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My Philippine President

Drug is the best thing that will ruin your life. It is the hardest trouble of our
government and the worst problem of our country. “Say No to Drugs”, avoid
drugs because it can destroy your own life and can be destroy the life of others
and also the community where you belong. We can prevent the drug abuse in
this country if we cooperate in our President Duterte campaign stop the drug
dealers in the Philippines. The Oplan Tokhang that gives the drug usersa second
chance to have a better life and start a new life. War on drugs campaign by
Duterte‘s Administration is a good plan and an active campaign by the president.
It is a better way to resolve the drug addiction and the crimes that are involved in
using illegal drugs. I can show you the pros and cons of the issue on war against
drugs. I am agree of the campaign of Duterte on war against drugs because it is
the only way to resolved the drug addiction and to stop producing illegal drugs,
as a whole, we observed that in previous administration, the government has no
effective solution to this problem. Now, its Duterte’s administration that slowly
resolved the illegal drugs and will continue until the last day of Duterte’s will.
When the drug war began, the Extra-Judicial Killings were often mentioned on
television. "EJK" is the abbreviation for the archipelago. Social Weather
conducted a survey on April 20, 2017. According to the station, 73% of
respondents are concerned that they or someone they know would become a
victim of Extra-Judicial Killings. Despite international criticism of the Philippines'
lethal anti-drug war, most Filipinos continue to back President Duterte's
campaign, which has murdered thousands of primarily impoverished drug
suspects. In March, the SWS survey of 1,200 adult respondents revealed that 78
percent were pleased with the administration's achievements in its illicit drug
fight, with 43 percent extremely content, 35 percent moderately satisfied, 10
percent uncertain, and only 12 percent displeased. A human rights violation was
committed by the Duterte administration's drug-war. Only because the Police and
PDEA are committing crimes and violating human rights on the issue of extra-
judicial killings due to obeying the order of the President to kill drug-related
The Philippine judicial system is very slow and perceived as corrupt, enabling
Duterte to act proactively and address the issue of drugs in a non-constructive
way with widespread violations of human rights. Moreover, in the face of a
corrupt, elite-dominated political system and a slow, ineffective, and equally
corrupt judicial system, people are willing to tolerate this politician who promised
something and is now delivering. “Drug dealers and drug addicts are a
stigmatized group, and stigmatized groups always have difficulty gaining political
support for the defense of their rights.” There are no trials, so there is no
evidence that the people being killed are in fact drug dealers or drug addicts.
This situation shows the weakness of human rights institutions and discourse in
the face of a popular and skilled populist leader. It is different from college
students being arrested under the Marcos regime or activists being targeted
under the first Aquino administration, when popular outcry was aroused. Drug
dealers and drug addicts are a stigmatized group, and stigmatized groups always
have difficulty gaining political support for the defense of their rights.
Philippine citizens are overwhelmingly satisfied with President Rodrigo Duterte’s
bloody war on drugs, a survey showed, giving a boost to a government outraged
by an international push to investigate allegations of systematic murders by
police. The quarterly poll of 1,200 Filipinos by Social Weather Stations returned a
rating of “excellent” for Duterte’s three-year campaign, with 82% satisfied due to
a perception of less drugs and crime in the country.

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