Undisturbedhealing JWCRipponetal

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Taking the trauma out of wound care: The importance of undisturbed healing

Article in Journal of Wound Care · August 2012

DOI: 10.12968/jowc.2012.21.8.359 · Source: PubMed


56 6,999

3 authors:

Mark Rippon Phil Davies

University of Huddersfield 8 PUBLICATIONS 206 CITATIONS

Richard White
DDRC Wound Care


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Taking the trauma out of wound

care: the importance of
undisturbed healing
Significant advances in wound dressing technology have resulted in a myriad of

dressing choices for wound-care clinicians, providing more than just an inert

wound cover. The establishment of a moist wound environment under modern

wound dressings and the optimisation of the healing response are now the goals

expected of these dressings. However, the use of wound dressings, particularly

traditional dressings such as gauze, frequently results in wound and peri-wound

tissue damage that impairs the wound healing response, counteracting any of the

dressings’ healing benefits. Therefore, in order to maximise the healing benefits

wounds covered by today’s wound dressings must minimise tissue disturbance

(physical as well as chemical). This review aims to consider the ways traditional, as

well as modern, wound dressings may disturb wounds, summarising the potential

areas of wound disturbance, and suggesting how best to address this aspect of the

use of wound dressings to treat acute as well as chronic wounds.

tissue trauma; undisturbed healing

istorically, one of the major goals of a of benefit from modern dressings,3 this has not influ- M. Rippon,1 PhD, Medical
wound dressing was to cover and pro- enced the use of such products, even among opinion Marketing Manager;
P. Davies,1 BSc(Hons),
tect the open wound from the external leaders. Reasons for this are complex and beyond the
Clinical and Scientific
environment and prevent bacterial con- scope of this current article. More recently, Thomas4 Information Manager;
tamination, which could cause infec- proposed the requirements for the ‘ideal dressing’ R.White,2 PhD, Professor
tion. As wound dressings have developed, the pro- (Table 1). As well as promoting the optimal wound of Tissue Viability;
tection of the wound bed has been a major and environment and healing response, many of these 1 Mölnlycke Health Care,
Gothenburg, Sweden;
common goal. However, as scientific research has new parameters were for minimising the disturbance 2 Institute of Health,
demonstrated, there has been a shift from the of the wound while the dressing is in place.1 Social Care and
wound dressing being only ‘protective’ to those that The development of modern wound dressings, Psychology, University of
positively influence the wound environment.1 which promote a moist wound healing environment Worcester, UK.
Email: tissueviability@
As early as 1985, general wound dressing perform- has progressed as a result of the advances in materi-
ance parameters were considered the requirement for als research and dressing manufacturing technolo-
a dressing to recreate the wound microenvironment gy.1 The need for a moist interface between the
Declaration of interest:
necessary for supporting healing.2 These require- wound bed and dressing surface has led to the devel- M. Rippon and P. Davies
ments included that dressings should remove excess opment of numerous types of dressing that reduce are employees of
exudate, maintain high humidity at the wound-dress- the level of ‘free’ fluid at the wound surface, with Mölnlycke Healthcare;
ing interface, provide thermal insulation, protect the close approximation (or ‘intimate contact’) of a R. White is a consultant
to Mölnlycke and
against secondary infection and not cause tissue trau- dressing’s wound contact surface with the wound numerous other wound
ma during removal. While systematic reviews of ran- bed being considered essential in order to eradicate dressing and
domised, controlled trials have failed to find evidence ‘dead space’,5–7 and to maximise performance

pharmaceutical companies.

