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At Task Summary

Time Activity A B C D E F Notes

from video)

3:12-4:03 Welcome Song X All students had a partner and were singing

4:15-6:35 Season-Month X Most of the students were participating. Since not everyone
Match had a turn, some students looked less engaged

6:58-8:42 Months of the X All the students were singing along. Students were using their
year song year clocks to follow along as they say each of the months.

8:53-12:00 Riddle X Only 2 students shared their riddles. Students did not have to
record their riddles anywhere either.

12:00-14:47 Creating X Not all students were given a card to participate. Students not
Sentences picked sat in their seats quietly. They were being patient, but
they weren’t given an opportunity to participate in the activity.

15:00-17:38 Guess the X Students were quiet and participating in the guessing game,
Holiday though some students were getting called on more than once. I
am wondering how the teacher can get more students to

17:45-23:16 Comparing X Many students were raising their hand to share ideas when
Holidays comparing and contrasting Fasching and Halloween. Everyone
participated when reciting the notes they came up with on the
venn diagram.

23:35 Closing Song X The teacher had 6 volunteers hold the prop. Everyone was
singing along
Individual Student-Teacher Interaction T= teacher, M=male, F=female, *= student was previously called on
Interaction # Direction Notes

1 T→ M T asked question to the class and she called on a student

2 T→ M T read a riddle and students had to guess the month the riddle was about

3 T→ F The teacher called on a student to share a riddle for students to guess the month

4 F→ F A student read the riddle she wrote and called on another student to guess the riddle

5 M→ M A student read the riddle he wrote and called on another student to guess it

6 F→ F A student had a card with a holiday on it and was calling on students to ask questions
to try and guess the holiday

7 F→ M A student had a card with a holiday on it and was calling on students to ask questions
to try and guess the holiday

8 F→ F A student had a card with a holiday on it and was calling on students to ask questions
to try and guess the holiday

9 M* → M A student had a card with a holiday on it and was calling on students to ask questions
to try and guess the holiday

10 M* → F A student had a card with a holiday on it and was calling on students to ask questions
to try and guess the holiday
Language Use Tracking Form- since the teacher and class used the target language at all times, I will document this by each
activity rather than the time
Time Interval Language Used Purpose of Use Notes

Welcome Song German Sung at the beginning of All students participated and teacher was walking around.
every class. Transitions Students were with a partner and sang the song two times.
students from listening and
speaking in English to
listening and speaking in

Season-Month German Reinforces prior knowledge Teacher gives instructions in German and students are
Match as students have learned the working with vocabulary that is familiar to them. In this
months of the year in a activity, they are focusing on reading.
previous lesson.

Months Song German Reinforces prior knowledge This activity slowly builds on the one prior. In the first
and allows students to make activity, they matched the month and seasons on a visual.
connections between the Now they are using music to practice speaking German that
months of the year and is familiar to them because its the same topic as the previous
seaons activity.

Riddle German Gives students practice using Not only do students have to listen and read, but now they
the months of the year, also have to come up with a German holiday based on the
seasons, and holidays. Now information they read. This activity builds on
students are using the comprehension and problem solving using the target
language to solve a riddle. language

Creating German Similar to the riddle, students Requires students to be thinking about vocabulary related to
Sentences are problem solving. Based months, weather, and holidays.
on the information they have,
they must figure out how to
complete their sentence.
Guess the German This activity gives students Requires students to use a variety of vocabulary. Allows
Holiday practice in talking about a students to practice having a conversation as they are
holiday. They have to speaking and listening to one another.
describe the holiday to get
the class to guess it.

