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Sam Goy

Professor Stevens
Operations Management
August 1, 2023
Lean Six Sigma: 75 Hard Challenge
Executive Summary:
The 75 Hard Challenge is a transformative endeavor designed to elevate physical and
mental fortitude over a 75-day period. The challenge demands participants to undertake five
fundamental tasks daily: adhere to a strict diet, complete two workouts, consume a gallon of
water, read 10 pages of non-fiction, and capture daily progress photos.
At its core, the challenge embodies the pursuit of discipline, resilience, and holistic
growth. By sustaining consistent engagement in the challenge's multifaceted tasks, individuals
cultivate unwavering dedication, mental tenacity, and a strengthened sense of accomplishment.
The challenge hinges on the principle of consistency, fostering the development of
healthy habits while acknowledging and surmounting obstacles along the way. Participants must
navigate diverse circumstances and maintain a steadfast commitment to achieving their desired
Integral to the challenge is the measurement of progress, which can be tracked through
methods such as daily journals, tracking apps, progress photos, fitness metrics, and emotional
well-being assessments. These measurements offer tangible evidence of advancement, enhancing
motivation, and sustaining focus.
The ultimate objective of the 75 Hard Challenge extends beyond the physical sphere. By
embracing the challenge's demands, participants fortify their mental resilience, heighten self-
confidence, and cultivate the belief that they can overcome adversity. Upon completion,
individuals often find themselves with a renewed appreciation for their capabilities and a
newfound dedication to personal growth.
The 75 Hard Challenge stands as a transformative journey emphasizing physical and
mental prowess. Through a steady commitment to its rigorous tasks, participants evolve into
stronger, more disciplined versions of themselves. The challenge propels individuals to channel
their inner strength and emerge with enduring confidence that extends far beyond the 75-day
Business Case
Project Summary:
For 75 straight days, I must do the following every day…
• Follow a diet
• Complete two 45+ minute workouts a day (one inside and one outside)
• Drink at least 1 gallon of water each day
• Read 10 pages of a self-improvement book (audiobooks not included)
• No alcohol or drugs
If any of these 5 rules are broken, the participant must start over
Problem Statement:
The 75 Hard Challenge, while designed to foster personal growth and mental toughness,
presents a range of challenges that participants must address to successfully complete the
rigorous 75-day journey. This challenge demands strict adherence to five tasks daily: maintaining
a strict diet, completing two workouts, consuming a gallon of water, reading 10 pages of non-
fiction, and capturing daily progress photos. However, participants often encounter obstacles that
hinder their progress and potentially lead to discontinuation or unsatisfactory results.
Goal Statement:
My goal at the end of this challenge is to help boost my confidence, self-esteem, and
perseverance, and hopefully engrain these five rules into my daily lifestyle outside of the
Successfully completing the 75 Hard Challenge requires dedication, discipline, and
1. 75 Hard Challenge: A 75-day fitness and mental toughness challenge that involves the
completion of five specific tasks every day to promote personal growth, discipline, and
holistic development.
2. Strict Diet: Following a predetermined nutrition plan that restricts the consumption of
processed foods, sugary snacks, and alcoholic beverages. It emphasizes whole foods, lean
proteins, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats.
3. Two Daily Workouts: Engaging in two separate exercise sessions each day, each being at
least 45 minutes. These workouts will be diverse and include activities such as strength
training, cardio, flexibility exercises, and outdoor activities.
4. One Gallon of Water: Drink one gallon (128 ounces – approx. 3.8 liters) of water
throughout the day to ensure proper hydration. Typically measured using a marked water
bottle or a gallon.
5. Reading 10 Pages: Reading a minimum of 10 pages from a non-fiction book daily.
Encourages intellectual growth, learning, and expanding one’s knowledge base.
6. Progress Photos: Taking and documenting daily photos to track physical changes over the
course of the challenge. Provide visual evidence of transformation.
The 75 Hard challenge is designed to be demanding but also transform you mentally and
physically. Being patient with myself, being persistent, and staying dedicated to the process will
go a long way. Always taking the time to listen to my body and embracing the challenge will
help lead me to the better self I strive to be.
Project Scope:
• Daily Tasks
o Strict Diet
o Two Workouts
o Water Consumption
o Reading
o Progress Photos
• Personal Goals
o Set personal goals for the challenge, whether they are related to physical fitness,
mental resilience, or lifestyle changes
• Progress Tracking
o Responsible for tracking daily/weekly/monthly progress
• Adaptability
o Requires you to adapt to various circumstances (weather constraints, travel, &
unexpected events)
• Medical Advice
o No medical or nutritional advice
• Individual Outcomes
o Challenge does not guarantee specific results or outcomes
• Specific Workout Details
o No specific workout routines
• External Resources
o No resources are provided
• Personal Growth
o Primary deliverable of this challenge is the personal growth and development
experienced by participants in terms of mental and physical resilience, discipline,
and holistic well-being
• Completed Tasks
o Complete the daily tasks consistently over the 75-day period
• Documentation
o Document the journey through journals, progress photos, and tracking apps
Project Timeline:
Start: Friday, September 1, 2023
End: Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Daily Journal: Keeping a daily journal to record my activities, workouts,