j o u r n a l o f wo u n d c a r e v o l 2 1 , n o 8 , A u g u s t 2 0 1 2 359

for a dressing to deliver the optimal wound environ-

Table 1. Performance requirements for ideal wound dressing4 ment. The intimate contact between wound dress-
ings and the wound bed is becoming a common
Primary requirements
feature of modern wound dressings and there is
No toxic components Free from chemicals that are toxic or irritant that increasing evidence that this is beneficial.8–10 How-
can leech out of the dressing when in situ ever, there has been little consideration of any pos-
sible detrimental effects a dressing that closely inter-
No foreign bodies Does not release non-biodegradable materials, such
acts with the wound bed may have, particularly in
as fibres, into the wound bed
terms of any disturbance the dressing may elicit.
Bacterial barrier Prevents transmission of microorganisms into or out Table 2 is a summary of the potential ways in which
of the wound a wound dressing in close contact with the wound
bed (and the surrounding peri-ulcer skin) may dam-
Adhesive Forms a water-resistant seal to peri-wound skin but
is easily removed without causing tissue trauma age, or disturb, the wound.
Throughout the developments of wound dress-
Moist healing environment Maintains the wound and peri-skin in an optimum ings, an undisturbed wound environment, as part of
state of hydration (‘water balanced’) the optimal conditions for healing, has been an
assumed part of the overall benefits that these
Minimal wound disturbance In situ placement offers undisturbed environment
(minimal tissue movement or dressing replacement) dressings provide. This review is of wound dressings
and how they may influence specific aspects of an
Protects tissue Protects wound bed and peri-wound skin from optimised healing environment, namely, maintain-
damaging exudate and excessive moisture ing an undisturbed wound site.
Minimal tissue trauma Minimises wound pain during application or removal
(pain) (excessive adherence of dressing to tissue) The potential for wound disturbance with
modern wound dressings
Dressing conformability
Flexibility is an important physical property of any
dressing, affecting its ability to form an intimate
contact with the wound. A recent study examining
the conformability of wound dressings described
several benefits for conformable dressings, includ-
ing maintenance of a moist wound environment,
and suggested that conformable dressings that form
an intimate contact with the wound are likely to
reduce dressing-related tissue trauma compared
with dressings that are less flexible.11,12 Conforma-
bility of a dressing to give an intimate contact with
the wound bed is becoming widely recognised as an
important performance parameter; in this context,
gauze is very poorly conformable (Fig 1a,b). The
elimination of ‘dead space’ has been identified as an
a b
important function for healing.5 Less flexible dress-
Fig 1. Posterior, (a), and anterior, (b), view of a finger-tip injury with adherent ings are also prone to introduce mechanical stresses,
remains of a gauze dressing leading to dressing-related tissue trauma.
In order for an intimate contact with the wound,
(enhance healing).4 Also design features, such as the dressing must be able to conform to the body
being free of irritants and allergens, minimising the shape. It has been argued that a dressing must also
release of particles or non-degradable fibres into the be able to conform to the surface of the wound
wound, and protecting the wound bed and sur- bed;9 how well it conforms, or is flexible, is an
rounding skin from exudate, are often incorporated. important characteristic with significant implica-
Additionally and importantly, for self-adhesive tions for how effective it is at supporting healing.
dressings, an adhesion profile that ensures that the In a study that examined the conformability of
dressing remains in place, but does not cause tissue wound dressings,11 several benefits were identified,
damage when removed, is a property required to including helping to maintain a moist wound envi-
minimise disturbance when the dressing is both in ronment, reducing dressing-related trauma, and
place or being removed/replaced.4 other wound-related disturbances. A dressing that
The requirement for intimate contact for optimal is not flexible and that does not conform to the
healing, in conjunction with the need for an undis- skin is unlikely to be effective at providing the ben-
turbed environment, is a potential point of conflict efits which it was designed to deliver.

