examples of crime may make lesser forms of violence seem less bothersome.

Some true crime series may focus more on the criminal than the victims, potentially romanticizing the killers.

6. Emotional Well-being Considerations:

Exposure to disturbing content can have side effects on emotional well-being, such as trouble sleeping or

Different individuals may react differently to violent content, with some being more affected than others.

7. Knowing When to Take a Break:

It is important to recognize personal limits and emotional well-being when consuming true crime content.

If one feels emotionally unwell or experiences difficulties functioning, it may be beneficial to take a break.

Overall, the text provides insights into the reasons behind our obsession with true crime, including our curiosity about
unusual events, the excitement and entertainment value, the feeling of being involved in the investigation, the illusion of
empowerment, and the potential impact on emotional well-being.
Thank You
By Marwan Samy

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