Preparing For Field Reflection

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Abigail Neeley

SOWK 382

Michael Ottone

19 April 2023

Preparing for Field Reflection


For my field practicum for the 2023 school year, I was matched with a transitional

housing program which provides temporary housing, food, and several services for the homeless

population for a short period. Rapid Shelter Columbia, the most recent development in

Columbia’s aim to combat homelessness, opened at the end of 2022 and aims to help people

transition from chronic homelessness to permanent housing following the completion of the

program (Laird, 2023).

HBSE Theory and Learning Theory

The theoretical framework I am using to understand my approach to experiential learning

is the Ecological Systems Model through the use of my knowledge of how different systems can

affect the clients I am working with. Through the five systems in the Ecological Systems Model,

I can have a more thorough understanding of the intersectionality of obstacles and supports my

clients are actively involved with (Mcleod, 2022). This will allow me to better help my clients

overcome their difficulties and allow me to recognize how different systems create an impact on

the client. I can also use the Ecological Systems Model to see which areas, or systems, in the

client’s life I can help them work on, and I can use this model to see which systems are

impacting the client’s overall well-being. To ensure a successful practicum experience next year,

I will apply what I have learned about the domains and dimensions by using my cognitive skills
to adjust to the new skills I am learning and use methods and strategies I have learned in my

social work classes. I will also use my affective skills by using self-reflection to improve my

interactions with clients and monitor my psychological well-being.


To make the most out of my practicum supervision, one strategy I will use will be having

consistent and effective communication with my supervisor throughout the process before I

begin field work and during my field practicum. To be prepared and proactive in my learning

and in preparing for supervision, I will do in-depth research about Rapid Shelter Columbia, my

supervisor, and transitional housing. The field instructor, task supervisor, and liaison will each

have a role in my experience at Rapid Shelter Columbia, but the task supervisor and field

instructor will have the most involvement with my role in the field. Because I have not had my

interview yet, I am unsure of the specific roles each of these supervisors will play or the specific

role I will play at Rapid Shelter Columbia, but my expectations of my supervisors include

communication, competence, and providing feedback. For the expectations for myself as the

student, I except to be hard working, competent, and open to new ideas or challenges to be the

best fit in the organizational setting.

General Field Practicum Experience

One specific value conflict I may encounter in relation to the social work Code of Ethics

is the value of competency when working with my clients. Because I have never worked with the

homeless population before, I believe one difficulty or conflict I will experience will be my

confidence in my abilities when working with a new population. To combat my value conflicts

with competency when working with new clients, I can thoroughly research the homeless

population and the organization I am working with, take notes while my supervisor is giving
instructions, and affirm myself in my abilities to work with clients. In field practicum in the next

year, I hope to learn more about the homeless community and how to work with individuals who

have experienced difficulties relating to homelessness and intersectionality, practice skills such

as active listening with clients, and strengthen my personal value of competency.

The mission statement for Rapid Shelter Columbia is to “provide the dignity of a private

space in a healing, safe environment which includes durable/comfortable cabins, bathrooms,

laundry, community space, and most importantly, service providers” (East, 2022). At Rapid

Shelter Columbia, there are 50 pods which can house 40 individual men and 10 individual

women for up to 90 days and services such as mental health and substance abuse support, food

and necessities, and other services. Within the program, there are social workers, volunteers, and

other government employees who each have unique jobs to assist with the mission to reduce

homelessness in Columbia. The goal of the program is to provide chronically homeless

individuals, or people who have been homeless for at least a year or multiple times within one

year, in Columbia with basic necessities and other resources to ensure the individuals will have

permanent housing following completion of the transitional housing program (Rapid Shelter

Columbia, 2022).

In reference to organizational culture, my expectation is the Rapid Columbia shelter team

has a close relationship with those living in the pods and those who are part of the team. One of

my fears about the organizational culture at Rapid Shelter Columbia is the clients will not want

to work with me because they already trust other staff and have a relationship with them. I can

impact the organizational culture by contributing to the teamwork of supporting the mission

statement and by sharing my ideas and thoughts about possible improvements to the transitional

housing program with my supervisor. Because of my extensive research on transitional housing

across the United States, I feel I can bring new ideas to the organizational culture and benefit the

program in different ways. As my place as a student learner in this dynamic, I understand my

main goal of working at Rapid Shelter Columbia is to gain more experience, build my skills, and

learn from clients and the people I work with to become a better social worker.