360 j o u r n a l o f wo u n d c a r e v o l 2 1 , n o 8 , A u g u s t 2 0 1 2

Once a bond between the dressing and the wound

Table 2. Potential disturbances of wound by dressings is established, there is potential for cellular move-
ment from the wound and into the dressing itself:
Moisture balance
the surface topography of the cells’ local environ-
Sub-optimal fluid levels leading to impaired healing ment can have a significant effect on processes such
as adhesion, migration and proliferation.30–32 There is
Desiccation of wound leading to dressing adherence and reduced movement of potential for wound cells to migrate into a dressing as
healing-dependent factors (growth factors)
a result of surface signals generated by the bonding of
Maceration of wound bed and surrounding skin the dressing with wound exudate. This is enhanced
because of the adsorption of exudate-derived cell
Adherence adhesion and proliferation factors onto these surfac-
Fixing of dressing to wound bed due to desiccation (see above) es, promoting interaction and migration of cells.33–35
Left in close proximity newly-formed tissue may
Tissue damage during dressing application and/or removal due to excessive become incorporated into the structure of the wound
dressing adhesion dressing. This association of dressing and wound in
dried wounds,36–39 together with evidence to suggest
Mechanical stress
that the early provisional wound matrix and granula-
Fragile skin at wound edge ripped/blistering due to shear and frictional forces tion tissue are fragile and prone to trauma,40 has sig-
between dressing and tissues nificant implications for the level of tissue damage
inadequate moisture balance can have on a wound.
Foreign body
The level of tissue disturbance and trauma that
Trapping of tissue debris in wound by cover dressing occurs during the removal of dressings that become
adherent to wounds is illustrated by the high level
Shedding of dressing material (such as fibres) into wound bed
of pain experienced by patients during dressing
Thermal changes, removal of these dried dressings from
wounds is considered to be one of the most painful
Thermal insulation or tissue cooling resulting in sub-optimal temperatures for procedures in wounds care.41–43 To compound the
biological processes necessary for healing problem, wound-related pain causes significant
Chemical imbalance stress for both patients and staff, and this stress itself
can result in heightened sensitivity to pain.44–46
Disturbance of wound healing processes due to fluid handling characteristics of At the other end of the spectrum, too much mois-
dressing, such as removal of healing-promoting factors necessary for healing ture (in the form of free wound exudate) in prolonged
response (such as growth factors and proteases)
contact with the wound bed and peri-ulcer skin can
Chemical stress lead to skin maceration (Fig 2),47,48 while irritant and
damaging biological components, such as protein-
Dressing components negatively affecting cells and processes necessary for degrading enzymes, can further damage already-com-
wound healing
promised wound tissue and skin.19,49 Wound dressings
that do not have effective fluid-handling capabilities
(in terms of restricting lateral wicking of fluid to peri-
Moisture balance ulcer skin, or removing wound exudate away from
A sub-optimal moisture balance, and how this has the wound bed and into the structure of the dressing
the potential to cause significant disturbance to heal- itself) offer limited protection of fragile tissues to the
ing, is well appreciated by wound-care professionals. disturbances caused by the wound exudate.
References There is evidence that healing occurs more rapidly in
1 Cutting, K.F. Wound
dressings: 21st century
a moist environment,13–18 though the optimal level of Dressing adherence
performance requirements. moisture needed is unknown.19 It is claimed that ‘not There are numerous ‘traditional’ adhesive systems,
J Wound Care. 2010; 19: 5 too wet and not too dry’ is optimal.20 While this which have been in common use for > 20 years, used
(Suppl.), 4–9.
remains a vague definition, the requirements for for the fixation of dressings to wounds. Acrylic,
2 Turner,T.D. Semi-occlusive
and occlusive dressings. In: ‘optimal’ moisture control are widely published.13,21–24 hydrocolloid, rubber-based, silicone and poly-
Ryan,T.J. (ed). An Prevention of the formation of a physical barrier, urethane adhesives have all been used, with each
Environment for Healing:The
Role of Occlusion. Royal
such as a scab, is seen as a particularly important one offering a slightly different profile of positive
Society of Medicine, 1985. mechanism by which epidermal cell migration and negative attributes when it comes to providing
3 Ubbink, D.T.,Vermeulen, across the wound surface can proceed unhindered; appropriate adhesive qualities.12,50,51
H., Goossens, A. et al.
Occlusive vs gauze
in the clinic this translates to quicker healing Self-adherent wound dressings must balance the
dressings for local wound rates.25–29 Air-exposed wounds are liable to desicca- need for an appropriate level of adhesion in order
care in surgical patients: a tion, including the drying of protein-rich exudate, for the dressing to remain in place, but not be so
randomized clinical trial.
Arch Surg. 2008; 143: 10, leading to the incorporation of certain dressings adhesive that excessive force is required to remove
950–955. into a dry mass of dressing and exudate. them.50 Adherence must be maintained during wear

