CHAPTER 10 Summary Notes

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CHAPTER 10 A value stream reflects all that is done –

both good and bad – to bring the product

Lean Manufacturing – an approach to to a customer.
eliminate waste and maximize customer value
Non-value-added activities – are source
- Characterized by delivering the right of waste.
product, in the right quantity, with the
right quality (zero defect), at the exact two types:
time the customer needs it and at the
1. Activities avoidable in the short run
lowest possible cost.
2. Activities unavoidable in the short run
Firms that implement lean manufacturing due to current technology of
are pursuing a cost reduction strategy. production methods.


Value is determined by the customer – at the Lean manufacturing reduces wait and
very least, it is an item or feature which the move times dramatically and allows the
customer is willing to pay. production of small batches (low volume)
of differing products (high variety).
Customer value – the difference between
REALIZATION and SACRIFICE. The key factors in achieving these
Realization - what a customer receives
Reduced Setup/Changeover Times -
Sacrifice – what a customer gives up. Include Reducing the time to configure equipment
what they what they are willing to pay for to produce a different type of product
the basic and specific product, features, enables smaller batches in greater variety
quality, brand name, and reputation. to be produced
VALUE – relates to specific product and to - also decreases the time it takes to
specific features of the product. produce a unit of output, thus
Waste of time and resources – (1) adding increasing the ability to respond to
new features and functions that are not wanted customer demand
by the customers. (2) attempting to market Customers do not value changeover, and
features and products that customers don’t therefore it represents waste.

Assessing value is EXTERNALLY ORIENTED

not internally generates.
Cellular Manufacturing –
Lean manufacturing: (1) uses a series of
Value stream – is made up of all activities, cells to produce families of similar
both value-added and non-value-added, products. (2) replaces the traditional plant
required to bring a product group or service layout with a pattern of manufacturing
from its starting point. cells.

Most common types of value streams: Manufacturing cells – contain all the
operations nearby that are needed to
1. Order fulfillment value stream – produce a family of products. The
focuses on providing current products machines used are typically grouped in a
to current customers. semicircle.
2. New product value stream – focuses
on developing new product for new PULL VALUE
Demand-pull system – Demand pulls
products through the manufacturing process
- Each operation produces only what is cannot be tolerated in a manufacturing
necessary to satisfy the demand of the environment that operates without
succeeding operation. inventories
- No production takes place until a
Lean manufacturing cannot be implemented
signal from a succeeding process
without a commitment to total quality control
indicates a need to produce
Materials inventories also represent waste.
TQC – essentially a never-ending quest for
Thus, managing supplier linkages is also vital
perfect quality: the striving for a defect-free
to lean manufacturing.
product design and manufacturing process
JIT purchasing requires suppliers to deliver
Inventories – Overproduction of goods is
parts and materials just in time to be used in
controlled by letting customers pull goods
through the system.
PURSUE PERFECTION – Zero setup times,
Activity-Based Management – Process value
zero defects, zero inventories, zero waste,
analysis is the methodology for identifying and
producing on demand, increasing a cell's
eliminating non-value-added activities.
production rates, minimizing cost, and
maximizing customer value represent ideal Process value analysis – searches for the
outcomes that a lean manufacturer seeks root causes of the wasteful activities and then,
over time, eliminates these activities.
Sources of Waste
Focused Value Streams and Traceability of
Waste consumes resources without adding
Overhead Costs
In a lean environment, many overhead costs
Use the acronym DOWNTIME:
assigned to products using either driver tracing
Defective Products (fail to meet specification) or allocation are now directly traceable to
Overproduction (producing more than
demanded) Value-Stream Costing

Waiting (waiting for the previous step in the Product Costing: Single-Product (Focused)
process to be completed) Value Stream – In a focused value stream, all
value-stream costs belong exclusively to the
Non-utilized talent (not engaging employees) product that the stream produces and,
therefore, are assigned to a product using
Transportation (unnecessary or excessive)
direct tracing.
Inventory (waiting for processing or
Value streams increase the number of directly
traceable costs and therefore increase the
Motion (unnecessary movement of people or accuracy of product costing.
Focused value streams provide simple and
Excess Processing (not necessary for product accurate product costing.
or service)
Typically, unit costs are calculated weekly and
are based on actual costs

Employee Empowerment – Employee Value-stream product cost = Total actual

involvement is vital for identifying and value-stream costs/Units shipped
eliminating all forms of waste.
Product Costing: Multiple-Product Value
Total Quality Control - Lean manufacturing Stream – Many value streams are formed
necessarily carries with it a much stronger around products with common processes.
emphasis on managing quality. Manufacturing cells within a value stream are
thus structured to make a family of products or
- A defective part brings production to a parts that require the same manufacturing
grinding halt. Poor quality simply sequence.
Value-stream product cost = Unit materials Performance Measurement – The lean
cost + Average conversion cost control system uses a Box Scorecard that
operational, capacity, and financial metrics
Unit materials cost (for each product) = with prior week performances and with a future
Actual materials cost/Units shipped desired state
Average conversion cost = Total actual - The lean control approach uses a
conversion costs/Units shipped
mixture of financial and non-financial
The materials costs are assigned accurately measures for the value stream.
as they are directly traced to each product.
Features and Characteristics Costing - An key objective of lean manufacturing and
approach called features and characteristics accounting is that of increasing overall
casting is recommended (albeit reluctantly) productive efficiency.