meals, water intake, reading progress, and any other relevant information.
This journal will help me see my daily efforts and provide insights into
my consistency.

Tracking App: Use a fitness or habit tracking app to monitor my

workouts, water intake, and reading. Many apps allow you to set goals
and provide visual representations of my progress.

Photos: Taking progress photos regularly, such as weekly or bi-weekly.

Comparing these photos over time can be a powerful visual indicator of
my physical transformation.

Fitness Metrics: Keep track of fitness-related metrics, such as the

number of push-ups, sit-ups, or squats you can do in a minute, the
amount of weight I lift, or my running time. Regularly retest these
metrics to see improvements.

Reading Progress: Track the number of pages or chapters I read each

day. This will show how consistently I am progressing through the
chosen book(s).

Water Intake: Use a marked water bottle or a water tracking app to

ensure I am drinking the required amount of water daily.

Mental Progress: Take note of my mental resilience and attitude

throughout the challenge. Record any positive changes in my mindset or
mental toughness.

Daily Checklists: Create a checklist of the tasks I need to complete each

day. Checking off completed tasks provides a sense of accomplishment
and reinforces consistency.

Weekly Reviews: Take time each week to review my progress. Reflect

on the highs and lows, identify any patterns, and make adjustments if
SWOT Analysis:
SWOT Analysis
Strengths: Weaknesses
• Mental Toughness: helps develop • Time commitment: this challenge will
mental resilience and discipline by require a significant time commitment,
pushing you to complete challenging which can be challenging to manage
tasks every day. alongside other responsibilities
• Enhanced self-discipline: following • Limited flexibility: the strict rules that
the strict rules of the challenge will must be followed daily leaves little
help cultivate self-discipline and room for adjustments or
develop better habits. personalization of other activities.
• Increased productivity: the structure • Potential Burnout: the intense nature
of the challenge will encourage me to of this challenge can lead to burnout if
plan and prioritize my time not managed properly (listen to the
effectively, leading to increased body and take rest when needed)
productivity in other areas of my life.

Opportunities: Threats:
• Self-discovery: there is an opportunity • Lack of motivation: staying motivated
to learn more about myself, my limits, throughout a 75-day period can be
and my ability to overcome obstacles. demanding, especially during difficult
• Habit Formation: by following the moments or when facing setbacks.
challenge’s daily routine for 75 • Physical injuries: high-intensity
consecutive days, I have the chance to workouts may increase the risk of
establish long-lasting healthy habits. injuries if proper form and technique
are not followed or if the body is
inadequately fueled.
• Social pressure and isolation: the
challenge’s strictness may require me
to make sacrifices in social activities
or gatherings, potentially leading to
feelings of isolation or missing out
Risk Matrix:

Risk Likelihood Impact Risk Score Mitigation

(1-5) (1-5) (Probability x Impact)

Prioritize proper warm-ups and

cool-down routines at the
beginning and end of workouts.
Listen to my body and avoid
Injury /
5 5 25 pushing beyond (sometimes
because I want to push past my
limits). Incorporate rest days
and low-intensity training to
prevent overexertion.