362 j o u r n a l o f wo u n d c a r e v o l 2 1 , n o 8 , A u g u s t 2 0 1 2

4 Thomas, S. The role of time, otherwise the benefits of the dressing will be
dressings in the treatment compromised. When dressing adhesion is particu-
of moisture-related skin
damage. World Wide
larly strong, repeated application and removal can
Wounds, 2008. Available at: lead to tissue disturbance, including skin irritation
http://tinyurl.com/65d25x (inflammation), blistering and stripping.51
[Accessed July 2012].
Removal of wound dressings is a common cause of
5 Snyder, R.J. Managing dead
space: an overview — pain,42,43 and damage to the wound tissue (and peri-
eliminating these unwanted wound skin), as a result of aggressive adhesives, is
areas is a key to successful
wound healing. Podiatry commonplace,52 leading to delayed healing.45
Manage. 2005; 24: 8, 171–174. Mechanical stresses, such as frictional and shear forc-
6 White, R. Wound es generated as a result of excessive dressing adhe-
dressings and other topical
treatment modalities in
sion, together with lack of conformability, lead to Fig 2. Peri-wound maceration evident upon dressing
bioburden control. In: tissue damage.11,53 Skin blistering and tearing of frag- removal; an exudate management problem most likely
Percival, S., Cutting, K. (eds). ile peri-wound skin can be the end result.11,54 These due to incorrect dressing selection and/or wear time
Microbiology of Wounds.
CRC Press, 2009. induced stresses have also been shown to affect skin
7 White, R. Wound at the cellular level, prolonging inflammation as a exposed to the air and minimise any potential for
dressings and other topical result of the application of a mechanical force.55,56 temperature fluctuations experienced at the wound
treatment modalities in
bioburden control. J Wound surface and limiting wound disturbance.
Care. 2011; 20: 9, 431–439. Foreign bodies
8 Jones, S.A., Bowler, P.G., The presence of foreign bodies in skin and wounds Chemical imbalance
Walker, M. Antimicrobial
activity of silver-containing
can result in the promotion of tissue reactions that Chronic wounds persist because of an imbalance in
dressings is influenced by perturb the normal tissue homeostasis.57 Keeping the underlying processes needed for healing.
dressing conformability with wounds free of foreign bodies is important not just to Throughout the healing response there are a series
a wound surface. Wounds.
2005; 17: 9, 263–270. limit bacterial contamination, but also minimise the of carefully orchestrated processes working together
9 Bowler, P., Jones, S., disturbances in healing processes resulting from the to heal the wound.49 A myriad of chemicals and sig-
Towers,V. et al. Dressing tissue’s response to the foreign material. Wound nals are needed to control all of these processes. In
conformability and
silver-containing wound dressings that are in intimate contact with the wound addition to forming a physical barrier to healing,
dressings. Wounds UK. surface have the potential to shed material into the the drying out of a wound likely removes a lot of the
2010; 6: 2, 14–20. wound. Hydrocolloid58,59 and gauze60 dressings have signals, such as growth factors and cytokines, neces-
10 Walker, M, Lam, S.,
Pritchard, D. et al. Biophysical
been shown to shed significant quantities of material sary for healing to occur. In the case of the chronic
properties of a Hydrofiber into wounds, acting as focal points for tissue irrita- wound in particular, an imbalance in the levels of
cover dressing.Wounds UK. tion and localised inflammatory response, disrupting proteolytic enzymes transforms this class of signals
2010; 6: 1, 16–29.
11 Waring, M., Butcher, M.
the normal progression of the healing response initi- from being supportive of healing to being inhibitors
An investigation into the ated by the initial wounding.58 of healing, and highlights how detrimental to heal-
conformability of wound ing an imbalance of necessary factors can be.
dressings. Wounds UK.
2011; 7: 3, 14–24. Thermal effects By removing the excessive activities of these dam-
12 Waring, M., Bielfeldt, S., Skin surface temperature is controlled by a number aging enzymes, it has been proposed that some
Mätzold, K. et al. An of different factors.61 It has been suggested that one wound dressings redress the balance in favour of
evaluation of the skin
stripping of wound dressing of the ways in which a wound dressing optimises healing.69,70 The promotion of an intimate contact
adhesives. J Wound Care. the wound environment is to re-establish a stable between dressing and wound maximises the oppor-
2011; 20: 9, 412–422. tissue temperature.62 Also, the cooling effect of some tunity for this mechanism to function. However,
13 Benbow, M. Exploring
the concept of moist
hydrogels when applied to wounds is thought to be currently wound dressings remove deleterious
wound healing and its particularly important in minimising the burn- wound components via fluid management rather
application in practice. Br J induced tissue damage that can occur in burn than specific targeting of exudate components.
Nurs. 2008; 17: 15, S4–S8.
14 Winter, G.D. Formation
wounds.63–65 This cooling is only temporary and This suggests that there is the potential for such
of the scab and the rate of Sawada and co-workers66 have suggested that pro- dressings to remove the components of the wound
epithelialisation of superficial longed cooling at a wound site (perhaps by the exudate that may be advantageous to the healing
wounds in the skin of a
young domestic pig. Nature. application of wound dressings such as hydrogels) response when the wound environment has been
1962; 193: 293–294. may hinder the normal healing processes, due to optimised (such as growth factors and cell adhesion-
15 Winter, G.D., Scales, J.T. the temperature dependence of biochemical and promoting factors).33,71,72 Chemical modification of
Effect of air drying and
dressings on the surface of
cellular processes necessary for wound healing. wound dressing materials, such as cotton gauze, to
a wound. Nature. 1963; 197: Maintaining an optimal tissue temperature is prob- remove certain damaging wound exudate compo-
91–92. ably critical in maintaining the temperatures needed nents is a step towards introducing specificity,73–75
16 Nemeth, A.J., Eaglstein,
W.H., Taylor, J.R. et al. Faster
for enzymatic reactions67 and cellular functions68 but the issue of how much to remove and when to
healing and less pain in skin important for wound healing. Any temperature devi- remove it is still an issue that requires further inves-
biopsy sites treated with an ation is likely to have adverse effects on healing. tigation. Also, although the evidence is not strong,
occlusive dressing. Arch
Dermatol. 1991; 127: 11, Dressings that are easily removed and applied there is even evidence that some dressings may be
1679–1683. minimise the amount of time that the wound bed is capable of removing inflammatory cells (that may

