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Patrick’s Elementary, Taber, AB


Grade: 4/5 Lesson Title: Social Regions Lesson Duration: (90min) Date: November

Overview of the lesson. Write a clear and concise overview that indicates the following: What the lesson is, the
purpose/goal of the lesson, what students will do/learn and how the lesson will conclude.

This lesson consists of moving onto the next region of the Cordillera which is located on the West Coast of Canada
that includes British Columbia, Yukon, southwest Alberta, and parts of the Northwest Territories.

The presentation and slides on the Cordillera will include the industry jobs, animals, Indigenous culture, Salmon
significance, habitats, endangered species and start making connections to the previous regions of the Arctic. The
class will transition into an activity for the students to do.

The activity will consist of students researching an assigned endangered animal in groups using Ipads. The groups
and animal will be pre-chosen for the students prior to class.

The students are expected to finish this activity in the class time allocated and hand it in to the teacher.

If there is time left at the end, there are two videos that can be shown to the students.

Alberta Program of Study: Goals and Objectives. Carefully select GLO and SLO that pertain to your lesson.
Choose selectively and think carefully about what is achievable for students to learn by the end of the lesson


Students will demonstrate an understanding 5.1.2 examine, critically, the physical geography of Canada by
and appreciation of how the physical exploring and reflecting upon the following questions and
geography and natural resources of Canada issues:
affect the quality of life of all Canadians. What are the major geographical regions, landforms and
bodies of water in Canada? (LPP)
How is the geographical region they live in different from
other regions of Canada? (LPP)

Learning Objectives. Translate the SLO's into learning objectives. Using Stem, directing verbs and what is to be
learned the language. Use Bloom's Taxonomy directing words
SWBAT identify where the Cordillera region is located on a map
SWBAT know what animals live in the Cordillera
SWBAT distinguish similarities and differences between regions
SWBAT identify industry jobs and making connections to the quality of life in the Cordillera
SWBAT research endangered species within the Cordillera

LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Practicum St. Patrick’s Elementary, Taber, AB
Lesson Guiding Questions:
What are some animals in the Cordillera?
Where is the Cordillera?
What are some industry jobs?
Who lives there?
What is the quality of life like?
Why is there such an importance of Salmon in the Cordillera?
What is a Habitat?
What is a potlatch?
What is an endangered species?

Annotated Learning Resources List:

Resource #1: There's Nothing like Yukon

Resource #2: The Wild Within: British Columbia, Canada
Resource #3:

Material and Equipment:

Presentation slides made Nov 29th Social Lesson

Whiteboard, marker, laptop
Activity worksheet
Ipads, pencil
Crossword puzzle/worksheet for students who finish early
Lesson Procedures

Introduction (5min.): (1:30-1:35)

● Start with just a chat with the students about how they are doing. Fist to five for an emotional checkin to
start. Ask students if they remember what this is and then if one does to raise their hands and explain.
● Attention getter with a funny joke. What has four wheels and flies (A garbage truck!)
● Give time for students to readjust to learning and then tell them what the lesson consist of today.
(Direct teaching to students, activity, video)
● Set expectations for this lesson and remind students that when I am up front talking they are not unlessed
● Use attention grabbers such as verbally saying “All eyes on me grade 4 and 5” if they are not listening, or
3,2,1 technique.
● Use the students the clap technique as another attention getter. Clap once if you can hear my voice, clap
twice if you can hear my voice

Body (55 min.): (1:35-2:40)

LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Practicum St. Patrick’s Elementary, Taber, AB
Steps and Procedures: Formative Assessments Type/Name:
The worksheet will be handed in at the end of
the activity
Activity #1: Presentation slides (25min) 1:35-2:00
● Make sure that when teaching, kids are told to put
their hands up before answering.
Where Assessment Occurs:
● Start using other answering techniques such as having
During the activity portion of the class
students put their finger on their nose if they know
the answer.
● This will help allow for the teacher to pick students
such as Lupita, Amy, Ashley who do not usually
● This will help build those relationships with them and
help with their confidence
● Proper wait time when asking questions
● Start showing slideshows of Cordillera region on map
of Canada. (Have this prepared)
● Ask guiding questions such as what type of animals
they think live in the Cordillera?
Differentiation: Indicate in brief sentence areas
● Show some animals that live in the Cordillera to
of differentiation.
intrigue and get the students interested. Also, helps to
Jaesiel will be paired up with Marcus because
visualize it.
Marcus can help Jaesiel who may struggle with
● Move on to the second part of presentation that
the technology.
includes the industry jobs and the abundance of
● Make sure to scan the room and check in on students
who get distracted
● Examples may be JJ or Anthony turned around talking
● After this, the slides will contain information on
Indigenous Potlatch and explain what that is
● Do a down regulating brain break with the students.
Arthur may stand up and wander around the
This will show up on the slides and know when to
classroom. Make sure to remind him to sit down.
● Move onto the habitat, and endangered species
Try not to answer questions blurted out and
remind students to raise their hands.
Transition: Go into the next part of the lesson that consists
of the activity
Avoid rapid fire questions because they can
elevate the energy in the classroom
Activity #2: Activity (40min) (2:00-2:40)
● Go over the groups and the animals that they will be
Focus on down Regulation for the breaks
instructed to research on the Ipads
● Tell the students that can choose to work at different
Try not to turn my back to the kids
spots in the classroom, but once they choose they
stick. (Just like computer time)
● Have the activity steps on the board and go over it
with the students
True or False statements
LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Practicum St. Patrick’s Elementary, Taber, AB
● Go over the activity sheet and what they will be 1) Is the Atlantic Ocean the largest ocean on
expected to do the planet? False, it’s the Pacific Ocean
● Put the link in the computer browser on the 2) Do humans have 5 senses? True
smartboard and show the students how to do it 3) Spiders have 6 legs? True
● Pretend as I was researching the Orca whale and 4) Sea otters have a favorite rock they use to
where I go to find the information break open food.True
● Tell the students that if they do not find everything 5) Pigs roll in the mud because they don’t
they need in the first link they can check out some like being clean.False - pigs have few
other ones. sweat glands and their muddy baths help
● This is a good time to go over the Ipad expectations keep them cool.
and tell them that if it is not followed they will have to 6) It takes a sloth two weeks to digest a
sit back down in their desks and wait quietly meal.Answer: True
● Give students warnings for how much time they have 7) An octopus has seven hearts. False - it has
and remind them to put names on top. JJ, Cole, Ava three hearts
forget names lots. Double check their work. 8) The two longest rivers in the world are the
● At 2:30 wrap up the lesson and tell students to put the Mississippi and the Nile. False - it is the
Ipads away and go back to their desks. Nile and the Amazon
● Have crossword or wordsearch for students who finish 9) Alaska has the most active volcanoes of
early any state in the United States.True -
Alaska has 141
Transition: Go into the video part of the class and remind 10) Pineapples grow on trees. False
the students of the noise level within class

Activity #3: Video on the Corillera regions (2:40-2:50)

● Movie theatre Volume for when videos are being
played reminder
● Remind students to think about some stuff they have
learned for the conclusion
● The Wild Within: British Columbia, Canada
● There's Nothing like Yukon

Consolidating (At different times throughout the lesson)

Throughout circulating and checking in on students
The activity works for consolidating as well

Closure/Clean up (10min) (2:50-3:00)

● Ask students one thing they learned today. Say to put your finger on your nose if you had one thing that
really stuck in your mind. Pick a student who doesn't answer allot
● Wrap up the lesson and hand the class back over to Mrs. Wickson
● If there is extra time that is Ok because Mrs. Wickson can read them a book

LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Practicum St. Patrick’s Elementary, Taber, AB
Reflection (after the lesson responds to these questions in brief. This reflective process must be done after each
lesson. These become points of extended reflection and conversation in post-conference with TA and UC)

How the students responded to the lesson as planned and taught:

Specific strengths of the lesson plan and delivery:

Specific weaknesses in the lesson plan and delivery:

What must be addressed to improve this plan?

How I have grown from this teaching experience:

Other Notes

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