Create a well-rounded meal

plan that meets your nutritional
4 5 20 needs. Focus on whole foods
and variety to ensure balanced
nutrient intake.

Paying attention to my body's

hydration signals and adjust my
water intake accordingly. Focus
Dehydration 4 5 20 on balanced hydration and
consider electrolyte-rich drinks
for added support if needed.

Develop a strong "why" for

taking on the challenge.
4 4 16 Practice mindfulness,
meditation, and relaxation
techniques to manage stress.

Prioritize sleep and rest. Listen

Physical to my body's signals for fatigue
3 4 12
Exhaustion and adjust workouts
accordingly. Adequate sleep is
crucial for recovery and overall

Understand that plateaus are

normal. Adjust workout
routines, intensity, or types of
Plateaus &
3 4 12 exercises to overcome plateaus.
Focus on overall progress and
the journey rather than just
immediate results.

Communicate your
commitment with friends and
family. Plan social activities
Social that align with the challenge's
2 3 6
Isolation requirements. Maybe find a
support network, either online
or in person, to share my

Embrace adaptability and

modify workouts or routines
Lack of when necessary due to
2 3 6
Adaptability unforeseen events. Being
flexible in my approach will
help reduce stress and pressure.

Maintain a balanced
perspective by engaging in
activities outside of the
challenge. Set time limits for
Risk of thinking or talking about the
2 2 4 challenge. Remember that the
challenge is a means to
personal growth, not an all-
consuming goal.
Measure Phase:
Tracking my progress throughout the 75 Hard Challenge is crucial for staying motivated,
evaluating my achievements, and adjusting as needed.

Maintain a journal where I will record each day's activities, including

Daily Journaling: my workouts, meals, water intake, reading progress, and any thoughts
or reflections.

Tracking Apps: Use fitness or habit-tracking apps to log my workouts, water intake,
and reading progress.

Take weekly or bi-weekly progress photos from the same angles and in
Progress Photos: the same lighting. Comparing these photos over the course of the
challenge will provide a visual record of your physical transformation.
Keep track of fitness-related metrics, such as the number of push-ups,
sit-ups, or squats I can do in a minute, my running times, or the
Fitness Metrics: amount of weight I lift. Frequently retest these metrics to observe

Tracking: Use a marked water bottle or a water tracking app to ensure I am
consistently consuming a gallon of water daily.

Reading Log: Keep a log of the books I've read, including titles, authors, and the
number of pages read each day.

Mental and
Set aside time for regular self-assessment of my mental and emotional
Emotional Check- well-being. Reflect on my mindset, mood, and any changes in how I
Ins: am feeling during the challenge.

Dedicate time each week to review my progress. Evaluate my

Weekly Reviews: achievements, identify areas for improvement, and make any
necessary adjustments to my approach.

Create daily or weekly checklists that outline the tasks I will need to
Checklists: complete. Checking off each task that I accomplish will provide a sense
of achievement and visual progress.

Reflections: Take time to reflect on my journey through writing. Document my
experiences, challenges, and lessons learned throughout the 75 days.
Analyze Phase:

Physical Time Management


With two daily workouts and Balancing two workouts,

strict dieting, it is possible to reading, drinking a gallon of
experience physical fatigue, water, progress photos, and
especially if I am not used to other daily commitments can
the intensity of the workouts. be challenging.

Dietary Challenges Mental Fatigue

Following a strict diet for 75 Staying mentally tough and

days can be mentally and motivated throughout the
emotionally challenging, challenge can be tough,
leading to cravings and especially when I face
feelings of deprivation. setbacks or plateaus.