364 j o u r n a l o f wo u n d c a r e v o l 2 1 , n o 8 , A u g u s t 2 0 1 2
release excessive tissue-degrading proteases) from inherent cytotoxic nature suggests the potential
the site of the wound.76,77 Again, this is likely to be for tissue disturbance.
via a non-specific mechanism. The increasing use of silver nanoparticles as an anti-
microbial agent in wound dressings has led to a sig-
Chemical stress nificant amount of research into the interaction of
As well as removing factors that may be important nanoparticles themselves with cells. A recent study
for healing in an optimal environment, wound dress- examining silver nanoparticles of various sizes
ings have the potential to donate chemicals that may showed significant toxic effects on cell types impor-
disturb the wound’s balance and affect the healing tant for wound healing.80 These results suggest that
response. Cytotoxicity assay studies examining cell the form in which dressing components are presented
culture responses to wound dressings or their compo- to the wound can have just as significant consequenc-
nents suggest some cytotoxic effects may affect tissue es for wound disturbance as the type of chemical
responses,78 though the safety profiles of these same entity added. The significant gaps in our knowledge
dressings when tested in whole subject suggests that on how nanosilver interacts with cells, tissues and
extrapolation of laboratory results to the clinical situ- patients (as well as with the environment) means that
ation should be done with caution. little is known about how nanocrystalline silver dress-
Antimicrobial agents are an obvious example of ings interact with wounded skin.81 Due to the unique
chemicals made available to the wound in order to surface chemistry features of nanoparticles in general,
control microbial levels. They are inherently toxic, the data examining the interaction of cells with silver
although this is targeted at microbes. Antiseptics, ions cannot be extrapolated to nanoparticulate silver
such as povidone-iodine, have been successfully and further work is required to elucidate the mecha-
used to control bacterial contamination of wounds, nisms by which silver nanomaterials interacts with
but exhibit significant cellular cytotoxicity in labo- wound cells in order to minimise safety concerns
ratory tests.79 Although ‘safe’ for clinical use, their when using nanosilver-containing dressings.

