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Today, I eat something all the time because I have

almost no time today, there are so many classes and

short breaks, so I don't have time to eat properly. I
also woke up a little late today and didn't have time
to have breakfast, which is very important.

When I taught in New York City high schools for 30 years. No one
but my skills or students have paid me a scrap of attention. In the
world. Outside the school, I was invisible. Then I wrote a book
about my child then became Nick of the moment. I hope the book
would explain family history, McCord Children and grandchildren.
I hope that might sell a few 100 copies and I might be invited to
have discussions with books clubs. Instead, it jumped on the best
seller list. I was translated into 30 languages and I was dazzled.
The book was my second act. In a world of books I'm a late
bloomer. Johnny come lately. New kid on the block. My first book.
Angela's actions was published in 1996 when I was 66 ,the 2nd is
in 1999 when I was 69. At that age. It's a wonder I was up to lift
the pain at Friends of mine recently acquired because of
my ascension to the best seller list had published books in the
twenties. Stripping.
So,What took you so long?
I was teaching. That's what took me so long. Nothing. College or
university where you have all the time in the war for writing and
other diversions, but in four different New York City public high
schools.The university professors. Whether seemed to be so busy
with adultery in academic infighting, you wonder where they
found time to squeeze in a little teaching.when you teach five
high school classes a day, five days a week. They're not eclined to
go home. Clear your head and fashion deathless prose. After a
day of five classes, Your head is filled with clamour off Castro.I
never expected anxious access to attract any attention. But When
I hit the best seller list, I became a media darling. I had my
pictures take hundreds of times I was a geriatric novelty with an
Irish accent. I was interviewed for dozens of publications I met
governors ,mayors,actors I met the first President Bush and his
son, the governor of Texas. I met President Hillary Rodham
Clinton. I met Gregory Peck. I met the pope to kiss his ring. Sarah,
Duchess of York, interviewed me. She said that I was her first
Pulitzer Prize winner.
I said, she was my first duches.
she said uuhhh and ask the camera man. Did you get that? Did
you get that?
I was nominated for a Grammy for spoken word and nearly met
Anton John. People Looked at me in a different way. That's all.
You're on that book This way, please, Mr McCord, or is there
anything? You like Anything?
A woman in a coffee shop squinted and said, I've seen you on
TV. You must be important. Who are you? Could I have your
autograph? i was Listen to ,I was asked for my opinion on Ireland
junk devices, drinking tea, education, religion, adolescent angst.
You know Yates literature in general. What books are you reading
this summer? What books? Have you read this here?
Catholicism's, writing ,hunger. I spoke to gatherings of dentists,
lawyers, oftolmologists and, of course, teachers . I travel the
world being Irish being a teacher and authority on misery of all
kinds, a beacon of hope to seeing us citizens everywhere who
always wanted to tell their story.They made a movie of Angela's
ashes. No matter what you write in America, there is always talk
off the movie. You could write the Manhattan telephone
directory, and they'd say so. When is the movie?
A. Here are the answers to the questions:

1. Frank McCourt published his first book, Angela's Ashes so late,

only when he was in his sixties because he was so busy teaching
high school English in New York City for 30 years. The demanding
schedule of teaching 5 classes a day left him little time or energy
for writing. Because as he said when you teach five high school
classes a day, five days a week. They're not opportunity just go
home. Clear your head and fashion deathless prose. After a day of
five classes, Your head is filled with clamour off Castro .

2. After Angela's Ashes became a bestseller, McCourt's life

changed grandly and permanently I can say.because He suddenly
became famous, with his picture taken hundreds of times and He
didn't hope to become popular himself. He just wanted his book
to be sold if possible, and he would go to book clubs to discuss
things. He was interviewed extensively and met many governors,
mayors, actors, presidents, and even the Pope. People saw him
differently and asked for his autograph. He was listened to and
asked for opinions on various topics. He was nominated for a
Grammy and traveled the world as an acclaimed author.

