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Затверджено на засіданні

кафедри германської і
фіно-угорської філології
(протокол № 5 від 15.11.2021)

Зав. кафедри доц. Шутова М.О.

Укладач доц. Мусієнко Ю.А.

Module Test 1 Name ________________

in Practical Grammar Group _______________
Germanic Philology Department Date _________________
Year Two

Part I. Adjectives and Numerals (15 points)

Task 1.1. (5 points – 0.5 point for each correct form)

Complete the sentences, using suitable comparative or superlative forms of gradable adjectives. Do not
rewrite the sentences!

1. As it has rained very little over the past few fewer

years, there are ___(few) brooks in the woods.
2. We’ve inherited two paintings. Of the two, I’d The prettiest
say the landscape is ___(pretty).
3. This skirt is a bit too tight. I think I need looser
something with … (loose) fit.
4. I think your arguments are ___(convincing) his. More convincing
His don’t hold water.
5. For … (far) information about this product, futher
phone this number.
6. In my evaluation, the teacher said I was ____ The most wonderful
(wonderful) student and a joy to have in class.
7. The band must be made from … (precious) More precious
metal than silver.
8. Peter is far … (clumsy). clumsier ,more clumsy
9. Her first day at work was ___(disastrous). The most disastrous
10. The stream carries ___(little) water at this time The least
of the year.
points out of

Task 1.2 (5 points – 1 point for each correct sentence)

Write a sentence using a comparative pattern so it has a similar meaning to a suggested sentence.

1. The wind is gentle, while it was gusty yesterday. The wind is not as gusty as yesterday.
2. This van carries the luggage that is two times less This van carries the luggage twice as little
than that of a lorry. as that lorry.
3. A fax is efficient, while sending letters by post is Sending letters by post is less efficient than
sometimes inefficient. a fax.
4. Our sons (mine and yours) are of the same height. My son is as the same height as yours.
5. Her eyes are green, not grey. Her eyes are more green than grey.
points out of
Task 1.3. (5 points – 0,5 point for each correct answer)
Write the numerals in words.

1. 840 eight hundred and forty

2. 5,300,050 five million three hundred thousand and fifty
3. 42nd forty-second
4. 27/09/2015 The twenty-seventh of September, two thousand and fifteen
5. August 24th The twenty-fourth of August
6. 1991 Nineteen ninety one
7. 12th March The twelfth of March
8. 1945 Nineteen forty five
9. 6 3/9 Six and three ninth
10. 3.75 Three point


(15 points)

Task 2.1. (2,5 points – 0,5 point for each correct answer)
Rewrite the sentences putting the adverbs in the correct place and making any other necessary changes.

1. Ferries sail to the island. (weekly, twice, only, Ferries sail to the island twice weekly only
during the winter) during the winter.
2. She waited for her test results. (worriedly, in the She waited for her test results worriedly in
hospital, all day) the hospital all day.
3. We arrived after a bumpy flight. (in Scotland, Eventually, we arrived in Scotland safely
eventually, safely, extremely) after an extremely bumpy flight.
4. She looked at her reflection. (for ten minutes, She carefully looked at her reflection in the
carefully, in the mirror) mirror for ten minutes.
5. The little boy ran. (excitedly, from the room, Suddenly, the little boy excitedly ran from
suddenly) the room
points out of

Task 2.2. (2,5 points – 0,5 point for each correct answer)
Choose the correct option in italics. Do not rewrite the sentences!

1. There’s been a lot of talk about European lately

integration late/lately.
2. Animals are now able to wander free/freely freely
throughout the game reserve.
3. The remains of the Spanish galleon lie deep
deep/deeply under the ocean.
4. In late spring the gulls’ nest high/highly on the high
cliff face.
5. Some of these kids drive their cars far too fast
points out of
Task 2.3. (2,5 points – 0,5 point for each correct answer)
Choose the correct preposition. Do not rewrite the sentences!

1. After submitting your complain, you will be informed before

of a date when you will be invited to appear after /
before the employment tribunal.
2. Do not lean against / by the crash barriers as they’re against
not very safe.
3. In 218 BC Hannibal took his army of men and through
elephants through / across the Alps in order to fight
the Romans forces in Italy.
4. The missing children were found hiding in the opposite
small park opposite / across the river from the
5. I’ve got a really warm, light coat made of / with wool. of
points out of

Task 2.4. (2,5 points – 0,5 point for each correct answer)
Fill in the correct preposition.