j o u r n a l o f wo u n d c a r e v o l 2 1 , n o 8 , A u g u s t 2 0 1 2 365

The potential inclusion of anti-inflammatory spe- l Gauze dressings, such as Mirasorb (Johnson &
17 Ågren, M.S., Karlsmark,
T., Hansen, J.B. et al. cies in wound dressings is another possible mecha- Johnson) and Jelonet (Smith & Nephew), are made of
Occlusion versus air
exposure on full-thickness
nism for wound healing disturbance: chronic woven or non-woven material, usually cotton, poly-
biopsy wounds. J Wound inflammation is an important driver of chronicity ester or rayon, that may be coated with petrolatum to
Care. 2001; 10: 8, 301–304. in ulcers and, although reduction of inflammatory reduce their adhesiveness. Their popularity stems
18 Korting, H.C.,
processes in these wounds may have benefits for from their low unit cost price and because they can
Schöllmann, C., White, R.J.
Management of minor healing, these cells are also needed for a normal be used to treat any type of wound including infected
acute cutaneous wounds: wound healing response to take place and inhibit- wounds, wounds of varying size and depth and heav-
importance of wound
healing in a moist ing inflammatory processes may inhibit the normal ily exuding wounds. These dressings have very little
environment. J Eur Acad healing response when optimised healing is possi- fluid-handling capability and must be changed fre-
Dermatol Venereol. 2011; ble.82 Acidity/alkalinity of the wound environment quently. They also require the use of a secondary
25: 2, 130–137.
19 Bishop, S.M., Walker, M.,
may also affect the healing process. The normal dressing in order to hold them in place and absorb
Rogers, A.A. et al. human skin surface is slightly acidic in that it has a exudate. They are not effective for moist wound heal-
Importance of moisture pH of 4.2–5.6. However when the skin is broken the ing; this results in gauze dressings adhering to the
balance at the wound-
dressing interface. J Wound resulting wound may become mildly alkaline;83 the wound bed, and is associated with pain at dressing
Care. 2003; 12: 4, 125–128. optimum pH for MMPs is in the alkaline range. changes (Fig 1a,b). Tissue damage during dressing
20 Schulz, G., Stechmiller, J. Dressings may be used that can interact with the changes and the requirement for pain relief medica-
Wound healing and nitric
oxide production: too little wound fluid environment and alter the pH.84,85 tion is reported.89 Gauze dressings have also been
or too much may impair Allergic reactions to wound dressings, while not reported to shed material into the wound,60 acting as
healing and cause chronic widely recognised as ‘traumatic’, also represent a foci for irritation and inflammation.
wounds. Int J Low Extrem
real risk and, as such, should be a concern for the l Transparent films, such as Tegaderm (3M), OpSite
Wounds. 2006; 5: 6, 6–8.
21 Ratliff, C.R. Wound clinician. Delayed hypersensitivity reactions, (Smith & Nephew) and Mepore (Mölnlycke), are poly-
exudate: an influential type IV, have been reported for hydrocolloids,86,87 mer (polyurethane) films coated on one side with an
factor in healing. Adv Nurse
Pract. 2008; 16: 7, 32–35. and numerous other dressing materials.88 adhesive. They are impermeable to fluids and bacteria
22 Dowsett, C. Exudate but are permeable to water vapour and allow the
management: a patient- Modern wound dressings — do not disturb! transfer of oxygen through the dressing. They are
centred approach. J Wound
Care. 2008; 17: 6, 249–252. Many of the characteristics of the ideal wound used in a wide variety of wounds. As well as allowing
23 Okan, D., Woo, K., dressings (Table 1) can be seen as trying to minimise for visual inspection of the wound without the need
Ayello, E.A., Sibbald, G. The the level of tissue disturbance while the dressing is for removal, these dressings conform well to the