- This approach recognizes that some Productivity is concerned with producing

product components take more effort output efficiently, and it specifically addresses
(time) to make than others and thus the relationship between output and the inputs
cost more. used to produce the output.

Duration-based costing DBC uses a single Total productive efficiency is the point at
rate to assign conversion costs and which two conditions are satisfied:
approximates a comprehensive ABC system (1) for any mix of inputs that will produce a
based on duration drivers. given output, no more of any one input is used
First, calculate a weekly value-stream than necessary to produce the output; and
conversion cost rate as follows: (2) given the mixes that satisfy the first
Conversion cost rate = Total actual condition, the least costly mix is chosen.
conversion costs/Total net production hours The first condition is driven by technical
The net total production hours are the total relationships and, therefore, is referred to as
hours available for work whether the work is technical efficiency.
value- or non-value-added. The second condition is driven by relative
Net hours mean that such things as break input price relationships and, therefore, is
times and expected stoppages are excluded referred to as allocative efficiency.
and thus correspond to practical capacity. Input prices determine the relative
Conversion cost per unit = Conversion cost proportions of each input that should be used.
rate X Cycle time Partial Productivity Measurement Defined
Cycle time is the time that a unit of product Productivity measurement – is simply a
spends in the value stream, from start to finish. quantitative assessment of productivity
It is not the same as the production rate. changes.
Value-Stream Reporting – Costs are - The objective is to assess whether
collected and reported by value stream.
productive efficiency has increased or
- Costs outside the value stream decreased.
(sustaining costs) are reported in a - Productivity measurement can be
separate column. The revenues and actual or prospective.
costs reported are the actual revenues
Actual productivity measurement allows
and costs for the week.
managers to assess, monitor, and control
Decision Making – Using the average product changes.
cost for a value stream means that the
individual product costs are not known.
Prospective measurement is forward- Profile measurement provides a series or
looking, and it serves as input for strategic vector of separate and distinct partial
decision-making. operational measures.

Specifically, prospective measurement allows

managers to compare relative benefits of
different input combinations, choosing the Profiles (vectors or series of measures) can be
inputs and Input mix that provide the greatest compared over time to provide information
benefit. about productivity changes.

Partial productivity measurement – Profit-Linked Productivity Measurement

Measuring productivity for one input at a time. Profit-linked productivity measurement -
Productivity of a single input is typically measuring the amount of profit change
measured by calculating the ratio of the output attributable to productivity change.
to the input: Linking productivity changes to profits is
Productivity ratio = Output/Input described by the following rule:

Partial productivity measure – the Profit-Linkage Rule. For the current period,
productivity of only one input is being calculate the cost of the inputs that would
measured. have been used in the absence of any
productivity change and compare this cost
Operational productivity measure – If both with the cost of the inputs actually used. The
output and input are measured in physical difference in costs is the amount by which
quantities. profits change because of productivity
Financial productivity measure – If output or
input is expressed in dollars The formula to the linkage rule:

Partial Measures and Measuring Changes Profit-linked productivity change = ΣPQiPi –

in Productive Efficiency ΣΑQiPi

Base period – the prior period is referred to as Where

the and serves to set the benchmark or
standard for measuring changes in productive PQ = The amount of input I that would have
efficiency. The prior period can be any been used for the current period in the
period desired. absence of a productivity change

TOTAL PRODUCTIVITY MEASUREMENT Pi =Current-period price of input i

Total productivity measurement – AQ = Actual amount of input I used in the

Measuring productivity for all inputs at once current period

A common multifactor approach suggested in To apply the linkage rule formula, the inputs
the productivity literature (but rarely found in that would have been used for the current
practice) is the use of aggregate productivity period in the absence of a productivity change
indexes. Aggregate indexes are complex and must be calculated. To determine PQ, divide
difficult to interpret and have not been the current-period output by the input's base-
generally accepted. period productivity ratio:

Two approaches that have gained some PQ = Current-period output/Base-period

acceptance are: productivity ratio for input i

(1) profile measurement Profit-linked measure – computes the

(2) profit-linked productivity measurement amount of profit change from the base period
to the current period attributable to productivity
Profile Productivity Measurement – changes.
Producing a product involves numerous critical
inputs such as labor, materials, capital, and Generally, this will not be equal to the total
energy. profit change between the two periods.
Price-recovery component – The difference
between the total profit change and the profit-
linked productivity change.

This component is the change in revenue less

a change in the cost of inputs, assuming no
productivity changes. therefore, measures the
ability of revenue changes to cover changes in
the cost of inputs, assuming no productivity
change, and is calculated as follows:

Price recovery = Total profit change - Profit-

linked productivity change

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