Comparing German Puts together multiple Students are using knowledge learned from todays activities
Holidays aspects of the lesson. to list out aspects of a German and American holiday. They
Students are putting together are using vocabulary related to months, seasons, weather,
vocabulary about months, and traditions.
seasons, weather, and
holidays. This activity
focuses on culture and

Seasons Song German Teacher explained this is a Reinforces vocabulary related to seasons and gets all
common song primary students using the target language
students know in Germany
Corrective Feedback Tracking Form
Time Interval Type of Feedback Corrective Error Type Student Response Notes

6:05 Reiterate instructions Matching months and Students started helping Students were matching seasons
seasons each other and months of the year. As the
teacher was watching, she said if
you notice a classmate put their
month in the wrong spot or needs
help, you can help them. There
was no direct corrective feedback
and no one was called out.

9:03 Recast Stating complete Student repeated the A students was guessing the
sentence with sentence teacher riddle. Instead of using the
stem sentence stem to say a complete
sentence, he just said the month.
The teacher congratulated the
student for guessing the month
correctly, but reinforced using the
sentence stem to practice stating a
complete sentence.

10:41 Explicit Correction Reciting the riddle Student corrected the While the student was reading the
last sentence in the riddle, the teacher did not make
riddle any corrections. The student
forgot to read the last line and the
teacher pointed to the line that
was skipped so the student could
read it. After, the teacher said she
did a good job.
Area of Analysis Description Rating (1-5) Reflect Reflection Notes

Lesson Alignment with planned 4 Reflect on how well the Based on the lesson I watched,
Objectives objectives. objectives were met and I picked objectives that would
any deviations from the go with the teachers activities.
plan. She mentioned that talking
about seasons and months of
the year was previously
taught. In this lesson, they
built on that by also talking
about holidays. I think most of
the activities focused on
months and seasons and there
was just a small amount of
information about holidays. I
imagine for future lessons,
they could keep talking about
holidays and traditions.

Use of Language Time spent using the target 5 Describe moments of The lesson was taught 100%
language vs. L1. effective language use and in the target language. It
opportunities for seemed like the students felt
improvement. confident in listening and
speaking in German. Since
much of the content was
previously exposed to
students, I think speaking
primarily in the target
language is acceptable.
Teacher: Student Balance between teacher 4 Discuss the dynamics of All of the activities were
Talk Ratio talk and student talk. teacher-student interactions hands-on and required
and their impact on students to engage with one
learning. another. Students were talking
to one another mainly.

Transitions Smoothness and clarity of 4 Evaluate the effectiveness From the video, each of the
transitions between of transitions and any activities built on one another
activities. issues that arose. and transitions were smooth.

Action Zone Engagement of all students, 3 Reflect on how well you For some activities, not
not just those at the front. managed to include all everyone could participate.
students in the learning Students not chosen to
process. participate sat at their seats
and watched.

Comprehensible Techniques used to make 5 Analyze the strategies used Visuals, hand gestures, and
Input Strategies input understandable. and their effectiveness. songs were used to make input
comprehensible. Activities
were highly engaging as well.

Instruction Clarity and simplicity of 5 Reflect on how instructions The teacher could have used
Clarity instructions given. could be improved for more visuals or given more
better understanding. opportunities for students to
talk in partners. All of the
activities were whole group,
so there was always just 1
student talking at a time. To
maximize practice, students
could have been partnered up
to communicate with one
Student Levels of active engagement 4 Discuss factors that Splitting the class up into 2
Engagement and participation. influenced engagement and groups so all students could
potential improvements. participate in each of the
activities instead of having
some students sit out and

Corrective Effectiveness of assessment 3 Analyze how feedback There was a lot of positive
feedback and feedback during the contributed to the learning feedback given. Students were
lesson. experience. never corrected for verbal
mistakes. The students
clapped for one another and
were very encouraging to each

Classroom Efficiency in managing 5 Reflect on challenges and Video did not present any
Management classroom behavior and successes in classroom behavior issues. I think in a
logistics. management. typical classroom, the
activities were engaging
enough that there wouldn’t be
too many behavioral issues.
However, I think giving
students partners would be
better so everyone is able to
practice speaking. When the
whole lesson is in a whole
group setup for elementary
kids, it can be hard to engage
for a long period of time.

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