role of moisture balance in
wound healing. Adv Skin
in situ, covering the wound.4 Minimising the level wound surface. Clinical studies have shown a tenden-
Wound Care. 2007; 20: 1, of tissue trauma as a result of bonding of the dress- cy for films to stick,42 and evidence of maceration,90,91
39–53. ing to the wound surface or the excessive adhesive due to the lack of fluid-handling capacity.92
24 Bolton, L. Operational l Hydrocolloid dressings, such as DuoDERM (Con-
definition of moist wound
properties of the dressing itself is a major require-
healing. J Wound Ostomy ment for an atraumatic wound dressing (see above). vaTec), Comfeel (Coloplast) and Replicare (Smith &
Continence Nurs. 2007; 34: With the drive for intimate contact between the Nephew), are a variety of gel-forming dressings com-
1, 23–29.
wound surface and any dressing’s wound contact posed of sodium carboxymethylcellulose (NaCMC),
25 Jones, J. Winter’s
concept of moist wound layer being seen as necessary for optimising the gelatin and pectin mixed with elastomers (providing
healing: a review of the dressing’s benefits towards healing,9 the fate of the elasticity), and adhesives backed by a polyurethane
evidence and impact on
clinical practice. J Wound dressing’s components (dressing materials as well as foam or film. Hydrocolloids can adhere to a moist
Care. 2005; 14: 6, 273–276. ‘active’ contamination of the wound) and the fate site as well as dry, making them suitable for use in a
26 Flanagan, M. The of wound-derived components (those detrimental variety of different wound types. When they come
physiology of wound healing.
J Wound Care. 2000; 9: 6,
or supportive of healing) need to be considered into contact with fluid, such as exudate, hydrocol-
299–300. more when assessing the merits of dressings. loids absorb liquid forming a cohesive gel in contact
27 Parks, W.C. The The majority of evidence supportive of undis- with the wound surface. Benefits of using hydrocol-
production, role and
regulation of matrix
turbed wound healing comes from tissue trauma loid dressings include: promotion and establishment
metalloproteinases in the studies.50,52,89 Wound trauma and associated pain are of a moist healing environment, autolytic debride-
healing epidermis. Wounds. major concerns to both patient and clinician.42,45 ment, and moderate exudate management.93
1995; 7: (Suppl. A), 23A–37A.
Dressings that adhere to the wound bed are still in Problems have been identified with these dressings;
28 Gill, S.E., Parks, W.C.
Metalloproteinases and common use today.52 Epidermal stripping of peri- for example residues from dressing disintegration and
their inhibitors: regulators ulcer skin can result from the repeated application non-biodegradable components were identified that
of wound healing. Int J
Biochem Cell Biol. 2008; 40:
and removal of adhesive dressings.51 These events could cause inflammation.58 The tissue reactions
6–7, 1334–1347. can increase the size of the wound, delay healing resulting from the incorporation of dressing compo-
29 Madden, M.R., Nolan, E., and exacerbate the patients’ pain. nents into the wound bed may be mistaken as signs of
Finkelstein, J.L. et al.
Comparison of an occlusive
Despite developments in modern dressings, there clinical infection. Wound bed and peri-wound mac-
and a semi-occlusive dressing is data to show that many use ‘traditional adhesives’ eration has also been identified as a problem associ-
and the effect of the wound and cause damage to wound tissues and peri-wound ated with hydrocolloid dressings.92
exudate upon keratinocyte
skin.89 All dressings fall into a few categories, and l Alginate dressings, such as Algisite (Smith & Neph-
proliferation. J Trauma. 1989;
27: 9, 924–930. each has their own impact on the wound. ew), Curasorb (Covidien), KaltoStat (ConvaTec) and