Social and Peer

Injury or Illness

Participating in social Pushing myself daily during

gatherings or events where intense workouts can
temptations abound can Effect: increase the risk of injury, and
make it difficult to stick to the 75 days is a long time for
challenge requirements. 75 HARD potential illnesses.
Improvement Phase:
Making certain improvements before starting the 75 Hard Challenge can help set me up for
success and make the journey smoother.

a.Define specific goals I will want to achieve through

Set Clear Goals: the challenge. Having a clear vision of what I am
working toward will help maintain my motivation.

a.Plan daily routines in advance. Allocate time for

Create a Schedule: workouts, reading, meals, and other tasks. Having a
structured schedule reduces decision fatigue and ensures I
will stay on track.

a.Familiarize myrself with the dietary requirements and

Meal Prep: plan meals in advance. Prep healthy foods, snacks, and
recipes to ensure I have nutritious options readily

a.Plan workouts before starting. Research different

Fitness Plan: workouts, exercises, and routines to keep workouts
diverse and engaging.

a.Develop a hydration strategy. Consider getting a marked

Hydration Strategy: water bottle tom help track my daily water intake or using
a water tracking app.

a.Select the non-fiction books I will want to read during

Choose Reading Material: the challenge. Having my reading material ready will save
time and ensure that I stay engaged with meaningful

a.Develop a positive and resilient mindset. Mental

Mindset Preparation: preparation is key to overcoming challenges and staying
committed throughout the challenge.

a.Purchase any necessary equipment, such as workout gear

Stock Up on Supplies: or books. Having what I need beforehand prevents

a.Choose the methods I'll use to track progress, such as

Track Progress Tools: journals, apps, or checklists.

a.Ensure I will be well-rested before starting the challenge.

Prioritize Rest: A strong foundation of sleep is essential for physical and
mental well-being.
By making these improvements before I begin the 75 Hard Challenge will help establish a solid
foundation for success and enhance my ability to tackle any obstacles along the way with
determination and resilience.
Control Phase:
Holding myself accountable throughout the 75-day journey will be a real testament to my
character. It will push me beyond my boundaries, comfort zones, and the limits I have now. This
is exactly why I want to do this challenge and maybe even carry it beyond 75 days. Establishing
a strong “why” will help me clearly define my reasons for undertaking the challenge. Having a
strong motivation will remind me of why I started in the first place, and it will keep me focused
on the goals that I have. Setting specific goals that are measurable for this challenge will help
keep my on the prize. With clear objectives, I will have a sense of purpose and direction. Having
people who support me along the way will help with my mindset if I ever feel like quitting at
some point. The friends and family who will support me through this endeavor will make me go
a step further time after time until I cross that finish line.
However, I want to be the one who truly takes control of this challenge. I want to callus
my mind over and over until the obstacles, pain, and fatigue become normal. I want to
experience what it feels like to go out of my comfort zone every single day! The only one who
will be with me for all 75 days will be me.

Lessons Learned:

Before starting the 75 Hard Challenge, I learned a few very valuable lessons already. The
first lesson is reflection. Understanding the power of reflection has helped me understand why I
want to begin this journey. It has shown me that I am much more than what I am now and to not
accept being “average”. The next lesson that I have learned is gratitude. Practicing gratitude for
the ability to even embark on something like this is a blessing. There are so many people in this
world who have not had opportunities to even be where I am today. Understanding that I am
blessed makes me grateful for everything that I have. Lastly, the lesson that I have become to
know more and more is persistence. Learning that success is not achieved in one day can make
many unmotivated to ever try even something new. Success comes from persistence and even on
tough days, the determination that you must keep going is what leads you to remarkable growth.
Each of these lessons has helped contribute to my growth as an individual and will
continue to help with my development as a young man. During the 75 Hard, I will embrace the
new lessons that come about and try to understand the valuable takeaways that come with them.
The lessons that I have learned and the lessons that I will learn, extend beyond the 75 days, and
will ultimately influence every aspect of life after that.

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