1. Beware … holes in the pavement when you walk of

round this city.
2. Peter blamed Alan … losing so much money in for
bad deals.
3. When the broken window was discovered Sam on
put the blame … his brother.
4. The money we owe the bank amounts … over $ over
5. Let’s agree … the best way to solve this problem. with
points out of

Task 2.5. (2,5 points – 0,5 point for each correct answer)
Complete the sentences with although / in spite of / because / because of.

1. … it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday. Although

2. … all our careful plans, a lot of things went In spite of
3. I couldn’t get to sleep … the noise. Because of
4. I went home early … I was feeling unwell. because
5. … the traffic was bad, I arrived on time. In spite of
points out of

Task 2.6. (2,5 points – 0,5 point for each correct answer)
Choose from among these subordinating conjunctions to complete each sentence: although/as long
as/because/even if/so that/unless/until/while

1. She has decided to move to Portland … there are more because

opportunities for employment in that city.
2. You can borrow my car … you agree to be very As long as
careful with it.
3. … Terry was talking on the phone and not paying while
attention, her kids were making a big mess in the
4. Our neighbour is going to buy a gun … she can protect So that
herself from intruders who break into her apartment.
5. Hubert’s wife will have to get a job … they can until
afford to pay their mortgage and other expenses. points out of

Task 3.1 (3 points – 0,5 point for each correct answer)

Correct any mistakes in these sentences or put a √ if they are already correct.

1. The island's politics is complex, with over twelve √

parties competing for power.
2. Economics has become an increasingly popular √
course at university.
3. The latest news of the earthquake survivors are The latest news of the earthquake survivors
very disturbing. is very disturbing.
4. Recent government statistics show a sharp √
decline in crime.
5. Most years, over three hundred athletes competes Most years, over three hundred athletes
in the games. compete in the games.
6. Measles is still a fairly serious childhood disease √
in some countries.
points out of

Task 3.2 (2 points – 0,5 point for each correct answer)

If necessary, correct these sentences. If they are already correct, put a √.

1. She was a friend of my mothers. She was my mother's friend

2. The readers letters page in the newspaper is full The readers’ letters page in the
of complaints about the article. newspaper is full of complaints about the
3. We had to study Charles Dicken's early novels at √
4. I went to the newsagent's to buy a paper. I went to the newsagent to buy a paper.
points out of

Task 3.3 (10 points – 1 point for each correct answer)

Complete the following sentences with a, an, the or no article (---).

1. If we do not protect (a) …. nature, our environment a ---

will get worse and worse.
2. I pick up (b) ….. kids from (c) …. school and take b the
them (d) …. home when Mary is at work. c the
d ---

3. Most (e) …… commercials usually include (f) … e ---

short, clever phrase or slogan. f a
4. Today most (g) ……. American families have at g ---
least two TV sets. (h) ……… only activity that h The
takes up more of their free time is sleeping.
5. Most people believe that it’s wrong to let (i) …… i ---
children have everything that (j) …… money can j ---

points out of

Task 3.4 (2,5 points – 0,5 point for each correct answer)
Fill in some, any no or their compounds:

1. “Have we got (a) ….. milk?” “Oh, no, I meant to a) any

get (b) ….. yesterday.” b) some
2. (a) ………… seems to be wrong with the printer. It’s a) Something
not working.
3. “Shall we buy Jenny (a) …. flowers?” “I don’t a) some
know, (b) ……. practical might be better.” b) some

points out of

Task 3.5 (2,5 points – 0,5 point for each correct answer)
Add an appropriate reflexive pronoun to each sentence to add emphasis. If it is not possible to put a reflexive
pronoun, write X.

1. They're always complaining…….. about my X

2. George's mother didn't want him to take the job X
on the oil rig. In fact, George didn't feel very
happy about it…………………
3. Young people …………….. need to get more X
involved in politics.
4. Amy was only three when she started to wash and herself
dress …………….
5. I haven't tried it …………….. , but I'm told that X
karate is very good exercise.
points out of

Part I. Adjectives and Numerals (15 points) 45-50 points – “5” “5” – 50 points
Part II. Adverbs, Prepositions and Conjunctions (15 points) 44-38 points – “4” “4” – 40 points
Part III. Nouns, Articles and Pronouns (20 points) 37-30 points – “3” “3” – 30 points
29 points down – “2” “2” – 20 points


checked by __________________________

Затверджено на засіданні кафедри германської і фіно-угорської філології імені проф. Г.Г. Почепцова
Протокол № 5 від «15» листопада 2021 року

Завідувач кафедри __________________ Шутова М.О.

(підпис) (прізвище та ініціали)
Завідувач секції _________________ Мусієнко Ю.А.
(підпис) (прізвище та ініціали)

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