366 j o u r n a l o f wo u n d c a r e v o l 2 1 , n o 8 , A u g u s t 2 0 1 2

Sorbsan (Aspen Medical), are non-woven dressings alternative to the traditional adhesive systems 30 Andrews, K.D., Hunt,
that are composed of natural polysaccharide fibres currently available. Dressings using ‘Safetac’ dress- J.A. Upregulation of matrix
and adhesion molecules
that form a hydrophilic gel upon contact with wound ing technology claim to overcome the issue of dam- induced by controlled
exudate. Alginate dressings can be highly absorbent, age to wound and per-wound tissue, but also retain topography. J Mater Sci
Mater Med. 2008; 19: 4,
conforming well to the various shapes of wounds and a level of adhesiveness, so that the dressing can 1601–1608.
they can also encourage the autolytic debridement remain in place.89 This technology relies on the use 31 Chen, M., Patra, P.K.,
required for natural wound cleansing. However, of a soft silicone material which coats a semi-trans- Warner, S.B. et al. Role of
fibre diameter in adhesion
although they can take up significant amounts of parent polyamide net wound contact layer and con- and proliferation of NIH
fluid these dressings are relatively poor exudate man- fers atraumatic properties, such that the dressing 3T3 fibroblast on
agement dressings,94,95 and may lead to desiccation of adheres to dry skin but does not stick to the surface electrospun
polycaprolactone scaffolds.
the wound bed of low-exuding wounds.92 In such of a moist wound. The tissues remain undisturbed Tissue Eng. 2007; 13: 3,
instances, the removal of dried-on alginate material and are not damaged upon removal (Fig 3). 579–587.
can prove traumatic to the tissues of the wound bed. Wound contact layers are an important compo- 32 Chen, M., Patra, P.K.,
l Foam dressings, such as Allevyn (Smith & Neph-
Lovett, M.L. et al. Role of
nent in the armoury available to wound care pro- electrospun fibre diameter
ew), Biatain (Coloplast), Tielle (Systagenix), and Lyo- fessionals for the promotion of wound healing. and corresponding specific
foam and Mepilex (Mölnlycke), tend to be foamed Wound contact layers come into direct contact surface area (SSA) on cell
attachment. J Tissue Eng
polymer solutions (usually polyurethane) that form a with the wound surface and some have suggested Regen Med. 2009; 3: 4,
sponge-like three-dimensional open cell structure that this layer has the greatest influence on heal- 269–279.
that is capable of holding fluid. Foam dressings are ing. The inherent flexibility and extended wear 33 Rogers, A.A., Walmsley,
R.S., Rippon, M.G. et al.
highly absorbent and this class of dressing has been time (if the wound condition allows) minimises tis- Adsorption of serum-
suggested to promote a moist healing environment. sue disturbance, thus providing an optimal healing derived proteins by primary
However, they are poor at retaining the free fluid environment. When selecting wound dressings, dressings: implications for
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within the dressing when external pressure is applied. there are practical advantages in separating the wounds. J Wound Care.
If not changed often enough, the use of these dress- functions of the primary contact layer from those 1999; 8: 8, 403–406.
ings may promote peri-wound maceration.96 the sys- of the secondary, absorbent layer. To do so provides 34 Cochrane, C., Rippon,
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tems used for promoting the fixation of foam dress- the clinician with a degree of flexibility when Application of an in vitro
ings to the underlying tissue involves impregnation selecting or constructing a dressing system for any model to evaluate
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adhesive or the use of layer combinations that pro- different dressings.
vide the adhesive property of the adhesive foam Conclusion Biomaterials. 1999; 20: 13,
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35 Campillo-Fernández,
the foam and the wound bed provides a level of con- dressing manufacture, wound dressings have more A.J., Unger, R.E., Peters, K.
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control exudate movement into the dressing and lev- moting a moist environment. The beneficial effects cells cultured on synthetic
el of adhesion of the dressing to the wound bed. of a wound dressing are many-fold — they pro- scaffolds with various
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Advanced wound dressing adhesive system by maintaining an optimal moisture balance as a fibronectin adsorption and
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been developed that have been designed to offer an wound exudate and sequestering exudate constitu- 1331–1341.
ents that are likely to cause tissue damage. Dress- 36 Borgquist, O.,
ings should also provide protection from the exter- Gustafsson, L., Ingemansson,
R. et al. Tissue ingrowth
nal environment and prevent further pain and into foam but not into
trauma. It is important to minimise the damage gauze during negative
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wound environment to be established. The use of macromechanical effects on
wound dressings that, once in situ, leave the wound the wound bed of negative
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