3. After becoming famous, McCourt met many well-known people

like the Bush presidents, Hillary Clinton, Gregory Peck, the Pope,
Sarah Ferguson, and almost met Elton John. He was interviewed
extensively and met many governors, mayors, actors, presidents,
and even the Pope. He also met many everyday people who were
excited to meet the famous author of Angela's Ashes.
1. Thirty years - The amount of time McCourt taught high school
English in New York City before publishing his first book at age 66.
This long teaching career left him little time for writing.
2. A few hundred copies - McCourt originally hoped Angela's
Ashes would only sell this many copies to limited audiences.
Instead, it became a global bestseller translated into 30
3. Thirty languages - Angela's Ashes was translated into this many
languages due to its unexpected popularity, taking it far beyond
McCourt's modest expectations.
4. 1996 - The year Angela's Ashes was published when McCourt
was 66 years old, quite late for a debut author.
5. Five a day - McCourt taught this many high school classes daily,
which exhausted him and occupied most of his time, delaying his
writing career.
6. Hundreds of times - McCourt mentions getting his picture
taken this many times due to his sudden fame, indicating how
drastically his anonymity changed.
7. President Clinton - As a famous author, McCourt now met
figures like her, the president at the time, which would have been
unthinkable earlier.
8. Sarah, Duchess of York - Another famous person McCourt met
and who interviewed him due to his new literary status.
9. Elton John - McCourt came close to meeting this music icon
after his Grammy nomination, showing his access to celebrity
10. William Butler Yeats - McCourt says he was asked for literary
opinions on acclaimed authors like Yeats after becoming a
bestselling writer himself.
1. a scrap (of attention) - A tiny, insignificant amount of attention.
McCourt is saying no one paid attention to him except his students,
implying he received barely any interest or notice from the wider world.
2. dazzled - Bewildered and overwhelmed by his sudden fame.
The constant cameras, interviews, and interactions with celebrities left
him stunned and astonished, unused to all the attention.
3. ascension –( ЕСЕНШН) The act of rising up to a powerful or important
McCourt uses it figuratively to describe how he rapidly went from an
obscure teacher to a literary celebrity and bestselling author.
4. clamour – (КЛЕМЕ) Noisy disorder or confusion.
McCourt uses it to describe how after a day of teaching, his mind was
filled with the chaotic chatter and noise of his students.
5. geriatric – (ДЖЕРІЕТРІК) Relating to old age.
He was called a "geriatric novelty" to highlight how unusual it was for
such an elderly first-time writer to suddenly find huge success.
6. a beacon (of hope) (БІКН)- A guiding inspiration that gives others hope
or illumination.
His rags-to-riches writer story served as an inspiring model for ordinary
aspiring writers everywhere.
1.I think this phrase means that he has started his second life, but it's not
like the past. It's like a new and clean page of life. He became a different
personality during this new act. His first "act" was living in anonymity as a
school teacher for 30 years with students,tons of pages and so on. Publishing
Angela's Ashes catapulted him into his second life.

2. The tone of that woman seemed to me to be very showy, even mocking. I

believe not all people who are shown on TV can be famous. And that woman
didn't even know exactly who he was, whether she had seen him or it was
another person, and I'm sure she wasn't familiar with his work. So how can you
ask for an autograph if you don't know anything about the person? She was just
judging through her television perception.

3. I think the man's tone when he listed the people he had the opportunity to
communicate with was ironic and maybe even surprised because it all fell on his
head at one moment and he was puzzled. Because he lived a quiet life, taught
classes, no one asked him his opinion, and then suddenly someone is interested
in him and not just anyone but famous people.

4. Perhaps because his childhood and his whole life was very poor His
early years as a poor Irish boy were probably filled with hardship, hunger,
and sadness, which gave him a strong outlook on difficulties and made
him famous all over the world.

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