I will apply the Council on Social Work Education competencies in my field practicum

by implementing critical thinking and researching into my work with clients and the time I spend

outside of working at Rapid Shelter Columbia. To apply my critical thinking skills when

working with clients at the transitional housing facility, I can implement my skills into problem

solving when talking to clients and figuring out solutions to problems in the moment. I can also

use the CSWE competency of research to enhance my time at Rapid Shelter Columbia by

researching new topics and situations I will learn about when talking with my clients. By

researching topics or problems brought up in conversations I am unfamiliar with, I can better

understand my client’s situation and help with a broader range of issues. To ensure my success,

one adjustment I will make is completing research on a more general range of topics prior to

working at my field practicum to expand my knowledge to prepare myself for discussions with


Through my personal strengths according to the Code of Ethics, Council on Social Work

Education competencies, and role in the organizational setting, I will grow personally by

developing more confidence in my skills and grow as a social worker through experience in the

field. I will gain first-hand experience with the homeless population for the first time, and this

will allow me to have a better understanding of the population and the struggles they encounter.

Having a new experience with a different population and listening to the client’s problems will

also allow me to grow as a social worker because it will expose me to unique challenges I had
not previously dealt with or heard of. This experience will allow me to have practice and more

experience with talking to clients one-on-one and will improve my ability to positively impact

clients with their needs in the future.


To maintain my energy, passion, optimism, and commitment during my field practicum, I

will use self-care techniques such as meditation, reading, and spending time with friends. Daily, I

will practice meditation to maintain my energy and focus on self-reflection throughout my field

practicum process. This will allow me to be mindful of how I have been feeling psychologically

and take time to take breaks and rest. On a weekly basis, I will practice self-care and maintain

my passion and commitment by engaging in reading on topics such as homelessness and the

benefits of transitional housing. A monthly goal I have to provide self-care for myself during my

field practicum is to spend time with friends who are also working in field practicum. This will

allow me to discuss my experiences with my peers and hear the experiences of my classmates,

and by talking with my peers about my experience, I can receive support and encouragement.

One long-term goal is to go on hikes in a new location monthly to promote new experiences and

strengthen my psychological well-being. To support my self-care goals, I will use a journal each

day to track how my self-care activities are progressing and check in with myself about how I am

feeling with my field practicum and overall health.

Reflective Practitioner

My decision in social work as a profession was confirmed when I was able to quickly

adjust to unfamiliar situations and be confident in my skills because of my knowledge of what I

have learned in this class and other social work classes. By practicing client-social worker

scenarios in class, I realized I was competent in my skills to talk to a client when I had no
previous knowledge of the client’s situation beforehand. I have also felt more confident in my

decision to become a social worker since completing this semester because of the real-world

situations and case studies practiced in class discussions. Through this internship, I hope to make

an impact by bringing my ideas to the program and by making a positive difference in a client’s

life. To meet these achievements, I will thoroughly listen to the advice and feedback of my

supervisors and implement these changes into my practice, and I will also express the ideas I

have about the program. These goals will also be achieved when I maintain consistent

communication with my supervisor and apply the feedback as I receive it, while also

incorporating some of my own ideas in the process. Advice I would give to other social work

students who are beginning their field practicum would be to be confident in expressing their

ideas or thoughts to the supervisor and to not be afraid to ask questions. Once I complete my

field practicum at Rapid Shelter Columbia, I will leave my internship having brought a positive

change to the organization and my clients’ lives.

Closing Statement

Throughout the time I have spent in this class and my other social work classes this

semester, I have realized I am more confident in my skills and knowledge as a future social

worker. As I continue social work classes next semester, I believe I will continue to strengthen

my skills and become more competent in areas I feel weaker in. Albeit I have not had my

interview yet, I have done extensive research on Rapid Shelter Columbia and transitional

housing, and by spending my field practicum at this organization, I believe I will gain valuable

experience for myself and as a social worker.

Works Cited

East, E. (2022, September 7). City Officials to Launch Rapid Shelter Columbia. City of
Columbia, Columbia SC. Retrieved April 17, 2023, from

Laird, S. (2023, March 5). 3 months in, Rapid Shelter Columbia Joins Other Groups in Problems
Finding Housing. Post and Courier. Retrieved April 19, 2023, from

Mcleod, S. (2023, February 20). Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory. Simply

Psychology. Retrieved April 17, 2023, from

Parnell. (2019). Council on Social Work Education - University of Michigan. Retrieved April 16,
2023, from

Rapid Shelter Columbia (RSC) FAQ. (2022, November 11).

Retrieved April 19, 2023, from

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